Flood Control Order-2021

Flood Control Order-2013 (First Edition) Flood Control Order-2014 (Second Edition) Flood Control Order-2015 (Third Edition) Flood Control Order-2016 (Fourth Edition) Flood Control Order-2017 (Fifth Edition) Flood Control Order-2018 (Sixth Edition) Flood Control Order-2019 (Seventh Edition) Flood Control Order-2020 (Eighth Edition) Flood Control Order-2021 (Ninth Edition)

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Flood impact is one of the most significant disasters occur in every where. Causes of floods are due to natural factors such as heavy rainfall, high floods and high tides, etc, and human factors such as blocking of channels or aggravation of drainage channels, improper land use, deforestation in headwater regions, etc as a result losses of life and damage of properties occur.

Flood loss prevention and mitigation includes structural flood control measures such as constitution of dams or river dikes and Non-structural measure includes flood forecasting and Dr. Aditya Dahiya, I.A.S, Deputy Commissioner, warning, flood hazard and risk management. Jind. These papers describe concepts taken by District administration policy, plan and operation on integrated flood disaster. District administration is well prepared to tackle any eventuality due to flood or heavy down pour. Keeping in view a thorough inspection of drains, canals and pump houses was done. Drain and canals are being cleared to contain and carry more water during the rainy season; Pump Houses are made fully operative to drain out excess water in the time of need. All front line departments have already established their flood control room along with smooth working condition of all resources inventory of their own.

To build a safer and disaster resilient district by a holistic, proactive technology driven and sustainable development strategy. That involves all stake holders and fosters a culture of prevention, preparedness and mitigation regarding the same. All emergency response operations work under a defined command and control. Infact this is an algorithm theory of administration which is use as multi dimensional array.

However, inspite of all kinds of various flood related disasters, we the people of our are determine to overcome all adverse situations. I give my heartfelt thanks to all officers/ officials for their sincere involvement and inputs for making this Flood Control Order by giving their due efforts in preparation of this document.

Deputy Commissioner, Jind

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Thanks to all who generously gave advice, provided necessary help and input: Mr. Darshan Yadav, H.C.S, City Magistrate, Jind, Sh. Chander Mohan, DRO, Jind, Sh. Virender Sahu (P.O.), Jind, Sh. Narender Kumar (DRA-T /FRA), Sh. Mahesh Kumar (DRA-R), Sh.Satyawan (TRA), Smt. Sima Shome (WBN), Mr. Sunil Mehra (Data Entry Operator) and Nature helped in devising the front page, formation and design of this Flood Control Order.

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Chapter Page

Chapter-1: Introduction

1. Geography of Jind 6

2. Administrative Structure 7

3. Basic Statistics of District, Jind 7

4. Irrigation pattern 8

5. Land use/land cover change in Jind districts 9-10

6. Detailed map of the district 11

Chapter-2: Drainage System

1. Drains 12

2. Details of drains in the district 13-17

3. Patrolling 18

4. Drainage map of Water Services Division, Jind 19

5. Drainage map of Water Services Division, 20

6. Drainage map of District Jind 21

Chapter-3 : Flood vulnerability

1. Brief History of Flood 22

2. Details of Flood Affected 22-23

3. Traffic Arrangement/Diversion in case of Flood 24

4. Incident Response System at District Level 24

5. Members of planning committee and response branch for 34 District, Jind

Chapter-4: Flood Protection Schemes

1. Ongoing flood protection schemes in the district 35-36

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Chapter-5: Flood Action Plan

1. Flood Control Room 42

2. Details of Flood Conrol Room in District 42

2. Pre-flood Inspection 43

3. Ring Bandhs 43

4. Responsibility of various concerned departments before, during 44 and after flood 5. Proposed Relief Centers 45

Chapter-6 : Resource Inventory

1. List of flood equipment available within the district 47

2. List of JCB and Cranes available within the district 48

3. List of dewatering pumps available within the district 49

4. List of officials trained in OBM Operation 50

5. List of Divers and Swimmers available in the District 51

6. Home Guards Officials trained in flood relief measure 52

Chapter-7: Directory

1. District Administrative- Directory 52

2. Panchayat Department-Directory 91

3. Revenue Department-Directory 109

4. Voluntary Organisations 153

5. NGOs 155

Review and Evaluation 160

References 134

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Chapter-1: Introduction

1. Geography of Jind

Jind City is situated about 125 km. from , the capital of . The district lies in the North of between 29.03’ and 29.51’ North latitude & 75.53’ and 76.47’ East longitude. The mean Sea level of district varies from 218 to 239 meters. On its East and North-East lie the districts of , and respectively. Its boundary line on the North forms the inter-state Haryana- Punjab border with Patiala and districts of Punjab. In the West and South-West, it has a common boundary with district & Fatehabad and in its South and South-East district of and are situated respectively. It was amongst one of the seven districts when Haryana was formed on 1 November, 1966. Area of district is 2702 sq. km. and population of the district zis 13,34,152 as per 2011 Census. Male-Female population distribution is hence 713006 and 621146 respectively. 77.10% of the population is settled in 307 villages (Five villages are uninhabited-Be-Chirag) and the rest 22.90% of population is concentrated in five . The District has a well spread network of roads. N.H.65 and N.H. 71, N.H. 352D and four state Highways nos. 10,11A, 12& 14 pass through the district. Due to unplanned urbanization and construction of roads, railways, canals drains, minors etc, the natural flow of rain water gets obstructed and cause flood like situation in some places during rainy season. However, no river flows through Jind but this district is a part of great Indo-Genetic Plain having alluvial soil and it is remarkably flat in topography. District falls in sub-tropical monsoon climate characterized by hot summers wet monsoon and cold-dry winters. Most of the rainfall (app. 80%) occurs from the middle of June to September. The normal annual rainfall of the district is 294 mm which is unevenly distributed over the area for 26 days. The south west monsoon sets in from last week of June and withdraws in end of September and contributes about 84% of annual rainfall. July and August are the wettest months. Rest 16% rainfall is received during non-monsoon period in the wake of western disturbances and thunder storms. Generally rainfall in the district increases from southwest to northeast Flood in this area caused by heavy downpour during rainy season and obstruction and incision of drains, canals, roads and natural paths. The winter season extends from mid October to early April. During winters some cyclonic rainfall occurs mainly from January to March.

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2. Administrative Structure(2021)

Sub Division

Name Area /Sub Block Municipal Tehsil Councils/Municipal (Sq. K.M.) Committee

Jind 786.87 70 Jind Jind Jind**

30 Julana Julana Julana***

Narwana 603.92 37 Narwana Narwana Narwana**

22 Ujjana

Uchana 777.64 47 Uchana Uchana***

28 Alewa

Safidon 529.91 44 Safidon Safidon***

27 Pillukhera* Pillukhera

Total 2698.34 305 7 8 5

* Sub Tehsil** Municipal Councils*** Municipal Committee

3. Basic Statistics of District, Jind


Jind Julana Safidon Alewa Uchana Narwana Total

Safidon Pillukhera (Sub Tehsil)

Area Agriculture 239629

Non-Agri 30192

Total 269821

Flood Total 26 18 12 14 02 08 21 101

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Lambardar 330 157 152 140 97 199 271 1346

Patwari 26 11 13 9 9 11 38 117

Kanungo 03 01 02 01 01 03 05 16


Jind Julana Safidon Pillukhera Alewa Uchana Narwana Total

Ring Repair 00 02 06 06 01 00 04 00 19 Bandh (Kutcha)

Good 12 19 03 06 00 03 16 09 Condition 68 (Pucca)

Sarpanch 66 38 45 27 19 47 37 21 300

Gram Sachiv 23 14 16 9 7 16 14 7 106

Junior 05 03 04 02 02 04 02 02 24 Engineer(PR)

4. Irrigation pattern

Jind district is irrigated by two canal systems i.e. The Western canal and the Bhakra canal. The Narwana and Barwala link canals of Bhakra canal system interlink these two systems. takes off from the Yamuna at Tajewala head works. The branch bifurcates from the main Western Yamuna canal at Indri () and is joined by Narwana branch of Bhakra canal near Budhera. branch emanates from western YumnaKanal at village Munak and this canal passes through Jind. This canal irrigates about 63326ha. land of the southern part of the district through Buthra Branch and Sunder sub branch. Sirsa Branch irrigates the area of Northern part of through Narwana branch of the

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Bhakra canal and its distributaries such as Habri sub branch,Jakholi, Rajaund, SudkainDhanauri etc. The area of the district irrigated by the Sirsa branch is approx. 143744ha. About 5000 ha. land is also irrigated byKhanauri and Haripur minors. (Source: Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of zWater Resources, Govt. of India, North Western Region, -2013).

5. Land use/land cover change in Jind district

S.No. Categories 2020-21 % 2011-12 % Change % diff.

1 Agricultural Land 2396.29 88.8 2502.88 92.63 -106.59 -3.83

2 Built Up 205.34 7.61 87.76 3.25 117.58 4.36

3 Forest 7.98 0.31 10.74 0.4 -2.76 -0.09

4 Grass/Grazing 60.23 2.23 67.69 2.51 -7.46 -0.28

5 Wastelands 3.19 0.12 3.19 0.12 0 0

6 Water bodies 24.96 0.92 28.97 1.07 -4.01 -0.15

7 Wetlands 0.35 0.01 0.77 0.03 -0.42 -0.02

Total 2698.34 10 2702 100 -3.66 0

Statistics of land use/land cover (LU/LC) change in Jind district during 2011-12 to 2020-21 (Areza in sq.km)

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Source: International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4, 5

Over the years, land use/land cover pattern is changing continuously as is in other part of the nation due to human needs and activities. The Built-up area is on increasing and now touches 2.66 % of total area. Area under forest, pastures and waste land is decreasing continuously because more land is brought under construction either for residential purposes or for economicactivities. The area under water bodies increased significantly reason being increase use of water in households. Also, economic activities under MNERAGA contributed by digging more ponds.Chiefly, agriculture area, grazing land and wasteland are being converted into built up area. The grazing land has reduced by 0.28 % from 2.51%. Pressure on agriculture land for other activities resulted in reduction of area under cultivation and it is now 2396.29sq.km. Major reason for this decrease is change in land use particularly for construction.

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6. Detailed map of the district

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Chapter-2: Drainage System

1. Drains

There are 63 drains in the district on which work of a seasonal clearance is under progress and this work will be completed by 30-06-2021. Normally, drainages system is sufficient to contain and outflow of rain water during the season. Flood occurs when downpour is heavy and excess water flows in the district from adjoing districts. Other major reason of flood is obstruction and incision of drains, canals, road and natural paths of water flow. Generally,Safidon, Jind and Julana tehsil receive more rain fall in comparison to the other parts of the districts. Two major depressions are located in this area at and Ramkali where hundreds of acres inundated due to rain water.

Flood inspection was carried on 16-03-2021 as mandated in Flood Control Manual. Drains, Canal, Ring Bandhs and Pump Houses were inspected. Following instructions were issued to the departments:

1. All drains must be cleaned/cleared/repaired latest by 30-06-2021.

2. All Pump Houses available in the district must be operative and all minor and major repairs must be completed by 30-06-2021.

3. Ring Bandhs available in the district seems to be not in good condition generally. All repair work on each Ring Bandh must be completed by 30-06-2021.

4. Public Health department will make all necessary arrangement of drainage of water in cities, ensure availability of clean drinking water during the rainy season and if any Water Work needs any connection must be availed in advance.

5. Forest department will render all necessary help to irrigation department regarding cleaning of the drains.

6. Electricity department will ensure all connection on the Pump Houses/Water Works be checked and make them workable.

7. Xen, Irrigation will follow up the cases pertaining to drains in different courts and get them decided as early as possible. So that flood preparedness may not jeopardise.

2. Details of drains in the district

The existing drains/link drains are in operational conditions. Work of digging, widening, deepening and repair is going on and will be completed by 30-06-2021. The Executive Engineer, PWD(B&R) Jind/Narwana and Executive Engineer, Water Services, Jind/Narwana/Safidon are responsible for clearing, cleaning and repairing of old drains, canals,

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Sr. Name of Outfall point Discharge Lined/ Villages No. Drain/Jind in Cs. unlined

1 Dathrath Drain 142510/R Hansi 50.00 Unlined Dhathrath from RD 0 to Br. 14825

2 Meharara Drain RD 0 Nandgarh 19.79 do Mehrara, Lijwana Kalan from RD 0 to Sirsa Kheri Drain 11000

3 Link drain 130725/Hansi Br. 11.00 Do Jamni form RD 0 to 5000

4 Chabari Sub 1900/tail Chabri 16.66 Do Chabri Drain for RD 0 to L/Dr. 9400

5 Chabri Link 29200/R 66.34 Do Chabri, Nidani, Padana Drain form RD 0 PadanaDr. to 19000

6 Muana Link 23385/L 90.00 Do Muana Drain form RD 0 AssandhDr. to 15100

7 Asandh drain 111272/R Hansi 268.00 do Do Muana, BudhaKhera form RD 0 to Br. 24000

8 Retouli drain 124800/R Hansi 50.00 Do Retoli, Rajana Kalan form RD 0 to Br. 15000

9 Rajana Sub drain 1000/L Rajana 17.72 Do Rajana, BheriKhera form RD 0 to L/Dr 2500

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10 Rajana link drain 121650/L Hansi 25.00 Do Rajana, BheriKhera form RD 0 to Br. 7500

11 KalwaKinana 81000/R S.S. Br. 129.1 Do , Bura Dehar, drain form RD 0 Kinana, Shamlo Khurd, to 102200 Anupgarh, Baroli, Radhana, Brah Khurd, Brah Kalan, Kharkramji, Siwaha, Pillukhera, Kalwa, Burain.

12 Chutang Nalah 14825/R 50 Do AllanjogiKheri, drain form RD DathrathDr. TeliKhera, Mohmad 14825 to 27874 Khera, KharkGadiyan

13 Manoharpur drain 164350/L hansi 22.50 Do Manoharpur drain form RD 0 to Br. 7800

14 Khokhri Drain 188700/L Hansi 46.40 Do Khokhri form RD 0 to Br. 23500

15 Gautauli, Karela 105800/L.S.S. Br. 50.00 Do Gatauli, GarwaliKhera, RD 0 to 39700 Jhamola, Karela

16 Lijwana, Pouli 42000/R 66.68 Do Hathwala, Poli, Lakhan drain form RD 0 Sub Branch Majara. to 24800

17 Nizampur, 8650/L 24.60 Do Dhigana, BharavKhera, PadanaDr. Ramkali drain form RD 0 to 47100

18 Nandgarh Sirsa 18750/R Q.Z 34.56 Do Sirsa Kheri, Fathegarh, Kheri drain form Garh Minor Lijwana Kalan. RD 0 to 9800

19 Gautoli link drain 32500/L Gatauli, 18.03 Do Gatauli form RD 0 to 6600 Karela Drain

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20 AssanDrain form 104700/R Jind 50 Do Assan RD 0 to 49900 Disty No-3

21 Padana Bass link 105580/tail Bass 270.00 Do Buana, Bura Dehar, drain form RD 0 Multi Purpose Dharam Kheri, Ugalan, to 49900 Channel JamniKhera, .

22 Extension Gatauli Do 105.4 Do Gatauli Karela drain RD 0 to 31300

23 PadanaKalwa link 3600 140.9 Do Padana, Kalwan, Kinana drain form RD 0 KalwanKinanaDr. to 14700

24 Bhirtana link 43200/RPadana 50.00 Do Birtana drain form RD 0 Drain to 13500

Sr. Name of Out-falls RD Disch in Cs. Length in KM No. Drain/Safidon

25 BhagKhera Link 3300/L 4.00 1.88 drain RD 0 to 6175 HadwaGangoli link Drain

26 Bhuslana Drain RD RD 0 Nai 38.00 7.62 0 to 25000 Nallah Drain 27 Butaini Link Drain 35000/R 24.00 3.96 RD 0 -13000 HadwaGangoli Link Drain 28 Bhambhewa Drain 129143/R 224.00 22.76 58220-132890 Chapra Drain (Length 74670 feet)

29 HadwaGangoli Lind 74700/R 0.75 11.16 Drain 0-36600 Padana Drain

30 Hadwa Sub Drain 27420/L 4.00 1.93 RD 0-6321 HadwaGangoli Minor

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31 Joshi Drain RD 0- 119000/L Nai 54.00 3.66 12000 Nallah Link Drain 32 Kalawati Link Drain 8300/R Gangoli 10.40 0.49 RD 0-1600 Minor 33 KharakGagar Link 23350/R 18.60 4.85 RD 0-15900 HadwaGangoli Link Drain 34 Ludhana Link Drian 52000/L 14.00 3.96 RD 0-13000 Padana Drain 35 Nai Nallah escap 2000 Nai 750.00 1.00 channel 0-3300 Nallah Drain

36 Nai Nallah Drain RD 0 Drain No. 2241/171 8.84 RD 0-129000 8 5.00

37 Padana Drain RD 8900/L Nai 35.00 10.79 41100-76500 Nallah Drain 38 Ram Nagar Link 36600 6.25 1.98 Drain RD 0-6500 HadwaGangoli Link Drain 39 Safidon Drain RD 0- 106000/R 71.00 13.26 43500 Hansi Branch 40 Safidon Ditch Drain 106000/L Hansi 50.00 11.74 RD 0-38500 Branch 41 Sarfabad Link drain 86350/L 30.00 7.86 0-25800 Bhambewa Drain 42 SeenkBahadurpur 31800 Nai- 85.00 4.57 Drain 67000-82000 Nallah Drain (Length 15000feet) 43 Bahadurpur Link 14700 Butana 5.00 0.76 Drain 0-2500 Branch 44 Tito Kheri Link 119500/L Nai- 12.00 3.66 Drain RD 0-12000 Nallah Drain 45 Bhirtana Link Drain RD 43200/R 24.00 4.12 RD 0-13500 Padana Drain 46 Jaipur Link Drain RD 7650/L 4.00 0.35 RD 0-1160 Safidon ditch Drain 47 Link Drain RD 0- RD 15200/R 6.80 0.46 1500 upto P.H. of Butana Branch ButanaBranchat RD 15200/R 48 Padana Drain RD 70000 S.S. 357.35 28.05

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RD 0-92000 Branch 49 Link Drain upto P.H. P.H. RD 4Cus 1.14 RD 80700/R 80700/R Bhambewa Drain Bhambhewa from RD 0 to 3740 Drain for village Siwanamal 50 Kalawati Link Drain RD 14584 8.12Cs 1.10 RD 0 to 3600 Kharakgagar Link Drain

Sr. Name of drain Details No. situated in Narwana RD’s/ Length of Outfall RD & Channel Discharge Drains

51 Extension BhanaBrahmna 0-16500 85000/R BML Barwala 100.00 Cs. Link Drain Link

52 Koel Link Drain 0-18000z 12500/L Dubbal Link 45.00 Cs. Drain

53 Dubal Drain RD 0-25000 37000/L BML Barwala 80.00 Cs. Link

54 Sunderpura Drain No.-II 0-5000 346000/R Sirsa Branch 50.00 Cs.

55 Lown 0-4500 20000/L Lown Minor 18.00 Cs.

Ditch Drain

56 Gurthali Ditch Drain 0-2500 3250/R BhanaBrahmna 10.00 Cs. Drain

57 Ujhana Drain No.-I 0-7000 45000/L BML Barwala 5.00 Cs. Link

58 Ujhana Drain No.-III 0-5000 49000/R BML Barwala 11.00 Cs. Link

59 SurjaKhera Drain No.II-B 0-6500 60700/L BML Barwala 14.00 Cs.

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60 New Belarkha Drain 0-3300 69000/R BML Barwala 10.00 Cs. Link

61 Ambersar Link Drain 0-12500 59000/L BML Barwala 16.00 Cs. Link

62 Surbra Ditch Drain 0-19227 6700/R SurbraDisty 40.50 Cs.

63 Danoda Ditch Drain 0-2160 380250/R Sirsa Branch 18.63 Cs.

64 Belarkha Link Drain 0-1800 35458/L Dharodi Minor 7.60 Cs.

65 Guru Sar Ditch Drain 0-2000 Cusec Guru Sar Ditch Drain 16.00Cs

3. Patrolling

Xen, Water Services Division, Jind, Safidon, and Narwana will depute patrolling parties to avoid any mishap/accident during the rainy season. If any emergency occurs, SP, Jind will provide necessary police force for protection and vigil of the vulnerable drains and ring bandhs as required by concerned Xen.

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4. Drainage Map of Water Services Division Jind

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5. Drainage Map of Water Services Division Narwana

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6. Drainage Map of District Jind

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Chapter-3: Flood vulnerability

1. Brief history of flood

Due to heavy rain in the month of September 1995, the district Jind experienced flood situation. Besides heavy rains, surplus, water from Kaithal side marooned most of the district. Canals and Drains were chokeddue to excess water. Areas ahead of Jindwerealso flooded and resultantly water could not flow further. Also, villager incised/broke/pierced roads, drains, canals and other natural paths and because of this, water of one village entered in thenextvillage. Infact, natural calamity was aggravated by irresponsible, panicked and unwise behaviour of people that resulted in huge losses to the state.

Flood normally causes lose of Humans and livestocks, damages to properties and devastate normal life and disrupt and impede the process of cultivation of the farm land. A report of Home Affairs’ Disaster Management Division states that because of the recent flood in July 2010 in Haryana, more than 4 lacs populationin600 villages affected. Around 3 Lacs hectares of agriculture land inundated and cultivation of the crops badly affected. Vulnerability to flood increases when excess water from northern part of the state and adjoining Punjab area flows in the district. A network of drains as detailed below existing in the district to meet the challenge of excess water/flood.

2. Details of Flood Affected Villages

Sub Division Jind Safidon Narwana Uchana Dangerously Moderately Dangerously Moderately Dangerously Moderately Dangerously exposed exposed exposed exposed exposed exposed exposed 1. Brah Kalan 1. Siwaha 1. Bhambewa 1. Siwanamal 1. Ujhana 1. BadanPur Badhana 2. Brah Khurd 2. Bohatwala 2. Ramnagar 2. Bagrukalan 2. Belerkha 2. DaroliKhera 3. Chabri 3. KherKheri 3. Hadwa 3. Kalawati 3. Sunderpura 3. Sacha Khera 4. LilitKhera 4. HabatPur 4. Bhagkhera 4. Butani 4. Ambarsar 4. Data Singhwala 5. Nidana 5. Fategarh 5. Bhurian 5. Bagru 5. Dumarkhan 5. Garhi Khurdz Kalan 6. Padana 6. Assan 6. Siwanamal 6. Kalwa 6. Jheel 6. Kharal 7. Shamlo 7. Kharak 7. Bhartana 7. Kaarkhana 7. Gurthli Kalan Ramji 8. Akal Garh 8. Nidani 8. Gangoli 8. Muwzana 8. Nape Wala 9. Lajwana 9. Barsana 9. Morkhi 9. Rojhla 9. Koel Kalan 10. Lajwana 10. Lochab 10. Ludhana 10. Anta 10. Dakal Khurd 11. Meharda 11. Mando 11. Kharak 11. Safidon 11. Hatho Kheri Gaghar

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Sub Division Jind Safidon Narwana Uchana Dangerously Dangerously Dangerously Dangerously Dangerously Dangerously Dangerously exposed exposed exposed exposed exposed exposed exposed 12. Nandgarh 12. 12. Malshri 12. Rajan 12. Dhorodi Manoharpur Khera Kalan 13. Sirsa Kheri 13. Kunga 13. Jamni 13. Ishamailpur 14. Ram Kali 14. Sindhvi 14. Kheri 14. Dablain Khera 15. 15. Taloda 15. Badowal BharoKhera 16. Biroli 16. Bishan 16. Sainthle Pura 17. Hathwala 17. Gosain 17. Mangalpur Khera 18. Pauli 18. Narwana 19. Kila 19. Bhana Zafargarh Brahman 20. Jhamola 20. Lodar 21. Buwana 21. Danoda kalan 22. Gatauli 22. Danoda Khurd 23. Dhigana 23. DhonaKhera 24. Garhwali 24. Sirsa Kheri

25. Kinana

26. Brar Khera

27. Khera Bhakta

28. KhemaKheri

In addition to the above villages identified and mapped on potential vulnerability to flood, urban locations where water stagnates, have been identified by municipalities/department of Public Health/Estate Officer, HUDA in their respective jurisdiction. Separate list of such locations and map is available in the above-mentioned departments. Although water stagnates in the city centres out flows in few hours but situation may become grim if downpour occurs for longer hours. In view of itnecessary arrangements are made by the departments to tackle the situation of drainage in the cities.

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5. Traffic Arrangement/Diversion in case of Flood

List of bridges, culverts and Siphons and list of roads which are prone tocut off due to heavy rain/flood/mischievous action of rogues is available with Xens, Irrigation and PWD (B&R) respectively. These lists will be shared with Police department to maintain smooth functioning of roads, canals and drains. If breach is caused to any road or canal, prominently visible sign boards for guidance and help of general public will be displayed by the department concerned. Public and private vehicles can be requisitioned for flood relief operations. It will be responsibility of SSP to monitor the movement of vehicles on alternative routes.

6. Incident Response System at District Level

Responsible Officer (DC)

Incident Officer (ADC)

Information and Media Officer (DIPRO) Liasion Officer (CTM) Safety Officer (DSP)

Operation Officer (SDM) Planning Officer (DSO) Logistics Officer (DRO)

Staging Officer (Tehsildar) Resource Unit Service (DRO) Support (DRO) FInance (TO) (DTP)

Line Deptt. Incharge Communication Transportation Officer (RTA) SItuation Unit (DSP HQ/GM Resource Time & Cost Unit (DSO) Provision (NT) (ASR) BSNL)

Road (ARTA) Area Officer of Line Deptt. Documentation Medical (Dy. Compensation Facilities (NT) Unit (DIO) CMO) (SK) Rail (SS)

Proucurement Ground Officer of the Line Demobilisation Ground Support Food (DFSC) (Red Deptt. Air (PA to DC) Unit (Tehsildar) (NT) Cross/Nazar)

SS: Station Superintendent, Railway

ARTA: Assistant Regional Trasport Authority

NT: Naib Tehsildar

ASR: Assistant Superintendent

SK: Sadar Kanungo

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The Incident Response System (IRS) at district level identifies and designates officers to perform various duties and get them trained in their respective roles; thus reducing chaos and confusion during the response phase. It is a flexible system and all the Sections, Branches and Units need not be activated at the same time. Various Sections, Branches and Units need to be activated only as and when they are required. IRS is a system to comprehend and tackle the situation immediately with clarity of the action.

Designation Roles and Responsibilities

DC as 1. Ensure formation of Incident Response Teams (IRT) at District, Sub-Division, Responsible Tehsil/Block. Officer (RO) 2. Ensure that a reasonable amount of fund is available and sanctioned for relief.

3. Ensure effective communication amongst Sub-Divisions//Blocks and affected area.

4. Appoint ADC as Incident Officer

5. Decide overall objectives, priorities and action plan and mode of implementation of this action plan.

6. Identify, mobilise and allocate critical resources according to objective/priorities of incidence.

7. Coordinate with the State Government for mobilisation of Armed Forces, Air support etc. as and when required.

8. Ensure overall coordination, relief and other activities.

9. Ensure that NGOs carry out their activities in an equitable and non-discriminatory manner.

10. Mobilise experts and consultants in the relevant fields for advice, if necessary.

11. Conduct post response review of performance of IRT and take appropriate steps to improve the performance.

12. Take such other necessary action as the situation demands

ADC, Jind as 1. Obtain information on: Incident Officer a. Incident situation status like number of people and the area affected etc.

b. Availability and procurement of resources

c. Requirement of facilities such as relief material, relief camp.

d. Availability and requirements of Communication system

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e. Future weather behaviour from IMD

2. Establish appropriate coordination amongst Sections, Branches, Divisions and/or Units working in the affected area and make sure that all conflicts are resolved.

3. Establish and operate from central control room.

4. Plan and review the situation periodically.

5. Ensure proper coordination between all sections of the IRT, agencies

6. Consider requirement of resources, equipment which are not available in the functional jurisdiction.

7. Authorise DIPRO to release information to the media.

8. Recommend demobilisation of the IRT, when appropriate.

9. Review public complaints and recommend suitable grievance redress measures.

10. Perform any other duties that may be required for the management of the incident.

DIPRO, as 1. Prepare and release information about the incident to the media agencies and Information and others with the approval of ADC. Media Officer 2. Monitor and review various media reports regarding the incident that may be useful for planning.

3. Coordinate and collect whether information from IMD and disseminate it to all concerned.

4. Maintain record of various activities performed.

City Magistrate, 1. Maintain a list of concerned line departments, agencies, NGOs, religious and as Liaison social organisation with their representatives at various locations. Officer. 2. Liaison with all concerned agencies including NDRF and Armed Forces and line departments of Government.

3. Monitor operations to identify current or potential inter-agency problems.

4. Participate in planning meetings and provide information on response by participating agencies.

5. Keep the IC informed about arrivals of all the Government and Non-Government agencies and their resources.

6. Maintain record of various activities performed.

DSP (HQ) as 1. Recommend measures for assuring safety of responders and make assessment of Safety Officer further needs.

2. Identify hazardous and unsafe situations and review it regularly.

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3. Obtain details of accidents that have occurred within the incident area and report to DC and ADC.

