roa, a so racBA. mktái MAnxem. Mtwutnjr Trine I Onlco ttdlcnIta diario que a to4o l CfDpr .. lla - llllltlMI at 1 mismo dm en Que M nunii- s.i. per oí S Ii3ln Hal k au fecha rada día 1 Lead, 100 pagina contiene la i Iba ... ario. La uTirot; Zlnr. pr loo Iba noticia del an en eepanoi. 3?a0Jnprning ...l.3SMt 'H YEAR f EL PA80, TEXAS. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. THIRTY-EIGH- T PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS IY A BRILLIANT COUP VILLA TAKES JUAREZ FROM FEDERALS

COVOTK IN his TABDi MTRAinHT TUROWimi General Pancho Villa, Rebel Leader, "ins DO 1.LAB BOUNTY PHIEWCO cm M. Fairbanks, 14 Brown street, FILLS 161m Who Surprised and Caotured Juarez. cashed In s coyote hide the other day. They are worth ft each f TIKE JUAREZ of tbe sum paid ont by the couDtylt refonded by tbe state. At lieHUTCRTA ANNOUNCES FURNISHED WASHINGTON GOV- one llBM the state paid the entire $3. KORMKR NKWNPAPF.RMAN WHO BIDKNT but tbe appropriation dwindled rap- III 11.1. NOT QUIT ERNMENT WITH I.ITTliE IN- idly. Coyotes were plentiful In El SPENT NIGHT ON STREETS . IIKBIX IMIKR VII.I..I CAPTURE! FORMATION YESTERDAY. Paso county st that time. TELLS OF FIGHTING. CITY WITH NI'RPKINK ATTACK HIS JOB. Tbe bide Mr. Fairbanks turned In was from a coyote he killed In his IN EARLY MORNING. back yard a number of nights sgo. ALREADY CONVENED STEADY PRESSURE ON HUERTA He Seerd semetnlng sfter Me CLEVER VILLA 3NGRESS chickens nnd Investigation disclosed RUSEJBYGEN. snfl ' a allnklug coyote. Hla aim was A GARRISON IS CAUGHT ASLEEP good and the coyote was crippled B QanVS nan a Invaden In city surround Garrison rreby Still Further Defying the I Certain to Produce the Desired with the flest thrown rock. After aaV iga! HI was Before Federal, Are Aware Oover- - According to the Offi- that it easy.' Snlfi anil In Bor- Power of the American of Tlielr Danger. Srcrrt Journrjr thr ment at Waatilncton. cial View. V der In ( npiiiml Train H Kal MirprlM' t 'oniplftci. REGULAR TROOPS ARE IN FLIGHT EARLY ESSION OF CONGRESS WAS A FAILURE SAY NO MEDIATION HAS BEEN OFFERED BULLETS ASTRAY FEDERALS HEMMED IN ON ILL SIDES Graphic Description uf the Cohfllct In - Washington Kxpcct Forec Hucru 1 EC hoik- Absented Them to B at Senator the Border Toftn I Glvru . Let Mexican- - Settle in rVrble Itefntae Knits In t'fW selves and the of Necessary Out mid MANY LEADEN PEIO.ET8 LAND IN By New Yorker. Ick . I (I. -. Quorum Followed. Their Own IHri'fM-in-.- EL PA80 DURING BATTLE. Hour.. ml- JIV Hrbrt Are mu.. i By CHARLES A. PHV,oH By the Áitooíatml Prr$ By the A&iooiateé Presa (Mr. Pryor, a former newspa- Nov. IB. ( Mexico City, IStfV. IB. President Washington. While official BUT LITTLE DAMAGE IS DONE per cot respondent on Eastern Jl Mil:, AOA1N APITATi. Huerta waa unable to bring- his new Information from Mexico City today dallies, was the first American i b- t'nnetltutlenatttai capital on tha scene battle, HprndlnR 4 ii I. today. The was meagre, the Washington govern- of of Ihu ni n ill h. congress fully to life the night nl Hi' American ii if .i in r tempor ment maintained tonight Its confidence Windows Are Broken and Walla "Pit- Jiiarei uiihlu the nesl chamber of deputies effected House, Juares. His story of the few days. was announcex! ary organization but the senate provea that Provisional President Huerta soon ted" but Only One Person, a fight, written for Mornlne. quorum situation ihe ealerdMl at rebel heedqunrd'r reactionary and the lack of a would be eliminated from the Little Boy, 1 Hit. Tinea, follows. ) In the The prevented organisation. The steady pressure through diplomatic captured clf. channels, blockade, and of the provlalonal gotern-men- l Genera, Huerta and his menas. the financial -- the em- While reading a maga sine In mj of the tab' will he car- htiowever, profess to believe the greater the practical certainty that singing sped Ht A on arms will be lifted unless Humming and as they room the tuertean House waa ried mi front the tatritcr town, of work is done, because mo barro 1. ipart their Huerta yields, are expected to force re- through space, bullets and shells fired atar tied by a rifle shot, which was ll hm "until sufh lime newly created lower house has for- a- I tirement of the provisional president. during the opening of the attack on fired Just as the clock struck L30. - hlliunhua - taken and the mally, and in their opinion, legally Immediately u of fol- he How soon this would occur no official 'yesterday morning proved un fulllniidc shots calilla can moitsd to that l&tnet officially. would predict. ' Juarcs lowed nearer the center of i he city illy." The senate, they think, can be in alarm cluck for all Kl Pasoans. Long nnd the booming ut cannon and (he Colonel by Net Regard gertouslr Juan V Medina, duced to1 move Into line Monday. steady music from a. gun i blcl of nor before sunup everybody Jumped into machine at Malí lo t.eneral Ilia. rher. the senators are summoned to Neither at the White House at once made It wan - i Ha- - was any their clothing' and ran to the streets evident that Juarcs he cludce of all of offi- meet again. the state department there dis being attacked by some unknown foe. cer. tf Hlit'- - nrnn for the ep Long the hour fixed for the position to regard seriously (he state- to ascertain the cause of the shoot- Hurriedly or after Palace dressing. ran down- IMtlniiiieiit provisional gov- to convene today the roll call ment issued from the National ing report gained cur- -- senate "in and when the stairs and out Into Hie front yard. ernor of the ante, ami It Is be only twenty-on- e at Mexico City declaring that view i showed senators repudiation rency that Villa wan attacking the The moon wus shining hrlghtly and lie ni ha t t iencrs entt-- t lant present, nearly of these being gen- of Venastlano Carransa's wan glow Nk t all of any form of mediation by or alliance city thousands throng- there a red In the from iirraitii wilt appolitt him l erals In the army. Twenty-nin- e are streets. Hie bursting of hIicMh ami several .the Oihtn Hie next necessary quorum. with the United States. Provisional ed the for a President Huerta- can do no less than Troops of cavalry were soon patrol small fires chut broke out in ihe few ilay. None of Catholic were .lo-- c the senators Join him in his expression of patriotic: ing the border and orders were given lower edge of the city. Bki telnrde a Chihuahua present. This Is understood to have sentiment and maintain unaltered nis to prevent persons crossing the river Bullets Whlaz Overhead. hnfnca,s man, was rcaierdas been due to an agreement among dignified attitude toward Washington " or getting too nesr the firing along Bullets were whining o ci heud j jipjiointisi mayor of Junri na- them that the party should not parti- While on tde surface, tms aioiemeni the banks of the nt ream. But one and crushing Into the buildings on the iler the new gniernmenl. cipate in the senatorial session. The Les- opposite uf ai Jo- - (ittlerrei gave the Impression that the United ptrson in the city was Injured. side the street. Sllddeul utx uaineil as senators are régarded as Influential Htates had met .with a rebuff in the ter Burnett, aged twelve, son of Mrs. a delachmeni of perhaps seventy-fiv- e the or custom-- , mul and t heir refusal or failure to at- diplomatic camps of both Mexican fac- A L. Burnett, a widow residing on Federal soldiers burst Into view, re- - 'will tifflcc Monday, tend ig regarded as Indicative of the tions, administration officials con- South Stanton street, was shot In the treating down t he street and firing uHiilng tli custom- - hou-- e for attitude of the church party. versant with the details of the inner hand by a flying bullet, which broke) hh they came. The men dodKed from linporiaiious. Hecauae of lite Huerta Will Slick. situation, contrued It merely as an at- a bone and tore the flesh. Dr. Urnv house to house, taking a running aim exorbitant duties lex led by he Regardless of rumors and notwith- tempt to meet temporarily the argu- at A large body of men were Federal government, upon ston rendered medical aid who the rebel standing the Insistence of farseelng ments of expediency being urged White Howe la Hit. mounted on horseback. The cavalry- nrriclMla xOII probably arrange friends. General Huerta appeared Huerta by close frlenda men were followed by men on foot, a new tariff more determined tonight than at any The declaration first from Carransa While many placee about tb,s city who wars also ustng their guns with time during his occupancy of the pres- that h would not accept mediation by were hit by bullets from the scene telling force. t.arrlana I. urri,,ri of tmt í u n idency to carry oat nig plan of in- the United States and reiterated by battle hult daitfh was done. nil Juarez had awoke by this time e pi si g he rene ni garrison of I .gag congress. Huerta, ceased no concern here, for the A bullet plerFeo"'ths window o7 the It hiatal rehe I i. ,,... umlei the stalling the substitute Washington Arcade saloon, Mesa avenue, lodging and became known that the ills brilliant coup so splendidly txeeu;sd titunds iutt u one or the Huerta reiterated today that Jfte government malntatns it were Villa's msn. They had great) leadership of (Jens re l rancho Hla never 's In the wall and narrowly escaping movements made !y any commander on any side In an of the man would continue as head of the Mexi- has offered to mediate. entered the city from the south, entered the town earh esterda morn-In- s utterance was not misunder- hitting severnl persons standing at the revolutions with which Mexico haN been h leaned or uisM during Ihe from rom ilirtereui dlrectlona snd can government and the fact that ho t marching rapidly Into the city with- stood by the Washing on government, bar. elighteet pant three years. al :tli hegan an atlaik wbU-- resulted took no step towards the preventing either, appeal- A out the disturbance rrom in ihe con- for Inasmuch as he had showcase at the White House ly miriaiider uf Hie federal gar- of the inauguration of the new ed to the United Statea to em- plana, Federul sources. Evident there a few gress by lift the atoré. Pioneer was broken bv were no pickets rison alter, hoilin of 'ighluig as demanded the United bargo on arms and a special envoy had a ball around the city, or tin liad a was construed by embassy and much excitement waa any other precautions taken to guard conitnandVrred freight States tha gone to his headquarters to discuss the caused among the early risers who train bound rm Chihuahua neai Tr-rasa- s ii legation may agaitiat an attack, for It was not un- nd as indicative of what situation, the necessity of. showing his were standing nearby. The glass ON SEGGERSDN SCARED un Thursdni, and entraining .hoo be expected in the future. The rep- followers that he does not Intend to front of the Frangltn Printing com- til 'the advance guardtof Ihe Consti- TROOPS JOB ut ins men started for tin- border His resentatives of a majority of the for- surrender the sovereignty of his coun- pany on San Antonio and Campbell tutionalists were neai' the cuartel Irs In slipped lutu Ihe railroad yards (f eign powers appeared to believe that try by negotiations with any foreign afreets was pierced. Hint Huerta's followers raallced thut Juan where Ihe roups detrained General Huerta, brought affairs to government was taken Into full con- ihe city was being taken by a foe. I about midnight, Mini op poult has Several bullets struck the roof gar- AMERICAN CAV.UiHY CAAjWCJD TO NI OHTrvVTF AVTOMOHIMKl look lona Huch a point that drastic action may sideration here. den of the Paso del Norte hotel, but Warned by Accident. fiorn Mi.i'h it., coubi o v oír round be necessitated. Cat Off or Metres!. no damage of any extent waa I afterward learned thar an over- "BOOTH AMI NADDLEH" WHRM IHI.S UÍA AIM-- t NAIll I TO rede ra fin . The 'edet ais had Avrmr done to t. an shall Not Qnlt. The American government likewise the building. Nearly all the sky- anxious rebel accidentally dsc barged nv a hunt men in the gar mun 1 gun sol- THK FIHJBU3 HTARTKI. Mi:itsTvi omo "Oh, no; shall not quit," General realises that Carransa will not enter scrapers have one or room bullets his and aroused the sleeping finrrtnen xx mm tnlee i. Huerta said tonight. "I shall con Into any compromise .arrangements lodged In them somewhere. diers and thereby preven led Villa Tin ga' ritoti wa mi n a han hs tinue. Just as I have been doing, to group from taking the city without a fight. Aiteinpii-f- l In (.el OS II Is Said When Hll.Hk begin. The office. Wei" with Huerta or shy of the sur- Disturb the i mi-n- 1. l Many either my Breakfaster. it ut (dental Was a Kefuge or mi put forth best efforts to bring rounding him. For this reason chiefly the an discharge of th Me VV'a Told II Ouanl al ibeii homes Ihe tint isen'Snt Several persons eating at 1hi about the pacification of the coun-tr- haa President Wilson Inalated throtijgh-ou- t breakfast gun came loo fate to sin Ihe town's Mexicans Who Feared Fxccullon en a lamí He luwn un) thus fulfill the promise I on the Harvey house were frightened defenders, and by the tint the m..I H lo stand. iii. ledenilM i. H phi i t 'rem made the elimination of the Huerta a the Rebela. the on taking office. coterie aa a necesaary flrat step to when Mauser bullet went humming dlers had gotten their guns .irul wort? epoi (bal Hu M an leKleglna tnroiign tne dining room, lodging in i tlotl ih. fnlleil oi, .'ut It was suggested to the president peace, though he always has contended, prepared to resist attack Villus Hail l hules Heggel Wit). lo Alio ri if tha that conditions might become such too, that thé Mexicans must, of course, the wall Others were heard patter- truupH were Hpread t hrounliout the Uncle Mains troops weir ,ai the ob in "m iu i,, piece ing on the roof of, the building tan iutnotile drlvet m u killed s wild km Ihe eoi i haM foreigners, particularly Ameri- actually compose the situation them and city. ' re that before ihe Mexican federals were . cans, would be In imminent danger. selves. Huerta's expression en the,heels the early riser's fled to the waiting Many of i he Federa regulars o II III ' l bi i i el IUM he ha liouhle iu ii- Minn weil int ih. ,ty room safety. morning w hen (In- baH Ii- in bel Hum opened Hh' He agreerl that this might be so, ad- of Csrransa'a utterance was regard. for Several bullets were threw down their arms mid broke for Hi' between Ule hollín oí atol lliolts It. al ding: by high officials here as' an effort to picked up on the station platform. tho American aide and the IiIIIh in Juares wan by (fiii-i.i- Pan- ho .,'iIim'I, Haturdnj morn lug Ijl tbe ia. et a el i k (eat aided bv I be moon r llu hi I I show no less patriotism than the Con- While entering the Bailey school, the of Hm itv. without rir-- s appeals of frle mis who su w bun "In that case shall do all can to K. outsklrta Villi's army. When the few rifle tiiaki' t .on chief time. E. Sawyer, auditor of the city was ,i Ii i in txeeae'nf Betreet. protect them." stitutionalist at this ferlng the le,iil resistance It Hie fiu his .it, wb if .i " .i ml tin -- t signaled (be battle was on, ih ..I. , ' i ii 'llla's troops president thought Ne Amrrirnu Hal erf rea re. school, found a steel Jacketed hull volunteers thut did the bulk of the cracks in from or the bah. to- would ie eitt The a moment lying on I? up Do n kno alona 'lo (nuil when ii,.. entry The Washington admlnlntratton doe the pavement. was h fighting for the Federals. Thev trooper were .saddling at IblVe alive KilU , i tiling iuei and continued: been ' ' tin town was ma ib u t pra not construe Its activities la the situa- Mauser bullet (hat had been shot dur- fought every ground, iH Sol order "True, the rabble of the city might Ituh of their various campe and in a fea minutes SISletnenis ol t'otistlt loliiillsl i Ho fleeing In l ' tion ha Included In the terms "Interfer- ing the engagement. A federéis ' rise, but I would not hesitate to ap- bul were outnumbered, and after on way ihe hnrdei lo this who wMnesaed ihe met leans Pa ho "I the en eteeT ence" or "mediation." The Washington Several other hulleti were found n being In, were then io ii"thei pail force ply the severest methods In my power losing heavll) and cornered 111'- liiW.ll "to Ihe (I II VOItS HO viewpoint la that the United streets. n Kl pro. ft-- Kl ; Hlll.'Pat htates the Paso street a num- places about the cliv were Pasoans nun i i " to restore order and punish the guilty. to on various what inal'ii in J.e.. ol ih- ' il up) hlns ihe 'riutrti! haa the right atate exactly what ber of persons found the Mauser u will Troopers on heenr, Iiudliguez: on ma SeggerHoti At any rate, I am resolved to 'con- It will recognise any gov- forced to surrender thin' ml s.nd, i" ' .iiu'IIm eiileiH.1 from the conditions steel Jacketed bullets. three-fourth- s i Inn tinue In the attempt to carry out my find thut practically of iiiplain am N. Coottis, with paO inlieii from lb Juck. gauiblum k h iiIoiik Mir leu National ra'l- - ernment. Drop mm IgiM-- n program of pacification." has sought to emphaalse through on Mills Hulldlng. the dead were the volunteers Troop kl and Oaplaln Auhre l.ip ha inn) leñera lloill ...i.J k - a o. 1..- foaith came Inlo It I'lglitlng Spur-'- . Hi u i hunt Conditions. Its representatives that under no con- Several shots dropped on the Mills Won pint tilt with Troop It, Thirteenth ra otiiinatid beaati Ing dov otumei M.i ii hum tin near the .I The meeting of the new house of ditions would Huerta or any one of the building, but they did no damage. The Vllle lain" demonsli a led bsi airy, marlied the international bridge. In le. biirrack. "a Ihe eaal end of .tlle deputies today reflected the chaotic group surrounding htm he recognised Fortunately there was not a shell they have won their spurs hh a ftglii Oiortlj alter the opening ol hostilities Hcggcraoii Paiilc-str- hcu lug by . Hegueraoii ti lil conditions brought about by the dis- and has announced also that It will not fired during the artillery engagement force and are tempered other in thf l.cnlei ulty. MHjor-Koi,- it K lufd just taki lleeM aulas of ihe Xllaek. Page Page Kive) that burst in or over El Paso. Many conflicts. The men fought like drilled Mlchle, iidjtitanl the Heron d u ill to a In . ol llo linn lo in at Tio- fort iigbtiiis began st the continued On Five.) (Continued on l. of í of the bullets striking In El Paso were sold lera, which accounts to a large airy Brigade, established Ihe lilted In llu o ..I Htarlllig iiwn; . i b the u- suiird himecri nl the interne. of the d variety tabooed by extent for the flight losses on Ihe side Ktatet heiMbtuurters til the us SW( epilU fill of If Phi II ifi'lui In iihel iroopi weta of "i hltu ma. . II in liif i'usIoimh offifeift Iwfare they a h 1 the rules of civilised warfare, but Ihe victors. I h sua i fl hulls ni Ho- American and his mu ut. V m In ut lew Used it M (list Ho- stoma men r n whether fired by rebels or Federals After the battle bad swept from Hide of tbe Hants Fa bridge, nnd from ta he was sit tick hand ill wears mowers I ti They lapiam iorres nis there waa no means of ascertaining. mi view- hurried to u point near th tio- gl nade a so iiihI feeble .it. ut io resist iheie ordered out two souadroiiH ..f l i iVIlell Ma'ggerSOll I' .1 a ii muí n 'age Ti n ) Stanton Mreet bridge, where two or Heeond iivalry and Hstter i Hixtb lil'lled 'oíd Picture Over His Heart When Shot MORBID Hi.w THE DEAD, three AinerleafiH had gathered tu nee Field artillery. hllll'llH lie f II lllHM I'll'1" po the light Kl Paso was then ust be- The caviilrs troops and Ho batleiv MCI n- -t be seat ail ol lit He rnrpeee ginning; to realise t hut Juarez was not Inst killed. Iul Of ,,i la Street Afford tire awakened the Montana sin el readeni Jit , Own a Driving Horse Captured By tbe Rebele Ha la Ordered Executed and After Writing a Fare-wel- l Spectacle to Slant-tee- being attacked by Villar tne down Mltelltloll WMm lff!'e in h i .ni-- (.rey-Balre- I as clattered iht pad ' i M resign to His d Mother He Faces thr Firing ttquad The bodies of tbe rebels and federals was driven back by the rebels and utreet on heir way to the border The utlonallsta Aflei suffei iim It's Great! walked around to hall, nearly a half he expired i II Without Displaying the Slightest Ncrvoueneaa, lay In then the keno battery was set up and ready for a hum and which the streets of Juares after I an lying ti, t he of hlS till ' in where discovered American ti n while the cava Ii men did police bottom the battle yesterday morning attracted face downward on the dour of a tour-ti- When battles are fought fight- recognized dutv in holding ba k the croedi Found DfJJil in i ar. the and taken before the com- a great number of the morbidly curious car. Blood was RUtiblng from a All Idle ctirloSltV seekei later n pel let t the curtotin whp gatlieretl in the liwe ing forcea are worked .up to a high manding officer. rrom Kl Paso yesterday w nan dozen or more wounds, aiu) Invest the (hint ilool ol no lit uc hi Mot the :ll part of town Id h the bat lb tie ami tension and few cowards are ever Gives Villa her's Picture. wat reopened It was not until aftei gallon developed ih fad that he had Meggersou' llfelewi , ,,, ,h,, M tahllali Bead Mne. General Villa denounced him for noon been Instantly killed by a Volley. i ' H lay found among the opposing armies. that the bodlen were removed to A "dead lliie waa at ruiiriiig hoard in this position hla treachery and then ordered him 'mi 1. ground many tifa Ing an examination of in clothing, I I the and of He no one un per until Vance Fuikeison r i; But when a man Is captured and to be shot. Captain Torres drew his Kightaeers who flocked to found cards which Identified the un- vent h street anl execution sentence pronounced gold Juares by milted to go south of this point with- Moner. who had been nollfleil iij Ihe the It watch from his uniform and a the thousands photographed them as fortunate American as t 'liarles Times, took Ii In barge and returned takes courage to write a letter to a pocketbook. which he gave, the rebel they lay, huddled or sprawled, who resided with his parents out npectsl pussea from General Hugh whr I. BcOtt. poller, It to this Hide lol burial the boiH loved one and then stand up before commander, requesting that It be sent they fell. at 80 North Oregon street, Kl Paso. Tile with was keeping th- never on ihe ground and wan not a firing squad to be mowed down by to his aged mother who resides In a The bars to the town were removed Henoted to Halt. the rwildlcru in the of by any Invading the prohibited moved one except Fulkersoti Mow would you like to own a good bullets from their rifles. little Mexican town in Couhulla, Re- about o'clock, after a onference be- was afterward told that the reb- crowds from ami Monver One of the most remurkabi- dis- moving d Mayor C. E. Kelly, Pey-- district a picture of hla tween Sheriff els had shot him because he refused Prior to lite at a o he a u driving horse snd carnage snd not plays of bravery exhibited In yester- on Kdwardn. I'uunty VV Prolevtcd Hv I lac. mother from the locket of his watch 'lerk Park to halt at .their command and hud m this side Major a andC0l-one- ring from pay very much for them either? Front day encounter at Juares was that he placed It over his heart ami then Pitman. General Pancho Villa l made an attempt to drive his usr to old Olory, furled from the pole a (.alinda detailed guard to ntand over time (here splendid bar- of Captain Torrea, a Federal officer asked that he be allowed to write her Juan Medina. th border. There must hevs been u at the American conulhte In.. Juarez the body to' time re Who was given death sentence a El Pane, off called ou" as . tó Mes- - machine and and ordered ihe the farewell message, which was The tdala the score of shots fired Into the car. served protect(r evtral guardsmen to shtMJi any one who at- gains ojfered in ihe Classified Adver- being captured by granted.: rebel leaders at the headquarters In city rea- - after the rebel The rebels were engaging the Fed- an families of the .who hud tempted to rob Ihe.dead body section Su(poeg .army. the Juares customs and to r I he tising of this paper. Without showing the least bit of hous. after erals at the cuartel and garrison, st srn fear barm from rebels ! Pcriiilsoloii lo Mine Bod Gallant frksing Fight. nervousness extending their coefgratulatlohs to the they city yesterday you to that now. Per-hu- Bat he sat down to a desk 3 :30 o'clock (he former bringing a when entered the When the 'if. of Heg - turn sechoo Standing - successful leaders, arranged to have the - friends at the bead of hla com- and wcote a telegram to the mother machine gun Into play. The Federals momlng. The families were lyrnpa- they were given per- you may find there the very bar- gal-a- to the cities reopened and to tirrhed mny the Federal leader made a he loved so well, saying that he had fateWsys had a cannon and gup work- th (sera ut (be Huerta government snd iht- luidy losing ene- resumption of street car serv- uifltue mission 'o retnuvs at once gain you are looking for. If not. yon but stand against the neon captured and that when she R- ing and for a monient, and only a soma of Ihetn have taken an active ('oiistltuitonallsts aNaUivd FulkersAiu my's and nearly his eceived ice. - surely find horse car- attack after all the .message he would have moment,- the government troops pari against the rebela. As soon as and Monyer In removing the body can almost a or men were lost captured byj been killed. He began, they flocked to the hewas bade her a goodbv. it 11 OF COIUNKH. seemed to hold their advantage. Then the battle from H machine to their nage or both st the price vou want to rne o unman i ne prisoner waa aaying he i during would meet her where bat- their defense crumpled and fell. Thr onsulate and remained there auto, by simply in this paper aiaken before General Villa, who or- tles do not rage. an- the night and all of yestanUy Consul pay. putting Torrea then Finds Martyr lo Vtlle' ('anise Dies uf Federal gafrtaon surrendered a few Heggerson was a nal of Toyah, dered him executed for having de- nounced he was ready minutes before 4. o'clock and a short and Mrs. Thomas D. ICdwards pre- ie years a little Want Ad which will cost you) his command seme BoBttb and BuJtet Wounds. Tax., but came to Kl Paso two serted months Sentence Carried Ont. time after a white flug- was run up pared for the refugees and made com-- ' ego from Ourango, H l sur- but few cents. Learn to aaVi, of Peace Mur- Mexico. after tha battje of Torreón. Between a firing squad the little Justice the James J. on the flag pole at the barracks. More fortable places where t hey could vived by a father and. mother, Mr and f Taken prisoner during the fight. captain, with head erect, marched to phy pronounced the of Charles 12 prisoners were taken, sleep, and fed Many of the C. waa spared death than and them Mrs. Heggerson; two brothers, i: Torres' life when he tha rear of the cuartel, where the Seggersou. the American auto driver, these were takeh to the Jefatura and Chinese residents of Juarez taking M. and It. t). Heggerson, all of whom swort allegiance to the rebels. Ho squad Hired up in front of him. UgV .who waa killed In 'Juares, due to placed guard at the beginning of the battle In with eyes under alarm raslde Kl Paso. THe family home renialned the trdops for some big hla heavenward he stood at wounds caused by the explosion of a The test Stand. also, sought refuge el the American Is at HO North Oregon atreet weeka and then escaped and cams attention while the officer In charge bomb Snd also to a buljjet Fighting In Use wound. was still progress consulate. where gave near Oeflhlte funeral srrangemenis have to Juares, he Joined 'Castro the command to fire and he fell Inquest proceedings ware' held over tbe Juares monument, where shout The consulate was struck by bullets not been announced, but It la expect- and was made a captain. When cap-fire- d to - the ground, pierced with many bul- the remains of Seggereon after his 100 volunteers had gathered behind during the battle but no damage was ed that services will be held this aft- "TTierVanfAJWay' by the rebels yesterday he was hrtrlw avoa ratnrnart . IT. I Pa,. 4 (Continued on Pago Five) done. ernoon. or tUK UUKNUtd lUUCto, 4


New and Distinguished Modes Have Been Especially Assembled For the Society Event Saturday, November 22 TRAM MARK neo. it v ta v. prim a ca The Horse Show lt' a matter of woolens and workmanship and the more critical you are, the bet- ter you'll like our stylet and service-valu- e. ALTHOUGH the admiration of fine horses is supposed to be the Horse Show, the introduction of new modes is the dominant feature of this occasion, which will be attended by people from all over the Southwest. Therefore, it is obvious that every woman who attends the Horse Show is ambitious to be 500 all woo! Dozens of correctly gowned. Copies of the most recent modes of Paris have just arrived, and new and distinctive we cordially invite you to call and inspect these new styles. exclusive Autumn Smart, New Riding Habits Autumn Fashions In the Correct 1913-1- 4 Modes npHK "Popular'" Riding Habits, faithfully, copied from, the accepted Woolens to please I model of a famous London Habit Maker, equal in style and quality to the best custom-mad- e Habits at double the "Popular's" prices. Every essen- tial detail that insures serviceability is studied in their manufacture. $18 to $50 everybody We show side saddle habits, knickerbockers and coats, coats and divided skirts, coats and safety skirts, which may be used for tramping. Made of Khaki, Serge. Broadcloth, Dnvetyn, Corduroy, etc. We also show the "Knox" Sailors that add so much to the looks of the rider. Overcoats for the Women SO WHY NOT? Made by Hart Schaffner & Marx Wear clothes that fit your figure and please your purse as well clothes tailored-to-orde- r TIIIS idea is one the women started themselves; JL by Ed. V. Price Ac Co., Chicago. a lot of them like the style of men's overcoats for women. to $2 95 Some woman, somewhere, put on her husband's overcoat just because it fifrasM $6.50 at Only three more days left in which to make your selection for a Thanksgiving suit was handy; and that settled it", for her. Comfort; convenience in having SENSATION la promlaed In Bousedom tomor- or overcoat, as we must have six days in order to have it tailored right. So don't plenty of pockets; luxury of fine, beautiful fabrics; and a smart, row, whan we offer beautiful chiffon and ait A blouaa. worth up aa high aa f.6. for only put it off longer than Wednesday. style these things appealed to het. 12.16. Blouaea of Chiffon, Crops do Chine, Mraaa-Ine- , Such things travel fast; this did; lots of women took to the idea. They Charmeuee and Voltea, In various colors. Prill demanded men's overcoats for women ; they wanted some little modifica- of white tulle encircle the neck of aome. and form tions in the shaping. They get what they want, usually. Hart a cascade alao double frills at the wrleta. Then, Schaffner too, these touchea rlchneaa black velvet & Marx, are of makers of men's fine clothes, got busy, and the coats are here, ready w rist hands and a aaucy little bow at the back of Richard V. Pearson for your inspection. the neck. First Cut in Suits and Dresses A Special Offering of Exclusive Local Dealer. 110 Texas St. Ladies' Fall and Winter Suits and Silk Dresses At Decided Concession Jut wimple inaasuge. IT neceimnry. a From Regular Prices Was louven up an adjoining plank wit h FIRST glance our quoting important savings on new Fall and Winter Suits and Dresses that the Reality pf Today the more maaaage. K very thing depende on being aklllf ul enough with your AT early in the season may seem unusual but' we assure you the savings ARE here and Impossible of Yesterday Often Proven hand. thing to know all about great dlsuov- - well worth your first attention Monday. We are sacrificing a large per cent of our own profits l erlea, and you ahowld not forget thut to induce you to attend this sale and help us make November a record breaking month for 10 18. full pag uda coal money. The, offering are "extraordinary and it will you to by them. Many of the By C P. BULL. the nliirn noil nin-mtl- ipigom rum- It (hat pure py profit garments Jr. hat been discovered arrived as late as last Friday The reality of today wna th bled. culturea ,,i typhoid crina, taken Into others are from out regular stock. We have divided them; into yon thought yourself the ato much, urn only lean, of yealerds'y. You will Have r er of not harm four great special lots, as follows: nfvr aa :t pereonallty, u latent force, hit but fattening. We might modcatly much mnay with yur handn. mlghi accomplish great ihinan7 We Inquire who mined the cull urn Bo you to uro d simple menus have a nd pronounced them Dla-- " have litn acuatumd Inform ihut typhoid.!. LOT I. LOT a LOT 3 LOT are ionio how ha nd at iMMt ouine that net at nought one covery ha gone further and found Thr' etmp'e meth- thai there are no genua at fiulta and Dreaaaa Suits and Drosera Sulfa and Dreaaea Salts and Dream I blanch of avienen. (n all. The .V) sarvr hem well. od, tn plaoe of many complex one, as me sciential who discovered Worth to (28. Worth to SST.oO Worth to 17.60 Worth to $&2.50 Thi patent offlcs dabarrad prrpaiu- - has made the Jong history of atien-tlf- germs, disco versd tubercle motion, t'onntdr the motion of th reaearuh futile. bacilli, g'jiiococcl anil many other earth, the planeta, the tldas; perpetual Wny no aecompllah the name in germa. They taught dm hat the laat $19.50 $25.00 $34.50 $39.50 germ In motion surround h you. Y u havo other branches of aclsnce and Indtm-try- ? named coming contact with, ten the little aparra htttween the ende Think of the poealbllltlea. let ua way, the eye, vuuacd a copious of rallroud mile. Tnay were left there Bfeware of othera, you are warned dlechargn of pua and painful and die-- t to allow for the expanalon of the ralle by the benfactora. Money la expend- reset ug ay mp toma; that about The Suits: The Dresses: jy heat. LMd thev nu .,n mora than ed to tench you iii. i' competitors an of all caaea of hi Induce are that to you? They did to one man. till incompetent, or dlahoneat. The due tn thla germ Bometlmea there HESE garments are all in new 1913-19- WANT you to sei the new silk dresses are other complications, in the light .Some meJale expand more ami aoinn benafautora are Mollcltoue of your models Paris and New York's best fashion WE we are offering the above laaa at the nanu temperature. He health, hence th warning. Your of recent discovery It would be in the at named constructed a rute of parallel hare pot kctbouk le a aecondary, though Interest of aclence to experiment and ideas are represented in an unlimited variety. special prices we want you to put them to the H find out If our teaching haa heen all HUT of disimilar metal. connected neceeaary consideration,. Voti should Every new style feature, beautiful new fabrics 4he grate with the niechnnlnm of a expect to pay more for a world beater wrong. There la one practical diffi test of actual comparison we want to PROVE clock, and lo! the clock ticked on In- Ihnn for ihe service of ordinary men culty. o tun terra, sufficiently con-- and exquisite new colorings, harmonious tones I their goodness to you. The styles, soft, beau- definitely. A etcret wu w reeled from of iflene a. Bealdt. t worth aome- - need of the fallacy of tin- germ the- and styles are found in Hayadere Cords, new ory, tn offer themselves aa eubjecta tiful fabrics, harmonious trimmings and rich for experimentation, are too busy to Boucles, Brocaded Metalasse, Peau de Peche, bother with aclence. See Window Duvetyne, Peau de Soueis, mannish materials, colorings represent Fashion's latest whims, and Men who are unrelluble enough to Repps. Cheviots and Poplins. the hundreds of clever deceive ua about one thing are apt French Serges, little innovations and 10 be In error about other things. We Display Trimmings are smart and linings and workman- conceits, show the latest ideas in Fall and Win- hardly know how far lo believe anil ship the best. ter Styles. trust them. f our Instructora have When You Think fooled in into believing In danaeruus germs that don't exist, the may have The Apparel Section Ofert Many Choice ua Instructed erroneously about the Hn, 1 Us I spinal column. if Poíno' tor to Prtient It (he simple process of loosening up a spinal vertebrae by the simple Women's Coats at the Lowered Costumes for' the Charity Ball use of the hands is sufficient to cure all of the grievous Ilia caused by Prices of Next January pVERY woman wto is planning a cos-JE- 1 of "Overcoats" genua and Injury, It la to bn hoped the that the phyalctans will be broad tume for the coming dress event minded enough to see the error of $10, $15, $25 Charity Ball should see the splendid way. What picture is their The new cult have not on flrat the yet explained Just how almple contact root of the reaaon la that January garments we show, before making spreads some of our moat dreaded THE duty on woolen fabrica will be reduaed to final decision. All through the coming in mind? Ills, for Instance, infection of the eye. per cent now It averages 100 per cent. week gowns for this occasion will be your already alluded to. it ta Interrating A New tailor, who la a large manipulator, A York featured in a substantial way the prices to note i ne onaerx at ion that auch that he would not wait until the laat minute d slight contact, wlih the eye. for In- - to dispose of hla large yardage of woolena, ao he are Ihe lowest ever known in costumes a atanct, may sene to sllgntly displace ua woolena made coala at the of equal worth. We show imported the peraun. offered theae Itjto vertebrae of another This January value of the fabrica. Of couree, we accepted gowns and copies, and have grouped at is especially interesting In view of the atylea Is oí clumsy, old the opportunity. Hundreda of theae coata In sim- it a picture a leaching that the vertebras are cloth, very moderate prices several of the so firmly set that nothing but violent for all occaalona. Rrnadtall cloth, Peralan shapeless garment, or of a Mole-aki- n pler gowns, appropriate in style for the Injury could budge them and that Boucla, Chinchilla. Wool Bponge, Imitativo Mm Bruadcloth, Ural young miss as well as the woman. We trim, shapely, perfectly-tailore- d they would break before they could cloth, i'luah Caracul cloth, be displaced. cloth. advise early choice of these costumes, coat that is pleasant As there Is now uncertainty, we NOTE All theae coata are lined throughout with that the fitting and necessary alterations might try a little scientific research and allk. (Third Floor. ) to look at and comfortable for oureelvef. satin may be done well and in time. We fea- to wear. Take hold of the bridge of your ture four exceptional specials at '. nose and see If you can looaen It up. $16, $19.60, $25 and $84.50 Having received a Then take any dead animal and see just la you can looaen up a bone tn tta splendid shipment of the L back. Of course, your bunds are not Dresses $17 System overcoats, trained. Therefore, It la fair for you tef Silk and Wool Dresses, $10 WmSkmw we can to uae a butcher knife, a cold chisel SPECIAL purchase and aale of woolen dreaaea. KDIXnglsTt?! talk only of the latter and a mallet the first time. Then new, fresh and th perfect tort take hold of your nose again and ae Imple but etytlahly draped and gar- ar. light- If you It up, ments of Velour de Lajne, Bponge. Mat.Uvaa. THET of on of th moat successful mmim of garment, from the can't loosan easier than A thla mak- you did 'vertebra, without ruin- Serga, Wool Crepe., Popllae. ate. In handsomest make ra In New. York. In fast, slip-o- n that the grown so fust est to the heaviest ing your rea pec ta bin appearance. of favored new ahadea; pntty trimmings of ahadow er' buitn haa that he had Anyhow, great possibilities have many fur-Bo- not the capital to car for It all. Whin need storm ulster. lac, velvet and embroidery, and with ready money, been augealed by the skillful Uae of fluffy fit with long aroa. for a large sum of in with hue. other borrowing bank, he decided .the hinds on the outtdda of things. at with set- - In ma- stead of at th There isn't a garment in alaevra, often finished the waist convert cash. Our There are evan greater possibilities. to mati-- rollara. Matchless to some of hi surplus Into An ulcer eats a hols In the sppendlx terials the Cfl buyer was on spot at our stock that the best at J Jlf OU fortunately th Juat the and appsndlcltis Is curad by rubbing tit valu. opportune lime and bought a quantity of slaver dressed man in the commu- ths back. Not Infrequently the dreaaea at a price that enables ua f A plumbum In your house gata out of to to you at i ÉlMSá t nity wouldn't be proud to order. Now when pipas are- leaking Trimmed Hats $6.95 nil thm $ lU.UU wear. or get stopped up, pipe that are bur- bMuty .pota led deep In walla, of the real of 4hla the why not apply la Ash to tee simple mas- ONE the millinery section at th. 'external treatment and It presents a Wonderful sage on the floor? A mechanical the mem m array la new tn l'TfilfíW you. nervous system of wires would do lots of all that and authentic low butt, of things that nerve will not do. Women' Huta You are ure to b. par- Massage of the electric light center ticularly Intereated In thla apéela! assort- fancy mercerized, would enable one. by peeping through ment of new trlmmejd bata, that w are a crack, to form some idea of what selling thla week at. your broche "Ameri- to do nsst. Bven this may be d ohotos $6.95 Í can Lady" coneU $3.50 Plpea leaking, or stopped up. too much waste waiter or not enough, summer cum plaint or cost I vaneas, should yield to the same treatment. EI. PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1913 MidSeaso&i Sale of Silks and Dress Goods

i Begins Monday i i r r ibbm aw i j .x of Silks and Dres ASALE such as the-wome-n of t His city and vicinity have rarely, if ever, had the oppor- tunity of taking in. part asss a SSxssIbb MSsfM BSSM practically, our entire aSa ,atasss9LwLias A jasA stock thousands of dollars' &i worth of the very best, and most wanted qualities. Repri serjting, actually, the VERY GREATEST v m VAHES ssassa w y i Mil in y mmmtL r ever i r known in El Paso. This is a Silk and Dress Goods Sale marked by intelligent preparations. The wMc c o c fabrics offered are the choice products of the best manufacturers of the. old and new world, and arc very carefully selected. It is a great merchandising mm rár. event, into which we have put a world of work and thought. For weeks we have mm ii a 0 ss SÜChFw ' m i . in been preparing for this Great'Sale and have had Monday before our mind's eye. The unexcelled prices have always been our rule, and Monday we will more than demonstrate his truth. The unprecedented values offered are due to the magnitude m WIT of our purchases, and will prove an opportunity uncqualcd. Anything like an adequate AMM description of the numberless styles and qualities is impossible. In both popular priced and finer grades the concessions arc so tempting that every patron who investigates will be compelled to buy a season's supply. Come early; sale begins at 8:110 o'clock and we have en- gaged help for this event. Nine Extra Specials That Are Marvelous Values FANCY DHKAH SILKS CHIFFON TAFFKTA W mi. C'HAI.LIKH 100 pieces nf fancy drena silks In a splen- All silk chiffon taffeta; 36 Inches wide; 100 piecea of all wool challtea. In many did heavy quality. Comes In all anadea, a splendid heavy quality; very soft and new and staph designs. The moat prac- with neat striped and checked effects. highly finished. Regular 11.00 tical of all light weight woolona for You should come early, an this line will value. n Bale, a yard. street and house d reases. k Im on ns. be closed out quickly Kvery yard worth CRKPK DK CHINK sacquea. waists and children's d fie to 75c. n Bate Og This fabric Is unquestionably one of the It Is very serviceable, fast color, and yard JDC most popular silks of the season. We wushes perfectly. Every yard worth 86c ODDS AN D KNDH OF Wtlgal' offer a baautlful heavy qustlty, 42 fitches and 76c a yard. Sale, In all leading shades, the Mld- - yard 39c Odds and ends and broken lines of silks wide. at i Hcaaon Bale price of, a i i i i i thousands of. yards on one big table. ci ac BKOCAPKD in m m im mmii WHxMI.vm mmh yard The season's moat wanted colors and de- ASSFS ANI MOIHFN MaaBuaiWsmTa. ssssski mm mm signa. Some of the best numbers of the iMl-n- CHIFFON AND SATIN A wonderful range of the ajfeason'a moat season Included In the lot. This Is an BKOCAOKD VFAOCK8 wanted shades. Very much In demand opportunity that you cannot afford to The moat gorgeoue dress fabrics ever for combination dresses, roata and alt miss. Secure a dress pattern of this shown In the city. They ara exclusive styles of street dresses; 44 Inch correct. Kach shade and design be- $4 desirable silk at D " and Hegular $3.60 to 60 vah nbmit iiaif-rric-Lfile ing a wonder In Itself. As soft and Hnle, yard $2.85 clinging as chiffon; as rich In color as (he k MVMAmrmm SILK MKNSALINK Orient. We have a remarkable assort- CKEFF.IV Special table of fan- cy A beautiful nil silk messallne, !U Inches ment of these fa hi tr. and will mark printed Canton crepes, wide. Extra soft quality; very much In them at w .price that will sell very yard crape dn chines, crepe meteors demand for all kinds of linings, drapes, In a hurry. These values range in price and chnrmeuse. In the aesaon'a slips and for trimming and making from )10 to $ir a yard. Bale most novel effects. These silks (less cost, nothing dresses. 100 shades 1o choose from. than actual tri: uc are most effective as combi- B&5i0fSgH Ki !Wl4Hai MWVOV" JDaWySBBIl Regular $1.00 quality. Mid reserved), yard nations. .All at greatly r. ,in, ,i fr Tí i'in ill it all t irn "TsW r rissssssii Season Bale, yard 79c (Bee Mesa Ave. window display.) prices. The Black Silks The White Silks Silk Messalines 11.10- - Chiffon Taffeta. $1 76 3,6 Inch white 811k Wulrc 51.35 and Lining Satini 36 ii,. nil mil- yard .7o silk Mrssallnn ou Inch Messallne, In all ahades 36 Inch 51.7 II. 36 Inch guarantied Chiffon Taffirta $2.00 Satin Kruncnlso 7V $1.50 32 Silk Madras . 80r Jnch $1.60 36 Inch whlto Moire, yard F,xtra heavy 36 Inch Mcllne. .85c Taffi'ta Inch ffuurantrd Chiffon . .fl.S 76c 27 Inch Meallne, splendid fin- Ml" $l.r,0 36 Inch heavy McaMllnc.fl.5A ish 55, $1.60 $ all silk Sklunor'a Inch $1.6086 Inch Skinner's all silk Satin 24 Inch heavy. quality Messallne Satin . f 1 .55 .Vic $1.60 26 Inch Skinner's guaranteed $1.60 36 Inch Cheney's Wash Taf- $1'50 Skinner's guaranteed Lining Lining Satin l. 1.55 feta Satin In all colors $1.211 $1.6026 Inch Cheney's Wash Taf- 75c- 27 Inr.h white Mescaline. if.. .ffu feta l.3 86 Inch lleldlng's guaranteed Lining 23 Inch All Silk Mcssallne 55k Satin 89ii $2.00 26 Inch Satin Frnncalse 11.75 22 Inch All Silk llengallne Ml" $1.60 36 Inch black Silk Moire, TSie Basement Specials yard ' . !. Fancy Dress Silks $l.r,0 36 Inch Welding's guaranteed Chines For Monday's Selling Inch fancy Ilress Silks, Satin 42 extra heavy Crepe dc Chine, $1.3627 11 11 Inch ysrd un, itoi.F. BI.ANKKT8 Those are the famous $1.5036 Inch black Milk Pi'au do all colora Mi:. "Heacon" Mis els, in pattern suita- $1.60 22 Inch figured Crepe de Chine nk made exclusive Sole 51.56 $2.8642 Inch '' Cheney's Crepe de ble for both men's und women's wear, ttiach blanket $2.25 $6 Inch heavy Hatln Duche China, all colors f I.SH fl.ltt pucfeed in a box complete with w.ilst nnd neck -- 24 Inch Cheney Bros.' Foulards .. 70r Si. 8 $2 00 and $2.26 42 Inch Crepe Me- cord and frogs. Prices, each, IJ.9G $3.95 24 Inch extra heavy grade Foulards and. $3.25 32 Inch heavy black Moire, teor, all colora fl.55 OOWN COMrXIKTM" We call attention to ? Mil, particular yard $3.00 and $8.60 Imported Crepe Me. our splendid iissortmont of down filled Comforts. We Coating llenga-lln- e Inch floral Silk Ratine, yard Velvets New Coatings $2.25 82 Inch heavy teor. In all colors $'.8.75 $1.0040 have them In nil (junllties, l.75 7r from those covered with $1.00-1- Inch silk anA wool figured sateen to tbe most luxurious, covered with brocaded Plushes Excellent Values Chhfon Cloth satin- Prices range from fr 60 Veoars ana Crepe 89c $27.50 IS Inch Pson Vslvst, Id 100 shades 12.50 54 Inch double faced Coatings $1.60 44 Inch 'Madam Butterfly" II. 2Í. 24 Inch Moire. In all colors Lining Specials Chiffon Cloth fl.55 36 Inch Moire and llrocnded For ii gift there is nothing t'P table thun one .fe 1.55 of thtssn Down Comforts, yard 35c Sateen. In all shades, yard .SSc $1.26 44 Inch heavy Chiffon Cloth llengallne 980 ll) Inch Plain Velvat at. yard . . . .tSc 12.25 64 Inch heavy Coatings, :. In shades, yard . . SSo (colors) SU! $1.35 27 Inch Dolly Varden brocaded '.i0 22 loch black All 811k" Velvet 1.78 Bateen, all $2.00 64 Inch heavy Coatings, yard 20c In all shades, yard ISc $1.60 44 Inch dainty floral Chiffons messalines 55V 10 Off on Pattern Table j si.i .V Cloth 5J.5S 20c Sp ungíaos Lining, yard . . I He 51.55 $$.60 44 Inch heavy Dress Moire, nil Inch black All 811k Velvet . tl.60-5- novelty Coatings, yard 26c Percallne, yard 33c $1.60 44 Inch Creped Chiffon Cloth colors...... f2.55 M.55 4 Inch and Napkins to Match 53.58 1 5c Percaltne, yard Vltyv $1.35 22 Inch black and white Millinery $4.50 and $6.00 64 Inch heavy Coat- - Pluah 1.15 Inks, yard 55.75 MOST all of the women of Kl Paso know what .60 22 Inch black and white Mil- $6.00 64 Inch heavy Ratine . . .$1.75 targe and exclusive line oí Pattern linery Pluah $2.2.". Extraordinary Values in Dress Goods Table Cloths we carry. We guarantee ihent, too, Broadcloth tptcials Yard Volunto $1.75 at $1.35 Yard Fancy Dress Woolent VoJms to 75c at 45c beyond the wash tub, and we can well al'ford to do so. $2.0064 Inch Chiffon Broadcloth r Inch Kiionso HuUIiikh Fancy $1.4 $6 Inch all wool Albatross tall Dreae Woolens, worth to 75c, colors) f4 Inch Novelty IbeMnrs . . because of their sterling quality. (Second Floor.) at. yard $2.50 and $4.00 Chiffon Broadcloth Your ..Mo $6 Inch all wool Nuasvelllnic (all Choice r.4 Inch Hairline Menees Fancy Oreas Woolens, worth to $1.26, 5.55 f,4 Inch Novelty' Whipcords .. PATTKIIN i tu t CliOTII Kxtni ALL MNKN DAMASK NAPKINS colors) MjfM I, at. yard $2.60 and Inch Chiffon . Is and scatlopsd Large wise, 26x34, pretty, He $$.0054 All wool French ftargs 44 Inch Silk Warp Henrietta Choice . hsnistltohil small Fancy Woolens, worth to 11.75, Broadcloth designa, In an cxpIU-m- f rigurr putti-- Press I.C All wool Storm 64 Inch Vlgoreaux Huitines . . iuallty and scroll ftegu at. yard 1.55 $6.00 Black Chiffon Serfs nil puro tlnnn; aomii iIohIkhh for lar quality, Broadcloth.4.15 16 Inch all wool lleniiatta 45c S4 Inch CoatinK Cheviots ... Minare tahlrs nnd others for rotiild special, dor. '0 Inch black and white Shepherd hi Inch Shepherd Checks $3.25 XT I . ta Liles, rut round Valusa to l . . K4 Inch Blsck Broadcloth .. ALL IM n NAPKINH Checks .' 1 5 IMANK Ü4 i 0 fVovmbr Linen tí o 75c Novelty Huitines, yard a i ara Inch navy and black Kr sr HUe 22x22; pretty, snmll patterns Half, emch Qrtvek Key Three-Fift- y Too Navy and black Panama . . . Sere and Hpot. Shamrock, The Power of 54 Inch Cheviots at. ysrd Yard BROWr. KITCHKN URAHH All etc. This Is a Special Job und wo 44 Inch Tussah Itoyal . . . . l a linen quality, also thut wall known no h In 89c Yard have exact mate damasks. In Our Shoe Store Values to $1.25 at heavy cotton 'rhsrmae" irrssh A 93. Ml value, at a 4 4 Inch Diaconal Sultlnc Values to $2.25 at $1.69 Yard worth 12 1.' yurd. No- - a 1 doxen $2.69 you ever stop to $4 loch Storm Sera en.ler Linen Hale. ysrd. ALL MM N I M II i II . consider how fr . 4 Inch Imported Tussah rC 54 Inch Scutch Mixture ... ,. ) Kl i HTAH ABM H UK NT CUT-TO- Manmtltched, inch; pretty DID Dollars a 44 inch Brocaded Wool Crepes . Choice and Half will go in our (4 Broadcloths . . . C'KAMII pMtterns. A very quality Inch Pastel Your 44 Inch Silk and Wool poplins Hdy for uh; Kod Shoe ? 44 Kronen romes In 25 yard 11.00 each. November Linen Women's Section This season we have inch Henrietta .... $4 Inch Chiffon Broadcloth .... holts. Ra;ulr 44 Imported Scutch Plaids 7 tí Hale 75c made a special effort to give you the best Inch 4$ Inch Brocaded 'Bedford Cords .69 value. Bolts of t or 4$ Fancy Crepes . Choice wD ALL LINKS Mi;ULK DA MASK H $3.50 Shoes and Slippers Inch Wool M Inch Navy and White Checks Zb yarda yl that can be made to Serge -- Htiowy white, exclusive patterns, 4$ Inch French M Inch Black and WJilte Checks sell for that price. We give you the same 4$ Inch Shepherd Checks ..... MKKOKRIZKiO DAMAHK Oood full 72 Inches wide; beautiful satin styles in this line as are found in the better 4$ loch fancy Bedford Cords . patterns, tekvy weave; 66 lncha finish- Oh f the most wonderful .sataal WW M . wide. Regular and 40c qual values In grades. In our $3.50 line for the week, we tbt7sáal atHtaaW 54 Inch all wool Cream 8ere 89c shown the entire sale feature items as follows: $4 loch heavy Henrietta Suiting Visit our 'Dressmaking 'Department ity. November Linen Hale, Out regular 61.20 seller. No 44 Inch Mohairs In all colors . Yard yurd 29c vember Linen Huh", yard 95c 4 4 Vlgoreaux Hum nun a under the direction of Mrs. fB-- I JMapklna to above at WOMEN'S STREET SHOES Inch J. HKAVV MATIN Ml i I i match 44 Inch Diagonal Suitings ...... itii grrutly reduced ptioeo. In patent leather, gun metal, vici L Cass. Second Floor) l M nk And half llneh damusk. 44 inch Hairline Serf 72 iinJi'H wide. Very durable and ALL LINKN MATIN DAMASK kid, etc. Alt the season's latest ' fine grade In a select assort- ':. sap. good looking A "Bo value. Vry styles and shapes. There is posi- (A uf HatCln and EVENING SLIPPERS AND wfmmm it: cfi November Linen Hale, yard. DUC ment Period. Scroll tively none Floral dealgns. strlpad und plain better made at the PUMPS For women. They ready-to-we- ar See men's i n i HI I Is price we offer this footwear for are here in black, gold, Sec our our it ttl im OAMAHK centers. This one of our good ml. White and silver blaaohod. An numbers and sells regularly at, women.- - You Whether wish to blue, white and pink, trimmed ad on the clothing and shoe icallent quality of avery day, hard 61.60 to (!... per yard. Novem purchase or not, we are sure that with many different style or- wearing This la very Hale., opposite page of ads in the sport table linen. a ber Linen yon will be well pleased. We naments. We want you to see apeclal Item that has euld at 7fcc. yard . $1.35 have marked these these values priced of this issue 8e and 61.00 a yard. No- - i Napkins to match above at ' this issue page 65c t $3.50 at, a pair ll Mm ember Linen Hale greatly reduced prices, FOUR EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1913. THR $15 CLOTHES SHOP T I. STETSON HATS $4 to $15 $15 HARRIS KRUPP, Prop. 107 SAN ANTONIO STREET $15 ncn ncn HAVE YOU BEEN IN? s 'I fUMm L VjA. 'T O WE NEED SUITS OVERCOATS MONEY TALKS and O AND CRAVENETTES T PRICES SHATTERED T THE MONEY 2,000 to From Select at I H Sawed-Of- f Prices H E Our $15.00 Our $25.00 Our $20.00 E Suits, Overcoats and Suits, Overcoats and Suits, Overcoats and S Cravenettes Cut to Cravenettes Cut to Cravenettes Cut to S S $1ft-5- Q 115j S H H O THE $15 CLOTHES SHOP O UpU LpU STETSON HATS $4 to $15 HARRIS KRUPP, Prop. 107 San Antonio Street 1

two weeka. A oordlal welcome aw<a by Gounod. Sabbath echool at 1:30 mental principles of tha Catholic faith He knew that there waa idmathinc CHURCH NOTICES all aho attend. a. m. sharp. Junior Endeavor At 3:00 are cordially Invitad to attend this Wearing Shoes On the wrong but he could not figure the p. m. ttenlor Endeavor at 4.30 p. m course of lectures. aua of the merriment an4 why th Altura Preabrterlaa Charca. Piral Mthuütt pi- -- opal. Wrong Fttff Amusing girls were looking at him aa though he Iduii and Kueeell, Urandvlaw. Rev On Myrtle avenue, three blocks eaat Amalla Park t hrUtiaa. East El Paao PreebywHan. waa the comedian In tome mualcal of city hall. Rev. Herman O. Porter, At the Austin Park Christian church A W. 1 hither, pastor. Preaehlnt; by- the pastor. praaoti atreets, Poplar and Taxaa atraata, Kav. Ken- vaudeville act paator at 11 a, in., and 7:30 p. m. Tha The pastor will at both corner of Cebada and Montnna .Brown, paator. Sunday Race Track Follower Coming From morning evening Horn- be Hundgy aa fol- neth school. To all uppearancea be had Jufft morning subject: "The Real Hro." and services. thare will services a. m. M. lug aervlce, 11 o'clook. proved Conunedlan For All ing worship at 1 ; aubject of study 0:30 a. m i0 .ni Juara apent the nla;ht In tha open, Bleeping; Evan I subject "Having the Form of o'olook lows: Bible at Com. p. m sermon, of ttolo, 10:46 a. m. Im- Night aervlce, 7:45 m. the Pnsaengera. oft a jaa; which had left him aome-wh- OcHllliio, but Denying the Power." "The Teat tv." munlon at and followed Wedneaday, w 'Come Unto Me," Messiah mediately by preaching Midweek service, 7:45 bewildered. The aaid Hunday echool al ,49 11. m. L from the service. conductor tHanUel) by Mrs R. J. Wuson.te Quar- There will also ba preaching in thu p. fn. he on car near the racé uerlntendeut rrnyeV meeting on meeting fot the 7,30 p. m. tette composed of Mrs. R. J. Wilson, evening, beginning at 7:80 o'clock. The Social with free entertain- "Pipe de guy what's feet's twisted," course and evidently he waa aome ata- Miss Elisabeth Fry. Mr. E. E. Nold and Christian Endeavor service will be held ment and movlrts pintura, Friday, gleefully exclaimed a small newsboy ble hand who thought It aafer to Henry - Be On Thy In evening, of 7:30 p. m. Flret Ckrtaliaa. Durkea. will aing the between the hours yesterday morning as he was selling Bleep under the light of the atars in Guard" (Wllaon) Evening worship at ( 30 and 7:30. Aid Society, special meeting, Thurs- Mexico than under the brilliant raya North Oregon and franklin ttreete, 7.80 o'clock, subject of sermon, "A day, p. m. his papera In front of Kl Paso 3:30 the of sume El Paao atreet light where a Sure'" two itlocka gheldon. Kav. "' north of The real Bible Question'' Solo, by Mr. Orchard Park Metkoelst il- - in : Club, Tueaday, 4: p. m. Street Car Company's office on San policeman might "pipe him." 'l?'S.f Perry J. Rice, ftaelor. Rervtoaa will ba V. "Twilight r Nold. Quartette. Now Kest of Washiftgtotr Park. 3un lay Boy's t.'lub, Tueaday. 7:;M p. m Antonio street. 8huffling off the car Hi- - feet aeemed to held Sunday as follow Hunday at ( hurt him and he Kalis" Wrlghtsoiii. Hunday school at school at 3:30 p. ni. Mm B. R. a queer specimen of humanity ambled waa pusaled. He would glance down a. m cuinmutiion at in r. a. m. a m ; wail organised In depart- ltln across, all superintendent. I'rev at El Paao Presbyterian. th atreet and passed through in- perplexed followed Immeijlulely by tha recular ments. Kpworth League at 45 p m.; a 30 p m. by Rav. Herman Q. at shoea with a frown Sermon the swinging doors of the nearest and then give up a sigh. Prob- preaching service Christian Endeavor vuhiahlr-se- vi( for young people The Poner, pastor of Klrsl M. K. oaltreh, The unusual feature of our work skloon. it with ear vice ivt P n preachlna: 7 ably he la still wearing 'em on at snd praysr tnaatlng, Wednsda ih p m this Kail Is the large number of boya The naasle waa not the only on the gain at 7.30 p m The day will be Dr T C. I.tff of Denver will lead L,ulkrraa wrong feet, Tip fterasea Ckurch. girls In o beer ved s decision day ip tha Hunday and alendante on all of the that "piped da guy;" he was piped all aohuol will assemble Tha atfrvlcea will b rondnctad In religious services There were 33 boye the way from Juaras by the paasen-ger- a Bet auto, rareful drlrers. PtiOpe 610. The school in Ptret Presbrterlaa. at 10:10. Mf, the main auditorium of th rhurch at German, and begin Subject: and girls at last Sunday night aervlce of the car on which he rode. And re- M tan ton Rev L. Day or All tip are not to be It o'clock and an opportunity will ba Boulevard and r The Ureat Heveiation. Sunday and 23 ut prayer meeting on Wedneo-d5y- . the more they piped him the more pupil old enough to Ovsrstreet. pastor Morning worship school al 9 4ft o'clock. ."Rev Paul O average they laughed. The conductor au- lied on. but here's a sure one. viiiM to all make t sermon, 123& The attendance of boys daclalon. to accept Christ. Hugh m at Preceding the tha rJIrkmann. paetor, Olive etreel and girls at prayer meeting for the thority for the statement that had the will preach,, morning paator will relate fór the benefit of guy remained on tailing sickness lllan both and An- paat monthei 34. the car five mlnutee of Hunday the children! the story of Michael Trlalty Metkedlat Ckarrk. longer Toa titter from Fits, Epl Do your banking with the evening. The aervicee will gelo subject The Friday nlgbt free aocial enter- some of the giggling glrle ÍÍ any special aervtces In which and the child. The of the Boulevard Mcea. Rev. C. Wee-le- gone rloaa the the sermon will be "Benslble ' Religion" and tainments ara attracting good would have Into hysterics. Rio Grands Valley Bank & thurch haa baen engaged for tha past Webdelt paator. Sunday servtcae: Wriat waa so ob- Fits F O. Billings will sing "Come L'nto There are moving pictures and "queer" about the rimen with raaaark- Sunday echool at a. m Epworth .' Trast Co., and you will be Me" by Coenen. and the choir will sing t:lo delightful muelcal and literary fea-tur- ject of all the amusement Why he ftbte mee. Bead at taealer a treeiauni tn League 6:30 p. m Preaching 10.46 a. Ma Mel ef bit real rantdr. Hun4rn of umanuS II a lowed by on weekly programme. had big yellow oxfords on wrong on h- served promptly, courteous- "Thy Presence", Carter. nv and 7.30 p m. Morning each sic fllr from psHirM who - riru1 ibeUMlTM Tltt evening begin 7:30 theme. The pastor took a number of The left shoe was on the right foot oitrftd. t.iTp l.xpraM and eo.tOfflflu ArlrfroM W. H. SPILLS service will at "The Fountain of Life" Evening, tha v. D. ly and efficiently. The rapid with a brief song service. In which con- young people for a "apaclmen hunt" and tha right shoe on the left foot Peebe, 4 Oelavr Nrel,lw f ark city. "1 ".sai"..0! evaqgellitle service. Special muele. growth of this bank, now ; A gregation and chorus Join. "Keeping Morning, anthem. "Seek Te the Lord" to the New Mexico foaall bads weat Oneself In the Lv of Ood." will b iRuberte). quartette. of the smelter on Saturday. The boy ranking a one of the strong- the sermon aubject J U Coggeshall Solo. "Penitence" (Martini. Mrs H. K. Miles of Cincin- and girls get much Instruction and CANDY est in Southwest, (HiBCTaTgESV will King. "I Ho Not Ask to Bee." by pleasure from these outlrtg and find SPECIAL the proves Hproae, nati. Ohio. Evening service, anthem. and the chorue and choir will "Abide With Me ' (Klorlo) Solo. many Intereatlng specimens for the that we have offered clients MfcSWaWtt elng. Lord. O My Hon I. " by "The Simply Delicious Yomr NEXT Order For "Praise the Christian's Prayer" iHolden) Mrs. w church museum. exceptional facilities, uniting Watson, and "Forever With: the Lord" W. following r sot ir numusts ofihwoi Evana. Almoet every seat In tha The members of tha Sun Our progressive with auditorium was ruled laat Sunday day school will receive rewards for Coal, Wood Feed methoda morning. Four addltlonp to the church bringing In new scholars: Hugh Walk- I or conservatism. and lot present In tha Sunday sehool. er, Dora M alone:.. Dorothy Moloney. i Strangers are welcome. Hear .Mis Jesae Poole. Pecan Nuggets Will Be Appreciated Mllee of Cincinnati. Sunday morning. B; Weat El Paao Sunday School. the Miselenary 25c the box Rio Grande Valld For three months Barracka of old Fort Bliss J. U BADGER FUEL CO. haa been meeting In Clrclaa for Vaughan. superintendent Sunday Saturday Only. I I their social afternoon Tuaaday nekt p In the ehuroh parlor at 3:30 p m. the school, i m. Preaching service. I CstabUahed 1SST. Phonr SSS. 1 & Co society will meet together as a whole Thursday. 7:36 p. nr. Bank Trust for a soeisl afternoon This promises The Elite Confectionery Co. to be a meat plaaaant occasion and all rese del Narta rtutel Bailases urged aro to attend Each branch la grill, st II :30 s- in. to t p. haa selected one lady to got aa hosteeee Utility of and the five selected will have charga For RABBITS. Phone Ardoin'a. of too program for the afternoon. Every meraoer and friends urged to Crawford Tonight, Mouse of a Modern Banking Methods attend thousand randies. Oraed View Baprla. The The Sunday school will observe tta Golden State Limited rifth anniversary Sunday at 3 p. m Realizing This program will be presented: Song, that depositors appreciate "fhtldten'a Chorua:" treasons tram tha The Fastest Train U the East Life of Moaea, John Twigga: poem. promptness in the transaction ef their "The Burial of Moses," Mrs Stella duet. Mrs J C Urlfflth. Mr. FROM EL PASO banking business, the First National Bank Mi i v Arthur i.i' "The Organisation of To Kansas City 29 houra To New York utilizes every modern the Sunday School." T H. Henderson; 67y2 hours method which has "The First Christmas." .Avia Tipton: To St. Louis 39J2 hours To Philadelphia 65 proven beneficial "Our Pastor ahd Teachers." Rut '2 hours and satisfactory. Orubbs: Mra J C. Griffith. "The To Chicsvgo 44J2 hours To Washington 67 hours : Mttpah " W K. Alther, Your account subject check is class "The Fu to invited. ture of the Sunday School," J. w. The only train from El Paao exclusively first-clas- s Earla. for travel. fai Trans-Continen- Every luxury on this tal finest train barbar, valet service Ceerek af laasaaealate Caasepttoa. telegraphic news service, library, magazines, correspondence Victrolá Capital and Surplus $1,000,000.00 North Campbell street and Myrtle facilities, avenue. Sunday services' communion I CR EDIT! I recitals, etc. mass at t q'etook; children's masa at 8:30 a. m.; low mass and ahert sermon For Fares. Pullman - Reservations. Schedules, etc., ask at Ml o'clock: high maas and aarmqn I Youra is good for Dia- H at to so o'clock. Evening aervlce at I monda, Watches and Jew- - I Richard Warren. Qty Ticket Office, H. D. 1:3 o'clock. Weak day masa at McGregor, eiry. Buy Roberts-Bann- er o'clock. Apoatiesblp of prayer Friday I Christmas goodi I General Agent. Building, City Passenger Aoent evening at'7:3a. Kav. Father Barry I now at El Paso. Texas. 597 will begin a course of sermon-lecture- s Phones 5851. El Paso Texas on "Evidences of Keltgton" al the high I 203 SAN ANTONIO ST. I maas today. The subject of the first Baggage Checked From Hotels and Residences lecture will be "What la Faitb,r' Those who may desire to know the funda- - 1 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1013. FIVE "STARVING TO DEATH" PEACE IN MEXICO REBELSJjOP HERE

Wa. Mr. Bell, of Florida. Whan IT 18 ESTIMATED THAT THEY CARRANZA W l. NOT CONSIDER Sha Bagan Taking Parana il SPENT too AT LOCAL TORIOS. ANY PROCXDVRR THAT DUES 'Yea, waa starving to death." said we heard from her. December. 1911, NOT BMMINATK HUERTA. All Mr PJmma Ball, of Fort Pierce. she waa still a frlend-o- f Paruna. Kohl ten In VlUa'e Oaouaaad MM Honda. Box 194, "whan I bagan to For other testimonials on catarrh Yeeterdajr FoUawfn the Taking CAUTION! Of the stomach, sse "Ills of Life," seat tsks Paran. I could not aat of Juera. trae. Address Peruna Co., Columbus, WILL RECOGNIZE NO ONE If I swallowsd anything It Ohio. - aourad on my stomach. My stomach The stomach and bowels are lined wan vary much swollen. My bo wU with a mucous membrane. They are That VI Paso will directly benefit clad as if I bad acuta dysentery I subject ssme from the occupation of Juares by Gen therefore to catarrh, the Who Sejecaeds Huerta Through tbe srsl Villa's troops wss svidenced was in great distress and pain. Three M ths nose and throat. Catarrh of night last doctora boon am aloyad, but gave the derange I'owm He Has t'surped. when Gsnsrsl Maclovl Herrera The great had stomach and bowels will and his popularity of the ma no I waa continually organs. Bays Leader. staff cam over to thla side relief. the functions of these Ths and purchased complete furntahtnga growing worse. stomach can no longer digest food. for themselvea I Waa In Despair The food lying in the stomach, even dlgeatlon. By the atsoeisted Pret$ It la estimated that the general and "In my despair I caught at every for a short time, without his spent no clean, pun, Nogales, Nov. 11. General staff less than 1500 n healthful straw. Piafclne; up a newspaper I saw Immediately sours. The aouring pro- Son.. one duces gaa and Irritation. Vsnusttano Carranaa wilt not consider haberdashery on San Antonio some account of Pnruna. There was any accomplishing psac street alona and thty wars seen to a a woman Food Soars In the Stossxech. means of in testimonial from who had upon ts enter ma ay other stores along the boon troubled much like myself. I A portion of the undigested meal la Mexico not predicated the absorbed system by blood elimination ot Huerta. treat. Each was well supplied wltn concluded to try Peruna. into the the large rolls of bills and they spent vessels of the stomach. This poisons Ths Constitutionalists' political and money their I Wrote to Dr. Hartman. the whole system, a condi- military leader announced the follow- lavishly, buying only the bast "At the same tima I wrote to Dr. producing that could be obtalr.ed. WRIGLEYSw my tion now known as autointoxication; ing; statement In characteristic brev- Hartman. He pronounced case self poisoning. The fermenting. Irri- ity and directness: Haadreds ef Dellan Speat. catarrh of the stomach and bowels. mass, as It passes Into Hundreds of dollars were spent by T soon bagan to Improve. tating down Nothing Through Huerta. the soldiers After tak- the bowels irritates the bowels, pro- "We will recognise nobody who snd their wlvss In El Pao LsVTeV rywAWai ing a my waa ao last night. Those who were half bottle stomach ducing sometimes a chronic diarrhea, succeeds Huerta by the power which successful improved that I could oat some." producing very oppo- In pBsslng ths cordon ef United States sometimes the he has usurped." troops came to In I Began to Recove. site, constipation. was occaslonsd by El Paao drovea anJ This statement they too, wars lavish In taslr spend-I- n Than this good housewife goes on The average dyapepala medicine various suggestions reaching here gs. to narrate in detail nor rapid Im- helpa to artificially dtgeat the food. through the press and provement and final recovery. She Even when such medicine does its aeldtere An Paid. channels that certain persons might All of the aoldlera In General aaid: "After taking two bottles of work it la only temporary. A perma- acceptabls and Villas T strong be to both Huerta command were paid in Juares yester- Paruna was enough to stand nent relief can only be expected when as president interim NO up to wash the dlshea" When she is overcome. Carranaa ad dsy morning immediately after the is causing unscrupulous persons wrap the catarrh -- to began taking Peruna sha weighed 102 name yet suggested to Carranaa has surrender of the olty. It Is report d Symptoms of Catarrh of the Stomach. brought an encouraging reply. thst the chief ef Constitutionalists pounds. After she had taken five The symptoms of of the ths bottles of Peruna she weighed 111 catarrh Military Successes. distributed to. 000 pesos among n stomach are: First, heartburn. Sec- Military successes of the revolu- soldiers. Officers in ths ovsr river clt rank imitations that are not even real pounds. She ooncludee by saying ond, food rises in meals. that she la well. throat after tionists reported today added grsally yesterday displayed large bank rolls Third, sour stomsch. Fourth, heavy to ths already cheerful attitude of during th day and night. chewing gum It Waa Twelve Tears Am. reeling after eating. Firth, atoraach negotia- Hoyes Visits Olty. so they resemble genuine The- gas. pal- officials here attsnding the letter from which the above bloated, belching of Sixth, tions conducted with Washington Captain Armando Moves of Gnrsl quotation were made waa received pitation of heart. Seventh, poor dl- rep- stated that the mis- January 21, 1901. in a geatlon, have dyspepsia. Eighth, through William Bayard Hale, Hsrrsra'a staff WRIG LEY'S fsamoj . The class later letter. resentative of President Wilson. It tas would not sttack the city of Chi- better written September 11. 1904, she says: tongue costed light brown. Ninth, huahua becaua of General Vil is 'a "1 sing the praises of Paruna and tenderness over pit of stomach. was assertsd that while the hitherto far unrecognised now had aversion to the loas of life and propertv of near. It la uaed a great deal In our Tenth, cannot bear tight clothes .revoluttontsu In the city which would necessarily re- stores will not try to fool you with vicinity. Thla seems to be a bad waist. direct and friendly relations with sround Washington, sult fmm in sttaek. place for catarrh "' We have received lVople who object to liquid modi Provisional President Instead they will wait until the letters from her since. The last time cines can now obtain Peruna Tablets. Husrta hsd none. td these imitations. They will be offered to Taking erais evacuate the town and then fo. of J nam. low them up to attsck them In the Ths tsklng todsy or Jusres on ths upen. fore the city realised he was border by Villa's Major chief of atsff of General you principally by street fakirs, peddlers AGAIN that Culls-ca- Cornu. JUAREZ' FALL wthin striking i forcea the capture yesterdsy of a member of distance. at- He rera waa alao the (Continued from Page One.) capital of Slnalos, and the party in HI Paso laat night O ROSCO IS EXSCITID. tack today on Victoria, capita of and the candy departments of some 5 and Tamaulipas. on the Oulf of Mexico. TAKB RACK HORSK adobe walls and were making a gal- Telegraph Operator Attempted to Make It was asserted, would affect materi- 10 lant stand against a superior foe. The 'ata Beca pe. ally the international status of the Rebels Sale Co Have Takes Six i r,,, cent stores. These rank imitations fight raged nearly S revolutionary movement. It was as- there until Francisco Oroaco, a ke Jwares Trees.. o'clock, when half of those that were said io he cousin serted the revolution had doubled n Complaints that rebel soldlsia we a not killed surrendered snd the others of Pascual Orosco and federal telegraph International Import in the lust wse)k. taking hemes from ths Juarex rae ? cost dealers one cent a package or broke for the Rio Orandt. operator at Moctssuma, was execute Amused at Huerta. track and confiscating thsm for use n The battle ended with an engage- at that station Friday night by a squad The suspense incident lo ihe pend cavalry horses ware mads vsstsrdsy even less sold to people mln-ule- D. and are careless s diplomatic Consul Thomas Edwards ment near the race track a few ot Constitutionalists who were on in ing relsttons with the American later. In all 1 Judge there were United States wis lightened today in of Juares bv the American owners of engine preceling the troop trsln in were taken 100 killed. Includng the wounded who Juares. He tried to make his getawa which General Huerta congratulated th horses. There six horses for any price. on stand in r- - during the day. and three of them were almost died during the day. There arc about and the "lay de fuga" was put Into General Carranaa his military ISO or mors wounded. by gard to mediation by any foreign na- returned by order of the effect two of the advance scouts. of horses which Did Not Loot; At esch station slong the line, ths tion. On all sides the matter was authorities. Jnt the lightly. It was received with was returned was Butterfal). Consul was absolutely no looting by federal telegraph operator was tsken taken on Colonel M If you you Thsre into custody and a rebel operator wired amusement and was not considered Edwards called Jusn tt. want Wrigley's look before ihe conquerors. Just as soon as the massages likely to affect (he attitude of the dins and protested sgainst th taking last shot was fired Villa ordered all into Jusres that the train of tk horsea belongina to Amsrlean-sn- d supposed to be a freight train wax Mexican people in general toward the searching soldiers buy. you pay the cantinas closed snd. quiet reigned. running without a hitch. The federal United States. he is for the Get what fot. The wounded were, tsken to tempo- operators in Juares were of the opinion who have them. rary hospitals, where they were glvsn that the train mentioned was the coal GERMAN SUGGESTION. what medical attention could be se- train that had been ordered back into By the imociatrd Prctt SENATOR TO TALK. cured, many dying from lack of at- Be sure Jusres. Nov. IB Mexican cor- it's In Berlin. The tention. Late the afternoon physi- respondent t Oasette Army Officer Will Attend Chamber cians from El Paao arrived on the of he Frankfort of Commerce Banquet. gave Held For Trial. cables that "a remarkable change for WRIGLEY'S cene and the wounded proper By Special Wire to Th Timet the better would occur and the Mexi- United State Senator Fall of New care. Bisbee, Aria, Nov. 16. Roy Haig-le- r can" Mexico will be th principal speaker problem probably solved without by In my opinion. Juares fell either was bound over to the superior intervention of blockade" on the fol- bet the monthly dinner to be held becauae General Caatro waa negligent court today for killing Wall and Hall lowing lines: The new Mexican con- the Chamber or ommerce , umobv r his command disobeyed orders. Ths last Saturday night. gress to meet provisionally and Im evening at the Pnao del None hotel villalstas crossed the trenches snd. mediately order new elections: Oen-er- Music will be furnished during tb as I have stated, wars in the city be SPECKLE TROUT Phone Ardoln Huerts to resign at once snd as- evening by the Second cavalry band. will aopearance of 7T sume the post of commander-ln-chs- f This be the final W of the northern irmy; then, in caas thts band in the Pass City. Officers V F W. offi-cer- J?J General Husrta is presideut of the Fifteenth cavalry and the after six months, the United Stales of ths Second will he guests at to agree to accept him (he affair. STANDING PAT MEXICO CITY (Continued from. Pag On. (Continued from page j.)

