oRAGNET ·THE DAILY ··NEWS MOZART 1,.\NUARY • 21, 22, available al 23. 24, 25, 26 ~~· Vol. 64. No. 18 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22/1957 (Price .5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons. - ~------·--~------·------~------·------~----~~~~~------Of larva .. Debate On ·oristructio·n roup irited .' .. . • eechl From Throne' oustn , , ;· - r::crtion-hrr·llhc Conscrvatil"es around theil· : assistance for rcdcl"eloping !bCU" 0 osts 1 1 I ' .. ·.' . · , .'·Jf,rll m the motion's claim that tb~ govcJ\i·! won1out areas. · i• ·• · ... Iment has lost the confidcuc~ I REDEVELOP SLUliiS ' ------~--..._,.;------.....:....------··:·. ;,, ·:\- ;, c bunched a of Parliament and the conntr1· 'I The National Housing Act pro- .::";,· . f •nnrt· CC'Frr, through its "incliffercncc, inerli:t, ·vidcd that the federal SOI'~rn- - ·. ,. ,, Hn11 tiryin;: i and lack of leadership." 1 ment, through its Central :llort- Help' Lower . · .... . , ·' :1 he tr:·in~ i The ''cxtr:wr1iinary" t h i •i r: · gng~ and Housing Corporation, . _ '· , · p.,rty mal·~·· , about this "is that in fact tb~ I would share costs of sturlying • :1 ..~ 1 .. , . :. 111 !he next i only group lu this House to whicll 1 municipal areas for redevelop. _- , .·., , · ,:,llHiay .•Tun~ tho

: 1 , •• : a< far ,,, ~rl for Christinn George llnnn;;, immigration depnrtmC\1t hnndlin;: I ~a tiona! Housing Act should be; restriCtions. . · .. 1 1 .m a, an ox- stntr:.~s;; wanderer ordered de-' of the appeal was "contrary to 1 broadened so that more Cana- illr. B?nc saul While he pe;son- .. ' ., 1 p bl• · . .. ·: :. ":om.·.· a~r." I p0rtt•d, ~l1•.11la~· prrparc1l tn rc-,1 natural iitslicc." He said he had I u lC dians could hare better housing' a_ll:v bcl:ci'Cd that !""nawa~· mfiJ. •· .J '1 . t · t • F c conditions. 1 twn woulrl be d!sastrous, the: ., , 1. . •·: .. , , ""i 11ouhl not turn In the court.~ in n final at·: not. INn g11"cn l1c oppnrtnmiy nf erem ony ,or , prescr.t ''burden 1s bor•:.•) tm- ', ' 1 1 • - •. ·, r.r! rnndidatr tempt to spar!' hun from furthc~ sccmg Hanna prior to the appeal. 1 His Nport said that prices for el"cnly b~· different parts of o•tr · • .. :, ·•., •:mrl-hand pol· 1 ctxlc on lhc high sea<. i ~lr. Taylor s;Jid he went to· lots in many eases have risen e~or.omy and it would appear that: . . . I.awyer;; ,John Taylor and Don· , the lmmigrntinn hulld!l11! whcr~ IE • h . I g t • seYcral thousand dollnrs during some more selective m' licJu for IJis •econd and final four I lr" att th·- "I t f tl ' lh d k' : ' ,; ~ . . .• II I,.. . ·i 1 1' tl ltlnJ"II t ,_ '• 1 f• I ' " • ·IS "'io 1 rollol consen 0 1CI c ar ness IS no more. I B t I t t Rate ~ •· 1• ;:om: m.o 1e appea 1,1s re,1cc c1 11 1c .s. '" re,•.r an appca 1om a year tcr as prr.sidcni o! :)1~ gol•erned." .;. • WORLD m\'IDE]) · 1 oos n eres - 1 .• ,J, r what arc three-man hoard hut .that Hanna :.deciSion of an lmmJgration de-l United Stales and he. solemnly A ,_ II R c 1 h f lh II th · 1 1 3 1 1 100 0 .... ·· ' had turned to lmmil!ration Mi\i•: ]lartment !nquirv officer to three i ll•dieate

• ,I $6.50 The stafi of t at Gander has Commissioner for Mr. Decker,, who last week arrtvecl Boys' sunday, and on f at the Red ~,:~rch during the past . taken care of bas d ing into Cana a States throug~ been cut down to CASTLE A.F. BASE, ~erced, Cal:-~oaring off from Cas t1e Air Force Base here is one of the three Air Fol'ce sovoza. a reporter and )!iss Frances bombers that made h1story by g1rdlmg the globe, non· :;top in 45 hours. The B·52's of the Strategic Air ~I deaconess of the Un .,(':'!" mand's 93rd Bomb Wing, left the base last Wednesday, flew across the U.S. to Newfoundland, across the Gander, who has ~ l~ N. Africa, O\'er S~udi _Arabi, aer~ss. 'the lndian Ocean south of Ceylon and home b,v the Philippines and the United Church at ··-.. of the Red Cro~s. ,, '1 bey w~re rcfu~le~ 111 fhght by aenal tankers stationed along the route. This is the first all-jet, non-stop Added to thiS the world flight in aviation history.-( LN. Photo). group 6f 200 mlu ·-··---·• .. -·--:---.:;;;.-==-=:··------... ______J.;J from Gander, who ginnin!! have b~en , CI'Cr'' pnSS!hie gii"C " the work of ·succor !The Great Sealing Strike of 1905 Ho!'!!~.O,d 1 rcJugecs, are. work of takmg STOCK TAKING On March 9th. 1902, 3000 men! trade demand and that it was the they will have to arrest all; we are NE I ~ JOII:ISTO~ duty at the Centre. united and went on strike against int'l:,ntion to make it $2.40 this not goi?G. to mal;c any row un·; HOLLYWOOD _ (X[A hours of mluntary the steamer owners and 14 steam· year. While the men would them- less clrl\'en to it and then-" elusively Yours: "I'm gettil 1 been ~h·en hr the crs were tied up for nearly 3 , selves do the coaling if permitted, There the man stopped. , ried on the Eecond," a m, ~i ~ays. It. was the grcat,est strike ', the ow~crs got it done _in advance SY:UPATIIY GE;'\Eit\L · l~t announced tn a gal Pit 1 1 dcr for the ,i anrl tatdng ea~e m the history of the seal fishery. for their own conl'emence and At some of the halls a number Christmas partv. •·JteaU ., .... 1 ~tr. Decl:er >aHI. Here is the story. charged the men for it, though of ladies gathered to ''boil up" ;urpriscd com~wnt. · · ~., OddsI and Ends 1 Tht·r~ b :1 '.I """''':• The first to act were the Rang. the men ahout town for the kettle for the men. "Yes," said thr ;tar:u ·.. !oaf~d number of retug~''' Stocktaking has brought to light odds and ends of merchandise er's men who, preceded by a Un· days. Concermng the bonrd and I The members nf the :\luulder's ,ccond someone ;;sk; mE.,' ·~ . . !:abardinc slarks. Sizes ~0 to ! Gander. ~lr. Deck••r 1 ion Jack, stopped opposite Bow- lodging, some owners were more : Union as an expression of sym· •· • ·· · r the relll~"es a1·e. U In wine, green, brown, •. in all departments. These have been marked at a fraction of , ring's where the crews of l~e , liberal than others, but the men ; pathy for the scalers stopped ' Ginger Rogers flew to l spring in camps 111 I .. their original prices so as to clear them out in a hurry. "Come ; Terra Nova and Aurora fell m. suffered gravely from hunger and! work, and from the Union Funds· with the Bah Hope trvup! i• Enropc. anJI :!.0011 a I!,: ~rer and na\'y, ' At Baine Johnston's the crews of exposure and the practice of th~ · scaler.; were provided with style. Her hairdresser ·r.d • I ' :.wo I;- by ;hip at the I '·~ . 'the Vanguard Greenland, South· most liberal owners should b~' dinucrs, while others were given robe gal went alun~ • · • Regular St5Q pair ·' In and browse around" the 'different departments. You'll find 1 1 fax. ' ern Cross and Iceland, swelled the adopted and made uniform with ' privately by the members, and ! bound to happen, 1 ; ;,; • 11 ~I iss \'. J'OR 0:'1.1.\' many items of interest other than those advertised. ·.·' : procession. At Baird's the men all, the cost to the owners would. other private citizens.. ·Presley tops all of" ··· J:::! ~ i'ursin~ ill . I· :11 • ' i ~r?m the Labrador and Leopard, be little, the ga_in to . the men. XEGOTI:\TIO:"S CO;'\TI:-.;UI_> m_ale stars in the late;t Cro» centre at Salt 11,. 'Joll1cd, and at Jobs the men of great. The meet111g adJourned. . .:'llr. ~!anne 111 the meantime Picture ~lagazine p11 pulari't who w~s at Gnn- at Mr. Mannes office, where the lca1·e for their homes Lf no settle· . hit me rather frcquer.!h· Can~rlian R~rl. Cn.• 1 pearancc of riot. ' sealers' Committee were assembl· ment was arril·ed at. The owners he wa" more intoxicalrd 1 in2 in ramp.• Ill · • ; Pillow Tubing ON TO GOV~RN:\IE~T HOUSE :cd,. it was. announce!! that the· agreed to pay $3.25 per qtl. for usual." Hol!ywuod'• zipp; ;: 1 1 ~lis.< Nancr ~lei I I ~ ~ The processiOn 3000 strong pro· var1ous pomts of gmvance, and · fat and Sl.OO per berth or coal· vorce line of '56. !""~lor in the Toronr A brisk selling season has left us with a lot of smart cecded to Government House to 1 1Jad determined to make no con·: ing money and that other points; • • • Hundreds or raro; of fine ;; ::anadiw Reel l'l'f»> i.i\ •. ~ ·, .·. ~:. looking shoes in broken sizes ond different styles. They place their grkvancc before the , cessions of any kind or degree to · of difference shoulrt be arbitrated , ...... to work in Toronto. white piUow tubing in lengths ··, ·' Governor. The Governor, Sir the men. Mr. ~[orine asked if the' on. The scalers' committee refus· · I HIS IS HOLL\\1 IIOD, )!iss Klarn ··~: have been marked at a ridiculously low price for quick Cal'endish Boyle received them. 1 door was open for further negotia·' ed. , J~~nes: !'-;atalie Wood we:: ranging from 1 to 4 yards. ,;: garian woman from clearance, Strap, pump and loafer styles, flat, wedge and He enquired of them what they Ilion on any point and the :msw<'r! ;\lr. :\Iarine advocated with the· "1ck Adams to :ee "La · acted as interprch•r · ~so · wanted. Robert Hall of North Ri\'· wns "::-io.'' ;llr. ~lorinc conveyed l scalers $3.50 per qtl, and $1.00 for· But a !at~ datr, Hoben also returned to Stock up for future use at our cuban heels, assorted wi_dths. Not all sizes in any one style $ j; er, one of the men of the S.S. the answer to the men who im·: IJcrth money for this year only.: met her _m the lobb;· ;~j: .. but all sizes from 4 to 9 in the lot, On Sunrla)'. )Jr. 1·ery low price, ~ Greenland acted as spokesman and mediately informed their comrades He told them they were already: her home. plane load of ..·' l I . ' Vc.lues up to $B.OO ...... NOW CLEARING AT ONLY ~. said, "Your Excellency, we came on the l'arious ships. 'shipped men and the most reason·; .. • • . • from Ea.1t Germ~ n Worth SSe per yard t to see if we cnn't get a better I Saturday night the men decided. able and modest terms should be' The \\_1tnct: Jmun:. Sit Canada through t h· FOR OSLY ~ f price for our seals. Last year we to leave their ships rather than .1greed upon for this year. ~lr.' and Aud1e ~lurph)' 11ere migration quotas. ,.. got only 53.25 pe~ cwt and now g?. to the icc under present con-I :IIorine met the owners and sug.' for Ray Jone~· these p1•ople wt•rt• jI , : we want 55.00. "Did you sec the i dtllons. It was rumoured that the gcstcd S3.50 per qtl and free ers f.?r .the ~1estcrn. man1· of· llwm H'l'l 60c merchants about it?'' asked the captains were about to haul the' berth;. The o•.rners declined to sage. Kneeling to hold canadian Hed r !.:·: 1.:.• ~ Men's Shoes ··~ rMen's Shoes·' :._~ ~.: Governor "and haven't you got ships out in the stream with the · ~grce. They sugge::tcd arbitration )[urphy in his arrr.;. to the dt•pot, I· I:' • {I A group of men's brown calf ~ Men's tan calf loafers with E1 • your. crop?" "Yes Sir, we ha\'c our men on· board. The men im· 'naming several distinguished rocked back on a spur. and guve 1he chi It l I crop and its no use seeing the mediately cleared out bag and ·gentlemen as arbitntor>. This the · ha~ance and ,at rtown h;rd One of the nll'n I il fl oxfords priced for quick c r,; foam rubber soles and heeis ~ "-; merchants," replied Hall, "the baggage and in a short time not Isealers declined. They said if the pomted edge. went up to )lr. D•· price in the foreign markets is a single man was on board the rate of S4.00 per qtl is guaranteed . "A ma.n could hl~~.ri l:' him that he 11·an1r•d Floor Covering and brogues with leather now $6.50 and if we don't get ships. Il was found out that Cajl-1 the remaining questions can be JUSt makmg ad s:ill<, !a:: !. ', ~,·:· ·~~-~ ~l;a;~~~~\n~he~u~b=~ ~::t~ ~.; ~ ~1 ~ from the whole ~:ro1 ~ 11 • f): soles and rubber heels. Sizes ~ ' $5.0(), we won't sail.'' He told the lain Kuli of the Virginia Lake 1arbitrated upon. . art. "~nd that,'' said na.'.'' "\\'hat Ch I ,, .i sizes 6%, 7, 8, 8Y2 and 9. If , ?Y2, B, , Y2 and lO. Remnants ~ ~ 6 9 9 ~ ~ Governor how they had to pay which was anchored in the stream BECOIUING DIPATIENT a ter~1ble place to tr;· lo " Jrcker a:. •nt~~· . we hear they will give us only them further. money with the approval, of the , \\onder 1f hr 111 11 r.:. ; dieted 1hat the A clearing of fine all wool $2.40. They were advised to ap· In the early morning sealers committee he urged the sealers to I How, .~!ml sent me t.o .• , ·,.· !thad been rigg' {WREMNANTS~i! point n delegate from each ship, were astir on Water Street and accept this offer which he con· good. · . flannel blazers !or W()men 1 We have r·ummaged through every yard goods department ond picked and talk the matter over with the citizens In their thousands too, >idcred a good one and he called I .• .· ' . deeper into the ··and misses. Choice of wine 1 out short lengths and slightly soiled merchandise and marked them for merchants, This they accepted and anticipating that there would be ~· for a vote upon the proposition, Tony ,curtis .'s rl'; ~n' aux Ba!>q ues. the crowd dispersed from Govertt· plenty of extitcment. Water Street the ''contents'' to go into ~lc. 1 off-the·1ony Curtl;·hr.t,·, .,,,1t,·J Mr. Mern'e or blue with cord trimming. ~ quick clearance at remarkably low prices, Here .you will find remnants ment House. was literally black and white with Bride's Cove and the non "con·.1 a double · cru;smg 1 1 of drapery materials, tweed, cotton, taffeta, rayon blend suiting, and a COMlUI!fEE ~ORMED people. . Itents" up McBride's hill. Im· ~press a~~n.~ - !n _.. s,mt York lug "Cu 'Sizocs 12 to 20. ~~ host of other materials in usable lengths. Stock up for future use, the if The Committee decided to secure From Harvey, & Company to pulsivetr. the great number surg-1 Success_. I t~1nk. 1 c~me.. llo. word had b tlte services of a lawyer. They Str.wart's Cove, boxes, bags and 1 ed up the hill and the \'erdict 1pro.fc!'slonally 1n. Trat_m. Regular $12.95. i savings are well worth while. )~ t g stated their case to Mr. A. B. other belongings of the men were II plainly was "No.". ~lr. !llorinc 1 pla_ms Tony. ":-o:o~·. I m CLEARING Morine and said that e\'ery man strewn along the street. The space SHIPS DESERTED 1stnke a happy mr"mm, of their ships would pay him 10 near the Gazette building was the : called the crowd together again :both teen-agel'~ anri lh!il cents if he would attend the principal camping ground of as- ·and said "will you accept $3.75. ·~ ents." • $6.85 meeting in their interests. 1\Ir. semblr. "No," the crowd shouted. "Will • • . ' , . -,1 f , i~c· ,Men's Hats '", Sweaiers m'"""l! Morine replied that he would be This was the morning scheduled you take $3.99," he cried,- Dept. · of-groWing-up-.~ . only too happy to do what he for the ships to· sail but there "No.'' "What will you take," ask· lywood: 'fen-year-old ee Men I Take advantage of our Men's "Regnnt Knit" all wool n_ ~ I could for them, but he would not were no signs of the 'men goin!: ed )fr. ~[. "Nothing but S4.00 per :\larx IS- such a ~· t stock-t a k i n g clearance to cardigan style sweaters, in i ~ accept any fee. The men thanked to their ships. Things remained qtl. and af rec berth," was the player she beat~. papa It f secure a ·new hat at a tre- all sizes from 36 to 44. Fancy ~ ~·~ him. the same the following morning, reply of the majority. "If you can· three out ~f e1 eQ Gabardine TilE nJEETINGS except that two steamers got away not act that. Shall I ask the Go1··' · · • • Durmg the ~ l~ mendous . raving. Beautiful knit in assoried colors. Hand- ~ @! t, · The first meeting was held in with onl:: a manageable crew, to ernn;'el!~ to send you home?" they I"T:ooper Hook," , Jo,elk 1 Slacks ! ~ quality fur felt in"' black, ~ s1:1me sweaters at a very IJl ~ the Central fire hall at 3 p.m. 80 elsewhere to pick up crews. were asked, and "Yes!' came back ~ a.sked Barbara Sta.111. c r' 1f i greys and brow.ns. Sizes .6% special saving. ~ ·'> on Saturday. W. Baine Grieve Esq. Outside the Narrows one of those in a shoul. 1 lion. often .. !land led ~\·' 1 1., and misses' rayon was the only representative of the steamers the Terra Nova, Capt. A. FINAL ACT mo\·1etod~n- ,\\h): ~o ~~~ owners to attend. At a later meet· .Jackman was seen going south. The ~Jr. ~[orine said he would make 1. so 1 lar · 1 t s JUS ·: -.\·' ~ J to 7Y~egular $6.00 value Regular $9.75. ~ ~~ ...., gabardine slatks. Sizes ing other owners attended. sight of her lea\'ing only infused a a final announcement at 5 p.m. i after anoth'er:" Barbara! . -~, :·· ~ if: FOR ONLY. CLEARING AT ~ ff The sealers demanded, greater spirit of revolt. During the I and withdrew to his office where "I keep workmg for a W!' (1) That the price of fat should excitement an even greater up- he resumed negotiations. While reason. You hal'e a tr be fixed at $5.00 per qtl. roar was in progress. Capt. S. this was going on, the sealer's home to. I hal'e an ,emp · grey, green and navy. Clear­ ~ . .~ ~ t2 (!!) That tbe charge of $3.00 Blandford of the Neptune was committee worked upon the seal· • : be 01 Ing at leu than half price. ~ "' •• · .. ,. w ... · o:r• ~~.... ,.. , .. •.,., ...... , ...... n"""llt:'nn·· ... ~ ~~ ii per man was not sufficient to cov· about to pu!) out and go North ers generall)' and many citizens i E:II~HASIS \\ILL. cf Regular $5.10 pair should be abolished. in search of a crew. She was clear urged upon ihc sealers the wis- j story, 111 :\IG~['s ~·ew,~n ar.d (3) That the 33 per tent in· of the wharf but one of her. stern dom of accepting the terms pro·j Go Ncar the \\ ater f;r FOR ONLY (""~~·'""s;;,;fa{ ~'(lea~~;;·- . ~ crease on price of goods supplied line hnd not been let go. Hun- posed. · means falter rnl~s . . . Of - , , as crop whlcl! it is the practice to dreds of scalers laid hold of the At 5 o'clock :lfr · :\Iorine stood Ford and Anna Ka;hfl · 0 charge, should be lessened. line and with a cheer walked up in the Constabulary waggon again di~mon~ ring sparkl~g lh; $2.50' (4) That' lodging' and food in the cove with it. But Capt. and re-iterated. his former stale· th!rd ,fmger uf oro ;i should be supplied to sealers Blandford cut the rope and the men!. He told them that he had d.ndge s lei ha~d has P~;tl s RAYON and COTTON BEDSPREADS r.: when in St. John's after certain ~eptune was free. In the m.ean· agreed to $3:50 per qt!. and free smg. She w?n l com dates awaiting the time for sail· lime the men on board decided b rths upon condition that every the hunk of tee · : · A Don't miss this ~learance sale uf pretty rayon and cotton ~ ing. not to remain 'there and desert· s:aler at once proceed to his own star took the paid tou~ lPfl bedspreads. Double-bed size they come assorted fancy l~ The merchants replied:- their fomrades. They cut the boats ship Every ship he said would the castle at ~Ionaco ~? t,c! 111 0 1 ... \' aneou\'er ' that the men were not forced to of such a number of men in a. wer~. TO YOUH S, ~L· Chittngong, .. ~IJi:Jf ab,JU, 'I'Mouto . ltd take any crop, or from any parli· similar position so orderly be· ~RS -In a ~omen! In the twm~· tons of rea amuulll':_ ·Saint Juhr cular ,man, but could buy where fore. Some people told the seal· 11?g of an CF, the great crowd • · -· ---;. th l'k d crs the police were· loolting for d!ssolvcd. Each scaler dashed for. !·.lectrum. a n·rtu a1 d ~~~· \lc .'· "d tl I be· the rin~lcaders to arrest th~m his hag or box nnd scampered for' golrl anrt sih·er. wa< u;c $4~98 ,, r. ,, onne sa1 te sea ers n • • h" shop The •trike was at an 1 . rt" t) thr iicl·c~ that the price of • fat was; To this a. stalwart \rom Bay Rob· : IS •. • ' . cou~s. ac~or ~~~:. 1 .. fixed 'by a combine and not by , erts rrphed "If' I hey ~rrest one lend. I ped\a Butannrt• . ~ ' ,.. '~ :.. : .. ''·· . . '· .. " . .• . ,;;: ' ' ~ ·. ' . .,. ' TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1957 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The Daily News

Red Cross I· corner Brook's .$15,000 I • Reduce Gan.der \ Refugee :Relief

•·. C:'.!