4. Review and approve the Site Safety Plan, as and when required.

5. Maintain record of various activities performed.

SDM of affected 1. Coordinate and supervise with the activated Section/Branch/ Division/Unit in his area as area. Operation Officer 2. Manage all field operations to achieve objectives. 3. Ensure the overall safety of personnel involved in the operations and the affected communities.

5. Brief the personnel under his supervision at the beginning of operation and ensure resolution of all conflicts, information sharing, coordination and cooperation between the various Branches of his Section.

6. Determine the need for additional resources and place demands accordingly and ensure their arrival.

8. Ensure record of various activities performed and perform such other duties as assigned by ADC and DC.

Tehsildar of the 1. Establish the Staging Area with proper layout. affected area as Staging Officer 2. Organise storage and dispatch of resources received as per action plan.

3. Report all receipts and dispatches to SDM and maintain their records. 4. Manage all activities of his area and utilise all perishable supplies expeditiously.

5. Ensure that communications are established with ADC/SDM/ Relief Camp.

6. Maintain and provide resource status to ADC/SDM/DRO.

8. Demobilise in accordance with the Demobilisation Plan.

9. Maintain record of various activities performed and perform any other duties as assigned by SDM

Response Branch 1. Ensure implementation of action plan as per the assigned role. Incharge- each from of the line 2. Coordinate with SDM and review assignment list with his Area Officer and department as Ground Officer. shown in table 3. Report to SDM regarding modifications required if any in the action plan, enclosed additional recourses, availability of additional resources. 4. Provide resources to Ground officer of his department and task force headed by BDPO.

5. Perform all task mentioned in Action Plan.

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Area Officer of 1. Ensure implementation of action plan. Line Department 2. Assign resources within his area.

3. Report on the progress of operations and the status of resources within area amongst Area Officers of other departments and create effective coordination.

4 Submit situation and resource status to the in-charge officer of his department and SDM.

Ground Officer of 1. Take charge of necessary equipment and supplies. the Line Department 2. Assess local weather and environmental conditions, law and order situation etc. in the assigned area and report to area officer.

3. Perform the assigned duty and keep contact with area officer.

4. Perform all task mentioned in Action Plan.

BDPO as Task 1. Review assignments with members of his team; Force Leader 2. Report on work progress;

3. Coordinate activities with in-charge of Line Department.

4. Establish and ensure communications;

5. Perform any other duties assigned; and

6. Maintain record of various activities.

Secretary RTA, 1. Activate and manage different operations like road, rail and air. as Transport Officer 2. Coordinate with railways, road transport and airport authorities for support.

3. Provide ground support to the air operations and ensure appropriate security arrangements.

4. Provide Road transport support to the Rail Operations when required.

5. Ensure that all units moving in the area are familiarised with route with the help of road maps or local guides.

6. Prepare transportation plan as per requirement and execution of Action Plan.

7. Determine the need for additional resources, their proper and full use and place demand accordingly in advance.

8. Ensure the maintenance of the status of hired resources, their full utilisation and timely release.

9. Ensure that the record of various activities performed and perform any other duties assigned by the ADC or SDM.

Asst. Secretary 1. Ensure transportation of resources by road to the affected sites.

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RTA as Road-in- 2. Ensure proper parking locations. charge 3. Ensure that mechanics are available for repair of vehicles and also ensure adequate availability of Petrol, Oil and Lubricants (POL).

4. Maintain the records of all-important activities relating to the number of vehicles deployed, source of vehicles (i.e. Government or private), locations where vehicles are deployed along with resource details they are carrying.

5. Support and coordinate the road operations part of the rail and air operations.

Station 1. Prepare and provide rail operations summary including time of departure and Superintendent, arrival, destinations, resource details, etc as and when required by the senior officers. Railway 2. Coordinate with road operations for movement of resources. 3. Organise crew for loading and unloading.

4. Ensure safe storage and warehousing of the materials.

5. Establish and maintain communications with various storage and warehousing areas, destination points and railway office

PA to DC as Air If need arise, contact and ensure help of Air Force Station for victims of affected Operation in- area. charge

DTP as in-charge 1. Maintain and display the status of all assigned resources at the incident site by of Resource Unit maintaining a resource status-keeping system.

2. Access information about availability of all required resources at other locations and prepare a plan for their mobilization.

3. Ensure and establish check-in function at various incident locations.

4. Update ADC about the status of resources received and dispatched from time to time.

5. Coordinate with the various activated Branches, Divisions and Groups for checking status and utilisation of allotted resources.

6. Ensure quick and proper utilisation of perishable resources.

DSO as District 1. Collect, process and organise all incident information as soon as possible for Planning Officer, analysis.

2. Prepare periodic future projections of the development of the incident (along with maps if required) and keep the ADC informed.

3. Provide authorised maps, photographic services to responders, if required.

4. Attend Meeting with required information, data, documents and Survey of India maps etc. with ADC.

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5. Maintain record of various activities performed and send to concerned section.

Naib Tehsildar 1. Display incident status obtained from Patwari/ Gram Sachiv and Ground Officer. as in-charge resource 2. Coozrdinate with BDPO and DSO for exchanging information and data. provision, 3. Assist in analysing and evaluating field reports. facilities and ground spot. 4. Maintain record of various activities performed and send it to DSO.

5. Organise movement of personnel, equipment and supplies.

6. Receive and store safely all supplies required for the incident response.

7. Maintain the inventory of supplies and equipment.

8. Organise repair and servicing of non-expendable supplies and equipment.

9. Monitor the 'kind', 'type' and quantity of supplies available and dispatched and maintain the records of receipt and dispatch of supplies including equipment and personnel.

10. Receive and respond to requests for personnel, supplies and equipment from the activated sections, branches, divisions, units and groups under intimation to DRO.

11. Prepare the layout and activation of facilities in relief camps and provide basic amenities to the responders.

12. Locate the different facilities as per the Action Plan.

13. Participate in the planning meeting of the Section, prepare list for each facilities and its requirements in coordination with the DRO.

14. Provide transportation services for field operations to BDPO.

15. In case Air Operations are activated, organise and provide required ground support through BDPO.

16. Provide maintenance and repair services for all the vehicles and related equipment used for incident management as per proper procedures and keep the concerned line departments informed through the Sup.DRO.

17. Develop and implement the Incident Traffic Plan.

18. Inform DTP about the availability and serviceability of all vehicles and equipment.

19. Arrange and meet fuel requirements for all transport including Aircrafts in consultation with the DRO

20. Maintain inventory of assigned, available and off road or out of service resources.

Patwari and 1. Report to Naib Tehsildar immediately on observing any situation, including local Gram Sachiv as weather conditions, posing danger or being a safety hazard to responders and

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Field Observer affected communities.

2. Gather intelligence that may facilitate better planning and effective response.

3. Maintain record of various activities performed and send to the Naib Tehsildar.

DIO as In-charge 1. Ensure that all the required forms and stationery are procured and issued to all the Documentation activated sections, branches, divisions, groups and units. Unit 2. Compile all information and reports related to the incident.

3. Review and scrutinise the records and various IRS forms for accuracy and completeness.

4. Inform appropriate units of errors or omissions in their documentation, if any, and ensure that errors and omissions are rectified.

5. Store files properly for post-incident analysis.

Tehsildar of the 1. Prepare Incident Demobilisation Plan (IDP). affected area as Demobilization 2. Identify surplus resources and prepare a tentative IDP in consultation with the and Staging ADC and give priority to demobilisation of surplus resources. Officer 3. Develop incident check-out functions for sections, branches, divisions and units in consultation with all sections and send to the ADC. 4. Plan for logistics and transportation support for Incident Demobilisation in consultation with DRO

5. Disseminate IDP at an appropriate time to various stakeholders involved ensuring that all sections, units, teams and resources understand their specific incident demobilisation responsibilities and avail demobilisation facilities.

6. Brief the ADC on the progress of demobilization.

DRO as Logistics 1. Coordinate with the activated Section, Branch, Unit In-charges. Officer 2. Provide logistic support to establishment of relief camp, staging area helipad and preparation of IDP.

3. Participate in the development and implementation of the Action Plan.

4. Keep DC and ADC informed on related financial issues and request for sanction of Imprest Fund, if required.

5. Anticipate over all logistic requirements for relief Operations and prepare accordingly.

6. Constantly review the Communication Plan, Medical Plan and Traffic Plan to meet the changing requirements of the situation.

8. Assess the requirement of additional resources and take steps for their procurement in consultation with the DC and ADC.

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9. Ensure that the hiring of the requisitioned resources is properly documented and paid by the Finance Branch.

10. Ensure that record of various activities performed and perform any other duties as assigned by DC and ADC.

11. Ensure proper dispatch of personnel, teams, resources etc. as per Action Plan.

DSP HQ/ BSNL 1. Provide communications facility as and when required. GM as Communication 2. Ensure that all communications equipment available is in working condition and Unit In-charge that the network is functional. 3. Maintain the records of all communications equipment deployed in the field and recover them after the incident is over.

4. Ensure setting up of a message centre to receive and transmit radio, Telephone and other messages from various activated sections, branches, units and higher authorities and maintain their records.

5. Prepare an alternative communication plan for execution in case of possible failure of the normal communications network. The alternative communications network may have wireless, satellite phones, cell phones, HAM radios etc.

6. Prepare a plan for integration of the communications set up of the central teams (NDRF, Armed Forces) with the local communications set up for the management of large-scale disasters when they come to assist in the response effort.

Dy. CMO as 1. Prepare the Medical Plan and procurement of required resources. Medical Unit In- charge 2. Provide medical aid and ambulance for transportation of victims and maintain the records of the same.

3. Obtain a road map of the area from the ADC for the ambulance services, transportation of medical personnel and victims.

4. Respond to requests of the SDMfor medical aid, transportation and medical supplies etc. under intimation to the DRO.

5. Maintain the list of medical personnel who could be mobilised in times of need.

6. Prepare and circulate list of referral service centres to all the medical team leaders.

DFSC as Food 1. Supply resources to various activated sections, branches, units and groups of Unit In-charge Incident Response Team as per direction of the DRO

2. Supplyoffood to personnel in camps, staging area and victims at the temporary shelters, relief camps etc.

3. May request DRO to split the unit (if the task becomes very large) into two groups—one to supply food for personnel and another for victims.

4. Determine food and drinking water requirements and their transportation and brief

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5. Maintain an inventory of receipt and dispatch of resources

TO as Finance 1. Attend planning meetings. In-charge 2. Prepare a list of resources to be mobilised, procured or hired in accordance with the Action Plan. 3. Ensure that time records of hired equipment, personnel and their services are accurately maintained as per Government norms for payment. 4. Examine and scrutinise cost involved in the entire response activity including the demobilisation, analysis the cost effectiveness and keep the DRO informed. 5. Ensure that all obligation documents initiated at the incident are properly prepared, completed, verified and signed by the appropriate Section In-charge of Line department. 6. Brief the DRO and ADC on all incident related financial issues needing attention or follow-up. ASR as Time and 1. Maintain time recording of hired equipment and personnel and ensure that it is cost unit in- maintained on a daily basis and according to government norms. charge 2. Examine logs of all hired equipment and personnel with regard to their optimal utilization. 3. Ensure that all records are correct and complete prior to demobilisation of hired resources. 4. Develop incident cost summaries in consultation with the TO on the basis of Cost Analysis Report. 5. Make cost-saving recommendations to the TO 6. Complete all records relating to financial matters prior to demobilization. S.K. as 1. Collect all cost data and provide cost estimates. Compensation 2. Prepare and maintain a list of requisitioned premises, services, resources and Unit In-charge vehicles, etc. with correct date and time of such requisition. 3. Follow appropriate procedures for preparation of claims and compensation Secretary, Red 1. Attend to all financial matters pertaining to vendors and contracts. Cross as 2. Review procurement needs in consultation with the TO and prepare a list of Procurement vendors from whom procurement can be done following proper procedures. Unit In-charge and Nazar as 3. Ensure all procurements ordered are delivered on time. assistant to him 4. Coordinate with the TO for use of imprest funds, as required. 5. Complete final processing of all bills arising out of the response management and send documents for payment with the approval of the TO, DRO and ADC.

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7. Members of planning committee and response branch for District, Jind

SrNo Department Members of ResponseBranchIncharge Area Groud PlanningCommitteeunder Officer Officer ADC 1 Police SP DSP SHOs Sub-Inspector/ Assistant Sub- Inspector at each Police Post 2 Health CMO Dy. CMO SMOs Each Medical CHC Officer (MO) at each PHC 3 Fire EO, MC Fire Officer AFSO/ Leading Sub Fire Firemen Officer 4 Food and DFSC DFSO AFSO Inspector/Sub Supply Inspectors 5 Public SE Xens SDOs JEs Health 6 Irrigation SE Xens SDOs JEs

7 PWD (B&R) SE Xens SDOs JEs

8 HVPNL/ SE Xens SDOs Leader Task Force as BDPO JEs DHVBNL

9 Agriculture DDA SDAO BAOs ADOs

10 Forest DFO Range Officer Foresters Forest Guards

11 Animal DDAH SDO(AH) VS VLDA Husbandry

12 Development DDPO BDPOs SEPOs Gram and Sachivs Panchayat

From protection of flood in Urban areas, Municipal Committees and Xen, Public Health of whole district are responsilble for preventive and curative measures.

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Chapter-4: Flood Protection Schemes

4.1 Ongoing Flood Protection Schemes in the District: - W/S Division-Jind and Safidon Action Plan and ongoing flood protection schemes in the district. (i) Ongoing Schemes

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S.No. Division Name of Work Remarks 1 Narwana The scheme for construction of Pump House at RD Tender will be called 6700/R Surbra Disty to drain out the floodwater stands after approval of approved in the 52nd meeting of HSDR & FC Board estimate from the held on dated 16.01.2021 under the Chairmanship of competent authority Hon’ble Chief Minister, Haryana (under Long Term (Head Office I&WRD Plan). ).

Proceeding of Joint inspection and meeting for flood protection works/ Pump houses/ Drains of District Jind conducted under Deputy Commissioner, Jind on 16-03-2021.

The meeting regarding flood protection works/ Pump houses/ Drains of District Jind was conducted by the Deputy Commissioner, Jind on 16-03-2021.Superintendent Engineer Yamuna Water Service, Jind informed that in the 52nd HFCB meeting, 15 works have been approved by the Chief Minister, which is about 22 crores. Out of them, 8 works of Jind Division, 5 works of Safidon Division and 2 works of Construction Division for District Jind. Tender call for all these works has been done, the rest of the tender call will be done by 31st March and all these works will be started from next month. On this, the Deputy Commissioner directed that the tender process of all these 15 works should be completed by 31 March and the work will be started in the next month. The Deputy Commissioner has also instructed that

38 | Page all the Sub-Division Officers will inspect the opportunity related to their subdivision in the next month and ensure that the above works have been started. Action by: - Superintendent Engineer (Canal), Jind / All Sub-Divisional Officer.

When asked about the problem faced by the Deputy Commissioner in cleaning the drains and canals, Executive Engineer Canal Jind said that some trees are facing difficulty in completing the cleaning work due to their interruption, and requested them to be removed. At this, the Deputy Commissioner instructed the Executive Engineer, Jind and District Forest Officer, Jind to appoint his one-2 representative who would inspect the opportunity with immediate effect as to which list of 2 pedos needed to be removed, that would ensure to make a list. And both the departments should make sure to take action about the trees which need to be removed by harmonizing with each other. Action by: - Executive Engineer (Canal), Jind / District Forest Officer, Jind.)

For the evacuation of water in the upcoming rainy season, the Deputy Commissioner instructed that all the pump houses of his 2 divisions will be ready to run smoothly so that the common man should not bother and will ensure that the pumps are available to them on the demand of the public. In this case, priority will be given to electric pumps and in view of the problem faced in the drainage of water in previous years, upon review by the Chairman, Superintendent Engineer Yamuna Jal Seva, Jind told that the capacity of Shamal Pump House is 120 C to 240 C and Karela Pump House Work from 60 C to 120 C has been completed. The Deputy Commissioner also instructed that with special attention to the drainage of the pump houses of the villages Pauli, Shamalakalan, Karela and Gatauli, they will ensure smooth running of water. Action by: - Executive Engineer, Mechanical, Jind / Safidon / Narwana) In view of the rainy season the Deputy Commissioner instructed to the Executive Engineer, Public Health Department, Jind to clean the sewerage system before the start of the rainy season. All the Department give assurance for maintaining the system run smoothly for no obstacle will be face by the sewerage system of the cities. On this, the Deputy Commissioner instructed that by coordinating with the Municipal Council / Municipality, we will ensure that the sewerage system is maintained smoothly. Action by: - Executive Engineer, (Public Health) Jind / Safidon / Narwana, City Council, Jind, Municipality, Narwana / Safidon, / Uchana / Julana. The Chairman also instructed that by inspecting the opportunity of water logging in the rainy season in the previous year, especially after ensuring the pumps will be installed at those places. Action by: - Executive Engineer, Mechanical, Jind / Safidon / Narwana)

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When the Deputy Commissioner asked about any problems faced in the power connection for running the pump, SDO (Mechanical) said that there are no problems of any kind of supply the power. On this, the Deputy Commissioner directed that the Executive Engineer Canal and Power Department will work together to ensure that the work is done smoothly. Action by: - Executive Engineer, Electricity, Jind / Executive Engineer, Mechanical, Jind / Safidon / Narwana

The following actions will be taken by the different departments in the district before the assessment and rain fall: - Deputy Commissioner, Jind directed all the Executive Engineers (Canals) of the Department of Irrigation and Public Health to ensure that all drains should be cleaned / cleared / repaired in time before the upcoming rainy season. 1- All pump houses available in the district should be operated and all minor and major repairs should be completed on the basis of time limit. 2- The ring bandh available in the district is generally not in good condition. The repair of all the ring ties should be completed on time-bound basis. 3 - The Public Health Department will make all necessary arrangements for water drainage in the cities, ensure the availability of clean drinking water during the rainy season and ensure any action if any connection is required for any water works. 4- City Council / Municipality will ensure action by cleaning with drains in coordination with Public Health Department. 5- Mechanical departments will work in coordination with the electricity department for connection of electricity at all pump houses. 6- Executive Engineer, Mechanical Irrigation Department will ensure to arrange for Generator Set connections for all pump houses. 7- The power department will check the transformer from time to time to ensure that all the connections are correct. 8- All concerned departments will ensure sending action report by the stipulated time. In the end, the Deputy Commissioner specifically instructed all the departmental officers to keep the machines related to their departments ready for the drainage of rain water so that any kind of adverse situation does not have to be faced.

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LIST OF DRAIN Sr. Name of work Tender Amount Date of start No Opening Estimated Date (in lacs.) 1 Reconstruction of pump house at RD 0 22.05.2021 108.70 Yet to be Start Lijwana Pauli link drain out falling at RD 42000 Bhiwani sub branch 2 Jungle Clearance, Silt Clearance I/C of 22.05.2021 16.82 Yet to be Start ExtentionGatauli karela drain from RD 0 to 31300 3 Jungle clearance, silt clearance I/C of Gatauli 22.05.2021 10.49 Yet to be Start Karela Drain from RD 0 TO 39700 4 Excavation of padanakalwakinana drain from 22.05.2021 4.49 Yet to be Start RD 0 TO 11000 5 Surface dressing and removal of rubbish of 14.05.2021 4.51 Yet to be Start kalwankinana drain from RD 0 TO 37000 6 Removing obstructions and internal clearance 14.05.2021 3.64 Yet to be Start from drain RD 0 TO 24000 7 Internal clearance of kalwakinana drain from 14.05.2021 3.34 Yet to be Start RD 72000 TO 102200 8 Jungle clearance I/C uprooting of trees, 14.05.2021 3.31 Yet to be Start removal of rubbish and bund of kalwakinana drain from RD 72000 TO 37000 9 Removing obstructions and internal clearance 14.05.2021 2.24 Yet to be Start from muana link drain RD 0 TO 15100 10 Jungle clearance i/c uprooting of tress of 14.05.2021 1.94 Yet to be Start chabri link drain RD 0 TO 19000 and chabri sub drain RD 0 TO 9400 11 Removing obstruction and internal clearance 14.05.2021 1.38 Yet to be Start from retoli drain RD 0 TO 15000 12 Removing obstruction and internal clearance 14.05.2021 1.33 Yet to be Start from chuttangnalla drain RD 14825 to 27875 13 Jungle clearance i/c uprooting of trees, 14.05.2021 1.06 Yet to be Start removal of rubbish of dathrath drain from RD 0 TO 14825 14 Jungle clearance, silt clearance I/C of mehrada 14.05.2021 0.94 Yet to be Start drain from RD 0 TO 11000

15 Jungle clearance removing of slush of 14.05.2021 0.79 Yet to be Start nandgarh- sirsakheri drain from RD 0 TO 9600 16 Removing obstruction and 1/C of Rajana Link 14.05.2021 0.67 Yet to be Start Drain RD 0 to 10000 and Rajana Sub drain RD 0 to 2500 17 Jungle clearance 1/C uprooting of tress, Slush 14.05.2021 0.41 Yet to be Start removal of Rubbish and Bound of Gataull Link drain from RD 0 to 7200

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Chapter-5: Flood Action Plan

1. Flood Control Room

The Central Flood Control Room is located in the office of the District Revenue Officer at Mini Secretariat, Jind and he functions as the officer-in-charge of the same. The control room is functional at all hours during the rainy season for the purpose of receiving flood warnings and other information. It also receives all messages /instructions from the State Control Room passes them on to the officer in-charge, who, if required, directs them further to Sub-Divisional Control Room/ Tehsil Control Room and other control rooms established in different departments. These control rooms gather all informationsregarding flood situation in their respective areas from the field officers and also convey information pertaining to flood relief operations from the Central Control Room or any other source to the field officers. They also issue directions regarding evacuation and supply of relief items to human beings and livestocksand all other precautionary measures according to flood situation prevailing in their respective areas. All the information so collected is transmitted by the officer-incharge, flood relief branch to the FCR Office daily through wireless in the performa prescribed by the state government time to time.

Central Control Room Officer-in-zcharge Telephone Number

DRO Office DRO, Jind 01681-245206

Detail of Flood Conrol Room in the district

Sr. No. Name of Officer Office Residence

1 S.P. Jind 01681 245285 01681 245284

2 Civil Surgeon Jind 01681 245455 01681 245454

3 SDO(C) Narwana 01684 240130 01684 240366

4 SDO(C) Safidon 01686 262050 01686 262049

5 G.M. Jind 01681- 245430-31, 245370 01681-249883

6 Dy. Director ICDP, Jind 01681 245229 01681 248080

7 S.E. (P.H.) Jind 01681 245129 01681 245456

8 Distt. Commandent Home Guard, Jind 01681-245476 01681-246655

9 S.E. (W.S.) Jind 01681 226268 01681 225054

10 XEN, W/S Div, Jind 01681 225132 01681 225970

11 HSEB S/Stn.,Jind 01681 225537 01681 228732

12 HSEB S/Stn.,Narwana 01684 240620

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13 HSEB S/Stn. ,Safidon 01686 262057 01686 262047

14 SE PWD (B&R) Jind 01681 269122 01681 245309

2. Pre-flood Inspection

Pre flood inspection was held on 16-03-2021. All drains, canals, pump houses and ring bandhs situated in the district were physically inspected. Irrigation/Public Health/DHBVN departments were asked to create coordination so that flood control measures could be taken up and completed in time effectively. Irrigation department will clear all the drains by 30-06-2021. Likewise Public Health department and DHBVN will ensure completion of all arrangements pertaining to their department. Also, SDO(C)s require to complete the work on ring bandhs in the villages of their respective Sub Division. Details are given at earlier page.

3. Ring bundhs

Jind Julana Safidon Pillukhera Uchana Alewa Narwana Ujhana

Biroli Karela Pauli RattaKhera Bartana Sunderpura Thua Amargarh Gurusar Ambarsar

Aasan Padana Kinana Karkahan Bhembewa Surburha Bado Wala Hatho Balerkha

Nirjan Garhwali Kharanti Hatt Gangoli Lodhar Bhana Ishmilepur DabiTak Brahman Singh

Siwaha KilaZafargarh Dighana Bitani Hadwa Bidhrana Karamgarh Hamirgarh

Bohatwala Jamola Buana Ram BhagKhera Bhikhewala Khanpur Hanshdhar Nagar

BharoKhera Brar Khera Jai Jaiwanti Hari Garh Kalwa Dablain Singhwal

Nidana Sirsa Kheri Khera Bagru BudhaKhera Dhakal Sinsar Pipaltha Bhakta Kalan

Lalit Khera Maherda KhimaKheri Siwana Ludana Dhanoda Raver Mall Kalan

Chabri Ram Kali Rajgarh Muwana Bhurain Fulia Kalan Lochab Ujhana

Nidani Gatouli Shamlo Dathrath Gurthali Kalan Mando Boora Dehar Kalawati Kheri Morkhi Kaer Kheri

In total there are 87 Ring Bandhs in different villages of the district as detailed above. As reported by Panchat department 68 Ring Bandhs are in good condition and rest 18 are need to

43 | Page repair and 01 for new construction. Repair work is under progress going on to compect and strengthens these Ring Bandhs so that these can sustain water flow during rainy season. Repair work will be completed by 30-06-2021.

4. Responsibility of various concerned departments before, during and after flood

(a) Arrangements of filled Sandbags, kassies and tokries

Necessary arrangement for sand bags, Kassies and tokries will be made available by Superintendent Engineer, Irrigation, Jind and Xen, Irrigation, Narwana/Safidon/Jind. Telephone Number are available in the list of district officers.

(b) Provision of dewatering operation of flood/rain water

SDO(Mechanical), Jind and respective Xen, Irrigation of Jind/Narwana/Safidon and Xen, Public Health, Jind/Narwana are responsible for dewatering of the stagnate/ flooded water from rural and urban area.

(c) Provision of distribution of essential commodities (like , , sugar etc to the flood affected people).

Tents and Sirkies can be purchased on need based manner as prevalent situation demands from local market or any other nearest place to meet the requirement of the affected people. In emergency, the food stuffs in the shape of packets (Grams/Breads etc.) will be arranged and supplied by DFSC and will be distributed through Tehsildars and DDPOs. Fair price shops will also be remained opened if necessary. DFSC will be responsible for arranging other essential commodities for flood affected areas.

(d) Provision of Health coverage to affected population.

Civil Surgeon, Jind ensure that a control room has been setup in his office if flood occurs. And this control worked around the clock. It is his duty to keep and maintain stock of anti Snake vaccine, life saving drug and medicines bleeching power, Clorine,anti Malaria tablets, Pasticides and other material requires to control mosquetos etc. sufficient Special Medical Relief team be constituted to help the affected population if flood occurs. Similarly, Deputy Director, ICDP, Jindwill keep sufficient stocks of medicines and necessary equipments and disinfectants to meet the requirement of any emergency.

(e) Provision of Drinking water.

Public Health department will make all necessary arrangement of drainage of water in cities, ensure availability of clean drinking water during the rainy season and if any Water Works need any connection that must be availed in advance.

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(f) Proposed Relief Centers

Sub Sr. No. Relief Centre Name of Office Village where relief Centre is established Division. Tehsil wise Incharge

Jind 1 Jind Tehsildar, Jind 1. Jind 2. Bherokhera 3. Lalit Khera

2 Jind BDPO Jind 1. Chabri 2. Brah Kalan3. Nidana

3 Julana BDPO Julana 1. Julana2. Padana

1 Uchana Tehsildar Uchana 1. Surbrah2. Dohanakhera3. Mangalpur

2 Badan Pur BDPO Uchana 1. Badanpur2. Dohanakhera Uchana 3. Mangalpur

Alewa BDPO Alewa 1. Alewa2. Bhigana3.

