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2 Version 3 January 9, 2020 © Science of Sport Ricardo Valerdi, Ph.D. Science of Sport You may not reproduce, store in or introduce into a retrieval system, or transmit, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), any part of this publication without the prior written permission of the publisher, Science of Sport. Scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book through the Internet or by any other means without the written permission of Science of Sport is illegal and punishable by law. Developed by Contributors Dave Chamberlain Daren Heaton Mekael Wesley-Rosa Meghan Marriott Sponsored by 3 Mavericks Science of Basketball Overview Summary The Dallas Mavericks Science of Basketball provides a mechanism for elementary and middle school students to improve their academic performance. Our goal is to translate the love of basketball into an appreciation, understanding, and passion of the science and mathematics underlying the sport. Through this approach, we aim to empower students who may be underperforming academically by relating core curriculum topics to their athletic strengths, capabilities, and interests. By demonstrating the natural connection between basketball, science, and mathematics, the students are encouraged to define and pursue better life choices, including the continuation of their education and even attending college. Participation in the Mavericks Science of Basketball program has the potential to improve academic achievement, provide a path to college, elevate socioeconomic status, and make Dallas an even better place to live. Objectives The Dallas Mavericks Science of Basketball program can be implemented either as: (1) an after school program delivered by volunteers (e.g., coaches, scientists, engineers) in partnership with teachers and parents, or (2) a supplement to classroom activities in elementary schools or middle schools.
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