Annual Report 2009-2010 A Year of Change Supporting and enhancing the wellbeing of the Jewish community of

חסד chessed kindness

משפחה mishpacha family

דרך ארץ derech eretz respect

צדקה tzedakah charity

President’s Report...... 04 Chief Executive Officer’s Report...... 05 Highlights...... 06 Services...... 08 The Jewish Care Difference ...... 10 Treasurer’s Report...... 12 Financial Statements...... 14 Board of Management...... 16 Supporters...... 18

Image: Seascape by Pierra Cerra, from Point of View, the Sandra Bardas Memorial Exhibition, a photographic exhibition of works by members of Jewish Care’s Creative Arts Studio, under direction of Emmanuel Santos, held at the Jewish Museum 09 December 2009 to 17 January 2010. A Year of Change

Key milestones and a new leadership team herald an era of renewal and growth for Jewish Care, with fresh responses to an ever- changing world. As we press on from the past and prepare for the future, our core values endure – they are our moral compass, guiding the way we respond to challenges and the decisions we make. President’s Report

This last financial year has seen permeates the culture of our - Our outstanding Chief Executive noteworthy progress at Jewish Care, organisation, infusing the way we Officer Bill Appleby for his including the opening of Gary deliver services and all that we do. exemplary leadership and Smorgon House and Glen Eira dedication, typified by his early We are facing exciting Villas, offering the Jewish comm- morning and late evening facility developments over the months unity new choices and enhanced walk-arounds. ahead: enhancement of our standards of support. Additionally, home care and healthy ageing - Our dedicated staff and with the commencement of a new programs, the formulation of a volunteers for their daily President, a new Chief Executive new infrastructure plan, and the commitment to each and Officer and an expanded executive opening of adult respite facilities every client. team, we have undergone an at Glen Eira Villas, a vital service important change of leadership. - Importantly, I would like to which is sorely lacking. thank our donors and supporters These milestones herald a new era Looking forward, I see Jewish Care – our new Patron David Smorgon for Jewish Care; an era of renewal as an organisation the community OAM for his outstanding guidance and growth as our organisation has tremendous pride in, one and leadership, our dedicated continues to evolve. The drafting that creates measurable value for Gala Dinner organisers, Jasmine of our Five Year Strategic Plan each client and for the community Dindas, Karen Goldenberg and 2009-2014 and the commencement as a whole – an organisation Annette Smorgon, and our of its implementation will that is transparent, financially wonderful Family Fun Day introduce significant change to sustainable, responsive and Co-Chairs, Kylie Appel and enable us to respond effectively proactive, providing leadership Romy Bursztyn, who have to the current and future needs in its services and facilities. helped engage a younger of our community. Significant generation of supporters. demographic shifts in coming years We are privileged to have the mean that maintaining the status- support of truly committed staff, - Lastly, I want to thank our quo is not an option if we are to volunteers and donors, who are community for their enthusiastic continue to provide the service our the mainstay of our success. I am and heartening response to our community has come to expect. grateful to all our stakeholders, Annual Appeal, supporting people We need to be more efficient, who share our commitment and in our community in need. our service quality, whilst good, our passion. In particular, I would Jewish Care and its philosophy needs to be even better, and our like to thank the following: of giving and caring for those less facilities and infrastructure require - Our Board Vice President fortunate has been an integral modernisation. Jeffrey Appel, Treasurer Michael part of my life since I was a young The Board and Executive are Schoenfeld and our departing child. I am privileged and honoured committed to this process of Immediate Past President and to lead Jewish Care during this renewal. We have improved retiring Board member, Robyne exciting period of development and the structure and operation of Schwarz, for their support, look forward to our community’s all our subcommittees – enhancing as well as Farrel Meltzer, continued engagement and our ability to meet the demands Joel Freeman and Professor support as we build an organisation of this period of change. Many new Frank Oberklaid, who after many that serves the needs of our staff have joined Jewish Care years of dedicated service will be community for years to come. in the last year, and they bring stepping down from their posts. professionalism, dedication and empathy to tackle these challenges. At the same time, we are committed to ensuring Bruce Rosengarten that our essence as Jewish Care President

4 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Chief Executive Officer’s Report

It is with great enthusiasm that there have been many lessons cultural and spiritial services. We I stepped into the role of Chief learned and a renewed sense of have adopted the Active Service Executive Officer of Jewish Care urgency. As part of this journey, Model as a new approach which will in February 2010. It is not often complex choices will be faced and support and encourage our clients’ that one has the opportunity difficult decisions will be made healthy ageing and independence. to contribute to an organisation against a backdrop of a constantly These changes and those which is so vital and integral changing internal and external yet to follow will continue to to the community it serves. environment, presenting both reinvigorate Jewish Care, creating opportunities and threats along Jewish Care’s strong sense an organisation that is stronger the way. of history, our deep cultural and truer and more capable than empathy and understanding, We have streamlined our panel ever before – an organisation our foundational values which on of board subcommittees and that is not only more responsive the one hand are quintessentially expanded our executive team, to the community’s needs, but Jewish and on the other speak introducing a flatter organisational also impacts on quality of life by to a universal sense of justice, structure to facilitate more agile building strength and resilience, righteousness, inclusivity and decision-making. By incorporating and creating a more inclusive, moral responsibility – these succession planning, risk diverse and a healthier community are some of the things which management and the building for all. differentiate us from other service of internal capacity, we are I am grateful to the Board for providers, and reasons why so benefitting from a reduced reliance their endorsement, and give due many of our clients are grateful on outside contractors. We have acknowledgement to the past and to be able to turn to Jewish Care. introduced KPI and balanced present executive team and our score card reporting amongst To stand at the helm of Jewish Care dedicated staff and volunteers for management and are embedding is a tremendous privilege; but it their courage, integrity and trust. a cycle of continuous improvement also carries the significant duty of Together, we will embrace the work throughout all our policy areas. steering this organisation along a which lies ahead as we revitalise We are reviewing our product course that ensures its endurance and strengthen our organisation and service offerings, and are into the future. so that members of our community introducing “user-pays” business are assured of a place to turn to when As at the establishment of the models where appropriate, to needed, now and into the future. Jewish Philanthropic boost financial sustainability. Society in 1848, and the founding With these initiatives and others, of the Australian Jewish Welfare we are spearheading a $4 million Society in 1936, the wellbeing turnaround for our organisation in and betterment of the Jewish the next financial year. community of Victoria remains At the same time, over the past 12 our moral compass as we embark months, we have celebrated many upon exciting and necessary achievements. With the completion changes to position ourselves as Bill Appleby and commissioning of Gary Smorgon a relevant and viable service for Chief Executive Officer House and Glen Eira Villas, the Melbourne Jewish community we have set new standards in for today and for tomorrow. accommodation in the heart of the Following on from our Five Year Jewish community. We have also Strategic Plan 2009-2014, our expanded our Saver Plus program, 12 month 2009-2010 Business introduced a financial counsellor Plan launches our organisation for the first time, and enhanced on a difficult but critical journey towards long-term, long-lasting financial sustainability. Whilst this year’s deficit was disappointing,

