Joint PINRO/IMR Report on the State of the Barents Sea Ecosystem 2006, with Expected Situation and Considerations for Management
IMR/PINRO J O S I E N I 2 R T 2007 E R E S P O R T JOINT PINRO/IMR REPORT ON THE STATE OFTHE BARENTS SEA ECOSYSTEM IN 2006 WITH EXPECTED SITUATION AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT Institute of Marine Research - IMR Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography - PINRO This report should be cited as: Stiansen, J.E and A.A. Filin (editors) Joint PINRO/IMR report on the state of the Barents Sea ecosystem 2006, with expected situation and considerations for management. IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series No. 2/2007. ISSN 1502-8828. 209 pp. Contributing authors in alphabetical order: A. Aglen, N.A. Anisimova, B. Bogstad, S. Boitsov, P. Budgell, P. Dalpadado, A.V. Dolgov, K.V. Drevetnyak, K. Drinkwater, A.A. Filin, H. Gjøsæter, A.A. Grekov, D. Howell, Å. Høines, R. Ingvaldsen, V.A. Ivshin, E. Johannesen, L.L. Jørgensen, A.L. Karsakov, J. Klungsøyr, T. Knutsen, P.A. Liubin, L.J. Naustvoll, K. Nedreaas, I.E. Manushin, M. Mauritzen, S. Mehl, N.V. Muchina, M.A. Novikov, E. Olsen, E.L. Orlova, G. Ottersen, V.K. Ozhigin, A.P. Pedchenko, N.F. Plotitsina, M. Skogen, O.V. Smirnov, K.M. Sokolov, E.K. Stenevik, J.E. Stiansen, J. Sundet, O.V. Titov, S. Tjelmeland, V.B. Zabavnikov, S.V. Ziryanov, N. Øien, B. Ådlandsvik, S. Aanes, A. Yu. Zhilin Joint PINRO/IMR report on the state of the Barents Sea ecosystem in 2006, with expected situation and considerations for management ISSUE NO.2 Figure 1.1. Illustration of the rich marine life and interactions in the Barents Sea.
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