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F1 3?A0jnprningutirot roa, a so racBA. mktái MAnxem. Mtwutnjr Trine I Onlco ttdlcnIta diario que a to4o l CfDpr .. lla - llllltlMI at 1 mismo dm en Que M nunii- s.i. per oí S Ii3ln Hal k au fecha rada día 1 Lead, 100 pagina contiene la i Iba ... ario. La uTirot; Zlnr. pr loo Iba noticia del an en eepanoi. 3?a0Jnprning ...l.3SMt 'H YEAR f EL PA80, TEXAS. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. THIRTY-EIGH- T PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS IY A BRILLIANT COUP VILLA TAKES JUAREZ FROM FEDERALS COVOTK IN his TABDi MTRAinHT TUROWimi General Pancho Villa, Rebel Leader, "ins DO 1.LAB BOUNTY PHIEWCO cm M. Fairbanks, 14 Brown street, FILLS 161m Who Surprised and Caotured Juarez. cashed In s coyote hide the other day. They are worth ft each f TIKE JUAREZ of tbe sum paid ont by the couDtylt refonded by tbe state. At lieHUTCRTA ANNOUNCES FURNISHED WASHINGTON GOV- one llBM the state paid the entire $3. KORMKR NKWNPAPF.RMAN WHO BIDKNT but tbe appropriation dwindled rap- III 11.1. NOT QUIT ERNMENT WITH I.ITTliE IN- idly. Coyotes were plentiful In El SPENT NIGHT ON STREETS . IIKBIX IMIKR VII.I..I CAPTURE! FORMATION YESTERDAY. Paso county st that time. TELLS OF FIGHTING. CITY WITH NI'RPKINK ATTACK HIS JOB. Tbe bide Mr. Fairbanks turned In was from a coyote he killed In his IN EARLY MORNING. back yard a number of nights sgo. ALREADY CONVENED STEADY PRESSURE ON HUERTA He Seerd semetnlng sfter Me CLEVER VILLA 3NGRESS chickens nnd Investigation disclosed RUSEJBYGEN. snfl ' a allnklug coyote. Hla aim was A GARRISON IS CAUGHT ASLEEP good and the coyote was crippled B QanVS nan a Invaden In city surround Garrison rreby Still Further Defying the I Certain to Produce the Desired with the flest thrown rock. After aaV iga! HI was Before Federal, Are Aware Oover- - According to the Offi- that it easy.' Snlfi anil In Bor- Power of the American of Tlielr Danger. Srcrrt Journrjr thr ment at Waatilncton. cial View. V der In ( npiiiml Train H Kal MirprlM' t 'oniplftci. REGULAR TROOPS ARE IN FLIGHT EARLY ESSION OF CONGRESS WAS A FAILURE SAY NO MEDIATION HAS BEEN OFFERED BULLETS ASTRAY FEDERALS HEMMED IN ON ILL SIDES Graphic Description uf the Cohfllct In - Washington Kxpcct Forec Hucru 1 EC hoik- Absented Them to B at Senator the Border Toftn I Glvru . Let Mexican- - Settle in rVrble Itefntae Knits In t'fW selves and the of Necessary Out mid MANY LEADEN PEIO.ET8 LAND IN By New Yorker. Ick . I (I. -. Quorum Followed. Their Own IHri'fM-in-.- EL PA80 DURING BATTLE. Hour.. ml- JIV Hrbrt Are mu.. i By CHARLES A. PHV,oH By the Áitooíatml Prr$ By the A&iooiateé Presa (Mr. Pryor, a former newspa- Nov. IB. ( Mexico City, IStfV. IB. President Washington. While official BUT LITTLE DAMAGE IS DONE per cot respondent on Eastern Jl Mil:, AOA1N APITATi. Huerta waa unable to bring- his new Information from Mexico City today dallies, was the first American i b- t'nnetltutlenatttai capital on tha scene battle, HprndlnR 4 ii I. today. The was meagre, the Washington govern- of of Ihu ni n ill h. congress fully to life the night nl Hi' American ii if .i in r tempor ment maintained tonight Its confidence Windows Are Broken and Walla "Pit- Jiiarei uiihlu the nesl chamber of deputies effected House, Juares. His story of the few days. was announcex! ary organization but the senate provea that Provisional President Huerta soon ted" but Only One Person, a fight, written for Mornlne. quorum situation ihe ealerdMl at rebel heedqunrd'r reactionary and the lack of a would be eliminated from the Little Boy, 1 Hit. Tinea, follows. ) In the The prevented organisation. The steady pressure through diplomatic captured clf. channels, blockade, and of the provlalonal gotern-men- l Genera, Huerta and his menas. the financial -- the em- While reading a maga sine In mj of the tab' will he car- htiowever, profess to believe the greater the practical certainty that singing sped Ht A on arms will be lifted unless Humming and as they room the tuertean House waa ried mi front the tatritcr town, of work is done, because mo barro 1. ipart their Huerta yields, are expected to force re- through space, bullets and shells fired atar tied by a rifle shot, which was ll hm "until sufh lime newly created lower house has for- a- I tirement of the provisional president. during the opening of the attack on fired Just as the clock struck L30. - hlliunhua - taken and the mally, and in their opinion, legally Immediately u of fol- he How soon this would occur no official 'yesterday morning proved un fulllniidc shots calilla can moitsd to that l&tnet officially. would predict. ' Juarcs lowed nearer the