ASA Board of Directors 2 Notes from the Secretariat 2 1987 ASA Annual Meeting 3 1988 ASA Annual Meeting Call for Papers 4 Bids for Editorship of African Studies Review 4 ASA Elections 5 Obituary: Chief Obafemi Owolowo, 1909-1987 6 Special Announcements 7 Grants & Awards 8 Meetings-Past & Future 9 Employment 11 Publications Received 14 L~ Recent Doctoral Dissertations 19 .' Special Insert: 1987 Annual Meeting Preliminary Program - 2


OFFICERS President: Aidan Southall, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Exec. Comm.) Vice-president: Nzongola-Nta1aja, Howard University (Nom. Comm.) Past-president: Gerald J. Bender, Univ. of Southern California (publ. Comm.) RETIRING IN 1987 Edna G. Bay, Emory University (Exec. Finance & Devel. Comm.) Abena P.A. Busia, Rutgers University (Nom. Comm.) Mark DeLancey, Univ. of South Carolina (Publ. & Devel. Comm.) RETIRING IN 1988 Edward A. Alpers, Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles (Exec. & Devel. Comm.) M. Jean Hay, Boston University (Publ. & Finance Comm.) Joseph C. Miller, Univ. of (Nom., Finance & Devel. Comm.) RETIRING IN 1989 Mario J. Azevedo, Univ. of No. Carolina, Charlotte (Fin. Comm.) Pauline H. Baker, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace (Nom. & Exec. Comm.) Allen F. lsaacman, Univ. of Minnesota (Publ. Comm.)


As the last issue of the News was quite substantial, we do not have as much material to place in the summer issue. We have, however, placed an updated preliminary Meeting Program within, please use this latest as your guide, as there are some changes from that which was mailed in the preregistration packets. You should have received it by now, if any of you have not, please call the Secretariat, and we will send it out Also, please keep in mind that should you move (in our line of work, a fairly common occurance), your ASA materials will nQl be forwarded by the Post Office, but will be returned to us, so it is important for you to inform the Secretariat if you relocate. Preparations are well under way for the Denver Meeting and all indications point to a well organized, stimulating Meeting. We have also announced the dates for the 1988 Meeting in Chicago, so you can plan your schedules well in advance. If you need to make any last minute adjustments to the Program for Denver, please contact George Shepherd, as he has fmal say on panel scheduling. This will be the last preliminary program, the next version will be presented as the conference program in your registration packets in Denver. Remember to make your travel plans as soon as you can to take advantage of the reduced airfares provided by this year's travel agency. We've been assured they will provide better service than those we have used in the past, especially since we can contact the airlines directly. A final point on the Meeting. please be aware of the constraints imposed by the catering service for the Awards Banquet. It may be difficult for us to accomodate last minute requests for tickets and we will problably nru be able \. to sell tickets at the Conference because of the need to inform catering of the final count several days before the event, so send in your reservations as soon as possible to ensure your attendance at this event 3 \

Finally, let me remind you that the Secretariat will be moving its offices to Emory University in Atlanta, GA. We will continue to conduct ASA business out of UCLA until the Annual Meeting. After that, please address your inquiries and correspondence to:

Executive Secretary African Studies Association Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322

As I have mentioned previously, we will do all we can, both myself and Edna Bay, to make the trasition as "painless" as possible. Please understand the difficulties • in such a move and rest assured that we will try and complete the transition as quickly as possible. We hope that the "new" looks of HIA, Issue and the ASR are appealing. I personally, got a bit tired of the "bargain basement'" appearance of our journals, even though the quality has been excellent, sometimes packaging can liven things up a bit. We hope our efforts meet with your approval. We look forward to seeing all of you in Denver at the Radisson Hotel November 2()..22.


The 1987 Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association will convene at the Radisson Hotel, Denver, Colorado, November 20-22, 1987. The theme of this year's Meeting is, "A Review of the Liberation Struggle in : Thirty Year's of 'Freedom'." The Meeting will feature papers and panels on all aspects of African Studies with plenary sessions dedicated to SSRC/ACLS Research Overview Papers and a keynote lecture by historian Basil Davidson. Furthermore, the ASA Presidential Awards Banquet and an ASA 30th Anniversary Dance sponsored by the University of Denver African Students Association and others will round out the social happenings in the mile-high city. A preliminary program for the proceedings of the Meetings is included in this Newsletter. All participants in the proceedings of the Meeting are expected to register. Pre-registration fees are as follows: Regular and Sustaining Members-$25.00: Student/Retired/Unemployed Members-$12.50; Non-member Professionals-$30.00; Student/Retired/Unemployed Non-Members-$15.00. Pre-registration fees will be accepted through November 6, 1987. Payments of pre-registration fees should be sent by check or money order in U.S. $, payable to "African Studies Association", and should be sent to the address listed below. There will be on-site registration beginning Thursday, November 19. from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm and the following days from 7:45 am to 5:45 pm. On-site registration will be significandy higher. Special hotel rates ($62.00-singles and $72.00-doubles) and travel arrangements (United Airlines and Travel-On) have been made to assist participants in the Annual , ... Meeting. Persons wishing to contact the Radisson Hotel to make advance reservations

,----~ ..-, 4 may do so by calling their toll-free number 800-654-1550. United Airlines has also provided a toll-free conference hotline, 800-521-4041 [lD #311RMJ. In each case identify yourself as a participant in the ASA conference. For more infonnation and materials contact the Executive Secretary, African Studies Association, 255 Kinsey Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1506. Telephone: (213) 206-8011/12.


The 1988 Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association will be held October 28-31, 1988 at the McConnick Hotel, Chicago, Illinois. The 1988 Meeting will be hosted by the Program of African Studies at in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of the founding of their program. The theme of the Meeting will be "Continuity and Change in Africa." Papers and panel proposals in all aspects of African Studies are invited. Abstracts for papers and panel proposals should be submitted no later than April 15,1988, to the 1988 Annual Meeting Program Chairperson, Karen Tranberg Hansen, Program of African Studies, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208. Nominations of foreign scholars to be sponsored by the Association should also be submitted to Professor Hansen by April 15. 1988. For further information on the procedures for nominating foreign scholars or other aspects of the 1988 Annual Meeting contact the Executive Secretary, 255 Kinsey Hall. UCLA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles. CA 90024.


At the Spring Meeting of the Board of Directors of the ASA, the Board acted upon the recommendation of the its Publications Committee and decided to open up the editorship of the Association's journals to a bidding and review process. The Board has adopted the principle that the editorship be reviewed, solicited, and awarded on a five­ year basis, with the understanding that the editorship need not necessarily change. This process has been instituted as a means for the Association to ensure that the best editorial and institutional support for our journals can be provided. Our current editors have consistently provided excellent service and, in fact, are encouraged to submit bids. The fIrSt editorship selected for bidding is that of the African Studies Review. The Board of Directors is looking for the best overall offer from a proposing editor or institution. Within such a bid should be an indication of the kinds of institutional support available and commitments from the proposed editor and institution. Possible forms of institutional support might include provisions for copy-editing, editorial assistance, secretarial support, support for general correspondence and communications, > computer and other technological assistance in the preparation of camera-ready copy. .. In addition, a curriculum vita with an indication of previous editorial experience and a statement of the proposers' vision for the future of the African Studies Review \ 5 should be submitted. This might include a description of the mechanism for the solicitation of manuscripts, editorial review of such, as well as plans for the book review and other special sections. All bids and supporting materials must be received by the Secretariat no later than November I, 1987, for consideration by the full Board at the Fall Meeting of the Association. Should you have any questions concerning the specifics of the publication of the African Studies Review, or any of the Association's journals, please contact the Secretariat for further information. Address all inquiries to: Executive Secretary, African Studies Association, 255 Kinsey Hall, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1506. Telephone: (213) 206-80 11.


1988 ASA Elections The Nominations Committee for the 1988 Elections to the Board of Directors of the African Studies Association would like to solicit from the members of the Association recommendations for prospective candidates to stand for election in 1988 who shall take office at the 1988 Annual Meeting, October 28-31, 1988 and who shall serve on the Board of Directors for three years following. Members are encouraged to contact the Committee members in their area and/or field with suggestions. The Committee is constituted as follows:

Board Members: Nzongola-Ntalaja, (Chair), African Studies Program, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059 Abena P.A. Busia. Department of English, Murray Hall, C.A.C., Rutgers Livingston College, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Joseph C. Miller, University of Virginia, Department of HiStory, Randall Hall, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Pauline H. Baker, 7300 Broxburn Ct., Bethesda, MD 20817

Members-at-Large: Karen Fung, 2065 California St, No. 15, Mountain View, CA 94040 Karen Fields, University of Rochester, Frederick Douglass Institute for African Studies, 302 Morey Hall, Rochester, NY 14627 Mary Jo Amouldi, Smithsonian Institution, Department of Anthropology, NHB 112, Washington, DC 20560 6


CHIEF OBAFEMI A WOLOWO, 1909·1987 (Submitted by Richard L. Sklar) In his autobiography, Obafemi Awolowo tells about his tenacious pursuit of a barely adequate fonnal education. He was already thirty-four years old and a jack of many humble trades by the time he could finally afford to study law in London. Three years later, in 1947, the newly qualified lawyer and aspirant politician published a stunning book, Path to Nigerian Freedom. now a classic of African political thought. In it, he upheld the right of every cultural-linguistic group to establish modem political institutions within a unifying federal framework. His approach inspired a powerful • political movement in Western . He, himself. became an architect of Nigeria's federal constitution and the leading critic of its imperfections. As Premier of the Western Region from 1954 to 1959, Awolowo acquired an awesome reputation for administrative competence and efficiency. In foreign affairs, he espoused Nigerian alignment with the Western democracies and decried Gamal Abdel Nasser's pretension to leadership in black Africa. No African leader has ever been flattered and praised with more conviction by conservative and liberal members of the Anglo-American Establishment than Awolowo in the latter 1950s. Yet his inner­ directed personality was impervious to flattery and rarely if ever deflected from its self­ directed course. He believed in democratic socialism and became its foremost Nigerian proponent as Leader of the Opposition in the Independence Parliament of 1960-62. Awolowo's intellectual legacy lies mainly with his Afrocentric synthesis of democratic socialism and federalism. Posterity may also remember him as the exemplar of Fabian socialist thought in postcolonial Mrica. His pluralist philosophy was anchored to the political principle of party competition. By way of comparison, both Julius Nyerere and Kenneth Kaunda are properly classified as participatory socialists in the democratic-corporatist tradition of G.D.H. Cole. Awolowo upheld the more orthodox party-parliamentary tradition of Sidney Webb and Harold Laski. We shall never know whether an Awolowist federal government would have reflected his personal image of disciplined efficiency. His fervent belief in strong party leadership, as it is practiced in Britain, was incompatible with the construction of a winning coalition in the multicultural, federal state that is Nigeria. His conception of party leadership had built-in limitations that he refused to rectify for the sake of electoral success. They may have been the limitations of Fabian socialism in a plural and preindustrial society. Chief Awolowo's voluminous published works include six substantial books. During his visit to California in 1982. the late Professor James Coleman asked him how his writing program had been. and would be. affected by the demands of public office. Without hesitation. he replied that it was easier for him to write while he was in office because everyone seemed to agree that a senior office-holder's time was precious and should be protected by subordinate officials. Out of office, he lamented. there was never enough time for his writing. Only the first volume of his projected trilogy, entitled" Adventures in Power," had been published at the time of his death. \ 7


Scholars Urge Removal or Ideological Barriers John Scanlan, Professor of Law at Indiana University, testifying ... on behalf of the American Association of University Professors, urged Congress to pass H.R. 1119 amending the McCarran-Walters Act AAUP opposes the law because "it considers the right to receive and share infonnation and ideas to be essential to the pursuit of truth." This law interferes with the free exchange of ideas by barring entry into the United .. States of scholars, authors, creative artists and others, invited to address academic conferences and university audiences, on the basis of their beliefs or political affiliations. • The law also has been invoked to initiate deportation proceedings against academics resident in the U.S. whose writings are considered to be in some way unacceptable by government authorities .... In addition, the McCarran-Walters Act has deterred individuals from applying to enter the U.S., because they do not want to reveal to our immigration officials their beliefs of affIliations or be excluded because of them. Under H.R. 1119, proposed by Representative Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts), individuals could be excluded or deported for engaging in terrorist activities but not for what they believe or for their membership in organizations. The full text of Prof. Scanlan's testimony is available from Alfred D. Sumberg or Jonathan Knight, AAUP. 1012 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005. Tel. (202) 737-5900. The AAUP was founded in 1915 to defend the principles of academic freedom and has over 50,000 faculty members throughout the United States.

Nigerian Periodicals Index (NPI) The Committee of University Librarians of Nigerian Universities, announces the publications of a new author-subject index which attempts to list major scholarly journals covering a wide spectrum of subject disciplines in the natural and applied sciences, social sciences and humanities. Volume I, Number I, June 1986 is available. The second issue of the NPI is in preparation and will be out shortly. For more infonnation write to CULNU. University Library. Bayero University, P.M.B. 30011, Kano, Nigeria.

Call ror Papers: Journal or Rerugee Studies Commencing March 1988 this quarterly journal. published by Oxford University Press, is intended to meet the rapidly growing demands for academic exploration of the complex problems of forced migration. The Journal will provide a major focus for interdisciplinary research on refugee issues. It will encourage contributions to the theoretical developments and innovative approaches to methodology and practice. Papers are now invited of 4-8,000 words length. Examples of topics anticipated are: Relief Agency Roles; Survival Strategies; Host and Refugee Interaction; Administration; Refugees and Development; Clientelism; Gender; Loss and Bereavement, etc. For further details contact Dr. Roger Zetter, Refugee Studies Programme, Queen Elizabeth House, 21 St Giles, Oxford, England OXI 3LA. 8

Journal Editor Wanted For personal and professional reasons Bernth Lindfors is considering stepping down as editor of Research in African Literatures and handing over the reins of the journal to a new editor who could begin work in September 1988. Lindfors would edit the remaining issues for 1988 and 1989 (Vols. 19 and 20), but the new editor would be expected to assume full responsibility for screening fresh manuscript submissions and assigning book reviews during the transitional 1988-89 academic year. RAL would continue to be published by the University of Texas Press, but the editorial office could be located anywhere in North America or possibly even overseas. Any individual or group wishing to bid for the editorship of RAL should submit a formal proposal detailing (1) the professional qualifications of the proposed editor(s), (2) the policies and procedures that would guide future editorial actions, and (3) the kind and amount of institutional support the editor(s) could rely on. Proposals should be .. submitted by April 1. 1988 to Bernth Lindfors, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78713.


Conover-Porter Award The Archives-Libraries Committee of the African Studies Association seeks nominations for the fifth biennial Helen F. Conover-Dorothy B. Porter Award for excellence in Africana bibliography or reference work. Any Africa-related reference work, bibliography or bibliographic essay published separately or as part of a larger work during 1985, 1986. or 1987 can be nominated for the 1988 award. which includes a prize of $300.00. Nominations must be received before the end of December 31, 1987. Miss Conover was senior bibliographer in the African Section of the Library of Congress. serving thirty-two years before her retirement in 1963. Mrs. Porter was librarian of the Moorland-Spingam Research Center. Howard University, retiring after forty-five years of service in 1973. Recent recipients of the Award include Julian Witherell (1980), Roger Hilbert and Christine Oehtmann (1982). Carol Bundy. Virginia Coulon and Hans Zell (1984). The 1986 Conover-Porter Award was presented to Tore L. Eriksen for his work, The Political Economy of : An Annotated, Critical Bibliography, published by the Scandinavian Institute of African Studies in cooperation with both the United Nations Institute for Namibia and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. To recommend a title or for further information, please contact: Phyllis Bischof, Chair, ASA Subcommittee on Bibliography, 208 Main Library, University of California, Berkeley, Ca 94720.

National Endowment for the Humanities The Interpretative Research Program of the Division of Research Programs. the National Endowment for the Humanities. wishes to announce the annual application deadline of October 1. 1987, for projects beginning on or after July 1, 1988; and of October 1, 1988, for projects beginning after July 1, 1989. Funding is available for up to three years of collaborative research in any field or fields of the humanities. Draft applications may be sent to the program for staff comments any time up to August 15. The Projects category supports collaborative research primarily in history, literature, philosophy, musicology, art history, archaeology and the social sciences that employ interpretative rather than quantitative methods. A second category of support, Humanities, Science and Technology, supports collaborative research that draws on the theories and methods of the humanities to study current or historical issues in science and technology. For more information about the Projects category, please write or call Dorothy Wartenberg or David Wise at (202) 786~021O; for Humanities, Science and Technology, write or call Daniel Jones or Elizabeth Arndt at the same number. The II address of the program is: Interpretative Research Program, Room 318 IR, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, OC 20506.

Rockerfeller Foundation Two Rockerfeller Foundation Humanist~in-Residence Fellowships will be awarded in 1988-1989 to post-doctoral scholars to work on book-length manuscript that focuses on the relationship between cultural context and women's experience, either domestically or internationally, and that contributes to the development of feminist theory. Fellows will recieve a stipend of $30,000 and will be required to be in residence and participate in other Women's Studies/SIROW activists. Applications are due January 15, 1988. Selections will be made by mid-March. For information and application materials, write to Women's StudieslSouthwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW) University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. Telephone: (602) 621­ 7338.


Non-Alignment and World Peace, August 7-9, 1987 To mark the 40th anniversary of India's independence and the 26th anniversary of Non-Aligned Movement, an International Seminar on "Non-Alignment and world Peace" will be organised under the auspices of the Indian Institute for Non-Aligned Studies, in cooperation with other national and international organisations, at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi from August 7-9,1987. Academicians, scholars, writers, public figures, diplomats and representatives from allover the world will be invited to participate. The seminar will have four commissions and proposed themes for the papers and deliberations at the Seminar are as follows: Non-Alignment; Peace, Security and Disarmament; Cooperation and Development; and Indian Ocean. For more information on the proceedings of the Seminar write to: Indian Institute for Non-Aligned Studies, A-2/59 , Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi-ll0029, India. 10

Memoires, histoires, identites, 9-12 October 1987 The Universire Laval, (Quebec), the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociale (paris) and Universire Paris VII are jointly sponsoring a colloquium entitled "Memoires, histoires, identites: experiences des socieres francophones" (Memory, History and Social Identity: Comparative Analysis of French Speaking African Societies Experience), October 9-12, 1987. For more information contact the History Department, Universite Laval, Quebec, GIK 7P4, Canada. Tel. (418) 656-7279.

ASA Archives-Libraries Committee, November 19·23, 1987 The Archives-Libraries Committee of the ASA, Fall Meeting, Denver, Colorado, November 19-23, 1987, will be held as part of the annual meeting of the African Studies Association. In addition to the business meeting of the Archives-Libraries Committee, there will be a meeting of the Cooperative Africana Microforms Project (CAMP). For further information contact: Gregory Finnegan, Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755. Tel. (603) 646-2868.

ASA Women's Caucus, November 21, 1987 The 1987 Breakfast Meeting of the ASA Women's Caucus will be held on Saturday, November 21, 1987, 7:30-8:45 AM in the Majestic Ballroom of the Radisson Hotel, Denver, Colorado. The featured speaker at this year's meeting will be Prof. Christine Obbo, Wheaton College. Cost of the full breakfast is $10.00. Seating is available on a frrst-come, frrst-served basis. To reserve a space at this year's breakfast, send $10.00, check or money order, payable to the ASA Women's Caucus, to: Jean Davison, 120 Woodland Avenue, San Anselmo, CA 94960.

