Big Savings Lemington Subaru

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Big Savings Lemington Subaru Page B-16 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, April 26, 1990 mate of $10,000 total to do the reasonable and professional mat- Estelle Place litigation subject of town meeting tonight repair work, of which LaCorte ter has forced this matter Into would pay $5,000. According to another forum, over the strong on his prop? by experts J confirmed receipt on engineer,"" but rather by current Gomperts'lette'r she has not been objections of Dr. LaCorte's attor- By Cheryl Moulton erty. Meanwhile, Gomperts sent a April o oi tliis data. The plaintiffs ornx^nassistant nnmnnnt enginee, T«n<r urni-Tomu Walsh• . •__•_•.-«•!!apprise„d i_±_of thi :~eu total „„„» jo«..,b* cos „„.„>t an• d neys.' Hn. second letter dated April 17 to-have done-nothing.— "SpaloTa asking again how tfic7 maintains,-"eertamlyrherfffrrto-—^£he--controversy-t^egari called a special meeting for to- In the second letter, Gorriperts Cqrte) cannot set forth that he will when et surveyor mis- night at 8 in Municipal Hall to township plans to settle the dis- refers to the April 9 letter ex- years ago pute. Paul LaCorte, brother of Will- pay. $5,000 while not knowing calculated the amount of yard be- discuss the Estelle Place litiga- plaining, "It is of course relevant iam, said the plans he saw were what the job will cost unless he is tween the LaCorte propertysand tion. According to township at- Spatola said, "It is not my policy to my clients whether, or not the submitted previously by the last assured that he is incurring only torney Ralph Taylor there will be to discuss matters of litigation plans were prepared by a li- py y s assured that he is Pasquale and Anna Vizzoni's township engineer, because his 56 percenpc t or less." an open. meeting prior to the with the press and it is rny belief censed engineer, whether Mr. title block (an enclosure box say- property on Estelle Place What SERVING CRANFORD, GAR WOOD and KENILWORTH R. Forbes Newspaper governing body's going into closed, when the matter is concluded the (Manu) Patel (former township in'" g who had done ' the work' ) still Paul LaCorte maintaini s he has followed was a series of lawsuits session. municipality will have acted ap- engineer) authorized the plan, listed Patel's name. LaCorte said been told by Patel, Mayor Ed over the years with the focus propriately." She denied the and whether these arc in fact,' Force and acting township engi- Vol. 97 N6. 18 Published Every Thursday USPS 136 800 Second Class Acting township attorney Jo- the township had made changes neer Karen Kramkowski that the shifting towards a missing drain- Thursday, May 3,1990 50 Cents Anne Spatola, representing Cran- township has delayed negotiations workable plans," stating he:rr client to the plans but left Patcl's name ageditch. The case resurfaced in Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. ford in the Estelle Place litigation, saying, "The municipality has "certainly, would township is wrong and should want to know intact . repair the flooding problem on 1989 when flooding problems rebuked the. Chronicle last week proceeded in good -faith to Ibrnish that the work being done was Gomperts asked (in the second persisted and LaCorte filed suit for utilizing the contents of a let- technical, data (measurements, appropriate and would effect the letter) again what the township's the Estelle Place property of his ter sent to her by Gerri Gomperts, etc.) at the specific request of one necessary correction of the flood- position is in regard to payment brother. against the township, claiming the Teamsters settle for 6.5% increase attorney for Dr. William St John of the litigants (Mr. and Mrs. Vi- ing condition." .''••'. under the newly proposed plan. LaCorte also said, "Mrs. Spat- filling in of the drainage ditch has In brief zzoni) and when the data was ola's desire not to try this in the LaCorte, owner of the property, Gomperts is referring to her 'Is the township willing to assume press is a desire shared by ev- caused flooding problems. The; Citizens who wish to vote in who brought suit against the available it was presented to all statement in the.April 9 letter that 50 percent of these costs, and erj'one. However, the failure of -- - . .. - (Vizzonis and LaCorte) so in turn filed a third. the June 5 primary, election after 18 months of negotiations !iCH3lans4I^4owflship did submit^what-^xactly-are-tt have until Monday they could have the data reviewed By Cheryl Moulton were not prepared by a "licensed offer was based on the last esti- Ously address this matter in a at the township clerk's office receive the eyeglass plan, the then assumes that percentage of which will be open from 8 a.m. It has taken