QT i~~~l~'7- ~~'~l~~ I&I LIHRA8'( ROGI'8 b030 i':I "i . i 'j i Qi THEASlJiSY BEPAETI'~)El'IT gEO DOCUMENT 60TH CONGRESS. I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ( 1st Session. NO. 23. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. LET TZB FROM THE SZGRZTARY OF THZ TREASURY, TRANSMITTING A. Combined Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Government for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1907. December 3, 1907.— Referred to the Gommittee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. TREASURY DEPARTMENT) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, washington, D. C. , December 8, 1807 To the SPEAKER QF THE HCUsE oF REPREsENTATIYEs. SIR: Iu compliance with the requirements of section 15 of an act entitled "An Aet making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the fisca year ending June 30, 1895, and for other purposes, " approved July 31, 1894, I have the honor to transmit herewith a combined statement of the receipts expenditures of the Government for the fisca year ended June 30, 1907. Respectfully, GEORGE 8. CORTELYOU) Secretary. COMBINED HTATLi'AlEXT OF THE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (APPARENT AND ACTUAL) OF FOR THE FISCAL YEAR KNDKD JtJXK 30, 190!. TREASURY DKPAHTMKXT, DIvIsIoN ol&' BooEEEEPIN8 AND AVARRANTs. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a, statement of the revenues derived by the Government from customs, internal revenue, and sales of public lands, in each District and State, and froIu the various miscellaneous sources, during the fiscal year ended June 80, 1907, amounting) iu. the aggregate, t() $668, 140, 884. 05; also, a statement of the disbursements for the same period, by a»propriations, (x(1«si~( of the»i'incipal of the public debt, showing the amo»nts expendeel by each Department for "salaries, " "ordinary expenses, " "public works, " "miscellaneous" and "un»sual a»I1 extra&)rdu»((v, " «&; re««tin« $578) 308) 747.
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