Liberian Studies Association, March 18·20, 1988 The Liberian Studies Association will host its 20th Anniversary Conference on March 18-20, 1988 at the University of Akron, Akron, OH. Individuals wishing to chair panels or present papers should contact Neal Holmes, Afro-American Studies Program, 120G Spicer Hall, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, or call (216) 375­ 7143.

ISA/Southwest, March 23·26, 1988, Call for Papers The 1988 annual meeting of the International Studies Association/Southwest will be held in conjunction with the Southwestern Social Science Association Convention at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Houston, Texas, March 23-26, 1988. Anyone wishing to present papers, organize panels, or establish roundtables on subjects or issues related to international relations should submit proposals to the program chair. ISA/Southwest would like to encourage participation by area studies specialists and comparativists, as well as, those strictly interested in international affairs. The deadline for submitting papers, panel and roundtable proposals, and discussant and chair requests is November 2, 1987. To submit proposals or obtain • additional information, please contact Professot Michael A. Kelley, Program Chair, ISA/Southwest, Department of Political Science, P.O. Box 1755U, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 72032. \ \ 11

Call for Papers-Research on Contemporary , April 8-9, 1988 Scholars doing research on contemporary Ethiopia are invited to propose topics which they would be interested in reporting on at an international conference on the Political Economy of Ethiopia to be held at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, DC on (tentative dates) April 8-9, 1988. The conference is one of SAIS' annual African Country Day programs, and will lead to the publication of an edited volume on the Political Economy of Ethiopia. The conference will focus exclusively on current political, social, and economic topics. Those interested in participating should send a topic and one-page abstract, as soon as possible but no later than January 1, 1988, to Prof. Marina Ottaway, African Studies Program, SAIS, 1740 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036-1983.

Africa-Pacific Comparative Conference, 23-26 August 1988 The African Research Institute and the Research Centre for South West Pacific Studies, La Trobe University, are organizing a major international comparative conference on Africa and the Pacific, to be held at La Trobe University in August, 1988. The conference will be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the African Studies Association of Australia and the Pacific (AFSAAP). The conference will be organized around a core of clearly defined panels with invited speakers examining such issues as: methodologies for the reconstruction of of pre-contact histories of Africa and the Pacific; the colonial experience in Africa and the Pacific; the processes of dec0 Ionization in Africa and the Pacific, including the role of Australia and New Zealand in decolonization; the significance of the French presenCe in Africa and the Pacific; economic development; the exploitation of human ruid natural resources in Africa and the Pacific; uses and abuses ofaid in Africa and the Pacific; post­ independence political stability in Africa and the Pacific; demographic changes in Africa and the Pacific; comparabilities and transfer of Australian, and more generally Western, technologies in Africa and the Pacific; comparative anthropology of Africa and the Pacific. In addition, the African Research Institute, in cooperation with the Christensen Fund and the Museum of Victoria, is planning to mount an exhibition of contemporary and indigenous Yoruba culture, to complement the University Museum's existing Melanesian display. The Yoruba exhibition will be curated by Ulli Beier and will open at La Trobe during the conference, before going on lOur in Australia. Inquiries regarding the conference should be directed to: Dr. David Dorward, Director, African Research Institute. La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia.


Positions Available ROLLINS COLLEGE (FLORIDA) Rollins College seeks an Africanist for a tenure track position at the assistant or associate professor level. beginning September, 1988. Candidates should have a disciplinary specialization in either Cultural Geography or Cultural Anthropology. The person selected will become a member of the Anthropology or Environmental Studies 12

Department, depending upon his or her disciplinary background. Applicants with addtional expertise in Afro-American Studies are especially welcome. Applicants should have a Ph.D., teaching experience, scholarly accomplishment or potential and a commitment to undergraduate education. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send letter of application, vita, and names and address of three references to Dr. Robert Miller, Rollins College, Box 2725, Winter Park, Florida 32789. Applications are requested by October 1, 1988.

VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Villanova University announces a tenure-track opening in African History at the level of assistant professor, appointment beginning August 25, 1988. Salary is in the upper 20s. Strong scholarly potential and superior teaching emphasized. Specialization in sub-Saharan Africa with ancillary field in European history required. Ph.D. necessary before date of appointment. Graduate training in both African and European history essential as candidate will teach Western Civilization seminars and classes as well as specialty undergraduate and graduate courses in African history. A knowledge of the history and influence of Islam upon Africa south of the Sahara will be an advantage given Villanova's Institute for Contemporary Arab and Islamic Studies. Send graduate transcript, three letters of recommendation, and c.v. to Prof. Fred Carrier, Chair, African Search Committee, Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085. Sample of published work welcomed. Deadline for receipt of application materials is November 2, 1987. Selected candidates may be interviewed at the African Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 20-23, Denver, Colorado, or at Villanova in December, or at the American Historical Association Convention, December 28-30, 1987. Villanova is an Equal Opportunity, Affmnative Action Employer.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES The Department of English of the University of California, Los Angeles, is advertising a position (rank open) in African literature in English and African folklore and mythlogy. Applicants should send a letter and current c.v. to Prof. Daniel Calder, Chair, Department of English, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Deadline for receipt of application materials is December 15, 1987. UCLA is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

AIR UNIVERSITY, MAXWELL AFB (ALABAMA) The Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education of the Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama, announces a vacancy in the Political-Military Affairs Division for a Research Associate in the field of sub-Saharan African studies. This position is offered on the initial two-year appointment at the GS­ 1701-13 level, Schedule B, Excepted Civil Service, and is renewable indefinitely in increments up to three years at the employer's discretion. The salary is $38,727. Duties include lecturing at the USAF senior service schools, writing and research on sub-Saharan African politics and security issues, teaching courses on sub-Saharan African area problems, student thesis direction, and editing the Center's CADRE Papers publication. A Ph.D. is desirable. Requirements include: a Bachelor's degree in disciplines that bear on African regional studies; 3 years experience writing, researching \

13 or teaching in the area of African history, political affairs or security problems; reading proficiency in French or other relevant African languages; United States citizenship and a Secret security clearance. Applicants must also forward a completed form SF 171, which may be obtained from the local Federal Job Information Center, to 3800 ABW/DPCAE, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-5000, along with a representative sample of his/her written work. A letter of intent and a curriculum vitae should also be addressed to Dr. L. B. ,Ware, Chief, Political-Military Affairs Division, CADRE/RIP, Building 1400, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-5532; telephone (205) 293-6121. The position will remain open until filled. Air University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA The Department of History at the University of Minnesota seeks a historian of sub-Saharan Africa. Regional, chronological, and topical specialization within the general area of African history is open, but preference will be to candidates with a research specialty in social history, the diaspora. labor history, or in central, southern, or eastern Africa. Candidates should be prepared to carry on an active research program and to teach introductory and advanced courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The position is a regular, tenure-track appointment in the Department of History, but it is expected that the appointee will play an active role in the University's Department of African and Afro-American Studies. The appointment will be at the Assistant or Associate level. Completion of the Ph.D. by September I, 1988, is required. Teaching experience and publications are desired. Salary will be competitive and dependent on qualification. The appointment will begin with the 1988-89 academic year (September 16, 1988). Interested applicants should send a curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation to: Professor Allen Isaacman, Search Committee Chair, Department of History, University of Minnesota, 267 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455, by November 15, 1987. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer and educator, and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities.

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON Western African History, tenure-track posltlon at assistant professor level, beginning academic year 1988-89. Ph.D. by August 1988 and research specialization in West or West Central African history required, and Precolonial preferred. TeaCwh' ' experience desirable. Salary competitive. Send letter of application, C.V., and thr reference letters or dossier to Professor Jan Vansina, Department of History, 32 Humanities Bldg., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 455 North Park Street, Madi WI 53706 by November 10, 1987. AA/EOE. I

1987 ASA ANNUAL MEETING Persons or institutions wishing to publicize employment opportunities :,'the 1987 Annual Meeting Program or wishing to interview prospective candidate~ the Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, should contact the Program Chair, Ge


New Books French Diplomacy in Africa by P.C. Dubey. 1986. Takes a synoptic view of French policy and colonial relationship with Africa after decolonization in the postwar period which enabled France to consolidate its influence and presence in African colonies not only for economic purposes but also to expand France's diplomatic and political ideas elsewhere. $38.00. Concept Publishing Company, H-13, Bali Nagar, Post Box No. 6274, New Delhi-llOOl5, India. Black Labor Unions in South Africa by Anthony G. Freeman and Diane B. Bendahmane. 1987. 72 pp. $4.50. U.S. Government Printing Office, Dept. SSMC, Washington, DC 20402. The Manenguba Languages (Bantu A.15, Mbo Cluster) of by Robert Hedinger. 1987. Compares the different languages and dialects with a view to reconstructing aspects of the phonology, the noun class concord system and vocabulary of the common proto-languages, and to make a classification of the languages and dialects which expresses the relationships between them and their development from the proto-language. 306 pp; 11 maps. ISBN 0-7286-0135-4. £15.00. School of Oriental and African Studies, Malet Street, London WClE 7HP, England. Food Systems in Central and , Johan Pottier, editor. 1986. Papers by specialists in different disciplines provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying contemporary systems of food production, distribution and consumption. 295 pp. ISBN 0-7286-0126-5. £8.00. School of Oriental and African Studies, Malet Street, London WCIE 7HP, England. Set Under Authority by K.D.D. Henderson. 1987. Records the daily life of a British District officer in the under the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium (1898­ 1955). 224 pp. £5.95 (paperback); £8.95 (hardback). Castle Cary Press Ltd., High Street, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7 7AN, England. Working Under South African Occupation: Labour in Namibia by IDAF Research, Information & Publications Dept. 1987. 49 pp. ISBN 0-904759-73-3. $3.00. IDAF US Committee, P.O. Box 17, Cambridge, MA 02138. Brutal Force: The Apartheid War Machine by Gavin Cawthra. 1986. Documents the militarisation of South Africa and its effect on the people of that country, and it assesses the strength of the apartheid military and nuclear force. 320 pp. ISBN 0­ 904759-71-7, paper, $13.00; ISBN 0-904759-72-5, cloth, $25.00. IDAF US Committee, P.O. Box 17, Cambridge, MA 02138. My Spirit Is Not Banned, Frances Baard as told to Barbie Schreiner. 1986. In her own words, Frances Baard tells of her early years, through her growing participation in trade unions, the ANC, the Federation of South African Women and other organizations, to the present. Published by Publishing House. 92 pp. ISBN 0-949225-32-0. $5.70. Available from IDAF US Committee, P.O. Box 17, '::ambridge, MA 02138. The Var Against Children: South· Africa's Youngest Victims. Published by the Lwyer's Committee for Human Rights. 1986. 151 pp. ISBN 0-934143-00-5. A'ailable from IDAF US Committee, P.O. Box 17, Cambridge, MA 02138. 15

Namibia in Struggle: A Pictorial History. Published by International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa. 1987. Available in both portable exhibition and picture book fonnats. Booklet, $7.00; exhibition, $22.00. IDAF US Committee, P.O. Box 17, Cambridge, MA 02138. Afrique et Capitau.x: Geography of Capital and Investments in Tropical Africa under French Influence by Jean Suret Canale. 1987. Two vols. A study of public and private capital operating in this geographic region. L'Arbre verdoyant Editeur, 15, rue Douy Delcupe, 93100 Montreuil sous bois, France. The State and the Working People in . edited by Issa G. Shivji. 1986. , Demonstrates the rise of an authoritarian state as an organization of the compradore ruling class under imperialist hegemony and the simultaneous suppression and cooptation of independent organizations of the working people. Paper, $11.00; hard cover, $22.00. CODESRIA, B.P. 3304, Dakar, Senegal. Women and the Family. Women in Nigeria Editorial Committee, ed. 1986. A selection of papers presented at the 1983 conference "Women and the Family", sponsored by Women in Nigeria. $10.00. CODESRIA, B.P. 3304, Dakar, Senegal. Zimbabwe: The Political Economy of Transition. Ibbo Mandaza, ed. 1986. Focuses on the relationship between the imperialist and white settler colonial legacy on the one hand, and the pattern of political and socio-economic development in the post­ independence era on the other. Paper, $10.00; hard cover, $32.00. CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. Population et Developpement en Afrique. Hedi Jemai, ed. 1986. 395 pp. CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. Hidden Struggles in Rural South Africa by William Beinart and Colin Bundy. 1987. An exercise in historical retrieval, focussed on a series of forgotten episodes which were hidden 'away in the locations' from the commentators at the time and have been neglected in subsequent historical writing. ISBN 0-85255-013-8, paper, £9.95; ISBN 0-85255-012-X, cloth, £25.00. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Coping with Rapid Urban Growth in Africa: An Annotated Bibliography in English and French on Policy and Management of Urban Affairs in the 1980s. Richard Stren with Claire Letemendia. 1986. 230 pp. ISBN 0-88819-065-4. $15.00. Center for Developing Area Studies, McGill University, 3751 Peel, Montreal, Quebec H3A lXI, Canada. African Economic History by Ralph Austen. 1987. An analysis which demonstrates that the differential rates of change in the African and the European-centered world economy have simultaneously made Africa less significant to the world economy and more dependent upon it for sustaining its own development patterns. 304 pp. ISBN 0-435-08017-2. Paper, $22.50. Heinemann Educational Books, 70 Court Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801. Studies at Birmingham. 1985. Edited by Adam Jones and Peter K. Mitchell. 1987. Proceedings of the Fourth Birmingham Sierra Leone Studies Symposium, 13-15 July 1985, Fircroft College, Birmingham. ISBN 0-7044-0903­ 8. $12.00. Center for West African Studies, Univ. of Birmingham, P.O. Box 363, Birmingham B15 2IT, England. 16

Reports, Monographs and Bibliographies Rural and District Administrative Reform in ZimbalJwe Rukudzo Murapa. Travaux et Documents No. 11, 1986. Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire. Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, Domaine Universitaire, B.P. 101,33405 Talence Cedex, France. La Politique Africaine de la France, Jean-Claude Gautron. Travaux et Documents No. 12, 1986. Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, Domaine Universitaire, B.P. 101, 33405 Talence Cedex, France. Afrique du Sud: La Fin des Certitudes, Dominique Darbon. Travaux et Documents No. 13. 1987. Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, Domaine Universitaire, B.P. 101,33405 Talence Cedex, France. Revolution et Creativite Lexicale. Kasoro Tumbwe. Travaux et Documents No. 14, 1987. Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, Domaine Universitaire, B.P. 101,33405 Talence Cedex, France. The Creation ofa Political Order in , Jean-Francois Medard. Working Paper No. 1, October 1986. Centre de Recherches, d'Echanges et de Documentation Universitaire, Maendeleo House, P.O. Box 58480, , . Le Probleme de la Dette en Afrique Subsaharienne (et Ie Cas de la Cote d'Ivoire): Bibliographie Commenlee. INADES Documentation, 08 B.P. 8, Abidjan 08, Cote d'Ivoire. Library Acquisitions List. No. 81. National Museum of African Art Library, June 1987. Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, DC 20560. South Africa 1986: A Permanent State of Emergency. 1986 Annual Report, Southern Africa Project. Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 1400 'Eye' Street, N.W., Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005. SIGEPRA MODEL: Simulation of the Generalization of Primary Education in Africa. Boubacar Camara. January 1985. UNESCO, Regional Office for Education in Africa, BREDA. Adverse Consequences for the Enjoyment of Human Rights of Political, Military, Economic and Other Forms of Assistance Given to the Racist and Colonialist Regime of South Africa. Ahmad M. Khali.fa. 1987. United Nations. Zimbabwean Political Materials Published in Exile 1959-1980: A Bibliography. No.3 in the National Archives Bibliographical Series. ISBN 0-908-302-03-7. National Archives, Private Bag 7729, Causeway, , Zimbabwe.

Films Mongane Wally Serote: South African Poet. 1987. 20 minutes, VHS or U-matic. $70.00. Meridian Productions, York Film Workshop, 8 The Crescent, Blossom St., York, England.

Journals and Magazines Africa Insight. Vol. 17, No.1, 1987. Published by the Africa Institute of South Africa. Inquiries to: The Editor, P.O. Box 630, Pretoria, 0001 Republic of South Africa. Africa Today, Vol. 33, Nos. 2 & 3, 1986. Special issue on "South Africa, Namibia and Human Rights: The Case for Strengthened Sanctions." Published quarterly by \



NOVEMBER 20-22, 1987 '..




The following preliminary program lists the schedule of events for the 1987 ASA Annual Meeting, November 20-22. 1987. Radisson Hotel Denver. CO. as of 8/13/87. Since that date changes have been made will be made up until the final weeks before the conference. If any member or participant has questions about the scheduling i of their panel or paper or any other form of appearance at the meeting they should contact the program chair for verification .

.,.' I

,­ , - "


TO EXECUTlVE OFFICES ~7 //' .-/ Y /' ~ ASPEN ~'i1 fi1 fi1 fi1 05v~;:::::::::;~~-~ MEZZLEVEL



An Ash Assoclales managed hotel AFRICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION

1987 Annual Meeting, Preliminary Program

Radisson Hotel, Denver, November 19 - November 23


WEDNESDAY, November 18

ASA, Publications Committee (8-10PM: Conference Room)

THURSDAY, November 19

ASA, Executive Board (9AM - 5PM: Vail)

ASA. Archives and Library Committee: Bibliography Subcommittee r (3-5PM: Conference Room)

ASA, Archives and Library Committee: Cataloguing Subcommittee (7-9PM: Conference Room)

FRIDAY, November 20

ASA. Outreach Committee: Business Meeting (9-12AM and 2-5PM: Conference Room)

ASA, Archives and Library Committee: Executive Committee (8-9AM: Conference Room); Business Meeting (9:30­ 12:30 AM: Conference Room)

Boston University. African Studies Center, Outreach Program: ~ . Business Meeting (9-12AM and 2-5PM: Conference)

Western Association of Africanists: Business Meeting (12-1PM: t Cedar) I North American Association of Cameroon Studies: Business Meeting I (5-6PM: Conference Room)

Committee for Publication of African Historical Sources (COPAHISO): Business Meeting (5:15 - 7PM: Birch)

Women's Caucus: Business Meeting (5:30-7PM: Columbine)

ASA. Nominations Committee (7:30 - 8:30PM: Silver)

1 SATURDAY. November 21

Women's Caucus: Breakfast (7:30-8:45AM: Majestic Ballroom)

ASA, Committee on Current Issues and ISSUE Journal: Business Meeting (8-9AM: Silver)

Association of African Studies Programs (9-10AM: Conference Room)

ASA, Arch. and Lib. Committee: CAMP: Executive Committee (8-9AM: Conference Room) Business Meeting (9:30­ 12:30AM: Conference Room)

North American Chapter of the International Congress of Somali Studies: Business Meeting (11:30-12:30AM: Aspen)

ACASA: Board Meeting (12-1PM: Columbine) ACASA: Business Meeting (5:30-7PM: Columbine) , Center for Research on Zaire (CEREZ): Business Meeting (3 - 5PM: Conference Room)

ASA: Business Meeting (5:30 - 6:30PM: Silver)

SUNDAY, November 22

AFRICA TODAY: Board Meeting (8-9AM: Birch)

ASA, Executive Board (5:30 - 7:30PM: Vail)

MONDAY, November 23

ASA. Executive Board (9 -12AM: Vail)


Reception, Museum of Natural History. Denver. (The Museum hosts the Ramses II Exhibition during November. The reception will give participants at the Conference a chance to attend this magnificent show. Tickets for the Exhibition will have to be purchased at the time of the reception. Thursday. November 19. 6 - 8PM.)

