Trinitin,A This
(No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 1. m B. PRICE, SUPPLEMENTARY TRUCK FOR STREET CARS. No. 492,230, Patented Feb. 21, 1893. Z 22 Z, N. FFFFFFFF 4 P 1. - Trinitin,A This al-a’ ;I, a 7 7 he is Il-7Ea WITNESSES A. fWVENTOR (222-2-262. ' 8%. , / %ces.--O SS 2 (6 AITORNEYS. (No Model.) - 2 sheets-Sheet 2. B. PRICE, SUPPLEMENTARY TRUCK FOR STREET CARS, No. 492,230, Patented Feb. 21, 1893. NVNSYN N - - - -- az al SS - SR2 EEsayase SS ES ES5Geziry-A fi 2 WITNESSES ATTORNEYS. he NORRIS Peters co. Phof)-titc. washington, d. c. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. BENNETT PRICE, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. SUPPLEMENTARY TRUCK FOR STREET CARS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 492,230, dated February 21, 1893. Application filed October 24, 1892, Serial No. 449,841, (No model.) To all whom it may concern. forms A, are projected, to furnish means for Be it known that I, BENNETT PRICE, of entering the car, and for the accommodation Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and State of of the driver or motor man, common brake New York, have invented new and useful Im rigging E, being furnished for the control of 55 provements in Supplementary Trucks for the vehicle when it is to be stopped. Street-Railway Cars, of which the following is The improvement consists essentially, in a full, clear, and exact description. the provision of two supplementary trucks, Railway lines occupying streets of a town one for each end of the car, each truck com or city, are at times blocked by the stretch prising a single transverse axle, having a pair O ing of lines of hose across their tracks during of wheels, and attachments therefor, that by a fire, or from the disablement of a car due manipulation from the car platforms, will ele to a broken wheel or axle on it.
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