
~~, W"ted Immediately a CARS AND PICK·UP TRUCKS r 1953's, 1954's, 195,5'5, 1956's ARE WANTED. THE DAILY NEWS

Nova Motors Ltd I ~~ Vol. 66. No. 125 ST, 'JOHN'5, MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1959 (Price: 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons ~::~------~------!------,------.. ,----~~~ nada Will 'Launch

;'Ir, i . Satellite 1961 ,ill" ' . A ~ In . ., . I '. . (OWSS Irockcts, 8:1d the radar station- lite will orbit over the pol~. It IMr, Dlefenbeker said the rocket I .'· 'jI' I Star! Wrl1rr 11'111 do Important research In the is und~r~tood it will be partieul. Is or a new C;anadian design, ! · 1": .

~tnT. Sa;lkrr at mop h c r e, a phenomenon an angle 01 40 or ;0 degrccs to the auroral zonc, "ct only a fcw I 1 I ,!.. :;,i. '1 ": ' . ·1:;~Jr.I'cn:,'nlU"'" ~:lIU:·· known a~ thi' e northern I ghts. the equator, Dr. Cllrt'ie said, This research rockcts werc launchcd: .. . lPIhoOlinQ, 'r'·o.:,.:nHy r;'r\l('~ a. BEGA~ IS APRIL meaus they contributed only i Irom it, those during the I:ltcr· i : rome coIGr " "yo" l"Ii' ,,: Ihc Dr. A. H. Zimmennan, chair· 51ioht information on thc impor· i nalioual Geophysical Year. . . J:'''n' ,1/<.1. al man of the Defence Rcsearch Itant auror,,1 ZO:ICS. The rockcts would send back· InOPlholl. ;i", ., , ' Board, said after the labol'atorJ' There ar~ special problcms in: infurmation via radio signals as ~ ·: i j. :hrome Pon "r ,.•. 1, ·,;:::.;!IlCII ~\lcning thn! in t~e salcllite, pro· a nOl1h·south sat.cllitc, he addcd.! thc~' passcdthrough the uppcr I 1 :e of four ~ I 4 I . ~-;"l ,,~~ ,I; a \llt'S . .\ret lhc I'cluclc Will bc American· ";\ polar orbtt mcans morc, atmosphere, • Four destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy are in St. John's, 1. to r. 217 -HMCS Iroquois, 21o-Hl\ICS · , I ,., or iel block, ~;~;;;;;I' r,'f:;;ll r,lcr., made ~nd th~ instrumcnts ~vill be 'oomll~' is nccdcd' in the i ~'\r. ,Diefcnh~kcr. also said Can· ·· .,I'· ~ ~,'ll\;ll; ,: 0:1 :he . CanndlUn. \'ork o~ the mstru· lnunchtng, Satclht(,s have brcn! ada 11'111 provldc Instruments for Huron, 224-H1',olCS Algonquin, 213-HMCS Nootka, The HMCS J\'ootka was dispatched last week to ):::,:01.1' 11'1 1::1.1,1\' ments 11'11, started I~ the Ottawa I launched toward the cn~t ~n far' rockcts 10 be fircd. by the U.S . investigate a reported submarine sighting in Newfo undland waters.-Terra 1\ova Photo), .,r3~ ~ ... :"., Ihe area last t\prll: Altholl~h the ll.S. so a~ to ::c~ ll:~ benefit 01 the' has supphed nose· cone --_._. ----- I ; I. ' · m"I,ic'l ~ rr"I)' has a launchlOS llnsc al Van·' carth s rolatllln. • Ilnstl'llments for two America:! . I : , I ~ ~rn: h:1.' ,,~ the ~Icnbcrs Air Base i~ Califcrnio,: C":O;~\DIA~ H'EI,,, . i rockets and is workin~ on instru· I It cannot now be saId where the ,I It IS llchcved lh~ lu;:h·altJlullc . mcnts for two more to be fired Gets His " I " lallnching will bc, he soid, , rockct. also 10 be launched two i' from Churchill or Wallops Js. , ' us Warship Visit Will , I r'cl~,.\'rl : :'1: ('nil' Dr, .W. B. Currie. physic~ hcad i ycars [rom noll', will use a [;lIla· . land, Va, i rs , n nc'l hl;h·n!:i· at the 'l'nh'ersity of Saskatche· i dian'madc solid fucl. Dr. Zim· i , Chance At , , ,,:';~ ,::,';,:11 IlI'orC wan nnd alrcady in charge of 8 I merma~ said it is too enrly to I President Eisenho\\'cr'~ meso , , . 'I.m'" i:1" ;·'lIIli'lI1. gronp doing rcscarch on thc II say whcrc the launching will he I sage had becn received herc Block WeIland Canal i ; "a'~ :'CI' \l,·:,,'lr ail. uppcr almosphcre of the :lorth, bul ~cicnllst" said it will prob'j Tucsday and tape-recorded [or The Lions "l:,':':lf. thc ~~id it is important that the sa!c1· abl\' be. launched at Churchill. the opening ceremonv. : :. ~. · . . . I Hr FORBES RHUDE land locks-will not only thok(,: Some 300 delegatcs-indudin n . I I Canadian Press Business Editor the canal for t\l'O or threc days, i accompany in~ wil'cs - arril'ed: !.iL'DLEY. England (AP I-Ed. ' , ward , 1 · g The I ST. A~DREWS, :-l. B. ICP!- but "ripplcs" of the lie·up will' here last night and today for thel Francc, the butcher'S boy . ' Woy Nursm I The IV e II and Callal will be last [or thrce weeks. : association's m~etin" tudav .nd I wllo prefers thc company of livc No Agreement Yet . blocked for two or three days :'olr. ~fcLagan, ,ccond rice·: Tuesday. It is to llc followed by a ! lions to dead mutton-and who '1 when 32 Nav~' president of the C~IA, is hcre as pos~·meeting tour to Saint ,Jolu\. I climbe~ into a lion's cage to : ! Tes t In G Talks Car AI ong ships pass through the locks into a mannfac~urbg delcgate as :\,B. Wednesday: Halifax Thurs·' pr~I'e It:-has ~tnallY got himsel[ Lake Erie this summer, T. R. president o[ Dal';c Shiplluilding: day and ~'rida)': a~d Chariotlp . a Joll 11'1:11 a circus. ~ : rlnA:\DO:-:. ;\Ian. tCP)-Rob. I ~lcLagan, president 01 Canada Ltd" ~Ionlrcal. : town Saturdal'. . Hc s~apped up an ollcr to he· ,

eneva a crt Arthur Herrod said in po. StC'amship Lines, forecast today, .------come a junior cJp!\ant mindel' lice court Friday he was IIsing :\Ir. :'o!cLaga:l, her e lor the Friday. an hOllr after he was I . I D d Ed! , . .11" GI-::\I-:\'.\ iCPI-Thc Bi;: Four prcliminary a;:rccmcJls. bcer to kecp his car going whcn annual mecting or the Cana· ea n'C t W'th W' .fined for enterin~ the lion's den , ' fOl'ci::n ministcrs held a two.hour' 0 \ I hc waS' stop""d b)' poll·ce. dian ~lanllfacturers' Association,. - a I tngs at Dudley Zoo and joinin~ tll'O .: ! · c: :"t .\:."1", 1':11' ...."rl'r,a',C nleetl'n" Satllrda~' wI'th . nr ) VcstC\'ll, d nforlllo.nt tic· Hc had fuel r-pump trouble and made the comment to newspaper S 'lions ,mu cII t0 th e cons \erua t'10:1 r ,.;~ ,,,;~.":rd 'al. conflicting reports abollt Ihe re· ~,C~I~~I Satu:, ny 5 ,5CSSI~11, a. he pourcd a bottle of bcer on mcn prior to the ollicial program freef of o:llooker,. "".:(.~ 01 ,;It..:i!:r IlInn 'lilt'. . lei} useful. .lIc. said: lhcrc d' ['I,'r·'\'11 L'" II' \. \1" L'I'an 'e 1- . .. lb' " " thc pump to cool it olf, he said. which ::~ts underwa)' to ay, ~ ."" .• r!.. • a. '. ,_"e, '. c, cap c I ~m~ I ' ;:,;;~:r II,,' 01 ,1~IClt Somc sourcc~ said there wCl'e were rcal ncgotlau?ns on thc sl~b, The Crown attorney asked The I'isit or Amcrican warships. Thoma:;. thc cat II'I:h win~s, has snapped up ll)' Ille lions because . ;0,;.',';11 :I",t "H'al ne.I:otiations" tow:lrd a; titance of thc Berhn prolliem. : about the other two bottles of :\lr. said, has been I ,\ustria I,\P'-Solie\' cil!ht Ih'es to : they hod just been fed and ao· , : ~lcLanan \'lJ~:\:\;\. ~o. ·1 .1 \I'?r~able Bcrlin se~t1cmcnt Ihat I The ,ource nndcd Ihal if the becr in thc cal'. widcly hail~d as being made in: Prcmier Khrushchcl' has cHargcd, In ca,e you hal'en't heart! I parentI)' wcren't hun;\')' any : 'Jl :! h""ilr,;1 10 will lead 10 a sum!1'lt conlerence. i talk continued in that manner.. Herrod ~aid he had to nnrsc conncctio:1with the \'isH or Qucnc! that "ccrtain quarters which do: Thomas-a ~irl till. despitc lIer morc. , J. Other quartcrs ~lal1ned that thcre thr. remainin~ oh. I ,.. ,Pt '. ' ;. Onc hard fllct cmerl:I:1l! Irom be Ol'crcome, ';.-\nrM'.« ',.:, rlif· pression Saturday Ihat Gromyko Lakcs. I a san s· SI.X }(I"lled .':less School.' , "TI!'s mi;:ht be don.e with the alrcady has rccell'cd the neccs.. ' __ '_" ._ .... __ .. _ . ~dditlOn of Ihe Canadian coat of · ,I , ~ar)' instru~ti?ns from Moscow to 1 .~part f~'olll 1·.e::\lI~r ~al'l:o hl\el'.~ . ' , ~rms or a maple leaf 10 the fly ,I reach a hmlted asreement 0:1 liimp SlllpS ale expcded t.o takc I , r"\)('I'VIEI D S C· '\r' qCI'~I)I'lr I\IJlcl' ".< slmilal' to the Red En~i~ll worn '.1 In Pl "'.JIIC :.. Ber I'tn. Ad\,A~lal!et' 't' of d"'dIh~ new trarhtl~ "1 op·. F 'Sixr. I'uun"" pcoplr'.. amn:>".. . them'I' n ~aid that the reason for ;\denau· '~1, ; [s (metal) I ; , fRS BRICK .:, ,. MATERIALS Irt'~~:o~~l~tl~r:~;1 an on' ere' 'n'ce ea ers i~~,~~i:.~r;:~:~::E: , IC , r;RNIS.H Clnd I Fritz Erler. a deputy chairman , - .. i of the parliamentary groull of the I Social Democratic party, told a !party meeting Suriday Aden~u • ,UMBER . er's main, reaso:! for stepPing • down as presidency candidate ,TORS had been that no figurehead had ·CEMENTS been found who would allow him· sell to be called chancellor, while NAilS bein!; under Adenauer's thumb, I~INGS ou u ure not prepared, We are not morally orrle The greatest impact on dele· D With our devotion to peace and i and By DAVE OANCIA' lion, a~d about finding ways of studlcs, the delegates listened to prepared." speeches by the top NATO mil· Ireedom, this action to provide gates was made by the son 01 a Canadlaa Pie.. Slatf Writer meeting the challenge presented slave, who said the Communists The West was trying to save LONDON (CPJ-The North At· by the emergence of Afro·Aslan itarY, religIous and educational for our security :leeds no justif. hall the human race by "little moved In leaders, icotion." are winning the Cold War because lantic Trealy Organization is cele­ peoples as Independent nations, the West Is unchristian, mean droplets 01 appropriations which Weather antl,Western Congrss delegates today spilt Gen, Louis Norstad, the suo Admiral Jerauld Wright, the brating Its loth anniversary this and complacent. expire on June 30." The Russians and a hurried year and tbe International bra1ns Into a variety 01 committees to preme commander In Europe, supreme Allied commander for were orrering practical help, Cloudy and cool. Occasion· Camille Chao trust i:I session here this week to lake .tock 01 every facet of the warned that "perhaps the great· the At I ant i c, said NATO's When uncommitted :lations are money and advice to peoples "a1\ aI rain or drizle. High "mat~iI'e In. amine Its past performance West's present position and to cst danger might spring from 8 strength lies on. political, . eco­ called to choose between the West of whom surrered at the hands 01 today 42. Unil~d Arnb and luture Is worried. plOI a course they hopc NATO weakness Inviting exploltation­ nomic and military bases. ' and the Soviet Union "there is in peoples \l'e represcnt and who their hearts a fear which they The concern of the 6.~O dele· countrlcs will follow for the next from a probing operation whieh have some fear '01 us," TEMPERATURES IOII'elI. and the decade, might well get out of hand as "Maintain all three and our cannot easily eradicate," said Dr. gates from NATO countries at· NATO alliance will continue to be The Can3dian deleg3tion is St. John's , ..... 33 38 'Nhen rebel tending the AI\!intic congress is a resnlt 01 a miscalculation." Mordecai Johnson of Washinglon, backbg strongly a proposal to •.Reports 0:1' their conclusions are the world's strongest counter· D.C" president 01 Howard Uni. Halifax ,...... 45' 64 ~ht nominal ion lIot only about the Russian threat create an Atlantic institute to 55 1/ Y commanrler to be presented Tucsday, A gen· The ellecliveness of NATO foree against Soviet blackmail, \'ersity and chairman of the con· Qucbc& ...... 43 In Europe, . shield for c e s depe'nded upon consolidate forces, particularly Montrcal .,.,.. 47 59 ~re!idcnt. Che. eral congress declaration is to be the world's most powerful de· gress' free world committec. among thc many private groups .. PI. 22 They are worried far more presented ror adoplion at a gen· atomic warheads. terrent to Soviet aggression a:!d Toronto ...... 55 74 ~tht . "I tell YOII we arc ~oi:l~ Inlo workin~ to promote clo~scr At· Os . !

\ 1 t 1 j. :1 . I.... . , , THE DAILY



, I' I' j .. , , I!ILL ISLAND-W.'ve heard WESTERN SANDWICHES b.emaken "Y that it'. not 'z tablespoonl butter I:! I Bell Islan'd News the dinner meall, but the 1111> IUces· cold bam, diced jl I' a i ,I pc and lunch that tax lhe ¥. cup chopped green pep· , I ~ .. , \' coat'. ing.null1. These meall per aJIdmuat we be thinktot)' th'and three tubalanUal, recipes 3¥. cupeggs, chopped well beaten onion Lieut. Colon.' J, K, Mlhony, Facey IIh f,atur.d today will help you 3 tablespoolli milk V,C" C,D" Inlp.ctl C.det i added' \0 I(h, h! ,e 101"1 the problem of "whal to ¥. teaspoon salt Corpi ! Colonel t~~ ... , \ bav, for lupper," ¥. t.a.poon dry mUilard -- ' Cllmmander Irl:n~ .IDOOD CAUEROLI Dam of pepper April 28, 1959, was a big day added hi s .al~ , ', ", 1 Ian (.t,; ou.) tuna 8 ,lieU rye or French in the life of the Army Cadet I lalion on ~Qrdll Of ,I IU ,orb. bread, touted and butter' Corps of the Church Lads' \ vCr\' fine 'lihha hI . ~ CUp ulldlluted evaporated ad Brigade, for It was their an.\ Co;ps di S 011;. milk or Ulbt cream, Melt butter In frylnl pan. Add nual Inspection and they were, to gil'e spersed I 0' \ , • tablNPOOIII lemoll juice. ham, green pepper and onion, greatly honoured in having! Rifle Br . • , : 1 taupoolllCl'lPed onion, Cook over low heat Cor about 10 as the Inspecting Officer,' Drill' ande~ G~n, t,; taupoon garlic .alt minutes, or untll Iliblly brown, Lieutenant Colonel J. K. :via,: acccmpa . InaHy Ii! ¥. cup gratad carrot. ed, Combine ,beaten egp. milk, hony, V.C .• C.D, • Band nled b) 1lt " I 1 cup crated cheddar lilt, mu.lard and pinch of pep. Colonel Mahony Is one of! A II' in 'I . cbe ..e per. that small number of soldiers· ~nd (,I: I11lWi1 1 • tablespoolII butter or Pour Into pan, Brown lightly of the British Empire who, by. plea''';1 \~~h \Ia:~t~ lIu.mn. on one side, Cut Into quarters courage and utter disregard: spc('\ion "-,hll t \~is ". • ... whltea ana turn; brown on other aide, for person~1 safety, pcrform~d 1 with "I: C0,h: P : ¥. teupoon bakinl powder Place between ,lIces of hot, but. feats In time of battle and' srI' r'~~1 t ' al Combine fir.t 8 Ingredients, tered toast, under, cncmy Ii;e, which \\'(ln 11i'!;'::l'I':;" /. Be.t with eli beater just 10n~! AmlDge sandwiches on large f?r him the hIghest .clN'o,ra., ('01111;,. ";,~ l~;' , enough to mix, platter around your favourite tlOn that IS In th(' Bntl:,h Em 1('1' :",,1 1;,(.\· ' ,\ b I' .. ' Carefully fold In grated ear' fruit or ve,etablc mold, t'lll pire to he Wlln, the \'icloria ('il "'I I' II! rol. Spoon mixture Into 4 II bt'l mold with carrot curls or CroRs, ronsequelltly (,ur RI'i· I l !ie;:::"" f),';~::tit:;r : : !y Il'eaaed ahells or Indh'idUal pickles, Makes 4 sandwiches, gild!.' Corps of II'!' Canarlian Ihp Po, u.,' ,Frs :,. .•.ulerole. , ."rm)"\ werl' I'111' I1." I I1011 curl'r I (''''I'''',-<.,p ~ ._. '"' •. r Bak. in a hot o\'en of 400 l MUSHROOM CHEESE PIE and p/l'ased to ~~I(' han him .I. '~i~:; ..;;.:;II:;:,"!'1 f de,ree. for 111 minutes. llean'i 1 {unbaked pie shelle" or-9" ~,thelr Ins,",'('l:ll;: Offircr P"'·· " ~. .\'I:~ while. melt cheese and buller 1 1 tablespoon buller BELL ISLAND-Front: Helen Kenncch·. 100% attcndance pin: Mar- this year. 1',' . .',.' , tocether over hot water. Beat I 1 tablespoon chopped onion "'c('omp_B.ling (,nIO!i1'i :'\Ia ;), .': \t,r, d"C CI?lI tig while. with baklna powder 1 cup milk garet Gear, 100~o attendnnce pill: Carol SoutiJc.,·. president. Jr. SPCA: hony WNe "ajor E. K Wild l< , j' ang, ... ._, !'3"CjU3f C'l'< until they will hold a stiff peak, 1 10,ounce can condensed Clara Boiand, Inno'c, at:cnd,l1Ice 'lin: Ed,,',lI'J r, I.\' 11 11 , 100'; attendance f G S () ~ II" I ,Fold into cheese,butter mixture, mushroom soup pin, Standin~: Don :'Iiel'cer: GOi'GOr. Fl,\'nn. 1flor~ attendance pin; Eastern Command, Hali[;;x. When luna has baked the 15 1 cup grated sharp ched. ~ C \\' S CoT .. minute., ')loon ell white mix. dar cbecae Leonard Blackmore, 100% aLel1tiance pin: George Tessier, The n~~~:pl'. ·1:I~llt o~,ro~o;lelr~ml~? ture over It. Place under broiler 12 teaspoon salt pre:;entations were made b:-' president Don :vlercer, \I'illett. E.O.. :'\0 I ~Iilitia ('al"\(II' Dr in a moderate oven until top ;~ teaspoon paprika Group and 'Ia.ior E. D. \Ian J !n an· is puffy and lightly browned- Pepper ,-----... --.. --..-.. _-.- _. . .- . ---- rllU!. 0.('. 56th [ndr-pendl'III I' l 3 minutes, Servle at oncr, lSCtl'C' 3 eggs, lightl)' bealen I Ficici Sqlladron. R.CF-. . i ol'ei !1I .4), _ Bakece~;:n~~ell in hot OI'en. lIi~~~ b~~~~~d.{~~a~ni~~lk\1~I~~ ; f~t:s~a:::it~: ~~e~f~~p;r:~;~ IIi 2' h Sc hoo 1 ,&~~... IOtJO I).. at c;~~n~~ ll~I~~'~'n~f ~I;:; ~~~t P I' These real be.man ,andwichp! 450 degrees F, for 10 to 12; ~oup in double boiler, add i with cayenne, Bake ill slow· V l- E r ". mourl' by !.i0U\' Col1nel G \1 Olill ar \\;11 make. big hit with the minutes or until lightly brown· Icheese ~nd stir until, melted" OI'CI', a25 degrees F, unlil eus· r ntr'·' Bel' X'lllIS d' r men and the teen.agers in the ed, Remove from oven and eooll Add OOlOn, salt, papl'Ika and I tard LS set, ahoul 45 nHnutcs,.J "" ,v '" ~~~~\~nng, ~a~l~li;~m:~n :~~ ~ ~ur:(),\TI), lP - , . family: .lIghtly, pepper to taste. Gradually add Serl'e with cri~p bacon, I BELL [SL:\:\O-The high Church Lad<' Bri"ade, anrl ", flilrt' '"me: ·i . ! ; I~rho31 entrance cxnms was Captain C. F, Rogers,;. Senior at11'1' en:d:.n.. ', . rr.a:, . the main topic rlisrusscd at the Instructor of the c'L.B. Cadet SOiff.. (. c''') "N> a:, ,:ot ~Ia.l' 28th meeling of Bell Is. ' u, :':el..:"t.\ 'land's An::lican elementarv Corps and e~corted to the ~Ir ... I:,;;: ,:h Sa:t ~thool principals and the BBLL 1:'1.. , ... ' ,;,e calen· I saluting base where he was II n\·n 'h~ !:r5! dar tells us, el'cn it the wl'ath· i greeted by the General Salute from I;rrn:d~y;~ , principal of St, Boniface Re· er doesn't, that il is time for hy the Cadd Corps which was Can"~;:"" ','ere 'I' ' glOnalPrcscnt lIigh. for the ta\lNI or otl1<'rwi~c, is al.: \\'he~ he stoops to help hllv' Power.leveli"g low('r1 to r():Jli\, : • ' Pump copac.ily per sheet Ulev. in. 4' X 8' at 512.80 Cuuncil rc~rets the ll~<:l':"ity; £ngin, d'.plac,,,,.nt 3·4 'Rift White Oak 128 • 1100 of hal'ill~ to ",ke ~tl'l'nl'sl i ,\In,1 I"hstrrs are a dark: Mu •• lo1'0' TOPSAIL ROAD DIAL 9207J·· 92072 betra~'ecI by hi~ feathers. Th~,' year; In one whfn comp~rin~ Ihr hal'e become el'en more colorful age of birds ta that of h...... ~~·

, !