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 5 Highlights

Updating and Redeveloping Promoting Advocacy Infrastructure to Address for People with a Disability Community Needs At the launch of Glen Eira Villas on 23 February 2010, With the official launch of Gary Smorgon House Premier John Brumby acknowledged the Jewish on 7 July 2009, Jewish Care realised its goal of community’s strong ethic of care in helping shape introducing a new standard of residential aged care. the state of Victoria. Glen Eira Villas has been The development is a part of Jewish Care’s broad, hailed as a model of supported, independent living long range strategy to meet the evolving needs and for people with a disability in a culturally-specific wishes of the Jewish community of Victoria. environment. Responding to new directions in government policy and industry best practice, Located in the heart of the Jewish community, Glen Eira Villas arose out of an expressed with a fully functioning shul and welcoming community need and was developed through communal areas, Gary Smorgon House is a a process of community consultation to promote distinctively Jewish aged care facility which people’s strengths and allow a fuller expression brings residents and community together. of lifestyle choice for people with a disability. Gary Smorgon House joins Jewish Care’s existing As well as providing independent accommodation aged care facilities – the Mark and Dina Munzer for 16 individuals, the facility’s Community Hub Community Homes Residence, the Smorgon offers a space where all people can engage Nursing Home and the Montefiore Homes in community activities and events – part of Community Residence – in expanding choice for Jewish Care’s broader inclusion strategy. the Jewish community. Over the coming months, Jewish Care will be seeking In the coming months, Jewish Care will be reviewing government and community support to launch its its Healthy Ageing program, expanding its home respite facility for adults at Glen Eira Villas. help services and formulating new plans for further Respite services are already available for children infrastructure development. with a disability at the Children’s Respite House and for the elderly at our aged care residences. The introduction of respite for adults with a disability will ensure a complete range of care is available for those who need it.

6 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010

Family Fun Day Engages Annual Appeal Gala Dinner a Younger Generation Strengthens Partnerships “Building a more resilient community for all” was At Jewish Care’s Gala Dinner on 23 February 2010 the message conveyed at Jewish Care’s Family Fun at Leonda on the Yarra, Patron David Smorgon OAM Day held 21 March 2010 at Bialik College, where launched our 2010 Annual Appeal, in support of about 1700 people came together to celebrate people in crisis. Attended by 400 members of the and support Jewish Care’s work with young people community and led by organisers Jasmine Dindas, and children. Karen Goldenberg and Annette Smorgon, the event kick-started the highest performing Appeal to date, Amidst rides, entertainment and activities, the raising $2.5 million and engaging 26% more donors event showcased Jewish Care’s work for all sectors than the previous year. of the community, and highlighted the important connection between strong and healthy families Our Annual Appeal provides funding for our social and children’s wellbeing. The event also launched justice programs which support people facing Jewish Care’s new tzedakah box, which teaches challenges of disability or mental health issues, young people about the importance of caring for unemployment, financial stress, marital conflict one another. or family violence, homelessness or other housing difficulties. We receive approximately 450 calls The event’s success represented the cumulative every month from people in our community who efforts of organisers, sponsors and volunteers. require immediate assistance. The services we Family Fun Day Co-chairs Kylie Appel and provide – which include general and financial Romy Bursztyn set an inspiring model of counselling, emergency financial aid, interest free partnership and communal engagement loans, employment and housing assistance, youth for a younger generation of supporters, mentorship and a range of mental health and social and demonstrated the capacity of volunteers inclusion programs for people with a disability to make a difference. and their families – are delivered with the unique cultural needs of clients in mind. It is this particular combination of professional assistance and cultural understanding which lead so many of our clients to call on Jewish Care when seeking help. Unfortunately, the funding we receive from government is insufficient to meet our community’s needs, and the continuance of these vital programs relies heavily on our community for funding and support.

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 7 Services

A Customer-Centred individual needs and situation. Restructuring to Enhance By orienting services around the Approach needs of the individual, our clients Responsiveness People are at the centre of can more easily identify and access Jewish Care’s vision for stronger, everything we do. Jewish Care the services they require. more responsive consumer driven supports our clients to make service has led to the creation of positive choices about the life a flatter organisational structure they wish to lead. We provide to facilitate a more agile, action- a vast array of programs and Jewish Care’s driven management with greater services for all ages and sectors Customer-Service capacity for decision making of the Jewish community, with a and change. The creation of new distinct focus on education, skills Principles executive roles will enable us to development and active support better manage and oversee new to build confidence, capacity, • Choice infrastructure projects, drive resilience and self-sufficiency. • Accessibility quality assurance, and provide improved staff and volunteer We are leading the way in • Partnership support. implementation of the Active • Independence Service Model, to support our • Evidence-based The combining of community and clients to take the lead in managing residential aged care services their health and maintaining • Advocacy reflects Jewish Care’s commitment independence as they age. • Diversity to assisting clients along their In alignment with recent journey of ageing by providing government policy directions, customised support when and we intend to implement an as required. In addition, combining individualised case management community support services and approach along Consumer Directed disability services under a single Care principles. This approach banner leverages resources so that enables clients to create their we can maximise service delivery own tailored plans to suit their across the entire community.

8 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Organisational Chief Executive Structure Offi cer Bill Appleby

General Manager, Cultural & Spiritual Services Research Rabbi Meir & Innovation Shlomo Kluwgant Dr Ralph Hampson

General General General General Chief General General Manager, Manager, Manager, Manager, Financial Manager, Manager, Community Services People Quality Offi cer Development Infrastructure Services for Older & Culture Karen Adam Miriam Ian Louise People Claudia Lowe Goldberger Suss Martin Arthur Mary Anne Blackwell Hunt

Disability Montefi ore Blue Star Services Information Marketing & Property Services Homes & Kesher for Older Technology Communications Management Community Program People Residence Home Care Human Services Resources

Community Smorgon Healthy Ageing Community Procurement Planned New Support Family Program Services Giving Developments Services Nursing including Human Home Active Living Resources Centre

Mark & Dina Claims Organisational Business Annual Munzer Conference Development Analysis & Capital Community Holocaust Appeals Residence Survivor Funding

Gary Independent OHS & Financial Smorgon Living Employee Control House Units Wellbeing

Volunteer Services

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 9 The Jewish Care Difference

Our Community The opening of a third shul at Gary deliver its services to the Smorgon House, enhancements to community. Volunteers engage Cultural identification Kashrut delivery, and expansion of in a full range of activities, from as a key to wellbeing our staff education program are all providing direct assistance part of a renewed focus to ensure a to clients, to supporting the The community we serve is culturally appropriate environment organisation through community a diverse multi-ethnic group where our clients feel respected engagement, and by participating encompassing a vast spectrum and secure. Increased resources in governance through membership of religious observance and cultural to Cultural and Spiritual Services on our Board of Management. expression, united by common this past financial year is reflective traditions, heritage and legacy. The importance of our volunteers of a move to expand and enhance Understanding and sensitivity to has been highlighted this year with the Jewish experience across our the diverse cultural backgrounds the expansion of the Volunteer full spectrum of services. of Jewish people are qualities Resource Team and the creation which set Jewish Care apart in Our Volunteers of a new executive role to oversee its capacity to meet the needs all volunteer activities. of our clients. Creating opportunities to contribute Cultural sensitivity permeates all our service and program offerings; Jewish Care is an organisation of it is evident at regular festival volunteers. Nearly all our service celebrations involving clients, areas were initiated by voluntary family, volunteers, and staff. action – from the small band who Consideration for the cultural established the Melbourne Jewish requirements of our clients is Philanthropic Society in 1848, to integral to facility design, such those individuals who personally as the Kosher kitchens at greeted post-war refugees at the Glen Eira Road Villas. Melbourne docks in the 1950’s. Amongst our unique services are Jewish Care endorses volunteering those which support Holocaust as an important way to get involved survivors and their carers: with local community and as a restitution advisory services, powerful force for change. Every counselling, social and recreational year more than 300 passionate and groups, personal and home care, dedicated volunteers of all ages pastoral care and community and walks of life help Jewish Care education.

