Kurt Mehlhorn Books, Systems, Publications July 5, 2021
Kurt Mehlhorn Books, Systems, Publications July 5, 2021 Most publications are available online at https://people.mpi-inf.mpg.de/˜mehlhorn/publications.html. Books [1] Peter Sanders, Kurt Mehlhorn, Martin Dietzfelbinger, and Roman Dementiev. Sequential and Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures – The Basic Toolbox. Springer, 2019. 509 pages. [2] Martin Dietzfelbinger, Kurt Mehlhorn, and Peter Sanders. Algorithmen und Datenstruk- turen - die Grundwerkzeuge. Springer, 2014. German translation of Mehlhorn/Sanders. [3] K. Mehlhorn and P. Sanders. Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox. Springer, 2008. Translations into German, Greek, Japanese, and Chinese. [4] K. Mehlhorn and S. Naher.¨ The LEDA Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Com- puting. Cambridge University Press, 1999. [5] J. Loeckx, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Wilhelm. Foundations of Programming Languages. Wiley, 1989. 426 pages. [6] J. Loeckx, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Wilhelm. Grundlagen der Programmiersprachen. Teubner, 1986. 440 pages. [7] K. Mehlhorn. Datenstrukturen und Effiziente Algorithmen: Sortieren und Suchen. Teubner, 1986. 314 pages. [8] K. Mehlhorn. Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms, Volume 1: Sorting and Searching. Springer, 1984. 336 pages. [9] K. Mehlhorn. Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms, Volume 2: Graph Algorithms and NP-Completeness. Springer, 1984. 260 pages. [10] K. Mehlhorn. Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms, Volume 3: Multi-dimensional Searching and Computational Geometry. Springer, 1984. 284 pages. [11] K. Mehlhorn. Effiziente Algorithmen. Studienbucher¨ Informatik. Teubner, 1977. 233 pages. 1 Systems [1] LEDA (Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms). www.algorithmic-solutions. com, the system is in use at several thousand academic and industrial sites. [2] CGAL (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library). www.cgal.org, the system is devel- oped by a European consortium; it is in use at several hundred sites world-wide.
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