I, , •

..., IT, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND I. Daily News MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1959 Clouston' 5 Re~ommenda·tions Briefs \Chafe Says. St.· Mary's Chur9h led By Royal CommIssion ~. "Premier's· Statement ICelebrates Centenary ~, In The .0---"-'; i I .St. Mary's Chu~ch,. South,! fastly In the ~postles' do~trine Criminals Are Mentally III, He Says "News,1I Expo'ses . Th'e Payoff" SIde; now celebratmg 1St 100th and fellowshIp, and In break· live detentlon at the pr~sent ,. \ annil'crsary, yesterday held a ing of bread, and in prayers." .. 'time lITe inadequate, As a 10\, Mr, } .. ank Chafe. CLC Repres· lIy arangcd to buy votes for the' special service of thanskiving. During the sermon he paid low up to these conclusions the Angli~an Synod entatil'e. said Friday that Ihe White Bay politicians. Dr. Rowe I The service, which was tele· tribute to the lay readers o[ Com~lsslon also Included a Opens Today statement issued yesterday by ~nd M~x L~ne; By crcati~g jobs I \'iscd and br~adcast. ~as at the church who, In the ab· reeommendallonthat "The Gov. the Premier concer~ing tbe ad· In thm distrIcts, Bowaters is' tended by HIS Lordship the \ sence o[ regular priests, have crnr.lent of Canada. ;hrough The biennial Angllcan Synod d't'Ilona I Iog"mg ~' opcra t'Ions t0 be merc IY paYing . 0 ff th e politiCians . I B'IS I'dlOp of New[oun land. the been calling ,the pcople to· special grants to unlvcrsltles wlll open today at Synod Hall, undertaken by Bowaters in the for the hatchct pob that was done Rt. Rev, J. A. :lleaden, :ItA .• gether for prayers in the Queen's Road. Thc official op· Wh't B b d th . h b h k 0 C L d II' d I • • 'I"II>I""' I'rr,sldent and otherwise; develop special eni"" o( the Synod will take I e ny area pro\,es eyon on e Union c osen y t e wor "1 " '. an 'IS Lor ship the Iisolatcd communities. These II, l • research schemes to determine .... a shadow o( a doubt that there crs, The jobless \\'orkcrs in the I Bishop of Edmonton the nt, scrvc the church weil iD " lio',l'ard SOl'lct)' In the cause of sexual abnormal.' place tonight \Vhcn thc Lord is collusion between. Bowa'.ers White ,Bay districts have a nat· Rev. H. H. Clarkc, D.O., who places such as Ncwfoundland, 3pr~ared b~lorc'fl I' Ity 'and improve methods of Bishop oC Newfoundlaud will of· and th e Gov ern men ttlIn. rcs~ec , ura fig ht t0 WOI' k an d no ha 11th 05 gave e sermon. IIe sai d. One of the results of Comm~';ion 011 ,Ie I I treatment." ficiate, to the woods labour sltuallon. should be passcd out to Bowatcrs Thc scrvice was conducted this is that in New[oundland Rel~tin~ 10 L'r'm' 1 I ---.' Ycsterday's announccroe~t. said or the Gove.rnmcnt f~r gi\'lns by thc nev. n. R. B'bb, rector the church has been closely ~;)'chOP3ths \\'h~n 1 )11',' Clouston says concern· No Parking Mr. Chafe, expose~ the payof£. them s?meth.mg to which they of St. :llary's, assisled hy the: knit into the lives of the peo· • 'J ~. l' .' I_ .at hrre \0; 'ing the above recommendation St. John's cltll~nl are It should be plam for e\'cry· are e:llltled In any cas~. Should Rcv. Canon A. B. S. Stirling, I pIc. "" " ' \I\I_;~ inlcrrsted ; , that while Its Intent is extreme· parklnl: In Banncrman b.odY to see that Mr .. Albert Mar: the re~idents of White Bay lie· former rector o[ the chure~1 He congratulatr.d SI. !ltary's .,:: Ii 10' «"cslahh,h In~n, . Iy well·purposed. "it l~ heart Park. As many liS five cars tin who has been Ihe poor ~outh cept thiS em~loymentthey should I and the Ilev. 1\. T. Tulk. on its 100th anniver~ary and 1>: ,: .',' .', . , "ho Im'r paid breaking to me that large sums have bl!cn parked on the spokesman for Bowaters In. re· not ..f~el obl~ged to. rcpay the Also attending were the commended its sen ice lind " , , ' 10 ;od~l~ . th~ouSh of money are to be spent necd· grass durin~ the day. A cent months. has now conl'cnlen· pohtlclans With their \·oles. Ven. W. G. Legge, Arch· witness down through the 'r~lenW ill JaIl,: on : lessly ill such research at a check with the pollee reveal. deacon of Avalon; the Rev. J. years. So this church has met , • : I ' . for orrlin~r)' rrrlllfS. ' time when all the answers and ed that this Is contrary to F, Ayris. Rural Dean of Aval· for 100 years in the apostles' ,I,' , New Era Dawns For • "" I' has gonc bC~'OIUlll curative n,casures are already law protccting private prop. on; the Rev. J. W. Taylor, doctrine and [ellowship for known and available by and crty. Cnr, owners commit. rector o[ Harbour Buffett; the the breaking of bread and i I ~ I ' ' ' llllal'S Ih'lIl,lI! :Imt I •. through the science of Selen· ting such an offence are Rev. E. B. Cheeseman and prayers, :; I 0\ moic hum3:lIt~ridn I emphatically eVldenccd Jy thl! tology now widely practiced subject to a (inf. of 525.00. the Rcv. Frank Reid. former Be[ore this spiritually mov· II'ilh ,cx offend I rccommc.ndntio~. t~at. the law but not advertised In England. N f dl d 81- d curates of Sl. Mary's; and the ing service came to a can· , he S."",;. ~re Idrop thc tc,rm: Crlmmal scxual Australia. New Zealand and W . ew OU nan In Rev. ,lames Coffin, rector of elusion with the blessing ,; i wl!hin Ih~ Ilrdi.: psychopath and. i.nstcad sub· many parts of the United States. ater Conservation ,Lamaline. who was the given by the Diocesan, the i' j f Ihe lerm hut I stltue the dcscrlptlon "Dangcr· Further, It depresses me, very The City ~ouncil is at pres· The Canadian National In.! Representatives will be I Bishop's chaplain. i Whole congregation stood i' . 0 .irk peoplc i o.tlS st'xual oflender.· "The omis· greatly to think of the many ~nt conductIng a water. conser· Istltute for the Blind wiil be: present from the Dr, S. R. 1Ius. ! The seDlor and j~nior choirs! while, the choirs sang the " I " ' , . be lIr;lIr~ instead i sion of th~, word crIminal is people who will be Indt'£lnilcly '~tlon. prog~am. The City En·: the scene of a unique conven' l sey Club of Corner Brook.' were under th,e. dlr~clJon of i AllelUia Chorus. I , • ,Ihcil Ihr.\' m~y: most" sigmflcant 10 say, the Imprisoned as well as ~ulfcr g!neer s office told thc Dally I lion June 13 and 14. It wiil ' the Helen Kcller Club of i :\Ir. Rol~nd \\ hlttcn. I This was the seeonr! In the ret ~!'ll lr ,mpn~on~d 111 pro., least, s~ys Mr. Clouston. endless misery until tbese I News lnst ~Ight, that a lot of I be much the same as many \ Grand Falls. and the E. A! The Blsh?p of Edmonton: group o[ ser\'ices planned to , ,~r!) 1IIIlIe forcihly I ~Ir. Clouston says he has con. ~nswers . are rediscovered wat~r Is, bemg wasted through other convention5, except [or Baker Club of Sl. .Iohn·s, The ~ ~,hose as hIS text Acts 2:42:: mark the. 100th anniversary of " cmtCIJlr therapy, ten,ded for a lon~ time that In centuflcs to come, by .our leaky pipes and carelcss?ess.! two Important differences _I Presidents of these groups' And they continued stead·, SI. ;\fary s. , i 'pular Iht rcport 01: willIe an offender IS to s.omc ~x. normally accepte.d profcSSlons There 15 not a water ShO.l tage ! all delegates will be blind. and will arrive a day earlier to , " , !:ll:\TO. 'cp,_ )Ir, rlouslon t~nt aware of ~\'hat he IS dOlllg I that seem to cOl1~lder t~e realm at th.e prcsent tlm~ but ~f S.t. i this meeting ha~ becn called, complete finai convention de·! W- Fe P - I lIle\' lurn~d u~ I :nOli thorough, \\h~n he commIts t.he act, he Is I' of the mind their speCial GO~'I John s \~ere !~ ha\e .~ rl~l sea· to set up the ~ewfoundland: tails, Chairing this inaugural: InS Ifst fIZe n .i:I.IUI3n . made job, \I .ccei\'ed ,ne\crtheless obcymg a com· given province, HoW stupId son thel\' ml ... ht pO~'lhb be a I Division of The Canadian' meeting will be ~ll's. W. C.: .. :hl'eH~ arc no\\: : repmcillations I 'and !mpulse the origin of and stubborn can we human sh.ortage. To .r0res~all. such .an I Council 0( the Blind. I Bending of London. Ontario.: (lp~)n)l'lati\'el\' i;! :han ei~hty,olle or. ,WhiCh lIe~ be)'on.d the rcach of beings be." he declared. i e\ent. the COllncl!. IS ha\'ln~: Thomas Carmichael. himselt' i ~ational President of the Can· : 'I Ed7~~~(':h Sauer. \: hJd the per,ollal ~ hiS conscIous mind and there· . We f?ulld .\lr. Clouston v~ry i the flxlures an.d .P1Pll1l! III ali blind. who is in char~e of the: adian Council o[ the Blind : UNESCO : ! kl,l ,he f:rsl came If 15 willlwes." I fore must b.e obeyed. or else l~terestmg as we talked With I homcs III the CII) checked. ! local committee looking after 1 When the formation 111 eel ing . (,cr-maIlY in Contest the report reCOin' 1 (somewhat III Ihe sense of.8 hIm. for c~ose 10. an hOIl.r on a , Addresses Lions ! the arrangements for the con· i is ('ompletcd. ~Irs. Aending! , . 1(:lan~ W4.,'re not ch3n~e! in Ihe: pcr.on obe.ym~ .. a hYVIlOtlc subject WIth Wh.1Ch h~ IS very Guest speaker at Thurs. : \'~ntion. stated that the Coun., will turn the ch~ir: ~ver t,o t~e! " ., , . , , ; : l , k,~rl, of ;0 as to cianly: order. but m thIS case the Interested and hIghly lIl[ormcd. day IIlght;s meeting of the I cll, whose members are alii newlY'elected !?1\'lslon Chal~" i \\ 01 rI from, t ;.;piCO • h~ad. contests, The tral'eling exhlbtt· , \ ,h~ ~clls ~It ,Ihem more ef. ! ord~.r comes from the hypo G~eater development of the, St. John's Lions Club will sightless, co·operates and I man. The ~haJl'l~an •. with IllS; quarter.s I"'Pa~'1S \ UPJted ;';atlOns I Ion was one of the many c~ltural , , I Camembert. lhe basic noll.t) , mmd can, as be advocates. be Vera Perlin who works very closely with the new execul1ve, Will direct the I Education. sCience culture exchanges fostered by UNESCO 'l'~licatlon. I ~Irs. a~d I " , , dll'0't',' almost . 'thich il eSlablishes The ro~'al commissior.. also !l'ake better ·cltizens. The crim· will take as h~r subject Canadian ~ational Institute i a~fairs o~ .this D.ivision and Iorg~niz.atio.nl has informed we.s. d~r!~g 19:;8. T~e tra\'eling .e~. "~,I denates ~re men. I states that there is an urgent lOal law on sexunl psych~path~. "The ease for the retarded for the Blind. He .sai~ thc, w.11! par~lclpate WIt1~ othe,r 01· leYI Ine, s ~ oung palilter DaVid \ hl~lhon also melu~~d Da~ld s , I J!Cicted people and. need in Canada for research in not a very savoury subject, 1S ehild." lI1rs. Perlin wlJl be Council is an orgamzatlon of \'ISlons m all CounCil proJects, Black\\Ood that he has bcen I \9~7 Poster entitled The LIght· 1IIIIed while under 1all aspects of sexual deviation. of Importance to all well·mean· Introduced by Lion Dr. 71 clubs of ~lind people across ~cwfoundlan~ ~~k~s the! awarded ~ U;;';. gold medal· for Ihouse of Pe?ce anrl S~curity:' cl!e~tion, In other I wilh a "iew to dcvelopment o[ Ing cItizens today a~d we are Larry Sutherland and the Canada. SlIlee 1949 the E. A. el?hth CounCil Dl \'ISJOn , and IhIS contr:butlOn to th~ su~cess a.l~o repreSendJg the Unrted :-lao ptople arc nol bad, means of corrcction and pre. glad one of our citIzens was movie accom an'ln the Baker Club of the SI. John's \\'111 now send, two delegates. ot or t.he Laha~ ~~undatlons IRter·llron~.f '. ~I 'eO!~ or willingl\' I\'ention and that Ihe efforts to able to get his message across I 'Address wlJl he )sh:\\"n by !\ewfoundland Blind has form· I the CCB :\atlonal ConventIOn nat tOnal tr~,ch.l~ eXhlbltl;;n b I Throughout Il~ F.t1ropciln and ~(): UI1~t'r 11'3\' !'~I deed~ This is treat those undergoing prevl\R. to a Royal Commission. Lion Lloyd Andrews ed a part of the Maritime Di· i being held thi5 year in 1II0n· 0~~~c~os ers sponsore l' i ~sian tfour J)a\'it\~ to'lPrh, won ~c. ',,,d \I"rld \\'a~ , ' vision of the council. "Now.", treal. September 27. October' : C .a~~ rom count esst ousan 5. 'I(' ('cll"r of Iheir enthusiastically remarked )tr 1 1. At this National Con\·en· Da\'id. t\\'ic~ a winn~r t9:;;58: t ':\f,SC:O allilrdeu hml a Jol.tJ r r ! he fir,1 1\1'0 Carmichael '!with three clubs I tion, a representati\,e from r c· t r' ,i 0 o· 000 It' ,111P11ill stiltln: th~ fart that .hls " hard 10 ~el. Change In in our pro\:incc. our sightlcss' Xewfoundland will be eiectcd : ~ro~salr ~~~r [11: \;~~Idl ~~ rtl~~ Iposters, r~ccl\'ed world acclaim. 'I,'!I , ·d ~ I orc, nN!:ona'll. ·r Appointment people are ready to set uP: to serre on the Council's Na' ,:ompetilion lI'a5 awarded first' D~"d I, thc I'on of ~lr,. and :.Irs " , their own Council DI\'lsion," i tional Board of Directors. I prize in 1958 for hi> poster en. F:dlh\'ard B!dack.,'ofod, ~\~c 11' a·~llle~. " Eyes May , -.-- I 'U d "Tl WI I \ . f ent gra er 0 e,1 e~ \ I C 5 Speed Limit 1 IM n° I FO tl e " Ie. ,!O e .' rmolll 0i ~!elllorial Hi~h Scheol under ~fr. Councillor Arch Lawrence ! f an Ies n Ire \' Pe~ce deplctl~" a hgur~ repres·, ;\Iaxwell G, ~Iullelt B A D3\'id U••C Con erence ' . entlPg humamty. lea\'ln~ :hc: rec' ires not' anI\' the' co~~ra~u· 'proposed a change in speed I ~eorge Hiscock. 61·year·old torch of hb~rt~ (h~erty • hgh~ of ~ ia/ n 0' all hi· frie~d b~t all

limit regulations to kcev heavy reSident of the Blackmarsh the world I In Its right hand and':"l s ndl nd s s " I '(';ltbl; i~ \\:tS A ° t I I~f traffic off East ValJey. He said _ Road. was burned to death carrying a shield hearing the UX i' e\l' ou a . ll. ., ('a~a~,an gaIns 'I!", drivers coming to Corner Brook shortly before one o'clock yes· \ Emblem (UX . Shield of pen~ell ------' ... Blindness :. ~ 'l:rI ,1(Jr' nOI offert now know that if they take the when the one.storey The other part o[ the figures ar· Falconry was a fa\'Orile pas, 11 (!lcc,e h~d 10 he monlhb' business' ed eye. Ma~y people labor under G mbli g terda~; I '0. s .' /. wculd,11 monld, E A, Baker Club the impression that a child with lower road along Riverside a n frame dwelling he was occupy' mour was composed ol,lIag of time oL;4Jte nobility In medieval hc:d Thtllrsday cross eye would grow oul of this Drive and through Humber. ing on the Blackmarsh Road the U.N, members (1I1l1!)' • to EnglaniW " , I' ,- Salt r I' ~8n C:\IB Cenlre. ~Iili· condition. Dr, Mac~icholas stated mouth they will run Into a 20 I ' GRAND BA:-:K - At the was totally destroyed bv fire. protect hnma:1ity,) I • '('~(', h,n(' :-r.op ofter Ihe business that thIs was not the cause. and m.p.h. lone; whereas if they United Church Conference on Despite efforts of citv fire. U:o;r.SCO arr:logeu a tra\'el·. Th7 Chmp5P seem to h3\'( ':Jd:.IIHlld·lr e!,et!e !rO~P heard a \'er~' il the condition was not treated take the top highway and enter June 6th. in the report o[ Imen. the bungnlow W8S' razed ing exhibition of the, PeaCe .~0.~·1 prachred the. s~~rl "of falconry , ;\)od ad!!:ess by Dr. P.J. in I'ery early life, a permanent the city by East ValJey Road, the com!"ittee ~f Evang~lIsm to the ground. The fire. ap·, tel's of thc Founriatlon~_~~'H.o8' some :.000 ~e:I_~~~._ locai Ele. Ear. and loss or "lsion would result in they can continue at 50 m.p.h. and SOCIal Services a tflbute I parenlly had been well IIndpr 1- - .' Dr. ~Iac:\icholas the erossed eye, on the other along the top highwa)'.. He' said was paid to R('v. J. W. Winsor. ' lI'av bef~re the ril'cnwn wt!re' C B k ,grcup with an ac· hand if the parents of children this chann~ls 90 per cent of l'etll'i~lg ('haplain (0 public In· : called. The bUlly of ,It'. His· o'rner roo , I ~r:,~ he and his wife wilh ~rosed eye would only seek beavy traffIC along East Valley. . StltutlOllS. 'coek wns lound in the I'uins ~ Needs " :',0': Rrn:!~Pr~ ll;on of Sou:h Afr:ca. medical assistance. it Is usually and it might be unwise to bull, . Th t k f . r. I I uf tlie building aller the firc .. ' 1\ a Thllr,da) :tis account, Dr, )Iac' quite possible to correct the doze off the road. ' e .as 0 e\ al~ge I,m S I lind becn extin)!uished, Dr, 1 " r~o of 1.100 ,cal a shOll ,'ummory squInt. A year old is nol to early He suggested speed limits be WALTER B. HUDSO:-l ~~t t:elelY til: t:sk of. ti:~; Anderson. cnlled to the SCl'IIe, A Dog I Catcher ambmcrl mare in the trent· to seek attention lor this con· changed around. Th' . . n ~ er or 0 t e . specm ~ ~ pronounced death due to i ~nlrc Daille D~W"', Be~ides, dition. Mayor AJllson Bugden said I e MUSical Clock Llnllted a.PPolnted evangelist. The: third·degree burns. ~ 1" 10 nOr! hern .' e)'e eonrlilions.! Dr. :\[ac;';icholns felt this prob· East Valley was a tlroblem. a~f pleased to announc~ the ap· wo~k Of, God has al~'ays pros.! The late ;\lr. Hiscock. a vel· , "0 weeks a~o the ,: "crr hcin~ con.: lem was lar~el)' a maller or and the only solution was con. p nlment of Mr. "alter B.! peled ~hen the la~men were, eran of the first World War' ('orner Brook neer!< a c1o~· I )(a~'or Bugdcn toln Ihc Cnun ,;,000 pe~I', lIer ' , mcdich.. an~ education and when the parents struction of speedwavs out of ,Hudson to their •• taff as Siudio Igripped by the com'lctions was a widowc; and the Sf1ir C'ttchcr hut people i~tcre't:Ci di he had \\'arner! mcmlJer~ ~(·rine. relllrned , 'till pre,en: a' b~C~n1C aware Ihat this condition the city. These had 'bcen pro. 1~:at~ager :nd ~ssistant )lImager i that all are called to be wit, occupant of the dwellins:, Hr \\:ant t~o O1l1ch monry. I\s>i!;t·· ahout passin\: re£ulatio~s re 1:\' a fair calch. , )lac:\kholil; tuuch· ' should be corccted. the problem posed as one running parallel I Mr ~1~:,otOh~lshln!:~ L~boratorYi ' nesses of God, : had arrangcd for tenants 10 ant Cily )tan

c_~~··~·>'~· ~...~'.~ .... _._.. ~ .... _.... _._.-.' __ ' ' ,-' -,' - ! . '.:: . , ! l' " ' !\ OUT OUR WAY I . I WE'I;:E 61TTIN' 1 , THE DAfL Y NEW$ SI6I>1ERS,O , ! ST.\~T TH' OLD , , , '. Newfoundland's Only Morning Pap!' "HOP PIC"'IC~ ! NrV1S Ac:A,:J"WOULD The DAILI' N~WS .. • mornlna In The YOU MIPJP Hl:.\PI"'· j. ;~ pallel' eatahll.bed tn 18114.• t.d publisheD' By \V AYFf.RER TH'L'ST? at tbe N~w. BUI,alnll a)~ a~9 Uuckwurtb ; street. St, Jnbn.. Newloundlanrt II, Robinson " Compan)'. Limited HISTORICAL NOTES bert did on this voynge i, fully I Since we discussed bere the con doeuinentcd. H. had th. royal lroverslal and provocative opinions 01 authority to proclaim this island a I tWE:ltBEJI 0.. fHI! I ANAIIIAN PftI!:S~ I Dr. Rothney on some aspects of New territory of Eng:and. He went '1'he Calladlan PtP-51 II exclUSIVely foundland hlslory we have been fur­ through all the formal moti;,n •. rest sbown , He performed the appropl'iat. llIte in MUS ~nlltled' to tb. use for rl'publlcatlon of tber enlightened as to his motives by I. goes. all newa dflSpattbes Ir tblt paper eredlt· a letter to the News {rom Mr. Leo rituals H. proclaimed the first laws. But before Gllb,rl', floet • comml , I. I ed to It or tu the Assuctaled Press Of English. This letters says tbat Dr ., .ntered the harbour of St. John's, ade a study P ~utera and alau. tne lucal new. pUblish Rothney "stated some montbs ago his the English had been acknowl, pi1'bat groUP s , ed tberaln, avowed Intention and deSire Is to whicb brol destroy tbe myths of Newfoundland eds.d masters In all places where tbe co,!,m ., I All I'res. servltf Idd feature article. they and foralgn crews conducted YEARLY Sti'BSrRfPTJON RATES history." We have no cause to think into active In tbis paJter are copyrlgbted and thell that Mr. English. hlms!!\( a long time fishery oFerations. M 0 reo v e r Churcbill 1 canada .. ,. $12,00 per annum reproduction b prohlhiled student of this Island's colourful an there is good taus. to bolieve that came intc United Klr,gdum aId nals, has put words htto the mouth of Englishmen were wintering In acres wei III roreliln countrl!', $14.00 per annuro ~ Ml'mber AUdll Bureau the unlverslty's professor of history Newfoundland harbours long be. this neW Authorued a. secund class mall fore Gilbert's arrival. Dr. Roth. ond devel« ' .. I I But why, we ~'onder, sbould Dr Roth I Posl Office. Department. Ottawa of Clrc:utftllunl. ncy's scepticism is merely an in. • n!!y be so concern!!d about the de· structiun of what he regards as myths subst£nli~1 quibble. We art pre· If these are harml!!ss and are as well pared to let it go It that. MONDAY: JUNE 8, 1959. a source of some local prid!!. + + + + + + Another interesting sidelight on Tht history of tvery. country more rcecnt history is thc aUcnticn U. C. Conference President includes III ow speclll myths. No· directed to the pink. whit!! and green body wlnta to uproot them. Often, flag which somc believe to be the true Edson In Letters To Rev. Lester Burry, who has just tional Convention. Indeed, they Incorporate spiritual flag of Xcwfoundland. In fact. how, been honoured by election- to the He was IIlso a member of the or In.pirational vllues that havt ever. It represents a va/'iation on the delegation that went to Ottawa in helped to mould national char. banner of the Nalive Society which Washington The Editor presidency of the United Church Icter. Great deed, have been was founded in 1840 with Richard Editor Daily .\ew., 1947 . ~10m:;I;T OF TRVTII CO;\UJI\G Conference in Newfoundland, has the summer of to explore the done by the Brltilh In the name of Barnes as its president. It was form· FAST FOR HOUSING BILLS Dear Sir-;';ewfoundland several special distinctions to his practical aspects of confederation. St. George. Mlny people in Brit. ed to protect the rights of :\cwfound· to men like :'Ilr. 1.. E. F. credit. Following many years as a Lab­ lin .till bellev, In the historical land!!rs against the encroal'hments of By PETER EDSO;'; "WaYfarer" who hal'e dtr~ outsiders. The design of the llag in· He was the first constitutional rador missionary. he returned to luthentlclty of the Arthurlan le­ :'\ EA \I' ashington Correspondent much ~f their. lime and ,n:: . Newfoundland and has lately been gends thlt wert Included !iy Geof· cluded a tre!! and clasped hands in presen'ln~ an Interest in the representative of Labrador in his­ fr.y of Monmouth In his History green on a pink ground of this Island, They hale the United Church minister in \\,ASHINGTON-(~EA) - Housi:1g tory through his election to repre­ of the Britons. But the so·called + + + legislation now before Congress is out of sheer 10l'e for lhe Clarke's Beach. myths of Newfoundland history For some reason the society be. for the communil,', I ~erit that dependency in the Na- subjecled to hurricane pressures from are not legend •• t III but reuon· eame the focal point of much can· both the Eisenhower administration and They ~Sk about my refueroq report wa i flict Ind bad·feeling. This came I able inf.r.ne.. from the known the home building industry lobby. Ireiand In connectIon with few month i facts. to a head during one of the great President Eisenhower bimself made a The Britisb Empire began 'i'.i reports, plat • + + + hauls of wood in the winter of direct pitch for support of his 943·mil· conquest and colonizalion Of and estill Canada's Foreign Policy I One Is our conviction that !\ew 1843 when the "Bushborns" and lion·dotlar housing program for 1960, by Elizabeth J. 1\ was her r.Ilil future wa ter !, the "Old Country" factions quar· bearing in mir altering strategic concepts, An­ loundland was the first land to be with authorily for Federal Housing Ad· seas project, and Gilben ill I It Is suggested in an article in sighted by John Cabot during his relied ~ver which had the larger to the fore in promoting it metropolitan gl I other is to be' found in the milllslralion to increase insurance on arbour De' the current issue of Time Magazine famous voyage In 1497. Nobody ques· load. Words led to blows and private bomc mortgilges by six billion In George ~Iacaulal" •~ many crowns were broken. Bishop inaugurated that Canada, after a decade of schizophrenic thinking of Canada tions the fact that Cabot sailed from dollars. This latter item is not a bud· History of England, the on!, Ga\'ernment • BrIstol In that year on a westerly Fleming called the ringleaders to Gilbert is in a paragraph l .' strong and positi\'e foreign policy, in respect of its relations with and get expense item. ;IS FHA operations deali ng wi th dependence on the United States. course What Is In doubt Is the pre­ together and proposed a new ban. land: "the polk;' of Engl~h of tbe has lately been accentuating the ner, a simple tricolour of pink, are self·supporting, cise landfa 11. A very stl'ong case can Admini,t:'ation spokesmen says FHA tion was fal'oured by laces probl, negative. There is a lack of coherence be­ white and green, the white form· be made for some part of the east will run out of insuring authority by the only means of permar.enti, population !II Canada, it is pointed out, played cause thinking is uncertain and coast of !\ewfoundland as the land ing the unifying forcl! between ing down the natilc.', who of services the ~lId of JUlie unless ,here is a con· rei the two factions whose individual amenities, I II \'aluable part in the foundation confused. Or at least. that seems to first sighted by Cabot and the idea gre;sional exte:1sion, National Associa· ing more hoslile fiery )U1, l thnt he contrIved to bypass this great colours were pink and green. For opened the door to a legion of and otbe. of KATO. Ha\'ing done' this, it be the impression that is left by tion of Home Builders President Carl Island to come first upon Cape Breton .ome years the Native Society men·adventurers' and limDortance, Tb .'~ what is said publicly on the sub­ T. ~Iililick puts it a little earlier-be· . accepted its commitments by membership preferred to fly a flag from the towns and man(lr·hl3 Island has for less to recommend it. twcen June 1 and 13. big .maintaining ground and air forces ject. of plain pink but in 1846, follow· England. It has bcen laid Of course, If ~ova Scotians want to What bOlh the administration and the assistal Ing the death of Barnes and the Elizabethan eagles flew to the ,In Europe. But, asserts Time. bellel'e In the Improbable or the hard· ;';,\11B fear is that housing industry may to e There is cause to believe that far collapse of the society's hall in a Main while the vultures supporting its statement with re­ b' possible, let tbem by all means. Our he thrown into another recession laler technic: greater co·ordination of effort is claim stands up far better to practical great gale of wind, the pink, while on Ireland; but they were in situa rerences to important editorial and needed in the establishment of analysiS. end green was adopted as tlte this )ear. . cases one and the same bird Morl a Hume builders all mit they are domg . radio comment, there is now North American security and that + + + "Native" flag. For long years the conquerors and ~,y'v'''ln powerful voice in favour of The next "myth" that Dr. Roth. afterwards it was commonly re •• Il right nuw. Xcw housing starts are land were Humphrey Gilbt:t. Canada's share must be fairly re­ rlillnin;; at the near·record rate of 1.4 neutrality. ney would destroy i. our convict. garded as the flag of the colony • Raleigh, Grenville, They lated to her capaCities as well as tlon that Newfoundland I. the old. until the officIal adoption of the million for 1959, America and Ireland two Here in Newfoundland, we seem With the country growing so rapidly her responsibilities. It must be .• st British oven... pOSl.ulon. red ensign with the badge of of equal imparlance and hOllsing industry leaders feel that it to be insulted from the trends of But h.ra Is no myth. All that Gil· Newfoundland In the fly. where pril'ate fortunes consistent with the facts of Can­ would be folly for government to reo national policy. Part of the trouble adian economic life and of Canad­ made," seems to be the failure of the gov· mOl'e all Jlousing props and return to a It is right that Gilbert's ian financial resources and it "normal" bu~incss of around a million ernment in Ottawa to express itself John's should be rorrlmenloralll should not require her people to . -'---'---1 starts. (unlike Kirke) he nem had In clear and,~ unequivocal terms. Saying On all other specifics in the hous· assume burdens in the light of all \Wnot Others Are tention of sta~'ing here. There has be~fi a vacuul'n in for­ ing program the administration and tbe sen'es a monument at these factors. False pride must be OUTSPOKEN &IlNISTER porches, basements and garages This eign policy and no immediate housing industry part company. where he lived and died, set aside in the face of the realities Nortb Bay Nugget may be particularly true of the month prospect that it will be filled since Housing and Home Finance Admini came the first great of the situation. That is particular­ Wben Defence Minister Peark~s visit- of May, when many people in moving strator Norman P. ~Iason and Federal the new Secretary of State for Regarding the 149; land/a!!, ly important. ed North Bay to officially desigate and leave old ice boxes behind. Each one Housing, Commissioner Julian H. Zim, other Provinces ha\'e External Affairs is to continue to Inspect tbe site of the new Bomarc mls· of tbese discarded units Is a potential merman, backed by White House Ad· memorating their di.'comy" act as Minister of Public Works Within these limjts it should be sile base, he was not the least bit evaa· cause of deatll for some youngster, minislrtil'e Assistant Brice Harlow and I confined myself to the . until his estimates have been ap­ possible to work out a policy that Ive or reticent. In fact, be deligbted Children love hiding places, they love others have been pUlting the pressure curate remark that Cabot the news representatives witb bis can· combining tlleir imagination with any on home building indusiry leaders to in 1497, but whHe he landed proved. will justly and reasonably deter­ dar and frankness, !llr. Pearkes spoke kind of sandy enclosure to create a mine the role that Canada should back the EisenhJwer program, knows," This d:Jrs not re!1 . There are many complicating out freely on tbe location of Ihe base, "house" or a "fort." The boxes are NAHB President ~lilnick says impli· foundland, but 1 was writinl fllctors in the evolution of foreign play in the establishment of North bow It would be constructed and when tempting, They aren't like a house or a cations have been gil'en that the Prcsi, ers in the whole of Canao~ ~1icy. One is the rapidity with American defence and the security It would be operational. There i3 no fort, though, because they cannot be dent will veto any program whicb goes was no point in antageniDI doubt tbat It will play an important opened from the inside, Once the door :'~hich new and costly weapons are of the western world. too far beyond his recommendations. them by entering in10 role In the development of tbe whole slams shut and tbe latch falls into P .~~ 'fhis move has cause dconsiderable speculation on an uni·llIPOlur. , district. At lea.t 500 men will be em· place, the cbild cannot get out. And soul.reaching by housing industry lead· of that sort . played in its construction, during tbe tbey are expressly built to be airtight ers, Mitnick himself is a Mercbant· The important thing to ¢ next two years or so. so death ls not long in coming, ville, N.J., Republican. Other officers to the people of Can3da is Adenauer Stays On and directors of NAHB also belong public services are backward. THIS CANADA THERE'S A CATCH IN PLANE to the GOP. They bave been meeting partly because Xewfoundl lcO · i . · I, ' The reversal of Konrad Aden' transfer authority and assume Vancouver Province PURCHASES ",1 in Washington in almost continuous allowed to become a BII:ill '. 'o' ": \ ; . auer's decision to retire from the himself the poSition of an elder Canada Is probably the least national Windsor Star session to plan their campaign for nell' until long after the othll .', ;:: . \ ' nation in Ihe world. It baa a lot of Ottawa reports consideration is . I.' ~ . \ , chElncellorship of West Germany statesman. housing legislation. ,\nd tbey have de' eastern Canada This Is 1M. '~ ( territory, and a somewhat scant popu, being given to purchase of jet aircraft cided to buck the administration pro· point In all 1 hare ltd · ~ "; r'... and stand for presidency of the In the ten years that he has held th~l , :jj latlon. It haB 3,000 miles of border from France, among other possibill· gram. Newfoundland lolr the past , '{ , ,, republic has been in the nature of the chancellorship he has been defended by customa men. It has ten ties, for equipment of our air force It nel'er got off the ground witll the years. 1 a bolt from the blue. It has created responsible for bringing West provinces, eacb of wbich Is different, Certainly France makes fine planes, Democratic majorities of Congress. I and eacb of wbicb Is convinced tbat tbe those in question having more than " . a split within his own bailiwick Germany back into the European Early in February the Senate passed ~he " otber nine get a better deal from Ot· twIce the speed of sound. 2.6 billion dollar Sparkman hOUSing St. Jobn's. and has cnused something akin to community and creating the con­ . tawa. But, apart from the odd verbal World War 11, however, proved the "'consternation in the chancelleries ditions under which the country hill. House Banking and Currecny 5 June, 1959. . brawl, tbey get along, Canada bas two fallacy of depending on overseas sup· Committee cut this down to 2.1 billion " of the west. has become a prosperous and pow­ official languages and any number of piles of aircraft. When that conflict in the Rains bill. STRENGTH FOR ',', f' ~ erful ally of the free world. He unofficial ones, no national flag, and broke out, the Idea was to buy neces· The Rains bill was bottled up by .,I .;,: \ .~ There is not yet a clear under­ By Earl L. Douglssl .' ,H' a sort of half·natlonal antbem of which sary planes from the United Kingdom. House Rules Committee for weeks un· , .. ' might have been well content in DISAPPOI~Tm:ST IS " •• 1 , standing of Ad,nauer's reasons for only new Canadians know all Ihe It soon became apparent she could .. ' til Speaker Sam Rayburn got tough and Have you e\'er seen bligh: the presidency to rest upon his words. not produce enough for her own needs, this sudden change of heart but its forced it out. But when the rules com· upon a green fieid? Han I : ~ laurels. And while he may have let alone for ours. There was the " \. wisdom may well be questioned, mittee did let go, it announced that a added difficulty of shipping any avail· seen tbe leafy beauty or a ~ · , ' very good reasons for his decision ROMANCE OF THE NORTH substitute could be offered from tbe s Although he has maintained an Calgary Albertan able across the submarine·infested At· and lacerated b,'. 5warm nO!. , to retain the chancellorship, the floor. Have you eHr seen a 51! ~ extraordinary physical and intell­ Tbere Is a desperate need for tbe lantic, planes of that date not having This bas been done by Rep. A, Syd· . \,~ fact remains that he may be there­ revert to the de.lert becaUSl ectual vigour in spite of his age, pioneering breed of men to open up tbis enough range' to be flown across. ney Herlong Jr. (O·Fla,). It is a kind by impairing the unity in the country's northern areas. Until now That Is wby Canada had to go Into of water? the fact remains that a man of 83 of jerry·built measure, whipped up over· If you have witntssed It! policies of the federal republic ill the eropbl\sls bas been placed on the prodUction of aircraft. not only for night in the hope that it might escape years has arrived at a time in life possible comforts of nortbern IIfe- ourselves but to supplement the tbings, you have wilnessed ill which he had worked so hard to a veto. It carries a l.3·billion·dollar physical world rorrt.!pon 01 Next to . ,ood homes, transportation, even TV. United Kingdom's supplies when he should be prepared to create and maintain. price tag, which makes it least .o~iect. appointment in the world 'econd ] Tbe pioneering type of Canadian wbo In another war there might not be ionable to the Eisenhower admlnlstra· liVing. Wben one hI.! boped protect il ~ , la seeking adventure and opportunity an exact parallel. French and United tion. motion and position and tbI bJI Is obviously looklnl for other fields Kingdom plants could be most quickly Premium The Herlong Bill has one trick pro­ not been fulfilled: when o:~ to conquer. Maybe, just maybe, the and surely knocked out. Those on X-too :M vision in it specifying that no money and lost; when one bal bO'; Romance of the North bos been too tbls continent might not last long 'Federal Civil Service would be available for its cut·down pro· a loved one and the lored. ~ much underplayed. either, In an' atomic war, but they grams until approved by appropriations tetnperatt would bave a somewbat better chance, edt when one has ta~en bil In a period of rapid expansion of The task has fallen to Mr. S. H. S. committees _ and the Congress, The rlty for granted and has gOes evel public services there is bound to Hughes, a judge of the Ontario USELESS INQUESTS Rains bill, on the otber hand, would appalled as he sees it . for the ii, Broc:kvllle Recorder and Timea be a growth in the size of the Supreme Court. He had been for­ "PAUL PRYS OF THE CENSUS" make the money for its (.;llrged pro· and useless thing-bere II. have-Sh bureaucracy that results in a cer­ What a waste of time an Inquest can Ottawa Journal grams available through direct borrow· ment. And It is like the at!l merly head of the Ontario Highway be, If a jury, after listening to' hours of Just a short while ago, there was ing from the Treasury. tain amount of overlapping and a tbe rent forest, the fast ~ Transport Board. evidence, does not have a single recom· considerable discussion as to whether What NAHB wants is a central mort· returned to desert barrtnt loss of efficiency. That this has mendatlon 10 offer that may give lome questions of racial origin should not gage bank to provide a steady flow of But as we confront DI.t Mr. Hughes faces a formidable occurred in Canada is clear from meaning to the cause of death. It has be barred from the llst of queries of bousing credit. Annual appropriations we Ihould remind .,1 task. His problem is not merely always been our bellef that inqueJts, in the 1961 Decennial Census: Views for housing would then nol have to be world bas not ended by , the Heeny report which proposed addition to learninl or determining the . (/JIlt­ that a streamlining of the civil ad- to discover the best means of were exchanged pro and con, with made by Congress. cause of tbis disappOUl ", cause of dealh and the clrcumstsnces some suggesting tbat questions about ., ministration shOUld be undertaken. . streamlining the civil service but appointment of one hope aurroundlnll the death, were charged race might lead to dIscrimination. 1980? the fulflJlment of a gre~~ « •j also to persuade the cabinet to. with the dut,of making recommenda· As a former chairman of the Civil But now, Tbe Canadian Press tell~ Another question which wlll grate denlalJ can be lived If\ ~ S~rvjce Commission, Mr. Heeny approve his recommendations. This tlons that would prevent repetition. us, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics ,'n the minds of Canadian men and up our mindJ tbat theT I was well qualifi.~ to express' a latter is the real .problem. There census pendulum has swung the otber women is that of how much income loved one who fails todJ1 .~ is no vested interest as powerful as NOT MEANT TO BE PLAYTHINGS way and the guys and dolls who col· the individual makes from all source•. ly achieve tmorrOW. ,useful and valid opinion. Montreal Gazelle the civil service or as much resist­ lect the facts and figures are put up Whose business Is that except for Let us get It intD o~ fIJI' Since he is now Canada's ambas­ Some three and one-half million reo to asking all sort of personal and 1m· those directly concerned, and of did not make us lor t ,.d ~ sador to Washington, a successor ant to change. But the job has to frlgerato1'l and Ice boxe. are in tile In pertient questions including-God ,j course the Income Tax Divlalon? This verse for defeat. ~ IiJIII Canada today. _ Ahout 100,000 old unlll ~a~ to be found with the ability to be done and on his record, Mr. Save the Mark!-one's fertility I Do looks very much like an unwarranted thing must b. lovt .0 , are dlacarded each yearj they .re often they propose to make a long range InquiSition into private and family levement. Tbe basic , ~v.raet and direct reorllalli:l.ation. Hu~hes &eemJ'1 iood man to do it. left lyiDl In IUmmer cam».. back yards, population forecast for 1970 or even affairs. .. negative, but poslllVe.