~'Cabot Strait'' \ ... \Zl'\E Still Aground

~ THE DII=FERcNCE IN ~ QUALITY' Dfl,Y ~ CLEANING TOO! I i Our staff has had I years of training ~ and cxperic.ncc iri I cleaning processes.

be on I LET OUR EXPERTS ;ion of TAKE RETTER CA'im OF r" and . I l'OUR DRY CLI~ASI:-.IG ~ {(or HAS BEEN GONE THROUGH ,,hfi .. OUR ENTIRE STOCK uur Hot:TE~IAX is In your Di~trlcl every daY.. 'Phone us and DAMAGED ITEM5 lin;: on AND ALL SHOP 50rLEO AND ourothY a;': to ha1·c him call for your Dry Cleaning regularly. .> people PICKED· OUT AND REDUCED TO • comment . A MEWS Dry Cleaning ELIZABETH AVENUE DIAL 9-1115


l:IQ\UI~· with light Snow this afternoon. II@t today 30. n!!· • n]\' to TEMPERATURE -­~ports. lllln. I'll ax. I'll ln. M~x. l:~r::r~t I 41 Halifax o ''''' ooi I 21 YESTERDAY AFTERNOON His Honour the Lieu tenant Go\'ernor re-opened the ;~bout \' •ncroH\'er ...... 21 31 ,,,,, 4 39 . '1-uloutu 3i ~:l Syd.1Cy . ... IVI~setuu in a brief and dignifi~d cet'<'mon::. 'l'he. full s1ory with pictuh~s of .Juhn'~ .... ' 7 - a:1 S:1int .lohu ~u 3M St. .. · lhe Museum's relics un'tl other historic ilems appears. il1 a special section .begin ning on Page t:L 'l'l1c Museum is located in the top. storey of this builrling, .the n01':!7,,r · .old Museum. The lower !la\s are occupied by lhe Gosling. MemoriaJ Library~· 1957 ......

I ..I .' THE DAILY NE\VS Newfoundland's Only Morning 'Fa per In· The News 'I'll~ DAILY NEWS Is a morniM pnPft ' ' cstabhs •• ~d in 1804, and published oil the l\el.\1 Building, :155·35!1 Ouci;worth :)trcct, of 5,000 a ) enr and partly frnn1 ~I. Johns, ~e11fnundtund, by Robinsa'l S· " the ;.ttrncllon due to mo1 c.n• nl L~mp.1ny, Llmll~d. o! teachers 1111o other JObs .md m:mu:It OF 1'HE C,\Ni\DI.\N PRESS We have en]o) cd the pri\'Jicgc nnnual enrolment nl many tcnch of .11tendmg most ol the >CoSitlll• ct s 111 the school of cducatJIJn .11 'fhc l'nnadiun l'l·css is exclusively cntltlrd of the conference c.!lcd last .: the usc for 1ClJUblicatlon of nil nc1vs the .univcrsil) Not enough )OU'l~ 11 eel; h;.> Ihe ~llnisler of ErhfcJ· peuplc lltth lh~ ncce~snry qu:1h ·r•pulchcs 10 this pnpcr credited tn it nr to linn to discus~ 1he tcacltcJ short· flc,llJOnS ollC aV"l}nbJe• in a h1~Jt l he A"'ucwtctl Pless or Reuters and niso the a~<·. The ol'i:llnnl agendn ws 1) compcllllvc \\otld sn lull of o<·.ol nc11 s published therein. p. ell) foruurl.thlc. Even \\hen 1t anomnltcs that .1 logscr wllh a .\11 Pr ~~s sc1 11cc nnd feature art!clr~ In wns CQilSJdclllhl) shortened, 11 cha111 saw co~n often earn 1J111rc cnnlamed a gtcat deul of •cape progress loll> Jl•lllCI r10 cop) riGht and their rcpl'odu~tlqa Ill a month lh .n ,1 lcuchcr IH(,l for discussion And 11 cild sc~m town of 1s 111 nl11b1tcd. a degree 1n cducutwn can Colt n to m th~t lhct e were tunes wlwn 111 lwu months. o1•er the Canllda ...... , ...... SIO uu per annum there \\',IS a tcnclcm~ in1 Jill' we hope \.!:uted Kin&ttom and all · cnnfcrrncc to become hug~cd One uf the p10hlems nf supply ness for 'I clown on some qucslwr.s to I he in hand Forci:n Countric.s .. ~ 14 00 11cr allnnno ~lc111ber Audit D111 cau Of 1s I he 'mall .mmhcr nf pel sons point whc1 e I he c<,cntu•l pU1· As we AuUtort:ed u second cta~s m;oii rust Oll1tc whn tnl:c • the g1. tic c!CI'Cil l:il'culatluns po•c tempOI.II'Ih d1 OJlpcd out of 1 of report Department, Ottawa. m.tllleulatwn rmusL'. The c 1s SISht. 1.1~ of lu\\CIIIlg the ot.•nd.n.l this mun Th.1t 11 nuld he rlan~crou<. CluJ hkc to This I< not >Uid Ill n tl'lllc"l chen who :uc go1n~ to tnk~ thr from •cn,c. This 11ns, wt• tlunl. n 11'1')' sc'nlot l11 .•.'h ~chooJ ~t ,10c:; ncc,J important mcctmg It was pi o to ~cl thc1r g1oundmo~ 1'1 of 'l't·tbtcc.s will prob<1 bly be the first to duct1vc of •llmul,llmg and col.ll· l.mgu.1gcs nncl n~o~lhem .. t1rs 111 lcnglng dcbatr. But l"c had t'X· The City's Budget ,1dmtt that sumc changes have to be made ll•c clemcnt,u' glo~ue• ~!orr peeled th,11 the !11 st IHISIII~ss mer, mam of the cs~en11nl sci The a\·eragc citizen ma~ t:umplnm c\lld more \\'Ol'k has to be done. But it \\ould he to nut the 101· m.ltlicul.ltiOn suil)ccl~ .u e 1m 11 .1s far better tu open it to the pub he mediate and most pi ettterly when he 1Cl:Ct\'cs hts anmml hlcms nnd tackle the1r solutwn nul\' than to 1\'alt unlll pct·fectlon had hut In the chsclplhung and 11.1111 :>roperty assessment or ht~ bill fur watet un a practlcal bas1s. Thetcafte", mg of the mtnd Some of l he 11 been ach tC\'Cd. c assumed, the question of the best teachers of tlurty ) cars a~o :ax but he wiiJ not take the trouble tu qu,!l!flcallons of teachers an,l The ,1(1\'Jcc ol an expert from the British we1c men and 11omr:1 1•.hosc Slllc ook at the anntldl c~tll)lcllcs of the their training could be consider· nr.1dcm1c qnal!flcallons were 111 \funicipal Counc1l when they .1re prmt­ i\lthcum ha~ been the busis for the choice ed on n broader basis. ~Inch 11 Js e1thcr the Jllniut illl'al do not behe1 c thst the e1 nc1,1i problem 1 ie11" of i1stribut10n of e:-:pcndttut c-. .md the The.' Include objects that the anlhmpo­ lcchmqncs 'l'hcv had a >lc> 1e of the moment 1s th.1t of lhc fur knolllcli!:C them,clv~s a•ul !ZaiJOnS. nountmg stze and t:m;ts of muntctpul logll'•ll cll\'lswns of many great museums clnldren in the lin:·, bola'!•d the fa cull:- '" 1!1\(J.tl t 11 to othc:s this commnnltics whc1 c one·n om J 11d ,.. ~ ~ lbligations. m1ght em·,·. F01 tunately, the skelton to b:in~ lll'o·rnom l he ol ,umed in Atml, 19il5, few men in history ~llllple cnuu~h Young prop!~ tn '\cl!~IC 111slws to rholll to tho• h Ht ,, !mc1 lrounm~ •ch~nl Ftom Ius flr>t bright da~s in the Foret;n Si:>tccn ~car~ later 1C\ cm1c h.1d ln­ \ ICI\' t.:l 1 c~ the 1 tsitot· a glunpse o[ the olttcntwn of all tho;!l;!j (]()I) thts tdeah-t1c l'<'prcscnl.11ions of the inl:ldents makr m.. tlel, 11msc the 1t'llU!I<• slaughter of our lood anunal< _, o! some ochnol hoal'rl< I< not . , \\"c lru-t from ~ii.91l7 his moment eamc to st,md 111 hb pio~cc, he stood unsteadtl~ in Lht • he Ill~~ Yours IIUI). o ~~:.!::!.000 in the sm1c pen ucl. of out· IHstory and tradition. ougnt lo dnlll' fnr ollld ,.. 1 rd of lhr tcolehct• .u·c ottcu nnr· -.JUDITH ZAI'JI engulfing shudo11 Debt chat·ges. bc~.tw;c of the 1mpo1·tant The ~.luscum wtll not be stalk so far l't C•IUt•nl 1o\\. Tcachc1 s come to s11111l • • Tluoughrmt lu, tllnc as llntam\ le.ldeJ, hr 1~as beset br troubles ap1tal \\'OI'ks the Counctl h.1s had to Llll­ .-.s Jls chspla \' is concerned. The Trustees places and hai'C often to 'll'~cpt 'I hc'c anti smubr nntt••1' 21!! Sl \nanted lo mo1 c then to ta!.c control of the 1\1\tt'l'\la) and assure to :ith many obligations lor mamten,m~e :-; otl11ng lc• s 1111l 'Crl c. the cxtc'nl that thmr oH!opllon I' nd capital outlay wl1wh ha\·e ~ ct , to A, tt st,mcls, it h<1s much to interest . ,. . pract!c.Jhlc. should be llCtt•d Em ope 1ts llnw o! fuel upon. ~Joncl', of COUrt N.i••e! he deemed eC iJl the •chon! popuia•.on 11 h1ch !Ills been I.Jtcll at the ro1tc ra1sctl Union and Communist Chma l'n· oil Eg) p\ c1·enue resource to the hmil. sl'houldu!drcn from guided visits to tt{e _____...;.._..______-_--_-_-_-_:-_ da)' n1ght JOJintly cOIHiemoJcd Pre•· Hal 111;:: 11101 cd 11 ttlwul consullmg Amcnca, he deep!~ angered In 1939 property taxes -and the bus- i\Iu~cum and tt is h1ghly desit·ablc that - 1dcnt E1senho1. c1 s ~Iiddle E.1 UP· t h1s counll'l' d1d not h.ICk the Bnllsh and French, but instead led the 4511.000. Ten years" latet•, 'the tot.tl from Tnc lime will doubtless come \\'hen a p01t'' to a1 crt ag~rcsswn and m Umtcd K.ttwns 111 m gm,: a ce,ISC·frre and a Bnllsh·French IHthdrawal hesc taxes was sllll only S!i86.000 and !,1rger home will be req u1rcd and the1 c terfc1 cncc 111 then· affa1n Prcmwr Chou En-l.n of Clnna LJ>lcnmg .tlso to stl'Jrlent llu;s1an cries that "voiunteeTs" might Ill'S OPt:MTORS TAIU: sen .It lOll o! the salmon f1siun!: hts year the estimated yield \\'llhout the hcs been talk of putting up a new museum al\ll So1 Jet P1 cm.•cr Bulg,uun •N he scnl to N.I'SCI 's aul, the beleaguered !::den bowed unhappily to A LJ:sso~ m thea· tcrriturml waters omd nt J,ner dntc ns part of the estab­ forth the1r \'tells m a 2,000·11 111 tt the p1 cssnrcs and h.lltccl the .\lhca S\lccp of the canal area on the oal tax is Sl.520.000. M,me h.llr nnpu;ed regulut10n~ 11 luch ( l'ort W1lhnm •rune~ Jumm·ll ccmmmuquc s1;;1cd ll\ them al Hr~ threshold nl 11clo.~. Ten years ago the bu~incss tax was n ltshmcnt o( the unl\·erstly. Space will be Spuned lw the eomplclwn ol prCI cnt the 11 hole of the salmon 1un belli[! c::ught bcfo. e the fish the conclusiOn of Chou's 1 bit m urno\·e1· which \\'as ineqwtably applied. needed tr cl natural history sc~twn is to new streamhncrl trains wh1ch Ill· At hnme Su· Auth1111~ \ da) < 11 err cquall;. stot·m~ . c,m >JIU\1 n The 1un ts 1m port· .Moscow. b~ added and if Iat ger exh1bits of special corpm·ate 'L'\'ernl lu~m~ fcatu1 cs, In 1cfc1cnrrto the EJomcthln~ on .1ul to the :\Iiddle East to meet their 011 n One compan1' hns Ill· Jll 01 Hies fol' the 1!1·ehhond nf a~m~ Bnt:un'> JIO'lliOn m the ~[uidlc Elsl and else\\ here, and, losing he war began. The tmportant thmg at the moment is an1' C'omnfum•l aggrC'>IOO, the s slnllcrl cnrcl plt,~·in~ f.w1litles .11 Jll,llll !bhcrmcn Th,ll mcome Amct'Jcll conftdcncc All cit\' ta~:at ion, p1 opctl v, bu~mc~s. thut the l\Ju,cum has been 1 c-openccl aftct' nnd the l11chhoocl of the fisher· CC~lnllml'tUC •,!lei the back of the bu~ nnd u ktlchcn· o r!w l(olcrnmcnl, of tho So1 1rl m~n c.m he lin Cl tenet! Ill 111.111)' ,\mid tiw rl.nnot Eden fl·ll 11l ~nd had to dc•ert hi~ post for oal ;;nd ~ntct tainmcnt. produced Si3G.OU1l n l.mtc• or twent,\'-threc ~cars and the cttr. Anothc1' n II )'111!l out nn l'nwn nnd the Chme•c P•opl~·, 11,1~s but the l.1lcsl and, moot th1 CL' ll<•ck, 1 o rn.on; 1t 'crmerl the hcgnnung of the end 1 19:19. The:.e ~ame tn:.;cs procluccd hope 1s that ~l'ith ttme unci public co­ nhscl\ .111nu !uUn!lc at l he hoiCk Henubhc 1eoolnlcly condemn th., nut to he sol!, hut lot' the usc o! !lcadl) 1s the usc uf m1le lottg So 1t 11.1s 11,1 nH n p.>hn of the Cmtcrl Stales. ;~o.ooo in 19·19 and a1 c e:-:pcctccl to ~ JCicl opel alton tl \\'ill become a better and :111 II puss~nge1 s In mldllwn I on nrt s SJll'c,HI !J, flshel Ill \\,leiS OUt'idC the lel'll\01. iJ '1 hry ~~·c prep"rctl to c1 .I mil<' ;'\o donht olt11 '·' pool hL•alth, haunted b\ the spector of his Suc1 l.i80,000 this ~car. .'\del to tim tlw \\'l(icl 1 cprc~enlcttion of Newfoundland tlw !.1ttc1 fum Is Jll::•lllllnl-! hcl· to J:ll•• an) neres,1r1· ~llc< on t11n sides. S11' Anthon" lei' uphobtcry and colu1 p.1tte1 115 1hc peoplrs o[ the :\car and ~lid· roceeds of the \\'alct· tax unci «.:lll'l'cnt lw;tm y .mel lllUUStl·~·. outlo~w f1•hermcn ha~c hccn could un longet· shuuldc1 the huulcn of brmging h1s countr~ out ul a~ well as all' condlltomng. cllc Enst in ord~r tn ai'Cit 1g~1e< m;-,l;m)! hu ~c catches .mil thmi,'l tloubled llalc!o pur,ur I !l,;atwn \\'Ill come to nearly f1vc ttmcs sum and intcrfmrncr m lhc af. I'OI'UI,A'I'IOI'i Gil OW Ill the\ n1 c few 111 numbc1 there IS and · ·hat it was in l9il9 and 1s up ~511 .per ___.._ ...... ,_.~ ____ .,..__...,. __ f:o1rs of ll1c coun!l.~, of tl1.1t (Sn111t John 'fclcglaph·Jomnall little doubt that other, \\Ill JOIII In tmw hl>lolt.ln• \\Ill n£ cmtr•c mca,ure Ins performance ~I The f l f r C f 1 t l'Ct!JOn '' cnt rom t te trst year o on cc era ton. '!'he populatton of the Un1ted them uc:o>t .1 c.tr .111d thut the sue Sncz But fell 11111 rJUCs\lon that there-a~ alwa)'S before- he acted here ceclctwn of \he s,!l· the phrase :-lear Whcre~t•r 111 the 1\othl D11tam has !rJCnds, there 11ill be keen bra ted to c~tunntes of !hut eount1) 's tinguish oet11cen Arab t acktwllledge h<: cr.nuut lil'e up to the rich prom1se home• ~~a;~'"rown but also how our demands [or ll) EAflJ. L. DOUGLASS ( ~ltnncapohs 'l'llbunel TAN A~D Iran 111 the cntcgnr~ of land Jn the preceding twelve months Note to c, rly nuddle-ngc s who East and Arab stales he sho11 ed so earl~. • en·iccs have grown with it. And C\'Cil :md 17,50U,UOO or 11 6 per cent 1 1 ~IIddle tb~ 1 DASIC ~0 CllnJSTIAN FAITH rrc hghtmg the personal "battle In lh.e Ncar East ·: it may be contended that there c,\11 m the six years since the 1950 Thctc 1111l he s.ulncss that S1r Anthony has hcen caught in a 1\'c hn1c fallen 111111 the lmlnt In the Christian of the bulge". Jt ma~ hale been '!'he t11o po11crs clcmanolcrl full 'ever be 100 per cent cfftc:icncy in the census. Meanwhile Cnnri!llons ;;nul better, but nffhnnd we can't indcmnlficallc,, to Egypt by Bnt. 11cb pr.thaps onh pa1ll~ nf h~o o11n makmt:1 and Will now be left im· church uf speuklng nhnut the rcsul'rcctlon only .1rc bcginnin~ to recotve some recall when. The occasiOn: A ain, France anrl Israel for tlw•1 mob1le on the s1dchncs at r. critical mlcrlude 1n history. '"'''""''n'n of municipal scn•Jccs, we thmk dUJ•Ing the Er.>ler ~euJon. hi~hly interesting figures as tab· confet•encc of 200 middle-aged' ex. InterventiOn 111 Eq} pt in Oclr.bcr will be agreed that the Council has A rcau1ng of both of the New '!'cstament nnd the ulatluns of the country's first ecullves and their whcs at the and Novcmlm·. This Is n rc1lern· But there 1111l also be lastmg grahtudc to th1s man for a hfe­ flvc-yenr cenous lust Spring arc I giving a lot of value tor the money. t:luutinn literature ,which followed durinll the :mh annllal mcetmg of the Amer· lion of pre~ 10~1s Sovi~t vie11 s sun· tnnc ot b1 a1·c and riel uted sel'I'Jecs in the cause of freedom. No completed. The finn! 1.1bulat1on f.ulmc can lolall, dim the dJstmcl1on and dediciillon of h1s pubhr But much more has to be qone. l\Iorc next t11o centuries clearly indicntes that the due· 1s expected to show a totr.l popu· 1cr,n Society of Assocmhon Ex· port..1g Egvpllan cla1ms for dam trme of the rcsurrecllon of Jesus Chmt wa! prim· ccutJVcs The speaker: Dr. Aur· ,age to cities from ~omhm~ and carcet. • reets ha\'c to be paved, mot·c l!Ul'b and lution of m·uund 1!!,000,000 com­ .try nmong believers and occupied thc1r greatest r.t. pared with about 14,000,000 ella Potcr, internist and cndoc· los• of m1htary equipment. ter work done, more sewer systems tcntum. And the reason for this 1s easv to undcs· rinolo<'ISt discussmc "Executive The statement expressed op. s1gned to· br'n; Canadians up ~hown l1y the lost decenninl ccn· I!enltl~- 'a Family Affni~." '!'he posil1~n to "an)' Intrigues br th~ ed. the water ~upply improved. ~JqJ. . sns in 1951 The decision to Commonwealth to date un events and condttlons ' que.hon; A woman who com· lmpcrtnhsl< tn place th~ Sm•z 1count nose~ in Cnnacla every five m Brltam and the Common· s1tcs cleared and 1cplanncd and nc\\ Tnd,J) 11 e l,u·gc'l regard Christ's 1 csurrcclion vlu111cd that her 'husband rcfus· Canal under mternational CDjl· oas an assmr·1cc of the existence of hie after years was spurred by the neces· 11 ealth and to 311!11\'er some of on s1tes pro\'ldcd. stty f!tt• mot•c fr..ctunl population cd to cat 'cgctr.blcs because trol '' · Televiews dc .. th This, ol cour:!Il:nly and free , port l:ou~t If II 1~ not controlled. Both A-Top sml mcludes all dead Q-What 11as Gc01ge Washmg· I land Museu~ IS v~t:y good. It may · st'l It 11as glscovercd that it was a marble tomb. dom and to achtci'C mdustrJal de. Dr. Kwame ;';krcmah, Prime they the Um~cd Stnlcs and Cr·nada organic matter In an) strgc of ton's middle n~mc? vclopinent nnd economic sclhuf. ~llmster or 111,. Gold Coast, on " \'C :.cope to carpmg cnt1c~. The Board stunc. ' have I.Jcen ass1duous Jn their con· decomposition, but docs nut In· J nets A-He had nunc. !JCICnC) ," ''The Future of Ghana". r."can • l.lg I THE DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, JAN 22, · 1957 Grand Bank Notes

