A Note on Oystercatchers from the Varangerfjord, NE Norway
A noteon Oystercatchersfrom the Varangerfjord,NE Norway R.H.D. Lambeck & E.G.J. Wessel Lambeck,R.H.D. & Wessel,E.G.J. 1993. A noteon Oystercatchers from the Varangerfjord,NE Norway.Wader Study Group Bull. 66: 74- 79. Biometricsof 11 breedingOystercatchers, caught during a visitto the northcoast of the Varangerfjord(NE Norway) from 27 Junethrough 1 July 1991, showed very short bills in both sexescompared to moresouthern populations. Incontrast, wing and tarsus tended to be somewhatlonger. Some further data are presented on breeding biology, mainly dealing with replacementclutches. The population ofthe north-Varangerfjord wasroughly estimated at 600 (sub)adults.Based on six recoveries plus an observation ofa colour-ringedbird, it ispostulated thatOystercatchers breeding west of North Cape-Porsangen migrate along the Norwegian coast andchiefly winter in Britain, while East-Finnmark birds fly over Lapland and along the Gulf of Bothniato a yet unknownwintering region on the 'continent'. R.H.D.Lainbeck & E.G.J.Wessel, Netherlands Institute of Ecology- Centrefor Estuarine and CoastalEcology. Vierstraat 28, 4401EA Yerseke,The Netherlands. Communicationnr. 591 of theCentre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, Yerseke. INTRODUCTION quantitativedata on the occurrence of Oystercatchersinthis area,b) to checkbirds for West-European colour-rings as an With40,000 pairs, as estimatedfor the 1970s (Kalas & easyway of obtaininginformation on migration,and c) to Byrkjeda11981),the Norwegianbreeding population of the (colour-)ringand measure local breeders. The inevitably OystercatcherHaematopus ostralegus isone of the largestin limitedresults, in combinationwith retrieved ringing data, are Europe(see also Piersma 1986). Detailedassessments made available in this note as a stimulus for further work. remaindifficult, however. The coastlineof Norway,so richin fjordsand islands, is extremely long (55,000 km; Kalas & STUDY AREA AND METHODS Byrkjeda11981),and large stretches are poorlyaccessible.
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