the township andtownship increased its contribu- the monthly premium. Another to 9 tonight, tomorrdw and Local 866 of the Teamsters Union tion toward retired employees' addition was the inclusion of a'-, Monday. Newly registered 18 months literally to see their monthly health benefit premium spouse to the coverage and the' voters need not declare their way through the final signing of to 2.25 percent Prior to the newextension of coverage until death" party affiliation until casting the 1989-90 contract for 24 union contract the township paid 2 per- for both husband and wife. Coy-' I ballots in the primary. members of the Department of Public Works, netting them a 6.5 cent monthly towards the pre- erage requires the holder to use . percent salary increase and sev- mium, based on years worked for Medicare A and B to qualify fop eral new health benefit additions. the township. According to Mur- the special premium benefit •'• Arts at CHS The Township Committee ap- phy, the 2.25 percent is calculated Negotiations for the 1991-92 by multiplying 2.25 by the amount contract will begin' in three, "Evening of the Arts," a proved the overdue contract last months. 1 week after, negotiations reached a of years of service The township showcase of student talent in standstill late, last summer over k home economics, music, crafts, union demands for an eyeglass . art and industrial arts, will be plan. The township, according to ' held Wednesday at Cranfqrd township administrator Edward | High School. Page A-ll. Murphy, remained firm, felling Teamsters representative William Barclay, "We're not giving out any Budget dialogue more medical benefits, we can't afford the ones we give how." He The school board will meet said the township was stretched at 9 pm.. Tuesday with the to the limit with health" benefit TownshiR Committee, follow- costs, and giving an eyeglass plan ing the governing body's for- to the Teamsters without includ- mal meeting, to review the ing other township employees . defeated $21.5-million school would not be fair. budget The township has the Dodge GET CASH BACK authority by state law to spec- Teamsters representatives stood . ify the amount of money to be their ground through the fall and ON 1990 DAKOTAS winter in an attempt to have the I reduced. eyeglass plan included in their AND FULL SIZE PICKUPS! health benefit package, but the Dodge Trucks SKOAL FACTORY INCENTIVES MEAN township would hot budge. Rabies clinic Teamsters members continued to work without a contract during The township will hold a negotiations, remaining at their free rabies clinic Saturday 1989 salary levels. According to BIG SAVINGS I from 10 aim. to noon at Orange one Teamster, who did not wish Avenue pool. See Page B-5 for advice from the township's to be identified, two cost of living raises were held back by the I health officer. Photo by Greg Prlca FOR YOU. LIMITED TIME! township until the contract was TEST OF NERVES: Jeff Tierney, 10, and Matt Walsh, 9, test signed. These raises, for 1989-90, CHRYSLER neiye damage repair at a project by Hillside Avenue School Will be paid to employees retro- Garwood seventh grader Melanie Dinsmore. See more projects from actively, which is the discretion of THE NEW 1990 SUBARU the governing body. ... The renewal of school Saturday's toyvnwide science fair on Page A-13. "Plymouth LEGACY MOVES ' ness administrator Louis Cir- Although the workers did not Value l angle's contract for his tenure YOU IN STYLE year beginning In July is on ' hold until, the school board 2 birthday parties for octogenarian •Efficient 2.2 liter- evaluates his perfprmancq. By Joanne McFadden r that will engine with multi- ' ...Stephen Lefebvre is the hew One ^surprise party was not point fuel injection I Board of Education president enough to celebrate Murray g $2000 REBATE [PageA-8. Greenspan's 80th birthday. And so and 130 base OR AS LOW AS move you horsepower his wife of 35 years, Helen, threw him two in the same week. "Think •Power assisted Lesson learned about it How many people make 4-wheel disc brakes it to their 80th. It's definitely ^"FINANCING •Front wheel drive Cranford High School stu- cause for great celebration," she or full time 4 wheel dents learned about the plight said. of all veterans at a recent "I had two very very big sur- ' ^Wioto. by Greg Price drive system POW-MIA assembly that fea- prises," Murray said. "My God, it RUNWAY STARS Connor Smith, 2, and Nicoje pelNigro, 1 Vfe, available tured photographs taken by was something. I never had any- dressed in outfits from Duet and guided by TJathy O'Brien, •Sleek aerodynamic (Jay Smith, industrial arts thing like this before. To be sur- strut their stuff at last week's fashion show at the Community styling for a chairman.

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