/ ,..-

JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, JUNE ~8,:-1;.;.9,;,:59:.-______..... ______...;.;.;.--- _____.;.5_-

IU~employment President, IFIgures . Mutual Lile of Canaela , The following figures 'ho~v, 'the number of unplaced apph·. In Town cants and unfilled vacancies as II of 4th. June 1959, for last week and for the same period last', year: UNPLACED APPLICANTS I Since 1940 IIlale Fem. 4th. June 1~ 8,654 1273 ;ho,\'n t.y the the undertaking ~rom the Hon. 28th May 1959 11,647 1271 ~:ltf!l, housing and' ~Ir. Abbott, Minister ol 5th June 19~8 12,518 1210 (",:111 IU ocs buck to' niclpal Affairs, on behalf UNFILLED VACANCIES ,:an,ing l'~m~i;SiOIl of the Government. Subsequently I 14th. June 1959 509 86 ,lID • a stll:ly of hous, i the matter was explored with '28th. May 1959 481 73 ~d/ up snbmitted. C.M.H.C. and the formal appUca· o 5th. June 1958 201 76 Tillt Gr brought thc! lion for assistance In making 1 During the past week male ~hl~h commission of ,'the Study Is now being sent to re',listrations decreased by 3000. Ib clil'C partner· the Federal Government. This is the biggest single week· I~IO 3 Park Dc- Early In June, after a great ch1l1 I Iy decrease for quite some lime. \hI chur ililO being Ideal oC consideration had been In addition to the normal reo tl~: "ere I'Xpro- j!1\'cn to the selcctlon and after ductlon in registrations brought ~~; ncW area was I it~ representatives had visited about by a return to work of dc,c)opcd on i City Hall to meet with Council, on d 'a well recommended and com· applicants and the expiration of. henefit claims, 1000 men from I Eo It.. RmDER, r.SA. L,e'· 01 Opt'ralion the . pct~nt Clrm was selected as the Dominion Wabana Ore Co.' . g ('tll'llIll'illion Director of the Study and had on Bell Island returned to \ At a meeting of the Board of · ..... t L.-A.-., ,I 1'1'01'" .:. .... 0. , iI~U'I:I. 1111' been rccommended to C.M.H.C. "'ork, aftcr being unemployed Directors of The Mutual Life . H Il Ihat lime \ With the preliminaries and " Assurance Company of Canada ~/lh\rt~lll [rom 23rd. May to lsI. June. on May 7, Edward A. Rieder I~' a~d I ral ami Pro· formalities finished the Director . Ihe e~ cn;, hal'C inlof the proposed Urban Renewal The USAF urgently require F.S.A_ was elected President ~ clerk stenographers and clerk the Company to succeed the • II'. tr;~i~ 'lll'Il'11' , 600 I' Study, the firm of Project Plan· I , , ~~d Ih,: r.\I.H.C. ning Associates Limited, To· typists for employment at late Harry L. Guy. '.1 ;. Goose Bay. The clerk steno- Mr. Rieder, who is a native of " .. ! , a encl' has a,;lsled ron to, will be enabled shortly \ i . , & eOO to b~rom~: 10 begin work collecting data. '1\ b 'd com Kilchener, Ontario, joined The Tupis Achievement Trophy and award presentatioh grap~ers WI e pal • a . Mutual Life in 1931, {ollowinl ~ In I'iell of the, The study wll take upwards of Sigma-C Public .Speaker trophy presentation to mcncmg salary of S320~.20 per \ :; \ lIIanl a~"ncirs. oC a year to compete; It will be to Alfred Jones by Mr. A.E. Heselwood.-Terra Nova year and clerk typists will reo graduation from the University , I Gordon Jones by Mr. R. W. Bartlett.-Terra Nova Photo). ceive a starling saiary of $2724.· of Toronto with the degree of 1 'l.i1C. is the larg-! submitted In printed form to I Bachelor of Commerce. A fel- C.. a cd 10 spend the Council and will contain de· Photo). ,. , I aD per year. I low of the Society of Actuariet, .. .I . L~r!o~nd SL John's talned recommendatJ~ns and I oandl moll'cd to proposals. The CounCil anUcI· The USAF also require Prop. he has had a distinguished el- ' ,.. ; e the fUlure of the I pates that c!tizens and organlza· · F C d ery and Supply Clerks for em· reer with the Company durin, , I '. . ployment at various sites on thc the past twenty-eight years. H. J ., alltrn of ~rowth \ lions ~111 assist In giving in· A Iicat. Ions or rowne Labrador coast. Applicants must served in the Actuarial, Group • kairnlrr engaged would be required to way and go without sewage fortunes ~'ould wish to know by the chairman, he called the Atlantic Training Centre. have competent personnel in· upon Mr. M. Pearce to pre· Howard Dwyer and Gordon lacl\lties. His motion to let the ollhe fUlure of any application lay on the table Into which funds cludlng town planners, civil sent the Tyro achievement Pope were presented with engineers, landscape arcbitects, was accepted. In 195~ prol'ision shield to the "Tiger" group. games awards by Tuxls men· architects, municipal economists This was the second year of tor, Mr. J. Tripp. Tyro gradu· A second application for a in the National gas station 'at Ball Diversion b)' which Urban as well as drafting and clerl· victory for this group. The aUon diplomas and other en· cal ItaCf. Slgma.C achlev~ment shield slgnla were presented by and llount Bernard Avenue could be under· brought the same pi Jblem of to prol'lilcini ap· was presented by Mr. Eric Mr. F. Keats. A special hula· Once work begins the Council Knight along with Individual hoop' contest trophy was pre· sewage facilities and it was an municipality. will keep the public InCormed laid aside for further study. or Ihe cost of awards to each boy of the sented by Mr. J. Piercey to of progress and It is hoped that winning "Musketeer" group. Robert Hynes of Sigma·C. would be borne by the Study and the resulting and the balance Mr. A. E. Heselwood present· Entertainment was provided recommendations will be a ed the Tuxis achievement by Rennie Gauiton, Andy in whieh sllmulus for all to Interest Trinity College were being trophy and award to Alfred Wells, Leonard Winsor and thcmselves in the Capital City Jones. The main highlight of Bevin LeDrew. Expressions of of NewCoundland. the evening was the Slgma·C thanks . to all concerned Music Results ;~ ,~ ! Qj Aulumn 01 1958 the finals for public speaking con· brought to a close a most t decided to embark test Finalists were Gordon successful evening for the Concephon Harbour trbio Renewal Study. The tuatara, a New Zealand Jones and Leonard Winsor. boys of Gower. of the Province lizard, has lived practically un­ SENIOR • 'I ~ith prom ptness changed through mlllloni of .Honours: Mary Curran, 85%. support lor years. To Attend Indian' Woman, ADVANCED PREPARATORY Merit: Alice Moorc, 78%; Catherine Keating, 77%. School Counsellor TIMELV TRAVEL TIP Albert B. Butt, branch man· VANCOUVER !CPI-Atlractive PREPARATORY 1 '. ager for th. Maritime Lile AJ· and talented Gloria Cranmer, a Honours: Geraldine Mahoney, For a safe, convenient way to carry the doUars \'ou will be spending in Europe, nothing beats Burane. Company In st. John'" grand-daughter of Chief Mu~go 85il°' it. B It Kennedy (solo Terence B. Murphy, branch Martin DC the Kwakiutl l!!dlaD • er. e y Travellers Cheques sold by tbe B of M. Good manager for the Natlonal Life tribe, Is the only woman counsel. singing), 71%. as cash wherever you go! .•. Planning a long Assurance Company of Canada lor employed by the John Howard FIRST STEPS stay and require a large amouDt of money? Best In St. John'. Ind Leonard A. SocIety In Canada. . Honours; Roseann Dalton, use a B of M Travellers Letter Wilson, CLU, branch manager The slim brunette graduated 85%. of Credit •.• Either way you for the Dominion LICe Assur. Crom the University of British Merit: .Agnes INITIAL Wade, 79%. ance Company in St. John's Co Ium bi a, ma jor Ing i:l anthropo'I Ann O'Driscon, will be thoroughly protected went back to school for two ogy. Last summer she won a reo Honours: against loss or theft. weeks In a group 0173 liCe in. search grant.. . 8_8_%_. ______suranee managers and home of· Miss Cranmer ha~ no bilternes dlans cannot tolerate liquor it ~~~~mma~e~~Eft-~.~ fice executives from Canada to about the laws governing Indians. would have bee!! belter to have study the business and sales but she saId she feels that the prohibited all drinking rather : i THE ACCENT IS CANADIAN management of a field \lfe in· tion of the Indian Act, account than this halfway measure. II ~ Dot.!' a Dtlll.!'che Mark tqual 24 U aurance agency. The 8chool was for a lot 01 unnecesary misery She deplores the fact that In· • . . , In London, you'U feel right at home beld June 1.12 at The Chante- "'t would cost you a $300 fi!!e dlbns, especially girls, convicted C cents-or i.!' tlrat a Swedish Krol1ll? ~ . at the B of M's West End Office at der, Ste. Adele, Quebec and to give me a drInk in your home,' of "small misdemeanors" In their ~ What on earth are English G/lJ? ~1 _ was eonducted by the Life In· she laughed. towns, are brought to Vancouver I. . 9 Waterloo Place. Make this offic. .uranc. Agency Management HELPING OTHERS to serve se:ltences n6 matter how :j Currency questions that might [1 your headquarters for handling cor­ Association of HarUord, Con· She bas found that trying to short. /I I§ bother you on your European trip ~ respondence, as a forwarding address and for ." . t, • a bright future necticut, a research organlza· help people I! more importalt to "The government pays their ~ Ire answered clearly in the B of M's ~ travel information and assistance. On the Conti­ tlon 01 32'1 life insurance com· her than her first love, the study lare both ways but it has no contise Currency Guide. This in- " nent, the same warm Canadian wel- panles. of anthropology. Born in Alert authority to Insist that they reo ~ valuable miniature guide takes all ~; Tbroup rei\llar lectures and Bay on Vancouver Island, she turn home when Creed. come and services await you at our ~ ;T' for your csr Informal dlse\lJalonl these went to an India:! day school up "Many don't return. They are r!! the mystery out of unfamiliar 11 European Representative's Office at ,~ manaeert learned ne~ technl. to Irade 8. She went to ~t1gh 'lost' In the clty, where like most ~ money ••• gives you at a glance :1 10 Place Veqd6me in Paris. ;.:. ues in luch field. al recruiting, .<:hoolln Victoria, and then to the minorities they gravitate to skid ~ the dollar equivalents of eleven i; q . ' Europeall NtJI to your house, your car is your selecting and training allenu, university. row." 4\Il1'~cies •• ,. and it's ; ',;1 • and cost analyals in sales man. Arter graduation s~e became a Miss Craniner Is secretarY 01 , , youn for the aslong at your nearest .; _, ' , lIS U.'! :1l\ • at! ••••• '~ ,;:, Itcond largest investment. It pay, to • gament. They wll1 receive matron at Oakalla prlSO:l, a~~ re- the Coqualeetza Fellowship. now B of M branch. Don't be without ,; ...":J lIt'l 8l !!C - J!ll II! ~rotcct it with Shell X.IOO Motor Oil diplomas from the A•• oelation mained there two years- long hoping to build a hostel In Van· . . " , upon completion of written pro- enough ,~o decide that I wanted couver for those who need shelter it when yOU traveL H OJ;, ~W ~ B~Vo~~e,. xtllllium, Three grades of oil in 'one, jecll assigned at the Ichool. to help. arter jail terms are completed. 'l~O Motor Oil Premium adjusts auto· The 73 men came' from nine Arter a Bummer spent in re­ g Have a wonderful time OIl your trip. See !lie ~Y to guard against the extwn. Canadian provinces and the Brt- search and trakOSlatin I:tdian rol~ B of M Mforo )'011 Malt. faD _ of oar tlsh West lndlel They repre- songs, she too her present POSI' ,0. perature changes your engine under· facilities io Europe and come and Me lIS for !1'OUI' 31 'I 3'0 f tion as counsellor for the Howard goesI eTe'ry time you dfIve. . See us soon sen t ed compan es, 0 society which aids former prison· banking needs 011 your retum. Ihe nnest protection your engine can .. which are domiciled In Canada. ers ' ~ A unique bualnesa training ':Although statistics Ihow that 'Hhell X.IOO Motor Oil Premium! program for luecellful execu· 40 per cent 01 the women jailed tlvel, Icboola in Agency Man· are l:idians," she aaid, "thl! is a BANK OF MONTR.EAL agement bave been conducted distorted view because many of by tbe 'Agency Management As· them are repeaters." Diltrlbuted By: .oclation since 1929 and have She thought this was due to graduated over 9,300 managert. several reasons, maInly lack oC This waa the 170th such school education. ~h[Y'S AUTOMOTIVE since their Inception, but only NO INCENTIVE ~ SUPPLIES LIMITeD. the ninth held \n Canada. The "Tilere Is no incentive Cor tn· Slr •• t St. John'•• laat LlAMA Canadian Icbopl dian you n gat e r s to cO:ltlnue wat In 1950. school. They hear aU about the St. John'. Branch: FREDRIC P. BAINES. MaDIler lazy, shiftless Indian, and there Ellt End Branch: are no jobs for them other than J. HARTLEY CUNNINGHAM, Mana~r AVAILABLE AT THESE DEALERSI waiting on table .or seasonal can· Office~ abo at Bishop's FaUs, Botwood, Buchans, New York, Chicago and nerv work. Corner Brook, Corner Brook Wefl.! CurIiD~, Deer, Lake. Adelaide' MOIm. Htw GOWtl' II. Buenos Air.. are the three "The liquor act is another con· Woody Point, Grand FaUs, Badger, St. Ge~lrIte s, Hu~I'. Allto Itrvtct. Barbour Orle. Stephenville, StephenviUe Cro55101l and Wlodsor Clull4l', ltrvlce' SlaUoa, CltboDur larlest cities. In the WHterD trlbutlng factor. Since Indians lire !lmm', StrvIel Ihlllen, Ctrboew ot allowed to drink In their MUD. MOIOn, JllrIiooIr Grace hemi.phere. 775 OFFICII IN CANADA. THE UNITED KINGDOM, CONTINENTAl IUIO~I' ANI ShtppW', Ger.... Horbour One! homes or In the homes of frien~~ UNtTED STATU • BANKING CORRESPONDENTS JHIOUOHOUT TNI WO'IlD Coaw.,.·. Colli'" In early timet, butter thlt the beer parlor$ become social tHE s,. Auto StrvIceGu.... 1\.11101, WI1IlboarDt I 1tIIIIrtw'. IertIet I\.IU.. had bet 111Uowed to rot '!fU centrel. . _ ....______..;· ..... -.1 conald.red a daUelCf. "U the lOyernment thinks In· .\: " -'" ~~::'I ' . I , ,;. " THE DAILY ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY ~: ' --~------~----~------~------~------~~~~~~~~~~~~' O·GUID To Size 48 For, Monda·l. June 8 • I ; PRINTED PATTERN Personal • FOR TH-ELA'DIES * resent-For You and 4624 ours ... A day when you .fdtJ- ...... til won'l make spectacular progress. STORY: ~I GiveMe~ls A IOn Land ~d Sea:'! No Snobs Here, On the other hand. you shouldn't to 'enter J(a':: 10ie groaml. so keep your chin ChitChat ! • ' i But Avoid during the I Springtime up. Don't overdo Ihings physi. ~ow "bo. cally. Radialions favor visiling 111.1 II II WEDDING ANNIVERSAARY clenti$t and doelor. Minor ncga· of people Congratulations to Mr, and i I Clashes I' Touch The Nautical Dress aspcclS concerning domes· acquainted Mrs.. !\IijIlroe BUlden, 51 BY MARTIIA LOGAN BY AILEEN SNODDY tic .ffairs. but situation clears ..,e to Ha'll Pennywell Road, who cele­ 101-• •• , i Sprlnll Is the season when a I New York - (!'lEA) - Do~s up' by early evening. brated their 20th wedding new recipe Is as Important to I""7"'""""1-·,"·"~,~i':C<"'?'w:'t7';'·~·':"""'··· are not snobbish. They don't I~l XlII . ", anniversary, June 7th. menu planning as a perky new \ pedigrees stand in the way of Past . . . Giuseppe Guarneri, tbird night ha~ Is to the wardrobe. News· Future ... C~!Qr d an atm! 'I I I having a howling good time at ~;d 10 ' Italian violin·maker, was born an Imponant an .A over th' VICTORY CLlIB YWCA papers and recipe (III'S are sear· a party. bU ... The fourteenth birthday party 8, 1687. menl of high hi, ched with care for just the right But, watch out for personality on June His best crea· Rcsultl from ~n X\j rowers waS be of the Victory Club YWCA was recipe, The object Is a different clashes. says an amiable red· lio"$ Ire considered equal 10 show Ihat blue 11vacioUS and} '. , held at the "'in Recreation Cen' .dish that will please the family. head II'ho learned from ex· those of Slradivarius, but Ihe sons ... hite when s tre .on Thursday, June 4th. at Fork.tender veal sleaks with a perience. Respiralion Sam. It w: '1.30 p.m. Special l!Uests Includ· savoury stumng Is 'a combina· lanet evidenlly had a beller sure .. cre bo'h at least, th: Party planner Na:lcy Lee lighling. . ed Mrs, E, Hiscock, President tion to serve with confidence. It Sears l'ecaJls one of the ftlnniest press agent! devising s of the YWCA Board. Mrs, Ed· will be requested ,again lnd incidents she witnessed in many , Leilani an liar Pittman, and Mrs, Rubert again. a soiree. Th 0 U cI Y 'lore tbn onCE Hunt. BORl'd :'It embers 1\1lss Veal has a delicale fla\'otlr It seems a miniature black \ e ay n er our Sign 'foiled by w~ Marguerite Dawe, vlce·presldent and very little nalural fat cover· poodle was greeted by her hos. ,UIES (B ... Morch 211. April t9) lIB'A IS'p!.lI,,-, tacit agreeme tees also, a 000' S,rI'"IU{:" .. ,1:~1'ult }c:ll ,.,iII los( in tite r. I v. or the MacDonald Felloll'shlp I Ing. When buying, Ihe guide to miniature black 1 ton, run tHn If )'OU '.in flOW. ,.~'~ .;'\~I':;f. Y-, ~ .•m and Alex to I Club and :'Iliss Jcan Howcll,: highest quality Is the lop brand dl 1', wearing the same apache: TAURUS (April 20 t. Moy 20) ,.r "" ' with each r President of the Cabot Pionecrs. of the world's leading meat pac· Icostume. Before the o",n(lr~ I Semtonr }tu Ir~:n~d d;'.1j,1pv:"I~ \0\1, she II' The President. ~t\'s. James ker. Veal round steak is coateel 'could separate them. the girls. &.., don', "uk< • "m... ,~,. jeb. _",.,.esSI Ul whel Ryall, gave an cxcellent report with flour and cooked with.1low the black skirts and berets were I IGEIIAINI IlAoy 21 t. Ju., 2t I SAGITTARIUS ( asked Leilar sadly 8skev'. Uo,,', 10ft opt,mlstic or ovut;tim)tt 'fh C":I ... tier, 21 o( the ycar's ac!i\'ities which moist heat. Marlha Logan. well· , .ottr prll'PfelL '",' 1"1 ~ •.• bel' wrap, I fhowed Ihat the Club had had known home economi~I, ~lIgg~~ts The guest's costume was:\ CANCER fJuno 22 I. July 21 I ~:';;:~O~~·I:'O~';·· asked Sam I . a success(ul year. ~lrs. E. His ·consomme as the liquid for thr I· clangedI and (he party we:lt on. \\'.uch 'I'}-.lt 1C11 f,.J~ at r':.dl'\I~"1 in· .4.·1·:~:· '1 .. ~ .0'''' tC.~1 cock expressed special in terM sluffed I'cal steaks. ~ poodles )ontroiled. but icily cool ~ d~ ... I lack 01 d,p"mlCr· "I,,,, '" .. ",;. ;~. . .,' . In the social sel'vice projects Instead of rollins liP the stutt· ;. ' toward each other. I LEO IJuly 22 t. Aug. 211 of the Club and notcd with ing inside the steak as is some· !, ,,' ThiK 15 only one incident In the '\ ;~h;~I,,~V' an ><" .. um. ,~, .... pleasure the hospitality extcnd, times done, the two vcal stca~s i ·life of a struggling younl! actress ~IRGO IAug. 22 t. S.pl. 22) ed to the members of Caribou 1 with an unusual 8\"Ocation, plan_, D," , •••••1'<1 on'" ....,um,." are stacked one on top of the 'I ~ : njng parties {or pets. I "nuca!arJ, with rf'lall\t's. Silent Club and the older gucsts othel' with the stufling ill nco , I Says Denrcr. bor~ Xancy: I In GO\'cfmnent homes. FU~ld. , tween. Wood~n picks inserled I: raising was done by. card parltes i L. A . /J I . perpendicularly through the Ollt· l ! ':People hare been throwing par· I lIe~ (or pets for some time. But and a children's party at Easler I "'1..."""..-ffI(.... , sldc edges are laced with ~Iring ,',' and recenll)' a gcnerolls dona· . to hold Ihe meat and stlllfing, , I it has been haphazard." lion was made towards the I Cool ill tite kitchell, ellrefree securely in place. i I Living in ~~anhattan, she jour· YWCA Finance Blitz Campaign ,f~r chores, gay, for t:ardenlng: The herb·seasoned dripJlin~, i ; nc:.~ onCe a wc~k to an Allen· planned fo\' Wednesday scPt'j S\~eethearl neck is olltlincd by from the ~l\lffed I'cal steaks: town. Pa.. deparlment storc. 16th. The birthday cake was crlbp scallops tllat su~gest Ihe combincd wilh ~OII,oml11e arr. i : There she enjoys Ihe di~:inction made and cut by ~liss ~taggle I fia,tlery of slcel'es. "Easy.~e\\' the basis for II dcli;:htftll hero I .. ?f bei~g the only pet consul1ant Kennedy one of tile originals prmcess - no waist fieams. To. gravy. Prepared mustard lind I ' 'In the world. In addition. lirring. utI ris Arm ~trs. ~larie ~farsh, I ~rn·~gcr~ "'Ilh $kln problems low heat unl!1 onions are tender. and launches into something :Ira· tOday you can get it in many smooth and Srg,~; , '-l" , 'r . \ A I ilre WISe to ~cek a cloclor's help In a large bowl, combine bread matic ... Jike a bone scramble. variations: rye, white or whole· Garmon, .1 rs. ~Itrlam. nsle~', Most teen.agers will find that Remol'e from r~a: crumbs. \1 teaspoon saito 1 ~ea· (ffave more bones than dogs.) wheat, in snack rounds, in pum· Grand Beach. feeling hne: :'Ilrs. i thorott.t:h snap and water cleans. gelati~. Blend i! spoon pepper, thyme and cooked Another good mixer is hide·the- pernickle, salty rye a:ld in gar· Frank Hardiman. Point Rosee.· In~s followed by a medicated meatball. lie and now in onion rounds. mber anrl pari:!" onion. Spread stuffing over one whites wff. Fo:d!ll condition the same. cream will control most of their of the steaks. Top with the other If it is a birthday party, wrap This year's pack of salmon will then the ,our crti~ ~ problems. It Is Important to sleak. To hold the steaks toget· such gifts as toys or a new pair be only about. half as large as avoid Irritating the skin and ere· of dog pajamas in tissue. Put a last year, and the price will up cream 1010 tie her. insert wooden picks perpen' Chill Ii nI:l almo!: r': ' atlng serious infections. dlcularly through ·the outside goodie in the package so the Det by about 20 per cent. Therefore will unwrap it himself. net~ use' it wiseh' i:l Ihe best rccip~s cU;I~rd r:lp' tI::a )!21 'Dally Recipe Whe~ you're shopping and you edges of the two steaks and love this, ·1 YOH can find. We think this is {Placr onr O~ ::! fln~ yourstU drawn to a specific weave a string In a crisscross ~nrl One woman made a mea~ loaf' one of' them. cup ;:adfv;: color, be certain that It flatters manner around the steaks be· side" Spoo, !~,! ", birthday cake for her poodle. Salmon Moltsse In ~Ielba "I t A tween Ihe picks. 1ur~ in: 0 the this recipe comes very old your s~ none. n easy test Is • With a candle in the top, it lVa~ Basket. (Make! 6 servings) c,?, and straight from the kitchen of to drape the material over your Brown the steaks on both sides quite effec!i\'e, Nancv reported. Thirty wholewheat or while four ~le!h3 ro~~d! , . Delacre, a bakinr company shoulder so It is close to the skin. In the skillet. Add one·third cup A:ld when taking Poochie 10 ~ Meilla rounds. 1 envelope un· sides of the cW firm, ~Ijrle ~Iel\! , I which has baked cookies for the Get as much light on It as pos· of consomme and the bay leaf. party, make certain' he is well navored gelatin. l,i cup cold '. " r : cunon sail. I CIII'!lr'I~i)"l .. ~;, ' ~~I,; clips butlfr 2 eggs 50, add more consomme.' When ~i\1 ~ups extra fine granulated 1 ClIp roasted chestnut or haz. meat lSI dotne. remove It· to II Sl \'l ~"~: sugar elnut or other nut meats. w~rm p at er" . salt d I hi .1 F h T i ~··-:nsp .• ~' tsp', vanilla extract I!roun nto a t n powder 'fO make ~erb gravy, combine FLOWER FRESHNESS is the "look" of'as· this season. I·on I'ps ~" 4 tsps. cocoa' the meat drtpplngs left In the . , ~~ 4 to 11 tsp. grated lemon peel Mix the ~ulter. sugar and eggs skillet and the remaining con. Mother in her spic-and-span Cyclamen pmk shlrt- Fbgerpainting Is fun 111(; ;: .~\~~~egtt~ps. condensed milk for one minute. Add !1utmeat somme. with enough water to waist-dress with the new standaway collar in II keeps youngsters out Gf mls, . . n poWder. cocoa 'and flour., Mix make 112 cups of lIqufd Mix 3 h . h tIt 1 't chief for hours, And, even if : .. , ~.51'. cups sifted our for one.half minute. ' tablespoons of the liquid with 1 Dacron and cotton. Daug ter m er pas e pe a prm they smear the paint on them· Between Us Women ~. k~~C~ebabk~~!/:~:e~lIgar to- Ba~lng: Place .batter on Ilre~s· tablespo~n of flour. Combine ail'y dress of Dacron, nylon ,and cotton" A team ,for selves and furniture. mother . II: . I ", :ether lor three minules. Add ed. IIn.s In Iwo In~h lonl: .~trlps ~Iour m.txtur~ with the remain· easy sewing and easy care gives promise of'little or needn't worry. It wash~s off , . bs ml'~n.~ or a rorclOg bag If DO~' 109 IIqllld mixture in the skillet. . . . with lukewarm su~ and water. , , ' th" ~a\l. V~nilla. n~l·orin!!. gra· ~ihle. 1f II forcing bag is used, Cook and ~tir over low h~at un. no pressmg. U5, Anne Adams Prmted Pattern 4563 I WORKING WIrES ES,IOY , ' by side SIt they til. gral'y is thick lind smooth. (in Misses' Sizes 12 Lo 20) and 4822 (in Sizes 2 to 8) After I day.of clea:ling houit, ,HA"II\G THEtR OWN MOSEY: rid".1 • ", r ~~ns!~m~~lte~ii:::~r ~~~ ~~~: II~:O ~I~ips ~icle I I ih~.\ ~h1'! • . 111111 JOIn. PIlICp. nut crcam top. Sltr In preparcd mustard anrl' h CI 'ld' d T d d 50 t· . re~t I'our aching muscles on a I -- tip Ihe.'r ,.;\ur,l, lites Combine f10llr and haklng' ping also in slrip. hI' mClln~ currant Jelly Co t' I" ItOI' t e )1 5 ress. 0 or er, sen cen s In coms ~o· th' ~ h· E I h I "Don·t Ihink most /If liS work· "rl -n 100 In' o\\,cI'r Mix in th 0 hI If' '.' . 11 Inue ~ Irl'ln!: I b rl) f P' l d P tt I' 0 10 .. cus Ion. xpt'r sire·· . ~ <., , P ;; , or III: /. 0 ~II tndrnled forrinE balt if I until \mooth. Serve ,tt1'al'Y OI"PT' I stamps cannot e accepte or rm e a ern, found that resting IIrms on II ling wives wouldn'l qllli ollr Job., II Ifc .,I·oU:O ~;II: r-~', .., NlT CREAM TOPPING Iros~lble. Bnke Al ~:;o rl~gree51 each portion oC steAk and stuff. ' 4363 and 40 cents in coins (or Printed Pa'ttern 4822. I cushion will relax nm't and tomorrow. Wc'd ~pcnd all ?ur: L"nrin ';l"fol~ ;'~ cup buttel' P. for ~o !Dinllll.'.~. In(. I S d d ANNE ADA1I1S ' f ST muscle te:\Sillns. It also is a tim~ kcepin!: housp. if our en your or er to , II cal eo. ,comfort til tho.~e with .rthrlli' I ba.nds would promIse .115 a crr·, ~n Ih~: Ihrr JOHN'S DAILY NEWS, Pattern Dept·, 60 Front St. : and rheumatism. lal:l amount of spendlRg m9nlY thr ntr"' Ihe" , West, Toronto~Ont. ' to cali our oll'n." says one of my: Ctl,lolllrd to T~.