GRA:-\D D:\~K. Jan. 9- With 'months. 1'hc MV ,"Maril)'n Clair" )lurlcy, .Marrstown, and Is engag­ ., . this i>sue we start the thirteenth i5 now loading a cargo of saltbulk cd in the ·coasting trade between yl'ar of the column Grand Bank fish here for Nova Scotia, which Newfoundland and Nol'a Scotian :\utr~. l.ooking back over the )'cnrs will be the first shipment· from ports. it <"Crtainh·. reminds us that time the recently organized fish firm of Fire swept through and destroy. dor> fl)' fast and we arc getting 1 Bullett Fisheries Ltd., which has ed the lishlng dragger "Chesler. oldrr. ,\ ~real deal of water has taken o1·cr the fish business form· Abbott" off Bay L'Argcnt on ll••w~cl undt'r the hrid~:c in these I erly transacted by Grand Bank Saturday morning when the vessel thirfrrn )·ear~. Great changes and Fisheries Ltd., whilst the mer· was bound from Fortune Bay to t•ro~rc~s hare heen made in this chandizing business o[ the same Fortune. The fire del'eloped in the town of m1rs. Chan~c will continue concern will be handled in [uture engine room following an cxplo· o,·cr the next twcll'c months, and by G. & A. Buffett Ltd. sion and quickly spread through wr hnpc that progress and happi· ANNIVERSARIES the ship. The crew took to their nr~' for our citizens will go hand We take. pleasure in extending dory and rowed to Bft,• L'Ar/ent in h~nd with it. hearty congratulations and best anrl were later landed here by the .\.< we commence anuther )'car 1 wishes to l\lr. and Mrs. Charles "Pauline C. Winters." The forty AND of reporting the weekly events o[ i Forwa1·d who celebrated their jlon clragger was owned and .opcr·

thi.< municipality we woulrl again 'I Golden Weddlns Annll•ersary on II ated by Captain Howard Lake of like to thank all those who ha1·c, New Year's Day. Mr. and :llrs. Fortune and hnd been successful· frittance ol all ::roups. o1·ganiza·! llvcs, ~Ir. and ~Irs. Forward held Her loss remo1•es another of our li<•n.<. and inclil'iduals for llllure: an open house reception at their 1 South Coast fishing fleet and it Is m;•1t•rial !or thi~ column, because 1 home. Quite ;1 number of relatives 1 to be hoped that Captain Lake hdng human. ll'r cannot know of nnrl friends called on the hnppy j will be replacing her with an· • • r• rwry rl'cnt that occurs within our couple to extend their congratula- other fishing vessel. i q 1 mir!;t. \\'<' arknowleci~e and apolo- lions. Both ~Ir. and j!rs. Forward, 1 ROYAL BLACK PRECEPTORY ~iz,. for our tailin~< HIUl omissions. who nrc in their eighties, ~lr. Fo1··l At a meeting of John Knox If ",. h;l\·c ntil'IHird u1· nntagonl7ed! wal'll being Bl and :.trs. Forward Royal Black Preceptory held in ,,n~ ot our rrarlcrs hy the wrillen: S:l, enjoy l'ery good health. ~lr. • the Oranse Hall on January 5 the "o•nat inlrrrncr or malice was in· i business life of the community, be-! The following officers · were In· At Ayre's Men's Deptj',; lrn:'cd. ,\~ain 11e emphasize that ing the senior partner in founding stalled: 1 . ','' opin!nns cxprc:~aril~· rrprc5enl the 1quite ncti\'c and does her own Deputy Preceptor-Sir Kt. Ron· rirll> of the conununit,,· or ur~an·. housckecpln~. ·Rid Noseworthy, · i1atious. \\'c trust that throu;:h 1 The whole community joins in j Chaplain- Sir Kt. Frazer Oak· .. thi> mrdium wr ha\'!• heen nhlc wishin:: both ~lr. and ~Irs. For· ley. tn h:·in~ to our rradrr~. especially I ward mnn~· more years of happy Rccordlns Registrar- Sir 1Kt. There's hundre.ds of handsome· sweaters at th<~>C away from the old home 1life together. Wm. Thomascn. . , tnwn. a rrport un the life and ac·l \\'c also lnkc this opportunity Registrar - Sir Kt. H a r r )' til'itic, of Gr;tad Bank. H this cf. ito extend belntccl, hut sincere, con· Thomascn. lora lm hl•t•n in a small 11·a~· sue· 1 gratulations to Uncle Arch Rose, Treasurer - Sir Kl. John Doli· Ayre' s, sleeveless V · neck s/ipovers, long

ct•,ful tht•n we !eel that our cf· 1 this community's oldest citizen, mont. fori; arc rcwardl•d and gil·es en·, who celebrated his. ninet~·-second 1st Lecturer - Sir Kt. Philip roura~t·mrnt to continue what wei birthday on December 23rci. Uncle Stoocllc~·. h11Pl' i; " small .cn·icc to the tuwn ·Arch is indeed l'er)' active [or his !lnd Lecturer - Sir Kt. Robert s.Jeeve pullovers with V, crewe and turtle and it> prnplr. n~e and can he ;ecn daily about I Rnlph. · The :\t•w Year alwa~·s hrings thr waterfront spr~· and chipper. 1st Censor - Sir KL. Charles necks, cardigans with button and zipper With ll a r.1>h nf rr. anrl omi;siun~. \\'c late brother. Samuel, both of them Hiscock . · I 11r,., ... makr ~ueh rr;olution>. lw· · in I heir ci~htics and regarded as! 1st Standard Bearer - Sir Kt. fronts ... and the· new. short sleeve cardigans r.o~H' wo• fro•! that mo>t o! th~m' the oldc.1t pair of dot·~·matcs then Thoma~ \\'oodt"n. 1 "'' not ;urrirr murh more than a. !ishing in :{ewfouncll~nd. :!nd Standard Bearer - Sir Kt. «r1·k. nr a momth at thr longest. I \\'e sincerely hupe that Uncle 1 John B. Warren. in every imaginable colour, both plains and llowo•\el', rather th;ut m~kr rcso·. Arch will sec mnny more birth·! Inside Pursuh·anl -Sir Kt. Wil· lution•. wr ha,·r ~azrd into thr rla)·s and thlant here good news topic and the wcnth~r 1sistcd by Past Preceptor, Sir Kt. ~nol :~t 1-'urtunc nl'l'r;ttin~ un a tor the fir>t half of Januar)' c•~r· 1 Harry c. Walsh, with Past Pre· 1 11·:rnty fnur hour ;chcrtule r1w~·. tainly hit the headlines. Spring Is 1 ccptor, Sir Kt. Simeon Grandy, SLIPOVERS PULLOVERS CARDIGANS ria~ of thr \'car. The rebirth of. still n long way o([. 1 acting as installing marshal. After thr >rlenllflc ham. .· : bhzzard. Snow drafts were plied up ly enJoyed by all who were pres· •:! 1 Tht"' Town l'ouneil to he Ito fourteen !eel high In places by enl. ·· SLEEVELESS CARDIGANS . 5.90, 8.50, 8.95 ~hie to ~ct the fu~ts to extend. the dri1·ing snow and gale force I ANNIVERSARIES the water anrl ~c•n•ragc ;;ystcm to: winds. It required two rlays' work , . . r•·cry home in the communi!)', 'h)' snow clearing equipment tn \\ e agam Lake pleasure In ex· . l·, Ewry taxpayer is dcsefl'lng of' again open the highwnys for traf· l?.ndlng congratulations and b?st I: ~urh lacilitics. I fie. On'c thing is already el'ldlmt lltshes to two mor~ couples 11ho 'II· I 13 l The !.ion;; Club In get the :this winter and that is, that the have c~leb~ated their Golden an.d :, i·' rnmmunit)' Pla,l'~rounrl pro j c c t! road widening anit rebuilding of 56th ~1 crldtng anniversarl~s th~s I. t:! 'I rnmplctrrl and a ~~~~d start made i the highway between here a~d past \leek. It seems that 11e hal~ .~ ' 1 nn the erection ul a Community; Garnish .is paying off. ln prc1•ious! quite a ~umber or sue~ ha~p~ 1! I 11 11 II;; II . .\pparrnth· no uthcr ~roup 1 years the narrow cuts and hollows! coup!es ! our mid~t llho . crc '· :-:I will r,·rr makr this mol'e, 1· o[ this area alwa)'S pacl;ed ti~lll [married In January fifty years. or 1 <4 The Grand !lank funthall 1 with ~now arter each stnrm hut , more, a~o. . . , :.i . tc;;m I? a~~in win thr l'rnin.•ula 'now arc swcrt clean hy the wino!s] · On Thu~srla~. fanu~r) 10,. ~lr. ' I . 1 'hiimp1nn>h111 and t hrn .•uccrrd in, anrl arc ra~ll)' hnndlcrl hy the~ anrl ~l.rs. \\ altc~ Forsc) or ~o1 tunc ;t: .t .• "·innin~ their fir;t All·:'lfld. Cllilm· ·;;nnw de;~rin;: equipment. The Icclc.b.rat:d. their golden lledd!ng i riolll,hip. Thr~· ha1·r hcrn looking I same ;;pplirs for the rnad heJwccn ann II ~r~ar~ • To .mark the. occasion d, fror ;urh honour;; Inn~ rnnu::h. · herr. and Fnrtune ,incc it <\',IS 1 a, soclal e\ ent lias held. at Resl·a· :' 1 :i' rrarr, llappinc~~ and Pros·· widened and rebuilt anrl certainly 1 \1 hylc Rest au ran~ at w_htch a large i1 11rrity tn all citiwm. They dc-jlnclicatr~ that such a programme: number of their. Iraencls were I >rr•·r nothin~ lr'~· must he continued ril!ht around I present. ~lr. Roy Spencer acted ~.~ Thi• wrr~ the pUtlil> of the rill)': the Peninsula to beat the snmv Ichairman of the procer.dlngs, and .•dwnl• ha1·c returned tu thrir • problem in winter communication on behalf of those in altend.ance •turlic> for thr ;econd term. We I facilities. Highroads have also presented the happy couple Wtth a hope that thr holida~·s hal'c been I provided bcttcl' equipment for Igtfl. , I' cnioy,1hlc .[or all and that they snow clearing on the Peninsula 1 On \\ etlncsday, January. 9, :Mr. rc~ume their rlasstoom activities this. winter and the results are tn·f and Mrs. John Rose of this town rr~ted anal r~frcshed to further 1 derrl evident in the Improvement celebrated the 56th anniversary of At Ayre's Ladies' Fashion Dept. pur;uc their education with cncrg)•l of this service. 1 their wedding. Durl~g the day a and results. The dragger "Blue :.list ll" ar·, large. numbe: of frtends of the The :\'ew \'car was welcomer! in ril·cd in port Saturday morning happily f11,amed couple called· Ut>­ hcre quieti)' with scn·iccs in the from the bnnks with one huncll·ecl on t~c_m 10 hono~r of the event. two Churche~ and the Sall'ation and forty thousand pounds of Ilsh. We- Jom with thetr man>• friends LADIES'. Arm)' Citadel. :.tany families ccle· The l'essol resembled a floating In extending best wishes to both LADIES' hrated lhl' arril'al of 1057 with iceberg on arrival, being co1•cred Mr. and Mrs. Forscy and Mr. and >mall private celebrations in their with ice which was over a foul Mrs. Rose on the attainment of homes whilst the old Newfound· thick in places. Captain Frank t~ese special events In their lives. land custom of firing guns also Thornhill reported that in Fri· \\ e wjsh them many mor~ ye11rs BED JACKETS wa~ rl'ident. :O:ew Year's Day day's storm his ship had to heave· of happiness and compamonshlp found >orne citizens making the 1 to off St. Pierre in the blinding together. HOUSECOATS RAYON CREPE, JERSEY RAYON traditional l'i>its to each others snowstorm and raging seas. He SPORT homes, but the weather conditions estimated the ·wind to reach 80 The official opening of the new • Pink, Blue, Ler.non . di~coura~cd this. miles an hour ilJ gusts and said It school outdoor rink took. place on QUILTED and FLANNELS :-\ow with Christmas o1·er, the i wus onc- of the worst experiences Saturday night last. It featured a Christina.< trees ha1·c been taken o[ his fishing career. Other drag· hockey game between a combined REGULAR VALUES down. the li;zhts. decoration~. etc., gers on the banks experienced school team and the seniors. Short and Long Lengths. to 4.00 .. stored away for another se11son and similar conditions but all came In the brief opening ceremony 1.98 • rilizrns ha1·c returned to the even 'through without any serious dam· Mr. Stephen Strong, Principal of tennr nf their everyday actil•ities. age. the U.C. Academy, presided. In'·hls Thi;; )'car the mummers were out However. the storm exacted its remarks he thanked alt who had REG. VALUES to 29.95 in full [orce here. It ~ccms that j\oJI on Other less fortunate l'eSSC!s. r helped to make the rink project a CHILDREN'S this custom, which )'Cars ago was The motor I'Csset ";\lcrllyn Clair" successful reality. Rev. Dr. J, L. c1uitc the main celebration of the which left here on Thursdar last Reynolds, Chairman of the School FLANNELETTE ·PYJAMAS Christmas fcsti1·1ties, and which with a cargo of saltbulk fish for Bonrd, was also !lrescnt and con· ,;cems to ha1·e been d)'ing a >low HaiHax went ashurc early Friday gratulated Messrs. Strong and 8 • 14 years death with each succeeding year, morning at ~lira Ba>· ncar Louis· l''ullell of the teaching Rtaff of 2.49 6.79 8.4914.95 was re1·italized a gre~t !lt•al this burg and is considered a total loss. the Academy and all others who REGULAR VALUES Christma,;, parlicnlurly by the J 'I' he ''essclrali high into the bcachl hncl helped to gel the rink. Mayor ~-oungcr members of the commur:·' In early morning darkness and a Te,;sler. also Npoke briefly and to 3.20 II)'. . • . ~nowstorm. Capt. Reuben 'fhorn· wished the rink and 'its promotors 1.59 This year's btg game ~cason on hill said thnt his radar equipment every success. Quite a large and the Burin Peninsula was a good had been rendered useless when enthusinstlc awmber of adults and one. According to the information it became Icc-coated. The crew rc· juveniles wm·e present and enjoy­ a\'ailable, between thirty and forty mained aboard the ship until day· ed the game. Some excellent talent CHILDREN'S of the big animals were taken In /light, after which they collected was evident In the two competing LADIES' this area. The majority of them their personal belongings and got teams. In the contest tlie students COTTON CREPE,AND felJ to Grand Bank guns. However, ashore without any mishap. Crew were .victorious, defeating their the largest animal seems to have members o[ the "Mcrllyn Clair" opponents by a' 5 to 2 score. Capt. BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS, been taken by a resident of Lawn were Capt. Reuben Thornhill, Ray Rose of the Academy team . on Christma~ Eve when he got a Mate Gal'field Rogers, Chlef En· wa~ high scorer with a pair of 8 • 12 years hull moose which tipped the scales gineer Russell Walters, Second goals. Your correspondent acted I at nine hundred and lift~· pounds. Engineer Donald Baker, Cook as re[eree with Mr. S. ·Strong •as REG. VALUES The animal was shot in the Black Charles. Fizzard, and Hector Rose timekeeper. After the game a scs· NIGHTIES Woods and was in a company of and Charles Grant, seamen. The slon of general skating was enjoy- ten animals. "llerllyn Clair" was owned by ed. · to 3.20 The fir.' thousand pounds, mainly pletely repaired. She was well will be organized. Skating sesslmv; Pink, Blue, Lemon. due to the very stormy weather equipped with modern navigation· for the students arid the· public conditions which have prevQiletl a} Instruments and the loss or will be also provided. All this, of Small and medium ,sizes on the banks since Christmas. this fine vessel· Is a blow to • the course. depends upon the weather. When the "Blue Mist"· entered South Coast coasting fleet. However, the interest shown· by port, she W3S co1·ered with ice, The motor vessel "Thomas F. all concerned Indicates the deep REGULAR VALUES mute testimony to the freezing Murley,'• whicb was en route to Interest in hockey of both our temperatures and stormy seas. Sydney, went ashore at St. Law· ~·outh and adults and is indeed a • other draggers on the banks re· renee during the. storm. However, challenge to· the town to get a to 6.00 · port the weather so adverse that the . vessel was successfully rc· properly constructed .enclosed rink 1.79 ,fT.' JOHN '8 they ha1·e been unable to get their floated and' suffered little dama~e for the usc of our youth. Is it too . 1 nets into the water for da)'S which in the stranding and was able to much to expect thjl 1vc wll!'. rc· lri,WTOUNDLA/11& r.•cans small trips. Such arc fish- proceed on to her destination, This spond to the challenge and do i.Ig conditions during the winter vessel 1s owned by Tl10mas F. something about It? ·. · 1

• •. r ..... l THE l;.} THE DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, JAN 22, 1957 .... 1 !1·------~~------~~------~------~----~----~~~~~~~~~~1 . 1·------lTV Shortage Well-Rounded · G~rls

I,.:J:Dersonal ______Chit Chat~-- . For Dancing And Hungary Playwrrr~~ts •• ! \ -~·; Irr\' BIRTIIItW Ichayolc. ground cherries, etc. etc .. FOR THE LADIES :~ \ irthdar ::rrcting:; arP r.xtcmlcd Deadline is A~ril bt., 1957 and -~ ,,. to :\I r. Gordon Guest of Em· address the recipes to the Red· : : Avt. Hi~ many friends wish 1lands Hospital Au:dllar)", 201 '~ many happ~· returns. East State, Redlands, Calli. ~· · - Mrs. Pierce hopes that her , :liAGE)IEST many friends and neighbors of her ., he rnga~emcnt ll'as announced Newfoundland da~s. will send In · < Xo1·. 28/56 of Charlollc Sl. the recipes they have cherrlshed Leather Fashions Are Perennial -~ . r Htckman, of Heckman's Is· for these many years. ,I I, Lunenburg ' Co., N.S., to - ~ .:r~:c William. eldest son of Mr. BETA S_IGMA PHl • · :\Irs. George Dewllng, 64 The mnth regular meeting of XI Straight, Slhn ·ot Street. St. John's Nfld. Miss Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi,' crs in ~ 'kman is emplo~·ed as stcno· was held al the YWCA, Harvey ll\'ing : lhtr at H.:'\!. C. • Dockyards at Road, 7 Janunry 19117,. at 8 p.m. liome. : ifax while :'llr. Dewling is serv· being the first meeting of the Lines for Ease The : . with tht Royal Canadian NBI'Y New Year. New projects wer~ that· a • Engineer ~leehanle ·and is at· discussed for the coming year, fol· office !1ed to thP H.M.C.S. "Labrador" lowed by. a cultural prooramme In Walldng is open. · 1lding to take place on }"eb. presided over by Chris Parsons In the two : :;; at the Central United which all members parllclpated in the .' reb. Lunenburg. Nnl'a Scotia. and dl assignments were ably BY GAILE DUGAS ahaut thr ; rption to he held at the Blue· e~ccutcd. The next meeting will Jir,ht' COIIl :. ! Lodj:c, J.unenhcrg. he held at the home o~ ~~~·~. NEW YORK (NEAl- LeatllCr heltold! T · Marjorie Johnson, 145 Palrtck St., has becom·~ a year • arpund failh· \'A~ :mssms 21 .January 1~57 at 8 p.m. 1ion. It has also become a rash· : · he 63rd. Annual meet in!! nf ion more nearly within reach of ' · Cowan ~~~~5ion Association ARRI\'ED SATURDA \" 1 the a\'era"e wallet. ~- held at the midence of ~Irs. ~lr. Gerald Patten, Federal Fish· 1 " • 1 :: ·)uterhridcc on Frida.'' .lanuar•· erirs officer at Grand Banl;, ar· Lntr.ly, destgners ha\'e cut It n. - · ' · · . b . s I· Ito Hraight, slim young coats that . '· 1!!5 •• Followml! the rea•llnJ: rh·cd In the _ctl) l car on a I oUer walltlng '"'liSe without the Cui· , he Secrrtarys' and Treasurers' urdny from hts home, nnrl _Is her~ es th t hns ~haractcl·izcd a good on for the \'ear :\Irs. T. B. 1 for medical treatment. He ts ~In)· n s a • · • scr,qcnnt dricl~c \\'3!' rnllcd upnn to ron· I in~ with rclatii'CS on Hoyles Al'e· many leather c.:>a\s in seasons past and his th election of the officers · nue These are coats desi~ncd for :Ronald co~mittre for th<' <'nsui~!: [ · town as well as country ii·cnr. As· life. marr . ·. The rl'mll~ hein)l-Jion. 1 ;\T GE~EJt.\1, much as any one stJ·:·~ cr.•·· he, !em~ and ·: .illcnt, \lr~. F. 1.. Pattrr;on: I Ills many friends will he l'or_ry \'these nrc coaL• to be worn D\'cr nolhhu: I 1 tlie police :; · .trlrn1. ~lr!'. 11. nutcrhridpr: lo ll"arn 1hat ~tr. Brnola~s L:ulc nrarly nnythin[t in a warrlrolJ~. 1 as full-length play~. then ;lwrlrn. H. 5t phone rln ; .. \'ire Prr;idrnt. ·~Irs. \\', i of St. Clare An•nur, is at pres· An)'lhing, that Is, thnt follow; out BY !)ICK KLEI!IIER ! cd because that's 'the only way he tin. (~loy • · ·· ·n: :!nd. \'ke Prc•irlent, ~Irs. ; rnt a patient at the General Hos· U1e straight, slim lines. New York - (NEAl -There',; can work. ,. i· :r~cir}!: ~crrrtarr. ~Irs. \~·· pital. We show (lcftl a slrnight·~lrt police · .1.! a ghastly shortage of 11dl-roun:l- i He hasn't written any TV pla1·; band has .•r.ala. 1~ra-t1rrr. ~lr; .•\\.II. . . . • , c~•nl o£ supple Aft•icnn grain l:td· erl chorus girls for TV. Unfor- 1ateJ~·-·'J'm not broke -enough iln)' ~. 1r: Comnutlrr. ~lr>. I. F. ·Per·! I· f.ll,OIA~ 1.. \DIES , ! •ldn thai's . n., The l'elldlnn Ladies AF;ociatron ; ~n'•' \l wnlking, It has' 01.ersite 'well-rounded' in the non-Ciguratirc 1 tcrc.ting Broadway play, "Gir!J dn what 1· ~ l!urr~~; \lr>. r. n. Carter, I 11'111 hold thr.lr rc~ulnr mr:llng 011 : a;l;llc ~eket of a roo: sense. 1of Summer,' and he has done con- ~: T. fl. r;nndrid~r. "r~. \\' ..1. Thur·sday nftrn:no!l at 3.1,, In the : ~ · · P ~- sirlernblc thinking about the staoe tl1e m~n .. , 'nl', "r•. 11. Herner. )li•~ llilrla Jlnyward ~lemnrtal Room at Tilr ~utnc l~alhrl' in R rrrum:: .Tunc Ta~·lor, boss of tb~ rl~nccr5 1 uf TV dramas. ami won .; ·;; lr. \lr- \\'. t'aldwell •. \\'r. lli~hop Fell. whu for I' lSI rf,ll Cl n ledge, She say~ she usunll;· hn> a • days when Paddy Chnycfsky, Hnt··­ ~~ ~: n~r.• •·r;;r; 1; , ch an •• ~lr. lA">Ih' IJlgncll, o! thP. stall ' piU>h)' orion fleece. Bulb fashion~ lwusc!wlt' 100 11 31 tuugh lime getting a new ~irl whcn1 ton Foote. Bob Aurlhur, Sumner vr5tigatir; •: ; ;>~·rl · 111 t!lr o·are and wei· I of the 1\n)·al Bani: at Ptac~n~.la:' ~~!::lithe~·~~~:: ______.. I 1 one of r.·2r dancers leans. • Locke Elliott were turnin;: out I he wife, ·~ , nf thr bdir• :11 thr llnme at, ,prnt the week-end · In the ell~ I , ! "A T\' rl:~nccr." say;: long, la!l .. plays. ~owndays it ~ccms ther~J Ghn·e1'J a ~) .·· rnr:c:u•inn nf thp merlin~ a with hi~ pnrrnt~. ~lr. nnd ~lr~. E All :blonde .June. "ha;: to hai'C so, nohoch· with an)' r>:'al style . v:ho is c· .-: - ! htful •flrrnuon lr~ was srrl'• .John Bi~ncs~. 24 ~taunt !loyal s ·• pring ve ; much more th~n a Broadway dan·· "\\'lint's happened?" Elizabeth ;.~ ; : the Prr,trlcnt ~lr~. II. Outer· Al'cnuc. · . · cer. ln the f1rst place, she mu't I Maybe nobody's broke cnou;:h Chiffon MANNERS Gaylor, 1. 't'·~·:·r. he prettier, because · tl:•:re's al·; any more. lady or i:l .:1 :, J\ RECE!l'f:!) CAP ways th c ch anrc of a clo.< e·IIJl and . ,.__ .::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:;::;__-. a111l he! 1 nmu: in a presentation hou;:c you ne1·er · ~.;· ·:· ·r mall) fricncl• will hr ~larl ~I iss ~largucritc n. Brown of I MAKE The ·-~ _. ·elcomr h:;ck ~li;~ Acla Hnr· Lethbridge, dau~hler of ~lr. and ;ret a rlosc·up. l\ora·s ~·· ~~ l. whn returned from )lontrc;ll jir.<. Thomns Drown rcccil·cd her . home (, cap at the c~pping ccrcmon)' for 1 making ;,, · .·.i.' olurday. first· year nunes at 11 te Grace 1 FRIENDS Thinking to kill lu ~ ~ . ' K ROOK Hospital, which was held at the' go haek <.' cnok hook of old r~;hion~d 1Sall·ation Army :rcmple, Sprin:;· Sl'}lnratcrl l'> is hein: plann~d by the\ dale Street last e1cning. story t:l iiUxiliarl' of the Redlanrls 1 It Over police an. n~nity llo>pital, Redlnnds, : LF.FT FOR ENGLASD dnsion 1: • 11 wa; announced b~· ~Irs. ;· ~lr. James Gnshue, B.A., Rhodes is .::uirirk ~m H. Pirrce. chairman of the , Scholar for Newfoundland, who After l ·ct. proceed, of thr. ;ale of ' was \'isitlng his parents, Dr. and arc ~till 11nnk tn ::o toward the iB bed; ~Irs. R. Gushue, Le~larchant Road, \\'alter :\ 1sion ramjlaign for the hos· ' left here on Sunda)' by air to rc· er. and 1 I turn to his studies at O:dord Uni· the hom. ;, Pi:rcr who ":•s ~orn and 'I l'erslly, England. rings an1 · .ted m St. .Johns ~ewfuund· -- throur;h ask> that the recipes sent RETURNED SUNDAY ~ the rnntcst he the kind th~t \ ~lr. and ~Irs. 0. Boyd, King's • Daric~J brcn handed c:own from :Bridge Road, returned to the city suicide i !mnlhrr and modified for to·: h\' air on Sundn1· after l'isiting Lnukin homcmal:rr. :'i'o ~real prize; 1 ~iontrcnl ~:~1 a holiday and business anrl how !fered for thr recipes hut for' trip. work of 1 o;c included in llw cook book : Dolure ; ubiieation. a full rrl'llil line : ro1ll, a ·he in>crlrct' with the recipe next ~Bims NON-STOP TRIP I 1 cnok hook will he ;ent in went on LO:-:DON (Rcu:·m)-:\ u.r.. Air 'I the stnr ch puhhsh1•d cqnlribnter. Porre strategic air cnmman1l B­ say ~hl' J•drr•:ri hint;, kitl'lwn trid;s :\2 Su·atofurtre;;~ lander! in En:!·, of one. rnokin~ •hart·CIIIs will :rlso land Thnrsrtn::aftcr a nun str.J'j' I won't · .clurirrl in lhr honk ~n >end nicht from it.s bnme ha~~ ;H ~1•••·· ;;Inn~ tnn IIN·ipr, lnt' th1• crd, l'ali£. Thr ~ir for1·c 1\'0llhll the ~tor ~ome of 1~ of unrHt•l hrrad;; surh a; IHII l'l'\'cal hnll' !:10~ the /lig!ll j 1lri "lo1't" hrr~d. rrullcrF. ton~. Th~ c!~ht-.irt, G.iO - m\lc :n away fo 1\'('('k. 1~.kr. \';on ilia l'OOktrs. >tran~r , hc:tr hcaYy homher h:1. a rnngr nt 1 lunu•u.d rli;hr,, r~ripri fnr r..nna mile; a,111 can he rcfuellrtl :n r;~. lrt:r.r!. o•ncr or:nl~r. fli~hl.


