INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELD ISSN: 2455-0620 Volume - 6, Issue - 10, Oct – 2020 Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal with IC Value: 86.87 Impact Factor: 6.719 Received Date: 12/10/2020 Acceptance Date: 26/10/2020 Publication Date: 31/10/2020 SEMI CRYOGENIC PROPELLANTS: AN OVERVIEW OF A NON TOXIC PROPELLANT FOR DELIVERING HEAVIER PAYLOADS TO SPACE 1Aiswarya A. Satheesan, 2Akash R S, 3Gokul Krishna Menon, 4Ishwaragowda V Patil 1, 2, 3Student, 4Assistant Professor 1, 2, 3ACE College of Engineering, Trivandrum, 4 Shree Devi Institute of Techchnology Email -
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract: Semi cryogenic fueled rockets use refined kerosene instead of liquid hydrogen, which is used in combination with liquid oxygen as the propellant in the cryogenic engine which is stored in a normal temperature. The refined kerosene needs lesser space to make it possible to carry more propellant in the semi cryogenic fuel part. Semi cryogenics is more powerful, ecofriendly and the cost effective compared to cryogenic engines. Key Words: Semi cryogenics, Cryogenics, Propellant, ULV. 1. INTRODUCTION: Kerosene as a fuel has its advantage of burn off gas eco-friendly and cost effective and relative safety. Unlike liquid hydrogen and oxygen which has to store at -253 and 183 degree Celsius respectively, it is stable at room temperature. Kerosene is a fuel which produces line fumes in its paraffin form, it is considered environmentally friendly. It is a non-corrosive fuel, safe to store for a long time. Depending in what kind of container in which it is stored, kerosene can be kept in storage for a 1 year to 10 year.