African Students Organization, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver will sponsor an African Disco to be held at the Radisson Hotel. (Refreshments will be available. Friday, November 20. 9 - ?: Grand Ballroom)

ASA Awards Banquet (Sat., November 21, 7-9:30PM: Grand Ballroom)

2 \


"Reflections on Thirty Years of Liberation Movements," Keynote address by Basil Davidson, (Friday, November 20, 11:30 - 12:30AM: Grand Ballroom)

"The Liberation Struggle in Africa: Past, Present and Futures," (Friday, 3:15 - 5:15PM: Grand Ballroom)

"Social Science Approaches to African Art" (Friday, November 20, 5:30 - 7:00PM: Grand Ballroom)

"Southern Africa and Presidential Politics 1988, " (Saturday, November 21, 11:15 - 12:45AM: Grand Ballroom)

"African Studies in Asia" (Saturday, November 21, 1-3PM: Grand Ballroom)

"African Historical Studies, Academic Knowledge as 'Usable Past,' and Radical Scholarship," (Sunday, November 22, 11:15 - 12:45AM: Ballroom)



"The Socio-Political Vision of Wole Soyinka" (Friday, November 20, 9-11AM)

"Political Context and Ideology in African Literature" (Friday, November 20, 1-3PM)

"Form and Shape in African Literature" (Friday, November 20, 3:15 - 5:15PM)

"Problems in Interpreting Oral Southern African Sources for Historical Research," (Saturday, November 21, 9-11AM)

"New Trends in African Women's Fiction," (Saturday, November 21, 1-3PM) "Wole Soyinka and the Nobel Price," (Saturday, November 21, 3:15­ 5:15PM) "Liberation and South African Literature," (Sunday, November 22, 9-11AM)

"The Paradox of Women's Liberation in African Literature," (Sunday, November 22, 1-3PM)

"The African Trickster: Transformations Across Time, Space and Media," (Sunday, November 2, 3:15-5:15PM)


"Africa and Israel, 1948-1988," (Sunday, November 22, 1-3PM)


"Art and Ideology in Africa," (Friday, November 20, 9-11AM)

"Recent Research on African and African-American Art and Artists - Panel I," (Friday, November 20, 1-3PM)

"Power, Gender and Art - Panel I," (Friday, November 20, 1-3PM) (Co-sponsored by Women's Caucus)

"Power, Gender and Art - Panel II," (Friday, November 20, 3:15­ 5:15PM) (Co-sponsored by Women's Caucus)

"Exploring the Lands of Do," (Saturday, November 21, 9-11AM)

"Shrine Configuration in the Study of African Art," (Saturday, November 21, 9-11AM)

"African Textile Design - Panel I," (Saturday, November 21, 1-3PM)

"African Textile Design - Panel II," (Saturday, November 21, 3: 15­ 5:15PM)

"Recent Research on African and African-American Arts and Artists ­ Panel II," (Sunday, November 22, 9-11AM)

"Contemporary African Art and Artists," (Sunday, November 22, 9-11AM)

"African Ceramic Art: History and Identity in Clay - Panel I,: (Sunday, November 22, 1-3PM) • "African Ceramic Art: History and Identity in Clay - Panel II," (Sunday, November 22, 3:15-5:15PM)


"The Crisis in Resources for African Studies in the USA," (Friday, November 20, 9-11AM)

"The Struggle for Democratic Government in Africa," (Friday, November 20, 1-3PM)

"Public Health in Africa: Policy Issues and Implications," (Saturday, November 21, 1-3PM)

"Regional Perspectives on Southern African Political Change," (Sunday, November 22, 1-3PM)

4 ASSOCIATION OF CONCERNED AFRICAN SCHOLARS (ACAS) "Research on the Contemporary Conjuncture in South Africa" (Friday. 1-3PM) "The Liberation Struggle in Western Sahara: Issues and Actors Panel I" (Saturday, November 21. 9-11AM) "The Liberation Struggle in Western Sahara: Issues and Actors ­ Panel II" (Saturday, November 21, 1-3PM) "Churches in the Southern African Liberation Struggle" (Saturday, 3-5PM) "ReSisting South African Destabilization." (Sunday, November 22, 9-11AM)

CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON ZAIRE (CEREZ) "The International Environment of Zaire's Economic Crisis." (Sunday. November 22. 1 - 3PM)

MANDE STUDIES ASSOCIATION (MANSA) "Mande Cultural Institutions: Society, Politics and Religion," (Saturday, November 21, 1-3PM) "Social Organization Among the Southern Mande," (Sunday, November 22, 9-11AM) "Mansaya: Political Authority in the Mande World," (Sunday, November 22, 1-3PM) "Environment and Ecology in the Mande Culture Zone." (Sunday 22, 3:15-5:15PM)

SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (ACLS/SSRC Joint Committee on African Studies) "Roundtable on Documentation and Resources in the African Humanities - Panel I," (Friday, November 20, 1-3PM) "Roundtable on Documentation and Resources in the African Humanities - Panel II," (Friday, November 20, 3:15-5:15) "Social Science Approaches to African Art," (Friday, November 20. '. 5:30 - 7:30PM) "African Historical Studies. Academic Knowledge as 'Usable Past,' and Radical Scholarship," (Sunday, November 22, 11:15 - 12:45AM)


"Political and Economic Crisis in Africa and Popular Responses," (Friday, November 20, 9-11AM)

"Legal Rights in Land and Property: Women's Rights, Men's Rights - Panel I," (Friday, November 20, 9-11AM)

"Rebellious Women/Women's Resistance: Biographical Approaches," (Friday, November 20, l1-lAM)

"Power, Gender and Art in Africa and the Diaspora: Panel I , " (Friday, November 20, l-3PM)

"Power, Gender and Art in Africa and the Diaspora: Panel II," (Friday, November 20. 3:l5-5:l5PM)

\\"Women in Pre-Colonial Women's History: A Roundtable Discussion on Methods and Sources," (Friday, November 20. 3:l5-5:l5PM)

"Legal Rights in Land and Property: Women's Rights, Men's Rights - Panel II," (Saturday, November 21. 9-11AM)

"Women in the Nationalist Movements of Africa: 1945-1966." (Saturday, November 21, l-3PM)

"Emerging Directons in African Family Dynamics," (Saturday. Novmeber 21, l-3PM)

"The Sexual Division of Labor in Africa," (Saturday. November 21. 3:l5-5:l5PM)

"Roundtable: Power, Production and Reproduction: Comparative Perspectives on Women in the Workforce," (Sunday, November 22. 9-11AM) "Women in Struggle in Southern Africa," (Sunday. Novmeber 22. 9­ 11AM) (CO-sponsored by Association of Concerned African Scholars - ACAS)

"Roundtable: African Women in Development," (Sunday November 22. l-3PM)

"Historical Records and Documents on Women," (Sunday, November 22, 3:l5-5:l5PM) "The Economic Role of Women in Pre-Colonial and Colonial Africa," (Sunday, November 22, 3:15-5:l5PM)



Economic and Political Crisis in Africa and Popular Responses (Columbine)

Chair: Catharine Newbury (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hilli_------_ Papers: ...D...... Ghana: Responses to Short-Term and Long-Term Crises" Discussant: Marjorie Mbilinyi (University of Dar es Salaam)

Computers. Information and Power: Conflicts and Contradictions (Biltmore)

Chair: Suzanne Grant Lewis (Stanford) Papers: Suzanne Grant Lewis, "Computer Diffusion in Tanzania and the Rise of a Professional Class" uba, "Computer-Based Information Management for Planning: Problems and Prospects" Thomas Cassidy, Jr. (Harvard), "Prototyping as an Alternative to the 'Transfer' of Computer Technology " Discussant:

Art and Ideology in Africa (Terrace)

Chair: Arnold Rubin (UCLA) Papers: Christraud Geary (National Museum of African Art) "Art and Political Manipulation: Examples From the Cameroon Grassfields" Suzanne Preston Blier (Columbia). "Dahomeyan Art and the Development of a Divine Kingship" Edward A. Alpers (UCLA). "Representation and Historical Consciousness in the Art of Modern " Andrew Kaye (Columbia), "Methodology and Preliminary Analysis of a Ghanaian Contemporary Musician: Ko Nimo and His Circle" Discussant: James C. Faris (Univ. of Connecticut)

7 Comparative Analyses of National Level Politics (Assembly I)

Chair: Robert E. Washington (Bryn Mawr) Papers: Robert E. Washington, "A Comparative Theoretical Per­ spective on African Government Corruption" Assumpta Acam-Oturu (), "The Nation State Formation: a Critique of Nation State Building in Africa" Vernon D. Johnson (Western Washington University), "An Inquiry into the Causes of Revolution in Africa" Robert Patton, Jr. (University of Virginia), "The Transition to Liberal Democratic Rule in Africa" Discussant:

The Socio-Political Vision of Wol~ Soyinka (Spruce)

Chair: Jonathan Peters (Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County) Papers: Goodwin Uwah (College of Charleston), "The Socio-Political Vision in 'Play of the Giant'" Jonathan Peters (UMBC) , "The Socio Political Vision in Opera Wonyisi" Lemuel Johnson (Univ. of Michigan) "Give us Big Car Tomorrow: On the Road with the Underclass in Soyinka" Discussant: Chidi Ikonne ()

1-e~ Rights in Land and Property: Women's Rights, Men's !tights: Panel! (Capitol)

Chair: Jean Davison (Stanford) Papers: Jean Davison, "The Political Economy of Gender Relations to Land" Kristin Mann (Emory), "Women, Landed Property and the State in Nineteenth Century Lagos" Betty Potash (New School for Social Research), "Women's Land Rights in a Patrilineal System: The Luo of Kenya" - Obbo

ForeiID'l Policies of SADCC States (Silver)

Chair: Catherine V. Scott (Agnes Scott College) Papers: Michael Niemann, (GSIS, Univ. of Denver), "The Conditions for Economic Liberation in Southern Africa"

8 Catherine V. Scott, "Problems of and Prospects for Delinkage Foreign Policy in Africa: Lessons from Angola and Mozambique" Nsolo J. Mijere (Univ. of ), "The Southern African Development Coordination Conference: Unity of Dependent States" Bill Martin (Univ. of Illinois), "A Zero-Sum Game? The Historical Trajectory of Regionality and Regional Conflict in Southern Africa" Discussant: Eve Sandberg (Yale)

The Crisis in Resources for African Studies in the USA (Beverly) ­

Chair: David Wylie (Michigan State) Papers: Mark W.Delancey and Kenneth Menkhaus (Univ. of South Carolina), "The Teaching of African Politics in American and Canadian Universities and Colleges: Results of a National Survey" Waldemar Matias (Univ. of Alabama). itA Survey I of Offerings in Lusophone African Studies in American Colleges and Universities" Discussant:

Issues in Economic Development (Aspen)­

Chair: Abebayehu Tegene (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Abebayehu Tegene. "The Monetarist Explanation of Inflation: The Experience of Some African Countries" Fantu Cheru (The American University), "Structural Adjustment. the IMF and Tanzania" Clement K. Ampadu ( College), "The Problems and the Importance of Small Scale Businesses in " Michael Schafer (Rutgers), "Understanding the Political Requirements of Economic Restructuring: Zambia and Korea Mohamed Diakite (Bradley), "Eurafrican Partnership: a Reconceptualization of the Wealth of Nations" Discussant:

Relocation of Capital Cities in Africa (Birch)

Chair: Simeon Mesaki (Univ. of Minnesota) Papers: Simeon Mesaki, "Pitfalls of Building a New Capital City in Tanzania: Dodoma 1973-1987" August Nimtz (Univ. of Minnesota) and Simeon Mesaki. "The Politics of Capital City Relocation: Abuja (Nigeria) and Dodoma (Tanzania) Compared"

9 Military Conflict in Africa (Assembly III)

Chair: Baffour Agyeman-Duah (Bennett College) Papers: Baffour Agyeman-Duah, "Military Regimes and Inter­ State Conflicts in " Andrew M. Kirby and Michael D. Ward (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), "A Spatial Analysis of Conflict in Africa" Abdoulaye S.M. Saine (GSIS, University of Denver), "The Predictability of Internal/External Military Interventions in Africa: A Comparative Theoretical Analysis" Kenoye K. Eke (Bethune-Cookman College), "Conflict and Cooperation in Intra-African Relations: The Case of and Nigeria" Discussant: Vincent Khapoya (Oakland University)

The African Development Crisis: Looking for the ~ Out (Assembly II)

Chair: Lual A.Deng (African Development Bank) Papers: Kanny Diallo (African Development Bank), "Toward a Manageable Level of Foreign Debt in Africa" Lual A. Deng, "Which Way Africa?" El Fatah Shaa El Din (African Development Bank), "The Impact of Currency Devaluations on the African Industrial Sector" Dau Mou (Univ. of Jos), "The IMF Austerity Measures in Africa: Stabilizing or Destabilizing Factors?" Discussant: B.C. Muzorewa (African Development Bank)

!! Multidisciplinary Reactions to Ali Mazrui's "The Africans": The Past and the Present (CenturYY-- -­

Chair: Isaac Mowoe (Ohio State) Papers Robert Baum (Ohio State), "The Image of Traditional Religions in Mazrui's 'The Africans'" Richard Bjornson (Ohio State), "Relevance, Range, and Compatibility of the Literary Selections Suggested as Readings for 'The Africans'" Ivan R. Dihoff (Ohio State), "Linguistic Evidence of the Islamic Heritage in Hausa and Swahili" Josephat B. Kubayanda (Ohio State), "'The Africans': Its Epistemological Implications" Discussant: tba

10 ~;

Refugees in Africa: the Dynamics of Displacement and Repatriation (Gold)

Chair: Michael J. Schultheis (Jesuit Refugee Service) Papers: Barbara Harrell-Bond (Oxford), "Repatriation Policy and the Push-Pull Factor" John Kabeera (Makerere), "Education of Refugees and Their Expectations in Africa: A Case Study of Uganda" Michael J. Schultheis, "Refugees in Africa: The Dynamics of a Global Justice Issue" Carol Thompson (Univ. of Southern Calif.). "The Politics i Y of Destabilization and Refugee Generation in Southern I Africa" Discussant:

Labor Mobilization and Worker Resistance at Colonial Mining Centers (Colorado)

Chair: Enid Shildkrout (American Museum of Natural History) Papers: Raymond Dumett (Purdue), "Problems of Labor Recruitment and Control at the Gold Mines of Obuasi, Ghana" William Worger (Stanford) • "The Struggle over Black Migrancy at the Diamond Mines of Kimberly (South Africa)" David Northrup (Boston College), "From Forced Labor to Labor Force at the Gold Mines of Kilo-Moto (Northeastern Zaire)" Discussants: J.Gus Liebenow (Indiana University) Richard Roberts (Stanford)

Marking the Bicentennial: Visions and Revisions of Sierra Leone History (Cedar)

i Chair: Leo Spitzer (Dartmouth) I Participants: LaRay Denzer (Univ. of Ibadan) Allen Howard (Rutgers) David Skinner (Univ. of Santa Clara) Frances White (Hampshire College) Akintola J.G. Wyse (Fourah Bay College)

SPECIAL ADDRESS (11:30 - 12:30AM; Ballroom) Chair: George Shepherd Speaker: Basil Davidson, "Reflections on Thirty Years of Liberation Struggle"


The Cit:i in Africa (Beverly)

Chair: Josef Gugler (Univ. of Connecticut! Universitaet Bayreuth) Papers: Josef Gugler, "Women Stay on the Farm no More: Changing Patterns of Rural-Urban Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa" Jonathan Nwomonoh (California State University, Los Angeles), "Urban Development in West Africa" Fatima Alikhan (Osmania University), "Urban Issues and Problems in East Africa" Rexford A. Ahene (Lafayette College), "Urban Land Tenure and the Land Market: Paradigms of a New Era" Discussant:

Technolo~ in Af~ Development (Aspen)

Chair: Aaron L. Segal () Papers: Brenda Pratt (Long Beach State University), "Future Projections for Africa's Technological Advancement in a Rapidly Developing World Economy" Aaron L. Segal, "Science and Technology in Africa: The Search for Institutions" Donald Chanda (Univ. of Zambia), "Technology Transfer Policy in Zambia as Applied to the Parastatal Sector" Discussant:

Rural Developments (Spruce)

Chair: Susan Reynolds (Stanford) Papers: Jacqueline Vieceli (Indiana Univ.), "The Limits of the 'Economy of Affection' as an Explanation of Rural Underdevelopment: the Case of Swaziland" E. A. Laogun (Univ. of Ife), "The Role of Village-level Extension Workers Re-examined" Susan Reynolds, "Income Generation Leading to Self-Sufficiency, Improved Conditions and Social Change: A Case for Women in Development" David B. Belasco (GSI8, Univ. of Denver), "Adoption of Rural Community Water Systems: an Area Study in Three Villages in Murheafarzat Kafr al-Shaykh " Masao Yoshida (Institute of Developing Economies), "Traditional Irrigation Systems in East Africa and Their Adaptibility for Present Day Development"

12 ------~\

Francophone Regimes: Critical Analyses (Century)

Chair: Robert J, Mundt (Univ. of North Carolina) Papers: Robert J. Mundt, "Internal Criticism of the Ivoirian Political Regime" Tierno S. Bah (Univ. of Texas), "Language Policy and National Unity: the Guinean Experience" Roger Charlton (Glasgow College of Technology) and Roy May (Coventry Polytechnic), "Assessing the , Implications of the Mali- War" J Cynthia Froehlich (Univ. of WiS.), "Myth and Reality I of the Emancipation of Women in Guinea" Discussant: Thomas O'Toole (St. Cloud State)

External Political Influences in Africa (Biltmore)

Chair: F. Ugboaja Ohaegbulam (Univ. of S. Florida) Papers: F. Ugboaja Ohaegbulam, "u. S. Strategies of Con­ tainment of Communism in Africa from Truman to Reagan: an Assessment" Okbazghi Yohannes (University of Denver), "The United Nations and the Defunct Ethio-Eritrean Federation: A Retrospective Legal and Political Analysis" Kunirum Osia (Maryland Dept. of Education), "Continuity and Change in Afro-Arab Relations" Shawky Zeidan (UC, Berkeley), "Libyan Foreign Policy under Qadhaafi: The Primacy of Ideology" Discussant: Ibrahim Gambari (SAlS, Johns Hopkins!Ahmadu Bello Univ. )

Political Context and Ideology In African Literature (Assembly I)

Chair: Janice SpIeth (West Virginia University) ) Papers: Tommie L. Jackson (St. Cloud State), "The Other , in Works by Ayi Kwei Armah and Jean-Paul Sartre" Janice SpIeth, "The Political Context of Senghor's Elegies Majeures" Joseph McLaren (Mercy College), "Thematic Continuity and Relevance in the Writings of Ngugi wa Thiong'o" George Joseph (Hobart and William Smith Colleges), "The Unravelling of Epic: From Sundiata to L'Enfant Noir" Discussant: Tayo Olafioye (San Diego State) ~1 i

13 Roundtable: The State of Documentation and the Use and PreservatiOU-or-Reiources for African~manitieS Reiearch - Panel I (Colorado)­

Chair: Christraud Geary (Nat. Museum of African Art) Participants: Claude Ardouin (Mali), "Salvage Ethnography in Mali" Francis Deng (Woodrow Wilson Center), "Meaning of Preservation and Documentation in the African Context" Ekpo Eyo (Univ. of Maryland), "Concerns of the Archaeologist" Abe Obayemi (Director Gen. of Nigerian An­ tiquities Service), "Museum Situation in Nigeria" Phil Ravenhill (Nat. Museum of African Art), "Training of African Middle Level Museum Professionals" Doran Ross (UCLA Museum of Cultural History), "Aspects of Documentation and Data Management in American Museums"

The Struggle for Democratic Government in Africa (Grand Ballroom)

Chair: Bereket Selassie (Institute for Policy Studies) Papers: Crawford Young (Univ. of Wisconsin), "Democracy and the Imperative of Development" Irving Leonard Markovitz (Queens College), "Democracy and the Bureaucratic Imperative" Nzongola-Ntalaja (Howard), "Democracy and Socialism in Africa" Discussant:

Research on the Contemporary Conjuncture in South Africa (Columbine)

Chair: James Mittleman (Queens College, CUNY) Papers: Pallo Jordan (ANC, Lusaka), "The Politics of the Contemporary Conjuncture" Harold Wolpe (Essex Univ.), "The Struggle for Education" Laurence Harris ( ), "The Economics of the Contemporary Conjuncture" Norman Levy ( ). "Racism and the Distribution of Skills" Discussant: John Saul (York Univ.)