CUTORS AND TRUSTEES fOR OVER HALF A CENTURY• Investments Only Lusbus gives you deep­ and Leisure ... down-delicious true fruit flavours •.. becaU5!l only Lush us has the magic flal'our "bud". Trent your Let u1o lake over your Investment family to flavourful worries. We 1ohall be glad Ia explain Lushus Jellies soool how we can provide many valuable sel'iices in the handling of your aecurities, mortgaga and real eslale; Alii lor"' '!'HI! ..oJrftl Oil •• Managomtnl OYAL TRUST Strviff. • COMPANY Your• symbol ofquality 231 WATER ST., ST. JOHN'S • TELEPHONE 5196 No. J. PI"TT, MANAGER ' I THE DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, JAN. ·22, 19.51 "·Dragnet" Moves To The Londun • Happy Times • • Theatre Best Years Of His Life Are From Sixty To

I I •


All Men's and Ladi.es' Clothing Reduced To Cost , I

Ladies' Coats­ i MEN~S WEAR I Lots Of Items Below Cost ·' Ragla~s--:- Suits· Suits- Raglans· Sweaters- Blouses .. Top- Coats- Overcoats­ For Quick·· Cleara.nce Slacks- Shirts Etc. Sport- Jackets-. . Pants- No Appro No Charging Shirts- Sweaters- Belts- ALL TO CLEAR Pyjamas- Etc. All Sales ·Final AT 33 1/3 to 50%·off & Co., Ltd. 321 Water St. Price • ' ALL FIXTU~ES - SHOWCASES, ETC., ·WILL BE SOLD AS STOCKS ARE SOLD OUT. "tHE DAILY THE DAILY' NEWS, TUESDAY, . JAN. 22,. 1957 ' I'

~ t ------~~~~------~------~~------~ ' ' ------I I ·\ /·~~;;~,...;:~~,.<::>o~~~,.a::...;:n~.,~m.c;:,.;;()·;r;~A;~~:~l Patan1ount ~· co~~~~JHard. Choice ~.\~~~~~~~~~::...;:~~~.<::>~~~~~~~~~~.<::>~~~~~~~.<::>~.~~ Now Playzng \ · .;l I --C--8-N-- . I(.... J0 N TV' .g:~~~~~~~~~~l\ f~~~t· Held Over · 1 . By NELSON NYE 9.30-Date with Denys. "TilE PROIIIGAY" with LANA stock , . TrESil,\'\.', .January 22 -.. •' . p T •gh·t IO.OO-Nc1vs. Alb• Epl 41 1 ·Olll · BING CROSBY-GRi\Ct: KELLY I TURNER-EDl\IUND PURDOl\1 . Al;am 10.05-Datc with Denys. In "HIGH SOCIETY" . The roan ·~·Js gone. The g1·ay hal'e any need of them. The AIJ:om wt• · -CBC ."ews." 10.30-Here Comes 0'1\lallcy.. "The Prodigal," filmed in Cine· as. \\'ell. P~nir:klll tiow .wit~luut place was a l'r•gulal., arsena~. , Ar.t Neplte .Anaco:~ ~ . -Top or the ~lornlng. ------10.55-News: . , . 1 d t "iamorous, maScope and color with I.:ana , quite knowmg why (.luatl lJ[tcd Let Joe Bob 1·ant. 1 here wasn l A:s~ nouyn Th ·1 . -CBC News and Weather. 11.00-Burton's of Banner St. musicalc ga) Hollywood cs an moshas "made in· Turner and Edmund Purdom stel· \' Jcr vo1cc· m· a tr~:nu 1ou~ ye 11 .. o~e tl ~mg· tl JC "~·J ..'crnq_r · co• uld pu t Arc:d;o~. 1 Cl •k · TllESilA \', .lannar,\' 22 R.OO-Big Town. 1 ArJon · ,• ·. -·••t us1ca· u. • 11.15-Bi" Jl[ountain Show. 0 ,. tl n .500-llowdy Doollv, 8.30-Thc Broltcrs.1 " years is now playing at the I Jar figures in a spellbinding drama There 1~crc cc.il.•c; bu~ nu ai.IS· ! lus fmgcr oo. Of course he Ascot '· -.••t ormn1:· c o o s. ' 12.00-News. Atlln Rul '. p l'r ,.1·.... 5.~0-Kids Show. !1.00-Urr.Jl'net. d P~ramount Theatre It i;, ~I·G·~I's 1hascd on the Biblical Parable of 1 II'CI'. With spill' tel:.. oi lear dig· :knew what Str11~11 was ~Jl tu­ Aubcll• : - rosram c. '"' !l.aO-Pick. tile Stars. 12.05-Ramblln' with Rccor s. "!ligh Society," with Bing cPosby, the Prodigal Son, opens ;tt ging into her she hurried , .Joe Bob had l1?pcd lno hand Auinacho ' , -nccord~ al nand om. G.UU-Itanch Time. 1" 30 N I ~londay b~clt Aumaquc 6.30-Nrws Ca\'alcade. 110.CO-To be announced. w. - CII'S. Grace Kelly and Frank SillJltl'a, as the. Cornwall 'fl~catrc as one of u\'er to the btmkuuu~c but thc1:e i when he. )1ad s~' F mal loose, a~d Au nor : -llit of the D~~·. If l,OO-News-Publlc Serl·ice. 12.45-Flshcrman's Forecast. 11 1 illustrious a stellar trio as e ·er the most magmfJccnt and spec· was no one .h~r~. llad l\larcta 1 made Ius .de:1. wllh . Bcntam. Milia · ~ -Cream of the West. 7•00-L e of R cy. 1.15-Sporlscast. ' 1 Bankf'no "raced a movie cast capering tac1• 1ar productions ever to come gone off with !luckabye or ·had , Onl:; Bentam wasn't ~01ng tu. i;e . -Iris Power. 7.30-Early Show. 1 11.10-Lalc Show. 1.30-News. · Banfield ihrough a witty, s~phlsticated f r t .m the Mctro·Goldwyn·Maycr the range b?s3 !13?'· out alter her'! : around to tak~ tal~ of a~.yt~~~~g;. Bar\'Ut' , -cnc News. 1.45-Simon Mystery. uase Metals comeily·romance .sparked by a stud1os. . . 1 Joe Bob llrltcr be watcmng . s:~~l:a . -Ralph Wal~er Trio. ('";;..------, Answer 2.00-R~mblin' with Records ;{~[}, ~ad to Previous Puzzle hrand·new Cole Porter score and Rccreahng a perwd never before IT was after r;arK when Strunk · out for h1s own ll(·l'k! B·DUq -BBC \'ariety. 2.55-News. · · · neauc:Ut N. ebraska Visit hot lk'ks of Louis Armstror.g and used on the screen~ t~e turbulent and his tinbarl!l:! rr.de into town : ·As for Finn: . . . Strunk Jtta-.· Lod ; -Atlantic School Broadcast. 3.00-Dollars on Parade. Bolchrr • '-Xfld. School Broadcast. 4.00-News. His Band. 1?ra of pagan worsh~p ~.~ .Damascu~ on mounts TapfJ had got from: laughed short1y. II those red· llcthlm Newpo'rt, Rhode Island, la~t cita· 1111 ,\he .year 70. B.C.. I he Prod!· the Squatting 0 They'd tra1·eied ! ~kins didn't g('t l1il1! he was still Hevc:m · 1-Regina McBride. ACROSS 57 Encounter 4.05-Sam's Coral. n:bls :·:-Announcer's Choice. ag1in 4.55-News. del of America's dwindling mil· I gal brmgs to life the sto~y of tl.w moslly in si!l•!•ce. the gambler a gone goose. A r;.roled con\'ict H;rrr.11t ' 1 Important Jionaires with its imposino Belle· 1errant ~llcah, w~o tails mlo diS· nursing his ft•;·y. Daw~s saw saddled with R\IIIIJ.; coldblooded s:croit "u, ' . -Dinner Bell Breakdown. J!vcstocl' city 58 Hirelings 5.00-Cisco Kid.· B:Uco ; ·'-Farm Broadcast. In Nebraska 59 Youns salmon 5.30-:1\lelody Man. · 1·ue Av~nue and its marble pal· 1 ~r~ce !~rough his unconlrolla.~l~ huddles ot mical Pro~r:un. rer.idencc !! Jll will 7.00-Ralnbow Riddle. and bcauhful so~1allte who has 1entailed in the construction of mgt~ womed, tlw ma1 s 1a ~tayc i Ius sate. Brunsman .: ·-Wurds anrl ~IU>Ic. 13 Reluctant 3 Discmlmk 13 Tolles Into 36 Blush 7.15~Dr. Paul. shed one husband because •he has· h . . f l'f' at Ius heels. II was all well Jntl . Bruns ton .: SUC CVe· 1I11 mg ~cenes 0 ec I ICCS I I '· \\' d d •t · H Ignored .• r•ossn.".·cd custody 38 Footed vas~ 7 30 B·•r"" '1n Ilollt Bufh.d · - or s an ·' U~lc. 1 115 Sell in small • • · - ' "" ·' no r~gard for human frauty and a.l the 'teeming seaport of Joppa, a ; good for Str~nl;. to s~y Prckte I· . . null Cdn ': ·-IJomlllion Time Si!:nal. • lots 5 Sl;llltd fi~hlcr IBI!arcm room 40 Tidier 8.00-Phllo Vane~. w~o IS about to take on ano~her. ~trect·front in the ancient "city of· had lo be Wl!J'!: boy and amateur and gardens of the pagan idol gods :a :\l?rmon 1 and. Dawks, thmg could .'" next Cdn ,\,lor , -lllppy Gan~. 1i Correlali\'C cl i Rot bl' 25 Con~cr 42 Plays hosllo 9.~~-~ld l~a~·on!cs. songwnl~r !3"·10P ha~1pc1; tb~ Cd, U)'f'\o \ whom she divorced. John Lund IS , Baal ·and Astarte, and such spec· , w~sn t. convmc·~l 1r. Ius own few moments. ,.)~ I au nee s ,ord· ~blart -For the Piano. I ndlhcr rxpo.1 1rc 29-- is the 4fi Period of time !1.4v-News. 1 c Cdn Thor ·-Trans Canada : 19 Earth (comb. Spanish ritpital of .51 Night bel ore ·110.00-Fredd)' Show. [lhc stufly. sclf·made success whom 1 facies as the awesome ceremony of I mmd 1t was J1m 1•:hn had put : crs a brave cut h1m Joo>e. W h1lc ~lillinec. a ~!arlin C.1nam -t.'BC :-;ell~. I form) breeches Nebraska •n event 10.30-Sammy Kaye. 1Tracy (Grace Kelly) picks for' the Hi,gh sadrifice in which a hu·lthnt slug thnltlgh HouJJ's head.· Jim was rubbing his chafed wrist C.1nd'>r - Timrl~· Tunc~. 20 Pain 9 Willows ~I Dine ~2 Roman bronze ; 10.45-Ncw~. • Husband Number Two. 1man victim is consigned to the 1 And the ~an .\"a5 still loose,! the lieutenant and a sergeant Can Etin 22 t'ruit drink "1 J 1 •1 Fib '· t . 11 00 S l t l.;litlar . -Childnn·s Shlr~·. 10 Tell ,,. ocu ar " er .. nos . . - por ~cas . · . Unforlunntcly, no. one agrees , flames the burnino and deslruc·l maybe Jurkmg •II one of these ; pushed nen·om1y up. The of· c )(ct \\h : -)lu;ic of the \\'c~l. !!3 Emporium 12 F'cmininc 3•~ scpara tc d ~"•• Eu charistl c 1111" . v- Hca dquar lers 'I•' a n. 'with her choice and everyone, in·; tion of the granar/by an enraged ink·black· alleys bei1ind the snout: ficer, looking l'.'orried, was c::n llct -Fi>hcric! llroad~~~t. 24 Caterpillar appellation items wine VCS!el 11.45-Club "500". c .. s!lar luirs 1 d eluding· philander.lng Papa, for· i. populace and the uprising of the I of a lifted gun .... And those 1 watching the :\p&ches o1·er his ""'II: : -1\ir.der:artcn of the ,\ir. 26 While 1.00-C usc own. gil·lng ;\lama, gay·blade Une.lc · starved peoples of Damascus. lnjuns! ' shoulder. but Final caught hold c~nt Pill c~nl l'u•c I 2i b B IO :· -lntcrmc~zo. Es~cntlal I ~ ~ 5' --v-o·-u__ s_ __. __ Willie and conniving younger sl.s· i An additional idea of the magn!· He locked U·c cioor behind ; of the ncarc~t Indian. "Fetch Ch'!~:,.r 1 r.ht'> .r .. r tcr Caroline, puts obstacles m tude of the new :lfG:II offering ·is 1 him and stcpJ~Nl h:to his bar to the pony soldiers' horses. Felch , -f'n•~ram Prcl·icll'. 1 b~lng 1::--+-J.-1-+~:-1 1 ~ 1 Ch:b·i~~· ~~.· :·-Supper Gucsl. · 2R Selection (ab.) II 11 TUESDAY, January ·22 1T! acy's path. But it. takes Frank Iindicn!ed by t~e fact that its cast, J leave instructioils i:J case Final their long kniv•:s and their fire (.'il:!> :-.1 .l, -IIeartbc3ls 111 Sru•rl. :30 Bcl'cr~gc l:,u~l-+-+-1-~--1 ------~....__- Smatra, as a snoopmg reporter fcnturmg Lo111s Calhern, Audrey 5hould manage !0 get past sticks." Cili.mo , ,.. I 32 Biblical , C•l:h l>.,l ~: -CBC :\ew;; nnd \\'cather. ! prophet 6.00-Slgn On and Sundial. irom Spy :tlagazine, and C\!l.este :Dalton, James Mitchell, Nel'ille Dawks' dcpu·.i~s. This Indian No one mol'•'d . \'isibly sweat· Co:1:1t 16 l'Qeh \t'ill I' 6.30-World News. Holm, his photographer, to chnch Brand, Waite~ Hampden an_d 'J'aina menace wasn t ~othering ~im; ing the Lieutl'~t~nt said hoarse-1 11 -Curtam C.:lls. 1 33 Droop I 1 O>d~··n:t·n \. .-;1-Top~ Today. : 3~ Danish 7.3r-World News. the deal. Elg In pronunent roles, mcludes he had taken h1> precautions.· ";\I b . .. · b p· 1 t.:a:n (.,i\Ji.c 1 11 (~o'd~l1•111 . ;;:-Doyle Bulletin. chleftaln 8.00-Breakfast Club. Sinatra starts the. softc,•,ling-~p l 4,000 extras. and the costume~ and , '1'~1is plaC'e w~s built of adolle 1~heel'e:yd:wn ~; ope~i~g f,?:e C.JlOillltC " · · ·- .. ' "our ~lind. process when he smgs You re . prop! reqmrcd for the p1cture 1 w1th three·foot wall~ that would C th · Th • I:J:lit:!l;lii ~ i1-Hour of St. Francis. 3i Chaos 1 1 1 5 : · ·1; -Rawhicll'. 39 Doctrine 8.45-Rex Koury. Sensational" to Tracy in a scene I totaled more than 4,000 individual stand a Jot Jongr-r than. he would : to a~e k ~ ~' ",C · t e m~~ c:ntlilli."UTll 00 1 01 1 5 t: Dellcl.i~•~o :!• ·_ ~~-:"\ational Farm Ita din 43 Uncloses I 9.G0-H .. ~. .d Last Xight. · in which he makes her realize , costumes, with 292 for the prin· -·------~------· ... . : c~·es ·e :l a.~ s 'e • c: !lOla 1; t' C:dUn01n •: · .·:1 Fo:um. (poet.) · 10.00-Coffee Time. tl 1 ld h31 ' le her first 1·ipal lone and 11 000 props a · .hm was steeped lll the dregs Jnt ~ 1e cou e m·atcl h c... ' s. a. 'd. , • th t ,1q' nround the Stock ~!arket, )Ji~s :of sleepless ni!(hts. caught in the c D:nbon " 44 Weep 1 1 1 1 Con C Cod · ··: -Farm Forum :\ews. 45 Erect 11.00-Turn Back the Cluck. mamage a success 1a s e s ep· 1~ure excee mg e1 en a o uo Hollida~· stars w'th1 Paul Douglas · . r 1 h 1 11.30-Pepperrell Juke Club. e&l down from her lnflv pedestal. I Vadis." . . '· I bhnd anger o a man w 10, av- c Den wv ;~ ·:::-Drama. 47 Vulgar fellow •I e Ulsco\'I~L\ 112.10-News and D.B. fn later sequence he 'rollows up· A•ainst this opulent backdrop of ?~ the c.apitol Theatre.. Doug.las I ing risked evcrvt11ing he \'alucs, G Fen .•; >Hawaii Call;. 4B The Platte is l,...-l--l.-i~-h4.,-l--1*+:4n-l-+-+-t : 12.3{}-Hillhilly ~fatinee. " with· "~lind ([ I )lake Lo\·e To! spect~cl~ and. pageantry is told the m,mself 15 seen ~s a tycoon ~~IIh : i;; suddenly t~nnt'l!.'l 1.led with :he Con (;lllict .: ~·!-Ralph \\';llhr Trio. l -of Its ~) 1 C Arron· 1.00-Behind the Story. · You" In the meantime Crosb1• 'story of ~licah (Edmund Purdom) 1 ~\all Str~ct to." all Street. caJpet· • uscles~ness; of c1ery last thmg Halliwell ·" ; -:\'a tiona! :\'cws. major rh·crs b:--1--J.-t..,...J,:.:.;.+,,...J!-+-+~~+.;-+-t-1 . ' • . . · ' . . 1111° a b1g busmrssman wno "Cis I 1 · 1 Of .· t · 'I 1 · Ho\\ey 1.15-~fastcrs of ~1clody. with Cl'er1• intention of re·wmnm~ who falls hopelessly m Jove With h~· • f. tl . . ~. · 1c s cone. \\ na a1 a1 us. ,. ~;. -.~:-Close Dc•wn. 19 Peer Gynt'= '11 1 1 1 10 • I mother b10,-l~.J--!~4.~-~~--fiMr!-.-1-+-l 1.30-Ft·ank Sinatra. his ex-wiie has also fired some the seductil·e Samarra (Lana .1e1 J~s~n~ss m le mcpiCS· j li'Catmcnt of Quail. the l'enge· COn ,;:.• ! ; ------Trylnz: 1 1 ()H\ \50 1.45-Bob Crosgy. 11111 ,1cal an;inunltiori with "True TUI'ncr), high priestess of Astarte,· " }Be du '· B 1 · ance he lors:)f)k to come here, experience . I I . I' d .a•e on lle1 1on"·run t•oar. '( I " 1 r d l . I Con ·.:.,:: ·• C J 0 N 2.00-)latinrc. Love" and "!' Love You, Saman· and I eahl'cs. Ius fatlher, hE~~ abn 1\'31' ·~omcdl' hit "TI~e Solid Gold. II t le. pac.,Jcs,r•l' ll!sc . oltde lca~e· c Xorthlaln·l c ~:: r:Sil.\ .lanuar~· ~~ I 53 DycstufT 2.30-0nc J!an's t'amil~·. tha". small ·wonder that. roman· Rut 1, t e g1r to w 10m e 1s c· H II' 't 1cse men. . 1 ~~ 11ou Ja\e r . ·r .. ·. · . 0 11 c ~,, ------. 1~ Mascullne 2.45-1\url Masse\'. tic~ll . dizz1·· Tracy winds up in a lrothed, to spend his legacy in wild Cac Iliac. PI esents. )l~ss ! ay i gained was a ~mall respite which' C 'Ao<•onurt appellation 3.00-rort Laran1ie. , ~ :h " f lls · t ~ extral'al(ances and riotous li1·ing. 1as a \'ely small slock~older In a would count fur IP.~~ than noth· Con :· ... 0 ·­ --~·-· -·-- ··---··---- clnurl of c ampa.,ne, a · m I . 1·erv lar"e · corporal!on At a Con --·--- . 3.30-VOUS Record Room. swimming pool and 'thH'IIs he I ;he asks I ing if-bcllic\'itb•glltflli; dpatdrol m.as- t' Tunsatcn comcs,~lose ctlollr'nfl~ll _wlhe~t .,5pebnd~ slo~khold;rs' meetin~ eonweoit -·------·-··· - .. - ... ··-·--:---····-· 4 00-\\'orlrl :-\'ll faces?" .Prn•·i•orial Weather. 1 1 1 1 D~er H1m: 1 10.15-.hlke Box Ilel'lCII'. 1 1.35-Edllorial Comment. 6.45-FI'nal Edit!' on. 11 vo o 111e s1 arvtng peop e aoams · lleport. ' · • nol" ·,·ou. will hear Grace Ke Y N h b' th h . '"· . .:The' Sol!'d Gol.d Cad!'llac" •·aces ·I Taunce's eyes shone like glass. D'Eidnn• 10.30-~lid :\lornin!: ~lclodiCs. I 1.40-Sport~ Review. ~1 .15-Peppct·re.ll Toda". 1 ' ' a ree s 1vrann'' e a1r raiSing Diad<'m " Ising on the' screen for the first . . "h.' h s" . · 't d from one hl'larl'ous crl'sl's to an . l!c' seemed to have withdrawn Domr­ 1 lll \V r 1 10.45-E)el'ell for the Money. 1.45-Arl Baker's Notebook. 7.20-My Son Jeep. . . h ''h . . c ·osby· in ·c !max IC amarra IS s one "If tl. I " tl1 t Final's Donalda 2.00-News. 7.35-Bob nild Ray. · time W en.~ e JOms . 1 .. , to death by the vengeful mob, and other, according to advance re· i rom liS P a~ · s~ a. 1 111111 Du\·an · 2.ol-Second Iiddle. 8.30-ln·vl'latlon to the Classics. I"True ·Love and parodies Yo~ re the final scenes in which a repent· port with the final showdown ar· 1 words could no. fmd ' E Amhl tl I" w'th1 "I'm Sensallon- · , . East :'llal 2.15-0ut of the Dark. 9.30-Polka Party. Se~sa o~a . nlivens the ant ~Ucah returns home to be for· riving whcri .Judr and Paul teach ! "That derll n~an. Strunk," East Sutl 2.30-News, Matinee. 10.00-Ncws and Weather. · ul. "High So- given by hi! father and Ruth with and bulls and o[: ,Jim raged at him "has pictured East ~l('t .LoUl:u~rTe~~ro~·fthe t~e hc~rs woil'e~ Cut '-lin 3.00-Ncws, Housewives Club. 10.30-Music Views from Holly· ~us:cal al. so" as his . musicians the feast ~f the. fatted ca.lf, make' \\all Street all about the bmls! a time when, ~h~uu7h those rifle.~ Eldrlrh El Pcn•nt 4.00-Gen. Provincial NewL wood. , clet~ c. >fP h . e in for a mohon picture which com· and bees. 1 he has promised Apaches shall El sGI 4.01-Caslno. 11.00-'hi sic Til Jlidnight. 'warm up . or Jl clrFapt~ealranAc d Ibines a passionate' love story, surg· Producer Freel Kohlmar. who ·. take hark this ,. 11 ~ull'" for th. en!· 1-;1n Glui• ~·cws Ranch Party 12 00 s· Off the Newport azz es IVa · n a • 1 t' t' d b tl d d tl C I h' h't •·p· · ' · · ' Eurd:a 4. 30- " , • . ,.... 1gn , . h d "S hmo" mg c rama 1c ac 1011 an rea I· pro uce 1e o urn m 1 . IC· . •ell·e<-hut l'llll l'llOIV bcllcr t:xl ,\11 4.45-Saddlc Serenade. 1 ------~~l~le later, ~~r~s ryan . .• atcJ Z" laking spectacle. nic," has a:•semhlecl a st~ong Cos!! lllall .. that. "strunl..' laughs at Fa Iron 11 5 5.00-News, Bob Lockhart Show, 1 JOlll up for ~ 0 ~. ou a 'a.z • -- of supporlln~ players m "The 1 , • • , • :1-"aralla~· 1 1 1 J.'ell ll.l!k 6.00-News and Weather. ------~----- Cole Porter's.. mltial \'cnture mto c 1 Solid Gold Cadillac." It includes i Cll~uflehG. :-1 ~ eiE'I .. 11hc. glca~ rranroeur ti.05-.Bullctln Board. Star' the field of Jil'e. • . aptto Fred Clark. the corporation's c llC . cronln~r. l"lg l y Ill w,;l f-"lorida 6.10-Natlonal Ncw , All of Porter's songs ht the plot 1 . J ,, .. _1 and ll'"clom. \\a' ai:lc to do th1s H:~.tiwin 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 d "L'ttl Jarassrc reasurcr. o Ill ·•I · 1. 1 tl . Cl 1 11 • Gal\otr.o 6.15-Sporls Parade. like a glove and me u e 1 e r th B d 113 i man who · tung-tow 1r1! can 1u c · r.c:one~ 6.25-Provlnclal News. r11 · ,.1 number sung --- wms, e oar · c r ' lien S:ch•n 6.30-Showcr of Stars. ------~--- O~e," a· ~ap 'a. ~g ed ladn i >tarts th.e merriment by hiring: "It wa' Stru!lk l''ho would Glf'n t:r~o~n Goldaltd 8.15 Bishop Feild Hall 2.30 7.01-Frank Parker Show. ' NOW Playin!! b> Crosb) t_o L)d~ R!· ' P "\\'h~ NOW Playing .Judy; Hiram Sherman as a pia)·· I ha\'c the People nwvcd so that rto!dcrc\t , _Jncredible hut True. v the precocwus 3 ~ 0 .me,. " a ho1· member of the Board: Nc1'a: he mal' tear rroi'l the gl'Ound Gold 7 15 Wants To Bek a 1.lll~Jon au·e, !'Ire : Paitmon and Arthur O'Connell, I tile r~ilow Iron whlch vou' l1arc oid' Nightly Sat. Mat. 7.30-News. I tonguc·in-chee • mus1ca 1 sa h fl' nee ' . • d G (;(' Gr~h 7.45-Il!ght to Happincs!. GINGER ROGERS-EDWARD G.: S'natra and Mi 2.25, 1.70, 1.15, 60c. .. .. gang leader refuses to give cv1- duced .the Columhia picture. funny. J \\'alit Jncobua dence. ~!iss !lagers plays the wit· Jaye Exp NEXT WEEK: "RUNNING WILD" ness, a girl who tries to wise·crack Jeanette: Jellicoe Joburkc Jollrl ....()UNI)UoJfD'I FRIENDLY 7HIATU Jansmlth .IQW!i'C!lo' J\en\'1\lf'

