Hightstown Gazette. Hightstown, Mercer County, New Jersey, Thursday, December 9, 1937
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r - «1 H ightstown Gazette. VOLUME LXXXIX HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1937 N U M B E R 2 9 OLDER BOYS 4-H CLUB CranburyGirl Wed WEATHER CONDITIONS It is anticipated that a 4-H Club will Jersey Extension Welfare Officer Larry Kelley Will T o Dr. Nitchman In be organized for older boys of Wash The November summary of weather ington Township in the near future, ac Service Planning Guest Speaker At conditions here as reported by coop Speak Tonight to Church Ceremony cording to the county club agent, Jos erative observer James R, Pickering: eph B. Turpin, who plans to attend a 25th Anniversary Temperature—Maximum, 68, on the Legion Meeting 8th; minimum, 20, on the 23rd; greatest ‘Y’ Youths Group Mi>* Matilda Stults Became Bride meeting at Windsor School Friday night at 7 :45 o’clock, at which time the Will Observe Occasion At a Luncheon Aids Clinics for Correction of Defects daily range, 32, on the 7t!i ; mean max Planning for Commrmily Basketball- Saturday Afternoon. Given in M ar imum, 53.5; mean minimum, 33.8; riage by Her Father. possibilities of an organization of this Gathering Next Wednesday.r-One of And Prevention of Disease. Increased Dr. WUlianu, Talks On Sino-Japanete sort will' be discussed. Twenty Similar Meetings, Membership. monthly mean, 43,6, Situation. Precipitation — Total, 3.24 inches; On Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Nearly all the boys who are to be in “Extension Service is responsible in Franklin M. Ritchie, State Child Wel greatest in 24 hours, 1.60 inches, on the A growing interest in the needs of Miss Matilda Isabel Stults, daughter of vited have at some time belonged to a a large measure for the 'More Abundant 13th; total for November, 1936, .98 in.; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Stults, of 4-H club but it is not intended that the fare Officer, was the guest speaker young men beyond the high school age Life' which is enjoyed by Mercer Coun Monday night at the regular meeting normal for this month, 2,91 in,; snow is being demonstrated by Hightstown Cranbury, became the bride of Dr. Al club should be so limited. Any boy ty fatm families,” said Charles B. Pro- fall, trace on the 21st. vin Nitchman; sort of 'M r. 'w d Mrs. interested in the purposes of agricul of Hightstown Post, American Legion. and the State Y, M. C. A. Frequently, basco. this week in commenting on the He spoke at length on child welfare Number of days—With .01 inch or after high school days are over young Howard Nitchman, of Mount Holly, tural club work will be welcome to par more precipitation, II; clear, 15; partly ticipate. plans for celebrating the 25th anniver work in the Legion, stating that the na men find themselves looking for recrea The ceremony was performed in the sary of the New Jersey Extension Ser cloudy, 8; cloudy, 7; with light fog, 2; Older boys from Windsor and Rob- tional organization of the Legion is tion and fellowship in the midst of First Presbyterian. Church of Cran vice Wednesday, December 15th. stressing that feature and the care of with dense fog, 1. perplexing and changing life situations. bury by the pastof, the Rev. David J. binsville have been interviewed about “The county agent preaches and Aneroid barometer—Maximum read the proposed club. widows and orphans of veterans in this The next few paragraphs are written Spratt. The church was beautifully demonstrates to farmers the best way year’s program. ing, 30.54 in., on the 1st and 23rd; min so that more young men between 18 decorated with palms, ferns and cut to grow the biggest crops. A visit to $16,000,000, he said, had been spent imum reading, 29.44 in., on the 13th. and 30 may know something of what is flowers. After all the guests were Wardens Catch the farm home will satisfy the most on this work in the United States by being accomplished in this field. Sug seatedi broad white satin ribbons were critical of the value bf home demon the Legion, and one-half of the income Tax Collections gestions for improvement of young spanned down either side of the cen Game V iolators stration work . , and the 4-H club of an endowment fund of $5,000,000, men’s leisure time will be welcomed tral aisle to form the bridal path. work is the only agricultural training raised several years ago, is being spent by the local secretary or any mem The wedding music was played by available to most Mercer County boys yearly by the national organization. Unusually High ber of the board of directors of our Mrs. Clarence