solution of the old congress. The W, ara inaerting this adrartiaement rscognise the legslllty ot sny sets of aolaly lo protect our cuetomar. who mlnlstsr of the Interior, Munuel Onrsa the Mexlrap cdngrsss which wn ara continually writing u that thav iS2 Aldspe. was expected lo officiate at scheduled to conven today. hava bean deceived by imitatlona ths opening, but opposition developed By making Us position ilmtlarly clear which thfv purchased Ibiakuui Ihry smong the newly chosen law makers to other foreign sovernmnts, ihe were WRIGLEY'S. and Qonsalo Zuniga, 8nor Aids pes Unttsd tftslea hss secured acquiescence secretsry snd hlmsslf a deputy, ap- In its. view of every great power with- Get Your Girls a peared In his stead. Nominally, for out exception. It Is nolely through the a few minutes, he prsalded but there question of recognition and desire for was restoration of constitutional govern- little psrllsmentsry form observ- forces In but ed In what followed. One. group ment that the United BtaUa basas its the itst of Putbls, haa called for one man snd another group request that the only course thst wt'l bern In the United mates for aaveral lead to regular and friendly Interna- weeks conferring with rebel agents. PIANO or a for another man to act as chairman. tional relations. He came to El Paso recently from Zuniga upon depu- Senor called the Wllsoa Hermoslllo, Sonora, where he re- ties for order, insisting they ob- Has Rfrlad. Fresnos and Drag Scrapers thst The executive of fhe United Atares ceived his commission as provisions! serve Isgsl procedure of lew. has refrained from governor of Pueble from Oeneral Car- Greater Than Law. direct Interference ss Envoys Und and Hale h c beeii ransa. ALL SIZES "Don't talk to ua of law." shouted confined as to what protection for- Hss Msny Men Under Anna. PLAYER PIANO Salvador Diaz Mlrun. editor of eigners and their property could ex- "In the stste of Puthla have 1.000 and an ardent supporter of pect, not only if the embargo on irmi men in the fteld agnlnat ihe Husrta Oeneral Huerta. "What have we to were lifted, but In the event that the government," Ije said. "The forces SULKY PLOWS, HARROWS, CLOD CRUSH- They entertain their friends at horns. A small cash payment will do with law? We are greater than the Carransa element should obtain con- control tho entire state, with the country is In a of Mexico ERS, GRAIN ETC. placa one of our pianos or playsr-piano- s in your home. The sweet, rleh law. The delicate trol the City government of the city of Puebla, the sime DRILLS, El Peso and It Is our duty to proceed In This step Is regarded here merely capita t. and we would control that musiosl tons of our instruments has appealed to hundreds of more expeditious sr. in line with the policy people, made us hosts of friends. Slightly used snd second hand ths manner." of seeking town, too, if we had sufficient muni- We Guarantee Our Implements Do Good Work. and The controversy was ended by the information about the purposes of a of war to supply us sn at- to pianos up. planoa I17G.0O up. Terma to suit you.. tions for from 976.00 New from appointment, without balloting, f faction with which the exetnslon f tack on the town if the T'nlted Htatce Tuning a spscislty. You cannot Enrique Pax as president of the body succession which ultimately might he will embargo I 10.000 and repairing Work gusranteed. Involved. lift the ran arm your Thanksgiving with your old piano in a bad to serve until the formal inaugura- As the nearest neighbor tu additional men In the state snd it enjoy entertainment Mexico, this government also feels condition. Let ns make an estimate on gutting It in shape tion on November 10. thst would only be a matter of dsys before it might be called upon hy other the rebels controlled the entire stste. looking to furnish information about the & Being good msy help s republic, capital and all." Valley Implement Vehicle Co. woman, but good looks are a Joke on southern and that European Dr. Brlngas wss pleased nations naturally would Took to well with JENKINS PIANO COMPANY a man. Hs Is calleo a "sister " the ihe of the United States In re- t'nlted States for Indications upo i attitudu 304 San Francisco St. El Paao, Texas. which to snap their policies. gard to the Mexican hI tut. Lion. The 211-21- 3 next Friday at the home Mrs Phone MM. THE BIG PIANO HOtJSE. Texas M. tes of AwaltlsiaT conference held by Dr. William Bay- valley above Selden. Mr. Ray- - Drvlpsaas. a fort News of th activity of th Huerta ard Hale, Prsldent Wilson envnv, oablnt and the new Mexican congrss with General Carransa, tl was his opinion, would eventually maun a wars awaited with Intarest by otticial ruiecd. He he would Children are all right, ts, som Washington tonight, though up to a great deal for ths rebel cause also stated that mat not agree to appointment of s of them are. but coin msy be a mors WHAT'S INDIGESTION lata hour no definite Information hal Rebel Pleased Willi Conference. ths de- message Dr. Brtngas yester- dependable comfort during your been received by the state department. In a to prcaldent ad interim in Mexico. clining years. dsy Usnsrsl Csrrsnza told him thHt Miring the sbaence of Dr. Brlngas .hS conference had been highly suits WHO GARES? LISIEN! saaasjssssaaaeaeaaSn TSJB SKATHEI fsclory to the rebels, but thfy would from the etste of Pusbls hla son, Car- A pessimist has trouble enough m not agree to madlstion on the part of los Bringsa Jr., is commsndlng ths convince him thst it Isn't alwaya ths is e!Y fatil Pre.aa the United States In Mexican troubles firI AN AVIATO I AmocíIc4 forcss In the stats. unexpected which happen WasbiogtoD. unless the embargo on sons was "Pape's Dlapepsln" makes soar, gassy I mtt in Mir Not. I I atom sens reel fine at once. PROFESSION 1ft Wee i Texas- - V a SS ttled Huodar 10 GENT Time It: In five minute ell stom-ec- h Moodsy fair CnSC" distress will km. No Indlfeetion. heartburn, sourness or belching gee, New Mexico -- Kair GALLUP LUMP COAL acid, or eructatlone of undlveeted Is north uneetfled STRAIGHTEN YOU OP food, no dunmeeii. Moating. foul STATIONERY breath or headache. (o south Bunda? Pape'e Dlapepatn ! noted for IU headachy, bilious, (peed In upaet Mondf." fair When constipated, COLORADO LUMP COAL regulating etomaoh. sear, It la the unreal, qutckeat and moat .tiaoos Oesaratir feioinacli brnulli bad. certain Indlgeetton remedy In the Sat OF QUALITY harm-lea- fair Hunda.r aod ANTHRACITE COAL whole world, and beeldee It la I "Zimmie" Get a box now afonda.- Turn the ráscala out the hesdache, Millions .of men and women now biliousness. Indigestion, ths sick, sour - eat their, favorite fooda without fear stomsch and foul gasea turn them they know Pape'e Diapepaln, will out toalght and ksep them out with WE HAVE ALL KINDS AND TINTS TO SUIT ANY aave them from any atornach misery GOVERNOR OF PUEBLA HERE C sacare ta. your get Millions of men and women take a TASTE, SUCH AS BLUE, WHITE. PINK. Oak Wood Chunks, Pine and Kindling. Pleaae. for eake, a large (Jasca fifty-cen- t oaae of Pape'e Diapepaln ret now and then and never GOLD EDGED AND INITIAL any put your know the misery csussd by s .Issy from drug atore and Tr Brlngat Mop After a Con- bow eta or an upset right. Don't keep on liver, clogged PO L Mi F.U'fcH. Il A I'M'I K I MU I 1..1.HI etornaeh being ference Wits) Gen. Carranza at o l" miserable life la too ehort you stomach. DKNOE CARDS, ETC. are He Talks rYee(y. Don't put in another day of distress. not here long, ao make your stay Let Cascarete clsanss your stomsch; Phone Ui Your Orders." agreeable. Eat what you "like and di- rsmov ths sour, fsrmenting food; I gest it; enjoy It, without dread of "Let the United Blatas lift the em- take ths excess blls from our llvsr rebellion In the atomach. bargo on arma and ammunition and and carry out all the constipated Pape'a Diapepaln belongs In .your th rebels will insure the reatorstlon waste matter and poison in the bow- heme anyway. Should one of the of peace In Mexico within, a few weeks els. Then yoa 111 feet greet. family eat eomethlng which don't and will be able to offer every guar- A Cases ret tonight straightens you Co. HEID BROS. agree with them, or ta oaae of en at- antee to the Uvea and property of out by morning They work while El Paso Book any tack of Indigestion, dyepepeia. gas- Americans and foreigners In Mexico." you slésp. A box from PHONE 1619. 204 MILLS STREET. Phone 35 and 36. Second and Leon Sts. tritis or atomach derangement at day- aid Dr. Carlea Brlngaa. Carranxa's drug store roesns a clear head, sweet time or during the night. It Is handy 'provisional governor of the elate of stomach and clean, healthy liver and to give the qutckeat. surest relief Puebla, who la In El Paao. Dr. Brln- bowel action for months. Children known ( Advertisement. gaa lov Casca rets because they nsvsr ti la commander In chief of ail rebel grips or sicken - (Advertisement. í

Seal gssn MM SIX FL PASO mORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1914. it "Mi on the lenKth of tima the limited food etipply On Shoulders Employes. "Democrat" and "Privilege. " Heard on the City Streets. now on hand will rarflce for a huncry people of "When I reft home." says Dr. Warner of Ohio, lylflonring "As the record la presentad to the By SAVOYARD. 1 Aa a Jijaren written and was with enow and the weather rmull of the capture of Ciudad Unity Endan- "Ihe ground covered public todsy It must appear that on the ahouldera of Under the caption. "Dsmocratlc waa agreeable, 1 came out here in I'ltbilabcil I'.rer in lha Vrr i.y Pancho Villa militan itoek haa ruñan to par gered," Washington calls attention to the anything but and RL tlMF.y the employes of the Southern Pacific lines between the Post delightful spring weather. Kl Peso PASO on haa made a Vleloua find sunshine and Ihrouchout thin aectlon. Quotatlona baaed here and El Paao rests the responsibility for failure fact that William H. Hearst haa undoubtedly most glorious ellmste In th- eeeo.d-cle- adminis- haa the Fctered In tk at El rase. Texss. ("i mor threat and failure to take the town were vary to hsve Ihe differences between them and the com- on the present Democratic nstlonal world If wenther you are having now is s fair 11 matter. pany Whet patriot the loir, aeon submitted to federal arbitration." New Orleans tration. What fool expected else? it. you have but the captura of thla fort, following ao Is a Democrat, sample of Such beautiful weather ai publication Item. wished else? If William H. Hearst life worth while. 1 am so com offices:onaoow after the inking of the city of Torreón, which city had a Democrat-- If Mr. hre certainly makes rae timm BtiiLKixt;. oí zb hoCth btwbkt then Wood row Wilson Is not pletely satisfied with Kl I'aao that I win never want au Ions been uneuccneafully bealesed by Conatltti-tlonalla- "'eeeseveewwewseaeeveveaNeeve. Wilson had the approval of Hearst, than, Indeed, Addrees till I oninionlcntleni ts elusions waa by many leading manufac- "endangered." to leave here." CI. tAHO. TKXA. Carranga hlmaelf. aervaa to proclaim submitted would "Democratic unity" be IMF. slOKNIM; IIMIM under In a f a turers ualng wood alcohol In their business, among Mr. Ilearst candidly says that he believes says B. Roberts of Villa lighter and a atrategtftt of more than ordinary fsllen on "It Is wonderful." II. Denver them being the Eastman Kodak Company of Roches protective tariff. Very well. We hsve progress which been made In moving pie ability. Ftuahed with hla latest auoeeea. there le no years growing In political chastity, "the hss ter, N. Y.; the Celluloid Company. Arlington Com- times, after of ture shows A few years ago I considered them doubt but that tha Chihuahua campaign III he when there Is no room In the Democratic party for FORKIUN AUVKKTIlMKll I I pany, William failure on account of the wavering light, which w. ICKPRKKBJTA pualied with renewed geal determination, Anderson Chemlcsl Company and a prole- - Honlsc Then the decent thing for Hearst to Kew York.. .8. C. Becbo ll ! Special Agency. Jr ''ne 2 5 ÜÍ and and the so hsrmful to the eyes. But the lights have been Cliloago ...H C BwVwIlh Special Agency. Triune. B Hi Jg Indlcatlong Zinsser Co. of New York city; Berry Uros, of De- do Is to take his "yaller" doll rags and things snd I 1 ' at thla time appear to be moot favorable ap- msde steady and capable actors and actresses si. Ft Cent. UacksULi Special Ageney. ; heresy. He also .... c Artveril.lsg AgencyÍ troit, Mich the Perth Araboy Chemical works of Join a party thst believes In his being employed no expense la being spared to las Angela. tieed Miller for Villa lo aoon be In control of the entire atete of pears Wilson did not and N to be mad because Preeldent not possibly he stsgt i Chihuahua. Perth Amboy. J., and Ihe o Bannon Corporation "Investments" mount the plays ss they could M'-per- . make war on Mexico lo conserve his In la now needed to enable o,.. I'MWI.lMi AQKKTSLntBer Bernard, Charles cl West Barrlngton. R. I. bring untold mis- s theater. All that lions J Klngel. And If Iheae devalopmnnta are indlcatlong nf the In thst country. Such a war would moving picture to put traveling theatrical com Herbert RrtfblU siorgsn Miller. ery households. It would the AUTHORIZED CITY col.l.KCTOKh-- a peace that la comlns to Mexico they are moat wel- to thousands of Amerlcsn panles out of business la an Invention to make I,.. Ol'l Walton. E Y HH'rwtn The new battleship Texaa, and movt precipitate problema that generations yet to be would come to every obeerver on both Idea of the Interna- tha larsst pictures talk, and I understand Edison has promise,! powerful vessel of the American navy, will be ready have to deal with. to sccompllsh that feat. In scenery, house and ofr, Htt'BXCIMITION RATES: tional boundary line. Mr. even of the principles of till Mall In Ad.mi.n Hearat knows less furnishings, etc.. the moving picture hsa the regule r I for service by Christmas, and is said In be a craft knew of the t the Democratic party than Nlcodemus stage beat eighty blocks In every direction. Tit- - pi. Dalle antl Hunda?, ill inontha Jit that Is In every way worthy of ihe magnificent state second birth.' Hie opposition to the Democratic ad- and Ronda;, lliree montos - fj! ture show .Is a great Institution snd is growing n pally The Southern Medical Association. government Is to fsmlshed I'alty and Hnntlaj, nna tnnstk , whose name she bears. In recent trials ministration as welcome as food the favor every day. First we.hsd canned fruii ami Tk. a u . Z.W The approaching meeting of the Southern Medical government or drlnVto the thirsty. lit Carrier) the Texas more then made good on the vegetables snd csnned meats, then canned music am) Dally and Hunda;, one womb . asaoclatlon al Lexington. Ky . on November It contract, now we have canned drama. What next?" regularly'ML are Snhscrlhera who fall lo receive inrlr paper is claimed, The new tariff will soon be on trial. One of ths s requested In notify Ilia liosinesa office In thai effect. will be the moat remarkable gathering of and BUM. wisest of England tins declared that It Saturday everybody wanted to about the Ulve poetofflcs In mil. Including county physicians program , statesmen talk nddra.. ever aasembled In the South. The , Strong influence.-- In Itemlt by money order, drnfl nr registered latter. are being brought to bea.- an threatens the commercial supremacy of that country, sieenth tsklng of Juares and of the war strategy ,.r shows, that every one of the sixteen Southern states la effort to settle the Southern Pacific strike, and both It means America le to become s merchant Villa, I guess most of my de- for thst General Pancho and 5U&0- roanecte all Telephone I'rltai. branch esrhangs represented by a number of its moat dletlngulshrd controversy trading with all the world Instead of confining her will be devoted to subject. ISverybody m partments Tall operator which employe or wbat department sides of the appearing to fully the that p. m. on people. Democratic tariff Bl VII ion arlah and connection will be alada. After and physicians. The fubjecta to be dlacuaaed cover the gravity of the situation, there Is hope that nn adjust- operations to our own The Paao seems plessed to have the big Poncho Rumbera and holidays lli following departments allí anawar la notice to the world that America In a thousand again In command In Juares. and It Is prophesied whole field of medicine and surgery, but throughout ment be speedily A up dlre.1 will reached. long tie of the Unea can produce cheaper than any other people, and that the general will play his biggest card by rein Wm Masagii, the program subjects of particular Interest to South- system MB Kditenel. between thla city and New Órlenns would be the nation that produces cheapest can sell cheapeat stating the municipal officers of Juarea who were Mini -- Advertising and Circulation. ern phtsicians preponderate. Texaa la wall repre- dlssstreus Interests. that means trade. elected by the people or that town. This would show sented on the program. Under protection we allowed Oreat Britain a the world that the Constitutionalists are In truth r. If the rnrrler falla In deliver lha paper promptly, notify ns llepnrl-roe- practical monopoly, and virtually she had free trade the establishment of a government of tha people, ac any of tba above taleplinuee Tbe circulation Any association that doubles Its membership every Conditions In the Hexlcan capital continuo .'h n,u la front 4 a. ni. lo dp. in Bnndaya. with ua Here la how It was: An English merchant the people, for the people. It would be a splemi open week daya year must hsve good reeeona for Ha exlatence, par- i.ut 4 m. to I p. ut... and uncertain, end It la asid that Oenera! Huerta Is craft freighted with manufactures of wool, or cot- political stroke. ticularly when It lacks the element of aelflshnees only ton, or or what not. sailed for Brasil. There ft ft atnndlng. eharaotar or about half convinced that further resistance to hardware, Any errnneoiia reflertlnna upon tbe may ao many cargo waa a proceeds In- of any pemoli, firm or corporation, wbleb that underlloa other organisations. The the demands of the United 8ttaes win be useless. the sold at profit and the "Mr. Richard Burges snd myself." said Tom ri- The will be aiadly corrected vested In coffee. The ship set sell for Amerlcsn aitpeur In tbe coliimna of Tliuea. Southern Medical aaaaoclatlon haa made phe- Washington set- then era, "were detailed this morning to gusrd the sin. 11 of tbe management. that still appears hopeful of being; able to apon hetna Itrmiubt tu Ibe tltentlou ports, sold the coffte st s profit snd bought cotton ter. 80 we took our artillery went out nomenal record. Three yeara ago It had only S00 tle the Msttlcan problem amicably, but Is firm In and there stei the or grsln or provisions. That wss practical free mobilised In oanyon organised in .. SUNDAY. NOV. .embers, two years ago It (00 a and ourselves EL I'ASO, TEXAH. 1, lU. boasted of and one determlnstlon thst Qenersl Huerta and all who have trade with us for England. Maybe the Incoming a board of strategy to devise ways to year ago avoid going the membership had reached 1,200. One been associated with him shall no longer be Identi- cargo waa tea or other thing on our free list, such the firing line while the enemy waa In sight." thousand new members have been added to Ita roll fied the government as rubber. ft ft Ciudad Juarez Again Falls. with Mexican The final show- ft ft since last November, and It la confidentially expected very "Bl Paso enjoya furnishing entertainment," said Pancho Vllla'a throat to take Ciudad Juarei made down in the sltustlon Is nesrly at hand and can- that before the coming meeting at Lexington Under the new regime our people will spin that Charles Loomla, "for Its visitors. The olty was hna made good, and It WM made the not be much longer delayed. wool or cotton, fashion and sail It aom time ago been doubling that hardware crowded with visitors alat night and this morning not record of Its membership each year will be down to Rio de and awap It for coffee, making So we Sood nt it time when auch a proceeding wi Janeiro had Villa capture Jaartx. Bl Paso's veraatili i maintained. the profit for fifty years we have allowed the In furnishing being dreamed of on ollher aide of the boundary Philippines Invite American Enterprise. that thrills and excitement for her vlsltm Yet thla organisation la entirely devoid of finan- - Britisher. But we will never be able to do this on the explains why this city Is ao popular. We can iltva-- . line Hllpplrut mm the little oily acroai the river on a plan, as ships mi political or social Inducements to join Ita rank, The first big sale of Phllllpplne timber, offering hothouse auch free tolls for American dig up excitement of some kind. A little later v. ehorlly otter 2 o'clock Satur- through canal, or 5 per cent graft to may Mexican Central Iruln it Is opportunltlea for lumbermen In the United Statea, haa the Panama that have Juares captured again for the entertain purely a scientific body and Is composed of In day morning, which the Federal garrlaon thought Juat bten announced by the bureau of Insular affairs American ships the tariff, which latter, however, ment of our Baatern visitors who have never se n physicians who are Ihe leaders of their proreaalon in It is hoped, la In lt occupants own of the war department. brutum fulmen the main. war in action." wan own train and their - their every Southern atate.- The la We have become a great commercial people Conetltu-tlonallet- a Inevitable reeult that While there are American firms operating In the Ihe redoubtable Villa turned 2,600 second only to Britain. Suppose we to the papera contributed at the meeting and the Philippines, It Is pointed out by the officials of the Oreat adhere "When I heard the shooting." said Dr. Yard. In lh- - of thu little city before piece of fatuous folly of giving a alooae hear! thereon are of an unuaually bureau that Ihe Philippine Islands offer to progres- this rebate at the expected to learn this morning a lot of goats had high order. It custom to goods Imported In bot- that tb" Fedérale and clllsena had the leaat Idea of what sive rim i., men chances for profits not excelled by house American been slaughtered in the foothills west Is believed by thoae Interealed that this meeting will toms? What la the first effect? We make of Juarei: v.aa about to happttn. any other field In Ihe world. The forest officers of other "Well." asid D. B. Smith, "I supposed that Genersi prove an epoch In Southern medicine. It will demon-atrat- e Philippines nations mad. And It Is a fool merchant who courts of Ihe ma- the state that the Islands contain Castro had his men shooting up the mountains 01 TTie bark of the Mauaer. the rattle the 111 will of his customer. We have been doing beyond dispute that the representatives of the feet of merchantable timber for which that suspicion. I never thought Villa waa within 21 gun and the deep booming of cannon at Inte- by our tariff, and It Is a fact nobody will chine medical profession In the South are the equals of any there Is a large present domand and that practically that trade miles of Juarex. Anyway, I'm ghtd he Is there, rval iiMnke the lllen of El I'aao to the fact that all nf It Is owned by the government and la available with us If as ,good bargain can be obtained else- he will give us a square deal." olhera without exception; that the work they are where. aoniothlng wan happening Jut aoro the river In under very favorable terms in almost all esses the ft ft doing for the advancement of medical aclence Is as forests can he easily logged by ft ft wna rapid acurrylng to the the most Improved "Now, if the Constitutionalists," says Bylai Ciudad Juarca. und there thorough and Important as Is being machinery But thnt la not all of It nor the worst of It. If Judge prosecuted any- und methods. "capture Chihuahua they will have- undisputed Blreet nnil other point of vantage to learn what tlio The timber Itself, It Is pointed struc- we give our ships this "advantage" we cannot object con where, and that there ia no occasion for going out of out. Includes trol of the country from Juarex to will una Within ten minutes from the lime the tural material of great vajue. In addition to many If all other nations should Impose a tariff In excess Torreón and Ituatlnn the South for the beat everything In soon have the tho.-polnts- . of medicine and fine hardwoods particularly of thttir regular rates of 5 per cent on goods coming railroad operating between flighting besan in Juarea there wua n treain of fright- aurgery. suited to cabinet work. They will restore peace and minea can In this latter close some of the most plentiful woods to their ports In American bottoms. Thus our ships the ened anil dlahe'vcled" Juarea cltlgena pourlns acrona the open up and business resume, which would he a Bui there la an element connected with the work may be sold In competition with mahogany1, such Is would enter our ports laden to the guards; but they great help hrlilgea Into El Paeo to gel out o the ports empty to Bl Paso." International of the Southern Medical association that is not alwayg their beauty of grain and rtchnesa of color. Manila la would leave our of merchandise and In ft and una n. only twq, days' Hongkong, ballast. ft rajice of the murderoue búllela, there appreciated, and la Ita distance from and China, "The said a that Influence upon public which hus largely Ita What sort of husbandry Is It means two Constitutionalists." Mexican cllixen hurrying of ITnlted Htatea cavalrymen to the river exhausted timber, furnishes a that? yesterday, follow a campaign of opinion for public .welfare, which exlenda to re- ready ships to do one ship does now. la In- "win, extermination El the market. Japan, Australia and even the United what It that until they eliminated from Fort nilea for the pruleetlnn of Paao. motest neighborhood In Statea, will Philippine fernal Idea of favoritism, and It will not have all of those Mexican poli the South. By leading the take lumber, which la admitted work. ticians wno are responsible preeent The Fedérala anil olunleera In Ciudad Juarei put opinions free to thla country. One of the commonest Philip- Pray OotJ, the Democratic administration may for the conflict of Its members In such a way as to arouae They will simply kill off re- they were capable, but pine timbera, red lauan, hold and the thing nugatory as to the traitors who Jed the up ihe heat reefatanee uf which their Inierest In questions of hygiene which worka and finishes declare those na volt against the Maderp administration, 1 and sanitation It well, has been sold on Pacific coast, tions with whom we have Inoonalstent with nina main It waa nn une. They were caught napping, over- the where it treaties jiwve wna oraer in by p haa been a powerful agent In supporting the remark- serves the same purposes as the finest redwood, It. Mexico getting rid of hy BUperiar numbera and face to face with traitors and influential agitators. After present na whelmed able revival of public attention In auch mattnra. So which It somewhat resembles, ss high aa fSO per Here we are setting up for the biggest merchant the com- crop of Mexican jrraftlng politicians is cleaned up we a relentleaa foe whp had aocompllahed Ihelr we thousand board feeL In the world. The Underwood tariff Is our t, Bo that everywhere see the people wide awake to will be able to establish a government by aurprlae nnd who already had Ihe city at their Government timber In the Philippines Is offered and we have put In a clause that Is . stable the tletj plete necessity of local sanitation. Since the organisation of rented i" "i".- mi uui uuunfry. nearly 5 at a vary low rate, and It Is stated that the labor prob- by every customer we Invite. merry. The realetance continued until Ihe Southern Medical aaaoclatlon and publication ft ft ft the lem la In no sense difficult. Investments by Amerl-csn- a Washington, November IB. Speaking 'clock, when Villa' forcea completely dominated the of Ita organ, about a fair, Charles N. Baasett says: official the Southern Medical Journal, are not only Invited, but are encouraged. "At Phoenix people Bl having many of the defenderá nf the the take aa much Interest In har Í ettuutliin. killed thla revival swept The Philippine bureau of forestry, in this first sale ..... ha the Southern statea with a ness mees they do on enr canned the re- which la being called to the The Tammany Tiger. the Grand Circuit, while city, captured eeveral hundred nnd power that Is without precedent In a attention of American here in El Paao they will not auch cauaa. twenty-yea- (State Clayton notice a harneas race lie mainder to flee acruaa Ule river to the American aide. timber operators. Is offering a r concession Senator James McNealua, a Bryan alnce we had s e Since the South haa suffered more than ita Progressive, in have running races In Juarex. and thai flghtlns share which glvea exclusive rights to a tract comprising the Dallas Democrat.) will not miend running races of The otrcete of the city where the bulk of the from unsanitary conditions 95.000 aorea, which contains nearly 000,000,- - Too many wolves Jumped Tiger one unless pools are sold on there ca.t be no doubt that about t, the at time ine outcome. But we can make occurred were littered with the deaf and wounded. In 000 board of timber. la required for the regular Democracy to win In mayoralty a fair here a success the Interest In the prevention of disease that la behig feet It that the the with other attractions If people will bidder keep up u out- contest Tuesday In New York city. hun- the awake 0 the placea Ihe dual of tbe aireóte wiin aoaked and caked fostered by the Southern Medical shall certain minimum last But the fact that a fair la a business association and Ita 111,000.000 gry wolvee political to- proposition and will with the blood of thoae engaged In the atruggle. and put, which starts with board feet during of the pack will not hold yield returns if our people Journal will prove of material value In the wonderful yeara Increases an out- gether period years; pre will patronise It I be- n, dying the first two and to ultimate for the full of four and the lieve now Is a good time to , the ahrleka and gronna or the dead and could begin work for the fair Industrial development that Is everywhere seen In our put of at least 11,000,000 per yesr. A modern saw- diction ib here made that in 1917 the Tiger will come but until we can get at be heard on Ihe Amertcun aide of the river a weird logging equipment must back, with claws sharper and farmers In the valley we will not favored Southland. mill snd be establlahed and teeth keener than ever. be able to make It go. Still we h. of wnr patrol By stem for prevention Tammany yeara hence will could, as Mr. Stevens and ghastly reminder of the trulh Ihe fact thai An 1.000 Is alao a the of fires an'd four devour the entire suggests, get to on attendance of expected at the Lexing- respass. pack of alleged In work the fair now and make It a ie unreaervediy und unqualifiedly hell. wolf reformers Greater New big one two yeara hence." ton meeting. A number of prominent physicians A complete report on this body of timber, which York. It haa been that way for almoat a century of And Vlllu. the man who haa been ao often pic- ft ft ft from this city and surrounding towns and country will can be had at the office of the director of forests In time. Whenever Tammany's administration of gov- tured In. the American newapaper aa the prince f displaced any "The old atyle of numbering streets," says J. C, go to the meeting, and there can be no question but Manila or at the bureau of Insular affairs In Wash- ernment has been by brand of reform Crltchett. "Is region occupied In New York, sntlquated and Is not satisfactory, be- tiandltB. with the city In hla poaaeaalun. began the (hat your will ington, shows that ths by the main admlnlatratlon Tammany has been cause the signs atate be well represented In this dis- presenta togging conditions. back next term to street are not kept up. Now, I have work Immediately of extending protection to the body of the tract Ideal called the serve the people. a system that would tinguished gathering of Southern physlclana. Thla report shows that railroads can be built easily The Tammany aoclety la th'e cleanest political enable a man to find any houae Uvea and property of all realdenlB. There waa a clon- In the city. even. If he did not know the name of the snd cheaply and that tha entire timber 'belt can be organisation so far as public affairs sre concerned street.. Say ing of all the aeloona. the posting of guarda about all expenae In any Snn Antonio street divided the' north The currency revision proposition uppears lo have logged at a minimum of and trouble. The to be found great city of the world. Not In from the south per varlea from 14,500 up to forty yeara been a tangible charge side of the town, and Oregon streei placea of bualneaa and a curl and emphatic order that about reached the point amount of timber acre haa there that ao was the dividing line where the Democrats are 30,000 more. In principal as one of public money for eaat and west, then you nil luuttug would be puntahed by Immediate death. board feet and the four much dollar haa been mis- could number the blocks. preparing lo take the matter Into Ihelr hands with- types of forest embraced in the area much valuable spent or mtsapproperlated by Tammany's representa- For Instance. No. I north All of which resulted In the almost Immediate bring- east 1Í7 would be 127 In the first block of out any further dllatorlneos. Administration mem- material can be secured from even the leaat desirable tives In New York's governmental affairs. To be the northeast ing of order out of chaos, and when the smiling raya typea will, acoord'lng' sure, private money Intereectlon of Oregon and San Antonio, and all bers of the senate still appear confident of their abil- type, and the moat valuable to has been lavishly used In politics the stranger would came over provide a handsome profit for by Tammany; ao haa It been by hsve to do would be to notice the of the morning aim peeping the eaatern ity to get Ihe through figures of the bureau, the reformers; the signs on the corners Indicating administration bill before the outlay comparatively small In relation to the only difference being that Tammany has Ita the number of the horlxon Ciudad Juarea waa bleeding, but tranquil. an taken block. Northeast 6- -f adjournment uf the apeclal session, which Is now so value of the timber which ta to be exploited. campaign funds from the man lower down, while the would be the second house In When Villa was Been alter the smoke of buttle had the northeast corner block at Intersection rapidly nearlng Its conclusion. The principal klnda of wood are the lauana, excel reformers .have obtained theirs from the man' higher Oregon the of cleared away and asked how ho bad managed to cap- - snd Missouri. It Is very simple and would lent construction timbera and somewhat comparable up. In the financial and commercial scale. But If tbe work out welt" In mechanical properties lo the Pacific coast red Tsmmany dollar waa tainted the reform dollar could he refilled- "I have loomed I,, ,1c, thloir.. ,11. nna Experts Defend Wood Alcohol. wooda;, one of the most valuable, because of net be the cleaner. Ita resistance to destruction by Bvery working newspaper man have gotten Into the huhtl of taking my ' Its great atrength and who haa been In nan more. uurohv- -- ...i .... - and enemlea Professor Charlee BaakervlUe. the chemist of the apltong, quite comparable to clone touch with New York newspaper r rih rexormers '' white snta; the hard service or were no better. If as good. In election by surprise New York state factory Investigating commlaslon, en- United Statea, and various New York politics knows what Is the held In New plnea of the other hard that above said Is York city on Tuesday last Had William Aa to bis plana for Ihe future, the Intrepid Con- a vlgoroua already found a place aa substl simple truth. New York Is the most Jennings tered defense of wood alcohol at a large woods which have the difficult Bryan lived all his life In New York bis humanitaria.. fuld: "We will tutes for mahogany. , city for which td administer government In all the Impulses stitutional commander endeavor to meeting of the manufacturera of that commodity would compel him to be a copper-rivete- d It Is required that the successful applicant ahall world. There are more irishmen In New York than Tammany Ite. maintain absolute order and wunl lo uaaure Ameri- from all parta of the United Statea. Professor Baa- prose furnish a capital sufficient for the Immediate there sre In Dublin. There are more Italians In New John Purroy Mltchel was cana and other foretgnera that they will be given ab- kervlUe Is a chemist of prominence, holding the posi- work, amount In thla ease being. are In Rome. There elected msyor of New cution of the the York than there are nearly as York on Tuesday last through an alliance solute protection. All tbe cantinea have been cloeeti, tion of of chemlcsl laboratorlea placed at not leas than 100.000 pesos, Philippine cur many In New York aa are In of directur uf the College Germans there Berlin. Democrats with Republicans and miscellaneous mug e n. i to ISO.000. more Jews In New York tha aale of liquor la abeulutely prohibited, drunken-nea- of the City of New York and being chairman of the i. euulvalent There are than can be wump fuslonlsts. To illustrate the Insincerity Is proposed that all bids for this tlmbsr shall be counted In any other city an the face of average of the will be punlahed. guards have been atutloned committee on occupational dlaeaeee of the American It the earth. New York reform politician It Is only necee onened In Manila on December 10. jcor the benefit There Is a larger aggregate of foreign-bor- n humanity ssry to quote the followng over all torea and any attempt at looting e from a statement by or other Chemical aoclety. of prospective purchasers In America, however, In New York city than can be found In any Mayor-ele- Issued other Mltchel as soon as his success had been forma of disorder will be aeverply punlahed." In hla report Professor Baskervlle declared that to prepare their applications and have there municipality on the globe. It la the greatest "for- oBsured: "To Judge Met or bureau all I extend my .Incer., All of which la extremely reassuring, and It la to the sensational attacks made on wood alcohol received In Manila on before that date tha eign" city In America. Approximately all of these greetings. The campaign for In Washington will, on notification poor persons. and Ita IncldanU are now be hoped that, the menace years of insular affairs foreigners' sre Moat of them are Illit- history. As msyor I that haa been Banging paat were without merit. The product, he aald, day, send s cablegram and have the persona. gre- mass shall Invltte the of before the final erate The -i of them are de- Judge McCall." etc. And this man over Ciudad Juarea ao long now being over, Ihe latest waa one of the most widely used snd valuable solvents time extended until the actual bids can be received In pendents thsy have no Initiative or in whose assistance for good government he Is to "Invite" I. the same fall of Ciudad Juarea will be the lust tall of that un- known to the chemlcsl snd Industrial world, and It Manila. the great problem of life. To them Tammany haa Judge McCall whom Mltchel a In and his chief supporters fortunate town. aAd that ita futuro will be that uf waa only Injurious to health when taken Internally or bean a father and mother the matter of humane permitted to be denounced from every Impulse and actlonv politically and Industrially reform stump peace and prosperity. That Ita capture waa effected when Ita vapora were breathed long In the New York campaign as a common concentrated for "Panr Afore Corn flood municipal government In Greater New York political grafter and without damage or Injury to El Paao in of periods trickster: even to permitting M, to be a matter of time In Inadequately ventilated spaces. Peter Radford has been giving the farmers much Is not a drawing room affair. The problem of life In charged with having nupreme It cdrruptly used money and pur- gratification that waa taken before Kl Practically all reported caaea of poisoning by wood al- valuable information and many agricultural ststlstlcs New York Is no Sunday school picnic It Is a stern, chased hla nomination to a days In judgeship. fact la Paao even realised that an attack wa Imminent cohol had been traoed to drinking useful in planning the crops, but hla recent article on hard struggle the year. Do not con that Judge MoC.ll 1. i "dean the of the liquid tt .very way .. a man is the Texaa corn crop la of such unusual Interest that demn Titmmap'y becauss It listens to what Thomas John Purroy Mic another matter for gratification, for there waa no sus- by persons Indifferent-t- the consequences of hel, but New Tor poll-tlc- s taking we quote the following paragraph: Gray has termed. In Imperishable verse. In his Elegy'. Is reform pense, no apprehension and no anxiety on no cleaner than the average brand. felt thla mlo their stomachs anything that promised intoxica-tto- a. "We have had a corn famine In Texas for the past "The short and almple annals of the poor!" Murphy's candidate for mayor. Judge McCslI is aide of the river. Professor Baakervtlte was not averse to a fifty years, and 1 want to appeal to the Texaa farm Tammany haa often had bad leadership as good svery whit as good a cltlsen ultra-mor- and worthy candidal, The capture uf Ciudad Juares doubtleae era to plant mora corn. It causae an annual drain of and bad men are rated In the code. But Is hla forma aa reasonable safeguarding of the public by regulation as successful opponent. John Purroy Mltchel more than 130,000.000 upon the resources of ths Tammany haa never had cruel leadership. It waa And no candidate any Important plsn In the contemplated reduction and of law. Declaring that under ordinary mniiufVotur. for office could be more . farmer, and this specter of want should be driven unfortunate that Charles F. Murpby wss the recog noxious or repulsive to capture of lha city of Chihuahua, where there was Ing condltlona wood alcohol waa harmless the speak- remedy la simply plant more leader of Tammany a time conscientious from the land. The nlsed at when nation- than la William dlamUwed by Zpchmeni ailff flghtlns last wssk, snd which Vllls Is reported m er said that If a federal or a uniform stnte law waa corn." wide progresslvlsm waa sweeping the American from the high office of governor, but elected to have decided to starve Into submission. In control enacted and enforced prohibiting the Illegitimate uses That is good advice .and something the farmers Union. He Is not ths type of man to quickly grasp legislature by the same tlv to over. ana aa nave elementa that iterant ed Tam of Torreón, on Ihe south, and Ciudad Juares, on the of the article and providing packages of Texas can well afford think auch national issues movements con msny Sulaer wo. chronic Wall thai all of fronted the American people during the past four street gamhlsr. who la Chi- ntos'-"on- s behind north there no method hy which the city of wood alcohol should bear s poison" label, "he pub- Under forest regulations In Colombia, rubber gath- years. He ought never to have been in the Baltimore Í. "Civ the persons ntv of hi. wife. One.Chsrlee F. Murphy Is morally eu huahua can oblate supplies, .and unless there Is an lic will be adequately aafeguarded and lha legitimate erers sre required to give ths trees a rest period In convention of 19 IS. The peculiar local condltlona of perlor to . regiment of gum. The else, precluded ability to atudy William Hulsera immediate shifting of. the panorama from a field or commercial activity of wood alcohol fried tapping them for number and location New York hla and estímale Murphy haa been eliminated Incisions sre regulated by law. In United on national Democratic politics. He was not pro- from political ar standpoint it would seem the capture of from unfair handicaps" of tha the a tlvlty. But Tammany haa not that similar regulations are In force In the tapping gressive nationally He ts, however, a been eliminated Statea humanitarian the human, neceseltle. and the Z-msn- city is merely a matter of lime, dtpendmi alaioat Testimony supporting Professor Basket vlllv's coa- - In national locally. Bryan was right urphy good government of pines for turpentine the Florida forest. stld If was wrong at of the future in New York.

' ' " ' naMSMMtf EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1913, SEVEN Changes Thick and Fast Evening in Times Christmas Campaign Deming Entrant Holds the Lead Over All Comer. But By a Very Dress Narrow Margin of Votes. for Change cama thick and fait for that matter A few subscriptions In the Timet Chriatmaa Qlft for a year will put anyone at the top Campaign and when the votta polled of the list right now. mm for the day had been tabulated for the Lesa on af- votes all subscriptions men list thl morning It waa found that ter Saturday night, remember thst. Cora O Matthera of Deming. held the The leaders in the organisation lead of the entire field with a major- clase manage to k p close together. HE secret of appearing well ity of only a few paper coupons over "She of the Purple hat' made nice Mr Allen of Silver City, who jr eater-da- y headway yesterday. 7 dressed is the wearing of led the race. But thirty-thre- e Likewise "Bright Eyas " paper vote sapa rat theee two candi- Those Alpine folks seem to be start- proper clothes upon proper oc- dates and even though they head the ing something. casions. We can tell you When, Hat at tint time their lead la not one She of the Tan-Suit- " eaya ahe will that cannot be overtaken by anyone be right there at the flnis-h- . Where and What to wear we elae with a few hour's energetic huat-ling- . There la sure some interest being know. takfn In the campaign in the field But nevertheless these two ener-geti- covered by The Time Everybody candidates are making a graa: boosting for their favorite. A COMFORTABLE HOME FOR The social season is now in race and promise to bt right there st Are you like the postag-- stamp the close. sticking to it" It means success full swing with the approach of MAKE BIO JVMP. The going is getting better every One of Jump of race day the Charity Ball, Thanksgi . the blgsest the CONTENTED CHILDREN' ing, to date was made yesterday by Mlns The.- - prisas are to be distributed Christmas and New Years. Myra Young, tha hustling Alpine free by The Times as Christmas Gifts This popular and charming but remember you must put foith hus- Daily we are furnishing good Furniture. Stoves and Rugs in all parts lady A few years ago the man who wore Dress Suit little shoots over the 100.000 tle and energy to be with the w.nners of El Paso, and the prices and terms are worth your time to inspect our a mark this morning and brought the Hurry. stock before buying. or Tuxedo was the exception. Today it is quite the O. IZ. S of her town right along with her. Those Alpine folks evidently are VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS New arrivals medium grade Rockers, bolt constructed and good values, reverse. , out for If charming qual- The following is - in bear and the letter i ities of their candidates la any criter- tor": SPECIAL DISCOUNT on all fancy case goods Dressers. Chiffoniers, ion they will make others know they El Paso. Tex Nov 15, 1913 etc Birdseye maple. Circassian walnut and mahogany. Evening ress XlGlearables are In a race to beat them out for Many times I have been asked high honors. whether there we any attempt on Ruga. Linoleum and Runners Good patterns and the price moves them. Evening Suits made to anyone pay- measure $50 and $60 FORT BLISS SCORES. the part of to evade the STOVES The Charter Oak" hot blast, full cast, lined and none better. Tuxedo Suits made to Mrs. G E. Pagan who represent ment of the 1200 rash prise t on by measure $40 and $50 Fort BUM in the buttle nf bellote tina the Sunshine Society in the Sale Slip The Steel Range sold on trial Guaranteed to bake, and a "fuel saver." Silk 0 summer, w h to and Opera Hats $7.50 morning gets Into the 0.000 riasa Contest las' and Wood Heaters, second-hand- . $1.0(1 and up Evening Dress Shirts and Is making a rare that her friends say that there never was any intima $1.75 to $6.00 end admirara claim will place her tton or anything of the sort. The We Exchange New Furniture. Stoves and Rugs for Old Anything for - Evening Gloves name opposite a big prize at the close treatment of The Times was fair and $1.50 and $2.00 Thev pAy it will be the home. honorable throughout tha campaign the Home. Dress Waistcoats $3.00 to $10 M YKF. GOOD GAINS. and immediately following the an- Dress Buttons, Several others In the list th'e morn- nouncement of the winners, a check Dress Ties, Dress Protectors. ing make good gain and from all re- for 200 whs deposited to the credit porta several may be playing a wait- of the Sunshine Diy Nursery' et the ing gome Thia of course, cannot be State National Bank and the monev a to carry on the work & It been used Foutz Zinkler ascertained hut would be mighty bs geod Idea to ones watch aome of those who for the little 1106. 1 13 N. Stanton. are now down in the list They are MBS W J COX. Phone not asleep by any mean and when President Sunshine Society they do atart something may mi k o up no- Communication From Herald 109-1- 11 their opponna sit and tak TEXASST. tice. Those presen' leaders must h Deming. N M Nov 14, 1913. hapa the other candidates will not and on the Job all the time if they want Times Publishing Co El Paso. Tex h tile getting this letter, I teel of Scantily Attired Women Flee rapELPAS0TEXAS. a course they per- to hMd their advantage I tin In receipt of communication uill all gel one. and KAMPAIGN KOMMENT. fmm the Herald which I am sending haps get discourage. I am mailing From During The voteg decrease Saturday night to you Not that it discourages me at you this letter ao you can know how Juarez Battle Hurry between now and then all. bees use, since I have talked with feel about the matter want to pay you. Mr. Murphy of The Times staff. I feel see you gel all th business you can It ViH w1t mnd of thr Dfrnrtrp nf thr Town sMk Safety Draughon's got I know that you people are fair, hon- for the prizes are grand and you cer- Mother. Swerthmrtn Rutins Collate the r Üi(l- - yvom lead in the organizada division hv orable and far above doing nnvttvng tainly deserve sll the circulation that On Ajiirrlcsn S11 nrt Then Watch Pmgre Which Tako a small majority over the dlnhonest in regard to the campaign can be gotten Thnn Their I.oved One and Home. LOOM Slnr-erel- of Ml ver City. But there are other conteatanta am v.oira do us sure will be discouraged as they Signed C..r,i t Matthew. Piense not aak how others bv r wgg picturea SPECIAL COUPON in do not realize how it hurts the Deming N M from thir fhiniher atol t here thr stand the race ng i mm H( paper to the tht humming f bulleta frim the. m tf .i 'Mh id In the first place we do not know raid for our hv r. u : circulation, and of course Another Herald f avor hint- K'ina, th t latter nl muakatv und fundíala will held at and tf we did this information would greatest - h.- i THE EL PASO MORNING TIMES No- - 14 1DI I i II. Ml (llllg thr- Ultltlfl'' .luare Th.- .a " tit ha i it be hrnmlng thev may not know that you people tf hi fnrt ah1f. Ma were hurattng erhea iiitrr-- in unmarked k,iiv.-- Ftw, New en get not afford to put on a campaign Editor Morning Times that CHRISTMAS GIFT CAMPAIGN ndid.t tes int.i the run- could u if wn will !' tn then o ad on square that 1s (uat Encloi.e.1 r nd t slip of paper Juan! a in aiHt pan)' ran. givn ning thi apparently i that is not the 'he V t w a v :nmlna nt Iteriil.l ut venterda ' nen ileneral illa hegjn n ii pt 4..t-- hurí ' he hv th- Rood ,t thing nt the Herald people has taken ileulur pain t" - , :, IN whit deterred fact that other as on th o er the f .4.iifti- ihioiighoui rii.. ,ii To $8,000.00 GIFTS have lead would want mall me to show ine where the ontest hi attni'k p. nie are iis'i.ill-- . Vou Comlnn m tht f itv trom h t..t long ihf Hp'Olp in the No r en son to be discouraged I understand it rhoroughlj but per- crooked .an ihunk ii.ivn either theni Í01 tne tM re hela. droe the rttltan iku 'fhf-- the agtiiix This coupon when accompanied by five new sub- ih-- That i.'ni an- - sign the Tunes does from i)iH hm Attired in night lea. the men, a nd rhll-ilrt- scriptions for one year each, together with the prop- I'rT.M will - parmtttad to poll mor su- h things nmn further notice no cniiia is a In the diir-iln- p 10,000 of the loader Yours truly. msde mud rush er remittance covering same, is good for 25,000 oit on any on tliv thaa will !ac her aha1 t the Stanton hrldl i" I f today haa Si. 000 m.i Ethel Allen. iret ho jy For example th leader k a.ifei Amei in all votes. o no m; po II vote for the list tomorrow hr cre'.lt candidate mota clown their t'har. will maK her total 3.000 .V With taara ati"amlnK Void After Saturday, THE COURTS j fa' at ths led a anmll child by the CHRISTMAS GIFT ENTRIES. hand r ranted an infant in their November 22nd, 1913. F'or.y-Flr- DMtrkM Court-- irrpi, ihp mtnara irni wlvea of manv No. 1 Embracing Entire City of El Paso. M ..f th Federal aoldlan who wer. District Walthall. )4g ga Atnarlran N'anonal íta n k if Ki Paao making lhati la at ta nd a Inat lh CREDIT! of Mrs W P Stevens. -- 4 Partían-- I evenu 13:i6S ta P W. f) ra ham. .li at, auli n onala light thr Conatliuilonatla'a K B 415 t'pson av.nue 4 not; j.irlgnifnt pl.iin'iff h it ri d a i o mm the H Grand Stand- free!. th- aitle f Yours is good for Dia- RELEASES THREE AMERICANA. is mpplled with waa punctured Mtaa Bilhe Kyi. T23 Boulevard 107tl W. H Power Vh J W Back with ing on American 'h3 watr ill a ap a half doaen timet, by rifle bullet, ami Miss Julia Kelly, Brown stleet ÜÜ.SÍT al. t:ilt fitr ivritled uul hri'Ig thev preaaniad pat hat Ic monds, Watches and Jew- the ill lanine. pnumn-- were tli real haroua Meo Held by Federal Vr4 I'ndrr tank quickly emptied of A Miss Esther O.irza. -- 301 Mag ffln avenue 60.K.M. of iitI jury Thfv elry. Buy goods bv rii iiur dleharte1 war atandlng h auf farini, Christmas Order From Media. contenta little tream which poured MIm liul-- Hadlo, k. city sanitary commission 50.41-- T1)in rt ni the r. who have baan through hole Fourth Court. lorturaa uatthmg Ihf now at Three American hail the M. Anna Leach. 121 Boulevard Si.SHi a m M Ja ki'-- j irla; uniid in Jail by fadarala at wera progreM oí he hat lie which a pt the Juartz Mr. J H. Mercer, Western UnUn Tel Co. t'nlon Depot 34.14.' Thr Htute William ".i on by of Colonel A :s de!-- , t ,." a nd it. ralaaaed yaatarday ordar woman quirk to flattery Miss A B. Loosiey, Locale ...... 27.8'JT ft' her. huaban afn benaath 203 SAN ANTONIO ST. N ar- Hoiel... trial m dastruc-Ho- Juan Me. lina Tha men had baan directed at another woman. - 4 kleavtng trail leath and had MU- S.ldl Samuels 203 Mills .treet Í4 Sei'tiil fotiri, restad 6n minor charge, hut had 20.125 DItrlt ni it puti, In trial before tha Mrs J:ne Baker. Lucrene Auts M Nimia, difficulty setting STATE RESTS IN CAI'LES CASE. On'Mtwin. 101s avenue 16.2.11 Hiifldirfl m llrtlc groupa, they ahr federal ofncials Mr. Glenn Maaofrin atifiani A le Murrutu T a r Mi-- s 00 arf-t- in thn i i lap alt f th1 earh ft. a man from San Antonio Depe-nd-s Adda T.tus. enue Rv. auli for 'Ijuii .Kes for Ballin. l pon TeMlnmny of Ellen B- - partonilj morn ng following ' ht- line ..f butt named Ramsey, who va,a charged Ml Acns rke. IÍ05 North nefori street I2.4IK . n it- iin tria' GorUey and Mildred Meredith 4 ar'ofta uaed lead alufta In working 0 MU Ursula Gutierres, Hotel Fan. del Norte .. from puff of am'ke that frmi t t firing ftJily (hoaa had Klrtt machine, and J M Poihemus. The na of the caá ot he State Miss Zúlenla Espinoso, Rati El ps 8. so.; th who lo'd Milk-P- ure W . Clean Milk charged inaulting the federal m Mam Capita wan begun ester Miss Josefina Kena-id-:'- 120 Mag-ofí- n avenue 4,44 VITAL RECORD nnaa partlripatlng in th roiifllcl an with . mur of police, were the men freed day morning and the etate ruted af Mark Murrav. Til E t ... so.ti pie tur ihf atik'Ulah "f ihe woman of nrriid in ihf .'.it- o dílry chief i it p r " ' i d Thomae E Edward called on tar he testimony taken during the MIS4 Mlldied Stoekev 314 8. 'irgtn:a ttraet 6 58 MARRIAGF .Tun re Comul - LICENSE. lit mil., u (.. rhe oaauuar aoliclttng aa.litan- dy Ellen Oodiey, the material 05 Mesa avrnux 5 the ha la m1d and f Colonel Medina, hit William. 1.1 Fít'THERFiRO-HAVNF- Haw-- I Then after it witb tt. kiiowlflgi Hitj it filU in caaa, wme go f 1 trie of the men. and the the to 2322 Magoffi, air- t t peace i s n m i bordar ni mi-- lei.tifr lu-- r hat In obtaining teleaae firt Mrs. Elolie Palillo. nun yrn H j .lout- h.i ne-- ha li'Ue Ifiii he immediately complied with the re- on the t and ahe waa follón e l Miss Mir-- .eg.-- lo: w tiverUnd o.. tow n I alien' ly " ii'leii tUf .i l.f nimle 4.11 n mil a . it pi- li j h: mi. i ii by MUdrad M erad 1th Th trial will s o UE.M Hs a ll represent iui'. remit af quest of the conaul Mis L l.eraii-- alryet ruaa ihf bridge lo Iheii hmea iha' f it be continued 1 Monday U E H LEV bv ' r itinrt i i i. r j ipeni iu o'rlork Miss Rosa 1010 S"orth Ovhos street 5 0'33 Vth UpjIm. h if ..f iin.i partly deatroyed tha i '"; piKUoiti"ii f ml in gin. li - ib IT WAS A REAL DROIGHT morning .'irg-rn- Tt Werley, i M:ss l.oren MM.e "14 South rret .S.oji died an earl h"in i.gfhtlrig Jn many of the little ad"b r !!! "f ei ' l ii'irflfs. f S 1 i a mor ni ng t i.l Mitt Margie Hotter. 411 E M stouri street 4.001 ihf faimh hut ti f;ithr .nd ati war miaalnp fori m I- I- pr i: ii of M.r.AN Tequila e, soo I - M K i -- f ,.r i, Water eh Well Beer and ptorl uvi tin Mr W. i l -. i hat i lo- oral had prob.t rt Jif .tole"i in In. the ! 1 y. tit- - np.neer Cut Off for Time. Territory City El hail i health f'.i Id. happi-n-- l, th- - I'ahi in 4.i District No. 2 Embracing All Outside of of Pato. womn iiatti Itld - ... -- 411 II.. had a drought a LONGWELL'S n a i ;t h- - r Ifl.4l Juarei time TRANSFER ha yeai and houü rfWi i lili ugh L oni G Darning. N M fj r 'tlir tha atrt's f.i th F.'ei .r... ,.(ii4 fr.un 4iiirT following the battle I'ot Cor Ma'thevs...... M.;c tiun waa aarloua nn t)tn M u as uul an thin.; , Sil-er dead mi usual the water Phone i Ethel Cuy. N M 140.7.'. i.f ',u . ware the aaloon but Mis Allan. gnt nai Rppmhanded De. ñf-x m luring h early hour a of the mrn in hi 4:1. i, .. v an. auply rut off. M:sa Myra Voung, Aipir.e. rhirty-eiih- t r rl bola- wti Automobllea, Hacka. Livery. Texs ... lio ül atT.'ii year ..f c Th ing lo c a ncaiitllv attired tilt tit ic p'tre ayatem wa dur- G E til, - The water lnmH Auto B&ggage T.oicka Mrs Pagin Fort ta .... 100.001 lam ib mmrd her- from Wim '.na-- urn .ig una it took v- - and bent w'h a;iddi.' ing tha bombardment Light and Heavy Hauling. Teresa McDonald. Globe. Aril ...... 24l ten ' c Beat de lir hnahand rnltaprt oxei a dead hol Dili put it In repair .N M i eral hour to Mlts Lea Kennedy, Carr.2 i4f,2l rr Werlay, de aar-- i h- a n Wi which 'o - .tirviveil ha1 identified her h pi u Nt K The tower tank from Juarei Mr. Henry F Phillips, Maiatnon, Texa- ah. 1 3 l.iiph. who la m m 'I.IAN r atudfni the their huahar.d among tiiof 11.. Mvrtle ttualton. T- yah. 1'nl'rraitj i a h. bet can 2'l4'. of lifrnl.i lo- hud while Irving .1 S M ir Wrlv kllld i. lllllg ft'-l M.ís Marsatet Hlckerson l.aa Cruce.. ,i was in '"hif agt. w n.tif-- '.f I. . ha hnfierre atdo of lh hi Mist Efto Tucumcgrl. N M :.i 7:o: wife ai.d ' fla'h ' lft imm'fliaifl adora Many '41 riddled with i N M EL PASO DAIRY M. .I Morra:.. Lordtlura. ... II iv.r Paao Puneral arran4ni-- n' jet.. Sweetheart r..urtd ihen CO K .. N M ht Sol rhiMp, bul boot gnm" Miss Edwin Moftelt. Alamugort) 42 n4 di not ha nia-- until hit arrival re ti lift !eaa "n 'he 'le'd of bailie h'v Mra M Sta-ks- . T.ilarot N M 41 7... M.sf Bro-k- . Odcsba, Texar 36 10 Mrs H Mrkhani, Big Spring T 11 jt.íOü fioth Lou'hain Veluntin. Tex :.i ll- - Miss Hattie Frost. Siena Blanca, Tex 33 440 Mrs Kalph Landtum, Pecoa, Tx .'! .Mitb Puth Fiob ell, M 22 .in Mia Dón'tht M Reinburg. Canutillo Tex it 1114 Mr T. W Hinemn. Anthony, N M I.".. HI Mis Carlota Manes. 14 Provenli sir. .tnares. Mex 11 r. M:b Anne Nanlelly. Matcalf. Ar iz 14 ".51 Mr Flank -- ota M.aln. A. 1 ... ,i Mr W A tuith Phoenix Ant 1:. n,ii Maggi- AJtard Blsbbe. Arlt 12 4?. Ml Mali Kelts .412 P avenue. Douglas Art 1 1. bit K Mtsi Nona Lee Alamogordo, N M 10 072 ota will be prood of its accuracy, too Mist Amelia Rapi.ael. Nogales Aril t.t Miss Hlendrick, Morenct. Ant Joosph lie Buell. Ka, Ana 114 If the Gruen Verithin were merely the most beautiful of watrhe. it 1 Kealru Roscoe. Morenn. ArU A. 042 Ciias H Holcomb. Jr 414 S. Urn ureet. Ki'.:hrn'jnd. Ind. 7,02b would never have gaineo! the success the past twelve years have brought M.bS Beatnc Floret Douglas Am ... 5 011 Mrs F Linn. Las Venas N M 5 010 Thayer N M It I Mist Julio Carltbtd .'.urn is thr fart that with ita distinctive thinness was combined thr highest ar Mxggle Webli Arteala. N M Mis ion: rur.iry attainable that has won lor this watrh the respect and admiration of both Organization Entered in Gift Campaign for Cecilian Player Piano. turope nnd America L 11 O Moos. Silver .:itv. N M 14f.,S44 Silnfhlne Society. Ei Paso. Texas Mi 14. Come and let us explain how 7 Draughon a Business Co:ige. t, Jtu, t 4."t in this was done how a new. mechanically cor Way of Commerce. Deming N. M. . 1.12.7'tg V Convenient Coamber rect arrangement of wheels made the Gruen erithin only half a as or- The ' thick the CI ' W W.. Tornillo imp, .'o. 42 El Paao Tex dinary yet retained full of El Fire Departmnu 4 watrh. size and strength movement parts way is call one of our taxicaba when Paso 124 As well as the surest ta O S. Alpine Chptr No laj. nti 305 make business calls, shopping excursions or pleasure trips. Minéis Union No. 40 W F M. Glohe. Aril 113 you The minute you see the Gruen Verithin you will realize what a world of pride We at your service day and night. Our drivers are care- A M Carnt so. N M 4 s23 are The Church, of Immaculate Con. 51 s.'.2 you wilt take in possessing it ful, experienced merf. "Alameda Grove W. C. East El Paao 50 in F. O E Ivl Poao.Texia 41 u) Special Attention to Theater Parties. High School Midland. Tex IJ.ltU Prices: $25 to $230 Tuteaba, Auto and Touring Car. Tron ler Lodge Nc. 41 K of P Big fpnngi. Tex 22?1 Union Church. alentlr.e. lex !2 ig; L O 0 Moos. HI Paso, Tax. . 2Í 520 Etcuela Official No. tt.'Juares, Mexico 14.554 HOTEL TAXICAB & AUTO COMPANY International Clerks' Union. El Pee. Tex om Fraternal E) Pas.. Texas 10 ui W. T. Hixson Co. O. C. CR1SMOR. Manager. 'olunteer Firemen.,, N M ', 10 100 Telephone Modern Broihrhood Ei Texas .. . 7 04 Office! W O. W. Camp 1. Clifton Arts 01 Hotel Paso del Norte 877 O Ft C. Et Paao. Texaa till Mesa and Mills Hotel Sheldon nd 644 Y M. C .. Dougjaa. Aria . j,oo4 L. O rt Wtw. 2 Vegas N M t 00' The Qift House High School. Carlsbad, N. M ooo tfl EIGHT EL PASO MORNING TIMF-S- . SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1913. Sección Castellana de Interes General para los Mexicanos el que nata han loa vol untar loa al- gunos ratudtentea del Coleajlo de Agricultura. CARRANZA SONRIO: TOMA DE JUAREZ También se recogieron vario murr- YA SE ORGANIZA io n la lnlennTlrtn d Un rallen dH i ñamo y i gsrtr, después n haber r los a lorien del loa re-- ! halle DEJKN QUE DIGA LO Ql'E QUCE-RA- . SORPRENDIO A LA (iCARM-LA- Villa AVER KK I1KIMKKOX LOS Dll'l' A laa 0 :0 de la mañana de ayer i'i i'. El. JKKK REBELDE. A ' V CION FEDERAL fue víalo el Oral. V illa y dijo que no TAIIS SENADORES f:M A. M. trnta que delinear ninguna política ELECTOS. per que ya hahln llamado ft Al saner la i drl presidenta Ion vecino prlnel palea, para que se Hurrln comenlsniln ,u firme reunieran en la jefatura, ron objeto actitud, COMBATE JH- - de-- I HUERTA DESAFIA AL GOBIERNO TRES HORAS DURO EL de nombrar municipal, loa i mán ernpleadon del municipio, adml- - nletrador de la aduana, de correos y ..,.,, Da la I' r f nna A aoc ia r a In Hurlad ion rn,. lond'idr H gobierno. Kelna un orden .fimplfto rn Nogales, . 15 Kl Como protesta IJnd Km revista con Villa. Son Nov Oral hará denemharcar y me ha a no entrara en ningunos me marinos en el puerto de mnral Al ser preguntado como habla pre- nrrania Vracrtu cf ninriMplo. dlon de realizar In pa, en México, desde Iucko. parado la ruptura, dijo; excepto por e derrocamiento de Muer "Yo conozco entail cosas de manera ta Imtm .1. I...... r. ....-- I. A I. Kl Timen fu- H anteo (ui tranquila v ya tengo- H habito de ata- - Untente declaración car mi, enemigo por aorpreaa. De la Prensa Asociada detall los su esos que desarrolla- - "No reconoceremoa a nadie que b, Méx b o, Nov. ' i. Uíin Jtputados y .I"Ar-z- ron rn la torna ds publicando ' II. ;. .1.11 .1. I:. ..f', o " senadores electos reciente manta parn !,, pad a los (sueltos por " jaran" mi- fueron de se nsa- - del prir donde sustituir que fueron d nueve imnahamoa. Beta deed laración fue motivada por el - IllxtatAbanioft a nnoulro trlesTrit tlmt m v presidente, deberán reunir- a las I6n en la ciudad l'omo loa bu scrip oirerentea notician que e han lie 3 p. m en un respectivas - 'niUlainoa loa teleKniman que Juxca- - cámaras lore forune, iM'M'iiri deben cono- gado por la prenaa y por eondurton esta para a aun respec- para nacer a neml-of- larde nombrar estos hechos, da moa en alnopala al inua cunvvniania creer lalea de jue ciertas paraonaa tivos premüer.lca. ct loa faderalen que procedían de origen pueden y contenido d" goberniata, ser aceptables s Huerta n él Hoy en la mafia na el presidente .1 ra In lucha. romo prealdentPH Interino" o n "Ttnfamon n la por pía- - Huerta no dló Indicaciones de alterar Deede i - ;" d i" maftani del ciudad com Ningún nombre pie ha nido tn domtnuda antea de dlnparar un Uro. nú prcgrsma ) cumplir lan demandan Abado romensó ataque inesperado sugerido ha recibido la aprobación de tut, le hixo el enviado r sperlsl del lat de Kran-clax-- o Nueatraa pérdldan ion llgeran. apenaa t a Ju4rz. por furria al tí arranii 'Villa, que se nuponla a de nuealroa hombrea murieron Los que el ae - cercando en U Informes traen éxito 69l qMa fl prevenía la organisation del Chihuahua, orno 1" dei Un lus tren horan de lucha. perncioneai rtliMlareH v:i ..., ! "Voh propon emoa oficíale los empleados d guardar el man han fortalecido la actitud de Ion Jefen , i y No PPl fa lin ,0,- otnpleto orden pudemoa iincgurnr reheldeg n tai - , la reina ludad a negorl.icloneM l'ondu- l.rtKuiud,.. ,1, i.aJ,.aK,. la Kl loa dH rañón Ion extranjero u protejf rernon un Hdan eon Washington por del llrntfu trueno proplí-ditde- tnedlo (.niu ladu Se ree oue ha recibido u ermos de Kl Paao y vidua. !.an cantlnaa e Hule He uaegtira hlso rreer l"f han errado, cualquiera lr ,nea tie Washington que trata!. 'I'- un motín de las venta de licor ino. ei movimiento rehelrte ,) i borrarhera aorá caatl- - esto tropa d. Juarez h1 ae comunico aevermente existen relaciones n,mlstosasi s ItMstiili1 el Congreso. por Kda. hernoM puesto auardtan en la ron el gobierno americano, v e telefono. y A me non oue el préñente plan sea Máh Hiipn que el Oral. Hiendan cualquier Intento de saqueo preiddent provisional Huerta no Llene lardf s' o desorden KerA castigado " abandonado por el presidente Huarts constttU'lonaltstH Villa He habla apo- también nirtktiiuiM lan siguientes horas, loa V Kntre el botfn por ' dentro de derado en Terraza?, esturión del C capturado Villa ai loma de JttArez por laa tropas para mp a ayer ae decía que ne I nombren pacogld. ree lasa r t Tent ral, de tren- pirn trasportar a etn ontruban de Villa, ht captura de ayer de fulla los amelralladoraa, eanonea, y ' aenadores diputados (iie catan mi ti oí h l.t f i uniera cuatro varios can. ataque ne hace hoy a preño k lentos de rlflea y de 400 a T.00 prinlo- Victoria en In penitent iaria ne reunirán l.u ciudad riMleadn. nerón, feriaran de muñera díte. ta en na seón especia Us .lo U prenl Villa idoco .1 ne Ü.iOO rebeldes en al movimiento rebelde en ana rela- (Sarza Ixih v tienda del ministro Aldape, punto onvettlenten ulitió fuego inuerlo! herido. cionen Internactunalea. Se tiene por rfitiiii prenidente cm- - l ayer n seguro la sopn id 'id. sin qui ni die lo lama nabta ue hablan ido que revolución ha ga nado i trdlnaiiaii le puesto recala He e en hoy mA parara L.U11I melon f' dt ri iiie muerioti arioM amerb nnoti ni ellos Importancia que la Última ' n alguno d mbroM del ante- - a o in pon hi m mh uaO fed uno que calaba mentado en un auto nema na b 'otigreno. rales, i'onipiH rioH d tropHM 'le linea marcado ron el Su. ití, rere de bm l,n declaración de Carranca. S In hoy l ree (in de era v voluntat Ion. ue p completo o Kenos. f 'crea de é antaltan 'i aol- - a derla ración hecha "hoy por t'tt t oh e objeto di' Ion - nombrai prendldu A tinque ai dadoa fedetalea tendido.- 'Uro. iInh rranea acerca d. ..imltuto de Huerla Inter i non, l.a formal fue tan rfM.II nu- a americanos que nu han Mido blentifl- ba nido la iuAh radical oue ae ha he- - deberá reunlrne H lo del corriente. día U ludad emana I'll pod de rofl IIIUeitoR M ; HO lJe,C l.l 'I i Iri de Madero Se cierra la embajada. loa rebaaJ' a American Hoime Corren rurnore-- j de ipie ae cerrar A A Ihk di la mnhana lo esta- - acribillad oh a halnxon Kn cata cnlU ipotien a uubiuier compro- - la embajada, y que el Hr. Kind llene - e ba ya tranquilo, pues lua re b bien pu- encontraron, a la ves, ma de miso, xenn Janl tpie eximió Htlt.n facultadea para hacer eto y denem-- dieron domlnur por toinplel la po- - M lnte muertoa de Ion .ir Ion d b- Matlero Se barca r marl n on como una pi otea ta al 11 argué) a eat na biación de victoria todo perma r del norflrlamn. deaaffit de Huerta al gobierno ameri-- 1 Con Villa llenen Torlbln ''rtrga neció tranquilo en Juarez, y ne permi- Madero permitió qu fort a le rano Kn tal caso e protmble que Juan N MeditiM, on utado de gene tió iju corrieran Ion tranvías, que pa (lera, en la caima del ultimo derroca- loa federales evacúen a Veracruc, rglev naran refugiados y que ae reanudara miento, y la snteMnr declanaclón no Se dice (pie las órdenea son que el .ti. driireló. de nuevo H movimiento niifpendi lo anncbmn ninurtn cambio verificado en ejército federal salga de Veracruz y Ki ri v de la k un r nb I611 fe por algunan horan. México. Milu por medio de la fuerza ne altúe en un punto cercano a la deral, d ipi Kn Ion primer. ,h tu oh uno rr.tüó ile Iiih armas, para aegulr lan i eapltu para esperar órdenes. ' ra d habla haata la ihii Ulan a de 'le lado: ne . Se espera no .1 oue óltlma hora cruzado- 110 Washington ro debido a v pegó ron ra un incidente uhj endtdo en bin re cunipll-meta- riel, ne reúna el Congrego pnni r mus since the part lÉát Aug- Par k mat r reató on Kl 'I'" d' rechazo obre una ventana, llu, lonca pendie ii'ik diplomat Ichm 01 latter of la de nía nda presentada por el ust, lias a plan of organisation of the ra.H flte en ti ijral Kcotl, sin es usar daAo nlgut.0 Ion Kntados mdoa fueron aclarada enviudo Kind obre la no reunión de . e boy i on la o, permanent force which differs diamet- n Kol Hf Nota complementaria- - declarar! de Huerta con dicho t 'otigreno rically Kn donde un ri ni gratulando al Oral 'arranxa por from the Ideas of Colonel nin Alumhm por la lu la Decía ración de Huerta. Mr. a commis- luna actitud de l.i lie la I Metralf favors muerto fue Hipódromo b uretra mediación "Kn cuno ile que el Carranza BEpvuJTOS RV eMeHICrM ct.SS A S OC ATlQWlMIHI ' una parle lan tropa Villa He - (ral III sion form of permanent government, :i n donde al naebmen extranjera) Cor todas ltr- rebudie ra mediación de los ffi mandaron ui 01 lila del pa ra 1, diffused government." as was oh el ilin, lo ae to llgernmenti 110 Kaiadoa 'nido én los culled iltar iitje Ion federales aalleran rnclolH ón. y uaiinton de D. of tn r eons t here by an official Col. Goethals be- H lit il nata Hilo no hp "n Méxito, Huerta se unirá, a en mis Waahlnalon. c official circlea gnat number mill ruction M Kl ,,ÍIM" ,,,ra a la é. government N lita thó los enlró rludad por aiders afei te la ai til d de Vé- - i d.- and ad ml nint rati ve problems. Brlga lieves h sllssd with Juan atgulenter. vi, so oatrlótleo pmH. here are conniderably stirred over the ' aproClmAllduSf l b K. M. Weaver, of responsibility concent rated In one datiff de P tihdaa l..'l muertoa I''1 ""loeMl.. al viro Inula oa Kntadoa intento, para mantener Inalterable nu dlaaenslona arising througn .the pro- dler General chief ;0u bel id in tatos :7 federales 1a ntru 'ercera penetró por la vlu II nidos dlpníi Hie coant artillery corps, and a num- head would be ties. The Metealf sug- ' actitud contra Washington." poned changen in the form uf govern- y muertia y herido en encuentro ''utral la cuarta por el Bate, sunriaa del arranxa ne derlararlón fue he. h.i hnv n ber of other officers of that corpn will gestions for divided renponni Milt and ib e- - ('l extremo la - eHpnrHó hoj au ment of I zone. Col secretary to advise him. authority cannot be put into effect rr ipódrotno. la última de calle del Comer- pfir todo roatro tu Calado Narluna. I declaración the 'anaína ranal arrompan) the n la re- - cío, gnatn, one pd of organization legislation by congress, cu ni ia batalla final Uts un ruando leó el meiiMiJe dH cal ece que peine en duda la reanuda QoethaU uriginnt the lyatem The qneation the af the without as the poai- - ó now in vogue, one man govern a ntl opera of Panama canal act 191? provided beldé en ale conflicto no tuvieron Kl ral. Huerta con referencia a la r l n de laa n e g ic n e l o 11 e n entre Mé- whtrh inahen ment ling forre the jf for y ..k .rin. e nu In a ningún muerto lJ herldoa .n Tn,a.Jl.S . n" actitud en ta mediación xico y ns KntadoH CnldoS, egón lan Muprerna In command, with three ranal after the WHterway opened one man authority. Hecretary of lu. Zni.. In up. su Iicrld en rj l'aso. .no .,.... 1. extraña en loa anunton in le r torna de n personas eaeh Hiarge of a BSctlon. will be taken Two opposing plans State llevan ir reported Tavoriug the i... f realm ir. formaciones omadun de Met-eal- mi - . W a r r I turn proposition, wfctie Con del ir He di Ins be u . ri. tie rebeldes, huyeron México. bu n Informadas. Kntaa dicen que no Secretary of tar hua le ft will b considered. Commissioner Metralf becretafy of rjdi. IraldoH l "I'ejen c(in liga lo que tjulera." Wtiahl ng Ion for a three weekn' trip tft former editor of Secretary Bryann 'War Garrison is Indited toward fueron ulHloleJ lOeii. eri inri., uni.rlíuni, r".- -i aim ultftnea hay esperanza de un Junto arreglo, the ne li h o, dljfi arrunza Kl Innui gente I'anama, where into a Commoner, who baa been on the Inth . views of Colonel OoethalK. donde dará liatamiento médb mente ri.mnA ulaoue general niw Jefe agregando que no hay el deneo de be will examine Ku lu ba má." denespsi u da pi hum cutírteles de la acceder a lan no ioim ia ma cioti i.oh re he dea en panó demandan de reunir tró antiguo cuartet n dond H halle e la aduana done el 'o tigrero, cual ae d lee (iie el ne calle del Carranca no a aun quo ante- ri oKirroti fedérale mucrtoH, ei IMahln e hicieron una d encarga so recibió visitantes plazo va a expirar hoy. Kl encarga-1I- 0 cruz fue más notable hoy lire en nna oficinas como nido costum- BREVES LOCALES oh bfclladorea, ime en mu mavor parte ha de negoeloa manifestó oue no hay riormente. bre, o hay ninguna 11 be n I E'd'lfYclo eran leu. explicación ningün tiempo limitado a cate Llegan noticias de que loa rebeldea Dr Attaway, tinta. oflclalen federa Aquí fue en to. excepto oue LA SITUACION Tel. ) donde rt ba dedicado tod reap etc ae están reconcentrando en los alre- RKSMCTAK City Nat. Hank. 6132. (Aviso fori Portillo fue herido. mi (lempo a Ion EL CONSULADO. líoa re be Idea enderezaron el fuego tiieimajcn que llegan he na be que el t otigreno ae va a dedores de Orizaba, Importante esta- de aun trnpaa en el campo opera-rlune- ( I contra el la de reunir para organizarse en una hora ción del Mexicano. En el raw ford Tonight Cuan Federul, Jefatura Se dijo a ferrocarril El coimulado americano Ml Ciudad !'. le Arman y el Cuartel de ArtlIlerU medio día que no 'h especificada, auiuiue ne rumora interoceánico los rebeldes comienzan thouhund candles. e confe-rencla- a Juarez fue tocado dos vecea por loa m Kl fuego ne concentró ha Ida l itado p ira ningunas que órdenea" en contrario ne Iimii dado IXJS ACONTFCIM1KNTOS DE MEXI- loa trenca y a robarlos. Pa- sobre estos tren entre lUle v loa a detener tlroa; pero no recibió daflo. Lo Kob Alemanes-Americano- s luttp" en las callea del Jefes pn ra el efecto. rece que se cumple el deseo de los doctot Comercio n CO VISTOS CON APATIA respetaron al asenta non Ion man experimentation de laa en ei 110. ( iirrn n ti lo fortaleció. Kstadun l'nldns de aislar la capital. americano de. los Batadoa Unldoa y fermedadcH crónicas, comu lias bajas Kl (ral. Huerta no eat X a ti n con POPULAR. envenena' festcralen reheldon. bi ponlbilldad durante la batalla uno de Ion oficiales minuto dt- la sangre, reumatismo, ro- - pfrdldun de oa vencido de de hii VISITAN A KL PASO. visito al consul y le qua ce- federnlea ae dice que la liegucldn de notifico tajamiento, af i ocely, lildrujcrle, en- - dice que llegan a ; muertoa y como rrara, la casa para que no para aceptar lan proposl-doñe- a sufriera fermedudei serretas y la mitad de ente número ESPERAN Carrañas M uchos oflcinles de las victoriosas ningún daflo. , heredllarlaá, heridos. Ia NOTICES p! ene nta das por Hale le han HUERTA NO "MERE SALIR AUN ojie tntigiiii otro dofiur du emu ' de loa rebeldea no pass de 2 i muer-Io- s tropas const! tucionalistas visitaron nin y eviinecldu en su desafio a Wash- medadi a en Kl l'asu Han nido eape- '0 herldoa, de los que cuatro ington. ayer Kl Pasu para comprar nuevos SK LLEVAN CABALLOS. : lian muerto. c ta list un por . abon, practlcfi udolua vestidos despuéa de su larga campa- 1: en la (ludad M Un" fedérala tuvieron halaa en IHH, KN AlUíAlU) O'HH A F.H a y cor- Acuaaclones de qeu los soldados durniiii utioa de ' t' HS NO HAY CONTRABANDO. Lo, rebeldes cercan Orliabu na. El (i ral. Maclovtu Herrera, uno U l ' ' H roarlel, 10. llevan-doa- e Xlcu in.i Mea. donde murieron constltu-cicmallsta- constituciomiliHtas han oslado etildn , y tropas 25 iiiAm en i - s i tan roban trenca del de los Jefes de las Consultas gratín. Se habla Como uurtel de artille- soiutK croi:s. AnÍ caballos de carrera del hipódro- esaiAul ría, loa i:( hi dcspwnde Ion Imcstlgaclonc- - visitó la ciudad, acompa- y moneda es t pot cuando voluiitarloa al retirar Interoceánico. mo usándolos para la caballería del la niixtcanu recibid "" biloca de un practlcadan hoy. ñado de su Estado Mayor. El Capt. ejército cincuenta ceniav'; oto.' (Aviso.) lugar seguro, ec que la capí (ira ilc He lu Prensa Asociada Moyes, Mayor fueron hechar, ayer por el i eaiiuilai on la lio hn con Iom n Juárez Armando del Estado del cónsul americano por rebeldes Nogales, Su l.i Kan In- - Herrera, que los constltu-clon- a Edwardn. medio Kntti duró como hola media tendrá la iillsiiiu m .i te ..i Arla. De Ir Prensa Aaoclada. Oral. dice de los dueños del galludo. Kl, ALA M J u ft r ey hasta watlgticlones practlradua aquí han no h la ciudad Los solda- que los ' Nov. 15. Kl presidente listas utacurán de :,t;.. idunlarton terminaron su que la de Mudei nlngu-- Méxito. dos están siendo buscados por los ofi- Teléfono parque Uih rebelde dtitlo por resultado haber que Chihuahua; Hlnu tSperarA.ii que tos fe- ciales del ejercito mandaron una v ne Huerta no pudo traer a la vida u su lu. constitucionalisla. timet ralladora ron :ioo hum brea; pero na cantidad de armas municiones derales ludan pluzu. En el reciente lia permitido que pasen por esta parte congreso boy. El congreso pudo re-- j u uquellu periderm) i s en la pelen . l la ataque ciudad las tropas del 'orno De Prena.i Aaoc la No ne HABRA NUEVA CAPITAL. se N.o de frontera ha descuidado unirse; pero el Senado por falta de tíral. Villa no hicieron eafuerso de cadáerea enconttaron regadoa en WunhlliHton, ai un tu vigilancia ib' lan patrullan de la pero- obligaron a los laa calles i entrar; federales AVISOS DE OCASION ho d capachos dH rgadu linea, se ennnldera Imposible el paso quorum no pudo oriunlzarse Be cree. a Kl Mayor Cornu, La capital provisional del ISst&do de Kn la goclua nos la fiar batalla. Jefe lei. lo nmei lea de pii'ziis mandes, arman o municiones sin emburgo, que mucho se ha adelan-- I tie Estado Mayor al Gruí. Herrera, fue Chihuahua será establecida en Juárez nt uron un ai ttllel iti Innti nccloliea que uia cá-- I dentro de pocos l .Ntlu le e n considera ble ill nt blad tudo con la Instalación fe una miembro del grupo que visitó dlaa. Esto fue anun- b, no t toM. un policía a noche, une se refieren ill des,... de también ciado en e! cuartel in ADOS a mará. esta ciudad. constltuclonallsta unta n im n ii se eucitntraron cere los roí iieriii i.- i eanudar Lus senadores serán llamados otra ayer Bl Corl: Juan N. Medina, jefe di no, lie Tres fedeialcH en la Jefu bis negociación bajo las cpie Ion Kl del lOstado Mayor al ' vez el lunes pura reunirse. De Dr. (iarrett. simnach. Interine. Inter- Oral. Pancho T (e - el ou.-e- t n o. Jos uiiii- ehanlfe eggei latios 'nidos irla niif 9 2 y ns! Diseases. 40J Roberti'ltnuoer Bldg. Villa, es el más popular de todos los soii ft ente a laa Tres It It It pa senadores solo se reunieron lamen! os esos generules del ejército. Nin oficiales de laa tropas Ue Villa para KNTA l i' i.i un Hon noldadon Villa f, Sí capera que todos C'nctua Club. l'K de ilion muer el nuevo lungiesu es Joia'tbs gobernador provisional del Estado con 0 ple&ati $.1 toa por desobedecer ga o It guno ile lus senadores católicos odo Arden de n ronoxen los ni os acontecimientos, presente. goffln. No 'joi. Saquear. Solo un aso d Iin ae no aohi de que loe Kaiadoa l'nidon tuvo J hll Clral. se obstina, reglatró en la tienda de Kl n nue tft" h tie surar a Hu.-lt- 1 de Huerta .mils í)K l,i." 'i M se a nunca, en In ir el Congreso. V HAN INKS de piano e podtra ron de xUUv,,h óblelos In ellmlnai lo. i m, el aiitainlentu del tiue tai. iiylOM en ul gobierno. a me Alcunua huu i'uile de mediatamente Villa dio ordenes para emltargo de arma.-'- id no umbin oue contlnuur frente del 81 un stable, er ei "Oh, no; no dijo anoche; busca honrada efloaa Ttxas order, despue de babel la Ot a u Itret.i fia anf rumo ot ran na- saldré." tratamiento, le j ordenado lu muerte de los culpables. ciones, han asumido una actitud mas "continuaré como lo be hecho, para Invitamos ccrtestnante a que BK UKtíKAN luicipulu Empicados que huyeron, que pasiva en la aqulscencla a la poner mis mejores esfuerzos en la pa- - haca una visita a la oficina de loe Doctores espu no put u Itia' lull flusrdms se colocaron en las puertas a americana cíflcación del puis y asi cumplir la Alemanes-Americano- s lo más pronto posible, k Tel. t.i n al t. MM de lan tiendan y rn. ic peimttlo a!rhne He dice ipie H suceso en que el promesa que hice ul tomar la presi- para que estos facultativos le hagan ver la tu I.i k i. ni bis ban coa, durante minlatro lugo ha. eatudo en comuni- dencia." rasón porqué, sus originales y KAHK iiueairu ou tido de "Alacenas lu maAuna. Los exclusivos empleados federales caciones con Huerta. huHéndols com Al hablar en el Congreso de urden, métodos ton los mejores que hay y psia Cocina, pata ebta fin ron msndado a tu y prender e! sen., rn que ONi: l'RIC ' la manara ei cárcel cerca racier de debe Salvador Diaz Mirón, director de "Ul cómo han podido obtener los dead- tUU iuiuiei-ina- l'uin- - de .'.no prisioneros al cuartel Algu-no- sepa ra rae del poder Al rchuaar re- Murk Imparcial" y un ardiente sostenedor resultados más i maravillosos empleándolos en su ii in Co. COO Calb .mu Antonio, empleados h.ixeton. oto.. H admi- nunciar v al no acceder a reunir el de Huertu, dijo: "No nos hable Ud. práctica. KOVJI, e T nos" nistrador Jefe de polldu Cons reno, oue deberá Jar ulgutid de ley. Que hemos hecho con la cuando visite, le haremos un sza-me- n JLK VJvNTA una vaca Joven Jttae omanduián, el Jefe de n armas concealonea de petróleo, que ai- ron ley'.' mas grandes que la Uy. físico y también con nuestros Instrumen-toa- . i y otros, Venta por Somos a Huaa bl. Tuiciuuu Vtk, astro alderarlan como degules, el gobierno Kl puts esta en una gravo todo sato gratis, y al propio I itli Cinco mil be e a sltuacióp tiempo le lechera, en enrula pesvn te bits dejaron por irá a nu política de udur a loa eone y es una ma- haremos vsr nuestra opinion uuit illa en el anio de Chihuahua, Ht menester proceder de médica v anea- - 0j al man- uclonallstas nera mas expedita. tros consejos su bai KICCK.H'I A.N do Je Manuel Chao. Villa que 1.a captura de por ne Cambio Local sobre caso, sin qus por boinlnta niujeie dice Juntes donde de fue electo presidente, sin votación, esto quede obligado sn lo más U. de ....ii,. nai 'u nal tila u para qu scrA cuestión de pot oa dlaa U caula de espera pasar municiones de guerra ne mínimo. üs la plaza Hen tro de dos o cree gran En la casa "Un solo precio" Enrique Puz. en qus podemos aprendan hkh. barbería, pia tres días r de efecto lu misma FUESE curarlo coa segundad hasta dejarlo en- i ... Kn la llstu de diputados estaban los out ae unaeften a nltion la o. iieuaia Uosullo MemAndez ron ,"0t) captura en tiempo de Madero, contra Nuestros consumidores conocen teramente sano, aunque otros remedios no lo hayan sur de la H hombrea a Juarea tu regimen de lMaz. fue el de- - miembros del estado mayor de Huerta, podido curar muji lumpoiui pie, tópico que so- Afln mil el costo de esta curación está al humado, - Concrdc mut entren clski ii na mn- b u t lo estrictamente apegudus su secretario particular, el ayudante alcance de Ud y laa oondl' utertan excepcionales. Co- Ista ni ei de pago an proporción su du dt- Kl mí una t s un mos a la política de "l n solo pre- del ministro de la Guerra, su secre- .iones de situación. No hay un leglu tínrberu l'aau Anita emrevisia concedida uvet diera termino régimen por que enfermo del NationiiJ ,. un reporter del Times, el Ural. Villa Tanto el como el pur la que tarlo, y otros amigos y empleados de pobre esté, que no pueda recibir nuestros dijo que sacre cio,' tenemos rimada servíalos medióos it' darla garantían a loa extrun- - turto Bryan esperan de despacho de la reputación de que "Un nlno pue- la presente administración Curamos con infalible éxito las siguientes enfermedades. tíl-J- Ij.-- i o, in s Jeron Ke mente lu Aunque no NU a.', ni' i4Ud uauur. apesarado por la capital. comprar en mientra casa un hubo desórdenes, no paluquurus aiasriuaaus y eMpunu., muelle de ReRgeraon v conduelo ni - de hubo tampoco muchos espectadores. ESTRECHEZ RKIMATI8MO HYDROCELE lo que un ex- üarba, , t: i u, stiatupo j, it, pocilio americano por lo oceurido Nt HI'AO COMENTARIOS, plano mismo turabre La aertfdnd de la situación se com- VARICOCELE ECZEMA NEUHABTHrwri Kl Corl. Juan N. Medina bu perto!" los PROSTATITIS MALES ' prenden empleados en el Palacio DE ESTÓMAGO DEBILIDAD Idee Ido el y r...... NERVIOSA iabo Turcos 4Uu N.. uregou. urden mando recogerriloa Cuantío a Uryaii ae le leyó In docla ra Para I primero de Diciembre y el pueblo en lab calles. ALMORRANAS Itm.nA.. iadáeren si mismo me- - !h . BNVENENAVIlWrn eatableclo clón de Huerta aonrló. nos a nuestro nuevo Yarloe amigos de Huerta continúan DE .A 8ANORE r.EBILJDAD"""aoHEXUAir-VlRTlTi- á i - particularea x,u lugiea. Jidii sanitarias la cambiaremus v ie Prensa Asociada COti sti trabajo de persuadirlo para que se MEDADBS URINARIAA. x sktuorl.a (iüchruH, i:- ' -- local, Calle Texas, Junto s la Xttlefonu ' Washington. Nov. 16. La declara- - retire. Pero otros le aconsejan LV H lili DK ATAQVsCS. dH presidente Huertu tienda de Watson. Desde el 15 de 4ue UN y don acerca de no acepte ningunas demandas r que bsi hombrea iouui.s ae re- - pie unlu ul Hral arruma para Octubre estamos batiendo una organice el nuevo Congreso, como de- - da cualquier naciuuaiiuau pata u m aba el fi- CONSULTAS GRATIS li callo en el aaalio pud Mr cualquiera medfnclon de lo grnulna reducción a los precios s los Estados el arunuMb ei uflcio u bai bariu, pura m C. Juárez, Estados Cnidoa. fue IHda hoy sagre safio Unidos. Paro al jos de nuestros Instrumentos. - ó s s : quo s suseAen a cultnar la neuuu Ue la Prenaa Asociada Bryan: pero no hixo ningunos presldsnte ha establecido el aotecs- Horas m a t p m los Domlagos ds a 11. y tatio compraras un ins- de no y Tenemos aura o la uiujsr a coiupouer i p Nogales. Nov. 15 Simultáneamen- comentarlos. Aún loa empeados fue- Puede ahora dente recibir consejos de nadie alios de establecido, nuestro crédito merece cuTrT! que a opi- confianza Im QUUáUu. oii'i.- - eauapci uualaa. te ron H atauue de Juarci se hito ron notificados sobre el mismo asunto, trumento a mehoe .precio que an- sean contrarios su propia de siglo de axperlsnolaa y futo, en enfermed.delrH-hombn- d Panu, g. a nión. curaciones ds e de Barbaria rd otro lu capital de Tainuullpas. Victo- perú guardaron la misma reticencia. tes nunca lo hablamos vendido. Doce alios en la capital d México. Paso tu ria b dice aquí gue el j La prensa mexicana pide a ti éxito en el Como uueto d. .b $19,1 urtiha. Huerta acríbanos, al no puado utiiour d C. Juárez se esperaba y qua i i UN HVgUE KRANCKH. que siga al frente del gobierno y sus Jt. visitarnos, pidiéndonos Informes reía iyia,.t. LU. i'A.Sii. i'i.iuiiu, al mismo a Loa pago regulares mensuales eetap lives a nuestro La i .tiempo uetacuria Chihua- columnas llenas de critica, tratamiento examination y consejo Ocurm luuiailuiuuiauts si i S. blaa-tu- s hua. continuaran eii esta enta. amarga para los La consulta ss grails ya sea en médico eMuUa at. y ea a Jarge VUisgaa i i De la Prensa Asoctadu. Estados l nidos. Kl nuestra oficina s por corree ara daiailM j tipllcsc-iua- 11 noticia de lu calda da JuAie tn erucrus, Nov. & El crucero ar- piAnos usados. pueblo mexicano, como de costumbre, abicrtriw. pierda ... Vaya boy recibida aquí y Carranza y sua ofl- - mado, Cundo, procedente de Brest, demuestra una gran apatfa por todo. suisuto cialea lo celebruron. Kl jefe de tu Francia, llegó a este puerto hoy. Xo hay sentimiento en Ie s 4, If. rebellón dijo que esperaba anunciar El Paso Piano Co. la capital. la calda de otras clitdades, como Cu SK i i En se saWe quo or-- XNUA tíUb klUKHLL por todo lo uacan, que cuyo RKl'MO II i. mhm Veracrux Liad' I qus aer W. R. SCHUTZ. Prop. de na ra que el lunes mm retira la em-- ; Dcctores Alemanes valen ICatafas ds todas classs. De la Asociada. y Americanos 1 alentonas, Prensa La mas sntlgua casa de pianos n bajada probabtemsnte qus desem- , llnolsum. refrigeradores. MADAM Lttuner, udmirable clarivi- Mexláo, Kov. 16. Kl 10 Vi SJl M, EdUldo - 7 presidente El Paao. barquen marinos. Al Proa Le Llauie ahora mismo. Phonv 40 dente. $2.00 se Huerta convocó hoy a gu y de El KUto." AM ".,ur," V" gabinete En la embajada oievale- - N TLX FUHMTUKE! CO. nompran V'" .. i -1 Esquina de las Calles Myrtls y americana AMOS o. & y . El artículos ds toesdor. 03 atuvo por ms-di- Paso. OC ü mucho 'tiompo. hasta ce un aire de pesimismo. Teiaa. mvc- & t Pase SL I So. Si . , Campbell, Klks. La salida Vrafn tifa, en stalóli. frente a los - I 1 de residentes extranjeros para Vara- 1 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1913. NINE