.• • I An enamel double hoiler can women rellder~. ,can halr the ' be cleaned out quickly and af. ':BUI." ~he ~oes on, "if we, ,omc Rlon~r io Cectively. To I' e m 0 v e dark qUit workmg, n would hal·e to. water stains in the bollom pan. account for every cent we I Ne~d cash to fix up fill the pa:l with boiling w3ter. spend." AMERICAN MENU Then add one fourth cup of She also claims she knows Manners BARBECUE CHICKEN SALAD Brown I~' pound ground beef In bleach beads. Let stand a few quite' a few husbal\ds who say your house? . IS MERRY MAY PARTY 1 tablespoon beef suet, or shor· minutes and rinse thoroug. hly. they wish their wives would stop tAming and spread ',over potatoes working. But wh~n these hus- SURPRISE. hand~ start figuring Ol1t how the Cover with 2 more cups diced Manllfacturers hal'e new vac· Frien~ BY GAYNOR MADDOX family can get by on one nR~' For a new luncheon salad for u!1cooked potatoes. Make Jlh uum cleaners doing e\'erything check, they :le\'er mention :-;" cups of white sauce with· 3 "table ~iv· a new month. enjoy this varia, except bahy sitti~g. They sug· ing up any of theIr own 5mall If a l1Ia:d ,\r~ :.. spoons flour blended inlo 3 tab· tion o~ chicken salad, Had dis· gest hOllsewives lI~e the hose of luxuries. They ~ay the wife~an \ a friend for a :o~lC« ~ lespoons melted buttet or,mar· c1~aner tinction. ' a canisler·type to empty get by with fewer clothes, iet the leleph00' 0: garine. Add 11.2' c'ups milk. ash tray,<. Ann don't forget to the cleaning woman go. won·t her by name ./ , NIAGARA Barbecue Chicken Salad Cook until ~Iightly thickenerl. wash trays at lea.~t once a week (Yield: 5 se"lngl) Stir in 1 teaspoon salt. 'I, tM' need lunch money, etc. ' ------' Combine 2 cups diced cooked "With all Ihe plans for econo­ LOAN5 spoo'n ground black pepper and mizing goin$( one way. a woman chicken with 1~ cups diced 2 cups graled sharp cheddar A teen·agpr who. learns the celery, 2 teaspoons salt. 1 tea· magic or subtle make·up is way figures she's better off holdbg cheese. Pour' half of 'the' sauce onto her. own pay check," mys spoon powdered dry mustard, I~ over the polaloes' and ineat. ahead of thp ~ame. Applying ~ teaspoon chili powder, tea· Top with 6 cooked medium on· lipstick properly is important Ihis reader. 1. There's truth 10 what she says. spoon' ground black pepper. one· ions, ol'er ·which pour the remain and the best way is with a lip· sixteenth teaspoon onion powder. stick brush. This takes practice Many women do work because , LARGEST ALL·CAt,lADIAN ing sauce. Bake in a preheated thev like to have a lillie mane}' and o:le·third cup mayonnaise. moderate ove:l (350 degr~s F.l but is worth learning. Just be to 'rall their 011'11. 'fhp), can LOAN COMPANY Serve over a bed of crisp let· 25 minutes. ·.Ht>l1lol;e· from oven certain to halance and sleslh' ~pel1l1 this on Ihlngs Ihey want. tuce or watercress. Garnish and sprinkle with ~4 cup butter· your hand and arm for arcuralp PARLAND BIJILJ.ING Rut this mighl be impossibl.e :0 ed soft bre~d 'crumbs, Return strokes. Work for a c1ean·sut with radish roses. justify if the cost came oul of i Duckworth St. Phone 'O6'l A meal In a dish, that's what 10 oven and bake 15' to 20 minu· outline. Iheir husband's pay check. i Brancbes In Grand l<'al1~ and this recipe nrovides:, te~ or until crumbs are brown. , Corner Brook buttered green beans. cracked Pot:ll~~" Meat and Onion. Au SC\'\'e at once. wheat bread. bulier or mar;:ari:1c 11'5 also true thai a ~reat Gratin c Yield: • serl'tnJ!~) many men quickly j(et used to MONDAY'S DINNER: Pola· hetwaen rhubarb: peanut cooki~s. Place ? r'''' , diced nncookecl coffee, lea. milk. thelitt1e luxuries made possible; potatoes in a 2 1U3rl casserole. toes, meat and onions au gratin, -.

