Winter 2010 Vol. VIII, No. 2 No. VIII, Vol. 2010 Winter AUB AUB Library Archives First Lady Edith Roosevelt in front of Jafet library. Left to right: Alice Crawford, Dale Penrose, David Wilder, Mrs. Roosevelt, President Penrose, Polly Penrose (10/2/1952) Receiving multiple copies of MainGate? Save paper and let us know—we’ll send one copy to your home or business. Contact the editors:
[email protected] Return Address Lebanon AUB Development Office PO Box 11-0236 Beirut, Lebanon 1107-2020 USA American University of Beirut 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 8th Floor New York City, NY 10017-2303 New Energy MainGate Winter 2010 21 29 34 New Energy Tamam Face to Face Arab countries hold 61 percent of Top down support for bottom up It is often said that AUB’s strength the world’s oil reserves, but they change has the potential to make is its diversity, and that goes for are also forging ahead in new real, deep change in regional Arab the faculty, staff, and students clean technologies. MainGate schools. as well. Webmasters, dietary takes a look at the potential power technicians, professors—whether that FEA faculty and students are they’ve worked at AUB for one year finding in wind, water, soil, and or more than 50, worked under fire even table scraps. or under water, we’re introducing some of the old and new faces that make up the rich tapestry of AUB’s staff. from the president from/to the editor New Year, new energy... To welcome in 2010, we’ve dedicated this winter issue to “new energy”.