14 Roundtable: Teaching Third World Studies: Philosophy. Application, and Recent Research (Gold) Chair: James Matthews (US Transportation Command) Participants: Melvin Page (East Tennessee State Univ.) Jack Bermingham (Pacific Lutheran) Edwin Clausen (Pacific Lutheran) Bryant Shaw (U.S. Air Force Academy) David Killingray (U. of London) Discussant: Willard Kneip (Arizona State)

Food and Population Growth in Africa (Birch) Chair: Chukuemeka Aniagolu (Ohio State) Papers: Chukwuemeka Aniagolu Lisa Augrey Zak Nyongesa Dagem Dejene

Social, Historical and Political Change in Colonial ~ (Capitol) Chair: Carolyn Brown (City College of New York) Papers: Ben Naanen (Dalhousie). "The Rise and Fall of a Mercantile Petit Bourgeoisie in Nigeria, 1830-1930" Sidney Lemelle (Pomona College), "KUta Bantu: In­ digenous Industry and Social Change in Colonial Tanganyika" Allen Green (Univ. of Pennsylvania), "Urban Development and Social Problems: A Case Study of Moshi Town" Ahmad Sikainga (North Carolina A &T), "Ethnicityand Cultural Idenity in Colonial Africa: the Case of Western Bahr al-Ghazal Under the British Administration, 1920-1946" Carolyn Brown (Cith College of New York), "Labor vs. Capital in a Colonial State Industry: The Enugu Government Colliery in the Great Depression, 1929-35"

Mau Mau (Assembly III) Chair: John Lonsdale (Trinity College. Cambridge) Papers: Bruce Bt:fi-man (Queen I s University, Canada). "Explaining Mau Mau: Methods and Models" John Lonsdale. "Community and Class: Kikuyu Political Thought and the Ideologies of Mau Mau" ." David Throup (Univ. of Virginia), "Counter-Insurgency and Agrarian Reform"

15 Roundtable: Partnership in Curriculum Development: Pre-Collegiate and University Fulbright Group Project Program (Cedar)

Co-Chairs: Akbarali Thobani (Metropolitan State College) Pam Newman (Adams County School District) Participants: Craig Wilke (Arvada High School) Beverly Ausfahl (Pitts Middle School) Shaun Armour (Northglenn High School)

Recent Research on African and African-American Art and Artists - Panel I (Denve;r- ­

Chair: Philip M. Peek (Drew) Papers: Freid H. Tesfagiorgis (Univ. of Wisconsin), "Bog­ hossian: Icons, Images, and Ideology" Reinhild K. Janzen (Kauffman Museum), "The Use of Writing in the Work of Contemporary South African Artists" Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje (UCLA), "A Comparison of African and African-American Fiddle Music" Carlyn Saltman, (Saltman Productions), "The Blooms of Banjeli: Technology and Gender in African Iron Making" James Wolff (Univ. of Colorado, Denver), "Americanizing Africa: Osa and Martin Johnson's Contributions" Discussant: Lisa Aronson (Skidmore)

~ Multidisciplinary Reaction to Ali Mazrui's 'The Africans' ­ The Present and the Future (Silver) -- --­

Chair: Richard Bjornson (Ohio State) Papers: Zachary Kano (Ohio State). "The Role of the Military in National Development" Isaac Mowoe (Ohio State). "Western Forms and African Realities" Okey Onyejekwe (Ohio State), "Mazrui's Analysis of Political Instability in Africa" Robert Baum (Ohio State). "Traditional Values in Contemporary Africa"

Power, Gender, and Art: Male and Female Imagery in Africa and the Diaspora =Panel ! (Terrace)

Chair: M. S. Omari (California State) Papers: Diedre Badejo (Univ. of Rhode Island). "Concepts of Gender and Power in Oral Literature of the Yoruba Goddess Oshun"

16 Warren D'Azevedo (Univ. of Nevada, Reno). "Gola Womanhood and the Limits of Masculine Omnipotence" Marilyn Houlberg (Art Institute of Chicago). "From Cash Madames to Macho Tricksters: Aspects of Gender in Yoruba Art and Religion in Africa and the New World" Delores Yonker (California State Univ. Northridge). "Three Faces of Erzulie: Women in Haitian Voodoo" Discussants: Robin Poynor (Univ. of Florida) Sylvia Williams (National Museum of African Art)


The Liberation Struggle in Africa: Past, Present and Futures (Grand Ballroom)

Chair: Vincent Harding (Iliff School of Theology) Papers: George Houser ( ), tba John Saul (York Univ.), "The African National Congress of South Africa Within the Broader Resistance Movement: Past. Present and Future" St. Clair Drake ( ). tba

Power, Gender, and Art: Male and Female Imagery in Africa and the Diaspora - Panel II (Terrace)

Chair: M.S. Omari (California State) Papers: Anita Glaze (Univ. of Illinois), "Senufo Woman Power: Myth and Reality" Monni Adams (Harvard, Peabody Museum), "Power, Gender, and Art Among the We (Guere) of Canton Boo" D. Francine Farr (Brooklyn Museum), "Sande Power: A Re-Examination of Mende Power, Gender and Art" Sidney Kasfir (Dartmouth), "Ideologies of Power in Lopop (Samburu) Body Art" Discussants: Sylvia Boone (Yale) Henry Drewal (Cleveland State)

~ Privatization and the Development Process in Africa r'(Biltmore) Chair: Bernard I. Logan (Old Dominion) I Papers: Bernard 1. Logan, "Privatization and the Development Process: A New Name for an Old Failure" Kidane Mengisteab (Old Dominion), "Privatization and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: The Cases of Sudan and ~ "

17 David Fashole-Luke (Dalhousie University), "Privatiza­ tion and Market Forces: What are the Options for Africa?" Berhanu Mengistu (Old Dominion) and Yacob Haile-Mari~i (Norfolk State). "Privatization: The New Orthodoxy for ' Improving the Performance of State-Owned Enterpri , Cyril Dadeleieh (Colby College) t Ii Roundtable: the State of Documentation and the Use and Preservation of Resources-for AfriCan Humanities Research Humanities - Panel II (Colorado)

Chair: Christraud Geary (Nat. Museum of African Art) Participants: David Coplan (SUNY, Old Westbury) , "Audio Materials, Neglected Sources for Research Like 78 rpm Records" David Henige (Univ. of Wisconsin), "Access to Materials in the Private Domain" Adam Jones (Univ. of Frankfurt), "Historical Archives in Africa, Europe (in particular, East Germany)" Judith Luskey (Nat. Museum of African Art), "Neglected Sources for Research: Photographs" Janet Stanley (Smithsonian Libraries), "Library Network. Book Famine" Paul Nkwi (MESRES). "Scholars Responsibiity towards Their Host Country"

Trends in Indian Ocean Research (Capitol) -----­

Chair: Larry W. Bowman (U. of Connecticut) Papers: Donald Sparks (The Citadel), "The Seychelles, , Maldives. and Comoros: Problems and Prospects for Small Island Economies" Larry W. Bowman. "Economic Development in Mauritius Since Independence" Richard Allen (), "The Indian Population of Mauritius: Questions and Problems in Contemporary Research" Discussant:

Women in Pre-Colonial African History: A Roundtable Discussion on ... ~hOds and Sources (Gold) ­

Chair: Lidwien Kapteijns (Wellesley College) and Iris Berger (SUNY) Papers: Lidwien Kapteijns Iris Berger Amina Mahamoud Warsame (Somali National Univ.) Marcia Wright (Columbia)

18 U.S. Foreign Policy Toward the Frontline States: Comparative Cases (Columbine)

Chair: James J. Zaffiro (Central College) Papers: Whitney W. Schneidman ( ), "American Foreign Policy and the Liberation Movements of Southern Africa" 1. William Zartman (Johns Hopkins). "U. S. Policy and Negotiations in South Africa" Mohamed EI-Khawas (Univ. of the District of Columbia), "The U.S. and Angola: Politics of Intervention" Larry Swatuk, David Black and Joshua Mugyenyi (Dalhousie), "Contradictions in U.S. Foreign Policy in the Semi-Periphery: SADCC and South Africa" Cyrus Reed (Simpson College), "The U.S. and Zimbabwe: End of an Era?" Discussant:

Form and Shape in African Literature (Century)

Chair: Kenneth Harrow (Michigan State) Papers: Kenneth Harrow (Michigan State). "Birago Drop and the First Stage of African Literature" Sandra Barkan (Univ. of Iowa), "African Autobiographies: The Forms They Take" Anne Moreau (Northwestern), "Various Approaches Towards a People's Literature" Ali Jimale Ahmed (UCLA), "Somali Orature and its Written Prose Fiction" Richard Lepine (Northwestern), "Is There an Hispanophone African Literature?" Discussant: Louis Tremaine (Univ. of Richmond)

Problems of Policy Implementation in African States (Spruce)

Chair: Otwin Marenin (U. of Alaska-Fairbanks) Papers: Otwin Marenin, "Problems of Implementing Deployment Policy in the National Youth Service Corps of Nigeria" James R. Scarritt (U. of Colorado), "A Comparison of the Degree of Change in Policy Formulation and Policy Implementation in Zambia, 1973-1985" John F. Else (Iowa), "The Experience of Non­ Governmental (NOOs) in Small-scale Enterprise Development in Zimbabwe" Bonnie J.Ram (Federation of American Scientists), "Industrial Development and Energy Conservation in Zimbabwe" Discussant:

19 Perspectives on Cameroonian Independence (Cedar)

Chair: Victor T. Le Vine (Washington Univ.) Papers: Eugenia Shanklin (Trenton State College), "Anlu Remembered" J. Achilles Mbembe (Univ. of Wisconsin), !fA Ghost Returns" December Green (Univ. of South Carolina), "Colonial Cooperation in Health Policy: British and French Efforts in the "

African Education: Colonial, Missionary and Islamic (Beverly)

Chair: Alan H. Winquist (Taylor University) Papers: Richard W. Hull (NYU), "American Philanthropy and Educational Underdevelopment in Southern Africa, 1902-1955" Charles Weber (Wheaton College), "Mission Education in Colonial Transition: West Cameroon Under German and British Rule" David E. Gardinier (Marquette), "A Reformist Muslim Challenge to French Educational Policy in Chad, 1945-1956" Discussant: Alan H. Winquist

Human Rights in Africa (Assembly I)

Chair: Corinne Nyquist (SUNY) Papers: Corinne Nyquist, "African Human Rights Documentation Issues" Claude E. Welch, Jr. (SUNY, Buffalo), "Political and Research Issues for Human Rights in Africa" Laurie Wiseberg (Human Rights Internet), "Human Rights Organizations in Africa" Thomas E. Nyquist (SUNY Research Foundation). "South Africa: a Human Rights Documentation Problem" Discussant:

South African Sanctions-Breaking in Southern Africa (Assembly III)

Chair: Alan R. Booth (Ohio University) Papers: Jack Parson (College of Charleston), "" James Cobbe (Florida State), "" Alan Booth, "Swaziland" Sheridan Johns (Duke), "South Africa's Buffer States in Southern Africa" Discussant: John Daniel (Zed Press)

20 Perspectives in Development (Aspen)

Chair: Cornelius Pratt and Jarol B. Manheim (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.) Papers: Cornelius Pratt and Jarol B. Manheim, "Communication Research and Development Policy: Agenda Dynamics in an African Setting" Daniel Teferra (Ferris State), "Induced and Autono­ mous Development Models" Renosi Mokate and Berhame Mengistu (Lincoln Univ.), "The Spatial Context of Development: A Synthesis and a Perspective" Discussant: Sulayman Nyang (Howard)

SPECIAL ACLS/SSRC REVIEW PANEL I (5:30 - 7PM: Grand Ballroom) Chair: Paper: Paula Ben-Amos (Indiana University), "Social Science Approaches to African Art"


Management of Parastatals in Eastern Africa (Spruce)

Chair: Goran Hyden (Univ. of Florida) Papers: David K. Leonard (UC,Berkeley), "The Secrets of African Managerial Success" Barbara Grosh (UC, Berkeley), "Economic Performance of Kenyan Parastatals: Lessons from the First Two Decades of Independence" Rwekaza Mukandala (UC, Berkeley), "The Nurture of Power and the Torture of Parastatals in Tanzania and Botswana" Discussant: John Nellis (World Bank)

Exploring the Lands of Do (Denver) Chair: Patrick R. McNaughton (Indiana Univ.) Papers: Charles S. Bird (Indiana Univ.), "Reflections of the Etymologies of Do" Kathryn L. Green (Univ. of Fla.), "Do Among the Mandekan-speakers of Kong. " Christopher D. Roy (Univ. of Iowa), "Do in Wood and Leaves Among the Bobo and the Bwa"

21 Monica Bladanun Visona ( ). "Manifestations of Do in the Southern Ivory Coast" Philip L. Ravenhill (Nat. Museum of African Art), "The Do Masquerade of the Wan" Discussant: Martha Kendall (Indiana Univ.)

Shrine Configurations in the Study of African Art (Terrace)

Chair: Christine Mullen Kreamer (Washington, D.C.) Papers: Christine Mullen Kreamer, "Spheres of Protection: Shrines of the Moba, Northern " Pamela A.R. Blakely (Brigham Young), "Shrines and Semi-Secret Societies in the Hemba World (Zaire)" Dennis M. Warren (Iowa State), "The Agbeni Shrine: A Century of Continuity" Robert T. Soppelsa (Washburn Univ.). "An Ashante Shrine Figure" Discussant: Thomas D. Blakely (Brigham Young)

Problems in Interpreti~ Oral Southern African Sources for Historical Research (Bi1tm~--

Chair: Leonard Leslie Bessant (Ripon College) Papers: Julie Croston (Boston Univ.), "Crocodile, Snatch Away the Boer Child's Hat: Setswana Praise-Poems as a Historical Source Leonard Leslie Bessant, "History of Peasants and History by Peasants in Zimbabwe" Hope D. Woodward (Univ. of Texas), "The Image of Contract Laborer in Lusophone African Poetry" Discussants: Jeanne Penvenne (Boston Univ.) Elvis Muringai (!Univ. of Minnesota)

The Powers of Religion (Beverly)­

Chair: Adell Patton (UCLA) Papers: Susan J. Rasmussen (Indiana Univ.), "The Use and Abuse of 'Natural' Symbols: Jewelry, Men and Gender Typifications in Tuareg Ritual and Cosmology" F. K. Ekechi (Kent State), "Westen Medicine and Christian Conversion in Africa: Examples From Nigeria, 1857-1945" Paul Goldsmith (Univ. of Florida), "Shi'a versus Bid'a: Internal Dimensions of Islamic Patronage in East Africa" Discussant: Janet Ewald (Duke)

22 National Interest in the Regional Conflicts in Africa (Gold)

Chair: Luis Benjamin Serapiao (Howard) Papers: Ahmed El-Bashir (Univ. of the District of Columbia), "Sudanese Foreign Policy in the Regional Conflict of the Horn of Africa" Thomas P. Ofcansky (Maxwell AFB), "Causes of Low Intensity Conflicts in Southern Africa" Joseph Massaquoi (Howard), "Constratins in the Chadian Foreign Policy Formation" Discussant: Luis Benjamin Serapiao

Topics in Ghanaian History (Century) Chair: David H. Groff (Linfield College) Papers: David H. Groff, "The 'Revolt' of Assikasso of 1898: An Episode in the Colonial Restructuration of an African Regional Economy" Larry W. Yarak (Texas A. &M.), "Asante Bureaucracy Reconsidered: the Career of Debosohene Kwadwo Akyampon (ca. 1765 to 1832)" Roger Gocking (Mercy College). "Creole Society in Ghana: Useful Concept or Historical Distortion?" Patricia Durousseau (UCLA). "Zaberma Leadership in the Voltaic Region" Discussant: Ray Kea (Carleton College)

Legal Rights in Land and Property: Women's Rights, Men's Rights: Panel II (Assembly III)

Chair: Jean Davison (Stanford) Papers: Athalia Molokomme (Univ. of Botswana) Deborah Brautigam (Columbia), "Land Rights and Chinese Project Aid in West Africa: Conflict and Confsion" - Bernal - Jean Davison

Nonalignment and Security in Southern Af~ica (Columbine)

Chair: Solomon M. Nkiwane (Colorado College/Univ. of Zimbabwe) Papers: Horace Campbell (Univ. of Dar es Salaam), "Liberation and Transformation in Southern Africa" Jeffrey Herbst (Yale/Univ. of Zimbabwe). "The Present Unrest and Prospects for Revolution in South Africa" Mtshana Ncube (United Nations Institute for Namibia, Lusaka). n?" Discussant: Fadzai Gwaradzimba (John Hopkins)

23 The Local Origins of Nationalism (Capitol)

Chair: R.O. Collins (Balliol College, Oxford) Papers: Anthony Kirk-Greene (St. Anthony's, Oxford) "Nationalism in the Sudan: The View From the DC's Veranda?" Dennis Hickey (Michigan State), "The 'Western Galla Confederation' of 1936: An Early Expression of Modern Oromo Nationalism?" Brian S. Hoyle (Univ. of Southampton), "The Synthetic Eye: Geographical Research and Political Change in East Africa, 1905-1946" Discussant: Ahmad al-Alawad Sikaniga (North Carolina A &T)

Agricultural Trading Policies: Case Studie~ (Assembly I)

Chair Christohper H. Goldman (Randolph-Macon Women's College) Papers: Christopher H. Goldman, "Reducing Dependence on South Africa: The Case of Lesotho's Produce Marketing Corporation" Carl C. Mabbs-Zeno (U.S. Department of Agriculture), "Nigerian Policies Affecting Agricultural Trade" George R. Gardner (U.S. Department of Agriculture), "World Market Implications of Egypt's Cotton Export-Import Policy Changes" Lawrence Donnelly and Richard Mschomba (Univ. of Delaware), "The Smuggling of Coffee: the Case of Kenya and Tanzania" Discussant:

Media Professionalism in Africa and Asia (Aspen) Chair: Louise Bourgault (Northern Michigan Univ.) Papers: Louise Bourgault, "Media Professionalism in the African Context: Some Psycho-Cultural Considerations" John Lent (Third World Consultants), "Professionalism and Ethics in Asian Print Media" James F. Scotton (Marquette), "Professional Training for the African Media - Alternative Models" Discussant: Kwame Boafo (Michigan State Univ./Univ. of Ghana)

Aspect£ of Crime and Punishment in Pre-Colonial Ghana (Cedar) Chair: Joseph K. Adjaye (Univ. of Wisconsin) Papers: Joseph K. Adj aye , "Crime and Punishment in Nineteenth Century Akan Society"

24 Liberia and the United States (Biltmore) ­

Chair: D. Elwood Dunn (Univ. of the South) Papers: D. Elwood Dunn, "Context for Re-assessing the Relationship" C.E. Zamba Liberty (Marquette Univ. "Re-interpreting the History of Liberian - U.S. Relations" Patrick L.N. Seyon (Harvard), "Liberia and the U.S. in the Post-War Era" Kona Khasu (Boston Univ.) "Cultural Encounters in Liberian - U.S. Relations" Discussants: Amos Sawyer (Indiana Univ.) J. Gus Liebenow (Indiana Univ.)