10 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Our Academic and Research Partnerships Building an evidence-base for decision making • Australian College of Applied Psychology As the largest care provider in the Jewish community of Victoria, Jewish Care is relied upon to provide an informed, innovative and • Deakin University proactive response to significant changes in our community’s • La Trobe University, demographic make-up and shifts in lifestyle and consumer expectations. Australian Institute In support of our commitment to evidence-based service delivery, for Primary Care we are renewing our focus on development and research by advancing • La Trobe University, partnerships with leading academic institutions, both locally School of Social Work and overseas. and Social Policy New research resulting from our partnership with Monash • Monash University, University’s Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation is being used Australian Centre for to plan Jewish Care’s aged care services. Building on the success Jewish Civilisation of Gen08, we are continuing to invest in the Australian Jewry 2030 research project to help inform our service delivery and planning • Monash University, by understanding the key drivers of change in the Australian Centre for Developmental Jewish community. Disability Health This partnership and those which are listed to the right underscore • Monash University, our commitment to intelligent communal planning. Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences • University of Kent, Tizard Centre (UK) • The University of New South Wales • The University of Sydney, Centre for Developmental Disability Studies

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 11 Treasurer’s Report

On behalf of the Chief Executive Officer and Board Key Financial Highlights of Management, I am pleased to present a summary of Jewish Care’s financial results for the 12-month • The opening of Glen Eira Villas, a model of inclusive period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010. Our financial and supported independent living for people with a statements have been prepared in accordance with disability, at a total cost of $4.7 million, $3.6 million the Australian Equivalent of International Financial of which has been raised thanks to government Reporting Standards. funding and community contributions. The chart below demonstrates the recurrent deficit • The opening and first full year of operations of from ordinary activities over the past six financial Gary Smorgon House, our newest state-of-the-art years: residential aged care facility. Although significant costs were incurred in the ramp-up phase, the facility achieved full occupancy ahead of schedule $6,000,000 and the outstanding loan against the facility has $4,000,000 been fully repaid. $2,000,000 • The sale of the Melbourne Hebrew Memorial $0 Nursing Home at Ashwood, with proceeds going 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 -$2,000,000 towards capital costs associated with construction -$4,000,000 of Gary Smorgon House. -$6,000,000 • Over 80% increase in bond holdings from $17.9 -$8,000,000 million to $32.3 million through new occupancy in -$10,000,000 Gary Smorgon House. Interest generated from net Loss from ordinary activities bond holdings after the repayment of debt supports of the group after related income tax operational costs and capital requirements at Community Annual Appeal donations net of cost the facility. Non recurrent items Community contributions / bequests Summary of Key Financial Results Profit from ordinary operating recurrent activities Jewish Care incurred a financial loss from ordinary activities of approximately $7.9 million. The increase over the previous financial year’s loss of $6.7 million Our 2009-2010 Business Plan supports the was largely due to ramp-up costs of opening goals outlined in Jewish Care’s Five Year Strategic Gary Smorgon House. Plan 2009-2014 to establish long term financial sustainability while continuing to support and The operating loss was incurred before the enhance the wellbeing of the Jewish community following items: of Victoria. In line with this plan, bold improvements in service FY 2010 FY 2009 quality and operational efficiency were commenced Community appeal & over the past financial year in order to secure a $2.0m $1.8m financial turnaround for the organisation. The donations [net of costs] community’s ongoing fundraising support and Capital appeal endorsement of these important initiatives is vital $1.2m $2.7m in order to build a strong, relevant and financially [net of costs] sustainable future for Jewish Care. Combined bequests $3.5m $4.2m

Gain on sale of property $0.9m

This resulted in an overall operating loss of $270,333 as compared with a profit of $2.0 million in the previous financial year.

12 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Key Expenditure Items Land and Buildings The following are the key expenditure items incurred Jewish Care’s land and buildings have been assessed in the financial year 2010: by its Directors in accordance with current accounting policies, representing an increased carrying value FY 2010 FY 2009 of $2.5 million, as compared with a decrease last financial year of $1.6 million. Salaries Jewish Care is undertaking discussion to renew our $26.6m $25.4m (530 employees) residential aged care building stock to vastly improve the quality of our product offering, meet certification Food services $4.6m $4.1m requirements and eliminate the residential services operating deficit.

Client-related costs $3.1m $2.2m In conclusion, I would like to thank Chief Financial Officer, Adam Goldberger, and finance staff members for their ongoing commitment. Maintenance $1.3m $1.5m

Community Services Expenditure Community services (including disability services) incurred an operating deficit of $1.3 million before Michael Schoenfeld investment earnings and depreciation, due to Treasurer insufficient government funding. Residential Aged Care Expenditure Residential aged care incurred an operating deficit of $6.4 million before investment earnings and depreciation largely as a result of:

FY 2010 FY 2009

Gary Smorgon House $2.0m ramp-up costs

Residential service $2.4m $3.2m inefficiencies

Cultural and spiritual $1.4m $1.2m

Supported residents* $0.6m $1.4m

*The deficit incurred from supported residents decreased this financial year due to a) a changed resident mix which resulted from the transition of residents to Gary Smorgon House and b) a more accurate calculation of the real costs associated with supported residents.