Safidon 1. Safidon BDPOSafidon 1. Ram Nagar2. Sarfabad3. Bagru Khurd 4. Kalawati 5. Hatt6. Anchra Kalan 7. Anchra Khurd8. Muwana

2 PilluKhera BDPO Pillukhera 1. Bhembewa 2. Ludana 3. Gangauli 4. Morkhi

Narwana 1 Narwana Tehsildar, 1. Narwana 2. Jheel 3. Dumerkha Kalan Narwana 4. Gurthali

2 Ujhana BDPO Narwana 1. Ujhana2. Belarkha3. Ambarsar 4. Lodhar

3. Data Singh Naib Tehsildar 1. Data Singh Wala 2. Rewar Wala Narwana 3. PadarthKhera

5 Kharal Tehsildar, 1Kharal 2. Hamirgarh 3. Rasidan Narwana

6 Garhi N.T., Narwana 1. Garhi2. Pipaltha3. Nepewala4. Koel 5. BhanaBahmna

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(g) Liaisons with important department


Hisar Cant. Helpline No. 01662-223505

Sr. No. Name of Officer Telephone Number

1 Maj Lokesh Kaushik, OIC 9996866616

2 Sub. B.M. Sahani, JCO IC 7972262090

3 Nb-Sub LN Jana, JCO IC 9813045073

National Disaster Response Force

Name Designation Contact No Address and email Sh. S.N Pradhan (IPS) Director General 011-23438020, Directorate General, NDRF, 6th Floor, 011-23438119 NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road, - 110001 [email protected] Sh. Amrendra Kumar Inspector General 011-23438021 Directorate General, NDRF, 6th Floor, Sengar (IPS) NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi- 110001 [email protected] Sh. P.K. Tiwari Commandant 0120-2766013, 8th Bn NDRF, Kamla Nehru Nagar, 2766618 Ghaziabad (UP), Pin-201002 9412221035(M) [email protected] Sh. Ravi Kumar Commandant 0164-2246193 7th Bn NDRF, Bibiwala Road, Bhatinda Pandita 0164-2246030 (Punjab) Pin 151001 [email protected]

Control Room 011-23438091, 011-23438136 [email protected]

Ministry of Home Affairs

Sh. Sanjeev Joint Secretary NDCC-II, 3rd 23438096 [email protected] Kumar Jindal (Disaster Management) Floor 23438098(F) MHA Control Room (Disaster 23093563, 23093564, 23093566, 23093571 Management Division) 011-23438252

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Chapter-6: Resource Inventory

1. List of flood equipment available within the district.

Sr. Name of Tehsil No. equipment Jind Safidon* Narwana

1 O.B.M 2 2 2

Boats 9 2 2

Kunde 6 4 2

Chappu 25 6 6

Life Jacket 28 25 4

Trala 1+1 1 1

2 Contact Person Sh.Balkishan Sh.Shamsher Sh. Parmod (Office (Office Kanungo) (Office Kanungo) Kanungo) Mob. 9416933404 9416777280 9813238871

Disaster Management Equipments List in District Jind

Sr. No. Name of the Equipments Quantity 1 Hooter Siren 3 Pcs. 2 Portable & inflatable emergency lighting system 2 Pcs. 3 Rechargeable long range hand held LED Search light 10 Watt. 5 Pcs. 4 First Aid kit 1000 Series 10 Pcs. 5 Life Bouy 20 Pcs. 6 Lathi 20 Pcs. 7 Buckets 20 Pcs. 8 Everady LD-64 Torch 15 Pcs. 9 Polycarbonate Shield for Crowd Control 20 Pcs. 10 Light Weight Stretcher 5 Pcs. 11 Mega Phone 3 Pcs. 12 Fire Proximity Suit 3 Pcs. 13 Walkie-Talkie 10 Pcs. 14 Tent Extendable frame 5 Pcs. 15 Reflective Jackets 10 Pcs. 16 Portable Genset 1 Pcs. 17 Dynamic Rope 220 (Small Pcs.)

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2. List of JCB and Cranes available within the district.

Sr. Name of Quantity Condition Name and No. of Contact No. equipment person

1 J.C.B. 1 Working Order Sh. SurenderMob. 9813638319

2 J.C.B. 1 Working Order Sh. RambirLohanMob. 8901313555

3 JCB 1 Working Order Sh. Bijendersingh 9813467889 4 JCB 1 Working Order Sh. Sitender 9466475945, 8529761100 5 Crane 1 Working Order Sh. Dalel, (Salasher Crane) 9996489020 6 -do- 1 Working Order Sh. Omparkash (Vickey Crane) 9896991008 7 -do- 1 Working Order Haryana Roadways, Jind

3. List of equipment available within (PWD B &R) the district.

Sr. Name of equipment Quantity Condition Name and No. of Contact No. person

1 Tipper (HR 37-8953) 1 Working Order Sh. Ramesh, Mob. No. TP-175 8295841883

2 Tractor (HR31 E-1855) 2 Working Order Sh. Amarjeet Singh TP-198 Mob. 9416836104

3 Tractor (TR-188) Working Order Sh. Rajinder Singh HR014AN74167 Mob. 9466735211

4 Tata (HR 37A-4015) 1 Working Order Sh. Rajinder Singh T-278TATA407 Mob. 9466735211

5 T-367 Truck HR-56- 1 Working Order Sh. Dayanand 9136 9416661280

6 T-405 Truck HR-56- 1 Working Order Sh. Ram Bhaj 9416629030 4966

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3. List of dewatering pumps available within the district.

Sr. Name of equipment Quantity Capacity Name and No. of Contact No. person

1. Diesel Pumping sets 47 2 cus Each Irrigation Department.

2. Electric Pumping sets 60 3 cus each (28No.) Xen,Jind 9416854061 2 cus each (12 No.) 1681-226268,270, 225132 3. Permanent Pump 22 VT 120cus, 40 cus, 80cus, House in Jind Distt. Pumps 80 cus, 20 cus, 15 cus, 6 Xen, Safidon (Julana and Safidon cus, 60 cus, 15 cus, 20 area) cus, 10 cus, 20 cus, 5 01686-263622 cus, 10 cus, 5 cus, 10 cus, 5 cus, 5 cus, 5 cus, 20 cus, 40 cus, 5 cus

4 D.P.Sets (2 Cs.) 40 Nos. 80 Cs. Xen,Narwana 9988615665 01684-242347 5 E.P.Sets 13 Nos. 6 Nos., (2Cs=12Cs) Details Xen, Narwana 7 Nos., (3Cs.=21Cs.) 01684-242347

6 PP House (V.T. 61 No. s 795 cus Xen, Narwana Pumps) 01684-242347 7 Electricity driven 25 7.06, 3.82, 3.06, 2.00, Public Health Pumping sets 2.50, 2.00, 1.76, 7.06, Department. permanent 3.06, 3.82, 2.00, 1.76, 1.00, 3.06, 1.00, 2.65, Xen, Jind 3.06, 0.50 (cus) 01681-246354

8 Electricity driven 2 2.00, (cus), 1.76 (cus) Pumping sets Temporary

9 Diesel driven 4 4.00, 1.5, 1.5, 2.5 (cus) Xen, Narwana pumping sets 01684-242071 10 Motor sets 4 Xen, Narwana 01684-242071

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4. List of Officials trained in OBM Operation.

Sr. Name Office Phone No. No.

1 Sh. Shamsher Singh, Teacher G.S.S.S,Nidani, Jind 94676-83344

2 Sh. Sushil Kumar, Inspector D.D.A, Jind 85294-09145

3 Sh. SatnarayanKanal Guard Irrigation Deptt. Narwana 74049-73877

4 Sh. Bhagwan Shastri, Teacher G.G.M.S, Dighana 94677-12000

5 Sh. Shiv Kumar, Teacher G.S.S.S. Malvi 94168-95863

6 Satbir Singh, Patwari D.R.O. (L.A.C.), Jind 94168-54443

7 Suresh Saini, Clerk D.C. Jind 01681-245830 Office, Jind 9896252530

8 Tehal Singh, Clerk A.D.C. Office Jind 98968-74009

9 Dharmpal Trainer A.D.C. Office Jind 9050198102

10 TuilshiDass. Asstt.(Rtd) A.D.C. Office Jind 90507-96234

11 Mahender Singh, Teacher G.M.S, Rodh, Safidon 94665-55084

12 Shiv Kumar T/Mate SDO(RWS) Mech. 01684-24237 Narwana

13 Harkesh Singh T/Mate SDO(RWS) Mech. 01684-24237 Narwana

14 Satbir Singh Saini, Clerk S.D.O(C) Safidon. 92559-91645

15 Surender Kumar, Instector I.T.I, Jind 94673-54677

16 Loknath Dafatri DEO Office, Jind 9996194743

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17 Rajesh Kumar, Peon DEO Office, Jind 01681-255404

18 Sushil Kumar P.T.I. DEO Office, Jind 01681-255404

19 Rishikesh TRA TRA, Tehsil Uchana 99913-72300

20 Balwan Singh, TRA Tehsil Narwana 99963-90014

21 Samsher Singh, F/M D.D.A. Office, Jind 01681-251730

22 Pardeep Kumar SDC Irri. Office, Jind 7015123750, 94169466610, 01681-225132

23 Ishwar Singh, Driver DDPO Office, Jind 01681-269006

24 Mange Ram, Traser XEN, (IB) Narwana 01684-242347

25 Ram Chander, Clerk XEN, (IB) Narwana 01684-242347

26 Rajbir Singh, Clerk BDPO Office, Narwana 01684-240162

27 Parveen Kumar, Clerk D.C.O. Office, Jind 01681-269011

28 Manu Lal Irrigation Deptt.

29 Rakesh Kanal Guard Irrigation Deptt. Jind

30 Vinod Kumar DEO, Jind 01681-255404

31 Sachin Kumar, Canal Guard S.D.O. W/S Julana 01681-225132

32 Kewal Singh, Instructor I.T.I., Jind

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33 Satyawan, T.R.A. Tehsil, Safidon 9813014538

34 Chetan, Clerk SDO(C), Safidon 9467388701

35 Darmender Singh SDO(C), Uchana 9896922711

36 Randhir Singh Clerk Education.Department 7206398513 (GSS)

37 Rajesh Kumar Clerk Excise & Tax Dep. Jind 01681-245177

38 Amit Singh, Clerk Haryana Roadways, Jind 01681-245430


39 Sushil Kumar S.D.O. W/S, Jind 8529409145 01681-225132

5. List of Divers and Swimmers available in the District (Along with telephone numbers).

There is no registered diver. In case of emergency KDB, is requested to depute divers.

Sh. Rajesh Hooda KDB, Kurukshetra H.No. 70,Shastri Nagar, 8950373186 Kururkshetra

Sh. Ajmer Singh KDB, Kurukshetra KDB, Kurukshetra 9813154749

Local Diver - (Vaccant)

Police Swimmers Sunil Kumar, C-1 27 9467485719 Sarvinder HC 389 9063960000 Sukhvir, Ct 644 8059705404 Rajesh Kumar, HC 885 8295166663 MahenderSingh,EHC 1019 9812835973

6. Home Guards Officials trained in flood relief measure.

Sh. Raghubir Singh Plotoon Commander Home Gaurds Haryana Jind 9467322673

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Chapter-7 :Directory

1. District Administrative Directory (Administrative Officers)

Name of Officer Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other S./Sh. & Smt.

Dr. Aditya Dahiya, Deputy Commissioner, 7082800080 246820, 245252, I.A.S. (2011) Jind 246822 246818

Mr. Wasim Akram Superintendent of 8295104000 245285, 245284 I.P.S Police, Jind 8814011500 8814011523

Sh. Sahil Gupta, Addl. Deputy 8708150552 245320 246327 I.A.S. (2017) Commissioner, Jind 246321

Sh. Baljeet Singh Distt.& Sessions Judge 9896181785 245291, 245566 245286

Dr. R.B. Solanki V.C. Ranbir Singh 9810409105 256852 241003 University 241011 241001 241004

Sh. Sanjay Bishnoi Distt. Muncipal 9416786909 248358 (HCS) Commissioner, Jind

Sh. Dalbir Singh S.D.M. Jind 8607583000 245830 245930 (HCS) 9992333800

Sh. Nand Kumar S.D.M. Safidon 9832259868 262050 262049 Sharma IAS

Sh. Surender Singh S.D.M. Narwana 9896176908 240130 240366 (HCS)

Sh. Rajesh Koth S.D.M.Uchana 7988876084 230024 (HCS)

Sh. Darshan Yadav City Magistrate, Jind 7988556267 245692, 245693 (HCS) 245693

Sh. Parveen Kumar M.D. Sugar Mill, Jind. 9467713609 233353 233342 (HCS)

Ms. Pushpa Khatri D.S.P. Jind 8814011501

Sh. Ravinder Sharma D.S.P. C.I D Jind 9646999525 245416

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Name of Officer Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other S./Sh. & Smt.

Sh. Chander Mohan Distt. Revenue Officer, 8607356535 245206 Jind

Dr. Kiran (HCS) C.E.O. DRDA/Z.P. 9466371964

Sh. Bijender Singh G.M. Roadways, Jind 9996718732 245430 (HCS) 245370 Inquiry

Sh. M.Z.R. Badar D.I.O, N.I.C. Jind 9416561786 249331

Ms. Sushma ADIO NIC, Jind 7015048127 246085 9635068360

Ms. Suhita Dugar C.M.G.G.A. 9830521508

Sh. Parveen Pruthi P.A. to Deputy 9416284438 246822 Commisioner, Jind

Sh. Hari Shankar Reader to S.S.P. Jind 8814011508

Sh. Joginder Reader to District & 9518454754 Session Judge, Jind

Sh. Om Parkash Superintendent of D&S 9034562099 Court Jind 7015993499

Sh. Dharampal P.A. to A.D.C. Jind. 9466891704 9306918506

Sh. Dharmender Supdt. Training Branch 8262000009 2740001 Rathi Chief Secretary Office extn.5507

Sh. Ramesh Singh Deputy Director Industrial 9996497220 safety & Health. Hisar

Sh. Suresh Dhanda D.R.D.A. 9034706141

Sh. Rohtash Birthal D.F.O. Jind 9416029555 245458

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Suresh Dhanda D.R.D.A. 9034706141

Udham Singh P.A.o V.C. CRSU Jind. 9996946608 241001 7082597172

Suresh P.A. to CRSU Jind 9812879080 241011

Registrar Govt 241004

Arun Yadav O.S.D. TO V.C. 8199989989

Virender Singh ASR SDM Office, Jind 7015704747

Saroj Devi Assistant cum Steno 9466846392 SDM Office, Jind

Ashwani Bill Clerk SDM Office 9728899476 Jind

Surender Singh ASR SDM Office, 9416148202

Satish Kumar Steno Safidon 7876133500 262050

Satbir Singh Reader SDM Safidon 9255991645

Chain Singh R.C. Safidon 9729599494

Raghbir Singh ASR SDM Office, 7015001452 Narwana

Harish Steno S.D.M. Narwana 8059651901

Madhu Superintendent O/o D.C. 8684087014 Jind. 8708736608

Kuldeep Saini Reader SDM Narwana 9671117000

Raj Kumar RC Teh.Narwana 8708377289

Karam Singh Lather ASR SDM Office, Jind 9416440847

Santosh Steno to SDM Uchana 7015434387

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Dharambir Gunman (PSO) 7206765324

Balinder Mor SK Branch, DC office 9466640013 Jind

Dharmander RC Tehsil Uchana 9896922711

Subhash Bill Clerk SDM Uchana 9671118000

Sanjeev Saini Reader SDM Off. Uchana 8222083422

Sheela PA to MD Sugar Mills 8395996339

Ram Dutt Gaud Superintendent 9416530010

Hari Om Deputy chief Engineer 9466778379 Sugar Mill, Jind 8168412332

Samay Singh PA to MD Sugar Mill 9466155602 (Retd.)

Rohtash Lather Can Manager Sugar Mill 9466155608

Dinesh Yadav Administrator , HUDA, Hisar


Estate Office, H.U.D.A. 245110 Jind

Dharambir Boora S.D.O. HUDA, Jind 9416041940 245110

Anuj Dhanda J.E. HUDA, Jind 7988320980 Water Services

Jagdish Fitter 9034762893 Water Services

Rohit JE HUDA 9068319650

Sh. Kamal Sharma Manager GymKhana 9896666356 248555 Club

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Sh. Satywan Singh Secy. R.T.A., Jind 9416315365 249670 Mann (HCS) (Addl. Charge)

Sh. Abhinav Nagpal R.S.A.(Road Safety Associate) 7009069248

Rajesh Kumar Ins. RTA Office 9466085299

Kulwant Saini RTA Office 8708234257

Kuldeep R.T.A. Office, Jind 9729352911

Inder Singh SK S.K. 9896467625

Vijender PO FRA 9466205008

Narender LAC Kanugo 8607519879

Bal Krishan O.K. Tehsil Jind 9416933404

Rajbir Tehsil Kanungo Sales 9812181682 8708347316

Narender Kanungo LA Branch 9518863559

Ashok Kumar LA (Comp. Opr) 9468256282

Raj Kumar D.D.P.O., Jind 9416347755 245582 245231 9813088995

Urmila Asstt. D.D.P.O Office 9466408097 Jind(HCP)

Pardeep D.P.M. Jind 7357776858

Navneet Clerk DDPO Office 9416934595 7988762595

(Vacant) Dy. Supdt. DDPO Office

Sushil D.P.M. Gravit Jind 9467060085 Naseeb Clerk DDPO Office 9813741833 Ajay ADPM (Swamitva) 8607680087

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Parveen W/o Sh. ZP President 9416182297 Narender

Narender Dhull Assistant ZP 8930105590

Ajit Singh Chahal Dy. C.E.O. ZP, Jind 9416316677 245305 , 247347

Rakesh PO, NREGA, DRDA 9991232528

Deepak C.E.O. ZP, Jind Office 9812910265

Sunil Kumar D.P.M. E-Plan 7015303099

Mukesh Pruti A O ZP Jind 9416661444

Sanjeev Lathwal Legal Officer 9896162987 Panchayat

Balbir Singh Security Incharge D. C. 8059366382 Camp Office

Bijender Singh G.M. Roadways, Jind 9996718732 2454302453 (HCS) 70 Inquiry 245337

D.D. Sharma Steno G.M. Roadways 9728946146 245430

Ram Kumar Supdt. Roadways 8168863090

Ashok Clerk G.M Roadways 9416342614

Gurujender Singh Accountant Roadways 8053313000 245337

Sunil Kumar Account Officer 9416933570

Bhatiya Traffic Manager 9466673755

Gulab Singh Driver 9896047160

Raj Kapoor Roadways 9729036771

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Jaipal Roadways 9416731481

Dr. Manjeet Singh Civil Surgeon, Jind 7027812024 245455

Dr. Bimla Rathi P.M.O, Jind 9416632033

Dr. Pala Ram Dy. C.M.O. Jind. 8708886583 9416510720

Dr. Parbhu Dayal Dy. C.M.O. Jind. 8950184481 (PNDT)

Dr. Navneet District Immunization 9991052039 Officer, Jind

Dr.Naresh Verma S.M.O. Julana (Jind). 9416259488

Dr. Gopal Goyal C.S. Jind 7015931805

Dr. Rajesh Bhoale S Dy. C.M.O. Jind. 8899884888

Dr. Sankalp Mental Care 9116460860

Dr. Manisha Principal Medical 9992445554 Officer

Dr. Jai Kishan Death & Birth 8168767655 Maan Certificate 9416139660

Dr. Shyam Sunder Death & Birth 9416077727 Certificate

Dr. Vivek Ayusman 8813881391

Dr. G.D Sharma Dy. CMO (Malaria) 9466858111

Jamina Steno CMO 9306699588

Madan Singh D.E.O. Jind. 9416056986 255404 Chopra

Karambir Singh Superintendent 9466217036

Satish D.E.O, Office 7015242372

Jagdish Chander Dy. D.E.O.cum DPC 9466318134

Sadanand D.E.E.O., Jind 9050151551 255201

Jagdish Chander D.P.C. SSA, Jind 9466318134 246805

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Anil Duhan SDO D.P.C SSA, Jind 9896828568

Balvinder Singh A.O. SSA, Jind 8557981584 (Addl. Charge of A.O. Kaithal)

Amit Panwar DIPRO Jind 9996120045 245475

Sunil Kumar AIPRO 8607329641

Satish Bhardwaj Assistant M.A. Branch 9416830570 D.C. Jind.

Aman Taneja A.O. DC Office Jind 9416480894 7015928340

Abhinav Nagpal Road Safety Associate 7009069248 7508241100

R.A. Chandigarh For all contacts of 0172- Officers in Chandigarh 2794959


Ajay Kumar Saini Tehsildar, Jind 9416926222 249280 7988614805

Deepak Dhangar Naib Tehsildar, Jind 9992040602

Rakesh Malik Tehsildar Julana 8901320203 275413

Chetan RC Tehsil Safidon 9416688701

Tehsildar, Safidon 262006

Vijay Kumar Tehsildar, Narwana 7056833944 240313

Ram Charan Tehsildar Uchana/ Alewa 9729160003 Sharma

Krishan Kumar Field Kanungo Narwana 9896195489

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Parmod Office Kanungo Narwana 9813238871

Virender Kumar Naib Tehsildar Narwana 9812024505

Krishan Kumar Naib Tehsildar (A/C), 9215395848 Narwana

Balwan T.R.A. Narwana 9996390014

Raj Kumar RC Teh. Narwana 9812402556

Ram Charan Tehsildar, Uchana 9729160003 Sharma

Sahil Arora Naib Tehsildar, Alewa 9871058313

Suresh Kumar O.K. Alewa 9416775884

Ram pal Naib Tehsildar, Safidon 8168989667 262006 9416015869

Inder Singh N.T. Pillukhera 9034600012

Naresh Bhajni R.C. Tehsil, Pillukhera 9812098870

Jagdish Chander Naib Tehsildar, Uchana 9812084521

Parteek Kumar Naib Tehsildar, Julana 9911886773

Jaipal RC Teh. Julana 9416497500

Navdeep Naib Tehsildar, (A/C), 9899932445 Julana

Mahesh Kumar Naib Tehsildar (M) 9315411892 Uchana

Virender Kumar Naib Tehsildar (M) 9812024505 Narwana

Jagdish Chander Naib Tehsildar (A/C), 9812084521 Narwana

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Hira Lal Kanungo Surplus 9813568202 Surender Patwari 9416166808

Rajbir Singh Kanungo Sale 9812181682

Achin Kumar Naib Tehsildar Under 9813683248 Training

Pardeep Kumar Naib Tehsildar Under 7838851093 Training

Bal Krishan Office Kanungo Jind 9416933404

Parmod Office Kanungo Narwana 8950749390

Ram Kumar Office Kanungo Uchana 9467037992

Ram Kumar Office Kanungo Julana 9467483891

Shamsher Office Kanungo Safidon 9416777287

Suresh Office Kanungo Alewa 9416775884

Satyawan Sharma Field Kanungo Pillukhera 9215410094 Safidon

Jasbir Singh Field Kanungo Pillukhera 9813616427 Safidon

Sant Lal Field Kanungo Pillukhera 9467970682 Safidon

Suresh Field Kanungo Uchana 9416720270

Anil Kumar Field Kanungo Khatkar 9416190555

Anoop Kumar Field Kanungo 9467135005 Karsindhu

Satpal Field Kanungo Julana 9416506460

Anil Kumar Field Kanungo Gatauli 7015900170 Julana

Bhupender Patwari, Jind 9068071848

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Ishwar Singh S.E.P.R, Hisar 9416231662 272729

Peshal Sharma XEN. P.R., Jind 9416498853 245124

Arvind Beniwal SDO P.R., Jind 9416484910

Dharmender Head Draftsman 9812376830

Awnender Singh S.D.O. Narwana 9467600003

Sombir Kadyan B.D.P.O. Uchana 9991155533 240162

OMPARKASH BDPO, Jind 9812720529

Ishwar Driver B.D.P.O Jind 9812652981

Rajeev Gupta J.E (PR) Jind 9416017331

Bal Kishan Acct. -do- (accountant) 8529074748 245082

Jagbir SEPO Jind 9416358026

Shakti Singh BDPO Julana 7988110308 274045

Dharambir Steno BDPO Julana 9466657415

Jile Singh S.D.O. (PR) Julana 9416556349

Sh. Avender S.D.O. (PR) Narwana 9467600003 Singh

Sombir B.D.P.O., Uchana 9991155533

Sombir B.D.P.O., Narwana 9991155533

Hanish Jain B.D.P.O., Ujhana 9467441500 230220

Om Parkash B.D.P.O. Alewa 9812720529

Kirti BDPO, Safidon 9468068629 263111

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Krishan S.D.O (PR), Safidon 9355220454

Satywan SEPO Safidon 9416557197 263111

Rajmal Accountant Safidon 9416030133

Kuldeep J.E. (PR) Safidon 9996101200

Shakti Singh BDPO, Alewa 7988110308

Poshan S.D.O (PR) Alewa 8950400418

Vikash Operator Alewa 7056721902

SEPO, Pillukhera 9050455635

Jan Mohammad S.D.O (PR) Pillukhera 9813021761

Shakti Singh BDPO, Pillukhera 7988110308


H.R. Raheja EIC PWD (B&R) 9356067505 2618101 2790734 Roads related works 2618102

G.D. Goyal EIC PWD (B&R) 8054917992 2618121 (Senior) (Related Building works)

N.K. Tomar S.E. PWD (B&R), Hisar 9818507488

H.S. Sangwan PD NHAI ROHTAK 9416053120 01262- 282010 01262- 282011

Sajjan Singh S.E. PWD (B&R), 9466100063 01746- Jind/Kaithal 227221

Kuldeep Rana S.E. PWD NHAI, Jind 9465217903 248559

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Anil Rohilla XEN NHAI 7015151870

R.S. Sehrawat S.E. PWD Elect., Karnal 9811120233 2266076 2267470

Vishvanath XEN B&R Electrical, 9818025971 Rohtak (Add. Jind)

Satish Sharma S.E. (Police Housing 9416067465 Corp.)

Vinod Rawal XEN. (Police Housing 8744911000 Corp.) Panipat

Mr. C.P. Chugh Xen, Mech. Karnal 9467830935

Sh. Himanshu SDO Mech. Jind 8800172935 Goyal

Navneet XEN. PWD (B&R), Jind 9467617594 249416 245435 7988364332

Arun Khurana SDO PWD (B&R) 9416168701 Vardan Sihag SDO PWD (B&R) 9812560001 Horticulture

Sanjeev Mali (B&R) Horticulture 8529709700

Narender Mali (B&R) Horticutlure 9138734800

Sardar Jugnu JE PWD (B&R) Julana 9466719037

Vijay Kumar J.E. PWD (Residential) 8307850119

Prabhat Diwan J.E. PWD (Residential) 9802902960

Vikas J.E PWD 9467783044 RESIDENTIAL 8168848644

Vikram Plumber B&R 9050047391

Ravinder J.E. PWD (Official) 9729433953

Satyvir Singh J.E. PWD (Rest House) 7015067705

Parmesh Kumar SDO PWD (Electrical) 9467403883

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Ravi Lathwal XEN. PWD (Elec.) 9017411997 01262- Rohtak 2746813

SDO PWD Safidon

Mohit JE PWD Safidon 9991177212

Lokesh XEN PWD (B&R) 9813444155 244883 Narwana

Jai Bhagwan SDO PWD (B&R) 9728930302 Uchana

XEN. N.H. Hisar 225256 283050

Anil Rohilla XEN. PWD B&R N.H. 7015151870 245079 Jind

Raj Kumar Chawla SDO PWD B&R NH 9416001580 Jind

Sanjiv Johar XEN. PWD Elect. 9466445429 276813 Rohtak 9818596429

H.S. Sangwan Project Director, NHAI, 9416053120 01262- 01274- Rohtak (352-D) Jind to 282010-11 220727 Sonipat

Steno to PD Rohtak 9412220116

N.K.Sharma Manager Technical, 9910584844 NHAI, Rohtak

Puspender Deputy Manager, NHAI, 9350663779 Rohtak

Sunil Contactor, NHAI, Rohtak 9802402498

K.M Sharma Project Director, NHAI, 7860399993 01664- 152-D Bhiwani 256100 (Gangatheri to NH 152- D ), NE-5 (Jammu Katra


Off. Asst., PD Bhiwani 7378591288

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Abhijeet Site Engineer, NHAI 7832868212 Bhiwani, 352 D

Avtar Singh Kanungo 9468067680

Himanshu Jind Subordinate (NHAI 01262- Rohtak ) 282010-11

Goutam Vishal Project Director NHAI, 9478733371 01662- Hisar 248273 (NH-65, 71 now 352) Jind- SCO-13, New Model Narwana , Near Sector-9, 11, Police Naka, Road Hisar

B.L. Sharma Manager, NHAI,

Ashok Singh Site Engineer NHAI, 7568845544 Hisar

Ketan Pandya Project Manager, NHAI, 9416067465 Jind.

Amit (NH Hisar) AHE 9467899899

Vinod Rawal Xen. Police Housing 8744911000 Corp. Panipat

Satbir SDO Police Housing 9466110811 Corp. Jind

Narender Fogat SDO Police Housing 9416435377 Const. Corp. Hisar Alewa College.

Ajmer Singh J.E. Police Housing 9811796273 Const. Corp. Hisar Alewa College.

Rajesh Kumar JE Police Housing Corp. Jind 8053232660

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Name of Officer/ Designation Mobile No. Office Resi Other Official S./Sh. & Smt.

Arun Kumar M.D. D.H.B.V.N. Hissar 8221005222 223734 Verma 223392

S.E. H.V.P.N.L, Jind 01662- camp at Hisar. 223084

Shyambir Saini S.E D.H.B.V.N. Jind 8221901461 245001 245037

Ishwar Dutt Superintendent 8221901462

Circle Head Draftsman 8221901464

Surender C.A. 8222001001

Steno, SE DHBVN, 8950937040 Jind.

(Vacant) S.E. Construction 01662 - 223300

Vikas Mohan XEN D.H.B.V.N. Jind 8221901451 225537, Dahiya 225645

Sh. Vinay Singh S.D.O. SUB- DIVN. 8221901452 225645 JIND

Sh. Hitesh S.D.O. NO.1 JIND 8221901453 225518

Rohtash Kaushik XEN H.V.P.N.L., Jind 9316369284 225031

Sukhinder Singh Asstt. Xen H.V.P.N.L. 9354194833 Jind

Bhim Sain XEN D.H.B.V.N 8221901467 240320 Xen Narwana

Jagdish Chand Jain XEN D.H.B.V.N, 8221901457 (400/220 01684- Safidon KV Sub 285636,

Station 285633


DHBVN DHBVN Complaint No. 8816888984 8816888985 Complaint No.

