Contact details Last and First name of Judge Borzymowski Jan Address 05-806 Komorów, ul. Mazurska 53, Poland E-mail
[email protected] Mobile (+48) 503 482 488 Home phone, Fax (+48) 22 758 03 36, faks 22 758 03 36 ZKwP Branch Warszawa Languages Polish, English Number of breeds within FCI Groups FCI Group FCI group name Level 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs International and other breeds (41/54) 3 Terriers (4/34) International 5 Spitz and primitive types (1/61) International List of breeds FCI Group Breed Level Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds 2 Alentejo Mastiff (FCI - 96) International 2 Appenzell Cattle Dog (FCI - 46) International 2 Atlas Mountain Dog - Aidi (FCI - 247) International 2 Bernese Mountain Dog (FCI - 45) International 2 Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog (FCI - 355) International 2 Broholmer (FCI - 315) International 2 Bulldog (FCI - 149) International 2 Bullmastiff (FCI - 157) International 2 Castro Laboreiro Dog (FCI - 170) International 2 Caucasian Shepherd Dog (FCI - 328) International 2 Central Asia Shepherd Dog (FCI - 335) International 2 Ciobanesc Romanesc de Bucovina (FCI - 357) International 2 Dogo Argentino (FCI - 292) International 2 Dogue de Bordeaux (FCI - 116) International 2 Entlebuch Cattle Dog (FCI - 47) International 2 Fila Brasileiro (FCI - 225) International 2 Great Dane (FCI - 235) International 2 Great Swiss Mountain Dog (FCI - 58) International 1 FCI Group Breed Level 2 Hovawart (FCI