Roundtable: State and §<:>ciety in Africa: Modes and !!ej;~ds of t\nalysis :. ~ew LS~_l!es (Assembly I)

Chair: Timothy M. Shaw (Dalhousie Univ.) Participants: I\athy -staudt- (Texas) '--~'L______~-~~ --Naomi Chazan (Hebrew), "Informal Economy and Political Prru;:.ess!'-. ..~---. Michael Glantz (NCAR), "Environment" S.K.B. Asante (UNIN, Lusaka), "Regionalism" Nelson Kasfir (Dartmouth), "Peasantry" Cadman Atta Mills (EDI, Washington), "Reform" Tom Callaghy (Columbia), "Debt" Discussant: Joel Samoff (Stanford)

The Paradox of Women's Liberation in African Literature (Colorado)

Chair: Arlene A. Elder (Univ. of Cincinnati) Papers Mildred A. Hill-Lubin (Univ. of Florida). "Women in the Novels of Bessie Head: Do They Really Wish to Be Liberated" Shirley M. Jordan (Univ. of Cincinnati), "The Politics of African and African-American Women Publishers: Buchi Emecheta, Flora Nwapa, and Naomi Long Maggett" Arlene A. Elder, "De-sexizing the Mind: the Paradox of Women's Political and Personal Liberation in the Novels of Ngugi wa Thiong'o" Carole Boyce Davies (SUNY, Binghampton), "Wrapping Oneself in Mother's Akatado Cloth: Mother! Daughter Relationships in African Women's Writing" Discussant: Johnetta Richards (UC, Fresno)

41 Teaching THE AFRICANS: the Effects of the Controversy (Silver) Chair: Ali Mazrui (Michigan State/Univ. of Jos) Participants: tba

Mansaya: Political Authority in the Mande World (Cedar)

Chair: Lansine Kaba (Univ. of Illinois-Chicago) Papers: Jean-Loup Amselle (Centre d'Etudes Africaines, Paris), tiLe Kafo du Jitumu" Kathryn L. Green (Univ. of Florida), "Mansaya and the Role of the Jeliw in Southern Sudanic States" Lansine Kaba, "Mansaya in 19th Century Kankan - Bate, Guinea" Discussant:

Political Thought and Poli_tical Practice (Capitol)

Chair: Carlene J. Edie (Northwestern) Papers: Carlene J. Edie, "The Impact of Elites on Political Thought in Africa: From C.L.R. James to " David L. Blaney (aSIS, Univ. of Denver), "The Misplacement of the Individual in Marxian Discourse on African Socialism: the Case of Tanzanian Ujamaa" E. Wamba-dia-Wamba (Univ. of Dar es Salaam), "Philosophy and African Intellectuals" Chang Xiang (Nankai Univ.), "On Several Problems of Kwame Nkruma's Political Theory - An

Discussant: Dr. Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo (Vassar College)

Issues in the Transition to Socialism (Spruce) ­

Chair: Roy Pateman (Princeton) Papers: Roy Pateman. "Peasants and State Farms: Problems in the Transition to Socialism in Africa and Latin America" Salim Busolo Wanambisi (Univ. of Dar es Salaam), "The Crisis of Socialist Transformation in Africa - the Case of Mozambique" Kidane Mengisteab (Old Dominion Univ.). "Crisis of Social Change: A Critical Appraisal of the Ethiopian Land Reform" Ed Ferguson (Oregon State Univ.), "Socialist-oriented States in Africa: the Problematic in Soviet Scholarship" Discussant: Dawit Wolde Giorgis (Princeton)

42 Regional Perspectives on Southern African Political Change (Birch)

Chair: Aguibou Yansane (San Francisco State)

The International Environment of Zaire's Economic Crisis (Assembly III)

Chair: Nzongo1a-Ntalaja (Howard) Papers: Makidi-ku-Ntima (Atlanta Univ.). "USAID and Economic Assistance to Zaire" Elise Pachter (The World Bank). "U.S. Relations with Zaire. 1970-1983" Wa Bilenga Tshishimbi (Cornell). "The IMF and Zaire" Jean-Claude Williams (CEDAF, Brussels). "Multinational Capital and Zaire: Technology Transfer and Pillage Imperialism" Discussant: Jacques Depe1chin (Eduardo Mond1ane Univ.)

Built Form. Space and Social Relationships :. Panel! (Aspen)

Chair: Mary Jo Arnoldi (Smithsonian Institution) Papers: Susan Kent (Old Dominion). "Bakga1agadi Compund Spatial Patterning: A View of Sedentary Kalahari Domestic Space" John Bower (Iowa State), "Social Considerations in Habitation 'Design': A Comparative Study of Forest-Savanna Settlements in Africa and South America" Norma Wolff (Iowa State). itA Comparison of SOCio­ Cultural and Physical Factors Used to Determine Production Areas for Weaving in Hausa and Yoruba Society" Discussant: Risa E110vitch (North Caroline State)

African peramic Arts: History and Identity in Clay:. Panel! (Terrace)

Chair: Maria C. Berns (Univ. of Minnesota) Papers: Eugene C. Burt ( ). "The Four Styles of Ba1uyia Pottery and the Origins of the Ba1uyia" Carol Spindel (Univ. of Illinois), "Farmers Who Fire: the Women Potters of the Nafara Senufo" Andrea Nicolls (NMAA), "A Matter of Choice: Selection Processes in the Service of Art, Specifically Pottery Making" Jacqueline Chanda. "Ceramics in Zambia: A Mode of Establishing Roles and Values" Discussant:

43 Islam and the Colonial State in Africa (Beverly) ­

Chair: David Robinson (Michigan State) Papers: Allan Christelow (Idaho State), "Orientalists in Africa: Algeria and Northern Nigeria" David Robinson, "Islam and the French Colonial State in Senegal" Jay Spaulding (Kean College/Michigan State "The Conquering Horde: Colonial Conceptions of the Arab Sudan" Neil McHugh (Fort Lewis College), "The Islamic Historiography of the Nilotic Sudan" Discussant: Charles Stewart (Univ. of Illinois)

Sanctions Against South Africa: Implications, Impact and Consequences (Columbine)

Chair: George Shepherd (GSIS, Univ. of Denver) Papers: Sanford Wright (Indiana State Univ.), "The Case for Comprehensive Universal Sanctions" Haider Khan (GSIS, Univ. of Denver), "Measuring the Effects and Consequences of Trade Sanctions on South Africa" George Shepherd, "The Role of Zimbawe and Frontline States' Sanctions" Discussant: Pallo Jordan (ANC, Lusaka)


African Ceramic Arts: History anq Identity in Clay - Panel II (Terrace)

Chair: Marla C. Berns (Univ. of Minnesota) Papers: Enid Schildkrout (American Museum of Natural History), Curtis Keim (Moravian College), and Jill Hellman (American Museum of Natural History), "Pottery from Northeastern Zaire: Forms and Variations in Historical Perspective" Roderick J. McIntosh (Rice), "Ancient Terracottas Before the Symplegades Gateway" Marla C. Berns, "Ceramic Clues: Art and Historical Re­ construction in Northeastern Nigeria" Discussant: Philip L. Ravenhill (National Museum of African Art)

44 Gender and Performance in West Africa (Denver-)­

Chair: Cynthia E. Schmidt (Wesleyan University) Papers: Roderic C. Knight (Oberlin College), "Women as Musicians and Patrons of Music in Mande Society" Cynthia E. Schmidt, "Gender, Power and Constraints in Liberian Popular Music" Ru th Stone (Indiana Uni v • ), "Gender, Time and Performance in the Woi Epic among the Kpelle of Liberia" Barbara L. Hampton (CUNY, Hunter College), "Sing and Shame: Ga Women's Adaawe" Margaret Drewal (NYU) ,"Representations of Gender in Yoruba Dance" Discussant:

The Changing Interpretations of the African Revolution (Biltmore)

Chair: Atieno Odhuambo (Univ. of Nairobi) Papers: D. A. Masolo (Univ. of Nairobi), "The Philosophical Context of the African Revolution" Atieno Odhuambo, "Nationalism and the African Revolution" Norma Kriger (Johns Hopkins), "Changing Interpretations of National Liberation in Africa" Gilbert Khadiagala (SAIS, Johns Hopkins), "Changing Regional and International Dimensions of African Liberation" Discussant:

The Economic Role of Women in Pre-Colonial and Colonial Africa (Columbine)

Chair: Elizabeth Eldredge (Univ. of Pittsburgh) Papers: Janet J. Ewald (Duke), "African Women at Work: The Value of African History in Reconstructing Histories of Gender Relations" Phyllis Boanes (West Virginia Univ.), "Changing Roles of Rural Asante Women" Elizabeth Eldredge, "The Role of Women in Agricultural and Household Production in Nineteenth-Century Lesotho" Keletso Atkins (Univ. of Minnesota), "Pumpkins and Mealies, Milkboys and Swineherds: Victualling European Settlements in Pre-Colonial and Colonial Natal" Discussants: Joyce Kirk (Ohio State) Environment and Ecology in the Mande Culture Zone (Capitol ) -­

Chair: George E. Brooks (Indiana Univ.) Papers: Charles S. Bird (Indiana Univ.). "Etymology and History: The Mande in West Africa" George E. Brooks, "Perspectives on Mande Settlement Patterns from the Atlantic Wet Phase (c. 5500-2500 B.C.) to the Present" Adria LaViolette (Washington Univ.), "Effects of the Sahel Drought on Craft Populations in Jenne and its Supporting Regions" Thomas J. Bassett (Univ. of Illinois), "Dyula Farmers in Senufoland. Cote d'Ivoire" Discussant: Nehemia Levtzion (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)

The Africlll! Tricks~ Transformations Across Time, Space and Media (Assembly I)

Chair: Ralph A. Austen (Univ. of Chicago) Papers: Donald Cosentino (UCLA), "Transformations of Eshu in Old and New World Mythology" Marilyn Houlberg (School of the Art Inst., Chicago). "From Nigeria to L.A.: the Transformation of Eshu in Art and Ritual" Karen Keim (Moravian College), "The Transformation of the Trickster in Cameroonian Literature" Ralph A. Austen (Univ. of Chicago). "African Trickster Tales as Indigenous Social and Historical Commentary" Discussant: Jan Vans ina (Univ. of Wisconsin)

Historical Records and Document~ ~ Women (Century)

Chair: Kathleen E. Sheldon (UCLA) Papers: Margaret Strobel (Univ. of Illinois). "Issues in Preparing Life Histories for Publication" Frances White (Hampshire College), "Letters from Literate Creole Women in Sierra Leone" Sharifa M. Zawawi (City College, CUNY). "Cloth and the Message in East Africa" Discussant: Susan Geiger (Univ. of Minnesota)

Royal Liv~e~ (Cedar)

Chair: John K. Thornton (Millersville Univ.) Papers: John K. Thornton, "Gender and Political Power in Seventeenth Century Central Africa: The Case of Queen Njinga"

46 \

Rudolph Blier (Iona College). "Danhome' s King Adandozan: Socio-Political Factors in the Labeling of a Deviant King" Daphna Golan (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem). "Construction and Reconstruction of Zulu History: The Image of King Shaka" Discussant:

Eritrea: 26 Years of ~ Struggle for Independence (Gold)

Chair: Araia Tseggai (Grambling State Univ.) Papers: Araia Tseggai, "Inside : Dynamics of Socio­ Changes under the EPLF" Asmeron Legesse (Swarthmore), "War and Drought and the Eritrean Scene: An Impact Assessment" Bertie Habteghiorgis {Grambling State Univ.}, "Ethio-Eritrea Conflict: Prospects for Peaceful Resolution under the Framerwork of the Present Ethiopian Military Regime" Ruth Iyob (Washington Univ.), "Arts and Literature in the Eritrean Revolution" Discussant:

Built Form, Space !!TId Social !1elationships - Panel II {Aspen}

Chair: Mary Jo Arnoldi (Smithsonian Institution) Papers: Ron Engard (Smithsonian Institution), "'A House Has Four Walls': Space, Movement. Built Form and Polity in an African Kingdom" Labelle Prussin (CUNY, City College), "Placemaking, Building Technology and the Spatial Order in the Nomadic Context" Deborah Pellow (Syracuse), "African Renewal: Continuity in Change" Discussant Risa Ellovitch (North Carolina State)

South Afri~ Qhanges (Beverly)

Chair: Robert Edgar (Howard) Papers: Robert Edgar, "A. P. Mda: The Making of an African Nationalist" David Hirschmann (American Univ.), "Of Reagan, Race and Revolution: Black South African Perspectives on the United States" Ronald R. Atkinson (South Carolina), "Economic Growth and Political Reform in South Africa: the Historical Record" Stephen M. Davis ( ), "Umkhonto we Sizwe: Tactics of Rebellion"

47 Development Issues in Kenya: Policies and Politics (Spruce)

Chair: Carla W. Heath (Randolph-Macon Women's College) Papers: Carla W. Heath, "Broadcasting Policy and Kenyan Politics" Waithira Gikonyo (Univ. of Nairobi), "Feminism, Mass Media and Development" Chang Hwan Kim (St. Anthony's, Oxford), "Local Politics and Economic Success in Kenya: the Case of Murang' a" Maria Nzomo (Univ. of Nairobi), "The Impact of Foreign Aid on Women's Projects in Kenya" Discussant: Noah Midamba (GSIS, Univ. of Denver)

Towards A Continental African Federal Government (Assembly III) ­

Chair: James Scarritt (Univ. of Colorado) Papers: Charles Boateng (Metropolitan State College), "The Political, Social and Economic Benefits of a Continental African Federal Government" Mario J. Azevedo (Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte). "Obstacles Militating Against the Creation of a Continental African Federal Government. and Solutions" Afrikadata Deku (GSIS. Univ. of Denver). "How to Create a Continental African Federal Government by the Year 1999"

The Commercialization of Livestock: Cha11en~ to both - Pastoralists and the State (Colorado) ------.

Chair: John A. Distefano (Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County) Papers: Abdi Samatar (Univ. of Iowa), "Livestock Marketing in Somalia" Charles Geshekter (San Jose State), "Australian Live Sheep Livestock Exports to the Middle East: High Tech Competition with Northeat African Pastora1ist Economies" Hilarie Kelly (UCLA), "Economic Diversification in Eastern Kenya: Pastoral Challenge and Response"

Canadian Foreign Policies Towards SADDq §tates: !mp1ication~ for US Regional Foreign Policy (Silver)

Chair: Larry Swatuk (Dalhousie Univ.) Papers: David Black (Dalhousie Univ). tba Joshua Mugyenyi (Dalhousie Univ.). tba

48 THE HOTEL ON THE MALL (i Radisson Hotel Denver


The following arrival/departure guide reflects all modes of transportation to the hotel:

BUS (RTD) Phone: 778-6000 Fare: 754! Peak Times (6:00 AM - 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM), 504! all other times. Discounts offered for senior citizens (l0¢ off peak). Children, 5 and under - free. Note: Exact change required. All buses depart from Airport Door 6. Routes: Route A - Coach bus; luggage compartment (driver stores luggage); departs every 1/2 hour (20 minute ride); destination: Market St. Station; connect with free 16th Street Mall Shuttle. Routes 28, 32, 38 depart every 1/2 hour for a 30 minute drive.

LIMOUSINES (20 minute ride) American Limo Phone: 369-5608 Fare: $5.00 per person Downtown: (Except Warwick Hotel); departs from Airport Door 1 every 15 minutes from 7:15 AM - 6:30 PM, 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM every 30 minutes.

Colorado Ground Transportation­ Phone: 388-5669 Fare: $6.00 per person Downtown: Departs from Airport Door 6 every 15 minutes, from 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM.

The Transporters­ Phone: 398-2177 Fare: $5.00 per person Downtown: Departs from Airport Door 7 every 15 minutes until 6:00 PM, every 30 minutes from 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM.

TAXI (Depart to Downtown from Airport Doors 5, 6, 8) Yellow Cab Zone Cab Metro Cab Ph: 777-777 Ph: 861-2323 Ph: 333-3333 Fare: $10, add 40¢/person Fare: $10, no ex. chrg./person Fare: $10, add 40¢/person

Once you've arrived in downtown Denver, getting around is easy! 16th Street Mall Shuttle Ph: 778-6000. This Cree shuttle travels the 16th Street Mall from Broadway to Market Street and stops at each block. Buses run approximately every 70 seconds during peak periods and operate from 6:00 AM - 1:00 AM. The free shuttle is an excellent wayt to explore Downtown Denver at your leisure. RTD - Ph: 778-6000. Regional Transportation District (RTD) provides bus service in Metro Denver. Fares range from 504! to $2.50. Schedules and routes are available at the Civic Center Plaza and the Market Street Station. Carriage Rides - Just for the fun of it. Elegant horse-drawn carriage rides every evening, weather permitting, originating from Larimer Square, 1400 Block of Larimer. Denver Carriage - Ph: 798-4102 Taxicabs - Yellow Cab - 777-7777, Zone Cab - 861-2323, Metro Cab - 333-3333. A taxI can be arranged by our bell staff located in the lobby level. PARKING INFORMATION

All Right Parking operates an underground parking facility accessible to our hotel. There are two convenient entrances - on 15th Street and Cleveland Street, and an entrance to the hotel from the garage level (3B). The parking rates are:

$4.00 - All Day $5.25 - All Day/Overnight $1.25 - Evening $1.25 - Weekend Day Rate $1.00 - Per Half-Hour

A special parking rate of $5.00 per day with in and out privileges has been established for all guests staying at the hotel. Please see the Assistant Manager or front desk personnel to set up arrangements.

THE HOTEL ON THE MALL ., Radisson Hotel Denver

An Ash AssoCIi':'ltes, Inc 'Tidnaged hotel 19

Wisconsin African Studies News & Notes. Issue No. 29, May 1987. African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1454 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706.


compiled by Joseph J. Lauer (UCLA)

The theses listed below were reported in Dissertation Abstracts International, vol. 47. nos. 10-12. parts A & B. The titles are arranged according to the broad subject categories used by DAt In cases where the dissertation titles does not mention a country. the name is added in brackets. Each citation ends with a page reference to the full abstract and the order number (if any) for copies from University Microfilms International (Dissertation Copies, P.O. Box 1764, Ann Arbor, MI48106). Canadian theses are available from the National Library of Canada (395 Wellington St., Ottawa KIAON4).


Gitai, Amos. COMMUNITIES IN lRANSITION. FIVE URBAN JEWISH COMMUNITIES AND THEIR ARCHITECTURE.[Algeria]. U. of California, Berkeley, 1986. 416pp. 47:4211A. #8624766.


Ballerini, Julia. PHOTOORAPHY CONSCRIPTED: HORACE VERNET, GERARD DE NERV AL AND MAXIME DU CAMP IN EGYPT. City U. of New York, 1987. 435pp. 47:4214A. #8708273. Edwards, Joanna P. WEAVING STYLES AND TECHNIQUES OF MENDE COUNlRY CLOTH: ITS SOCIOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE.[Sierra Leone}. Indiana U., 1986. 287pp.47:4215A. #8707783.





Amin. Hussien Yousry. AN EGYPT-BASED MODEL FOR THE USE OF TELEVISION IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Ohio State U .• 1986. 31lpp. 47:3601A. #8703508. Anyaka. Chuma J. THE CULTURAL FORM OF TELEVISION IN ANAMBRA STATE. NIGERIA. New York U., 1986. 31Opp. 47:4220A. #8706301.