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Rajender Jangra S.E. P.H., Jind 9050700001 245129 245456 245101

XEN P.H., Divin. No. 1 246354 245156 Jind & Alewa

Gurmeet Singh XEN P.H., Divin. No. 2 9896672130 Julana & Safidon

Vinod Saroha XEN Public Health 9416279400 242071 Narwana

S.D.O Public Health, Uchana

Satish Nain S.D.O. Public Health, 9896943151 Jind 7988944514

Satish Deshwal S.D.O. Public Health 9467665094 Jind (Rural)

Sunny J.E. Pubic Health, Jind 9671123400 ()

Dinesh Khatkar J.E. Pubic Helath, Jind 8950420629 (Rural)

S.D.O. Public Health, Julana

J.E. Public Helath, Julana Vikas rathi 9416705097

J.E. Public Health, Jualna Naveen Nehra 9729420042

Pardeep Sandhu J.E. Public Helath, 9106809132 Julana

S.D.O. Public Health, Safidon

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Anil Kumar Gupta ELC, Irrigation 9465216890 0172- 2582541

M.R. Garg S.E. Irrigation, Jind. 9416179143 226268 9992220025

R.S Mittal S.E.BWS Circle , 9992282000 01746- dhbvn Kaithal 224216

Rakesh Sood S.E. Irrigation, Kaithal 9417303593

Rajeev Kumar S.E. CADA, Rohtak 94160- 01262- Batara 92894 2560060

S.E Irrigation Rtk. 9812012121

Xen Irrigation Rtk. 9896410404

Rajesh S.E. Workshop Circle, 7876088000 I&WR, Karnal 7206967957

(Vacant) XEN D&W, Jind 226268

Raghubir Singh XEN. Divn. N. 28 Jind 9896038123 226270

M.R. Garg S.E. CADA, Rohtak 9416179143 9992220025

Anil Sabbarwal Xen CADA, Jind. 7988037971 227072

Sanjay CADA Driver 9812099180 9468243372

Rajiv Rathi XEN. Irrigation, Jind 9464040970 225132 225537

SE, Mech. Karnal 9812012121

Chander Parkash Xen, Irrigation Mech. 9467830935 Chugh Karnal

Parmod Xen Procurement 9316122453 Panchkula

Neeraj Bhardwaj S.D.O. (Mech.) Jind 9991831221

Himanshu Goyal S.D.O. (Mech.) Narwana 8800172935

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Raghbir XEN. Irrigation, 9896038123 263622 Safidon

Dhruv SDO Irrigation, 9418132000 Safidon

Banarsi Das XEN. W.S. Divn. 7082518644 01746- Kaithal 224253

Balraj Chauhan Xen Irrigation Narwana 9988615665

Sanjeev Budhiraja Xen. Pollution Control 8307668697 01664- Improvement Board, Bhiwani 240259 Trust, Circular Road, Near Rajender Sharma Hansi Gate, Bhiwani Manish Yadav AEE/SDO, Pollution 9582907942 Control Board, Jind

Rajender Sharma Regional Officer, 9417495439 Pollution Control Board, 9466791610 Bhiwani. 8307668697 9212385008


Hari Parkash S.E. Huda, Hisar 9891210769 01662- Sharma 246974

Bhupender Singh XEN Huda Hisar 9812100060 247381

Gulab Singh XEN-1, Huda, Hisar 9416145831 247381 Grewal

V.K. Arora XEN-II, Huda, Hisar 245174

Dalbir Nain XEN Huda, Hisar 9466854661

Virender Singh XEN. Horticulture, 9896553180 245569 Huda, Hisar

N.K. Pruthi Xen. Housing Board, 9518889563 2221744 0184 Karnal

Partap Saini Estate Manager, Housing 9416266246 2220641 Board, Karnal

Raja Ram Manager, Housing 9466273431

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Board, Karnal


Rajesh Kakkad S.E. HSAMB, Jind 9812902295 255039 Add. 9416387518 Hemant Mittal

Devender Jangra Xen, HSAMB, Jind 9992452803 252003

Offical No. 9416384965

Roshan Mor SDO HSAMB, Jind 9416776616

Abhinav Walia D.M.E.O., Mkt. Board, 9896325282 251357 Jind

Surender Operator 9416854480

Surender Deputy Superintendent 8307208736 D.M.E.O

Anil Data Entry Opr 9466052523 Mkt. Brd Jind

Sanjeev Jangra Secy. Mkt. Board, Jind 9416851670 255002

Mr. Mor SDO Jind (For JCB) 9416292214

Satbir Ravish Secy. Mkt. Board, 9466520529 244947 Uchana

Anil Kumar Secy. Mkt. Board, 9992636222 Safidon

Deepak Lohchab Secy. Mkt. Board, 9812782221 274013 Julana

Satbir Nain Secy. Mkt. Board, 9728508069 262004 Pillukhera

Joginder Singh Secy. Mkt. Board, 9896073795 230415 Narwana

Vikas Gupta Secy. Mkt. Board, Alewa 9813219705 9467317018 (W)

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Sushil Suhag Mandi Pardhan Jind 8708240311

Sattu Mandi Pardhan Jind 8168998576

Jai Dev Bansal Mandi Pardhan Narwana 9315449575

Moti Mandi Pardhan Safidon 9671372786

Kawar Saroha Mandi Pardhan 9416284378 Pillukhera

Rampal Sharma Mandi Pardhan Alewa 9812343678

Jaswant Mandi Pardhan Julana 9050518699

Balraj Mandi Pardhan Uchana 9306461225


Sh. Sanjay Bishnoi D.M.C Jind 9416786909 248358 (HCS)

Suresh Chohan E.O.M.C., Jind 7015778071 246358, 9416588467 245268

Sunil Goyal Account Officer 9466282626

Sunil Kumar 9802102198

Bhupender Singh M.E. M.C, Jind 9588764351

Sumit Malik Xen MC, Jind 9671876878

Pankaj Singh J.E. M.C., Jind 9896734870

jai kumar J.E. M.C., Jind 9050206219

L.O.M.C Jind 8901577077

Neelam devi S.I. M.C. Jind 8168390501

Dilbag J.E. Elect. M.C, Jind 8814066066

Atma Ram F.S.O 9468333251 251273

Ram Bhagat Clerk 9813130686 246358

Vinay Secy. M.C. Julana 8860837371 01683- 275733

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Suresh lohan M.E. M.C., Julana 9992125842

Krishan Ahlawat J.E. M.C., Julana 7876494949

Sushil Kumar Building Inspector 9813088457


Mukesh C.O M.C Julana 9034419267

Joni Birth & Death M.C. 9728376340 Julana

Sourabh Jain Secy. M.C. Safidon 7015868006 262008

Ashok (Add. M.E. M.C. Safidon 9812139699 Charge) 9817589669

Anil Boora Clerk M.C. Safidon 9416664017

Sandeep Solanki E.O. M.C., Narwana 9467820947 Sumit (Add. Charge) M.E. Narwana 9467241646

Secy. M.C. Narwana 246198 246110

L.C. Chohan Xen. M.C. Narwana 9313721325

Sumit M.E. M.C. Narwana 9467241646

Bhupender Singh S.I. Narwana 9518675555

Sharwan Kumar Operator M.C. Narwana 9416717786

Suresh J.E. M.C. Narwana 9053426525

Dharam Pal J.E. M.C. Narwana

Pappu Pradhan Nagar Prishad 9812441066 Narwana

Vinay Secy. M.C. Uchana 8860837371 231691

Krishan Ahlawat J.E. M.C. Uchana

Sunil Accountant 8295799555

Raj Kumar Peon M.C. Uchana 9416850059

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Ramrati (Addl. P.O.I.C.D.S., Jind. 9812339891 246930 charge JIND)

Som Kumar Saini Chairperson CWC Jind 8708181906

Smt. Sujata DCPO, Jind. 8607054800 245003

Sh. Amit LPO (Add. Charge of 9255226995 DCPO)

Smt. Salochana C.D.P.O, (Urban), Jind. 9996737573 256479

Smt. Meena C.D.P.O, (Rural), Jind. 9416363625 245368 Sharma

Smt. Kiran Pruthi C.D.P.O., Pillukhera 9416305005 268070

Smt.Neena Kapoor C.D.P.O. Safidon 9582091501 266150

Smt. Anita Dalal C.D.P.O. Julana 9416343254 274571

Smt. Sumitra C.D.P.O. Uchana 9991299907 231663 Lathar

Smt. Nirmal C.D.P.O. Alewa 9416156252 239830

Ravinder Data Operator 7206859049

Election Office

Khem Chand Naib Tehsildar, 8950173521 Election

(Vacant) Election Kanungo, Jind, Safidon

Bharat Singh Election Kanungo, 9812115692 Julana

Usha Election Kanungo, 7015542811 Uchana

Kalam Singh Election Kanungo, 9416349657 Narwana 9802117917

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Surajbhan Assistant 9466654495

Rakesh Batra Junior Programmer 9896698126 7206296596 7206860503

Surender Data Entry Operator 9466078315 Kumar

Radhe Shyam Chowkidar 9466822687

Surender Tehsildar Election 9465447105 Election Sharma (Chandigarh) s training s Incharg e


Varinder Singh D.F.S.C., Jind 9896217485 245375 245376 (New)

Surender Saini (Transffered) 9991939007

Rajesh Arya D.F.S.O. Jind 9416289982 8059537556

Arun Pandey DGM,(C) HSIIDC, 9888556691 01684- Narwana 240501 9350125401

Amarjeet SDO, HSIIDC, Narwana 7988707558

Amit Saini D.F.S.C., OFFICE 9416533948 Gas Booking

Satish S.O., D.F.S.C. Office, 9416178800

Patel Kumar, D.F.S.C. (Rtk. Road) 9466823129 AFSO

Krishan Inspector Food Supply Jind 9466394129

Satish Satiya AFSO Narwana 9416142940

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Rajender Pannu Inspector Food Supply, 9896207589 Rohtak Road, Jind

Kamal Nain D.E.T.C (ST), Jind 9911086500 245412

Sanjeev Gill D.T.I. 9416515755

Randhir Singh D.E.T.C. (X), Jind 9416019008 245177 -/

Mr. Goutm Inspt. (X), Jind 9416556448

Sunil Kumar A.T.O. (X)Jind 9416161200 Transferred Dahiya

Amit Panwar DIPRO, Jind 9996120045 245475 245407

Sunil APRO 8607329641 245407

RAJBIR AIPRO Narwana 9416171408

Raj Kumar Dy. DA 9466522290 245720 8168222205

Vijay Maan Deputy DA 9812114411

Shamshar Singh Steno D.A 9416665650

Keenu Goyal A.D.A. Office, Jind 7082012922 246827 8221946 059

Rohit A.D.A. D.C. Office, Jind 9813415145 (Add. Charge)

Anil Khatkar A.D.A. Office, Jind 9350483003

Om Parkash NC ADA Office 9466479043

D Durga Parsad CA DITS 9896580245

NIC Staff/ Red-Cross Staff

Himanshu Network Eng. 7015410937 7404212233

Surender Network Eng. 9253343100

77 | Page

Nitin Kharb JP NIC DITS JP Jind 9466556829 246085

Rajesh Gautam JP DITS Tehsil Jind/ 9466014056 Uchana/Alewa

Varun JP DITS Narwana 9467975759

Kulbir Nain JP DITS Julana 9896142162

Suresh Duhan JP DITS Safidon 7015974012

Kulbir Nain JP DITS Tehsil Tehsil 9896142162 Pillukhera

Priya Mor JP DITS Saral Jind 9991457075

Kuldeep D.M. C.S.C. 8222822707

Raj kapoor Secretory, Red Cross, 9416701313 247627 Jind

Surender Shoran Asstt. Secy. Red Cross, 9812234345 Jind

Dr. Dinesh Red Cross Jind 9255407744

Krishan Driver Red Cross, Jind 7988443225

Jaibir Driver 9996133008

Saroj Devi D.S.W.O., Jind 89508212649 245167 588338431

Subhash (Clerk) D.S.W.Office, Jind. 9896527592

Rajpal Malhotra Assistant D.S.W. Office, 94162562139 Jind 306236923

Satywan Dangi DSWO, Investigator 9896518888 Officer

Virender CO DSWO Office 9467270307

Narender D.W.O., Jind 9896868651 245132

Azad Dy. Supdt. D.W.O. 8901019598

Anil Singla (Add. D.C.W.O. Jind 9467353377 251940 Charge)

Anil Singla Accountant D.C.W.O 9467353377

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Son Singh Chairman Zila Bal 8708181906 Kalyan Smiti

Lalita Member, Zila Bal Kalyan 9518178847 Smiti

Amit Lathar Member Zila Bal Kalyan 9355565501 Smiti

Suresh Nain C.E.O. FFDA, Jind 9991688000 247222 Fisheries (Distt. Fishries Officer)

Vijaypal Driver FFDA 9466253263

Joginder Kali Planning Officer, DRDA, 9728631111 248838 Ramna Jind.

Rakesh P.O. MNREGA 9991232528

Jitender Asst. Planning Officer, 9416865774 DRDA, Jind.

Dr. Narpender Distt. Employment 9416838090 Sangwan Officer, Jind

Dr. Narpender Distt. Employment 9416838090 245273 Sangwan (Add. Officer, Charge) Jind

Vacant Asst. Employment Officer

Ankit Clerk Employment 8930443093 Office, Jind

Rajesh Computer Operator 9467675558 Employment Office

Santosh Supdt. 9467241041

Pardeep Kumar DDA, Karnal 9416164940 0184- 0184- Gill (Agriculture) 2272623 2264611

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Surender Singh DDA, Jind (Agriculture) 8168200262 251730 9416169433

Hydrologist 8607999992

Narender Pal DDA Office (Quality 9813995321 Control Inspector)

Jagminder Nain HAMETI. Incharge, 9416135999 Chandigarh

Karamchand HAMETI Incharge, Jind 9416189243

DR. Baljeet Lather HAM 9416147678 ETI.(T.A)

Dr. Saggu HAMETI.(T.A) 9466654043

Vijay Kundu A.A.E 79881311979 [email protected] 813511025

Mahipal Mor Operator DDA 9416608397

Surender Agriculture 9416338516

Baljit Saharan SDO Agri Jind 9466263342

Devender SDO (Agri) Narwana 9416729206

Anil Kumar ADO Agri 9466604695

Narender Pal QCI Agri 9813995321

Sunil Dalal T.W.O. 9416503606

Satyawan Arya SDO Agriculture Safidon 8059289201

Dr. Malik Krishi Vigyan Kender 9467389431 (KVK)

Dr. Ramesh Krishi Vigyan Kender 9255662468 Pindana

Amarjeet Dhanda Krishi Vigyan Kender 9466630005 (KVK)

Ravinder Hooda Dy. Director, I.C.D.P, 9416397734 245229 Jind (Animal Husbandry)

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Dr. Balwant 7550777707

Dr. Rajender Garg SDO Animal Jind 9354326454

Jagminder Singh Dy.Director Sports 9416178562 Chandigarh

Vinod Bala DSO, Jind 7988748009 9253295989

Renu Operator 8222881310

Ishwar Ashri Sports Coach 9416318248

Shyam Lal DSO Office Jind 9466766392

Arvind Dhull D.T.P Jind 8054835344 248775

Ajmer Singh ATP, Jind 8588978246

Krishan Kumar DTP Office, Jind 9416387974

Hari Parkash DTP Office, Jind J.E. 7988127184 Hooda

Rajbir Sahu Treasury Officer, Jind 9416472249 246606

Dharmender Treasury Office, Jind 94168549289 518630336

Sunil Kumar D.E.O Treasury Office, 9466250799 Jind

Krishan Kumar Treasury Office,Safidon 9466572627

Prem Foji RTI Office 9467978904

Col. Om Parkash Canteen Manager, 9410909612 Z.S.B., Jind

Neelima Asstt. GM DIC Jind 99964230277 Add Charge (GM DD 015969398 DIC )

Kuldeep Kadyan Estate Officer HSIIDC 9812020782

DGM HSIIDC 9814148436

Tarun JE HSIIDC 8010876908

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A.K Chauhan Mining Officer, Jind 9138488888 245068

Hari Om Sharma Mining Guard, Jind 9813136840

Sh.DPS Budhwar Secy. Z.S.B., Jind 9416018734 297078

Col. Om Parkash Canteen Manager 9468326736

Karan Singh Head Clerk Zila Sainik 9416560521 Board, Jind

Baljeet Nain C.E.O., Milk Plant Jind 9896395063 225776 225772

Parmod Vita Milk Plant, Jind 9996116752

DFSC Jind (Add. D.M. Confed, Jind 245408 Charge)

Vikas Computer Opr. Confed 9996094023

Balwan Accountant Confed 9416556837

Punit Panghal D.M. Hafed, Jind 9416993929 227721 248946

Mr. Jagdeep Singh D.M. Agro, Jind 9996546901 255189

Rajesh Kumar D.M. H.S.W.C. Jind 70093128459 Haryana State 813681715 Warehouse Corporation

Abhinav Walia D.M.E.O. 9896325282

Jagroop Singh D.M. Haryana Scheduled 9813500882 245557 Caste Finance Dev Corporation, Jind

Mr. Pankaj Batra AGM Cattle Feed Plant 9996546901 225610

Sonika Addl. D.M. Khadi Board, Jind 8708527705 245169 New Building,

Charge Mini Sectt.

Mahavir Singh Assistant, Khadi Board, 9466765560 Jind

Birender Singh D.H.O. Jind Horticulture 9996788089 247376 Hooda

82 | Page

Anil Kumar J.E. PWD B&R, Jind 9728948013 Charge of (Addl. Jind for a short period)

Dr. Jasbir Ahlawat Distt. Ayurvedic Officer, 9416536173 247772 Jind

Dr. Sushila Singh Distt. Ayurvedic Officer, 9416867221 Jind (Add.)

Rammehar Yoga Nodal Officer 9416504700

Ayurvedic Dept., Alewa 9416233870 247772

Dharambir Asstt. O/o Ayurvedic 9416147707 Dept.

Dy. Director Labour 01662- Hisar 272599

Mr. Baljeet Deputy Labour 9416733372 Commissioner, Panipat

Manish Kumar Asstt. Labour 9896907870 245226 Commissioner, Jind Jind Addl. Charge

Dr. Harinder Maan Asstt. Director Industries 9991990017 Safety and Certify Surgeon, Jind Labour Department

Asst. Labour Director 9416800101

Rajinder Hooda Labour Inspector 9991116682

Manbir Clerk Labour Office 9468066434

Sandeep Lather Clerk Labour Office 9467448434

Amit Kumar Clerk Labour Office 9215862409

Jagbir Clerk 9991933978

83 | Page

Sachin Clerk Labour ofc BOC 9718683000 Wing

Neera Malik Asstt. Welfare Officer, 8168226242 Labour Dept. BOC Wing

Sandeep Dhanda Clerk Labour ofc BOC 9729932150 245166 Wing

Rakesh Verma L.D.M. PNB, Jind 9053011701 249230, 245593

Dalbir LDM Office, Jind 9416168795

Rakesh Raheja Man. LDM Office Jind. 9416548857 249230,24 5593

Ravinder Khatiwal D.M. F.C.I. Jind 8847383944 01262- Malhotra 9034078325 245135 Procurement


Pardeep Gupta D.M. HWC, Rohtak/Jind 94682414289 463591834

D.M. HAIC 9996546901

Anil Manager, HWC, Jind 8708477034 251824

Sunita Manager, HWC, Uchana 7357676534

Jitender Kaushik Astt. Reg. Co- Operative 8295653300 247028 .Society, Jind

Parshant Sharma A.R.C.S., Safidon 8683868899 263655

Parveen Kadiyan A.R.C.S., Narwana 8607766449 245387 (Addl. Charge)

Accountant Mkt. 8059106542 Processing Society, Uchana

Rajender (Add. D.M. Backward Class 9729635444 245864 Charge) Nigam, Jind

Parveen Jangra Field Officer Backward 6287042927 Class Nigam, Jind

Ashok Kumar Computer Operator 9416927880

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Backward Class Nigam, Jind

Vijay Rathi District Statistical 9467509830 245580 Officer, Jind 7015855955

Manveer Singh Inspector wild life, Jind, 7015400849 259225 Beerbara Van.

Ajay HRDF 9896507551

Pawan Kumar DFO Wild Life 9416181526

Dr. Jaivir Snake Catcher 8059989150

Baljit Redhu Lakshay Milk Plant. 9416061280

Vivek Singla Manager Lakshay Milk 9996549812 Plant

Harpreet Distt. Coordinator 7876338397 Nehru Yuva Kendra Jind

Distt. Coordinator Nehru Yuva Kendra Hisar

S.P. Chalia Archaeology 9416165588 Department, Jayanti Devi Museum, Jind

Pardeep GIS Lab 9813420929

Suresh G.M. BSNL Jind 9868171071 259600 0130- 2238000

Vishal Kumar ADG Telecom Ambala 9467200012

Anar Singh Malik DGM Jind 9416190600 255100 sunil garg S.D.O BSNL Jind

Pardeep JE BSNL 9416120002

85 | Page

Kamal BSNL Incharge 9416456088

Sunil Garg SDO BSNL 9416142970

Sushil JTO 9467306100 BSNL Sattlite Info

Sunil BSNL Fiber 7404268224 Maintenance

Ram Niwas 9416062346

Jasmer Mechanic BSNL 9034448928

Telinet Services Mr. Virat (Owner) 09417217196 PWD Chandigarh (B&R) Rahul 09417217194 Contractor 08054095155

Jagjeet G.M. Women 9466275909 Development Corp. Jind.

Dr. Malik Krishi Vigyan Kendra, 9255971663 Pindara

Surender Women Development 9813106621 Corp. Jind.

Om Parkash Income Tax Officer, 9468300223 248023 Jind.

Darshan Singh Income Tax Officer, 9468300246 Jind.

Narayan Taneja Manager, LIC, Jind 9416309895 246888

Sh. Bhoop Singh Fire Officer, Jind 9466472667 101 251273

Sh. Dilbag Singh Fire Officer, Narwana 9467465996

Sunil Verma Asst Fire Offrs 8278535007

Sh. Vijay Kumar Fire Officer, Safidon 8950373038 265104, Retd. 262004

(Vacant) Fire Station, Julana 275201, 274013

86 | Page

Tejbir Fireman, Safidon 9253077700

Ramkumar Fireman, Safidon 9050090600

Ranbir Singh Forest Ranger, Jind 9416182865

Devender Lather Forest Ranger, Jind 9467191000

Ramesh Yadav Forest Ranger, Safidon 9416252434 9466904912

Ashwani Kumar Forest Ranger, Narwana 9416662348

Mohammad Eliaas E.O. Waqf Board, Jind 8708878704

Rent Collector, Waqf 8901310486 Board, Jind

Mr. Yadav D.M. HWC, Jind 9416214247

Manjeet Singh D.M. NABARD Board 95180 64142 246242 Jind

Sh. Vikash AGM (E), HSIIDC, 01684- Chaudhary Narwana 240501

Sh.Mange Ram Post Master 9466570723 253170 (Retd.)

Sh. D.D. Sharma Post Master, Post office 8168882100 Jind

Ranjeet Singh S.S. Postal Department 9416640141

Sh. Virender Assistant Superintendent 9466767355 253170 Sharma Post Office, Punjabi Bazar Jind

Khajanchi Lal Post Master, Uchana 9416311093

Satyanarayan POST MASTER JIND 9466443442

Smt. Neelam, HSBM, Jind (ADC 8221906631 Assistant Office)

Sh. Sunil Kumar, HSRLM Jind (ADC 7015303099 DPM Office)

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Jitender Dhanda BPL, DRDA 8221906608

Sanjay Verma MPLAD (ADC Office) 8221906627

Om Kumar Food Inspector, Civil 9466278818 Hospital Jind

Om Parkash Clerk O/o Food 9466088052 Inspector, Civil Hospital Jind

Subir Sangwan Renewable Energy, 9050002108 Addl. Charge to PO Rohtak. (Solar Power) ADC Office

Mr. Mohit Hospitality Manager, UT 9501005144 0172- Guest House, 2740961 Chandigarh.

Mr.Denial Astt. Director UT Guest 09815525656 Mukherjee House, Chandigarh

Suresh Painter 9315408577

Naresh Painter 9812177879

Ramesh Driver D.F.O. 9416216962

Vijay Kumar Manager Red Rocks 9992666516 Cinema, Jind.

Sumer (Tilyar Boat Contractor 8816004599 Lake Rohtak)

Kapil Bhardwaj Momento Rani Talab 9466822220

Virender Beniwal Amazon 7404160601

Anil Kumar Diver (Gotakhor) 9729275900

Vikas Diver (Gotakhor) 8950381208

Jagmal Diver (Gotakhor) 9991444200 9991236677

Mr. Arun Sweeper O/o D.C. Jind. 8929506007

Mr. Kamal Sweeper O/o D.C. Jind 8168890194 8950555325

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Name of the Designation Mobile No. Office No. Office Officer No.

Rajbir Singh Kanungo Sale 9812181682

Ishwar Singh S.E.P.R, Hisar 9416231662 272729

Prem Singh XEN. P.R., Jind. 9467251500 245124

Arvind Beniwal SDO P.R., Jind 9416484910

(Vacant) B.D.P.O., Jind 9416402266 247127 9518153713

Bal Kishan Acct. -do- (accountant) 8529074748 245082

Jagbir SEPO Jind 9416358026

DharambirKhrab BDPO Julana 9416588830 274045 8168306629

Sombir Ad. B.D.P.O, Narwana 9991155533 240162

Sh. Avender Singh S.D.O. (PR) Narwana 9467600003

Poshan S.D.O (PR) Alewa 8950400418

Sombir B.D.P.O., Uchana 9991155533 230220

Kirti Sharoiwal BDPO, Safidon 9468068629 263111

Satywan SEPO Safidon 9416557197 263111

Rajeev Gupta J.E Safidon 9416017331

Satbir Singh BDPO, Alewa 9416934360

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Vikash Operator 7056721902

SEPO, Pillukhera 9050455635

Shakti Singh BDPO, Pillukhera 7988110308

(Vacant) BDPO Ujhana

Ved Parkash Contested candidate of 9466353924 Panchal HSSC member 7015923826

Sajjan Shokand 9729045001

Sandeep Malik JE., Karnal 9812036599 Jitender Badhana Kumar Regiona XEN- l Centre 9599377777

Rajesh Shastri 9355133394

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2. Directory of Panchayat Department

Sr Name of No. DDPO Mobile No. Email Id 1 Rajkumar 9416347755 [email protected]

Sr Name of Name of Bdpo Mobile No. Email Id No. Block 1 Jind Sh. Sombi 99911-55533 [email protected] Kadian(Addl. Charge) 2 Julana SH. Shakti 79881-10308 [email protected] Singh(Addl. Charge) 3 Alewa Smt. Kirti Sirohiwal 94680-68629 [email protected] (Addl. Charge) 4 Safidon Smt. Kirti Sirohiwal 94680-68629 [email protected] 5 Pillukhera Sh. Shakti Singh 79881-10308 [email protected] 6 Uchana Sh. Sombi Kadian 99911-55533 [email protected] 7 Narwana Sh. Sombi 99911-55533 [email protected] Kadian(Addl. Charge) 8 Ujhana Sh. Haneesh Kumar 94674-41500 [email protected]

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Block: Jind Sr. Name of Gram Name of Sarpanch Mobile No. Name of Gram Mobile No No. Panchayat Sachiv 1 Barsola Joginder singh 9728283184 Amit 9813708547 2 Jhanj khurd Pooja devi 9671526349 3 Barodi Saroj 9466787246 4 Sagatpura Saroj 9416510245 Balwan Singh 8685072210 5 Dhani Maina devi 9813135820 6 Barsana Sanjay 9466074247 7 Assan Padam kumar 8295909032 Sanjeev Kumar 9671729242 8 Sunderpur Dharmpal 9466317634 9 Nirjan Rajesh 8683955644 10 Ramgarh Ramphal singh 9813615920 Devender Sharma 9896098539 11 Siwaha Vedpal 9812597700 12 Jeetgarh Babli 9812875064 13 Intal khurd Vikash 9466735583 14 Roopgarh Sandeep 9728625500 15 kair kheri Rajender singh 9813450616 16 Rajpura Jaibir singh 9991943424 Kulwant Singh 9466254330 17 Shreerag khera Vijender kumar 9671354320 Manish Kumar 9671524808 18 Dalamwala Jagdish 9467446341 19 Shahpur Geeta 9416934390 20 Manoharpur Dilbag singh 9992237410 Pawan Kumar -I 9466305171 21 Taloda Madan lal 9466078541 22 Lochab Harnaryan 9812379102 23 Khokeri Ramraji 9812105424 24 Lakhmir wala Sushma rani 9896732632 25 Brah khurd Rohtash kumar 9812408868 Pawan Kumar -II 9729004223 26 Nidani Pushpa 8529183399 27 Mando kheri Anita 9050100714 28 Sudesh 9416115460 29 Sindvi khera Mahipal 9466747655 30 Brah kalan Rajkumar 9996428627 Rakesh - II 9728319887 31 Nidana Pinki 9992966248 32 Kishanpura Dayanand 9416060311 33 Pindara Ramphal singh 9416959299 Ranbir Singh 9466321874 34 Dhanda kheri Saroop singh 8683993505 35 Khera ramrai sukhjinder singh 9996128266 Rishipal 9729752700 36 Dariyawala Manjeet kumar 9896531677