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 13 Financial Statements

Income statement for the year ended 30 June 2010

Economic Entity Parent Entity

2010 2009 2010 2009 $ $ $ $

Fees and charges 9,294,793 7,384,930 9,294,793 7,384,930

Government subsidies 23,334,248 21,932,023 23,334,248 21,932,023

Gain on sale of property plant and equipment 940,121 12,000 940,021 12,000

Other revenues 9,502,684 11,922,491 9,488,503 11,906,471

Total revenues 43,071,746 41,251,444 43,057,565 41,235,424

Employee benefits expense (26,554,944) (25,435,523) (26,554,944) (25,435,523)

Depreciation and amortisation expenses (1,769,596) (908,521) (1,096,668) (908,521)

Community development expenses (1,514,179) (1,467,774) (1,514,179) (1,467,774)

External services expenses (1,895,407) (1,025,255) (1,895,407) (1,025,255)

Food expenses (4,619,036) (4,064,833) (4,619,036) (4,064,833)

Repairs and maintenance expenses (1,264,467) (1,498,131) (1,264,467) (1,498,131)

Medical and other supplies (725,819) (712,385) (725,819) (712,385)

Consulting expenses (766,266) (863,561) (766,266) (863,561)

Energy expenses (481,538) (425,093) (481,538) (425,093)

Administration expenses (1,316,926) (1,181,831) (1,316,926) (1,181,831)

Laundry expenses (518,892) (419,693) (518,892) (419,693)

Finance costs (501,646) (1,277) (5,467) (1,277)

Impairment of loan – Jewish Care Property SPV Pty Ltd - - (3,485,269) -

Other expenses (1,413,363) (1,249,919) (1,345,191) (1,233,822)

Total expenses (43,342,079) (39,253,796) (45,590,069) (39,237,699)

(Deficit)/surplus before tax (270,333) 1,997,648 (2,532,504) 1,997,725

Income tax expense - - - -

(Deficit)/surplus after tax (270,333) 1,997,648 (2,532,504) 1,997,725

Other comprehensive income/(loss)

Gain/(loss) on revaluation of investment 1,236 (26,221) 1,236 (26,221)

Gain/(loss) on revaluation of property 2,457,748 (1,546,860) 2,457,748 (34,766)

Other comprehensive income/(loss) for the year 2,458,984 (1,573,081) 2,458,984 (60,987)

Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the year 2,188,651 424,567 (73,520) 1,936,738

14 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Balance sheet as at 30 June 2010

Economic Entity Parent Entity

2010 2009 2010 2009 $ $ $ $

Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents 3,173,033 8,912,947 2,948,970 8,751,557

Trade and other receivables 2,695,537 1,590,596 2,695,504 1,488,972

Other financial assets 21,769,286 24,101,797 21,769,286 24,101,797

Other assets 36,049 63,054 36,049 63,054

Total current assets 27,673,905 34,668,394 27,449,809 34,405,380

Non-current assets

Trade and other receivables - - 344,876 9,300,987

Property, plant and equipment 79,074,938 72,097,954 79,074,938 50,024,761

Total non-current assets 79,074,938 72,097,954 79,419,814 59,325,748

Total assets 106,748,843 106,766,348 106,869,623 93,731,128

Current liabilities

Trade and other payables 2,937,795 3,884,217 2,937,295 3,813,683

Provisions 4,354,356 4,563,298 4,354,356 4,563,297

Borrowings 16,417 15,350,986 16,417 16,850

Other liabilities 32,306,451 17,906,616 32,749,407 18,335,572

Total current liabilities 39,615,019 41,705,117 40,057,475 26,729,402

Non-current liabilities

Provisions 543,360 636,701 543,360 636,701

Borrowings 59,981 76,398 59,981 76,398

Total non-current liabilities 603,341 713,099 603,341 713,099

Total liabilities 40,218,360 42,418,216 40,660,816 27,442,501

Net assets 66,530,483 64,348,132 66,208,807 66,288,627


Reserves 28,319,939 25,867,255 30,533,207 28,080,523

Accumulated funds 38,210,544 38,480,877 35,675,600 38,208,104

Total equity 66,530,483 64,348,132 66,208,807 66,288,627

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 15 Board of Management The Board of Jewish Care is committed to enhancing lives by constantly evolving our services and programs to meet the changing and diverse needs of the community we serve.

Bruce Rosengarten Robyne Schwarz Farrel Meltzer President Immediate Past President Assistant Treasurer B Ec (Monash), Post Grad MSW (Melbourne), BSW (Melbourne), B Com, B Acc (cum laude), Dip Phys Distrib Mgmt Dip Physio (Lincoln Inst) Dip Adv Banking (cum laude), CA (Chisholm Inst of Tech) Robyne has been associated with Farrel is founder and Group Bruce boasts a comprehensive Jewish Care since 1999, serving as Managing Director of the Wingate professional background, having President from 2004-2009. She is Group, a leading Melbourne-based held senior executive roles at President of the Victorian Health investment and advisory group Crown, Coles Myer and Shell, Services Review Council, serves on with investment and activities in at both regional and global level. the Board of the Australian Centre Private Equity, Property and Listed He has held key community for Jewish Civilisation at Monash Equities. He was formerly Group roles including Chairman of the University and is National Chair of Managing Director of Investec Singapore Jewish Community the Federation of Jewish Aged and Bank () Limited and Head Education Committee and Community Services Organisations. of ANZ Private Bank. He has held membership of the Mount Scopus several communal leadership roles Memorial College Council. Michael Schoenfeld in Melbourne and Sydney. Treasurer Jeffrey Appel Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Andrew Blode Vice President Accountants in Australia B Com (Melbourne), Grad Dip Soc Sci LLB Michael Schoenfeld operates his (Philanthropy and Social Investment, Swinburne Uni) A lawyer with Schetzer Brott own consulting practice, providing & Appel since 1973, Jeffrey is business and management Andrew is a Director of the ESCOR a former President and Vice advice for family businesses Group (Eric Smorgon Corporation) President of Jewish Community and professional practices, and and CEO of the Jack & Robert Services and of Montefiore Homes participates on several advisory Smorgon Families Foundation. for the Aged. He serves on the boards including property With a background in accounting Executive Cabinet of the United developers, financial service and a commitment to community Appeal and is legal advisor providers and food manufacturers. wellbeing, he chairs the Australian to the Rabbinical Council of Council for Children & Youth Victoria and Caulfield Hebrew Organisations (ACCYO) and Congregation. is Director of the Australian Childhood Foundation.

Bruce Rosengarten Jeffrey Appel Robyne Schwarz Michael Schoenfeld Farrel Meltzer Andrew Blode President Vice President Immediate Past President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer

16 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Michael Debinski Daniel Jenshel Marcia Pinskier BA, B SW Hons (Monash) B.A. (Monash) As International Business Dip Ed (Deakin University) Michael is a senior executive and Strategic Projects Manager in the Victorian government and for Peerless Holdings, Daniel Marcia is a Commissioner has held a range of leadership has over 20 years experience in with the Victorian Multicultural roles overseeing the planning and marketing, international sales Commission, a member of the delivery of health and community and business strategy and Victorian Mental Health Reform services. He is a member of a development. He serves on Council, Vice-President of NCJWA number of Jewish organisations Jewish Care’s Jewish Mutual Victoria and Founder of the Jewish promoting a strong and active Loans committee and is a founding Inclusion Network. She works as a secular Jewish community life member of the Young Achievers community consultant, specialising in Australia. Program. He is also the current in NFP organisation structure and President of the United Jewish governance and is currently under- Dr Joel Freeman Education Board. taking a Master’s Degree in Jewish MB BS FRACP Communal Service and Leadership. Professor Joel runs his own private practice Assoc Professor as a general and neonatal Frank Oberklaid paediatrician. Over the last decade Retired from Board Leslie Reti in January 2010 he has become increasingly MB BS (Melbourne), SM (Harvard), OAM, MD, FRACP, DCH FRCOG, FRANZCOG involved in the family property development business. He has A paediatrician and Foundation Les is Director of Gynaecology, served as President and Treasurer Director of the University Cancer Services and Clinical of Kew Hebrew Congregation and of Melbourne’s Centre for Governance at the Royal Women’s has canvassed for the United Community Child Health, Frank Hospital and Adjunct Associate Israel Appeal. is an internationally recognised Professor of Public Health at researcher, having authored two La Trobe University. Founder of books and more than 200 scientific the Centre Against Sexual Assault papers. He is Deputy Chair of the (CASA House), Les is an executive Victorian Children’s Council, Board member of the Victorian Council Member of the Royal Children’s on Safety and Quality in Health Hospital Foundation, and chairs and has been Chair of the QA several national advisory boards. Committee at RANZ College of Obs and Gynae.