Abah. James Okwute. THE THEATRE OF WOLE SOYINKA: A STUDY OF A SELECTION OF HIS PLAYS. U. of Michigan. 1986. 325pp. 47:3612A. #8702668. EI Lozy, Mohmoud Ahmed. FOUR EGYPTIAN PLAYWRIGHTS: TRANSLATIONS AND CRmCAL ESSAYS. U. of California. Santa Barbara. 1986. 696pp. 47:4237A. #8629649.



ACHIEVING AND LOW ACHIEVING SCHOOLS IN IMO STATE OF NIGERIA. Ed.D., U. of Houston, 1986. l2Opp. 47:3914A. #871XX)49. Ntube, Emmanuel Emeka. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS' AND TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS OF THE TEACHER EVALUATION SYSTEM IN THE STATE OF ANAMBRA, NIGERIA. North Texas State U., 1986. 212pp. 47:3928A. #8705151. Okoh, Frank Mburi. LEADERSHIP FOR NIGERIAN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Ed.D., Lorna Linda U., 1982. 359pp. 47:3929A. #8702194. Omotoso, Andrew Adebisi. DISTANCE EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY GUIDELINES FOR NIGERIA. Ed.D., Columbia U. Teachers College, 1986. 26Opp. 47:3946A. #8704308. Fu·Kiau, Kia Bunseki Kimbwandende. DIGGING UP THE PAST: AN APPROACH TO FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (CASE OF ZAIRE). Union for Experimenting Colleges/U. Without Walls and Union Grad. Sch., 1986. 254pp. 47:3961A. #8702976. Abotsi, Gladys Ophelia Abena. A PROPOSED MODEL TO EXTEND KNOWLEDGE OF WINNEBA SPECIALIST TRAINING COLLEGE, GHANA, IN HOME ECONOMICS·BASED EDUCATION TO FAMILIES OF WINNEBA: WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON WOMEN. Pennsylvania State U., 1986. 131pp. 47:3999A. #8705317. Ogbuehi, Celestina Chinyere. DETERMINANTS OF DURATION OF BREASTFEEDING IN NIGERIA. Pennsylvania State U., 1986. 217pp. 47:4000A. #8705395. Nwoke, Godfrey Ifeanyi. A SYSTEMS MODEL FOR DEVELOPING UNDERGRADUATE INDUSTRIAL TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS IN NIGERIA. Iowa State u., 1986. 222pp. 47:4002A. #8703742. Mundangepfupfu, Rosemary Mwazwita. THE DISTINCTION OF MAGICO· TRADITIONAL FORM SCIENTIFIC BELIEFS IN THE TEACHING OF SCIENCE IN AFRICA. U. of Toronto (Canada), 1986. 47:4045A. Amobi, 01ufunmilayo Adebimpe. PROPOSAL: SENIOR SECONDARY SOCIAL STUDIES GENERAL PAPER CONSISTENT WITH NIGERIA'S NEW EDUCATION POLICY. Ed. D., Arizona State U., 1986. 162pp. 47:4046A. #8704501. Oparah, Bernard Ijeoma. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF TCDMI: AN INSTRUMENT TO MEASURE CAREER DECISION SKILLS OF NIGERIAN TEACHER TRAINEES. Ed.D., Indiana U. of Pennsylvania, 1985. 234pp. 47:4065A. #8703972. Komenan, Andre Gervais. SALARY, PROMOTION AND CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN THE IVORY COAST. Stanford U., 1987. 322pp. 47:4272A. #8707687. Daka, Kebede. THE MOTIVES OF EASTERN AFRICAN STUDENTS FOR SEEKING GRADUATE DEGREES AT ANDREWS AND MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITIES. Michigan State U., 1986. 15Opp. 47:4299A. #8707115. Ibrahim, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed. A COMPUTER LITERACY PROGRAM FOR PRESERVICE SECONDARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS IN EGYPT. U. of Pittsburgh, 1986. 314pp. 47:4314A. #8707605. 22



Bennett, Michael Eric. ASPECTS OF THE SIMPLE CLAUSE IN MALAGASY: A STRATIFICATIONAL APPROACH. [Madagascar]. Michigan State U., 1986. 172pp. 47:4374A. #8707096. Elgadi, Abdalla Salem. TRIPOLIT ANEAN ARABIC PHONOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY: A GENERATIVE APPROACH.[Libya]. Georgelown U., 1986. 252pp. 47:4375A. #8707342.


Lulenga, Sebagenzi Wa. IDEOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE WRITINGS OF CAMARA LAYE.[Guinea]. U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1986. 414pp. 47:3755A. #8628675. Mustafa, Fawzia. AFRICA UNBOUND: WORKS OF V. S. NAIPAUL AND ATHOL FUGARD.[South Africa]. Indiana U., 1986. 165pp.47:4080A. #8704033. Rekasie, Karan. INCIDENT IN BO. Bowling Green Stale U., 1986. 191pp. 47:4082A. #8705513. Keirn, Karen Ruth King. TRICKERY AND SOCIAL VALUES IN THE ORAL AND WRITTEN LITERATIJRE OF CAMEROON. Indiana U., 1986. 314pp. 47:4083A. #8704040. Butts, James R. THE PROGYMNASMATA OF THOEN: A NEW TEXT WITH TRANSLATION AND COMMENTARY. [Egypt]. Claremonl Graduate School, 1987. 598pp. 47:4380A. #8705178. . Schade, Wilbert Curtis. AFRICA AT THE CROSSROADS: THE FICTION OF FRANCIS BEBEY. [Cameroon]. Indiana u., 1986. 246pp. 47:4387 A. #8707820. Smith, Pamela Joan. THE FOREST OF THE ALMIGHY: BEING A TRANSLATION OF D. O. FAGUNWA'S OGBO OLODUMARE FROM YORUBA INTO ENGLISH. U. of Washington, 1986. 47:4387A. Eboigbe. Delphia Elizabeth Robinson. THE DEPICTION OF THE NEGRO AFRICAN IN THREE OLD FRENCH CHANSONS DE GESTE AND TWO RENAISSANCE EPICO-CHIVALRIC POEMS. Indiana U.. 1986. 383pp. 47:4404A. #8707782.



Africa Today Associates. c/o Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver. Denver, CO 80208. African Affairs, Volume 86, Number 343. April 1987. Published by the Royal African Society. Inquiries to: The Editor, African Affairs, Department of Politics, University of Bristol, 12 Priory Road, Bristol BS8 lTD, England. South African Journal of African Languages, Volume 7, Nwnber I, February 1987. Produced in collaboration with the African Languages Association of Southern Africa. Inquiries to the Secretary, African Languages Association of Southern Africa, University of South Africa, P.O. Box 392, Pretoria OCJOl, Republic of South Africa. African Urban Quarterly, Volume One, Number Two, May 1986. Published by AUQ Associates, African and Afro-American Studies Department. SUNY-Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Annales £quatoria, 7, 1986. Published by Centre iEquatoria, B.P. 276, Mbandaka, Zaire. CSIS Africa Notes. No. 73, June 4, 1987. "Observations on the South African Elections." A publication of the African Studies Program of the Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies, Suite 400, 1800 K Street. N.W., Washington, DC 20006. Geneva-Africa. Vol. XXIV, No.2, 1986. Published by I1nstitut universitaire d'etudes du developpement (IDEO), 1211 Geneve 21 Switzerland and the Societe suisse d'etudes africaines (SSENSAG), 3000 Berne, Switzerland. Journal of Eritrean Studies. Volwne 1, Number 2, Winter 1987. Published by the Research and Information Center on Eritrea (RICE), P.O. Box 894, Grambling, LA 71245. Nigrizia: Fatti e Problemi del Mondo Nero. Anno 105, N. 6 & N. 7-8, Giugno & Luglio-Agosto. 1987. Politique Africaine. 26, Juin 1987. "Classes, Etat, Marches." Published by the Association des chercheurs de politique africaine, Centre d'etude d'Afrique noire, Domaine Universitaire, B.P. 101,33405 Talence, France. Politikon: The South African Journal of Political Science, Vol. 13, No.2, December 1986. Published by the Political Science Association of South Africa, c/o the Editor, Box 1041, Florida 1710, Rep. of South Africa. Quest: Philosophical Discussions, Vol. I, No.1. An international African journal of philosophy published by the Department of Philosophy, The , P.O. Box 32379, Lusaka, Zambia. Research Bulletin: Southern Africa and the World Economy, No.6, June 1987. "Tribute to Aquino de Bragan~a. Published by the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13901. South African Journal on Human Rights. Vol. 2, Part 3, November 1986 and Index: Volume 2, 1986. Inquiries to: The Editor, South African Journal on Human Rights. Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the Witswatersrand, 1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg 2001, Rep. of South Africa. 18

Newsletters and Bulletins ACASA Newsletter. Number 14, Winter 1987. Newsletter of the Arts Council of the African Studies Association. ACOA Action News. Number 23, Spring 1987. Newsletter of the American Committee on Africa, 198 Broadway, New York, 10038. AASA Newsletter, Volume 3, No.2, May 1987. Newsletter of the African Association for the Study of the Americas, Private Bag 0022, Gaborone, Botswana. African Studies Program Newsletter, Weekly Mailing Nos. 5-7, Spring Semester, March 16-April 16, 1987. Woodburn Hall 221, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405. ASA OuJreach News/etter. March 1987. Compiled by Joanna Gwinn, African Studies Program, Northwestern University, Evanston, IT.. 60201. Cameroon Monitor. Vol. 2, No.1, June/August 1987. BuIIetin of the Committee for Human Rights in Cameroon, BM Box 551, London WCIN 3XX, England CREDU Newsletter, No.1, October 1986. CREDU, Manedeleo House, P.O. Box 58480. Nairobi, Kenya. IDA Development Anthropology Network, Vol. 5, No.1, Spring 1987. BuIIetin of the Institute for Development Anthropology, 99 Collier Street. Suite 302, P.O. Box 2207, Binghamton, NY 13902. EACROTONAL Newsletter. No.2. January 1987. Eastern African Centre for Research on Oral Tmditions and African National Languages, EACROTONAL, P.O. Box 600, Zanzibar, Tanzania. EASA Trade and Investment in Eastern and Southern Africa, Vol. I, No.6, 27 April 1987. Africa File Ltd., 21 Mill Lane, London NW6 INT, United Kingdom. Esami Management Review, Volume 3, No.1, April 1987. Quarterly Newsletter of the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute, Arusha, Tanzania. IDAF Briefing Paper on Southern Africa, No. 22, March 1987. International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa, 64 Essex Road, London Nl SLR, England. IDAF Focus on Political repression in Southern Africa, No. 69, March-April 1987. New BuIIetin of the International Defence & Aid Fund, lOAF, 64 Essex Road, London NI 8LR, England. The Legal Front, Volume 1, 1987. Southern African Subcommittee of the National Lawyers Guild, c/o Lisa Steams, Columbia Law School, 435 West 116 Street, New York, NY 10027. SASPOST. Vol. 4, No. I, March 1987 and Vol. 4, No.2, May 1987. A newsletter of opportunities and information for Southern African Students in North America prepared by the Southern African Training Program of the African-American Institute. SECHABA. April 1987. Official organ of the African National Congress South Africa, P.O. Box 38,28 Penton Street, London Nl 9PR, United Kingdom. SPSC Letter, Volume vn, No.4, February-May 1987. SSA Newsletter, Volume 7, No.2, Spring 1987. Sudan Studies Association, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 21239. Union of African Performing Artists. No. 13, January 1987. P.O. Box 8222, Yaounde, Cameroon. 23

THEOLOGIAN WITII AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION. [Kenya]. Baylor U., 1986. 266pp. 47:3784A. #8701357. Ngcokovane, Cecil Mzingisi. RELIGIOUS AND MORAL LEGITIMATIONS OF APARTHEID IN NEDERDUrrSE GEREFORMEERDE KERK, NATIONALIST PARTY AND BROEDERBOND, 1948-PRESENT.[South Africa]. Emory U., 1986. 373pp.47:411OA. #8705652. Wortham, Robert Alexander. SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT AND RELIGIOUS ORIENTATIONINKENYA. EmoryU., 1986. 411pp. 47:4111A.#8705662.


Brewer, Douglas James. CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE IN THE FAYUM, EGYPT: AN INVESTIGATION BASED ON FAUNAL REMAINS. U. of Tennessee, 1986. 222p. 47:3794A. #8624230. Tata, Giovanni. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGYPTIAN TEXTILE INDUSTRY. U. of Utah, 1986. 286pp. 47:3797A. #8703485. \ Dei, George Jerry Sefa. ADAPTATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS IN A GHANAIAN FOREST COMMUNITY. U. of Toronto (Canada), 1986. 47:3798A. Clark, Gracia Courtright. THE POSmON OF ASANTE WOMEN TRADERS IN KUMASI CENTRAL MARKET, GHANA. U. of Cambridge (Great Britain), 1986. 322pp. 47:3798A. #8702249. de Zalduondo, Barbara Orvis. THE MEASURE OF MOOD IN EFE CAMP LIFE: A QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF THE AUDIBLE AFFECTIVE BEHAVIOR OF A FORAGING PEOPLE OF NORTHEAST ZAIRE. Harvard U., 1986. 445pp. 47:4123A. #8704475. Hepie, Marcellin. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS AND DECISION-MAKING AMONG AFRICAN MEN MARRIED TO AMERICAN WOMEN. American U., 1986. 236pp. 47:4124A. #8700003. Roesch, Otto. SOCIALISM AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN MOZAMBIQUE: THE CASE OF ALDEIA COMUNAL 24 DE JULHO. U. of Toronto (Canada), 1986. 47:4125A. Brown, Susanna Shelby. LATE CARTHAGINIAN CHILD SACRIFICE AND SACRIFICIAL MONUMENTS IN THEIR MEDITERRANEAN CONTEXT. [Tunisia). Indiana U., 1986. 41Opp. 47:4425A. #8707776. Russell, Kenneth Wayne. ECOLOGY AND ENERGETICS OF EARLY FOOD PRODUCTION IN THE NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA. U. of Utah, 1986. 576pp. 47:4427A. #8706379. Franken, Marjorie Ann. ANYONE CAN DANCE: A SURVEY AND ANALYSIS OF SWAHILI NGOMA, PAST AND PRESENT. [Kenya). U. of California, Riverside, 1986. 298pp. 47:4429A. #8706987. Mwaniki, Nyaga. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF TENURE REFORM IN MBEERE.[KenyaJ. Indiana U., 1986. 316pp. 47:4431A. #8707811. Reas, Jane Elizabeth. AN ETHNOGRAPHY OF ECONOMIC STRATEGIES IN MODERN CAIRO.[Egypt]. U. of Washington, 1986. 47:4431A. 24






Angsotinge, Gervase Tuobataabaaro. WISDOM OF THE ANCESTORS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE ORAL NARRATIVES OF THE DAGAABA OF NORTHERN GHANA. U. of California, Los Angeles, 1986. 382pp. 47:3844A. #8702602. GEOGRAPHY


Elbl, Ivana. THE PORTUGUESE TRADE WITH WEST AFRICA, 1440-1521. U. of Toronto (Canada), 1986. 47:3849A. MacKenzie, Neil D. A TOPOGRAPHICAL STUDY OF CAIRO UNDER THE AYYUBIDS. U. of Michigan, 1986. 424pp. 47:3854A. #8702787. EI Sheikh, Mahmoud Abdel Rahman. STATE, CLOVES, AND PLANTERS: A REAPPRAISAL OF BRITISH COLONIALISM IN ZANZIBAR, 1890-1934. [Tanzania]. U. of California, Los Angeles, 1986. 389pp. 47:4165A. #8629905. Sikainga, Ahmad Alawad Muhammad. BRITISH POLICY IN THE WESTERN BAHR AL-GHAZAL (SUDAN), 1904-1946. U. of California, Santa Barbara, 1986. 234pp. 47:4165A. #8703669. Ta'a, Tesema. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF WESTERN CENTRAL ETHIOPIA: FROM THE MID-16TH TO THE EARLY-20TH CENTURIES. Michigan State U., 1986. 248pp. 47:4166A. #8700528. Eldredge, Elizabeth A. AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF LESOTHO IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1986. 417pp. 47:4485A. #8701840. Ellingson, Lloyd Schettler. ERITREA: SEPARATISM AND IRREDENTISM, 1941­ 1985.[Ethiopia]. Michigan State U., 1986. 36Opp. 47:4485A. #8707119. Rayner, Mary Isabel. WINE AND SLAVES: THE FAILURE OF AN EXPORT ECONOMY AND THE ENDING OF SLAVERY IN THE CAPE COLONY, SOUTH AFRICA, 1806-1834. Duke U., 1986. 362pp. 47:4485A. #8706837. Aube, Raymond F. WORLD APART: THE ROOTS OF AMERICA'S DIPLOMATIC FAILURES IN OTHER CULTURES-THE BARBARY COAST IN THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY. [North Africa]. New York U., 1986. 34Opp. 47:4491A. #8706717. 26



Fallatah, Mohammed A. S. TIlE EMERGENCE OF PAN-ARABISM AND ITS IMPACT ON EGYPTIAN FOREING POLICY: 1945-198l. U. of Idaho, 1986. 347pp. 47:3864A. #8701946. James, W. Martin, III. THE UNITA INSURGENCY IN ANGOLA. Catholic U. of America, 1987. 741pp. 47:3865A. #8702202. Leslie, Winsome Joy. THE WORLD BANK AND STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES-THE CASE OF ZAIRE. Columbia U, 1986. 357pp. 47;3865A. #8703053. Muyia, Harrison Bwire. TIlE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: THE INFLUENCE OF THIRD WORLD VOTING POWER ON THE WHO AID ALLOCATION PROCESS. U of Michigan, 1986. 265pp. 47:3865A. #8702798. Nwankwo, Godson Onyekwere. EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SECTOR IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: THE CASE OF THE ADMINISTRATION CORPS OF THE FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE IN NIGERIA. U. of California, Los Angeles, 1986. 396pp. 47:3868A. #8702643. Boateng, Charles Adom. NKRUMAH'S CONSCIENCISM: ITS RELEVANCE TO GHANAIAN DEVELOPMENT. Colorado State U., 1986. 212pp. 47:4177A. #8705440. Ighoavodha, Frederick J. Ofuafo. INTERNATIONAL POLmCAL ECONOMY OF EXTERNAL ECONOMIC DEPENDENCE AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT POLICY OUTPUTS AS A COMPONENT OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: NIGERIA, 1954-1980. North Texas State U., 1986. 197pp. 47:4179A. #8705134. Ogba, Leo Oko. EMERGING PATTERNS OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN AFRICA: THE ROLE OF NIGERIA, 1960-1983. U of Toronto (Canada), 1986. 47:4183A. Babiker, Faysal Abdullahi. THE SUDANESE BUREAUCRATIC ELITE UNDER NUMAYRI: AN INQUIRY INTO A RULING CLASS. U of Southern California, 1986. 47:4184A. Boakye-Sarpong, Kwame. THE BUDGETING PROCESS IN GHANA: AN ANALYSIS OF DECISION MAKING IN THE BUDGET FORMULATION PROCESS, 1960-1984. U. of South Carolina, 1986. 184pp. 47:4186A. #8704614. Howard-Matthews, Jacqueline A. DOMESTIC POLITICS AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES IN FOUR AFRICAN COUNTRIES. [Tanzania, Ivory Coast. Ghana & Kenya]. Stanford U., 1986. 707pp. 47:4186A. #8700765. 27

Zimba. Bertha H. ZAMBIAN DECISION-MAKING IN 1RANSPORTATION: TIlE CASE OF TANZANIA-ZAMBIA RAILWAY. Brandeis U., 1987. 38Opp. 47:4189A. #8705790. Wader, Mohamed Mohammed. CLASS, IDEOLOGY AND POLITICAL ECONOMY AS DOMESTIC SOURCES OF NIGERIAN FOREIGN POLICY: 1960-1984. U. of California. Riverside, 1986. 324pp. 47:4506A. #8707008. Orner. Abdusalam Hadliyeh. TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING THE SOMALI BUREAUCRACY. U. of Tennessee. 1986. 146pp. 47:4509A. #8708781.