IS BEARING RESULTS RAILWAY STEAMER CURED IN ONE DAY IMIU Or FARMERS TO RIO m i BY THK GOVKRNMKNT. BY Your OUR PAINLESS BLOODLESS METHODS Opportunity and SCIENTIFIC RANDE VA1.LKV. WILL BE FIRST VBSMUL Great THROUGH CANAL, Rupture Advertí at n (ampalfn A tímete Mauy Varicocele Hydrocele I'nmphlrt to be- DlatrlbutfHl by i the of life to home this bungalow section, IHite or Passage la somewhat Indefi- This opportunity your own a in beautiful Cbftmbcr of NO DETENTION PROM BUSINESS, OCCUPATION OR HOM- E- i.'onuntrc. nite, But It Is Hoped Canal Will where you can enjoy the things that make life worth living, at one-ha- lf price. NO HARSH OR DANGEROUS USED Be Ready By February 1. METHODS Finn- - of the advertising lampalgn VARiro( CLR li knotty. HVPROCKLK la a dls- - HI I RE (KKftSIA- helng conducted by the El Paao 11 l- By fAf rftaocterfrf PtYS CAN YOU BEAT THIS? twisted worm ilk condi treaalog condition, requir TMsregard of It tintura ha Chamber of Commerce, lh aavcrai tion or tne reins, with coat many Urea, A slight railroad tinea and the Washington, Nov. u The f.ret deep an arMnar aneeilng tranecontlnental pasa tbe Beautiful Homes, Paved Streets, Good Car Service, Select Society. Good School. ITmninmi snrh ing expert attention. train, caüaed by Ism Cruce Water I "era aaaoclatton druugbt tesacl to through and pln. nrrToiuDm, de Drawing nft tbe fluid li or cottgblne. lifting or bring to Rio Casal frnra ocean to oreas will be MlltT. lark or energy and only temporary. If you stepping down quickly, to practical farmers th oae of tbe runama railway steamers, Pure Mesa Water, abundance of Fresh Air Everything you need to make life a sufrr-In- e valley already being har- smouinn mnn ere a sufferer from mar cause decent Grande are owned by the government, wbleb are bow from VQrleocele you -. I living in can will do wall Inf. Mlii- tcsultinu vested. An Influx of northwestern lug and If worth not enter toe u. 8. army. to Investigate MKT apd dur- ply between New York Colon. our Strangulation reoult tlllsra of the soli has started and tbe plan secretary (larrlann baa In B'r enre In on trMtmni OF TREATMENT. Ing an operation. Many ing past few weeks has been which of n fvw minutes. No Third ruraa uncomplicated caaes cored In one treat the there cniiteuiphHluh tin. illy la adopted. The pain. No danger. caaes lo 30 mtnutea. roant. No inconvenience. nearly a dosen families moved Into Idea Is to nllow Colesel (inethala this picturesque region vf all the time he requires to complete the the southwest, whilf others have d cnnsl nnd espertment with It before this Don't Give Up Make No Mistake A Visit Will Tell the lands oh a tour of Inspection Is pros) HEIGHTS Tbea, MILITARY Initial trip made. with and contemplate moving here In the ilrni WIUiid und soma of hl reblaet, the AND THE COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT We Inrlte yon to come to onr office. We will early spring. .' ii committee hsving Jurlsdb explain to yon our treatment and gire yon. Six Wisconsin ft 4 mera have d tlóti over the ranal, and it few newspaper Oor Diploma. Certifi- Kg, neeeeanfy. cates abd Registrations, Fit physical examination. If farms above the Croas City, men aboard, the Panama liner will pasa a microscopical and enemies! analysis of ac- to waterway on ft to be seen In our offleet cretion to determine pataologh-a- and and are now preparing the land through the from Cristobal pro Ye ii tbe moat ei conditions, in caaee we eccept. receive the storage water from the tbe Atlantic aide to Balboa, st tb Pacific pert aod beat qualified when an examination necessary we Elephant Butte dam which will begin entraste. DO NOT DELAY SppclallPta In El Paao. make aame free of charge. All ailing people flowing next veer. Irrigating thou- Mecretitry Oarrlson oabl today that while ihotild take ndvantngv or this opportunity to sands of acres of land now barren no positiva tinte could be fixed for this UNTIL ALL OF THE BEST LOTS ARE SOLD learn their true condition. and unproductive. ceremoh.T, he thought that Colonel Oonthalt StktST CQUirPKD OPPirR IN TUB Beverat farmer from northern New would suecead In clearing the way through Price to $150 per Lot. $10Caah. $5 per Month. No Interest. No Taxes. hoi occupying of the 1. $125 tkhKot BLOCK, Mexico and other sections of the west the Curse bafea slide by February and second floor of toe 1IAMMLTT lie certainly pnsslhle to Texas Street aud Mesa Ave., causl-uln- have purchased small tract and are and that it noiild OR of prívate Reception Rooms, rnnsulllna moving their families onto the prop- pnsa deep draught vessels through by PHONE WRITE TODAY Rooms and several private treatment depart erty. A few southern farmers, who next spring. menta, equipped wltb all the noceeary mod- have become Interested In the golden The Vraiu, Cnptalu Amundsen's bttnoua ern Scientific Appllancea for making acenr-at- A sta ret lc ship, was In the harbor, dlagnnslt and successfully treating tbe opportunities of the valley, and have Com- Secretary Harrison sailed from the (.'anal diseases of onr specialty. been writing the Chamber of Éone OCR PATIKNTB PROTECTgD-- Wg merce for data on the land, whlih has NO TESTIMONIALS Wc do not be- been readily furnished by Secretary .Secretary tisrrlson and Colonel Ooethals In our patleittN' gnve some pinna for con- I N'TKRNA'f IONAL lieve snaking merchandise of Reeves. sttentlou to the -- names: yet we of a portion present em bare thousands unsolicited Kettles-- s Are) version of of the Co. IIHUIKTV TESTIMONIALS on file. We observe strict- Arriving. n Macon ploj es In force to operate the canal Realty Dr. ftletchersld A a Co. ly the relation of physician to patient, and Members of the La Cruoos Water Colonel Is of retaining it Vaar Activa Practice. rou ran coma to in confidence, wltb the in i.oethals desirous ui Uaeia' association who have been In tbe permanent est as many 426 MILLS BUILDING SOLE AGENTS PHONE 5579 Hffrrnth Year In Kl Pat. full aaanrance that yonr condition will not the city during the pawt few dnvs I'OHÍit I'v. :,i,;tv become common property of the people. Our us possible of the employe nho ist randc Mot Succesaful and He- long continued aticceaaful practice has given are very enthusiastic o r the result god records to th construction service ll a M e Npeclnllats. a a ua independent means, ao tbat the curing of that are hetngv obtained from their At one time these employes numbered Dtplomae, n I Medical our patients our first Thought, it la well advertising campaign. Mark Thomp IW.OnO, bat thl total Ihh been reduced sea and Newspaper worth coming thousands of miles for our son and ot hers say tha t hy ea rlv owtog progress Recorda Show. treatment, rntner than suhject yourself to th from time tu time to tbe Special- spring there will be more than fifty of the work, to nbeui a5,0Uti. Reductions dangerous experimenta of new In mm st nna invmpvrieuvan aociom. farmers working farms nnd are helng made it the rote of shout rt.(ss I he m..JlABRI AtiK LAWS MAN' FITNESS FOR MARRIAOE TO 51 DETER-MINE- around Cruce under per month. Colonel tiootbats estimates FATHER WAS A BEAR BY LAW IN TKXAM, AS IN MANY OTHER STATES Laws htive been Butte dam and that the yield tluil n ho ii " men will he required to CLIFFORD BROS. "URgeated to require men nnd women to be examined before given a marriage of the valley will he greatly Increased, ope rute the canal, I.IXN) "gold men." high license. Many are 11; OKNUKAI' MKKCHANUIHK WHOliKSALK AND HKTAtTi. afflicted with dteenae and deformities without knowing Many of the farmers In the valley grade iiii-- tfroui tbe United Stntesi. nnd other knmv ihev nre not right. Regardless of tiny lawa, every person should, Mall Unta Calvril AUrnlkm. 0 K. Ilvrrland. ITione III. for own expect the Rlephanl Butte dam to be XfiNHl nieo," iiiiiiiuhI laborera, drawn YOUNU MKX OI'CARKIMW TAKK lrallll ihelr ke, be ax nearly perfect physically aa possible before marriage a (he we lnrtte men and woman conteranlntlDg marriage to consult ua free, we will completed sufficiently to Irrigate largely from iiiuong natives und I.ONU CHANCKN. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCKKIKS. imMhc mi Imp If have unv ulliix-n- rail ni nn.o in limp In net cured hefnre major portion of the acreage "In th" Ku ropes Diiiriinge. spring of 9 5. The engineers In to announce exact You can place your "Wnnt charge decline the ad," Om uf M. Courting nml Ih Our Combined Methods Cure When Others Fail dete the big project will be finished, give yonr NUbserlption or nay your in but intimate that It will be sooner hill nt The Time Bram-- No. t, i" Shot He la In HniplUI Ulrl'a We COMBINE THE (1RRAT CTRATIVE POWERS of ELECTRICITY. LIGHT, than was first expected. TevHH stMsq, or Branch No. 1, Hotel Dad In In Jail. HEAT, VIII RATION. HKRI MK -- nil OROAWIC I'ATHACT with ttrn NCIRRTiriC ' HI Vallny, McCoy GET PLENTY OF EGGS ADMINISTRATION ef CAREFULLY SUXKCTKD STANDARDISED MEDICINRS. salt ver Cigar Stand. El Panoana who attended the Phoe- By Muir Heff Htmix, Alfalfa Meal and PBRKGC-TfO- U ftillnK ay Hy sprrtal o r ti h Timr Consultation, Advice and X-R- Examination f ree nix fair rode through the great Salt FORTVNE OI- Sooit.M.m HBN KUOtl We rurry Ihn luiKeal ami mnat alnrk of River velley snd marveled at the t ; I (.'arrlsozo, N. Nov I í. Al High-ril- We aleo by In KKMTt WIHOW M.. Puultry Huplillee In the Kuutliweat. mire the LATEST and BEST METHODS the shortest lime poaalblc change completion the t it o for very since the of I DKCIMIOM proprietor of Cummerclal hotel reasonable fees, nkrvocsnesh. nervoch decline, epilephy. Roosevelt dam. Th atorage water NDKH roVRT ot thin ity. In i i n i m , Ann rsiu itl.Kh. HMMIP inil kin hi undei srreal ehai gd Krliill Shirt-1)1.- Office and Warehouse EASES,i HNEl MATISM. iswwtKNLAKdKD PROSTATE, n)ir' NET ha made the desert country one of with liNvliiR pi hn i nnd aerlouslv- wound STRICTl'HK. HID Hn the .4sc('ffi I't i W. D. WISE & CO. - ( prosper- rtl ii Hlanlon or. ii'i nnd hlh. BLADDER aod URINARY DIHfcASKS. PILE atad OTHER RECTAL DISEASES. farms, and the farmer ar iMiluth, Minn.. Nov. f. - A Krrd Burleson, a yuuiiR nmn ;''. nnd many other ailment not mentioned, and u special disease of men and ing. Bumper crop are being pro- iti Ihn employ of Mu liroihrr-tn-Ia- , woman, If of town, fully, describing your symptoms furl line ut ir.OO.OOO which lilt. II ' . It HI sM:i, t.KAIN M I'Ot UV S( I'l l, II S nut write and condition, and duced the vallciy a nd Kranh Knaliah. H IowhI rontrnctor. lI receive our opinion free. throughout 8illped through I he finger of there i no such thing a a a water Till' "II ll J IIIH II II IIH III u ll B t ; t vrtmann, the Office Hoars, a. m. ta p. m. 2 p. m. to 7 p. m 10 la 1. any Marie widow of Lola Highflll, tlx- krepcr's da Snda. famine in the new alate more ate. 1, of hotel ugh PROGRESSIVE. INTELLIGENT AND INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE CONHIJLT THE B. vis- charle nrtmann. wjih flrfil upuii from Ih.- Charles Stevens, ftne of the let t, death occurred hmk to say rol whose if ths h.ilol nt tht' for titer una i"rn t itors from El Pas", has this year ago, re- of the valley: sixteen ha been tituptiiiK in avoid tin- nut.- fat h nr. stored t" her. In the district Th rtrat (if Dirán hola Mrrd touk INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS "1 think that when the Rlephani court today Judge Cant handed Butte dam Is eompleted H will result I'litariim Httrleoiitt h hai k iba down a decision favorable to aptiml anil lixlalua; nrMm ah- Ke4eherald A Co. EetabHshsd In Paso.) In proving one of the moat potent roinrtin in GRENOBLE Dr. ieveai Years El son. Walde. n HOTEL devel- the widow and her ilóme OPPOKITR CAIl NKl'.IK HALL Second Floor Hammett Block, corner Tea St. and Mean Ave., Kl Paso, Texas. factor in the upbuilding and mere Ortmann, in their suit to Voung 119 opment t B lliirleaon ran until eihauated Entrance at Mean Avenue, oppoaltc Rio Grande VeJIey Bank 4. Trost (a of Paso and he recover title, to aovoral tn 56th Street and 7th Aveaue, NEW YORK CITY Grande velley It will result, in the the ami maiuiKt'd ranch tha of I'r MAKE NO MISTAKE IN NAME AND LOCATION. acre of land on the Walkar before luccumblng to the Ijocatad nlthln two blocks of henutlful Central Park ami in tbe mnat bringing person beri- . of hundredH of iron range, which wa claimed Wull 11,1 reflnad realdenl lal dlalrhM, tlila eiclualT faulty and Irenateut h"t'l irfra landH many or e In living and in fori i lian betala' lo work the irrigated and t han- ni real m uinny wfiuae RKuniniodathina ar o have been wrongfully Th hullet wo located and ra moved Tbara la no mnra fdaal p)a.- fur lAdlea Industrien will be entahltahed. hy Ulghrill much nore aipenalva. atoipiiig travel. u dled the administrator of wuh sunn nml liKltfttri Inu ulnae. "Those of who vial ted the Halt fli a y n prellmln-h- ihe Orimann estate. in rou tit Jail wait Ing i I I I Ftlver valley project in Arizona dur- HflOM with RB OF HOdll with V H H TK A V A R T M K N TS of in hla aae. Had mom and ing the fair could hardly believe that vm Iturlesoii of oí BATH. BATH. PM1H. AVDITOrO, AOCOIMTINO, SYSTDMATIHIíO accomplish ao Ml'IMIiAM.iHI.K FILMS Unroln. father I'rlvaif, Itnlti, a dam could much. tha unfortunate you it h im- I ptw Say np. 9 .10 prr day S per up. valley CAN BK CSKD IN FRANt'K; man.'wna aad and nn. it, and The Arizona hs become well NONE TO BK OBTAIN Kl). mediately notified Mini hastened to iim UFO. W. O'HAHK. l wave pros- Msr settled and a of o hada lü f t hla hum Although no ih perity over the once lrackln waste." 'onipllcHtlonH THURSTON AUDIT CO. !; In prompt In taking thsr hitf net in tha Receiving Many Inquiriré. young man a usas In considered lTiiIcmI. Secretary Beeves, of th Chamber measures for the safe guardlne Kpldrmir KeUow of the AwDctetlon of Public AocoanuuiU of the Uvea of her citizens, lis of Dlpbtberls. Am1in uf Commerce, In enthuiatlc over the la In the LhropH uf an "pi- - result of the advertising' campaign bite! manifestation of activity ami It'waa rlaemed In In adop- tf dliihtlierlH City National Bank Building being conducted. Karh day thin direction the Hdvlaahln to rloee th a'hoo at fioon that u regulation many letters and pamphlet are mail- tion of under which ludii lied flaKM an- displayed at VANDERMT HOTEL Phone If El Paso Tcih to Inquirer In It will be hi. ii .ifier December three raaldetii-a- nnd incipient ed from the office other 34-51- . nearly every state In the IT n Ion next to use celluloid film In aro repurted. Herirá rttunilMulnk EAST at PARK AVE., NEW TORK. The booklet, which wa recently any moving picture machine in arhool each pupil wan wa rnad .' o Sukmnr J 'tt j ii. compiled and which contain many that country, Such film na needless expomir' tn lhr contfiKlon nnd beautiful pictures of the valley, will an le used mu! in- of the local phvab-lan- hupe anoit to have a "An hotel of distinction be printed within a few day and will kind and be under control Th aclmol htl tid- A mil y with moderate charges" Business Education be distributed by the Chamber of passed upon by the rtre ex- ing will be thorn UK h fn iiiIkii t'd nnd Thl will prove perts. pro ha h) v nu arhonl will tr ill tempted Within Ave minutes of principal railway terminals. Commerce. booklet (or anrne dgya Hn Important fuctor In advert 11 nic In the opinion of Thomas A. Situation ideal. FMison present no SMlal utfm. TARirr TOBY'S the valley. there at Slngl room Amy- - X, 4. tS, eft The two year old deughtei ol Mr and p,f Kl Rat mm In lu ruma tile pi ft tire film Oouhlt rpoma 1, , 7, Pao Real ale. Mm J.onea la hi IS Practical Business Colleges Iteal estate activity in Kl Paao ubtnlnahle tbut can be used Charlee quite Itli Doublt bedrooma. houdulr dipththerls, itreaalna; rooi'i and katli " WACO, NEW YORK CITY shows no of a lull, deaplte With su or v reniilt h in " " tin, til TEXAS Indication Hav Henrlx the Suite - Parlolr, bedroom iml hntli g 2, gl9 the fact winter ia but a hhnri place of celluloid Tbe ( ha net a nwh app'nntd ), CpUJ$8il.000.00 School ol Con-- ISO Fifth A. that M'Ohodlat nil ii 1 r fm i la Emch ronrn Churned ta tnnldiriri therefore, whatever ihk luirse, with bmth time off. There mu'h ale. that eipseted this wmteU fr'nnt an. extended BooRk.opIn,, B.riklng, Shorlh.nd, TyfMwrltlng, going on In the city, the various ad- may bo the reault of Ihe new Ponm.nohlp and Aoadomlc Dapartmanla hrldal lour tn hta native a tat dition, and the suburbs. order In Krance, we In America Jonnle Kplllar, old dimuhiet present build- u 111 get pictures From Indication the otir motion uf Mia H, A, Wllliama, havltm mill re . h 1h- ll allow i h m week njid TrSÍ aüSü 8BS8S tfSSSfc?. WL ing permits will celluloid Ko.l the entire for inn total about from ihe film for smite rant I) liad her limalla removed, in identa, Mml Will pohnhJ If nml rloand Un- - WB TBAOM by 12.000.000. which Is a sllghi decrease years to come. afflicted wllh diphtheria and Ihe onleae ucciaií.KULLY MAIL .year. nw i arrlasmo luirla Ii Htlei ThnnkaKlvIng th Advappad AooouollBá.Moaara Pnwikwl Boakkaaplnd. Aria oxer thet of the previous There n ill reft contradiction to i ed riaa flnati a l the Will la ma home liphtherla mtuulln ahowa Immediate a truc-ture- by A '.' .Mi , girls' loa or Jaaaa' kha4alaaa HhorthandI (ture mal loaaona anr are number of costly bussnes this Hliiiement Thoma Min tin hi m, I'liunly oupii imto baake impi menl ooRplata ,et of booka la 00) Touch Tvnvwrllin, Pinmin contemplated for this city and Kdlaon ih Ihe announcement by Intendenl of schonia, waa in t o- - ln ii return game wuh Mm Hp ahlo(Bnarnaaaor Arllall.i I illliaitllii Blloiiillfliiri Im local realty men are of the opinion Pa the Kreree ibavt they have nna li la w ee k relat tve to h i mo va tan team al the Jnttrr r on Kalui' bice ( 1 1 BaiUah. Commercial Cut put lilrnor Hrown tnight at the Uw. iMiailawrWrlllai next year the building figure a non i of da if acore PA P VA1 W W tula lTertUement. obeoh Inleraatéd lo. wrlta lur thai Infla mm. hie rrlnipul .lotnn laat week The remitted 'raHford r atuor will approximately 3, 000. 000. Mia J P.. und nich- a u.usiraioa caitioirur m IVaáawl '.Pi" an. nltf Irom reach film which consists of little in complete virion f"i t'arrlsoao, ' Ma K J ii. are Work at Additions cellulose impregnated with par- fir returned Thuraday fru i. huí the r'upMaii Ki'N lion Head tlw A H C of If1 Paso ou the w la It t a i ga i Richmond Terrace and Ma nbat n affin ami alum It noike no 'Hen, hare the ha he an In II api-- Hin en and a ret in n ma he Classified I age. Height are two ' addition thai un difference to what heal this h uspl te I, with a ppe nd 1 la played hex- hi an aarl 'Ih In full the cene of much activity. There film Is subjected aa. they say, Safe!) P'lrat ttupervlaoi Tinker to be intereatina, l 'apilan ha tug wii Rest BiltoB, carefua BTrsefa: pbn M0 adr lio- Kl Hon h ern, ti on Ihe grounda lti-- MO ar about twenty homea now und r the only result will be that It I'aao and wail wm prevloua same lora i nulo, ra refill drivers l'bom Ad. Ihe elty n of ' oT "at r Iioeu course "J construction at these lw will melt, fire being Impoaal-b- KrldH' laat werk ai Th' the arhool places, and thousands of dollar the arhnol pupila h opei have voted to a lend Ihe '.mention Hee llilmn Hrown tonight spent to Improve the. proper!) Inu e mm i riaaa He has u rt nv Inch of no- New Mexico Kduraliuual Crawford. ii nd w h ti ppea Ik m Alhu'uerf)ur Mghta. sewerage, the paving of See Instructive tais which meets iilmór Brown orught the average htld. and will he produ N. J4 The hoard 'of du al ion PPKi'KI.R TROUT. I'honr Ardnln'f tree ta and other work call fot the i 'rawfftrd ONE WAY RATES! expenditure of much money. NumeroiiN Males of suburban bus MANKIND T LKAST during the recent week convey I he HALF MILLION VKARH Impression among real estate m-- n that suburban building will become IN Tills VALE OF TEARS active next spring. Bince the opening t ;,. vjctted Press San Antonio. Texas $20.95 of the Veleta trolley line never r. hornee have been built on the line. N"w York, Nov. Or. J. Austin, Texas 20.95 I.eon W 111 lams of London, sn Phone 877 for a Tsxtcab Adv. eminent authOiity of anthrop-olog- Houston. Texas und geology, arrived to- - n Houston, Texas, Nov. 15, 1913 24.85 day from Liverpool with fif Galveston. Texas 25.00 teen fltiills of prehlntorlc men, one of which estimated to TO THE PUBLIC: he 600.000 years old Beaumont. Texas 25.00 -- Thl kull BLOOD OISON RHEUMATISM ANO wss found by workmen nesr San Marcos. Texas 20.95 ALL DISEASES OP THE BLOOOCUHEO AT HOMC Koikesi one. KnKland. In ntrata Owing to the unusual and distressing condition of WRITE SAM J DAVIS. SECRETARY O that dated back before the DR. JOHN TRIPPS REMEDY COMPANY Pleistocene ere and lis exist- emp cre- VIA ence and discovery ha a con affairs which several classes of loyees have firmed f)r. William in the be- lief that mankind is at least ated, and In which the public must of necessity, half a million years old. we H. MOHR You can place your "Want ads." though unf or tunately share, will be compelled to Cut Rate Hardware. give your Nubacriptlon or pay your TEXAS PACIFIC Glass, ill nt The Time Rranrli No. 0, I0A temporarily our train service. We hope to Paint and Texan atrert. or Rraoch Hn. I. Hotel curtail to Soap aa p at. MoCoy Cigar suind. limit the inconvenience to ás short 'a period-a- po- ,o'ot( unt for l lie new fugjr'ij; Trucks Direct coaMctioiis through, or if you wish it we a.low of l.oug well's I'liunn AdarilaaivDi. ssible and in the meantime we beg the forbearance of our Á M Stopper is Need fílsrjHMT Asfc Hegsl. X lieu st patrons, who must realize that the present interfere- Fort Worth "f never Inherited anything, but get Uv.. by on ven not bragging much on ny nce with traffic is through no desire nor act the atT I1UU1 or Dallas. CREDIT! Hon. un telare. -- Bufe Hoaklna. . See Ollraor Brown tonight at part of these companies WE SELL Youra it good for Di Crawford. mood, Watch and Jew SUNSET-CENTR- AL LINES . iry. Buy Chrútmaa good If a man doesn't Mk his home, he 1.000 Mile Books for $25.00 Good on all lines Isn't particularly cm ty about the wo. now at man who keeps It going in Tessa. . 203 SAN ANTONIO ST. Sae Ollmor Brown tonight at Crawford. Bal BBHgSaSaBBBraTaBT speckle tkoSt piioh Axdoio . I IBgeaTaBBBBSaBaH

ifiírtjiiirsVisssM BsaBsi aSaas aaaa Éáaa aiftw aana ííáfeiüiíají ?áé?á$& MSsir TEN EL PASO MORNING TIMES, 3UNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. "Agtmb RevWmt Frtrtt Fir' TAKE JUAREZ. (Cimtlmied From Pace 1.) Today Matinee Night were armed only with pistols, and see- CRAWFORD Apparel for the Thanksgiving Festivities ing: the overwhelming force of rebele approaching, turned and ran, eome of hem escaping to tho Amnrlfan side. Almost simultaneously with thin at THEATRE tack, rtRhtlng began In all Darts of the Le a9 Prices Radically Reduced for the Social Season town. The rebel troop had surrounded BP jSM the American dance hall on Calle Dia- with its wonderful display of exclusive garments and accessories was never better prepared to blo and poured a heavy rifle fire Inte White House the dantTrn. who ware mostly federal Mr. Gihnor Brown and Com- the correct attire for Charity Ball and .other Thanksgiving Festivities. In Evening Gowns we show orig- officer'. It was htre that Colonel THE Portillo was wounded. His Injury pany in inal and Paris inspired conceptions portraying the latest modified Le Minaret effects in Allover lace, Chantilly came before he had an opportunity to panel tunic styles, black beaded robe effects, Damache gold cloth models and other characteristic designs call out hie troops. lace beaded Centers, at Battle. "The House of a showing the new ideas in lampshade and two-tie- r modes trimmed in fairy laces, shimmering ornaments and rich furs. The rebels aleo began a fire on the all; have been radically reduced for special selling. In accessories show beautiful scarfs, gloves, cuartel general." the Jefatura de ar- - Thousand Candles" On the prices we maa and the artillery barracka The hosiery, fans and hair ornaments to match your attire. See these Monday while the assortments are large. main fighting was concentrated In these placee end the only Ttreet fighti- ng1 which took piece occurred when Seats at Crawford Theatre. he fedérala retreated from the verlous positions to placee of safety Prices: Night, 25c, 35c, 50c Fine Gowns A great deal of street fighting took Afternoon at $29.85 place along Calle Comercio and Aveni Matinee, 25c, 15c da Lerdo and In theee two atreeta the hulldtngs were ecarred with the bul $39.50 to $49.50 Values lets and many windows broken ISO Soldiers Killed. Tomorrow Night A N exclusive and characteristic White House showing of fine (ilk afternoon and street The losses of the federals will amount r--a. e "The Marriage of Kitty" MR. GILMOR BROWN gowns of crepe krinkle crepe chine in to abont seventy-fiv- dead, with about made meteor, and Canton crepes and de half that number wounded. The rebel Copenhagen, navy, gray, wistaria, Sahara tan and other fashionable colors. The modi- dead will not exceed twenty-fiv- e with Le Minaret overdrape skirts deep girdle effects beautifully emphasized. The bout twenty wounded, four of whom fied and are win die. bodices and fronts are richly trimmed with frilled laces and soft furs. Plain and fancy The greatest federal loss occurred st To By girdles and the latest peg top skirts. An extraordinary collection of $39.50, he barracks, here about forty fedérala Duel Death Fought Rebel were killed. Twenty-fiv- e more federals $42 SO. $45.00 and $49.50 Gowns. Monday only at. $29.50 were killed at the artillery barracka eaat of the city, when the Juares And Federal Along River Bank volunteers, after retreating; to a placa Rich Fur Sets $17.85 Tailored Suits at $19.75 of safety following the surrender, re El Paeoans at Stanton Street Bridge Watoh Two Privates Sacrifice TUelr turned to their positions at daybreak Lives For the t auso Which the Two Forces Are Fighting I tor. $22.50 And $25 Values. $25 And $27.50 Value.. andtresumed fighting the rebels. gottfsi. They Will Be Interred In Unmarked Graves Today. Thin hRttle laotod for nearly an hour m 70R Monday selling we offer a remark Tl IIS sale has done more than any event snd s half and the fighting did not While the conflict was raging on cried "Vlvl Villa;" the federal an- cease ran out of swered with "Viva Huerta." both able special in fine fur sets composed of this season to emphasize the superior until the volunteers the streets of Jusres early yesterday and ammunition the rebels sent in abottt two privates opened fire. Several shots were ex- pillow muffs shaped with rich White House values. Seldom have we of- 800 of their forces In this attack to- morning in the ranks of changed reeult. The federal and scarfs opposing were engaging without rimisw linings. Scarfs have animal heads and fered such dependable and clever gether with a machine gun. but they the forces lighted a clgardtte and yelled to hia satin weaves lost eighteen men In the fight. In a little battle of their own near companions that the rebele were, ap- tails, and some of the muffs are trimmed styles at the prices named. The collection There were about fifteen rebel and bridge was proaching down the river front. federal dead scattered about the main the Btanton street which likewise. This collection includes such well includes all the well known materials in the eagerly followed by many Americans After taking a few whiffs he re- streets of Juares. sumed his duel, but laok of ammuni- known White House Furs as black fox, tiger latest Winter colors. The new short and mm. i who gathered along the banks of Dtwi ea Street. the tion shortened his life. 8eeing an op- cat. silverine fox, civet cat, gray mouffloons, long coat models with drop shoulders and On Calle Comercio, at the corner of Klo Grande to watch the encounter. portunity to advance without danger mouffloons, red Vlatk Mandarin sleeves charming. Avenida Lerdo, two rebel and one Whether they were hated enemies or the rebel ran towards the tree, and tan fox. marmot, are The skirts artillerymen were lying dead federal simply opposed by the fortunes of war kneeling near the foot took deliber- oney and Hudson lynx in ana portray the new peg top and front drape on the street. Near the Jefatura de ar ate aim sent the messenger of mas on Lerdo avenue, a Juares police- is not known. But their duel of death and $25.00 values. Monday only. 9v effects. Your choice of these 1 A In which both Uves were sacrificed, death through the brain of his enemy. 7C man wan killed and near the bridare With a lifeless body the set $17.85 $25 and $27.50 Suits Monday $13.10 another federal volunteer'a dead body was one of the heroic features of the thud the struck was found. Three federals were killed attack thst will not go down In his- the ground. In the Jefatura de armas, while Charlea tory, and will only be remembered by Giving an exultant yell, thn rebel Beggerson. American chauffeur, was that little group of Br Paeoans who started climbing the bank to the road, shot to death on t alle Comercio in witnessed.. It. wnvlng for his companions In the rear front of the three B atore. When the fighting first started a to come on, but a volley from the fed- General Pancho Villa was the com detachment of eeveral fedérale sta- erals barricaded Inside the customs manding officer of the rebel attacking tioned near the customs house barrl-cade- d house sent hie lifeless form rolling t party. Colonel Juan N. Medina, cnier themselves In the brick house, the tree whore the federal lay dead. of ntaff to Villa and a former mayor while one of number, a private, they one divl- - their Firing as ran. the rebela ap of Juares commanded of the mounted, a high tree on the elope of proached the customs house from the ions of the army. General Maclovlo way Ortega-an- the river to ascertain which Villa river, and after a sharp encounter Herrera and Colonel Torlblo was moving. No sooner he be- colonel Porfirio Talamantea command- had killed the federals defending If. come ensconced than a private In the days ago fed- ed the other sections, rebel army crept close to the tree, Just a few brief the Looters Are Killed. partly eecreted by the tall reeds. eral who fought the duel from the During the battle, two of Villa's Looking through the branches of tree wae enjoying life In Juares, Idlers were shot by their companion his hiding place the federal saw his mingling with his gay companlona at for disobeying the orders of their com- - enemy approaching, and taking care- the fiesta while the rebel was finding SHOP EARLY SHOP EARLY nder against looting. They were ful aim fired. "Whing," went a bul- pleasure in camp Ufa hear Chihuahua. nhot to death on Calle Comercio. let from his Mauser rifle, and off went Today their bodies will be Interred in No looting to any extent took place the high sombrero of the graves and no person will Vtlla'w soldiers enter rebel unmarked In the town after Ikying flat on his stomach the rebel mourn them. , al and captured the city, with the of one cane, where a aoldler broke the window of Levy Brothers Great Advance Xmas Handkerchief Sale! urlo store and tooM several articles GILMOR BROWN. IN "THE HOUSE . OF A which were on display. v THOUSAND CANDLES," AT THE CRAWFORD Oeneral Villa and Colonel aieaina im One Day mediately took stepa to restore oraer Monday Only In the city after me cassation or. hh battle. HIS ONL-Da- Event Tomorrow should attract every woman, man and child in El Paso, and will go down into history as the Armed guards were-piece- at the T Never, knowledge, doors of all of the stores, saloons, and greatest Handkerchief Sale ever held in the Southwest. to our has any store ever placed its entire Handker- banks, and the proprietors were not chief stock on sale at such sweeping reductions just at the beginning of the Holiday Shopping Season. In this great sale we will permitted to open for bualnese during offer handkerchiefs of our own importation from France, Ireland, Madeira and Switzerland. The newest Xmas Novelties in Done- the morning. The order closing the saloons was gal, Bretonne, Madeira and Amswryl embroidered handkerchiefs are included in this sale. At the' request of The Women's Tem- strictly enforced and there was not perance Union and employes' welfare organizations of El Paso, The White House takes pleasure in announcing series of even a semblance of drunkenness to other a city. sale is the first. will Never be ssen. in the "Advance Xmas Sales" of which our Handkerchief Others be advertised from time to time. was a Prisoners. timely shoppers. Below 300 Federal sale more for the benefit of Early Xmas are remarkable values take advantage of them tomorrow. The Villa forces captured about 300 These Prices Good Monday Only. Federal prisoners, the most of them em- gaPH being- soldlere snd officers and 5ee Our Beautiful Arcade Window Display ployes of the Federal offices. The men were herded Into the Jail and at the barracka and one by one were brought before Oeneral Villa for a EXTRA! EXTRA! hearing and either sentenced to exe- Extra Specials Monday cution or acquitted and liberated. Regular 0c handkerchiefs of Men's full size strictly all linen The chief officers of the town es- all pure linen and hemstitched. handkerchiefs in our regular caped, including- General Franciaco 15c 35c 20c Castro. Customs Collector l .mu. Chief Also bordered handkerchiefs I 5c grades and liberal size on of Police R. Cotnaduran and others. with script initials. Advance For Vii Dos. For 1 Dos. For a Dos. a, sale during Advance Bay Castro Fled Early. Xmas Sale Price. i'hlldren's white lawn Women's superior qual- Extra quality hem- Xmas Sale, each. . . , 8c Oeneral Castro. It In claimed, ity hand- early in each DC hrniMtltohfld handker- liwn hemstitched stitched lawn ahowed the white feather the handkerchiefs with em- kerchiefs with fut fight and, leaving hie command to chiefs In the best &e broidered Initial. Regu- colored borders. Regu aubordlrtatea, fled to a place of Children's Xmas yesterday General Xmas value made. The lar ftc value. AP lar Be value. The refuge. All day Boxed had . of troops H doi. . . 15c dos. . 20c Villa detachments Handkerchiefs The JtC H dos. Boxed Hdkfs. searching houses and possible' places where Castro might hide In Juares, Nicely boxed for Holiday Gifts. Fancy decorated Xmas boxea. but he could not be found. Imported Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs Packed three in a box. The Idee that he In In hiding in Packed three in a box. Jnares Jtaa been given up by the 50c Boxes 44c - M i iv i in FH Imported hand embroidered Amswryl. Done 20c Boxes. 16c rebele and they believe he le In 151. gal and Bretonne pluln linen hemstitched handkerchiefs with the new Paso. Several of tho other Federal 75c Boxes 69c 25c Boxes.. 20c escaped tu El Paso. wide hems. Also Initial kluds. Regular fftc values. 35c Boxes forcee $1.00 Boxes 79c Advance Xmas Bule Price, each 20c 28c General Villa has left 6.000 of his $1.25 Boxes rebel troops to carry m the Chihua- $1.00 ". HANDKKRCHIKFH Imported hand embroidered Bretonne, Done- hua siege. Theee troope ere com- $1.75 Boxes $1.49 gal and Amswryl plain hemstitched handkerchiefs with the new wide Men's Handkfs. manded by General'Manuel Chao, and hems, embroidered script Also General Vtlla believes that the fall of and lngfellow Inlitula. hund embroid e matter All regulur Chihuahua will be only of Mourning Hdkfs. ered Madeira Initialed nnd scalloped handkerchiefs. Plain and initialed all linen days. 60c values. Advance Xmiu Sale Price, each 44 c handkerchiefs. General Rosalln Hernandes la en bor- Neat plain black narrow -- route with the mounte for .: IIANDKKHt'HlKr'ti Import- SI HANDHKHCIIIKKH Imported to Juares ders. Note prices. 25c Handkerchiefs ...... 20c the 1,600 troope In Juares and will adsrVWiSSBBBBBgal ed Madeira, Donegal and Hretonne Madolra. Doneval nnd Bretonne 35c Handkerchiefs 29c Join VllJa within two or three days. 25c Handkerchiefs 19c In tsPvl mum Handkerchiefs recular Handkerchief, in regular 50c Villa Frankly Exultant. m 35c Handkerchiefs .29c 7bo values 69c $1 values 79c Handkerchiefs 39c ..... 75c Handkerchiefs 69c In a statement to a Times reporter 50c Handkerchiefs 39c B0 Imported $2.00 Imported yeaterday General Villa aald that he It. every guarantee to Handkerchiefs 95c . . $1.45 would extend the Handkerchiefs. Americans aiwKother foreigners. He EXTRAS EXTRA I regretted of Hegerson snd ALL HANDKERCHIEF PRICES REDUCED All imported offered an apomgy to the American 100 do, of Women's Linen Handkerchiefs in values from $2.50 up to $6.50 will be radi- 200 doz. initial Handkerchiefs people for Its occurrence. and Shamrock Linen Handker- cally reduced during this great sale. See them. in plain, Oeneral .Villa was Jubilant over the narrow hemstitched success, of hie strategy- He wore a chiefs, with dainty colored bor- kinds and made of superior satisfied smile all day yeeterday. ders and embroidered corners. As a Special Favor to all purchasers who desire to make finished lawn. Neat embroid- le the way 1 do ray buel-net- always eecret." he said. Values up to 3c. Advance their completa Xmas Handkerchief purchases during this sais ered initials. The best Women's He would not tell what his future Xmas Sale Price we will (or a small deposit pack and lay aside any handkerchiefs handkerchief ever offered plana were. He said he never a each 15c selected. Balance can paid time December his plana, but went about be any before 20th. at 5c them In the same manner he did In the attack on Juares. SPLITS Medina Takes Charge. Extra Special! Extra Special! Colonel Juan N. Medina took im- For those interested in the Races attention is asked to mediate charge of the steps to restore .0 dos. women's strictly all linen lien's all pure linen Imported fight. an unusually good variety of tuners. Fine solid gold split quality narrow hemstitched order In Juares after the He flae hemstitched handkerchiefs In ordered the soldiers to pick up the second Chronographs; gold filled split second Chronographs; handkerchiefs In extra full else and the regular 11 dead from the streets and bury them. quality, each .,...... i . 10c IQc quality Price each . . 1 1 C Sanitary sauads were formed and .put nickel' and gun metal Chronographs: and just plain Horse p cleaning streets,. at work the "I cannot tell what the next move an assortment ranging in price from $7.50 to $135. Store Serwce " of General Villa will be," he stated 'Ik of ED yesterday. "General Vtlta does not tell his plans, and no one knowe what they are until they are executed- We Should Prove Suitable for Your Easy Selection. ful plctuew. This is the second of the Candías,'' taken from the famous book A Hint to Young will Immediately organise a city gov- ' Mothers. . "Man- In the etortee. Although name AMUSEMENTS Htreet' of that Tomorrow ihe Marriage "When my children show slight- ernment which will be satisfactory to thle le a completa etory. It assumes of Kitty." Frtpea night, li cents, 16 the the cltlsene of Jusres and the town'e spectator ri i est ayrap toma bains; croupy 1 THE BUOV. that the has seen the former cants. It it Matinee at I, adults of give affaire will run along as usual. . a good and will understand that the "man" is St cents, children, 16 cenia lAdverttee-nient.- ) Oh em her Iain's Cough Remedy, Woaaded. management has arranged : them Care for All The a deteotlve. h- - program which will include end whan I have a cough or cold on Dr. McCammant and Dr. Ra use ttunday Wednesday "Mary Fuller" In "A the H ngs I take It for a few days and baum worked all of yesterday in car two part Lunln special '8elf propossl from the Huaniah Don." the em soon rid of the cold." writes Mra. ing for the wouudVd of both tildes. Dr. A. D. Foster Co comedy wll) be oi; YOt R CONVENIENCE) The Convicted." and e that second etory of "Who Will Marry Mary" Clay Fry. Ferguson 8ta.. M. The first McCammant said that the rebels had tu keeping with the ljunin production, series. Cut tute out for future refer-ence- symptom croup They were being ooneldered first class Tbe Time maintains up towa of le hoarseness, give twenty wounded. Herald Building. which are always office st "- Mt. Cough Ueraedy as soon by companions In van In two t brnnrb Tea Chamberlain's nursed their when roela sad al tli McCpy Hotel cigar . city. Monday Garb," a two-re- as the child becomes hoarse and it wilt oua places about the in Convict ( RAWrORD i 111.4 it i 'tend. You csa place your Wsnt prevent pieces, El Paso's Popular Jewelry Store. special will be featured. Ads. give juur subetTlptlon, and the attack. This remedy con- Two field several machine Govern-ment,- guns 100,000 rounds am- Tucsday-.'T- ue " Last two times today Mr. Utlmor pay bills theee branches. tains no narcotic. For sale by all and about of Invisible st - by a Selle special that le a beauti Brown la "The House of a Thousand druggist- (Advertisement.! munition were captured the rebels. EL PA8Q MORNING TIMES; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1913 ELEVEN

AD the New Ones All the Time WORLD POLITICS


Revival of the Story That Rival received big shipment of tercets Hare Brought About JUST Austrian Velours, the Existing Situation. which we were so successful Bv Special Wire In The Timt with, and which we have been Washington. D. C. Nov. U The for United Rtates, still holds the door open unable to supply the past few to Huerta. He may yet make peace weeks. These hats will be placed with this country. The powers of Eu- rope and other parts of the globe are on sale today as a special at waiting with the United States to see what will hsppen. They with the United States feel that the time has arrived for the eepreme test of the Wilson Mexican policy. Mr- Bryan made broai er today his assertion of yesterdsv that the European powers would not $3.50 interfere the Wllaon program. "As with ALL COLORS far as I know." he said, "no foreign nation will offer any abitarles. ThU, ' he said, "Included Japan.' Kaeeeast. QDid you see the latest style Mr. BryanRferefuted to forecast what hats with the satin Puggaree the United States would do If Huerta explained that his purpose In calling hand? Better step in and gel the congress together In spite of this country's demands was to nave lome one. Comes in green, blue, formal body to whieh he might pre- sent his resignation, nor weuld he brown and gray. The greatest speculate as to what the United States llmmmm10i jif mlMtaV ImmW novelty of the season would do In the event of an outright f refusal on the part of Huerta to com- ply with any of the demands uf thta country. Game ef Werid Politic. . A game of world politics, a game $3.00 much more far reaching than the pub- lic hai understood., u game ahowln-- : clearly the part big finance playa In the J Another Fall novelty hat, with affairs of natlona today, a game m which the old lineup of Europe an the bow in the back and velvet countries has crept Into the'afalri of band match, all the Western Hemtaphere. This is the to In the latest underlying cause of recent events In colors, black, blue, brown, gray Mexico, according to apparently auth- and green; Special at $1.50. entic information gleaned today. CAIM; I CaheM J. McTAOUART; VUAYT TWO WIN- I" ROVAI. Delicio Fruit NERS DURiNO AFTERNOON. tím, 'it Charge Accounts Solicited Jamestown, Va., Nov. IB. J. carried off the riding honors today, piloting two winners. The day's card was a good one. Results; I K'ihI race Two year olds, selling, I The Best Dressed BAKERY HATCXOTH INC CO, y five and half furlunga Walters 10?, R ln"; BELGIAN H f J. McTaggart 11 to 5, 9 to 10, to 'Ia-- 'EZtT "' won; Mordecla 109, Butwell, 7 to 1, I WOMEN OF EL 1 1, 9 10;' 112, Troxler, PASO to to Harebell J B 'r 9 to 6. 7 t- 10, 7 to 2p, third. Time I lr08 Scarlet Letter. Muy War- ren. and Heartbeat, also ran. wild and rugged Davis mountains in Sunamlt :iCPr "and Second race Two year olds, selling, Tqt Bala, writ mm for Reeves Culberson county for a lOfi, ,n'"1'' '" j Shupt'H prlraa and booklet. big deer hunt. five and half furlongs. Thelma J. SN,SfcN,SSs'Bmml bear and 9 1 won; I C A. TANCBT Hchuttlnger, to 10. tu 3. out, jgtWt 'sm fl The hunters detrained at Kent, Ben Tere 107, Butwell. 15 to 1, G to 1. jLf where they found their gude awaiting 2 1, 107. Buxton. 6 ty them, to necond: Finn and proceeded at onre to the 1. 2 to 1. 6 to 5. third. Tme 1:08 high mountains, wher they camped Harvest Queen. Yndeltng, Elmhdlu. the entire time. All the hunters of Tall, Behest and Katlgan. also the party ere very sucecraful except Umb'x Mr. Leeper ran. until the seventh day out, Third Race Handicap ull ages, our when the tables turned and Mr. Leeper O. 103, Nathan 4 tu was so fe- mile. Carlton fortunate as to kill a large 7 107, male mountain lion. The lioness 1. 2 to 1. to r. won; Montr cesar weighed 176 pounds, was seven a Wolfe, 9 to 10. 1 to 3. out. necond. Bob and R. 106, Burllngame, 15 to 1, 5 to 1. half feet long, had four unusually Scall-wa- long teeth on either bide of the Jaw. 3 tu 5, third. Time :40 had very long claws and paws of and Duquesne, also ran. Independent Assay Office the Fourth race The Lynn Haven Ho- its forefeet measured three inches year iaa. aeróse. . . ' tel States: For two olds, six D W 1 Proorloao.. 4 Ittcnm, Only Orieri Yétó Water Iady 100, Nathan, to 1, 7 to s, 7 to 10, won; I actus Messenger Service I mmSmml Ammlmlm. Waaa fjaW,ni Bo Is Northerner ÉmUtmm m far as it known, this the only 105, 9 10, 2 second; ml mmt Upc. Wolf, to to6, out, ÉL'v n.ft,rf4 Wr aaoMfc Hon killed In the Davis mountains for eBn Quince 100, McCaby. 40 to 1. 15 P. O. o . years, Lee- lm which naturally puffs Mr. to 1, 1 MotorcvHcM. per hunting Is Casey) up third. Time I:J Perth CMkaáíL I (his nsme Koch, Zodaic, and ftfftaate t much more over his Scsar, Machael . that fortunate Kid, ran. Mao. nut. find and expert markmanuhl p. Mr Sums also - ., . A A c fcM mt- - ft. mi rum rtKV rkihiik iimiu ivtp, mi McTuggart, 9 to I 3 to l, out, won. HE KILLED A LIONESS did not know what he had shot when . Before came to he fired. the lioness 5 107, its sudden death, It played a very suc- to 5. second; Gold Cap Butwell. cessful Joke by stealing a dressed deer 9 to 6. 7 to 10, out. third. Time 1:13 beeper Justly from camp of the hunters, carried Wherefore "Ciéor" Is the also ran. Proud Other Member of It away and devoured the dresaed venl ud son In anearby canyon, where the Sxth race. Selling, three year olds mL as Hun Party Are Peered. upwards, seventy yards-Debat- One bones were found after the killing. and mile and safismjesBBBBBm 89, Smith, AO tu 1, 5 to 1. u mu .a "1fMMgr plJtvBWÁ jSfcto--"- 1 W While the hunters returned home In y good and feeling they 12 to 1, won; Line Brook 101. Nathan, By the Aoriated Pre spirits that had 5 to 1, 2 to 1, even, second; Merry Springs, Tex., Not. 15. The a very successful trip, they are now Big -- m1 106, Butwell, 11 to 6. 6 to 6, 8 to "Casey's" , Mr. per most successful "bis fame" hunting worst eenrnjea. Lee 5, Qerrard !n In ope car third. Tome 1:46 expedition that has been completed sat end of thee and made The Gardner. Hans Creek, Blanch part of country for years wae his companion sit In the other end on RKBKL AT ' . n this the Francis, Jom L, L. M. Eukert and Jim CITY RKPUIMED CÜIíICAN. uní 'ol in i' Joai- Muría Aniline f lh.- tu .,., painter. broukght to an end tonight. when their return from Kent. As hee walked BRIEF NEWS wmn Caff rey, alo ran. rebel ftirees niortalK ounded i top Texas & Pacific train No. rolled into up Big Springs main street tonight (AdTsrMssBiepts.) General Obregon Reported Wound.yl and Captain' Gustavo Oarmndla. aid. "trdj nmi the of tbe station wth the happy hunters Mr. Leeper far outclassed the proud i mIp1 Watch Stolen. Vr Ebert. 210 218 Mltv BHg lading ConHtttutlenatlsl Attack. dn ramp lo h lair Presiden Madsm. J 60 foot town carrying with a Davis mountain Hon. four bg father of a newborn son as he struts Dnitt. WMH sHIml. morning J. E. Worthlngton. 1230 Wyoming s Kpemsl Wire to Th Tlmt , ,. ,,. .irrt) Hrr,IH. rM buck deer and any number of rabbits, down the strset the after the Trr the new Hur. ou gel the Th-- rehnls hers expect tliHt Oencral squirrels and quail. new son arrived. "Casey" says the street, reported to the police that he bast. T. F. Kflsh, Prep. Nogales, Bo nora. Nov. 16. Rebel. vm- IN. a VHUrhu - will soon enter the Míate ,iK land sine to Eight days ago H. W. Lee per, J. E. best eway to piake an énemy out of a had watch stolen from his pocket 7",, undir Qc n era I Alvaro Ohregon were i.r Mill Hldg Soinirn Hi- Moon and party, all of the Texas & friend Is to go on a bear hunt with yesterday while riding on a Juarez Mr. Jonei, Foot HiteclalUt. m .,ni;i it h ealtlen m the railway, kill a lioness Instead. street car. Hour 8 to ó; nlgliiK Uy n ppul u t uiwnt repulsed ulth heuvy Iuhbcs oft.-- h Pacific entrained for the him and two duvH hbsmiiU on'the town of Cull ' I.MlMKIl HI, Ml ini( T KM no, aiif .t'l.M tl.MMiled, Hl Iir. Ueady ha restnoed practice nt 618 uncording iS vv s KI.Ki'THin I I kii lo ' ilf",mP- Mill. BldgPhoees: fc, IS; res.. M4I r(.n;h)nK ThV 7lgM ended hS VKlA IM KKKT '",lh,n ii" bur In towu at the (Jem. ti led rlnrtriK lb'1 bat t Is. Lieut en fhir-ago- , Nov. 16.- - M ha-- ft-- i f hln rompunlonn Dr. Klein lleae of lung, lomueh. tntetlue. Roberta-Ban- n r Building. Call Pomerov. Phone '24U. Choice livery, rig, back, baggage aud freight trunafar. fifis! Imported beer on draught at the Gem Dr. Anna Reuts, Buckler Hldf. Dr. Jamteaon, . Hkln and Hectal uiaeaaee. oia Mill uunaiug

Df. Paget, Dentlat. Bob A Ban i Nuspiclous Character Arre44d. Three fliiHplcious characters were arrested last e enlng by the police, Montana Street Bungalow mmm They were Turnltne Delgado, K, John-su- and Hurry Woodhouae.

