Sts. Vartanantz Church WEEKLY BULLETIN Archpriest Father Gomidas Baghsarian -- Pastor Reverend Father Kapriel Nazarian -- Assistant Pastor 402 Broadway, Providence, RI 02909 Office: 831-6399 Fax: 351-4418 Email: [email protected] Website:

Feast of the Holy of Varak September 25, 2016

Please Join Us in Worship this Sunday Մասնակցեցէք Ս.Պատարագին` Morning Service 9:30 am Առաւօտեան Ժամերգութիւն 9:30 Divine Liturgy 10:00 am - Sermon 11:15 Ս. Պատարագ 10:00 - Քարոզ 11:15

Blessing/Dedication of the Memorial Pedestal and Book of Remembrance North Burial Ground

Members of the Armenian Martyrs' Memorial Committee of Rhode Island

Der Kapriel, Der Shnork, Badveli Hagop and Der Gomidas with Very Reverend Hayr Simeon Odabashian Dedication of our Kitchen in Honor of Sara "Sally Mouradjian

A very deserving dedication of our Church Kitchen in honor of Mrs. Sally Mouradjian for her many years of dedicated service in the kitchen. For over forty years, Sally has continually demonstrated her faithful commitment to her church by all of her work in the kitchen.

Sally and her family

ÚÇëáõë øñÇëïáëÇ ²õ»ï³ñ³Ý¿Ý Àëï سïÿáëÇ [24:30-36]

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GOSPEL Matthew 24: 30-36

“At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. (On Page 982 in your Bible)

EPISTLE Galatians 6: 14-18

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of God.

Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen. (On Page 1155 in your Bible)

Altar Candles are donated in Loving memory of Attarian Family Members by Anahid Attarian and Family

Altar Flowers are donated in Loving memory of Yervant and Mary Dayian by Kenneth and Rose Balemian, and Helen Dayian

REQUIEM SERVICE September 25, 2016

Deceased Members of the Attarian Family

Mary Babigian

Lousaper, Boghos, Bedros and Dolores Bahian

Cora Bedigian, and Varther and Havanes Markarian

David John Bedrosian

Persape and Yeghishe Bedrosian

Leon Caprielian

Mary and Yervant Dayian

Aram and Varsenig Deradoorian, and Alice Deradoorian Kamajian

Vartoohe and Vahan Der Muksian

Vartan Donabedian

Sirpouhie, Yervant, Hagop Jack, Gabriel and Rose Hagopian, and Martha Kaprielian

Margaret Tavanian Harmaian

Ani Krikorian Jackson

Harbesima Karaoughlian

Vartan and Yeghsapet Kashmanian

Richard Keoseian

Anna Louise and Vartkes Kimatian

Sarkis, Kohar, Rupen and Papkin Krikorian

Arshag, Nshan, Mary, and Josephine Mooradian, and Jane Mooradian Conway

Dickran and Mayram "Mari" Nalbandian, and Azniv Nalbandian Berberian

Stella Takian and Agavni Tootoonjian

Elizabeth Tomasian

REQUIEM SERVICE October 2, 2016

Peter B. Bedrosian--- First Year Anniversary

Dawn Morris --- First Year Anniversary

Sarkis Bedrosian

Serarpi Bedrosian

Harry and Doris Donabedian

Margaret and John Donabedian, and Helen DeCiccio

Ossanna Donoyan

Polly Gallas

Levon Antranig Garabedian

Garabed Giragosian

Michael and Alice Markarian

John Menissian and Theresa Bedrosian Morin

Kara Alexanian Mignano

Setrag Shahrozian

Misak and Araxie Simonian

Avedis Albert and Yeranik Swajian

Yeprem and Victoria Yepremian, Arousiag Jamgotchian, and Sarkis and Mary Abrahamian

Armenian Fest 2016 Preparations are Underway!!!

We need your help!

Please come and join us for a few hours starting September 7th

Every Mon & Wed = Choreg & Katah 9 am Every Tues = Micheeg 9 am Every Thurs = Kufta 6 pm

Choreg, Katah and Kufta may be picked up Monday thru Wednesday between 10am and 1 pm or after Church on Sundays


Please refrain from parking in the Gas Station Lot

as it is now open for business on Sundays.


This Sunday, September 25, 2016 Annual Membership Meeting --- Part One Please remember that your 2016 Membership Dues must be paid in order for you to vote.