Costello, Christine Anne. MA1ERNAL AND CHll..D HEALTH IN RURAL UGANDA: THE ROLE OF NUTRmON. U. of Pennsylvania. 1986. 414pp. 47:3880A. #8703193. Saidi, Salama. PAT1ERNS AND DIFFERENTIALS IN THE URBAN LABOR FORCE IN MOROCCO. 1980. U. of Pennsylvania. 1986. 257pp. 47:3881A. #8703265.






Rodriquez-Bejarano, Dario. FOREST RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND THE USE OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES. [West Africa]. U. of Michigan, 1986. 118pp. 47:4022B. Agriculture. #8702818. Chergui, Boumediene. ON OPTIMIZATION METHODS FOR GAS LIQUIDIRCATION IN ALGERIA AND FOR A FIREWATER SAFETY SYSTEM FOR TIIE HOLY AREA OF MINA, IN SAUDI ARABIA. U. of Texas at Austin, 1986. 215pp. 47:4285B. Operations Research. #8700176. Dorit, Robert Lawrence. MOLECULAR AND MORPHOLOGICAL VARIA TION IN LAKE VICTORIA HAPLOCHROMINE CICHLIDS (pERCIFORMES: CICHLIDAE). [TanzaniaJ. Harvard U., 1986. 226pp. 47:4382B. Biology. #8704477. Gawarecki, Susan L. NEOTECTONICS OF THE RAS ISSARAN REGION, GULF OF SUEZ, EGYPT. U. of South Carolina, 1986. 271pp. 47:4447B. Geology. #8704627. Perry, Stephen Kenneth. STRUCTURAL GEOMETRY AND TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE SOUTHWESTERN GULF OF SUEZ, EGYPT. U. of South Carolina, 1986. 605pp. 47:4449B. Geology. #8704643. Westphal, Douglas Lawrence. A NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE DYNAMICS AND MICROPHYSICS OF SAHARAN DUST STORMS. Pennsylvania State U., 1986. 178pp. 47:4555B. Physics. #8705432. Edwards, Neville Anthony. TRANSLATION AND VALIDATION OF TIIE JOB DESCRIPTIVE INDEX FOR USE IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. Bowling Green State U., 1986. 19Opp. 47:4687B. Psychology. #8628833. Smith, Kenneth Stephen. DOMINANCE AND MATING STRATEGIES OF CHACMA BABOONS, PAPIO URSINUS, IN TIIE OKAVANGO DELTA, BOTSWANA. U. of California, Davis. 1986. llOpp. 47:4754B. Ecology. #8708437. Tembely, Saidou. AN ABATTOIR SURVEY OF GASTROINTESTINAL HELMINTH PARASITES IN CATTLE, SHEEP AND GOATS IN MALI (WEST AFRICA). Texas A&M U., 1986. 12Opp. 47:4793B. Zoology. #8707478. Bui, Elisabeth Nathalie. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PEDOLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY IN THE SALLOL BOSSO OF NIGER, WEST AFRICA. Texas A&M U., 1986. 247pp. 47:4799B. Geology. #8707390. DeFauw, Sherri Lynn. THE APPENDICULAR SKELETON OF AFRICAN DICYNODONTS. Wayne State U., 1986. 292pp. 47:4809B. Paleontology. #8706161. Burney. David Allen. LATE QUATERNARY ENVIRONMENTAL DYNAMICS OF MADAGASCAR. Duke u., 1986. 285pp. 47:481OB. Palynology. #8706828. Njoku, Albertus Ikechi. ANALYSIS OF HOSPITAL CAPACITY POLICY OF NIGERIA, 1%2-1985. Dr.P.H., U. of Pittsburgh, 1986. 157pp. 47:4836B. Health Sciences. #8707612. 29

Wondimu, Habtamu. GRATIFICATION PAlTERNS AND THEIR EXPLICATIONS AMONG PEASANTS AND WORKERS IN CENTRAL ETHIOPIA. U. of Cincinnati, 1986. 221pp. 47:5097B. Psychology. #8708155.


DIRECTORY OFAFRICANAND AFRO-AMERICANSTUDIES IN THE U.S Sewnth Edition. October, 1987. Hardcowr. $40.00. SALE PRICE: $25.00.

The African StUdies AssocilUion is pleased to WUlounce tbe publication of tbe Seventh Edition of the Di1't'ClotyofAinC;m.JtI1dAfro-Amt."J':ic.Jtl1 !itlldiesin the ll. S This edition of the Dirt'CfOl)"ls the first upd!Ue since 1981, when tbe ASA publisbed the Dirr.·(/{ory ofTl1irrJ WorldSllltiit's in [ht' U ,'>. Since that time there have heen manychangesin. the wO(ld of African Studies. Academic perigrinations and curriculum decisions over the last seven years have affected African and .Mra-American Studies Programs severely. Some programs have grown in scope while others have disa.ppeared completely. Thi!s lJ.tn:-cr~:compiled by tfie staff of the A<;A, provides It record of iru.titutioruil addrelises. faculty, course offerings and fina.ncial aid available at over 390 institutions of higher learning in the U. S.

In the Spring of 1986 questioJlJlaires were sent out to all ASA member instJ.lutlOns and all the institutions listed in previous editions of the £hn:-crorro/~4Iiic.'ifJ .:lndAlit·Americ.'in .S'!lIdtt.~,: Updil.lCS on current faculty and courses otlered were noted and enrered. Tbe responses have been compiled hen: to form the comprehensive listing of African and Afro-American Studies in the U. S. It is an invaluable resource for academic counselors and advisors. For students in pursuit ofhigher educal.ionin the fields of African and Afro-American Studies it is the first place to look for programs compatible with their needs and desires.

The ASA would like 10 make available to its members the D/n:-cron' ofAfncltl1 Itl1d Afro· .4mt'l'lC7[JJ1 Sludit'S in fht' U.S at the special. one-time qnly. low price of $25.00. ThiS offer expires October I, 1987. After this dale it will regularly seU for $40.00. To order the DireCloty. send It check or money order in the amoUnt of $25. 00 to the African Studies .-\.ssociation. 255 Kinsey Hall. UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Pre-payment only!


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Amountenclosed (include 109f1forpostage & handling; foreign orders, 20~) _____ Osei-Mensah Aborampah (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), "The Religious Dimension of Crime and Punishment" Kodjo Yelpaala (Univ. of the Pacific), "Legal Analysis in Pre-Colonial Ghana" Discussant:

Paradigms, Knowledge Production, and ~ Studies (Birch) Chair: Ahmed. I. Samatar (St. Lawrence Univ.) Papers: Ahmed. 1. Samatar, "Alternative Approaches to Somali Studies: From Critique to Praxis" t Lidwien Kapteijns (Wellesley College), "Gender and Class in Somali History: In Search of a Research Agenda" Abdi Samatar (Univ. of Iowa). "Social Structure and the Politics of Livestock Trade in Somalia" Discussant: Bereket H. Selassie (Howard)

The Liberation Struggle in Western Sahara: Issues and Actors Panel I (Silver)­

Chair: Teresa K. Smith (ACAS) Papers: Azzedine Layachi (NYU), "The U.S. and North Africa: Strategic Concerns" Stephen Zunes (Cornell), "U.S.-Morocco: Surrogate Strategy in Africa" Anthony G. Pazzanita (Attorney, Boston). "Legal Aspects of Membership in the Organization of African Unity: the Case of Western Sahara" Discussant:

Ideological Factors in African National Liberation Movements (Colorado) )

Chair: Barry M. Schutz (Defense Intelligence College/ Georgetown Univ.) Papers: Herbert Howe (Georegetown Univ.). "The Surrogate Factor in National Liberation Movements: The Case of RENAMO" Helen Desfosses (SUNY), "National Liberation Movements in Southern Africa: The Soviet Factor" Vincent Khapoya (Oakland Univ.). "National Liberation Movements in Southern Africa: The African Nationalist Factor" Discussant: David Gordon (Univ. of Michigan)


Chair: tba Speakers: tba


African Studies in Asia (Grand Ballroom)- -­

Chair: Aidan Southall (Univ. of Wisconsin) Papers: Fatima Alikhan (Osmania Univ.), "African Studies in India" Ge Ji (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), tba Kimum Um ( ), "African Studies in Korea" Chang Xiang (Nankai Univ.), "The Study of Africa in China: Past and Present" Masao Yoshida (Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo), "African Studies in Japan"

Sanctions Policies in Southern Africa (Assembly I)

Chair: Margaret C. Lee (Tennessee Technological Univ.) Papers: Margaret C. Lee, "Zambia and Zimbabwe Prepare for Economic War: An Analysis of the Implementation of Sanctions Against South Africa" Charles M. Becker (The Economics Institute, Boulder), "The Effects of Sanctions on Frontline States" Douglas G. Anglin (Carleton), "The Frontline States and Sanctions against South Africa" Donald P. Chimanikire (Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies), "South Africa's Destabilization Policy: The Zimbabwe Experience" Discussant: Prexy Nesbitt ( )

The Liberation Struggk in Western Sahara: Issues and Actors Panel II (Silver)

Chair: Teresa K. Smith (Columbia) Panelists: Anne Lippert (Ohio Northern Univ. "The Role of Women in the Independence Struggle in Western Sahara" R. David Addams (National Conference of Black Lawyers), "Namibia and Western Sahara: Vestiges of Colonialism in Africa" Teresa K. Smith, "Children in War-Torn Areas: An Examina­ tion of Western Sahara"

26 Emerging Directions in Family Dynamics (Assembly III)

Chair: Gwendolyn Mikell (Georgetown Univ.) Papers: Gwendolyn Mikell, "Theory vs. Reality in Contempor­ ary African Family Relations" Dina Sheikh el Din Osman (U. of Khartoum), "Tradition , and Transition in Family Law" Jeanne Maddox Toungara (Universite Nationale de Cote d'Ivoire), "Islam and the Legal Status of Women in Cote d'Ivoire" Shawn Donaldson Polk (Stockton State College), "Survival Strategies of the Family in Tshunyane Village, South Africa: A Case Study" Claire Robertson (Ohio State), "Changing Marital 11/ Forms Among the Ga: Out of Tradition" George C. Bond (Teachers College, Columbia), "Patterns of Domestic Interaction Among the Yombe of Zambia" Discussant: Jane Guyer (Boston Univ.)

Public Health in Africa: Policy Issues and Implications (Centur-y-)-- ­

Chair: Sheryl McCurdy (Univ. of Minnesota) Papers: Gloria Waite (Brandeis), "Politics and Disease: The AIDS Virus in Africa" Leslie B. Snyder (Univ. of Connecticut), "Combatting Diarrheal Disease in : The Effectiveness of Mass Media and Interpersonal Communication" Discussant:

The Prospects for Democracy in Nigeria (Columbine)

Co-Chairs: Larry Diamond (The Hoover Institution, Stanford) Otwin Marenin (Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks) Paper: Egite S. Oyovbaire (Univ. of Benin). "The Babangida Regime and the Prospects for Democracy in Nigeria" Commentators: Larry Diamond Anthony Kirk-Greene (St. Anthony's, Oxford) Richard L. Sklar (UCLA)

Togo Studies (Birch) Chair: Charles D. Piot (Univ. of Virginia) Papers: tba

27 Rural Development in Post-Imperial Eth!Q~ (Spruce)

Chair: John W • Harbeson (City Univ. of New York) Papers: James McCain (Boston Univ.), "Environment, Famine and Rural Development in Ethiopia" Dessalegn Rahmato (Addis Ababa Univ.), "Land Tenure Reform and Rural Development: The Record and the Prospects" John W. Harbeson, "The Impact of Rural Reform on the Course of Post-Imperial Ethiopia" Discussant: tba

African Textile Desl~ - Panel I (Terrace)

Chair: Peggy S. Gilfoy (Indianapolis Museum of Art) Papers: Merrick Posnansky (UCLA), "Textile Pattern, Meaning,and Tradition in the Ewe Heartland of Togo" Carol Thompson, (), "Checkerboard Pattern as Mande Motif in the Textiles of West Africa" Peggy S. Gilfoy, "The Eye, the Hand. and the Stripe: North African Motifs in West African Textiles" Rachel Hoffman (UCLA), "Islamic Symbols in Secular Contexts: The Fulani Kerka" Discussant: Lisa Aronson (Skidmore)----­

Settlers and Labor: The 9!1-gins of Segregation in South Africa (Colorado-)­ --- -

Chair: Donald Will (08IS, Univ. of Denver) Papers: Donald Will, "The Formative Process in Settler States" Joyce F. Kirk (Ohio State), "The Truth About Korsten: Segregation, Liberalism and the African Middle Class at Port Elizabeth, 1901-1905" Siyabonga Ndabezitha (SUNY, Binghamton), "Competition, Conflict and the Origins of Apartheid in the South African Gold Mines, 1900-l920s: A Split Labor Market Analysis" Alan Mabin (Yale), "Prospects for Reforming the Control of Land in South Africa: a Preliminary View" Discussant: Harold Wolpe (Univ. of Essex)

New Trends in African Women's Fiction (Biltmore) -­

Chair: Mildred Mortimer (Univ. of Colorado) Papers: Brenda Berrian (Univ. of Pittsburg), "In Search of My Own Garden: Ken Bugul and Nafissatou Diallo"

28 Susan Stringer (Univ. of Colorado), "The Disguised Protagonists in the Novels of Aminata Sow Fall" Femi Ojo-Ade (University of Ife/Spelman), "Women Writers of South Africa and the Struggle Against Apartheid" Ann Scarboro (Univ. of Colorado), "Journey to the Self in Three Guadeloupian Novels" I Nada Turk (Univ. of Colorado), "L' Amour, la Fantasia d'Assia Djebar: Chronique de Guerre, Voix des Femmes"

Mande Cultural Institutions: Society, Politics and Religion (Capitol)

Chair: David C. Conrad (SUNY, Oswego) Papers: Barbara Frank (Univ. of Tulsa), "Soninke garanke: Identity and the Diaspora" Robert Launay (Northwestern), "Sufism Degree Zero: The Dyula Case" David C. Conrad, "The Mande Pilgrimage Tradition and Religious Accommodation: Mansa Musa and Fajigi" Laurence C. Becker (Univ. of London), "Abandoning the forobaforow: Problems in Farm Labor Availability and Land Resource Utilization Strategies in Southern Mali" Discussant: Nehemia Levtzion (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)

Women in the Nationalist Movements in Africa (Gold)- ­

Chair: Cora Ann Presley (Loyola, New Orleans) Papers: LaRay Denzer (Univ. of Ibadan), "Wuraola Esau and the Action Group" Susan Geiger (Univ. of Minnesota), "Bibi Titi Mohamed: Gender Politics and the Tanganyika African National Union" Cora Ann Presley, "Women in the Mau Mau Rebellion" Discussant: Kathie Sheldon (UCLA)

Topics in the Study of Slavery (Cedar)

Chair: Paul E. Lovejoy (York Univ.) Papers: Paul E. Lovejoy and J.S. Hogendorn (Colby College), "The Evolution of British Colonial Policy Towards Slavery in Northern Nigeria, 1897-1914" Gwyn R. Campbell (Univ. of Witwatersrand), "Madagascar and the East African Slave Trade, 1861-95" Finn Fuglestad (Univ. of Oslo), "Spanish Missionaries and the Kingdom of Allada (on the Slave Coast) in the 17th Century"

I 29 Aspects of Non-Pastoral Economic Development in Somalia (Beverly)

Chair: Virginia Delancey (Univ. of South Carolina) Papers: Thomas Labahn (Univ. of Cologne), "Winds of Change - Agriculture in Somalia" Abukar Osman Abikar (Ministry of Agriculture, Somalia), "Affects of Governmental Strategies on Agricultural Productivity in the Shabelle Valley" John Distefano (Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County), "Towards an Understanding of the Roles of Non-Pastoral Economic Specializations in Somalia" Virginia Delancey. "Aspects of Somalia's Economic Development" Discussant:

Africa and the Second World War (Aspen)- ­ ---

Chair: Wendell P. Holbrook (Rutgers) Papers: Myron Echenberg (McGill), "'Mamadou Goes to War': French Ideology and the African Soldier in the Second World War" Wendell P. Holbrook (Rutgers), "Accommodating the Second World War Within the Traditional African World View: A Focus on Ghana" Adrienne Manns Israel (Guilford College), "Ex-Servicemen and Postwar Politics in Ghana, 1946-57" Kenneth Vickery (North Carolina State Univ) , "The Revival of Forced Labor in the Rhodesias During the Second World War" Discussant: Jan Vansina (Univ. of Wisconsin)


E~ugee Formation in Africa (Spruce)

Chair: Peter Koehn (Univ. of Montana) Papers: Robert E. Mazur (Iowa State), "The Political Economy of Refugee Formation in Southern Africa: Macro and Micro Perspectives" Girma Negash (Univ. of South Carolina, Aiken) and Peter Koehn, "Refugee Formation and Superpower Politics in the Horn" Sidney R. Waldron (SUNY, Cortland), "On Their Own: Strategies of Self-Settled Refugees" Tunde Ojo (Univ. of Port Harcourt), "The Political Economy of the Refugee Crisis in Africa"

30 Human Rights in Africa: Obstacles and Prospects (Century) Chair: W.A.E. Skurnik (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder) Papers: W.A.E. Skurnik, "UNESCO" Claude E. Welch, Jr. (SUNY, Buffalo), "Human Rights NGOs in Africa: Obstacles and Prospects" John Rusk (OSIS, Univ. of Denver), "Human Rights and NGOs" Discussant:

History of Tribalism in Southern Africa (Gold)

Chair: Robert Papstein (Free Univ. of Amsterdam) Papers: Robert Papstein, "The Invention of the Tribe in Northwestern Zambia" Linda M. Heywood (Howard), "UNITA and the Origins of Ovimbundu Nationalism in Central Angola, 1940 to 1987" Cindy Courville (Hanover College), "Peasant Mobilization and the Nationalist Movements: The Case of Zimbabwe" Leroy Vail (Harvard), tba Shula Marks (Institute of Commonwealth Studies), tba Discussant: Richard A. Voeltz (Cameron University)

Rebellious Women/Women's Resistance: Biographical Approaches (Cedar)

Chair: Susan H. Broadhead (Univ. of Louisville) Papers: Abena Busia (Rutgers), "Rebellious Lives: Fictional Biographies" Barbara Callaway (Rutgers), "Zainab of Kano" Susan H. Broadhead, "In Search of Women's Resistance: Women's Lives and Kongo History" Discussant: tba

Roundtable: The Prospects for Economic Adjustment in Nigeria (Assembly II) Chair: Thomas J. Biersteker (Univ. of Southern California) Participants: Thomas Callaghy (Columbia) Sayre P. Schatz (Temple) Michael J. Watts (UC, Berkeley)