SO t Mi l lo Ht PA1,AHK

I n capitán de artillería qn dcM-rl- de E, l(MV t ' HI- - i'Mlil ll- 17 are finishing the most convenient, highly El combate que tuvieron laM .fuer finished, well constructed home ever con- saa constltuclonsllstas en Avile., iue precedió a la toma de Torreón, fue- structed in this city. And when we call it a bunga- 6mTr' ron capturados varios oficiales fede low we express its character of a home to the letter. rales a los cuales se les perdono la vida, y el capitán de artillería Torren, We want you to examine this modern home. If mereció del Jefe del ejército constl you want to own it we will sell it to you on easy hKt tuclonalista tuda clase de stent tone hasta el grado de concederle en las termpi' It is located at No. 2320 Montana Street. fuersas consfltucltraallstas al grado de mayor. Pagó esta acción, faltando, a su palabra de honor que habla com- prometido de servir fielmente en la causa constltuclonallsta. 'ISste capi- smHm tán se desertó da Santa Kosalfa, en unión de otros varios oficiales, que también ae lea habla perdopado la y vida, se Incorporó sn Chihuahua Perry-Kirkpatri- ck con las fuersas de Muerta. Fue pa- Realty Co. por ayer en na, rhattsubogs. Tens., Nov. Mi- - A striklag south', capacity for production Is tios. to asrigstloa. sneh as shallow sado laa armas la mafia liluatralion of vbat la belplag to bring 'the to Its present value or the possi- placea, rsnlda, abxials.' etc. Tbe formal pues fue capturado en el combate al mi Into her well merited pise m lead bilities for the fatnre- The governmiiiit. iipeulug oi the entire project at UaU'a tomar la plaza. lug msoufacturtag asetloa of the Ualted sad the fotnpaay have worked JolaUy In Hr Nov. IB mi event of national note. "The El Pasó Home Builders" i.- - la o 1s .i, id tae. completion or tbe the operation which have been going That It Is recognized s such abown O, m i i.toOUO lock sad dam sad power plsst at tar yssrs at Hsls's' Bsr. The national by the interest maidjiested by secretary of GOBIKHNO in it flate' Bar. od xae nrer, sear feature Is the lock for raising and lower- wsr Osrrison sadttbers, Inrlndlng the Hoy quedará establecido el nuevo riinitaiiooga. Tbls great Bjero-eleetn- de ing; boats. The private end of tbe work rivers asd barbura committee In the nouae nmeut. trtel by the late Anthony N. Is the cnatriction uf the dkm apd power of representative and Its parallel commit gobierno sn Ciudad Juarez, quedando tlItriidy of Nttw York, while K Is Is tbe bouae. Tbe Cnlted Ktnles baa apeitt tee In the senate, the coaitnerce committee al trente de él, el 8r. Jose . Velarde, rank of such projects In the Halted Id tmprovlna the Tennessee rlrer Tbe aecretsry of war bones to attend tbe persona conocida y de buens Niagara bastante hiaies.(it being clssssd with sad lo tho end tsat deep water navigation be elehmtton, o do member, of the two conducta, l . mismo quedarán nom- Keokuk, la one of the many la the euuth. made complete. Tbe effect of tbe dnm at :nnilltee named and other cobsreaatneii, brados boy el personal la ir .i. i. 'i and iu operation or poser coa-ft- t Hale' Bar Is te Isrresae the depth of rpeclally those from ata tea coatlguoii. lo de aduana ruction. The Injection ef tae new ele the river, for mlJet, rx tetra Jug well above the T trimester river or artuailr traversed de la que im hará el cargo al Br. José ment of wim bytt. Guttém 9 TWELVE EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. X One of Society's Favorites TUB MISJTOX S TO BR "HOgl Or LOW latIf'Kg" THE BOtTOM ITOgF. P Attractive Offerings for Shoppers m A JANY are the bargains that we have to offer this week. Just the kind of bargains that have given the Boston Store such wide reputation for low prices. It has been many a year since we have been able to offer such ex- traordinary values. In the base- ment, the men's section, the piece "aBBB goods counters, the ready-to-wea- r department on the second floor, in fact, every section has its school of genuine Bargains to offer. Be- low a few items that will give you some idea of the money saving prices t be found here.

A Special Sale of Woolens Velvet Ladies' Dresses Waists colora; MOO L (lies' Itlousc in boblnelt, Thin 21 in. ii Urna VHste All 10.00 Dresses The well known All Week worth to 76c. f A aunahlne, also many atyle shadow, measallne, chiffon and tlUC other crepe, beautifully made; gome MHS WILLIAM WAL. Monday hown, cofne In crepe chine, as Inch Ilrnadcloth go Inch Dreaa Corduroy Extra ds with catnlaole attached; come A Vers lottiliir Y aim, Matron Winwr Miioip nl 1101 North I I I'aho ttreet I the of Many Knjojrablo Hponged und xhrunk; nice weight measallne, auk poplin and among In colora. s.-- heavy; fine quality; worth all (athrrti.gN "I Im .hi iiu r s, dreaaea, aulta or aklrta: for g&c. Monday 65c these come Peter Thompson Spec la) $1.95 worth 13.00 QQ dresses In wool serge, Monday ei All Silk Velveta To 11.25 trimmed Sldrta mon he imt-- home ron-- 1,'0 with braid, anchor and will to belter yard; all color. Monday 89c .00 Skirts In Scotch plaids and It Ions, it shows the grit and capabili- . All One of -- shield. Special.. $10.95 tfl Wool Srgi Ladle' Short Kid Glove, Blsck, honeycomb checks and plain ma- ties of the women who are members, the gri'iiteet values yon ever aaw; white, tan 'and brown; and what women can accomplish when 15.00 Dress Crepe Char-msus- terials, draped and 1 lu culure of navy, brown, black. 98c Meteor QQ Society they make up (heir minds to do a cer- regular t.!ir. Special. slit. Spsclal Gossip crepe eeafO of tain thing red, wine and gray. Thla aerfe la 2.50 16 Button White ds chins and brocad- .1 ( " ed measallne. MHS. LIA A. NllAHl, Society Kill. or IMlotit &0I. - o worth 11.00 yard Q Glovea Special $1.95 Also are shown a Underskirts NW ftaaoale Temple Dedicated. Monday OOC Boot Silk Hoac High beautiful line of party and dancing $4.00 Lnrtersklrta Taffeta and new Maaonlc temple on Went Ladle' trocka. In every The Vi Incti Wk,I I'opJIn A apeclal spliced heel; black, white Come Al n mescaline, every shade, a day now Missouri st reel wa dedicated yeater-da- y OQ. wanted shade. Special 1 Os M ll 'H I1ABY. off and Uw.i lo visit her J, for the wcelt: worth QC and Special MondayOUC V I 9 Extra Special $1.98 Ii to un f.i Mot Worthy cirand Muster, J color. or the h mid ota . I mi Mantfield, presiding. In the morning l.2D OOC Children' Fleeced Lined Union Joseph, mild n ml noble, bant nbo a hi nan trmt all women find to to. the temple was thrown upen to visitors A Htorm Hulls, In white. :i : Hir mdiiloriH are I'eroni 11 Inch and French Ser' Vesta and Panta the ir it uikI many people svniied themselves of aponged A I. girl. silflVling h- almoat Inipoaelhle to ge: Ij atuy All pure wool; and and cream; regular 35c. pul Kir ii ir.tll the opportunity of the entire In- ; any length of f h on fiinuly. ahrunk: black and navy; medium Haw time of i. mi. Special 23c Good News from and tt iw side the ii. tor the first time. ' ( my Love, my Mary, my I not possible to entertain ihuin and heavy weight: worth 1 O C l.mll. -- Lined Tights luid. III t Punch. In the library, win served by Fleror and t even Whan do Hpeolal pity th I Mrs. I, R A K llyan tl.BO. Vesta Hegular 0.6c. Hut rfointlmen ler i, Olllett. J1.D "Bai.y. my Bahy, my Baba," ha wn alrl I A great val- given h good i.n g lata hnmpKon, 54 Inch Broadcloth Special 49c mm ñu rooi, in at THE BASEMENT SALESROOM an the family, a new n.o At 2.30 p. m the dedication 'services ue for 11.00 yard., Dress hirfon n an extra qual- HudnVnly th gulden night all wllh iIouk ntd place In Lodge room on than, and a place to h iUk, took the lllue . . OO81. regu- mualc rnng. racwj lrla the following mnale Sunday ity black, white and colora; and treated aa a friend not it a hank ir second floor. The Inch Wool Drcaa Hergo And Monday Iri-a- wss Interpersed during (lie nervlces: te lar 11.26. OQ hit addlnvi if whip cord; nice line of A Q Always in the Lead Angels leading hphTds, shepherds kIiIh of it Ihhn 'V. i.til not go "Festival Te Danm" (by Dudley Buck) Special 05IC hetter in W. M. lending sheep: to Mr vice ipeel nil ? Parvln Wtlte, Mrs. W. Kvans, If. color. 40C and the atrati Wlttp. Holu, Wc continue our underselling. Our advance holiday The sllent-- of worship broka the Would it not he oai'a ' :dl around Iemen and Mrs. Parvln Children's CoaU inothar'a sleep. If lha aarvanta ware if that tlmmt "The Lord In My Light, the Allltaen) sale of TOYS and useful PRESENTS for every one should All the meek and lowly of nil the ouhi nut the Influanco lhay hear upon Mi' W W. Evans. The Gloria. iMoi-ar- t) $3.00 Coats Bearakln coats, In all require by quartette. by 2 little 'urging to do your Xmu shopping now. Take world wtif there; lha chtldren more t nan pay I or tba the "America," colors; slies to years. 1 AO Hm III rig Nht showed t hem that Die tlignity ihr mother of ilu eiilldreo the audience. Addreases then were given MiLLiNERY Special ipl.lTO advantage of Ihe advance sale price. h i.i waa etrv-atit- s an rollowa, Tom Lea, District Deputy fair. would lute (?) by having .50 Coats In Arabian lamb, si- "Baby, rny Bahy." kissing Him ahn IntteHd of (he gnu rant and Il- tirand Master, presiding: Iron Express Wagons Size 7x12; Picture Story Books Cloth Addrens of ('apt. T. J. bilina and vslvet; all oolors and snd Nit Id iterata (In iiatialry found In aervlea welcome, Brail. strongly mads; 66c value. n and paper covers; 7 Response (irnnd Lodge of black; to 14 Huddrnly u f la ruina; in through now for Texas. sises Advance price up'.CM..5c .1 J. Manettel. Moat Worshipful Grand years.. $3.95 sals DfC ranga from h nee ens sped. our Rianduinthern never felt ihev had Special Large size red Express Wagons lnat their dignity by hoilia ftltuda with Master. Velocipedes Kor small children; I Bet'ponae for. drand Ixidue for New atxe io heavy gear Three old ni-- and wearj knelt them their muida, ahd often wonder what Dresses leather saddles: 13.60 value il una hange to Mexico. Deputy (If ami Master, llnre. Children's ing; wood tongue; 11.26 nine by Hide, that eauaad the Response (Irand Arlxona, Advance sale d a The world'n wreath forswearing, rnuj- over ua, Home of me beat and klndaat for l.odre of $1.75 Dreaaea In shepherd plaid. value. Advance sale price. 98c QQ esty pride. women in the world tiowadaya feel that Past Orand Master, Titus. serge, gingham, percale and gala- - The KvcrlasUng price jl.JO and Response for (Irand Lodge for Mex- Little Red Chair Wurldly might and wisdom before the they have tallan frum grace If they thua: sises 2 to 6 years. Nuf said. 46c. 6o (Larger sizes In proportion.) recognlga aervonta in public. I ico. Past Grand Master, Heamona kr Hahc hant loa . their A. 8peclal 98c Collapsible Doll Buggies and I hlnk i by l part y Oration, W. Houston, Right Wor. and ZOC Werplng, maid Mary mild, "1 love Him the laaaon ana ht he frame, given In .tew Vork I. "that the perfci-- thlptil Deputy (Irand Master of Texaa. fA.M) Kindergarten Dreaaea In Child's Trunks sue lx(; with steel leatherette mt atrasa, tnake the parfect muid " The committee on entertainment. Sol Scotch plaids, checks and tray, brass hinge, lock and key; body. Advance sale Q "Rahy, tnv Baby utid the Bnl: I Berg, slept. Living an we do In n bonier tonfi, we chairman. plain all wool. Special. $2.98 3 6c value. Advance sals A price VifC mo V. M. Hudflenl) on i.'alv think we know me thing of the un- Mm. Crawford, II. Kesler. J. prlos OUC Metal Body Drums Pretltly em til Igra (ion law a. That o o i knowledge ta J. W. Carter, C. B. Gardner, V. Proctor. Veils ; Wpt very L. L. K. R. Intents' Rocking Horses 81s bossed fiber head and - limited wat demonstrated lu an O. Powrle. Burgess. Latimer, rhee yesterda) Mia. II. R W. O. J Allen. J. O. Mc- - SI.75 Chiffon Veils In all 17x16; vary durable; 16c bottom. Prices range . 25c Wiimnn'H World interview with J. Uirrahee. Q I'aiauna, of Taooiua, Waab., wh has K night. A. levy, (.'. M Lyman, K. 8. colors. Special 98c value. Advance sals prlos . OafC DP. JuhI In Hie haul at ten ding t he Norton, A. N. W. K. J. C. UHTM THAT AHINK. bean O'Heár. Orr. THOl National oonfareuve ul (he Woman's Woodward, Her gent Crow ), A. L Hharpc, Suits DOLLS DOLLS '' haen of a wornm in DOLLS have readnm Mlaatonary Hoeietv of tba Methodist W. W. Carpenter, Crawford Harvey, 32.00 Tailored Suits New arriv- Voi h la now old D Htrnng, R. M. Reed. George Altken, It is impossible New town that gave it party. I'huroh, and visiting irlenda In styles, cutaway to attempt to describo or mention pnces. he ra. W 8. Taylor. W. It. Taylor, B. Blng als, claasy and .Mi her infill h lha gueel of hurr The ti Sufficient to say we have the most complete assort- While in New Turk w pamona ley, J. W. Peak. S. A. Hamworth, A. 1C. Russian effect, draped and silt own ' i n d tra Invited her lend h pen one day St Kill lain ml, fa ml Ht. Morris, Dr, John Hchullcr. Joe Crane, skirls; come In all ment ever from 5c to $25 ,t , tlQ 7C Ihey Htlriwlffl. hrlnging for (arising herself with the conditions A. M. Carpenter. Kd. Kayaer, A. shades. Special 9 1 if. I 0 Mar) there. That day 1(1,811 Immigrants oh warts. V. 8. Htewart. Charles Leavell, 40.00 High Class Suits In bro- Don't forget we are still selling Of - i h" mural v i he ttor v It uf It a nlngle Wyatt. i'onri- landed Think in day! L J. Locke. J. J Ijongwell, John cade, out fancy and plain Ihal if one uuntt good Mu . MUI t There were mini) thai hiuucht llamar Davis. Fred Hew III, K. W. Halo velvst. ENAMELWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE treat (tir hi lp itx hutliati lMU Mild Ml t to the ayes ami man) that tunned Brown. Gtta Trust, C R. Rueell, G. materials, with walatcoat and fur s tiara RUGS, ETC at still. w he a hunt Mtiillea Among the latter mum n woman, Perry, A. H Anderaon. liarles Allen. BHAPIM HHAPBa trimmed and worth notice, are mat'.'-- r tot the is our ellv In ev hleni I ' i ti tier wiidi ii k I trier y There wore over 100 out m - town S.ftO -- Imp.- in. felt, velvet our suffragette three At special low price in unison with the advance sale. enlei tutu foi Mh-i- mal wotildit'i If date ten vmin ug bit go bundles visitors attending the services. At 7 p pluuh ahapea; regular Special... $28.75 in, id had bean in employe (wo and place suits. Thla the of In her arma and children hanging m there was a concert In the parlor ... valuee. that one famllv tWenlV-ltv- tan ra, hh to her aklrtt. The day was rnlny and and at tt p. m. 400 masatis sat down ri bad at gou't n room I bare was ' n the long train on the gown trailed be- to one of the moil bounteous banquete Bpeulal $1.49 -- Mi i : - Coat. house, llekalt to he re, wi.n hind lu splendid glory, the pale pink ever prepared In the city. It was d (g.uo r"rcnch I'lumee Kvary HOME OF LOW PRICES- sweeping the ntreel aa ahe walked and served by (he members of ahade, large aaaortment. Afl U.oo Ladies' Sport and Long awgy. Hhe had done an many others the Eastern Htar. The room was featotin-wit- Coats In chinchilla and fraternity, Slieclal fOC voir do, put on the heat and finest sh the blue of the Masonic . cloth; In all colors. (1.00 un. I .ill,. - a. a aver possessed to lend In "(he home ol and flags. The ta Men were deornted Splendid values. Special g 1 U. a. the free." with chrysanthemums and nun tt tgus All colora. Special 39c fO Another family consisting of father, ferns and at ewb plate was lutO a A.00 Mliuea' and Ladle' Tall. S11.O0 Ladles Coats in fancy and i who had been for some lime III tb glowing carnation Kollow-Uf- In the ored llata Neat street hata mannish textures, lined and dou- I chlr-- d nlled Htatesl mother, and five ml ii Velvet and pluah ble faced; drop shoulder snd with ran, Two of the children were deport- () star Cocktalla. Hpeclal $1.95 ed on account of railing to pana lha Waldorf SU1 examination. The mother, heart broken Roast Turkey and Dress r.r. 6 & 18 E. Overland St. $15.9$ over lost ng the children and turn be-- t Cranberry wan duty lu them sod duty to the Mashed Potatoes. Pae In Cines husband was a pitiable sight. Finally Cold Roast Pork (ha husband won and the mother, bent Cold Slaw. with grief saw her children sent back Ice Cream and Assorted Ckea. Cotfw. giving th public and Ivy were used In decorating. A dua, Bruos Bsvlns, Hubert Sharp, the press, are now across the water. Mints the senior visas for - reoslvlna ear and The worat feature Is that the steam- W. W. Hvana was the toastmunter the opportunity of hearing these art- Battsoberg tablecloth, over pink, cov Charle Ovsrstroet. Mark Miller. Lsn- assistance from ths association. ship companies send their agents d and the reepousga were by Tom Lea. ist In concsrt. Following Is the pro- - ered th dining room table, un which ord Goodman, Blrl Burdlck, 8111 8o far th woman on th different with golden inducements to coma E. M. Whltaker. ft. E- Thomason. A. W. were pink candles snd In t lie canter 8toUroff. Charla Hawklnaon, Fred committee have met w"h unhnnnilril lo Amettva- When the immlgrants'nrg Houston, J. J Mansfield. Rabbi Mm in 'Tlolln. "Msjuiks" tMylnarskl): a large cut glass bowl of chrysan- Humphries., Albert Baldwin. W. M. ucee and courtesy from all of the pro- ): ant hack they are dumped Ilka o Zlelluskl. The benediction was violin. "Mediation from Thais" mil-enet- themums with sprays of Ivy. trailing Pettlcolas, Barnard Krupp, Carol merchants of the city who hav do- - much cargo on the dock from which nounced by W. 8. Huggett. tenor eolo. "Heart' Spring Ivy also encircling the table. Stevens. Phillip Stevens. Louis Will-1a- everyrntng ror use and in they were taken aboard, and left to - o (Von Wlckede). Mr. Parvln During the rorepart of tne eve- Breck and Merrick Brack. members extend to . -. time" them heartfelt ft-- Freeh Cut tind their way at beat they can to their Tier ( ni" at High Hctioul. Witts, accompanied by Mr. A. F. Sla- ning various gamas wers enjoyed, By ffte A moctatrd Pre. thanks. mov- - a, with the dw un nn them That's old home and friends. There U a The moat delightful concert of the vers; violin. -- Caprjee Vlenols" (Krsl-ler- ); followed by refreshment of a The press committee, of which Mrs nteut hand to force the coinpantea wag by Mies Virginia msso-opran- I Ice c , Charity Association. R. C. the way you get Ihe fruitrant bloe-b-ni- oi aegeon given "B'scauss Lovo mints. ram cak and Woman's SeOIDle is chairman saal.t...! to take them back, to the place from in the High uvhool auditorium Miss punch. In which th.a oplor scheme w you order of us. We do Bean You Dssr" (Hswleyl, Laura ' Th charity hull In all ..Ules Is made (Continued that where they flret came. Maro girls are aecom-tdlHhc- d Mln-us- t On Next Pag.) over , manner, last night. Mlsu Bean la an Maud Fink; Intermission; callo. also carried out. Later music snd one of greatest social venta of not huid stale led uairay Hi Jusl this rinning violinist and her ratiatc le al "O" (Beethoven); Trsufs dancing were Indulged In, In the par- the themselves alone In a gtrange placa, no - In the year It object to relieve suffer- nona ways highly appreciate. He- ceilo Traumersl (Schumann); "Yeaterday lor, dining room and on the front money to go back home and uf work Ii on a with the vloll:t and . . . a i Ulu U'.lkAr porch. ing and Kl Paso Charity associa- Cut Flower their friends aware that thy have baen bar ano lou.í iHp.ww. , ths la ao aill known that description lg Mot'lellan. soprano solo, Break were sa.lnf.v1 alao mad Its annual ball on now we have a very large deportad tut are alona In the world. . Dr. and Mr. tion ha Just wag uní.. M.' Pul in WRte la ;:iw;;a liy lisa unan Aiiur,.., , m during evening by the host's and aaaortment In leftnlte varlaty, as There a woman with eleven to by the Thanksgiving eve on of the social children landed one day at Kill Island, a dalagut his auxllences nul thla Breaaied Pearl," arranged Arthur honoree's grandmother. Mrs France your io- exception. MIbs Bhrollalgh events of ths season. Invitations to ooroe In and select favorites. and It was found she nad the meakles. was Laura Maud Whiting (from Poarla on A. Ucblee, and Mis. Mary Casnon. Kin'., bile a young aipgejr, ahowg di t UlnrtlM.l hurlmnit on Friday and he was detained, of course, and It was r tA l.l.h Those who attended were: Misses th ball war Issued CREDIT! of feeling in rarely hutird H. Lemon, accom Just ssven months afterward that ahe depth that solo. Mr. Msthew VII Dewey. Mary association members appeal to experienced viu-ll- Simmon. Ruth ths and hsr children ware pronounced fra excepi In the alngere. panied by Mr. c ivnicamryer, Foster, Ruth Mo- general public to com forward. Wutker hag a soprano No. ( (Brahmsi ; Dswey. Katherlne ths Yours M Dia- of (he disease and war allowed to Join Mía Mrtlellan Hungarian Dance rris, jane Burgess. Msrion Howe. aa they nave ever generously aone good tor the husband and father. That was one voice of rara quality and aingi trsm violin. Norwegian Lullaby (Nelson.) year' ball as great. monds, POTTER aa Hps. Gene Gilchrist. Dorothy Vslertson. to help make thla Watches and Jw. that Oncle Ham was made twice glad. the heart aa well the The KUa Al- - not a greater success, man tnoae Hoclety of M. H- Leman get Imogen Leavell. Pettlcola. If dry. Buy Christmas good The National Missionary rale- splendid baritone Master Brock, Host. sena (Jrndorrr, Bertram umaorrr, gone before, .as th receipts from ths FLORAL ad iBov.vvd last year. Tbla seems a off the finer voloao and waa heartlly Friday evening Master Merrick ball comprlss ths largest on at amount, but Mrs. f'areons says apptatided. Mrs V. Bean, Miss Hazel Mlnda Laakln, Birdie Krupp, Paula charity large Brack entertalnSd at his parent Krupp, Eva Stevenson. Vonla Bray. revenue upon which they depend to CO. that in demands are 'so great that It Anderson. A. F. Slavery and K. C 'Roblae; many a hungry person and to SAN K pa t - 310 West California Margaret Stevens and Abigail feed 303 ANTONIO SI. will not meat them all. and it le a hard nick mayar aocotn nled he pet realdence. airaot. - many oun to hi Ml Mesara. Alfred Whttmer. Harlan Ir- give shelter to without a home. BUILDING matter to tell where ana how to formers and added not a little to the compllmenlsry cousin. American families, la MILU It be. I advantage. Thin roinpletaoeaa of the un Abigail K. t i. e uf Riverside, uat. j vln, Clifford lrvln Paul Humphries. Several other tribute to the uleaaure and Bruaddus) Morgan Broad- - addition to those already reported la Is s horns mmion work snd so tb grant. The concsrl was managed for Pink and whit chrysanthemums Francis

iris as EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNbAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. THIRTEEN v Looking Backward at Women's Bring Art Close to Everyday Life of the People Fashions Evokes Queer Pictures Urges Mrs. A. Averill Woman's Club . P. Before Time Is Flying Owe of the Horror Was Deftrrlbed v Knhlnn-Bewitche- d Writer as a I'rotty Stylo" (.lance ni the M orniiqr Times of it Quarter of a On-tSt- y and Our Ago Reclls Interesting Thing of "Awlent" Xyy. RflvUwIna the files or the Morning congress wars urging free col nag of gJlalp Removal Sale Time of ISM, Juat a quarter 01 a y silver wblle the Republicana wars mak- ksBBBsa?9&BnirCa aun on find nome quoar faah lona ing s hard fight against sucu an ac- JmtfmSSí In women's appearai- - Hoop aklrti ware tion. Juat going out of style and crinolina Prance was engaged In tha Soudan w rrsds wi all the rage. Basqaa and prince war and the war correspondent st Ls 9frvfjVvdBBBB BSSBBBSW: BkkvCKsb ONE PR1C effecta with lag o mutton tloc ves were Temps, wired a telegram to Paris papers Mark Is Near ing a Close quite the thing whan our mothers ware giving a graphic account of a desperate poctetr Isadara nd they ara In atrlklng conflict. runt rast to the lat eat mode of 113. Many other interesting features of Only a few days remain. How can you let this opportunity go yaars ago Twenty five the women the long ago war related and tha by. to get your choice of our celebrated line of re- wore dresses with stint walstn and wide press service of two or three hundred pianos at a altlrta, held out by hoop and huattaa. Words waa very much inferior to the duced price? Today the hobble and apllt skirts are fell Associated Press service of 20.000 light and clingy and the poek-o-bo- o words of today logethar with the spe- htrt wttfeta ara an evolution to the cial wire and cable newa received by $385.00 SPECIAL princess and boeque walita of those the Tlmea. $385.00 day's. Wa have a $600.00 Everett Piano in firat claas condition. It Writing on the latest fashions on the day Olivs Harper, In the Morning hat been used, bul quality and tone remain. $38 $.00 buya Time. June 7, USt. In part aaya: Society Frowning On this piano. "There has been conalderable talk about waJata made with the material Useless Xmas Giving NEW Everett, Fiacher. Harvard and Cecilian Player Piaiioa at skimpy drawn across the front smooth- reduced prices. ly without sny durts or seame or open- ings, and now 1 fukniah view of two PreHenU to Employe Come la Old piano in exchange. Eaay termi. CalPor phone 2$. gowna made la that style. Particular Disapproval More "Three Frrtty Style. Sentiment, Less Cash. "To achieve one of theae pretty stylea ll Is necesaary to have the lining of the EL PASO PIANO CO. walet ritted wall to the figure, with A ban on uaelaaa giving of Chrtat- - Opposite Elks Home. the seams wall turned in, and the bones maa preaents, such as the practice of Corner Myrtle and Campbell. laid flat With extreme care. Then the making girts to employers from col W. R. Schutz, Prop. material Is drawn carefully over and lections taken up among women em- pulled and drawn until It fits like a ployes, Is being advocated hers as the Oldest Piano House in El Paso. glove over the lining, ót course the holiday season approaches. Mrs. Kin muat be Inalde the lining while August Belmont condemned the prac- this molding proceas la going on, and tice In New York, and EI Paao so- ehould alio mention that the ihoulder ciety will follow her lead. and side seama are only basted. It has been pointed out that many of ant Q. W. Klrkpatrlck, Kort Meyer, I two of the minuet, trying the differ-len- t i "As soon as the outalde fits without the women employee cannot afford to Va. The Second cavalry Kvo their steps of the new dances, etc. side AwjbI assK a wrinkle then the ahoulder and contribute, but are virtually forcea to já 9 It rmuwCky retiring commander. Colonel Krank Among those who answered the sum-- i if nnr'n sre ripped and the whole Is sewn do BO. M?TJ si 1 Weat, n wonderful send off nt noon anona were; Mrs Stanley Johnson ,oge thar. The material la flexible, auch Further, the giving of leas expensive Friday The whole rtK linen t, with "f Chicago, Mrs Hensley of the as camel's hair, cashmere, bunting gift generally la being advocated the hand. aaaenihi') In front of his Ninth cavalry, Mrs. Margaret Rowley surah or china crap. Thla latter when The aplrlt of giving muat be embodied utiarters and vhtl t1o ts ml ilu '1 of Tnpnka. Kan.. Mrs. Kenneth 1. In i. ia k makes an evqulalte drapery, In little acts of kindness snd unseirisn iiaAlnlH If WvH they all Jolnad In sIubMhk "AuUI Iiiik "Hiver. Mrs. Orndorff, Mrs. B M. itd Indeed the mart ei of the dealgn was ness. sl Syne." Colonel West has been a se- 0, Williams, IeMisses Josephine Won- cream colored silk with large garnet Speaking of tha society she has vere but much beloved cofrimander en. Margaret over was draped judicious giving of Klnnnn. Hilda Sailer. rigurts, and it formed to regulate and real heart-fe- ll regiota were ex- Marlon Young, Olive Davis, I.illv Cole, h. ni-- crepe." Christmas gifts, Mrs. Belmont said in pressed1 as they parted from hlin. H Vale. Duly Kemp, Maud Fink. The wrltor then Itluatr&tad the plain New York: "We promise to decrease will always retain a wmm pm In lata Kink. Vlrglnln Sempbv which took the pisca of the the cost of the gift and lncreaae the the hearta of the officers ami men heavily laden watata which had been In good will: to make the heart of Father of the Second. weekly dance i i he vguc. The gowna buttoned In the back, Chrlatmas rejoice by tha little acts of o T!e 'ounlry he buttsna being hidden under a nar- kindness and unselfishness by putting club waa enjoyed by an unusually we A beautiful party waa little row box plait, winch waa laid from thought into the gift send our dear sien large crowd last night. to the waist and made hubby onea. . Olve areneroualy; but (rom the Katherlne Harney yesterday afternoon IV Aj I BBBBBBBByL BTS n ,more careful aearch for the heart, with all your thought. Don't lnVsl JS aTÍív In honor of har. tenth birthday by Among the distinguished guests-were- : hookrk tmd eyes than those ot . pre- make a business of giving, make It an Captain uud Mra. Italney at their Colonel Joftoh (ierruid the sent day. art. Don't wáate what should be a home on Htchmond Terrace. Ten lit- new commander at Kort Bliss; Sena- Home Oltf Advertlermeuta. season of goodwill freely given." tle gueata were Invited, one for each tor Torn Cat run of New Mexico. At-- ! The Mqi ntng Times twenty-riv- e years year, and never did llttta have tornwy (lenernl K. W Clancey of Nw hto was n n newapaper, with a batter time. Not everyone can have Mexico, Major and Mrs. Winn. Major itninna of the first page devoted aa beautiful a birthday cake as thai nnd Mrs Clark. Captain and Mrs. of i Mjrwtlsement. Among lbs ada Gossip Society one was and then It va auch fun lo j Harvey. Captain nnd Mrs Davidson. hoaf days were the El Paso Lager of blow out thn candles, and If atl th Lieutenant ami Mra. Meyer. Dr. War- Dieter, pro- - I'eer Company, Houck and (Continued from Precedlna Pate.) good wishes come true! My! What a ren Reau, Dr. and Mrs. Chapuell. Dr. i. irtni; Hitman Furniture Company. little irlrl Httle I. nr- Sherwood, Lieutenant, and Mrs. Cop- - EI National fortunate i late JsMonai Bank, Paao by C. Mies; will be. These little folk certainly dl I pock. Lieutenant and Mrs Hensley. R4gar B. Bronaon. president, Chaa Mrs. Van Wilson and the I'.ank. Grace V. Maine lrvln and Ki hsve a s;ood time playlnu; the fames Lieutenant and Mrs. Brown,, Lieuten- M Kilil. vire president and ., II. Aus- Ihey all enj so much. ant nnd Mrs. Sfnalley. Lieutenant W. A. ste Kuhlberg, have met with the near that tin Ooodman. wholesale o- - D Smith, .Untenant Kcldeu Smith, giOCSr and Andrews and Hills Company, ty of the newapaper. Through the kindness of Mrs. Aua Captain and Mrs. Kalney. we aro Lieutenant Will lit in Meade. Lieut cn- - fji rriage affenta. ant Andrews, Llejitenidrt Neill, Lieu- The National league was the only tin the Musicians' union has been most arlad to say. have been transferred generous to tho music committee, of are to tenant Fitch, Mr and Mrs A L. La major hasshall organisation at that to the Fifteenth and remala throp. Mr. Mrs. which Mrs. U. B. Stewart is chairmun In Kl Paso. They have built a ami Charles Pomesoy, timo and the rile gives the reauita of Mr. Wltherspoon. Mra, ' W. Kellogg. New Boston, Cf ncinnatl-Plttshur- g aesfstttd by Mesdamo Josephine Na- pebhleuash house In one of the York Judge and Mr Waters Dav is. Mr. ami and Chicago-Clevelan- d tlons, Morfit, Charles JUomls and the most desirable suburbs of Kl games. Vatuc Mrs, John Clary Mr and Mrs. Julius Stewart. Paso. Mr. Mrs. The American league wail then known Mra. W. C. Davts, chairman of the o Krskauer, and Hnri Seniple, league. With New place committee, reports that the Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrdlrtg, Mr nnd Mrs. bh the Brotherhood Thursday ariernoon being rainy. Itace. Mr. and Mix. W u tlalnes, Mr. York, Brooklyn. Chicago, Pittsburg, management of the Paso del Nort telephoned the young ladles who took Clfveland and Huffalp playing. hotel, Messrs 8. Q. Humphreys and and Mrs A, nixson. Mr. mol Mrs Ku-- j part In the minuet, danced at the gene . MraJfe Brooklyn also held a berth In the A. Rchenlng, have Mitchell. Mr uud Harold Maurice treated colonial ball given recently by the Trotter, Mr. and Mrs association se did Rochester, them aprendidly and will give all (involu- Winchester 'f Daughters of the American Coo ley, Mr. and Mrs. W. II Hum-- I HyracuBe and other team. i the use of the hotel for ii trifling aum tion, to come out to the Country club m Racing waa holding sway then At shops phreya, Mrs. Kred Wlllbims, Mr. ami The floral have also extended and have a cup of t'a. It was Just K Morrla Park, now deatroysd, and ten- many courtesies and have donated Mrs J. Williams, Mr and Mrs gave In drlisly enough to make the biasing, 'Inltiorne Attains, Mrs. II. i '. Myles. ons. The resuUs winners the many blossoms for the decorations. erackllng logs In the fireplace seem principal event as Maximum, Blythe, H. W. Broaddus, of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vance Htewnit. Mr. anil Mrs. chairman A. doubly cheerful and the Mot cup if Mrs c. n, Jfonao, Climax, Tom Rogra and refreshment committee, reporta MK8. P. AVORIIiU very Walter Arnold. Mrs. Buck- former atara., the tea and buttered toast appetis- ler, Mrs. Annie nell Hot her bac iter, other turf utmost generosity on the part of as- t i the Mrs. A. P. Averill. of this city, at soclatlon and will give valuable everyday life he best employed to rala ing. Just a Jolly good Informal time rnnrf at War la aowdaa. or t t n ) Mayor Caplea was the city executive the merchants in the donation the the sixteenth annual convention of the sistance during exhibition the atundurd of domestic occupation?' whs enjoyed In dancing n figure or 'on tin ued Next 1'nge. au pper. question ponderously put, twenty-riv- e yeara ago. the Pass City Texas Federation of Women's clubs, gf American paintings In January. In The was at that time having a population of The punch committee will consist the Second District, an annual art ex- perhaps, but surely of significant 4.600 persona. The Times fila c;lvaa an of Mra. H. C. My lea, chairman, as- at Corpus Chrlstf. last week, deliver- hibit Is to be conducted again this Importance. Application of tha love account of a council meeting of that sisted by Mesdnmes J. A. Raw lings. ed an interestyig report for the art year by the Woman's Club of Iat)ae, of the artistic to the conimon things date with the following aldermen pre- Winchester Coolcy snd t'lyde HarK committee, of which she Is chairmun. giving prominence to the wdrk of of Ufe, to the dally routine Is of course, sent: Davis, Kingsbury. Solomon, Papln, and they also have been most gen- She said In part: our Texas artista. the solution of the problem. Th ques- Magoffin. Street crossings erously given to by Is Key and tha merchsnts. re- "It Is their ambition to provide a tion closely related to the arts and meeting. "Your committee desires flrat to I were contracted for at tha The invitations, which were printed port stimulus for original work If pos- crafts movement and leave It with Mils audited and ordered paid and oth- - under the direction of Mrs. J. that the scholarships In our yen to to your clubs, if II I. have deserv- sible. Mention qf the activities of the take home routine hulneaa tranaaoHv. Dydr. may be had by those whore trust been awarded to MoKlnney clubs In thla district can- seems worth while. Th Demócrata in both houses of may not ing young women and It is our plea- names have been rent to the not be omitted. They have held open i n m of Prints. committee by applying to Mrs. J. sure to announce the acquisition of meetings programs new one. B. frequently with reports It t or muy be purchased at th ooo Mrs. w. Ray, of Fort that' emphasise the art of our own "In the received. door (he evening of the ball. All Worth, offers free Instruction In china notifiable that most often money is painting to one for one year. state Much Interest Is reported from canted by an exhibit of prints procur- money for the sale of ticket la re- pupil this locality and " In a pleasure to quested to be sent to Mra. W. K. With the other state committees, we ed from any one of many different announce the probability of a real serves, course, Brown. have united our influenoe to prevent Art Association here soon. firms. This exhibit of x the proposed on paintlngH the twofold purpose of providing the The twenty-si- patronesses are urg- tariff all "In thq fourth dlstrlot, one ulub re- ently requested to stand in line alpha- new or old that might be imported. means for new pictures, a well mm ports, that through a commute they Ing the betically,- The receiving line win "In reply to inquiries for program", have served as advisors to graduat- entertaining and instruct invariably d But In your midst, are really stand at the left of the dining room American art has been ing classea desiring, to leave behind visitors. In' the muln lobby and the guests are and it ls gratifying to report objeota of art, curios, and heir looms. Restored to Health By Lydia E. memorials of paintings or' sculpture. Kvery woman certainly Have Been requested by the president to enter that of all the Art Study Clubs, with are In dis- club feels that possible re- Mentions also made this Is enough at the Ban Antonio street entrance a exception of three, the trict of picture donated to schools. whatever she fortunate to Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. and to take the to th m ca- mainder are studying this brunch of pussesi along these linea, belongs also stairs In the third district, two handsome st gan Inn floor, where they will be shown the suujsct In accordance with tho stone Heats plsced In lo thoTr-- of the community and thai have been a brings to point of ex- to dressing rooms. recommendation of the committee of opened park by a local club. me the the loan There is no doubt about this fact. Why! during the dining room will be used the National Federation. hibit. The main These, It must be added, were dsstgn-e- d in of this A com- - Intelligent are in your vicinity beauti- last years wc have published the newspapers for the refreshments. floor "The need of decoration bv a member of your art commit- "if there 30 mlt (oa will h nnnolnted Inter and of school rooms Is now unlveraaily tee. ful paintings, eorsmlcs, sc ulpt tire, country volumes of letters from women who have been re- snnounct.l v admitted and this, hy Us rulution to tupesiries, anything of artistic merit, "In the fifth district, rather unque you the timely aid of this grand Fpeniil sttentlon will be paid to child welfare becomes an important n in- won't gather them together at lieved of all their suffering by work has donit. Due to the year col- ths nrsngers by the entertainment part of woman work. Many clubs, fluence one an leaf once a and throw the following, true, genuine and no of of our clubs, art open to (nihil- old medicine. Letters like the committee and the members of the leas than thirty, report activities reader has been Installed In the lower lection the gasa? Bach beard of directors will each wear a along these lines and it Is desirable to gradea pnbllO of un ttmst learn the gospel or art be- honest expressions of gratitude coming from grateful hearts. of the schools and the fore our great express our RECENT PIANO red icsstts op their left ahoulder by emphaaise the point, that of theHe member reports, the children as talk- artist can women. means of which the stranger may clubs, they are by no means, all of ing familiarity of Hembratidt, MIHet varied civilisation. Won't you take Surely you can believe these PURCBASERS know them and feel welcome to ad- them lqcated In the larger cities. One and others. this Idea of a home art oxhlbli back dress them of the smaller towns of the first dls- - with you lo your club? Mra. L. 8. BBKNNKB, Hudson. Mtch., aayai trtct, lust Kandntu Kxample. in my "itte. aiieh From the o not only raised money to provide "These are examples, you under- "We must be humble, for our raultM " Sometime mgn I taken with a terrible pain right I bul Social Oayoty In El Paao. pictures for their schools, but during stand, of club effort chosen are small, but let us be faithful to nharp paina Juat like a knife xtickinir me. tried hnCapplieallana that ex- - successful Kayette. Ohio, F. G. BILLINGS The last week ha been a busy one the week of the exhibit, furnished at random from many others equaJlv the t ause and diligent In labor. We did no ffcfld. 1 weut u our iamily doctor (we were llrtng in phuiatory talks each evening by some 1 with him socially. The church societies as valuable. LsetUrs courses on var-lou- a are flrat of all. for direct at that timo) and he Mud it waaoivunlc Inflammation. PIANO CO. culbs the busy round. The club member. Another small club of service to the commonwealth n woran. The pain n an terrible 1 could hardly started reports, phases of art hsve been recom- a while but kapt getting musical given by the ladles of ths this same district that they the dis- which we reside. Ours Is the I would have uliarp pain In my right aide, and a so busy doing something mended and first and ascond atand on my feet. that MUS A. E. RYAN First Presbyterian church at the home have been trict osch report suoh lectures dur- ambition lo elevate the people and dull heavy pain the whole length of my ttiub. I realised that wmething of W. I. Gaines waa by for the sake of art ihm they havo then maintain on adv, I could wk-kb- : sirs. featured ing the year. them that elevated had to be dona quickly, o I looked up all of your one of the most enjoyable programs had no time for the study of art. "fn ona city plane. With this end In mind, your got a of Lydla r. C. J. OXI.EY pictures wisely, ehpcsn before the Unltsd Clubs And, and aaw Meral that dcacrlbed my caae. bottle that has ever been given by Kl Paso Fourteen and and their guests, an suthority spoke commit tea desires once mora to re- Compound and It helped me from (he flrat doae, and T. 8. HUDSX8TON art lots. placed in school rooms have marked spectfully recommend;; 1'lnkham'b VageUl.le of "The How snd Why of an Artist lo I my trouble wa gone. Your medicine ha R. C. KAUFMAN The Sunshine and Charity aaaocta-tlon- s their success. "First; each provide when had taken two hottlee Home.' The subject Is one of deepest thst elub shnil 1 willing yon should publish t Me letter for the MUf COOKE have been busy for Activity of Club. nt least one day during done ao much for me that am auvi preparing Interest to club women who sre at for art the women." Mra. U 8. llaaaNEU, llu.lcon, Michigan, MIS8 A. U BARRON the winter sea eon snd for the big ball "As heretofore, ths- Fort Worth the uame time home And here year. aakaof other auffarlng Thanksgiving. out are cooperating with as-- maker. J. Q. ORTEGA The Invitations are clubs ths art It may not be Inappropriate to men- "decond: Thai we to co- u- -: Is continue Mra. - E. BOWERS, Ulrard, l".. K DK LUCERO for the latter, and It sincerely hoped tion, It recently been sdld, operate with public U gener- thst has ths schools in you of what L.ydla K. Pinkham'a Vegetable a. RUM that the people will respond that house work rightly done is art- practical efforts to aecure an appre- " I takenlaaaiire in Informing J. ously and put the association an a Compound haa done for me. 1 had a alck apell laat February, and for C. 8. MEYERS Every Woman istic 9 ciation of art among the pupils. many bad feelings I basts where It will be djfikk "At the annual meeting of th Art "Third: That tar of the some months after that I was not regular and had JOHN FORD 4 B. jggBgagHPÁ sad should ths sake and also The reception givn by Mrs. L. U Interested Craft following topic of in our own wan tired all the timo, had dull headaches, not muuh appetite, 127 very en- know about the wonderful Institute the advancement art atate. HENDERSON ELJUOTT Farrnr. Montana, waa a was discussed: 'How may our wide- we lend our unfailing support to the what the doctor oalled organic Inflammation. Vour Vegetable Compound M A M N LUCERO joyable affair and brought a great spread Interest In as a fn Texas Fine Arts cured me and I feel that too much cannot be said In its prale many friends In art faetor Association." han entirely use MRS. MARIA WILLIAMS together the Informal W M I able to do my own work. Vou are perfectly welcome U wav o much enjoyed. iri riii as am now No. I, C. Q. MEDINA tha of others." Mrs. U K-- Bowebs, tt.r.D. Next 'WS ths Travelers' Aid. with my testimonial for beuettt CHARLES CORELL Mra 8. B. Bursjes. and the Trinity Ofrard, Pa. AskordlSitrV-jlry- á gUAUTY Methodist birthday party, with Mrs. it. il he c&nsot sup- - fcr SO.CIAL HAPPENINGS GBNTlLCOBE, Buffalo, K.T;faf- -" PIANO. McCrummen. both Informal ply he at ARVKL, Mra. ELIZABETH I parties rcJPpt M SiX MY LOW SELLING I'l M no other, but fl gj In and About Fort fBliss and the Country Club 1 to you your wonderful remedies. About and very much enjoyed. seodstasnploraoek. fael that I muat write about ENABLES ME TO Mil, THEM The 8. h elub met with Mrs. wMMj years ago I was troubled with female weakness and waa all run down. vine 44 MX ten 1 Marts! Ca.. L IU ts.. J ayalk feeling dizsy AT LOW PRICES. feUewart, and every Hody was exceed- V MBS- W. I w.i tired all the time and' oould hardly without ingly happy, especially the lady who heard about Lydla E. "inkham'a Vegetable Compound, took it. and also won the first prise. It spekks mighty well for army Fort Bliss November Two trans- I got and have not had those disay tt. , used ths Sanative Wash. stronger, Mrs. J. U Marr entertained the Fri- discipline, whep on knows that the ports are lo carry them from Oslvea-on- apella I fast that I owe my health, to you, and hope your remedies Comparison Invited since I Ji day Auction Bridge club at her charm- saddles snd equipment of the Second the Sumner and tha McClellan. will help others aa Ihey haa me. I tried moat everything heard of, and ing home, and the Sunehtne Workers cavalry had all be o turned to o medicines alimenta." Mrs. hUiABBTH Mrs, ovr cavalry yours see the best for women's met with Hlrt and dressed dolls ths quartermaster, In anticipation of The Tenth and Fifteenth M Olor Street, Buffalo, New York. to gladden the hearts of the little n M urn m u leavina Port Bliss, for the call came have arrived. Some of the officers ones H " w gone camp, ha St rhrlstmastlde. carrying on W " " jatv3:10 o'clock yesterday inurnlng have Into others For SO years I.ydl E. I'l nk hnm - V effetablo Uitr noble work even when at "play." bbB uoeven or the troops to guard the Manta taken quartera at the Country club PS v " i - r- In Compound b bean the utandurd remedy for Then came the Social club dance at a s Rasar sa wu as Fa snd Stanton street bridges during and others at 'the different hotela Toltec of which J. Q. y w tow n until Second vacatea ilia. No one alck with noin.n's .llnionta the olnb. mond , W. t c he. and Jew the battle In Juaras. At 4:40 they tha its ua Is president. He was untir- I I qulufe quarters Fort Those does to herself If ahe doaa not try this the were on their way. Wasn't that at Bliss. at the Justice lir-rb- ing In his efforts to make It the soe- airy. Buy ChrUtmaj rood i H work. They remained on guard until Cojintry club are: Captain and Mrs. meallelae made from roots and It Ot ft. KTANTON. ces It was, and was ably assisted by I now al noon. St was an imposing sight, even Casper H. ' Conrad snd maid. Fort haa reatored so many aufferlngrwomentolienlth; Captain Harry Coote. who Introduced I though they were tired and dusty, to Sheridan. III.; Captain Hlchard B. Oo-In- - 1,1 ' MEIIICIJIE ( 0. El Lnuilnc llano House. Tllianr- " BFIWIIAM and lead the graceful ootlllon The I 203 SAN ANTONIO ST. j sea our soldiers so well mounted snd Kort leaven worth. Kan.; Lieu- -- (lONKIDKMTIAI.) LTSN, MAHS., for advice. kuU Krybold. liiliersal. thur hurdle and southern croa numbers I equtppefl. and so pitystcally perfect. tenant S. M. Cratmer. Jr.; Lieutenant Sr fra-tam- . I B read and answered RW. are new In Kl Paao Mr. McKarv and M Karl s. Bradford, Fort Meyer. Vs.; Tour letter will be opened, - by a woman and held In strict confidence. (Continued on Neat Pace.) rii wiiw i The second cavalry especjji to leave Usutenant j. C. Bauhand; Llsuten- SÉ aaaLi FOURTEEN EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, lilt. vard, to plan the campaign for rMa small bread plate placed at the right Gossip Society yar. of ths dinner plate. Honey, preserve of and sweats ara placad on this little Charle 1. Creen. Meat. plate alee. If they ara served. OVERALLS "What Mother con- j (Contteuod from Preceding Pase) Charles J. Oreen entsrUi.ned last Salt and pepper shakers ara veniently open hv-- weak with series of narrias at his placed, but If a large Captain Coot war fortunate la l a Tu has always salt box Is passed, spoon should All SHOUTS RIStBVtO Mrs. bachelor partmenta. tasar even- a salt Ing Mrs. MrNary. Mrs. Dato. ing the decoration ware In whit accompany It Krakauer. Mrs. W H Burin and Mrs. and violet, th color Nstng ear- The cheese courss seama to puzsle enter-tslnln- g écheme wanted" Leila Moore to aaalat tham In ned out in 'detail. His guest? were hostess most o( all. Many threes th and In distributing Mr and Mra. decide how It shsll be served, the For Children th s"' Kenneth favors. Misare Florence Klein anl Lucll Why her with kind of rheese. tha foods It la ta be The idea! playtime etrment A dkstlnsulshed guest was enler-- ; Smith, and Messrs. A. L. Lvrurae:ke. not surprise eaten with, and the sort of dinner H Per- S. three-piec- carv- you for little folk. Made all in on talnad by old friends. Mrs. J. H. Oilman. Frank Haloerg of Chi- one of our are giving. The cheese Is usually sona of Tacosna. Dr. Ids E Bishop cago and C. J Orean. ing seta on Thanksgiving sent In on s chaess platter with a piece. withdrop back WOVMAIU antartslned her at luncheon at tha Friday Mr. Oreen enterulnej wTtn Silver chess knife. Hard and soft Wednesday Mundy Dayr cheese man- off, Sheldon and Mrs. an Informal musical nnd the decora- sre treated In the same can be quickly dipped on or had bar a a guest Thursday Many tive scheme waa ner. The blseulte or wafer that ac- In white and follow. company very and eaaily washed other lod fiiands avallad themaelvee Tu following gusst en; .. 1 .he hos- She'll apprecisle being It ahould be small and of tha opportunity of entsrtainlnc tor pitality or (Jreen Mr. crisp. Cheese straws or cheese crack- Par awra kealtaral than lw-pa- n. Mr. and Mrs. and with it har. Oeorg Oould, Mr. and Mrs Max remembered ers may be osad with some courses give If you Cut large to utmost Mrs. K. D. Franklin than tenter-- 1 Kaufman. Mr and Mrs. H. C Clark. hungry appetite can get at do not wish to ssrvs cheese. Oil-so- I very Comfort yet fitting well and Ulnsd at tha Paao dal Korta Saturday Mr. D. K. Klein. Miase Bessl I will be glad to give directions the turkey quicker for making these delicacies to my looking well. No tight elastic aftarnoon for har niece, and Mtaa and Florence Klein and Messrs. Virainla Been ave a delightful con- - H. A Hewitt. Loagneeker. resdrs. banda at knee, to atop free cir- cert st tha High School auditorium. Today Mr. Oran will conrlud lit Here i a first-rat- set, Pom writer baa called fresh snd of blood and rrtard hi.-- was wall attandad and highly aarlaa with a Japan from to quality dried fruits ''finger foods" snd this culation te. t good guaranteed describas them vary wall, of All children sppreetated by all present. Ona of tha I o'clock. aad after freedom motion. moat enjoyabl avanta of all tha weak atael. handles of genuine them the finger bowl Is really needed 1 placed a love thorn. ' was the "get. together party at tha Mr. Shaw Entortains. atas; horn, trimmings of It before the guest on First Baptist church Friday plain. Th Plate and a dolly or a email cmbroid-ere- Mrs. Edmund Shaw entertained a sterling silver, nicely packed napkin Is Is Olmlets danced Friday night also. very beneath It This number of friend pleasantly on satin-line- d brought In oa a plate the For the coming week tha church' Friday aftarnoon on in a handsome fruit and Good looking and societies will antartaln. tha clubs at har home for bowl snd Its plate la sst at one side, Brown street. The sfternoon waa box. $4.75. and when the fruit la passed It is put Long wearing will maat s usual and th Zanlth spent with conversation and I club will hold a dar, ra Mrs. and at tha on ths plat In readiness for It but No ripping close a dainty repast waa served by Come in and see for your- thfg la conven-leño- s i Ml Irvin will b at homa to thalr arranged to eult th the hostess. self of the hostess. It Is quit- - aa No tearing irlanda. Tha school will prsnt -- Oi good form to bring the fruit on Indi- in the "Tha Bohsmlan Olrl" at tha tramar Trinity Study. if you put money bank school, and Mrs. Hogarth will church Mission vidual plates and then have the fin- k enter ger tain th T. W. c A. Irla with a tea. A vary pleasant masting of th Mis- bowls placed. Tou may put an Study Trinity CO. after-dinn- or wlntergreen 75c Mrs. sion class of Church W. T. H1XS0N mint a Hlasa will ba tba hoataas for aras held on Friday evening, at the wafer on the finger bowl plats to be tha a a club. home Mr. T. Henry. Mass and Milla. eaten aa a digestive the end of a Several recaption will probably ba of and Mrs. Hugh at Home You Mr. Harry Henderson, leader, con- rich meal if you plaaae. Yes! That on Hat and t will hav the tha th social ducted th meeting. A short business THE GIFT HOUSE" A vary little lima for sobar thought. Mrs. Jeannotte Pool White tasehas the price, need not be Tha summer are all session was held and more than tlO fansy think of buying, when you have New vacationist waa reeeived from th mite boxes. A and aesthetic dancing, dramatis back, th races ar about du and ao-- ; soclsl was enjoyed art. elocution, also voles building end Suit clety Is Into usual winter lime and delicious stsg training. I, a dream for long if you open a bank account. Even gsttlng tha refreshment served by the hostess, Apartment Dawltt swing and la looking forward with no Maple, Ous Bucklsr. Apt. Phone tits. (Advertisement). FREE pleasure to to by her mother, Mrs. Fred Worn. Dexter dollar will Economize on your expenditure Ilttla tha horse show Wright, end Miss Blesnor Wright. O. Ward. Hamilton Pratt, Paul Thom- a start that it ba (Ivan neat Saturday. as A. L Cos. if o, o and Beauty Chat - welcome Rip Bridge at Use Paso del Norte. and commence today- here where we just Satarrlay taction Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hsrasa gave a diñ- Saturday A very pleasant bridge party waa Th Auction Brida club given ase at ths Country club last night. Soasa Spies ai Dieta such accounts as yours. We will help you. mal yesterday morning with Mis Ma that at the Hotel Paso dsl Norte The dining room waa decorated with far Ba setas. yesterday Mrs. D. I you . As hall and Miss Paulina Bryan. 1011 whan K Franklin American beauty roeea, and each lady promissd these dlt dme time ' In aso. I preached thyroids. ' Bast Montana street. A two-cou- entertained honor of har nales. Mis present wss presented with one The when against pictured. ' Mary n. twenty-tw- o Here they by Savings. luncheon wss servad st the rlose uf Marga Thar were guests were Captain and Mra. David- are Both war evolved We Pay 4 on or with of players. Tha first prise, H. eminent phyalcians. and are really ef- tha gam. a tbls son. Mra. Gertrude d better and fectual. high o cut glaa vase, wss won by Mrs. A. Aroslsy. Clnh. Dr. Vance; the second, a mahogany Mar I ens: neck and Friday Five Hnrrrhred tray by Th first week eat nothing but meat. with silver handles, Miss Myra A wss given the Country long Mra. C. E. Waterhouae of (II Wast Prater; the third, a dinner at Bat mast In sny and every form you Mlaaourl street, entertaleed the Frl-- , club last night by Mrs. R. M. Dudley want Tau may aat a Ilttla dry toast gECURlTY tihist; sleeves. gueat towel by Mrs. C. E. Kelly snd table dsy Five Hundred rlub Friday sft-- ' consolation, to Mr. and Mrs. Ferrla The with it. ths three looked vary pretty with d Made of plain blue denim or rrnoon. Tha guast of honor wa Mrs. handkerchief by Mrs. Charles The sseond week, confine yoarself't Mytaa caadles. green food, vage-table- blue and white stripe hickory, of Cincinnati, who la tha guast Lonmls. The refresh menta ware a such as salads, green of Mrs. Charle Ehler. The house salad course and an course ate. 210 MESA AVE. for round, and of was beautifully decorated In Thanka-- ' lea Mr S. M. Beall gave a dinner laat Tha third weak, drink milk sod sat lighter weight, blue and white gvlng color and flowara, s profusion night at th Country club to Mr. and dry bread. of asparagus farne and chrysanthe- PEOPLE TALKED ABOl'T. Mr. J. J. Proueti. Mr. and Mra A. ... Th fourth week, cat all aorta or striped material for summer wear. Lathrop Olive Davis. The The Bank for Everybody. mums being uaed In tha rooma and Tí. and Miss vegetbls. Sizes 1 to 8 years. All are trim- on dtnlng table. The first prise. Mrs Hsrry Dlson. of Csrrlsoso. decorations were candles. The fifth week, eat caréala, breads the SI., has been In the city on shop-- i fast-col- a t'luny dollies, wss won s and coffee med with red or blue aat of laca ping tour. by Mra. Qeorg Taylor, and tha ! EFFICIENT h5üSEKEEPING Tou can. of count, understand tha galaica. oblong ("luny turkey tray aysrsm. One becomes so sick and tired ond. an Jumes a cloth, waa won by Mrs. Psrvtn Wlite. Paul has returned from D. of the diet for th week that ona un. Ask homing to mountains, Bv HENRIETTA ORAUEU consciously cuts down to for and iruiat A eeven-eour- a lunrheon waa trip the laden ons' rations the Motherless turkey with venison Table Etiquette. tha proper amount. It la not a hard She Mothers served. There were four tables of Bill Nye vary truly, on getting KEKUAbU f- said, and that to fellow not all. Instead, It player and a Jolly afternoon waa dining room eras diet at lor, Mrs. Carrt-- I th rule of etiquette County Accept no other garment paaaed and Tom Watson nf He Little Prisoners of the soso, X. M sre In the city buying but vaguely understood. wrote: o furnishings "It Is In exceedingly poqr tsste to put your dealer cannot supply Sunshine Hoclely. for their new horpe. Dr. In pocket carry Deputy Absorbed If we Waiaon Is the county In Car- ths nspkln the snd Mrs. Eausa Webeter. Probation Officer and Sheriff. Is Sun-shi- n treasurer It away. by lug Law L'nhappy Boya will lorisard prepaid, upon The monthly Meeting of the neólo. It should be folded ths In the Work of Mum the Soft Side of the to the society will lake place Mnday guest snd left be and UlrU Who Come Voder Her Nutlet Overawes Cruel Párenla, receipt of price. ufternoon at o'clock at the Drtv side t h e plate, three Mrs I" Sen warn or 1017 Wyoming Parents. nurarry Reports of the various com guest where the hostess Made and by will be th. street,, has as her. her stater, Mrs. can easily find It Guaranteed milters read and afterward I. Huff, Shrevepurt, Ijt. hiirl children of the K indergarteit will en- - tit and return It to the Although she ha but four children Oodaey ss if she were her only it tain the guests. There will be sev- n I s h b o r from of her own. Mrs. Emm Webster, snd Miss Oodsey herself admits thai Dr. J M and wife, who Mrs. Webster fs one of the moth- Levi Strauss & Co. eral other Interesting numbers on the whom a h e bor- county probation officer and deputy best program are cordially have been Mhiimc in the Bast, are rowed it far your ers in the world. and all friends In Chicago, will Is many. This San Francisco Invited to attend. now tiut return to tha uss." sheriff. a mother to Other wayward girl and boy hav o . i city in a few days. The arrangement quiet unassuming litis woman of been interceded for by this d Itod Cross to Meet. o of the dining- - table wsll, it wouldn't be fair to disclose her probation officer. Usually her pie Mra O - T. McQulllln and children, may be planned so ase has for the past four months for freedom wins, and the result Tha central committee of the Red who spent the past weak in 'h- - .it v. that both gusst and been actively engaged In caring tor thst she ha many children under her What ihev dun'l knuiv may Cross risld, will meat Tuesday morn- to home In Darning all those children not residence returned their family may be motherltas who care. Two of them were recently hurl them, bul they arr MS.! to find ing st tan o'clock at tha of Friday. While here they war tha com Into the verlous county courts taken to San Antonio by Mra Web- out- Mr. J. A. Potter, ltls Est Boule gueat of Hotel Normaudic. throughoutcomfortableth on vsrlous charges. eter and placed In the Home of the o . meal with no ques Mrs. Webster doe not seek pub- Good Shepherd. Dr. Ayers and family, of Durango. tion In the mind ss to what Mr. Nye licity and It wss with much reluctsnc Not only doe sh look out for the Max., are visitor in the city. or Harry Lauder would advise aa cor- thai she gavs a reporter a brief out- interests of the little tots who ars rect table usage If the following hint line of her police and probation work halsd Into court, but many times she O. Elliot, of Uulvlle, Ky , arrived are used: in El Paso county. come Into contact with some child in city Saturday. th Knlvss arc placed at the right ot About tour month ago this matron- that is being mistreated by Its par a All ly little woman waa In charge of the ente gives it all care of a soft Jonas, the cover, aad fork at th left. and the Atlas who has baan in Fort tha flat 'silver Is no looser put on the woman's wsrd at ths county Jail. The and loving mother. Worth for some time, is expected tsble at tha commencement of a legislature passed a law giving .each Mrs. Webeter is the wife of an old horn Tuesday. meal, but th plecas that are needed county the-rlg- to name a probation peace officer, and learned the ways are brought In with sach course This officer and Mra Webster was the flrat of handling criminal case through P R. Wilkes haa returned from his Is s great step toward common asna one In the mind of Coonty Judge A taking an interest in his work. She trip to Uast Texas, having fully In dining, various number of a J. Bylar, who had the appointment save shs had soul from his Illness. for th that her heart and recsnt forks and knives used st a seven-cours- e made. in It, and that probably accounts for -- e dinner bewildered everyone. Whan she was appointed probation the able way In which she handles all Dr. Hugh Crous Is spending some Only on iposn, and that a large officer. Sheriff Peyton Edward made cases thst come before her. time In Chicago, attending a medical soup spoon. Is laid by the plats; if her a deputy; an office that only one She came here with her husband. convention s small polntsd ons Is also it other woman has held in EI Paso F. seven years ago. o there Charles Webst". Is Remember, county. Members of the de- t f for grspefrult. that sheriffs Denver had been heir home, but the J E Mltchall-o- San Francisco, Cal., ' ths spoons should always be placed bbbbbbWbbsL ' SBBBBm partment presented her with a gofd call of the Southwest waa strong snd la a recent arrival in El Paso. in cup or dtah or at tha side of the erar fihn Ornudlv wear the little they gav up their cool Colorado home dish at the end of the course snd not arntrl tvadea on her Kelt where .hi to move to El Paso. Mrs. Hugh Mile of Tinctnnatl, O . on 'ths Hnsn- Men, of courss. are may show It to rough fathers and "I Ilk El Paao bstur than any who Is visiting her sister. Mrs. C. K. tha worat offender mother who try to keep Mra Web- I Cut down yeur diet scientifically other city In the world and have Ehler snd fsmlly. will rsmsln In the Bread and butter Is eaten from a ster from tsklng mistreated children been In many of them," Mra Webster city away. only-cit- anethtr week. Is fun. Tbr 1 enough change from confided, "and It is really the o week te wee. to keep ons from despair-le- g One of her first charges was Miss that I hav aver wanted to remain - Mr. H. E. Thomason and little son utterly. Tou may vary this mens Ellen Oodsey, who figured so promi- In. I hopa to be able to stay bar the THAT TIMEÍ will return th first of th weak from s little, or have your physician vary nently In the cass against William of my life and may Ood alwaya CHANCE. THE OLD a local hlapital to their horn. 1SI1 STOMACH It far yau. I bare anotad tor onty Capíes, now being tried In th Thirty-fourt- h rtgive ma strength enough to carry on East Rio Orandr street five weeks, but tba treatment should district court Miss Oodssy th work I am now so engrossed in " METHOD or MAK- continue as long aa you need It. Tou waa charged with perjury, but aa she Gladys Webster, a daughter and the Mrs. Dr. Jackson of I --a Crucss, N. can determine for yourself what rood la of Immature age, Mra. Webster eldest or tha Webster children. Is on ING IN M I SUFFERERS BREAD A spending tha week in tha city to eat during tha sixth, seventh snd pleaded tor her aad Judge Dan M. the atase and la at present In Cali- S A the guast of Mrs Hugh Crouse. etKhtb weeks Jackson save the girl her freedom, fornia. Frankla. "ináscot to th Ceo KITCHEN o . If You Wish To The second rant b followed subjsct to ordara of Mrs Webster Obtain Complete dlt phy- ths tral fire station," and Joe, are all In Mrs Ernest Morris of Del I with tha eistence of yoar family Today Mrs. Webster Eleanor THINfi OF THE Rio. which mothers El Paao. recovering from s recent operation, and Permanent Results Try sician. It is a diet tba valus of - PAsST. and will soon be able to return to her consists In designating bp ounces ex- iriins-T,rii- ii mjti nji.ii i actly how much or how little ot s cer- &U.5TER. BROWN home you may stale bread broken Into it; or clear above. II. Scraped beef, white mea' o Mayr's Wonderful Stomach tain element aat. Tba ounce vegetable soup with yolk of egg It. or add up to on hundred. Meat. ( be- in chicken, boiled fish like halibut, Mrs H O Buihns, who has bean on Dose Will II. Soft cobksd sgg, boiled, coddled, or two slices crisp, broiled list, RemedyOne lieve, would be about atgbt ounoss. poachsd. bacon ths sick is Improving. If you ars Is because you save shirred or III. Baited ataak or chop cut tina III, Mashed c-- fat ft potatoes, peas spinach, Convince You been over-e- ting. Th purpose of this carrot. IV. or baked potatoes, macaroni peas, We wiah it understood that in atating "Kitchen-mad- e Mrs John B. Mile and two daugh- diet Is to cut your food down scientifi- Dessert: appls sauce, baked apple, spinach, carrots, beets, squash, or ters of Oklahoma city, are Malting cally. Ask yoar doctor about It. prune pulp, atole lady fingers, gra- osuliflowsr. IV. A glsss of milk with is Mra T. M Rlchsrdon ot 14 Mon- ham or arrowroot crackers, rlos. educator or graham or stale bread not aa good aa Buater Brown Bread" we blaae-mang- e crackers tana street. La stseVs svaasty she. breed, tapioca or pud- bread, buttered. V. Dessert: apple o Hslrdreselag. Massage. Scalp ding, naked custard, Junkst or rice sauce, baked apple, rice. Junket or intei.11 M Facial did not ot hurt any ladies' feelings. We do not. Mi's. H. Hatcher and lltUa treatment. Soft Water Shampoo with hot milk and a little sugar custard, also the desserts Indicated In daughter hsva returned from a thre of our own make. A full line th dinner list above. But it stands to reason with her incomplete equipment months' visit to the former's parante of 8wl tehee and Htr Oosds. Hair or- Milk ..(warm er cold), custard or In Russell. Iowa. They also visited In naments and novelties for prune pulp or apple (baked or la I. Stewed fruit. II, A cerel III 8t Joseph. Mo. Christmas gift 1 Mo Avp.. base- sauce), or rice, or etewed fruit, with Bread and milk or custard, rv. Cap and uncertain oven, she cannot make as good bread as o ment; phone lit Mall ordara given swlebark, bread or crackers. of warm milk or cocoa, v. Cracker Mra E. R. Lindsay has sold her prompt attention, t Advertleeroenti. Diet for Child Two to Three Year Old or xwlabaek; graham crackers ot we can with every device known in modern scientific ranch, and returned to the city to stale graham bread. If constipated. lit. , Fruit, cereal, solf boiled or poached The next talk on Babyoiogy win We SUNDAY MENUS gg with tale bread or toast snd a deal with sleep, on which habit th' baking have grown from a small bakery to a big Mise Fay Jonas remains on th lck glass of milk. health of the baby and th peace Hat t har homa on Rio Orand Mare's srasssaral Stsss is Baaasdy M Seroad Meal During Forenoon Dinner. and happlnesa of the parents is so industry, which is the best street. wsll keown tsroughest tsa eountrj. Soup as described in paragraph dependent. evidence in the world that Many thousand peepi have taken It for Milk alons or with r leback atoasen. Utsr see latssti! Allrossts Noon Meal. Buster Brown Bread is eaten because is as good ssd report msrvcleas results aad sre I. Six ounce of soup msds from it as Social Happenings at ktgkly prelate H te others. Astaslsklsg chicken, beef or mutton., or three benefits sufferers kav received vo o unes of beef jul.e. II. Stale bread we say it is The Best. Insist Ft. Bliss frets ese dos are beard everywhere ssd GL0G6ED NOSTRILS OPEN AT on the genuine. and Country Club eiplelu Its tremendous saja. It tartly or milk toast, or bread pap. ONCE, seat falls sad those ifnirte silk ateas, f ourth Meal, sea. Mese an4 lateeltsal AtUssals, Milk or toasted bread or xwlabaek. Buster Brown Bread is wrapped in waxed paper 'Continued From Preceding Page 1 as ta ras aissssrb sad ts Evening Meal. Mra Hugh White, Mr. and Mra. Jack Saetí, I!tusases, relet! Spells. Carta I. Four ounces thick gruel rnlxed HEAD GOLDS AND CATARRH Happer. Mr. Attacks Tseald Liver. f.asCpellea. etc., auno of top half milk VANISH to keep it clean and aweet from our oven to your table. and Mra F. U Torrias. should by sit ajsass 'r this resteer The with four Mr. snd Mrs. R. R. Kyle. Mrs. Robert benefits eteesseh sufferers srso has ttha top Is sixteen ounces or a plat, McAfee, Mrs. Jsmea Marr. Mrs Tom takes Starr's Waaderrul sisas ash Bass from a quart bottle) with swlsback. Hateo. Mrs. Bessie Fink. Mrs, T. M. edy her rcelTd ts In most eases a The gruel my be made of oatmeal. la Osa Minute Tear Stuffy Nose and grant balm dissolves fay of lasting After yea have ; the heat 10c All Wlngo. Mr. and Mra. J. J. Pruett. Mr. oae takes this farina, barley, hominy, whaattaa or Bead Clears. Saseslag aavd Noses i?i.nJ!!!i and heals e at Grocers Baeh Sssey you ahould be able te digest ss Apple aauce or prune Jelly. ""ratea Cobb, Mra McDonald. Mr. and ssf'.tr.ltste your feo easels tba heart rice II. Running Cease. Doll Headache '"n m.mhran which Mrs. E. Harris. Mra Edna May Finite, to pump pure red bided te every pert ef Diet for Child frota Eighteenth ta líí...' throat; clears the air pa Mlssss Virginia Sample. Ruby Stone, the body gtrlsg ftrssasss sea strenjrtk Twenty-Fourt- h Month. "V" ,"'ly "utchartes snd a loah Carl Hattla Kill. Marlon Young. to fiber aad muscle tester tad epsrkle Breakfaa. Cream Balm." IVelí.'. c'lng. soothing relief Annie Lee Ootnee. Ollvs te ths sys, elesrsus sad celar re the I. Orange strained, or prune Try "Ely Immediately Dsvia. Elian eeoaplelloa srttrlty hrtlliaaey to Jules Gat a malí bottls anyway. Just to Don't lay bath Hudson. Lucillo sad sad d cereal served awk Daniels. Anna tks brsla. with yeur s pulp. II. tty i Apply a little in th noairtl Shelton. Ruby1 Elliott. Io teij sal top ?cUi'dm,h- V,th ""''O- - Anns Lee Ris. sufferlns ssd this 1 .flea possible with with milk slightly sweetened er and Instantly your slogged noae and h"a nostrils stable Maeon. Meadas e W. H. Aus- ef seasoned with and III. kin, and blusrlsae. ,, esn ese dase Starr's, WasuSsrrsJ batter salt stopped-u- air paseases of the head or a cold, with tin. Euaene Fox, Charle Basset 1 Dr Hisissh ss.ety. tateraartag literata Glasa of milk and stale bread and open; yau will freely, it. Ail- will breath foul mucou. droppln, ,, t$7?hrolt chailaa Bull. Oeorge Fiery. W A. and booklet describir. Stomach butter. k) ' ments by fleo B Marr hit dullness and headache disappear snd rsw dryness is Townsend. O. H . Pound, Tom New- seat free dlstresahae Chssstst. Wktlis St Chicago, morning! tbe catarrh, cold in head or needles man. Robert Martin. Robert Hotli- Fruit, except banana sore will be gene. W Ksmp. catarrhal throat ..a.?".' uur feJth jopi once In BAKING COMPANY ne). Page A. L. Harris James v sal la Si rseo by Sally a rol. End such misery now! Get the "Ely's Cream Balm Alvers, Tea) Davie. W. McKnlarhi, lard and Patter Diug Q' Advertise I Broth thickened with peas, far- small bottle of "Ely's. Cream Balm" catarrh will .ur.y dlsapepar", James Curt ta. William For, wilt seat ina, sags or rtes; or bsgf Juice with at any drug stare. This sweet, fra j .i tssTsaeVM I - 4 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1913. FIFTEEN

lh sad nes ( th deeth of hit sis- ter, Him Rom Marian, who died n San Francisco November 4. J. I. Cob and John Orr of Cali fornia' hava purchased th Splk B ranch, formerly ownid by W 8. Mc CurSy. Bargains in High Grade Furniture E. H Wash, chief engineer of tho Mascot Copper company at Dos Caba- ses spent last week hará on business Mrs. U I. Mclntlre of McAllster was here Saturdsy on her way to Pass-dens- . We will offer two unusually good for the coming week, that will pay Cal , where ha will spend the When bargaains winter. you to investigate. The art department of the Woman's club will hold a Copley print exhibit t Morgan's hall November It, 14 a TI mm a A . m. and II. Buying Hickson nlon-tarmsh- Brass B. O. Fife of Dos Cabeias Is In El Paso Beth STATE COLLEGE. N. M. beat brass Bed the market today, By Timet Special Corrr.peseVat Furniture The on State Colleg. N. II., Nov. I.. The. guaranteed for five yean, and will last a being th week of piaver It was at th Collg and at Mesilla life time. We have them in all styles In Bplscopal Psrk the church Rev house-furnishin- nunier iiea-i- gsvs s sermon on Consider that are things with which and sires. Prices range from prayer and closed his address with a plea that the people offer a prayer you live every day, that they should be selected with $10.50 and up tor ine stricxen Kptiblic of Mexico. Rev Met he addressed tha V if. critical care, and chosen to that they may become dearer A. Tuesday night and spoke of th necessity of prayer. The T. M. C. with each year's associations, and of a quality to be A. and also the V Vf. C. A. are hold- ing short prsyer meetings each noon. handed from generation to . generation with increasing

brass-bed- On Sunday afternoon under th pride and love. If you need s don't fail to inves- auspices of th Y. M. C. A. and th tigate the Hickson. They cost no more T. W c. A. a travelling trio of musicians held sacred concert In Such Furniture We Have than the other kind, and always give Had ley hall. satisfaction. The regular football danc will be to Show You . nta in tn 1'ousgs gymnasium Fri- day night. This dance Is an annual and at prices within your reach. affair and la given each year to th Dressers Wm visiting football team that may play believe will hare for championship. Music will bo We a visit to this store result in mutual tumiened by a Use Cruces orchsstrs Our stock of dressers is complete and up to date. and refreshments served. pleasure, whether to make purchases or just to look Handsome Circassian Walnut, Mahogany, Birdseye around. You are sure of a cordial welcome. at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Maple and Golden Oak. Ranging in price from Anderson on the evening of the tentn.