Michael Debinski Dr Joel Freeman Daniel Jenshel Marcia Pinskier Assoc Professor Leslie Reti

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 17 Supporters Thank you to all those who have joined us on our journey.

Community Partnerships Chabad House of Malvern JEMP Chabad Youth JewishCare New South Wales Access Care Southern Chevra Hatzolah Jewish Care South Australia Access Inc Child Survivors of the Holocaust Jewish Care Western Australia Adass Israel RTO Inc City of Bayside, Booroondara, Glen Jewish Community Council of Victoria Adass Israel School Eira, Greater Dandenong, Kingston, Jewish Holocaust Museum and Adass Welfare Manningham, Monash, Port Phillip, Research Centre Aged and Community Care Victoria Stonnington Jewish Inclusion Network Aged Care Assessment Service Commonwealth Carer Resource The Jewish Museum Eastern Region – Central East Centre, Southern Region Jewish Schools Integration Board Northern Region – St Georges Commonwealth Department Jewish Taskforce Against Southern Region – Caulfield of Health and Ageing Family Violence Southern Region – Kingston Community Security Group Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre Aged Care Standards and Conference on Jewish Material Claims and National Library Accreditation Agency Against Germany Kew Hebrew Congregation Aitken Partners Lawyers Council of Orthodox Synagogues King David School of Victoria Alfred Health Leibler Yavneh College Daniel Levenson Alpha Confectionery Leo Baeck Centre for Progressive Alzheimers Australia Victoria Deloitte Judaism Inc ANZ Bank Descendants of the Shoah Maccabi Victoria Ardent Recruitment and Disability Professionals Victoria MacPherson & Kelley Lawyers Pty Ltd Consulting Pty Ltd Elsternwick Jewish Community Medirest Arnold Bloch Leibler Lawyers Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Melbourne Chevra Kadisha Learning Centre Inc and Advisers Melbourne Hebrew Congregation Elwood Talmud Torah Association of Former Inmates of Nazi Melbourne Hebrew Ladies Concentration Camps and Ghettoes Emmanuel Althaus Benevolent Society from the Former Soviet Union Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria Melbourne Jewish Charity Fund Australian Geneological Society Financial and Consumer Melbourne Jewish Orphans and Australian Jewish News Rights Council Inc Children’s Aid Society Beth Rivkah Ladies College Freedom Furniture Northcote Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria Bethlehem Hospital Sharona Frid Mizrachi Charity Fund Bialik College Hanover Housing, Hanover Mount Scopus Memorial College Welfare Services Black and White Security National Australia Bank Group Pty Ltd Hard Hat Digital National Council of Jewish Women Jo Boltin, Port Phillip Headspace of Australia Community Group Health Super Pty Ltd National Disability Services Brotherhood of St Laurence HESTA Super Fund Nationwide Health and Aged Care Cabrini Hospital HomeGround Services The Nous Group CACP and EACH Statewide Housing Choices Australia Ohel Chana Seminary Providers Network Inclusion Melbourne Orthodox Counsellors in Carers Australia Infoxchange Australia Private Practice Case Management Agencies Victoria Inner South Community Health Service Posh Opp Shoppe Caulfield Community Inner South East Partnership Prahran Mission Rehabilitation Service in Community Health Print Dynamics Caulfield Hebrew Congregation

18 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Rabbinical College of Australia Donors Dr David and Jill Castelan and New Zealand Brian and Annette Chaitman Rabbinical Council of Victoria (Gifts over $1000) Brandon and Davina Chizik Ramler Furniture Michael and Helen Abeles Mala Ciechanowski Royal District Nursing Services Daryl Abrahams Alon and Leora Cohen SAE Creative Dion and Sandra Abrahams Daryl and Hannah Cohen Schetzer, Brott and Appel Lawyers Daniel and Jennifer Aghion David and Pixie Cohen Dean Schmideg Photography Dr Mark and Justine Alter Dr Matthew and Lieba Cohen SEAM Sam and Ruth Alter Michael Cohen OAM and Mary Cohen Seutika Pharmacy Windsor George and Kathy Altman Trevor and Heather Cohen Shalom Association Roseanne Amarant Yehuda and Joanne Cohen Sholem Aleichem College Jeffrey and Sue Appel Michael and Mary-Ann Cohn Signaction Peter and Marilyn Arnheim Michael and Michelle Coppel Small Business Mentoring Service Regina Bachrach Sir Zelman and Lady Anna Cowen Southern Metropolitan Region National Charles and Esther Baker Dr Sydney Crawcour Respite for Carers Program Network Johnny and Anita Baker Albert Dadon AM and Debbie Dadon St Kilda Shule Dr Mark and Dr Kerryn Baker Bruce and Pat Davis Swinburne University, School of Peter and Marlyn Bancroft Ian and Yvonne Davis Creative & Service Industries Dr Leon Anaf and Prof Agnes Bankier Mark and Laura Davis Temple Beth Israel Stewart and Natalie Baron Anthony and Rochelle Davis Theodore Herzl Social Club Andrew Bassat and Dr Natalie Bassat Simon and Lisa de Winter Third St Kilda Scouts Paul and Sharon Bassat Serge Derbin Urbis Pty Ltd Robert Bassat and Nina Bassat AM Robert and Jasmine Dindas USC Visual Foundation Adrienne Basser Ron and Judy Dodge Victorian Department of Health Leslie and Arlene Bassin George and Marlene Dryen Victorian Department of Human Judy Becher Dr Brian and Lynette Dubowitz Services Helen Bekhor Michael and Lilli Dubs Victorian Department of Innovation, Phillip Benjamin and Joan Dwyer Industry & Regional Development Sandra Benjamin OAM Peter and Monica Edwards Victorian Linkages Providers Network Ian Berger Zelman Elton Wesley College Alexander and Eva Berkovic Leslie Erdi OAM and Eva Erdi Wings of Care Lionel and Elaine Berkowitz Jacob and Vivien Fajgenbaum The Women’s Well Daniel and Danielle Besen Dov and Miriam Farkas Yeshivah College Marc Besen AO and Eva Besen AO John and Jenny Fast Yooralla Keith and Deirdre Beville Ian Fayman and Dr Yvonne Fayman Youth Connect Michael and Shirley Bialek Raffi Feldman Zionist Council of Victoria Dr Grant and Lindy Blashki Dr Gary and Judy Fell Life Governors Greg and Julie Blashki Tony and Zandy Fell Geoffrey and Naomi Bloch Barry and Kaye Fink Jeffrey Appel Andrew and Lisa Blode Nathan and Elly Fink Dr Rodney Benjamin OAM Norman and Pauline Bloom Yvonne Fink Michael Dubs Michael and Penny Bock Dr Alan Finkel AM and Jacob Fajgenbaum Dr Jacob Boon Dr Elizabeth Finkel Nathan Fink Dr David and Judith Bornstein Ron and Dalia Finkel Assoc Prof David Fonda Raymond and Christina Borowich David Finkelstein Barry Fradkin OAM Michael and Lisa Borowick Roman and Lyudmila Fishman Geoffrey Green OAM Joe and Robyn Boyar Dr Adam and Camilla Fligelman Dr Paula Hansky OAM Arnold and Mary Bram Max Flinker Deanna Levin Philip and Vivien Brass Leon and Paula Flinkier Marion Lippmann Barry and Marilyn Braun Assoc Prof David and Janette Fonda David Mandie AM OBE Dr Edward Bruce Barry Fradkin OAM and Philip Mayers Dr Michael and Tamara Bruce Dr Pamela Fradkin Max New Dr Maurice and Chana Brygel Max Frankel Liz Nissen Isaac and Marilyn Bugalski Mark and Karen Franks Delysia Pahoff Martin Burman Andrew Frederick Alan Schwartz AM David and Doris Burstin Martin and Freda Freiberg Phillip Shulman Joseph and Pamela Bursztyn Dr Gary and Ruth Frydman Rosalie Silverstein Timothy and Romy Bursztyn John Gandel AO and Pauline Gandel Graham Slade Dr Leon and Marlen Carp Ian and Linda Gandel Val Smorgon OBE Eve Casper Michelle Gandel David Southwick Michael and Carol Casper Tony and Helen Gandel Roy Tashi OAM George Castan Family Larry and Naomi Gandler Avram Zeleznikow OAM Anita Castan Mark and Judy Gandur Masha Zeleznikow OAM George and Freda Castan Denise Gassenheimer Nellie Castan

