Badli-Gurgaon Road
Resettlement Plan April 2014 IND: National Capital Region Urban Infrastructure Financing Facility - Project 1 – Badli-Gurgaon Road Prepared by the Haryana State Roads and Bridges Development Corporation Limited Resettlement Plan FOR Upgradation of Badli Gurgaon Road in Jhajjar/Gurgaon District (Km. 18.100 to Km. 39.000) Section- 2:Badli Gurgaon Road in Jhajjar/Gurgaon District (Km. 18.100 to Km. 39.000) India: National Capital Region Planning Board Project (NCRPB) Loan Number: 2660 IND Prepared by: Haryana State Roads and Bridges Development Corporation Limited (HSRDC) April 2014 - 1 - Abbreviations ADB - Asian Development Bank AH - Affected Households AP - Affected Persons BPL - Below Poverty Line DGM - Deputy General Manager DP - Displaced Persons DSV - Design Service Volume EA - Executing Agency EE - Executive Engineer EF - Entitlement Framework ESMC - Environmental & Social Management Cell FI - Financial Intermediary GoI - Government of India GRC - Grievance Redress Cell HSRDC - Haryana State Roads & Bridges Development Corporation Limited IA - Implementing Agency IP - Indigenous People IR - Involuntary Resettlement LA - Land Acquisition MFF - Multi-tranche Financing Facility NCR - National Capital Region NCRPB - National Capital Region Planning Board NGO - Non Government Organization NH - National Highway NRRP - The National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy,2007 OCR - Ordinary Capital Resources PWD - Public Works Department PCU - Passenger Car Unit ROW - Right of Way RP - Resettlement Plan R&R - Resettlement and Rehabilitation SH - State Highway RP - Resettlement Plan - 2 - GLOSSARY Affected Household - is defined as those who stand to lose, as a consequence of the project, all or part of their physical and non-physical assets, including homes, communities, and productive lands, resources such as forests, range lands, fishing areas, or important cultural sites, commercial properties, tenancy, income-earning opportunities, social and cultural networks and activities.
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