..... , . . $12.00 and np Prof U.miMAnJ .. n t .. .J a Co. ber of the students si his home y Hoyt Furniture Come in Tomorrow and Let Us Show You, night. Prof, and Mrs. Ham- mond served a delightful luncheon to Sam Frmcitco S.rssr the visitors. Those pressnt were WE STAND BETWEEN YOU AND HIGH PRICES NEVER KNOWINGLY Messrs. Culley, Glvens, Sparks. Nesr. Van Houlrn, Babcock and Slgal, Prof, UNDERSOLD. snd Mrs. Hammond. Mr. nnndman !.... ,ti th preparatory class st the College. Emerson & Berrien The little son of Capt. Watts Is staying at tne nome of Ur. I.dd on til room can bo dale. WHItame. Klagetaff. Wtnslow, The Old Reliable Furniture Dealers made for him In the Holhrook. Kingman, all on the 0anta dormitories. Arizona Agricultural Expert Ungg. 'the polnta touched by cne 324 South El Paso Street Telephone 7 will Phoenix, Dr. I.add has purchased s Ford Southern Pacific be auto. lluckfrye. Tempe, Mesa. Chandler. Will Preach Scientific Crops Yuma, Casas Grande. Tucaon. Nogalar. Klgln, Benson. Pima, Thatcner. Miss Hlldergmd Howell went to her sr m ford. Bowie. Wilcox. Cochlee. Paarce nonie Aninony last Friday morn-In- Thoroughly Equlpe1 Exhibition Tmt n lo U Kent Over ilir Farmln P. e S. W rarry to visit her parents. 8he I'" The E lines will the returned - Hie H L'n.vcriiltj ftptctml l or t rain thi ough NcNeal. Douglas and to mr ,n. K' nunasy night. in. of Stat? LeoUtrea or lirtieflt Farm Women Hhlneliart Shaken Up When t ur Hhed Wheel. Itoden The College Is norderlaacj Route Aaeoctatlaa. repairing the damage The rummlttea appointed by the Bor- 'o gymnasium (Hiring ths Phoenix. Arlx.. Nov. b in hII nnually. have been it derland Route Association, consisting rscent fire. A new door will be In uf Ived fiom' visiting put In other ortTsnltatlotiR the promotion hi rural residents of .1 V Stockard. Charlea Stevens, ot News wniie me entmuie will he replasler tht RlHte 'of Arliuim end the Huiith tie (ruin Mr, wen. of Social r.i Taoo. ho Phoenix, and Southwestern ed. i i t (he cun r ni ii wait, l.'nlvernlty of Artiuna Vtt Siaitoa. w ho were to meet Qovernor George A e xp n i l BOWIE, Mil. Fsrmers' convention at Tulsa, Okla. Monday morning In a very short lime. rightfully clnlm hlti honori The zona now lias five me I' Hunt, of Arixona. anil Governor ne try-o- Tha pumpkins were Immense and The loss was total, including Mr. Sim- i annuel cross country u tura) fxpsnnu-nu- ritttthmn of tha tallón, loeated at the roilowina ren McDonald of .New Mexico to ask for a Phb'-m- m ii H ii r lie. A i l O.n itf By Timet Hpteial Correspondent weighed approximately seventy-fiv- e mons' and household ef- was nciu mat on Miller flsld uniVfHHity will out from n ii. mi I'm a nil t t f furniture I State appropriation hn ata men three-mil- e Bowie, Arls. Work on the. Brenlser pounds each. The sample of millet, fects. No Insurance wss carried by he that entered the a KpeolRl train which will vtstl every feasor It II forties Phoenix Presentí authorities par mil the Borderland very taken from Mr. Read's homestead, either party. run were l.ocke. Taylor and Krolilng. A i lion i town tour had by h tu road. r y Farmlna projec t. MiowNski lr to tn conjunc- well has been delayed through a ,,,, - Itoule Association work would have awarded second The first two men mentioned v,r carrying exhibit! of an ng ten Itu rttl iim- Karming Project, Cochlea Dry Farming of painful accident to John Bahr. one of been the team year, Project, (lardcns. Tempe tion with them for betterment the rig. piiss If It had not been noticed that W1L.MXIX.ARI7. the last while Kronlg has ture, together with rnutt modern farm Tumu Trial gooil roada In the Houthwcxt, failed lo the best workmen on the The been trying out dslly Locke ing implements, chemical expeitu and Date Vaini tind ihe I'niversltN' farm rods used In sinking broke, end a the sample was mislabeled. Taylor and Interview Governor McDonald- He was By Timet Special Corrc.pana'.nr ran neck and neck the whole the atate'B leading ugrlcultuiat and Tucson, all of which are under the dt en route to Phoenix heavy block fell on the machinist's Mrs. Sevilla Cooper of Dallas, Tex., three miles until the man ract Ion and eupsrvlelon of the Arlsona detained hand, oruahlng little finger returning from an enjoyable trip to Wlllcox, Arls. The teachers of the finish where horticultural Governor George VY. P. Hunt, of An- left the Taylor bested Locke about one Houth-wtiU- Unlverally. one to It so badly Oregon, la visiting Wilicox schools attended ths Institute foot "While on tne Rl 1'neo and ions, however, a.teured the association and the next that California and her in a sprinting finish of 100 yards. The S During of tate one had to be amputated, cousin, Mrs. E. M. Potter, who has at Phoenix laat week. on lint' Robert Trumbull, agri- ihe tour the farmers that all things within hla jurisdiction the little time the run wsa II minutes and cultural export of tha E P. 4t H. ,W v tal ling the train will be furnished would be to Is of his losing a east of 1 1 done asslal the aseocla end there danger the homestead Bowl. Miss Adella Rosa left for Clifton seconds. on an agricultural chart, M finger well had been Tuesday. Railway, wtil be the train The with eliowlna Hon. n wa ataled thut Governor other also. The H. C. Morrow, Jr., and Ray Wheel- pedal will he the direction, the chemical anelvsm of the aull in In a depth "Of 4 7 S feat, where under n Donald would arrive Phoenix loo drilled to er have completed a fence inclosing Judge B. R. Monk, who baa been Coach Badenoche gave the team a all tltnea wtthin the .tale, of Prufasaur their niifl he advieed hi to the late to confer with Governor Hunt and a desired ampunt rest on Sunday l test was made. The 120 acres of Morrow's and 160 of her the past two weeks looking after snd Monday. Instead R. II. Forbes, director of thi Arlsuna proper nope io which such aoil beet the committee on thi subject, It was of water was not developed, however, Mrs. land. his Interests, to Los of practicing took the team to the experiment;.! No adapted thousands of aoil anulyaes e. ever, New again, Potter's cattle rsturned lecture room gave agricultural atatlona. given out. hei how that and drilling has commenced Mr. Scott of Omaha, Neb., a close Angeles Wednesday. and thm a talk charges will be made to thoatt who may have been made in every acctlon of Arl- Mexico chief executive win acqtiiesia taking up casing. on defense and offense a after the. friend of George Armatrong, after J. F. Stamps and family of Bonita work. choose lo view tha e&hltilt uf Antona sona, and Just which aeeds should b in any project favorable to good roads depth approximating 00 feet All this week at the different board- plan led can he learned by an Inspec- At a spending a few days looking over the were here Wednesday on their way ing places the products in ihe Southwest a fine stratum of water was struck on a cheer leaders havo Kaalcr Rural Life. tion of the chart Bear Cat Heodeo. land here, has selected piece of to Meaa, where they will reside. been busy drilling ths boys In the Blank's desert claim- The drill- land, filed en It, and returned to his Miss Roxana Rice of Servias was college yells. ths Tha train wul presan t. in the mou The train will consist of Tour The Hiuts "Beer Cat." winner of sec- ers believe that the stratum la a big home. a Wlllcox Thursday. forcible manner, the Importance of sci- roaches, one of which will egrry exnio-It- ond money In the Kl x visitor t one and will produce a vast amount J- H. Jaque, representative of this Th Horns Mission society will give COROSJs. . M, entific farming apd a better, mote con of nclentlfic farm machinery. Tht rare, and tn which Jack Porras lost of water. ssetlon at the Dry Farmers' conven- the play, "Above the Clouds." the last venlent and easier rural life. It will mechanical operation of aach piece will his life while in a tryout over tha Kluge's well la affording all tion Tulsa, has and Is very By Timet Bptoipl Corrrtpondent Illustrate, graphically, how to till the be demonstrated clearly and an effort course, le still running In hard luck. Mr. at returned of the month. on a pleasure ty water pump can and optimistic over the showing of W. purchaasd Corons. N. M A very wed- oil to obtain the best results, to mar- made to show farmers the easNeai mode While driven spin the his throw ths J. Gobble has the pretty it a near Is with It. Ban Simon valley'. R. O. Mr. ding took pise at high noon i.ednes-da- ket crops, feed, breed and select live of handling their land. Robert Rlnehart threw wheal he well satisfied Robinson dstry. Robinson car was running at a low The pumpkins railed In Bowie A small building in town, owned will locate on his property near D when Miss Mse Clements snd stock The proper methods of moat Pair Kxhiaita Abroad. Tempe The Jssss of A notther car will carry agricultural uf peed and was under per tact Irrigation by Mrs. F. I Tor-ren- by Mr. Pardleu, and occupied by W. Cabesas. Atkinson wsre mamad st ths home of profitably handling (he dry farming rate without particularly a products every kind nature control Although a little shaken up won the first prise at the Dry 8. Simmons) burned to ths ground Laat week H. A. Morgan the bride among a gathering of rela- the Hogthweet. and of and recelv.d tives snd friends. and the best resolta end methods Many of the exhibits ol the slate fair Mi Rlnehart was uninjured Hs wgg The brldsl roupls a recap Isft for sn extended wedding trip. of irrigation will be Illustrated and ex- will be taken. The third tar wlllarry av ompanled by member of the their tbey plained in detail by well versad agí cxhibit of Arixona'a choice liveNlslock tlon coin mil tee at I'hoenlx. who re- Atsr rsturn the no new home Jest completed here by Mr. ncultura! experts in dally lecture, and poultry and dairy produce. ceived Injury. Atkinson They were which will treat every eubject The fourth, probably the most In- both popular soli, to women of la Nothing yeung peoplé here in ths young soolsl to the tilling of the the teresting the thr rural For Children There Better. set. beat means of controlling lnse t pa ta district. v,j)i be. a lecture car. equipped A cough medicine for children mugt Mr. and Mrs. E. T Dsvldson hsvs and every method known that lends to with u modern atereoptlcon. where lec- help their coughs and colds without Just make life An the fsrm tin e will be delivered on domeetio had efiecta on their little stomachs rsturned from wedding trip eslr consume Foley's Honey snd will be located very soon In thslr So aucceaeful waa kins trip last science. The trip will about and bowels. and Tr nsw home In the south end of town commencing with the closing of the six weeks' time v tatting Ihe following exactly fin Us use. Stuffy colds, fair, the University point wheezy breath coughs and croup aro Mr and Mrs. McCsmsnt and Miss Arizona state that ' Louts havs Just returnsd from El Psru of Arlsona has resolved to repeal it tilendale Peoiiu r i Claras. all quickly helped. A. E Ryan Adv. whsre they purchased a handsome new VICTOR sutomobll.. Prof. D. K. Jolnsr, principal of ths schools hsre, hss resigned and will leave soon Hs has many frlsnds hats who ars sorry to sss him leave. ALL, Mr. Kelly, an etomologltt with ths THE NAME IMPLIES department of agriculture. Is hers sn Insect which hss bsen troubling the corn. IT IS THE SUPERIOR Mrs. Elmer Helssl has arrived from s visit In Vlsnns. 8. t . with her par- ents and will maka hsr home here. Air Hetsel Is snteg.d in business. Mrs. T. M. DuBola, who hss bsen 111 st Hotsl Dteu. El Faso, is sxpected Don't Wait TALKING MACHINE heme soon. Mrs. Wallace Qumm has bsen spend- ing a few days in town, the guest of Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Oumm Is county of schools. Finas Atkinson hss bsen quite ill the past week. You professor Sprlggs of Vaugi.n Is in Until the weather gets cold. know town visiting his ststsr. Mrs. joiner The Victrola R. L Owsns has purchassd a large number of aheep which he will run cold weather is coming. You know you Is al hie ranch east of town. Mrs. Rich- an Improved Victor, the first upright Talking Machine ards, his siso bought quits a numbsr at ths sams tira. will need a heater in your bath room J. 8. stroops has provsd up on his gas rsnch which Is a fine cattls pise, sod hss s Isrgs natural reservoir snd con-cr- t Since tank. and sleeping room. An order placed now its creation it has, like all other articles of merit, Thsrs has been s grsat qusntlty of shesp snd rsttle leaving Carona this had many imitations, but due to its superiority in sound week snd shssp from Torrance, sise, means prompt attention. ove: 100 cars have already gone. Among reproduction rhoss who sre. buying and shipping to and perfect tone quality, it has easily kept feed srs Hardsn brothers. Orr K t A. DuBols and Mr Johnson. the lead. The greatest singers of the world make An sllsgsd murdsrer. Francisco l.rieste. of Ssnta Fe. waa captureu nere Records exclusively Wednesdsy and hss bsen tsksn bark for the Victrola. to Santa Fe He was recognised by A phone 3398 or a Postal Ernest Dlgneo snd srrested by Deputy Shsrlff aebig Clements snd placed in Jail. The man was a shsep herder and Ask your friends what kind of a Talking Machine they I alleged to have murdared taree of will bring our salesman his cttlldrsn. nave, then call on us. ' '" V Pain la Back and Kheamatlsm Torment thousands of people dally Don't be one of the eufferers whan for so little cost you can get wall rid of the cause. Foley Kidney Pills b- - very & Electric Co. work Gas aood from thp El Paso LIBERAL TERMS ?;ln their dose they exert so dlrset an u'tlon on ths kidneys and bladCer Oregon that the pain and torment of back- 425 North Street ache, rheumatism and. kidney trouble 103 El A. E Ryan W. G. Walz la soon dispelled Adv. Company Paso St. glaaaea' Ask ..,. Look ont for tas new Biggsgs Tracks ef Loagwtll a reos J Advertlsssasat. ' SIXTEEN EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1913. Turn the Baby's FEAR BLACK HUNDRED .M VYs NAY HAY HKAVHaY FOR Tears to Laughter in ii, is i'vi m m. Knltghtenment lrxred fmly Partial Victory Nays RabM Ztelonka, rHncv A Gentle it;. Im Laxailvr Win Vulrkly Talking Ritual MarOer Charge Persist. Southwestern RHrv the ImiisI Cause of the Troto Nr. The aoqulttsl Meadel Bellls does not it often difficult to tell Just what ef is the matter with crying;, peevish est at rest la Rossis tee "rltosl murder" babe or child too y o un to express nd, end tt Is hard to tell want steps Its frritntu In words, Imt a ft tensral will be takes by tas Black Hundred as rule the mother will find that there la tendency to constipation, which has s resalt of tbe trlsl, serordlog to ftsbbl brouuht on a headache or nervous- Martin leloaks of Temple Mt glnol. ness. The little on has no pain, but la dlscuiilng the Bellls acquittal yes- - of sorts " Co. feels "out tordsy. Rsbbl 7Jlonks ssld Machine The first thine to try Is a family remedy.4$ontalnlns; good but mild lax- In the first place let me say thst 1 ative properties, and many mothers fully agree with Zangwtll, wbo roceatly will say that their choice would be Dr. Id, 'I stioold no oiore protest agsloat Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Thousands i . JK. SPAIN, Manager of mothers keep tt In the house for i accesstlott of 'ritual ssarder' tnaa such emergencies, amona whom may sgslnst one of esnnaballKin. Sack acru- - he mentioned Mrs. John Kirch, Jr., sstloas aire homerang which reeoll oa tbe i 1 (17 Ave., Pittsburgh. Ps. Abstract WAhTKIt J. KIRCH. accoser. My Cae Bellls case EL PASO BRANCH flhe hae been giving It. successfully to interest la Utile Walter, whose picture we pre- teed or money wilt be refunded. Is Influence by my desire for Justice snd sent at three months, when ho weigh- Hyrup Pepsin la for all the family tbe elimination of auch superstitions from age, ed 14 pounds. He Is a healthy, from Infancy to old and because the mtnda of mee. I wonld be hist ss laughing youngster today and Mrs. of it mildness families should prefer CORNER STANTON and TEXAS STS. Kirch gladlyAglves Dr. Caldwell's It over all other remedies. It la ab- Interested ssd sctlve were tbe scarused a Pepsin credit. It saves many an solutely safe and Tollable. You will Christian missionary in tbe hinterland of rimen and many n large doctor bill, never again give cathartics, pilla, salta Alies. by It promptly or such physics, for they are for administering when harsh Judge' placed questions the flmt symptoms of Illness are no- usually unnecessary, and In the case 'The two before ticed It prevents e serious sllment. of children, women and elderly people tbe Jury and worded tbem so sa to sstlsfy Is so pleasant-tastin- no are a great shock to the system, and both aides: If that " 'A child will refuse It, and as It doss not hence ahoutd he avoided. Whk Vuahlnsfcy wounded within gripe, the rhtld Is glad to It Famlllea wishing; to try a free sam- tbe Zsttseff works la various parts of take i)"- body again. A bottle can be obtained of ple, bottle can obtain It postpaid by with Intent to draw blood sad any druggist for fifty cents or one ufldresslng Dr. W B. Caldwell, 41 then murder? dollar, the latter being the sise bought Washington St., Montlcello. 111. A " 'H Wss Mendel BellJs sssorRitsd fa The best arranged and best equipped by families already familiar with Its postal card with your name and ad- - tbe murder snd sctustsd by superstitious merits. uesnits are always guaran- - I drew on It will 1o. aiotlresT "To tbs first question the Jnry Talking Machine House in the State to question TÍ1 HTATKH lUKfcAlJ HBO WBBmut 'Tss:' the second It TM HMTIIKK snswered 'No.' Tbna while scqolttlag Oh.rvalloa. Tafc.a at a m. 1MB Heridlas Tima. bar 1. 111. Bellls of mordor It does not set st reflt Precip- In Russia tbe 'rltusl murder' legend and itation ao one cao tell with what force this Judg- ...... Valority lilt 24 ment of tbs Jury will be used by the hik in Btata of par bou ra, Blsck Hundred. aiMlmi, ti in. today, ttlabl. Weather. Direction, sour. ... in... 74 ...... no "Probsbly the best suiborlty oo Rusalao Columbia I. 70 Grafonolas V.i ii. I h E Amarillo I 48 4 llnln Nl 4 .no eastters Is George Xeauso, and in s recent 14 .00 number of All i It! Í0 Ml n l.i. i: the Outlook he says: 'It kt 44 4 M 4 .00 In iiolae. I'lNlio 30 t'loudy Ñ not often Russlsn thst there s brought ItoiMnn IW 44 XI I., u.l. 4 .00 before tbs courts a murder esse which The last word in musical instruments. '.I. .L 44 411 I. XI 10 .00 connects Imperial pslnee st Cssrakos .'ill 4 ,M tbs ... M Hala N 4 nolo with a troglodyte csve on tbe bseks beaver 44 It! t'lear BW II in be- F, 14 of the Dnstper, wblcb a rota- design, 4 42 34 Hi .ml. .02 establishes are more attractive in and MY'.,, .. on a 1. Mlon. m .is a i.hrody hw h .00 tion between the monarrh his throne I I. PAMJ 70 7 4 I'l.Ody. K. 4 .110 snd a gsng of professions! criminals Id s ijulvastoa .... 0 7 M W. Cldy. HB 10 disreputable tenement bonae.' And tbe re- yond reproducers Marre, Mont, 40 .41 10 Cloudy MW 91 sult of the trlnt seems to verify this comparison as tone i. tllli SN 7ft M Cloady BH 4 .00 X statement of Keooan written before tbs Utile Hock . 70 74 M l lomlj H .00 74 70 54 Citar W 4 .00 verdict. Knh III? .... I 72 iW Pt. Cldy. K 10 .00 "A tremendous power seems to have .few tlrlean. ffl TH M M . N .00 been hack of tbe trial aeeklng a verdict ew Yurs 42 42 M Cloudy MW .00 of guilty. Rut the civilised world would outline M 42 3D Cloudy HK 4 .00 allow wsa m nH m W .00 not such s verdict snd Rellls rhiul cloudy 4 freed but tbe theory wss i K. W Ml 22 Clanr W .00 'rltosl murder' PAYMENTS llr. EASY Ko.well IW 7 4H rt. Cldy. NK 4 .oo upheld by toalnuntlon. And for tbls HI. I.outa 44 !V4 44 Cloudy NW II thanks are doe to the Debts Chris- Hilt illy 44 Ml M Clear HK 4 .00... tian men aad women, wbo bitterly de- Hun Antéalelk 72 7 2 Clanr SB 4 nounced It sod In meeting after meeting Hun rranclero W M no Clenr YV IS on psssed resolutions of rondemnntioo, until IMPORTANT All Victor Talking Machines play Columbia Records r.4 :M l until Ke ti Cldy. N 10 .12 even not the reoltl, I !W llnlu ft 14 IP.I darkest Russia dsred Insult :ix 42 ,'W Intelllgeore of Wnsatagtoa l. Cloudy K 4 II mnnklod. m Grafonolas play Wlihltn. Kim 44 44 42 Cloudy N 4 (1 "I am glad to know Bellls Is free, but and likewise all Columbia both 04 0k M Claar MB 4 ll I would rejoice stUl more had tbs 'rltusl mnrder' theory been settled once for all - Columbia and Victor Records time to come In Russls. As It Is, I an lAa Mehtftl shivers all through my bratn, nfrsld It will find Impression hers snd Ideal Lecture H to me it Is the very thing1 liters and be rcvlred whenever the Rlnck we should shake ouraelvea fr from Hundred feel It will nsslst tbem In their In every work of life. What we retlly work. 1 believe, uowevsr, that Rusula la We cordially invite you to call on us at any time us, verge By KATHKItlNE OAMMNIX need lr a prophet to ahow not tho on the of s revolution. whMi tb Irosa, lec- Way to run away from .our duties and Russlnn masses will throw off the yoke of They had Just come the rsnctlonnry an-- l burdens, but how to bear them In the tbs csnr nnd his court nod ture on etliUa and phlloNophy, people It Is chrerhst and brightest way, and to ths Russlsn tnke tbelr rightful all the new fads which quite tin place In family now got the beet. Jut pf life In whatever ths. of nstlooa." thing to hear talk".! abuut in the t drawing rooms of the fashions fa. environment, we re plaaced. My i said: la 'pick the violets at your door nnu SEX OF ANIMALS IS and the Practical Woman fui'Kct about the stars." "1 don't kno Is CHANQKU BY 1 why but That exactly opposite from mv TALKS WILL GIVE it Idea," aald "1 PJvOFKhSOll LITTLE ON BABYOLOGY $1000 Bigasw I l.lecture the Artlat. bstleva In I I these constantly reaching up for the stare, even If you By United Prose. IF I FAIL TO CURE that crush the violet beneath your feet. Vienna, Nov. IB. By ANNA STEESE RICHARDSON, any CANCER or TUMOR picture inn nmn "Come along, you. That he and advise rising all Idealists and has succeeded in changing the I TREAT BEFORE il Poisons Bon. Blanrls dreamers," laugh- . modified milk, la. cornea , In 0,.p the mater- cried the Hostess, aex of animals through t m im- No 5 WKAHINU THE KABY. that milk dilutsd milk. Next farina cooked above ingly, sugar. AOKHII-- t Of CAH ial things of life, and tasts of some plain toaated planting certain glands from Weaning her fleet baby la a dread with water and half milk and half water. always upset me. cheese sandwiches, and forget about the male to ths female and vice every ehprt At ten months, both breaat-fe- d and For the benefit of mothers who Piy Until Cu the avent to mother. However bottle-fe- me Il They s o u tul so flowers and the stars." veraa," was the somewhat start- d babies should be prepared have asked at contests for a diet No X Bay or other v v She cut slices of bread, or long a period she haa nursed him, table, suitable to children of various ranclful and N thin ling announcement made today ecstacy gradually for weaning:. A baby nine windl.. Aa island J trimmed off ths edges and made sand- In a public by Prof. ahe la loath to deny herself the months old in good physical condi- agents, I am giving the following olaat makaatha aura and attractive by address on for AISOIUIE 1 g o wiches placing a slice of American of feeling her child draw her tion may be taught to from a tables taken from the folder "Hints MUUIB end whe i Stelnach. In other words. pres- drink compiled home and to cheese In each. Butter the else of Prof. Stelnaoh aaya he nourlahment, and strength, the cup. At first only modified mllk Is to Mothers" for the' Better An, roam. uns hv an egg was melted In chafing has cue of the little head against her Babies Bureau by eminent Bara on Um Ud. laca think about uvcry the dish made female animals male and served to him thla way and In amall dletlctana or bodylenlK and the sandwiches were dropped in breast, the clinging of moist Hps, the portions. Next comes milk combined This folder will be seat to mothers Casas dav ihlnffj. anoli male into female. To prove his helpless) fingers. It b Palas uatn last as beef- and fried to a light brown. These he ahowed animals reaching out of little with thin oatmeal or barley gruel. on receipt of a stamped and self tin- BOOK orderlnrf were statement baby la weaned she knows that er served with a lettuce salad made In chang- Once Then soft coréala may be fed with a envelope sent to me, care I steaks for dln which he declarea he a. degree ISoomadi L n by using .Boston head lettuce cut In ahe will feel this joy to leaser spoon, finally stale bread, softened this paper. t and .t or lak little ed the sex. He declared that grow from and KBIT! TO Hilar s s MoIHe to the don tlst's or figuring halves, each half served on a plate placing the male glande Into and gradually baby will In warm milk. These soft foods how- Hero are the diet tablea: w coat, with a generoua amount of Roquefort changed her toward the ateraer thlnga of Ufe. ever, ahould not be served In quantity, Diet for Child from Twelfth to Eight- ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST how to make over last year's female anlmahf, the baby thriv- things certainly sake nve feel cheese grated over It and a French nature of the and Then, loo, when tho haa juta occaalonally aa an alternate with eenth Month. and natlastad alwaya these dressing poured over all. entire latter milk, there is always CCJR, poiaon. a It 1 had descended from the moun- vice verag. He believes that ed on breast the breast milk or modified bottle Breakfast. substituting arti- i tain tW Into the valley below and similar operations are possible more or leas fear of milk. They are the gradual, gentle Juice of sweet orange, strained, ficial food that which Nature haa so preparation for final weaning at or pulp of six stewed prunes, eight toere. tbuni' plenty of work." on human beings. the DR. " don't )elleve In all this talk MRS. OHNER THANKFUL generously and safely supplied. For twelve montha. It le not good for eith- ounces of milk (hair a pint) with & MRS. DR.CHAMLEY CO. Wf PS C. E. HHndon Mltmlng. this reaaon weaning ahould be a grad- er or child to nurse the baby either swleback or toasted blaculta or about living on thu heights," natd the emer- mother U St. IAIHI. AOS CAL I The police were last aeked ual process, not abrupt, uniese exclusively the twelfth month. In toasted bread. 747 1IIHH. pretty TOUAg Matron. knw trtat owning weaning. after stale n. would not approve of to make an effort to loegto C. K. gencies demand audden fact It ahould be weaned completely 'Irattitt Ciaeir Sptciih'it. Uftgj' some of the wild and Impossible Mill In the Nhadow After Five Murder Helndon. a prominent retired cattle- Such emergencies Include acute at about this time, or the mother be- OTEAD Y BOOM IN PORTALES. things that the modern lecturers nr Tríala, Hhc Kinds Cause for man who resides at AOs Wyoming on the part of the mother, fever, comes anemlo and the baby no longer dlhcussing In bio drawing street. Mra. Helndun states her hua-bn- d tuberculosis, serious kidney affections, gains In weight, while Its muscles be- Big Laand Company Organized and a fashions breakdown, anemia or pro- SOUTHERN PACIFIC STRIKE .in-- Home of the things they eug Gven though sns nns gons through left Thursday morning and haa a nervous come flabby. sUarge iianch sold. loea of weight In mother. get about finding your affinities and the ordeal of bsing tried for the mur not bean heard from alnce. gressive the Bottle Wearning Serious. 0y Ascetal Wirt s The fiemes , In auch cases the baby must be wean- other fads are perfect nonsense. TV der of her little daughter Agnes five bottle-fe- d m HANGAR IN W AsltlNOTpN. once. Again, there are Instances The weaning of a baby Is Mortales. N. Nov. it. One of . ii wayu are all ruht tlmss. Mrs. Ullts timer's heart has n t ed at But Two Transcontinental Pasaenitr' 1 calloused to By the Atsocisfed Press where the mother aeema well, but the no leas serious than that of the breast- the strong proofs of the future of the for the present think as revards sentiment, but that ae Trains Win- Mixed of ntdtrhno.iy and home." can atlll look up to Ood and tell TTtm Washington, Nov. la No gnnouncs-men- t baby at six months or more suddenly fed 'baby. At fourteen months, the bottle- Portalea valley la the facr that capi Oat many by to loee weight and to develop Houston Yesterday. "I In Is very little danger thst we that she has thlnga to be thank- was made the board of media- begins -fed baby should be having three I taking bold of It fast. A ful for. ths today regard- symptoms of retarded physical devel- ta lata are will get too much of the Ideal In 'Ife," tion after conference day two meals of soft company, to asJd the Dreamer. "If we don't havo Plve ttmea ates. Orner has sat In a ing plana for the resumption of trafflo opment. These symtoms are: bottles a and land said be worth more tei-th- By las fYesa anything but thé humdrum and ma- court room and heard attorneya on the Southern Pacific,. Assistant Com- Watch Carefully. food. At alxteen montha. the diet shifts than a million doliera, was organised .tootsies state plead with Jurors So oonvlJt missioner Hangar, who expected to Houstoa .Tax., Nov. Although of- terial aa we go along, life gets in be 1. Excessive vomiting, with loos of to three dally meals of soft food end yesterday. The local members of the is a monotonous Jog trot down s dusty her of poteonlng her daughter, sotr leave for Houaton, Texas, remstned n a bottle at 10 o'clock. At eighteen, the ficials of ths Sunsst Csntral Unas tlmss she has heard the foreman Washington as further conferencea are weight or no increase of weight for firm are Dr. R. H. Bailey and W. B. of road" tell two weeks or more. bottle Is' laid aside, there ara no night ths Boutharn Pacific aarly today an- "I always thought the writer uno tbs court that the Jury has bean un- to be held here. feedings, baby Is weaned. Reld. The compary will confine their able to reach a verdict. Ons I. A persistent diarrhea, with loes of and nounced that they axpsctad to opsrsts said. hleseed he drudgery. was not timo she Tho breast-fe- d baby efforts largely to their own lands, as In Thirty-fourt- h weight or no increase of welfht for that sains quite balanced," the Opti- sat ths district court steadily nothing breaat milk-u- fourteen paessnter trains, only two not said loom and heard ths word "guilty" ut- two weeks or more. needs but they own more than a thousand acres mist. "That word 'drudgery' sunns tered. there la a progressive gain ' In to the ttuif the echeduled weaning of best land In the Portales val trains wars run to- If bottle-fe- d the "Yes, I many thlnga MOTHER! THE CHILD weight, however, loose bowels are not beglna, but the baby auould day. No freight waa moved. have to be two to elgnt teespocnfuls ley. This will be subdivided Into thankful for." Mrs. Ornar aald through a danger-algna- l. have from After announcing their refusal to ac- In of weight extending of strained orange juice daily from ant tracts to suit purchaser and sold on the bars of her cell the county Jill 3. A steady lose cede to the proposals of Julius Krut1-schntt- t. CLEANSES YOUR HAIR thla week, when asked If aha had any. over a oortod of three weeks or more. months upward. This la because la he terms. Money will be loaned by the thing to say on Thanksgiving day. IS COSTIVE BILIOUS In eplts of the fact that otherwise the mother's milk there Is a certain acid company to actual developers. Dr. chairman of the executive com- 'Uod good me to my quality not found In cow's milk, which mittee of the Boutharn hoard, baa been to keep child seems normal. Bailey has placed more than $0,000 Padfl't health. That la ons thing I navs to ba From thla It will be seen that the the baby's system requires. The diet the atrlkars devoted moat of the day thankful fur. He net allowed of orange juice should be continued to on valley lands. MIKES II BEAUTIFUL has them baby should be weighed regularly. In Muse Dreyfos and May of Kansas to conferring with rnprssentatlves or to convict ros for a charge that I am Tongue Is Coated. Breath bottle-fe- babies after, weaning and is. If fact a pair of scales has taken the City purchased Stone St Vaughn Innocent of, and that la another reason Hour, ln.n'l place of soothing syrup or pare- should be started tor brease fed babies the uniona of roada connecting with tlio I the today. This is one ot tne Dig am thankful. goric bottle In ths modem nursery. with weaning. ranch Sunset Central linea. No ata banvan t wai "I havs called on my Clod and Ho baa Hesitate. Juat aa soon aa the baby can alt up ranches of tho country. It consists It Beoonm Thlrk, un Luatroua They are the Indicator of baby's condi- acres. Five thouaand cat- made. But it laaald these unions ara promised ms thst He will ssa me oaf In weight, in a high chair, he is welcomed at the ot R6.000 pledged to handle no freight recelval aad All nun. h mi l through tion. From those variations were also included In the deal. another trial; another trlnl Byrup of Plga" causea of illness are traced. The Il- average family table. Often this a tle irom ihb Ditnaet line.. Utaappeara. that 1 fsel sure will rssult In, my ac- Give "California at Father's or Big Brother's only chanoe I once a teaapoonful today often savea lness la not drugged nor the small quittal. Each tima havs been tried baby sil- to make the acquaintance of the ne'-cOm- er before. Ho has been at my side and a nit k child tomorrow. protesting voice of the sick Is aorta, enced by narcotics. In the family circle. Also uta Buraly try a "Dandarlne Hair guided me through the tribulations nf If your little one out of to repast of grown- ' half-sic- any auch emergency arises, efforts share the Clean.- If you wlah to Immediately a trial. Isn't rooting, eating and act- When ups are amusing. Doctors and mothers EATING CLOGS THE th.. I... of your hair. Junt "11 has watched over me and guard- ing naturally look, mother! see If the procese qf weaning must be ebort MEM double sure quick. Generally a trained nurse shshrdlu etaoln shrdlu etaoin shaaoao moisten a with Danderlna and ad ms against slcknees and allowed ma tongue la coated. Thla is a sign and now lathe time for all good men to It carefully through your hair, to keep my mind; yet at timas I wis that It'a little stomach, IJvar and or a firm. Intelligent and patient mem draw n nwho the hell tteeh am In nthe moon amal) atraud a time; afraid He had forsaken me, for I fell bowels are clogged with waster-Whe- ber of the family muat take the baby taking onb at mother, if, aa I I have met at contesta tell me that will rleanae the hair or duat, dirt that I did not have ths olrength aul ero. Irritable. feverish, stomach awav from the alck many start- KIDNEYS, THEN YOUR BACK HURTS thla couragu yet stomach-ach- auggeated In article-o- thla a child's stomach aliments . or any exoeaalve oil In a few mlnutaa to bear tbe burden, JLus aour, breath bad or has the third ed at the family aupper table. Either you will be amaied. Vour will be has besn with me and I am truly thank- diarrhoea, extra throat, full of oold. series, the baby haa learned to take an hair lt.M modified milk, the child frota for 'what he sees and wavy, fluffy and abundant and poa-aa- r. ful for give a teaapoonful of "California occaelonal bottle of the Vive years agro Ornar was ar- weaning will he lightened. If tt ta easier to comply with his dem- your Kidneys occasionally with yeur kidneys an Incomparable softness, luster Ullle Syrup of Figs." and in a few hours all task of anda to discipline htm or some Flush will then act fine. Thla rested by the local authorities utter. tile constipated poison, undigested ho hes not bsen trained to do this, than tabteapoonful of Halts to famous salts la made from the acid of and luxuriance. It Is allsged. was In weaning Is trying one thinks tt Is "cute" to see him eat a Besides beautifying ths hair one arsenic tound be food and aour bile gently moves out then the process of only grapes and lemon juice, combine stomach f her dead daughter. She was Is griping, to both mother and nurse. foods that should be served to avoid with llthla. and la to application of lianderlne dlaaolv, of lie little bows without adulta, ao mtachier is harmless flush Invlgoralea indicted by tns grand Jury and tried and you have a well, playful child How to Heat Bottle. and the clogged kidneys and stimulate them very particle of dandruff: bore on a cbargs of murder. The Jury wrought. kidneys. to normal activity. the scalp, slopping Itching snd fulling again. The cylindrical bottle described in Moat folks forget that the It also neutral rendered its verdict of guilty, but the Mothers can rest easy after giving an earlier talk should be rilled with Feed Before Kaimlly. Ilka tha bowela. get sluggish and lacs the acids In the urine so It no hair array of laga.1 talent surrounding Utt. pan The fairest thing to the child too flushing occasion- longer irritates, thus Is to the hair what fresh thla harmleas "fruit laxative." because modified milk and then set in a clonad and need a ending bladder Dandsrlns Orner round a technicality and ware never falla to cleanse the little one's of hot water until the milk reechee young for solid food la to feed him ally, elsa we have backache and dull disorders. showers of rain and sunshine sr to successful In gaining for her another It before the family meal le served and kidney region, aovara vegetation coxa right to the roots, liver and bowels and sweeten the what is knows aa body temperature misery In the Jad Salts Is harmleas; Inexpensive, It they dearly lova Its is testing by dropping a little on leave htm safely sleeping or playing headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid makes a delightful Invigorates and strengthens them. Its Four tlmss since than she haa stomach, and This it seems neces- effervescent llthl life-pr- bev la another room. If liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and water eg rating, stimulating tried; once In Midland, onoa In Peeps, pleasant taste. Full directions for the forearm, never putting the ntppe drink which everybody should hllr and children of all agea and to adult's, mouth and tasting the sary, however, to have htm at the all aorta of bladder disorders. take now end then keep ducliig properties causa the hair to once In Marta and oes In Kl Paao. babies, for the family table, see eats keep your kidneys to their kl grown-up- s printed on each bottle. milk. As the baby drinks alowty, the then that he You simply must neys clesn, thus avoiding serious com grow long, strong snd beautiful, Bach time tbe Juryme havs teA to only such food as he can digest and and clean, and the moment you plicationa. You can aurely have pretty, son. find a verdict and each time Mrs. ortivr Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. bottle may be encased In a woolen bag sctlve your druggist for a bottle or knitted cover to hold the heat. The assimilate. Aa soon as he can handle feel an ache or pain In the kidney A n local druggist aays he lustrous liaW and lots of It, If you will found hsraelf no nearer to liberty and Ask apuon. may be given a little region, get shout four ounces of Jad sells lots ll-os- "California Syrup of Figs," then hole In the nipple should be large a he of Jad Baits ta folks who just get a bottle of Knowlton'a no nearer to confinement In a peniten- of pap. safest Baits from any good drug atora here, In any or tiary. Yet, through all thla. she stands see that It la made by the "California enough for the milk to run out easily. porringer of bread the believe overcoming kidney trouble Danderlna from drug store dish for a baby one year old. take a tableapoonful In glass of water while it is only (Adveniao-tnent- . out aa one who will be tbartkfut Fig Syrup, Company." Don t be When a baby under , eight months table trouble 4 toilet counter and try it aa directed trr la before breakfast for a tew days ) On luati.kigivh.g Day. fooled (Advt.) la weaned, it la safest to start him oa Thai well toasted bread boiled la and 1