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 19 Ian and Rita Gelbart Alwynne Jona OAM Dr Lauren Lieberman Sylvia Gelman AM MBE Dr Michael and Pamela Jonas Dr Ian and Susan Light Raphael and Fiona Geminder Bruce and Fay Joske Mark Light Karl and Shelley Ginzburg Martha Joss Gidon and Orli Lipkies Don and Adele Givoni Leah and Charles Justin Minya Lipkies Nigel and Leora Givoni Aaron Kanat Lazar and Shoshy Lowy Dr William and Kathy Glaser Sam Barbalatt and Gillian Kaplan Maurice and Pearl Lubansky Nechum and Danielle Glick Dr Michael Kark Simon and June Lubansky Peter Glow Dr Benjamin and Karen Katz Iris Lustig-Moar Dr Hyam and Una Gold Ashley Kausman and Lisa Mann Paul Lustig Justice Alan Goldberg AO Geoffrey and Monica Kempler Jeffrey Mahemoff AO and Rachel Goldberg Leon Kempler OAM and Ilana Kempler and Helen Mahemoff Dr Braham and Fiona Goldberg Stephen Kenmar Frank Mahlab and Eve Mahlab AO David and Linda Goldberg Dr Stanley and Carol Kennett Marietta Manders Leigh and Yvonne Goldbloom Simon and Julie Kessel David Mandie AM OBE Barry and Karen Goldenberg Max Kestin Prof Leon and Leah Mann Joshua and Robyn Goldhirsch David and Pauline Kingston Don and Sonia Marejn Ethel Goldin Ida Klein Ignacy Marek Joel and Maxine Goldman Dr George Klempfner and Yolanda Irene Marsh Leon and Judith Goldman Klempfner AO Leigh and Sandra Masel Prof Leslie and Esther Goldschlager Dr Arthur and Marianne Klepfisz Dr Mark and Alla Medownick Ronny and Dina Goldschlager Gid and Lillian Kline Farrel and Wendy Meltzer Dr Tony and Sharon Goldschlager Ken and Carol Klooger Alan and Rochelle Mendel Graham and Deborah Goldsmith Ben Kohn Alan and Esther Michael Jacqueline Goldsmith and Family David Kolber Dr Maxwell and Bev Michael Roger and Janette Goldsmith Dr Steven Kolt and Frances Prince Naomi Milgrom AO Colin Golvan and Dr Deborah Dr Ronald Korman Henry Miller and Natalie Miller OAM Freiberg-Golvan Bettie Kornhauser Mark and Sidra Moshinsky Kevin and Judith Goorjian Eliezer and Nicole Kornhauser Sandra Munashe Jack and Rita Gottlieb Larry and Sophie Kornhauser Dr David and Barbara Mushin Geoffrey Green OAM and Pauline Green Norman and Natalie Kotzman Matylda Nadler Louise Green Alan Kozica and Rocky Lambert Michael Naphtali AM and Atida Henry and Miriam Greenfield Wendy Kozica Naphtali Leon Grodski Mitch and Janet Krapes Dennis and Fairlie Nassau Chana Gropman John and Adrienne Kraus The Hon Justice Howard Nathan Jennifer Gross-Komesaroff Dinah Krongold Doreen Nayman Alexander and Tamara Grossman Ronald Krongold Gordon Nepom and Doreen Berkowitz Jacob Haimson Susan Krongold Robert and Debbie Nossbaum Bernie and Melma Hamersfeld Tom and Lorelle Krulis Dr Jacob and Yaffa Olenski Sulamith Handelsman Israel and Frieda Kusznir Nick and Sarah Orloff Dr Jack Hansky AM and Dr Paula Eddie and Helen Kutner Raymond and Mary Lou Orloff Hansky OAM Stevan Lambert Diane Orner Alex and Vivienne Harris Barry and Barbara Landau Daniel and Leanne Peer Lanie Harris Melanie Landau Dr Harry and Rita Perelberg Dr Milton and Penny Harris Eve Landman Dr Harry Perlman and Gary and Susan Hearst Dr John and Anita Lange Dr Dorothy Kovacs Dr Bernard and Edith Herman Henry and Janette Lanzer Daniel and Judith Perlstein Dr Ian Heyman Brian and Katy Lasky Dr Phillip and Judy Perlstein Dr Michael Hofman and Michael and Miriam Lasky Dr Stephen and Nicci Pianko Dr Esther Belleli Richard and Silvana Layton Dr Henry and Marcia Pinskier Holckner Family Andrew and Annie Lazar David and Sue Platt Charles Holckner Allon and Danielle Ledder David Platz David and Amit Holckner Peter and Ruth Pojer Peter Lefkovic Mark and Jodie Holckner Dr Robert and Dusha Lefkovits Anthony Pratt Peter and Nina Hornung Robert and Melissa Lehrer Jeanne Pratt AC AO Rachel Hornung Grahame Leonard AM Daniel and Eva Presser Sam and Jacky Hupert and Ruth Leonard Margaret Priwler Helen Imber Dr Daniel and Sandra Levinson Prof Michael Quinn and Susan Carr Peter Isaacson Barry and Estelle Levy David and Judy Rabi Agota Ivany Graeme and Mina Levy Garry Ramler Paul and Susie Ivany Russell and Roslyn Levy Paul and Trish Ramler Nathan Jacobson OBE Peter and Alla Lew David and Salanche Rappaport Dr Elchanan and Hava Januszewicz Solomon and Rosie Lew Julius Rath Craig and Toni Joel Bori and Helen Liberman Helene Raynor Morris and Leonie Joel Eva Reich