M. Perrine and solos Who Pay $20 Fines and girls outside that received at home,’' Y. M. C, A. he added. This work is not only for the chil were sung by Mrs. Arthur Halberg. dren of ex-service men but all needy During N ovember Young Men’s Program Mercer County citizens will observe Dr. C. Dunn Williams, vice president Miss Stults, entering th^ church on Robbinsville Man Fined for Trapping children in the community. A great Over $294)00 Received by Collector— Without License—Second Man Pay.a the occasion at a luncheon gathering at of the Hightstown Y, M. C, A., spoke her father’s arm, was attired in a calla deal of the work is done by organizing Sale of Properties for Unpaid Tax antique satin .Juliet gown Myled by For Faihirfe to Comply With Law. the Hotel Hildebrecht, Trenton, when before the young men’s group at the they will also have opportunity to hear or. aiding existing clinics for the cor^ Liens Saturday Afternoon. Chanel, with Juliet cap and French tulle rection of defects and the prevention regular meeting on -the “Sino-Japanese,- For trapping without a license, Max a commemorative broadcast at 12 o’clock Situation." The geographic, historic veil. She carried white roses, gardenias of disease. Tax collections during the month of Swistak, of Robbinsville, was fined $20 noon over station WOR. Harry E. and economic problems were reviewed and hies of the valley, tied with a white Taylor, president of the New Jersey A national child welfare meeting of November exceeded $29,000, according satin bow. by Justice of the Peace F, K. Hampton. and a plea for understanding was made Farm Bureau; Ur. Jacob G. Lipman, the Legion will be held on January 16, to, the financial report submitted to by “One Small Unwilling Captain” Swistak was iti court on complaint of Council Tuesday night by Collector E. Mrs. Gerald H. Miller, of Cranbury, Wardens O’Dowd and Nolan. dean of the State College o f . Agricul Sunday, at 2 P. M., in, the Prudential tlirough the current Reader’s . Digest. was matron of honor. Her Colonial ture and director mf tiie Expel intent Auditorium at Newark. Anyone inter V. D. Erving. The amount collected Alvan Allen conducted the devotions style gown was of ruby rose, velvet Nicholas Gusz, of Robbinsville rural ested in child welfare is invited to listen reflects financial conditions in the com route, paid $20. Wardens O’Dowd and Station, and Herbert J. Baker, director tliat preceded the business meeting and gloves and hat to match, and silver of the Extension Service! will , partici in or take part in the discussions. munity. Nolan charged Gusz with failure to have Dr. Williams’ informative talk. Jerry trimmed accessories. She carried a pate. Musioand a dramatic sketch will Comrade Coons of Hightstown Post The annual sale of properties for un Becker was scheduled to read Kipling’s Colonial bouquet of roses and carna name on steel traps set for skunks; be included. gave a brief and interesting outline of paid 1936 taxes and liens will be held failure to have permission from proper “If,” but refrained so that more time tions in harmonizing tones. Other Mercer County citizens who what is being done in Hightstown con at Borough Hall by the collector Satur could be given to the guest speaker. ty owner and failure to have traps set voiced their esteem of, .the Extension cerning the correction of defects and day afternoon at 2 o’clock. The list Mrs, Albert Hawkins, of Bound in' tunnels. Twelve of the twenty members were Brook, and Miss Loretta O'Malley, of Service this week include Lester Mount the prevention of disease among chil has d-windled down to 16 properties as present. Basketball was played after West Englewood, were the bridesmaids. F o r. -disorderly, conduct; Roland and R. Stanley Terhune, both of dren. names have been deleted from the list the meeting. Mrs. Hawkins wore a Colonial style Schanck, eompiaint by ,his wife, Estel Princeton, and Henry Schmidt, of Tren The sale of turkey tickets for the pur. as soon as the amounts were paid. Kelley to Speak la Schanck, $1Q,-Officer Radische,; Alex ton, pose of raising funds for the. organiza Others are expected to be paid previous At this evening’s meeting, Larry Kel gown of melody velvet and Miss O’ tion of a junior fife, drum and bugle Malley a Colonial style gown of Ama Schneiderl of ■ 'Tren|4>a, suspended sen “We consider the services of our to the sale. Mortgagees usually buy ley is» scheduled to speak before the tence, Trooper Matey; John Krose, county agent and the extension special corps was reported at $185. the liens on properties on which they young men’s group on basketball. Pre zon blue velvet.