ashore Roldoal wge also hsld oa th ground thai If tk .argos ua4 by Mlcbo- - llaa ware true be must be deported to When Immigrant Girls Face Italy under the Immigration laws But he telephoned to a good lawyer and he was seoa habsaj corpused off tbe Island sad freed on bsll ponding osgotJatka with N tb steerage of tb XmliRimii ThaOiT Diinciiiroi; f i mfi the Itsllsn goTsrnment for ertraaifloa, I liner Peragia a he low It ilMimail ítumo Antonio Perrera arrived from Thleago I toward ber New York pier oa tk t iikUiiawway mm the neii morning In two mln nee be of wt I aftaraooa October 8. 1910. stood licit heard the oewa aad In half an boor waa I Michellna Zarra, baarlag with htr. In luvus at Ellis. land Me had a bard tlnu of Mandad InUnairy. a bala, a hop and It ladssd will, tb officials He had te a Math, that bad ban the constant moni swear to Ira idaotity sll th way from tora of kar 'oyage Dark hatred, dark boyhood by inches. An official eut ta trad, dark skinned and unusually tall for hla stnrs ml hla bank to verify his Mat. bar type, ah wted apart from tb menta And another official wltnesasjd tmmiarant throne. Btb. gwartay. mid his msrriage to Mlchelina bsfore Unci nlfht besutj of nineteen Ram would finally let go his grip on the O tb thin finí r of MlebtHna'a rirht girl band ra a nslnt signet ring, an lano-- W JUL hTi After the wedding feast that e.rnlng eoat apparln circht of told, seemingly EEmmñ Mlchelina placed an arm around bar husv fsshloned aom In the HnHIHkTW ywa time lona ago to band's neck snd said: "Aatonio, do pleaaa an aorjqne fancier wne wished to truat m implicitly ?' hi mooaf rammed InlrU i conven- "rhrmirb hsaren and hell and nnt ient to the official sealing ix". Thla death " .sld Antonio, with s nuptlsl wta ring con Id b opened by a air catch glass still poised. hsrdlj blggar than th head .f pin. The Poisoned Ring. Press the catch end ont popped a metal "Then inrlte Fernando Roldonl to our point, bellow and sinister like the hypo- atore and take me there. I want dermic needle if this point scratched to meet lnm Nerer uilnd hy now; fan Tr no faintly It ware Just a well nerer nind why Trust me; sll be tfcat yon settled np yonr business affairs well an! to your honor. Md left memoranda with yonr heir as ar. It., d msrvelled much st the Invita- who owed yon money, for In a com- He took rhree companions with pare tlrely brief time it would be tion him. fearing Ferrer... But .be found for yon to personally eoperln-len- Michellna alone. She walked smilingly these matter from a dletant rad- Ito.varJ hi i a. the four men entered '.he ianes Th ring contained the copeen-trate- es.enre of sure slow death, s door "You need not hn.e come marded. poison that had eternally quieted hslf s he asid softly. "I m so knndrod n en and women in the past snd Kernando." now that, after i talk with An- wss stni strong snongh to kill hslf s happy 1 decided to take no part la knndred more. Such waa Mlrballna's tonio. bac to Italy 60 you may Hag. and Micaelina was a Sicilian. This aendlng you hack I will not sppsai btilty generally monas mneh is tell your that to Chicago f. r a deadly mlans any sort of a ring ..ud . are joint month bygoueabe bg..nes Adllv" Michelina's Sad Story. Lt held And tb. awarthv. .lately Michellna Bgd your Uncle Sam on the known ss much 'out iKr liaud the one with the rlnc Michellna I -I- U about Zerra aa know and aa third flner-- ln t.,keo of cheery eood you soon will know he would hare held land i.wdtiy Roldonl beamed He .aw ber hard and fast st hla storing room on 'snoiher triumph over the m. raerrbnnf Ellis the purss Ialsnd and bundled hr back to wife id view, s trlumr-- In which Italy oa tb axt return ng ehlp. But no of F'i rers would rut s figure He beld out official y has yt been lnrented to both arm. ss If to embrace Michellna. but. lerel at Immigrants an make them 'feantif hla friend nililit enter it tb seersts that would stamp them any moment, changed hi. Inteullon to a as unfit snd undesirable cltiiena They roen1 hand.hake. by th pour through our national gateway Hie rliht band reached Into Michelina's asas of thoussnda. smircbad with ery pslra He preased her finiere in hie atrong rima on tbe calendar But you can't grip The girl let her ban.! remain In hla eipect them to tell It of themaelre If ultliout demur while her thumb .tols up the; would, then Mlchelina Zerra would toward her third finger Roldonl's hare told a story lilt this: winked slgnifirsntly Then Mich- Wha Police Llsutensnt Joseph Petro-in- o ellna pulled tier hand sway suddenly was shot to death in Palermo. Sicily, "Tour nail baa .cratcbed me." .aid on March 12. 1906. Michellna bad stood in oiiM-- alarm sritbln half a block of tbs little public "Let It remain a. a .ouveulr of forgire-nrM.- " aquare where the famous New York po- Inughed Michellna liceman had been murdered. She knew Thee did ettrndite Feruando despite the tbe deed was to b dona. Was not labeeoce of the girl who h;td acctl.erl him. Fernando Roldonl. ber lorer. one of tbose Hilt It was .carfely worth all the trouble assigned to prerant interference with th lit took to Ret him back to Sicily. Just two 'week, after they locked him up In Palermo murderers? What a brae, dashing. www- - V v -- 1 mighty man h waa to ber then, to mingle; ' ' he waa found dead In hi. call. And tbe i- over with those who shed otooai wnai V x. n donors are .till my. titled the case. land they .ay wben a pride she felt la this maa. who was Over at Kill. I. that Snoi filed au-ay records of the husband to bar la everything but name! T'ncle rhe case he stroked bta feat tb "Jul ted States asked raageaac goatee .lo.vly and .aid - on Petroslao's murderers. Th Italian mU-h- t In gol- - . "You Helped to Kill Petrotino." "Tlioae kind of ring. come 1 J nrmr fhii affair v w,w (Ue sieamed Lrywe-- a u, derued bandy n we gat ready to look It was aecsary for the killers to " wcueous si iirst sum. eur lt. all th. things as Terugia vire tu uip wu uti ven- 1' after tbe neit" rat aid keep under oovar until tb bus,1"" ""br sad ah, solemn and butlfd liitbr tod ibitber ia tbe buiDMavl shall get the mooel tuinebow. You bal pas: tbe welcoming Sutue of Liberty .UK'Uailua a.uile. bvll i. uau luauy gad cry bad diminished, Koldoai was rissgad, slkd to mass. It waa uakiog more uiob. But tb umuej go lu tbe iteerage. If no otber place, but go seemed tu thf girl that tin ye uf the UeuiiU,. vküU Llile laud eiau ue UfW tut: - ordsrd to go to Amarlea, right la ta,?w fln aa introduction. Ue Pid order wa, uerer .eist. It was too :uch jo . ehalJ." great. carvea fur ni loo- - on an approving, U.tJ. luauv legcaiUiug luiiui- NEXT WEEK, of detti-uiine- siHUi., Uon's uioutb. It aesmsd. But with attention Jo Mlchelina. The a (mptaiioo for tbe employe. He So Micbelioa'e motber borrowed ber look as the big tsuibip ape.ieiiy JUatf L UU L'UUie Wben Greek Meeta OreakStory name and many othar datalls or'"1a"' Tlons, be,: use many of them pocketed th'. money and ptauaed t run nod borrowed tere, moetly from tbt par-le- in-'n- paaL liUutU-uUkt- male uituibwi ul Itivii taui- - an Immigration Conaplracy. daughters with s less censurable away before ataip from Steily prieat, who kuew than 11 otbert iiy bu iu bi- - aviie tie said diaguise Uor was not so much dsnger bti tbe arrived better Ferrara bad been called to Chicago the briDsinr new of the uf tba Micbellna'a cry. Wben tbe Perugia Assume iu, Usiuie auu uu re "Scientific" Agriculture Is ss otiaht b thought. Tbe muniwim it da- - ship' It has to be before the arrival u ... Cur remittaxie. teemed out of port Mlcbellna waj Toard lu limo i .. tuwk win Id. uur au were being looked m Italy, not Ui the h very important matter (bat can take a Unknown in Amoy. Starts on Her MUion. There were tear In ber mother's eyea. but Imsuui. lu wttse tUuy mtu. tu Ut o uLUaf United It drew to 1 and nothing man away from ineetiuii hii prospective D uf Cbiha ueer Sut. It ...... los rtatiu u rvturo aear October only for a daebed aside I IV ill ui, uuuje VY urta Holdooi cif t minuta. 8be tbm wife, but was one uf the xcepti"'oaJ uiuiuiua bu Fernando went to ISew bad been received to purcbane Mibellna'e this . bunie. Ue Micbajliaa lor wife, lie nrj kiwed Mlcbetlua' cbeek with lips üeii U rugía uuie tu Uuva .uduatries auti- ail auced agt'tcuituia4 V.. ik via v.jiijud. That wee lu April, akd ticket The girl begau to doubt. Sbe bad times There was a bis 'rult business to f iisitj tAlJ Uti-- Ui hi cuitriMluUieUl vl rhit were cold as ice. ti i.u.j di mere, (i auuaiu, UaulUnUs uuve ufen v&Uullaüt., lüe I'juv. wu uu af.ecUiig been deceived once might be so again. be He bad had bj. eye on it teui There farewell ttM ! It aJUt IO UUU MUS UUV mother uud dugbir and pre- lUSiV Uu UU.UUa li. ut a !.. ui- auu With MlCilUeUU. Lbe gUi nau given But the old motbfr nevar lost faitb. "Remember the Zerra family and for a long time H mu! get it and .Uw.i'iiuuib ieau their would Qot deceive turn. It Mick-Uu- ssuiu .... .i.L- Ll wi a weddiug fU kii.vli ul lb.' every Üling wuu,.uj I "This man Ferrera." said she, "is of (he member my family," abe laid grimly "And sent It to MicbtHna cftipa as iiie uaui tluiie cehturiea auU call for iuv. u.'i wit, ulu-- bidoiug ber ujoUiur une ue mus un iu,uiiil. íu l tr He t you Roldonl the Psyugia wuuld le lale Bui iu feWur Uli Ult: lull lu- - ttUJuttu, - ngbt sort is out man to play at love wlien meet Fernando remeui uiuUut-L- Uiu ciu ut leave iau room, wlio told tut wjue uier- fíela Ueuaiei leu lu a bairgi uiuuiitaiuuie iu aaoie waj. and mai rtnse There has been a mistake ibet the ring you wear " In nine day cas net he mild arrange i'j"'ut'i uiuueiau aujuxeu üiui, uiai u wouiu cbjU hmT -- LslU IU XSlMUU, 1U uut uuu, uuwever, of bUuiiiueut by KoJuuu. auj U u his eoun- - lUketU LlllS liKelVllU- - lesuita aiw lur returu tmlore Cürxtuiu Hiie w or an accident of some kind. You shall gnjMlcbelloa stood in the steerage thinking of And io he did. sni ii detai. of her aUiry. Bui atie dt.l iuut kiieuJ ieiieiu n ituU aa au uLiuUl UJlil uiiltw trum ...... LUe .lUisst tiiL ut the uur ui U lu iteijUsta ul . uot Uil uath.oi reviige ullla lauuu; tU CuiUd la iiviiij. liClx aibu LiiM But New .vork offered too many lucra- - Kolouui cuuue-.uo- ti with J i i, a ..... t. veft4 iu Hit t milt t íiuii uai liculai iji lu IU i u. .1 a opeJilüg Ui- - turjuiurder uu n a luv ue, ui unMnlaae uu ThaT wae a pri uttt luuuer to uj uli uU laiauu Ul iwiUcui kjuv uiuuih k nuuueuce vluvd! atteuded to later. Weird in Land, .VUUI 1LU Scenes Chemical 11 ...ig ju Ii nils Uie u iiiiu (Hal uevc waa uku :tua ter- - Kerrera luteued to with white fUiu i" lú ih talc uilulu iu. a sumetvual laigex UJe Ueiu. WitiJiu tüiev uiouuia Ue wjg'fji'u and aad UeurU fur Ue wu. oiiatualeUj IIUU itel IU l lu U.. UJw .ai a luick, yeliuw. a oi auiua utu- - luXJueuce auU nia' with the haitjiUuuie iSiciUuu gin. Hj Where Men Work in Armor 1 Ue ,..... purse waa uu lie caiu Lu wUa; tie owad farewell aud reUiut.-- u Aiueiitu. ui tuu, and ugvc r UiuugUl a uiual juJiur.--.ia-i auu ,.kj- - tit Uoped that a weea ur a Uiuutii ui au iJiUVdULJiaj, uju auj , euae uecialuu. Ue vouid never reluiii '6t'u,i would cure biiu ui Ula love. ' u ht ilUb. ui CUIUtjLtuU ua iwa IU Liu dut-- ouldu t turget. Legan uiakiug ex uak uui Utal lUe lu Mcuy, except peruapa l viaji iU tie raice iu raccj with Kuldoiu. aisui udmu, il ' pu.jwv a uu Uie yettl lu wuiuv. u ue tufti uu t'u - Ui girl tiailty. XUeu ue wruu ; aui ugaui tUcVase. uuie iu j I i a 1m lauigiivi iui L J ajusI . a tu u lu iuU' J.aL aeaaaaae ui uu ui iuc JlJuu ul lue SUU kkLJUui: Üicaeilua. Ue did t ..., caauai leitel. lual i luiUi la kf teuUt ('- 'iu iu J in4 i .t iiy u.iu-A- ujouueuly aa U uaü eugagau m usa feUu-- j Wlt.u T.r ihere' vina a'"iíri lu iicu uiaui are Ueua ca-- 1 alHlBsj.s IU murder pJuL Uer Al imuiaiaa mere u pjan BB aud dud Leiii aiuu iinpurtuuihg JJl.' eaaaWsa " a SMSU.J tul lltlK'U 4 bwu t uUJ tUfcU' tu MiUieluia auu uer veuued IUe suuie aj 1a a ...... iu. uau ueguu tu aunuy lUi. tu u told' ktiOSl IU.I uil'l oijut UjoUi-- IllSt 1' uü uU UBVV suuse suipju pluuia ue UiluVu Lueui iu Lúe tfiri au Has over, uaite aa a lualtet ut W.UU UUuUI tut. ail utter ut legaiUleae ut .. ,.Ci uujtiU uvui a aud uu wiuu. Urn SULl Ule Ural UuUI uiarrtsuie üt wiuei aeil, reveugeU jruuraell i.ics cu. I "i luc-i- ... t e toicily su iuulisuiy Uravue "Wait luitil uu huvv ZSSfH Widn fom the Canal. iu ulau liuv j j Ua uicuusuCkul VaaeBaaabeaaaaaai aaaKáaBaSaaaai aPiaaaaaLrfWT12yyJo"V er, 1UCU1 avi... win gi.a ...... i..- - .. . . aud lúeu Kite Uuu Uu iu.. lur Lue UaaUUg stancs, such as wall distempers, e MiCÜ111 ,uUiUl X4lcu am. ,u,Mi liavul a utu .u use utleu iurget tuai the biuiuui biux. i iu ' aud bakng are ojadf aie aa aa elUus uheie-- t? aireru waa rotuAaU, c UU. 1 uu uu ll e .u.j ... wuuiau aiiuu lu uieu toes wholly or id i irr uié twice, iniii t Bul he uu UupeJ- Utile mule Uju ecrulcu lue sUliave, aud 1 be jaiuai Helltuwu wss cunterred MotAer urgea Veageavace). uul eeUibU lu tau luu LUUUu lue till 1U.J J aUU LUtAii.Uai i e uaf lu' u upon the place u a jo.irue'iei wb e mure. By June ut LUiU uiuii.tir auu iu usually diaMU by au ...... cuw ur sUwVUeltsie s luuLUei v iUi lUluiLive visited it LUd was butitbty impreaaed Uuughter hud aared euuugu iu pay uie Uy ;hem-ca- bUilucs u( suiueliuiea lue alei juilaiu. tjUeVeaUieae uulau ueu tüe tata, letter Ui J lactones as ecieuttai of .iM s w a . lu AuauiIcu uuu baca. un iluls, auU duuscj ale uud Uia isier Uluuu m. Uf Ue LUleW lite, e, JJl Hb lb pJU.'UuiUl 'us ieio euuUgu Lu apure Lu Iwrnt Uuluout At ... 'j a. IUe JilUaa IvUie IU trum wuai aur uauguifei uau ueeu IUU tue ipunelte puim uf view aud v is su o.i eu auiun uicu sue a qujca sitraiusulu aa ulCMad aud lúe Uate ael. tu sea auu ul Ui.u Uuu go ell Uu uu u- -r dei.gbted proc i as tb b w rMMIIa, low uJUU oue,ou. wmu .it:, all tb agtraoi'diuary (J U.e al at wailiue uanuui tuu Miluuu4 mMM aud u.u.uicr v uuai.u. iUeie is a uu tall ul etgUleey side, .ariug. esse) bu b Mere lu be seru lu U Shop ui uu uui. ueiua, uval euuugu rie were al vsueia thieves eut.ied tiieir ,4Ul, lee I ueie, auu wueu IUe ude auea out lue yuu j tuui be called tbe phtce "I atry Laud. iluiiau -. auu-- Aut,uAiu MJltueUus, lia.s Ures luueU uy little Uulue sua stul Uleur Uojiu. .Ley gi'e beati ueu uuu lepaUlevj a t. juua lie. i ue lunii ut tioui ubiug uu. In rk UakgaLU IU islWI J lU ÜU IU t uuiuulu smvsi. Ue m twvei return were 0 tor duy or iwu, but tu le uuilt tue LbitJ uiasLeU sdiliug juu.a lieu uiuk; guud wages, and lu suiue uf tbe a Ula uui twin ll i"ii,a Uu j u u a jvSa uu lut shwiu lie .uuu.u Au-U- lu gts ui. ut rM.iuiuy at savuig sgsiu. lu I lib square san tauuiiui iu u,iuua pica- auisl trade Live suui liuui. uul teu I y lUg, UlLUUUsU UUlllWU iU UU-- Zerra have . 'lu imiu istuugeU auu gut Lbau cow tUad. luis U..I clauuly ... trsaeia, liasawa - I. l.a Isa. res, uijUu u .1.1 ... .'i eu lULu a ul- so aa uig own .narl as lU adUib. i'j - i' tue ji tauugt. r JUl uther crushed theui. ibey leru atuuiethiug like Iba I ul a uu t A ot urai itmoapbere which lahale. i liuuule. Oay sai lia guuuuy (roup Bleaching Powder Packers augeuiwUl ut a ui uia w Uva bui as alicaeliua," old - cba 11, lib a la el ul U lea u said the womsu. it Aini'Ug iboae wbu have th. ibpsi bard- 1 uuleeu ou ...... uu suotv au. AuLuuiu Verier a euuj aud Jo Ui. wy ui Aiuenu. lu am luu decrewd taat you shall wed Auiouiu hips connection with such meabes uf caue seed (ugeiber t tba way trom "Ir'alryiand" to uuieu aphaie or like weird eyarnora iu eadure in their cual uu aie lu iuai ty Uit, lue ic.u 01 my Uuuss .re 4i, ,.,. u,.,. uu g,u Kaiuauuo ttoiuuui. work are the bleacbitig pat kers, twin utber small strips ul- uaiuuuu. lu v(th una ot rhe pudei U , 1' youug rauge the ateita- mee amed for conflict de uui a loud Ui uid "1 iwu am .0 longer lUe Uuty oil 'rilara i uu ueed ttruggliug louger .guui. l al.L wbuehreafbe through twenty tour thick lAuuiykuug also eie made the nu ueta underv. or!d wiU lu aucas lu some uUe tvUu uuder .itlu. liolumu is ouis. o,, mi. fiug.iL utué. uoiuiug u, uu, 01 wbicb have ben given to the tuwa Qee-- s of flannel, wear goggles and uaeU Uy tbe juoks which uriug mtu Amoy Accent bu "Wtduae uud tbe cheiiucal uadea staud tllco 1 UlUSt spea uas my - aiauus itu.iau at uuce" ut it hsi in uau laiuuy siuc us,yulu- uurpuec. Bid uu (lusa U will of VYidnea. in Laglaud. by emineut vis U chem- cloth;og around wbicb browi, paper u large quauuuirs uu, .i..- ui .uuu for each other" All aorta turnerd- - ui Ui. be-- Au lilieipreter burrieu uii.-- uuie tturgia. iu it is a head. Cuiue. Ue will tuag a guud buaoauu aud lu Uiu stxauge, ouajr u.u irhi tar-fee-t tigbtty wrapped. this is aeceasary ari Miua iud itor ical which are used to l - puiauu- - - uuui ge., lauuuliy U. gir. be ad- Th(f vuli4,jUuU tb; dlglTtet Ier the apnug yuiut lúa aeeaie he knew uur veugwauca. ls king l . tgUs tbeae wen must entei the- vbaiubera íroui ue! uvr ui where the producía uf other ton. atV uuceu bi uu j: u - gas lovtaidbim itu .uUi.iretcbed L,u Vmty ud Hie avie nuika oue and he 'ih uei. ahlp brounhi t'errera , uc- The very aUuephre hga a vivid, i seat out t...ui the lowu VJore alkUt in which cbloriue is lurued un Uuie ll 0exy, uy luatug baud fJÍ old or aha ynck . the puini la a uaad mau U grvait juj he uiailud Mkhe- - quality that uiakaa it ditfaraut .10111 la sent (run W'idoea trum used tu be g tredithm that uuittutg gifn bult tillage is largely üuiited cvpiauce. out than out AuiuL... wiuelyj.u womgn - V'i luu aie herrera, u 4u0 VVumeu to be found or wiUUn Urae weeau. .Suw we, uuu u letter ; nvr prepara Lu tsuerd other atmukph?raa. The factoría sand guywhare lee m tbe world quau-Jlha- culd ''""' toree uf .ue aie rat L, "U are e'ernaudu ttoiduui.1 1 d - inert bail bose busUauds let lor tbe eoutb suoa shali begiu Lu sate thai uu mav g tu the Parugia October This wuuld git out great voiumea uf atuukv. of auda compuun la t meuufao- but tbe inh'ibituDia, wbu are very loyal sal Vuu a ineu who bvtruyad ue and hardly beat) A marbfia W mUt Wait. llSTil Mat It aa ka mnlaa in.., He kvnillll aaasti.l n.. whlcai help to make the brilliant chwmlcai tured to n used in paper work me to their unique dwelling plac. point ate in after marriage bat Hicily. 3lou i the n.i.u who beiped they wait iBdl we have jrouu parage anune.! sage iuuae and a sum tui her tnuther aiuiiwta ior which the town le uotesl The cottoa anilla aend to Widnea tor .proudly to tbeir large and flourishing io; beard of aioce. 0(calouatly return kill tetrosiua 1 will bate jau seut buen after years ul abseuce aud pure baa or Now, while Michellna waJl4 Antuoio it happened that fen era waa a r workmen, many of tbam, go to their toil Meachittg materials, ta pattt, get air public ark. uoe verdee' fuiuge dm to Italy .f I cau. I accua uu befui adopt a eou for their Cfaiuee wife, au Kenera came visaing 84cüj .rota man ahout Ula Utu. Igu tie, gave a aturad In at range loukiug coat umas to fi.u lug material from the town Mining prove thia tradition. There re UOiXM' thai .vwbu) officiate." way be revered aad they York He waa a fruit and wine Luercuant' sum of money on daj tu ra eatpktjr aauj' protect them (rum the f umaa of the gsaes eogiaaera depend oa Widow for the peiaon in the town. The met. work the ibtir aocesturs From tbla yon will eaaily underatand' tbemselt-- have som one to look a fiat ot hla adopted country and worth, go him urchaaa and forward i i.i.ut which rhcy must iohei'e during tacit cyaaid pro. ea which exuaeta the gold either in the chemical factories or to Uou Utcbalina waa not llowed to go' tbeir grarea. neighbors aaiu. at laaat $10Ufu0U Ha faLjordar to Michel i na TUa duue, ue fU l work-- Their look lik beaitga from an Croat ita ore, Uuodreoa of other ub or copper work bt EIGHTEEN EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1913. Bñe Times Classified Ads Are the Real Money Makers For Rent Furnished Rooms Advertising Hate Card HOROSCOPE IHHlillHlg IHIiaiiSS M mm its aod neatly furnlaned room NOVEMBER IS. I. Hooine. nil WW ateam bent, rnonlne; wnter in an rooma. n a wltb or without board. JtR Nevada furnltnre. CLASSIFIED LINERS If thla U your hlnbdate fttu are trniKtent, rat" It to II "i0 per dar: In 1.000 raah; our price. . .t2.000 word each lBserUoa. good proi Id In toe Inline l on "" Lh.HT houaegeeping too to itfu Stewart. I.' i: ,:, clitaa In; good furnltitrr rent 175 montb ; le Iir i mid rot) p . $c per word ea;b Inaertloea .. ..i .....I .Irlnk ri'ir a 1 1,401) In ' pride OB HbN'l- - Room With connect lug bulb. nin; R Boom, H.ll Dd B.tli. In moot Mellon of .ltr, flnlhKl ond .UMCtlT. 11.00 per - per montb. hare treat fsrnllv Wc bave auythlng job want ; line you tvm "Imilla for mo protulneut 2 full im1 li..utlful .hade trw hou.e well worth $3,300. wllllnf to No ad. takes for lean ihn 2ft cbU, tad i. ni bbmm wealth, hut "I" bu' ...rr iIihII lt. order aponil It. Quirk temper nnd Icalonay Pbune gi5u riflie for ri.50; nBty lerl.. cash uiut Kiouii'iiiy tb ioi- - Stlmn. Display advertising on classified psg. bate lost you many a friend. Yu NKA'J L FURNISHED ruoui. with ftiru loable price. No cuta paraltteA (S 01 I'hooe Vrlii. C1REEL OtEER LEGAL ADVERTIBSMO. ni. Opposite Wnter Co. "a Office. Im aun-ea- profea 400 410 AU. NATL BANK BLDO. Legs I advertising st legal rata You would a In the LAltUh front room; farnlvbed: Mhw lu HONt 5175. or In puhIK life, - a apenkiT mid niudeni. J'hone .. DISPLAY AD. KPACK. a nollt trian. Kucreaa will to yti j. r middle Ufe. M. of youtb HLKLI'INU room for pea flat rata, week day. Pr "r MJG Noitb Mtiiutuu. colon, n wide, r.n it Insertion, 00c. le In faat llrlng. For Sale Real Estate B. OF EL PASO - I pl A C Sane, Sunday, each Insertion, 7f Tlil- ahuwi he nel faeor fr l K.Mniij,. Rooming House Bargains Htandlog Dlapisy Ada., par Iqck. pel in in upntlon-. SUrh Bl tiiai lilntata. PoBl Uffl-- LOAN WANTED. TpXmW7ttSfXtmYffl5SEJ IT kinds n ial-- !) nuly making money, .tflon Im- month. HQ. Bffltnatreaa. driver, gen la and romita. fnrnlbed, rent montb, only... $2,fi00 Close In property, corner. of repair work. We crate and atore? of dlspisy men. Th- WflBl Ada will Ite bel0(4 In mm; -- Nival y furulabrU iooui. II room", full: good placo; rltnrlng $'.nt month: rem SKT month. .SHOO 4u per tent valuation; S per cent; a specialty. Contracts for large anucata On proved. furniture New mission work I discount. theaa dtm-tluu- fur lh eOBilng ibre vata family. I'noua 21UU. U rrtoina u'H fuinttnr. ml v ill ulna room. Sl.ion years. K. Adv. apace or r adere aubiact all i'- two to four 1004 Mlsaotirt. Phone 1404. weak a. roomi. aicuui baot, new furniture, heat part of pit, rloac In SbO- u- hi Paso property, 30 per FOR Itf.NT- - W'etl (iiiuihed ruoui, amiuy ... On Kast Bl AIMS'. NOTICES. f hold, running witter; thin; clenrlng big money; good cent vultiattuu. . DROKKN metal parta of your car or mutter, each Insertion, ner .i. aiau twu Kiiiglk loom", location; term HLSN you buve money to lend, call and machine enn be welded and made Pura reading to ijoifiR. hiti n. Oregon rt't i. If Mac. room hotel: heat Hunt m In city; long rent only month: atronger than new ; cast Iron, aluminum, ;v Male Help Wanted ! Mi thin wortk lii vol lara ting term H.SOO RAMSEY REALTY CO. etc. Kl Paso Welding Co. hi, par Ho, esrb loacrtloo. 10. HTKAM .ii ruouia. 014 01 FIHK i. i.. 4:tlu loom mi.' fIT.'i month, look; rleftrlng " month: huy It for.... fl.HOO "- - 2,600 S CENT. cleaned, 1 CO Moo tn and for rpnt If yon want your itinncy'a worth, tall WANTED PER "ARPETH. ateam or vacuum EL PASO IMES ; corner, Kl Morning LA I I ivlll-- iLI.K, 7ua N. fLultBNCK- -' Two to four years Improved aewed and laid. Iet us figure wltb you. Publishers Paao Tima. TINNER, N. M 4. .VI. 0 4U valuation, fully El Pnao, Tciaa. hr. Plaaierar. Hteau hmtud, bot, cold ter, private Kansaa St., per cent R. L. Daniel Furn. A Matt. Facty. PbOnea N. m acal. Cyanl'tf u.. u. ftononi, 7H.n0 J K. Mil- -. Prup. by luaurance. Also other good 1023 and 12S4. gold, h bra. Raker, abup, mining eainb. batb. protected CD. . Phone PRONE MIPS CLASS! PI II.. Son, VVowen ook. hotel, S. M i Li t'l ued 5238 REALTY CO. pkO YOU KNOW you can buy bed H"! ruvnia. ''ii ' that Advertlers wishing lo piara an M I month. cblldrvn, doga nor Invalida. i'boua i cheaper at Efwin Furniture store? 100 AcToiint Ad" In Tha Tlmea A full lots 011 corner, In best port wiBt KALI. MITCHELL Mil Mee. THREE price different patterns. should fail 90&n and sk for Mla Clnea! 2U3 Han t'rauclftco St. 1904 of Oovernrarnt HUI addition. For fiad Ba will prjBiptJj take (be ad ore btbllbcd XKYVLY furnlabcd bouieiicephjg ruimi, and terma address W. cara Timen. DRESHMAKINO nnd Ladles' Tailoring tba phone and nd you bill tha follow- private boma- Jnitt X. Kluieno, School Perfect tailoring system, lessons ing momln- - ara payable on WILL SACRIFICE unlimited. $25. 90S N, El Paso, l'bone 1464. N i" hi. fnruiajiad ... tpaou. $850 Down, $40 Monthly Font-- room bungalow on two full lots dV Af 1fir1ot. frf I'lioo 40&7. BI.VN Voll A BKAL'TIFUL NKW HKK K Dl.NGAI.OW. ALL BUILT IN FKAT-CR- near Fort Bits car line In Esst El Psan PASO STOVE RBPAIRIXO CO. BAHKMKNT. hardwood EL HOUSK. u I.AHHK l L08K IN. House baa hath, electric lights, Phone 193.1. Highest price paid for KMPLOYKHS- CLBABIN'J MCa,, liwi i vouaakaaptug aultaa bullt-t- ana a large I Muli wan, a month, floors, features second hand stoves. aahar, )"iing vary u. m aiuony )oura. I'huua acreened-l- steeping porch. Will sell at r u. . At b., New Meilcn. Tbraa is'.-:- hh- plows, hnr- per Hlnirti- - Teias. 300 below value. TOR SALE Horace. Fresnoa. TIMES BRANCH miner, tíí.00 day. tool Bicknell Phone 5238 Addresa E P., care Times. rowa, and other contractors' Imple- aner, .2.' pfr d;iy. MiL-h- wouohi for TWii hi KH of ii, M bouaekieplntE rooiua bouaawork, city Mas lean trl for wait. ments. Donnelly, Horseshoeing and S I'boBC 410 OFF-ICE- r w ork, t il) Mills St. I'HONF. IH. 21S Mill.' RLlMi Ml'Kl.l I'l UNIHIJKD liuiiaakeaplug room, FURNISHED roTTAOK FOR SALE. HALK OR Delivery of Ha patron 7n. COR TRADE wamni. For Ibe convenience down at al ra, N. Huntoti i'houc 2211. Rooming Houses for Sale Rooming Houses for Sale Located lu Mrund View, ob Ft. Snddle or Don- 1 he mnlm-tln- hraocb offlcaa r horno for ale rent. Tune " Bliss car line; two large rooma nml nelly. Horac-hoe- 410 MHIa St follow tug placea: ItlHMI ill mid board. HlíOMl'iT'ílírt HrT' sToTi w n" Furniture '4 - r 00m' rglnlasC. ai itif : 'iiu houaeVi screened sleeping porch 00 two lohlii Hotel VA Teína HI .i:.HN ACTOMOIULK HKI'AIRIMl. 2 in Balniir- - SU- M h, for aula; houac renta for $23, furniture lots, liuUHf ulmoat n furn- -- FT THK TRANSFER CO. cara; elactrlcal, 11 tii) 2 full TEXK'O nine ' tanr s and, Ttias tvl drhlng on NICK FRONT hed room, hath adjolutog; Price, Sim Can rent of the rooma for fU. In good condition, running Careful hauling Phonea ; t bin ud ii - ii. aiirvpylng; laethndH m- -i aale, iture Mesa avenue he Store, ili of kllrhi-- iiud dliiliiu room, l'boue ii Room, Furniture liouae for wnter In and inanj other III titi In tul lUrk ; Rail Kl Paau I tub plio llrtil room niol Iooimi uiw 3011 W lioule urd ISOO. j balance on time Houaa conveniences ; lots alone worth LIARDWAUE and (Juna, new or aecond-han- rng; ; nasi. i. &, More. 2d 11 Alameda atreví; Bou lavara noHiitonn aecured iitlafa ilon Will i;ivc liood rama for liouae ranted for SftOO Will take S0U0 caab for ull bought, aoid nr excbnniied. Bnt0dT; of He- N. you Drug Store, Run lev a rd and Florence dialog frf National IHH Ml.hKKI'I.S'U room 70n N Hiuntmi I'AIIK BUOH Hot, El Paso. If are 'ooklng tor a STUU oh occupieo A Ynffe. 4O0 S. F. Pnao phone 1S4 l 11 W Angela HI'S Mulo Rt. hoiia- term. ievcr St a, iiUhn- rliig. J Hcvcnth, l.oa l'hon It; K rent thia la what yutt want. b v hb'k people. d and au pt Umi a tnken .Mi i; Lily' aiiiiny room iTivlltigf of Furniture - houaa, rant IÍ5; IF TOU TTHE The Times' Classified you Wnnt Addrca H. L.. care Times. 1 CA.WAHSBHH, hnuaa to hoitae. In aell kll hen and Ilning room HIS N. Flor- I.'.onn itoOMIMi hoi kk. S UU. iitnh, ball. oft me. nre sure of resulta. i ' pollah mop on the miirkct Needed 1.1 Rnonia, Furniture 1& room Meen Ave Renta . . , In rvm y lioint n rnthm III ncII Fine, Trinaleul .i i tuou He Oraeaon tvtth NAVA I mnke cnod ctothes: make J nil It 10 NT Fiirtilalied rooma. tlin Hteum limit l uriilahflil M. JO. Tn fjulcklj Writ- now f"i nil nirllvi. SMITH & HONS. 11S rlftbt here town: make them iroi W J. STATE LA X D cAEtt NEW MEXICO Fraternal ti atet KurullHd. to fit von from nil wool . . - . - - - ifUlnu rf'rcinf' aipcrlcncr Texas I'ltone ill. lulJ, there will be sold exactly nnd , O ii ah. lli Lnn e Monthly On Deceuibcr 8th. Ih .!!. .sunt Ornl Utip 'ol oil .A n ... .One Half New Mex- oalv. Tfie price not very high 1.1. NU, A A. U. Id.l. f riilshc room for rent . it i Di i i liOM i u the court house In Demtng. 1'ASU Mi, A. k. Hunt liSepli HmIIiIIiiu. Cllirl ill. Ohio New v i. New I'mnllure iv at either. 1?4 chihuahua. It uiectluga and IJ4N. $2,ÍÍW ico, 18,00ft acres uf land. Practically all guliir first I'MtK RKOH. Brick of W hii ii Wvdncadjy of 0PN 117 MnlU Ht ;ifi the bind wl!l be old In tracts six FITTING. O TINSMITH. STOVE RF aaib .oí TA l,o H wnuted. i .Ml on W i A RklKN. il3 Han Francisco. hone Hiiuviilow In what Is IEY M WuBtb, ii H'mh. New , rloae in M.noo forty acres. The land la pairing. Only repair nhnp. 305 N Rui I'oNi Tullor, Kofi BlIia, Newly 'ni o; Mu Running watttt. Hum 1.11 Irri- i licit. A il , .V n as the shallow water belt, nnd A v. War, w u Uier ."lo, 76c uud 1.'". FARTMKNT lloi tK room bit 2x110 SO.Oim Stnntcn Sr. Phone 506. (, I rule, Strictly Kfrat ' laaa. Brick; SJ.OOO gation hy pumping Is being oporuted iA i. hec. WANT Ku Throa go lota - vhajnlty- The Mun'UK' 'I emplc. corner Kl I iiiouka From noatofftco. No Heller In Town 4 room llrlck J Uda 11,000 on bind- In that TH?" TIMER' rin..lflml rolmrnii 1u w routa mid collect. ItoiiMK. f or per cent of 1'nan muí Ml irl Kiirrtn yioi óift N Kloroiic. Hitan lleatiil in New; close In S3.W0 terms sale are cash, icu illnjr. R.nltx nre mire. OjLUJtP Dept., lo SHOO luto Uaaonh KcMcf Board: Huura. Income Xluuth Oood; clone In fcl.SOU the highest hid, the hnluuce divided TXrC r ihMii .i ...o. a lr 011 equal mm uul pavmeuta, with four OVINO. Hturnw. Pnrklnx. gF .. 12 - rw o to rent. Kl.Hn Itiibime Time. All on Knav thirty Trnntr. in to lu nt. VOl SU MAN, RK A It A It UK It leach Term. ivl 10 McKln-ni- dren l ull at '" II I'AIIK I1ROH. raTifl, 21 per cent Intereat on all deferred payments Buce. Herimin Trnimfer Co. t horouglily nd I'bonc CRKBL it OBKKtt. Mein. i. NT O. H'J. K. O. T. oii tiulckly, cheaply, 117 Mnlu Ht. Robert P. Krrlen, Commisslorfer of Public ft Cnhb. eb. WI. Mil N. rnuipWII. i. M") fiirnl-- h abop wor MCI. 11, (IN put I'u. W., 'ítuirdny al S P- U.. tool. til"- ion .ni- liout ruuui, l'. Oregoa ami . RooMINt; nnd Hoarding for la la, Land, san ta í'n, N. M. . revlfW fiirj ami keep Unlf tli- rci-lpt- Willi- luc ItHtti, phoua Muiidy Ava. Pood O DOUBT ABOUT RESULTS If you i i i fi V hall Vlaltlnu kinuht Inrltrd ).n $0U0; bilallieaH calla owner out of city. N for catalog A M Moler, pre. Mirr col- tusa HOTKL. Mi" I'houe 41Uo. FOR SALE. liae I he Time- ( pi sal fled Columna. Tex. 31 lege. Fort Worth. l Jlooinn. BuriRaluw never been occupied, ateam 1 FOR RKN'T Two nicely furnlabi-i- bouae Htenni $2UU MATTRESSES made new. New Special reatment H Heat. NOTICE heat, 2 lota, bard wood floora, III yen III. ' HTlfU' III ill kecplug roonia h na ra uge. I'tiouc ticks. and tip. Erwtn Mattress lint ra, ' r ii'iodl :w.v. Modern l'ii TII MVS. CASH BUYERS, with from $700 uoftn, balan-- yearly. $4200. ; iiüin Myrtle Ave O0H j. Phone 11J0. atora míe trnltiltig lu liiialncfn Henri "f tin- ctiy lo í for a ra Me rooming bouae. 2 lots. Alamoiiurdo Ht.. close to South- VIralnls. v AV. college. it Ion in atore. Poal- $il,'IU llOM ll. dfhlrei NICKI.V fuiiilHlicil room, no alck. l'leaae phone 4141 ubnl you have. Do It western ahupa, $i2j, easy time. PURCHASE YOU R FRUIT and Candles PAKK Ifltns NOW 8 room house, . lainogordo St.. $ai&o, at Los Angelen Cnndr Kitchen. ITot 117 Main Ht on pa-- menta. drlnka erved Hot Choeolatc and Coffee. Keal Lítate Dealers W A NT KH Men to h'iiru Imrhar tnide; r room ror i or light it r li Hide of iba I'ark 24 ROOM roo it lug bonae, near poat offlu, houaa. N. El Paso St.. 1400, Mgen Ian ruing Iium 5c, bull uouatkeailng lu Montu on .a.s."i doing good btiaiDaa; owuer leaving city terms. This is close In and la a bar- clean, rooking. Recular u l K (larbera I'm tiinl will at a bargain. l, QUICK, hef ... ) lu cu tL parleiiced kept aell Addrea gain 2.V-- New ma nn tremen t. newlr I..UC itgtiuia i Kl o i H nielli, ílfJ Ibb. are Tttnea. htmae. turnlahed. for rent, renovated OtT'IDEXTAL CAFE. 105 S. KKNT f i.i i" 'i iipMntrn ArUona St.. $86. Stanton. Wonir Mmi, Prop. .1.1.11 eu.. an ron :; Ul.ALll t.'i.n it i.i Ul active innlili loiii froi mi to U.tib tUI li. Piirnltiuc i.f large room a ami bath, .1 H. SMITH A SONS Hur aiar Uiilg cm rcprcactitui to Icnrn llouh- ii rd nut fl.'t, ffoae In. a linrgain Notnrv Ptibttc. F4re Insurance. O ALSTON. THE TAILOR All work ii film op poll unit Fur 11 It ..f (. rotnneil ollnge . beat FOR YOUR CoN RNTKNCE 441. St. on . S i klALU, 1tco hl lire Phone 2io Texas done the iiremlsr-s- Sulla and Over ielepbune iX i.lit.ihk hook fri-i- i jull.N.Mi.S UDUhU Home Livn purl of ii an, rem 1110 ; $4.VI buya if, conti K!i to f,V. The Model. Phone 5024. iila aiul. Rvnlty I'lttnluHit. I'h UTI WM N. Oregon. No alck A ii men h ai" ñu una tor rr The Tim es mal ut ulna up town TELEPHONE. 14 Snn Antonio. Wft a esey to your i MAIiOtN. brnnch office "l Teta Ht. The Insert n 1,'ITK mu out In- t In Times" la .i i;m';hii:n f;i IA1 UiMlMr. hi. in DOiKHiSLL antl ut t MiK'nv Hotel lgur "Want Ads'' Tb CUNSKT EATCnO HOUSK Heller Hum block from I' O Jfif, pr dy mi our ever the telephone. Just ask for ipst. every day. inl"ii iy ucncrnl cm iNK :. j :i h atand. onil pnicc Want. " nil the Dinner Lunch or rl7...nlT Adtlr t- - and cp weekly Atla, irlv c our ubacnptloo und Miss Cluailfled, read your ad and eounter, abort ordern. 10'. H. El Paso. pay billa at tbee brunches. bave It charged. Reaulta are sure Uol'HKK KKl'l Nj ItuuMH In econd hloik to follow. TIMES WANT ADS get results. Let the A. i. OL.bii ik IIKO, Kai Iti'lM uorth of M.i ni. Temple. 1U0I N. Kl PHONE SOBO. 1 Classified Columns get you buyers or t.,n m - I' k I'ho I.MI'I.MYKKK CLKARINIi 1HM KB Fiimo St. Aak for Miss Claaalfled. rent your room. linker. N Mexico. To r A CtM Kuriilabeil nn house for aiile, , AS I L'ltlJW J.I I. KKNT room houe, f iiniivheil. $1 30 .Vftft Iilll .ill. ' II caah, buki 11119 ou time. Houee TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS to SF THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN'S Hhl pt'i neck Office open until liriiiidflc ..' ii .i.ii.. loturauct' Milla j l. Aie., monili. renta Sh per ucre; down, balante forty u The Tlmna nnd be sure of Pub- result. Mill- - n- iiiiM- - IS room rent year. Tesa map free. Journal B F i. t. i Jl tlilK i., i.'tot rwn itu'iii Mfiiliiu rnoiUN for Roomisig House Furniture liouae, ' lottam-- lishing Co., Ho" at n, Texas. WULCANIiINO and Service Htidlon. aluuo'll Ht I'boua r 110 alck. I'houe 117s SlLiki. caab, on time. v 21. room, price U)0ii. Iteut ; term a Open day and night. All wnrk guar- N New Mexico Irrigated fnrin. 407 411 U 1. 1,111. ltd M1.A1R, I'KL.MA It, H7 Htiinton. Furniture liouae, $'iVá) Ueot qn anteed. The Ecelslor. to Myrtle li ' where alfalfa Is iilwaya per tou Bldg I I A I : water, free hatha Fl Are. Phone 510ÍÍ. 411 K"biMa Banner II KM K N N It II A K Mi; N for ill Snaps $120. Tertuf. he e. nml retails 40 nearest town. ly. upMMid. trillrmiil Kl I'a-.- t. wiigca llnb. '..'ii If you ore looklug for n roomrng bouae prices. At Lk UNh, 411-- Auiar. Bank enterlnu We All products highest western market YjrANT TO SELL OR TRADE anything? .tWlu.v llalli rc'Nilllim headt. tartera. INial H'.MMH ALL, UOOMH won't lint ii Itoomlug Houaa utile aee lireaaou. moun- Bldg aJekbo and vallaji luudM, rauebva, KIM'S u LKAHK. & Private wnter right on abundant Adrertlsn your wnnt in the Classified HKMliret) roiupett'lil IlliMperleUcetl men. LF.WIH KHKK BI KKAIT. Ifa bargain. TIIK ItEN'í T11K J IK SMITH HONS at W. F. Moore, Silver City, 'ante nftd lei. '2l. INFORMATION MFHT BK 441 tain ream. Columns of The Times sud get result. ,lu Hi ml une. alnmp. Italic y Ansm Intlnn. Uomul.itf lluuae l.lal Uw Rate. Li IK THK FR1CK, THK TKKMs. 200 Texna Ht. 1'hone New Mexico. U.'l.i ItWA, liriHiklyn, N. V. r RIUHT or wo won't bnuille It Ho, when UORACI. II KIL'VBNH. etc., Hiillea. Rió N. Htuiibm, ueur Callth-e- HALK -- large VTttA TIMER only when the occasion we ay A- It meaua aomelhlug. FOB BonrdlliS boitai. with BUNGALOW ON Keal Ki.i't- aiul Inaurance- a, gmubd fiooi l..niit'. plenae call. dining room, one blued of I'lniu. l'bone PRETTIEST demands It. SAKKHMI N o el! on loU til ob- - BOVLKVA RD. .'innilai ' AH t unía, elti N. sua CAN RENT rooms J Iter nml deintrtnicnl lore ie heal poK IT Hlniiton. H BOOMS, BKAl TIKH For sale or trade for autumoblte nr eour vacant If .i Kan Franiacu mop on tin uiarki'i W li t inibiv for W. MO. HT. Full KALK- - Furniture of an huUae lota, with pun cuah, bal. easy terms; tou use Times' Wnnt Ada. t It K NT Ti heiilthi gentleunin r STKAM IIKAT built-i- aiiriictftn pi upoNltlon. glvlt. refarent-c- I'nlt UK N'T "' or bouae for rent furutabed ; fiirnnca 4hxl2ft; o rooma. hardwood floora. all n Inilv, employed, heiiutlfliri; f rnlabed oM. TTMMIE. that wlae wenther owl on the otl preito'iM e pet leu ..rie-- Ham S41K) DOWN, HAL bent ; beat reahlu e district ; cluae In. features, sleeplug porch, cement front Mop 1'olNh Haul Bldg., front mom In private family, cluae In. i40ui porch, beamed .1 ll beau-llf- front nage. says yon needn't use Tlmea Personal lieilb a Ci f I 101 KAHV. " MONTH Telepbnnea X mid 305. colonnade, o u Mi inoderu cull i'ii If nt in. JlH N. light fixtures, also fumed oak Wnnt Ada uiilea toii wnnt reaults. fin. in oblo I LKWIH, HIS N STANTON etc,; . '110. own- - Cl.AlltN o ANT nulling-- trL-- ltb aule furniture to mutch. Phone me. IT It N i rn k K For Sale Real Estate ol hi tin ras Hit Kit rionl "li oltl V A Help Female Klo .11 UOOMH, NFAR I'LAZA. M KH For Sale Real Estate UMhIi Wanted llrnude K OIL l,UTH In proven field; one at uuctlou LONKL bol lea ami geiltleincli In rab It NT S3i.ü0. ONLY $JU SHDU N BU UK. $1,IJU; Nov. 21. ut I be Majestic. K. A. ami (tftlin iii t in iiiiialti - eek ouip iu W KKNT ii. H bi'tl but LKWIH. Wo HTANTON , Saturday. ANTKI after nit munlbly. Utia A Co , 314 Bldg. IMH Third Aw., , no Claytou, Herald lona Mabel Bond. O Mill nal be rell.ibb lei and conven lu N. HAWKINS IlltiiS 22 er II., propoaltlou Call after p. in le. 7IJ Hlrttilon. LOK Ltl UOOMH IKIWNTOWN ... OWNER will aell collage, close In; acres wllb house 11 NKW FFRNITI UK SK. Sl.OOU; XltH) down, e nl Improvements, ro for El In Un cnril Oregon Ht. RUAN KINK HOI sacrifico If taken quick, l'bone ,Zb. trade HKAlJ your fail' KXTliA PARTS NKW BIIILIHNU-KVKR- CO.N VKX1K.NCK Want Pato noo 10 like reut. It? property. uul lie. ITicy nr' an itr ANTKL Co Irl r..r genera Mi $l'7iaJ, INtXI HAWKINS BUOS 7 room house nnd 5 lots In heart Frea- reudlug given III DMA who underaUitd c orb Mum a home a nlif In TO IU.'. N. STANTON of La Cruces, private water, also W dumb u Ml t 3a- - FOI TV. & lll'BRY H 4 room brick, li full comer id bi' Applv uiornln '.Ml oiiiliiu. THIS AUK YOU TIN N K I NO OF BUY-I- city and Irrigation wnter. to trade 1111 N HI ton rinme llixt. Iota, $l,tM): film down ami m.'i iuoiitlil property. I.AOV t un Hun Antonio St.. i A HOME OF YOUR for El Pnao oinpaiioii. hIiikI'' wblo. IF IT'S A HT That butiaa HAWKINS BUOS. OWNi '.'mi mm lud luis) I.N 1111 . u so, in set- un. e lola in Freiuh addition to in. will irrled wblic mi n ant t e it be I'HKT't' KITTKK I'lUM'osiTION near Trust u la yplemlbl buy with If tlrup nml Refereui-e- f A Si S4Ó a h III cltJT, trade for upper valley lunda or la delightful buuie. nnd of all alaea a ml prlcea tic F.I. the RKNT DMA motil The prbe AtTOMOBILK WANTED Will trade blive (belli all purl of the las puj .V.'ób Klybt elegtinltv f rn re In 7:v."i ; bm You cun nt Cruce property. rliaiigenj lhone m-- h. rooma. itlied, it only down. clear miiiiü Hue lot. prices und terma thin will suit iiitei o(): SNI tin a . One red brick, fine, one I"i ti iV Zl N tó will clear uiunth and lino ii moinb here. LOOK IT'. HAWKINS BROS ou. MAY. .A I R OV A N T All TZ KI.KR litis it brick, good, glKKN N leave hiec ronuit fur i ourelf We have a complete in: of while one i 1 m, bi ih St ant mi I'hoiiM HNJ guaranteed t. rem out' ROSKBOlIoriili & l KH Nt iTH I NU DOWN buugalow. houea und loth en refully aelc-te- bungalow, modern, and one fioui I'ttaloffh '.'it- Room-- . 20 MIhbouiT St Beat locu- lu and puy 7 room brick. 52x130 ft. and 25x NTKD illlitf I'Hij to io home ateltu a hitrdwodd floors. Just uioe from the of the high claaa griiplll foi NM KKV Fl'RNlHlIKli tion in town, Hubttanttal, by month. ISO ft btialnesa property to trade ST I H wrk ami to ,y letoida Mi LotiK, ó yea leaac, reut $1911. will districts, Amerli-ii- I Aphh Muudny, kriliig rooma. bouae. HAWKINS BUOS CASSIDY & ADAMS fur alley lands. I'rbea lb loweal rude South IfrfWi pa prof It on price 45 iteatem Talklnu Mm iilue Co Or lion IMioue euoi mona Intereat ut airea, snap at S50 per acre, .INKKKIt $2,OU. Set- tbla by ull lueuun A HA R I F ICE preaaed easy tenue. N I'bon- DO YOL WANT A LOW PRICED 11.1 M mi mi Kaille to bl Kb htth- till brick, near High ul, Ut $o,2.rt0 ll' HOME (LOSE IX? Bring ut nil your trade Have o t ,l lakeu iUlck. IMIOFKHHIONAl. in in allitíle, refine ami u hi point For Kent Apartments Several Hire room nu Htiiiuoii, Let us tell you about this 8-- eloaod four this week. We make Money, stau-tot- maní and meaua, Ktrnrtgei in ill), tie Ocho.i. etc ALL Ft. LL. Making HAVK YOUR UK NT 4 room brlok, iun room bouse; close In on N. i. them. tb- - am e ol ludj of gowl l OH RK.N'T Biuml ne JUd IK'V l fur beat dea own room RKNT FREE. Low 2 Only sukjft. TANDY. AT WHITE PADEN CO irea tlown, $l." munlbly. on corner lots. 12, IH paMtttage Onject, tunirlmuuy Nu r H lw Situations Wanted nlkhed e It lu. Ift N rents. I'rit-e- $:mu to fcttU; term. Ouly $10iio. CASSIDY ADAMS. 11, Mortrnii Bldg Phone 1540. uarü uiinly nutpbell, l'bone &D.'i3. HAH KINS BUOS. 211 Mills. St. MON TANA HT. Kl I'uko's Fifth Ave ! RENT PAYERS. NOTICE I I ' H A H -- INK NKW mil rb-lli - WARD'S ckagf AI. NtRHL I'boua prhate and lilt elegant v furnlKbeil roipna, t luae lu IN ALTA V 1ST A 4 room brick, $1800. $H"J FOR SALE-H- ANTONIO ST. room bungalow, fit) down and T 1D1 It!'.' N Hi. Perfuimtl em two in rial. lu $.'.Vi r. w Ingtt' ll. buluut-- 112 out ur tltiwu, '" niontbly. HOUSE. $25 tier mouth, surely yon don't W o.M K N ToT or Mr- - I. Li.. Mipiillvil TVU lilblreii Irk. pi ofli a, moot hl A W KINS BUOS Close 11. as) klu a; distance, wnnt to pay rent when you can un I1.1t ton wnnl nnd in- will at rive to brick, modern, buy n home on sui'b terma aa we t'RMKHKD HpJrtuiauta, three nnd ! . acinic room stable tuid Miscellaneous piense )ini. fee SI tai Honell uip'ov meut rouui N DOWN lii- will buy run abow yuu. If we an. not new TO" Ave llerea n fJANHY. II Koniua. Or.g..f 4:i, outbulldlng. 2 full lota, nuvlng please iu ) "in. 11. . lh Morgan hatb. mini: Mnndv flue lota. block Oniud View, $200 you lu what we nave, will it. itootu St . near Alexaudrlu. among tne noba, al- paid, price Softfto, or would sell build for IT I BUlg. eiith. you on MIMA UK HltlM AH TRKKK, pot-- na y a Jammeil full, a heu mlf ul pluce, ter- completely furulabed, SÓ4U0; good Niime terms. paid Mié pilíoh a, HAWKINS HKOS. S3250 bungalow, hard- pine need for aofa W NT Kl Het of bio keel ereuluga. Board and Rooms ra ed lawna. looka like u uilllbmulre'a terma. bOt Large w wood floors throughout, $350 cash, brlatiuua ireea to older, tivl mi ti bookk muiialou. untl LotfK. rent only fÓ, lib FOR RENT BY HAWKINS UROSlNewi L, W aaaj, 1 balance $25 per your ordera in uta tiauu, i O.N il.fe.SCKN UOML in 1. brick, tov. Hill, 4 room FOR SALE X. OREGON ST. month. N M ) "i. Fine upurtiueiit alie, W A NT 1.1 Foul I bin Ha tclrphuDI operator, i'KLOflh L'ateiluii lu peo pi ubo dewtra ALL THK WATER YOU WANT FUKE. flat. 12HI Boulevard. Soft 7 rooma, red preaacd brick, east close la; pi 11 ai- I y Itiu-- high aTCuiodatlon ano uur-- lot 110x120. Price 0300. will take aome trade CM M N E V H W K BI' Slo ei up tiud re lib t.trf xpei claaa raraful Fine furniture and lota of It Can rifar front, heal rrlei-em- I'houe .11.1 lb m .'I lug. S 11. 1. Iruui city. Fort Bltan '1 tenement houae. paired, l'boue aa for .loe A I) rar 100 per cent per annum. be prlc. $73o. puaaaa door 'lalvpbune "M Rata 11 HALE store, on corner, $500 cash. Rent work KUiirunlced BIO ag Hiieiika FOR pay atiti ia bo, ' M erk up $1000. IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. will for the balance. KpaUUb WlOH'l 21 Hooma. ueur Union Depot, $l.Gú() .1 5- - h ., liueutlj nanin ttuall room, 2 full iota, cluae to rat Beautiful aurruuudlugs, room bungalow, heating plant, uimM co if K ..nap l u retiulrv er No lh, and moiu. n iilklng dlatani e rent olily iL.II.K sud school, SKA) $13 muutli lot, and one of the best nil the Int est fen res , $300 will Dellrer It Hlgbt. RolFbOUe eust frout bundle ' I". U'i: btil't red pressed brick bunga- tbla. IS Boom, id Finely located, naar Trtiat CASH SOO0 $smi fruiue. two lots, A T ll IN WUDtad Horn llgbl it , LA II OK front with board, lows lu the city, heutlug Hill ork uot iiu private Bldg ALL I.IOH I HOt HKKKEFINO, $2ft per buya J room brick, $5(1 caab, $12.50 per month bal. partli otar na Magra k oiltxl le for v or jim Jpaon, uiontli plaut. The price la right. Owner tu oiitibtor wtu three ... room, with una range In every 3 In on Wyoming. $1SUH. $2tV0 o room h rick , Lost and Found prt ferrad I'ho ie SHOW lots, close leaving city. If yon are looking HKK I'H FOR HTOVK ORATKS room. THINK OF THK 1'ROFITS wltb for u home, better speak quick. frame, lota, $1S40 at percent. W N your StCi Saver a $;i5o cash, no rOI.'NDSOMK MONK Y. N limes DM lib koiu pi' It hi .int - For any make atore reut only bus vacaut S1NI CAHH This It a aunp. bulnnce Int. Bent It ork lu new pa pel t1 Bok .V Myn FOt TZ A ZINKKKIi room. l'rlceI.B"V S13 per BlOtltb, beautiful new 3 1ASHIDY A ADAMS brick home, 2 lots -- $200 Lost Ladle- pwkethooi iwutatulng du, .New b M- IS N Stanton Phone put room bungulow , 2 lots. Alts Vlata down, bnluuce $20 per mo.' X ' d lain onil brooch. b't wean ft Uooma, right near Mnsu. only $220; dUtrlcl. FOR SALE TENEMENT SITE Int. added. Regl hotel und Atexnuder Apu lb-- ttl N; man with A I refetvurea NKW 1. 1 fn ml ahed ami devora ted room cheap rent yarda. Hecoud. 78x 0 lota, best located corner In In Cor. St. Yruln and paiil If returned to Mra. I M work Willi wholeatile or relall ai ) with aid. cluae In. homelike tfc!0 K $11 CASH. 120, Improiement conalst of two Alta VUta, S3O0 per lot. ml IMioue 4o:tJ. 14 $it00i Ht. Itegla oinpany. Tliuea. Overbi Booui. Meaa Ave., Just abofe the $20 per month, new 3room buu 4 room hrU-- cottage reuted for house cloe In AnueluM S very .r...t . r,...l.l..,. leaae. nui aniuiuer. galow, 2 lots, close to car aud per month. la an ideal beat location. Tbla place la LOST Young Heotcb Collie bitch Mil. III! l.ltv NEW LY turnlsbad room, btiard. This w ' $W wluter. S2S00. bi worth $7500. o uer must bave ward. 1413 N. Kl I'nao or pbone bouaekeeper. took and compunlou Ad- Campbell. school, tenemeui alte. Owner will sacri- money ill eaa wra. Me Utbirs, bun 202, fice for a qtilck sale. Oood terms. I aid STKAM HEATKH ROOMS, y buy In city $100 We have the bargnlos. Bring LOST well. Tala. eicellent table The mall the is that CASH CASSIDY A ADAMS. your aa real. Reward. 'A,. o LIS.' Board Mra. Mason, 32A p. Ave 8 roams on West Mlaaonrl Ht. This Is a $20 per nioutb. brick, trsdlug pruposltlnua. We POSITION WANTED by ciiHTieuced lady big tblug. I'roprletor making a fortune cluae to car and school. $1850. FOB SALE. can handle them. atenogrnpher aud bookkeeiiei, K OO M . buurd HUI Sun Antonio. Pboue y7ft. here, wishes to retire. YOL'RS FOB ON Four auto's at your aervtce v eoujpetenl but CLOSE IN BOULEVARD. WIUTE-PADE- BS .SOB! - H 15 E BÜ and reliable; muat be gomj uoaRlou and SU.J0O. Cheap reut. Investigate. FURNISHED. By prder of conrt, modern REALTY CO Sá permanent ; A a 4 11, 12. 13 Morgan Bldg. UÚ9 HAN NON BTKNOaRAl'HK ( () Mutll referent Cull MH3, or Near room buugaluw, beauti- brick, cut to S3S00 ror a Phone gruphuig, I'm n ting. Stenog .ipby sddrea C, L W., cam Tttvea. For Rent Houses IF YOC HAVK NOT THE fully furnished, corner lot, Mouteua quick aale. Terms to auB. TZS Bldg. CASH WE WILL LOAN IT St , $323u, easy term. CA8BIHT A ADAMS. ' Milla Fhone 1717 MACON UKALTY CO. FOR RKNT LABOR KTonK ROOM TO YOC. RKUL LAR BATES 211 Mill St. The A Bldg. 3371). Houses for Sale large store room, tornar Myrtle sod WHAT SNAP 426 Mills l'bone Messenger Service líy Campbell si. uow occupied by kl lisao J tii HALT ownei?o fi f rout'" by jt, W W LEWIS IfiatiY lÉiliffÁHQ 'Se'rvíve J'lsno Co, who am golug to uiove tu Júé Jaíé'nger rea o Hteveua nildltluu, louhle liouae, THiis St. ROOMIX; HOUSE ENICHANOE. BKAl 1TF1 1 I LOSE IN COTTAHR fur busluaas. Boys wanted. l'boue 4 modem linpntvetnent. 5S1 W. Main. UTO N Hie ul on, between CnlUher's ami In hardwood, high celltuga. FOR SALE I'rh-- Flulabett $8,BJ. No trad coualdered l'boue roll RENT. Suu Antonio St. Oruuud Floor. Phone 4444. MEXICO LAND. large rooms, 2 full lots. KxceUeotty lo- ST, 121 Boulevard. 0 room tfur.l $100.00 Automobile at Your Service en tod, wit bin utone'a of Carnegie The cheapest and bast lota la the clti Special Notices ' FINE CATTLE RANCHES throw ara In Wyuuilug, 0 rooma eO.ot) SEE AliS IM'S IXKSS i'HANCE COLUMN. wa Hqupre. Will anlt the oioat exact lug. N. Ki 4 rooms 20.00 in the. rain belt near the border COTTON ADDITION. mi Paso. have some emtra, fine greaa lunda that Neighborbood of the very best. Will aell TOBACCO FROM KENTUCKY. 1413 X. El Faao, 4 room 2300 111 great sac nice. upon o o pure have no auperlor In that etaie. Well wat- rnce applba Only . This tolo la uot uuuufactured, Hl. N. Kl I'.im., 4 room-.- ' MM tlou. tea minutes walk from postoffl-- muny NKW HiX ROOM & APARTMI'NT ered hy flowing atreauts. Orass of the on tb . U old natural leaf. We have grude. ., afija Frutna, room... tt.U HOUSE CO OPERATIVE REALTY CO. beet street of the 7. Prlcea SS00 Best cbewlng and amoklnu. Huuijile in !.., R. K. very finest. These lauda am offered from and 11V rrruia on a for LYONS. 7,'c up $l'0ft Phone 5175 44a-- Aw. Nat. Bank Bldg. Math caab. halan, on pound, prepaid, 2fic. a CO., Suaaet Mts.. STmUu. terms; just See me for Real Estate Bargains. BUST I'AYINO APARTMENT to ier nrr. sad 5 year. 6 par coat Interest oolan cmupleied. fn.i-- n REALTY CO. 11 ko Market. l.onNvllle. Ky. ltug will to HtMel Hheldou Lobby. Phone 1127. HOUSE IN THE CITY FOR ITS UU suit 'iiM,i., Hlenm heat HIKE; TWELVE APARTMENTS; Phone ."'lT.'i 40S-.- Am. Nat. Bank Bldg. Call CITY KXI'UF.KHMAN ST A N - Overland THK STTTON UKALTY CO. UOXI TRANSI- KR CO HOT AND COLD WATER; PRI- .AaPSQe BRO. , and H. Campbell. I'boUe 2QAI. Two BepitblU-- Bldg Deliver It Right. VATE BATHS: KUUNITURE AL- IMPROVED VALLEY FAM. Dragon. 1.1.11 NEW. m S7ft PER ACRE-- MATERNITY In fhone Phone '".i MOST OWNER LEA VINO UAlo. A N aerea HOME the mountain. WI VALLKY LAND oi Highly Improved In upper Tal- convenient to El .esclualve ethical AND Ll HELL FOR S3.30U County road and car line, tbl ikti farm the Iu, THIS PLACS CLKARS S20U IT. 1; ler, good bouae, 300 fruit iroee,, part la tnatltutlon for tboae esse who prefer the Park. Uood peeulatlou or boma aRe. feacwd. price inlet and aectuatuB Hint la only In For Rent Furnished Houses MONTH. Lane, at Rodger Fuel Co. alfalfa, all This is good for iioaulblc one week oalv. Can arrange Un- the rwiiutry. Oradunte nnrae - IHOv terma. lu attend- trJ.RW Phone t'lwae III. A l K?K IL;E"A 522 oneaa office mak pitttb-ular- ADDRK8S L . CARE IMKS led FEET on Arlsona t and Cotton Ave. improved bind qdlornlng tnla selllug f.jr lag $300 Fi addrras Nurao. cure tina eosy Mnagalow; il -l nn1 mouth: selling un Kl 1'ako a Ull will. sell ..uhea nurtb. nnd aoulb aldea, Price. S3.du0; gooi term Address till price. Tim. less coat, ufclL SSV of leaving town Cull at Wit SuulU than l'boue per month. Oraudvkew. ahoue J2M. care Tina. Adilrcaa, Valley Farm, carg Tlmea. El Paau at. ( EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDaV, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. NINETEEN These Pages Make the Clearing House of the Southwest For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Salesman Wait tad KfcWMAN ifrVKHTMKNT t'O. STt2yi Wltbln cítjr Lnt?r-cof- , "AFCrTolí . , t ,línV Tfie COMPLETE St., Sec- limita of rwrTfír IN STICK MARKET IN GRAIN MARKET LIST Itf ni lístate, Insurance mid Bond. 434 feet on Btanton do to near water works, will trade- new Moran. Texas, oil fields. Address 104 Street. ond St.. ImrroTed. Price, fiaoOO; good Oanera. Rlard A Rockwell. Hlaughter nan Amonio terms, name for small b'man or lota and might tU'uOO 2 story business I.Ik H. Kl l'sso pay soma difference In caab. Address Alil.. Dalla. Texas. O- 1. HKINEMAN, 201 Mills Ht OF PRIZES Bt. Rplendtd boy. I C. cara Times. WANTED A reprcent tenement bouse, H. side, real salesmsn in RINC. NTKADY AT t BL'V litis BAHUAIN. TWO of land, adjoining town. na exclusive! v In Arlxona. New Mexico TKADINU WAS LIGHT DI WHEAT CIAISKD IN THE Htsniau M. Kaey terina. ty acres on road, mile down, 1, 114 TIMES' CHRISTMAS GIFT íí t.'ouaty Handerson. Tesua. K. 11. Young. and Bl Paso, beginning January HAM-'-CKN- T,a rm. modern borne, beat clow to station, 9 bearing We large, and In every YKSTICHDAY S ABSAION. ADVANCK. Bscaunge fur ratley fnternrban . have well known CAMPAIGN lilk. ArnoM frnlt trees, nil In cultivation. Price only RANCH, near Ynletn. 40 acres, way first-clas- Hue of exclusive copyright $400 cnah. lerner. Mills Bldg. calendar- and advertising spcclaltle Oar ii V fri., basegsent. $i.'i. lald j mi house. ft. D. O. 1IG1NEMAN. 200 Mills St. Hue Is so and varied that each i I .- Cattt Klnlahed More Than 4nc Fntl i valley land attractive in. a inn Oprnln tltc Market xchange far and every business In every town in the Vp Claltl of y 4.7 2 atoriea, brick, beat lilk. Lee CASH. regard cau be Heavy and Trading Wan and Oats Recorded Í1&0 2 full country without to sue Closing Christmas Eve Ht. Terina to unit brick. lot, succe-aful- ly goods are very Hnlf-- t K7KU solicited. Our Nona! nal. cnt. s 4,W0 n ran. bungalow, Nevada Ht.. fences, sheds and stable, clone to Klch FOR SALE attractive, but uo mora so our tí HAND CAPITAL a month. mond Terrace. Price, t2.$00. balance easy $4,000.01). than lltl.i:. i.kIi. JE0 feet, an Overland, prices. Communion llberat In- $ t allfornia finngakm. alluated 3 Kir) bungalow, ltwsl'JO ft., O. V, monthly payments. Oilio near Banta Pa clusive territory assigned. Our company In I U 8t. Can .1 . - Mornlnifalde Heights Addition, tfXl well, bat anlt. !. II El NEMAN. 200 Milla St. arrange terms to suit purchaser. was organlaed 1882 Capitalised $.w,0ou ''- tne i, ,i r 0g tk Aaeaoleted Presa JAS. in de- bnlh by BtdM-er- bungalow, car Une. H. P., J. WATTS. your ap- IS.- - hi. su". Nev. Ifl. Revlrst nf export tbe "Standard Home I MORE THAN t'OFBLE YOI It MONBY KM San Francisco St. Phone 4A4 Enclose this advertisement with New Tor. Not. Trading In stock - exchange fur valley bind, i&JD plication. Merchants Publishing Co. mand here at Baltimore gave courage tho PKIIRY kikki'M itl k Ave., bungalow, small LAND AT PKB At' HE na light throughout the half day se sad t Myrtle 40 R El Paso, ad- Kajajfcaaoa. Mich Acoordlngl) KKALTY COMPANY. Itn paymeul, bal. anlt. Aerea, miles east of . slon which brought the week to an end today to the balls In wheat. cash joining valley, II. railroad runa through to PlllttT PKJXK PASO. S S2W modern home. Basneti's Add. and In moat cases net changes were only the msrktt closed steady at U to S rtR li valley land, clona to station, good soil, shallow Wanted to Buy k .. C Kxenange for vacant loia. or water; termn, net advance, t'orn fluUbed S 10 lftl's 114 Idodel h Touring ar, land and baa ilwsi vendora Hen note to nominal. After a firm opening the mar- electriu llghtlnjf and U. 41. HKINEMAN. 201 Mills 8L Hougekecping Room buy hand tools and a up and osts with s gain of m 4ka4ij. apply lb pt. payment. WANTED to second ket berutue heavy', more because of lack 1o starting eyatsm; value, $1,150. Pur- H. MO W B. Bl Paso any pres- but provisions were down n to cents .I.UUU brlen. 1 ft. frt. Wyoming Bl,, UOVKHNMKNT BAIIOAIN. gtfns. Hit. St or demand toau from marked HtockHrd-Churo- - t HILL TWO Nit 'ELY fnmtshed housekeeping s By msny moat ntgplftenn.-- m chased frum inter- - nli. gVO per mo. $"."' bnyK 2 on Weatmlnater St., 1048. ante. Investment huyera held aloof, traders chwe la. lots rami. MiS N. Florence Phone WANTED A ranch, 60.dtk to 100.000 acres: nrtnchgd to sales of hard wheat here to t national Auto company. S WiO bunga low, new. 4 lota near l blntpk- worked with caution, helas J from ear line. . owner, r reprvsentatlve in Tine, 20U LIGHT ronmn; nicely direct from of exporters, t'orrohornted traasacHoas I IKST PRI36K n BUms 9400 cash, bal. f.u tí. HKINEMAN. Mills BL HOUHEKEEPINO buy cltutd tu take the beat side because iTS.llOil IVH l. ranges; $10.90 prefer ranch slocked with cuttle; will thU line smounted to Misbel and mo. furnlaheit; gas and coal and ranch If priced right; must be the abseuee of support and the continued of asser- 1014 Hubmoblle 3.1410 15. Kl Vaso, $300 LOT HAHUA1N. month. 314 Vtrglnls. cattle stocks, a sttrScted social notice bungalow, Booth grass, protec- weakea of various such t Mar hen-ha- Touring Cur. Kully equipped. Includ- $110 buys tot and balf In Military well watered, good winter .New tions that other in purchaal ns cash, 125 per roo. cash housekeeping tion, ranch price. Send full particular Pacific, Haven und lenlgb kept private In addition, Bnbl ing Westing-hous- syatem of '1 Kl llelahta on McKlnlcv Ave. BEAUTIFULLY furnished Valley. Were however, and been L70U modern home. Iota. h. 71& A Edna. loaae amall. of 9230 D. 11. HKINEMAN. 200 Mills Ht. rooms on ground floor. N. Oregon. first letter Address Scott Buns. up on scattered more sent word of ltlvr1 eugaiiement" ignition, electric starting and lighting, laso, blgb ground. Klnbee St., Texaa. Reference. Allen National Bank- they were largely made ocean freight room. Awvtoea from Buenos AlU per mo. ; buy lug towaro close. Ihlgh Valley etc.; value, 11,260. Purchased from FOR BALE BY OW NBANo coinmisión TWO LARGE bouaekeeping rooms Aires tobf nNo of oo unen rain In the u. com- ,.1fiO i rii). cnhhleitone house. Kings Hal- K9 mm W A NT ED buy all kinds of household wan heavy throughout ,en rjatvesj duph H. Uaura, Chalmers Balea A bargain from this acres In children or Invalida Tonung to by north snd of continued drought In some Highway. (;. V.. $150 ranh. fl per mo. of 0 acres In bear! of goods for spot cash. Phone HDd. John rated Rs dally perforiuancw pany. heart Ysleta. fa FINE. BUNNY boueekeeplng. Alt To, Pa-- i of the southern dUtrlcts. I.IM neauilfiil rm. modem home, leta. 5 of Ysleta. harden. aulie for W. Allen. maklug a low record at Missouri In corn pit na of December following gift t&M) acre la besrt outside rooms. No children or alck. 700 4214 ihe easiness cine of each of the brick, 2 lots, 11. I' , caab, $15 per A aerea dtrelllng with water in. at was at the roar's lowest. hula- OfferlngM - mid nice Mundy Ave. There was a sjentrsl disposition ta await hrotisht shout decided will go lu tho city of UI t'aao and out- worka near end or car Une. Yaleta. Agenta Wanted (he or i nat montn were scanty, aim me nunc f t((NSll ainndlng highest lent hoti-- r. . lots, mull ah acre with for large plea housekeeping developments to malutslu affairs urer inent from little com llinUttteB Vfl V 11111 embankiueuti THREE furnlahed ñ Mct-- by rural eout.d sae V ni II I mil Llll innnl It llll lake, und jiear orchard. Ysleta. Would AT lTts""Tlerc ía a opport nit y to make end and hutluess was restricted fori. Wet weather wltb a orec..t of fur the bungalow and touring car lire bath. Phone 767. ht : IM bungalow. Wlllon brook, be exchange land for city property, beatitlfui from $m to $2.i n day. Sell Concentrate! tlilM eonelderettou. The dsy was bsrreu ther unsettled conditions tended to in Wlliiiei Have teen decided tween Long Heaeh and Urn Angeles, ex- high on Cotton Ave. and car Lbpior for making whUklen, of news wltb an Influence on market val- a e House- - - residence lota FOR RENT Two modern rooms foH Extracta Ion bat reaiie the dread of sii i'ali Kl K.ST Two 1150 Solitaire Uia- change for Kl Tuso proerly. line. AddreMs Alberta Hotel, room 32. housekeeping. IU14 or 0U0 I paon Lbiuors and Uurdlnls of all kinds nt home. ues wit h the except of fort cssl bought onts freely. The fact thai .ol Hfj- Plume long-fe- immd Kings, purchased frum the - 3,ij0 home. Los Angeles, good sec Something entlrelv new and a intstlc reports from the steel ttade. The was at a premium over Dm minie F.I weekly of re- Jewelry Kl 1'aso. tion, exchange for Vawo property. HOCBBKEEI'I N(i atcam beat. want filled, every home a user. Bliuple rerlews trade ini the trade forget about threat f biu lm stn lompany, $ 5.000 2 hnaics, modem. Ft. Worth, Phone 227V. and easy. Saves over 50 per cent. A few ferred to lessened commercial activity In ports from l.anadn 8KCOND- - Two $1U0 IVierchandls 1TI property. ONE THOUSAND UNDERVALUE. legitimise, various Rnee. exchange for .'oso MODERN nilinile dues the work- Strictly ProvlloiM un c mu becauss of (Jrdrs culling fur I his smount In 9 T .: o aeren, 7 rm. heuae, mauy fruit New bungalow, extra suite: uo ItcetiMC vciinlred. can be sold anywhere, The bsnk malemeut made the expected nt the tnclve lead tint inuklnu center-- 01)8 N El Peso It gooda uf eundldttte's scleitlon from and other trees, cost Sf 3,000- Owner lurg rooms, full basement. ft wet or dry Enormous demand, nella fast, good showing. un an actual gain mm-I- u t ban - Ing more unieron ncted tilt- Hon.-.- una i he 1'opuUr must sell. Offer exchange for El Paso corner, near Lntnar school, will Hot REEEEPINO rouui, sleeping porch, coins you money, Small, compact, carry ,,f 1,,rr ,,huV ISMW.W "V'1 Holders unloaded, es(eclslly lard White property. Mell furulabed or unfurnished. A $10. Phone M04. week's mipply In pocket Exclusive terri- í"í"2 i nirpltu. rtbn diore. I l.BtiO ÍÍ40 acres- valley bind below Ft. bargain for someone. tory being snapped up- - all or apure time recent tniproveiunit In the posltlou of thf Til I UD Two Victor Vlctrolas. the Hnncocki along the river. Lxchange HOI 'KBKBKPINO rooms tKSl N. Oregon. no experience necessary. Be quirk, scud hunks, together with tin- .'tmliig of money last word lu u Iking nnichines, for El 1'aso property, CHOICE BC1LD1NU HITEH postal today for samile outfit and fall par rittes, ludn-ste- thst the nutuiun ib'iu,siMls frutn and tin exhibition at tho s argil Ala- Near High loi-- NH'E, cleau bousekepiug unite. Phone Import i 'o upon the money msrket ha pnHNtnl their 1n Here" improved, near heautlful ui ii Address Universal W. u. Wuiz Music cumpuny, h.1 i'aHu. IBSfOroti I nig I iinyou, plenty ui water. ilon- tArrlookliik cMj, Beat bnn Ibpt. Ulnclnnatl. ih ImuIi point snd tbst lu ull prolmhlllty fair FINANCIAL STATEMENT exchnnge for El Pnao propeity. In El Pnao. run y condltluus will prenll ilurlnu the FOURTH Two Full nnd Complete Socorro, Í.1.1 per acre. R. T WOOD. Lot 'A L REPRESENTATIVE WANTED loin.ilntrer of tbe yesr. No illffh nltlfx sre ttutvmt'iui Bdticatlons. These husliissi id" arrea good land. For Sale MtsceTVaneoua required. acres Bocorro, h rods rrom neien la 20di Mesa. Pbone 27tl No uuvasilng or solid tins: now niitlelpsled h In will) cuursts mean a full and complete two bm Uood one aiiured Address National payment, slthoiiyh prppn'ittous for nifet Hon. nor HN. .Kin N.- - i. Khcm l" bookfce..irnt. horlhand nd. 5 Yatetn. paved rond and FLUFF RUGS- - Msde from old csrpets. Realty Co.. Marden ti t hesp require un nt nmy prodiu Vnrk li,.,, ranh Biwrio irtch, betu Dusaug A 300. i y pew i itlng. Put'chnncd from Liruugit railroad. gzauu. Wellborn- Phone RiilblliiK. Washington, D. temporsry siltreutntt in mil fumi-- The 'of 7.H.V1.HMI er o ud ux r wit h heut Iness un h HusliicHK college. 1000 acres upper valley, fine land. $40 per FOR MALE One Iron bed and sprln, U'VV-ri'I- llnlltvMV .il-- Mil- - market trieBoln mil ti,. In k Prevloua Two $iu Meirhnndlne Ur-- i acre. oil Move art - u 00 revenue Hrrk-- .. H.HttO yearly. Ule wrll Uown limii'a Wk. FIFTH A dresser, tern si pur slue, lÓtMi.üiHi i n tiers, eptlile recipients to Morning Hide Heights Iota are Mill the REAL HOME. Mesa. I'hune 4u42. min nt loon t'nn help you Tot si ssles, which Ihe Iwmt Kiiburbau Investment and the modfrrr borne on two fret. Wrllt Ot- - 4n udVSIICed oil ill II oil Oil' Hl'i'k. thin amount uf goods of their uwn se-- I south lots, on high ground. FOR BALE drenn model; 2 pss. Trlsl eiumlnullou choleo future residence section of El front Onix arms: nipnl. tY2 It, Ht UqiiIh. Hu "ic issoeieied I'it lectlun nt th Boston Stole. Pago, Inside lots ttt0. $10 cash. $o per In East Kl Paio, hardwood floors, slse 38: half price; never Used. Call siTOt'K MAKKKT. - Move- - large 10 h.- of SIXTH llnndaoiiie ritundard mnntb. No Int., tut tnxea. bath, electric light, screetied phone XW0. AO i; NTS Sn:iiilf"t household line on New nrk, No slstemenl Wutirh, CO, In sleeping porch. TbTs em hnllt spllers, Hlendy reprnter. Cleilng Hlock List ment Utiid purchased frum the NEWMAN ISV1.8TMKXT - s fsrfh. R.l hot tbe Bctunl condition uf ihe clearing house Psjoio. for a home, uot to sell. Owner FOR BALE Bookmaker tdackhoards. IM) dtrrerpul gun run By lilxson Jewelry I'umpsny, i.i $0. t)TT nrtlries. Oonns thf Á$uvintnl com punte- - for l he week and- on Montann Ht.. paving ill called away and will eell this at complete with cases, 120 ban Fran- teed; pvrrent profit. Write quli-- New Vork, Nov. lu. hanks nnd trust SPIXIAX cIU; ANIMATION PIU'K. a $1300, prtce cisco 81. lo ii glS.etM.hotl reserve In : t ii flue location for bouie. good bargeln. Kor and terms Hurry E. M Feltiuiin. ssh's mgr., Mi KTAOl.N SllltlH.I mí hi nhons thai Ihe) hold $tit0 t "eel is u Player Pumo, pur-- terms- address E. A , care Time. POR 8AI.K a drnwe regUter. used Kycnmore St., O. Ainu igamn it'd 'opper 70S excess nf legal requltemenls This an based from ami on exhibition ut ui... i. on Meas Ave., SKl.onO: terms. I'flb Agrleultitrsl the only a whnrt time, A bargain. Apply 12. Ameritan of IT.SuSJKVtl last week. Kl CuinpHn 2 Iota Alamogordo St., $000. Very good WII.U nay rellshle man or womsn to Amertogii Rvt-- Increase from Puso Plano This gift to Hoi . Berg. Kugar t terms . distribute 100 free pkgs. Perfumed Borsx Aoitii'iui t'nn Actual condition Mill tie UWurduU tO lie lodge, hi tier New hungnlow. $Js down, bnlam-- year- - FOR BALE OR TRADE New and FOR NAM-- Rubber tired h.iggy. Neff Soap Powder ii ui on it friends. No money do. pfd Loam. Increase, W.4M 'or orgatilnatluii standing highest. iy. full basement pressed hrlck house, t wo Htllee CO., 4t N. Hnntn Fe. lMtoiie a rtHjulred Wsrtf Uornx Co., in lnstltui A inertes ii far & Fouudrj ism. i hi isti ins eve. lots on Dotfglax Nt., $00(1: terins. lots, oak trimmed, everything th clans. St., I'hlcugo, Atnerlean Cotton Oil Specie. IXi4.SI2.isri Increa-- tlO.Ol'J.OOO During thin 'ginpalgn a person J. H. PM1TH & BONB. Bent residence section. tMnvenlrnt to street KHi H l.K Win. h. Her rifle. :W.l. AiuTlciin Ice Hecuslilf Lciinl tender. 1H, io,mi Increaae, Í2. ' n voting for t itidldale to Notare PublU1. Fire Insurance. car. Chicken, pigeon and auto honwe. Ad- tn. resr hIsIiI. SI0. Phone DreMmaking A merles n i.tnpil LIIS.IUI. when .their Phone 441. dress Owner. nitw. Net dept.Hltrt l.ild.rtlü.oOO; lucre SSS, a In the hiingulow. touring cur or one 500 Texna SL Make Aiuertven lwoumtlvf . 20 oTLBIE A v ltJ rid ST00n of the other prizea muy siso cost the) nRNITfnK f house ssle, title li'iirnltiK. , in.. iWski fr gsrmenls l" pftl WH lirciilatlou, s44.M7ll.tMML decre B.i her of votes for nrtii nuetl for '' mil it- lunisf for 411" do. ni mi in their plioni' A 107 rush reserve In vault Í4,tHh. IMumip alWJ. I 'lose in rlcnil Suitur ItefluliiB lodge or order. Ask us about BUSINESS DIRECTORY Tel i Ifl iiuH IsTb, the awarding of the Cecil lan. EL PASO CLASSIFIED " 1111Ü pan leu' reserve lu lomk FtHI NAM' Amerlnsn Tubaocu 22U TriiMt com cash NOTE- - The vote acule In in- :toNi. Business Chances ;uv su;: the 1AN8. Ansi'oiida Milling tu usi f t will de- ACOTIONUB. OF III Alchtson 02 Vlui ey.ite nnli reserve, ....n.."' Christmas k mpaigu Luí ful rewerve. in ii f let November 22, - .i.a,-m:- do pfd vrrit II crease and after W A WM.I.IA.MS. AuMlim und ruiunil.- h tbot milt, Wood. 411 E. Over For Sale or F.xchange Ciiplci Atlantic I'osst lAiw 111'., tluil ilute less witea will be allowed. nffli'i alraaca to land. ait-ea- Iirok.r FOK KXCIIAXOK noon PAYING, WKI I. KSTAB-llslie- ItllllllllOIP M Ulll'l nmpi ules' It will readily be seen by this that Bldg. fWl. ho hi- Init per.-eu- cash I'hoti. 7 t level cleaning, presslua hui! lullur Itflhlt'hi'iii Htrrl members earr) ly will work wonders rtertlons of ex rn flue Is nil The rewrve. WO.otT.iMSi, atari in the hpmt niuhII rit neb proposition In 1.1 I'sno business, doing tiu su sverufte of Hruokij ii Itiipid Trnn sit NUsv campaign of any candidate Lot-i- day cleaning and pressing. i 'anadian Pacltlc .22:.'. Sumniiir.t "f "late l.iinkt and s ACCOl'HTASI. ron ut y ted mi two rn Iron flu. Will tin pfr . miilu l. led During iiii campaign pntirs-- will Kuriillnrr PnckhiK. F. M. Knxsc Pb. 8278. UesIdt'K s good lallor'.ug huslussti. rn her luiule-- In treat er New York not trude for El Vhho property or villley fiirm t'snt l.tat lu nt it miUI lor otCM LONtiitRCKBR & W'K KHTEAl. PI;;.iio UOODH ,.. by bflt tb flout. R. T. VYOOL. E&pfiiHes "ill 14 per day. Csn .Chesapeake A ohtt .vj limine M'ilenieul the therein. t i o.V.147u.:HI; decrease,"..MSl la pindtlve anil will be Bullí HM. I' " " Trnn.frr, otorngv. GlrPbona 2t Meen. rimne L17 a rrnii g good tvrius wit b re Us hie 'bleago real Western . . IP lsns, Tlila strictly ::t or would irude fur clsur lots rhb-ago- Mil. A St I'niil Ob Hpeele. sviii.7imi.Hhi Increaae. s.'I.Iimi HtllirrtMt lo. psrty IH.WII.7lMI; 11Ml, THI I18TON AUDIT OO. ','!?." FOR EXCllANOK --fll2fl etiitt lu h very In Essl El Faso. i 'hlcsgu A North Wehti'i ti .12.-- Ilegal lenders, lúcrense. (Jlly unit tío PKKNHI Nil ANO I I VMM. n- thous-nn- i ico 31 ÜU Cltj Nnllouul Búllalo. Oestrnhle btilblluu In the one t'olorudu Fuel A Irou .. V, not compete, exiVpt for the buugu-lo- blot'k. Prospect Ave. I'rpft-- r Himill Addtt'ss Tailor Shop, cars Timet ousultdiited lias U7 .tid deposit WW.rcW,0fal; decrease, si. AI.8t HAT 8 and remodel. d by ex- bnnse esrhnnge I'lioue 21W; MI 4 IM.4IM pert lu ItCorn 1'rodiiftH go i DDIKU MAOSIMM. batter. L'nlon TnUorlug Co.. lug A Hudson One nuiomoblle imiei to Pnao, Texaa. e. lTo. Ielswar U go . Hacrlfl irofltnhle mer. bus I'houe lienver v Mbi Orande LIVESTOI MARKET 'tine automobile iuiim out of own. 1. ALIOS AdilluS M.-M- M'' do. pfd 27lis iiii npplb'n to nil other of jr Sale or Exchange FOR HALE Modern, op to date hoot nnd S t hlcKgn Llvealaek. MRKR8. In N. M. own lUflllt'iV Sf'iirlllfN ill each lo cilj and I'l.l shoe shop Csrisbad, 20 7, Hy CHIMNKV SWEEP. prk-- hulldlng and couipMe eipilpment good Erie thr Aocinttil Press i.,i In your name todo y and get WAI.I. I'AI'KK, hnlf palmlug. OH Chicago, Not 1,1 y- Receipt! TItV CITY PH'MBI.NO Co. B e t t r N. St. :t.VCt. location; now nv Hug from gNi fo do 1st pfd 4 Ho- I. io oljhltiiiig MS CninpbeJl I'liom fToper V ISJD; .1 file started mi tho rnuil one ( HWBEl' Htove. w up nod pliiniOlng for lea. Pbone 2104. 012 N. iUHr OultUng on of old do ml pfd markei lo to iiuder yesier lll.MXKV mvk t.iet-trl- x Í7.70SJ of thane valuable 'hrlstmas gtfte. 1'Iioob tm-itt- .ink tur Jo. All fuuipliell Ht. 8KB HH FOK HTOVK OKA TICK for Ad- i antral Liu lav nvernge Hulk, i.ttfl Huh' nirr. Will take entlreoutflt, 7 $7 i iioihing enter. You For soy üiiii stuve. N. M. O rent Northern nfd Pits, 7..lOfiS.Ou mixed, .Mdreiti: heavy. lo It sts t. do orU ginrnnLed. dress F. KiiinuH, 1'srlnbad. ;. 2.1 N. K. NATION'S PUMUI.NÜ Ü2I N. FOUTZ A ZINKI.F.K. lireut Northern ore i tf- - :i2 S.10; rough, f7 4of 7 .V. ; .Ih. li not have to bu a subsi ribcr to The Caiupbell Ht. .1011 Pbone 220. U.t N. fltsnton. i'lioue tinti. R HALK Hall Uerrtngtoo Huf Illinois (Vutrsl .Ttliuis to win one of t hesu Chrlstmus) F lrge Inlerborough-Me- t i;i!i ( atlle Receipt WM) mnrkel steady. civil msiiiinu. plntnb-Ing- . SS U, new. "We Can Fla it Hhop." gilt STANLEY UACKKTT. guaruuteed FOR Automnlb- I'luno, Rood Iteeven. ac.TtXitil JH 'exa ute C. Roan) HO W. 4auf. rt47 Mvrtle A vs. 'it. inti n cuse of n He the prize will be V. HU88KLU M. AM. 80C. E.. O.erlaud. Pbona with thirty rolls, for Mil Mugof Har-sti- ' weHtem. IH.OOfilT '.Kl kertt nnd Inter i:tS I ween those tleins.. 411 Bulldlug. ,,', IS account feeders. 4 MMI T lt.1 cowm n heifers, divided Tru.t PKONTO PI. Mlll.KS. Teiaa. Ph,.n.. fin, INVUSTTOATE Til Owner. lutt'i nni hmsl Psiier w 10U3. Work guaranteed. slrknehs, to sncrlfhe ll.Rtsi good pay- luteriiiilloiiat Pump ft S f:i 2.11 1.1: calven. 7 ,! ''- Kor furt her Information rite or 9Ü.10U. - CiLmbaign I1KTI8T. ing griN-or- store. Invoicing Call Kiinaus city Souihcrn 24S Slieep RecetplH 2500; tnai ket weak phoptj Manuger, Telephone, Second Hand Goods Ap.ironeni ti. Braros. Liiclede I ia .... 11.1 Native. S 4 o western. si loei-- l lo iiVbU, Omm h tt. M BIM. MINKS. ."SI BIÜB. Tbou.. 788, M( i" . .14.1 leiirllugH. Sf. ."SiftiO lambs, i Wioo Bl'H JUN. 4I.VW Mill. iu Jms u .ü"t u i i w uytCuva 0o MOO Ihigh Vnller 'ilv.. MliRMMí IIMÍ:8j, .ri luu nutu WANTED Young msn eltb or A .1)0 M7.iU; wesiern, W ikHJ 7 tt.i nK B. UKNT euay running Hlanil-ard- , vie sre c 'sltlvely th hlgbent psyrrs for l.ouUvllle NashrKle .... r 1. 11. art A. Bld. tba Wbltc and to t ravel with feature moving picture p. M 120 ::l ivs tkx. MtTO)IH. Patit. beat inarblne In fam- secool-hso- sail household AddrvMH Minn., Ht. A Sault, Hi. Is the Morid for rurolturs reels: salary and rommlftslon Hi IW An ounce tif lone woi til more Keond-IIsL- d Mlssuurl, Kiiiivtav ems I My niTs. EloWM UAI.L0WAY. ily nae; repatra uunrunteed. Ei Peso New sud Ht. re. quick, V. A. Fryor, Iliiwson Mine iJlasoier kiimi Llssl-- a To Do. Kl Mitrtourl Pacific II I A t than ton of Oolng BUIg. I'houe ttlO. I'houe MUI 40U t Psso Co.. 724 Mills Uldg. I'houe uh TI paso, as ssuidefed t'rfta - National Hlcciilr - Send In your inline today. Komi- . in K a u hs - WHITE HEWING MACHINE OFFICE. o i.i, YOUR FURNITURE for IM Tema. 4.'t your muge. a pa sll Nallonsl lasd ninrkef t Hulk $7 70 nsie KMTiu urAimsu worth. Ranges, stoves, sll kind; heat- 100 TO ZL'O weekly ill storing Nat'l Hys. uf Ilex leu 2nd US .mil ri 22ó H. Ice Co. MAKE heat f Tn7.iai; .k.i- Htunton. H. Htetvurt, Agt. ers, linoleum. boxes. Texss Fnru. Picture Kindness. We furnish complete New York rutin! 17 i'i.MifT INI, ; mm 7 ho; lUM HhUOLl) liouil. puiked. loríd nd 8. E) llaht I'sso. Plibiie rn''. outfits, lowest eitsy payment pluu New York, Out. Western ... 20 rii:- - 'i HMi'imd. furolturi- repulred. aotolMWM price; ., and old. HI'ANIkH I.KHHON8. Free catalog. Acorn Moving I'l'ture Co. Norfolk A Western lir.'S i 'nt l le Rei cI,Im ".'OKi market alea di and flol.twd. Aotl.nif. uouubt EXTRA PARTS Non ii 71 wed und laid. U. 1 For sll kinds of Htoves, ranges and heat- Oepl 01,17 N. Oreen St.. thlcsgo. Aiuerlctiu Prime fed leer W T.ltylMO. .Ire f otni UOOli inetbod., 'nrreut luugunge. Prof. Northern Pacific HWS Mil "Tili 7f $n ,HIfi Hum, li I'nro.iled.& Matt. Factory ers. FINK. KIO POOL HALL. CIOARM. ETC.. uleerv wetem meer. Ooiixnles. room. 10 11, IClite Block. FOUTZ A KINKLEK money milker, I'liclfb: Mstl h ill, uiitheru ulcers. ""o 10, ow, Kan Antonio St.. big Pennsylvsnls . IMI N. Htnnton. I'lnuie list. N Ht .... I4.2.MI70O: heifer-- .1.;íij,0 stocker l.; t.i 11,700. Apply 1: Stanton 7 M.I WABkllOl HK. people's OAs and ( Ifrt.. S.1.'inu7 ."I. bulls, .'.1 WE sell sod ezcüsnge sscu h :., An I taburg, i r a st. Louis.. i W 10.2.1 KUn.NACIC lor boat. tiCl. vi IT OROCEBY. Store Sao it calves. Spanish English l NHi:itKEKI ml EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY New furniture. C. U Ervlo Co.. loulo St., rent unlv 93LÍÍ0. Yours fur PlitNhurg t'oiil IhS SI p Receipts LHUMI; nmrkei icml t aV MOOKEB. Phon, ISM. 24 A". BKTItEA aafeat lucatlon. sr. ii, .in .st Fbous U7 $7'Ji Appl 10ft N. Htnnton Ht Steei Cur I .a in tot, 7 2ftfl7.1; yeaillou 'Mt U Bookeepfng Po.itlvely lower leriui. H ó Stenography ralea Bell 1054. I'n until 1'alnce Car I.12S aethers, M AOgfó 'in awes, 4 iNSg ini UASOLINC. v, a s i Kl AH klodk uf rurniturs W FINE ITHNITCRK KI'KINISS. HF.BT Reading !"" morn suy Í.7W). Htee) py for ytiur goods thso firm LOCATION. BIO STOCK, ONLY Republic Iron A m mi I M MAKHK'IM. 7. F. DAVIS, Manager Ua.ollnf. l.o; Oil. STOVE HEPAIBIMI. Is the ePr, gOfl S Kl I'aso Wntsrn Phone 1144. Kee this huts do pfd TO Btwltnln city limit.. Phouc Mlul. I'rinlturs ro Phone 141. Rock Islsnd Co US "New York Melul f hones 1484 1465 Trast Bid" 8TO'E8 put up and repulred. Phone I'C 400 I'KH CENT ANNl'AL do pfd 2.1 Wax, for fln tloura. aM'Up To buy, sH or any CLEAIÍINO E to 1360 ñu Hit Aortatrd Prms Ill WO" Fluid floor irud. rxgft Ht. Louis A Han r'rsu. 2d pfd MS Nen York, Not A Thr metal market! tblog la I, o use bold goods, s in tin tb. beat Iocs Hon, rent tt0. Yours IA4j Plioni .W.l. MU METAL WOKkk 107 K Km hoard Air Line eve ijulel n ml praci Icnlly Inn Cup sVsoton. for $1.000 Owner called East. HURRY! do pfd 14 .1A80L1NK Bat grudea; W. W. KKi N. Ht S mis nominal with like ipioied nt KEKOUBNB A Unli. Stnntou v Fluid Floor Wai. llordor l.uulp ACMK HIIKKT MKT I. WUHKN tienersl Sinus Steel A Iron .. 'ji elect ml tic 91.1 2!Wj i.1.:i mu. Blow" metal uf ull kluds at a Southern Pacific 2.1 oil- l'o. I'boii Mtf.1 Prompt aolhrgry. sheet contractors For Sale Livestock ON ACCOUNT of strkttess will nell llniMrfJ lh lion li nihil liged 411 Texas Ht. I'houf Milu. sacrifice a first class paying busl Houtliem Railway IS 3585. irud Uaf. B. Uaaollue, 11.10; oil TJf. I'll. You wn go n ' neas; lady or gentleuisn can traaaact do pfd Nets 1 frl ii.., nt, we've the sloek. 2S FOK (I KEN. nnd ranges of sll itlses and prices the low tinMliieHh any place; umall canltnl reipilred. Teuneaaee Copper Hm Un x oriwfei! See us. Answer quick. J. L., csre Tloie Tesas A Pacific 1.1 New York. Nov 10 liar IAB.DWAKK. ett. rn "West Ysleta" NT) FOFTZ A Z1NKEEK Pacific l'mis Met less dollsrs id DltL'U forrlng. uo fiiking KVi i Ll.ENT OPPoRTTNITV a ludy do pfd. und aporl-in- buuse. lluuieurulhlL-lsu- 11.1 N. Htunton I'houe IKKi BL'Y. wll or extbuuge hardware to buy s good paying busl States Realty .14 at. - Metal A. Vuffe, 400 S. El Paau any plací-- taoo 11 good, FOR HALE - Fresh milk cows, on eny nsi; cgu he transacted iulil ulled Htute Rubin ft H th yiiwtatitl frtHM growing low near 11 glGN good reKponsthle Immenlate sale. Ann rent i. in. care Hteel as HI 1.1 niMiM. payments to psrtles. for ntted Mates '4 Luuls. Not .rail la-- Lot- - IIAIRURESHINI. P.VBI.OB8. J. H. Nstlons Phone 4433. Time. Pfd MM Hpeltcr ipilet K5.I7S only $.10 eiirli; 95. i i. FAHO HION CO. -- Phone 1132. 414 Mesa I (Topper $200 can secure ex- IMS (nail and u month. Tobln and Ave. Klgus of ull kinds. PARTY with capital of V ib lit I 27 MISSES ItODItlQIJEZ. balrdrealn In the tute of ru In ml hni 'lieiuhn S Kl MelMl 10 Buckler. Bell 4212. clusive territory Tesas :i I o limut-l- offli-- luuulcurlug LEADER HION CO. Mood Autos & Accessories gale of n device for mess Wabash Meilrmi t' THE ilgus for the patented do pfd Ml', .4.1. . 001 Hsn Antonio St. Ph.. i..- K37I. urliiK the iiantlty of gasoline In tank of West Vslela, I'csuH, or I'lione Mi I.I.M .KM FOR SALE Ford rosdRter. new In April, automobiles; device In Mlsttoimry and iIops enter Mar Inud Mekh mi currency LI I'uso buying S425. Phone Mfl4. to be removed when flllliiK tank Western I nlon ml; muí we will cull CO.. 1005 San HPKAYINt.. not have luu house Klc l t ie New Blchilllge in I. PASO IRON at METAL nr at any other time. KM) percent profit; Vet .... York Mevho City, Autulilo. Uonlera in crap Iron, rubber, S EW NO MACHINES REPAlREO every owner or guraiie will hu A Luke Krle fcl Pako Hmeller WuotMllott. 4200. AUTO PA I NO. $15.00 ; Work nutonsoOH ui milen day 70.7011 nha ... cnpiter. brui. bonea, etc. Bell ' INT nil guaranteed P lU'ngers, KM 2 North Market Tul for the (Corie.lcd i' etc. tirspblte Pslnt-In- FOL'TZ A ) NKLKR buy II. Hni &0V branches, sprsylug, Ht. Mo. silver, Co. 208 Ksnsss. Pbone 1K. 118 N Htanlon HI. Iuiils, MININO STOCK MABKKT. Lend. 4.aa. JEWKLKaU. III PRO KEN and nmchlne welded PA Hi N ER wsntssl to Inveft small SUD1 Cupper luiré hsrci, ir. . If auto parts order proposition Boston Mining. iLtUidoui. 11), Ka. átl WATCHES cleaned S0X-- main aprlnga 50, Mill Mis Aluminum casen, cytluder or auv winning medical mall young crank IniuienNe ponslblllt les for prri an t he Boston. Nov. Ifi. Weekly A t era en. thf: lady across warranted rryatula 13c. Caen lor old tiroken of your car: any ' M l 32W0 metal pari mnal. rough nil) effec Hy Un Aunuciatiú (Ilongliis Hau lier K,.ld loH San Antonio. IH'iiver Jewelry Co. CLUUH'ION. Jáorucl dl. Pb El Paso Welding Co. remedien lo be od sre Ouotm loos. THF. WAY" tlve and s complete elllng srheme Is de- Aliones Copper .wtrs bsrsL id ;7 w VTCIIE8 cleaned 50c. tiuiln aprluga 50"1. TYPEWRITERS. BROKEN suto snd machine psrts welded vised. ' nil or address W. A Wllklns. PiH Amalgamated ''opper Hllver. .Ki Bf .ivalula 15c. All work gunrutiteed two Aliiruluum crank eases, cvllndcr or snv flroadwsy. city. Am u Xliic ..I A Hm yeara. Geuevu. Jawelry Co.. 225k 8aa Ad- - broken metal of your car; any roetuf Arlsonu Ciiminerehil Typewriters A Office Supply Co. All makes part WE I AN MKT IT. IS 8l. El Paso Welding Co, Bos. A rh ''op A Mil Ms inula sold, rented and repaired. 216 Mills Ht. If y pa want something and don l know Helling Culuniet A Arlsoun - TWIN INDIAN motorcycle, ttargntn. or where tu get It, write Oreshsin A MEK( ANTII.E II.IMII:- Agency, 12A Liberty Ht.. M. Y. Calumet Heels will trade for luts well lucated In addi- Ruylng i etitennlal CAFE ROYAL Pbone &16o. LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY. WINDOW WASHJNO. tions. upper Range Con Co mi Ihe Rent fur ihe Lesst. Our Mrols Individúala, col. East Unite Cup Mine 10 sre Cooketl Rig tit Dinner day aud rating of WASTED-Windo- "if; tuber, of tbe National Asan ws tu clesn. Pbone 728. Pet Stock Sl Poultry r'rsu kiln 11 s. ui. lu 7:tV) p in Mothers, u U Wanted to Rent your Ms of Mercantile Agrnclea. II runt.)- Consolidated hit high ckslrs for hables. 4hWk HABRY PATEMAN. Mgr. WAUOÍÍ VASD. Yoi'n'ü man wíuTTXoTril' rootsieSB ptC FOB HALK-Bsr- red Bock chickens. Phone ftreene Caiumee sel vice at our Lunch Counter. Herald Bldg. rste sleeping; porch In private fsully. M(. Isle Itoyidle (Copper) 111 h oitrcoo.y Kerr Lake HORSES bosrded; Kansaa Corral. Dec. 1st. Permanent If sccomuiodstlons sre KOR MALE Barred Rock eh I. Leu. Thoiie ALTO TAOB LINK. 340. estlsfsctory. No- - objections suburbs Lake Copper Answer at once giving street number, La Knlle opper COURT I IOCS K WAOON Y ARO. ha and terms and particulars. H 70. care Times HALL Three fine youug riepborant Miami Copper ÓLOBK TO PHOENIX MOM VK ihe N I I' B A 4 cara Glube tritio: dslrv feed: Ing roosters. I'hene HlM. MohntvS la Auto. Ica.t LENE tbe burse feed, butter nnd cheaper WANTED To lease for one yesr . : lioura- - boae Nersda Conoiidtiiei DR. CARL SMITH riallr. Time. 8 Make reaervatton. ttuin nil the rest inotM-.- i must very HALK -- Turkeys. Íb7 pound 'jflts bomlnlon Hotel, Olotie. Valley anti ui keeping suite; he deslrsble lu FOR NipUnlug Mines ..I'll , olla bought, sold and hoarded Thorouc U red every way. Permanent, care Times. Myrtle fall this week I'bone 17. North Butte a.aclall.1. Auto Stage Line. hull for serrlee. Corner Overland 'a Jerev HALL Oood buU pupa. gsws. 113 North Lake IV. Olacaaa. el taa Llvtr. fllomacb. and Casapbell Sts. phone SS4. Money FOR lid I .mini. , K toLoa Arlsona Hi pbone 41ÍM bonala. . li,- i,, Ni.... KMni aoit MAIN LINE, Osesole .. VJ Klactrtr aérele, leaving Roiwell $60,000.00 TO LOAN outmy '. SA Hl.dd.r. Tr.dira.Bt and llally WALL PAPER. ' ll.dlvtDal. Haiira: I I, I to 4 ,1 I .irnxuao w. On Improved and unimproved city prop- rrs Wartk Usestaek. HhnttoD .. 114, It a. 107 Kaa ADtaolo t Bound Easr buimd WAI. PAPER your own price. C. erty; also Improved valley Und, either up (By Hpeelal W4ra U Tlsne frasa CaMldy Huperlnr St. st or In sums $!& Arrlva Arrive Williams Co 223 S. Htsutou Phone 4C dowu tbs valley. of and up. h0tithwrslrn ( tnunliilod ( .) Hiiprrtrrr A Boston Mill :: 4 l. m. W. W. LEWIS. Fort Worth, Tetan, Kov. M. -- Hoas Re- Tamarack 1 :4d p. m. 444: Ua N. low- I H ) i. VKTER1NAKY Phone Stanton St ceipts Hiai; tusrket closed eeak to Hui. Ref. A Mln 37 m : a. m 1 M p. m. NlROKONl. er. Top. A074: bulk. g7 )iKbl. do pfd .. 47 4T. 1?:U p. ; K7.MW.4Jif; l 55 is. OR. B. A. SSS. SUA IT 4MJT.H5 ml sed. besey, iah 1 ... I Ztí a. m. HItiOINS Tel. S. Ore Auction Sale KtftNltytl.Mf. I Large Safe goa. Hnsplul far norsea und dogs. 7:lf04BIO- pigs. tub Copirr ru . 00 n. IB FlStánto 10: s. m CSOleReeelpls 13lfft. - lucludlpg 000 Wliions , 1 I" -- Medium Sise Safe i .S p. WSff "" s. oi. W. A. WILLIAMS, suction ale and com- celTea,; msrket nbmlnslly steady todsy. Wolverine The uung ludy across ttvb way saya S x p. m SAW s. tu. UMMIO mission broker. 1 sell everything, at fst steers lOc lower, heat stacker stesdy, auy I.. , au CarrlKuso or private sale. Sell your furriliura others 2.V lower fur the week, best rows COTTON MA KB AT. For Sale slu overheard her futher that one sy. 1.mj; - I'ASO EMPLOY MEN I ruction U) every ought to be compelled li rough fsre, interme- LL AGENCY bouse Second hand vsutoiuohllos to lac lower, rosamoa rows and heifers PK1NTINU CO, motorist itiite points, We per mne. rirty p..Uuds Lebor agent". contra-tor- of railroad a SPECIALTY. If fou want to buy or steady, bolls w te 1d lower, good calsee New Vork Caftan. ILUI HOI. tu uso a muffler und certainly on t,lKSjge, free: eieees en led laborers and skilled mecnaalca. 39 b. El sell anything, see stesdy. utkers 26c lower fur the week. Bp the Assoolefce )! I. Onnu be too In this Kind of CO., Phone !7vA rcsLI. -- I po í ei uldn't careful BOSWKI.L AUTO Paso St. Orders filled prompt-ly- W. A. WILLIAMS ftheep Receipts none; market closed New York. Not. Cot on uulet even If one l04ili .Besw.elL N. U. El Paso. Texsg Office: Entrence of Capíes Bldg. strenji for the week. middling, gulf, 914,(0. v tut her did a TWENTY EL PASO MORNING TIMES, 8UNDAY, NOVEMBER 1tV 114avav

