HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies ISSN: (Online) 2072-8050, (Print) 0259-9422 Page 1 of 9 Original Research Afrikaners in post-apartheid South Africa: Inward migration and enclave nationalism Author: South Africa’s transition to democracy coincided and interlinked with massive global shifts, 1 Christi van der Westhuizen including the fall of communism and the rise of western capitalist triumphalism. Late capitalism Affiliation: operates through paradoxical global-local dynamics, both universalising identities and 1Department of Sociology, expanding local particularities. The erstwhile hegemonic identity of apartheid, ‘the Afrikaner’, University of Pretoria, was a product of Afrikaner nationalism. Like other identities, it was spatially organised, with South Africa Afrikaner nationalism projecting its imagined community (‘the volk’) onto a national territory Corresponding author: (‘white South Africa’). The study traces the neo-nationalist spatial permutations of ‘the Christi van der Westhuizen, Afrikaner’, following Massey’s (2005) understanding of space as (1) political, (2) produced
[email protected] through interrelations ranging from the global to micro intimacies, (3) potentially a sphere for heterogeneous co-existence, and (4) continuously created. Research is presented that shows a Dates: Received: 08 Feb. 2016 neo-nationalist revival of ethnic privileges in a defensive version of Hall’s ‘return to the local’ Accepted: 04 June 2016 (1997a). Although Afrikaner nationalism’s territorial claims to a nation state were defeated, Published: 26 Aug. 2016 neo-nationalist remnants reclaim a purchase on white Afrikaans identities, albeit in shrunken How to cite this article: territories. This phenomenon is, here, called Afrikaner enclave nationalism. Drawing on a Van der Westhuizen, C., global revamping of race as a category of social subjugation, a strategy is deployed that is here 2016, ‘Afrikaners in called ‘inward migration’.