1937-06-27 [P E-7]
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They carried arm bouquets of pink roses and delphinium. APPALACHIAN TRAIL Yesterday’s Weddings Mr. Dwight James Pinion was best “Auld man and the ushers were Mr. George Smart Slack Ensemble Lang Syne” Party R. Barker, Mr. Robert W. Newland, CONFERENCE OPENS Attract Wide Interest Mr. G. Walden Ritnour and Mr. Robert For Resident M. Riley, a cousin of the bridegroom. This Three-Piece Model Just the Arlington Following the ceremony a reception Thing Thirty-three D. C. Camping En* was held at the parsonage for the for Sport and the Beach. thusiasts Attend Sessions at Miss Mary Senate Howes is Bride of Mr. John bridal party and out-of-town guests. Mrs. Stanley J. Werking Guest Before Leav- Mr. and Mrs. Beale were assisted in Tenn. f ■ — Gatlinburg, Alexander Stewart in All Souls’ receiving by Mrs. Cooper, mother of for New York to for ing Prepare Her Thirty-three Washington camping the bride, who wore a dress of dark - enthusiasts, members of the Potomac Church Ceremony. blue flowered chiffon with a large hat Opening Play. Appalachian to match and a corsage bouquet of Trail Club, left Friday (Continued From First Page.) of Wilmington, Del.., was the ring red roses, and Mrs. Beale, mo; her of RS. STANLEY J. WERKING of known for Gatlinburg, Tenn. and to- bearer Arlington, profes- Today the a bridegroom, who wore dress of as will leave the of morrow they will attend the table in the east end of the Mr. James Hurd Hughes, brother sionally Virginia Pollard, early part Eighth placed Wallis blue lace with white acces- Appalachian Trail Conference, a (rand ball room. of the bride, acted as best man, and the week for New York City, where she will spend the next meet- sories and a corsage bouquet of gar- ing of that the ushers were Mr. Franklyn Allen, two groups made the hiking The bride's going-away costume was denias. months in intensive study in preparation for her opening trail Mr. John Clark, Mr. Lewis Shull, all stretching from Katahdin. Me., ft brown and green print crepe with a in the Fall. to Later, Mr. and Mrs. Beale left for play Mount Oglethorpe, Ga a distance held in of Washington; Mr. W. Oakman Hay, brown crepe redingote place a wedding trip, the bride wearing a Last Mrs. was the in of 2,050 miles. jr., of Ridgewood, N. J„ Mr. Willard night Werking guest whose honor a group with a raflla belt of red, green and black and white ensemble Arno B. D. Mr. John F. triple-sheer of her friends an "Auld at Cammerer, director of the brown. Her shoes and handbag were Boyce, McDonald, gave Lang Syne" party, the Powhatan with matching accessories and a National Park Eervice, addressed the with Mr. Stites McDaniel and Mr. Max in natural colored linen brown cluster of Springs Lodge nearby Virginia. conference last of Dover. gardenias. night. she wore a Terry leather trim and halo-style A program was given, which included humorous skits, A demonstration of The bride is a graduate of Girl's group trail marking brown straw hat. Mias Margaret Toye and of will be Dr. L. Latin School. Baltimore, Md., Syra- singing the‘playing old-fashoined games. Mrs. Charles given by F. Schmecke- Mr. and Mrs Stewart Washing- And Mr. Jones Wed. bier of the l^t cuse University and Ohio State Uni- Woodman Harris acted as toastmistress for the occasion. Addi- Brookings Institution. ton on a wedding trip and upon their rI''HE marriage of Miss R. Edbert H. Walker of the versity. Dr. Martin is a graduate of Margaret tional entertainment features included vocal Smithsonian return to the the middle of solos by the honor Institution city the University of Alabama and New Toye, daughter of Mrs. Catherine will discuss amateur map will the of guest, violin selections played by Mr. 8. and and July occupy apartment York University Medical College. Russell of Prescott, Ontario, to Mr. Reginald Kassebaum, making, Dr. H. C. Bryant, as- Mr. and Mrs. Howes at the a of a sistant Mayflower The wedding reception was held at W. Milburne Jones, son of Mrs. Ada group songs by quartet, the members of which are Walter director of the National Park until the latters’ return to the city the Maple Dale Country Club. The E. Jones of Baltimore, Md., took place Sunderman, Mrs. Cynthia Richmond, Mrs. Frances Harris and Mr. Service, and Edward B. Ballard of about the first of when the National September club was also decorated like the yesterday morning. The ceremony was Albert Adrian. Resources Committee they will move into an apartment in the of the Ham- will lead the discussion on the church, with ferns and white lilies. performed chapel ■ jvuiy tapers in silver can- a»-.... -- place of Of thetr own. the The couple left immediately after the line Methodist Church, the pastor, delabra and a profusion of garden Appalachian Trail in planned In