SAGE TEA DARKENS May Help You if Lungs Are Affected HAIR TO ANY SHADE F raster d f rea h at r and temperate I A 1 AI an beneficial to peruana anfferlng P A elf hftK from Trouble: but la a great many 9 s arts i Inataaces report ahow that the add It loa of WW a medicine a materi- .iiiii M w I OM-Tli- for tbla affection ha V failnr Don't Stay Gray! i' an ally aelpad In brlagtng ahoat recovery. VUIU Rrctp that .nytMKlj ran For more (ban fifteen years Rekmaa'a Al- - for week. Prepare yourself by in- rarlve. a medicine for Throat and Lung Predicted this Apply. rouble, ha good resalta stalling of our many styles of Coal Heating noma wnai 11 010 in tni rae: one use of Save and Hulphur for re- Madlaen I Minn. Stoves. If need a small, low priced stove we Tas "(ieatlemes: In Oseen) her. It, March, you storing faded, sray hnlr to its natural MOB, and Sept em her. 1006. f wa taken parlor heater olor dato back to a; mnd mother's with bemorrbagea of the lusgs whlen con- have it. or if you need a real elegant time. She used It to keep her hair fined me aereral weeka earn time to my will find it here. beautifully dark, sloaay Hnd abundant. bad. My doctor advteed ma to go Weat you la November I stsrted for Denver. Cot. Whenever her tialr fell out r took on After my antral met Mlebael Brody, that dull, faded or fMrmked appear-Alic- who, npon learning of my condition, urgod We are also showing a nice line of Steel Ranges this simple mixturo was applied me to take Rehman'a Alterative. I mat real value. A with wonderful effect. on taking the medtrtne aod Improved faat. which are priced lower than their March, HMO. I returned boma. I ass la la six-ho- le But brewing at homf mtissy and entirely well, have a good appetite sod good Steel Range of merit, only, each Nowadays, hy ask Ins at leep well, when left Denver my weight any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of was I.) ponnd. I now relgb 106, ay nor- "Wyetb's Sagn and Hulphur Hair mal wetgbt. I thank tjod and your Alter- Remedy," you will get thlK ffimoiia old ative for my health." recipe which ran be depended upon to (Affidavit) PAUL L. raHNACHT and beauty to (Above abhrevlaled: more on requeet.) restore natural color Kckman' Alterativa baa been proven by the hair and la splendid for dandruff, man ver teat to he mrmt pffloaelooa $27.00 dry, feverish, lt in aralp hhiI fall In for wrere Throat and Long Affeetlon. halr. Bronchi tl. Bronchial Aathma, Ktuhhorn A n downtown drugglat Colds and In uphulidlng the nytem. Con aays H darken the hair ao naturally taina no narcótica, polaona or k drnga. Hold y Kelly A Pollard, and evenly that notodv run tell it has People'a atnr Heaters Drug Co., f)rag Underpriced KnoMatirb Coal been applied. You simply dampen a and leading drugglata. write tbe Bck Laclede Hot Blast Heater, in three Live Oak Coal Heaters, in three Vf" sponge or soft brunh with It and draw man Iborslory, Philadelphia. Pi., for (t0 Qf this through your hair, taking one booklet telling of reroverlaa and addi- izee, up from SOfD Me, ranting up from JV I strand at n time. Hy morning the tional evldenee. lAdfertlaeinent. Trilby Oak Coal Heaters, in three P JA gray hair dlaappeam, and after an- Oak Coal good, heavy. other application or two. It becomes Laclede Heater A ZMt priced up from ipi'a'tU beautifully dark, glossy, soft and dependable heater, in four size. Air Tight Wood 18 inch abundant. Q f Heater. (1 f"A STRIKE STILL ON up from PO. llr with screw draft, only PlHI Many mothera quarrel with the children and call It dlaclpllne

It'a a hard for the average man U I'm MUI l WIL80N TAKES COG- t Furniture a Specials smile nht'n he Invited to party. NIZANCE OF 8UNSET CENTRAL, vi ion. We how more than 20 styles of Dealt, in all A reporter t oh Id fot w hat nl her sin Ladies' people know finishes. One of the newest thing is a beautiful desk in Special SENDS AN OFFICIAL MEDIATOR onyx finish. on tale

Traffic la IVIayed Between E Paso and New Orleans aa a Kesult of 1888-191- 3 Ijihor Trou Met. $9.00 Mrs William Bulser, wife of the friend. Mra. Sulsor was the moat Im- portan! figure behind the scenes In offlHala of tbe Atlantic dlrlalon of tbe governor Neiy Vork, did not Preal-de- It I "Jf ye(fn minted of the Bulxer Impeachment drama. She Buusst CeatrsI linea have called on Do You Need a I her era lifgnn meet Mrs. Martin H. Glynn, wife of did not appear before the footlights Wilson for aid la aettllsg tbe strike uuw In effect between Mir practlee of the governor, her successor sa at the public trial, but th public who on Inst division 'new New and wUlrh nf- - siring mistress of the "people'a house" at wstched the legal performance knew Id I'aao slid Urleuna fects .more than 2000 employes of tbe op- Library 1 Albany, N. Y.. when Mrs. Ulynn took nhe was on the stage. What- Table? our apa r I a that poKseaalon there. Once these women ever part Mrs. Bulser may have had erating department. Mr. tt Imve money resilient Wlltvm cunen upuu all in developed UU t were friends, but the storm that swept In handling her husband's or We have many new ones in finishes. Table like cat Npnrlnllsed Bulser out of office hss left lena kindly In dabbling In stocks, na rumored, the the notional board of mediation to assist fumed oak or Early English, finished right A high class ability tu the Mrs. was re- went without un- he railway official ami atrtker In ar feelings behind. flulser curtain down this which will bave til most ii ml lili ported toward seen figure appearing. ranging fora conference table for a low price. Special on sale uní u ..rr.r bitter other former as Its result s satisfactory settlement of t n l y, h " ''! the grievances now existing between tha h y the a ide two fsctlont. field u r asperl. place In Juarex last night and the prisoners cap- i raff le Demoralise. uní" lint majority of Fe5eral on tbe entire dtvlalon Is demor alvnn iim. We tured during the day were taken to Traffic don't like to MANY EXECUTED town, alised- Only two pasaenger trains are $11.25 quiet places on the outskirts of lirnic, hoi If any being rua dally between Kl Tsao and Bsa Hpfelallr.1 lux Hide of ('hliMigo run where their eentence to death was reporten oniy one IP! Antonio and it is tnat how ...... nf i. ,i t - ara will carried out. Villa was not so strict train dally is being upe rated eaat of that Ireal rtiti ir. ,,f . with the Od eral regular soldiers us point. (.P.NKHAI, VIliLA METKS OUT he waa with the volunteers and Fed- " e t ...i .ii o rare NKHVK. Hallway officials are making no etrort Do You Need a r.I.""l aii1 si; in r)Nlntl III I eral sympathisers who revolted o move freight. Meveral car of freight V í ITNIKHMKNT mil BAT. 'I'rnnhlnii t L I t iiviibn agalhst Madero In 1912. The Federal were hHUled into the local U. H & s A jr o o t'Kl.K. Kidney, Hlitdder nnd I'rlnnry 111 Erf DR. regular army officers received the dlvlalon crews, these llUeRiwft. mtl nil Chronic Hid I'rlvnle ynrda lx western but I'Iuciiwi nf , u nnd same severe punishment, however, tire practically tied up Id Ull I'aso. Dresser? Woiiiea the lriegulars. because they have sup- ricaeta Ara naees. Our Mrtlioit nre endnrnel hy government. Dresner is genuine quarter sawed oak, plain style. Special on tale tor A ported the Huerta Htrlkera are malutainlng; plcketa at the This hitftifM nirtlenl auttiorttlre of tioth ENRIQUE PORTILLO VICTIM Torres Braves. croaslnga nlong " nnd " Captain varloua and the yards Captain Torres . of the Federal where they cun place them. It is tne duty brought to usa persuasion Lowest Charges ot Any foroei was before Villa at of tbsaa pickets moral Hhot to inath In Jnnrei Captain thé customs house with two other of n aollcttlng the aid of the Bravely New ficers nf the Federal army about noon. No violence hss been resorted to, and Specialist Torrea Meets Kate Villa asked Torrea If he realised what members of the presa committee of the Method In Vogue. ordera who are striking state $14.40 was to be his fate and Torres stated fonr that Quickest Cures That Stay that he did. Villa told him that he this will not be totersted by officials of had been sentenced to death for be- the trainmen a lodges. Cured Carrying out hla threat to put ev- ing a traitor. Torres never winced t ssaerted by strikers that several ery Federal and Huerta sympathiser when the sentence was pronounced, men wbo-- have been brought to Kl Paso a. to aa have been per' Hour,: 8 01 to p m Kundaya, to death whom he captured to avenge but led the way to the execution field act m..ii.i,,-- s fimlalipil remlr for end and bravely met his desth. susded hy tbe local atrlkera not to go to to Us on the murder of President Madero Come iim: not go to work Your Those wbo do For Change Bytttem. work. Governor Abram Uonsalea of Chihua- for the railway will ba taken care of here you - Villa's troops do not use d If cannot mil, write hua, Oeneral- Pancho Villa, after he the by the orders. d system of blindfolding the and hla 1.600 rebel forcea had Try to Keep Train Mavlag. German-America- Fedora) garrtaon at Juares condemned man and having him facie n the a firing squad of atx men. Instead, Hiillway officials are making every ef Baturduy morning and captured the fort to keep tnslr trains moving, they as Thanksgiving' Needs groups of two or men town after a few houra of fighting, three aentenced ser!, and hope by the end of the month Carve your Thanksgiving Turkey with an I. X. L. Csrver. George Wostenholm't L X. L. Cut of acores to be shot are lead out by one man, Doctors began to order the execution up to be runulug all scheduled trains both lery it the ttandard of the world in quality of steel and the design and finish it unequaled. of prlaonora. who lines his victima and with a eaat nnd west. HM MESA AVIE.. II PANO, TKIi Kxx?utlons Begin Karly. pistol kills ih. in in one, two three William if. Williams of Price $4.50 up. Other patterns down to $2.25. , Ths executions begsn atortly after order. the tale railroad commlaslou has the town was surrendered tu tha rebel unless tbe contending par- the of your Thanksgiving by Com- AMKKICANB AHR BKTA1NED. that Add to beauty and appearance Table purchasing a set of forces. ties in tbe strike accept tbe ruling of and Silver knives, Spoons. We full line of Rnrlque Zlega, a citatoma house offers for mediation of the federal board munity Forks or now carry a Community and Reliance China fife Nov 20th guard, wsa one of the first to face Were) Confined In the Jockey Clnh of mediation and conciliation, that the plate silverware. Our prices are right. vp the firing squad. His death aenteuce During the Battle. state railroad commission will endeavor f. Exhibit and 21st was pronounced by the rebel leaderr Nearly 100 Americana were de- to placate tbe striking parties. before the battle had ceased. tained In the Jockey club gambling Depend oa National CoiiiuiIbbIob. Commander Cortinas of the flncal Tbla action depends largely upon tbe GuntOIl's Keramic Studio guards waa another to be executed. hall from the time the attack on the outcome of tbe national commlsaton of IMMIU III h I.I II III He waa taken prlaoner during the rlty sturted until afternoon by Villa's Medlutlon which waa called yeaeterday by OVKB Ml i l battle and waa taken to the foothill guard. When the attack started the President Wilson. The growlnr purslyals Savory and the loss of ahortly before noon, where the desth men gathered In the large casino. of trsfflc mibsciiuent ae'ntence waa exacted. Ange Benl-vlda- shipping and possibly of life thnt may a custom house employe, met Aa Hoon as Villa saw he had the occur rlnleas the strike la broken has The Trophy a like fate. town rapt u rod, he placed guards at auast Coinuiluuef Wlllliiuis to consider Tells n. Portillo a Victim. of (he stores, hankw the matter. Never before haa the state all and saloons In capuclty may After being gravely wounded d ur- on Commerclo uvenue and no one was commission, scted .tbe It ine the battle. Colonel ICnrluiie Por aalowed to oome or go from the places. essuuie. Roasters The strikers continue to hold nightly tillo, commander of volunteer forces i oree (iiurua were IDC sflfflif the Tale siaxioneo ai meeting, but t be proceedings are not In Juares, waa nto put to death by front door of the Jockey olub and rebel troops. waa dancing uisde public. Tbe prena committee haa Portillo at the men who were caught In there been reticent IS the matter of giving out Mclellan the American dance hall In Juares were held until after traffic had boen Brothers suddenly Information, but the committeemen will We certainly can fill your want in this line. Our tock is when the rebela appeared resumed across the bridge and the make public another long atatement to- R r T a x Id la t Km including design, shape am a rriera, and opened lire on the reaort. He atreet cars running. day. now complete, any or size. Tanaars. waa wounded through the body by The men were not molested by the Kapee tfiraployea Not lavalveSL Large size Steel Roaster 40c one or the rirai volleys. Portillo! guarda or other aoldlera. They were Kiuoloyes of the Southern Pacific rail see Saa phyal-clsn- Enamel Steel Roaster, just the size for t raadaeo St., wound waa dreaaed by rebel accorded every courtesy under the way claim they bave been aubjected to Medium size hut on account connec KJ rate. Taxaa. of hla circumstances and when the time ridicule nud niMimig oecauae iney are 108- tion with the revolt agatnat Madero came for their release Major Adan not alsb on a strike- They made a state- nM12 " (The Mr, thai learii .to In 1912. he waa killed. Qallnda, chief of the provost guard, ment laat sight la which they said they tu iíiíiv:.v::.v.v.v.v.:v.v.iS W 1 the I In Inn Although many executions took was profuae in hla apologies to them. wanted tbe public at large to know that they are not Involved In the strike In one wsy or the other. g. P. Bagiae Bxpledea. By I nltrd Preaa. back the corporal stsppad out Into ficers stationed on the opposite side Han Antonio. Texas. Nov. 10. The loco- view, and ohm queried with "quien of the bridge. motive pulling east bound Southern Pacific viva" hesitated before anawerlng. Ha MUSIC SAVES LIVES dtJaens C'heer. pasaenger train No. 10 en route to Hous- was In the Federal unlfortn, and when After the concart was two over tha hanri ton exploded ahortly after midnight near he refused to shout "Viva Villa!" marched back Lerdo avenue, Klrby. all miles east of tbla city. rlflea spoke out and the corporal all the 8uperlnt,endent Holltns, Knglneer tumbled Into a heap. BANDMEN GIVEN LIBERTY FOR wnne playing the national hymn and Broderlck and Fireman Wars were In- Other Bodes Unattended. PLAYING AFTER BATTLE. national anthem. Each note from th. jured. Just across the street from the dead hand brought forth fresh cheers from Dr. G. Allison Hinton corporal were the bodies ot two pri- me npnoreas or mippv Constitution- vate In the battalion ot volunteers Villa's Ltoutenams March FrdcrmI alists aa they crowded about the band- "del Bravo." They had been shot Band Through 8trta--Coisoe-rt master, begging him for "mas early In the attack on the city and musics." HUERTISTAS HATED were lyins side by side Neither of For Amerkna. these three dead Federals were moved after 11:30 o'clock. until Perhaps th only Federal a t 1th-er- The Great Hot Springs Doctor BODIES OK DEAD FEDERA! PER A Federal sympathiser In Juares. mem- Ad Appeal to Wives a Mexican whose nam could not be In Juares this mornlnc ar TO LONG IN STREET. of Regimental MITTED UE learned, was shot through th head on bers the Fifteenth Tou know the Jjerdo avenue few north of were given free- terrible affliction Juat tp hand, and they their that come to many home from the the arsenal. Another waa stretched dom Immediately upon result of a drinking Treats All Forms Blood Poisoning. illa s Men Dhl Not Hurry to Pick Up railway traOka di- the aurrender husband or eon. of serosa the tret of tbe Uarracwf on the condition thai You know of the money wasted on Dead or Wounded Enemle rectly In front of the theater. The they act as a special band to General "Drink" that Is needed In the home to Ptrtnres Torn From Wells. two dead men were left In the atreet Villa. purchase food and clothing. ORRINB 12 Years of Experience in Hot Springs, Arkansas. until a late hour In the mornlns. GenerSl Mm leva Herrera captured ha saved thousands of drinking men. Fctnre Torn From Walla. the barracks and the band, and ha Im- It lk .a horn treatment and can ba One of the moist noticeable feature Pictures of Huerta and Orosco were mediately ordered them to strike up given secretly. Your money will be of Medertataa the hymn refunded If. after a trial, of the hatred the for torn from walls aod run through irth the national on penalty of being to it haa failed Consultation and Examination Free Huertlataa waa ahovn In Juares ve bayonets. After belrur cut and shot. Thee bandmen smiled Hhelr ac- benefit Coats only 11.00 a box. terday, when the sanitary department beyond reclosnltlon the pic. quiescence and burst opon the morn-n- g Come In and get a free .booklet and of the rsbel army rafuesd to move the turee were thrown on the fleor and n loud strains. let ua tell you of the good OHHINK For Limited Time. bodies of Federals from Band Plays ii ao,n5; Kelly bollard. Sheldon a dead the each Conatltutlonallst around had th ta Stmts. Hotel TBldg. (Advertisement.) streets. They were left under the satisfaction of welkins on It. At the head of a small . column broiling sun until nearly noon before General, Horrara, marched through Room. 4. S. 6. 7. S. 9. Coin Bldg., Ovar Union Clothing Co. they were muvea. tba streets, taking the hand along Body ! In Street. with, him. The music served to an- Corner Sn Antonio and Oregon Su., El Pwo. One corporal In the Twenty-thir- d nounce the complete surrender of the Tnu restment waa killed at ths corner of PARTICULAR PRINTING city and Constitutionalist possession, OPEN ALL NIGHT Commerclo street end lerdo avenue (ont-ra- i for AsMrfoaam. Prescriptions miad and Delivered Tha Satisfactory Wert S4 at Any what ths victorious Constitutionalist Oallvarad to Ton Promptly. Juat at I: o'clock, when the sun Tim Day or Klght. had marched back from th Stanton Paoa S06 and our msa WÍ0 call. waa beginning to tint the eastern Mall Orden Filled Promptly, street brlde after General Herrera ttMtkwssUra Fatosiaas Has. bortsons. General Herrera'a column had tendered th United. States army MS Ctttkustiua Bt Uso. U. marched to tha end of the Stanton A. E. RYAN officer en Impromptu concert street bridge and had the band play a When th soldier were marchimi concert for the United States army of General Sports i fago Jttornmg Cirajt Automobiles

SECTION B PAGES 1 TO 6 f EL PASO, TEXAS. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. No Change Made In Plans for Opening the Juarez Race Meeting OTIIKK FOOTBAMj KCOR1X Cooling Out the Workouts At the EASY FOR THE INDIANS ML SAFE After YALE TIES TIGERS Crelghton .m Juarez Track; Typical Early Morning Scene Omaha . 0 Nebraska B Dartmouth, Highly Halrd By Many IjATONIA special arrived BMTK AND ORANOK-AND.BIlAC- Kansas 0 Kxperta, No Match For Carlisle mornüfg. IN MMtn nM (.Ml GAME. ti 10. early yesterday Wesleyan Q New York U ih Be of Um Fastest Runners on the tii.' Toe of (Jiiernscy and Baker IJfled fir nil Prrst Marquette U 34 New Nov 16. Dart- American Turf In Shipment the Pigskin Over Upright For York. The 8t. Louis U n team, re- News Notes. Only Scores. mouth football hitherto Turf garded by many u. of Cincinnati .14 as the best eleven In Kenyon 2 the east, was beaten this afternoon By B B. r AD DDK by the Carlisle Indians. The score. BSsl BffWstea. New 16. foot- desperate Haven. Nov. The Yale . . . 0 AllhouRh one of the most M Mount Union 36 to 10, wss even more d encounters of the battle of Juares. I TnfA'il 0fl C BSSSKm-- ball team fureed Prlnoeton. 10 to 7 Ohio Northern .. 0 than the figures Indicate, for 's was fought yesterday morning rear mM favorite, to a tie score gssae at S to the race track there was no damage Western Reserve points were alt due to straight In ths SBth annual contest here this aft- football. done to the horses quartered In the ernoon. Guernsey, for Yale, kicked a Miami lnclnaure nor to the big plant by the tEa BBS goal In Dartmouth ecored on a goal from IfH field the second period of play the u pass flying shells that went screaming and Captain Baker tied the score for Indiana 0 field and forward that overhead. a SB caught and carried over the Trlnreton with a Hlmllsr. but more Northwestern 30 goal During the engagement there was Nsjfl Hpectacular, feat In the third quartsr. line. The Indians made fire muoh uneasiness manifested by file 9 Th tía score cor nut Drake tnuchdownH after they had battered wifei t KMBKH SB " show tb opposing Une helplessness. ownera and trainers who are stopping superiority wblch existed in favor of Iowa Normal . 0 the Into at local bótela many believing that I the Blue. The Blue was better than the Moat of their gains came from the soldiers would break Into the sta. Orange and Black in both 4.S plunges, offenelve and Iowa played open bles and steal a majority of the thor defensive play. Yale sdhsrents are say- - Ames 7 Dartmouth the Came oughbreda, and that others would be tna lunight that holding the Tigers to thst had been expected of her, but kill- -. by the bullets fired In that dl a tie game was s moral victory for the Indians as Boon as they found the Holy Cross 60 spoiN in depend- rectlon. But when the Morning the Blue, hut the veterans shake their Fordham o weak the Oreen line Times posted bulletins In the hotel heads. They know that n moral and a ed on hattcrlng-ra- play that several 7 victory tlmek curried (hem nearly the length lobby at o'clock announcing that scored would have been the . Blue's but for poor generalship. Stevens .28 of the field without losing Ihe ball. all the horses were safe and that there Connecticut Aggies . 7 was no damage whatever at the track In the second quarter with the ball among In Trlncfton's possession on her 2ftyard Don't believe what people say about there was a feeling of relief r.ticknetl 8.1 ail horsemen. line. law punted but Illegal tackling their kin. No one Is fslr with their by the Tigers cost them a fifteen yard Oottysburg 0 gift1. W in Conduct Meeting. racing prnslty. Krom Princeton's thirty-tw- The 100 days or more of yard line Yale ntnrted a rushing gsme IMrkinson 0 Mu n wasn't born to eat fire, and at the traok this winter will he oar. which carried the ball to the Tigers' Hwarthmure , 7 hat Is why smoking doesn't benefit rled out, with the Inaugural card run mark. Beyond this point the any man. off on Thanksgiving day. Harry F, luern-Sey- . . , tii eleven could not advance and Kprlngflfld Bret'-cgrl- assistant manager; Eugene the Yale drop kicker, was sent lit Mase. Aggies A man who can' do much himself Elrod and other officials of the given a SttA JawQasaMsBSBsasMft BB JtpfJ&fi' replacing; Knowles and chanca usually brags a good deal about his Jockey club announced last evening for ii field robI Htandlng m Princeton's Itutgorn 30 Hon. ancestors. there would be no change In the orig- line, he drove the ball over the Trini t y : 7 inal plans for holding the meeting. bnr and the Yale stand, seeing victory, It Isn't the young mnn who la so There are many local business men cheered and pinna with increased vigor. Georgetown a anxious to br a boy again. and persons interested In the They failed to consider the ablliry Virginia 7 plant who are of the opinion of Captain Baker as a goal kicker, M. Lowensteln Blrkn. AJax. BRITON OIITPUES FKllNi'llMAN. however, In third period the AgrU-nl- 10 that the change In administration at and the Ursunus-Frankli- n A Marshall, game Oregon urn G. A. Taeot Myrtle Marlon, Sena- X Juares will have a tendency to bet- Princeton leader saved his tesm from cancelled. Washington Htale ter conditions. They think that the tor 'Smirks and Arlsto Plane. 'T STOP FIGHT l'mllilown and Daredevil Aviation defeat by duplicating, under mure dif- fight, least, J KobbinH Defy. at Versatile by One Hueks. ficult conditions, the field score by U, 10 final for this winter at Ay f Harvard Freahmen 0 Wnhltigton been fought In vicinity and J. ffb. Rasposa Christmas Eve, s.mofelfrs ',... Guernsey. Following an exchange. IT. Oregon 7 has this Ru-vo- Yale Freshmen fl of that the race meeting will now con- Scarlet Oak, Burlington Bess, Versátiles. France, Nov. 15. Flying that by rushing Vale 3t yards to Prlncn-- f Denmark, Wishing Ring and Jl'AKKZ CAPTURE DOKSNT AF- head downward and turnlna somer- leld. Krom scrimmage. Princeton, us- tinue interrupted. football, Washington . IT. of idnho two yearlings. l saults In the air are becoming com- ing a mixture of old and new Horses at the Plant. FECT HERKICK-MAN80- Mil Missouri Whitman Col The special from Datonu, convey- I. B. Fitzgerald Largo, Montreal, mon n the French aviation field. advanced the hall to Yale's line. Parcel Post two yearlings. Hanoullle, a French uernplitnlflt, flew There the Ulue forwards stiffened and ing the 200 runners shipped from th and 'dorado Al , Wymmig 0. y ii over checked the Tltred rushes and runs. Mouth . Kentucky track, early yester-da- J. F. Kelley :Mandy Zane and Amis Management Will Arrant wit the aviation field here today for Dakota H i tin AMncttfrs 'itss arrived twenty Ilaker Ties Seore. MIchlgHn AggleH morning at the Union depot. Stevesta. New Administration Scrap- seconds with his machine Fort Collins, t 'nlo Nov. 16. The C. Brant Moonlight and end then cut two vertical A field htohI try was ihe only hope The horses were" unloaded during pers Go On Training. and Taptaln Baker, standlna 4'J yanla Colorado A galo overwhelmed the the afternoon, after peace had been W. S. Treavy Brlgh tstpne, Foxy circles In the atr. Occidental Tollege 28 University Wyoming eleven here Mary and WInfred D. Hucks, an Kngllshmun. annerted he from the Yale aoal posts, lifted the of restored In Juarez, and durlng the hall with a mlKhty swIuk f his foot" IT. of Utah 1 4 today, scoring to 0. evening a majority of them were J. W. Young Auto Run. Princess By JACK BRACK. would outdo Ifanoulllc, and flew points Chantlcler. thirty-fiv- e seconds with hts heud up and over the bar for the three taken to the traok. where they will The taking of Juares by General needed to even the score. 1 was a he quartered until close of L. C. Shobe Weynoke and Galley downward and accomplished four the the Slave. Pancho Villa had no effect on the consecutive somersaults. great kick and the name of the l13 meeting. Some of the others were fighters who are getting ready for a Prlncoton captain will go oown In foot- temporarily stabled In El Paso and Doerhoefer West Gold of Ophlr, of Alex Moffatt, twenty-roun- d mill on tne omer siu Giants . White. Sox S. ball history with those will be moved over this morning. Ursula Emma, Tltlle's Nightmare, Johnny Balrd, John Iowitt and other of th Rio Urande next Sunday. 4 l Many Horsemen Coming. Jlmmle GUI, Bard de Kalb, George Utt "" "! Pre.. field goal who scored Karme, Senator James and Grover. Vio Hanson and Jack Herrlok, the ..' famous klrkers years Having confidence In General Vill i principals, worked yesterday, Hanson San Francisco, Nov. IB. Before a for the Orange and Blacks In the The man who recognizes that there being Informed that he Is very P. C. Chlnn Star Berta, General going huge orowd. the New York Olants of esrly football. n and . for the first time and Jack Warren, Margaret Lowry, Ootna, - 0 offensive and muoh in favor of horse racing and bask to- his work aftar bad fall, downed the Chicago Whte 8nx today An snslysls of the to see Jockey Btrdman, Fort Bumpter, Wentworth, oy a score n 10 defensive play for the two teams shows are some men abler than he, and desires the Juares club Augustus Balti- which laid the big chap to for few ni i. ooaduet- - meetfng as preTh Uoinze, Peter GHmm, Score; K. H. B. by rushing a ale 8 yards to Prince, more, y- - that ously arranged horsemen are not the Rom of Jedda, Gypsy Love and Chicago 000 010 020 10 2 ton's 32. The first downs were scored others knows Men's y at Unite Hanson went through a serla of gain In not so able, that least uneasy now. Last night the three gym In Swastika New York 112 001 00s 11 0 against the Tigers' solitary this Mrs. M. R. Sonada, Ma- exercises at the the Thirty-fiv- e netted 1,814 horses were left at the track by their Farmer Batteries Scott and Daly; Mathew-so- n respect. kicks lay, Kadondo, Basey, club and then took on Bart Gordon 1,188 yards Clothes owners and trainers In the hands of Lawsuit, Jim rounds, was com- and Meyers. yards aKainst for Prlnoeton are just as variable. Ratina and two yearlings. for three dordon In thirty-thre- e kicks. Yale regained 180 the stable boys. pletely outclassed, but gav the Salt Is Howard Oote Coualn Puss, Colton over widespread yards by running back pünts There expected to be a large Lake fighter a good workout at that. Look the curricu- up 148 people from east now Club, K Island, filly by lum of school of experience, and while Princeton picked but He Influx of the Gordon Is Just the man to go with the In a manner. also knows that Constitutionalist leader Dick Wells and Atica. al- don't try to take all branches. yards similar that the has E. J. Salt 8tanley S., Maggie and Hanson, as he Is pretty fast and a taken the olty. Several telegrams ways willing to give and take. when store claims to wore exchanged between horsemen on two yearlings. A good deal Tlf time Is wasted In Iew Is becoming as exacting as the qCHITiHbs' H. E. Stewart Congressman James, Hanson showed to the satisfaction thinking It ovor. average man's wife. have produced the Itt JHKt the soene and those In eastern cities quite a number of loen! fans that yesterday regarding conditions Cohokla. of best the A. G. Dunlap Ocean Queen, Maud he is some fighter. His footwork Is clothes for men, existiría here, which resulted in all good he has a clean way of de- deciding to come as soon as possible McKee and one yearling. and it is quite true F. W. Harper Balronla, Rake and livering straight lefts and rights that and there promises 'to be one of the kept Bart going to cover most of the largest crowds In the history of the Chantlclor. the clothes are the O. K. Herndon Bo nansa, Clinton time. course when the meeting starts Herrlck Feels Fit. Thanksgiving day. and Ida Cook. best such store is W. Elliott Admiral's boxed at the Brewery gar-du- Latonla Special Here Daughter and Herrlck 111. Rosemary. and la feeling as fine n r n( 1 v- - Nineteen carloads of horses arrived yesterday I, inmJ n V. rrr here yesterday from the Latonla race as a fiddle again. There Is little track on the Eugene Elrod special, Keed glasses Ak Segaii. rao Mesa fear that he will be allowed to go In aucing. come by way L. the ring unless he Is In first-clas- s which the of the Is too We keep our lead- A N. to Memphis, Tenn.. then by the condition. Brother Joe far wise Frisco to Wsyanoke, Okhv. and then for that. . ership because the by Fe Into El Paso. The MACHINE WORKS FINE Jack Is sure to be right; he has the Santa never failed In that respect so far, and for it shipment struck good , weather en reason reaches leaving Kentucky and little rear Is entertained by fans on route after the soora. hack to the man with horses suffered very little by.tbe con- Harvard Tries Itself Out in Prepara- thst finement on the cara Only one. a Fred Windsor, manager for the the scissors and the yearling, owned by A. L Dunlap. tion For Vale at Brown's Bait Lake boy, la In receipt of an- Kxpcnup S 7 to 0. other offer to box. His boy Is wanted man with the needle. died en route. Several others, which fight had slight attacks of car fever and on the coast as soon as this snd We never take into our regular stocks what the tail- other ailments, arrived here In other- his Denver match have been disposed wise good condition. By tht Aaoottcd Prest of. oring houses sell to the ordinary clothing merchant. The nineteen cars contained 20.0 Cambridge. Musa, Nov. i,y The Herrlck has sn offer to box before royal bred racers, representing some Harvard football machine, readjusted the Wheelmen's club at Oakland. Cal. Sometimes it happens thai some suits or over- of the very best that have raced on In essential points on attack and de- The offer was made yesterday by the Kentucky tracks this season, and fense In preparation for the game wire and was unconditional as far as coats bear a similarity to those bearing the hall- all are ready, except the yearlings, with Yale, was tried out against his winning his fight with Hanson mark of the "Popular" Men's Store; but a little to participate in the coming 100 days Brown today and found In fine work- goes, which goes to show what the or more of racing. ing order. The Crimson ..totaled ST coasters think of him or rather closer examination and a little time in the wearing points, holding the Browns score - what they think 6f Hanson by offer- Owners and Horses. man, A list of the owners and the best MM. ing to stage a fight with a win, discloses the difference. shipment are as The first team played only lose or draw, with, the Salt Lake known horses in the through the first two periods, making Bearcat. The great stock of fine suits and overcoats follows: 1? points on touchdowns by Brtckley Benotts says A. B. Bp reck Ies Amity, Anar, Aus-tr- l, Matchmaker that the ready for men's and young men's choosing to- Bodln, Fulla, Ambrí, Cyrner. Oylff and Hardwlck, wbo put the ball over little trouble over the river yesterday and Byla. aftsr a long forward paas, and Brlck-ley'- s will not affect the fight next Sunday, morrow at $10 to $4") are the best produced in goal from placement at thirty-eig- as arrangements will be made by the W. H. Flser Patruche. filly hy go. Pink Coat, three years old; filly by yarda authorities to stage the He also America today. triando, two years old; Brevity, An- Brilliant by Mahon stated that the bullfight will be held gle D. Little Bit. Transact, Mabel made the first Crimson touchdown today as per schedule. We are agents for Hart, Schaffner & Mark, isichardson. Old Master, Wild Horse. possible. His putting Battling Mantell writes us that he gave Harvard repeated advantages In Is at work conditioning hlmsslf for his Rogers Peet and "Fitform" Hand Tailored Renwar and one yearling. exchange Rubicon IT. the of klcka The Crimson's go at Albuquerque with Perce Math- P. Sheridan scoring ambitions seemed Increased ews. will go at his man Clothes. fi. V Uler Mrs. Gamp, Mlroortso, The battler Authority $4.oo to $5.00 Chrlsto-phln- rather than diminished with ap- In event, aa the prom- styles HI nata Belle of Bryn Mawr, e the hard ths he has and two yearlings. pearance of substltutei. A fumble by ise of the local promoters of a match Initial and Plain Linen Ml let up, Gardener of Brown on the 3 6 yard her Handkerchiefs J. Ferries Madelle. Thaka line was recovered by Coolldge. and Knight on ground Mighty fine feeling, too. No matter n. i two yearlings. With Phil the what the Harvard end carried the ball to doing light work the outlook for a of hem 8 to 2 inches the wide hem Kay Spence One yearling. the goal. style your eye Dr. G. M. Miller Luther and Inlan. Bottle and Willetts were lightweight fight for December Is selects Ralston comfort SIZE in towers of plunging strength In the good. Fred Windsor Is looking after the latest style handkerchiefs for men. John Lowe Florence Roberts, new General Marcttmont, Gasket, Durln, Crimson back field and. alter- the Interests of Knight here. Jack will appeal to your feet. Every line and 25c Linen Harfdkerchiefs 6 for $1.40 nating In bull-lik- e rushes, hammered Rose Is with the Battler In the New El Palomar, The Cinder, La Valletta. the Brown 25c Linen Handkerchiefs 12 Ruperlorlty, Superl, Theoderlta ani line utnll Bettie went over Mexico city. curve is provided for because Ralstons arc for $2.75 Slgard. for another touchdown. .'55c Linen Handkerchiefs 6 for $2.00 George Moreland Just Red. It must be tough luck, after having made on foot moulded lasts. I, Trojan Bell ARTS AlfD LETTERS. spent years In entomological research, 35c Linen Handkerchiefs 12 for $4.00 R. Kofurs and H y tht aasoefaietf FYrt to be referred to as a bug expert. liar wood. Chicago, Nov. 16. A proposal 50c Linen Handkerchiefs 6 for $2.75 W. E. Cotton Sheffield and one to Wear Ralstons and you can keep in step form a woman's national Institute of Too frequently hear of air aston- 50c 12 yearling. arts and letters. Including an acade- ished slllsen standing aghast; do Ihey Linen Handkerchiefs for $5.50 H. McDanlel Polla élx year-llng- s. ard my, today was proposed by Dr. Bran- ever sit that way?' with Fashion without penalizing your feet dar Matthews of Columbia university, D- Clayton Two yearlings. J. president of the Men's National Insti- Mens Handkerchiefs, Special 6 for 25c P. J. Miles Falcada Cordis F. tute. Don't be content with a peek in our win- Woof. Topland. good quality Initial Handkerchiefs, William Hurley Patrick F. and A man who feels like a dog dowsdrop in and try on a pair. MEN'S May L. after he SECOND-HAN- D 4 inch hem; Longfellow initial. - has quarreled with his wife Isn't such J H. Mead Irish- Gentleman. mean a roan. Stacy-Adam- These come six in a box. and we offer them Urookfleld and two yearlings. GOODS We have the Special Agency or s, E J. O'Connell Tigella, Rip Va Very few men outside the peniten- special Monday at, a box of 6 . . . . - 50c Winkle. Requlrlm, Emerald Gem and tiary are as mean as a candidate's Kilcy andFellowcraft Shoes JorMen two yearlings. past Is painted. We want to buy or exchange for D- Wahr-7-Jd- a F. Levins, Edith W . second-han- d furniture and stoves Aunt Mamie, Barbara Lane, Francis, As In case Set Ikt See the the with the proverbial 60 rooms at once. Bee us ii i lie Mr, Swish and thirteen year- gift horse, never look at the band of for for ling a political cigar. good prleea New W. , C. Cianea Uimmel, Littlo Jane, Muff, Kenneth. Garter. Rooster, No reporter's wife believes what Shoes. wsizqmasisisnMnsauk Hat,. Bal gee. Cosgruve. .Peerless, Sommer-hn- l she reads In a newspaper. FOUTZ & ZINKLER and one yearling. Karl Llnnell- - 'saple. You can do bet tear, but not as well Phone HOC G. B. Morris ailvsrstone. as you thought you could. 7 TWO B EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1913. ability to play It and hla ahrewdneaa, tiara Wg ranch out In Wlnfleld. Kan., Have Much To Be is Yet to Come and doe not look forward to eaUng El Pa8oans and the Worst ar BIG LEAGUE now ball this Inter. "Fred" is worth more than lino, iron, and It ha Thankful For On Turkey Day all com out of baaeball. He tall a I good story of how he happened to be- 1 They gin to MVP, Prominent' Loral Men t.lve Reason Why Khoul.t Cerebral the Occasion i GOSSIP "When I wa with' th Uuilsvllte átomo are filed that the Snow Pell In the Northland. Other That club a a young fellow, I was pretty Giant Played Hero Other Km-as- For rheerfolneaa. wild," aay Clarke, "and 1 used to go Mm out to th saloons after the game, When Pllgrlme Ply- the congress BY like days. the landed at Democratic baa not raised most ball player did thoae mouth, they knelt down on tha now tha tariff on horaehlde. Otherwlee base-hull- s It got to be a habit with me. Harney hlatorlc rock and gave thanka to God. would soar ao high that our CHRI5TY Dreyfus always llkea me from th for their safe Journey across tba At- could not touch them with m tart, so on day aftr I had hada lantic In their frail ahupa. Our tan foot pole. MATH EW$ ON bed afternoon In the field and at tha then biased a trail through tha Art WoodIt am thankful that the bt, he called me to hla vfflre. New Bngland foresta and built a colony twlna have rut their teeth. Walking THE WANTS' ÍTAR. PITCHED Clarke's Method of Mvlng. among the virgin monarch. Heaping a the floor with two In your arma " 'Clarke,' he said, 'you won't last bountiful harvest at the and of their a tiresome exerclsa. In th Big League long the way you first aeaaon in America tha colony held Mayar KHIy (Jtvee Thank. perlnlly those who hav not been with ar" going now. You can't play baae a Thankaglvlng celebration In com- Mayor Kelly -- I am thankful that the winner). The last few month of th ball and bat round all night If you memorating their eafe landing and good D. A. H. convention met the first week raon dras very hard on club that are going to make good, you hsv got rrope and alnce that time tha anniver- In November Instead of the last weak, of th race, became the In- sary of that day haa been nna of re otherwise I would kgva ta oook tha are oat every lo glv the gam the best there la In ternet la gone. And then aim oat you. Think Ihla over.' joining and thankaglvlng throughout Thankaglvlng turkey. player hee th ambition to do the Nation. J. C. McNary I am thankfnl It waa ball "I did think It over and made up Bl my my something beside baaeball. partly be- my mind Mr. Dreyfus waa right. Paaoan'a are thankful for many arm and not head that waa to that things thla year. Home broken laat month, or 1 could not hava cause they ar all looming ahead Bino that time I have taken oar of ot tha rice day they won't be fit for dealers are thankful there Is to be a attended the .cqtllllon last Friday. tho when myeelf and hav been In the Big wedding In B. Bryan l the ame any more, and alen karakul League right along." tha While Houaa within a Charles am thankful a few daya, thinking perhaps they that I can eat Thanksgiving dinner In they ran up agalnat the earn old I a that prea-..- .. Clarke grat example of the will receive an order for rice. Others my own home once more. of dlsaatlafaoilon with the prosperous playar today waa in.,, the life of moat of and are thankful ...ey are alive. Among tha William E. Mix I am thankful that one of th firat to adopt th new Interviews on "What I hava to be In tha mix-u- p In tha Herald fire, that buelneaa men. Nearly vryb.dy tyl of living. He was in the gam aay; It was alaa, 1 have thankful for," Bl Pasoana water and not fire that mixed wanu to do aomathinc actively much longer than moat men Thankful far Sunshine. with my papers. Otherwise I would found, and It la true of ball playera. He can 11 ,1 up I year ho ar. atlll take hla turn at bat Harry Mitch am thankful that hava been In tha worst mix that Plank declared laet that as u pinch Clava-lan- two hitter. And ha has a great tha tl Inches of snowfall was in ever mixed In. waa going to retira. Kllng retired , Captain Harry N. ( career, only llttl bank account, so, you th ralbar than Bl Paso. The split antes. Thirteenth or three llmee durln hla v eil behaved bill players r getting skirts and tango dresses worn on the Cavalry I am thankful that la waa tha 10 coma back. "MIk" Donlln retired omethlng out of It. streets hare are ao warm that tha anow Second and not the Thirteenth Cavalry to go on th atage, but now he fight- would malt within a few minutes after which waa aent to tho cold north to ing to gat back Into the Big League. Many hoya ar rmttvred nil tnia falling and we would exparlance a apand lle winter. laet year ovtr W. W. Light The report has ract.el un that "Buba" Marquard retired country whoN nmMMon It la to flood that would noceaeltate a Noah Stewart. Parral and until the Oíante had been In the brsaa ark. Power company. Parral Chlh. 1 am Baker intends to quit ban ball anil d Into the it in- Lataruas, and probably hlii south for a weak or two. What! Jack Bgan Signs of tha tlmaa Indic- thankful that nobody moved tha Unltad vote energies to his farm down laugh. faw of In my waa turned- hmd. time-o- Baker Don't make me tham know how It oan be done, ate that a faw short weeks Unela Stataa while back In Mm Thin Is thv the retir? Ham's mall handlers one and all will J. Queenle. clerk Sheldon hotel That year a whole lot of niara make Hold-O- tjeaajaw. (letting Into the Big league la largely whn a regret that they were not horn twlna tha Athletlca won tha World's Series, up their minrfs that they are through long before the .con- mattar of luck. Thar U no inutt 1 , It won't be and am thankful that I am not a car- Harry Swain, haberdasher That the !th hitar-hall- and they always atlck tract are aent out for the playera to In my mind llhat many atar ball rier. styles In men's huta change ao frequent- to their resolution -- until tin- teams Ign for next year. Then will ptmyara atlll have Lfike all baseball buga t am thank- ly. south fur spring practice. thr moro the aand burra in tturt bo a lot of boy holding out for In ful that the Morning Tlmaa gave me an Geo. A. White, men'a tailor That 1 don't believe there Is any League their hair the "buahaa" becauaa they that money. Salarie In th Big have nevar been dlacovered. opportunity to aae Chrlaty Matheweon men hava to wear clothes. tnore chnnce of Baker quitting base-ha- general Conatltu-tlonall- ara greatly overrated by the Hut the Queetlon la. how la a young and other big leaguers In action. Bvan Matlaa Garcia, president thin there la of me, and I in- public. The common Impreaalon M fallow going to If tha action didn't quita coma up to ex- junta Tnat the revolution tend to they "Big; major let the Big League pectations. goea on. stick until cut the abroad that no man In th manager Know that he In alive? Tna gaily me In spite 0 Bd Levy I Oroaco, lead- league spangles" off of turn over hla hand for lea than oniy way that. I ran think of le for him would be more thankful ineral Paacual federal the fact that several newspapers have per year, t believe I could count to get In toDnh with If the "ginks" who ara always making er That villa didn't take Chihuahua. iom buah league A. secretary am- i: to retire me, from time to on the finger of my two hnnda the manager near where he Uvea. la a nolaa about what wa ougbl to do In W. Reeves, of the Cn If ha Me x Ico, atep ex- time. Baaeball Is my huatnesN, and I tar In the two Big league who are any good,, and the buah league leader would around to tha ber of Commerce That tna trade I office enlist. la only once a year. don't see any reason why should being paid more than 15,000 a year. knowa hla buelneaa, he will at leeaat recruiting and cursion held too I sit Hotel Mea HagffJT Claiborne Adama, manager Globe sylvanla Stat held Navy to a reorganised leven proved much drop It while am ahl to work Th average salary I about 12.600 to give the youngater a chanoe to train was Lafayette and the men from at it. around with team In Prank Langan Thankaglvlng day Is Milla Thmt flour la a necessity of acor her today, and the cam tor 11,000. the practice. The a not one In which Navy supporters Pennsylvania were downed, 10 to 3. linker w ill Pay. men are vng their grefet trouble la that many buah leaaue day of thanksgiving for all Bl Paao Ufa. Moat of the hotel men. Keaaon: racing atarta Zach Cobb, collector of cua-to- can find muoh comfort. State was With th exception of considerable yOM managera do not know bualneaa. at Umar Can Imagine retiring? money and the public "pan" them their Juarea. That Woodrow Wilton waa elect- first eleven thl season to nearly careleaa fumbllns. Cornell's new team you Mary- tight There are only a few In tba country the Can't see .him down on his for It. declaring that thy ar Bill Crawford 1 am thankful that ed praaldent of the United States. equal Navy, and' the mldshlpment, worked well, aeemlns more powerful land next senaon reading bog I been around In baae- with the peraplcaclty of 'Mlka" Finn. farm the flstad. have rnr inatanca. when mete by real opposition, did not on offense. coree of the Athletic' games? And ball for time, and I don't think show aa well as It wss hoped they you go a In many lint re tight flatd. Haw la Make Big i oan't little further the Big lagur rnatlr bout tonight, Jeff Smith, the Ammlcan would. easy people what Imaginative line and think of him I'll admit, however, that there ar If the youiijratiT mikii a lis. with th puglllat, won from tha Krenchraan It Is enough to tell watching s bulletin boird while the very few of them who will drape buah league leader I would euggent that Bernard, on points. Cornell IS, Lafayette S. they ousht to do. 1 any na Athletics are playing the world's themselve ovr a bar more and aatt tnia man to recommend him lo tig the a.torfafrd Prvst aoma B10 series next year without J. Kranklin chant that glorlou refrain: "What acout of tba Big Laague. Thla WeAt Point B5, VUla Nova O. Ithaca, N. T Nov. 15. Cornelia Bst antes, csraful drivers. Pnon Ad Baker rutting In on the puree? X you going to have?" ' la the only courne by which a youna: don't are atar can By ii" Attoctofed Pmt expect that "Vnnle" Mack will be Call Player Tightwad. take the initiative In getting WINS WE8TKRN TITLE BY DE- West Point, N. Y.. Nov. IS. Play- baaa-ma- n into tn upper net. To to your forced to Iojk for a new third write ing d football When ball playar lived from hand ifivorn manager la tMUfl. All wel FEATING MINNESOTA IS TO 7. throughout, Nov. 0. next season, although there are public to "pan" tha Army eleven had no trouble in Phoanlx, Aria, 111 a lot of opponlng clubs which to mouth, th ued known managara get ao many lettera would them and aay that they were "bum." from proapectlve tara that they hava dofeatlhg Vila Nova today. 6S to 0. Mr. C. W. Mace, think their chenre were Improved save they aa pay Michigan Batiera Pennaylvanla to The cadeta ahowed much Improve- with Baker out of the game. Now that they are rated not tne time to attention to them. El Paso Rubber V. & Auto Supply Co., "tlghtwnda." But In aplte of thl fact, But, aa l hava aald, getting Into the Piers, IS to 0 Nebraska Takes ment In offensive tactics. The Athletics were no tired of base- filing thamaelv o Bis laeaguo la largely a El Paso, Texas. ball player are matter of luck. Game From Kanaans. Navy ball after winning the world's series that there are not very many bene- Nearly all the great atara have oome Victory. Dear Sir: Aa winners of the firat BL KACr.B. neia this fall thnt. most of them used to fit being given for t, Big In through lucky break. Take the Bit tkf Aitociatrd Prtma In Paao, Nov. 4th, ending- In Phoenix on the 6th, we congraiuiaie ,go over to New every oaae of Annapolis, Md.. Nov. 16. Penn- - El and York Sunday Leaguer any mora. (Several player John Honua Wagner for In Btf ISC We VALVOLINE and pluy for $1(10 per game. Baker ata nee. Anciatrd Pr9 you on the merits of VALVOLINK MOTOR OIL. ud hav mad big money out of banbll Northrup Pleld. Minn.'. Nov. 1ft. The upop Phoenix, after a hard run, wee always on hand to get his flBO. In- Wagner played around the country OIL In our Simplex oar, and arriving at through accumulation and wle University of Chicago today won tha engine, we found almost sold, Ha sac Old "lory. vesting. from one placa to another for a year when the mechanic laid hla hand on our it ur ao. .nobody thought be- western Interoollaglate championship we uaed muoh The reflrlng habit always overcomes There la "Fred" Clarke, who started much of htm for 1911 by dafsgtlng University which was surprising to u. On th trial trip another cauaa he lóokad clumey when ha work-ad- . tha of not try to make time the boys this time of the year, as- - In the game with nothing except hi Minnesota II to T. The only scoring t f advertised oil, and as It waa our first trip, wa did Ha atlll looka olumay, but ha la ex- - game we of oil found oar engine miming very ceeaingiy met in hi way. tha came In tha first and last but used twice the amount and awkward perloda. A brilliant run by rJorgrait aft hot and at the end of the trip our engine was smoking and .oo Hot Before hla lega started to ko back on paaa him, ha uaed to cover ground about aa er a take forward made poietMe CREDIT! to touch. aa any man In big league. the touchdown which waa scorel by We found' VALVOLINE OIL mofe economical, of greater durability, rapiaiy the Uray from Una. DUrewerlag of Wamr, Yours is good Dia- and better lubricating qualltls. than any other oils w have ever used. for .may Harry Pulllam. who waa the creta- - Miehiaa IS Pean o. monds, Watches Jew- We will certainly use Valvoiine Oil In aay races we enter in the ry yeare ago, and we to use It right along In our cars now. of the Loulavllle club and K u the Attoclsfrd Pratt elry. Buy Christmas good future, and Intend praltlent of tha National leagua whan Ann Arbor, Micb., Nov. U.l.'al.n With best wishes for VALVOLIND MOTOR OIL, wa are. LUIS he killed himself, heard of Wanner on tba same line oiuaheJ now at sincerely, LEON attack that Very one of hla tripa to New York, the big Syracuse, tha football elevan of tna Dutchman having algned up with tha Unlveralty Michigan 'oday daf . (Signed) JED NEWKJRK, Driver. N. J of 203 SAN ANTONIO ST. Paaaalc, team at that time. Rumor Pannaylvanla, 1 to 0. Michigan simply reached BuMlam that Wagner wai dc- - battered tba dafenae of tha easterners (Signed) RAY HARREL, Mechanic The greatest matador and hia entire troupe of toreador troying a lot of fencea with hla hit to placea. At no time during the g'ime ting, ao he wart over to Paaaalc one wga Pennsylvania svan dangarona. and picadores will appear for the first time at the Juárez Sunday to take a look at Honua In at' tlon. Kaaeaa , Bull Ring. Pulllam knew a ball player aa noon Nebraaka aa ha could lay hla eyea on one, and It By th Afortatrd Prest took one look to make htm appreciate Ltawrenoe. Kaa., Nov. 16 Tha Univ- Wagner. ersity of Nebraska football team defeat- 1 want you to come to the Btg Lea ed the Uhlveralty of Kansaa hers thla gue," he told Wagner after tha gama. afternoon by to 0 In a game mostly DID YOU NOTICE THE OF THE Ilonun hii Rlwayi been alow to mane straight, old fashlonsd iotha1i, flayed RESULTS Four Savage Bulls Will Be Fought c.bangea. Ha waa getting a aalary of on a field ankle-dee- p In mud vnder a about fill per month with Paaaalc, I drlxsle of rain. Both teams raue&lodly think. made f Irat downs, but NebTaVt t s erk Music by Mexican Military Band "Why ahould iv aakad Wagner, oau at crucial points in the ca.ivi, was the tloualy. better. Vou'ii make more money." replied PASO-PHOENI- Pulllam, expecting thla argument to ohi.. State is Casa o. , EL X RACE? clinch It. fív th ÁMiócigtfd Prrts "But 1 get hare all 1 need." aald Columbua, Ohio, Nov. 16 y talng Honua. forward oaasea with precision, 'ihto JUAREZ BULL RING That waa a etaggerlng anawar fo State removed Case from the Ohio coma from a ball player, but Pulllam champlonahip tangle today. 10 to 0. final! Induced wagner to aa to Louie villa and wired Barney Dreyfuaa about Upper IS St. Jeeeshe 10. aa last P. M. follows: Bu the As toda ted Prtat You probably who TODAY AT 3:30 "Hava found and algnad a wonder Dubuuue. la., Nov, 1ft Upper Iowa noticed won the money, but Am bringing him back wiih me." University It; St. Joaeph'a college, IS. Admission Box Seats $1.50, Shade $1.25, Sun $1.00 After they got started on the journey. did you notice other which finished, Pulllam atkad Wagner If there waa Saalth Wlas I the cart and the anything he would Ilka. Jeff "Tea." replied tha Dutchman, "lomt By the Atwociated Prtmé they bananaa would go good." Parla. Nov. lft. In a twenty round condition in which finished? Pulllam got off the train at the next atop and bought a hand of bananaa for hla find. Wagner rode the raat of There were two Cadillacs in the race and both tha way to toulevllle munching ba- nanaa and acattertng the sklna out of tha window along the right of 'way Opportunity were stock cars. Both of these cars finished the race, Tha ra la no racord of any aoeiaent If You Are aoma subsequent train slipped on I tha banana tktna, but Pulllam aftar-ward- a and declared that Wagner made a conaclentloua effort to leave a trail of banana aklna all the way to the Ken- May not knock at your Going to tucky metropolla. When they arrtvad there Barney Dreyfuaa. anxious to gat door more than once. Are a took at the find, met hla secretary. ready for it? Many Look Their Records Proved. atar. you at Denver, Colo "Where la tha demon?" aakad Drey- could have made fuaa. Impatiently. person "There ha la." anawerad Pulllam. good thing in life if pointing to the atolld Dutchman. a "Who got you to buy that btg. ciutnay they had only had a few Both cars were in condition to come right back over the same course rado Springs or Pueblo looking piece of baaeball furniture?" without queried Dreyfuaa, in dlaguat. dollars to take advantage repairs. One of these cara tore out two sections of fence without leaving a mark Remember that we have lbs Direct lina. Thru Pullman "Walt unttl you watch him In ac- of the opportunity with. Service Albuquerque, Harvey tion." retorted Pulllam. the car. This also made a jump of forty-si- x feet without injury from and Meal. Dreyfuaa needed to take only one on car to the car. If only dol- Leaving EI Paso at 7:05 p. m., you arrive Albu- look then. Wagner haa been with him you have a avar since and haa meant a fortune t with will querque 6:00 a. m., following day. Sleeper may be tha preaant awncr of the Pittsburg lar to start and What does all this show) Simply that Cadillac cars are built for endurance, club. That la how tha Dutchman came add others to it you will occupied until 7:00 a. m. The through Denver sleeper, Into the game. It waa more or laaa not only on boulevards but on the roughest of roads, and under the hardest con- luok. be surprised how it will which leaves Albuquerque 8:25 a. m. , arrives Denver In my next article I will tall bow I ditions. Cadillac cars are always in the lead, and will bear the closest inspection a. m., the new day. got Into tha big league It wee luck grow. 7:00 pura and simple and I attribute my and comparison with any other car. food fortuna to two men. a pitcher Returning, thru sleeper, Denver to Denting, 'leaves whoa name waa Williams, and a minor Why not start a bank Denver 7:4$ p. m., arrives Albuquerque 7:25 the fol- league manager known aa "Phenoro account right now) Come and see the new 1914 Cadillacs. We run a first class service station in lowing Ell Paso ' John" Smith. evening. passengers can transfer to with agency which insures best service to Cadillac through car to El Paso at Trinidad at 1 1 :00 a. m.. at "Matty's Big League Ooaalp" la a connection our cars. thla paper. ap- Albuquerque 10:10 p. m.. or may remain in the Denver-Demin- g regular fenfire ot It pears on the rportlng page every Moo-da- $1. 00 Starts an Account sleeper until it reaches Rincón the following Wednesday and Friday. morning at 7:00, where they may have breakfast ana (Copyright, lilt, by the Wheeler Syn- dicate, Inc.) transfer into the El Paso car. We Pay 4 on TRY THIS YOUR NEXT TRIP. It looks good t see a timid colorad boy In a farm wagon. Savings CADILLAC AGENCY VV It BROWN, J. 8. MORKIbON, Phone I7T for a Taxtcab. Adv. General Passenger Agent, City Pass linger Agent. A large majority of the people can C. P. HENRY, Manager B. G. K. P. R. R. Co.. still be depended upon to send good money after bad money. E. P. & S. W. BLDG. MILLS BUILDING, EL i'Ano PHONE 5105 In lime a photographer learns peo 4 Truist Co, pl will .stand for considerable flat Sank lery, and becomes au arugi. Just Below Pojlnffiif. 1 .: mmmmmmmmmmm EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. THREE-- B