: l~lrl; ,. 0\' NOW PLAYING l.nbn:d.,r ~-STAR l..ake l~ir ------* ------NOW PLAYING NOW .. PLAYING HELD OVER TWO Y•AR8 TO PRODUC•r UNPRIC.DINT.D 8PICTACLII



THE DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, IAN 22, 1957 • Stock Report Rowe·

10RO';To I LO \ ,.,_,'(!!\ :lO IRI :&ll a -S I ,,'; Huu'n ~a j.! ~o ~lf ' (" .. tl.& V;:l :A 1r I 19\ -I \rp:~ .:ra dt 3 u '':: ' t..:l1 :u ,. 1314 ll u !I Atl n nut ~3 Jl..) .!8 ::!~ 21i l \~~:ilr ::.! .J !:l II 13 "•nut no , .. r~• Jj JJ J:l _,., ~h ~ 1:- h,t.. I? ,; oO ·~1 'Rl I!J - • 7jn I~ 1J '':! "'I :11 J:l 11 Ill IO - 1:& ••• ~:1 toll -.3 .,, i; tn J 31 ~I

' ' I I .ll 3 H I II Ll~it::N I '/.::JU 6U'/G llt 0 - I~ THINK '(OU 60T A HORR19LE LIFE WHEt-l V0U HAVE TQ WAIT At-l' WAIT FOR: SOME· BODY 10 OPEI'J A DOOR "FOR. 'IOU! o.K..",l'I.L ROOST RI"'HT 6EGIPE YOU AN' GEE IF I C,IT At.}Y 6ETIEFO: SERVICE iHAI-I 'IOU DO·· AN' l'M POIN' 50METHIN' FOR 'EM, TOO--NOW IT'LL ":--...... ;:. _ _.,.,. BE. WOR.'SE 1

FllRNE5S ~

SAILINGS TO ST. JOHN'S FROM NEW YORK: }'ort Hamilton . , .. Tan. 30 *i I•'ort A1alon .... Feb. 5 FROM ST. JOHN, N.B.: '.Fort A\alon ..•.Jan. 14 •,Foit A\alon ..... Feb. 7 FRO~I IIALIFAX: Fort Hamilton .... Jan. 15 ••Fort Avalon ..... Jan. 17 1 Fort Hamilton ... Feb. 4 •• •,Fort Avruon ...... Feb. 11 SAILINGS FROM ST. JOHN'S TO HAJ.IFAX: Fort Hamilton .•. Jan. l!l Fort Hamilton ... Feb. 8 TO CORNER BROOK: •. Fort Avalon ..... Jan. 22 •,Fort Avalon ..... Feb. 15 PSP TO NEW YORK1 Fdrt Hamilton ... Jan. 19 •tFort Avalon ..... Jan. 22 hQJped us save ... Fort Hamilton . Feb. 8 •tFort Avalon •.•.. Feb. 15 ·1p PHILADELPHIA: NOW gives us •tFort Avlllon ...... Tan. 22 •,Fort Avalon ..... Feb. 15 extra benefits! Vessels will call Newfound· laml Ontports as lnducemeDI offers. • \rill. PSP you set your 0110 savings goal, , , )Oil ·ale by rnn1cnicnl inslalmenl~ •••. •Calls Corner Brook r.fter a111l ~our llank of No1'n Scotia'~ P:5P conlracl St. John's no11 guarantees )Our eolnlc 111!1 rcccilc )lw rntirc •; Accepts refrll!crat!oa am .. llul of )Our •a1m;;• goal iu cn'c of oltalh, CdTJlO. {•lu5 alluHalmcut' paid, pita n rn~h lmuu•.

Take a miu.nc IO·Ij,it )OUr ncarcstlli\'5 !Jrnnch­ W, G. Moore Dial 5890 ~073 l'iclcp a copy of the free Po•r•onal !'w1rity l'rngrarn FURNESS WITHY folder giling all the tlclails of this new, surer wa) lo sa1c. ~- & CO .. LTD. The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA \\' t\ TER ST EAST ycur partn•r in hlping C11nada grow 1

. 1

I I /' . '

THE DAILY 1-1 TUESDAY JAN. 22, 1957 10 pee wee Il ockev.. ' .... . 3 Games rds· Brilon moved into first place Furlong and Ronnie Walsh o[ Vic· 1 I in the Navy Division standings in tcry anrl one 'lo G<:rth McKinley the Pee Wee Hockey League on 1. also u£ Victor): for having six men Saturday morning as the)' cdr,cd i on the icc. Ronnie \\'als,h was the out the Repulse 5 to 2 in the first \ spark plug lor the Victory Club I :-.~~------~------~--~ game. Nelson bowed to victory as he banged in two nmrkers and 5 to 0 in the second game and I picked up one assist while team· !. ;fwllmn Hockey . · · · . ·. . · 1 Gunners shutout the Sappers 2 to 0 mates Peter 'Furlong and Neil

in ~he final game. 1 Corcoran each counted two points Barry Fraser was top man for . the they scored one each and pick· \he Brilon scoring four goals and Icd up one assist. As a result of l; ijThree H-igh Scoring G8ine-s picking up one .assi>l as Briton the win Victory arc nnw in a 1 - ... . . down Repulse ii to 2 in the Pee , second place tic with Repulse, each ! 1 ; ' ... ction in the Elks Bantam Hoc·l5 and the Stampedcrs 3. 1Reds 1. Wee League' action at the Stadium ' tci'm with four points. . : ~!Y League ol'cr the week·cnd saw 1 The second game saw the Win~, : Bilh' ~lona~an lead the ~!a pie nn Saturday morning. Pat D~· I In the final game, which was in . •:,e :Mercurys ;:ct their first vic· · moi'C into a first . place tic with Lcats to a WI~ over the Hornets hurk~ scored the other Brilon goal : the Army Dh•ision, Gunners re· · , : n· as the'' down the Stamped· I the Canadiens as they dumped the as he banged Ill tln~e goals and while Francis Phelan picked up 1 ghtercd their first win· as thev , · ;.s· 5 to 1 'tn the first game; i ncds 8 to 1 as Ian Campbell pick· ' picked up one assist as Leafs e\o~· an assist. David Kelle~· and Stan : ~hutout the Sappers 2 to 0 as N. 1 : ''ings walloped the Reds 8 to 1 I cd up (our points while teammate~ bercd the Hornets 11 to 0, Lenis Conk were the marksmen for the French and D. Walsh nclled one ~' 1 ·1 the ~rcond game and )!3ple: Da1·e ~\orris, Pat Densmore, John~ scored one goal In the £\rst per· Repulse with Cook r.Jo; grt1':1~ t!:~ . each to gil'e Gunners the win. t ~fs t'lobbcrcd the Hornets 11 to I Gover and Bob Dam• don picl,edup i iod, added five more. in the sec· assist on Dave Kelley's goal. As a Goalie Brian :llorris~e.\' in the net 1· 1 1';in the final ;amc. . :two points each. Densmore opened· oncl an? pun~pccl I~ hl'c more .~n· rcsull of \he win Britun arc now i for the Sappcrs pla,·cd a h~adHIP ~. ·'~lcrcurys lead by centre Da\'c. the scoring lor th~ Win;:s at 1.30 I a~we.red \all1es Ill t~1e thnd. in first place in lhe Na\'y Di\'isiun , .~amc anrl turn aside shot after :•. ; tcher. 11ho ban:;cd in three o( the !irst period llllP>sistcd. 1 Dona\·an counted at 4.~5 of the stanrtings with ~ix poinlf. I shot from \he Ii~hlin;! Gunners. :I_ 1 .• arkcrs. downed the Stalnjleders I Campbell dented the twines at :' !irst perio~. ~to nahan oCOI'Cd at The se~ond game which was also I :\ext games in the Pee Wee Lea· ~ ' ·:.:to 1 in the Bantam Hnekcy Lea· :!.4:i assi5\ed by Dal'c ~I orris, and I the two .mmutc mark of .the sec· In \be Navy Division. saw Vict.Jr~· : guc are scheduled for Tuesday II· 1 ; 1c ~I the St. Bon·~ Forum on ·Campbell counted a;ain at n.2S nnd assisted by _Brocklc~ursll dump Nelson 5 to 0 in a rough l when at 4.15 p.m,. Hurricanes Vs.

'\. 1 : iturda~· morning. ~lercurys count· I with the asslsl ~oin:: tn Dowdon 1 Donal"•n again at, 3.o0 unasSISted, and tumble game that saw league ].Jets. At 4.55 p.m. il ll'ill be l ; 1 two ::oals in the first period,. to end the period with the Wings Monahan scored h~s seeo~d at 6.45 referee Ralph Chance~· hand out Troopers and Black Walch and II 1c in the second and added two. 3 and the Reds 0. Wings added assisted by Ralph Chance), Graham three penalties, one each to Peter I at 5,:35 j[agnificcnts Vs. York . t , orrins urance markers in the two more tallies in the second, the Holihan scored assisted by Don· ------·------I !rd. D3\'c Pitcher scored al the \urst at 7.20 with Go1•er counting, a1·an a\ 7.10 and Ralph Chancey -n minutr mark of lhe lint per·: a~sistcd b~· llarod Vardy and the rounded oul the peri~~ nl th:

.Ill : ;:l, 1 13.10 assistf'd h)' Flynn: then Stone second at Dan• ~!orris as· 14.00 minute mark assisted h) 1 : 11 ~lercur:·s out front 2 to 0 j ~istrd h)' Jan Campbell. Reds op· Bilh; Monahan. Nix,on opc~erl the I 1 tht fi1·r minute mark. Pitcher encd the ~coring ln the final ~conng ·in. the thml penod as· ' : ,ur minute mark of the second frame a~ Bill~· Perk> spoiled goalie I slsted by Scott at the 30 the, sec· • ' J:il't ~ltrcur:·~ a threr ~oal Robert~ shutout with just 35 'cc· ond mark. Brocklehurst (rom Chan· '!'1 td ..1amr~ Stone put Stamprdcrs onrl~ ,::orir. In the period seor!ng \ ee~· at 5.10, Haines from Holihan 1, the ~ort ~hret at the Hl min·: una,sistcd. Wing~ ca11,1e roarmg at 6.15, Monahan !rom B~ocklc-. :l ·t' m;;rk to make the ~cor<' rc~d l back and al 7.50 Densmore connt·l hur~l al 12.05 and Hollhan una~· ! ! to 1. Pitchrr netted his third ed number six for the Wlnss on , slsted at 14.25 to end the sa~te !1 : ~1 at 5.05 of the third period I a blue line shot. Paul Billard scor· 1 with the Leafs on top 11 to 0 .01 er I! · d OHord Hon~: rounded out the. ed numhcr .,e,·en at 11.35 assisted : the Hornets. If ,rin~ in the period and the b)' Campbell and Johnny Gol'er, I Bantam League . AI~·Stars ~re 'I · me at the 10 minute mark with I c~ded tl!c scoring at 13.15 unas·: remlildcd that the:- \I IIi, practice '! : t~ final !-COre readin:: ~lcrcur~·s, s1stcd w1th the wh~.:_!:~~-thc' at -r..lO p.m. on Tucsda). ___ _

! 4 Robby Means It i NE\V YORK-Sal "The Bm·bor" Maglie. 'pn.-ting ' new Van Dyke beO>·d (maybe .\ ; :ampanella Says ] 'ror the hidden ball trick) keeps in trim these days with an electric shan;t'. Maglie, who will be talking Dodger contract soon, checkc,d into New York last Monday.- Br O'ok .Is Re.ady• I (InN. Photo). :;. ~ut lndisp~nsabJe -----1 'R02; M. Picrc~y 7-lll: )1. Grant 720. SECTION ll .,· Hi>:h Single Framrs--:->-:-ii"iWcr- : ~lone 238: A. Downton 2 t 7: K.

1 FIGHTING FUEL-:IIuther. knows hesl what's ~ood for the~ new champion. Gene FUllmr!r J!'Cls last~· riwrset from )Irs. ;liar~· ~·ullrner a• his fal~er. J.:ru·rrJf<•e, rid11. and brother' .S.:~, _c~!.'_'~·.!.t -~~i_l!~-~~~~:. ~~~-~~~~-fa~i~J~ i~ -~~~-~~:s~~-d, .. ~-~o:i~t:! •

es. ancJ JUST A FEW OF THE MANY. GOOD, SOLID REASONS • • • t game. the pipe, letting• si had h!s cnolncs,; in supporter;: good on WHY NEW FARGO TRUCKS used his are sound buys for every hauling job!

1. Fargo's new forward Look ·styling-· with disl.incl ive hooded headlighro-ia fwu:tianal as well as handsome. 1t.s -CHILDR.EN'S & windshield Oargest of any truck) givea you 1,023 square inches of vision area for greater "see-safety".lt.s optional MISSES'. SHOES wrap-around rear window adds extra -vision area, too. Half-ton models, like the DlOO express above, are avail­ (Slightly imperfect) able with exclusive push-but~n automatic transmission. , ·2. New high-compression, short- V-B'e are the most In a wide variety of styles. FIRST PERIOD powerful in Fargo history-up to 232 h.p. And Fargo's Toronto-A. Carew (F. Fardy); exclusiye full-opening hood allows the most elbowroom CLEARING AT B. Ryan (unasst.); A. Carew :as much\ ·PI!Unliios: .llau·ph)', Oal;ley, lind· 1 ;,. • t•n•am u~ tlwy dill :r5 yt•:u·s snn, 1-'olt•y, Hyun, l':u~·dl, \'iui· lVIi-\R.SliALL· MOTORS LTD· 1·ago, · i cumht•, Broil' Ill', O'!:t·ady . . I ---·- ;. Referees: \\, r:ranl H. j)ranr•\', Watch CLIMAX-SHO'JYER OF STARS, Thursdays, 8:30 P.M., CJON-TV Channel 6 ·Jli~lory or the National Guard·\ Gnal judges: Stan ·~hii'Jih)',' D. - . Igoes back more than 300 years. !'Lang. · · ·' .. . '

t.t:lrt. :r.r .•


' I"'1~-~------•:.. · '~ :1..1 .,, :; .A) -1: li ...,_ II I' Q-Doe;; the government limit 1 the power of radio stations? •••' A-Yes, to 50,000 watts. I, Q-What \las George Washing. I ton's middle n::.me? I! A-He had none. II SCORE! I' WITI,i THE BEST ·I , ' ;I HOCKEY :I .L be on 'I' ~rsion of STICKS ter" ~nd :I les !or ] r; •• hli .. CHO-WOOD ·J;Jing on FRim NORTII I oorothJ bas people Thnl. was all the scoring in the MADE BY C.C.M. I comment period nntil the dying minutes, but I •• A there 11 er~ many chances hy both Only Sticks made by td tour squads, especially the ,Irish .who, C.C.M. hove the 5 ply I reo and . like their last three games, swarm· lomi~ated hee! for great· nr Hi~hntP: ed mound the Guards net but I lropped_ :r again they had to answer to Sklrv· er strength. I ;rrcn't Ill· ing who kicked out twelve of their shuts. The Irish although TEAM DiSCOUNTS :1 causing most of the goal excite· ment for the fans were not always ARE LIBERAL I I In the U~rds zone as the Blue and AT THE White made several attacks in the ll'lsh zone but they were unsuccess­ ful. • The Guards pla)·cd a ma!J shy A thrill and run packed show makes it di£!erent, as Its name on Ice. Ithe Ice with thrir J~u~h pr'o\oklll~ ~·1 for two miuutc.l shortly nfler the awaij.s entertainment lovers start· would imply is the l'ariety present· All the headliners are drtisls . "Ski-Jumper's );;~ht-~lntc". the SPORTS halfwn~· mark when Doug. Chaulk lng January 23 and continuing . . To single out a· few of them. There :ops in hilarit~. H0 p I tl]rough January 26th, with a spec· cd In Jts number~, of ~Inch there is the beautiful and talented l\lir·i Advance ticket ~ales pomt t . Iii s got twu minutes for knee checking JOE KENNY hnwcvcr the Guards held oU lhe ia1 children's matinee on Saturday are twenty and m wh1ch world calnl'a Nachodsl