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37 Jhanj kalan Satish kumar 9467565178 38 Chabri Sumitra kumari 9812166155 Vikash Bardwaz 8059182900 39 Govindpura Suresh kumar 9416299440 40 Radhana Naresh 9991887910 41 Jaideep 9466644000 Subash Chander I 9034628306 42 julani Rekha 9467503507 43 Ahirka Karambir 8607175217 44 Ghimana Mamta 9466765050 45 Bibipur Deepika rani 9050093201 Johni Dangi 9802915944 46 Bahabalpur Devender 9416774684 47 Amarheri Suman 9416962121 48 Ikkas Rajwanti 9466987774 49 jajwan Savita 9684990111 Abhimanu 9255003526 50 Kheri taloda Tejvir yadav 9416515223 51 Kharkramji Kavita 9468066970 Bijender Singh 7027799865 52 Kandela Ajmer singh 9996276667 Virender Singh 8059307382 53 Jalalpur khurd Gyan chand 9253040787 54 Igrah Dalsher 9467465979 55 Bishan pura Vinod kumari 9467748803 Sachin 9728888738 56 Ponkari kheri Rammehar 9991176989 57 Jalalpur kalan Sumitra 9212378575 58 Jiwanpur Nirmala devi 9466847216 Satish Kumar 9991158489 59 Bohatwala Jagmohan 9416299440 60 Intal kalan Krishna devi 9992132141 61 Biroli Krishan singh 9050100735 62 Bherokhera Ravinder kumar 9966317515 Rajesh Kumar 9813088676 63 Haibat pur Kashmiro devi 9466656608 Ramesh Kumar 9416543805 64 Ashrafgarh Amrit kaur 9466250006 65 khunga Sajjan kumar 9466747415 66 Lalit khera Vedpal malik 9466076899

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Sr. Name of Gram Name of Sarpanch Mobile No. Name of Gram Mobile No No. Panchayat Sachiv 67 NEPEWALA KRISHAN KUMAR 9518519000 Suresh kumar 8607862946 68 KHARAL PINKI RANI 9416340121 TAJBIR 9729466006 69 LOAN ISHWER SINGH 9416475198 70 DINDOLI SONAM 9316115503 Govind 9416270167 71 DATA LAKHBIR SINGH 9991627932 SINGHWALA 72 KOYAL NARESH DEVI 8708566996 73 PATHARTH SUKHBIR KOUR 9041816432 KHERA 74 PIPALTHA VIKRAMJEET 7404200540 SINGH 75 RASHIDAN DEVINDER SINGH 9996800000 76 UJHANA SATBIR SINGH 9813840230 77 AMBERSAR MEENU 9466170299 Chander Bhan 9416801487 78 GARHI HARVINDER 9541360970 SINGH 79 NARAIN GARH MURTI DEVI 9466631473 80 REWER RAKESH 9991541006 Subhash 9416619007 81 DHANOURI RAJINDER SINGH 8929301100 82 DHABI TEK SUMAN 9812663875 SINGH 83 HANSDER PINKI DEVI 9813553628 84 BELARKHA SHEELA DEVI 9466553160 85 HAMIRGARH RAVINDER SINGH 9996701142 Gurdev 9468163800 86 DHAMTAN JAIPAL 9255501200 SHAIB 87 KALWAN BHARATH RAJ 9996582111

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Sr. Name of Gram Name of Sarpanch Mobile No. Name of Gram Mobile No No. Panchayat Sachiv 88 Silla Kheri Sudesh 97295-55503 Suresh kumar 8168076347 89 Singhana Surender 94166-05709 90 Todi Kheri Subhash 94664-07332 91 Jaipur Satish 94161-50144 92 Khatla Sultan 82952-91795 93 Siwanamal Bhupender 94664-07120 Jagbir Singh 9050483771 94 Kurar Suman Devi 89306-54220 95 Bahadurpur Seema Rani 94163-67572 96 Rampura Charanjeet Kaur 94680-69961 98131-33185 97 Basini Amit Kumar 90410-09053 Mukesh Kumar 8295139000 98 Singhpura Laxmi Saini 99963-13000 99 Sushil Kumar 94160-90480 100 Karsindhu Vijay Singh 94163-65907 101 Anta Sombir 94667-70481 102 Naya Gaon Anita Rani 94162-18023 Rajender Singh 7015759434 Siwanamal 103 Butani Seema Rani 80592-53100 104 Kharkra Paramjeet Kaur 96717-24506 105 Sarfabad Komal 85291-50220 106 Hosiyarpura Ramphal 99910-70372 107 Malikpur Jaswinder Kaur 99965-77616 Ishwar Singh 7988303107 108 Ratta Khera Pinki Rani 96711-24511 109 Kherakhema wati Sushil 94166-20026 110 Nimnabad Harjeet Kaur 96711-97097 111 Didwara Sanjiv Kumar 94160-17421 112 Barod Poonam 98963-82296 113 Aftabgarh Gurpej Singh 99911-29900 Manjeet khrab 9813100594 114 Chhapar Arvender singh 8053569436 115 Bhuslana Ranvir 94161-86523 116 Jitender 90500-46714 117 Hatt Vijender 94162-22944 118 Dharamgarh Ajitpal 94666-54888 119 Sahanpur Manju Rani 99963-29800 120 Muana Sukhbir 94680-69775

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121 Anchra Kalan Ajmer 94670-48721 Anirudh 8930262302 122 Paju Kalan Pawan Kumar 98122-22860 123 Bagru Kalan Saroj Bala 94167-01677 124 Anchra Khurd Rajwanti 99914-57788 125 Bagru Khurd Sunder 88148-33084 126 Paju Khurd Sandeep Kumar 80538-08500 127 Ram Nagar Santoshi 86071-57991 128 Todi Kheri Subhash 94664-07332 Pardeep Kumar 9254631619 129 Malar Rekha Devi 98133-71400 130 Rojhla Rekha 86838-56666 131 Rodh Pritam Singh 98966-21466 132 Karkhana Uday Singh 98134-09233 Satish 9467122259


Sr. Name of Gram Name of Sarpanch Mobile No. Name of Gram Mobile No No. Panchayat Sachiv 133 Makhand Basau Ram 9671492641 Ajay Kumar 6468321686 134 Uchana Khurd Bhateri Devi 9996251179 135 Udeypur Rammehar Singh 9466013457 136 Gainda Khera Surender Kumar 9466571465 137 Baroda Neha 9991024118 Kuldeep Singh 9416777511 138 Khatkar Balkar 9813338037 139 Chattar Rammehar 9467751889 140 Sedha Majra Jodha Ram 9416831143 Bhura Ram 9466584880 141 Kahsoon Naresh Kumar 9416468760 142 Ghogriyan Neelam 9416300763 143 Kharakbhura Darshan Singh 8059474107 144 Bhagwanpura Balwan Singh 8685885223 145 Roj Khera Randhir Singh 9416357310 146 Sudkain Kalan Naveen 9992566400 147 Kabarchha Ved Parkash 8816882422 148 Sudkain Khurd Suman Devi 9813514575 149 Kuchrana Kalan Shishpal 9813292000 Dalbir Singh 9416664581 150 Nachar Khera Saroj Kumari 9728572997 151 Palwan Manju Bala 9468105737 152 Surbrah Krishan Kumar 9416776224 Nirmal Singh 9466317717 153 Jheel Pardeep 9541313002 154 Ghaso Khurd Sandeep 9466012699

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155 Sunderpura Kavita Devi 9896436332 156 Lodhar Suresh Kumar 9812536392 Subhash Chand 8278397265 157 Mandi Kalan Kanta Devi 9991070555 158 Mohangarh Sunil Kumar 9416616671 159 Bhonsla Kavita Devi 9991127176 160 Dhankheri Manoj 9467153723 Rampal 9355615084 161 Kalta Anju Rani 8053609485 162 Kuchrana Khurd Gurmel 8930931985 163 Dumerkha Kalan Neelam 9728071136 Parveen Kumar 8950286803 164 Dumerkha Khurd Salochna Devi 9050001212 165 Daroli Khera Naseeb Singh 9416228106 166 Kakrod Shakuntla Devi 8053377901 167 Tarkha Usha Rani 9728550268 168 Budain Shamsher Singh 9416558253 Sandeep Kumar 9466570643 169 Bhongra Indero 9466734630 170 Durjanpur Birender 9416516180 171 Kheri Saffa Sandeep 8607731102 Meghraj Sharma 8950790112 172 Karsindhu Naresh Kumar 8950083078 173 Ghaso Kalan Soniya Devi 9466583306 174 Alipura Rajender 9991513978 175 Kheri Masania Santosh Kumari 9812700559 176 Badanpur Soniya Devi 9992938164 Anil Kumar 9996229051 177 Mangalpur Rajender Singh 8901577739 178 Dohana Khera Seema Rani 9467309952 179 Khapar Soniya Devi 8059216014


Sr. Name of Gram Name of Sarpanch Mobile No. Name of Gram Mobile No No. Panchayat Sachiv 180 DHARODI RAMBHAJ 9466257452 SATPAL 9466584745 181 HARNAMPURA KRISHAN KUMAR 9896595514 182 KARAM GARH KELO DEVI 9812572645 183 HATHO MUKESH RANI 9416071168 184 SACHA KHERA LAKHMI CHAND 9416381547 185 MAHOL KHERA VEDPAL 8607496056 186 BIDHRANA SHEELA DEVI 9729280725 VIKRANT 9416090012 187 SINGHWAL KRISHNA 8059811004 188 SINSAR NILAM 9467310084

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189 DHAKAL RAMDEVI 9466320850 190 LOCHAB JAIDEEP SINGH 9896462230 MUKESH 9802361854 191 SULHERA MANITA 9812532294 KUMAR 192 RAJGARH SUKHBIR 9728288375 DHABI 193 KHARAD WAL MANITA 9812532294 194 AMARGARH RAMPHAL 9728152883 Aslam 9068981110 195 FRAIN KALAN SATYWAN 9812382500 SHARMA 196 FULIA KHURD JAIPAL 9467060109 197 NEHRA SOMDUTT 9992517021 198 BHANA SATPAL 8396037823 SANDEEP 9355157900 BRAMAN 199 GURTHALI KASMIR SINGH 9992015761 200 GURUSAR SUSHMA 9416562269 201 BADOWAL POONAM 9467660743 202 FRAIN KHURD JOGINDER 9467808351 NARESH 9466572458 203 ISHMAILPUR RENU BALA 8901448901 KUMAR 204 BHIKEWALA JAIPAL 9812761490 RAJENDAR 9416280184 205 KHANPUR SUBHASH 9728542888 206 KALODA KRISHANA DEVI 9416114173 KALAN 207 KALODA DILBAG 8572854810 KHURD 208 DABLAIN RAJBIR SINGH 9416662984 209 DANODA PURUSOTAM 9888619619, RAMESH NADA 9053502465 KALAN 9466766799 210 JAJANWALA SANJAY KUMAR 9466062149 211 SAINTHALI SUKHDEV SINGH 9416108099 BANWARI LAL 9416505473 212 JULHERA SUSHIL 9467444585 213 KANHA KHERA MANJU 9812072180 GURDEV 9468163800 214 FULIA KALAN BALBIR SINGH 8295412051 215 DANODA THANDIA RAM 9466687023 KHURD 216 SURJAKHERA PREMWATI 9416920000 Subash 9416619007

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Sr. Name of Gram Name of Sarpanch Mobile No. Name of Gram Mobile No No. Panchayat Sachiv 217 Malsari Khera Omparkash 98130-77270 Ramesh kumar 9050455635 218 Budha Khera Suresh Kumar 94666-56481 219 Ludana Bhupender Singh 94667-66012 Rajender Singh 9991420174 220 Gangoli Balbir Singh 94167-85055 Deshwal 221 Bhag Khera Kiran Devi 86072-27323 222 Kalwa Dalbir Singh 85708-08065 223 Kharak Gagar Anita 94164-84874 224 Beri Khera Rajesh 94164-18293 225 Pillukhera Rajesh Kumar 99919-92066 226 Bhag Khera Kiran Devi 86072-27323 227 Kharak Gadian Harvinder Kaur 98962-11615 Amit 7015838897 228 Alanjogi Khera Santosh 98134-60161 229 Hadwa Krishma 70272-26878 230 Bhambhewa Tejpal 99912-37404 231 Bhurain Suman 99960-80900 232 Ramkesh 89502-18412 233 Rajana Kalan Jasmer Singh 97292-68121 234 Jamni Meena Rani 94165-43058 Narender 9813152701 235 Bania Khera Suresh Kumar 97282-10682 236 Retoli Satyvir 80539-80600 237 Morkhi Mukesh 96714-96000 238 Mandi Khurd Suman Devi 98120-34115 Sumit 9812500074 239 Rajana Khurd Krishan Kumar 98120-79690 240 Dharoli Rekha Rani 89306-62564 241 Bhartana Ram Mehar 94167-76691 242 Amrawali Khera Anita Devi 99911-96160 243 Mohamad Khera Vinod Kumar 94168-56029

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Sr. Name of Gram Name of Sarpanch Mobile No. Name of Gram Mobile No No. Panchayat Sachiv 244 DESH KHERA KITAB SINGH 9467981362 245 KAMACH PARDEEP KUMAR 8053713077 Azad singh 8813857451 KHERA 246 FATEHGARH SATISH KUMAR 9467763781 247 KARSOLA RAJPAL 9416943747 Manoj Kumar 9017507007 248 MEHARARA SUMAN DEVI 8053377800 249 PAULI SUNDER SINGH 8529228133 250 KINANA SIMARJEET KAUR 9466735745 251 BRAR KHERA RAVI 9050796699 252 ANOOPGARH BANTI RANI 9416322616 Kuldeep 9466551035 253 SHAMLO SNEH LATA 9466584373 KALAN 254 GATAULI MUKESH RANI 9992718207 255 GARHWALI MANOJ 9466691007 256 KHARAINTI SUNITA 9466465948 257 JAIJAIWANTI RAJESH 9466603333 258 DEORAR CHARAN SINGH 9354810363 Sandeep Kumar 9996777609 259 RAMKALI SURENDER 9728290675 260 KHERA DIDAR SINGH 9467565414 BAKHTA 261 SHADIPUR ANJU 9466846551 262 MALVI RAMKALA 9467062346 Sanjeev Kumar 8059405789 263 SHAMLO HOSHIYAR SINGH 9813570487 KHURD 264 KHEMA KHERI KRISHAN 9728572094 Satbir Singh 8053679046 CHANDER YADAV 265 GOSAI KHERA SAROJ 7027012369 9416339457 Surender Singh 266 PADANA KIRAN KUMAR 9812962222 267 LAJWANA RAMPHAL 9813360594 KALAN Ranesh Kumar 8307655253 268 LAJWANA SATBIR SINGH 9466149505 KHURD 269 DHIGANA KANTA DEVI 9466793842 Ramesh kumar 9812975780 270 KARELA JAGWANT SINGH 8059516662 271 SIRSA KHERI SUMITRA 9416228597 Garuv 8684984884 272 HATHWALA YASHWANTI 9812945430

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273 KILA KULDEEP SINGH 9416512687 ZAFARGARH Rakha Devi 8816063455 274 NANDGARH HARIOM 9467135190 275 JHAMOLA SUNIL KUMAR 9992290016 276 BUDHA KHERA KAVITA 9991885465 Sudesh davi 9050874818 277 AKALGARH SATISH 9813177039 278 BUWANA BALBIR SINGH 9896832697 Priyanka Devi 8607185668 279 BURA DEHAR WAZIR 8689085225 280 BRAHMANWAS JAI BHAGWAN 9466551822 Jyoti Devi 281 RAJGARH SUDESH 9416233341 9034582441


Sr. Name of Gram Name of Sarpanch Mobile No. Name of Gram Mobile No No. Panchayat Sachiv 282 BADHANA ANITA DEVI 8930866000 Partap Singh 9466462850 283 DEHOLA KALI RAM 8529719864 284 NARVEER SINGH NARESH DILLUWALA 9812456110 9466630304 NEHRA KUMAR 285 ALEWA RANDHIR SINGH 9466252586 286 GOHYAN RAJBALA 7357773333 Sh. Sanjay 9813149214 287 KHANDA RASANA DEVI 7027019000 288 NAGURAN SHARMILA 9996970206 NIMRAN 289 CHURPUR SATYWAN 9992634886 9416959176 Sh. Ved Pal 290 NAGURAN JASWANT 9416503977 291 SHAMDO MANISHA 8198981018 292 BIGHANA RAJ KUMAR 9991511290 9466250834 293 SANDEEL SUSHMA RANI 9812742996 294 THUA AMIT 9728434992 Virender Kumar 9466250824 295 PEGAN VIRENDER 9468453000 296 DURANA Gurdev SINGH 9896478123 297 RAI MUKESH 9729770666 CHANDWALA 298 KHERI BULLA ANGREJ SINGH 9992219563 Sultan Singh 9416496272 299 KAPTAN SINGH HASANPUR 9991237558 MALIK 300 KATWAL REETU DEVI 9728495491

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Village Wise Chokidar details Sr. Name villages/Block Desigantion Mobile no. No. 1 Ramdiya Barsana Chokidar 9728451840 2 Parmil kumar Barsola Chokidar 9996851004 3 Satpal Barsola Chokidar 9728517926 4 Naresh Bhairo Khera Chokidar 8221053241 5 Teju Bibipur Chokidar 8708148628 6 Ramdhari Bishanpura Chokidar 9812062089 7 Anil Bohatwala Chokidar 9992785181 8 Satyawan Brah Khurd Chokidar 8607091096 9 Dharambir Chabri Chokidar 9050265064 10 Balraj Dalamwala Chokidar 9466555658 11 Ramphal Dalamwala Chokidar 7082963820 12 Rajpal singh Dariyawala Chokidar 8607073713 13 Ajay Dhanda Kheri Chokidar 9896073209 14 Jaipal singh Dhani Chokidar 9991302585 15 Dalbir Singh Gulkani Chokidar 8901319633 16 Rishipal Habatpur Chokidar 9467658519 17 Ramrup Igrah Chokidar 9812323848 18 Rohtash Ikkas Chokidar 9729732161 19 Randhir Intal Kalan Chokidar 9416025790 20 SajJAN kumar Intal Khurd Chokidar 9812986844 21 Manjeet Singh Jajwan Chokidar 9812757825 22 Krishan Jalalpur Khurd Chokidar 9992406088 23 Maman Jeetgarh Chokidar 9812875064 24 Ramkumar Jhanj Kalan Chokidar 8221026093 25 Ramesh Jhanj Khurd Chokidar 8683998985 26 Balwan Julani Chokidar 8059436310 27 Daulat Kandela Chokidar 9053328370 28 Ramniwas Kandela Chokidar 8307846221 29 Surender Kheri Taloda Chokidar 8396808503 30 Pawan kumar Khunga Chokidar 8059992580 31 Bhawani lal Kishanpura Chokidar 9728220156 32 Krishan Lakhmirwala Chokidar 8683085116 33 Sawan khundia Lalit Khera Chokidar 9467507680 34 Karambir Lohchab Chokidar 9802107354 35 Jaikaran Mando Kheri Chokidar 8221054459 36 Jagbir Singh Nidana Chokidar 9416862676 37 Rajbir singh Nidana Chokidar 9729290322 38 Dharam singh Nidani Chokidar 9996661574

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39 Suresh Nirjan Chokidar 8295720608 40 Vir Bhan PINDARA Chokidar 9992406149 41 Suresh kumar Ponkari Kheri Chokidar 9996571743 42 Mohinder Radhana Chokidar 9588305215 43 Dilbag Rajpura Chokidar 9729639625 44 Jaivir Ramgarh Chokidar 8930504705 45 Anil Kumar Ramrai Chokidar 9729120317 46 Sombir Roopgarh Chokidar 9896392698 47 Veda SHAHPUR Chokidar 7206275271 48 Krishan Siwaha Chokidar 8607908302 49 Ramdiya Siwaha Chokidar 8607908302 50 Pappu Sunderpur Chokidar 9050503574 51 Papal Devi W/o Taloda Chokidar 8930999700 52 AJMER SINGH Alewa Chokidar 9466645404 53 KUJAN Alewa Chokidar 9416605517 54 RANDHIR Alewa Chokidar 9996412392 55 Rohit Alewa Chokidar 7027345237 56 PINKU Badhana Chokidar 9416038226 57 VICKY Badhana Chokidar 9306776332 58 VIJENDER CHURPUR Chokidar 9729147228 59 BEDI Dahola Chokidar 8570857088 60 KRISHAN Dahola Chokidar 9996749334 61 OM PARKASH Dahola Chokidar 8570857088 62 DILBAG Dilluwala Chokidar 9350845456 63 DHARAMBIR Durana Chokidar 9729725190 64 RAMPHAL Gohiyan Chokidar 9812605255 65 KhuJAN Hasanpur Chokidar 9350987763 66 DIPTI Khanda Chokidar 8571036053 BALINDER Kheribullan 9992241357, 67 Chokidar 7988504025 68 SANJAY Naguran Chokidar 9728410822 69 KARMBIR Nagurna Chokidar 9991259751 70 ROHTASH Nagurna Chokidar 9416862160 71 Manjeet Kumar Pegan Chokidar 9138371164 72 VINOD KUMAR Pegan Chokidar 9896592804 73 SUBHASH Raichandwala Chokidar 8295869624 74 SURESH Sandeel Chokidar 9996904331 75 MAHABIR Thua Chokidar 9996448090 76 SEWA RAM Thua Chokidar 8221001796 77 BALINDER Thua Chokidar 8813929475 78 Balraj Shamdo Chokidar 9812465976 79 Rajesh Bighana Chokidar 9518244094

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RAJKUMAR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9671933227 80 Chowkidar RAVISH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9350148954 81 Chowkidar KRISHAN BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9991344397 82 Chowkidar SATYAWAN BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8901760130 83 Chowkidar DILBAG BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9896183694 84 Chowkidar SATPAL BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 7206261407 85 Chowkidar PALA BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9050407729 86 Chowkidar SATBIR SINGH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9812150056 87 Chowkidar BHUNDU BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9813433050 88 Chowkidar SATISH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9996829755 89 Chowkidar OM PARKASH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8396856582 90 Chowkidar DHARMBIR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9991600659 91 Chowkidar SATYANARAYAN BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8398064885 92 Chowkidar DHIRA BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8059992350 93 Chowkidar KAPIL BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8607679128 94 Chowkidar VINOD KUMAR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9466083524 95 Chowkidar DEEPAK BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8930338287 96 Chowkidar JAI SINGH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 7027057872 97 Chowkidar KARMBIR SINGH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9991265416 98 Chowkidar VISHVAS SINGH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8053843443 99 Chowkidar PREM SINGH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9518431997 100 Chowkidar RAVI KUMAR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8569974973 101 Chowkidar PAPPU BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9671197816 102 Chowkidar MAHABIR SINGH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8930401545 103 Chowkidar PANNA LAL BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9728657252 104 Chowkidar KARISHAN BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8053192348 105 Chowkidar BIR SINGH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9970467051 106 Chowkidar

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RAJBIR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8059269424 107 Chowkidar CHANDER BHAN BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 7027754009 108 Chowkidar RAMPHAL BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8053520118 109 Chowkidar SATYAWAN BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9896356849 110 Chowkidar BANTI BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9812232625 111 Chowkidar SUMIT BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 7876949439 112 Chowkidar PARKASH BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9050664159 113 Chowkidar KULDEEP BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8708830729 114 Chowkidar MOHAN BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8397087029 115 Chowkidar SATPAL BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9050652636 116 Chowkidar MANSHA BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8930182803 117 Chowkidar VEER BHAN BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9466463109 118 Chowkidar AJAY KUMAR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8570919782 119 Chowkidar KASHMIR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9671203890 120 Chowkidar SANDEEP BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9485622312 121 Chowkidar SURESH KUMAR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 9896260996 122 Chowkidar ANIL KUMAR BDPO SAFIDON Gramin 8708830729 123 Chowkidar Surat Singh Amrawali Khera Village 8930140142 124 Chokidaar Ram Bhaj Beri Khera Village 9728996068 125 Chokidaar Balwan Bhag Khera Village 8708373846 126 Chokidaar Sandeep Kumar Bhambhewa Village 7357669232 127 Chokidaar Vicky Bhambhewa Village 9992346512 128 Chokidaar Ramesh Kumar Bhartana Village 7056086364 129 Chokidaar Anand Bhurain Village 8683975576 130 Chokidaar Dilbag Singh Budha Khera Village 8816986845 131 Chokidaar Suresh Kumar Budha Khera Village 8930313900 132 Chokidaar Hari Om Dharoli Village 9588784545 133 Chokidaar

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Jasmer Singh Dhatrath Village 8930179200 134 Chokidaar Rekhu Dhatrath Village 9541388674 135 Chokidaar Sube Singh Dhatrath Village 9729385251 136 Chokidaar Satyanarayan (sattan) Gangoli Village 8295718911 137 Chokidaar Suresh Kumar Gangoli Village 9813797568 138 Chokidaar Jile Singh Hadwa Village 9466043964 139 Chokidaar Mukesh Jamni Village 9991661102 140 Chokidaar Azad Singh Kalawati Village 9671388289 141 Chokidaar Phool Kumar Kalwa Village 8221980709 142 Chokidaar Sunil Kalwa Village 8607463019 143 Chokidaar Manish Kumar Ludana Village 9416848889 144 Chokidaar Rajender Ludana Village 8607985366 145 Chokidaar Jitender Malsari Khera Village 9813040548 146 Chokidaar Jasbir Mandi Khurd Village 9812936891 147 Chokidaar Parveen Morkhi Village 8053607072 148 Chokidaar Roshan Morkhi Village 8930220447 149 Chokidaar Satish Pillukhera Village 9991423483 150 Chokidaar Jile Singh RaJANa Khurd Village 9991847113 151 Chokidaar Ashok Retoli Village 8930531777 152 Chokidaar Krishan Kumar Retoli Village 9992828605 153 Chokidaar HOSHYAR SINGH AMBERSAR Village 9728559169 154 Chokidaar SOHAN NATH BELARKHA Village 8607131312 155 Chokidaar KRISHAN DATASINGHWALA Village 8950936964 156 Chokidaar BALRAM DHABITEKSINGH Village 7056986810 157 Chokidaar RAMDIYA DHAMTAN Village 9306317376 158 Chokidaar HARIKESH DHAMTAN Village 159 Chokidaar 9996240392 ANILKUMAR DHAMTAN Village 9255501200 160 Chokidaar

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BALRAJ DHANOURI Village 161 Chokidaar 9729812685 BINTU DHANOURI Village 162 Chokidaar 9306037601 RAJBIR DINDOLI Village 9876826167 163 Chokidaar RAMSARUP GARHI Village 164 Chokidaar 9991211967 SUBHASH HAMIRGARH Village 9671063899 165 Chokidaar SHYAM LAL KALWAN Village 166 Chokidaar 7357570031 SATBIR KHARAL Village 167 Chokidaar 9996808029 CHANDI RAM LOAN Village 168 Chokidaar 9996936075 RAMNIWAS LOAN Village 169 Chokidaar 9896082290 KRISHAN NARAYANGARH Village 170 Chokidaar 9996329508 BALBIR NEPEWALA Village 171 Chokidaar 9466740667 PAL SINGH PADARTH KHERA Village 172 Chokidaar 9357340409 AJMER PIPALTHA Village 173 Chokidaar 9728354854 RAMNIWAS PIPALTHA Village 9671819205 174 Chokidaar SHERA RASIDAN Village 175 Chokidaar 9996090659 SUBHA RAM UJHANA Village 176 Chokidaar 9468255461 177 SISH PAL AMARGARH CHOWKIDAR 9728733470 AMARJEET BADOWAL- 178 DHARAMGARH CHOWKIDAR 7206489040 RANDHIR BHANA BRAHAMNA 179 CHOWKIDAR 9671525907 180 LILA BIDRANA CHOWKIDAR 9812625536 181 RAMMEHAR BIKHEWALA CHOWKIDAR 9991084129 182 JAIPAL DABLAIN CHOWKIDAR 8059986092 183 RISHIPAL DANODA KALAN CHOWKIDAR 9996922741 184 SURESH DANODA KALAN CHOWKIDAR 9466734558 185 DALIPA DANODA KHURD CHOWKIDAR 7082812470 186 ASHWANI DHAKAL CHOWKIDAR 8570073420 187 KARNAIL DHARODHI CHOWKIDAR 7497055223 188 JORA SINGH DHARODHI CHOWKIDAR 9996592521 189 SUKHBIR FRAINKALAN CHOWKIDAR 9996229046 190 BHURIA FULIYAKALAN CHOWKIDAR 8059830898 191 ROTASH FULIYAKHURD CHOWKIDAR 9467137928 192 BINDERSINGH GURTHALI CHOWKIDAR 9992864932

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5. Directory of Revenue Department:

Patwari’s List as on 11-12-2020 Tehsil Sr Patwari/Girdawa Circle Name Mobile No. Name of CRO r Name Jind BalKrishan Office Kanungo, Jind 9416933404 Ajay Kumar Saini 7988614805 Kapoor Kanungo, Jind 9355191000 1 Bupender SC Jind-I 9068071848 9992359020 2 Sandeep Sharma Jind-II (Pandu Pindra, 9466827107 Amerheri) 3 Parveen Nain Rajpura-I 9467446706 4 Jasbir Rajpura-II (Gunkali, 9416379113 Ponkar Kheri) 5 Naresh Chahal Barsola 9896168498 6 Neeraj Jajwan (Dhanda Kheri) 8168907795 7 Parveen Nain Add. Julani (Dariyawala) 9467446706 8 Ramesh Chand Jalalpur Kalan (Jalalpur 9467790025 Khurd, Sangatpura) 9 Parveen Intal Kalan (Intal Khurd, 9350333212 Ikkas) 10 Ramesh Chand Ramrai () 9467790025 Add 11 Sunil Dalal Gobindpura (Kishapura, 9254840007 Bid bada ban)