First Football Game Was Played Captains TO HOLD UNION SERVICES of Rival Teams That Played Yesterday WOULD EVADE UW Forty-fou- r Years Ago This Fall Mx Chorcha Will Join Force at the BANKS HAVE XKW PLAN TO GET East El Paso Bap t let Next Sunday Morning at 10 oviork. Hnrcton and Itntgem Took Cp the Ommn in .Set anil Since That Time It AKOl'.HD STATT-- ; SUPERVISION. Hm Become the Foremost .un In Colfeje Athletics; Western Col- - lagcs vean txuowea tvvcrat litter; inicreMtnjr statistic. A union Thanksgiving aemea wtfl Would Transfer Raving Department b hld on Sunday, November 27 by Into Intereat-neaiin- c Depart- six churches of the city at th Beet f PHIL. E Mc CLE ART ef Illinois have won 114 games oat of tOl played and tied up 14. Fifty-si- ment. El Paso Baptist ohurch. Th services th thoiumrU of people wha will begin at 10 o'clock and tha alx th annual football ntnifftic between v er lost to thlr foci. eastern universi- churches which will unite in th lla large unlvrltia, collet elvejn Other westrn and By tro l The ( ties havs equally en- 4c(l n union Thanksgiving service will b "1 hinh school teams In th different retard a4aot Nov. W Col- M viable, but time and space does not per- Austin. Tea.. it W. th East El Psso Baptist. East El tlon of the country, only a few lier, Presbyterian, Paso col-- - mit of going Into this. commissioner of Insurance and Paso East El whan end where the treat further Hanking, today requested attorney Methodist, pori waa originated. It la aafe the Methodist, orchard Park t persona generals department for an opinion Austin Park Methodist and Alta Vista tay that few wha have on a new question that has teen rrftdnatad from the various Inatltuttoni called to church. i which feature football oan name the the attention of the depart- Th srmon win be preached by ment. A certain bank in Ci. v which the f I rat OF SHAME the state the Rv Herman Porter, pastor in same was ITERS which haa maintained a savings de- p'ayatf tn that reapectlva school or col- partment of th First Methodist church. Th li aja. has decided to close the pastors of the sit churches participat- savings department window and rendering orar aome old record the upen ing In the united Thankiglvlng serv- tec ove BEING CLOSED another window for a d ices will also take part. ohar tcht I d red that football GILDED PALACES p.irtinent to be "In- in aoaaaaa known as the music will be rendered at the United State, saw Its hlrth in AT CAPITAL CITY. terest Bearing lepartment." It Is be year 1IIÍ lince that tima It hae the th services. undergone many opinion of the commissioner of bank- chances, until today ing i hat this Is but a aubterfuge to It stands aut as tha one Me; feature In evade the law providing CMla athletle. Follower of the Bcarlat Diana Will for the A Jurisdiction over savings department NO CONCERT NEXT SUNDAY To the untverMtlee of Princeton and no Longer Have Harén In Shadow I 4aaasttBsaa?pWaaffPiSSA OOol by the state commissioner An un- Autfers belong the dlatinetlon of hav- of White House. BOOB SsBaOTT' fmfr HHr"alW ing favorable opinion to this contention first played the foremoat cottage would open the way la banka abolish- Mm. It la interesting- to note tha ing savings ).-.- mem and opening Conductor Van Stirdam Saja New number of (ames that have been played By United Intei Heaiiiig by leading the Pre. est departments," th to the Need Mora the universities attice that Washington, NoV, la Tha red funda uf which lhy could not be re- t'me j nrk Davis, repreaentatlve of light districts of tha nation's capital strained from investing In any kind Time For Krliearaal. An the rulea committer, hae one under tha shadow of th of securities compiled atatlatlea which ahow tne almost Capitol Dome and the other only four I'nlon Ti minu.1 company bondu El Pasoana will not have an op- Mending of the various collates In the mounting to register-wit- (Tama. blocks away rrom tne wntte nouse K.000.000 were portunity of hearing the local sym- will soon ba things of the past. the secretary of today after hav phony orchestra concert Sunday af- Yale Hevea Followed. Ing been approved by in After years. Old Already the police ara wiping out the railroad ternoon, aa Major Vati Surdam haa walfina three Ell ts commlshtoh. Mr Buckner to- fallowed by making a the vice sections. Their quiet RHaaaaaaal stated been unable to prepare a program for football branch eup-po- rt day thin Issue of $2.000,000 1ST2 soon will hava the active tfeV that of It. Thrr-- j of Yale's athletic'. In It orean the f bnnd lasue already have been several addition I fol- of Washington's reformers, for hsd to isad ta first elevan. Harvard tt8ÍÍÍÍtí. bren aold. The bonds first mort- the orchestra and as Major Van Wesley-e- with powerful Kenyon red light are lowed In 1874, two years later. the gage bearing five per cent. Surd una has planned s much mor next the example and In bill as a club police ur social work- program was presentad followed or- The Mete supreme court today srt elabórate than 1175 adopted It In 187fi Pennavlvanra ers will be able to exterminate the first concert, h stated yetr-- I prostitution. for aubnilsalon th tase Involving tlw broke into the game and twe years ganised constitutionality of the "Blacklisting day that be frit ai though the musi- latí: Amherst and Brown joined the Crusade Against Vice. cians needed more time In which to bill, fashioned the law law and stletl tlu Cotton Belt Hull ranks. This after road versus Thomas A. Urlffin. The prepure and rehears After the nxt In college a states, provides nut while this change of Iowa and ten other hearing was set for December S. concert, however, the concerts will be wai taKlng plac tn the aat that an Injunction forever closing any weekly tho wast remained resolutely oat or disreputable house, may bo Issued fiturs. tb ranks of tha big schools piayvng upon anyon'e application. This mea- HCIE'B ACTO TIRES CCT. "such a brutal same." However, the sure haa already passed the senate, BIG CATTLE DEAL IS MADE v estern schoole laid aside their preju- and la certain to pasa tha h". In waa organ- While W J. B'Uc'e auto was stand- dices In 17 when a team the December session. th- on Minneso- L aasssBBBBaBBBBBBBBaaBBBaa mm ing in front nf R.tptlut church ised In Michigan Wlaconeln. Vice crusaders already are plan- aaVsap waawBvBBW LaaaW mWJ ta. Iowa took to the game - Bruce II, Marsh, Veteran Rancher of Magoffin avenue Frllay night vandals and Mlasoürl ning to exterminate the district cut the two Into shrnda. ran In 180 Chicago stand out aa tne operation mea- Koewuli, Hell 1,000 Head and re:r tiren to through tha of this all of the nut f the tunk and ftrat achool In the United Statea sure. Ranch .m take to the game Immediately upon itt tots th" preativhie.ii'' gae Link No clue university was Heretofore, the red lights hav was left by the foundation. In 1892 thla except In- miscreant. of 18S8 saw glsred out unmolested at founded and tha fall the Aa long as district did Bti Special Wire to The Time Chicago wurrlora In moleskins and tervals. the MRS. A1NK.VK PC11SE STOLEN. not flaunt Its shame openly, top bois- Ro well, N. H . Nov. 1( One of the doing battle royal with the other Urgent terously. It waa permitted to continue stock and ranch sales at recent Mrs A. to waatern elevens. ap- years waa mad F Alnsa reported the Played Most. and the police knew and tacitly hei todas when Bruce Ft night a ail ver Peaa Haa ' H Marsh, a veteran who prlice that cola One moat peculiar features of proved- atockman haa purer au- of the been here for : years, sold hl ranch hud been taken from bar tha ota t lit lea as compiled by Mr. Davis To Put Lid On. tomobile while It was standing In leading Major Richard Sylvester, superin- and. ntrirk Intsreits to three Independ- shows Pennsylvania with the ent tn funt of the First National bank or gamea played, al- tendent of the police, openly admit- atockmen and "old timers" thla greatest number vicinity. Tha new owner are David though this Institution did not aaopt ted before the police chiefs' conven- EMPLOYES ARK FLEEING until'weven years Prince- tion he believed Washington's Howell of Ronweli. W u ("Deck') football after that Hears, and William P slcCoihbi ut Ken FROM MEXICO CITY AT ton and Kutgera gave It Iti birth in system of dealing with the vice waa EMPLOYERS' ADVICE America. Penn teama have playea 83 the best system for the present. This na. The nsw firm will be Hawaii. Bai a St McCumtis The sale Includes gamea, losing but 98. They have won plan, explained, was to segregate '1 he 1000 head of gto k cattle. horeen. Uu th staeaelfffi Preal 288 and 12 resulted in ties. the houses of 111 fame, and gradually wagons, huge: etc., Mexico City, Nov. 5, Th Coming nest In figures, the sons of lei, and ranchea of eliminate them. 60 rtfi north-wen- proprietors f business houses participated In 386 battles. aectlous leans Unit, mllen t Ell have When he first took office, the red of Ronwall The her i ara ordering thHr em- Of 221 were victorlaa, 21 were nu-- Í i'onnlrlratlon thene lighta glared brighter and mora waa about lio.oon The sale Included ployes to leuve the capital and lnat and 18 ware tied. Harvard and merously than they now do. Where to Crug. next, each having en- about fitted! brands. proceed Vera Princeton rank IB or 20 vtnrs ago, there were known Mr Ma In 'Shaughnessy, the gaged In 842 struggles. ..arvard haa rub located here the early Nelson to be more than 125 houses of these only that they are gradually clean- Howlan and J. Qorman and the nega-- I days, coming California, for charge d'affaires, re-- f conquered foei 287 times. 47 have - from and American hr dens, are now less than 60 list- ing out the the-,- do not ad- tlve by M. Hwartt and Idua Lambert. a long was ulri C A i informa- 9 were scores. The there district time with the Bar ukm tonight to been lost and tie ed tnWashlngton's police book. mit there la any particular motive be- WILL EARLY The affirmative side won an tan ye inde- Tigers In 296 gamea, SHOP outfit ampio and went tion of any character concern- have mastered activity. t k 36 12 ttmea. The last two months has witnessed hind their recent pendently Into he v Ixial nrnn in ing th situation between the lot and were fled 20 A B C e part in the quiet removal of about houses. But It ts certain that the poison Read the of El 1'aso on the 1191 itnil pronpereil will rema In at United Rtatel and Mexico. The Wolverines have .taken they Psg 411 248 Ann The police have started a silent cru caaes have stirred them, a havs Classified his home. Pouth Mlanouri ntreet contesta. The Arbor knights NTS OM Me Howell, McPuniha, of gridiron are credited with 195 sade, apparently realizing the trend atlrred th Public Health Service and MKSIIXA PARK STUB E nam i'.e.irn and Pee Oiltnor Hm tonight tha la general. Surgeon H.II early day men. formerly ron-n- victories. 4S detents and 8 drawa, a that social reform taking in the social reformers in INO TO EL PASO ON SPECIAL. Bst sutnu. rareful drivers; phn mo sdr wars 'raw ford record that comparea favorably with a nation's capital. General Rupert Blue is lending a ted with the great 1, F U vutrit aa majority pf aaatern elevena. Inmate Take Poison. hand to the crusade by' daclarlng that Phone S77 for a Taxtcah. Adv. cowboys careful 'Irt pliu MO adv Aotre Daane W Few. Some of the police activity may poisons should be made in special Collegians Will Do fhrlHtnias 1n be Their Notre Dama, the second western col- be due to the fact that the last for mi, and that the laws should liuylng on a Systematic Plan To lege to take up the game, hsi figured two months, several of the dweller made mor stringent so that the su- In lit eontests. Of these the Catho- in th red light district have efthr elde route will not be su popular or Visit Manufacturing PUnt. lics have triumphed in but 29 and tied died or been seriously III from bi- easy to ftnd. in 10. Their latest achievement waa chloride of mercury poisoning. The the overwhelming defeat mted out by police blotter shows that they too The New Mexico Agricultural col- them to the United States military arca-- the poison after tiring of life under sowUnqjcores lege atudents at Mesilla Park, N. M if. v say Tha Orange and Blue elevens slavellke conditions. The police win do thtr Christmas shopping BTAN0IXG OF THE CLUBS. iiiy One hundred students of the Cactus college have arranged for an excur- Lraftue. sion to this city on December 0 to Team Won. Lost. Pet. visit El Paso store and Industries. Tuttle 15 . 9 00 The excursion will be held under the Poor Teeth, Poor Looks, Poor Health Holmes 11 ' 13 .45K auspices of the Commercial club and Wall 11' J .68 department of commerce at the col- White 11 13 458 lege. The student excursionists will travel Industrial league. to El Paso in special cars' attached One cannot be beautiful without Team Won. Lost. Pet. to the Banta Fe, arriving here In thu good teeth. Neither can one hav Globe Mills '. 3 .750 morning of December 6. Visits to perfect health with good teeth. Rwlft Co I .500 the Kl Psso Milling company's plani. This Is impoaeihle. The white rows Oreclsn 6 7 411 Qlobe Mills, Portland cement plant, of perfect teeth accentuate a El Toro 4 8 .313 smelter. El Paso Refining works, Smelter Lea4rue. P. S. W. shops El Paso woman's beauty or man's hand-sem- e ft and the Team Won. Lost. Tct foundry have been arranged. At noon appearance. They also make Fanner 12 3 .111 the atudents will lunch at the Hotel the perfect mastication of food Jensen 13 7 .650 Sheldon. They will be addressed bv possible, which Insures good health Abbott 10 10 600 Superintendent Tighe of the public If you want clean, quick, last- Walsh 9 11 4 60 schools, and O. R. Putnam ing dentistry without the pain. w Bateman , 9. 11 4 50 The afternoon will be spent m can please you. Let us Raster 7 9 418 shopping at the local stores. examina Tapron 8 10 your teeth, tell you what you need 375 The students' excurmon committee Foster 5 11 .313 has been In communication with Sec- and what ll will cost. Our prices retary A. W Reeves of the Chamber are most reasonable. Cactus League. of Commerce, and the arrangemnts We absolutely guarantee all Holmes 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. for the excurxlon are already under our work. Can refer you many I. L. Lehman. 19 208 18Í 643 way. The Chamber of Commerce will satisfied patients whom we have Hart Wood 188 190 289 596 welcome the visitors to El Paao and "DIDST "T Hl'MT A BIT ' done work for Lady Clyde Holmaa.. 167 184 193 514 will lend every effort to entertain GET attendant. APEKCO J A. Weaber. 166 191 181 538 them while here. J. L. Andreas . lit 110 193 669 New Totale ... 114 963 1001 17J BRADY WINS HIS LAWSUIT York Paimess Dentists Tuttle let. Id Id. Total Corner Mena Ave. and Texas SI. Over Stlberberff'f Jewelry Store. E. Clark 193 210 110 11 W. A. Johnaton 18 175 171 616 W Foster 110 117 1 470 Jury However Admit That Bis Blast- 4 handsome Electric Percolator, is La fe Hill 100 194 118 677 ing la Nuisance and Recom- A W. Houck.. 176 191 180 549 mends au Inveatigatlon. Totals .. 938 8 07 2744 an ornament to any table. It makes won 3: 1. Points Holmes, Tuttle. In the suit of F. B Schutz against High 269 HWTh total-Cl- ark. fame Wood. George B Brady damages Don't You Want to Be One 611 Strike outs Weaber for In the Wood, sum of ll.sOO for alleged Injurien tn delicious coffee in the quickest, most Andreas, Lehman. Clark. Hill his house caused by blasting at the Cartas League. quarry at th southerly end of M of the Prosperous Men the Jury In the special dis- It is Waits lat id 3d Total trict court returned a verdict for th ealthiul way. safe, economical Hugo Brleeh 110 ill 162 541 defendant, though Chae Gurts 111 111 181 412 assarting thst th of Your Town? blasting was a nuisance to thote in AI Callsher ... 149 174 19 492 thst vicinity, always ready to use a great W L Stratton 167 178 176 60S jury w T. Bryan. 16 181 110 610 The admitted Its inability to Ih.r a Mysterious Thins (ailed "C edit" determine th amount of powder that h could be used with safety rscom-menda- Totals. 171 188 819 2500 and improvement over the alcoholic 1st. 14. that the court appoint two or which is based on faith. You can White id Tota! mor experta to make a test to de- Ed Schuts .170 164 190 534 establish this credit and this faith, A W 111 111 516 termine the amount which could be Poster Ill used with safety in blasting. heated kind. We have a full line F. Hardlker .. lit 111 tit 401 or six days by that people have in you, by having W W. 111 119 612 Five wsr consumed Edwards lot this trial and much interest wai IvJONEY IN THE BANK. The Scott White ... 145 70 161 41 manifested In the verdict, particularly by of electrical household devices for 7 the living tn thst vicinity of the r banker, who is the friend and advisor Totals . 101 Tit 883-- - 244 ' city of every business man in his conv Points won Wait. 1; White. I High gama Brlesh. 111. High total rORL'M HOLDS DEBATE. all munity, grows to believe in you when Brleah. ill. purposes. Hlzh- bchool Lltrrary Students Organ-It- he sees you putting money away for Club. your future. If you have no bank 'Te Korum" we formally orients ed Pnjay evening with the appointing account start one NOW. debate The literary society is Mm- -' posed of Hlch school students. E. El Paso sfeane and 1. Lambert were named on CREDIT! the program committee: Matt Rowlin J. Gorman and Alfred Black on the entertainment committee. Your is good for Out "The Alamo and the New South." Electric Railway Company moiid. Watches and Jew. by Henry W. Orady. was rendered try. by Idus Lambert. ''Happiness and Buy Christmas good: Literary," by ftobert O. Inaereoll, was now at recited by Chris Yungjoahnn Electric Bldg. Phone 2323 NION At the conclusion of the declama (kfc 203 SAN ANTONIO SI. tion a debate, "Resolved, That a Man BakkaTust nnouia nave rcaurationai (justifica- tions for Suffrage." was held Tho affirmative was represented by Matt FOUR B EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. For Motorists B&Á&J& News of Autos purchast la s Kluselkar "Forty" and In the cablegram, the thorough test- th. gasolina readily responding to any how In the world any car could stand DECREASE IN UPKEEP hla Rienda whisper that he was In- CADILLAC WINS TROPHY ing of fuel and oil consumption, the external application of warmth. The AUTO IS WAR HERO the pace of thla scouting duly. fluenced In hla selection by the fact recording of the number of times tha moat affective, aa well aa the most Blatveo Has Naillsa that he knows three Klaselkar own- electric cranking device was used, the aim pie plan, was to place a rag, soaked "From alx to nine man are alwaye ers who are uniformly successful in duration of the current for lights dur- In hot water, over the Intake. Th. car carried, and their equipment Itself is Knranee Tlgrr Blips From Telephone buelnesa ventures. Mr. and Mrs. For i in Second Time This Car Car- ing and after tha run and numerous had been left ovar night In the cold Veteran studebaker Haa Seen Much no smoll matter. They do not follow I practical to any roads, for ara none Is Not Hurt Hanson may be seen on the Philadel- ries Off the Dower Cup Given other mattera that have storage apartment, with the temper- Fighting During he Mextoaa definite- there , phia boulevarda In thslr new car any do with efficiency and 'service ature at twelve below sero. In the to follow.' ink. Walks. fair day by Royal Auto Club. morning the rag waa applied and the Revolta. Thla car, motor No. 18818. waa orig- POPH TO COKTIXIE. motor inally sold by Mr. Bnilay to tJwn. started promptly on the first of old ' turn, of the electric cranking appar- Quldas. commander of the forces "The moat Important Improvement able advices received at Detroit Factory that He el vers Out In the deaert country of north- Gen. Olas, at Matamoros. When the has Writ late atus. la motor can during ih Ian ftv. NEW HUDSON LIGHT SIX announce that the 1914 Cadillac Handa Mar Re aw asa. Presenta eastern Mexico there la a Btudebaker Maderlat government. captured the by Hartford. Conn.. Nov. 10 Is confi- Trouble. town, car was their rara la the remarkable decreeee In been awarded the Dewar trophy it This test also calls attention to the "30" that, for several yeara has been the tudebaker R&Val Automobile Club of Great dently expected that the Pope Mfg. Co., by meet valuable booty. The last turn of the cost of upkeep," aald Mr. Harry the Of fact that, Improved carburettor!, playing the part of a soldier of fortune gave oar to gen- Britain. This trophy, presented by which lest week weirt into the hands supplemented by fortune's wheel the Blanco R. Radford, vice president and an- a receiver, w... proceed with Its the electric stsrtlng playing It with all the dash and love and hla forcea. com- Company has Designed Car That Pro-a- n Kir Thomas Dewar, la awarded lilt system, engineers have fully kept pace possessed by any eral manager of the CarteTcur nually motor car demonstrat- program The receivership had oeen of adventure of the pany. Pontlac, Mich. laps to Become a Favorite to the rumored for a long time, ao no sur- with the steadily lowering grades of fictitious heroea Klchard Harding Da- EN DT RA TÍCr CONTENT. consid- ing the greatest achievement toward gasoline, generally on vis exploit. "The motor car la seldom Among Motorlals. industry. This prise was occasioned when the an- sale. The motor- delights to ered an expense, theae dsya." said Mr. the advancement of the nouncement finally waa made. It la ist of former times, even with his ad- Car a Vtmr Hero. Woman Oeee Fall atante em Tola, WtaalagT Is Cadil- high-te- If the owner will use the second victory for the regarded aa the. logical mode 01 pro- vantage of gasoline, found R. W. Dean. Btudebaker traveler In Radford, "and lac In classic contest of inter- only ordinary caution In chooalng hla Car Company. the cedure under the circumstances. It la winter starting mor. or leas trouble. aouthern Texaa, ran across the old hero Tbe one big feature of the en- The Hudion Motor national motordom, the winning or On day, vis- car he will have very little upkeep' aese'rted that though the company the other hand, the modern Im- at Matamoros the other while durance run of the Toledo Motorcycle club Detroit, makea known to lla dealers which any motor car manufacturer sixes exclusively for 1914, provements have reduced cold iting Louis Brulay, Btudebaker dealer (or the service which he will receive. consider to be hla that weath- last week was the rather remarkable Only a few y tars agu, about the only thla week the detalla of thfc light alx in the world would a now four waa ready to be Introduced. er starting to absolute simplicity, de- at Brownsville, on the opposite side of peo- rupreme achievement, The Cadillac The company, ao It Is haa been ex- spite the vastly lower vaporising point the border. It was then brlnalng Gen. of the lone woman contestant. thing you heard an an escusa for upon which tha factory haa been h.-- aald. cara was ihey Is the only car In the world that perimenting or aome time with another of the fuel. Illanco, chlof of the Carranslstas, back Mrs. H. AUop wss enrolled as the sole ple not buying that working for aome time. Thla la an won thla twice; and the only trip. Insur- to keep them. They trophy type of motor from that previously from a scouting; With the of tbe Ladles Auxiliary couldn't afford entirely new machine, lighter than American car that has come out tri- uaad. gent leader was an eacort of eight men member and didn't care ao much about the first any contests. It occurs to a henpecked husband heavily played the part with plgnsi success, cov- c ' the alx 54 announced earlier In the umphant in of these Since the receivership there has oeen that a bigamist all armed. In addition to ita cost, but thv .nsidered the after The significance of the ictory, a rumor to the effect that the Pope would have plenty of passengers, the car carried a reserve ering tbe foil distance of three hundred we never season, in phaeton and roadster de- trouble, ev.n If sixty-seve- xpensea. Now, however, which Is a distinction that will re- company the manufac- there were no law load of ammunition. nod miles en her own msehine pur- -- would abandon it. hear auch a atatement. and the signa. It la knawn as model six 40 American-mad- e against ! beside her husband, and maklug the Utter can buy car dound to the advantage of ture of motor cars and confina Itself Faeter laht. chaser know, that he a fid though similar In outward ap- cars and is a vindication of to maklns motorcycles and bicycles, out Tha general, but recently victor in "hustle" all the time to keep up and take it nut on the road and ex- pearance model, and methods, Colons! Albert Pop declares he knows There la a common tendency to con- one of the bloodiest battles of tha war Mud puddles there were In plenty near through- to the largar has a American atandarda roads, rough pect to get continual service number of mechanical differences, lies In the tact that the teat 1b some- nothing of auch a proposition. A pro- fuse Personal Liberty with Individual the fight In which he captured Mata- Flndlr.y, Oblo, snd still from out the entire year. We are contin many of which ore entirely new to thing more mere speed. It haa tective committee for holders of com- cuasedness. Tou may have noticed moros from the Federal troops told the spring floods, were encountered be- than tween Dnyton and Bprlngfteld. but Mrs. ually getting letters from carterrar Hudson mint i urt inn. i o do with the basic principle of mon and preferred stock haa been form- that. Mr. Dean that the Studebaker car had ownera wh. have driven their car everyday service. Thus th Cadillac' ed In Boston. contributed greatly to thla victory. In Altop rode right on without faltering yeara, tbey say, with- HhlpmeittH. Since clothea make man, added, "we never navo once, snd handled her Yale Twin with so for one or two 1. ago don't the fact," he could In bringing out car at victory five yeara was the result yet easily, ex- - out msklng an adjustment. thla en- they shouldn't break him. Possibly captured the town and would now be' much skill, and to that It time, the company does so fully a of a standardisation test. The we can much comment. "Thla may oein like nn exaggeration trants presented three stock cars make that old overcoat run unable to keep communication with our xlted favorable to aome not familiar with month before at first planned, and another winter. outposts without It. 1 wouldn't sell the It Inn t orten tnat a woman is round wh.i sre of in January, shipments will which were then dismantled and their EXPERIENCES to a motor- motor rara, but oth'-- r manufacturera, instead' S1SI1 car for any amount. If I oouldn't. get experienced enough handle commence sooner. verlous and several parts thrown Into who cycle unaided, much leee etterapt a two-da- y 1 am certain have found the same Those think the fight game la another one Juat like It." This new six haa been brought out a haphaaard heap, so that identifica- waning are urged me," Mr. Dean, enda ra nee run, but Mrs. Altop proved Eighty-nin- e to atlck around until "Take it from adds thing to be true. hlgh-claa- s tion was impossible. aa y aa a competitor o the average tha Irate Irish atart something with "if you could only know what the av- herself quite as proficient the male "Just think how carefully the parts were withdrawn from the heap Ford .uld Telia Some of the Foolish finishing the ran right on la made. Vibration machine now on each other, aa aeema to threaten at erage Mexican driver knows about tak- contestants, motor far the market. With a total phaeton and duplicates were made from the Question Asked by the thla typewriting. ing care of a car, you would wonder time and qualifying for a medal. Is reduced to a minimum, bearings weight 2,040 stock of spares. are more ef- of pounda with tanks Visitors, are perfect, carbureters filled, or about 18 pounds per Inch Three cam were then rebuilt from ficient and rlrpfndnbl jind the mo- conglomeration strong o argil, l( Is aald to be lighter than the of psrta. tors snd transmissions are and many ca- Wrenches and screwdrivers were the 16. "Yea." said most fours of similar carrying leirolt. MUh.. Nov. abaolutely reliable under the pacity six or seven passengers. only tools employed. Neither filos a cuide at tbe Ford pleat, "we Perhaps we hear Jame, trying conditions Th,e six-4- 0 has practically the same nor emery cloths were permitted, yH hn ve some, s u tig ex peiiences. People low upkeep than most in it more about type of streamline appearance as the every piece fitted aa perfectly as In have du Idea of the of the plant be- the A eitent manufacturers' because Cartercar slx-5- although a change In radiator the car from which It was taken. fore tbey tnxe e rip through It, and many fi gearleaa IS equipped with shape haa been made. The top of variation of one of an of thetu hare but little Men or whst they which oann.-- possibly cause la la Inch In any one of aeveral hundred they gone through. today is radiator rounded and there have Keen ufter have trouble. But any lendlr .ir no sharp corner where the vertical parts would have meant failure. "Aud tbe coinpttrlsons tbey matte are a a good car you might aay. a perfect Idea meet Che top section. Thla Therefore the Cadlllac'a victory meant big Inngb. Tbey are alwaye trying to car that Is a delight for the owner ta radiator curve la the same aa that complete demonstration of Its perfect slse up something by tbe sise of sometulng drive." if the dash so that the bonnet slopes standardisation, an achievement hith- they sre fntulllur with. to the rear In an exceedingly beauti- erto undreamed of, one which creatO'l "A big firmer a going through one I001N 11 A K KINSKLKAIt. ful line. an international sensation and which day, aad when be passed the gesr cutting Radiator Change. put the high-grad- e American car for tnucblties with tbe Btreautt of soft soap Pilot of tin? Quakers Think II Will Another distinctive touch Is given the first time ahead of the Huronean pluylug on tbe metal tu cool It, he said: Ml. Nil,. " II Ml Ill the radiator by the coping-ove- r of car of the first grade. 'Uee, tbeui look like a bunch of cream There are a lot .if baseball fans who the front edge. The cowl slopes down Each year these tests for the separators.' would like to nee plucky little Manager to the hood with a alight, sweeping trophy, conducted by the Royal The Slaughter House. y Red' Pooln of Iho "Phillies'' walk curve, and like the larger six, tha Automobile club of Great Britain, "Then they get funny Idea of what tbey away with a nntlorml league pennant. gasoline tank Is carried under It. take on new conditions and always are going to see. 1 was tuktug a party aai "Red" han alwuH made n game fight Hlanted vents In the, sides of the bon- they Include a thorough test of a car's of women through one day und one asked high-grad- was. and It Is believed that with nn even net lend a further finishing touch to efficiency in the line of normal e uie where the luugliter house That break In lurk he would ha' tucked the whule. service. was aew one, nud stuttered, I guess. 99 away a championship long ago. The second victory for the Cadil- In aitklug ber what she meant. Like moat ball playera. "Red" han Uf course It would have pleased lac, just announced, was based on a " 'Why,' says she, 'I rend u piece In the' "The Car That Sells by the Trainload a.nd la Mayor daynor to live, see test even paper ubout tbe Ihounuuds of cows that a streak of auperstltlon he have to all more comprehensive tnan year happy nowndttyn hecattae tie think" the nice things the New York papers that of complete It are killed every to fumUh the leath- standardization. er upholstery und I to see hla new automobile h.i- - n horaeshie fuikd about him. Hut, hitd be lived, Involved the driving of 1,000 mile for the wauled eoncenlcd In Its mcchunlam. "r.c i" they wouldn't have said them. over give and take roads, as phrased the alatigbler bouses. "One of the fuuulest was a buneh of - KnttllMhinen ibat was here. 1 was telltug Whfjre all others have- failed the Buipk has made good. Eyery convenience and equip- ull ubuut tbe enormous tiuautltles of ma- terial used. I tuld blin that the acrews ment known to the highest class motor car is to be found in this new model of the used In ull the li&,U00 cars made this year Buick. The electric lighting system and self-starti- device, left drive with center If put end to cod would stretch from bere to t'leveluud and stick out uway over control, make this a most inviting car. Oblo. " 'But you cawut do it, y' know, asid Over-hea- one uf tbe Britishers. The famous Buick d Valve insures economy of operation and develops more "'Can't do wbutT aya I. power to the gallon of fuel than any other motor ever "Htreh h those bluuuilug screws from De- built troit to Cleveland,' be answered, 'because yon rouldu't attach them together aud tbey would Interfere with navigation.' ''Can. you heat tbutY Well, those are only samples of what we get every day. Tempes Fagtl. paso garagenSsX "Aud some of tbe people wbo go.through H here can't seem to understuud Ihlugs at all. Not long ago when It was snuouueed ÍY that wle were making a car a tuluute 1 wus towing u crowd of buslDeaa men through. They were evidently here for some convention. When we got to the SECOND AND floor one of thein, a chihuahua STS.m old chap who acted nil tbe time ns though be wus from tbe heart of Mlsaoiirl. pulled ml lieguu curcfully fol- out .his watch and to Km Storage Rates $6.00 $8.00 $1 0.00 Per Month 1 low the lalmr uf an assembly crew. When tbe cur that was being t up was run oat I SjBT f Repair at Reasonable Rates, by Real Mechanics 1 on the loadiDg platform, be snapped bla BBS. watch Hhtit, waved his baud und said dis- dainfully kuew It wns a fake!' " 'What Is a fake?' uaked one of his

" "I'M building a cur every minute, he answered. 'I have timed these men here I : and It took eleven minutes to put that car together.' . "Tbey all kind of fell for It for a minute and iuuked nt me reproueuCulty, nr though SPECIFICATIONS bad plckud their porkt or something. " 'But,' say I, 'you dou't seem to have t" ''V-.- ' .' gniHped the point. Look nt all the other BODY Model B24 Roadster type, with TRANSMISSION Sliding aenr, aelectlva type,titthree speeds every deep cowl. Extra width door: gnllou gasoline orwuru nun reverse, ileal ireineii nicsei sieei craws who are lining out a car supply. Ieep cowl, extru wide doors; good wide seats gears. Clutch gear, heat treated und specUl eleven minute. The Ford compnny doesn't una ample leg room. steel, running ou annular ball bearlugs; counter, gear, any II hullds a enr every minute. on that That FUA.M1& Pressed steel, sneclal extra stroug; nickel ateel, beat treated, runnlug bronae besrlngs. in tmpuHHltile, of course. constractlou. three aad f luch drop. DRIVE Direct to bevel gears Iu differential; propeller "Bay, that old guy wbo thought be was High quality steel, bent Front. shaft running on special alloy steel roller hearings with In a RFlilNt.R spring treated. NU'kel steel, neat drive so wise was tamed second aud there : rear, r elliptic with scroll ball thrust. treated shaft, wasn't n peep out of him during the carried on special alloy ateel roller hearings. Differen- ULKERSON & MONYER rest ends. tial gears, steel drop forcings, case burdened bevel of. the trip" FUONT AXLE Drop forged section with drop pinion, caas hardened ulckel steel. Teeth, corrected forged yokes, tie rod eiids and steering spindles. Front form, Insurmg uniform strength la both" pinion and aNSaw Proprietors JT wheels fitted with large cap and cone ball bearings. leTe) gears. BE A II AXLE Heavy construction, floating Emergeury, internal : service, ex- tsPr STARTING GARS IN WINTER slloy BRAKES expanding type; heat treated axle shafts, running on special ternal contracting. Both on rear wheel hahs. Very steel roller bearings; brake drams. effective and positive, bat entirely eliminating dragging WHKKLK Wood, artillery type, with demountable rims; and grabbing; large hub flunge. Kngliierra Btudebaker Company STEERING tiEAR Located on left side; of the TIRK8 Model B24. 32 x III inches. split nut snd worm type; fully adjustable: ball thrust Male Teats In Cold Htorage i.e. nil.,:. Seventeen be h steering wheel with inserted WHEEL BABK 106 Inches. Spider. LEFT DRIVE. During tiummer. UK AD So Inches (00 Inches speclsl when desired). T CONTROL Friction-retaine- spark snd throttle lerere on MOTOR e. type. top of steering wheel. Independent foot accelerator Cylinders, aeiul-ste- analysis, ceat In pairs. Three bear- nitd muffler cut out. Pedals for service brake and Motorists living In th. northern and ing crank shaft with die cast bronte hnrked, lmliMtt clutch: levera for gear cfanpgee and emergency brake lined ben rings. Except tonally large bearing stirfsceM. conveniently located In center of body. central atates are looking forward exceptionally CENTER with aome anxiety to the advent .r Vnlree and valve mecusutsm iiulet. Rail CONTROL- - ended adjustable push rods working In felt oil retntnltia deep cold weather and Ita effect on the socketed rocker arma. Develope fully - horse power. FINISH Round front, tilt coeblom upholstered In In preaent grades of black leather over geiiulue cnrled hair and deep coll manner which the COOLING Water clrculeted by gear driven centrifugal pringa. Dash, three-pl- veueer with deep, handsome gasoline will vaporise when the crank pump, bolted to crank case. Nlckel-plnte- brsss Inlet cowl. Rnnnlng bonrds and front floor boards oil la applied to a cold motor. and outlet water manifolds. Radiator vertical tube und treated and linoleum covered with aluminum bindings Some information on plate type with large water capacity- Presaed "teel All bright parts ulckel-plate- jgB A NEW ROUTE TO (attached to motor; belt drlveu from crank abaft de- fan starting haa been on plain for quietness. COLOR Body R2, maroon or gray; or gray; CALIFORNIA past by pulley, running bearings chassis and wheels'iiiii- veloped during th. summer by sys- un- IGNITION Jump spark; current supplied Ielco Delco System experiments made in cold storage, tem, whU-- furnishes siso current for electric lights sad STARTER The electrics! self c ranker as auspices dry cells. an Integral part of the car, combined with the uecesssry der the of the Stud.baker for the electric crenklng device, reserve set of equipment for lighting and for Igultlon. engineers These experimenta were a It ur It it Automatic float feed of great efficiency, ktu STANDARD EQUIPMENT Combination oil and electric based on the ordinary commercial requiring the minimum of adjustment to meet weather limps, electric GOLDEN STATE LIMITED gasoline, and, while soms al- changes. aide and tsll hesd lights current supplied tfTHE grade of by Ielco system In connection with (urge lowance must necessarily be made for LUBRICATION ftelf coatalned. constant level aplase sys- storage buttery: all lumps black, Will be operated El esas; nickel trimmed dec between Paso and Lo Angeles via the the dead air incident to refrigeration, tem wtth distributing pipe enclosed nlthln crank trie born, robe rail, one extra demorntuble rini tire EL PASO & the teata will, it la believed, come close ell circulated by gear pump- - sight feed on deab. irons In rear nnd complete set uf tools; high grada SOUTHWESTERN SYSTEM to Tucon on the following schedule: Large leather-face- aluminum cone of eitfrta! mohair top and dust hood, new style rain condition which will pre- CLL'TCH art vision wind to the actual design; springs under leather, to prevent harsh action. alslsalil irllli ntiir. n w r.nU k sv'ji i íí ' i 'r a 'i vail this wtnt.r. .j.w p.m. auv. ejri raso Ar. ::zu p. m Car Stands Test. waa ascertained lowest V.IU p.m. Ar. Douglas Lv. : o a. It that the Now we know that when better cars are built Buick will build them." m. temperature at which gasoline . would 10:40 p.m. Ar. Bisbee Lv. 7:30 a. m. vaporise from a piece of waste, soaked In the fluid and dropped on the floor, 1:22 a.m. Ar. Tucson Lv. 3:37 a.m. was five dgr.s above sero. At tltla 3:10 Ar. Los Angeles Lv. teimeraiur the Btudebaker "Six" p.m. 11:45 a. nr. used In the tests, started oa the first turn of the electric cranking For Tickets, Pullman Reservations, or Detailed Train Schedules, etc., apply system. Below temperature, how- Co. to this International Auto ever, tha gasoline lu the carburetor Richard Warren. City Ticket Office, H. D. McGregor, retuaed to vaporise. Naturally, ro ex- Roberta-Banne- r plosion could be secured from the 416 Texas Street. General .Agent, Building. City Passenger Agent, motor. El Paso, Texas. Phones 597 5851. El Paso. Starting CoM Motor. J. W. Stockard and J. P. Church, Agents. Phone 1921 Texas. For the advantage of the motorist Baggage Checked From Hotels and Residences. who occasionally finds himself facing Garage and service station in connection. the problem of starting a cold motor on a morning with the temperature around aero, several tests were mads. i EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1918. FIVE B For Motorists K News of Autos

MAHAN, HARVARD BACK. PICKED ation and to the Runshlne aociety. It been removed to more comfortable If sent to her, or will take Inveatt- - Is an Impossibility present ALONG GASOLINE ROW EQUAL BRICKLEY at the tlmt quarters, where she may nave better tatora to (he people In need, and let TO THE GREAT for the county to Investigate all r rare. Another rase found waa a child them do their own distributing. th cases that are brought to the at of four yaar. one eye gone from at. tentlon of th authorities. While we Inherited disease, and the flesh around Throng"! the Loncwell Auto oom-psn- y I (Tienda. They mad th trip In try to use every care snd caution the socket suppurating. W N. Brown laat wMk pur- Abbott-Detro- it tourlnc ear. that we can, we are undoubtedly im- These are only a few or the msoy upon I chased a handsome White brougham posed In some Inutancee. do cases Mr. Rodrigues haa helped o Tom Power haa purchaaed a Bulck not doubt but that these same con- It la ona of moat coatly cara In reJv, aaklng no help from other, the throuch the International Auto com- ditions exist with th city and I be- feeling It unto ICt delivered thla that is hla duty to "do D.D.D. Paso will be and pany. lieve the proper solution of this is to others," Mr. Rodrlguea's father was weak. combine it under one responsible a Congregational minister, snd one The Neff-Stll- e jompany. agents for heed," readily Imagines an Inherited Impulse Dudley Orr. contractors, have th Reo solution or Prescription automobiles and Cha lYohli'm. In phy- purchased Schon BaBBBBBBBBaV at work hla nature, tf aome throuch Pierre a trucks, have established a service de- .H i Mack truck. Mrs. C Elliott, vice president of sician would volunteer to assist Mr. 15 partment. th Woman Hescue association, Rodrigues in his Work a wonderful tor years slated that she believed the solution good to humanity could be accom- The I.onttwcll Auto company sold MVHXGg OF A CITY Bt'ILDFR. plished. The Standard Skin Remey an Overland tourlnc oar last week to of the charity problem In thla city waa the conaolldatlon of all urganlaa-tlon- a More Caite Blarlosed. ASK the Auto Supply company or Marta, They took a little hustle one man Tern. under head; a that will com- I.I .v POIXAKU. And they took a little grit. be held strictly respunalble for nil More cases of destitution are kl ir.iscl( A little optimism ing to the .notice of the charity wortt-er- a The company, for funda received and disbursed. The every day. am acanta And some get up and git. uuperintendenl could furnish a bi- Some of them the Ford, received a carload of eight A little thought and patience, refugees, two of which are cited here. A ennial audit of hia auoounta and mako A family CANCER tourlnc cara laat week and today ax little effort too, a monthly report so that all con- with a good home, the men BSSSp pect to receive another carload of A little willing and able to work, and make Ik, mwrf ull. .M u. do to. pela, eight. cerned could be satisfied that thiogs a bu.".,. OutAwna to. ii mv. There la en route for this com- A little work to do. were being conducted properly. good living were forced to leave c ...!.. nana pany ear-loa- from the Detroit factory a d Not only these, many others, Banta Rosalia. They left in carts, of fight tourlnc cara and aeven They took some perseverance but carrying bedding, cooking utenalla. dat era. aal bbbt Laa S have expressed the same views. May- roa And some persistency, bw K. etc. They came overland to Ojlnaga Bom or C. Kelly refused to make n URINARY firm determination, statement until after he had consid- and there had to leave all of their David Crockett of this city haa d Bom real constat ency. goods. They had 600 peaoo were t ..SaSBSSSBK ered the matter. Very few were th and t aassi a s. a ase DI86HARQCS a Ford tourlnc care" throuch Tenacity and courage Interviewed expressed told that It waa not good In the I he company. The car waa They added to th rut; who themselves United Statea and ao were persuaded helie'VeI; in delivered A aa being opposed to ihc proposed laat week. little public spirit, W, Cox, to exchange It fur $110 gold. The Borne movement. Mr. J. praal - nerve to stand the teat. society, family conalata of an aged- father, 24 The Auto company PsaaaaL dent of the Sunshine staled mother, two stalwart aons, two young mm International If benefit good could Kirk ftp- - expect a carload shipment of Abbott- - A little unremitting. that and and women and three gmall children. Al cara Unswerving confidence; would be derived from It, she waa They aaklng only Hi. IMIOYl ueiruit within the next few days. positivo the society are not for charity, .IllalW the nam,1 A little plucky plodding. Sunshine would that work will be given them to do. I !'' A bit good willingly accede to the wishes of the The Stutx Bearcat, which finished of horse sense; public larga. The other case is that of a family second In A little careful planning, at In by-- Chris- ALL aiFOOIST' the El road "While we are not trying to do re- who have been tuken V race, haa been overhauled and fa A little civic prid. tian woman, but one who can 111 ÉasáSM " UAa again being They said, "We'll build a city lief work," ah said, "we will do what used a a pleasure ear 3gf ccccl Is best." afford, to add another burden to her by It owner, A. IB. Ryan and Charles Where this old town ha died." already overburdened household. The RELIABLE" 1 DasselL Mrs, Cot haa agreed to take the man, "7HK OLD ' up with family consists of a wife. and They organized their force. matter the executive board three small children. The man la Neff-8tlle- e every one to work. of the Sunahlne aociety when It moots The company, agents for fui Monday dying of tuberculosis, and the wife I he They pushed the Uve on forward, next afternoon and an effort fase motor trucks, received u will be made to have the Charity as Is about to become a mother. 1914 model truck laat week. Ixnorlna those that shirk Anyone wishing to assist these fam- They cot a lot of members. sovtatton meet to discuss the matter may when proposed masa ilies or to Investigate the cases R. C. Th kind that work and pay. also. Just the upon .on-,- BOX Y MAILSO.I Dally of Art rala arrived In meeting will bo is do so by calling Miss Mary T DRUlTaOHTlIAL Kl And they built a thriving city held not. known at 601V Paso last, week In a Rao of 1I0S preaent, It Kanaaa atreet. Miss Long will model which haa necotlated 2,000 rnai is growing day by day. but la expected that some distribute food, clothing or medicine miles. By U M. Ward, Sherman, presi- one Interested will takn the initiative dent Texas Commercial Exec- this week and call the meeting. utive' association. lltHliigiiex'H Work. The International Auto company Is ' While looking Into conditions In the "xnectlnc a carload shipment of Hud- lower end of the city to ascertain f son cars this week. Many of the al- the poor and needy were realdenta lotment have already been disposed rOR YOUR CONVENIENCE,. a. . w v wjlcaaTru9 Ik V or refugees an Investigator found of. lccciaw a "an The Time, maintains ap tows angel of mercy" quietly worgtng branch ófricas at lflo Teias St. angel of mercy" quietly working Fred Hewett has purchased a Bulck and at the McCoy Hotel cigar tree! and vicinity. "SO" throuch the International Auto stand. Yoa can place your Want Benito 8. Hodriguex Is the angel of NEW CENTER company. Ads. give your subscription, and pay bills at tbese many a poor sick person to whom the breaches. world looks dark. Mr. Rodrigues Is C. R. Hill, who haa bean for overol the chief clerk of the Santa Fe em- month conr.ectd with th al 'de- ployment bureau, and not a day goes partment Is of the International Auto This year has been aevere on the younc players In any by that he not appealed to for help. company, haa realgned Eddie Mahan, the Harvard halfback football of the Bo sincere regular has been his hla position to of us, but uch a cinch for the la touted to rival th cretit Brlcklcy colleges. He went to the am prop, and OF ATTRACTION flrcept position is "Doc- a as embalmer with a rtweather forecaster. Ma- a Brlckely, com- ministrations that he called Paris, TX., In cround calnlnc and kicking. chool whr their In locality many amus- undertaking firm. han is one of the ' most promising petition for athletlo supremacy becan. tor" that and Most Of th adventurers don't ing incidente, as well aa aa,d ones, Joseph' Church, member of th firm amount to much until it coma to come to his notice. of siookard V Church, scant for th telling about them. Last wesk a man who had been In- Bnlck, Hudson and Abbott-Detro- it jured came to htm in a condition thit cars, ha Not sa many people Movement to Consolidate All necessitated an operation. Mr. Rodri- IN JUAREZ returned from an extended are engaged In vllt with friend at Roswn. the junk business as one might infer gues finslly found a d from Mewing th average man's Paso Organizations physician who performed the opera H. 0. Buah of Deralnc haa pur- desk. El Relief tion for $5, the bare cost of the anes- Between Palace Cafe and Keno Hall, juat recently chased a Studebaker " throuch the thetic. Mr. Rodrigues bald that from A own pnoket un- opened. All of games permitted by law. Richardson Motor Car company. contractor usually wants more Aim la to Kit mínale Wasted Effort and Conriurion In g Quick his and fed the man kinds time, and so many other have made Aid to Dfwervinf Poor ttuperinto nclctu of Woram'i rim i it Ahmk til h had reoovred.. He accom- The Richardson Motor Car com- - promises too largo that he usually gets and the County Auditor Favor tit? Plan New Cam of Destitution, panied th Time representativa yes- BEST ORCHESTRA IN THE SOUTHWEST ny has sold a Studabaker to terday to a house where a poor wid- Spence of Carrlaoao. ow, whose husband hud been killed Watch for our big. opening November 26th in our ' ago, VKe;: rf ' . TJ. . It frequently happen Daugh- Advoeattw of organised chartl tained out of thla, but I feel safe in on a rallrosd some time was i that n meet- - new and permanent location. Building now in A. work are plan In on rallinr a saying that at least $10, 00 la now fdund in an almost starving condi- X Raines has' purchased a Stude-bak- r ter think Father Is unreasonable be- cause she has never Inr In the near future of representa used directly for charity purposus. tion, with two lltUn children, and ill of car throuch the had a husband to pneumonia-Medicin- course construction. Richardson Motor company. deal wltB, tive or ail or tno nenevotcnt ana "By charity purposes I mean pau of charity organisations in the city with per tickets, pensions, grocery allow- and Better Quarters, a view of consolidating them. If pos- ances and the monthly amount do- Mr.. Rodrigues haa provided medi- Nordhouse & Taylor Conduct of your kin Is novar satis- of Demlnc factory, we well know, so sible, under one management and nated to th Woman'a Charity aaaocl cine for the alck woman and ahe haa ft have purchaaed two Bulck'a don't tell county the throuch us about them. W have kin of our haad. Both city and officials International Auto company. own to worry about will be aaaed to attend this meeting. It Is Turn A - - , If called. u a,ni.4 past few days several Roawell, spending ' Crawford Tonight, House of a Within th several days visit- - thousand candles. people from different walks uf life and 'connected with various charitable organisations have called at the Times offices and asked that the Times advocate such consolidation on The Family th.- as- the n Charity Car America tha part of Woman's of AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY sociation, the Sunshine society, the Catholic Benevolent society and th" AND relief board of the Red Cross society ACCESSORIES and the various church relief boards. Thin move waa Inaugurated after the Times published the story of th. Rio Grande Painting & Trias in? Co daatltute IfcCallick family. This piti- ful case wsej discovered by Miss Bar- Auto Painting OS 8. Florence SI. low, of the Charity association, and CUB BAKOF8KY, Proprietor. a Times reporter laat week. The re- sponse to the appeal for aasistani Kew la .or waa ao great that confusion In han- dling tha cae reaulted. AntomobdesfbrHircja Relief Agencies Conflict. One of the moat noticeable Inci- dente In this particular caae waa that tha Cnarity aeaoclatlon work and the Goodyear-No-Rim-C- ut work of several Individuals connected with other orgalsatlons conflicted and INTERNATIONAL AUTO Tires the ultimate reault was dissatisfaction CO. AgeoU, 116 Tew Street Phone 1921 on the part of many of the donors to the IfoCalllcks. The movement of consolidation is E. P. & S. not a new one In this city. Onue be- W. BUILDING fore the various organisations tried Cor. Franklin and N. Stanton to effect a consolidation, but the as- AGENCY sociation did not last long and the Phone 5 IOS C. P. Heory, Mg Woman'a Charity association was made to bear the brunt of the burden One-Hal- lUpelrleg aa tara-- s Oeaeral in handling charity caaes. Europe Wants f of All These by County Auto Work sad spliM. It la estimated Auditor American Garage! Roy Barnum that the county now ex- ' J1 BaUgla. sealh Or,,,, at. penda In the neighborhood of $86.000 yearly for charitable work and ha PASO BALKS suggests If ap- Hupmobiles Eli AUTO CO. that this amount be 1914 R. plied to one organisation more good i. Johnson, Jr., Mgr. Hup-mobil- WINTON would result. Can you conceive a higher tribute to this new e conviction that it is the best car of its class in the SIX Tit N. Ochoa St. Tal. 3685 County Judge A. 8- 3. Eylar would not commit hlmsulf on subject than the fact that Europe puts in its claim world. I SERVICE WTATION the when It was broached last night, but REMY Ignition Lighting lf The Hupmobile is polished, refined, I MAGNETOS and stated the Idea and principle was a for one-ha- the total 1914 output new and and WISEMAN A ANDERSON good one If a competent superlnttn 111 . strengthened and beautified a point surpasses MI Tsaaa Ignition Specialist could be obtained to direct th Such a signal endorsement has come to no other Ameri- to that work. Otherwise, he stated, the con- every previous standard. EL PASO RUBBER solidation would result In a miaerabl can car, for the Hupmobile haa not won its laurels & AUTO failure. It has earned its conquest of the old and the new world VULCANIZING SUPPLY COMPANY Mr. Hooper's Views. on the score of price. lira. Hooper, superintendent of the it has justified its right to be compared to the Phone 141 Ko. B. lit H Paso ac Woman'a Charity aaaoclation, had this Its loyal following in our own land is not, as you know, costliest large cars as "a perfect small diamond com- to aay on the aubjsct: , LONG vv ELL AUTO & "I think the principle the only one. a price following but a preference baaed on the pares to a iarge one. TRUCK SALES Co. It la Indeed the beat way to handle ?ryilRiANir. COLE CARS WILLYS 129.122 S charity work and the people of K UTILITY TRUCKS. 1. Paso aa well as the city and county H. C. TRUCKS. Frmmjua & officials will find that they wilt be doing more for the good nf humanity SPECIFICATIONS EOUIPMENT it they give their subscription arid Four-cylln- lonc-stro- k motor, .1 4 Haiti vision vantllatlnc windshield: mohair STUDEBAKER Richardson Meter Car Co. donations to one central body. I 1 inch; unit power plant, Selective top with envelope; flupmobll Jiffy DtttrftW "I hav worked In the field and in type transmission, slldtnc assra Cntr speedometer: cocoa In 4tJ San Antonio St. Phone SSI the stum for twenty year and have oontrol. Pull (loatlnc axl. mat tonneau. always or- ; noted that where several wheel baa. Tlra. lintrr Q D. Rear Prest oil lamp; toola Trlmmlnca. ganisations attempt to work on the Magneto covsr. same case dissension and dlseetlefa?-ttot- i hook absorber. black and nlcksl. WESTERN MOTOR FISK result. With a competent super- l'mr Roadster SI. U40 I. h. Detroit intendent at the head of an associated Tourlnc "r 400 tires er two-un- it n . "SI" Tourlnc Oar or Roadstor with electric generator and charity thla would be' obviated and SUPPLY COMPANY " one worthy would he neglected nor starter; electric Halite; over-sir- e Urea, S3,4 Inches; demountable ricas, extra TT overatoeked." rim and lire carrier at rear SI, too f. o. b. Detroit. Barnum fitrontly In Favor. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE County Auditor Barnum aald: ' "i believe that the charltl of 151 k Faso should be combined under one Hupp Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan ABER-CLEMEN- TS o?1 sitr," haad with a good competent man In charge and a woman assistant. The county at the present time ta spend- ing for all line of charity about O. H. BAUM, Local Dealer AUTO SUPPLY CO. Lee Puncture Proof f9ft, ooo a year. Of course not all of would he available for, pur- 8 aa about your old tira. W hav that that West San Antonio and Santa Fe Streets Telephone 4970 AUT0M03ILE ACCESSORIES ' pose owing to the fact that th to on- the answer. ly poor farm and hospital la main " SIX B EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1913.


gaaaBY I turned, at once to face Priecilhaí long Roger, "yon and WALTER GREGORY. odds, and won some hundreds "But don't understand," said Ollvs. He came to see Prlscllla the same and after hi retnatatement hla ris- "Anyhow," returned me of pounda ha had probably Bar- gazing blankly race. evening, finding her onwontadly nerv- ita to became mora frequent encourage'jSfSone to be hopeful." "So." he exclaimed, "you're let who Into Prtscllla's Prlscllla T th time ot Itossr er made a bet before. "Easy enough," waa th anawer, ous. He waa curious to know who than erer. A man of few words, he Mr. Spurgeon hesitated a moment. lire in a fool'e paradise all thla lima" tempo- Her face blanched, and she sank Dewhurt Still Priacilla want about londly (Iran, with a clever assumption of bad bought him off, and Inclined to could not refrain giving rant to his "I don't suppose." he said, "yoa chair, rary (Ilium o, moit protesting her conviction of his In- carelessness. "I simply wish to real-Ir- e pray to be saved from his friends. grstitude. would ever know If I didn't tell you. backward Into the nearest parsons In Weatcaa- - nocence, and naturally It should hare 600." Prlscllla blushed for him when aha "When almoat everybody was But It seems to me It' the sort of while Olive atepped anxiously to her tlc ipoeted him to required the very strongest evidence dread-fall,- " bow be brave It against me," he said, "yon re- man would Ilka to know "Yon will mlaa th Interest heard tried atlll to two thing a about aid." "1 tnarry th Ider Ml to make any one believe that Itoger cried olive "Yoa will nsvsr out. mained faithful. 1 can't tell you hla wife." "I suppose," Roger continued. Prtngla. ir Mi vi-- the could by any possibility havs stolen be able to get so much again " "Anyhow," he aald gloomily, "1 what It meant to have some on to "What's that?" demanded Roger, ought to thank you for what younaar, aotartainad a deed and have pledged It for what "I aball not want to relnveet It," ahall hare to cut Westcaatle, and to stand by me." looking considerably astonished. meant as a great kindneaa." mmWsjflHRr any rsaard for him. Mr. Yeoman described aa a "monkey." murmured Prlscllla. get another berth will be out of th At last everything waa arranged, "Yon never found out who It waa "Yes," murmured Priacilla. "It y aba auccedd ad-- So doubt, however, the circum- Then their ay mat for some time question. I fancy my only plan will the dead waa signed, and tearing the that muatered that 600 to satisfy meant aa a kindness." mlrably In keeping j stance, war suspicious, and neither In allane. be to go to London and open an of- office early, Roger turned hla steps Yeoman at the time I'm afraid we all He stood looking down at her bow- i im anapiclon from Mr. Yeoman nor his son appeared to "O," aald Olive, reproachfully; flc on my own account." toward th bous where so much of thought " ed head for a second or two, then her friends. question Roger's guilt for an instant. "surely you oaa't Imagine that Roger Before Roger Dewhust had time to his time waa now spent He had made "Not all," said Roger hastily. suddenly raised hla eyea to OUT, OllTe WLM it, Priacilla three or tour Not scrupling to compound a fslony, I A leave Wss teastie. however, th truth up his mind to ask Prlscllla to mar- "Wall, no, not, quite, hot very near- standing behind her sister's chair. thief" too, years older, and acarnely la attra- Mr. Yeoman allowed his clerk a week Prlscllla fell weeping on her sis- cam oat. Bom suspicions circum- ry him as soon as he became Mr. ly. Bran when ah thought yoa ware "Did yoa think I was guilty, a t cts, although of a more anxious and to restore the money; failing this. ter's neck and made her conteaslon. stances came to Mr. Yeoman's knowl- Yeoman's partner. gnllty It made no difference. That then?" he aaked, and although she skeptical disposition. Since tbelr Roger's Immediate arreat waa to fol- Sha did believe In his guilt, he bad edge, further Inquirios ware made, to It was a beautiful afternoon, and good girt Prlscllla cam to me. sold had loved him a long .while, she hat-a- mother's death thay bad mtinued to low. - yielded to some momentary templa-- b followed by hla son' confession a he walked toward the common but some stock, and handed over the her victory erar Prlscllla, who lire on at theaame bouse by the Com- Envying Olive's perfect confidence. tlon, and as it did not appear that he and flight-No- Roger swung hla stick and lighted a 500" felt the girl's hands pressing hard mon, pooling, their small capital. Prlscllla passed on or two sleepless intended to refund th money he Prlscllla wlahed more than cigarette; then he met Mr. Spurgeon. "Prlscllla ! " ejaculated Roger. on her shoulders. , There was no engagement, and nlghta. It became more and mor would certainly go to prison. ever that her truat bad been so com- "Ah, Dewhurst," he exclaimed, "I "Yea, Prlscllla Pilngle," was th "No." faltered OHv, "I nerer ques- Roger was scarcely as yet In a difficult to believe in th betting With maidenly shame Prlscllla al- plete aa Olive's. But the discovery of haven't bad an opportunity of con- answer. tioned your Innocence, Roger." position to marry. He had serrad transaction, and In the meantime Rog- lowed Olive to read her heart; he her mistake served only to tncreeae gratulating you which way are you After Spurgeon had walked on He continued to visit the house st he articles to Mr. Yeoman, the chief er hung about the town, disdaining did not attempt to hide her great love her lor, and, ah devoutly hoped that going?" Roger still stood on the same spot, as often, hut Priacilla knew that solicitor In the town, and stayed on flight, and aasuredly not disposed to for Roger, althongh the younger girl he might never And out what she had "To Miss Prlngle's," was the an- bat a few minutes later set oat rap-Idl- y her chance waa gone. She had done as his managing dark. He had been aeknowledge hta guilt by paying Mr. could not conceive how It wer possi- done. awer. to the house He found the two for him what only a woman who In poaaeaalon of more money of late, Yooman the sum he had lost. ble to love a man whom one did not Roger's face looked radiant once "I suppose." suggested Spurgeon, girls In the small dining room. loved htm sincerely could do; bat she having nought certain atocks during! On the third day of the probation- completely truat. But Prlscllla knew. more ; he became a kind of Idol of the with a laugh, "It wont be long new Priacilla looked older and eren had distrustad him, and that fact alump. ary seven, olive wss astounded to The next day Mr. Spurgeon ad- town, the people could not make too before yoa will be wanting onr slightly faded of late, bat Olive had counterbalanced every other. When the blow fell, his explanation ene her sister leaving th offlc of vanced the 600, and acting on Prls-ollla- 'a much of him. and moreover the de- about something else, too nerer appeared to greater advantage. During the next few months Pria- of this acceaslon of fortune came as Mr Spurgeon, a rival of Mr. Yeoman, handed It over to of Mr. Yeomah'a eon at once ' She waa sister, cilla stood by and saw Ollre trying to , Instructions falcation ehr fairer than her with a surprise to his friends, and to Prls-- and. Indeed, Prlscllla would have kept his colleague with all possible se- Improved hla prospecte "Well, I hope It won't," said Roger. a well developed figure and lesa rest- dissemble her growing happiness, un- cilia as nothing leas than a shock her own counsel If It had been pos crecy, Roger Dewhurst at once re- At first Roger had been averaefrom "Upon my aoul." continued Spur- less eyea. She was the first to hold til a day came when he aaked her to I He had, he said, rerelvcd a "tip", sible to accomplish her object with ceiving an Intimation that the sooner returning to the office, but a promise geon, "you'll have a magnificent wom- out her hand to the guest be hla wife. Then It became PrlacU-la'- s for th Darby, barking an outsider at j out Olive's signatura. Jhs quitted the town the better. was made of a speedy partnership, an for a wife." He seemed, however, not to see It, tarn to dissemble.

Anna Pavlowa, Huaaian danaeuae pat Proadway In 'the "Tank Town" claaa, Maude Adams, Her Health the "kerosene circuit" category, not FAVERSHAM COMING TRIAL MARRIAGES "Trail of the Lonesome Pine"' to mention the "abort graaa" ter- Stage ritory, when she appeared one after Indelible Scar Impaired, Quits for a Rest noon anil night at the Metropolitan Leaves of Grief Opera House before going Weat. GHBAT AMERICAN ACTOR TO BE VOUGSTKRA CAN WED AND THEN Play SoaseaAtv Krotiman Hom III trading Ntar Will Re UnV It- mim- Altkoush the Hade Hasdlr, Arter All, It Dorsa't Take Ourtai AN ANTONY. Awar the Isapresetaa of and Sadness Stage Scttlag One m M ii i. Not Her Temporary Almeiirc From SEEN MARC HAVE TIE DISSOLVED. Sorrow Reminds lt. huí Till vrtalii. of i ana the Wklspertas Pines. Hit SUffi' Will He a Lo Keenly rVlt. Traffic In Souls" ir.Hinc" INrformanrpn Cantar to Empire Court IuHtloe Tufi of Julius State Supreme Why is It lurks in the critical, Indeed, to Ion long one-nig- Produced By Film Co. that sadnenn rind with her Her health Impaired by her and arduoua travel In the be at the El Pato Next Huh. That Minora Have Right pines? In Longfellow's "RvangeMne" It great character work In .June. She tour of Ihe une-ntg- stands. Maude atañd territory, an experience Marry. Is the - olnea" which Blah even a which ahe had never hod until within Monday. to "hisnerlns- drinks moonshine with relish, Ad. ii in about to clove nd lake a Dramatization White of sadness! In Eugene Walter's latest and when ahe gets on city clothes you the paat year. Mr. Frohman'a of Itorkcfrller piay, "The Trail or the ionesome riñe,' feel that John Hale la pretty much ot complete real. n declare that the four weeks' Hlavo j n't II ll. cm Filmed by Wit Hum Faversham, one of tha By CARLTON TEN EYCK. which Is now playing on the Pacific a "boob." She will return In New York in rest will be all that Mina Adama will Unlreraal t'ompany: To Ho Hliown By the United Frese. Coast, the solitary stalk has at Its He .La, too, all the way through, al- reijiilre. moat distinctively Individual figures together two week and th exact oat.- of her Boon. York, Nov. 16. They have base tear flowers. too as the author lieen set- Once waa on the American' stage and the fore- New and George Bancroft make him. return to the bun not before Maude Adama trial msrrlaffea in N Tork. The law That the play ends happily, after; all. tled. compelled to leaye the stag-- on ac- most actor-manag- on this continent, mar- somehow doesn't take Stray the Im- Next to Miss Walker I like Wlllard til" count of ill of the Empire State provides for Robertson best. He Is Dave, the un- Charle Frohriian hope that health and overwork. Thla A dramatisation haa been made of brings his splendid productlpn of riages on probation, the martial tie pression of sorrow, and the Indelible favorite star and biggest money-ma- was following her engagement in 'a Khakespeare'e to the mark the play leaves Is a grief scar. couth mountaineer, who can't consider the Rockefeller report on the white "Jullua Caesar" to be dissolved by the courts If the power being thrust Into Jail as a favor, even In attraction will he able to resume "IAiglon," In which ahe slavery and will be produced by the Paso Theatre next Monday for a Su- That, In .truth. Is where the played Napoleon's eon. venture proves unsatisfactory. re- though he might have been killed had her professions! work in four weeks, the Duke of Universal Film Producing Company ruattneo and one night engagement. Oreen-batt- of Charlotte Walker lies, for her neTv-ou- a preme Court Justice Samuel he not been arrested. He swears by but II In known thai the nmnancr la Relchatadt. The phyalcal and under the title of "The Traffic in Hince his last visit to this city Mr. incarnation as poor white trash In the greatly worried over her condition strain ahe waa compelled to un- went further and de lured that moun taina and her groping for a Winchester, but when he tells June, Souls." Carl laiemmle, president of Kuversham lias definitely determinen New crlal marriages for - in lonely he will InatHt that ah remain quiet dergo In actJng thla difficult part un- It York licenses "larnln" because she loves the "fur- the mountain cabin that and the comparry, says that will be to acquire an oatenstvn repertoire of loves her, a, Is is until she ha fully recovered her dermined her health to auch an shown tit an early at Broad- children. rlner policeman," her simple, pathetic heart revealed which dste a Hhakespearean roles and his imper- re- all good all. health and atreimih. even If M sneans that she remained In retirement way theatre. True the august statutes do not reciting of Jack and Jill at the base or after year. sonation of Mare Antony In "Julius matrlageu speciflcully. The the pine, naive declaration to W. H. Hart Is splendid, too. as old that she should not flay aga In this for over a Since then she has The Inner workings of the vice In- Is flr-.- Htep In di- fer to trial and her played no Caesar" the lhat severely wear the beruffled chemise as a wed- Judd Tolllver. always ready and able year. roles making such a tax terests In New York City and the rection. law In questions condemned daughter against MImh upon physical ap- by provides ding gown, all grip at the heart strings. to defend his the The plan arraiiK'd foy Adama her resources, hut snares laltl for young girls lis describ Ij. would seem an established several prominent jurists, world, Jovlnl fol- pearing In In that by minors, The feud, with Its Ktinshnta in the and one' can't help, liking by Mr. Frohrrnin waa for her to a different town each night id the report 'are vividly act fttrth of Mr. assured pop- that a murriage contracted Billy, who anyone's for a season, putting up In rum It vice, star Faversham's parties is u minor, dark, and the encounter between the Uncle denies right low Kthel Barrymoce at the Rmplro und with the the shows the nets ularity would feel Juatlfled In Bor- - or when one of the s to shoot bim 'becaose he is a Justlre one-nig- agents prepare ftirrlner" and Uave Tolllvcr, June theater In a series of J M. Barrle dlacomborta of atands haw that the at the large whether with or without the consent as of the peace. had a similar effect, stesmshlp piers, at the sta- of or of cousin, who also loves her, thrill playa. railroad the parents guardian the only the presence of death can thrill, That, In fact. Is the aeoret of tho Aa It appears that Mlaa Barry mo re It la aald to have agalnat Mr. tions, at the dance halla and the in. in. i. anal) be annulled by the court people been stores atress la placed and the storming of old Judd Tolllver, suocess of Eugene Walter. His haa a mie-c- In "Tunta" It la hoped Frohman'a dealre that Misa Adama Considerable when application for such annulment nía cían, have character. In the cast of nine, re- too, upon the systemlsatlon of tha June s father, and head ot is that Mien Admna may be able, to undertook the hard provincial tour. la made by the mtnor party. To ob- but with the final cur- not one but what is a vital, telling sume when goes on Mlaa vice interests, und the division of the legal annulment. It la noi that attraction Adama fait that the entire coun- spoils and profits Interwoven with tain the tain, one goes away with a tear In the factor. the road. try should have the opportunity of necessary to set forth grounds why eyes for the little girl who Learned to In passing. It would be almost crim- la at office tteelng these scenes is a love story. success. splendid It aald the Frohman "Peter Pan" und aacrlflred her "The In Souls" Is most the marriage was not a Nor wear shoes and stocklnga inal not to remark on the Mlaa la not really 111, but own pro- Traffic the con- 1 can the pjnes, and that Adame comfort and convenience to elaborate picture ever produced bv Is it necessary for both parties to Personally. would rather see Miss staging, une smell that ahe is very tired following her vide thla opportunity. Company, sent to an annulment. Walker In a problem play, but that all the scenes are built with a care that the Universal and ala is as they are sumptuous. weeks were required to take the 700 "Another trial marriage for children la another story. Surely one would be as gratifying scenes. More than (100 players were dissolved," said Justice Ulegerich, in 'The Tongues of Men" developed wiinderfuUy and nm- - In- employed for it, and the cost of th passing on the most recent case, a few structors were confidant tiat alia production was 120,000. days ago. Seven gray hairs In saves packing apples will be made under would win great renown for herself months of matrimony was the reason the leadership of E. H. Shepard of end fur I hem. But PLAN River, Ore,, of the PHILADKIJ'IIIA N K W H I A Henrietta was for annulment given by Chester J. Hood chairman hent on winning honors for the d RAILROAD NOTES Spauldlng, a bank clerk. standardisation oommlttee of the. In- NAN'H PüAY HACK ON aoldler back home. t Chester ran away with a girl not as ternational Apple Shippers' associa- BltOAI.WAY. Finally dime her operatic debut. V. tion. Mr. Shepard haa called a meet- Khr Jones,' aenera) agent for the old as himself und they were married. rehearsed for duys, and went Rnck Island linen In Kansas City, Is la The yenture was a failure. When the N ORTHWEHT ERN FRUIT GROW- ing of this committee to bo held In over every bit of the sours times Spokane Thursday. November IS. the city. Mr. Jones accompanied the awoke the other morning TO CONFERENCE. i'yrll Maude Playing "Hccond I Cosn-nifin- il without number, with indefinite troop ERS HOLD leading fruit men from every district lisrlns. And then the trains. in the glass, he saw seven blow fell. The Isf I In four Pacific northwestern in to He Mm In night before the scheduled debut, Un If Mlllasr wlf nf Uat.ara gray hairs, he said. The prospect of the she M will assist movement seek- One-A- rt IMayet, AKent K. Miller of the HurlhiKton one gray hair a month for the rest of by states the lost her voles. Henrietta t'roamttn has Standardisation of the Apple Box ing standardisation of pack. not sung a note since. lines, 'Is visiting friends In EI I'sso, his life whMe married appalled Spauld- Cer- Hob Conk, of Federal Government Is To Better Many less ambitious girls Kreltiht Hntkemun Ihs lng und he ran to his lawyer. The t. would to Be Soug-n- New York. Nov 16.- - When Hen- have given up the Hlruggle, nn the Texas and Pacific, has reported for lawyer took him to the Supreme Court tain For eight hours during .each of the duty, Mor a i"" t layoIX, to Hrpad-wa- y work would hove probably Justlf'ed and Justice Gfegerlch, while deplor- six days of the conferences, the fruit rietta Crosman ame hark R fret Kb t them. Hut Miss CroHtnun did uqt quit. Rrkard. hrakemsn In ing the circumstances,- could do noth- Bjt Hpectal Wire to The Tim growers will discuss various phases of thla week In "The Tongue of in In She went In for the drsma. Hh j won the Texas and Pacific rvlce, again ing but the marriage. The Including many dif- Men," perhaps no one the first on duty, a few'dayn lay off, spent annul Spokane, Wash.. Nov. lR. Their tha industry. the night Instant success and.' tur man well, after e was not consulted. The plana of caring for or- audience knew how near the n Kl Hriik-mn- WILLIAM FAVERSHAM. - having ferent better Its none of my buslnese how many Paso. Kxlra J. Hmltn provide It, i marketing efforts aa to pro actress came to being In real life the who filled TCrkard'n vacancy, Is again luw did not for resulted successfully at a ol chards so lessen oost of years, she hua been' a i serles character ahe portrayed The leading favurl'e. Nut on rounding himself with company of Mildred Rudd, the "champion run- 600 leading ductlon and to produce a more near- woman In Tongu la always a Broadway favorite, but a the rxtra board. ordinary away Is eigh- conferences a year sro, :The of Men" H . excellence. However, this girl of the Bronx" barely as by- ly perfect apple. How best to utilise operatic Mlaa popular Idol In th West. This Is her Rlrkhols, general agent of the fruit growers, as wm rruit manu- an prima donna That H W In New In Idea did nut appeal to Mr. Faveraham teen. She went to u purty while she the lower grades of fruits by la a la first Broadway play, in several years. E P and York City. product manufacturers, bankers and Croaman not prima donna duo In El Pann enroute to when he Invaded the Hhakespearean was still under age. Shu was intro- facturing is a subject that to one of the most pathetic blowa fate "The Tongues of Men" wss written bv California. field. presence transportation men of 'the Pacific consume time, as a J. D- Hbarp. extra fireman on the The of the namea of duced to a youth who called himself will hold a group will a day's will ever dealt an inn Hi mus girl If the I'hlludelphia newspaper men. The Mlag Constance Collier and Mr. R. Vincent Day. They eloped were Northwest second eaoh of the following subjects: plot Is a little bit trite-th- Texas and Pacific. Is firing regular and of meetings In Spokane commencing1 actreaa was a debonair und guy .at police M ileitis i j in the rosier of the organi married evening. Mildred learn- ''Storing and Transporting aa suppress an opera In which Miss freight engine No 3r in the absence of that November 1 7 and continuing one heart ahe appear lo her audience. K. O. Clark, regular sation which he brings here la proof ed that her new husband was the Crop," Marketing the Crop" and It la lpdeed proof that time Is a areat C'rusmun Is the star. the fireman. week. Mamie In K.MglMi W. B Moon, Texas and Pacific freight conclusive that ull of hla productions Mlcarl, her. father's chauffeur. Grower to. "Financing the Crop." healer. The fniallM might say that are to bv made in a fashion com- - pupa, mar- Government agricultural experts ('roaman "Whom are you?" said Cyril." 11 conductor, is spending a few days In She went home to and the The movement of fruit growers of 'Henrietta would not have dignity Ureen-buu- In Spokane a greut singer may be uncertttln which particular the Pavln mountains. mensúrale with the of the riage waa annulled by Justice Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Mon- who will be that week become and that ih H. P. plyq presented. attending the sixth National Applo blow really u blessing In disguise, t'yrll made that lup,'a llngue, but it Oeer. extra freight conductor Previously Mildred had run to and settle their prob- waa on In Mlaa Collier was for seven years tana unite Show and congress directing effort u new la u certainty that was not Cyril the Texas and Psclftc. filling the uway four times. She has run away lems by Is considered Fruit Products her into chan vacancy hv leading woman Beer-boh- the growers In nel In which she bus won great er Maude, the Rngltan comedian who caused the layoff of Con for Sir Herbert again since her marriuge wus dis by students of affairs to be one of will assist shaping ductor Moon. Tree at Ills Majesty's Theatre, wus their plans. É tgsnsss than in opera llut I know opened a Broadway engagement u solved. It Mildred's case that the most important economic devel- few nlghta ago. His first C. C. Anderson, dtvinion pnnnenger London, and Is accounted the most made Qrernbaum stand aghast In that Mlaa '.'rosinan does not feel that bill waa a St. Justice opments that has taken place the wap It Hhe fcola revival qf "Th Becond In Command," agent of the Rock Island Unas In capable Shakespearean actress now In at the strange flaw In the law: The dec- Still, New York about that she hus one of troops' active, Pacific northwest In more than a if should bsr alt the lieen Cheated of tier rightful heritage. and it wns Just as funny ss it' wss Louis, sccompanled the work on the English stage. boy and girl, he said, had clearly had ade. shbws which edge toward immorality, daugh- when New Yorkers first saw It sev. traína Into Kl Paso Friday. Mr, MaoLean has been for upwards marriuge," some Henrietta t'rosman was the Freight Engineer II. pean, of a "trial and the law could Standard Slae of Boxes. of the leading theaters in that ter of a retired army officer. Her eral years ago. The audience, though the of twenty yeara an American Shakes- do nothing but legalise the affair. by burg of bright lights might Texas and Pacific, in taking a vacation pearean distinction-H- Standardisation of the apple box have to mother died when she win a llttl were Impressed moro by Maude's star of note and the Federal government la certain to shut down. personality and and Engineer Kills la filling the vac- has played practically every Im- HCUm'nI) girl and father And daughter lived his excellent diction ancy. JOHN' AND be sought as one Important outcome logretner in the mmihwi'i--i veter thun by the piece Itself. Theatre- portant role In the generally pre- The A Magee. In l a HI8 WIFE ATTACKED of the conferences this month. Ef- Crawford Tonight. waa In comfortable n ,. m goers this fall have had some fina enghieet the fro hi sented play of Shakespeare. He will House of a lan Is on a BY A SUfWHAtiKTTE forts to secure a standard method of thousand candles. 4vtjt not affluent. Ilrnt hMIn had a re- tiemples of correct English. Tha service of the Texas and Pacific. he seen as Brutus, ''the noblest Ro- markably aweet v e. She sang speech of Sir orbe,-liubert- - vacation, and Extra Engineer Maauth man of them all," In Mr. at Johnson place. Faversham's HV 1hr AanocUtttd Press luncxions ami rn h.i friends, sun. be he reading Khnkesperire's Is pulling the throttle In his production. England, Nov. .octal O. n carpenter u. ross Newcastle, IS. .and finally was permiaded that sha i.ngiisn or mat or u. Hernard Hhaw. and Curtis Mr. Kaversham's delineation of the John Redmond, the Irish a voice worth training. old Is ulune worth the time and havs entered the service of the Texas role of Anthony Is had The trouble and Pacific as brskeman and have been aald to be at vari- leader, and his wife were at- anldier managed to sent pi- oget her or sitting through a play. ance with some of the estsbltshod tra- tacked by a suffragette today money to send to It is not In any sense s assigned to the El Paso extra hoard. 'the to Kuiope elan of A ditions. He Is said to Invest the char- while on i Hnglu-phobi- Extra Fireman P, Moore Is run- a train at Durham. study She went to Berlin and Milan to praise the dtcttun of acter with touches of humanity and The suffragrette then to Parla, where Ihc leading Kngllsh act us. It la ning the 8 o'olock night switch englna entered the and ahe studied tha In yards. youthful ardor which have not ben compartment where Mr. and arduously for several years. voice admission of simple fed. When It the Texas and Pactric In Hr A. m run-uln- g noticeable any of the modern pre- Mrs. Redmond were cumes aonor-ou- s Harrison, extra fireman, .la seated to and sentations of the character. Plctorl-all- y voices and correct the 7 o'clock day switch engine In and, after declaring that the Theatre enunciation yards. he Is said to present a figure of Irish leader had not Paso Pacific done l one la forced to admit the the Texas and that John P. Stroud, traveling passenger rare plastic grace. enough for the women of Ire- atara can teach the beat Amur, The production Is said to be lean actors and actresses a area! deal agent for the Rook Island Tines with a feast land, struck him on the head That applies only headquarters In Kansas City. Is In ki for the eya as well as Tor the ear. and struck Mrs. Redmond on Crawford Theatre to such psopls aa i are no e Cyril Maude, Paso on a business trip. here less than nine color- the back. She then scattered H. R. McCLINTOCK, Receive, it J. Nletsrhmann, city passenger ful and vivid scenes shown during the contents bag; i.eorge Arilas. the lute Hlr Henry In- progress of a of flour lng. Bllen Terry. None of them agent of the Hock Island In Chicago. Is the of the four acts, all of over Mr. and Mrs. Redmond. Tonrjht Matinee Today at speakers "cockney"; they are entire- a business visitor In this city. them surchsrged with Illusion and A train sttendant forcibly ly Innocent of any trace of what Fred Norton, switchman In the Fl- P. "atmosphere" In the highest degree. ejected the woman from the Monday, Nov. 3 P. 4k 17 M. Ameicana a few years sajo earns to 8. W. yards. Is tatting., short layorr. They ooukl hardly be otherwise, hav- train and handed her over to SSSU H"4 oeiieve 10 op me "London Accent' R. B. Boeklngham, traveling freight ing been specially designed by that the police.' agent for the Missouri. Kansas a Tex- master of color Mr. Gilmor Brown and because of the apings of ansio rare' and noted au com- maniaca. aa a rule oan as out of Fort Worth, Is spending a few, thority of Roman architecture, the WILLIAM pany of ten in "put It ll over" the beat of tha dsys In this city m the interests of his late Sir Law r- nee OK YOUB CONVENIENCE. FAVERSHAM In cofnpany. i JintlalKTs acting and dramatic in t M .vrs HIS si-- i U I I. it sight, but when It cornea to reading J, Long, messenger In the terminal rsrsfal drysrs. PhsnsBlO Ad, The Times rosin utas up town ntl PRODUCTION OF department of the E. P. 4k brsscb offices at 103 Tetss St. linea they are for the beat part trainmaster's Look oat Ihs Vagxags and st the McCoy Hotel cigar upi 8 w Is visiting In this city. for nss Tracks place your icieni. of Uingwrll'a Phone i Utrrn Und Yon csn Wsat The "House of a I II. of thr I II o - " R. Hepworth. flraman In the service Ads. give yoor subscription, and Recently a Brltlah clergyman wrote f the E r v s w is taking a vaca- pay bills at these brauchss. a one act play. waa produced tion and hla placa la being filled by O. Caesar" It and "JuliusWith aa All star Oasa, . Iwludlns; called a aucoea. Than cams the A. Norton, xtra fireman. a, i fesa VI IIICIII Moses. OÍ Preaeplt. Arls.. ta surprise. Gaby Dealoys. th French Frank who remark how blamed few clothes MR. FAVRR8HAM. CONSTAN OK It H It visiting in El Paso. Hill MACLEAN Thousand Candles" dancer credited with playing dueka women wear during these days of nar- AND COMPANY OF 160. and drakes with fortner King O. n MeTler. formerly a switchman row gauge fsshion. Manuel Ar'i., is or roriugai. asked the clergyman-Playwrig- for the Santa Fe at winslow, visiting in El Paso. The Mas Notable Shakespearean Production of Modern for th rights So his play-ot- . friends CREDIT! Another reason newspaper men Time. Price Night, 50c. 35c. 25c. "It la ao religious and Inspiring," Herman Kglth. fireman on ths west- need stimulants: Whan a cool breeze said the dsmura Qabrlslle ot the ern division ut the Southwestern, Is oa does blow across their desks to SPEC IAl. NOTICE: 9iWtx is for Dia- fan Ulltes." Then ahe elucidated. She la the Hat. Your food their fevered brows, it scatters their MATINKE CURTAIN RISES AT I'M. Matinee, 25c, 15c. , B. Woodard. hrakeman In the serv- soon to appear again at tha Winter J. monds, Watches and Jew- pavers and thereby shatters their re- EVENING CURTAIN RISKS AT t) no tlarden. in Naw York, where Sunday ice ef the Southwestern on the western ligion Is laying off. elry. Buy Christmas goods and faith In the Ulttmat plays Inte forbidden, but where "it is division. Good. M Ml ORDERS xoeeeenKooooneofiooooooo permlssable" tspelogles to Sarah now at NOW. Bernard) to have Sunday "concerts" Yoa mm rnnr "Want ada." Had won money Ticket at Crawford box office. ilte Sulser Instead of BEAT SALE STARTS TODAY AT 10 M Gaby aald sh thought a religious give sour snbwrlptlon or pay your SAN losing on Well street, a good deal A. RYAJCS playlet - Bram-l- i 203 ANTONIO ST. leas DRUG Phone 341 I. would "gat by" on Sunday bill til Thr Time- .No. log might have been said about It. Noth- STORE. evening. Tesa street, or Branch No. I, Hotel ing succeeds like success,' as has been New Tork Is now une-nlg- stand. McCoy Clear Stand. said before.