31 Transitions in Social Relations (Colorado)

Chair: James L. Giblin (Univ. of Iowa) Papers: James L. Giblin, "Changing Relations of Agricultural Production During the Transition to Colonial Rule in Northeastern Tanzania" Jonathon Glassman (Univ. of Wisconsin), "The Social Roots of Slave Resistance on the Northern Mrima, 1870-1889" Robert E. Ford (Universite Adventiste de l'Afrique Centrale), "Overview of the Dynamics of Human­ environment Interactions in the Tropical Montane Ecosystems of : Is it a Case of Agricultural Involution?" Discussant: Felix Boateng (Eastern Washington University)

Approaches to African Histor~ (Birch)

Chair: Kenneth C. Wylie (Michigan State) Papers: Kenneth C. Wylie, "Mythic Frontiers in Comparative Perspective: The Ivory Trade and the Fur Trade as Models for Historical Analysis" Ronald W. Davis (Western Michigan), "Ethnoastronomy and Archaeoastronomy in Africa" E. Curtis Alexander (ECA Associates), "Cheikh Anta Diop: On Science, History and Technology" Philip De Barros (UCLA), "A History of Changing Paradigms, Goals and Methods in the Archeology of Francophone West Africa" Discussant:

Labor Orgnization in Southern Afric~ (Capitol)

Chair: Betty J. Harris (Univ. of Oklahoma) Papers: Betty J. Harris, "Female Labor in the Southern African Periphery: The Political Economy of Wool and Mohair Production" Fassil Demissie (UCLA), "Between Compounds and Hostels: The Political Economy of Migrant Accommodation in South Africa" Mark Beittel (SUNY, Binghamton), "The Donga Which is Never Filled: African Household Formation on the Witwatersrand, 1927-47" Discussant: Paul Lubeck (UC, Santa Cruz)

32 African Textile Design =Panel II (Terrace) Chair: Peggy S. Gilfoy (Indianapolis Museum of Art) Papers: Monni Adams (Peabody Museum, Harvard), .. Irregularity in the Design Structure of Middle African Textiles" Pat Darish ( ), "Aspects of Kuba and Showa Design" Karl-Ferdinand Schaedler ( ), "The IkakijOni Motif in Nigerian Weaving" Susan Domowitz (Indiana Univ.), "Insults by the Yard: Anyi Proverb Cloth" Discussant: Lisa Aronson (Skidmore)

The Sexual Division of Labor in Africa (Assembly III) ------­

Co-Chairs: Jane L. Parpart (Dalhousie) Sharon B. Stichter (Univ. of Massachusetts, Boston Campus) Papers: Jane L. Parpart, "Reproductive and Productive Labor in Southern Africa: An Overview" Elizabeth Schmidt (Macalester College), "Hunters, Farmers, and Gold-Washers: A Reevaluation of Women's Roles in Precolonial and Colonial Zimbabwe" Eve Rathgeber (lORC, Canada), "Marginalization Within an Elite: Female PhYSicians in Kenya" Selina Adjebeng-Asem (Univ. of Ife) , "Frontier Technologies and Sexual Division of Labor: The Nigerian Woman at the Crossroads" Selina Adjegben-Asem and Simi Afonja (Univ. of Ife), "Female Entrepreneurial Roles in Agriculture and the Informal Sector" Discussant : Sharon Stichter

1" Pol!tical Change in Africa (Biltmore)

Chair: Elliott P. Skinner (Columbia) Papers: Elliott P. Skinner, "Sankara and the Revolution in Burkina Faso: the Limits of Charisma" Walton Johnson (Rutgers), "Political Change Within Apartheid: the Case of Umtata" Will Moore (Univ. of Colorado), "Mobilization and Rebellion in Zimbabwe: An Analysis of Appeals Issued by ZANU, ZAPU and the ANC" Discussant:

33 The Smaller African Studies Program: Networking Through the MSP (Aspen-)­

Chair: Arthur D. Drayton (Univ. of Kansas) Participants: tba

AIDS in Africa: Symposium 2!! Social and Policy Issues (Silver) Chair: Norman Miller (Dartmouth. Medical School/African Caribbean Institute) Papers: Francis Conant (CUNY. Hunter College). "Evaluating Social Science Data for AIDS Research" Randall Packard (Tufts). "African AIDS: Lessons from History" Rodger Yeager (West Virginia Univ.). "National Resource Implications for AIDS in Eastern Africa" Robert Riggar (N.LH.). "Issues of Epidemiology in African Aids" Jeffrey Harris and Gary Merritt (USAID). "AIDS in East Africa: Health and Policy)" Brooke Schoepf (Rockefeller Foundation). "AIDS in Zaire" David Brokensha (UC. Santa Barbara). "Transmission of AIDS: Focus on Eastern Africa" Norman Miller and Nancy Schmidt (Indiana Univ). "Resource Materials for the Study of AIDS in Africa" Discussants: Jasmine Ergas (SSRC) Martha Gephart (SSRC)

Wole Soyinka and the Nobel ~ (Assembly I) Chair: Bernth Lindfors (Univ. of Texas) Papers: Bernth Lindfors. "Nigeria Reactions to the 1986 Nobel Prize for Literature" Raoul Granquist (Univ. of Umea). "Scandinavian Reactions" James Gibbs (Univ. of Liege). "European Reactions" Discussant: Obi Maduakor (Univ. of Nigeria at Nsukka)

Roundtable 2!! the Problems in the Acquisition of Library Materials 2!! ~ (Beverly) Co-Chairs: Elizabeth A. Widenmann (Columbia University Libraries) Victoria K. Evalds (African Studies Library. Boston Univ.) Participants: Allen R. Boyd (African Imprint Library Services). "An American Dealers View"

34 David Hogarth (Hogarth Representation. London). "British Dealers Views. I"

David Leishman and/or Louis Taussig (Leishman and Taussig. Northampton), "British Dealers Views, II" Marc Zeitschik (Research Publication. Woodbridge). "The Role of Micro-Publishing" Hans Zell (Oxford), "The African Books Collected Project" ~ , i i Roundtable: Churches in the Southern African Liberation Struggle I (Columbine) Chair: Warren 'Bud' Day (UCLA) Participants: Jean Sindab (World Council of Churches, Geneva), "Increasing Worldwide Church Support for Liberation" Michael Shultheis (Jesuit Refugee Program, Rome). "Humanitarian Assistance in the Southern African ! Region" Solveig Kjeseth (National Namibia Concerns, Denver). "Case Study: Churches and Namibia •.• There and Here" Warren 'Bud' Day. "Toward Expanded Grass-Roots Involvement in the US"


Urban Work, Urban Skills: Current Research on Small Scale Production (Century) Chair: W. Stephen Howard (Ohio Univ.) Papers: W. Stephen Howard, "Employment in Khartoum's Small Scale Industries" Maria Grosz-Ngate ( ), "Textile Production in Urban Mali: A Report on Recent Field Research" Nancy Horn (Michigan State), "Retail Fruit and Vegetable Vendors in the 'Informal' Market in Harare. Zimbabwe" Discussant: John Hinnant (Michigan State)

Roundtable: ~ower, Production and Reproduction: Comparative Perspectives on Women in the Work Force (Capitol) Chair: Linda Yarr (Friends' World College) Papers: Jana Everett (Univ. of Colorado, Denver), "India" Stanlie James (GSIS, Univ. of Denver). "Ghana" Bessie House-Midamba (GSIS. Univ. of Denver). "Kenya"

35 Roundtable..!. State and Society in Africa: Modes. and Methods of Analysis .: New FrS!D~eworks (Assembly I)

Chair: S.N. Sang-Mpam (Univ. of Rochester) Participants: S.N. Sang-Mpam, "Mode of Production" Timothy M. Shaw (Dalhousie Univ.), "Corporatism" Larry Diamond (The Hoover Institution, Stanford), "Democracy" Immanuel Wallerstein (SUNY). "Dependence" Eboe Hutchful (Trent Univ.). "Militarisation" Richard Sandbrook (Univ. of Toronto), "State and Social Formations" Discussants: James Mittelman (CUNY, Queens College»

Wome~ in Struggle in Southern Afri~ (Columbine)

Chair: Elizabeth Schmidt (Macalester College) Papers: Iris Berger (SUNY, Albany), "Women and Trade Unions in South Africa: A Historical Overview" Emma Mashinini (Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union of South Africa). "Women and the Contemporary Trade Union Movement in South Africa" Julie Wells (African-American Institute), "Phases of South African Women's Struggles: The Relationship to the Evolving Capitalist State" Mankekolo Mahlangu-Ngcobo (Johns Hopkins). "The Impact of Apartheid Policy on the Health of the African Woman" Kathleen E. Sheldon (UCLA), "Female Factory Workers in Beira, Mozambique" Discussant: Pearl-Alice Marsh (UC. Berkeley) Elizabeth Schmidt

Themes in Colonial Labor Hi~~~ (Gold) ­

Co-Chairs: Kenneth P. Vickery (North Carolina State) Jane Parpart (Dalhousie Univ.) Papers: Kenneth P. Vickery, "Roy Welensky and the World of Northern Rhodesian Labor" Edouard Francois Manchuelle (UC. Santa Barbara). "Forced Labor in French West Africa, 1881 1946: A Reappraisal" Nsabimana Tharcisse (Univ. of Wisconsin), "Labor Patterns in Burundi at the End of the Nineteenth Century" Discussants: Karen Tranberg Hansen (Northwestern) Jane Parpart

36 Liberation and South African Literature (Colorado)

Chair: Cecil Abrahams (Bishops Univ.) Papers: Thelma Ravell-Pinto (Temple), "Women and Their Roles in the Novels of Alex La Guma" Anne Moreau (Northwestern), "South African Drama" Cecil Abrahams, "From Tick to Butcherbird: Alex La Guma's Time of the Butcherbird" Donald Morales (MercYCollege), "Athol Fugard, the Growth of an Existentialist" Sheile Roberts (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), I "The Liberating Consciousness: The Fiction of Dissident White South Africans" ,. Discussant: Herbert J. Levine (Frnaklin and Marschall College)

Contemporary African Art and Artists Terrace)

Chair: Jean Kennedy (San Francisco) Papers: Gavin Jantjes (London). "The South African Artist in Exile" ," Solomon Wangboje (Univ. of Benin), "Art, Culture and Education" Amir Nour (Olive-Harvey College), "Traditional Roots, Modern Expression" Betty Schneider (Stanford), "South African Artists and Censorship" Wosene Kosrof (Goddard College), "My Work as a Contemporary African Artist" Acha Debela (Univ. of Maryland, Eastern Shore), "African Artist and Audience" Discussant: John Povey (UCLA)

Social Organization Among the Southern Mande (Aspen)

Chair: Alma Gottlieb (Univ. of Illinois) Papers: Ariane Deluz (College de France), "Marriage and Relationships and/or Strategies Between the Guro and the Youre of Ivory Coast" Alma Gottlieb, "Double Descent Among the Beng of Ivory Coast" Francoise Heritier (College de France), "Social Organization Among the Samo" Warren d'Azevedo (Univ. of Nevada, Reno), "A View from the Periphery: Gola Perceptions of the Southern Mande" Discussants: Donald Consentino (UCLA) Philip Ravenhill (Smithsonian Institution)

37 Development Administration in Africa: Governmental and Non­ Governmental (Spruce)

Chair: Richard Vengroff (California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona) Papers: Richard Vengroff, "Development Administration in Chad" Valentine Ziswa (Christian Care, Harare) and John F. Else (Univ. of Iowa), "The Impacts of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) on Collective Cooperatives in Zimbabwe" Dean E. McHenry, Jr. (Claremont Graduate School), "Cooperatives in Tanzania: Agents for Economic Development or Arenas for Political Struggle" Jacqueline Charleton (Glascow College of Technology), "Modern Approaches to Management Training in Botswana" Discussant: James Kamusikire (California State Polytechnic Uni v ., Pomona)

The Value of Education (Beverly) ­

Chair: Mougo Nyaggah, (California State Univ., Fullerton) Papers: Mougo Nyaggah, "Education Laws as Catalyst for Black Revolution in South Africa" Mark A. Grey (Univ. of Colorado), "Expectations of Schooling and Students' Aspirations: A Swaziland Case Study" David N. Plank (Univ. of Pittsburgh), "Schooling on the Urban Periphery: Research From Africa" Alem Habtu (CUNY. Queens College), "The Literacy Campaign in Ethiopia and Its Impact on Urban Women, 1979 to the Present" Discussants: Aggrey Mbere (Roxbury Community College) Makubung Nkomo (Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte)

International Influences on Economic Change: Case St~d!es (Biltmore)

Chair: Walter E. Hecox (Colorado College) Papers: Walter E. Hecox, "Reshaping Africa's Industrial De­ velopment Strategy: The Kenyan Experience" Audrey A. Evans (Bread for the World Educational Fund), "IMF/World Bank Agricultural Development Strategy" Richard A. Bradshaw (Ohio Univ.), "Business Under Bokassa: A Lebanese Merchant's Account" Mulatu Wubneh (East Carolina Univ., Greenville). "Dependent Development and Foreign Technical Assistance: A Case Study of Plant Location in Ethiopia"

38 Recent Research ~ African and African-American Art and Artists (Denver)

Chair: Judith Bettelheim (San Francisco State) Papers: Allen F. Roberts (Albion College/Univ. of Michigan) "Mbote Art: Pygmoid Traditions in Southeastern Zaire" Judith Bettelheim (San Francisco State), "Carnaval in Cuba Today: Questions of Appropriation" Mary Kujawski (Univ. of Michigan, Museum of Art), "The African National Museum's Program in Benin" Eugene C. Burt (Univ. of Seattle), "Tracking the Literature on African Art: Building a Bibliopraphic Data Base" ... if Daniel Crowley (UC, Davis), "National Idenity in the Carnival of Guinea-Bissau"

Roundtable: Resisting South African Destabilization (Silver)

Chair: Carol Thompson (Univ. of Southern California) Papers: Kenneth Grundy (Case Western Reserve Univ.), "Marching from Pretoria: PoBtical and Economic Considerations" Jacques Delpechin (UC Berkeley/Univ. Eduardo Mondlane), The Struggle for National Sovereignty and Frontline Unity" Damu Smith (Washington Office on Africa). "Angola Resisting on Two Fronts: Pretoria and Washington"

~k Trade and Book Aid: Relieving the 'Book Famine' in Africa (Cedar)

Chair: Gretchen Walsh (Boston University) Papers: Gretchen Walsh, "Good Intentions Alone Won't Put Books on the Shelves" Gloria Dillsworth (Sierra Leone Library Board), "Books for the Youth of Africa" Kalu Kalu Oyeoku (Imo State Univ.), "Self-Reliant Book Development Strategy for Africa" Victor U. Nwankwo (Fourth Dimension Pub. Co., Enugu) , and Henry Chakawa (Heinemann, Ltd. Kemya), "The Book Trade in Africa: A Development Priority. Viewpoints from East and West Africa" Discussants: Hans Zell (African Book Publishing Record) Representative from a donor agency

39 Security and Conflict Management in Africa (Assembly III)

Chair: Donald Rothchild (UC, Davis) Papers: Guy Martin (Univ. of Nairobi), "Security and Conflict Management in West Africa" D.R. Orwa (Univ. of Nairobi), "Militarism, Security and Conflict Management in Eastern Africa" Discussants: Robert Mortimer (Haverford) John Harbeson (CUNY)

ACLS/SSRC SPECIAL REVIEW PANEL (11:15-12:30AM: Grand Ballroom)

Chair: tba Paper: Bogumil Jewsiewicki (Universite Laval), "African Historical Studies, Academic as 'Usable Past,' and Radical Scholarship"


Roundtable: Strategies for African Women in Development (Gold)

Chair: Gracia Clark (Universityof Wisconsin - Parkside) Participants: Marie-Angelique Savane (AAWORD I Dakar), "Senegal" Selina Adjebeng-Asem (Univ. of Ife) , "Nigeria" Walu Engundu (Univ. of Zaire). "Zaire" Athalia Molokome (Univ. of Botswana). "Botswana" Almaz Esthete (Addis Ababa Univ.). "Ehiopia" Amina Warsame (Somali Academy of Sciences), "Somalia" N'Ma Yillah (Sierra Leone Community NeWSletter), "Sierra Leone"

Africa and Israel, 1948-1988 (Centur~ Chair: J. Leo Cefkin (Colorado State Univ.) Papers: Victor Le Vine (Washington University), "Africa- Israeli Connections: 39 Years Later" J.Leo C~fkin, "Israel and South Africa" Patrick J. Furlong (Presbyternian College), "Jews, Greyshirts and Others: The Emergence of Anti­ Semitism as a Political Tool in Afrikaner Nation­ alist Politics, 1930-1939" Discussants: Dov Ronen (Harvard) James Wolff (Univ. of Colorado, Denver)

40 \

'1°.'" mnrm MfW...... flWf!l9P PAN-AFJlICANBIOGRAPHY.

RobertA. Hill, Editor Contributors include Carol Page. IflIl Duffield. Rina Okonltwo, Herbert AptlIeker. Robert Hams, LaRay Denzer. St. Clair Drafe. and Allison Drew. with flIl introductionby George Shepperson.

One of the most effective ways of understanding the complexity and relevance of Pan-African history is through the investigation. of the lives of ~;gnificanI and influential men and women of African descenl, who have helped to shape that history. PmI-Afric.vt Bi",,-.p.T. II. new publication produced jointly by the AfricflIl Studies AssociatiOll and the African Studies Center. UCLA, adds to this understAnding with II. colle(:tion of essays about the livc."S flIld contributiorus of several great African and African-American men and women whose impact upon Pan-Africanism has reacned across Africa flIld its diaponunflllY times over.

P_-Afn"t:MI Bi"l!'l'p~.T. edited by Robert A. Hill (who is also editor-in-chief of the Marcus Garvey Papers project at UCLA). contains the proceedings of an inl,erdiscipJinary colloquium. "The Relevance of f)an African Biography to the Stud} of African History," held in the Spring of 1982 at the University of California. Los Angeles. These essays ~'U1'Vey the lives and times of mfllly notable 'Pan-Africflllhu', including C.onrad Rideout. Duse Mohamed Ali, Chief Alfred Sam, J. Abayomi ('..ole, W.E. B. Du Bois, Ralph Bunche, Constance A. Cummings.John. Mbiyu Koinage and' Andree Blouin. And while these essays are not the last word on their subjeCts. tbey do serve to push bllck the bOWldaries ofignorance wbere tbe lives of African men and women arecon.cerned.

From tbe lrutod action by George Shepperson: "I envy those who are just beginning the study of the hiswry of Africa and the African Diaspora the posse~'Si.on of this splendid" colJection of biographies of individuals of Alhcan descent who bave made their mm:-u on Pan·Africaniml. Whw: would I not have givenfor such a volume to help me to cbllrt my way through the shifting currents of personalities and movements. of moods and aspirations, to which the IldjectivePflIl·.A.frican' may be applied, when I first became aware ofit towards tbe end of tht: Second Wodd War?

To obtain copies of P_-Afric_ Biolnpy, send II check or money order in the amowlt of $25.00 to Crossroads Press/ASA. 255 Kinsey H!i.ll. UCI_4, Los Angeles. CA 90024. Include 10'R. for postage & handling; foretgn orders include 20%. Name Address ______------.~..­ City ______StaLe ____

..<\mount enclosed (check or mOlley order in U.S. $ only.) ISSN: 0278-2219


ASA News, Vol. XX, No.3, July/September. 1987. Editors: John Distefano and Eric D. Wright. Published quarterly by the African Studies Association. Contributions should be sent to ASA News. Kinsey Hall, VCLA. Los Angeles. CA 90024. All ASA individual and institutional members receive ASA News, Issue and the African SlUdies Review, Domestic claims for non-receipt of issues must be made within six months of the month of publication -overseas claims must be made within one year.

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