Banshilal Kandela 7357614000 Ajay Kumar Saini 7988614805 12 Vijay Kandela (Jeetgarh, 9467906751 Tegbhadurpur) 9992526868 13 Jaiveer Add Barah Khurd(Sindhvi 8607875819 Khera) 14 Rohtash Verma Janj Kalan (Jhanj Khurd, 9992629355 Barodi) 15 Sunny Roopgarh (Ahirka, Kher 9416612266 kheri) 16 Mangal Singh Khokhri , 9416210036 Ahabadpur, Barsana 17 Sandeep Lochab (Taloda Kheri, 7015574309 Taloda) 18 Yogender Kumar Nirjan (Manoharpur, 9812879800 Mando Kheri)

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19 Sunny Add. Barah Kalan 9812879800 (Lakhmirwala) 20 Gautam Singh Kharak Ramji (Chabri) 9467318562 21 Yogender Kumar SiwahaAssan) 9812879800 Add 22 Rohtash Sharma Nidana (Lalitkhera) 9466657584 23 Rohit Nidani 7015550337 Anil Kumar Kanungo, Kinana 7015900170 Deepak N.T 9992040602 24 Rajender Singh Kinana (Brar Khera) 9034019249 25 Paramjeet Shamlo Kalan-I 8930120999 26 Paramjeet Shamlo Kalan-II (Ramkali, 8930120999 Khemakheri)

27 Poonam Shamlo Kalan-III 8930422122 (Anoopgarh, Shamlo Khurd) 28 Rohit Nidani-I 7015550337 29 Pardeep Saini Nidani-II 8295099311 (Radhana,Padana) 30 Krishan Bibipur 8295695594 31 Arti Baroli (Bishanpura, 9068365090 Ashrafgarh) 32 Rohtash Igrah 9466657584 33 Balwant Singh BC Ghimana (Ramgarh, 9467355407 Bahabalpur) 34 seema Dhigana (Bharokhera) 9588578004 Narwana Parmod Kumar Office Kanungo, Narwana 9813238871 Vijay Kumar 705683944 Sh. Amit Dhiman AOK 9467371894 Anoop Singh Kanungo 9306243230 Add. 1 Sanjeev Kumar Narwana-I 9992550248 2 Nasib Narwana-II (Badowala) 8750086100 3 Vinod Kumar BC Dablain (Ismailpur) 7988072032 Add. 4 Pawan Add. Loan (Harnampura) 9416232926 5 Virender Singh Dhrodi 9053178004 6 Vinod Kumar Phuliyan Kalan-I (Phuliyan 7988072032 Khurd, Sulherha, Julhera)

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7 Sataywan Phuliyan Kalan-II 9416517054 (Karamgarh, Kanhakhera, Khanpur) 8 Pardeep Singh Mor Amargarh (Nehra, Lochab) 9896076392

9 Sumit Kumar Kharadwal (Rajgarh Dhobi) 9017212280

10 Anoop Kanugno, Dhanoda 9306243230 Vijay Kumar 705683944 Pawan Kumar BC Dhanoda Kalan I 9812280024 11 Sachin Dhanoda Kalan II 9896047952 12 Suresh BC Saithali (Jajanwala) 9467331395 13 Balwant Kaloda Kalan(Kaloda 9466628657 Khurd) 14 Jaipal Dhanoda Khurd 9466628657 15 Narender Sacchha Khera (Bikhawala) 8685078134

16 Ashok Kumar SC Farain Kalan(Frain Khurd) 9812734839

17 Anoop Singh Kanungo, Dhakal 9306243230 Virender Singh Fkg. Add. N.T 9812024505 Ramesh Kumar Dhakal 9991350374 18 Avinash Kumar Hatho(Bidhana) 9034044770 19 Jaiveer Bhana Brahaman (Gurser) 8607875819

20 Satyender BC Singhwal (Sinsar) 8708284146 21 Kaptan Kundu Gurthali(Mohal Kera, Surja 9416505321 Khera) 22 Balwan Kanungo, Dhamatan 9812383954 Vijay Kumar Sahib 705683944 Sube Singh SC Dhamatan Sahib-I 9050487476 23 Sube Singh SC Dhamatan Sahib-II 9050487476 Add 24 Vikas Kalwan-I 9053178004 25 Sunil Kumar Kalwan-II 9812319842 26 Satyawan Kharal-I 9992695700 27 Jitender Kharal-II ( Amir Garh) 9053854001 28 Sonu Ram Rasidan(dhabi Tek Singh, 9896462957 Naryangarh) 29 Naresh Kumar Pipaltha-I 9896300959 30 Suresh Kumar Pipaltha-II (Raver, Padtarth 9416688099 Khera, Garhi)

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31 Ranbir Singh Kanungo, Ujana 9416558321 Virender Singh N.T 9812024505 Anil Kumar Ujana-I 9017669995 32 Satpal Add. Ujana-II 7056160202 33 Satpal Ujana-III (Chak Ujhana) 9813498799

33 Satpal Add. Koyal(Nepawala) 9813498799 34 Jivan Singh BC Belrakha-I 8059200477 35 Satpal Jangra Belrakha-II(Ambersar) 9017414900 36 Sunil Kumar Data Singh wala(Hansdahar 9416616016 dandholi)

Ramkumar Office kanungo, Uchana 9467037992 Ram Charan Teh. 9729160003 Uchana Suresh Kumar Kanungo, Uchana 9416720270 Ajay Kumar Kakrod-I 7027876211 1 Sudarshan Kakrod-II (Udaipur, Nachar 9671110420 Khera) 2 Rambilash Add. Uchana Khurd-I 9991449010 3 Rambilash Uchana Khurd- 9991449010 II(Bhagwanpura, Daroli Khera) 4 Rambilash Add. Uchana Kalan 9991449010 5 Sudarshan Add. Kakrod-II 9671110420 6 Sunny Add. Surbura 9896691747 7 Sandeep Kumar Mangalpur (Dohana 9991805496 Khera) 8 Virender Durjanpur (Dharond Khera) 9416273013

9 Virender Add. Badanpur(Sundarpura) 9991449010

10 Sandeep Kumar Jeel(Ghaso Kalan) 9812718169 Add. 11 Sunny Uchana Kalan-II(Kheri 9896691747 Masaia, Seda Majra)

12 Vinod Kumar Kanungo, Khatkad 9416776226 Ram Charan Teh. Add. 9729160003 Vinod Kumar Khatkad-I 9416776226 13 Vinod Kumar Khatkad-II(Bhosla) 9416776226 14 Sunil Kumar SC Budayan-I(Khapad, 9671372447 Bhongra

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15 Naresh Kumar Budayan-II(Makhad) 9812183650

16 Sunny Baroda-I 9896691747 17 Sunny Baroda-II(Roj Khera) 9416776226

18 Sunil Kumar Add Khapad 9671371447 19 Amardeep Kehsun(Kalta) 8285152530 20 Naresh Kumar Mohangarh(Dhankheri) 9812183650

21 Krishan Kumar Kanungo, Karsindhu 9896195489 Jagdish Chander 9812084521

Sudershan Karshindhu 9671110420 22 Malkhan SC Chatar-I 8684909984 23 Malkhan SC Add Chatar-II 8684909984 24 Kaptan Singh Chatar-III(Mandi) 9996307180 25 Anil Pehlawan-I 7015314050 26 Malkhan Add Pehlawan-II(Kharakbura, 8684909984 Kheri Saffa)

27 Ramphal Lodar(Sudkain Khurd) 9466124645

28 Harikishan Add Sudkain Kalan(Dumarkha 8901457019 Khurd)

29 Harikishan BC Kabarchan(Tarkha) 8901457019 30 Satyanwan Gogriyan 9467303500 31 Satyanwan Add Alipura(Ganda Khera) 9467303500

32 Sudershan Dumarkhan Kalan(Ghaso 9671110420 Khurd)

Safidon 33 Shamsher Singh Office kanungo, Safidon 9416777287 Ramkesh 9801320203 (Add.) Sant Lal Kanungo, Safidon 8307909396 Sanjay Safidon 9813434066 1 Sanjay Add Dharam Garh(sharna kheri, 9813434066 Karsindhu, Tito Kheri)

2 Amit Verma Kheda Khemawati(Paju 9992647577 kalan, Pajukhurd)

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3 Sajjan Kurad(Singhpura, 7206390217 Bahadurpur, Kharakda) 4 Ramkesh Rod-I(Aftabgarh) 9315474785 5 Rajkumar SC Sighana (Rampura) 9813196768 6 Satish Kumar Add Anta(Barod,Basini,Khatla) 9813196768

7 Vijay Kumar Rod-II(Malakpur, Tha 9466657009 Malakpur) 8 Vijay Kumar Add Nimnabad(Sahanpur) 9466657009

9 Surender Didwada (Muslana) 9416272144

10 Jasbir Kanungo, Hatt 9813616427 Rampal N.T 8168989667

Surender Singh Hatt 9050303820 11 Kuldeep Singh Muana-I 9996255615 Add 12 Kuldeep Singh BC Muana-II 9996255615 13 Sunil Kumar Muana-III(Chapar) 9416272144 14 Satish Kumar Siwanamal-I 9991607983 15 Pawan Kumar SC Siwanamal-III(Ram Nagar, 9812179228 Hari Garh) 16 Pawan Kumar Add Siwanamal-II(Baghru 9812179228 Kalan, Baghru khurd)

17 Sunil Add Anchara Kalan ( Anchra 9416272144 Khurd, Sharfabad)

18 Ankit Silakhedi(Ratta 8950412210 Khera,Karkhana,Rojla)

19 Dinesh Malar (Bahadurgarh, 9992999121 Jaipur)

Pillu 20 Satpal Kanungo, Pillukhera 9416506460 Inder Singh N.T Khera 9034600012 Subesingh Pillukhera(Amrawali 9813148854 Khera, Bhurain) 1 Ramesh Bitani(Kalawanti, 9050606737 Hoshiarpura 2 Ramesh Add Gangoli 9050606737 3 Ravi Dutt Bhambewa-I 8059824695

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4 Ravi Dutt Add Bhambewa- 8059824695 II(Ludana,Malsri Khera)

5 Kuldeep Kalwa 9991563721 6 Vikki Dharath-I 9991326998 7 Vikki Add Dharath-II(Mohammad 9991326998 khera, Mandi Khurd, Alan jogi khera)

8 Sandeep Morkhi 9813991584 9 Sandeep Add Bhagkhera ( Kadwa, 9813991584 Kharak Garar)

10 Ranbir Ritoli (Kharakgadiyan, 8059799402 Baniakhera)

12 Sandeep Gautam Budha Khera ( Beri 9034643760 Add. Khera) 13 Survesh Devi Bartana(Dhadoli) 7982436833 14 Sandeep Gautam Rajana (Jamni) 9034643760 15 Pawan Kumar Office Kanungo, Julana 9416285854 Ramkesh Add. 9801320203 Julana Pawan Kumar Kanungo, Julana 9416285854 Add. 15 Aashish Julana(Shadipur) 8053034434 16 Aashish Add Hatwala-I 8053034434 17 Aashish Add Mehrada (Fatehgarh) 8053034434

18 Pawan Kumar Budha Khera 7988641619 Lathar(Akalgarh) 19 Pawan Kumar Add Hatwala-II(Poli, 7988641619 Killajafargarh) 20 Sandeep Kumar Karsola-I 9050111776 21 Jitender Singh Lijwana Khurd 9518804470 Add. Shriniwas Lijwana Kalan 9991257272 22 Jitender Singh Karsola-II(Nandgarh,Sirsa 9518804470 Kherai, Lijwana Khurd)

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23 Pawan Kumar Kanungo, Gatoli 9416285854 Prateek Singh N.T 9911886773 Aashish Add Gatoli 9050111776 24 Pawan Kumar Karela(Jhamola) 8571854243 25 Pawan Kumar Add Gadwali(Jaijaiwanti, 8571854243 Bakhtakhera) 26 Dharampal Mali-II(Rajgarh,Desh 8901495208 Khera, Kamachkhera)

27 Dharampal Mali-I 8901495208 28 Manoj Kumar Kharithi 9996216009 29 Manoj Kumar Buana(Buradahar, Gusai 9996216009 Add. khera) 30 Rekha Rani SC Devrad, (Brahmanvas) 8607878480

Alewa 31 Kashmiri Patwari Office Kanungo, Alewa 9466603817 Rohtash Add. 9991729292 Vinod Kanungo, Alewa 9991898642 Manoj Kumar Alewa-I(Alewa) 8950072473 Add. 7404472473 1 Manoj Kumar Alewa-II 8683969420 Add. 2 Pardeep Kumar Alewa-III (handa, 9467171143 Gohiyan) 3 Kuldeep Kumar Diluwala(Chuhadpur, 9467111204 Hasanpur) 7015482299 4 Balvinder Add Durana(Katwal, 8950072473 Kheribullan wali) 7404472473 5 Manoj Kumar Bigana 8950072473 7404472473 6 Manoj Kumar Srirag(Bohatwala, Khunga) 8059564072 Add. 7 Manoj Kumar Dalamwala (Raichandwala) 8059564072 Add. 8 Manoj Pegan(Majara Pegan)

9 Ramesh Kanungo, Naguran 9812661837 Sahil N.T 9871058313 Lakhpat SC Naguran-I 9802440008 10 Lakhpat Add Naguran-II(Kheri Naguran) 9802440008

11 Rohtash Add. Thua-I 9802440008

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12 Rohtash Thua-II(Sandil) 9802440008 13 Jaisingh Sahpur(Jivanpur) 9991710414 14 Jaidev Dhola-III(Kuchrana Kalan, 9991710414 Kuchrana Khurd)

15 Kashmiri Patwari Dhola-I 9466603817 16 Mahabir SC Dhola-II(Shamdo) 8221939549 17 Jaidev Naguran-III(Badhana) 9306015016

List of Lambardars Name & Phone Number District- Jind Tehsil : Jind

Sr No Village Name of Lumberdar Mobile Number

1 Jind BHIM SINGH 9416830472 2 Jind OM PARKSH 9138313319 3 Jind RAVI BAJDAN 9017670043 4 Jind SUNIL 9416387002 5 Jind RAKESH 9034126107 6 Jind PRITAM 8816050788 7 Jind RAMDHARI 9255382702 8 Jind RANDHIR 9068721011 9 Jind SHIV KUMAR 9812160429 10 Jind NANURAM 8059112586 11 Rajpura SULTAN 9355071560 12 Rajpura SUBE SINGH 8950216925 13 Rajpura RANDHIR 9467125148 14 Rajpura DEVENDER 9416217809 15 Rajpura SANDEEP 9991171643 16 Rajpura DILBAG 9802804546 17 Rajpura RAJBIR 9466113765 18 Rajpura RAM CHANDER 8295548120 19 Intal Kalan RAMNIWAS 9728726690 20 Intal Kalan POHLU 8278287031 21 Intal Kalan KAVITA 9812275983 22 Intal Kalan HAWA SINGH 7082498847 23 Sangatpura ANIL 8053536513 24 Sangatpura MANPHOOL 9306772318 25 Sangatpura NARSIRAM 9996575797

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26 Sangatpura OMPARKASH 9996576419 27 Sangatpura CHANDER SINGH 9416811402 28 Sangatpura RAMPAL 1681234455 29 Gobindpura LAKHIRAM 8708551387 30 Gobindpura KANWAR SINGH 8222943333 31 Dariyawala KITAB SINGH 8059374357 32 Dariyawala SUNIL DEVI 9996428486 33 Dariyawala SHAMSHER 9996151190 34 Dariyawala RAMESH 9812006933 35 Jajwan SURESH 9466655897 36 Jajwan RAMCHANDER 9817763305 37 Jajwan RAJKUMAR 9728373054 38 Jajwan DEVENDER 9466767026 39 Jajwan CHOTU RAM 8684069367 40 Pindari SURAJMAL 9466721450 41 Pindari SURAJBHAN 9416934944 42 Pindari MAHA SINGH 9466572554 43 Pindari JAIBHAGWAN 9466657683 44 Pindari BIJENDER 9466407681 45 Pindari MAHBIR 9896128282 46 Dhanda Kheri OM SINGH 9416604402 47 Dhanda Kheri SATBIR 9466552751 48 Gunkali JORA SINGH 9467452738 49 Gunkali PALA RAM 8059777428 50 Gunkali DAYAWANTI 7404321400 51 Gunkali RAJA 9729564642 52 Gunkali RAVINDER 9416512954 53 Brah Khurd RAJESH 9050855807 54 Brah Khurd SATPAL 9466778201 55 Brah Khurd SANJAY 9991900165 56 Brah Khurd GORDHAN 8057369017 57 Brah Khurd DAYANAND NOT AVAILABLE 58 Brah Khurd SATPAL 7056095436 59 Brah Khurd SUNIL 9050017118 60 Igrah SUKHENDER 8708720189 61 Igrah DALBIR 9518449242 62 Igrah HARPAL 8930109850 63 Igrah RAJBIR 9468117371 64 Igrah RANDHIR 9467953180 65 Igrah RAMKISHAN 9729619432 66 Bhairon Khera KULDEEP 9416343286

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67 Bhairon Khera VINOD 8396806000 68 Bhairon Khera PARTAP 7027020331 69 Bhairon Khera KARAN 9728958612 70 Bhairon Khera HAWA SINGH 9671481137 71 Bhairon Khera RAVINDER 8007347324 72 Bhairon Khera BIJENDER 9813467889 73 BiBipur BIJENDER 9896327016 74 BiBipur RULIYA RAM 9723826447 75 BiBipur CHAJURAM 9466570425 76 BiBipur BARURAM 9729667100 77 BiBipur SUNIL KUMAR 9817844135 78 BiBipur SULTAN 8814820741 79 Dhigana RAJBIR 9991210727 80 Dhigana GOPIRAM 8199081096 81 Dhigana ANAND 9729014915 82 Dhigana RAMKISHAN 9996808956 83 Dhigana JILE 9466654288 84 Dhigana AJIT 9416226128 85 Dhigana SANJEEV KUMAR 9813255760 86 Radhana OM PARKASH 9812833567 87 Radhana JORA SINGH 9813529924 88 Radhana RAMESHWAR 9467241815 89 Radhana DILBAG 8307363639 90 Radhana DEVENDER 9991218687 91 Radhana SATYWAN 9813655799 92 Padana YUDHBIR 9053116441 93 Padana HANSBIR 9466237126 94 Padana RAMNIWAS 8053552208 95 Padana DEVIDUTT 9050998587 96 Nidani KARAMCHAND 8607667784 97 Nidani RAMPHAL 9812698038 98 Nidani CHANDER SINGH 9467819026 99 Ramkali ROTASH 9813644280 100 Ramkali SATNARYAN 9992757832 101 Ramkali RAMPAL 8683995033 102 Ramkali ISHWAR 9416027083 103 Ramkali AMIT 8607039284 104 Ramkali DILBAG 9467324705 105 Ramkali DALIPA 9466463374 106 Ramgarh BALBIR SINGH 7988202757 107 Ramgarh BALBIR SINGH 9991064966

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108 Ramgarh RANDHIR 9255584328 109 Ramgarh SUBHASH 9991278411 110 Ramgarh SUKHBIR 946601225 111 Brar Khera DALBIR 9350603495 112 Brar Khera RAMESH 9996578074 113 Brar Khera ARUN 9350096967 114 Brar Khera JAGMAL 9996382062 115 Brar Khera SHAMSHER 9891358476 116 Brar Khera KRISHAN 8069351125 117 Lalit Khera BHAGIRATH 9416852316 118 Lalit Khera BHOPAL 9416852701 119 Lalit Khera CHANDER 9728215012 120 Lalit Khera SURENDER 9728618632 121 Lalit Khera SURESH 9466890633 122 Lalit Khera SATPAL 9468064235 123 Lalit Khera TEKRAM 8901382691 124 Khokhari RAMDIYA 8607668445 125 Khokhari RAMDIYA 9050282608 126 Khokhari RAMSINGH 9306830986 127 Khokhari JAIBHAGWAN 9466831513 128 Khokhari PRAVEENA 8816932644 129 Khokhari RAMNIWASH 98966271745 130 Khokhari SAMAT SINGH 9592255757 131 Lakhmirwala RAM CHANDER 9467888278 132 Lakhmirwala SALENDER 8813042437 133 Lakhmirwala JAGERAM 9416934972 134 Lakhmirwala AADESH 9802481001 135 Lakhmirwala AJAY 9992707079 136 Sindhavi Khera RAMPHAL 9813873090 137 Sindhavi Khera KARAN SINGH 9416556780 138 Sindhavi Khera KARAMBIR 9466887097 139 Sindhavi Khera LILU RAM 9813892838 140 Sindhavi Khera RAMDIYA 9416719645 141 Sindhavi Khera SUBHASH 9991807925 142 Sindhavi Khera SUDHIR 9416556911 143 Sindhavi Khera JONISH 9468258441 144 Sindhavi Khera JORA SINGH 7056808117 145 Pohkarkheri PRITHI 9813341726 146 Pohkarkheri DEEPAK 9996523142 147 Pohkarkheri BALWAN 9813223090 148 Pohkarkheri SADEEK 9992873633

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149 Pohkarkheri CHANDER 9812090317 150 Lohchab MANGA RAM 9416385765 151 Lohchab RAJPATI 9467317075 152 Lohchab DHRAMPAL 8221023509 153 Lohchab KULDEEP 9466602406 154 Lohchab PRTVI SINGH 8053620738 155 Lohchab RAMNIWASH 9416385752 156 Lohchab RAMCHNADER 8053620738 157 Taloda JAIBIR 8901382768 158 Taloda VED PARKASH 7206660702 159 Taloda HAWA SINGH 9050606351 160 Taloda ANIL 9671540871 161 Kheri Taloda DALIP 8607908515 162 Kheri Taloda JAI BHAGWAN 9728278229 163 Kheri Taloda BALKISHAN 9813111305 164 Kheri Taloda MAHENDER 9030458085 165 Kheri Taloda KAMAL 9050766864 166 Nirjan SUDHIR 8685865896 167 Nirjan RAM MEHAR 9467684063 168 Nirjan JOGINDER 9034852992 169 Nirjan KRISHAN 9354498340 170 Nirjan SUBHASH 7404210345 171 Nirjan MUNSIRAM 7206376521 172 Siwaha VIRENDER 9992350392 173 Siwaha SRI KRISHAN 9466735373 174 Siwaha RAM PARKASH 9813654776 175 Siwaha RAM SAROOP 9518159952 176 Siwaha MAKHAN LAL 9541201221 177 Siwaha DHRAMPAL 9991268520 178 Assan RAJBIR 9466394598 179 Assan RAMDHAN 9991239845 180 Assan TEKRAM 9728819767 181 Brah Kalan SHAMSHER 954122481 182 Brah Kalan RAKESH 9416720051 183 Brah Kalan MANGAT 9034525300 184 Brah Kalan RAMKISHAN 9468387972 185 Brah Kalan SATBIR 8930863044 186 Brah Kalan RAJMAL 8901016554 187 Brah Kalan JASBIR 9813458088 188 Brah Kalan JAGDISH 9896748002 189 Kair Kheri PRITHI 9812631402

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190 Kair Kheri SUBHASH 9991211361 191 Kair Kheri SULTAN 9812351001 192 Roopgarh SHAMSHER 9518055604 193 Roopgarh BALJEET 8295429632 194 Roopgarh SATBIR 9466319962 195 Ahirka RAMESH 9315370438 196 Ahirka NARESH 9896658331 197 Nidana AJMER 9466145753 198 Nidana AZAD 9416533379 199 Nidana ANIL 9813552756 200 Nidana RAMPHAL 8930299717 201 Nidana KAPTAN 8168961484 202 Nidana SUMER 8571856312 203 Nidana NARESH 9416973440 204 Nidana RAM MEHAR 9466555508 205 Barodi SATWAN 9813784396 206 Barodi RAJKUMAR 8529354832 207 Barodi LAKHMICHAND 9466656440 208 Barodi ISHWAR 9991942956 209 Barodi SOHAN LAL 9471123682 210 Barodi RAJBIR 8708287692 211 Ramrai PHOOL CHAND 9416721239 212 Ramrai RISHI 9416131257 213 Ramrai DALIP SINGH 9812052660 214 Ramrai NARESH 9416830224 215 Ramrai SHRI KRISHAN 9855225006 216 Ramrai ANOOP 9416087004 217 Ramrai DHARMENDER 9068983144 218 Jalalpur Khurd SHISHRAM 9812774164 219 Jalalpur Khurd KRISHAN 9671048122 220 Jalalpur Khurd RAJENDER 9466304711 221 Jalalpur Khurd SANDEEP 8708045280 222 Jalalpur Kalan AZAD 9468187812 223 Jalalpur Kalan AZAD 9991001828 224 Jalalpur Kalan SHYAM LAL 9671136118 225 Jalalpur Kalan SHAMSHER 9466801589 226 Jalalpur Kalan INDER 9050199652 227 Barsola JAGDISH 8059110391 228 Barsola DHARAMBIR 9992435060 229 Barsola SUNIL 8570070627 230 Barsola RAMDIYA 8221904269

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231 Barsola RAMESHWAR 9996203285 232 Barsola JAGDEEP 9728292284 233 Barsana VIKRAM 8901431806 234 Barsana HOSHIYARA 8168139403 235 Barsana DALSHER 9729868890 236 Barsana KALI RAM 9485659003 237 Kharakramji RAMMEHAR 9255474216 238 Kharakramji RAMMEHAR 8059288833 239 Kharakramji SURJA 9991869462 240 Kharakramji BALJEET 9518267123 241 Kharakramji RAJENDER 9991961298 242 Kharakramji AMIT 8813803196 243 Kharakramji RAGHBIR SINGH 9728996366 244 Kharakramji SUBHASH 8398008636 245 Chabri HARKESH 9813181601 246 Chabri VIKRAM 9817481125 247 Chabri RAGHUBIR 9416532526 248 Ikkas ATTAR SINGH 9729061823 249 Ikkas RAJBIR 9138243500 250 Ikkas JITENDER 9996620037 251 Ikkas SULTAN 8607033139 252 Intal Khurd RAKESH 9466643955 253 Intal Khurd SURENDER 8956024352 254 Baganwala NARESH 9416830224 255 Baganwala KRISHAN DUTT 9416989797 256 Amarheri GANGA SINGH 9812251306 257 Amarheri DINESH BHATTI 9991328282 258 Amarheri DOG RAM 9034108486 259 Jitgarh DIWAN 9050952195 260 Jitgarh RAVEELA 8168915668 261 Kandela RAJ KUMAR 7082344633 262 Kandela RAJENDER 9671225507 263 Kandela RAMPAL 9416148269 264 Kandela KULDEEP 9416938610 265 Kandela BIJENDER 9466305342 266 Kandela MANOJ 9416561624 267 Kandela RAJBIR 8295178405 268 Habatpur SUBE 9813454900 269 Habatpur RAMMEHAR 9416189994 270 Habatpur RAMSWAROOP 9813737026 271 Habatpur SANDEEP 9255966207

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272 Habatpur RAJESH 9255191815 273 Anoopgarh KAPOOR 9466541534 274 Anoopgarh DHARM SINGH 9671066595 275 Anoopgarh RAJANDER 9254879350 276 Anoopgarh PREM 9034061907 277 Anoopgarh KARAMBIR 9812320595 278 Khima Kheri RAMESHWAR 9416685077 279 Khima Kheri RAMGOPAL 8685889105 280 Khima Kheri UMED 9416239131 281 Shamlo Kalan BIJANDER 9468464673 282 Shamlo Kalan KRISHAN 9671121267 283 Shamlo Kalan RAMESH 7494918001 284 Shamlo Kalan VEDPARKESH 9671148264 285 Shamlo Kalan BIJANDER 9991577429 286 Shamlo Kalan SILAKRAM 9466076991 287 Shamlo Kalan KULBIR 9466304782 288 Shamlo Kalan ISHWAR SINGH 9468138512 289 Shamlo Kalan SANTRAM 9466078506 290 Shamlo Kalan DAYANAND 7988858010 291 Shamlo Kalan JAIBHAGWAN 9813657558 292 Julani JOGINDER 9416556863 293 Julani ISHWAR 9813892824 294 Kishanpura RAMSINGH 8307057892 295 Kishanpura SANDEEP 9255525000 296 Jhanjh Kalan RAJBIR 9466786807 297 Jhanjh Kalan SHUBHASH 8689017047 298 Jhanjh Kalan RAMMEHAR 9034402873 299 Jhanjh Kalan JAISINGH 9518224327 300 Jhanjh Kalan KAPOOR SINGH 9416854461 301 Manoharpur SUSHIL 9467888278 302 Manoharpur SURENDER 9466012492 303 Manoharpur SURENDER 8950026086 304 Manoharpur DEVA SINGH 9416189976 305 Manoharpur JEETU 9416701324 306 Manoharpur SURESH 9812909590 307 Mando Kheri RAMSARUP SINGH 9467306733 308 Mando Kheri RAGHBIR 9416532526 309 Kinana OMPARKESH 9729075627 310 Kinana RAJPAL 9416568734 311 Kinana RAMPAL 7988194787 312 Kinana VEDPARKESH 9416354460