'---· ··-· --· .. ·-·---~ ~or.Tu I? , it [J.;!! .Beauty ·& Depen dability t' i G3 (o !0 n ti•Qlnnr.~ WJ:~T r.,\.S'.' (Ill • "Q8 ....~.1!3973 \' J\ Q 10 5 .... !~ J 9 8 + fl ;!! te...... ~ \KITCHEN oltAJ73 ·~•~· I~ 8 ' SOU'Tll RANGES : ;{z: Q J ss 3 l I ppe&ls · "Is 4 I' E~!\ and West l'ul. · ~ r THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE l:a5! !Ooullt We!t North / 1 I • I ~::r Double Pnss , FOR COAL AND WO·OD 1,1 z • ~ ~::r. Double Pass 1. I • or lte • P;:.::.s P~!S , b)' llis Honour the !,U1'. LA\\ONT, Th'lS IS A\'{ I o 1,e:;:~~r;~~~.a_:-~ Q • Gol'crnor, _j PA!i'Th/SV,MISS MmJ:I(, Sir L AIJ<, !.AOONr WOOS TO Kt., c.n.E., llY OSWALD .JACOBY 6W0Ul" Opening of Itluseum, GHOP, West had a mighl good double THel.\IA, 21st: . II of ·South's on(' r.otrump over- man~· other we in other places, ...... ! c;fl. Obviously, South was ·l•". collections in our ·'lo tooling around anu ought to be .:!:1 ' punished. · Museum are r.n •'· 1 or those o£ a 1!;·'1 East suspcc!ec! tl.at South was •! ~ ' going to run l1J ont of the minor .;.• ~tuscum may he ' suits and dcrid<:d to show his ~ .. storehouse-Or rather I : good six-card spad~ suit by tak· house - where .::., , ing out his p:.rlncr's double. l ' .1· and historians, as I When South rt.bla to two no· o\\'n 'citizens and visitor;. j I trump and West doubled again, and study and learn !I I. East saw no rc.1scin to take this I' J'JJ:1iil.t,~ of the wilY of life_ ol I ··:- 1 one out. He slili suspected that . ; ; inhahitanls of th1s : ' ~outh would 1'1111 to diamonds or of empire. its J ! clubs, but maybe South was a II ! ~ ~ the cenlurics. ' trifle cmzy. Hence East passed. II' it contains o~ and ·r 1 South was l'raly like a fox. He and in the sea. ,,I I. ; passed also. ' . . counl ry is rich ~ist I : , West saw no better lead than our forefathers. hke ! ' 1 his q11een or sp~dc~ and East sig.' pioneers, were fully '~ ; nalcd enthuslasti(!llly with the ... wre,.tin"' a lh•in;:: a1:d jatk. South won with his king, ···ramii)· i~ our rugged

1 claimed his scvc~1 diamond tricks land. : for his ·coutr~r.t, and blithely time was left £or I· A name famed fo~ quality features and a reputa­ . conceded the last five. and prcscn·c the d I ' 1 The defense couhl have picked past or the rec~rd~ o tion for service built up all over N~wfoundland, .... : off the first 3~\·en tricks if East lime. The·.~fore. 1t Js ' had taken th!! opening lead and incumbent upon us I ' I '!· The product of modern foundry engineering methods I TH>:o.-.:! -:.\: >:1'; and safc~uarrl what 'i :I L] 1 .c.u~r;a,.: ,~ ;;,;=.: ·: .... 1~:onc aUcr the i1~art~ and clubs, ..r.-:• 1 hut that woud have been small 1 combined will, only the best of mat~rials is a range ' consolation for the Joss of the ~~~~~=~~~!J;~~~~!:::Jb~~==::d~' ~~i' ~~~~~d.J~~~~~!-:-~O~N~\~;;~~~~.._·~~~.>,~7.-~£\~;;Iii~~~h(:anded., r';:, :Of.'-\oH. aiil'e anddown alert to usto •·" : I 't' : easy major-srJit game. ~ and approprbte ·:~• that is ideally suited to Newfoundland's climatic as opporlunities may • 1 'I West should ll his understanding of the sltuat1on. ':.'E.L\. i'ri'E. \-\0\.)S't., wO'R'K. Ol)i. i'Hr. '"It was agreed between Sir Pier· t..J'M~i F'E.t..J C'H\\.tlR't.')i) C;>,l\:1 The. Great Eastern Oil son Dixon and the Secretary·Gcn· '00'1-o:ltl~ 0:)1:. GO 0~ t.:l\'i'H it\'C.\R • era! that the terms of this (Egypt· 'HI'I0'C. E'lhltl... SC.\-\00\. t.:lDR'K. ian) statement should he made );'C.R'C.. public at an appropriate time." Company Limited· . 'l'he crayfish is a frcshwatel' cousin of the h1i.J:.tcr. . Nellie Taylor Hess. w~s first woman cvet· ~!crtcd governor nl a state, sen·lug ns Wyomin~:'s ft~J,1if"------·' cllie[ executive from 192~ to 1926 . . .

• .·' :' SECTION II The Daily New~ SECTION II

,I ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, TUESDAY, JAN. 22, 1957 - ieut.-Governor Re-opens 1"'he MUseum eals · Made To. The Public or ItemS Of Historic Value b' Jli< llonnlll' lhc Lllcu· j;01rrnnr. l'o1oncl lhe ~ ...... mr ~ir l.ronnnl Outer· !it .. r.1u:.. u.s.o~ At ~rrnin~ o! )tusrum, Jann· :t~: rnJr.Y ••tlwr wrll known · ic. 1dt,•r pl:lcc;, thr ex­ , r~~::u·t:~~,~· in our ~ew .. ~!t:•rum arr ~·ntirely of t~W·I' uf a local

. Jl:t•(\1111 m.•; h1• likrncd ·:r!:c:t,.··-•" rJthrr tn a r,,,:l•l' -· "ht~rr rrsl'arch •i ~::.! :,_,~n:·J .. n... :&$ \\'(Ill as :, .-: :::·· :::11 "'ito:-•. ma;· HERE IS A PANORAl\UC . ~~~ <.1·:~ ~;~~! l<·;~rn some· · "' lttr nl the ·: __ ·-~ :·~, ·.::> ,q thL' cornrr­ :~· :·:· · :--~~;·; r. 11... pro~rC'~~ .. : .,. ,, ::· ..:·,, •. and the -.:·:.:.. -.- :: ,..... :. 1:> nn ::nrt under ~·- ; ,· 'f'•:f .,:.~.· /, ' .•:il,'~(';,r:ll;i,tol'ical· HIS HONOUR .THE LTEUT. GOVERNOR j·;·· '.:: i• r: ..t:tr:··, like othrr I opening the Museum ycslreday afternoon

1 ;:--;: :·. ,. o•:r iull)' OCCU• . • .':-. :~:•-:.:·~ ·' ~"' 11 " at:•l rrar· skill ami undcrstmtdin" 111 the' lent opportun!t1• from them to • · ·• ,., .. ni"Crcl and " , · 1 .:?•! ... · · ' ' , mannc1: that we sec them here to· 1 benefit by a ,l'isual record of the 1 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES . . :,;:c. , . 'da1'-in a l'c!'lored Newfoundland hitson· of the land of their birth.' ·L::::r :::: ·· ' " •011 fnr th~m · ~ltiscmn worth I' of our long hi5torv "A system of' organized visits ' · r·::<:: :.:.: 1''' ••'fit' 1111' rrh~; ami ot 1•ur isl~nd story. • to the )!uscum by school children· 1 I ~! ;;;: ,,, :!:·· :·rro,·r' 11 r thrtr "\'on will sec your~ch·es holl' should,· I suggest be arrangctl, for ; 1.-::t. T:.c.·:,·,., 11 1 ~ all the. truly artistic the decorations of I think that by 'no better means· :::.:~1~;:: 11 ~': 11 u; 10 pre- 'thii' ~luscum arc: how well the can their Imagination be !ired 1 ;:'_ ·: :·: .:~:~:·•: what they Iexhibits arc displayed; how ex· and their Interest aroused in all · :;:_:cl ·'''~"', -~ "' _:tnd to ~ ccllent the lighting effects arc I that pertains to the past, the pres- : OF THE' . ::;lor)' from prchtstortc days· thy nnrl smtnblc come to ltan_d-! ·:'::·.::. c ~·:~-~ ·tl ~~·e un·: to the adl'enl of our great pulp • and I hope that many appropriate; 1 11 ...... ::·:.: •.' ' ':':"~ lc:l tn the and paper industry. , 'Hlicl~s will rind a resting place; ,l., .•.• , .... l<.lllll I I I I '\ lter'Jrthcm ' .;~. ::: 11!nn 11r nnw ;tand. . " congratu ale mo;t 1carlt y e o • . NEWFOUNDLAND MUSEUM '1m. r.ot to the crrtlit 1 think :the Board of Tru>lees of I he New· _",~gain I congratulate you, ~lr .. :;::c rr;po~·ihlr. the ~iusrum i foun~llan!l :tlu:cum, !tc.aded. by the :lhnt.lier. and the· members n( · t;o:::J~t:ctl ;.nil many of the. Prcsulcnt of the t;m,·erslty, fori your Dcpnrtnwnt concerned, as

• 1 _I 11 r;r ,:,•rr·•l wit hunt due 1the excellent resull they !1a1·e reprcscntang the G~vcrnmcnt: , u.;;J:t:.hic pl;tcr•. anti proch.tced, and I must not fall to 1 cc.ngrntulate the Chatrman and lm Are Pleased To Announce 1 1 1:rr rrm;;inctl 11 ,1til a mrntwn the \'aluablc as;istancc Board of Trustees, and the Cumtor f::-r ;:... that hoth the Goi'CI'IItnent and the ;wei all who nrc responsible lor :• to·:nc:·. :rr,tl.'' to the: Board o! Tn1:>tccs hnl'c rec~il'ed thi~ splendid accomplishmc_nl. The · d 1:·,,..,. 11 , .., in ~nthoritl' 1throu~hmrt from the enthusmsm, re\'1\'al of the ~luseum, hkc the .: r;·:r.; : 1,. !'a-t \1·w \'r:trs the . in;piration ami deep knowledge in:.ugurntion of our Unh,.crsil)·, Its Re .. Openir.g .: ;: 1 ~,,..: <:t!ttahlr 'an:! suit· 'of :llr. Leo English, the Curator, 1 adds g1·eatly to our Newfoundland · 1 ·xhihit~ still I who no~\' !'res his heart's desire stature. . . . . :> :: ..te ;., : c, :·r:;,;cmblcd, · accom1~1~hed. I "It gi\·r~ mr \'cry great pleasure . · :·;c: .. :: ':::t i.tlrr acqui~i·! "I hope that our schools wilt In· indeed o!ficiall)' to declare our: And Extend A Cordial Invitation To The :• ;:c ,, ...,. d:,playrcl with: troducc their pupils lo this ~Ius-\ new and \'CI'Y fine Newfoundland ::: :.::: · .•!<'. 11 ith ;:real~ cum, which a!lords such an excel· ~luseum open." : -·--.. ------· _.,... ··-·------·--- I ::-: ..... ' .. ' i General Public ~~~i! : r. R. Gushue and Hon. M. P: urray Also Speak At Openirig · To Come And \liew The Varicus Exhibits

:::·. i ,; ";-:u:~m-hrd rruwd_ o[ r •· .. · ;: Llld!n:.; lll'~hnmkmg ::u! r: tiw liorc,·nmcnt, ' . •r.i n:•·mll.•r• ut 1·ariou~ : The Museum Will Ee Open From 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m . th•· ~ltt>NIIll was i ·. orrr.<·il ; rstcrtla)' after· l !L.< llnnonr the Lieut.- · I '· R•• :nor.:! l;IL'huc. Chairman i And Fr01n 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Every Day Except Sunday · :~~ B.• ,rrl ~o! Tt n.. IN·~ uf the i ' · · \'.:.• l'h:.i:·man lot• the or. I · .~;. II£ wrlcomed the ; ~~,.,~ :.rat othrr digni· 1 Comtpencing On \Vedi~esd:ty, January 23, 1957 ir.~ :h,n~e~l those citizens . ::til'c rr.ntr:hntion; to the j i:: liJ•(unt. ho' 'aid. was open-~i ,... ' r.rw l~:•'l' and operating IL:::,'tt

E''-~. hh rullahnmtor, ~lr. 1 , n~l:sh, the curator. Dr.: DR RAYMOND GUSI:lUE, Cl1at't·man of the· Board f •h

' .• ' ' . ' \ THE DAILY N TUESDAY,' JAN

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.i • • .. .. . l I• I. THIS MODEL of the Mill at Corner Brook, Which .Plays so Vital a Part tn• Newfoundland's Econonly, is Now on· t: ·' •,' 'Display at the Restored ;,l I ' -· ·.' Museum. . .;J,-. :~ : •'

' owaters •


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DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, JAN. 22, 1957 lS· wE~~------~------~------~------~------~JI.. History Of The ·Newfoundland Museu Merchants' Club Started Museum Over Century Ago


WHTCR DOt'!'iES THE l'lml OF FRANK J\frNA~tAM I.fmn;n

wa~ pa5srd o1·er to His Ll)rd;hip Bishop Power on DPcembrr 16th, l'Bi:l, and pending thf! completion o£ St. Patrir.k's Church, the Hall wa~ comrcra\ed St. Peter's Churrh 11 few clays I



.• rii.\NK ~lcSA:\1,.\R:\ N, J, WADDF.S, .)lauager · As•i~tnnl ~lmwger

• - . \ ' .



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THE F ' i THE STORY· OF. PAPER-/l!JAKING i . i i l AND l !. i • ... J-or _AI! to See OF T


'!'" . ' ,, I


• J ' i GRAND FALLS \'IIREE rAINTINGS of importan: personages who left _\heir footprints in Newfoundland's.!listory. Left to right: W. E. Cormack who walked a,r:1,, ~c\l'found_hmcl in 1822 and wrote a journal of his long trek; Judge. D. W. Prowse, our -famous historian and Captain Bob Bartlett, c! Fi•tar exploratiOn fame, Merchants' Club _(~onlinued from page 15) ally engaged in seal hunting amid vista, Sir Humphrey Gilbert set- Ithe iceiiocs. There arc plans of all tlng up the first Colonial govern- forts of·St. John's and the outporta ment of Britain, the Great Eastern i and in connection with these ther' landing the first successful Atlan- ; is a fine collection of old military tic Cable at Hearts Content ~lar-1 relic·s ..There are oil painting of coni rc~eivlng the first 'trans- celebrities outstanding in the mak· Atlantic wireless signals at Cabot lng of Newfoundland and also of Tower, Alcock and Brown taking the founders of the first official off on 'the first non-stop Atlantic colony. I~ the gallery there is a flight. Another very interesting good exhibit of early Newfound· display Is a full kitchen equipment land maps and a priceless collcc· of .150 years ago. There arc the tion of picture~ of old St. John's andirons, cooking utensils, chairs and of Harbour Grace and other settle, old guns over the fireplace' historic spots. Among the latter and other miscellaneous Items con: are drawings of Placentia made by nn,r.r. OLD SWORDS with historic associations. One was found nected with curl)· colonial life. In Prin~e William in 1786. Prince Island and was used to repel the French invaders. this display also there Is a Tudor Wilham was afterwards known as chest from the reign of Queen King )Villiam IV of E•tgland. , -----· Elizabeth I presented to the ~JU· One priceless exhibit donated bv 1~his bbag was made on the 6th of Jl in size and in its collection of N~w· 1may he stored not alone the inte scum by lllr. J. G. Higgins, Q.C. the Royal Aeronautical Society df I une Y Mrs. ll. ~ackman. It bears fou.ndland worthwhile treasures : esting contents of the present il . Other displa1·s are a sc·lle : London is a set of propellers be· hJerA nnamb~' the Signature of Hon. I Wc may look forward to some da'·! stitute but every available his{orie ' mo de 1 of the Corner• Brook paper·• ll ongmg· t o th e P1 ane ··m wh' 1c h A1 · I . t . o G mson, who was then Post· 1m. the not far d1stant. future whe.1· recor rl th at . can bc acq u'tr ed fro·· mill, and an electric photogra hie :cock and Brown made the first mas cr renera 1· ant 1 3 1ctter r.1 ~m . . . · . · every possible source. Such 1 of the paper-making process. T~ere non·stop flight from St. John'~ to the. Londo.n Post~! authontlc~ we. sh~ll ha. e. ~ collcctwn uf: building would indeed be a temp:. !1 •• ',!1 are models of schooners and small Ireland on .Time 14, 1919. ln this ackn~wl~dgmg receipt of the. mall ' un1vers1ty bmldmgs on the new o[ historic Newfoundland ar. 'I boats used down through the cen- connection also is the actual mail acquamt~ngh the Postm_astcr of the site on Elizabeth A1·enue. It i> would ;:il·c to future students J turies in fishery operations and Ibag In which the first air mail was return ° t e bag to htm. :possible that one building may b~ opportunity to dch'c into the ric there Ia a diorama of ships actu. flown from America to Europe.! No doubt the ~!meum will grow : de1·oted to a new museum in whkh 1 Lreasure house of the past. ----~------


was found in the erection of Barnes' Machine Shop in 1947. Mr. Barnes says that in digging the foundation it was discovered on the north east corner about 10ft. in from Water St. Realizing the volue of the Old Cannon Mr. Barnes laid it aside but later found it was used for back fill by the workmen. Once again it was TilE SE,\LIXG section there is this magnificent carving of an old-time figure­ dug up, cleaned, mounted and donated to the Museum :cpre.-enting the Goddes~ Thetis. It wa~ attacred to the old sealing vessel of • ;,;;n;c


ENGLISH BA TTL'ESH.IP This historic spot now occupied by E. F. BARNES was once Fort George. Built in the· ' . L I N. 0 LEU M •• year 1697 by the English; later captured in · 1708 by the French; was destroyed and never rebuilt. · The entrance to a ·tunnel leading to Fort William is believed to be .at th~ west end SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY · corner of Barnes Machine Shop This tum,el was·used in case-of emergency by one Fort or

the other. j ------., • I

I ' ., 1 •...

I . ' .THE· ' ~ , .. II lRAT STAYS AT HOME •• . . . Ill THE MOST. . IMPORTANT. DOJLIIRIN YOUR POCKET8 ••• WHEN THEY ARE . NEW... . ' Al.l. IOLlARS LOOK ALIKE ... WHEN TMEY GET OLD '. . . WITH WEAR. AND TEAA...TKfY '. :· I .: ;~ I '.1: j . ' 1. i t. ; t I' I I . ~ : I I t, I 'I 'I , •• ' . . I .' \ I . ' I FOSL A\.L TMAT • YMIRI AR.I - I ' ! ' ·--- I . TWO TYPII Oil DOLLRRI ••• · ! ~ TMI ONI TMI!It IS SPIICT ON - "-- i ... I I IMPOA.1'1D G-OODS • AND Yl\1 , . ,,.c ~,.. r-~ • • ;: ' I . ONI TIIA1 IS SPIN-r •oa ·•oODI . ~ -- .--....-...... -.-.. . : ~ .l, ~; ' MADI IN "EWFOUNDLIND !! ---- = ·. : . -r•' ·:I \ Till JJDlJ.IIR TN/IT GOES IIWAY_ 8EN£FITS PFDPiE IN OTHER J.RNDS Ill .. . ' ·~· . :· I 1 ! : I.~ ,I I . . I . ~ ! AIITh

.~ ' . ' ' 1 I :~. • J ...... : . I, .. • ....I •· THE Buy AND IT'S SOMHHING- 1'0 T"INK ABOUT AT All TN INK ltloves liMES. W"EN YOU ARE SPENDIN& YOUR DOL~RS. THE DOLLAR THAT STAYS AS A GOOD ClTIZEN , lNTERESTED IN lNE AT \tOME PUTS PIOP1E TO WORK TW l c E• .- seFoRe SPENDING- WElfARE OF YOUR FEllOW . COUNTRYMEN AND KEEPS PEOPLE A1 WORK ! ,,. ON 1'\{£ 1 IMPOR.TEO PRODUC.'T I:' : , YOU W'lL ALWAYS BUY C:rOODS MADE IN . OLD OR NEW , IT 15 1M£ I; I :,It ,.; . NEWFOUNDLAND - THA1 lS , WHEN YOU HAVE MOST IMPOR1ANT D01.LA1\ I l I ! A CHO\CE . IN You a POC.K!1800tc I I . ' I . ' . j, I . I : . ' i $ l. ·; ! I , I . ' I : j·, I ' l . r : . ' ...!.".. . I ; ,l': ,i • I :I ': . I .. il • -• I

.. ~-·. . " J ii}~So ... VJHIN -J'()IJGO OUT llJ I• . ' . . ' ~ ALWAYS ASK'FtJR 71/E L-Lr.LL

' LAD. I D.RESS In the modern Regular 10.00 and GOING

;.. 1 . J. I ! . , . '


I 1\lODEL OF John Cabot's ship Matthew in which he· discovered Newfoundlanc • The model was made from the original in the Bristol Museum .