-, ", :: t~·.,...... ,;.: ~'I .- . .. ---.. 7· 5T. JOHN'S, MONDAY JUN;.;,E~8~'~19~~______~------~------~------~------~ OUR BOARDING HOUSE Paramount· _R_A;,;;...DI.;..;..O~PROGRAMS U~NeWl, Now PlaJiDg CIN 5.00-Bob'. Bandwaloll. CARY GRANT AND MONDAY, JUlie ath. 5.SO-SupermBn. SOPHIA LOREN IN U5-Supper Serenade. "HOUSEBOAT" '.3I1-CBC New •. 5.IiO-Fisherman'. Forecast. 5.5S-New•. TOR\': someone "Not since I took' it to the ".35-Top of Thl Mownl. 6.DO-Bulletln Board. :a l\atW's ~t~te purser," Kalh,e said, then could A magnetic romantic team 8.00--CJC N.WI and w•• ther 6.l5--Sportsc8lt and Trnt!· It . ttr, the nl~ht. She bave bitlen her tongue out (or In the attracUve and glamoroUJ 8.15-Mualea1 Cloek. guide. jana 0" IIho, bul she telling him where the deed was. persons of Cary Grant .nd Ius- .g.OD-Mominl DevOtiODI. 6.aD-Supper Serenade. ~~It II Is one 01 "Smart girl," He was 60 obvi· clou. Sophia Loren· .parks i III-ProJl'lm Pr.v""". 6.45-New•. of ptOplf ,he has ously making fun of her that she Paramount's Teehnlcolor mome- 9.2G-Plano PlayUme, 7.00-Shlllelagh Showtime. ··'1 "j cquaint lIith on was angered, dy, "Houseboat," which open. g,IO-Nen :.. ,(:' .' td 7.l5--Sbl\1elagh Showtlme. If.; , It 10 "all ail. She [\un~ at him: "Someone at the Paramount Theatre. The 9.I16-Dlrect Reporta. . S.OO-Cream 01 the Crop Ilil/ ~'. 11)1'. • • did try my door the first night film, an original .tory by Mel 9.45-Record•• t Randolll. " ~ I.' I . US-Newi. V" ' . SJlI oul, )·ou know." She .tole a Shavelson and Jack Rose, who 10.OO-Areher•. "d1i"" . 10.00-VOCM All Tim. Bit '1,11+1·. "rd ni~ht out was glnnce at his rnadowed face and authored the highly successful 10.111-1ria Power, Parade. ';:\l'i". .I In atJ1w,phrre 01 said quickly, "And If you try' "Seven Little Foys." among IO.25-For ,Cllnsumel'l. 1O.3U--Eventide Medltatlon. . ,: d• Ol'er tM to tell me that It was some other comedies, co-stars Martlla 10.30-MUllc III tile Mornllll ~l~,I::. ~ ; ~hip. 10.44portsCllt. 1).," I ,., . bur.. was hrr,rlr again drunk who got the wrong Hyer and Harry Guardln!! and 10.411-BBC Variety 10.5S-News. .:1': .. and charmmg door-" f'!aturel Eduardo Ciannelli. 11.15-Musical Program. t10o-Torbay Weatber · ,III '. ( . ~hen ;ht rx~rted "You took t~e words ~Ighl out Moder'n Washington D.C. and 1l.45-Reglna McBride. II.OS-Club 590. I .. ~ , saRlo It \las ~bVIOUS, of my mouth, Alex said drily. Ihe colorlul, hlstor!c Patomar '2.0U--BBC Newi. LOO-Close Oown. ~ i . t !N~t. tha: Bra was "Oh-!" She turned angrily Rive rare Integral parts of the 12.1D-Announcera Cbolce. · I'., . ~ . I ' lctll!tnl! ;lIbt~r ways, away from him, bul he caught Iight.hearted story amout a 12.3G-Farm BrCtadca.t. CJON '~' , ~ Lriall anli $;Im to· Iher arm. . lawyer's dilemma when he In 12.4I1-Mid. Day Serenade. i MONDAY, June 8th. .. :::.,1" f" .' , ethll 01:",' ;hr found. "Dance?" he said, a sugges· herlts his three children through l.GO-Doyle Bulletin. · .; .~: I' ; ~r Sign ;:;~rJ' by ,,1t;lt lIas al· : lion of laughter. in his voice. the death of .his wife, from 1.lS-~~ Loye Ind Honour. 6,aD-Weather. ',," " I ~c;t l~reenw"t betwcen i And only then did s~~ become whom he had been estranged \.SG-CilC New. and W.ltber 7.0D-Nfld. New. and Sportl. I' 'd AI-es to aWl" beIDI: . aware that. the mUSICians had ror three ye:trs, . He. wants to 1.45-Muslcal Program. 7.0S-l..ocal Weatber. :,I' I!: . . ~. wth earn otlt!'r. ,hegun pla)'ms, and that down at be a good fatlier to them, but 2.0u--Words witt. Mu.ll!. 1.30-Round the World New. ... ;Jow(1)&Ce,," 01= YOU TA\(E. Me. . ~he 11.1' Ilwmen· ,the far end of th~ deck a few they have Ideas· of their own 'Z,29-Domlnlon ObI. Tim. l3S-Complete Weatber For. .'TO IN RA'.'l1l\cR AFRAID , I: I\hr::. attcr din .. eouples were mOl'mg dreamily that don't Include him. The Signal, 11-\t6 \'lAY, SUT I'M cast. 1:VE-s OOT --. i-JI "~r7 . IIhu', lwn ohnol(. 1 ribs. They danced In a tense housekeeper an dhires her to S.OO--Newi. 8.45--Morning Mer r, Gil I F,b. 20 t. "tntllt thr ,III), old I silence, too much aware of each help him take care of the chilo 5.u5-Platter Parade Rourtl. Tl .,.., r If' I" • , I other to dance well. dren. !i.3D-Fisherie. Broadenl. 1'f!'1 "o!,,,,~::;":;" 8.55-Just a Minute. ')st With poill r ;!cquie.' It was a relief when Kalhle The role of the sophisticated 5.45-Muslcal Proeram. 1.00-Gencral PruvineJal News t' \ '. ;:d Bea lurnrrl brightly: lelt ~~m's hand on her arm .. ~~~:ph~~r:tln~!to~~~;est~~d~~~~v 600.;..lntermeno II,05-Mu.ic for MillioDt. and Alrx. "Shall we '''Cut7 6.2S-Program Plevlew 9_2D-The Bob Lewil Sbuw I them out 011 Mck7" : Beside him, Leilani was ,mil· lions be~'ond his capabUilies Is 6.30-5upper Guest. 9,4S-Prodigal Husband. "~flft ~a' hf,':l1~'~ lInel·~n. ing RI. AI('x,. and he tur.ned. 10 made to order for Grant'~ 6.45-You've got to keep try· 10.1I:-~hrtin', Corner. III ulked b<'>ul,' Alex her 11·.lIh ob\'tou~ plea~lIr~. Sam comedy talents, .Mls~ Loren as ing. 1O.lS-No Love for Linda . I. 01 the rli11in~ ~nloll. Pllt hiS arm around Kathie and the "househcp~r'~· gh'es her 7.0D-CBC News Ind Weather. 1O·:1l- What', Conkin'. ftn~trs li~htl~ t'~uch .. guided her off expertly. first portrayal as a Cllmedlenne 7.15-:'Ilu5Ic81 Program. 1.35-Who Am I? JmI no"' and then in' "Kathie, )'ou're trembling!" I nan American·made film, and 7.3O-Tops Today. lO.45-Housewil'e5 Cholc •. . i Is he said, surprised. also further proves her versa· 7.45--Uoy •• Bulletin. l1.Dl-Rev Matthews. ~lm rh3l1,'rrd ;~il)' "I'm-chilly." she lied. Ii~ity by singing t'lf). scoring S.IS-Rawhide. , h I With "Bing! Bang! Bon"/" 1l.3D-Honour Your Partner 1::trIalr.inl!l).r regaling: Ol'er his S oulder, Kath e .. 6.30-Hour of SI. Francis. 12.00-News In a Minute rj;b the latp;! ship's I watched Lellanl and Alex move S.4S-lsobel Olds Sings. 12.01-l'own Ind CountfJ.' mmntl)' unaware that togetner In a perfection that SUNDAY CONVENTION 9.0o-Hawali Calls. l.OI-Weather Forecast. Iroidin~ each other's I belrayed long practice together. VILLE MARIE, Que., (CP1- 9.30--Vancouver Theatre. l.35-Edltorlal Commeot. , : sptaking. when they IAnd her eyes were dark and The regio:tal convention of Cham· to.3D-Man to Man. l.40--Sports. .' i U mmary 10 answer Itroubled. bera of Co~merce of northwesl· 1l.3D-CBC National News 1.4:>-Art Baker', Noteoook. I:rlir.td voices. • • • ern Quebec IS schedullXl to meet Roundup and Talk. 2.01-Made lor eacb Other. 1 .. of them slood at the' here Sunay. About 70 delegat~s 12.00-slgn Off. 0 Canadi The 2.1S-Jerry Wiggins Show. .- .. ----- down at the moon Eager as Kathie was 10 see are expected from chambers In Queen, 3.01-Westero Jamboree. . .. ------.----.-- - ... -.-.- "".I.,~ •• n I\' than wh ~ the goal of her dream~, she was SI. Bruno de Gulgues, Bellelerre, ------4.00-General Provincial NI'" I 8.00-Sports Today. I o e the last morning of the VO)'age Temlscamlngue • Sud. Nedelac. V M •. 05-Western Jamboree. : 8.l5-Masters of ~Ielody. i and .aid "De r dawn with a faint regret. rhe Notre Dame du Nord, Rouyn· OC S.Ot-Bob Lewis' Dance Part, . 8.3D-What" ~t~· 1.ine? Stephenville: l'BARBS I: hare wa;ted' for ~Y' five days just past had been the Noranda and Duparquet, as well MONDAY, June 8th, 1I.00-News and Weather. I 8.55-News ~nd Weather. .1 think I'd better go in. ~most memorable 01 fler lif~. and as Ville MARIE. I 6.30--News and Weather. 8.02-Wbat', Cookin1 9.00-lndictment. In' H,\t. u)( IW,\S I : :i\ : even the fact that Hawaii was . 1 6.0~Bulletin Board. 9.25-Duf£\·'s T~I'PI'lI. A lIt;htentng Joh Will It op ih~ 10 with ,ou" Alex so near could not dim their Ethnologists estimate that wltb Bill. '1' '~: - :~~reakfllt 6.1D-Naltonal New," 9.30-f'ron'tier l;cntkman. CFSN chatter in the rrar DC your car. : I . :. .. I glamour. polynesians arrived"e onHa theal'I'an Is· I'7.00--Break!ast ews. witb Bill. i I d r 0 h I t I 6.15-Sports.' i 9.55--Ebony and Ivory. 50 will Ira"ing the IIltlc kid~ al I. ' ..,1'1 10:" she ~atd archly. "I: Though ·they had danced late an 0 a u, n 11 w 7.3G-Newl and Waterfronl 6.30-P.M. Theatre. ! IO.OO--Final Edlt"'J1. home_ .: I Ihmk of laking you; the nliht before, many of the group, about 1004 A.D. \ Directory, 7,OI-Cluh 93. .10.l5--New Yorkers. ·1 ' thi! gorseous moon· I passengers were on dec~ ~horltly Workings near Red River, 1 7.35-Breakfast Witb Bill. B.OI-Brst Irom tbe West i IO.3D-Romance in )Iusic. T·V )lom will br taklOg the ~id5 .'II : jUlt 5tep inside and i af~er down for Ihelr f rst 75S-N 9.01-Wnat', Cookin'. 'lO.5S-Tbis 1 Believe. 10 a I'acation resort this 8um· L!ilani." And she was I gitmpse of Diamond Head. A cry N.M., yield molybdenum, a· ew" 9.02-Nfld Soiree. 11l.OO-Muslc Till Midnigbt. mer and keep right on beinl ~a)'.• Iwent up from tile rail when metal\I used for forming .teel 8.0G-Torba,S.05-Breakfaat Weather. with Bill. 9.30--Blackwood Brothtra. 12.00-Sign Ofr. . tired oul. , l afttr her wilh \ the !lrs~ lalnt outllne~ o~· ~Iue a °YI. 8.25--News. 9.45--00sco News. GUIDE . . lifted fl'ebrow were discovered. WIth dlsap- S.3G-Hit Tune of the 017· 10.SO-N.t.ionat New •. tJON·CJOX 1V MONDAY, JUNE 8. . . polntment, Kathie learned that said, reproving her Impatience. 8:35-Sportsoasl Jo.oI-Crlme Filel of Flamond. MONDAY, June 8th. • , • : Ihe point she saW'W8ll .not the The mirage grew and deepend 8.40--Break!ost with Bill. l0:45-Sports, . 3AS-Nursery School UUpen House. , .. Inllotnle •.!rhird tko rlshteall' fa?'Acd Hlead · I k d fl and changed color. and eagerly S.55--Ne"'. 11.01-HolliepartJ. Time ,' .. ~ t r .. e a, e er,. ny an d 00" s goo a er Kathie .tudled fler first light D.OO-Mornlnl Date. . 2.30-Dear Phoebe. ,. 12.3D-Nelr. Roundup. 3.0o-Nursery School Time, - hghl With mockery. fIve days at sea, Bea powers of the green hills and valleys. 9.1l1-Llndl" Firat Lon. 12.35--HoUleparty. 4.00-Dear Phoebe Presently she could make out 9.3D-Mominl Date.' 1.01-SlgD OU. . US-Matinee. 4.30-0pen House white buildings and a rocky lo.OO--News. '.30-Howdy Doody. coastline. The ~hip was movlnil \O.05-5tork Club. 5.00-Follow Me. 5.00-P. M. Party ll', ~Il l'I~hl II) ;".' Ih"l 'pnl'l, very slowly now following along lO.l5-Juke Box Jamboree. VOUS 5 IS-Children's Newsreel. 5.30-Howdy nood~' rri;:lh tl1lt "'0" !ikr II 0 ,pfll 5.30-Dancing Storybook. ;t "r~jll~.'· the co'ast. lO.3o-Juke Box Jamboree. MONDAY, June 81h, 5.:l~-Bi11hol\\'d And then lhere was DIamond 10.55-NewI. 6.0U-RanchUme. Head, the landmark, presp.nting 11.0D-W\lf DO)'le Sbow. 8.~ultdlal. 6.30-News "·I\·alt.tde. fi.OO-F4lllow )1(' III .1 h;i],.:~1U \~It: ~ 'q'mdn Its blank, Impressive face 10 the U.55-Newl. 6.3D-News and Weather. '7.0D-Rifleman. fi.Hi-Chihln'll·s 1l1.1~ 1Rld' Ilw rh:ulrP or ruin il1~·. "11,' tlrr', :11 llrin tu on:: sea. 12.00-Mldda, Melodle •. 7.0D-News and Weather. 7.30-The 71th. Reng~1 .:\('wsr('d As they rounded the point, 12.3G-Newl. 7.3D-News and Weather: I.anccfs, tlnlJlIu'J' they could see a tug coming to 12.35-Rambllng wltll Record •. 8.0D-Breakfast Club. 8.00-The Millionaire. /i.::O-RH~· f{f);,tl'r!> --_._-_.. _------!/,;itl· (' r(l~,s Can",lIa meet them, Strains of Hawj\lIan 12.45--Flsherman" Forecast. S.30-Bert Parks Bandstand. 8,3D-Cross Canada Hil ParaMo . 7.IJlI-:\f'w~ WC;1thr.r music were waIted aeross the 12.50--Rambllng witb Records. 9.0D-1t Happened Last Night 9.0U--Danny Thomas ShOll'. . And Sports Hi t Pal';\llp water toward the Lurlln~, and 1.l5-Sportscast. 9.55-News and Weather. 9.30-Cannon lIall. J(t.I.lf1-lIallll~· Thotna~ PLAYlr~G as the tug neared, the excited 1.2G-Rambllnl with Records. to.OO-Coffee Time. lO.OD-Desilu Play hOllse. ;.::0-1\'(' (; .. t A Sl'frl'l passengers could see a number 1.3G-News. 1l.0G-Turn Back the Clock. 1l.Oo-Natlonal I'Ocws. g.OO-Sle\'p Canyon I fI.:lU-(an\lf)" hili I of girls In gross skirts with flow· US-Passing Parade tJobn U.25-Polnt of Law. ll.1o-Local News. 8.:IO-D(,)Jnis Day 11.I"I-n('~i III ..1 RANDOLPH SCOTT ers In their dark hair, and piles Nesbitt). n.3D-Program 12. tl.I5-The Late Show. Playhflll:l!c of what appeared to be brightly 2.00-Muslc Matinee. 12.3G-March of Eventl 9 ,OO-Mi11iollll i re :1 JOHN CARROLL colored flowers. 2.S5-Newl. 12.45-Sports Page. Some bosses wouldn't even "Tbe official greeten," Alex 3.00-Dollar. OD Parade. 1.OO-Jack Paar Show. rai~e an employee in a poker in observed dryly. 3.55-NeWl. 1.30--Marvln Miller. game. ~ " (To Be Continued) 4.0D-Bob'a Bandwagon, l.45-Couple Next Door. --- 2.0D-Steve Lawrence Sbow. CHECK SKELETON 2.aG-New•. BEEBE, Que .• \CPl-A human NEW LONG SIZE!': 2.45-Dick Clark Bandstand. skeleton discol'eren Wednesda\' 3.3D-News or Baseball. on alarm near (his Qucbec·\·el:' "Decision At 3.35-1'rojan Digest. mont border town has been !>enl 4.DO-Faee the Nation. to proviJ1('ial police medico·leg": ! .4.3D-News. laboratorics in ~Ivntreal. Poli~( , 4.45--Word of Sport •. Ihore said they ar not ruling IJhl , 5.DO-Hawaii Call •. I the po"ibiIiIY of foul play. Tit. : 5.30-Checkin' tn. : skel.wn is lJelie\'ed to be Ihot 0' Sundown" s wonta:1 ot Hhout 2U. Police P' B.3D-New •. N STEELE ....: VALERIE FRENCH 8.45-America'l Bu.lneSi. \ timated the body was buried 11 B.5O-Checkin' In. [0 25 years ago. , ': .! ; _. __ ._.- -_._----_. , . IN TECHNICOLOR An swer to Previous Puzzle NOW PLAYINGr Popular Pairs \ I ,..... ------..J .,' . SPecial Added Attraction ,ACIlOSS DOWN ' .. '. ~ f h~ir ,,·ir(.I· i 1 'rom - 1 Prw down I tD bottom. :: - and .: '~' ~0J1'1 a!lrays ! 4 Kind above Viceroy gives you . h~~r ltLxurirs • Heartla 3 Remorse .....• around to INCREDIBlE FRAII'UP EXPLODES 'lTD and - .. Closed car .tcs at the nation~1 polie, I Tile un;vcr:i'v .Oltat~ 1 recta color blindness and i~ a The pcinle was planned bv: Mrs. Clara Ford, the president i ! conCerence of the United S:ecl· i pan~in" il. l;c'j;·1! , soothIng Influencp. on the workers of America (CLC) ,'otpd l a n~'I" cam~u; ,·IIS 1:4 It out of the Association, and the ex· I , Thursday to sJlc~d up to $15.030' olltskil'l<. ' 01 t!le ne~~e:~ldes, brio~~ ~ ----- strong 5en~c • of •sportsmanship." • I' cntsecutive and members; friends ofand the the school par , MARG.lR!::T TO LI BOS I ~all1url\dan ! LO~DO~, (neutersl-Pri'cc,s I the '\II1~"i·'1:11S. rnrortunateb' It.s douhtful I are congratulating them on ! :'Ilargaret flies to Lisbon torl~y· \\"~s il hrrll;. a . '. that the Re\'. Willis' theory on making the affair such a tre· : for a six·day pril'ate I'isit of tun' cr Ill'Corc hi~l 5 ~15 I J,-", .. ,I, IC'II WI:" ~s kid's s!uff.. . b~' Cambridge. tire which their Cambridge es~~~c~ ~he e :Ia~wound was usual weekly m~e~i~g, u:Je: te~~ Iishments in eastern Canada June · Arab kingdolll of Yemen is: ondh the :e, cc!:wo< ' . : II :deida on the Red Sea. . . To scorn illddl) II Irks as 'I~ Since thcn Cambridgc has rivals wear to important set in order the public ad. leadership or Scoutmaster Jerrv I 14·22, deCenc_ hcadqllarter~ an· .. ,co~I. child's ~~~e s to re u~e ,~' sponsored the World Tlddly· matches, Including neckties dres~ svstcm' In readinc~s the Noseworthy and l\'lth Assisi i :,)Ilnccd Friday, beCAuse It IS fet! to babIes, he winks Congress, the first oelts embroidered with tlddlypots \'I . t d 't ' 1 30 Scoutmaster Brown in att d' .. ------O Y indl~nantly claims. kind evcr held, at which In, They also claim that befor~ p cn c Itgh Ilunth crwa II a a 'd The other Assist Seou~~:~tCC ~~ '!!t. tcrnational rul (or the arne hi'p,m~ w a e pup s p ra . ."er f'· ,'jii , It was 8n article tltlcd "noes es g t e recent oxford·Cambr dge ing around the field to a med· Const. Doughty oC the RC~IP was I" • F'rincr. Philip Cheat ~t Tidcllv I ~'ere laid down. At prescnt It match. the Cambridge team lev of Scottish marches. In on duty and unal'oidably absent. "'inks"" printed in a Cambrichie II~ attempting to standardize Ihad their thumbs insured by the bright sun this was indeed, The troop con~ists of til'e patrols Undcrgra~\Iatc ma!!~~lne last ~~I~ht~:~ns ~;-: In connection I Lloyd's of London. a colourful pageant. with gal1~ Fox, Bea.nr: nattlesnake, Lion ~'ear. which sparked the I'ol!u~ ,eg 1 As the latest development, decorated doll carriages, tn· a~d Beal. Each numbe:s about for the (amp, 1 • • • ' the Royal Air Force Bomber cl'eles and blc~'cles and each nme stouts so the troop IS a little • • '. i It" not uncummon til he'sr Command has i~sued a chal· child rarryln!! a nal!, ~.bore the nor,mal strength of 32. The Duke nf EdintlUrch' a plM'cr exrlaim, "I squopped lenge to Camhridge. The bom· :llr. Heber :\oel, ~lIss Gwen· I c~~tts~t~~1 winner of the Patrol prnmptl~' challen2ed Cambrid~,: I his wink with my squlc1ger." bardiers' team, which is said Idoll'n Sto~'les and :III'. Gordon 19"9'· I:d the pll~st I \ m~nths \~f , 10 0\ match. the proc~e!ls tn ~o \ Squoll, in thi~ context, means to be a powerful one. has as Al'chlbald and Sgt. .J. Clarke Si~n;~ ~ eale~ a,ro ea er . \ 10 the National Pla':ing Ficld~ to cover an opponenL's wink, I' its motto: "Squld!!e harll, were the judges for the doll Leade' 'fa CDI' ~~ uLn~er patdl'ol . A • t' b hi' I II . 'I b' 'd" . . . I' .f X ails. Ions un cr "ocla JOn, ut ~t t east min. WI e a sqllldgcr IS tIe Ig squi ge ~ure. carl'lage pal·ade. It was. dlffl' Patrol Leader Clavt. 0 n Brown, cull to ~e Iecl tl Ie wmner as Rattlesnake under Patrol Leader it yet. ,each child ~ad spent m,uch Harl'PY Daris, Bcar under Pa· At C1I1'rent pricc~, stocks of' time in ,makmg her carriage trol Leader Sydney Styles, YOUR POCKETBOOK many well.known compa~ies ,Ire as beauhrul as possible. After At the meeting first the Horsc THERE IS NO ROr,\!. ROAD I When he asked his client wllat selling al prices yielding 2 to '. all the little I(lrls had paraded shoe \\'a5 formed with the sconts Miss Patsy TO QUICK STOCK PROt'lTS he knew about the company, the pCI' cent and less, Purchases al around a circle with their par· in a "U" shaped formation, .. BY FAYE HENLE client replied that he .knew noth. ~uch prices can "be rationalized cnts looking on. Sandra Dawe :'-Iext thpy were IiDed up in Pa· features a You have read the warnings ing and wa!lted to waste no time by the shrewd investor Otl a was declared the winner for trois lor inspection, then thev · waltz lengl lounded by Ihe nation's major in research. He wanted to buy. hasis of anticipated dil'idend in· the older age group. whlie broke away 10 go to the \'ariou's · The flutec stock exchanl:es, by big member Agreed that none of Us should creases. 1I0wcI'er, this inl'oll'es Cynthia Butler was the win· screcned off sections for each · bow abo~ firms, by lhe Securities a)d Ex. buy on rumor, the question Is either a long wailing period tor ncr for the smaller girls. Patrol until recalled by the Scout- change Commission against buy. ,this: how to selecl stocks to lui. a substantial retur~, or optimis· David Lidstone. a Kinder· masters Whistle for new aetll'i· touch of lu Ing common stocks on tips lind! fill the sound objectil'es of mak tic expectations !or the luture. garten pupil, was awarded a ties, rUl1lors. These are amber sig. ing O:1e'.s dollars grow? Whctl measurlOg g a ins oC prize Cor the best decorated . Vari.ous games were played Dais,' Remember the recent tale 01 a stocks aU?w not ?nly for the tricycle: In the bicycle parade, tncludtng a three cornered tug Simultaneously, hardly a 1ay man on relief who simply exer. gcneral me In prices but also Baden Clouter was the winner or war that went all round the passes without someone teUhs cised "horse sense" and pyrolmi- for the capital gains tax. In the boys' division. whlle borseshoe, until every three boys you of the profits they are mak. ded relief dollars inlo a tidy sum The. value of stocks must. re Theresa Bonnell was the win· had their turn. At the campfire Inll in "the market." I S~me 01 I that yielded a comfortable in. flect tn the lo~g run the. ear!llOg ner in the girls' division. ~roupin~ instructions were given these may be paper profits :hat \ come7 It can be argued that power of busl!les~. T?IS .earn Pamela Clarke took top m the. proper manner to mOI'e never will be realized. 1 Also. i Lady luck was on bis side 3!ld Ing 'power of bus mess IS vlt.a!ly honours In the hula·hoop con· about III a small. boat to preserl'e you hear It repeated lhat the I lbat anyone can make money in arrecl~ by government poliCies test and Gale Chernin came b~lance. Other mstructions were purchase of common stocks is I a rising market. Is this reall)' on ~a~es, cont,rols, etc. , second, Judges for thl~ con· gl\'en out to the Troop by the your one big hedge agnin~t Iht'! 30? Rlsmg bllsllle~s proflts lnd t· re Mrs Cvril Pinsent Scoutmaster and his Assistant loas In purchasing power of YOI1l': Listell to what the current Is· d:il'idends do ~ot alwa:5 follow es~ ~t (:1 .a F d T the until th~ Scouts finally broke off dollar, I :;lIe 01 The First ~3tion31 City higher consumer prices. In an 'd rS~r i ar ~r, ;'gg r and were dismissed after two In the Cace 01 these conflicting ! BD~k's moothl~' letter reports: GreDt Britain during 19~6·50 secon IV s on . or. I e and a half hours of what seems sentiments I asked an official 01: At the md of 19,,8 more than when the Lahor Party was in gl.rls. ,Joanne Jewel' \\ as the an enchanting period to bovhood. the New York Stock Exchange, one.third of all common stocks power and taxes were high and wmner. I • "What can people do?" I listed on the New York Stock ~ol'ernme~t controls rig i d.. Midway In the programme'S d W· "What worries us." he replied : Exchange-and we are pretty though the cost of lil'ing rose, lunch was sen'ed ;nd free ,tu en ts In "Is thc blind faith prople are certain thi, would be trup 01 the nearly 22 per cenl. the prices of I cokes d:>llated by \\ est Coast pinning 0:1 the market for qnick ' regionlll exchanges _ were sell. industrial shares dropped 17 per Supply Stores Ltd. and other, . d prllfitS." ' b~ below their 1946 highs. cent. - I drinks donated by Kay's Bel" t\ ". ar s To illustrate, he tuld Ihat a I It took 16 of the 30 stock.', In Whell those r!'Dlly in the know I erages, wert' distributed: The! STEl'm::\V iI.l.F: -. Thrpc ,ecurities salcsman rccentII' re. the current Dow.Jonc~ industrial nash these warnin!: signals it i~ \ ~~ome andd SChOO(1 AI ss~clat~~n I~t\ldent5 from the Stephen· ported Ihat II client phon~d Jnel : al'CrN~l'. morc than 20 years to ~I:!h time we stopped. looked.! IS I~dee ~.rate u o· r, ,';lIr :\malgamaterl ~chool: placed ~n order for a ~tl)ck Ihe : !:c\ back til th~it· 1929 hi~h~. h5t~necl anrl moved only on the I' Le\\,l~ ll~tchmgS and ~1r. AI· ni~lIa :\Iesserl'ey, Grade XI: talesman_ :le"cl' had heard of. I FOllr of the stocks hnl'cn'l made ad"lce or a proven expert. bert Ka)~ (or tht'lr kmdncss :It "R b t G' rI X I ______:.--_..:....:.:....~------~-.-~---. ~n ~IlPP1'1 ~ n~ the children with H~l't1cn. ~u" 0COU~lnS, cr~, ,I (~l'arlea ('. anrXI. Ice cold drmks. 't' . ftOrt lecelve.' d h onoura hi I' mcn t'Ion ... t t Th e mos I compe theI II'P bic\'cle ,." awar dr's rom the M:f1tult ura I. , I,: i th I . t',l , men ..• o r e p en C 'lVere - Research Department of the . , :11 ~ :. \ : ) New Opportunities for young races, sack races, potato ra~~d Swift Canadian Co .. Ltd" Tor. i' ;' : .', , l~· ~I' ~. '- . the fifty, one hundred onto, for essays written on .~;,. I' . ,.'.. I I two hundred yard dashes .. In "The 1'.larketing of Canadian these contests, the childl en L' t k Of Th' . :jt were grouped according to ti lI'es fJ . IS.. was B n~· l '.. ," ith th roll wing people . on·w e competition and It as OFFICERS in ages II' e 0 5 Is interesting to note that o( dlrectlng the group : the five awards coming to t. . Norman Plnhorn, Alex R~~~: Newfoundland, three oC them "HANDLED WITH " 1 Jerry colhourne, Eric N were earned by students oC the Canadian Army over, Mrs, Melvin Hillier, Mrs, the Stephenville Amalgamat· al your Maisie Goodyear, Mrs. AI~e~t ed School. ; ( . i Krakosky, Mrs, Lurley J h· The students were guided , CHEVROLET' PONTIAC' OLDSMOBILE' BUICK' CADILLAC and GMC •• " 1 • son, Mrs. Howard ~oodyear, In their work by their prlnci· • 'II .' :'·1"'" Mrs. Ash, Mrs. Lobla! Cuff, pal, Mr. G. R. Parsons. specialists on your {; \1 milke, keep I. I'i' ]\Irs. Sam Himel', Mrs. George Highwuy protection for you and your 'i ,'; ------.. vehicle at peak perJ'Ol'lll;IOl't', And ;; : ['"~ . Rose, !\frs, Cy pinsent, :ltrs COM:\USSIOS DESTROYER t"amily starts with Guardian l\laintenance \ J. Clarke, Mrs. Derek Ham· VICTORIA, (CP) - The new -the wp.quality service t.hat keeps your save money with serl'ice that'; mond, !\frs, Cm( Jewer, Sgt destroyer·escort Terra ~o\'a will your car:Summer's ,;u';l .Hou nd .10hn Clarkp. and iIIr. Roland be commi,sioned into the Royal GM vehicle ready and reliable, Guardian it ~ J : i . , . the right time 111 takr Eddy. I Canadian ~a\'y today at a cere­ Maintenance is an important service of I' .. :1;. It was encouraging to par· mony in the yard of Victoria I your GM dealer, and your best assurance of the Guardian \l;;itllrl1~n(1 :, \ \.' . ents and teachers to Clnd 50 Machinery Depol. which built the i rVlcc. Specla . Is I'I:'t rr I I)(" 'n ..' \~tl :: \., .r I: :' many pupils participating and ship. Defence Minister Pearkes: offactory.approved pArts and scientific Se I' ." • competing with others In will attend. Her first captain is your car will be "H;II1r11ed ~ith II' , ; ~ equipment. G M Dealer Mechanics, trained I' "'i, " those games and contests. The Cmdr. William H. Lill on of Cal· . 'I ' I' I' , '. ~'ould you Wle 10 be ill Officer in thc Rcgular Army, a",1 pupils seemed 10 be quite gary and Prescott, Ont. The ship, i' '\:\.. !.: ; .. ;. tIlio), the pratise of the Quetn'$ Commlilion? You an fifth of the Rcstigouche·class de· } :. pleased with the prizes they .' () :':' l1&\'c all thc adl'intagn. , . nal'cl, adl'enture, I 'Iell paid won, 100, Pfiz&s for the· pic· stroyer·escorts to come into servo ",.; 'job \\ith I fUMe, by enrolling in the Officer Candidate nlc were c'ollected by Mrs ice with Ihe RCN. was laid down , See your GM Dealer now for '.! 'Propm. Harold Chernl! and Mrs, Berk· NOI', 14, 1952. 8!ld launched Junc Appliants who mett Army enrolment s"ndlrds will ley Evans; bars were collected 21, 1955, .' "qualify for a Short Service Commission on the IUCCCllful by Mrs. K, Farris and Mrs SAFETY SERVICE SPECIALS . completion of • 36 wccb training coune. This may be L. Lidstone. Altogether It was NASSAU, Bahamas, (CP) - • EXHAUST SYSTEM u,t .,l ,'" 'COII\'trted to I permanenl commillion •• , • career with Governor Sir Raynor Arthur will • ADJUST BRAKES r a day the children wlll long Adjust brake shoes-all four wheels­ Free inspection-wuRk , "~ , • purpose. decide on the action to be taken remember. check for oil leaks in brake lines and tail pipe. ,~ArpliC2tiolU are being acccplcd no\\' for CilUncs in the Sir Harry Oakes murder connections, ~:;':iilmR1enci'lI' late in September.,Thelc will be pro­ • LUBRICATION .,,,~ case when In!" receives replies O"." /'t,1 ~~Icd in the order received,' and recruiting will END BEAR'S MISERY • RELINE BRAKES Complete cha&li~ luhn<,:otI from letters sent to private de· Reline brake 8hoes, check (or oil leaks, air clean~r, check fluirl 1.\'~I'i~~ J. .:ontinuc only untit quotas ale liIIed. GRANBY, Que" tCP)-The old· tective Raymond Schi:ldler and IIdjust. 'the differential and tran~J1lI" , if you Ire single, aged t8 10 23, and have 111(1$1 est of the four polar bears at the the former Nancy Oakes, it was N.... ,___ .:---- __--A •• - • 1 O~POINT SAFETY CHECK change the oil. JUllior Matriculation or equivalmt eduation, get zoo in this community 40 miles learned Friday. The case, dor· fuU details, without obliption, from the local Army A,u'tll, ______'tI.,hoM'- __ ast o( Montreal was shot Thurs­ mant (or nearly 16 years, flared RccruitiDJ Station lisled In YOllf 'phone book, or by day, ending the miseries he was last month when the Bahamian mal1lDK this CUUPOII to: QIy/T .....,------" ••1_' ____ CeeHnll In his old age. The zoo House of Assembly passed a reso­ directors decided to shoot the 2()' lution asking the government to L.,llCh •• I ...... "'lIy umpltIN _____ 431 VVATER STREET year.old Arctic giant - already re·open the investi~ation into the S'T, JOHN'S, NFLD. suffering' from the heat - rather murder of the wealthr f:mndian s •• your ------.s'f.JN35 tha:! allow him .to swelter through who made his IlOme i:l ~ as,au. ::ADILLAC • BUICK • OLDSMOBILE (Jllardian Tel. 8·0294 I the summer months. One of the • three sm.l1er bears 15 to be sentences reduced when Queen PONTIAC • CHEVRom t GMC moved into the cage, Elizaueth visits here laler this I Dealer for month. Prison officials cleclinrd I ~'laintenanc~ ROYAL AMNESTY Friday to sav how many would ST. JOHN'S, Nfld,. (CP)-~ew. be aflected. There are 234 men .. Aya I N T H I L. 0 II • foundland prL,oners ~ervi:J% more and "five or ~ix women" ,en'int QUALITY Ihan six m~tIu will have their J sentc:lces in N~wloun~land . •

./ • ,oil~~~~~~~~~~~~~~19~~~ ______------~------' eg e, . • THE. DAILY NEWS Miss New oundland Contest.

