June 04,1914
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_ AL. 80_ BELFAST, MAINE, THURSP___ NUMBER 23 battle of Shilob; sod they who mi impcraon- lournal. in had though : symbolised you had illustrated Government. Memorial Day Liberty. that ooe great sanguinary battle «™ City PERSONAL. PERSONAL ^g^'oTrogay's between me ated; had absorbed in ycnr of the same blood and of a thoo«JlU tad Secret So- common eountr r hearts—if I ehould not rather Day in Belfast.. would the view and Jay, ijsslf **r" Memorial 1814. There was a clarify settle the issue and Ths of the J. O. arrived morn* Day in Liberty.. Liberty, May 31, large absorbed your thoughts regular meeting city government Bert Annie of Boston arrived Saturday tc Capt. Hayes Wednesday p*6E'’ties .Memorial counted by far too small the cost. One it* owni deeper mean- Bells. Gov- of in town Memorial tc ou £ vice and suffering into wet held June Robert F. Dun ton relatives. ing for a visit at his home in this Ball.. Wedding City gathering people Day of five of the contending hosts had it taddone all let. Mayor visit Belfast city. SLV ..News of the been swen ; ing and dearer honor. Now nment. ..Personal. attend the exerciaea, which were held in the away, witn the pallor of had f®r 1all presiding. Mr. and Mrs. thousands dead up tbat a could do. You Mrs. I. H. Hannon of Brewer is the guest ol Ralph Griffin of Boston art .Tablet for Christ’s Church, turned onto the symbol churn h at 2 m. Mr. Franklin F. oi sky, Whence came no voice o the moment had BOLL or ACCOUNTS. Brands p. Phillips t it stood for. Now supreme her son, Charles A. Hannon. visiting relatives in Belfast and Morrill. Harbor. approvahor rebuke from the Infinite: but be park waa the orator and th come. Nothing could N”~”*P The were read and ordered Free .Pittsfield Cambridge, Maes., gave case must be to the following paid: Mrs. Charles A. will The Belfaat Library. appealed dread arbitra could be resisted. Nothing **f®P*“: Miss Myra Achorn of Camden was a recent Pilsbury leave by train President Wilson’s Busy one of the finest addresses ever given here ment and C0“J" that M Contingent.| 971 TO f,=£- pergonals.. yet again again—witness lliasioi That was an awful moment, eurpssung of her this morning for visits with relatives in Novm Letter. Antietam and Highways.. 1,892 75 guest sister, Mrs. E. A. Jonas. Washington A new feature of the exercises was the march- Ridge, Gettysburg—ere mind > it seems to me. Then ttaaoulisborn pay death, FTee 1(7 64 Scotia. to di cordant and hearts alienated could ■ the token Library. E. H. end friend of are Appreciation.. .Government at 1.80 m. of the of the rail anew. No thought of yielding Dickey Biddeford ing p. pupils village once more to a common up of School 89 3 Forest. .Of Inter- standard In th‘ I of honor entered the naarta Contingent.84 of Col. Levi M. Poor was marshal of the F»5f c-me Vanderbilt of the country’s Free text guests his mother, Mrs. Lois Dickey. day F. school^ with the superintendent schools April days of ’6S came the surrender at it has fulfilled ita puds, books and supplies.- 66 £4 to Vessel Owners-Franklin An any one of you, though in the Memorial at and the at to School and insurance.- 2 26 Saturday Day parade An* Jst and the teachers, to the upper bridge, where tragedy Washington: an: I are to to priace and repairs Mrs. Albert C. Burgess left Monday fora I philliP8- pomatox though you go 80 70 Mr. Lincoln, he of so great and sweet a calm and dauntleas- Sewers. gusta. Memorial in the they csst flowers upon the water in memory soul death. Your Colonel, few weeks’ visit in Boston and vicinity.. | Kdiiorials... Day born in obscurity, self-reared, break the staff that Cemetsries. 60 00 * .Transfers in Real heaven-corn commander still—bids you Mrs. E. H. Dunbar returned to pell Schools. of those who gave their lives for their country as the souls State Road.. 644 79 Mrs. Plymouth* missihfaed, great in human his tor baa horns it and tear that symbol, single Leroy A. Coombs has returned from a .The Churches.. aloft, from a State. Obituary. when in the naval service. John 0. in so many instances have been: he who ** foa "*T® Sidewalks.-. 78 24 Mass., Monday short visit with Belfast of Brooks. Capt. waj as your souls, into as many piee®* business and pleasure trip to Vinalhaven. i he News to with a section with leat Fire Department. 