ONE OF THE finest collec­

tion bf Beothuck relics is 1 located in this section of the, Museum including a skelton · and the manner in which All Things ComeT oThose Who Wait these nomads was buried. The remains lie on a bed of

1 birch rind. NEWtOUNDLANDERS ARE PLEASE·D TO KNOW THAT. I I Statutory Notice 1 I I I --· I A RESTORATION OF THAT FAM·OUS INSTITUTiON: In the matter of the Jut will and · Estate of George Heath, late 1 of St. John's in the Province: THE MUSEUM- HAS BEEN EFFECTED. of Newfoundland, Retired I Gentleman, deceased. 1 All persons claiming to be \ creditors of or who have any THE' offer claims or dem~nds upon or a!· BIG 6 has nothing to the JJlUSEUM fecting the estate of George Heath or·. St. .Toto's aforesaid nf an mttiquat.ed natrtr.e. It is .sh01ving the most rrlired gentlcerr.an, deceased are resquestcd to sen( particulars of modern in MEN'S a.nd WOMEN'S R·EADY-TO­ same in \'•riling, dt:ly attested, to JrEAR. th eundcrsignecl ~olicitors for the executor o[ tl.e last will of ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO lh!! said deceas<>d on or before 1 the 15th day nf February, 1957, ! THE FIRST MUSEUM WAS' STARTED ON THE SAME B111 ~t·ith t.lwusrmrls of ot1rer cit.izens interested i after which d.::c the executor, I will pr11cccd to distribute the: LOCATION THAT McMURDO'S NOW OCCUPY. in the JH'ese.·vrtlion of our historic ' estate of the ~nicl rieccased, hav- , lnq rcgnrd ,.,nl1• tn the rlnlm.~ o£ · McMURDO'S HAVE BEEN SERVING THE PUBLIC OF l~eU.cs, U "#"eels tlw.t those 1vlw whlrh he shall then hn1•c had · NEWFOUNDLAND FOR MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED notice. I Dated at St. .John's llli~ 15th AND THIRTY YEARS. lll(l(le i.t JJOS~ible ft·re entit.letl to a day n£ .ranuary, A.D., 1957. 1 . ' lnJ'ge mewnwe of pulJlic g•,nti· WILLIAMS & C.UMMINGS, Solicitors for Executor. McMURDO'S tu.de. j a ul5,:!:!, 29£ cb5

Acom·d:ing to Cham.be1·s museums come up f,-,om the mists of an· · tiquity. We Are Pleased

Originally a ·name given ·by the anoients to a temple of the Muses. TOWNE HALL/ To Have Taken Part 'l'he first ·Museum was ·the cel·e· SUITS brated · AtexaJuJ,J'ian Museum. FOR MEN (Canada's Leader) In The Re-Opening After the 1·evivrd of learni.ng in are at THE BIG 6 Em·ope the ter·m Museum. 1V(IS Regular Price 69.50 BUT UNTIL Of Tl1e sometimes (tpplied t·o the apa•··t· FEBRUARY 1Oth m.ent in which any kind of_ philo· sophical flJJJHU'£lf.lf.S 1VUS k~J)l nnd us·ed; but it h.a.s.l·ong been devot,.ecl s59.50 MUSEUM. to collections of the monuments of U111tiquity of interest to 'the schoZar. T·he B1·itish and Oxford PAINTING AND DECORATING LADJESj .~nseums a·re famous. The Mnseum of ·the DRESSES Vatir(fn in nome ·CO:nt.a.fns immense tJ•ewnu·es SUPPLIED BY In the modern $lyles. in sculptu.res and p.ainM.ngs, bojoks a•nd manll,· Regular 10.00 and 15.00 scJ·ipts. A.nother .learned authority says: Any GOING AT pla·CP. tvhere curiosi·t.ies, frea~~s, monstro~ities 4.98 ' are exhibited. P. J. Butt PAINTER DECORATOR

1S · HOWLETT AVENUE Tlze Big 6 DIAL 92248 J. M•. DEVINE '

. I .. •· IS .AN old-time I I .I turned tu and J•I : )tODELS AND PHO'rOGRAPHS of the old-type fishing and coastal ves5els that roamed the waters around Newfoundland's coasts in thll hold and had to be I! I donated to the I\ ~~ · :liOO's and 1800's. ·I ,,r i : ! ' ·l ;

.. I I " I LuuuV• ... r . I .. 'i . :- ....\J•ua;,& atulatio HAIJut..l(- Congratulatit tl to Raymond Rol 1 '··, Congratulations ·: " .il.t,rol<•rl his Janunry l3i I is at present. ' II Jerse)' Zinc. at ! I 'I TO EVERYONE A.SSOCIATED WITH THE OPENING J.ct~ngl~atuilations are al:;u I ~lr. Frank Paul, w I ' OF THE NEW MUSEUM his birthday on ·. '·' )!an)' happy returr; ' ..,.,pulA· )lay you see man' ' FROM A FIRM I I :l J I, THAT HAS SERVED THE PUBLIC FOR OVER 60 YEARS •. • ! OVIng ER-~Irs. Stanley ,. who has been : General Hospital Siore3, L-----' months, is reporl improving. \\'e I ·:4: I:. I : 1.-.-.. 1·: ESKIMO CARVINGS, bone and ivory airtifacts. I ;. ·. 1-' St. John's, Grand Falls, Buchans, Millertown 11 The Family Council and Associate Companies ~~~ MARTIN-ROYAL STORES HARDWARE CO., LTD. l • EDITOR'S NOTE: · The Famlly Council consists of a judge, 1 !~~ I psychiatrist, three clergymen, a newspaper etlitor, a women's editor I~ CENTURY IMPORTERS, LTD. i and two writers. Each article is a summary of an actual case history. i[\ \ The Council reports on problems that have been dealt with by r .. : ~~ THE RIVERSIDE WOOLEN MILLS LTD. sponslblc agencies and counselors. ·l;r ~- .i\IR. A. W.-1 don'l trust our . 'I' HE COUNCIL: 'fhcse parents '~; • 1 daughter. ; not only a1•oldcd t11eir rcsponsi· 't; Makmsons, C.B. MRS. A. w.-lt can't happen ~billty as cltilens, but cooperal· i;': again. • • • ' edpunishment with a crirr.m?lbv not in reporting!evading ;;;,i!';:;;;::;:;;:m;;::.:l7 .. 1J..~.:o.JW .. ;t.;;w-.,.,.,,"' tJ:;: ..•. .:..~.~.:..;. .•. ;.:_:.:;;.:: .. ::_:::. .:::. I • ------:\ln, A. W.-~!y wife and I re· this man· to thr. police. He is: cently had a lerriblP shock. We 1 now free to repeat his criminal: learned that an elderly man who , action against other children. \

lived In our 1partment building 1 . , . .. had heen molesting our J2.ycar·j Po 11ce and ,lu1 emle authorities old daughter and that this had are well. a1~are of the problems 1 been going on for some time. He ' Jt quest10mng tluldren on ~uch : • • gave our daughter money and I Ewents and arc tramed to '!o it YOURS TO ENJOY. little gifts \ a.s tactfully as possllllc. '1'111& : I wanted to report it to the gul would. not be placed in an in· I pollee at once. but my wife said stltutlon If It wa~ learned that i that it would gel our daughter her parents ilte responsible per· Into .terrible trouhl!: and she sons and provide a satisfactory would be taken :~way. I threat·1 home. · · cned this man and forced him Although talc op.,nion Mrs. A. to move away !rom our neigh· W. heard has been expressed 1 borhood. \ from time to time there is much Now 1 :~m Wt'lrried about our to be said for the' opposite point daughter. I feel th~t she bas of view-that repressing and been corrupted, and th1s can hap· hiding such an event may make . . , pen again. ':5he was . severely It a· more serious sore· spot in OUR "''"-'""... OF a Viking ship in which Norsemen ·landed on Labrador about 1003 A.D. punished and has r.romued nev· the child's background. A serl· 1j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;£;;~~;;~;;~;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~~;;~~ .cr again to do ~uc'h a thing, but ous wrong has been done here T I don't trust nt:'r I.fecl. that ~y and the pareut~ ~hould. have I wife has made ~ bl& m1stake. m availed thcmsel\·cs of the oppor·\ NEW. OF THE not reporting t.1is and possJbly tunlty to give v~nt to their feel· our ·daughter would _be better ings that are now plaguing this l WHO HAVE off if she were plac·ed m a home father. The girl herself might J CONGRA.TULATIONS ~ for 11 time, wlJCrr she would be become more cleansed !Jf the , NEWFOUND under cons~~nt * s~pervlslon. experience thl'ough a · more i thorough exp!lse. \' MUSEUM SAY ON THE RE- OPEN.ING OF THE 1\IRS. A. W.-I ha1·e heard that . . . . . ' : in such cases Jt 1< best- to mini· Since it is. probably too late ,

1 mize the whnle thing as much to rectify this · situation, and ' ' as possible. I d!d not want our since it ivould be neither bene· MUS.EUM \ daughter to h.wc to be qucs·j ficial no~ prac\leal to· pHice this tioncd by the poll'e and juvenile gll'l outside her own home, Mr. / I authorities and to l!BI'C to repeat A. W. should try to . put this I the story manv tmlcs. Accord· Idea out of his mind and sec FROM 1 Jng to what I heara. this builds that the girl Is closely supervis· the event up m the child's mind cd from. her own home. and makes it an even worse ex·, Suspicious p 'J h ld b ! perle nee. r .mg s ou e l I feel' that our daughter has avoided as mut!ll as possible and, E. & S. &.ARBOUR LTD. taken the wh!JlP t!Jing very hard Instead, · her. _parents should and that she lullv realizes the watch to see .h3t she has many SOLE Ac;fNTS FOR _()ISTR/BUTORS seriousness of whr.t sbc has activities that l'l!ally Interest her KELVIN RICARDO done. I cannot cc.ncelve of 'Its as w~ll . as w.hole~ome relation· MARINE ENGINES ever happening again. Our ships Wit!~ gJrls and b~ys her and SHIPS' PUMPS - WELl PUMPS daughter is a goo:l child. She own age and an arlivc mtcrest KELVIN DIESEL ENGINES LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT didn't quite undrrstand what In school and church .. If she \ LIGII Ranging from 7% to 132 H.P. was happening at fll st and later sho.ws !ig?s , ,,fn ~nlmppmess or 1 0 FULL LINE OF SPARE PARTS 1 was too scarPd to know what dehnquency, .th.J v.ould do well ' . c HAWBOLDT to do about lt. to consult w1th a .social worker 1 . , GAS ENGINES ALWAYS IN STOCK. 1\ly husband has been working attached .~ 0 a .I~;~!.IY agency. CHEAP, RELIABLE ELECTRICITY 2 Cycle himself up to a .~r37.y pitch about (C?PY!Ight I ,,5,, General f~EWF 3 to 12 H.P. . 472 • 4,74 WATER ST. this thing. anrl h'l' •come to feel Featur~s Corp.) I IN AND AROUND ST.· JOHN'S , that he blame5 ~ur tlaughter and WIDDOP ENGINES P.O. BOX 525 DIAL 461 J !,wants her o.u 01 the house. I 'l'he oil and· ,:;r.~ industry con· , 90 to 800 H.P. would never give up my child , sumes 'about Pi~ ht per cent 1 ~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J ~an lnstiWUon. llie ~S.deel owput. .. ·r,•NS, TlJESDAV, JAN. 22, 1957 ·--- --·------··

'fhls 300-year old Cannon was round in 1947 at the site ·or the 1Jarncs F.n!(lneerlng Works, Water Street E~st. It was found when workmen were excavating for the buihllng and later was donated to the llluseum by Mr. E. F. Barnes. CONGRATULATIONS stalled car and that, too, became stuck solid in the snow. The two IS A~ old-time kitchen rebuilt \\1th mos1 of the utility articles in use in the period. The roasting -~ven from the truck got out and walked . ON THE RE-OPENING the l'our miles ur.t.il they came i . ' turned to and from the heat as the n}eat sizzled, .the bed-warming pan, the old· guns which were too long upon the car and just as they got 1 hold and had to be used \\'ith a support, the chest· in the foreground was made in the reign of Queen Elizabeth there the two lads were returning \ ' .. tn the car from Buchans Junction ' '",d donated w the i\luseum by :i'Vll'. J. G. Higgins. · • 1•. ith a toboggan loaded with gas. i OF THE MUSEUM ·------Apparently the)' were prepared to : ~~~e~~~t~h~~~t~1~rmu~~:~ i~~~i~P;~~f.~ tion was now worse off because ' · r.'ow there were !ou'r, not two, to · ge r worry (H'Cl', It's hard to say what . ews a the~· would hal'c attempted next A. E. HICKMAN Co., Ltd. . f rrl I 'Q . A . on their return trip th.cir rar oot hr.cl. not a SliOII'mOhile, drh·en by • j l ote . wn \S I llli:C n ;;tuck in the snow between ~lilrer·: Cecil. \yell, of Badger, which had • \ N• • 0 I . tull'll and Burhans Junction. Well : al~n JOined the !'earch came along DISTRIBUTORS IN NEWFOUNDLAND FOR • t • B.\!J(,b!l-~lr. and ~Irs. Edward . ,4, J t' alter trying Cl'cr ·thing P•Jssihl~ lund brought them safely to Badger l ll 1(\ lOllS llyn~< .11 bht•> to express thc\1' ap- _'\( VCll Ul'C thev decided lo ;weal out the, r.~ about si,; o'clock on Tuesday . pn•cwllnn :md thanks to all tho.11~ · nigh! right there l5 the car This 1'mght. !,\!\'•• E~- t ·•n.:r:.tulalwns nrc 1who ;;holl'l'li th~m ltindnl'ss anti BADGER-;A couple of lads !rum . r • . • ---·--- ::!: :n fl,,\ :nnnrl llolfe who I whu Julped to lll'lh Chri Je."' .1 .. r .•t 1 o 1:- 1n11. • to h1< bed w1th a hrul·cn it"' The)' 1 • ' 1 • ' l . . ~- :1:··· a];n extend· : ~''IIC~iallv 1\'isl; to. lhal;k the I that time. These. tli·o lads lelt ~l.tab e. to m_ov; windows or doors.! esume 0IJCl'R lOllS Jl:. F:~~k 1'.111!. ll'ho c<'lc· I, 1 1 1 :II .1 t 1 here on aStunlay mght with stnrs l•mallJ gettm, the motor started! • • • • .c 100 c.11 c rcn II to came o c wcr . · d d f !'II thcl' rocked the carabout enough 1' 1 1 1 1 B 1 R 1 p ~:• !11:· nII s II I 1 1Cir . . 5 and open them Their people nt ' ll;y :(•:t •cr many more. 1h•adel' Butt who \\ere .1 11 1en< 1mg 10 re 1urn on • BADGER-A crew of three ar- • , ~tb'1 , ~!arion" • .. . , • day mght lo be ready [or work un-~'on Badger became alarmed when .· . . ; . ,. ,_ , . came. niH . an, C1 utstm.•s em~ 1s , , B 1 . the" became overdue ·and !inall". mcd m to11n ~hts l.ce, f~om the DOl\, INO 1 1 1 11 1 to hun and 'llso IJrou"ht ll'lth ·'om a~ morn ng. · molter na ' . . ' 'l\ew1 Jerse1• Z•nc Op••oti<>'S ·1t • ' ' n t I'd t .. II 't tl t .. · 1 lwu brothers of the miSSIII" men • • -·k " ' tlwm a l'crv nrl•dcd roil! ~lr and ure ( 1 no 111 1 In IIU~ an( D Colli·l1all' on tllct'r 1\'3'' to the1·1· R\() If C · .. . , · .. .. ~ ·. •. · .: --- got a heavy truck underway and I . ' ' ' ~hs. ll~ncs ~·'~'that It 1s?, k,mlcs all(! so 1•• 1·]lln"IY ga\'c (If P'lrl1 , rcocuctl or rescuers. It has smcc .1. 1 d .11 1 - • -- ··------· • -··- • 1 • • • " • ' 1tese men · l"e unc erstan WI · · .I :n ·1.11,•. I• rt'POill•cl to ht• I c.il1l't'l't' wishe. to hl'l' for a !>llecd)'. of their J'OI'S• or Christmas tu us ' "I' b'~n !carne~· that the ·1 heavy f Iruck h b c en~~ get I•.. m ticI t ra1']' Ill" 'J'r piC·. · ' ::np:.••m~. \\'•• n!tl•r our tl'<•co\·ery. . !said :llr. and Mr~. Hynes. got to ll'll~ln .f~ur 1111 cs o ,.. I c I; I r·". . II " . i -- ...... ------.. _...:.--"-"~-··-"·_·...:.::...... ---.... ----- ___ , ------· j 1;~rd ~~~~l'~~~~'~:ol;i~h~~~~~~~? \~::s; , Lalw. ~!r. 1\evin Newman, super· i intcndcnt o! tht• ~ell' .Jersey Zinc .Operatim:s in thi' area, I\' liS also in tOI\'11 U\'('1' the wrck cml as \\'as . I I . ' . H::;·m•ll'rl Hnlf~. who hails !rom .. • 1 . I this . '"''"' i Wnrs~ Frnst THE ·ciGARETTE WITH !For Years ! BADGEH- Badge I' is . under the worst attock o! cold ' T·HE JET F·LOW FILTER weather that it has exper;enced , for ~ great number of years. It is ! 1 Ionly common for the temperature , 1 to register as much as twenty four ~1~~;-~:=;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;:::;:;:;;;:;::;:;::;:;;;:=;;::;;;;::;:;:=;;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;:;;:;;;;,;:;;;:;;;;;; · below ;md one January fifteenth 1 •.: Iit went to a cold thirty three below I • , ,.. , ·· · zero. It was still at this tempera- I ture at nine o'clock on the morn­ ing of the sixteenth. The boat-men i employed with the A.N.D. Co.l here are having a rough time of it on the Exploits Ril'er as heavy\ slob ice is making their work very l • • hazardous. Roads in this area were . blocked for one da1' ooly and the '1 D P \\'. are to be congratnlate,d on their efficiency in keeping traffic I moving after the stormy weekend. 1 Childrrn\ Puzzle\

lb I


·'·· lo

• . . ' '· THE DAilY NE:WS, TUESDAY, JAN

1r :•


1954 . I CHEVROL Club Cou ' Insure Today I . :I, tl' with R.C.A. f. oo H. C. ANTHONY INSURA~~ ! ,. IN GO ( ,. I . GAIETY AMUSEMENT CENTRE 'I , ·: .. Tonight at 8.30 .. o GOOD PRIZES. 30th GAME WORTH $100. '! I NEW BANK STUNT: I 0. TO I I i:' Bank starts To·ni!=lht with 52 numbers I '· I I I for $52. cmd it stays at 52 numbers but 1.·• 1: g.oes ·up $52. per nfght till the final night I HUB I unless won in the meantime. ! fhe I Neighbors an<:. '(our · I NOTE: Posi·Hvely no one under f6 years of ! Welcome Wason Floor. space ase ~dmitted unless accompanied by I I Hostess feet. Available I I parent or guordian. I 0 ,: .I Will Knc.ck on Your D~r I I ! 0 . with Gi!rs and Greelin~ ! I from f, iendiy Businell I Civic and Sccial I Vv'elfore Leaders I·. The Birth of c: Bablo l· ~ : On the o,cusion of: Arrive Is of Newc:lmen !I '. HUB 0. (ily. ·l.1: lanl9,eod,tf '0 'Phone '; t .. -- ·------·-- . I CITY ';I ·,· t : W:e\LLS FUNERAL·


•.0 CITY OF ST ..JOIIX'S .-'1 •.A •j N '~pplications ·will be .. . to February 8, 19~ \•ALl AIDE in the Bui Applicants must ST. JOHN'S MUNICIPAL CO!:JNCIL Application forr . other data rei rned at the offid TENDERSO ~ R., Tenders are requested for the. supply of the following equipment: · . ONE (1) HAlF TON PICK-UP. ONE (1) THREE-QUARTER TON FOUR WHEE( DRIVE TRUCK. •' ONE (1) ONE AND THREE-QUARTER. TON 0 SERVICE TRUCK. l',t!~CILLA S POP ··-· ...... ··- 1,000 FEET 36 INCH STEEl CUlVERT PIPE. Bids must· include Social Security Asses~ment and Federal Taxes if appliccibloe. The equipment is to conform to specifications which are available !lt the office of the City Engineer. Tenders are. to be addressed to the City Clerk and uelivered at his office not later them 9.00 A.M. Wednesdcw, Februmy. 13, 1957. ' The 'lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. .~0 E. B. FORAN, City Clerk. 1 stAN coN 0 0 0 .---·- AVALO~ REALTY co. 0 jaulil,22