SPONSORED BY Please send Miss Newfoundland Entry ; . - Form tal •• j , , . \

. l' j ((he qn"Je'L Shop ~t'" :; , Name ...... 1414 •••••••• , ..... , ...... ,. I'. 0...... ( ., . ." I

Address ..... u ...... t ..... ,., •••• Phon ...... JrI iJmer tvill go to MOJlt,'ool to t • i ~ '. ) e,ompete ill Miss ~faple.Leaf Class •...... ' .. 1 •••••• 1 111 ...... ' •••••••••••••••••• , ••• " •• ., . Canada Caute3t in .lugust , i Age ...... , I I - : ! FtJ4('" e. Classes of Entry: • Miss Newfoundland will be MISS R.N. OR STUDENT NURSE MISS OFFICE WORKER chosen by June 26th, MISS SCHOOL-TEACHER MISS SALESLADY ,: 1

MISS STUDENT I' MISS STENOGRAPHER . ' .. i ,I 'I : 'r ~ ~ISS BEAUTICIAN Prize List '1\ ·1 ; I' MISS NEWFOUNDLAND CONTEST ii, ~:., I • Entries must belong to above Classes. ,.j \1 • Entries must be accompanied by Picture of Entrants. Mill Patsy Connolly, another entry to the Mlu Newfoundland Conte~, • Expense paid trip to Montreal by features a dress herf from the Model Shop, You will be drawn to this • Entrants will be judged by beauty of face and figure woltz length frock of iloating appliqued nylon modelled by Miss Connolly and by performance of a tho e-minute routine - Singing, the Daily News. The fluted bodice anchored with a taffeta cummerbund forms a smart 'ancing, Speaking, etc. - bow above a permanently pleated back panel, and with st~e adds a • Comptete Trou55eQU by the touch of luxury, MISS WORLD OF CANADA INC. ,I:"~ .. Model Shop. ," ,j I.­ t .' ;" MISS WORLD OF LONDON, ENGLAND '-, :.

for "MISS NEWFOUNDLAND" , , i I and for .,ii ;; SCENE Stealers • by , '>f'. ;" ... • A NEW LOOK OF BEAUTY WITH enl MAX FACTOR HOLLYWOOD ARE See our Collection of , Longer - lasting lip Summer fashion Stars by beauty with Color - Fast lipstick. RENI. Featuring all that's A new lo'ok of complexion new and smart in shap., perfection ",,:. h Creme ; M make, keep in beauty, in sun-kissed Puff, that 'look of utter I -. ' .....~ JOrrnance, ,'\nd ,I ,t· , . hi " I'\'ice that s rig colours I The choice is wide glamour with Pan-Cake '; I ,u~t around lhe you must include a dress . , . to take make-up. A touch of 'J.' or two by RENI in your " : ~1

.an nallce ct:"e .. t",. ..,It.,. ..tvta heei,," " ~------...;..------~...------'. • I ' , \ I; , "I I t ~; , I,: 10 THE DAILY NeWS, ST, JOHN'S, NfL"" MONDAY, JUNe 8 i: I 100 • II I, ' It's a GOOD Question I ' IAajor· Leagues 1 I, \.; ! I!', t L , Ii!,,' I " Wilhelm Wins· · 9th Straight

" !·;,Baltimore ....! . Blanks Kansas "3-0 , • TIll: ASSOCIATED PRESS Henry In the first game and by'

,~ 1 'Joyt Wilhelm pitched Balti· both Henty and Don Elston In the 1 1 ;:~ 1 Me lDto .econd place In the second helped John Buzhardt and ,~ ,';, 1 , I A1Hricl:I Le8iUe atandings Sun· Elmer Singleton win. £xhibition

I I I, • 4¥i with his 'ninth straight vic- Don Cardwell, Philadelphia pit· ~ tor)' while Milwaukee opened up pher, and, Gino Clmoli, St. Louis \~\y;" I a::Qiro-,lnIe lead In the national outfielder, aw.apped pu!!ches In a Cross And '4 Holy ~e. fifth Inning dispute dUring the ., I ·the unbtaten knuckle b a II second game oC· a doubleheader *.~~ pitcher abut out i·. Th~ 1~1'~~.'t \Iii· :~m~, Thr .,~ ha~k~d uo Bnd Da. ,2,] gamc. I a' es re e .. "'3U~H trowcl ~inc, opcnin~ rlaY'lley'~ n\'r'h\tpilchi·'~ with 11 hit.. , Stewart \\'at:50n gave Guards I , 1:!.31l4I. ~alV th, drfrnnin: :-:~. inclurlin~ 1\\"0 hy Onley hlm.~tr. . their tie with the lone second I The second wrestling card of' bnnal Lea~u, champion~ hrr~k I n~;· Roon~. \\"ho Illtrr homrr~rl. I ' half goal. Watson tapped thc " . the ~ea8on will be ~:ltured, at: ~tan 11 'af \lilt (I{ thplr ~Inmp 'R'ilh a I~'hill nOllhlpn homp \\'h~1 pro\'~d to he , iJall Into the opcn corncr of .. The prelmllnarY,annual meet· a.nd he accepted on th~ condl· the Stadium tonight. The hr.st I) 11 Us] attack. th(' \\'inllin~ run in the third. I the. Crusader's goal, after 11\11: of Ihe Newfoun?land tlo.n that he was per~ltted to bout starting at 8,30 p.m. w~lI 1\1 Q' the varlot 8ETTU:n FOR SI'I.IT . ' , ! Oa\cy Coultel' had worked the I Amateur Football ASSOCiatIOn bnng hIS own two, linesmen. see local grapplers Bill Fogwill IUaV wt of Holy C Spn, ;rancl~ro, hAn ,10 ,(Pllir 1,"·: In th~ ~llllllnal l.c~.::t1r, ~hl· i leather frec Wilh the score I was held at Ciarenville Satur· ThiS was granted slnc.e Ha!I, and Bill Jackson facing off. J of drills ani a ,~ht ~t ('Incln:lalt Mlrr ,,"n· I' ,.,'aUkCP s Irlld \\a~ r~dnced to 1', , coming at 17.25. day allemoon as delegates from who attend.ed the meetmg, said Two other matches are also This was t "in): the lir~t ,:ame 5 . l brhtnrt ~all\c~ a~ the Ilral'es lost a; I Barry l\launder played an socc~r leagues from all o\'er the that the. linesmen would look schedUled. PHILADELPHl~ of Capt, JAr\( SMfnrn, Orl~ndn, rrM r'" ~ql\c~k~r to Los Angeles 3·2 ~hl\ ClUtst3nding game on the Cru. pro\'lncc, easl, wcst, and ~outh, after the~r own expen~es. , The semi.flnals actio~ of Musial has hiol!! M.B.E .• wi UJ!l'(lI IYllld rls:hlh:lnnm~ Ihrc~t the sccond place San Fran.cls.co I sader forward line with Sam Ira\·elf~d 10 that community. ,. A motion that LOUIS D Gen· the night will give fans a display might quit ba!eolJ Cross Band h' ':0 811. th, ".~?' \\'t1h ~ lour·hll· GIants wcr~ slamming ClnCIn· I Pl'etty as their top dcfencp., p~·piJ(lent, Fred TesslCr .of Ihe I hUe of St. ~Ierre refer~e ,vas I of clean, fast wrestling as of the ~NSon ' for the sports I,r u Ctnclnnatt took the second. ~atl 13·3. Chicago Cubs cooled off sive player, Gerry Smith star. Bur.m Peninsula was In the, defeated With SL Jo~n s the I Farmer Boy competes with Pat get back on tht sports pr N. Pittsburgh 8·2. Philadelphia Pltll. I red on the Guards defen. 1chair; other officers attendmg I only delegates \'otlllg IR favour., Flannigan This fight will bring, $:00.000 hitler and Guar , Chicago climbed to third pl~cc ties edge~ St. Louis Cardinals 4-3 si\'e line \\'ith Don Ash al,o I were: secretary, Ed~ar Squires; I The oflicers of the Associa· i logether . two of the most; "Bul there I~ teams playe ~ knocking off Pittsburgh twIce In 10 Innings and tu~ned the eel· ' looking good. iand \'icc·prcsidcIlIS Bren Curlis,' tion have formed a cc,nstitution.: gpntiemanly grapplers in the: W3,' 10 ~o," ;31d game whicl 4-: and 1·0. Relief pltchi:lg by Bill lar over to their victims. Referee: Andy Joy, Lines, Charlie King and George Welsh, : al committee. and will report at i game today. Fans will ha\·e 8; Cardinal; mr . men: Peter Winsor and Ed I Drlcgat~s prcsent wcrc; St.1 the annual ~eellng: 'chance 10 see a great display I 109 a fatc at h,j Father Of RAY WILKINS Shapter. !John's, Noel Vlnlcombe, Les I The meellng, which was held lof fasl clean wrcslling in this· a\'cragr, ,Return Game . L'neups Bruce; Burin, Gus Etch~ary, at the Balmoral Lodge, 8d·' fight ! 'lllSlal. !ere~ "n! Player Hoddinott's hand at 5.16. Holy Cros~ _ Goal, :llikc I Ben L"kr; Ga~lde~, Ewarl Tihb~,: journed la~e in ~he a[ternoon: Th~ main bout of the card. ing rha~Plon Ir.d ~, Missl u Frank O'Kcefe ga\"(! the Stanford: fullbacks,. Robin! Frank T~bbo, Corner Brook, With Gander. BurlR an~ Corner I should prove to be one of the' the \;\t,onal r , ., Guards will return their Crusaders a 2·0 advantage at Short, Sam Petty; hal\·cs. Charlie. Klilg. . I Brook delegates returning home Ibest ever seen at the Siadium., valuahle. pIa, Ir, :~ exhibition game with Holy Sounds Off 15.12 with a fine looking Jack Philpott, Joe GUlliver.! The, :'\,\F'A Will purdlase,a srt: Immediately. Big Gene Kiniski will tack.I~. hlamr hl'~hal~n! '. Cros. at the .00),l'e Athletic score. !larry Ennis broke up Harry Ennis; forwards: Dannr Iof whIle untfonns which wlli be I 'Yukon Eric in a battle that Will, fl\p,gntllr· rl Grounds on Tuesda)' night. ST. CATHARINES. Ont. (CP) a Guards attack at center Carew Frank O'Keefe Bill used III case two learns ~how: ! ha\'e two of tbe strongest and ISl'rthrrl. for him The two teams battled to a 2·2 Harvey Knox. voluble ~Iep{athpr field and gave Joe Gulli\'cr Woods' Barry Maunder' Tom lip for a ~ame with the same I Ibingest men in the busin~5 to. manne.'!',. Solly ., ·tle at the Holy Cross sports of quarterback Ronnie Knox, took a long pass. The relay wcnt to :llcGra'th. • , Icolours, or colours which clash. ,I Bad weather cancelled out : day matching holds ~nd coun·, :'If .~ou I~ a I' .,' en Saturday. oU Cor Los Angeles Sunday. in· O'Keefe standing just outside Guards-Goal, Sterling Hod, A. protest entered by Gander all T.C.A. flight, Into St. ,ter.holds. Eric has ISSUed a said. I \\a. . 0 A let of medals was offered sisting the {ootball player IS the eighteen yard line and he dinoH' fullbacks Gerry Smith recCl\'ed the approval of the' John's yesterday and !be 'warning to Kiniski about dirty player at. the f ;.' e:~ I ~ to the winning team In Satur missing and saying he Inte!lds to pivoted on the ball for the Hoble' Pike. hal~es Don Ash Idelegates. The Airport tOW\I pro· i four wrestlers scheduled to wrestling but few fans if any, son, 11 ~3~ 10J!" I: -':j, day's lame and since that en· placa the matter In the hands or score. Fred :.;orth: Bob B~dcock; for: tested the use o~ an All·Star: fight at the Stadium tonight : expcct big Gene to ch;nge his play a nt!h~ ;,a~h~ 1 eounter ended In a tie the the FBI. Davey Coulter, a 17·year·old wards Ray WilkIns Bruce Iteam by Ihe ExplOits Valley Lea· were grounded at Gander style of fighting. I ba~k and p.a. 1,,' eoaches of the two squads He and his stepdaughter Pat Englishman w~rking with Can· ~e\\'h~ok, Charlie S 'n 0 0 k s, ,gue in Al!·New~oundland play., last night. : George "Red" O·~!alley. the ,. no?n: ", II' 'i: i·:' 1I1ve agreed to put the medals were here to arrange a stage ap· adlan Marco"" drew his first Doug Chaulk. Davey COUlter Gandrr 105t their Quarter.flnals, The four grapplers board; 0 referee from Boslon, will con·, T\"l. , hl'rl' J ."~ " up for the return game. Start· pearance lor. the g!rl. of two assists as he set up the I Stewart Watson. . to Ihe ExplOits VaJiey last sea·: ed the train at G~nder early i trol all three fights. The: wOlll'l. 1.1kf, ~; ~ 1~ ~~: , inC time for the match on Han'ey said Fnday no wo~d ~on., this morning and they ~i\l : wrestlers will be at Harbour: shouln help. ,,",,\', 'I'\I,stSIY nllht Is 7.15. had been heard from Ronme B rf. 1\, The I1\PCllll" del'idert thai lhr he In St. John's around noon. Grace on Tuesday ni.oht and will : run, Thr hi, "1"'. ~aid h~ lell lor a brier "aca~lon uUe rngers r [rlacs .. Curtis Exploil~ V,111;y are the ~ame I .fight at Slephenvill: on Wed.! so fnr' Iha,! Alf Breen Will In MeXICO six weeks ago. . . , as ,,11 othrr crntrrs, ~nd should Inesday night. Tickets for to· I' able '0 :rt (',rl, , Toronto Argonauts of the \lIS CHICAGO (A ) , BI k N bp rqlrp5Plltrrl h\' Ihe cham· p. D d ,night's action' will be on sale at Attend Practice I foot ,Football League ~eported ~ R d S PI - Three Bos·: an avy Ipions of Ihe Irag;lI'. 'IZZarO roppe ithe Stadium box office today f ' llie,· had reached Ron~le ~ agent I n e Oll p nyel'lt deft'lIlcd! I' , AU Breen. star eenler·hal : In • 1.0 5 Angelu ""ho insi~t~ three member. of Chicago White I _ Dales for Ihe p,"yof[s liNe I __ ;from 9 a.m. to 5 p,m. :t:r!°~~r t'i:eo':':te~~~: ~~~~:~al! Ilhat th~ back{jeld~r had relurnen, ~:'~eln a mllkln/, scontes! hetd be· The ~tacrherson·Cllrli> Spnior I :~~ ~\~a~~:r.~~~II~n ~~s~e~ Lc~:: MILWAUKEE lAP' - ~lil.1 rH \\TlI.L~ 'udtelded u ret about pia\,· hut Iha,t they \\ere unable to head:r games ° unday 5 dOUble., football team got four ;:oa1, plctcd h\' Au"ust 15: Ihe semis' waukee Br3\'cs, sent southpa~\' ", H k u I R bp I T!;:~r. (nil'" ~=t~~:~~~:.E~alr:o~~g~: ~O:~~~Sn:~~~~d fr:~r:i~. and ~I~~ ~~~m~:r;~~~tI"fO~en~I~: , Zl4Mca'- &kL@dI.~~il\· , , ~, muselliar White Plains, Harvey also took the opportln· squad this season. He told the .'. ;~' . ~Jl:T., mauler battled to draw Ity to deliver a bl..,1 prores· DAILY on Sautrday . '. ': -'./1 a at NEWS " L I' Friday nl'ht In I bitterly fought slonal football In the United that working commitments I, .' . ' :" \ lo.roUlld bout at Madison Square Stat~~ as "a rotten. ~cheming wll\ pre\'ent his playing this : Garden. Calhoun welrhed 1631'., business exploiting th~ youth A,d year. ': , . I : '1'I,tr 1631lt pounds. making the few rich." -----_ '. : It was a IIJht ene aU the way He .ald Chicago Bters' r.eorge 1 · Calhoun taking an early lead Halas did not \lve up to con· i' i ~th hl~ Probable Pitchers· i · Tllir movln, out front in !he tract with his stepson and that NEW YORK tAPI-Probable 1 " ,1;'1 " · J'ftlddle round. and Calhoun clos· lIalas and football commissioner pitc~ers {or today's .major league " l UI, "'th a rtIIh. By wlnnl~1 the Bert Bell "coerced to the detrl· games (won and lost records in 1 " , Ii ! : t.lt round on all three official ment of Ron', future In Ihe Na· parentheses): , • I .' card., CalholUl managed to gain tlonal League as well 8S black· American League Ii a draw. baHln« him ••.." Detroit at Boston {N/-Bunnlng , ,I : , l.i i, Judre Bill Recht seored It 6·~·1 ROMte hA~ bepn signed Cor a (5.4/ vs Brewer (S.3). '. fer Titer. jud.,nm rro~t had It, ~~ro'cl t H m \,·!th ArgOnAllt~ (Only game scheduled) !!, ~ 5 • 4· 1 ror CalhOun ~n~ l·p[rrPf· 'I n n r r ~n arr~nr~m~rl with Snllon81 1.~"I(Ue • · Mark CII~n caller! it ~·5 in !10th: H~118. who hold~ his contrac!. Chit~~o at ~fih\'Rl\kc!'-~lorc . ; reund~ Anti point~, The A"soci~tpd i h~Dd 10,21 \'~ Burnetlc IS.,\<, , Pun had it .~,3 "'ith ~ix points: SAn Prllnci.,co at Pit :shnr;:h' for Ti:m and ~ Inr Calhou:l. II ':\'-~fillet' I.HI \'s KIi~c 15·J) ~ WRITERS SPLIT 1\'1088 Captures \Onl)' ~amr.s schedl\l~r11 ·- A quick rin.,ldt poll of I? hri~ Itf I~, ~'riter5 sho"'ed ;on unusual', d V" ; e"~n split. Four thollllht TiEPr; Segura Leads ,~ Secon Ictory , Ion. rour Ihourht Calhoun "·on I . LOS A:-:GEI,~;S 1.\I"-1'.111('ho ·'. Ind . .emir IIgreen \flth the dra\\', ~~8.~"U. Germa~y !API~ IS~S:\Ira look thp lead in Ihl' ~ta,. '. deCIsion. . I Brltam s. SlIrllng Mos~ "unda~ ters Hound Rohl\l I'ro!(."illllill • It WlIS the Anlerlc3n nchllt of clt·ove hiS grepn En\:hsh Aston Tc~nis TO;lrnMll'111 hy knock. ,'I · TI.~r. a 211 • year· !lId Ni~eriAn ~artin to a $econd ~tralllht vic· in~ off A~hl~y Con per in,;lraicht I, , ,~ whoae real n.m~ j~ Die Ihetu who tory in the l.ooU • kilomah'c ~rt5 6,3. 6.~ S~t\lrda)' ni~hl. II" : lIad won the Brll\,h title lut year 162\.40 '. mile) Nuernnrgring en· SeAlIra. ~h~nling [or his s"con'! • · · by knockin1: out rat McAleer. durance race for ~ports cars. straight Musters \'iclory, I' elicd There wer nil kMckdownA al· Mw, 29, and hli British co· mostly on a two· listed forehand J, thOUJh both men were wobbled driver Jack Fairman, won by 48 to knock of{ the Australian ace. u the le~ chahged back and ,sec~nd$ over an Italian Ferrari Pancho Gonzales. his booming 'I forth bet .... een the two ernest dr~ve:1 by.Phll Hili of the ~,S'. sen'ice nenr bettcr. knockcd orr ~~~P!lers. .. I A.~D OliVier Genedbien of Bel· I hi. arch ril'al Lew lIond It.~ .. Undcr :-':cw 'i Qrk rulp.<. an 01, 'g!um, Anolher Ferrari \\'85 third loa ' • • IIl:1l11 can gil'e pOints [rom one and a German Porsche (ourlh. ' .. til four ror the winner or each The Brllons were timed In riluM. In caSe his scorecard seven hollrs. 33 minutes. 18 ~ec· New' Record k sMits the round lot pis to be el'en, ond,~. lor an average speed o{ RZ.2 CARDIFF. Wales (API - Inn HOLY CROS~ pu~i1s gave a .fine display of figu~~ ma~chillg at th eir annual sports day held ,at the B~other Egan l\I:~;:Jl : ~ thq. had 5 points fClr tllrh miles an hour. 'this \\'a,\ slower Black nr Scotland nro~o th~ worlrt Satlll'clAY aftcrnrwtl. The 11I\I'lh '·,'('re "".I(,r th" ( .. """"'1 fir ('~"t. J. J. O'Grady, M.B.E. A large crowd turned out to "'In, Jlvin. th~ wlnller of eaeh than the record pace of 84026 mph 5\\'immlnl( record for the 440';'ard t6wul ODe Polllt. aet by MoS! last year. Individual medley Saturday night events and the exhibition football game that made up the progrBn1l ·-Royal Photo Service), " IllY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1959 D~~­ ", ~~:~J 1Soccer. \ Queen May Attend

Her Maility Queen Ellz· abeth and Prince Phillip w.re Illued an Invitation to attend a football gam. during th.lr .tay in St. John's. The ex.eutlv. of the city leagu. approach • • d G.org. P.rlin, infor· mation offie.r for th. Newfoundland tour with the Invitation, two we.k. ago. Bee',use of the lat. nils of the Invitation the reply was In the n'lIatlv. but with Perlin still.. In Ottawa on buslnes. con· cerning the tour the I.. · gu.'s .xecutlv. Ira hop •• ful that the ylsit to .a O'BRIE~ breaks the tape t owin the minor dl vision 220 yards dash in the Holy Cross sports on gam. can b. arranged. afternoon. Stlln finshed the course in 28~ seconds and beat second place fillisher' Ed O'Brien If the villt I. confirmed It will bl the blgllest Item )'ards.-Ro~'al Photo Service). In the' hl.tory of locil .port.

.. ' Cross ACTION in the exhihition game Jlla:v~d hetween the Macpherwn­ Curtis senior {ootball team and II ~(juad from the liMeS !'Jootkll on ~ : · ;. ' " I. Saturday Ilfternoon. The city tClIm took II ;;.1) \,ictory.-.RoYlll Photo)

. • • I Sports Day Held ., : I ilee ; \I Softball 1~·.:.J Hroll'nr..~~~~:~,Y'3~1 2h 4 ~0 f1:1': 1,' ; .J. H~y\\"ard. rl 1 0 1 .il, , . · . Saturday Afternoon II, Ral·n .Hampers· League I f,IGHTEE:-i30 '14lilTS 10:t..,: On The .\ees bombarded tw!i 1~,:UII 'po,'I' da)' IIf I, (r;;; Games ~~:I;t~li~:i~~Sto romp to a 5~/I~~I~~.l'S19·3 \·ictory. :[~~r~l~;)D~ 'C1I·f school, \\~, held Four Played !:lItlcr Egan ~lcl11orial ,Aces scored ten sccond innini · I , lor soccer Saturday aflernoon. . runs to salt away the win lor : ' ·1~l the King were ('a\l~d the BREN CURTIS I Rain and cold wcather ham. . 'Peter Deutich, who I'.'on his at 7.00 'oort! 10 honour 15 requested. Bren curtis, president 01 : pered the Senior Softball schcd· i " sccond game against one de<, : Hinr,on who cple, }';'*J;~1 · , , h[ticth allnil'er;ary , the 51. John's Foolball Lea. ule ovcr the weekend but fuur, feal. J. Suinl~n. Jim Wiseman: , . gue the following state. 'game of a scheduled six were' Pcter Deutsch and Orville Hong into the Christ· U1~de I. "" of",',,' Ircland '"'"on m'" .boot .,,'" ,dm' ",,,.d. I. tho " .." " '>I.. ' ,hit ,,, lb. d it",,, ,,, Ib, d. , . " , ~lusial it "'h' C",,, "" Do", U.. , .., ."hI, "If h. : ,ro" Ib, C,m." " .. , tho R". : " ""di'" "'m ". '" A"'. . . it 0;'" .,,' II" .. : .~Id ,.. , ,... "I.""', ""., .h," lb. J,yo woo ,. .... D"it.h ,m """ II,,.. . Quit . Th', '" ",d" lb.; .. 0 , ...'" ud .ot • """. ., "" tho H,"" "d lb. I"", " , hn, ,,' , ",'" wnh I' ., Cop'. J. J, ,'" h' .,," .. 0 ."d" ,Adi".d... , ,,,,,.. d B,,'· : :'w, ,'dk,,'"' Jim R1.gw¥ , .. "., . ,,,". "" I" ."'"" .. tho ",.. ,', ' m""", ,., i. 'h' 0 '''''". : ' i ' ,.h .. ,.d ,; Ib hi, ,,,,,d ''''£' of "" ~"d ,,,,,,,.d, '''"., ""im," Th, Am ." Ib.i, ,."., , . lb. ,."., .."" "i.g "" ·i ·.1 " II. ,,,,,.. t. ,II ow· I i,om, i" i. SO. d,y', ,,,"' ,.m, . .'~ IiM i. g.. Ed. 'OW" h"',d '''' ::r.i~. !port, pro;ramJl1e I ,g~me with a 19·3 triumph o\'er' , linat tll'O il1nin~s in relief. .. ::·1 ., '; ! '. and Guards scnlor the lucklrss White Shirts. The! \ BOX SCOnE j" '.il lums played an ex.; I Blazers For Royers. Bral'es game and Ihe' '~ Whill' ~hirts: .\8 R R t ,I, . "" .h'd, "d.d • "m"" IV hit. 5h' ," "." • ," ,.,,<>, ,', 4 0 0 0 I I -, B ' T ! were po~tponed. The Rovers and: 1E. Cailey. If .. 0 1 tl ... " •• h' "'" 'ho I St. on seam "",,, "ill "" ,,,"hi "hU.· E. n.,,,,,k,,'" 0 1'" \.(:or IUl\1urUI11 last' i the Comets ~nd White Shirts 1 ~.. D. Carroll. ss 4 0 0 0 2 members of the 51., ,f:'; J. Harve", Ib 2 0 0:'.' 0 to Ihe senior VICTOR LUDORUM WINNERS-The three vl'ctor 1udorum winners The 2 'play on 'l'uesday night. I . D. Hillis, 311 1 1 0:.2 e:!b.", year '0and ",",",", copped in th' Holy C,.. , Sport, on Satmda, w,", I,ft to ri.hl, Pol .. Byrn" B",·. ,,,',, h"b, t.. m th" I'TER FOUR UI'r i L.• "dg', J 2h 3 I I 0 " ... tb, Jw,h B innio" Stan O'B.... , mmo', and Gm, Do.. ,on, ..ni ...-lIoyol Phot. ,"",d Ib, ..". ""h, ,,,, B"if E"'6 ,,,,.. ,.,,'! DON LAWLOR ,J BI,d •••, " I I 0 0 b"t. ",,'" '''' tho '51 h. Ii m, by .,"',., th' ,,,' ht Uo< • t ", Ro~'" "'. IJ. Rt .,. , I 0 I , ·" ,,", ..d 4~ , ..d,. S... i,,). City ....m't,Mhi' Iu' ...... ,.,,,d,, .".,.,. " gh" lb.' TE' ,tITS E. Po,"" ,'I. .. ~ :.' .. ,,. ",., ro. i . .tII b, .",,,.',d w,th hi "... c.m,',., 5·' •i"'"' i. "It· i Th. Ad i".d"k, ""g.d 26 3 , 3 , ,~ ,,,! 4· 0 junior fection the, • at the dlOner scheduled for the first weekend gam.e. I len hits. including six circuit; Aces: . b~lI's T~e 4,··0 ,t. "" went to Peter' 11 V ..r Olds-tst. Brian Team, Harold Gosse, Mike \ Old colony Club on June 24. wmners scored four thtrer In·' drivcs. to whip Buckmaster's i G. ss 5 1 J 1 Le gue ~Iorns. 1 1 •• ,," ""h" '" I I,,, h, '"" BtII Abbot" "d, H,"'''''1 ..d J,h. HI ••oy, • un or a Th' di """ will '" Mid ": "i.g '""' t, wo." " Ib, w,,,. I "., i. s" ."d,,·, Ii",'o g' m, : J. IV ".m,", " 5 , o 0 rlt!~crald TroPI",.1 :"ioel Dlnn.. 440 Yard. A 1M. . ,hollour the squad. I Earles. 10 gOing the distance. I The winners big innin came in I P. Deutsch, P 5 2 2 ·.0 1 wn~ I p!md (ir,1 in the 100. 12 Yur Olds-1st, Mike Me. Sanlor-1st. Gerry 'Dawson:, Several .Iong lime supporters I being tagged . for only. Ihe second when plated: R. Withers, rf 4 1 at the e'nd nnoa eetlng! he~ides the~' 1-- .0 220 s a a 1 5 y3rd~ dashcs. ! Grath: 2nd. Harold Veed; 3rd, 2nd, Frank Densmore. Time. I ,of. St. Bon have ~ormed com· [our hits gave up Single run. ,scI'en runs on homer.' b)' Kelly. J.Qu!nlan, 3b 3 4.·0 ·t w~~ tough won the minor 1 Clarence Thomas. sees. ,mlltee to get the Jackets for the walked two and struckout three. ,Glynn. IIcndcr.:;un Lawlor and i G. lreme, cf 2 2 ~8~ 2' ·0 \ night Rame [or the second 1 12 ..r Olds-1st. Mike Junior-lst, Gus Spurrell: The annual mHting of the: team and committee chairman .John Bambrick went down to' H;nnalord plus a' sinolc and a: O. Hong. 2b 4 5 and play the ~ o ·.• 0 "". 'I<" g" II,,: B'mb",k; "d, M"d" C.I. ,.d, Born"d "',,, "d. 51. J,h.', ,,,',, .."h>" L.. · ,",' W.bh to" 'bo DAILY "" Ii", d,'''' gi"" " Ii" w,/k ••,,, ,'" h,;,,'''' m 'It. H",g, 'b 3' 18 ·1 j, Brownrigg Trophy. , lcn: 3rd. Ed. Farrell. Frank Forrestall. Time: 61J,2 gue will be held. at . the Ba11 NEWS yesterday that well over I runs, five hits and three walk,. the firth II:ith the bases loaded.!I J. Voisey, C 5 1 18 [:rlt 10 ero,s the Minor-1st, Ted Downey; sees. Park on Tllesda) mght. The hal{ of the funds necessary to : He fanned five bailers. 1 Don Lawlor picked up the win 38 19 ~! in both the 100' 2nd. Otto Byrne; 3rd, Ernie Miron-1st. stan O'Brien: ~eeting will have the prese~ta. buy the blazers has been receiv· BOX SCORE !to ~iI'c bim a 2·0 rerorll. He! ,-'-- .. ,."" ".... 'GUbon. TIm" • "". ,.d. Ed. O'B,\", .... "mm, ,,,. ,f "'"•• rut ,ho ....too. , ,d. . R".n, A. R H ., ,m'"'''''' , no"'. ,ht". 7' II, m,ld oho h" ..rl