center of i he city illy." The senate, they think, can be in alarm cluck for all Kl Pasoans. Long nnd the booming ut cannon and (he Colonel by Net Regard gertouslr Juan V Medina, duced to1 move Into line Monday. steady music from a. gun i blcl of nor before sunup everybody Jumped into machine at Malí lo t.eneral Ilia. rher. the senators are summoned to Neither at the White House at once made It wan - i Ha- - was any their clothing' and ran to the streets evident that Juarcs he cludce of all of offi- meet again. the state department there dis being attacked by some unknown foe. cer. tf Hlit'- - nrnn for the ep Long the hour fixed for the position to regard seriously (he state- to ascertain the cause of the shoot- Hurriedly or after Palace dressing. ran down- IMtlniiiieiit provisional gov- to convene today the roll call ment issued from the National ing report gained cur- -- senate "in and when the stairs and out Into Hie front yard. ernor of the ante, ami It Is be only twenty-on- e at Mexico City declaring that view i showed senators repudiation rency that Villa wan attacking the The moon wus shining hrlghtly and lie ni ha t t iencrs entt-- t lant present, nearly of these being gen- of Venastlano Carransa's wan glow Nk t all of any form of mediation by or alliance city thousands throng- there a red In the from iirraitii wilt appolitt him l erals In the army. Twenty-nin- e are streets. Hie bursting of hIicMh ami several .the Oihtn Hie next necessary quorum. with the United States. Provisional ed the for a President Huerta- can do no less than Troops of cavalry were soon patrol small fires chut broke out in ihe few ilay. None of Catholic were .lo-- c the senators Join him in his expression of patriotic: ing the border and orders were given lower edge of the city. Bki telnrde a Chihuahua present. This Is understood to have sentiment and maintain unaltered nis to prevent persons crossing the river Bullets Whlaz Overhead. hnfnca,s man, was rcaierdas been due to an agreement among dignified attitude toward Washington " or getting too nesr the firing along Bullets were whining o ci heud j jipjiointisi mayor of Junri na- them that the party should not parti- While on tde surface, tms aioiemeni the banks of the nt ream. But one and crushing Into the buildings on the iler the new gniernmenl. cipate in the senatorial session. The Les- opposite uf ai Jo- - (ittlerrei gave the Impression that the United ptrson in the city was Injured. side the street. Sllddeul utx uaineil as senators are régarded as Influential Htates had met .with a rebuff in the ter Burnett, aged twelve, son of Mrs. a delachmeni of perhaps seventy-fiv- e the or custom-- , mul and t heir refusal or failure to at- diplomatic camps of both Mexican fac- A L. Burnett, a widow residing on Federal soldiers burst Into view, re- - 'will tifflcc Monday, tend ig regarded as Indicative of the tions, administration officials con- South Stanton street, was shot In the treating down t he street and firing uHiilng tli custom- - hou-- e for attitude of the church party. versant with the details of the inner hand by a flying bullet, which broke) hh they came. The men dodKed from linporiaiious. Hecauae of lite Huerta Will Slick. situation, contrued It merely as an at- a bone and tore the flesh. Dr. Urnv house to house, taking a running aim exorbitant duties lex led by he Regardless of rumors and notwith- tempt to meet temporarily the argu- at A large body of men were Federal government, upon ston rendered medical aid who the rebel standing the Insistence of farseelng ments of expediency being urged White Howe la Hit. mounted on horseback. The cavalry- nrriclMla xOII probably arrange friends. General Huerta appeared Huerta by close frlenda men were followed by men on foot, a new tariff more determined tonight than at any The declaration first from Carransa While many placee about tb,s city who wars also ustng their guns with time during his occupancy of the pres- that h would not accept mediation by were hit by bullets from the scene telling force. t.arrlana I. urri,,ri of tmt í u n idency to carry oat nig plan of in- the United States and reiterated by battle hult daitfh was done. nil Juarez had awoke by this time e pi si g he rene ni garrison of I .gag congress. Huerta, ceased no concern here, for the A bullet plerFeo"'ths window o7 the It hiatal rehe I i. ,,... umlei the stalling the substitute Washington Arcade saloon, Mesa avenue, lodging and became known that the ills brilliant coup so splendidly txeeu;sd titunds iutt u one or the Huerta reiterated today that Jfte government malntatns it were Villa's msn.
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