This Monday, September 26, 2016 Adult Bible Study Resumes 7 pm

Sunday, October 2, 2016 Der Gomidas will be the celebrant of the Soorp Badarak

Retirement Banquet in honor of our beloved Der Gomidas Crowne Plaza -- Garden Pavilion in Warwick, RI

Friday, October 7 & 28, 2016 Sunday School Students will be making Armenian Cross Necklaces 6-8 pm Food will be provided

Sunday, October 9, 2016 Viewing of the Live Streaming of the Pontifical Divine Liturgy from NJ starting at 10 am

Elections for Board of Trustees and NRA Delelgates Annual Membership Meeting Part 2 has been rescheduled to Sunday, October 23rd

Visit our website for updated Church News

From the September 22, 2016 edition of Crossroads


This Sunday, September 25, is the Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak, a feast that is unique to the Armenian Church and is celebrated two weeks after the Exaltation of the Cross. After coming to , the Hripsimiantz Virgins lived near Mount Varak. They had brought with them a fragment of the True Cross. Fleeing persecution, they sought refuge on the mountain where Hripsime hid the cross among the rocks before fleeing to Vagharshapat. In 653, a hermit named Todik found the hidden cross by following a brilliant light that illuminated the mountain and guided him inside the church to the altar where he found the cross. The light shone for twelve days. In memory of this event, Catholicos Nerses (the Builder) established the Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak. He wrote the beautiful hymn, “By the Sign of Your All Powerful Holy Cross,” (Nshanav Amenahaght Khatchit).

The Monastery of St. Nishan (Varakavank) was built on Mount Varak, which is in the southeastern region of Van. It was home to one of the greatest libraries and museums, filled with ancient and modern books and works of art. The Monastery became even more prominent when Khrimian Hayrik established a publishing house and a school there hoping to make the monastery an educational center. He founded the first newspaper to be published in historical Armenia, Artsiv Vaspurakani (The Eagle of Vaspurakan). The massacres and deportations of 1915 destroyed Hayrik’s hopes and plans, as well as so much more. Varakavank was destroyed by the Turkish army on April 30, 1915, during the siege of Van.

By the sign of your all-victorious cross, O Christ, lover of mankind, keep us from the unseen enemy, for you alone are the King of Glory, blessed forever. On it you stretched out your spotless hands and shed your blood for the salvation of the universe for you alone are King of Glory, blessed forever. At your second coming when this holy sign shall appear once again make your servants worthy of renewal for you alone are the King of Glory, blessed forever.

May your cross be our refuge by its flame-like radiance; it is named the tree of life; you crushed the enemy and unloosed the sentence of death for the salvation of the universe. Sending up praises the heavens rejoice and the earth rejoices at the discovery of the holy cross like the four-winged rock which enlightened this world by its sun-like rays. Jerusalem rejoiced, believers were glad; they adorned themselves in marvelous garment for they saw the victorious sign; all creation was adorned with its light.

(Canon to the Cross of Varak from the Liturgical Canons of the Armenian Apostolic Church)


This Saturday, September 24, the Armenian Church commemorates St. George (Kevork) the Commander, a third century Roman general who challenged the Emperor’s persecution of Christians by publicly tearing up the Emperor’s decree, and urging others to follow his example. To this day he remains a popular saint in the Armenian Church and is the patron saint of soldiers and scouts. As in many other instances, the have given St. George an Armenian national character. The Feast of St. George is always on the Saturday before the Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak that is preceded by a week of fasting (Monday to Friday). Although the fast is not connected to St. George, through the centuries it has been popularly identified as the Fast of St. George.




The crisis in Syria requires our financial assistance.

Please keep this community in your prayers, your hearts, and your pocketbooks.



Armenian Prelacy 138 E. 39th Street New York, NY 10016 Checks payable to: Armenian Apostolic Church of America (Memo: Syrian Armenian Relief)

The Board of Trustees of Sts. Vartanantz Church

cordially invites you to attend

Retirement Banquet in honor of our beloved Der Hayr, Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian

October 2, 2016

Der Gomidas will celebrate the Soorp Badarak at10 am

followed by

Reception at 2 pm Dinner promptly at 3 pm at the Crowne Plaza Garden Pavilion Warwick, RI

Sunday, october 9, 2016

His Holiness, Aram I Catholicos of the

20th Anniversary of His Enthronement

Pontifical Divine Liturgy

will be streamed live from NJ starting at 10 am Fermanian Fellowship Hall

Should you not be able to be present as His Holiness' celebrates the Divine Liturgy, we encourage you to view the live streaming here at our church.

Attention Parishioners

All parishioners are encouraged to be present at Sts. Vartanantz Church in NJ on October 9th to witness His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great Hosue of Cilicia as he celebrates the Soorp Badarak. A Reception, Program and Celebratory Dinner will follow in honor of the 20th Anniversary of His Enthronement.

Since all Prelacy Churches will be closed in order for parishioners to view the Pontifical Divine Liturgy, the Second Part of our Annual Membership Meeting and our Elections for the Board of Trustees and NRA Delegates has been rescheduled to Sunday, October 23rd.