I \. I 11,:i

" H THE DAILY NEWS, ST •. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, JUNE 8 I 12 - , l' :!i - THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE ::. I. Jacoby' On ' , i' I L • :1 •• Bridge . . ,~ i' ,1' .. I,· . WEAK OVERCALL IS 'ljj EXPENSIVE .'... CANADIAN .... ~ .. ; , r " I NOIlTH II .A8 ¥ 1087 t Q 1097 G BEAUTY ",K82 WEST (Dl EAST " • Q 1098 2 .3 ¥J652 ¥AQ93 ; .. : tA4 tJ532 ",94 "'AQJ5 .', I!oum RANGETTES .Kj754 ¥K4 tK8 "', 1 ",10873 :i Norlh and South vulnerable with 60 on .core West Norlh Ealt South No HEAW WIRING NEEDEts=JOST PLUG IN Pass Pus 1 '" 1.' Pass 2 • Double Pass I' Pass Pass .I Openlni lead-.to 9 I All welded steel construction. Adiustable heat con­ . , ·4' trols. White baked enamel finish, lif.tlme fiberglas By OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA Service :. Insulation. A parI score is usually, bu I ;. Sailin These space-saving, compact rangettes are Ideol for nol ;ilwa},s, an advantage. 149·50 With 60 on score South from decided that a weak vulnerable , ' the small home or apartment where their wonderful' r.loucester, Me , CASH overcall wal clearly Indicated convenience will be a joy to any home maker. Over Ind made one. Weat passed. He to ~.· might have doubled one .pade 51. John's 50 years of manufacturing experience has resulted In but decided to walt for better TERMS things. and the most sturdily built, well designed and efficient The better things came. North . !ewfoundlan AVAILABLII did not know bow weak South'~ Outports rangettes on the market today. hand wa., or that West was Irap· ping. He raised to two spad~s Sailing , . "· with hi' Ice and one trump. Wilt WI' all set to double but East beat him to It. or course, EIst's double was for V, Blue Pri MODERN take·out but West passed cheer· COMPACT, fully. May 29 - ~ He was even more cheerful V. Blue Tra when the hand was over. East June 4 - . won the opening club lead with the jack and relurned a dia· CHROME & .KITCHEN mond to West's ace. West led his other club and East took his •• ace and queen. Blue Pet West let his four of diamonds go on the third club and was FRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND! 'rD~In'lch DINETTE SETS now able to ruff a diamond. Nothing eould keep him from making two more trump tricks and East made his ace of hearis .0 South had paid 800 points for the luxury of a weak over· call. :Card Sense I Q-The bIdding has bccn: INort.h East South West •Can ,1. 2. Double 2" Double Pass ? FF You, South, bold: '32 "75 .Q 1087 ",A K 6 3 ~ a What do you do? A-Pass. Buslneal II still gOOd. "BEDFORD TODAY'S QUESTION "FAUVETTE Instead of doubling two hearls M These fine chrome sets are exceptionally : your partner has passed. What good value, the rr,odest price is no real do you do now? Indication of the value you receive, $54.50 (Answer Tomorrow) Heavy construction tabl.s, with sturdy ,I; double legs and extension leaf-well built, TERMS AVAILABLE Japenese padded chairs available in red, blue, lemon and aqua, Women Table (36" x 48/1) and 4 chairs $82.00 Progressin f ' Table (40" x 60'1 and 6 chairs CALGARY, (cP) - .,. E.H. Ashdown of the Canadian l·~der· aUon of Business and Professional ROBERT ~ • Women', Clubs says the Japan· MO! ese are worthy citizens of the HEAD world who owe a lot of credit to Japanese women for their pro. Luxurious 3 Piece gress linea the Second World War. MORTY MEEKlE She II the federaUon's United NaUons chairman, and rcentIy , attended a UNESCO gathering in ",'. Japan. Since her return she has .poken to many groups about the Chesterfield Suites Japanese. In spite of holdin, a seclmdary place In Jap.anest public life, I f. , , Japanese wOMen are taki!!, an .j, il!llJortant role. EDUCATION GAINS "It Is only since 1955 that they have been allowed to vote," Mrs. Ashdown explained. "Yet In one city 40 women are presidents of · . f • : companies. Now there Ire 115.000 ,. ": : : . women enrolled in the university ,··tI. ies, and three unlvcrslty presi·

1 .' I·, ".. I de;lts told me their best students ... , are women." In the clUe, of Tokyo, Yoko. " ~ ,. \ hama, ,kobe and Nagoya there · . ; PRISCILLA'S POP . ·" are women In almost every oc. ; ,'i cupational field, but In spile of I ': training eIIual to North American I ,I I, , I standards they earn much lower I than the equivalent salaries 0:1 r Any family wlll appreciate comfort, this continent. whether its for TV or homework, en­ PRICED FROM "A top·nlght secretary In Japan I . Is a university graduate with six ~' : tertaining or just relaxing. When languages and four or five years' solid comfort is combined with last- experience. But she earns only about $50." ing beauty in a modern chesterfield $ Most proCessional women In suite, you have a bargain that il hard JapaD have jobs on the side. 10 to beat. Here is furniture of dis­ make endR meet. she said. .50 FUTURE PROBLEMS tinciton that will give many years of In spite 01 her admiration for colours galore in luxurious fabrics, Japanese women's progress Mrs. comfort and service. Choose from Ashdown Is uneasy about their future. check the comfortuble, ,prin'g-filled UP "They are so eager to learn cushions and the superb design that that under the wrong leadership TERMS AVAILABLE things could be disastrous. There will be in good taste ~or years to IB strong Communist Inflltratlon come. In almost every field. a!!d It Is up to the Western world to do mllre than just talk frlend!hlp." Mrs. Ashdown said she fel' more Japanese should be allowpr' to emigrate to Canada. She also criticized CanadR'! Import laws. "Japan has to p.x· The Great .Eastern Oil port to survive," she declared. , A naUonal buslne .. and profes. slonal wOmen's club now has been formed In Japan, she Raid, ant! It Is applying for member. Company, Limited ship In the Intematlonal fed erR' lion. Two Jaoanesewllmen will attend the International organlt. "-______.. 1 mer.aUon's meeting 1:1 Paris this Bum. 19~9 for Botwood ana It. John', C bo . Nfld. · T iIJIer. Macpherson will eros, on NEW I..1In'WAn'E ar near: Eq uemes 0 the royal yacht Britannia and BONN, !AP1-The fIrSt fight~. '. NFLD. CANADA STEAIISBIP8 . join the QUlen at Sept·I1es, Que. wing of the new West German M.S. Fluvetle, In port. On Th '''Play It By AIr'" ReId will loin the royal party in Luftwaffe will formally be put' LAUS completion of dlscharl' wi11 e . St. John's, Nnd., the first stop on into service Sunday, the defence sail for Halifax. By STEWART MacLEOD' the tour. ministry announced Thuradey. LTD. M.S. Bedfclrd II, lallinc from Woman's MissionarySociety CaDadleD Pre.. Staff Writer Like other members of the Wings already i:I service Ire . loadlotg ':!d~~d Halifax June lOth., dUI St. LONDON (CPl-As equerry to palace staff, the equerrle~ can fighter. bombers and transports. 8th. lor Bo II ~ohn's June 12th. the Queen, U .• Cmdr. Ia:l Mac. s~y little abou,~ their eKperlences The latest addition will consist of ~nd. d' at Tor. M.S. Falivette, saUlnl from pherson, 33. of Halifax, plans to With royaltr; We are guests of two squadrons each equipped loa 1\lft June Halifax June 13th., due St. Hold Annual Meeting At Blackhead "play it by ear" when he travels the palace, explains Edwards, with 18 Canadian·built F·86 Sabre 10th, HaOl 00 13th John', June 111th. across Canada on the Royal Tour "and we wouldn't talk about our jets . .,! )lontreal June • M.S. lJelle Isle II, nUlnl from . BLACKHEAD-The annual Snow. discussions to the meeting thLs summer. hosls." meeting of the Carbonear J~'I Sfld · t Tor- Montreal June 11th., dUI St. The report of the nominat· Miss Burry co~mented on the "What I mean Is we will EXPERIENCED FINAL ANSWER d Presbyterial of the Woman's Ing committee was given by findings as each one was pre· handle e a c h situation as It . ~acph.erso:1. heavi1y·buiJ~ and QUEBEC, !CPl - The head of Glflit loa 1O~1 an June John's June 15th. MisSionary Society met In the Ijth. H~m; ~e 20th M.S. Belle Isle II, sallinng Mrs. A. N. Holmes and was sented. arises," he said. "It's a case of JOVIal. IS the only expeflenced the department of medicine at the )Iontrea s:t John'~ from Montreal June 25th., due church at Blackhead on May accepted. The Communion Service, common sense imd courtesy," equerry of the three. For 18 University of Torontc told gr~:i. and· St. John's June 29th. 6. The President, Mrs. H. The Benediction hy 1I1iss conducted by Rev. A. Murley Another equerry, Sqdn. Ldr months he was alde.de·camp to uating ,hysicians at Laval Uni. Strong conducted the morn· Halg brought the morning nnd Rev. H. Barnes, brought Robert Edwards, 30, of Lucky Governor.General Massey and .he verslty MO:1day that "the nnal h loading at Toronlo CLARKE STEAMSHIP Ing worshtp .ervlce. She medl· session to a close. the afternoon session to a Lake, Sask., and Winnipeg, gC:1- learned most o~ the ceremoOlal answer to all new and old meth. FIll Hamilton June 23rd, CO., LTD. tated on the words, "This Is The afternOon worship ser· close. erally agrees with this approach. ropes at that lime. Apart from ods of treatment lies in the ac. June 26th. for St. 'Gulfport, leaving Montreal the generatIon of them that vice and Bible study "The Following the supper hour "And it's also a case of being thiS. he has spent most of ~is 15· curate and honest observation of , June 3rd., due st. John'. Jun. seek Him." A, a 1I'0up, as a Ministry of the Laity in the at 6 p.m. In Blackhead School around when required." rear nav~l ea~eer at sea, mclud· practiSing doctors." Dr. R. F. ~n.~·dtt loading at Tor· 8th., sailing June 10th. (for Presbyterial, can we say that World," were taken by Miss Hall a public service was held The third Canadian equerry for 109 a brt.ef sllnt in Korean wa· Farquharson was speakbg at the ~"29th. Hamilton June Bay Roberts). we belong to that leneratlon Burry. The laity consists of In the church at 8 p.m. The the tour, Maj. Antoine Reid, 38, ters. He IS a gun~ery officer. Laval Convocation. at which he ~J ~lontrc31 Jul~' 2nd. London, leaving HalUas June that seek after God. Have we assembled congregations. For worshIp service was taken by of Montreal. returned to Canada I Edwards. who jOl~ed the RCAF received an honorary doctorate ~- 6th., due Sl. John's June 8th., been .advanclng or are we go· what pu p ? F th f II til Old P II several months ago after complet. n 1047, has spent most' of his In medicine. I sailing June 9th. Ing back. May this year be a rose. or e e ow· e er can Auxiliary ing a one.mo:lth tour of duty. at c~reer around the cockpit of U.K. AUTO STRIKE . ·Novaport. leaving Montreal time of real advance splrltu· ship to enjoy, to learn. to The choir added greatly to the Buckingham Palace. • N.orth Stars and other transport OXFORD. England, (Reuter,,) June 10th., due St. John'. June aUy, and may tbls meetlnll be study and to share. We after· ml~~ic~, port~on of the service Two of the three equerries will atreraft. Except for the last three More than \,700 automobile work. \11th.. sallinl June 17th. a real blessIng. wards he come scattered con· w rs. r~eman Bennett be with the royal party during years, when, he worked behind a ers were idle Thursday as are. London, leaving Halifax June The Presbyterial was very gregations goIng to our homes, as organist. the entire Canadian tour, except desk. he was allach~d to Trans. suit of a strike in the paint shop t2th., due st. John'. June 15111 .. fortunate In havIng with them to our work and out Into the Owing to the absence, when the Queen and Duke of port ~om.mand. Durmg the Kor· at a ~Iorris Motors plant al IV lolling June 16th. Miss Stella Burry. Deaconess world to witness and to do thl'ough mness of Mrs. James Edinburgh are resting. e~n air hft he was awarded the !learby Co ley. A companv . .. the work of the church. 1\IIss Taylor, Secretar~ of Mtsslon TRAINED AT PALACE Air Force Cross... .' spokesman said that 42 men stop. · ,:' j : Highliner, leavlnll Montreal United Church, SI. John's; • I Burry stressed the need for Bands, the MISSion Band A palace spokesman defines But h~ offers little tnforma!lon I ped work over a difference on June 17th .• due st. John'. June Miss Mary Halg, missionary more missionaries to take the awards. we~e ~resented by their duties thus: ~bout .thls re~·ard. "I ~uess I got: wage rates and about 1,200 men . I' , ~2nd., lailillf June 24tb. from Japan and Mrs, A. Thorn· I I ~. 1 WI!kly Sailings place of Miss Haig and others 1\ll's. GIllespIe. FIfteen out of They must be in personal at. It for lust bem~ ~r'I'" and stal'. 'in the dcpMtme~t were sent hill, representative from the who have devoted their years twenty bands w'On recognition. tenda!1ce of the Queen at al\ ing _ollt or :,.r.""'- .. I"~·". ": ,. : I GULF AND NORTHERN Newfoundland Conference I Irom of service for the missionary After the Singing of Hymn times: they are responsible for' . '- · t.. i. SHIPPING CO., LTD. Branch, . , G~uceller, Moss. cause. 242, Miss Haig gave glimpses details of the Queen's engage. "Fergus, leavlnl Charlott .. An address of welcome was The names of deceased memo of life In Japan, Illustrated by ments meeting that they run I 10 lown Jun. 5th., due St. John', given to the Presbyterial and bers were read and Hymn 174, colored slides. amoothly and on time: they must: responded to by Mrs. T. R. , I SI. John's June Bth., tailing June Bth. "For all th~ Saints who from Mrs. A. Wllklnsln delighted be close by when anyone is pre. FAST WEEKLY ; ! .' and 'Fergus, leaving Charlotte· 1I1111s. their labours rest," was sung the gathering with a very sented to the Queen, offering: town June 12th., due SI. John', Miss Burry condUcted the In their memory. beautiful solo and Mrs. Thorn· background Informatio!1 on the in. : FREIGHT SERVICE .:ewloundlond Bible Study Theme: "The Min. . I '. , , · June l~th., sailing June 15th. hl11 Installed the new officers dividua1: they must see that the i Oulporls "Fergus, lea\'lng Charlotte· istry of the Laity In the Miss Haig was the guest which had been elected for Queen's guests are well looked: · town June 19th., due SI. Jobn'. World." Miss Burry explained speaker for the afternoon se~· 1959 Presbyterial. after. . Sailing · Juno 22nd" sallinll June 22nd. that not only professIonal sion, her theme, Japan. This Mrs. A.. B. LeGrow gave the As an initial training course.' , . ; ·Fergus. leaving Charlotte­ workers, but a\l of us, are bratlng their 100th anniver· report of the .Courtesy Com. the three Canadians each spend. Montreal town June 26th., due st. John'. the laity. There Is a work for year In Japan they are cele· mittee. Hymn 261 was sung a month at the palace-Edward~ . to June 29th., salllni Junl 29th. each one of us to do. The Min· sary of Evangelism. Although and this day of Inspiration Is there now-and act as equcr , " Blue Prince Istry Is our wItness, the way rapid strides hal'e been made and fellowship was brought ries to the Queen when she 2t. ·Fergus, leaving Charlotte· , Moy 29 - 30 town July 3rd., due St. John's that we live, our ministers In during those years on this to a close with the pronounc. tends various functio!1s In the St. John's the community, and In the annlvernry they have to ing of the Benediction by Rev United Kingdom. A senior Brit· I f/.V, Blue Trader July 6th., sailinl Jul)' 61h. roltlpletp Ins!lranct • Refrigeration. world. The refreshlnll period reach out to the people who A. N. Holmes. . ish equerry goes aiong to explain rO\'erage Jun. 4 - 5 of Bible study was fol\owed h~ve not yet been reached. The slate 01 officers are: th~, routine: I , ! FURNESS RED ClOSS by a tape-recorded Interview \\ hen they. hold theIr el'ange· Past President, :'Ilrs. George All t~IS g~s along l'er.1 rl!ron~h Rale- via with the lite Dr. Marlon HIl· IIstic meeting they spend a Hopkins; President, Mrs. Hec. smoothly, expla.lns Macp~er.on. S.S. llanchesler Pioneer, leav· liard whose convictions on CPR, (·NR. &. r:'ll ing New York June lOlh., Saint week, eating, sleeping, study· tor Strong; 1st Vice· President, who co~pleted hIS !lIonth In ~eh. "Women In the Church" fol· Ing and praying together. She Mrs. G. B. Powell; 2nd Vice. ruarr· We tr~I'el In the car tm· Blue Peter John, N.B. June 13th., Halifax, lowed the same subject. remInded the gatherlnll of President IIIrs W Hilla b' medIately behmd the royal part)'· Refrigerated t a'ilo =" .S. June lth., arrive Corner Mrs. George Butt, Lllera· having a prayer partner. Mis· 3rd . and are told to do." I··. j MERRELl : Brook June 18th., leaving June Vlce.P~esldent, Mrs~a ~: exa~t\y w~at Spa~.. 10 81. Jobn'. ~eamships tu1l. Secretary, bad a splendid slonarles have theIr burdens Gillespie; Recording Secre. Ed.ward.~ ?,e~cr~bes thIS ~ha5e o! 19th., arriving st. John's June : I display and gave a brief re­ like other people. and when t sry, ..'I rs. Fre d S now,. Co rres· thepleasant" Job as I er~ In(eresh:lg anG 5.5. NOVAPORT, GULFPORT and HIGHLINER Limited 21st., leaving June 24th., for I'iew of available books. . · Halifax and New York, leaving the burde~,s seem lifted, .we pondlng Secretary, Mrs. Rob· WEARS 'UNIFORMS The allocation for 19M! glv· wonder, Who Is praymg ert Hatch' Treasurer Mrs Wh'I' th I th C Sailing from MONTREAL every Wednesday, New York June 30th.. Saint '" Sh I d ith " •. I e In e pa ace. e ana· en by IItrs. E. J, Dicks, Secre· now . e c ose w a pray' George Humby; Stewardship dlans are assigned rooms with !: · John, N.B., July 3rd., Halifax, tary or Christian Stewardship, N.S. July 7th., arrivlnc St. er for the people of Japan. Secretary, IItrs. E. J. Dicks; private baths and are free to ARRIVING ST. JOHN'S EVERY MONDAY .' I : JotIn's July 10th., leaving July were accepted. The Import· I 7he meeting then divided Associate Members Secretary, wander where they please--ex.: ance of Stewardship was then n 0 gr?,ups to discuss the Mrs. Frank Taylor; Christian cept. of course, to the royal' for FrelRht 13th., for Corner Brook, Halifax brought out In a conversation tleservations Cont.ct I iand New York. theme, Lengthen your cDrd~. Citizenship Secretary, Miss suites. They wear their indil'idu:,l , I "Concerning our allocations," strengthen your stakes. :\lolHe Howell; Community service uniforms, with a gold R.SELLARS '. by Mrs. Dicks and the Record· These discussions were held Friendship Secretary, Mrs. cord and tassel on the right 'peclal Reprf~entlltl\'e Ing Secretary, Mrs. Fred under the following headings: George Case; Supply l'!ecre· shoulder and a gold [·R insignia' Tel.: 5483 or 2151 iI i Through Worship, In Witness, tary, Mrs. G: B. Powell; Mis· on the ieft. HARVEY STf,\M· .~ . ·Canada Steamships Ltd. BLUE PETER STEAMSHIPS In ServIce, Through Fellow· slonary Monthly and World Ed war d s, a meticulously. I SHIPS LTD. , COMPANY ship and Through Education Friends Secretary, Mrs. D. dressed. sandy·haired pilot, will' Agents. FREIGHT SAILINGS M.V. Blul Prince, .al1lnll In younler groups. Each Tuck' Candidate Secretary, ny to Ca:lada with the Queen and I RALlFAX-8T. JOHN'S from Gloucester May 29.·SDth. J group had a leader and ap· Mrs. George Hopkins; Afmlat· Duke aboard the Comet IV air· Leavlnl Due M.V. Blue Trader, sll1lnll pointed Its own secretary who ed C.G.I.T., Mr •. LeRoy Noel; ':';;;;::=;;;;::=;;;;::=:=:=:=:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;';';-;;-;;-;;;;-;;";';:'-;;;;'.;';'-;;;-;';;;';;;;;;;;;;;;.;;-;;-;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;:=;; Hallfalt St. John'. from Gloucester June 4-5th. reported the findings of these Affiliated Explorers, Mrs. A. 'BEDFORD 11" .. " .". ,," "" " .. June 10 June 12 Wilkinson; Mission Circle Sec· -rAl:VETTE" ." ." ...., "" .. " Junel3 Junl 11 retary, Mrs. Ernest Bishop; FURNESS RED CROSS LINE MOSTREAL-ST. JOHN'S FURNESS, WITHY & LTD. Mission Band Secretary, Mrs. FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY Leaving DUI CO., James Taylor; Baby Band Sec· Montreal St. John'. IJverpDol St.Johr~ Boston Bailin St John' retary. Mrs. W. J. Squires; FROM: NEW YORK, SAINT JOHN, N.B., HALIFAX, N.S. ISLE II" ,," .. " "" " .. June 11 Junl 111 to to Bflt. " to to to Literature Secretary, Mrs. TO: CORNER BROOK AND ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND ISLE 11" ...... June 25 June 29 st. Jlmo'. l!OttOD Halifax St. John', L'poo) George Butt; Press Secretary, "MANCHESTER PIONEER" (Subject 10 change without notice) "Newfoundland' Jne. 1 Mrs. M. Feltham. Members without portfollo, Mrs, Win· Sailing from: New York, SainI John, N.B., Halifax, N.S., and St. John's III immediate clearance per direct salllnll'. "Nova Scotia" JDI 8 Jne. 12 Jne. 18 Jne. 18 lor ratea apac. aDd other informltion apply: "Newfoundland" Jne. 13 Jne. 20 .lne. 211 Jne. 30 Jly. 2 nle Green,. Mrs. William His· Voyage 6 ...... June 10th June 13th June 16th June 24th "Nova !leotla" ny. 1 ny. 8 Jly. 14 Jly. 18 J!y. 20 cock, Mrs. H. Barne" Mra. T. Voyage 7 ...... June 30lh July 3rd' July 7th July 13th AGENCIES & TRANSPORT CO., lTD., "Newfoundland" ny. 111 ny. 22 JIy. 28 Au,. 1 Aug. 3 R. Mills. Voyage 8 ...... July 22nd July 25th July 28th Aug. 3rd DIAL 2031. Perlon, eontemplatlnll passlle to EuroPI 'nIe Strait of Messina, be­ Voyage 6 will call at Corner Brook prior calling 51. John's. ahould mat. well In advancI, N. COLE, Special Representatlv., St. John', booklllll tween Italy and Sicily, froths Vessels call at Newfoundland Outporl! as Inducement Offers. DIAL 1207 OR TO AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY: B.O.A.C.. K.L.M .. PAN into whirlpools a, tides push For Fteillhl Rates and other information contact AMERICAN AIRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN. T.W.A. and back and forth. R08fRT REFORD COMPJ.NY, LTD., Age"', cODDeeting AlrllneJ. MONTREAL and TORONTO CCIIIItIlt at reprdinll your tra"l mblema. A temple at EI Karnak, FURNESS WITHY & COMPANY, LIMITED , ' Egypt, took 2,000 years to build HEAD OFFICE - HALIFAX, N.S. FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE and Is tAle largest columnar WATER ST., EAST, 51. JOHN'S TEL. 2073 (5 lines) and 5890 · .1 NEWFOUNDLAND 80m. • 'PBONE tim structure ever erected by man . :1 I ... _------· .. '~ • 'I . ~ · ! r I ':.' I I",., • .. I , :( . -and loads of it! I Mercury ttucks pay for their keep-especially on stop-and-go jobs that demanct' I economy of operation and top loadspace. Proof of this-Canada's most economical Six cylinder engine averaged 25.2% better gas mileage than every other make in U.S. tests. In aU models, Mercury pares away useless dead weight-builds extra I strength into frames, axles and springs to give versatile Mercury Trucks the stamina to shrug oft' punishment day-in and day-out, In Six or V-8, Mercury trucks I , . comparison. See your nearby ttuck dealer and get the invite Mercury aU Cacb. I " .. . '. I .~ ~ · . I .). I TV ',f, ~ · , I /. MERCURY I . , , T CKS 1 I , . Cerlai"j,atllrtr iUWfrattd tIr,"",til1tlld ar. standard mt SM' ntMal,~ptimrtJJ /JIlZlTtletJIf /JIt.tIIm. .:1 ------lEE- -YOUR- --NEARBY--- MERCURY------TRUCK DEALER-- -..•. ---_.- - MUNN MOTORS LTD. ST •. JOHN'S SPANIARD'S BAY CORNER BROOK SUB-DEALERS: CLARENVILLE - A. DUFFITT' ••• allSTON - TILLEY'S GARAGE LTD.