) '· ·•

I $23 WEEKLY for wearing love· WAN:t"ED )y dresses given you as . TENDERS bonus. ,Just show Not·th LIONS SWIMMING TRUCKMAN'S PROTECTIVE A Maid· American rashlon Frocks to STA·DI.UM, I inl'ih'd fur lh~ pim·ha~e. as a going 'concern rt:,.lS kno\1'11 US ·and ' friends. No canvnsslrig, ln- POOL SWEEP . vestment m· . experience :J Charwoman necessary, N•Jt'l.h American 1st Drawing for ·uNION ~~· Jjc.KMAN and GREENE· Fashion Froc:.s, Ltd., 3425 SCHEDULE· "'n land buildings, stock nnd equipment. Apply , Industrial B!l'ri. Dept. ?'-2459, will hold their regular q~arterly meeting in tr.dum rf.,,,; 1111 ' .Jammry 28th and should be addressed tn $100.00 1 1 Montreal. Jnn22,3i rr:~•r: ". - !nt•tl-~olicitors, fro111 whom further Information can the L.S.p .U. HALL, TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY, :~· J~utr'.\• Thr h•ll't>l or an>· tendrr not necessarily accepted. ; MATRON, COWAN MISSION _____, __ .. ------. THURSDAY, I :~ ,.•:aMr~GRATH, F~RI.ONG • ~nd. R~A~ Foresl Road FOR rsALE-One ttble model JANUARY 22nd, at 8:30 o"clock. trJTill"' 1"'1'.\Th T, R, JACK~t.\:-1, DF.CF,ASEII JANUARY 24th • j 2., lf 1 Smith typcw1 iter; on~ girl'~ ~~1. :n:,'iirc:imoRTH STREET, ST. JOHN'S an ~. h" · 1 ~o " II'IPcl· ·one 1'' .tan16.71 i THOMAS STAMP: Ser:retary 0 1 1 II, ----fOR-S-ALE-.--·: {J;~.~~:Ie~; r ;~ ~~~l.bu~~~ '------·------.. --.. --·--- 1---.------1 electric food anr cake mixer. 4 Houses For Sale . For further Information dial Statutory Notice ! WANTED 90424-F. .Memorial Unive~sity of Nfld. AN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY or To Rent I ' In the matter or the Estnte nl' PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE TUESDAY, January 22nd: I Besr.~c :11nr Thislle, r.gistereol: FOR . · I · s2 00 HOURL \' POSSIBLE doing I , Nurse, Wiriow, late of St . .at Ocean Vtew, Fat.· Bay itght assembly work .at home. (six lines) ...... 9-2041 TH" JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S i 4:30 p.ltl • I .John's In the Pro\'inee or New : '!'' • N f dl d E:.:perience u n n e cess n r y. HIGH SCJ·IOOI.. HOCKEY i foundlaml, dcce~sed. , DIRECT LINES: , ; . :,r\, ' t {Duties to commence April 1st next) RIVer, ew oun an • CROWN Industries, 8507 'West Curtis vs. Macpherson ! ·. . . . I Th P 'd 5749 · r.: ilf·l·-·~·· ·~'1 Third, Los Angeles 48, Cali· I8 p.m. Fifth name junior finals~ All p~rsons clatrnmg to be_ crcd1- · e rest ent ...... _:...... • :1 r. '·· . and athar conditions of employment may be A I t .• . :!I'· <"1 •• I ~'"ry A. I' 'II PP Y 0 1 !orn!r,. jan22,23 (If necessary) Gu~rds vs. st. Pat's . lors of or who have any ~lanns nr I •. ,.· d frcm the Undersigned. Local pp tcants WI The Registrar ...... , .. 6427 .} 1t'(ll :~: ! . c: .• lne h'l • . d . • BOX 31 c/o Daily News - 11 p.m. Commercial Hockey, 1 demands upon. D'l' affec~mg the: r•:e:,e preference. W 1 e t;·amtng an . expAenen.ce rtn Avalon Telephon~: vs. Harvey & , Estate of ~e.;s1c :l!a~: Th1sll_e. lair. The Bursar ...... 3824 !'I.!'!.· il. · 1 1 j --~iscellaneous Company • . of St. Johns, aforesNd, RegJstel''!·.l ,. 7529 l,''ll·,::f COTe• • • • Of o~ce ...... • k-·'( ,·\ :'::i~l Welfore Work ar~ not e.ssenha '. PP. rcan s ' 1 Nurse, Wirlow, deceased arc here- 1 ' • h 2311 I;· ,Ill : . · or both will recetve spec to I consrderahon. E 1 '. '· 1 .,.-~~ one I WEST END COAL SERVICE WEDNESDAY, January 23rd lw requ~sled ~~ send particular; ngtneer m c arge ...... f,,. ' ~ Cor is pr:IVided for Case Work. 8:30 p.m. ICE VARIETIES. ! thereof m wr:tmg, duly. alle>lcJ I (W. Snow). Cr-nl, ~ 1.00 bog; 3 to the understgned Sollc1tor fm· Janitor, North Annex ...... 2922 ;·_ j ::: 1.: ;.;: Write to: bags for $2 7!\; 4 bags for 1 I $3.50; 8 bags fot $6.75. For I THURSDAy, January 24th1 the Executors of the Estate of llw f\JIGHT and HOLIDAY connections (aftE:'r 6 p.m. jt•fl. 'j'': FR.I\NCIS KENNEDY, SECRETARY, r 1 1 ~aiel ·deceased on or before the quick delivery dial 7462A. i 8:30 p.m. ICE VAJliETIES. I 16th day of Feh·ruarr A.D. 1957. 11 CLUB OPEN weekdays and 1 p.m. Saturdays): ·· . l!· ·· iHE JOHN HOW.ARD SOCIETY, _2!1 Pearce Avomuc. janll,lm. ·,FRIDAY, January 25th: I after which dole the said Exccu- :_.If I· I Gymnasium ...... 9-2041 c 0 Terre Novo Motors Limited, St. John's. liiiBSON uUITARS ·- Hotner \ . tors will proceed to di;tribute thr :':··!{' !; 1 , 8:30. p.m. ICt:: VARIETIES. >rtid estate 'having regard only 1o 11 I '"'' 5 P.M. · .Button Stop Accordeons and Library ...... 9-2042 . I .•. •-~.:) 1 . , 'I Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­ SATURDAY, January 26th1 the claims of which they then phones. Boosey Clarlnets.­ 1 shall have nntice. Physics Department, W. Annex .... 9-2043 .'I 1l:;,,, ,'I 1 ICE W.RIETtl!S TO-DAY Charl~ Hutton & Sons, P.(). feh3,eod •• 1 Matinn 2 p.m. Dated at St ..John's this 21st rla1· Chemistry Department 9-2044 -.. i It: I< '·I · Evnlng 8:30 p.m. of January A.D. 1057. ' PIANO;' ORGAN TUNING and Janitor, S. and W. Annexes .. .. 9-2045 • ' j ~·t i·; ' Repairing, Single Tuning Six ISAAC ~IERCER, Q.C .. LJ .. R., Effective Sunday, January 20th, 1957. · t· ii ; • Solicitor for Executor~. Dollars. Wm. HOPLEY, 10 .lan21,22 ·. · · ir I, : • Cornation St. 'Phone 2819·L. i jnn22,2D,frh5,11. octl,lm. ------"------.::; '!''!' !i'!'. .. ------' : : I j' ' ;, , CASH PAID FOI< COMICS, I WAS $1550.00 magazine~, pocket books, FOR ALL 1NTER TIRES -.·:· 'r.:I'I'JI: guitars, typewl iters, men's YOUR W NOW ·Clothes and iootwenr. John MODERN I \ D. Snow, 9 !urs call All persons claiming to ·be cred!. QUEEN'S ROAD , lr Limited lnmrance Depan· MR. JAMES ADAMS, 7931H turs o[ or wha have anr claims m· · Newfoundland Armature Works Ltd. 0 8 1 2 ment-Fire, 1\Utomoblle. Mar· ' . • demands upon or affecting the TO RENT jan3.rrcn a.m. 0 a.m. . lne ond all Casualty linea. I --roR s· A' L.--E---- .E:tate o[ .Janet Coxon, _lr.tc of j a~B, tucs, thur,sat,Pi v,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ .Telepltone 3131. r Come-b_v-Chancc, aforesaid, Mar- I ··-:--:::-:-::-:-=-:-:::-:=::-::-:::::-;:::- . ricd Woman, deceased, arc ~ereby = 1 • J~N~E~~;n~t ~!:~~~~~~~: ONE DODGE V2 Ton TRUCK •requestc~ to .. send particular:: abies to "save" a few doll an~. 'thereof m wnhng, duly attested HUB_ Building Our fair-rate. reliable policy . . to, the undersigned Solicitor for thl• .Offices To p;lves lmmedlatP. nrotecUon. Apply to I Administrator of the Estr.tc of the RAWLINS' CROSS 'Phone 6921 or write J. J. >aid deceased on or before tht• nc. Your r.aeey, P.O. Box 5{'16. repl,tl The Bank of .16th day of February A.D. 1957 Wagon Floor space approximately 5000 square I------1 i after which date the said Admin- Rent Contect STAN FOWLER, R•· ' 'i~trator will proceed to distribute 1952 PLYMOUTH four door Sedan ss feEt. Available about April 1~ 1957. Heated. nouf building, for Fire Aut& Nova Scotia the said estate having regard onb· mobile and Plate Glass Insnr· ,tn the claim;; of which they thea anee. Claims promptlY' settl· 1 11 h t' • Heater and defroster; good tires; Apply Apply ed. 'Phone 5531-P.O. Boll I BURIN, NFLD. s m ave no Icc, · Bl!sineu . G S 63. • jan21,3i 1 Dated at Sl. John's this 21st good battery; winterized. N qo&ERT 01\WE & SON, j ... ------'day o! January A.D. IP57. Scciol 41 ew. OWer t. Fi~ F. M. O'LEARY LIMITED · 1 4 ll t• and Automobile Insurance. 1 WE DELIVER ISA \C l\1., C'E ceder~ · 1 cc2 ,tues, r s, • I Be safe. be sure, insure. Tell!- 1 ' i c.R ' ,n, Q.C., I.l .. R., REGULAR PRICE c Baby, OR ------phone 2882. P.O. Boll 115 1 Sollcllor for Administrator SACRIFICE Royal Bank Chambers. SL j Jan22,29,feb5,11. $150.00 SALE PRICE of: 00 .vc:::~mers ta HUB SALES LIMITED ,,,,.~all Washing I ------$485· . BETTER hnl?.eod.tf WATCH· REPAIRS . . . 3031 HIGH. QUAliTY j ·BUYS AT .. • WALL WASHING-Walls. clean- i ' ' . CITY OF f:T. JOHN'S LOW PRIC~S : ed by ne1v marhlne. Results I perfect: save~ palnt.-New- 'BAIRD'S. FAST SERVICE , Method Rug and .wan Clean· 1 , . . \ ers, Freshwater Road, 'Phone 1 1 • Fur nilhed ERNST B. 1'. 91033. ag25,1m : Also FIRE WOOD I1 1 9 5' 3 ., . (hopei . For the BBST In FUEL : NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN· L H E R 0 L E T BECKER· 1 ERS. Rugs and C a r p e t s I. CAL ·· , c v 73 NEW GOWER ST. I made to lnok like new. Von i Coadyls Coal $1100 00 Qualified ' 1 Schrader proce~s adds years 1 ' WANTED Ctrllfltd Mtsler W11lch· Embolmen m•ker •nd Jeweller. : to ll!e ol .;ug~. Cleaned In , Da"al 4249 home or at our plant. Phone NOTICE 91033. Nnw MP.thod Rug 6 SPENCER ST. i iiJ • dM t Ltd ; Codilf':l~ :pplkotion~ will be received bv the City Engineer Cleaners, Freshwater Road. , jan18,1m : uan 0 ors ; ------~~~~~!!!~!!!~~~: EXPERIENCED H!!ar!! 8, 1957, for the of ENGINEER· REPAIRS-Low coat, dapond· ! '= ~~~° Febru~ry p~sition TO · DIAL 80378-9 AIDE •n the Building' Deportment. able welding nnd · brazing; repairs to ~!Ironic furniture, INSURE 011\l 2J21 YOUlt APP I'ltonts must have Gode XI education.· 30 Clean· Cars chairs, 'tables, •etc. For more i MERRYM~ETIN~ ROAD Information phone 4495-k REPORTER . . AUTO- and Application forms onct informotior. on salary ALWAYS ON DISPLAY janlB,lm ' ------·NOTICE Apply .. in writing, tb• . other dote relating to the position may be '~ MOBILE • BUTLER'S CO~L. T.C.A.' Road. stating qualifications •O•ned 01 the office of the undersigned. INDOORS · Cor..l $1.00 per bag, For good ~ PL::~~RE • In the matt~r of The Companies A1' 1 coal and prompt service at 0 A Act and 1n the matter of M. To R. F. MARTIN, City. Engineer. any hour, Dial 916311. or ~ BO T I J. O'Brien and·company Lim· •. Auto Service· 91613F. janl7,2m. I 1 ited In ~olunlarv liquidation. F. B. GILL : REG T. MORGAN· · All persons claiming to be 1 TRADES TERMS Barber 1 INSURANCE ' ~rcditors or wh~ have any claims ------'--~ • p o 11 0 s 168 'Phon B·03l0·1i5t upon of affecting M.• r. O'Brien ~:r ~ANTED Graduate Nurses ianl1,1m , . 1 • • ' e and Company L1mlted, arc rr dav g erkal duty. Starting salary $200.00 gross, 5% ~~~~~~=~=~· ?HE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP' t...l f dl d •quested to senrl particulars of CITY EDITOR , wee 1 • I We lire now operating _six l""''lew OMn an .same duly attP.sted to John chah·s. You can be assured S • ·Douglas Fraser, the liquidator DAILY NEWS nf the best possible service erv•ces I of i\1 ••r. OBr!en. and Company janl2 t~ Laboratory Technicians plus the least possible walt· : Limited in care of Lee & Martin . . ' ~~~JED In~:. 24 :'-i~w Gor;er Street, PASSENGER NOTICES ~ Charter~d Ar.r:ountant~. 20s •. _...:._ ____ sro11 181 ~tth the C.S.l.T. Starting salary $225.00 opp·. Aololnl1c Mr•lors. IC you ; Water Sl.reo!. St. John's, on or' ~DMjN ed hc.spitol. SJEE.RS prefer . app ··h·tmt•nt service CONNECTION WEST RUN · hfore the 12th ,J,•y of Febn~ary, W-ANTED ISTRATOR, ST. MICHAEL'S GENERAL HOSPITAL I NS U A A.N CE Phon!' I\231·A PLACENTIA B_AY . -\.D. 1957, afl.~r which date the Letlrbridge, Alberta · ___ ... ·- ______,Regular 9 :1.m. tram lea\'lng (iquillator of M. ,J O'Brien and EXPERIENCED ) AGENCIES . Snow Clearing ISt. John's to-morrow, \yedncs·. C:ompany Limitcll .will proceed , . I.=- LIMIIID · day will make conncctwn al ; :o rlistributc th•! assels o! the ------·------.-. ·- -- ·· -~ - Argentla wllh l\1 \'. ~urin .ror j ~aid Company h:wlnJi regard only CLOTHES CHAFE 1 make the man if 'o~ Au vou• SMALL SllOWRiow for Hire. 1· lh•l West Itun Placent•a B~.· , to the claims of which he shaH makes the clothes TYPIST INSURANCE Ideal for walks, driveways, . . ~ Ithen have hnd rontice. • •ole. Prices very reasonable. Dated at St thiA ! CAJfA1)1!l! ,lni1"'~ 27!~, Apply ·, ~ri transp. ortntlon_ charges. i I .iii!!!~! -. rday of Dccr.t~hl'r, A.D .. 1956. WM. 't. CHAFE, Taiior Apply C. H. Mercer, Black· 1· .1 JONAJ. , .J. D. FRASER. • BOX No: 30 ~/ o Daily News marsh Road. Dial 3576·A. . Llqu1dator. I HOLD"WORlH ST. 7 . ' 4 .. janl2!2m I . : jan2,8,15,22. janl9,3i

'· ' ' ; ./ .. ,. 'r '· ' . THE

...... ' i Between Us ~ . AT THE I ..r~ S!~N I. 0 l 0 • • I THE MILLEY'S BY RUTH ~IILL~TT J~ J . ~~faO. BOOU ·A NATUnALLY AT1'RACTIVE" . Jl! ·; PLAID FLEECED· LADIES' NYLON woMEN sTILL MUS1'G.RvO~J 1 .Re'Jninder ·, CAREFULLY 1 ' .· 1The Living of These Days 35, MM PHOTO FANS BLANKETS SWEATERS "She is a . perf~etly be?utilull Autobiography of ; • woman when she 15 all dol.ell. up 1 d' · ror a party," ·one women said of\ Harry Emerson Fos rck 4.00 · 60 X 76 Pastel shades 1 I . another. I A Pilgrim's Vow I 12 to 18 SPEEDY-LOCAL-TOP. . QU·ALITY. Ancl once 'tt was pointed out to . Pierre Van ·Passen ...... 4.50 ] you, it ,i•as easy to see that the Th' H 't 1· M I" $4.00 woman, carelessly g\·oomed and IS OS(JI a IS Y -.ome $4.50 dressed in the wrong kind or Dr. S. R Cuto/o ...... 3.50 Pair clothes.~rcally could 1>~ beautiful. Th Nun's. Story She had fine eyes, mcc features .~ I e EKTACHROME .. I I . and a slim figure. ·But her dowdi· Kathryn Hulme ...... 4.50 \ i I -r~ nc~s and colorl~ss clothes out· Canadian Portraits- I . we1ghcd her bas1c good looks. The 1 . I CHII .. DREN'S BOYS' I , . .,::!: I •: casual obsm•er would never have Famous Doctors · 1 : I :f j : j ': noticed that she had the makings Viola Whitney Prott .... 2.50 I . .. . . wo·oL CAPS HOCKEY CAPS ... of beauty. ~====COLOUR~ :I ;. Fi :· What a· pity It is for a woman Disc:har!;E:d Dead I I ,. ! I • 0 ' . ·' ~ . to be .so carelc~s o[ her loolts that Sydmv ·LJilrf ...... 2.50: I :·1·. White, Pink, Blue All Wool she g1vcs the 1m pression of dow· · · I :i·~ IIi ness an1l careless grooming when , Ark Roy a I , ,)•· she could be good looking. '[ Kenneth' Poi>lman ...... 3.75 1 ..., ; I 97c $1.00 PROCESSING !i·'• IJOW MANY WILL SEE. HER? IThe Fatal Decisions I 'I .,, AVAILABLE FROM I .... How many people will cv~r sec Six decisive Bottles· of I ~ 1 ,:'I her all dressed up for a party antlj World 'War 11 by those ! KODAK'S newest COLOR FILM 1 1 I:~~~~~· ~~~lys~~o~~:rfodok'r~~ dt~~~ 1 • who were defeated .... 5.00 is available in 4 . popular sizes: :J.• BOYS' HOCKEY CHiLDREN'S 1 . ·~··l, and faded? I Monqaso 1 135, 828, 620 and 120. lf you .,, Why should any woman feel it I II Iisn't important to wear becoming haven't already tried this new I' SNOW PANTS John Alfred Jordan ... .4.00 TOOTON'S ·':' Col;1r Film-do so to-day. You'll - . ; ; SWEATERS colors at thQ time ~nd thin.k or 1 Wild America Leaders in the field nf :II 1 • ! . ' wlot· onlv when she IS choosmg a I~ 1·6 be amazingly surprised at its !' I ...... $2.20 party dr~ss7 . i Peterson and frslrer .... 5.50 Photography for over I .. fast speed and color quality. ,. ~~ Why sh~uld any woman k1~ Jlcr· Valley of Springs I 26 to 34 self that 11 doesn't matter 1£ her 1 51 years. 'l ' 7 to 14 heir ~~ neat anti if she has lipstick j Dorothea Eastwood .. .. 3.50 1 II : I I : on when she goes to. the, grocery' The Towers of Trebizond ! • store, or clrops by a fmnd s house, I , ------·---.:.•· ·I : •. $3 .. 75 $3.20 or when she is at home with her i ·Rose MacAulay ...... 2.7 5 · 1 family?wnat a waste for a woman to: A Ca II f or Dr. Bar t on have the makings of beauty if 5he Elizabeth Seifferat ...... 4.00 ·• do~snt' take advantage o( .what A C I t G 'd f · I ~ f nature has given her. omp e e Ul e '• or

No wom~n can really aHord to 1 the Serviceman's Wife . -- .;,__ ' look nnythmg but her best all of 1 L d d Gl' · 4 50 I S. MILLEY· LTD. the time. •an an . rnes ...... : .' I

the 'New Northland' malntalnetl a Three words. in the E?gl,ish DICkS & (O ltd I regular service between Miami and language contam all the ~o\1 cl.s •, • Nassau. Another passc~ger liner,, in their proper order: a~stcml- thc 'North star' in the winters of I ously, facetiously and arsemo~s. The Booksellers 1.~38 abnd 1939 wais i.n cru!s; scr·J Locusts arc used as food In 'PHONES 2008 - 3191 • 4425 m~ ctwccn :\1 nm1, Hmll, J ~· Cl . A bla anti the Pliilip· ma1ca and Cuba. Summers, this I .un~, ra • • turbine steamship augmented our Ipmes. ______::....__

St. Lawrence se~vlce, which in Steam heat first was used in i. Obituary those pre· war da; s was a. popular 1784 b , James Watt, who used summer hol!da~ attrachon . for t ain ~oils to heat his office. ~IRS. ~IARY JANg RARHETT American and Canadian toumts," ~c. · · lllr. Clarke recalled. its affiliates now operate freight SPANIARD'S BAY, .Tan. 14- "In June, 1934, the first radio services from Montreal and Quebec For those who ha\'e tried to lil'e a broadcast linking Newfoundland to the lower St. Lawrence North fuil Christian life, death is not' to the Mainland was transrl1itted Shore, to Magdalen Islands, to the end; it is mcrel)' a change from the salon of the 'New North· Newfoundland and operates mul· from one way of living to another. land', tied up in St. John's Har· tlplc ferry services in the summer· Such was a faith held by )Jrs. bour. time between \'arious points of the :ltary Jane Barrett whose service POST WAR EXPANSION North ~nd South Shore. on earth ended on :Monda)', Janu­ "Then the war came and Clarke LABOR RELATIONS REVIEWim ary 7, at the age of 73. vessels, officers and men went "Just as fifty years ago fisher­ Slie was born i\lary Jane Coombs Into the thick of It, operating un· men of the North Shore had to be at Upper Island Cove but went to der Canadian, British and Ameri· trainee! to turn timber Into pulp live with her husband at Godden· can shipping ministry orders, . for paper, so in the past 36 years ville, a tiny village on 'spar.iard's "Immediately after the war we have trained French Canadians Bay·Ncw Harbour Road. It was Clarke shipping activities returned to man our ships. We take great there that she and her husband to the Gulf and Newfoundland. pride in the fact we now have a rai!iCd their family in a faith that New \'essels were acquired and all third gc11eration of French Cana· lasted to sustain her and them - i ,. land operations of Clarke were dian seamen coming up," Mr. through several months of suffer· I expanded as exploratory activities Clarke said, 'reviewing the com­ ing. Her do()r was ever open to •'I' on the St. Lawrence North Shore pany's labor relations. visitors and her hospitalit)' knew ;! ,it mushroomed Into Industrial ex· Harvey &•Co., St. John's arc the no bounds. Everything about! the l.' pansion. agents in Newfoundland for the home in which she lived was a re· "Clarke Steamship Compalll' and Clarke Steamship Company, flection of her person~lity, the at· r~ I tractive flowers in the front gar­ ~I I den, the potted blooms in the :• ' windows and the 11\'crail tidincfs .,:, lI spoke volumes. Only last summer, ·:· ' ' several years after she and her husband had moved to Spaniard's ... THIS FEATURES AT Bay. to live with their son and , . .. WEEK~S I; ; daughter-in·law, we noticed that 1 ROi\·IE Ilah·-Gina Lollobrigida is shown here as a very busy girl gaj nr:·ing 1 ; flowers were still blooming in the. for. her first child which b in Making her an: nll.t: j. I ' ·' Lavelt~ expccl~d Jul~·. cer:.:l:~: 1 garden close by where the oitl i J 1 ld J'k '"l ! home used to be, a reminder' of a: last week, the peppery Italian screen star told newsmen s 1e \\:au I ·c a ~ .. · : i ,, b~auty that used to he. In like . is also dreaming of twins. It will be the first baby-or babies-born t ~ I , fashion the memory or her tender· her Yugoslav-born husband, Dr. iviilko Skofic, whom she married in • ;'' 1: r. • 1 care will continue to remind those I ' l • who were close to h cr to follow j ;P~h~o;;to~)~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;.;;,;.=;;..;._.;;;.-- . i her good examples. · ;;;--- :·r: ! ' She leaves her husband, John ' I. ~ . ·. I : Barrett, one son, Charles, four I •... . ··!· daughters, Anna (llrrs. John Haire, I 1,.\ : ·! .. ; I Corner Brook), Violet (Mrs. Clif-, : ; ford Reed, Corner Brook), Mary I :• f . (1\lrs. Wilfred Gosse, St. John's), :1: I Elsie (Mrs. John :Murrin, Span­ '. ·•·.\ iard's Bay), one brother, Mr. Yes, ladies, you con have lllJJowe·ver. " Azariah Coombs, Upper Island Cove, one sister, '1\Irs. Jessie Hi g• permanent beauty at no . ; gins, Bell Island, fi\'c grand­ CLOSE OUT SALE children and three great grand­ greater cost when you children. "On that happy Easter morning All the graves· their dead re· let BARKER Tileboard do store; Father, sister, child and mother, the job. A variety of col· Meet once more. ours to choose from 100' BIRTH ----·-··· .... HILLIER- Eum to l\lr. and See··· Mrs. George C. Hillier (nee ,

Dewey), l\Ioncton, · N.B. 14 ,Jan. 1 1957, baby boy, l'ntcr Gem·gc. 1 Died 15, JanuarY. 1957. i FUNERAL-No rice.. -- i -KIN-G--int~r-m-c~~~{ .. ·Chicl I Petty Office~ Harold Bruce ' King, R.C.N. took place at I Jamaica on Sunday, January 20, 1957, with full military honors from the 11.1\I.C S. "Labrador";__ I . I I TILEBOAIIID luxury at low cost for 13athroom and Kitchen DAWE ALL ' Jven·bnked cootings of plasLicizcd enamels mean more beauty • • J FI_LING CABINETS · •• Ianger wear with Barker Tilebonrd. Smooth-shouldered mol."tar L ZIJ'll {ei TOWELS .incs add true tile realism nnd make cleaning so l'asy. 15 popular SAFES :olours with cootrastin~t mortar lines, plus a choice of tile, plain, WA·RDROBES >r lcvelinc patterns, give the decorator a 11.ide selection. Ask to . . 1/2 Price

• 1. 1\RGF.ST t\SSOilnmNT OF llUII.DING MA,Tf,IIL\LS_ IN :olf.WFOlJNOI.,\1'\D. FllEE Ml!'l.E 1'.\lti\ING SI'An•.

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