20 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Assoc Prof Leslie Reti Norman and Tanya Smorgon Leon and Nancy Worth and Lee Liberman Samuel Smorgon AO and Dr Henry and Caroline Zeimer Andrew Rettig Minnie Smorgon Dr Abe and Marlene Zelwer Mary Rettig Robert and Vicki Smorgon Reuben and Keren Zelwer Dr Joe and Annette Richter Rodney and Ann Smorgon Ilse Ziffer Dr Doodie Ringelblum and Dr Raymond and Ilana Snyder Leon Zwier Ruth Boltman Robert and Dorothy Sofer Anonymous Raymond Rockman Mark and Lauren Sokolski Andrew and Judy Rogers Oscar Sokolski Bequests Richard and Roslyn Rogers Samuel and Helen Sokolski Emanuel Percy Ackman Estate Ron and Sue Rogers David Southwick Phoebe Pearl Adler Estate William Rogers Dr Graeme and Suzanne Southwick Joseph M Augen Charitable Trust Andrew and Erica Romer Sylvia Spigelman Eric Bauer Estate Jack and Annette Rosen Victor and Fleur Spitzer Rose Bergman Estate Arnold and Riva Rosenbaum John and Judith Stanton Louis Berner Estate John Rosenbloom and Kathryn Earp Dr Lionel and Brenda Steinberg Fred & Lilly Bishop Estate Ilan and Eleni Rosengarten Dr Mark Steiner and Judy Naiditch Rhoda Myra Cohney Estate Rae Rothfield Shirley Stern Herman Hirsch Ehrenwerth Estate Peter and Ilana Rudaizky Richard and Michelle Stiebel Elise H Fischer Estate Adam and Yoko Ryan Martin Stock and Helen Frimer Maurice Goldstein Estate Saul Same AM Norman and Renee Super Martha Gries Estate Naomi Saporta Solomon and Bettye Susskind Abraham Harris Trust Prof Carlos Scheinkestel Ricci Swart Rachel Harris Estate and Tania Cini Theo and Shirley Sweet Edmund Huebel Trust Fund Dr Nora Scheinkestel Peter and Leonie Szabo Betty Jasprizza Estate Dr Peter and Judith Schiff Sarah Szental Rae Kiel Estate Michael and Leora Schmulian Wolf Szykman Josef Kleimann Estate Leon Schnall Niv Tadmore Peta Rose Koner Estate Alan Schwartz AM and Eddie and Lindy Tamir Carol Schwartz AM Joseph Kronheimer Charitable Fund Roy Tashi OAM and Sylvia Tashi Isaac Lang Estate Andrew and Bettina Schwartz Sam and Miriam Tatarka Dr Kurt and Marie Schwarz Edith Langsam Estate Dr David and Lisa Thurin Rosetta Isabell Lenzer Estate Dr Max and Robyne Schwarz Lorraine Topol Sam and Judy Seigel Louis Lesser Estate Rita Tugendhaft Joseph & Kate Levi Charitable Trust Alan and Ada Selwyn Andrew and Lily Tzouras Barry Novy and Susan Selwyn Hilda Loewy Estate Jonny and Dinah Ucko Leon Pakin Estate John and Joan Selwyn Dr David Ungar and Dr Julie Lustig Dr John and Suzanne Serry Zvi Harry Paluch Estate Dr Harry and Dr Zita Unger Robert Raynor Estate Leon and Vivienne Serry Izrael and Gerda Urbach Arthur and Musia Shafir Lea Rockman Estate Leon and Sandra Velik Myer Rosenberg Estate Greg Shalit and Miriam Faine Vicki Vidor OAM John and Monica Shalit Margaret Roth Estate Alex and Heloise Waislitz Simon Rothberg Estate Bella Shannon Avee Waislitz Gerald and Lorraine Shapiro Helena Rotstein Estate David Waislitz Dr Jeremy and Marika Shapiro Bencjan Rozencwajg Estate Dr Victor and Dr Karen Wayne Philip and Evelyn Sheezel Sophia Salamon Estate Sam and Raymonde Webb Felix and Yvonne Sher Jenny Seymour Estate Bradley and Tamai Wein Louis and Dina Silber Albert Spatt Charitable Trust Jacob and Debbie Weinmann Jack and Lesley Silberscher Chester Alan Troy Estate Aaron Weinstock Barry and Josephine Singer Frieda Tuckman Estate Sara Weis David and Tammie Slade Chana Annette Uberbayn Estate Magda Weiss Graham and Mary Slade Eleanor Sabina Wertheim Estate Tal and Kate Weiss Elizabeth Slater Ephraim Yoffa Estate David and Adira Werdiger Kevin and Suzanne Slomoi Harry Yoffa Charitable Bequest Nathan and Nechama Werdiger Laurence and Lana Slomoi Samuel Younkman Estate Shlomo and Shyrla Werdiger Judith Slutzkin Bluma Zeimer Estate Helen West Robert and Alys Slutzkin Joseph West Michael and Sue Small Brian and Lauren Wiener David Smorgon OAM Esther Wiener Dean and Ellie Smorgon Ivan Wingreen and Lee Finkelstein Gita Smorgon Tommy and Rachel Winter Graham and Annette Smorgon Gary Levin and Dr Susan Wise Jack Smorgon AO and Ralph and Ann Wollner Val Smorgon OBE Lewis and Debbie Woolf Michael and Hayley Smorgon

Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 21 Trusts and Foundations Sponsors and Pro-bono Supporters Delysia Pahoff, Chair The Art Factory Annette Rosen The William Angliss (Victoria) Australian Jewish News Eva Rose Charitable Fund Australian Photo Booth Company Melinda Rotstein The Bardas Foundation BabyLove Shirley Sekler Bell Charitable Fund Steve Bedwell Noga Shub Besen Family Foundation Bialik College Nicole Silberberg B’nai B’rith Foundation Brandon Chizik Shirley Sweet Isobel Hill Brown Charitable Trust Dance Heads Susan Swiatlo Collier Charitable Fund DBR Group Caroline Wein Ian Rollo Currie Estate Foundation Entertainment Store Group Lea Woolf Danks Trust Dov Farkas The Finkel Foundation Generations of Women Geoff Nixon Real Estate The Marian & E H Flack Trust Committee Caulfield South Gandel Charitable Trust Suzy Cohen Gross Waddell Ethel Herman Charitable Trust Melissa Davis, Chair Hard Hat Digital Herbert & Inge Littauer Memorial Fund Rebecca Fried Lee Hirsh Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund Helen Gandel Hocking Stuart Caulfield National Council of Jewish Women Ruth Kaye Ice Events of Australia Foundation Susie Kennett Karyn Lurie Web & Print Design Nordia Foundation Karen Korn Leighton Contractors The Pratt Foundation Sally Kurz Link Financial Services Pty Ltd Julia Scheinkestel Education Trust Dahlia Sable LJ Hooker Elsternwick Jack & Robert Smorgon Families Foundation Omnigraphics Grants The Victor Smorgon Charitable Fund Playcorp Print Dynamics Jewish Care wishes to acknowledge Spotlight Stores Charitable Foundation the following grants and sources which Re-Creation Health Club Werled Foundation have provided funding for programs Andrew Rettig benefitting holocaust survivors: Family Fun Day Special River Capital Pty Ltd • Conference on Jewish Material Run Property Malvern East Acknowledgements Claims Against Germany Inc. Smorgon Consolidated Investments • International Commission on Platinum Sponsor Soccerwise Holocaust Era Insurance Claims Peachtree Capital TBM Commercial • Settlement of a Class Action Gregory Rosshandler TBM Caulfield North Regarding the Hungarian Gold Train Teska & Carson (Rosner v. United States) under the Gold Sponsor Jurisdiction of Judge Patricia A Seitz, ANZ Elsternwick Fundraising Committees administered by the Conference AUDI Brighton on Jewish Material Claims Against Futuretronics Family Fun Day Committee Germany for the benefit of needy Jagen Pty Ltd Candi Apel Jewish Hungarian Nazi victims Legend International Holdings Inc Kylie Appel, Co-Chair • Conference on Jewish Material Royce Hotel Natalie Bassat Claims Against Germany for the Vanessa Brott Emergency Assistance Program Silver Sponsor for Nazi victims at the direction of Romy Bursztyn, Co-Chair Lifelounge the United States District Court Debbie Cohen Link Financial Services Pty Ltd supervising the lawsuit in re: Rachelle Dzienciol Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation Lowe Lippmann Chartered Accountants Sharona Goodman (Swiss Banks) Malvern Central Shopping Centre Mandy Kirsh • Conference on Jewish Material Medirest Lillian Kline Claims Against Germany for an Mercator Lighting Pty Ltd Leigh Krongold Austrian Holocaust Survivors Schetzer Brott & Appel Michelle Levy Emergency Assistance Program. Seek Lisa Lurie Bronze Sponsor Friends of Montefiore Committee Action Recruitment Pty Ltd Lisa Blode Baron Corporation Pty Ltd ‘Social Services for Holocaust Survivors have Eve Casper been supported by a grant from the Conference BeActive Suzy Cohen on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Central Equity (Claims Conference)’ Myrna Goldsmith Chemist Warehouse & My Chemist Jan Green Cullen Capital Pty Ltd Debra Kiven Glicks Cakes and Bagels Pty Ltd Deanna Levin Marquise/Books to Wear Sophie Lipp P & B Lawyers Elana Melzak Seed Gloria Milgrom Unified Healthcare Group

22 Jewish Care Annual Report 2009-2010 Community Advisory Groups Farrel Meltzer Shayndel Samuel Greg Nankin Rosalie Silverstein We acknowledge the following Bruce Rosengarten Victoria Steiner individuals for their time, invaluable guidance and expertise: Michael Schoenfeid, Chair Geoffrey Zygier Hungarian Holocaust Survivors Saver Plus Initiative Always Moving Forward Program Advisory Committee Advisory Committee Tony Fell Alice Halasz Raph Goldenberg Ruth Casen Mary Anne Hunt Ben Jshaz Vicki Gordon Magali Kaplan Jonny Levy Myer Herszberg Vera Klein Jodi Preston Sharon Marlow Kathy Loffler Romy Prins Susie Finkelstein Edith Muller Reuben Zelwer Leanne Faraday- Brash Jewish Community Housing Quality and Service Austrian Holocaust Survivors Crisis Response Task Force Review Subcommittee Program Advisory Committee Bill Appleby Bill Appleby Lisl Henenberg Louise Arthur Louise Arthur Mary Anne Hunt Ruth Casen Mike Debinski Magali Kaplan Laura Davis Dr Ralph Hampson Frank Klepner Ronnie Figdor Mary Anne Hunt Herbert Leder Etia Golder Janna Kocherginski Eva Marks Zipporah Oliver OAM Suzie Linden Marianne Schwarz Lorraine Raskin Karen Lowe Vernon Ungar Bruce Rosengarten, Chair Marcia Pinskier Building Subcommittee Reuben Zelwer Assoc Prof Les Reti, Chair Bill Appleby Jewish Community Survey Leah Balter Project Steering Committee Jewish Financial Aid Andrew Blode (Resigned Sept 09) Bill Appleby Providers Network Joel Freeman Anton Block Jewish Care wishes to thank the Adam Goldberger David Brous following community representatives Mary Anne Hunt Amanda Goodman who have worked with us towards Michael Kark Naomi Gelbart maximising community resources: Simon Morris Nicki Jacobs Adass Welfare Andrew Rettig Laurence Joseph, Chair Eli Benedikt Bruce Rosengarten Grahame Leonard AM Moishe Friedman Michael Sack Andrew Markus Andrew Schwartz, Chair Geoffrey Zygier Melbourne Hebrew Ladies Robyne Schwarz Benevolent Fund Jewish Mutual Loan Company Marion Jacobson Andrew Wyman Committee Brenda Kahan Claims Conference Holocaust Jack Cyngler Delysia Pahoff Survivors Advisory Committee Michael Dubs Marcel Alter Daniel Jenshel Melbourne Jewish Charity Fund Alice Halasz Doron Paluch Issy Feiglin Mary Anne Hunt Phillip Piorun Linda Faigen Magali Kaplan Dr John Serry, Chair Mizrachi Charity Fund Henri Korn Leon Slonim Ronnie Figdor Vera Klein Lorraine Topol Rosie Elsass Adam Kreuzer Joel Wald Yvonne Korbl Pauline Rockman David Werdiger

Irene Slepoy Avram Zeleznikow Development Subcommittee Reuben Zelwer Richard Zimmerman Bill Appleby Andrew Blode, Chair Jewish Values Committee Laura Davis Jeffrey Appel, Chair Daniel Jenshel Bill Appleby Bruce Rosengarten Nina Bassat AM Robyne Schwarz Mary Anne Hunt Miriam Suss Daniel Jenshel Finance and Audit Committee Rabbi M S Kluwgant Bill Appleby Grahame Leonard AM Leah Balter Leonard Levy Adam Goldberger Philip Mayers Photography Credits: Peter Haskin, Ben Kohn Bram Presser Kim Edwards, Dean Schmideg Photography, Robert Lebovits Bruce Rosengarten Ben Weinstein Photography, Aaron Zaitman Jewish Care (Victoria) Inc 619 St Kilda Road Melbourne Victoria 3004 ABN 78 345 431 247 ARN A0040705X Telephone 03 8417 5999 Facsimile 03 8517 5778 [email protected] XXXXXX