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313 Kinana BANTA 9467353228 314 Bishanpura AJIT 9467353228 315 Bishanpura RANBIR 9034223941 316 Bishanpura JAINARAYAN 8950590800 317 Bishanpura DALBIR 9466075414 318 Bishanpura SHAMSHER 9416621478 319 Birbaraban KARTAR 9416238817 320 Shamlo Khurd KITAB SINGH 8221876508 321 Shamlo Khurd VIRENDER 8059912903 322 Shamlo Khurd NARESH 7015812512 323 Ghimana AMILAL 9728966095 324 Ghimana HAWA SINGH 9992984955 325 Ghimana RALDU 9729276161 326 Ghimana SURENDER 9728966095 327 Ghimana RAMPHAL 9813141030 328 Ghimana DOOPHA 9034595562 329 Ghimana RAMSARUP 8397017007 330 Ghimana RAJINDER 9996896518 331 Bahbalpur PARMANAND 9467309569 332 Bahbalpur ISHWAR 967163856 333 Bahbalpur RANBIR 94166947504 334 Bahbalpur VINOD 9813324820 335 Ashrafgarh DILBHAG 9050550005 336 Ashrafgarh RAMSARUP 8968236013 337 Ashrafgarh MAHENDER 9416675457 338 Jhanjh Khurd BALJIT 8708031801 339 Jhanjh Khurd ISHWAR 8053569894 340 Jhanjh Khurd SATYAWAN 7206488073 341 Jhanjh Khurd SATISH KUMAR 9991636859 342 Biroli SURAJMAL 9050046525 343 Biroli RAMCHANDER 9812388852 344 Biroli SUBASH 9466076779 345 Biroli RAJINDER 9813333143

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Tehsil Alewa Sr Village Name of Lumberdar Mobile Number No 1 Alewa SADHURAM 9996144422 RANDHIR 9466252586 MAHASINGH 9416469630 GHANSHYAM 9728834200 2 Badhana RAMPHAL 9466657525 SATISH 9253724220 RISALA 9991488587 RAMBHAGAT 9671157831 3 Bighana ATAR SINGH 9467656435 GURACHARAN SINGH 9068924003 RAJESH KUMAR 9813806080 CHANDGI 8607065828 4 Bohatwala RAMDHARI 8570096380 NARESH KUMAR 9416061281 MAHENDER SINGH 9996549801 RAMDHARI 9416299855 DAYANAND 9466551304 5 Chuhaar pur SURAJBHAN 9068970113 SUMER SINGH 9466346408 6 Dalamwala RAMESHWAR 9354223500 PARDEEP SINGH 9729283900 RAMMEHAR 8059396004 RAMKUWAR 9996353922 KITABA 9996388172 BALBIR 9354921973 7 Dahola MAHAVIR SINGH 8901153001 RAMPAL 9068626051 JAI KUMAR 9068311644 SHAMSHER SINGH 9996033949 RAMPAL 8529686906 8 Dhiluwala BALWAN SINGH 9466063869 SURENDER 9050575702 RAJESH KUMAR 9416087595 MAHENDER SINGH 9813495185 9 Durana LAKHVINDER SINGH 9896785295 RAMNIWASH 9896975964 GURBACHAN SINGH 9050354227 10 Gohiya JAIDEV 9896515403

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DARSHAN SINGH 9996776144 JAGDISH CHANDER 8396998431 11 Hassanpur ATTAR SINGH 9467710590 SHIVPAL 9466266766 SATBIR SINGH 8278941894 12 Jiwan pur DEVIPARSHAN 9996522934 TILAK RAJ 8529762840 BIJENDER 9466846501 13 Katwal RANBIR SINGH 9466216939 PALARAM 8604497987 14 Khanda RAM DIYA 7357654963 RAJENDER SINGH 9812736024 SATYNARAYAN BHARDWAJ 9416791203 15 Kheri bulanwali OMPARKASH 9812776270 16 Khunga JILE SINGH 9416149351 BALWAN 8053557937 17 Kuchrana kalan DEVA SINGH 9050439201 JAGJEET SINGH 9991448755 JILE SINGH 9466014692 JAIPAL 7056801572 18 Kuchrana khurd SURAJMAL 8059229805 RAJESH 8198981434 19 Naguran VIRENDER SINGH 9992192900 KARAN SINGH 9671052942 JASWANT SINGH 9416503977 RAJIV 9813684326 JAG MOHAN 9416087998 DHARAMBIR SINGH 9466552745 RANDHIR SINGH 9416184642 KULDEEP SINGH 9416602950 20 Pegan MAHABIR 9466056576 DAYA NAND 9467353880 KARAN SINGH 9812807576 SATYAPAL 9729949550 21 Rai chandwala SANDEEP 9466079281 RANBIR SINGH 9499251045 PAWAN KUMAR 9996522431 22 Samdo YASHPAL 9812184022 MEWA SINGH 8295353519 JASBIR SINGH 9992252958 BALJEET 8699514549

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DEEPAK ANAND 9416947436 SANJAY 9466118819 23 Sandeel NAFE SINGH 9996894568 RAMPHAL 9996421358 MAHA SINGH 9996247291 BALKAR 9992102514 24 Shahpur KAPOORA 9068205338 JAI BHAGWAN 8222820136 JAGAT SINGH 9729983994 SULTAN SINGH 9034477847 KARAMPAL REDHU 9813486981 PREM SINGH 9416950464 SURAJMAL 9467446911 25 Sri rag JHANDU RAM 9466407474 KULDEEP 9467353371 26 Thua KULDEEP 9068907221 OM PARKASH 9466603621 KHAJANA 8222818137 SADHU 9466394432 RAJBIR 8901166533

Tehsil Julana

Sr Village Name of Lumberdar Mobile Number No 1 AKALGARH RAMPHAL 9813114745 DALJIT 9728227756 MANOJ 9467121080 DHARAMPAL 9053461727 BHIMA 8307115989 2 BUDHKHERA KRISHAN 9416138728 LAHANA SINGH 9812855211 BIR SINGH 9034734020 RAM KISHAN 9996466987 SUNDER 9729780099 3 KARSOLA ZILE SINGH 9416230785 KARTAR SINGH 9416428587 KRISHAN SINGH 9466475415 BALJIT SINGH 9466473526 RISHI RAM 9416223585 RAMEHAR 8168475916

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PREM SINGH 9728362901 4 GARWALI SATPAL 8930282632 BALWANT 9467447540 RAMESH KUMAR 8059287648 5 KHERABEKHTA JITENDER 9812396784 PANKAJ KUMAR 9416382734 LAL SINGH 9416416335 6 JAI JAI WANTI ASHOK KUMAR 9416388003 INDER SINGH 9354334267 MUKHTYARA 9485903497 KARAMBIR 8221049646 7 LAJWANA KALAN RATTAN 9468164450 KOHAR SINGH 9466846975 RAM CHANDER 9416338976 JASMER 9896063810 DILBAG SINGH 9466605835 RAJESH 9466847054 RAJESH 9466012920 NAVEEN 9050709536 RAM KARAN 9466717641 DEVI DAYAL 9812183885 MUKESH KUMAR 9467082205 KRISHAN KUMAR 9466078733 RAJBIR 8607966092 8 MALVI RAMPHAL 9467321341 MAHABIR 8570031202 TEK RAM REPORT OF FIELD STAFF IS NOT AVAILABLE SATBIR 8307196305 RAMPAAL 9467971716 RAJSINGH 7027941270 RAMKUMAR 9991984231 492 KHARENTI RAJENDER 9991890344 493 KHARENTI RAJENDER 9350239493 494 KHARENTI SURENDER 9996234800 495 KHARENTI SAMSHER 9416948952 496 KHARENTI MANOJ 8168006070 497 KHARENTI OMPARKESH 9996517037 498 KHARENTI PURAN REPORT OF FIELD STAFF IS NOT

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534 KARELA INDER SINGH 8295807253 535 KARELA RAJBIR 9812888552 536 KARELA TINKU 7082620986 537 FATEHGARH RAMJI 9416315146 538 FATEHGARH KRISHAN KUMAR 9813895306 539 KILAZAFERGARH RALDU RAM 9466408542 540 KILAZAFERGARH MAHABIR SINGH 9467079452 541 KILAZAFERGARH PIRTHI SINGH 9466740311 542 KILAZAFERGARH BADAN SINGH 8607330110 543 KILAZAFERGARH MAHABIR SINGH 9416339420 544 KILAZAFERGARH RAJENDER 9728585969 545 POULI RAJKUMAR 7404608066 546 POULI JALVINDER SINGH 9416557979 547 POULI RAKESH 9416959036 548 POULI ROHTASH 9416470927 549 POULI RAJESH KUMAR 9466475382 550 POULI ROHIRAM 9416959034 551 POULI BIJENDER 8053589763 552 JHAMOLA RUP SINGH 9812864692 553 JHAMOLA AJMER 9466605846 554 JHAMOLA SANDEEP 9728293487 555 JHAMOLA CHIRANJI REPORT OF FIELD STAFF IS NOT AVAILABLE 556 JHAMOLA ROHTASH 9812119750 557 MEHRADA JAGBIR SINGH 9991367570 558 MEHRADA PAWAN 8930545711 559 MEHRADA RAVINDER 9813257208 560 MEHRADA ÀZAD 9991456368 561 NANDGARH BALWAN 9416470968 562 NANDGARH MANJIT 9468254089 563 NANDGARH RANBIR 9812461464 564 NANDGARH SATBIR SINGH 9468164443 565 NANDGARH SATBIR SINGH 8199057040 566 LAJWANA KHURD KRISHAN 9813799437 567 LAJWANA KHURD MAMENRAM 9426061253 568 LAJWANA KHURD SAMSHER 9426061253 569 SIRSA KHERI AZAD SINGH 9992182005 570 SIRSA KHERI RAM SINGH 8607885257 571 BRAHMANWAS RANDHIR 9991224711 572 BRAHMANWAS MAHABIR 9429144113

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Tehsil Julana Sr Village Name of Lumberdar Mobile Number No 605 AMARGARH DAYANAND 7015810308 606 AMARGARH JAIBHAGWAN 9416328925 607 AMARGARH JAPAN 9466346919 608 AMARGARH ASHOK 9466631801 609 AMBERSAR BISNA 9991253734 610 AMBERSAR SATBIR SINGH 9466346254 611 AMBERSAR THANDIYA RAM 9817299507 612 AMBERSAR PARVEEN 9728330981 613 AMBERSAR TRILOCHANPRIT SINGH CHHINA 9872604948 614 AMBERSAR RAJENDER PAL 9466253180 615 BADOWALA DARSHNA 9729558731 616 BELARKHA SATISH KUMAR 9416310837 617 BELARKHA SATBIR SINGH 8571091683 618 BELARKHA BALJINDER 9468166595 619 BELARKHA SUBASH 9416268879 620 BELARKHA HIMMAT SINGH 9416080916 621 BELARKHA INDER SINGH 9466582947 622 BELARKHA JOGENDER 9671629776 623 BELARKHA AMIT 9068235681 624 BHANA BRAHMANAN RAJENDER 9671411052 625 BHANA BRAHMNAN RAJENDER KUMAR 9466390933 626 BHANA BRAHMNAN RAMMEHER 9996204064 627 BHIDRANA HARI RAM 9416831523 628 BHIDRANA AJMER 9034656834 629 BHIKHEWALA RAI SINGH 8607339939 630 BHIKHEWALA SUNDER LAL 8930205647 631 BHIKHEWALA HAWA SINGH 7988293897 632 BHIKHEWALA DHARMBIR 8307466352 633 DABHI TEK SINGH PRABJOT SINGH SARO 9813566303 634 DABI TEK SINGH DARA SINGH 9812564236 635 DABLAIN RAMESHWAR 9466571840 636 DABLAIN RAMESH 9416503252 637 DABLAIN RAJENDER KUMAR 9812212843 638 DABLAIN RAJENDER 9467373751 639 DABLAIN SURENDER KUMAR 9466056336 640 DANODA KALAN ASHOK KUMAR 9996784596 641 DANODA KALAN DHUP SINGH 9466013784 642 DANODA KALAN DEVA SINGH 7404447783

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684 DHARODI KAPOORA 9350071037 685 DHARODI TEKCHAND 9416102524 686 DHARODI BALWANT SINGH 9896614388 687 DHARODI JASHMER SINGH 8295897795 688 DHARODI SATISH KUMAR 9996296875 689 DHARODI SUNIL 7015246507 690 DHARODI MANOJ KUMAR 9467353353 691 DHARODI VIRENDER KUMAR 8295025184 692 FRAIN KALAN RAJESH KUMAR 9416832501 693 FRAIN KALAN FATEH SINGH 9416868615 694 FRAIN KALAN RISHIPAL 9812560720 695 FRAIN KHURD RAMPAL 9468449276 696 FRAIN KHURD SUKHDEV SINGH 9416934432 697 GARHI MUKHTYAR SINGH 9813481011 698 GARHI REHMAT ALLI 9466964119 699 GARHI SUKHA SINGH 8307898048 700 GARHI BOOTA SINGH 9729340142 701 GURTHALI MEWA SINGH 9813488397 702 GURTHALI GURPAL SINGH 9671149426 703 GURTHALI JAGDEV SINGH 8059809872 704 GURTHALI GURDEV SINGH 9896997391 705 GURTHALI MANDEEP SINGH 9416622095 706 GURUSAR HARDEV 7419009908 707 GURUSAR SEWA 8053348110 708 GURUSAR JAGDISH 8816866700 709 GURUSAR RAMKALA 9050187475 710 GURUSAR RAHUL 9992468476 711 HAMIRGARH OMPARKASH 9466554807 712 HAMIRGARH BACHANA 8607834196 713 HAMIRGARH ZILE SINGH 9891284158 714 HAMIRGARH DHARMENDER 9466304986 715 HAMIRGARH BALWANT 8571018005 716 HANSDEHAR SURENDER PAL 9817199807 717 HANSDEHAR SANSI RAM 9915638434 718 HANSDEHAR BALBIR SINGH 7056634594 719 HARNAMPURA JOGI RAM 7876621100 720 HARNAMPURA DHARAMBIR 9050655759 721 HARNAMPURA BHIM SINGH 9992996207 722 HATHO SADHU RAM 9996811182 723 HATHO RISHIPAL 8059230453 724 HATHO PARVEEN KUMAR 9468140713

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725 HATHO RANBIR 9466629171 726 HATHO MOHINDER 9467305549 727 HATHO KITAB SINGH 9468002371 728 HATHO RAJENDER 9728819819 729 ISHMAILPUR HARPAL SINGH 9467450295 730 ISHMAILPUR SATYAWAN 8059309372 731 ISHMAILPUR SEWA SINGH 9991211724 732 JAJANWALA JOGRAJ 8684056850 733 JAJANWALA SANDEEP 9813037216 734 JAJANWALA BHAGU RAM 9466435586 735 JULEHRA KRISHAN KUMAR 7056161578 736 JULEHRA SURAJBHAN 7082873837 737 KAHNA KHERA JARNAIL SINGH 9992735782 738 KALODA KALAN BAJINDER 9812793660 739 KALODA KALAN DALBIR 9728203857 740 KALODA KALAN BALBIR 9416114173 741 KALODA KHURD JETHU RAM 9992830212 742 KALODA KHURD SUNHARA 9466748286 743 KALWAN MAHESH KUMAR 9416962767 744 KALWAN SAMUNDER BHAN 9541361046 745 KALWAN GAJE SINGH 8930530734 746 KALWAN DALEL SINGH 9350248181 747 KALWAN SHAMSHER SINGH 9306350067 748 KALWAN SUBE SINGH 9728339106 749 KALWAN SUKHLAL 9729692490 750 KALWAN BALVIR 9896320374 751 KALWAN TEKA 9416850493 752 KALWAN CHANDGI 9468230764 753 KALWAN PIRTHI SINGH 9467449980 754 KALWAN NIHAL SINGH 7015644306 755 KALWAN PARVEEN KUMAR 7357709427 756 KARMGARH SATYAWAN 9992565817 757 KARMGARH RAJBIR 8607071326 758 KARMGARH BIRBHAN 9467976783 759 KARMGARH SATPAL 9992859600 760 KARMGARH SATPAL 8221081021 761 KHANPUR RAMKUMAR 8059377111 762 KHARAL RAJ SINGH 9416268853 763 KHARAL JAIPAL 9729513457 764 KHARAL TEKA 9541783240 765 KHARAL SATPAL 9467450848

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766 KHARAL JASMER SINGH 9896879272 767 KHARAL KRISHANA 9518001103 768 KHARAL DESH RAJ 9416609122 769 KHARAL RAMDHARI 9355107555 770 KHARAL DHARMPAL 8295723023 771 KHARAL RAMKUMAR 8295806878 772 KHARDWAL SATYWAN 9991562786 773 KHARDWAL RISHIPAL 8222917146 774 KHARDWAL SANDEEP KUMAR 9812016230 775 KOEL KAPURA 9812435705 776 KOEL RAMPAL SINGH 8607235455 777 KOEL SADHU RAM 9466056028 778 KOEL RAMPHAL SINGH 8059073167 779 KOEL DALBIR SINGH 9812291964 780 KOEL SATYAWAN 9812347612 781 LOAN THOKRA 9996440764 782 LOAN SATBIR 9467354883 783 LOAN GURMINDER 9466318636 784 LOAN OM 9812071840 785 LOAN BIJA 9729041417 786 LOAN PYARA 9466987971 787 LOHCHAB DEWA SINGH 9466655296 788 LOHCHAB JASWANT 9416514835 789 LOHCHAB CHANDERBHAN 9416645161 790 LOHCHAB JOGI RAM 9588326197 791 LOHCHAB JAGDISH 9416956824 792 MOHALKHERA SUBE SINGH 9416463518 793 MOHALKHERA SINGARA SINGH 9812621396 794 MOHALKHERA KARMVIR SINGH 9416699822 795 NYAIB SINGH 9992704133 796 NARAYANGARH JIT SINGH 9466118170 797 NARWANA PARTAP SINGH SAINI 9996132365 798 NARWANA RAMKUMAR 9812190031 799 NARWANA JOGINDER SINGH 7056861574 800 NARWANA MANPHUL SINGH 9416831357 801 NARWANA DHOOP SINGH 9416177713 802 NARWANA SURESH KUMAR 9416676066 803 NARWANA KRISHAN 9812078659 804 NARWANA RAMKALA 9992021388 805 NARWANA SHAMSHER 9355818538 806 NARWANA SURENDER 9467685315

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807 NARWANA BALBIR 9996544551 808 NARWANA MANFUL 9255734333 809 NARWANA PARDEEP 9466426752 810 NEHRA RAMESH 9466584196 811 NEHRA RAMKUMAR 9729650432 812 NEHRA SATNAM SINGH 9416593394 813 NEPEWALA PARVINDER 8818004619 814 NEPEWALA HIMMAT 9467124580 815 NEPEWALA NARENDER 9466736302 816 PADARTKHERA DARSHAN SINGH 8950732905 817 PADARTKHERA NITESH KUMAR 9872762029 818 PADARTKHERA HARDIP SINGH 7015653537 819 PHULIA KALAN RAMKUMAR 7027362050 820 PHULIA KALAN PALI RAM 9468265705 821 PHULIA KALAN SUBE SINGH 8901148631 822 PHULIA KALAN RULDU 9253303727 823 PHULIA KHURD JIT BAHADUR 9466654901 824 PIPALTHA KARAM SINGH 9467150760 825 PIPALTHA BUTTA SINGH 9017059304 826 PIPALTHA MALAK SINGH 9541360915 827 PIPALTHA JOGINDER SINGH 9416275446 828 PIPALTHA PRITAM SINGH 9467123030 829 PIPALTHA MEJJAR SINGH 8571952181 830 PIPALTHA SITA RAM 9896878329 831 PIPALTHA SUCHA SINGH 9466822479 832 PIPALTHA SATBIR SINGH 9896290007 833 PIPALTHA TAHAL SINGH 9017987500 834 PIPALTHA HARDYAL SINGH 8168178721 835 PIPALTHA SOHAN SINGH 9812199899 836 RAJGARH DOBI PIRTHI SINGH 9817872318 837 RAJGARH DOBI BHALE RAM 9728001624 838 RASIDAN HARDEEP SINGH 8059208232 839 RASIDAN KABAL SINGH 9996003037 840 RASIDAN SAJJAN SINGH 9812686386 841 RASIDAN ROOP SINGH 9813381122 842 REWAR NARATA RAM 9467502865 843 REWAR PARGAT SINGH 9050795925 844 REWAR OMPARKASH 9354594504 845 SACCHA KHERA RAJBIR 9992769099 846 SACCHAKHERA NARESH KUMR 9416525478 847 SAINTHALI RULDU RAM 8221918700

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848 SAINTHLI SUKHBIR SINGH 9466833457 849 SAINTHLI JARNAIL SINGH 8053727123 850 SAINTHLI VED PARKASH 9817507442 851 SAINTHLI RAJKUMAR 9991864372 852 SINGWAL SATBIR SINGH 9896408019 853 SINGWAL ASHOK 9896959108 854 SINSAR LAL SINGH 9812262032 855 SINSAR NARESH KUMR 8708458105 856 SINSAR SUBASH CHANDER 9466690863 857 SINSAR RAJESH 9466645114 858 SINSAR AJAY 8708346061 859 SULEHARA SAMSHER 9896972709 860 SULEHRA JOGI RAM 9996070468 861 SULEHRA RAMDIYA 9466833145 862 SULEHRA BALWAN SINGH GANGHAS 9996010750 863 SURJA KHERA MENPAL 9416539635 864 SURJAKHERA SURENDER SINGH 9466655221 865 UJHANA LABH SINGH 9416672455 866 UJHANA BANWARI 7056232757 9991981347 RAMMEHAR 867 UJHANA SATPAL 9467565801 868 UJHANA VASUDEV 7206061971 869 UJHANA CHANDERBHAN 8307348371 870 UJHANA RAM SINGH 9306640130 871 UJHANA PANJABA 9468256649 872 UJHANA MAHENDER 7404523855 873 UJHANA SUBASH 9416228079 874 UJHANA GANGA SINGH 9466654976 875 UJHANA MANJIT SINGH 9896841184 876 UJHANA KULDEEP SINGH 9034727630 877 UJHANA RAMMEHAR 9034421172 878 UJHANA PARVEEN KUMAR 9467583583 879 UJHANA VIKRAM SINHMAR 8168980374

Tehsil Uchana Sr Village Name of Lumberdar Mobile Number No 880 ALIPURA ZILE SINGH 9813792067 881 ALIPURA SATYWAN 8607352857 882 ALIPURA SANDEEP 9812364054

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883 ALIPURA PALA RAM 8727079104 884 BARODA RAMEHAR 9466317281 885 BARODA GULABA 9728383625 886 BARODA RANBIR 9068827330 887 BARODA OM PARKASH 9991147245 888 BARODA VIKRAM 8222058008 889 BARODA BALWAN 9467507475 890 BARODA KISHANA 8950768423 891 BARODA DILBAG 9467324800 892 BHONGRA DHIRA 9416847916 893 BHONGRA TEK CHAND 9992509231 894 BHONGRA SURESH KUMAR 8168980950 895 BHONGRA JAI BHAGWAN 9466056623 896 BHONGRA RAMPHAL 9648199450 897 BHONGRA DHARMVEER 9416847916 898 BHONGRA SUBHASH CHANDER 8059600250 899 BHONSLA SURENDER 9813661165 900 BHONSLA RAMPHAL 8307052726 901 BUDAIN PATRAM 8607156406 902 BUDAIN KAPURA 9466778010 903 BUDAIN OM PARAKASH 9991272376 904 BUDAIN RAMESH 8059012655 905 BUDAIN SATPAL 9896389746 906 CHHATAR PRITA 9813176071 907 CHHATAR RAMDIYA 9991332817 908 CHHATAR RAMESHWAR 9728952693 909 CHHATAR BALWANT 9896654242 910 DAROLI KHERA LILU RAM 9813647153 911 DAROLI KHERA JILE SINGH 9896504746 912 DAROLI KHERA DAVANDER SINGH 9355837000 913 DAROLI KHERA NAFA SINGH 9996398348 914 DHANKHARI RAJINDER 9812636130 915 DHANKHARI SUBE SINGH 9466588095 916 DHANKHARI KARTARA 9812854258 917 DOHANA KHERA BALWAN 8053520274 918 DOHANA KHERA KALU RAM DAHIYA 9050181827 919 DOHANA KHERA BARU 946654284 920 DOHANA KHERA BASAU RAM 9499467870

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921 DOHANA KHERA RAMMEHAR 9813987687 922 DOHANA KHERA GANGA RAM 9812718169 923 DOHANA KHERA SHAMSHER 9466656886 924 DURJANPUR SHAMSER 9812139769 925 DURJANPUR SUBHASH 9728992477 926 DURJANPUR SATYAWAN 9416930236 927 DURJANPUR RANDHIR 9416948234 928 GHASO KALAN TEK CHAND 9996617013 929 GHASO KALAN RAMCHANDER 9896108248 930 GHOGRIAYAN HAWA SINGH 7056946134 931 GHOGRIAYAN PARTAP SINGH 8901020935 932 GHOGRIAYAN SUBE SINGH 9017573334 933 GHOGRIAYAN MANJIT 9466380348 934 GHOGRIAYAN RANBIR 9466476355 935 GHOGRIAYAN RAMPAL 9468377682 936 JHEEL SUMIT 9416854102 937 JHEEL BALWANT 9017142284 938 JHEEL MAHENDER 9467305735 939 JHEEL MANPHOOL SINGH 9728720234 940 KABERCHHA NAPHA 9813361661 941 KABERCHHA SHYAMLAL 9992379744 942 KABERCHHA SATISH 9416611158 943 KABERCHHA KRISHAN 9896456379 944 KABERCHHA SURAJML 9416611158 945 KAKROD TARA CHAND 9991918019 946 KAKROD RAGHABIR 8307441670 947 KAKROD BALBIR 9812116910 948 KAKROD HARKESH 9812844840 949 KAKROD RANBIR 9991764491 950 KAKROD DAYA CHAND 9467497395 951 KALTA DHARMBIR 9416268926 952 KALTA JAGJIT SINGH 8053378041 953 KASOON FUL CHAND 9466778010 954 KASOON TELU RAM 9468139807 955 KHAPRAN BILENDER 7373735418 956 KHAPRAN RAMMEHAR 9817580380 957 KHAPRAN OM PARKASH 9416619284 958 KHAPRAN BALWAN 8685843345

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997 MANDI KALAN SHOBHA 8529000888 998 MANDI KALAN RAMCHANDER 9728860242 999 MANGALPUR JOGINDER 9416513251 1000 MANGALPUR DHARMPAL 9466027080 1001 MANGALPUR JAIBHAGWAN 9996250877 1002 MANGALPUR CHANDER BHAN 9416381141 1003 MANGALPUR JOGINDER 9729793271 1004 MANGALPUR RAGHBIR 7206040855 1005 MOHANGARH JASWANT 8930211747 1006 MOHANGARH BALRAM 8570012102 1007 MOHANGARH RAMMEHAR 9416621723 1008 NACHAR KHERA BALWANT 9466571658 1009 NACHAR KHERA SHAMSHER SINGH 9467507108 1010 NACHAR KHERA DAYA SINGH 8813931184 1011 NACHAR KHERA SURJAN SINGH 9416831055 1012 PALWAN RAJESH 9416226196 1013 PALWAN HAWA SINGH 9466119120 1014 PALWAN HAWA SINGH 9416948170 1015 PALWAN NARSI 8059519583 1016 PALWAN OM PARKASH 9467354973 1017 ROZ KHERA SUBE SINGH 9467354277 1018 SEDA MAJRA PALA RAM 8683049153 1019 SURBRAH VIKASH SINGH 7027074000 1020 SURBRAH ATTAR SINGH 9588305359 1021 SURBRAH NARESH 9416474738 1022 SURBRAH RAJIV 9416112186 1023 SURBRAH MAHENDER SINGH 9416474738 1024 TARKHA RAJPAL 9416474738 1025 TARKHA KULDEEP 9416618697 1026 TARKHA SADIK 9468141227 1027 TARKHA RAMESH 9466318230 1028 TARKHA SURENDER SINGH 9991864099 1029 UCHANA KHURD SATPAL 9017249426 1030 UCHANA KHURD SHAMSHER SINGH 9996521010 1031 UCHANA KHURD PAWAN 8950134531 1032 UCHANA KALAN SURESH KUMAR 9068404316 1033 UCHANA KALAN BALWAN 9466554056 1034 UCHANA KALAN PALA RAM 8530158119