Washington. There were 12 guests. Mrs. James A. came from for Rehoboth Beach, and the Rev. H. Burgan, officiating. flowers decorated the from recreation in the East. Farley reception long table Mr. and Mrs. Louis Varrone of H. New' York to attend the wedding and after their trip they will live in Phila- The bride wore a beige suit with which a midnight supper was served Myron Avery of the United Aurora Hills have as guests this week States reception. The Postmaster General delphia. white accessories and a corsage bou- to the guests who Included Mr. Stan- Maritime Commission will pre- the latter’s brother-in-law and sister, side at Was unable to be present because of quet of white orchids. The couple was ley J. Werklng, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. the sessions. Miss Harlean Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Salamon of An- James, absence from the city with President Mins Helen Tarry Bride of attended by Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Isaac Steens on, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew secretary of the Federation of nandale, N. Y. State Parks Roosevelt's congressional party at Mr. Waldo Gleason. Whitney, at whose home a wedding Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. and of the Planning and George Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ewers of Wav- Jefferson Island. breakfast was served after the cere- Adrian. Mrs. Frances V. Butler, Mr. Civic Association of Washington, will Church of the was croft, Va.. with their two Holy City Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Mrs. young sons, be of the Other guests from the official group 'J'HE mony. left on a Hadley W. Baldwin, Mr. secretary meetings. the scene of a charmingly ar- are in Fountain Inn, S. C, where Ambassador of the Union motor trip to Atlantic City, New York Purdum Burdette, Mr. and Mrs. James they were the of are ranged wedding yesterday afternoon Canada. M. spending a fortnight with Mrs. Soviet Republics and Mme. Trov- and They will be at home Koon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood- Fatal accidents in Paris have when Miss Helen Tarry, daughter of Ewers’ mother. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas shown anovsky, Senator and Mrs. William J. after July 15 in their new home in man Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald a steady decrease since 1930. Mrs. Henry Edwin Tarry, became the Forrester, also of Waycroft. have gone Bulow and Senator Herbert E. Hitch- Northwood Park, Md. S. Kassebaum, Mr and Mrs. Ted bride of Mr. George Waldo Gleason, by motor to Springfield, Mo., to spend cock, of South Dakota, Senator and Kincaid, Mr. and Mrs. I>**lie Cleve- son of Mrs. M. M. Gleason. The cere- two weeks with Mrs Forrester's Senator Mis* Lucille Penn land McNemar, Mr. Ralph Northrop, par- Mrs. James Hamilton Lewis, ents. Machineless mony was performed at 4 o'clock by Mr. and Mrs. I. They will return to their home $5 and Mrs. Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Sen- Bride of Mr. Copes. Adolph Richmond, the Rev. Paul Sperry. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Riddle, Mr. around July 4. ator Clyde L. Herring, WEDDING of interest took Representative The church was deco- /V place Permanent attractively and Mrs Edward R. Rhine, Mr. George Mrs. Claire Tisdale, Mrs. Sadie Sam Rayburn, Representative and in Rockville at 10 o'clock FY>x. rated with sibodium ferns and the yes- Richards and Mr. and Mrs Walter Mrs. Fred H. Hildebrandt, Assistant F. Mrs. Monroe Stockett. Mrs. Harry Yet- altar was with tall As terday morning, when Miss Lucille lighted tapers. Sunderman, Mr. and Mrs Ashby Mts- ton, Mrs. Eula MafTett and Mrs. C. Postmaster General and Mrs. Harllee Penn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. the guests entered the church. Miss Harry Mr. and Mrs J. A. Assistant Postmaster General kell, Cummins, Warner will leave Tuesday morning for Branch, Edith V. Penn of Potomac, Md„ became the B. Athey gave an organ recital Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens and Mr. Ocean N. J to $3.95 Grove, attend the and Mrs. Smith W. Purdwn, Assistant bride of Mr. Robert Elliot jr.. and just preceding the ceremony Miss Copes, and Mrs Joseph H. MacQullliam. Baraca-Philathea Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. of and World Convention, "Ave Maria.” son Mr. Mrs. Robert E. Copes $3.50 Roux Tint $2 Lorraine Germon sang Mr. and Mrs. William Morell Stone which will convene Shampoo Theodore A. Walters. Assistant Secre- of Silver Md. The Tuesday, lasting The bride was escorted and given in Spring, ceremony tary of Commerce and Mrs. J. Monroe with their son, Billy Stone, and Mr*. through Saturday. Mrs. Tisdale and ANGLIN'S -•>»£.VM- her Mr. Lewis was performed in the rectory of St.