427 81 relatives. Johnson in a brief address explained the ob- ready sign conquered of hii bosoms, and shelter them your lives; new Park. 2 00 Mrs. Archie laffin of Portland News of Belfast.. country any civil compact it cared t< tbat touched hostile baud, or tram- spent Sunday The servance This flag be by L. F. f‘°E of this custom. duty perform- write, after he bad written therein Union And went with Bridges. 866 98 with her Mrs. W. Proctor. Whitmore returned to his studies ot of Chsncs (story)..The Re- an< pled over by living man. they sister, Clsrence name ed the children, with the members of E. H. Freedom, met the fate of the thousands haw mo at»r» next General school purposes.. 876 67 Colby College after a few at his of Chile. .Classical Figure for slab you to prison. And those Monday days P‘cf' public in defense of the cause for which to endure those Miss Ealey Bicknell of Rockland was the Court, Panama-Pa- Bradstreet Post, G. A. R, marched to the he stood to your hearts helped you home in Belfast. j [;ruut Exposition passed to the exaltedness of tutelar saint because you were Total.$4,916 41 guest of Miss Louise J. Read over Memorial .The Restoration where the waa other bars, besetting you ’nc Exposition.. church, following program alike to North and South, and to the look to those other Claude Nutter, Albert Cuzner and William Statesman Nonsense. oppresser true; helped you to up IN BOARD OF Day. carried out remarka Commander of times in serene and safe ALpEBMEN. P«m). Opening by subsequent every land and clime stars, where we dream all is Greenlaw returned Sunday from a visit at the I If. Bennett to Correspondence. .Cultivating Mr. Charles 8. Such is the divine of the dew ot The bid of H. to lay the sewer Dustin Cunningham has returned home unty Hon. L. C. Morse; prayer by alchemy and free. .. ,, Habit. .Our Rose Gar- former's home in Center Montville. P.<"‘ uluvator death. Such is the wine of a of that is finding. the foot of Green street to down from a viait with Belfast Adams of Searsmont; singing of America by benignity, whei Lost! There is way losing from High, Natick, Mass., rela- anJ How We Made It. .Gapes the fruit of and are he Miss Ardie Wetherbee of wrong wronged togethei When man supremely gives, supremely to Primrose, a distance of 760 for tives. Everett, Mass.* How Cured. .Growing Crops for the choir and audience; reading of general crushed in the of High feet, wine-press God. Picture: finds.” was called to Belfast last to Business. was referred to the committee on Saturday attend The Chinese Egg orders J. O. Johnson, Adjutant of of his homely, beautiful face adorn walls ii Charles W. the Colonel of the 16th $442, sewers Henry Cunningham, who has been an at- by Capt. Ti’den, the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Hattie E. the cabins of the Siberia of exiles, as in th< thus distinguished; died in with the to act. on I i ^arepoit. ..Stockton Springs.. .Born. Bradstreet Post; solo, “Columbia, the Gem of Maine regiment power tendant in the McLean Hospital, is at home mud-walled straw thatched huts of China March this Stevens of the 5 th S. S. L. fire Thomas. F*'1 Died. .Market. Mrs. C. M. of Lin- year. Captain Shute, chief of the department, a vacation. Married... the Ocean,” Hurd; reading where ancient darkness and wrestle witl Maine lives. How does the rooter of light Battery 2 Dr. and Mrs. and war reported whistle alarms and 11 telephone O. S. Vickery son John coln’s Gettysburg address, very impressively the deep problems of human sovereignty the departed soldiers of the great civil of George W. Burkett arrived Thursday from Some call him the civic Saviour of the knew run calls for the month and the spent and at their DAY IN BELFAST. done I. Morse, Esq of Belfast. world ‘61 to *66 whom my boyhood ending May 31st, Boston to viBit his Mrs. Edward A. Saturday Sunday cottage by Ralph I not hesitate to Eben daughter, ^MEMORIAL would call him a Co-Savioui the defiles of memory; Colby, report was Camp Quantabacook. home Then Mr. the orator of the day, was through accepted. Wadsworth. returning Monday this Phillips, with him who taught "Let him who would b< Everson Howes, True Prescott, Judson Pres- : L'ov was more fully observed Percy S. morning. introduced and spoke as follows, holding the ohief among you be the servant of all.” Knowlton, John Q. Adams, Edgecomb, City Marshal, reported Veterans cott, John Colby M. A. Pattershall returned to Booihbay Har- ,„r some time past. The one arrest for Be”ar attention of his audience until the close: Sad was his face, at times lit with Alexander Woodman and Cyrus Stewart, my intoxication, 19 given lodging, Mrs.