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1035 UCHANA KALAN RAMNIWAS 9466013405 1036 UCHANA KALAN TEK RAM 9416618697 1037 UCHANA KALAN SHEEL KUMAR 9416408171 1038 UCHANA KALAN RAJMAL 9466583864 1039 UCHANA KALAN ISHWAR 9728296465 1040 UCHANA KALAN PAWAN KUMAR 8950201269 1041 UDEPUR JOGI RAM 9992883644 1042 UDEPUR GANPAT 9991372210 1043 BADANPUR RUPENDER 8295353727 1044 BADANPUR SANDEEP 9467551828 1045 BADANPUR BALWANT 9996462620 1046 BADANPUR MANPHOOL SINGH 9467324800 1047 BADANPUR RICHPAL 9996462620 1048 DUMERKHAN KALAN SHRINIWAS 8708458144 1049 DUMERKHAN KALAN JAIPARKASH 9416539607 1050 DUMERKHAN KALAN TEKRAM 9728109300 1051 DUMERKHAN KHURD ANUP SINGH 9466830498 1052 DUMERKHAN KALAN PAL 9467420400 1053 DUMERKHAN KHURD SURESH KUMAR 9896854894 1054 DUMERKHAN KHURD CHANDI RAM 9053141446 1055 DUMERKHAN KHURD BHARPUR SINGH 9466252852 1056 DUMERKHAN KHURD CHAJJU SINGH 8059074274 1057 DUMERKHAN KHURD MANGE RAM 9416854119 1058 GHASO KHURD SANDEEP 9466012699 1059 GHASO KHURD SATISH 9466815539 1060 GHASO KHURD PALA RAM 9416934329 1061 LODHAR PARDEEP 9588712115 1062 LODHAR SATNAM 8168143850 1063 LODHAR LAKHMI 7015667218 1064 LODHAR SATPAL 9466013485 1065 LODHAR SATBIR 9466572110 1066 SUDKAIN KALAN DARSHAN 9416831045 1067 SUDKAIN KALAN DILBAG 8930211747 1068 SUDKAIN KALAN RAJESH 8529802264 1069 SUDKAIN KALAN JAIBIR 8529918599 1070 SUDKAIN KALAN CHANDER SINGH 9416108904 1071 SUDKAIN KALAN KITABA SINGH 8683049153 1072 SUDHKAIN KHURD SHILO 9467124150

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Tehsil Safidon Sr Village Name of Lumberdar Mobile Number No 1079 AFTABGARH GURDEEP SINGH 9729771023 1080 RATAN SINGH 9992133876 1081 ANCHRA KALAN LAKHMI 9671881031 1082 SOBHRAM 9466283360 1083 JAIPAN 9466274415 1084 SURENDER KUMAR 9466573120 1085 ANCHRA KHURD CHATTAR SINGH 9813542835 1086 RAMESH CHANDER 9518675203 1087 KULDEEP SINGH 9050124242 1088 ANTA OM SINGH 9468253334 1089 DHARMVIR SINGH DESWAL 9896652133 1090 RAMESH KUMAR 9813761108 1091 BAGRU KALAN DAYANAND 8816848743 1092 BALBIR SINGH 9416946879 1093 BALINDER SINGH 8529636845 1094 BAGRU KHURD RAGHBIR SINGH 9416610819 1095 RAJBIR 9050240618 1096 RAJESH KUMAR 9991437804 1097 BAHADUR PUR RADHE SHYAM 9896489952 1098 JEETU RAM 9518632249 1099 REENA DEVI 9541328722 1100 BAHADURGARH RAM KUMAR 9466628999 1101 JAGBIR SINGH 9466890682 1102 SHYAM SUNDER 8398934500 1103 RAJENDER SINGH 9996817900 1104 BAROD JARNAIL SINGH 8221831011 1105 NIHAL SINGH 9050138100 1106 JAGBIR Singh 8221831011 1107 BASINI SANJEEV KUMAR 9996301127 1108 RAJ KUMAR 9306944534

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1109 BHUSLANA BIR SINGH 8569821333 1110 VINOD KUMAR 9896738021 1111 CHHAPAR KULDEEP SINGH 9416947978 1112 RAM KUMAR 9416614668 1113 DHARAMGARH RAVINDER SINGH 9467125025 1114 VINOD KUMAR 9813396146 1115 BAHADAR 9467146389 1116 DIDWARA BHANWAR SINGH 8930777038 1117 AJAIB SINGH 9416506169 1118 LICHMAN DASS 9034080048 1119 UDAY SINGH 9053220054 1120 HARIGARH RAMMEHAR 9991805936 1121 SUBHASH 9991341873 1122 NARESH KUMAR 9034413808 1123 KAPIL DEV 9813360704 1124 HATT CHAIN SINGH 8053706390 1125 SATBIR SINGH 9416135676 1126 MAHINDER SINGH 8930174122 1127 SULTAN 9812239756 1128 LAHNA 8222000032 1129 JAIPUR CHANDER SINGH 8398032970 1130 MAHNGA SINGH 9991862548 1131 INDER SINGH 9896435800 1132 BALBIR SINGH 9466572500 1133 RAM NIWAS 9991638112 1134 KARkHANA RAGHBIR SINGH 9729268280 1135 HAWA SINGH 9896891610 1136 DHARAMPAL 9518000599 1137 KHARAKHARA MOHAR SINGH 9728019916 1138 KHATLA BHIM SINGH 9896072720 1139 KARAM SINGH 9991437752 1140 RAMESH 8930307613 1141 SURAJ MAL 9896942271 1142 JITENDER SINGH 9812183115 1143 KHERA KHEMAWATI RAM SINGH 9416720956 1144 LICHMAN 8307099214 1145 RAM KUMAR 9466767229 1146 KARSINDU RAJENDER PARSAD 8816947247 1147 ISHWAR SINGH 9050032992 1148 BALJIT SINGH 9466407366 1149 KURAR SUKHBIR SINGH 9817104072

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1150 RAMESHWAR 9671488165 1151 SHISH RAM 9813208134 1152 ADHIRAJ SINGH 9717629149 1153 TIKA RAM MALIK 9813120100 1154 RAJENDER SINGH 9468257658 1155 MALAKPUR BHAGWAN SINGH 9996248109 1156 KEHAR SINGH 9518884355 1157 MADU RAM 9896993657 1158 MALAR SURAT SINGH 7015510969 1159 HAWA SINGH 7015587949 1160 SULTAN SINGH 9671487761 1161 POKAR LAL 8901085014 1162 RAMKARAN 9050220844 1163 RAJENDER KUMAR 9813012606 1164 MEMMNABAD SUKHWINDER SINGH 9416184713 1165 SANGA SINGH 9467972004 1166 DHARMPAL 9671121086 1167 SUCHA SINGH 9416809822 1168 MUANA OM PARKASH 7027158803 1169 ANZIR 9812590893 1170 SHRI NIWAS 9817565003 1171 SUBHASH SINGH 9813391942 1172 SATNARAYAN 9896106786 1173 PAJU KALAN DARSHAN SINGH 8930280645 1174 JASMER SINGH 9992810100 1175 PAJU KHURD KULDEEP SINGH 9467656936 1176 INDER SINGH 8708763682 1177 MAHIPAL SINGH 9671954302 1178 ARUN KUMAR KHARB 9671133650 1179 RATNA 9306691790 1180 RAJ KUMAR 9050381543 1181 KULVIR SINGH 9416221784 1182 RAM NAGAR RAMPHAL SINGH 9466721236 1183 SHILAK RAM 9466077356 1184 OM SINGH 9253700382 1185 VIJAY 8607451491 1186 RAMPURA AMRIK SINGH 9034890506 1187 RATTA KHERA SUSHIL KUMAR 8930572672 1188 BHIM SINGH 9416173457 1189 OM PARKASH 9416174270 1190 SUSHIL KUMAR JAIN 9168330650

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1191 ROHAR AZAD SINGH 9588379682 1192 MANJEET SINGH 9817346783 1193 JAI KUMAR 9671553668 1194 PALE RAM 9996879640 1195 PARTAP SINGH MALIK 7404257940 1196 SAFIDON SAHAB RAJWINDER SINGH 1197 ROSHAN LAL 9896079028 1198 JAI NARIAN 9728777738 1199 BALVINDER SINGH 9466253458 1200 RAJ KUMAR 9416830921 1201 AJIT KUMAR 9996230357 1202 SAHAN PUR JYOTI PARSAD 7027835555 1203 SEEMA DEVI 9813809065 1204 RAJESH RATHI 7015232728 1205 SUNNY 9518296565 1206 SARFA BAD DAYA SINGH 9467234211 1207 ANIL KUMAR 9813850252 1208 SILA KHERI RANBIR SINGH 9416389075 1209 PREM SINGH 9050589382 1210 UMED SINGH 8168703602 1211 RAGHBIR SINGH 9896444437 1212 SINGHANA PAL SINGH 8529103603 1213 VIKAS 9896550068 1214 OM PARKASH 9467146966 1215 RULL RAM 9991251327 1216 RAM NIWAS 9050048031 1217 SINGHPURA GIAN SINGH 9466011534 1218 SUBHASH GULIYA 9467753008 1219 RAM SINGH 9466283607 1220 RAJA RAM 9992048294 1221 SIWANAMAL SOMNATH 8053270804 1222 SANDEEP 9466079799 1223 SUSHIL KUMAR 8295413485 1224 RAJBIR SINGH 9416268005 1225 ANAND KUMAR 9729927028 1226 SARNA KHERI BHANA RAM 9813204613 1227 SHIV KUMAR 9728983838 1228 JAI PAL 8307232136 1229 TITO KHERI SURENDER 9896152300 1230 NARSI 8396876225 1231 UDEY BHAN 8685934200

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1232 CHANDER SINGH 9466732179 1233 SANDEEP 958558340 1234 RAJBIR 7988870881 1235 THE MALIKPUR MUKHTYAR SINGH 9996270452

Tehsil Pillukhera

Sr Village Name of Lumberdar Mobile Number No 1236 BERI KHERA HAWA SINGH 9471349671 1237 BERI KHERA PRITHVI SINGH 9728382343 1238 BERI KHERA BALJEET SINGH 9416102697 1239 BERI KHERA SUNIL KUMAR 9050030002 1240 BERI KHERA DHAJJA RAM 9251443907 1241 BUDHA KHERA RAMDIYA 9466463849 1242 AMIT KUMAR 8930131666 1243 JASVINDER BOORA 9350215150 1244 SATPAL 8053077894 1245 VIRENDER 9467972408 1246 MAHENDER 7206423917 1247 DHANINDER KUMAR 9467565200 1248 DHATRATH TEK RAM 8295628628 1249 JAGJIT SINGH 9896410748 1250 NARENDER ATTRI 9729174074 1251 RAMMEHAR 8553008900 1252 SUBHASH 9416473476 1253 MANDI KHURD RAI SINGH 9306110871 1254 PAWAN KUMAR 9991210164 1255 JINDER PAL 8199082498 1256 AHLANJOGI KHERA KANWAR BHAN 9050406768 1257 MOHMAD KHERA BHOOP SINGH 9992269044 1258 RAMESH 9992817053 1259 AZAD SINGH 9991444646 1260 RETOLI SATISH KUMAR 9996585777 1261 BALBIR 9729273300 1262 UMED SINGH 7082360765 1263 JASWANT 9350267690

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1264 MUKESH KUMAR 9812381975 1265 RAJESH KUMAR 9034936779 1266 KHARAK GADIYAN JAI BHAGWAN 9813105031 1267 RAMPHAL 9466583882 1268 SATYAWAN 9813433494 1269 BHARTANA SOMESH KUMAR 9466736661 1270 SATISH 9306770350 1271 SURENDER SINGH 9416964365 1272 PRITHI 9466728154 1273 DHAROLI RANBIR 7015373147 1274 VIJAY KUMAR 9050538256 1275 DILBAG SINGH 8930000309 1276 SURAT SINGH 9467702611 1277 BHAG KHERA SAMUNDER 9467725808 1278 DARYA 9416855927 1279 SUMMER 8053530926 1280 RISHI 9306116922 1281 PARVEEN 9467448261 1282 VINOD 9812540501 1283 HADWA VAZIR SINGH 9416539406 1284 SURYA PARKASH 9817342655 1285 VAZIR CHAND 9416503876 1286 KHARAK GAGAR HAWA SINGH 9813162182 1287 SUBE SINGH 9896821381 1288 JAIBHAGWAN 9467353781 1289 ASHOK 9896711318 1290 BALBIR 9992723579 1291 MORKHI SATPAL 9466463217 1292 SATYWAN 9991251182 1293 HARISINGH 8398964002 1294 SUNNY 9728953868 1295 RAMDARI 9306841204 1296 HAWA SINGH 8683018914 1297 ISHWAR SINGH 9729404160 1298 GYANI 9416615037 1299 KARAN SINGH 9896233524 1300 KALWA TILAKRAJ 9467507944 1301 GURUDAYAL SINGH 9992093236 1302 PARTAP SINGH 9896652810 1303 DHARAMPAL 8950112668 1304 RAMDHARI 9466655070

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1305 RAMESH KUMAR 9467663284 1306 JAYBHAGWAN 9467565356 1307 SANTRAM 8818089400 1308 JITENDER SINGH 8607761085 1309 BUTANI BHAGTA 9817844436 1310 NAFE SINGH 8059771066 1311 KAPTAN SINGH 8572046402 1312 MUNSHI RAM 9729552595 1313 DHANPAT 7836079626 1314 JAIPAL 9996766788 1315 PARAS RAM 9813950210 1316 KALAWATI JAIBHAGWAN 9416240802 1317 SATBIR 9992197713 1318 RAMMEHAR SINGH 9416483136 1319 RAMCHANDER 9991350248 1320 PREM 7988194526 1321 HOSHIARPURA SURENDER SINGH 9416387310 1322 DHARMBIR SINGH 9992561113 1323 VIJAY PAL 8168380615 1324 GANGOLI RAJKAMAL 9416614422 1325 RAMESHWAR 9416287382 1326 BALWAN 8607415262 1327 DILBAG SINGH 972827071 1328 RAMESH 7015603205 1329 SANTRAM 9466011078 1330 MAHIPAL 9896738198 1331 RAMKUMAR 9868906508 1332 HAWA SINGH 7404756556 1333 LUDANA SONU 9050040036 1334 SADHU 9350822712 1335 KARAN SINGH 9416948936 1336 CHOTA 9050817786 1337 BARE 9468162310 1338 SATYADEV 9468148893 1339 MALSARI KHERA ROHTASH 9416643109 1340 RAM RATAN 9812380200 1341 VINOD 9654060050 1342 RATNA 9416418874 1343 BHIM SINGH 8572069463 1344 BHAMBHEWA RAJBIR 9050645898 1345 MANJEET 9518432129

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1346 RATTAN SINGH 8685059858 1347 BANI SINGH 9350291012 1348 RAJENDER 7027143031 1349 SANDEEP KUMAR 9991064757 1350 AMRAWALI KHERA AMIT 9034978583 1351 MAHAVIR SINGH 9813768552 1352 RAMDIYA 9466250495 1353 CHAIN SINGH 9416086460 1354 RAJANA SATNARAYAN SINGH 9466767661 1355 BALBIR SINGH 9467720502 1356 BADAL SINGH 9416615334 1357 RATTAN SINGH 9467440206 1358 BALMAT 8950789846 1359 RAJESH 9467322028 1360 BHURAN SUNIL KUMAR 9896365800 1361 ANUP SINGH 9416090763 1362 MAHA SINGH 9466655104 1363 JAI BHAGWAN 9813385822 1364 KAMAL SINGH 7404358202 1365 PILLUKHERA ROHTASH 9312510767 1366 SURTA 8813909207 1367 RAKESH KUMAR 9588729924 1368 RAKESH 9050320575 1369 DAYANAND 9991847167 1370 NIRMAL SINGH 9813768553 1371 RAMBIR 9467658449 1372 JAMNI DALIP SINGH 8607108274 1373 VAZIR SINGH 9996747676 1374 DHARENDER SINGHROHA 9416186649 1375 CHANDER SINGH 9416517803 1376 JOGI RAM 9813169057 1377 CHATAR SINGH 9466584160

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4. Voluntary Organizations

List of Active Youth Clubs for Flood Control and Disaster Managements as per point no. 7.2 List of Nehru YuvaKendrar NYKS) vulnerable villages

S.No. Name of volunteers Village Block Mob. No. 1 Parmod Nagura Alewa 9034597973 2 Kala Nagura Alewa 9812229300 3 Pardeep Nagura Alewa 8053076249 4 Bittu Nagura Alewa 7988307223 5 Chhotu Nagura Alewa 9017140081 6 Jaipal Nagura Alewa 9416175291 7 Vinod Nagura Alewa 9896075815 8 Shoan Nagura Alewa 9896790947 9 Johny Nagura Alewa 9728910054 10 Sushil Nagura Alewa 9468252256 11 Sandeep Sighana Safidon 7027322340 12 Sushil Sighana Safidon 7026331085 13 Amit Sighana Safidon 9306731434 14 Monu Sighana Safidon 8059768479 15 Jaideep Kurd Safidon 7027159915 16 Zilesingh Singhana Safidon 9991256232 17 Suresh Singhana Safidon 9068378616 18 Parveen Paju khurd Safidon 8059263230 19 Aman Paju khurd Safidon 9306020899 20 Anmol Silla kheri Safidon 9306226316 21 Pardeep Malwi Julana 9728902593 22 Ashok Malwi Julana 9416934094 23 Inderjeet Malwi Julana 8295565658 24 Sandeep Malwi Julana 9992722820 25 Shri bhagwan Malwi Julana 9992088277 26 Shiv sagar Malwi Julana 7988983530 27 Bijender Malwi Julana 8708293768 28 Somnath Malwi Julana 9991128380 29 Rahul Malwi Julana 9350674765 30 Amit Nandgarh Julana 8053807570 31 Tarsem Dhanauri Narwana 8708525970 32 Randeep Dhanauri Narwana 8059166150 33 Balkar Dhanauri Narwana 9817273805 34 Pardeep Dhanauri Narwana 7015810368 35 Bittu Dhanauri Narwana 9306037601 36 Ashok Dhanauri Narwana 9518178816 37 Banti Dhanauri Narwana 8059880246

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38 Krishan Dhanauri Narwana 8059048049 39 Yadvinder Dhanauri Narwana 9992210156 40 Sahil Dhanauri Narwana 9053523652 41 Robin Jind Jind 8818011105 42 Raohan Jind Jind 7009986628 43 Rajat Jind Jind 9467499831 44 Aman Jind Jind 9034622207 45 Rohit Jind Jind 7206211101 46 Manish Jind Jind 9802110510 47 Aswani Jind Jind 9017703513 48 Karn Jind Jind 9034461116 49 Navneet Jind Jind 7206501930 50 Anil Jind Jind 8529714213 51 Ajay Ritauli Jind 8816097143 52 Manish Jamni Jind 7015435769 53 Samunder Jamni Jind 9996886960 54 Ajay Jamni Jind 9817832108 55 Vikram Jamni Jind 7056419797 56 Devender Jamni Jind 8295801513 57 Sumit Jamni Jind 9499469146 58 Robin Jamni Jind 7011826116 59 Amit arya Jamni Jind 8607101948 60 Mohit Jamni Jind 9729842884 61 Rishipal Durjanpur Uchana 9467360500 62 Sandeep Durjanpur Uchana 9306092117 63 Monu Durjanpur Uchana 9588507475 64 Manjeet Durjanpur Uchana 9467982722 65 Sonu Durjanpur Uchana 9306773140 66 Satish Durjanpur Uchana 9468002399 67 Anup Durjanpur Uchana 9812128192 68 Anil Durjanpur Uchana 9812560787 69 Manoj Durjanpur Uchana 9729610814 70 Deepak Durjanpur Uchana 9416858433

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5. List of NGO’s active in District Jind.

Sr. ACTIVE CLUB’S NAME PARDHAN NAME MOBILE NO. No. 1. Indian Red Cross Society, District Branch Sh. Aditya Dahiya, IAS 01681-245727 Road, Jind 2. Lions Club Jind CityMob. Sh. Sunil Garg 94161-47918 3. YuvaMitar Mandal Jind Sh. Pawan Singla 94168-52557 4. Lions Club Jind Sh. Rajan Jain 9896252000 5. Bharat Vikas Parisad (Jyanti), Jind Sh. Mithan Lal Garg 94161-08960

6. JatDharamarth Sabha, Urban Estate, Jind Sh. Dev Vart 01681-247707, 9996027828 7. JCI Royal, Jind, Sh. Chirag 9896767888 8. Bharat Vikas Parishad, Jind (Bhuteshwar Smt. Balkrishan 9896016795, Branch), Jind, 01681249291 9. JCI Central Jacis, Jind Sh. Hetesh Garg 92551-32232 10. JCI Jind City Sh. Sanjay Butani 98968-50080 11. Rotary Club Jind, Sh. Suresh Garg 9416060165 12. JCI Jind Sh. Chitrah Bhalla 9466083377 13. Saini Sewa Samiti, Safidon Road, Jind Sh. Ram Singh Saini 9466764899 14. Manav Sewa Samiti (H.B.C.), Jind, Sh. Prem Bhardwaj 94164-85154 15. Akhil Bhartiya Baba Banda Bahadur, Jind Sh. Mukesh Arora 92155-72700 16. Chemist Association, Jind Sh. Arvind Jain 92155-46882 17. Senior Citizen Council, Jind. Dr.Avinash Chawla 01681-246025, 248300 18. Mahatma Gandhi Charitable Society, Jind. Sh. Raj Kumar Bhola 98133-54588 19. Anna Team Housing Board Colony Jind. Sh Mahavir Saini 9355135005 Sh Parveen Saini 8053347888 20. Modi ji Fain Club Shive Chowk Jhanj Sh. Manish Arora 9992766766 Gate Jind Sh. Sourabh Aneja 9215416004 21. Hepl A Missione SAfdin Gate Jind Sh. Rajnish Kawatra 9416178439 Sh. Pawan Kumar 9215977391 22. Aggarwal Youth Organisation , Sharma Sh Vipul Geol 9034490100 Nagar Jind Sh . Sahil Jindal 8685882222 23. Jind Shiksa Sahyoug Smiti Ramrai Gate Sh. Subham Jai Hind 7777012201 Jind. Sh.Ajay Kumar 8708059007 24. Aggarwal Youth Club Jind Sh. Subham Geol 9034064841 Sh. Deppanshu Geol 9254493573

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Sr. ACTIVE CLUB’S NAME PARDHAN NAME MOBILE NO. No. 25. Youth of Unity Gandhi Nagar Jind Sh. Devender Kumar 9896797000 9416268362 26. Balaji Mandir Rohtak Road Jind Sh. Parveen Kumar 9896526452 27. Jayanti Devi Annakeshtra Patiala Chock Sh. Suresh Garg 9215665630 Near Frain Jind 28. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Youva Sewa Sh. Mukesh Arora 9215572700 Dal Ucha Dara Jind. 29. Radha Swami Satsang Bhawan Narwana Sh. Shyam Sunder 9896442884 Road Jind. 30. JCI Jind Classis Urban Estate Jind. Sh Manoj Singh 9896134642

31. Aggarwal Sweets Near Jat Dharmashala AGGARWAL SWEETS 9996515005 Urban Estate Jind. 32. Bharat Vikas Parishad Sh. Satish Kumar 9416339655 33. Shyam Sewa Smiti Sh. Anil Paruthi 9466615602 34. Jal Sewa Samiti Sh. Vinod Singla 9812174951 35. Gau Rakshak Sewa Samiti Sh. Vinod Jindal 9671705698 36. Parachin Shiv Mandir Samiti Sh. Sandeep Kumar. 9416386501 37. Guru Sewak Parivar Uchana Vikas 9466584494 38. Parshuram Daharmshala Uchana 8168206154 39. Annakshetra Samiti Uchana Mahnder Lodhar 40. Gram Pancayat Bighana (yuva Samiti) 9315573006 41. Sh. Parveen Bansal Uchana 9416485331 42. Shri Durga Mandal Om Parkash 9518447293 43. Nandi Shab Sewa MAiti Ashok 9466837895 44. Garvit Volunteers Kuldeep 9354999009 45. Shri Vaishno Devi Durga Jagran Madal Parveen Mittal 9416284488

Sub-Division Jind Sr. ACTIVE CLUB’S NAME PARDHAN NAME MOBILE NO. No. 46. Indian Red Cross Society, District Branch Sh. Aditya Dahiya, IAS 01681-245727 Gohana Road, Jind 47. Lions Club Jind CityMob. Sh. Mukesh Garg 94163-65703

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Sr. ACTIVE CLUB’S NAME PARDHAN NAME MOBILE NO. No. 48. YuvaMitar Mandal Jind Sh. Pawan Singla 94168-52557 49. Lions Club Jind Sh. Rajan Jain 9896252000 50. Bharat Vikas Parisad (Jyanti), Jind Sh. Mithan Lal Garg 94161-08960

51. Jat Dharamarth Sabha, Urban Estate, Jind Sh. Wizer Singh 01681-247707, 94169-46652 52. JCI Royal, Jind, Sh. Ravi Arora 96717-93666 53. Bharat Vikas Parishad, Jind (Bhuteshwar Smt. Rachna Sharma 9812120111, Branch), Jind, 01681249291 54. Manav Sewa Sangh, Safidon Gate, Jind Sh. Ramniwas Tayal 01681-255739 55. JCI Central Jacis, Jind Sh. Hetesh Garg 92551-32232 56. JCI Jind City Sh. Sanjay Butani 98968-50080 57. Rotary Club Jind, Sh. Naresh Singla 9896045198 58. JCI Jind Sh. Sandeep Rohilla 94683-46222 59. Saini Sewa Samiti, Safidon Road, Jind Sh. Ram Singh Saini 9466764899 60. Manav Sewa Samiti (H.B.C.), Jind, Sh. Prem Bhardwaj 94164-85154 61. Akhil Bhartiya Baba Banda Bahadur, Jind Sh. Mukesh Arora 92155-72700 62. Chemist Association, Jind Sh. Arvind Jain 92155-46882 63. Senior Citizen Council, Jind. Dr.Avinash Chawla 01681-246025, 248300 64. Mahatma Gandhi Charitable Society, Jind. Sh. Raj Kumar Bhola 98133-54588 65. Anna Team, Housing Board Colony Jind Sh. Mahavir Saini 9355135005 Sh. Parveen Saini 8053347888 66. Modi Ji Fain Club, Shiv Chowk Jhanj Gate SH. MANISH ARORA 9992766766 Jind SH. SOURABH ANEJA 9215416004 67. Help A Mission, Safidon Gate Jind SH. RAJNISH KWATRA 9416178439 SH. PAWAN KUMAR 9215977391 68. Aggarwal Youth Organization, Sharma Nagar SH. VIPUL GOYAL 9034490100 Jind SH. SAHIL JINDAL 8685882222 69. Jind Shiksha Sahyog Sewa Samiti, Ramrai SH. SHUBHAM JAI HIND 7777012201 Gate Jind SH. AJAY KUMAR 8708059007 70. AGGARWAL YOUTH CLUB, KATH SH. SHUBHAM GOYAL 9034064841 MANDI JIND SH. DIPTANAND SINGAL 9254493573 71. YOUTH OF UNITY, GANDHI NAGAR SH. DEVENDER GOYAL 9896797000 JIND SH. DINESH KUMAR 9416268362 72. BALAJI MANDIR, KATH MANDI SH. PARVEEN KUMAR 9896526452 ROHTAK ROAD JIND 73. JAYANTI DEVI ANNAKSHETRA, SH. SURESH GARG 9215665630 PATIALA CHOWK NEAR DRAIN JIND

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115. Gurdawara Sabha Safidon Sh. Harvinder Makar 9466771313

116. Bharat Vikas Parishad Safidon Jasbir Singh malik advocate 9416878703

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1. Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, North Western Region, Chandigarh. 2. District Disaster Management Plan Jind by HIPA, Gurgaon 3. International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4. 4. Flood Control Order-2020, District Jind 5. Reports of Development and Panchayat Department-2021 6. Reports of Irrigation Department-2021 7. http://www.jind.nic.in/

This document stands mail to you and also available on http://www.jind.nic.in/ please download a copy of Flood Control Order-2021 for the use of your office.

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From Deputy Commissioner, Jind To

1- Chief Secretary, . 2- Additional Chief Secreary to Govt. of Haryana and Revneue Disaster Management Department, Chandigarh. 3- Financial Commissioner & Secy. to Govt. Haryana Irrigation Department Chandigarh. 4- Commissioner, , Hisar. 5- Deputy Commissioner, Kaithal/Sonipat/Rohtak/Hisar 6- M.D. DHBVN, Hisar. 7- Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department Haryana, Chandigarh. 8- Chief Engineer, PWD (B&R), Chandigarh. 9- Chief Engineer, Public Health, Chandigarh. 10- Chief Engineer, BWS, Irrigation Department, Hissar. 11- Commandant H.Q. 57, Armoured Bridge, 90 C/0 56 A.P.O. 12- Commanding Officer, Air Force Station, Hisar. 13- Superintendent of Police, Jind 14- Additional Deputy Commissioner, Jind 15- S.E., Yamuna Water Services/DHBVN/ PWD(B&R)/ Public Health, Jind 16- S.E. B.W.S. Circle, Kaithal 17- S.D.O. (C), Jind/ Narwana/Safidon/Uchana. 18- City Magistrate,DFO/DDPO/DEO/DRO/DFSC/DIPRO/PO, DM/DDA/DDAH, Jind 19- Civil Surgeon, Jind 20- G.M. Haryana Roadways, Jind 21- Executive Engineer, YWS, Jind/Safidon. 22- Executive Engineer, BWS, Narwana. 23- Executive Engineer, HSEB., Narwana 24- Executive Engineer, Public Health, Jind/Narwana/Safidon. 25- Executive Engineer, PWD(B&R) Jind/Narwana. 26- Executive Engineer, Water Services, Sonipat/Gohana. 27- Executive Engineer, BWS(Mech). Hisar. 28- Xen, Mech. Water Services Divn. Karnal. 29- Estate Officer, HUDA/EO, MC, Jind/Narwana. 30- Secy., MC/Julana/Safidon/Uchana. 31- Distt. Commandant, Home Guards, Jind 32- Tehsildar, Jind/Narwana/Safidon/Julana/Uchana/Alewa. 33- Naib Tehsildar, Pillukhera. 34- BD&PO Jind/Narwana/Safidon/Julana/Uchana/Alewa. 35- P.A. to Deputy Commissioner, Jind

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