For SAFE-BUY used cars and trucks, see .7"'.'." ... ~r".,'r·.. •• ..'·,.·Lincoln·Meteor dealer


• -

') t, THE DAILY NEWS,' S!.' JOHN'S,' . NFLD., MONDAY, JUNt 8', ',I ! i ' \\ '\ I : I~ I"'I \ '

I r' , \ \. ' , Service Centre BIDGOOD'S Where To Stay HOMl Kif W~terford Bridge Road FIRE INSURANC STAN. 'CONDON Balsam Hoter , ond '."or Rood ! 80 ,C a t, e r in 9 , BARNES ROAD OWNERS I I., j • Situalp.d iD lh.,'Hearl olthe I .' •VANCOUVER. (CP) - An in. COMMERCIAL SECTI,ON MORTGAGES )t, ! 'Weddings City. You need c. creaSe In jobs lor the blind wili 0., result, from a new $500.000 servo Private WE offer For Sale. the following list Qutet. r.omforiabt. Aba. DEPENDABLE " Ice centre to be built here. Parties of COIJ'mercial Properties: pbere. ANTHONY, INSURANC[ Capt. M.C. Robinson. western For' Reservations and 111- Fire Insurance R. C. The w J , , director for, the Canadian Na· and WATER ST.-Big business opportunity •• lormation RELIABLE 203 WATER STREET CYRIL tional hlstitute for the BUnd. said Dinners Companies, the centre will be built at the We have two well established busi· Dial 6336 wedandeverymon .. tI. ~~1 rear' of Queen Elizabeth Hall COMPLETE '."...~ Dial ,0, here. It wlll be completed next MRS. JOHN' FACEt , , sprl:lg. • ness properties for sale right in the busi· Protection SERI " J 6967 Rell."n. Man8lfrfl1 , ) He said that blind people could est section of the street. These premises m:n ,II PROMPT LOSS • do many "nuisance Jobs" which TO are well known locally. We cannot Settlements I Indusl!'}' does not want to handle. , I These include folding and stap!· House Repair discuss these properties on the phone, J. J. LACEY , , Ing . operations. packaging. lind LAND SURVEYS , STOCK UP I even threading !luts on bolts, and Decorating but if you will call into the office per. LAND APPRAISALS INSURANCE LTD. There will be a modern rehab· 211 WATER STREET \ Ilitation section serving blind peo' , sonally, we will give all the necessary DRAUGHTING , ON THESE V:'ARM WEATHER ITEM\ pTe: in' Briti.h Columbia. Trainees BUlldln~ ren?vatlon ~ork. PHONE 6921. I 19 particulars. I, s \\'ill Ii\'c at the Queen Elizabeth Large or small Vie can do It all. I WHITE PRINTING. \'e~idencc. \Contact- ! MINEOGRAPHING AUTO PARTS (Whole} Hunt's Sliced Peaches 15 oz. and 23 ! There will be a h~bby. ~hop I MR. ROBERT SEY~tOUR, TOPSAIL RD. - Large block of Freehold 25 ,'0 I " where household repalr~ 1I'1l! be I . ,Land, and Building. Excellent "ite for AND PHOTO laught and a model kitchen fM DIAL 90113 durIng bUSiness Nfld. Hunt', Apricots 15 oz. and 28 Ol~ .s Armatur. showro~m, warehouse, or for practi. COPYING bUnd housewh·cs. hours or 4968·' after business Hunt's Fruit Cocktail 15 oz. and 28 7 IE : Recreation facilities will permit hours. my19.1mtb Worka /Iliniature bowling. square da:lc. cally any other purpose. Selling at a Gerry Halley 1_ 38 In~. public speaking classcs. 1It. bargain price. Enquire about it today. Bambrick Pineapple Cubes erllry a nd choral groups ADd .... Street 2( Newfoundland Surveys Ltd. Dial 7191·2 other acth'ili~s. 40 SMITH AVE.-Terrific buy in Shop and Pineapple Slices A watcrlall al the ('ntrance TELEPHONE 90876 I Services I ""ill gil'e blind \'isi~ors a sense of living quarters. Ask about the possi. Apple Juice C. C. Beef dlreclion. BUILDING MATERIALS PASSENGER SERVICE bilities of this now. Orange Juice Potted Meat CHESTER DAWE, LTD. ECONOMIC "lEW CONNECTION BAY RUN AND WATER ST.-We also have a Shop and SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD. Lime Juice Vienna Sausage PRAGUE. (Reull-The Czech· WEST RUN PLACENTIA BAY GREAT EASTERN Living Quarters in the city's business For all your Buildina vslo\'aklan COin mu n i s t party PLACENTIA BAY OIL & IMPORT Requirements call Lemon Crystal Luncheon Meal Jlewspaper Rude Pra\'o says in Regular 10.00 a.m. traIn les\,· section. Good prospects for future 80161-91171 ·an article lrom its Ottawa corr~s· ing St. John's l\Ionday, June CO., LTD. Kool Aid Beefsteak and pondent that the economic slump 8th. wJl1 make connection at business. 1:1 Radio. Television Washers, DRUG STORES I Canada was worse than in the ArgenlJa with Motor Vessel~ \.' l'nlted Stat~s becau~e the Cana· TWO-WAY STORES •• For Rent - Yes, we R'.!fri~eratora Deep Freel... dian economy was "subordinated for the Bay RUn lind West Electric Raol!en. CONNORS DRUG STORE I Kin to the interests of American Mon· Run PlAcentia Bay. have a larse portion of the well known Floor PoU,hera, LAMBERT'S COUGR SYRUP : GEO. P. BOWD ·opolic~." The article adds: "The Gramophone. can be obtained at CONNL"'TION GREEN BAY Two-way Stores for rent. This part of Public Address System •. CONNORS DRUG STOlfi: i cri~l~ period is al~o one 01 (ren. 1>'" Tape Recorders, i zied. attack hy the employers SER"ICE ' the store is suitable for doctor's offices, ' 334 WliTER ST. '/I~ai:1st the trade union or2~n· Train ""'he Caribou" lea\'ing REPAIRS AND SERVICI DIAL 2206 I & COMPANY. LlMlnO 5 UNES I .':;. 'I;atlon and the wa::es and worl!' St. John's ~Ionda~'. June Sth .. hardware store, drug store, or for IJ!; . conditions of those workers will make connection at Lewis· DIALSOOl to 300t I For lowest prices and prompl :; many other uses. If you want to get , ELECTRICAL I ,,110 are still employed, porte with ~I.V. Nonia for regu· WATER STREET I~ Contact .0 .;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===. lar ports Green Bay Sl'jvice. started in business or expand, then ;8n26.lv, APPLIANCES . , I SPECIAL TRIP :\I,V. TRE· follow up on this one right away. BAINE JOHNSTON Phone 5071 78 George St. For Fast I PASSEY SMOKEY TO COMPANY, LTD. , NAIN 37 CAMPBELL AVE. - Two Shops and HUTCHEN'S GROCERY Ageocy Department I ~1. V. Tremey will sail (rom MEAT MAIUT • 2~3 Water St. Dial !102· .'" Taxi Service the Dock Coastal Wharf on a Apartment. Freehold. 53 WUlllm Street YOUR FRIGIDAIRE \!.-'. DIal 7450 and 6061 '", ' special trip to Nain 5 p m. on DEALER Wednesday. June 10th. Ship DICK'S SQ.-Snack Bar and Apartments­ ~ HOTEL TAXI . ,I will call at ports Smokey to HEAP & PARTNERS (Vacant). 8. a.CLARKE Dial 2424-2410 Nain. (Steamer will not call at TopsaDRt", (NFLD.) LTD. * Goose Bay). HOUSING AREA-Snack Bar, Restaurant DIal 11l1li Wiring Materials. Wire and iJyIea freD! ue 10 t •.•. Cables, Motors. Starten. ' Star of The Sea ".aau .: ST. JOHS'S·CORNER BROOI. and Two Apartments. Good business Lamps. Switches. Lightinl ,,' QUEEN'S ROAD SERVICE' L. HEALEY Fixtures. etc, ,''''28.1yr S,S. Springdale for regular stand. Freehold land. Bargain. I CNII Road. and W• .., 1& "AREHOUSE PRINCES ST. ports St. John's·Corner Brook I DlalSOZ8 DIAL 5085 Service will sail from the Dock '." EAGAN BUILDING-Large building •• Fur·, , . .- .. Coastal Wharf 5 p.m. ~ uesday, FLORISTS riace heated • • elevator • • Showroom I INSURANCE AGENTS TO LET June 9th. home S.S. SORTHEnN RASGER and Offices. AND BROKERS HOWSE OF flOWERS Heoted Warehouse ond Office bo\ement f~ LABRADOR SERVICE Serving St. Jobn', SERVICE STATION-Excellent central'loca· JOB BROTHERS from two locations the Stor Hall, Henry Street, Space oppro~ire'! TO EMILY HR. m DAl'rIlLTON AVENUE i 5.5.' Northern Rangel' opera· tion. Plenty working space. A·CO· LTD . ~f I Water Street DIAL 80059 2500 square feet, Sprinklered. . ting South Labrador Service to Dial 2658, '111 102 WATER ST. Be I Goose Bal' I replacing 5,5. Bur· QUICK SERVICE LAUNDERETTE-Queen's Road 'DIAL 7410 i gcO) will sail from the Dock Business moy be purchased for $1500.00. MEEHAN & CO. -, Apply to the Modern Coastal Wharf NOON Wednes· ,f.A,· Bid,. Dnawortb lit. FIRE INSURANCE day. June 10th, En rOllte steam· COMMERCIAL LAND - Blackmarsh Road, 40 Dial ·10&6-7M1 Live' er will call Bay Roberts and ·ft. x 500 ft. SECRETARY, Carbonear and will also proceed ' CROSBIE & CO., LTD. from Goose Bay North. ports FRESHWATER RD.-Three Storey 8ldg. Good REG. T.. MORGAN Agents for Electrica lIy ! commercial area. INSURANCE LIMITED UNDERWRITERS AT P.O. BOX 165 G.P.O, CITY Emily Hr. to Smokey with fi!h· Temple Btdg .. : P.O. Boi: In. LLOYD'S (rmen, NEW GOWER ST.-Vacant ••• Shop and Apart· 141 'Duckworth St. LOW RATES DIal 80370 or '7758 DIAL 5031 uat~i FREIGHT, ACCEPTANCES ment. ' .' '+ •• A ,. ,. N I I I i MAYOR AVE.-House and Garage •• goodbusi. DRUG· STORES HARDWARE STORES JUST ARRIVED C~!ap Reliahie Electricity I FREIGHT SOUTHERN ness stand. . : DUCKWORTH ST.-Luncheonette •• low down- HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD. 1 In and Around St. John'S FreightLABRADOR for regularSERVICE ports M.CONNORS. LTD. ' payment. .WATEll n. GENERAL HAJlDW All! Shipment of Tri-Colour South L~brador Service. ports ·Dlal ZZ08 DlstributDlI for Sunbeam Battle Harbour to Goose Ba,.. MERRYMEETING RD.-Two Apartments and Shop. Electrical Appliance. also Smokey and Emily Har· COMPLETELY MODERNIZED BLDG.- Just AYLWARD'S Sport. Goods and Sporta BUNTING bour per S,S. Northern Ran· PJlARMAC1' wear for all occasloDJ. inches ger accepted at the Dock off Duckworth St. Three suites of Of· 36 wide tGr. Moncb,. "#plrl Aft DIAL 5016 Coastal Shed on Monday. June fices and Warehouse. Full basement. DIal •. 8th, from 9 a.m, to II p,m. ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTD. SLATTERY WHOlESAL( TWO BIG COMMERCIAL BLDGS.-Privatelisting. KENNEDY'S MeCLARY AUTOMATIC , FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S·LEW· FRESHWATER RD.-Near Parade St ••• Large WARM AIR CONDITIONING DRY GOODS CO., LTD, , ISPORTE SERVICE DRUG'STOn, Building. Valuable piece of property. 1M Doenoi1. II. Z10 WATER ST. june3,S Freight for regular porta St. DW' 2381. DIAL 4183 John'~·Lewlsporte Service per 165 WATER ST. - Vacant • , Large Shop and i 0 DUNN'S be' • t' • :., : ~ , M.V. Codroy will accepted Offices. PBAllMACJ' HEATING '1': at the Dock Coastal Shed Tues· I ,0 Cor; Mlyor;u' . day an ol Wednesday, June 9th DRUG STORE-Going strong for years • • FOR SALE ! Merrymeetiag ,U... , C. A. HUBLEY, LTD. and 10th. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, DJAL'SS8 .. · . PLUMBING and BEATING , Apartment included, '. A LARGE BUNGALOW , ", ' FOR LEASE-Large ultra modern Store on Water CONTRACTORS .' "1,, FREIGHT SOUTH COAST PARKQALE. \:' ...... I Rep. General Eledrte with spacious living room, 3 bedrooms, , ' SERVICE St ••• No phone calls. PBARMAc!;· ,. " 16 .Klng'. Road Dial 2918 Freight is accepted dally ai BLACKMARSH ROAD-Large Building. EUzlbetllYA~1 ' able den, large kitchen. and bathroom, ~ the Railway Freight Shed lor DIal: 'l,1IO :" . HR. GRACE-Water 51. •• Furnished House and NEW COAL SERVICE residential area, opposite Bowring por, r:~ular ports South Coast Ser· ", " We deUver ,romptly vice. but In order to guarantee Shop, $6,000.00. ' ' . MtJRPHY'S . , \. particulars phone: DRllG ' ft'ORI, , 011. 11l1li1' deUvel'1. moveme.lt by this trip ot the WEST END-Building suitable for Restaurant: or Can .795. S.S, Bar 'Haven freight u,usl be W,MWtlm 101'" JOHN R. COURAGE, 7 RES , DIa), Ittl" $1.00 per ba •• at'the' Railway Freight Shed not Showroom. ' , '-, ,'" No Gimmick •. ,Barristor and Solicitor ot 801S later than 1.00 p.m. Tuesday, COMMERCIAL LAND-2 blocks, 600 to 700 ,. B8nest Wel.bl. fni!4,8 June 9th. " ,THOMPSON'S" . ,,' . MOt feet frontage on the railway, iust west . PllABDCY , . RADIO·TV REPAIRS ''RESTRICTED CARGO of Syme's Bridge. n, QutI1l ,"!4I. ied· Shippers Please Noles:-Olla , GREAT EASTERN, OIL and other restricted' cargo tor $15,000 takes a Large' Bulldlng near the New· . FLEMING'S,. ' regular ports' Corner Brook to ~OMPANY, LTD. Post Office. '~ PBARMAOt,· REPAIRS TO RADIOS, T.V. Battle Hr. for forwarding vi. 73 PLEASANT ST.-House and Shop. . WPeJlDJWell ..... AND ALL ELECTRICAL Corner' Brook' andM,V. Carol Dial .ml'l, . . LARGE BLOCK, OF LAND on Freshwater Road, , . APPLIANCES Strong will be accepted' at the DIAL 30111 to 3005 Railway Freight Shed Monday. " near Stamp's Lane. .JOHN' J. FEEHAN, June 8th. froni' 9 I.m. to 15 p,m. Also COMMERCIAL LAND on Waterford, Bridge' . Around' St., John'. USED CARS 3&31- '" Shippers Please Note: - O\l~ Road and Water'St. . , Dial . . ' and other re.ltrlcted cari() for We still have several 810cks af Land· in and . ,DO W~ter" 8*; '. ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD. •. 'i ( FOR A CAR YOU CAN 'WELCOME' WAGON regular ports South .Coast Ser' around the city. Check them today. ' DEgND ON CALL , vice for forwarding via Mgen·. " ELECTRIC'AL', ST. JOHN'S HOSTESS tla. a!ld M.V. Delroy will. be ae· Another good investme/1t-Large Building,' with .' . '. -' . ADELA E MOTORS LTD, ,CONTRACTORS·· ' .. "A Complet, StOlt At four MOST 'k cepled at the· Railway Fr~lght Three Stores. Good business site. - . " .- Will ...... DIAL 3015 . Knoc at Your 0001 Shed Wednesda, June 10th. , ' . 1 0 " GOWER ST.-Shop and Two, Apartments. with Gifts and . Greeting$ trom 9 a,l'I. 10 ~ p.m. J. V. DAWE LTD •. 'MOBILE 'GROCETERIA PROGRESSIVE ,from Friendly Business . Eledrlc'al Contrattor ' Door". CLASSIFIED . Neighbours and Your No" fire wheD WI' wire . DIAL·9US. Dial 909!I1 . '., SECTION . Civic and Social FISH STORES On . the occaslo'n ofl GROCERS' '(RE"AI~)' ... CITY FISH SHOP i',,'mer to t,he City. . . ~'. ~~ew 38 foREscon ST, ! :lhe . h of a Baby, .. NORMAN DD.\V,t';.El: ~ .. DIAL =m I '" \ .. ONE .6 NDt':J ~;ji~ .sc:~ , Service, Quality Vam!, DIAL 7848 - 71Q3 J 4813 . ,~4865(;~;~,5,i' or 90943 : '; ~ ~.s" r-",. ~! .' .. :.' , .- ~ '. . -,' :. " , . \"'" . . '

15 NfWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD!, MONDAY, JUNE 8, '.1959

KINSMEN \ ':. . ~.' ,. .f ',' ,,' • .;; t· Boys I .,',•• ,'. ....t , • ' ...... • f .t Club • • • ••• I •• • ....I~ ...... ' . • .' • • ,,/I' KNIGHTS OF CqLUMBUS , ." . .. ".. . ~, :8 BINGO ." ARCHBISHOP HOWLEY GENERAL ASSEMBLY :' FOURTH DEGREE ,. lhe winner of Series II is A meeting of the Archbishop Howley General' . CYRil JANES, The Battery AUCTION ~~5~m;ly, Fourth Degree, will be held in th.,· atU8:30~oms TO·MORROW, TUESDAY EVENING ,. V~lyetHorn TUESDAY SERIES No. 12 Club Business: Renewal of Obligations. JUNE 9th A large attendance of members I'S TO.DAY'S NUMBERS requested. ',' 'TO·DAY By order of the F.N. 1.30 p.m. A. J. HUTCHINGS , UP I N G o CLUB 9PEN Scrib •• ' 9 a.m. to '1 p.m. 26 HEAD 19 39 58 67 FOOD' AT ITS BEST 72 CHOICE , ., 25 44 60 tAl "e u ...... t ...... ,.( ...... 1-(, .~ L ' . 1 BUTCHERS' I' , ~ 74 16 34 '·Har.! Take the whole box! I CIIl't . i : SO , DIAL stand to waste food!" I • I , . ; i 61 FOR SALE-Stnll1ural Steel, CAnlE: 20 36 '2177 Wall ,Washing 1 Btarn, B Beams; Angles; 48 Channels; Plates, Shaftln. I WALL WASHING - Wan. ANNUAL MEETING etc.. "dOUB s\%es.. NOd. FO~ : cteaned by ne" machille. lef 23 71 S.lvage " Sales Co., Ltd .. ! Results perfect: 18\'el paiDt OF ,.::,' 31 11 Pltrlck Slred; 'PhODI • ! -New Method Rug and WaU ~-eat • FAST 1'109. Cteaners. Freshwaler Road. jne8,9 THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE COUNCIL • I Sausage 65 • EXPERT 'Phone 91033. mar 19. \Yl'ar FOR NEWFOUNDLAND >n Meat • ,EFFICIENT r.t:w METHOD RUG CLEAN- THE CENTRAL BABBEB I " .. ~ ERS. Rugs and Carpet m~dt ; ! 69 SHOP. We are now operat· NEAL~S .'~ ok and to look Uke Dew. Von ing eight chair., You car be WILL BE HELD IN THE LECTURE THEATRE I Schrad81 prllC8N adds vear. I assured of ~ht best possible TOCK. MARK£ T· ~, : , to Uf. of rug .. Cleaned In service plus the least pot­ OF MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY Kin - Help Kiddies ! home or at our plant Bible waiting. 24 New Gower JOB 'Phone 91033. New Method I· , I St.. opp. Adelaide Motora. 1 Rug eleanera. FreJhwlter ON MONDAY, JUNE 15th, 1959 , ' " I , PRINTING : B;;-;:E::-AU;;::TYL~AND::=:--:-I29-Q-u-een-8 CORNS CALLOUSES P AT 8.30 P.M. Road (Theatre au:), special. relief . from painful• romplcorn. Izlng In all melhods of per· and callouses with Lloyd's I' • ENVELOPES I . ' manent waving tlnUng eu~ CdC II S I f ...... FOR SALE mpt .... • BILLHEADS ! ting Special permanent: IS.OO orn an a ous a vo and , Open Evenings Dial 6fi34 Pads. Salve 75c-Pads 50c. • INVOICES -at all druggists. • FINANCIAL I St. Bonaventure's College STATEMENTS IlARDlNG'S TAX] will be ,EXPERT WALL WASHlNG- . 1"3171"" «::rand Bank Sunda,. , LeAve all that 01111 hard and 'l'hur~day; returning wall washing to U!. Fast AUCTION The Monday and Saturday For expert service. Cheap rates. res~rvations call 4491·F. at Dial 4633·F. or ca!l at 3', SPORTS DAY " Grand Bank call 2142. Patrick Street. WEDNESDAY • DAILY mar;/.4 tl myl5,lmth . " , . MONDAY, June 8th ._' '-.·i. JUNE 10th , , NEWS , 3:30 p.m. , . , .. . 11.30 a.m. I," JOB .PRiNTING FOR SALE TURKEY TEAS IN AULA MAXIMA .. . . .' REFRESHMENTS IN TENTS TOPSAIL ROAD DEPT. · 30 HEAD , , BUSINESS PROPERTY , ,· dwelling with 3 Apartments suitable for Should bad weather postpone the Sports, Land the serving of teas will also be postponed. home with 1l, 2 acres of land FOR SALE and Building, Topsail Road, occupied CHOICE I basement 83 CORNWALL AVESUE FREEHOLD REDUCED PRICE by Provincial Truck & Tractor Sales Ltd. )ce nnnroxmom Here Is where you can pur BUTCHERS' chase a wen constructed Bung. Next Hickman's US9d Car Garage. HOUSE nlow, erected on fre~hold land WANTED- with concrete foundolion. oil CATTLE furnace hent. lront and rear !\ . Land 100 ft. by 1000 ft. Building 32 x 84 Three bedroom Bungalow within or l1em " . ga.rdens. dril'p.wPY, g~rage. ,con· tams large living room. !lining ft. Prefabricated steel; , furnac. heated, City limits. Price range $10,000 10 room, modern kitchen. three 33 Boxes bedrooms and modcrn bathroom water and sewerage. Suitable for garage, $12,000. Particulars in writing to hardwood floors (oak) and tiled' ;1 O. CITY landscaped, near churches and Choice Young schools. Suitable lor basement store, warehouse or factory. Apply The Royal Trust Company, J apartment. See thi~ fine pro· PIGS I perty today. PHONE 5196,'-· R. C. LESTER P.O. BOX 2080 I . John c. H2mlvn, Ex M.S. "Fergus" from P.E.1. , ' , '. I." REAL ESTATE AGENT ,. ',' Phone 3058 59 Hamilton Ave. ," ~'r :' l4 DOWNING STREET 238 1IAM11.TON l\VF.NUE i-Colour · mAL '1351 or !SSP·" 'very attractive modern Bungalow $16,500 HOUSE,WANTED iG ~'I' ~ r u ... f ' I or nearest offer. WANTED 'TO RENT !de jneB,910 Two Salesladies .. SHOWROOM 129 Bond St. 513.500 C·ASH PLESA 20,250 cubic feet all clear, no posts, THREE BEDROOMS, FURNACE HEATED, D., LTD. N C. HAMLYN Experience preferred 2,025 square feet. Linoleum flooring. For RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED No phone calls,' please. Furnace Heating with Radiation. Twelve Offices . PHONE 5420 ;'. . REAL ESTATE Apply TEL.EPHONE 6411·A or 2355 for appointment. Suites of 3, 6 or as a CIAL 2339·H • 7351 GEORGE NIGHTINGALE I Two-Way Stores Suitable for Drug Store, Restaurant or Retail Store. complete unit. All FOR RENT , " inpB.9 ' , modern conveniences, I , ; '!\ 1======with parking space for: ,: , 'I'! Ibedroo ms, Suite of Four Offices: , ,bathroom, in from 8 to 10 cars. , . towring Pork. NOTICE Apply 205 WATER STREET ):: ., PRIVATE WASHROOMS j , Callanan & Co. JANITOR SERVICE • I AGE, • / .. OF Opp. CNR Station PARKING AVAILABLE .i' )r at 802B9 RESIDEt~TS OCCUPANCY ABOUT JULY lst , , ," 'I ' Dial 7179 during busi· ' 19 56' · ness hours; after hours Apply MOUNT PEARL' AUSTIN ~Ii'd J . Dial 2099. .Baine, Johnston & Co., Ltd. ~ne 9111 :0 June 23rd is set Clside 00 ine3.5.8,lO.12 ~. tl $1000.. . ASK FOR LEWIS coo:(, PHONE 2101. • eon·up of rubboge. Re~idents are .. , '...... _-_._ ,Baird Motors Ltd. . ". C. R. GILLESPIE, IMERRYMEETING ROAD! 'GOOD OPPORTU NITY Mayor. DIAL 80378·9 for ambitious person experienced in GENERAL ACCOUNTING IEPAIIS "' .. ,...... "DftlSVJRE l'()IDJAY IILeAIIDI. Apply in person '.,e$toa. 'WlI'U'JH lRalJA'" " ~_. I between 2 and 6 p.m. to t'all ,'. RCAmovINSURANCE , STEPHENVILLI PERSONNEL MANAGER Armature Works Ltd. Resldenc,e IUAlLJPJK D4DlLLS Nfld. MANAGER STEERS LIMITED BAMBRICK 5T. DIAL 7191 • 7192 ,-' DlCUJlIlBS SJKClIPS AUlTClS WATER STREET ST. JOHN'S SIt... UJRG.,ES Advertise-In -The~News

' •. \ .I , ,

THE DAilY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., I; I' II Wintermeyer ' I I . ,! ... Rapid Riser . . '. . ' . . TORONTO (CP)-.;John Winter· Ii , IN STOCK! meyer's leadership roie In the . NEW STOCK current Ontario election cam. 1.1 . '; I • paign caps a rapid rise in the '. ranks of the Ontario Lloeral I "HORSEY" FRUIT JUI~ES party, 1 . The 42·year-old Kitchener law. yer was a political nobody when THJ: LIFE OF PATRICK I ORANGE JUICE he defeated fhe sitting ProGrcs. '" I sil'e 'Conservative member for HASTINGS 48·6 oz. 24·20 oi. 12·48 oz. Waterloo North b the 19j5 elcc· Patricia Hastings TRIMMED , , , GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ti~~. his first legislature se:Sion DAWN OF D·DAY RAINBOW . , he was picked frorr among the David Howarth .. , , . 48·6 oz. 24·20 oz. 12·48 oz. • II Lioeral members to be the fi· I., I I ENDURANCE , nancial critic of the government If d NAVEL BEEF , . BLENDED JUICE lind immediately displayed B nair A re Lansing .... 5.57 for this tYPe of debate. THE SLEEPWALKERS ...... BARRELS 24·20 oz. ; ~I.\,DE LEADER IN 19j8. , Arthur Koestler .... 5.00 , TEA H~.lF.BARRELS t When F~rquhBr Ohv.er ~esll:n!!d . THE GOLD OF TROY ) . , TANGERINE, JUICE 'the Ontano leadcrs:up In 19.18, ~tr. Wintermeyer had become Robert Payne ...... 4.75 24·20 oz. I I o~c of the prol'incc'; top.ranking CELIA GARTH IS i Llherals. He was chosc!l leader CANADIAN GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS • at a party 'convention ina brisk Gwen Bristow ..... 4.95 I 24·15 OZ'. : ballot contesl. ST ARRBELOW ALWAYS I .~n unassuming man; he quickly China Thompson .. , GRAPEFRUIT AND ORANGE SALAD I 1I'0n a wide· ch'cle of political CHEESE J' friends from all party groups. FANDANGO ROCK I ----.. ----~-- t ; John· .To.ieph. Wintermeyer "'as John Masters " 50 GOOD 24.15 oz. born in Kitchener. Dec. 4, 1916. • I He recived his earl~' education MADE .FOR MAN premier P.E.I. POTATOE~ but held a there and took a bachelor of com· A. P. Herbert ...... 3.00 I' East Germl mcrce .degree at Notre Dame DON'T GET PERCONEL Grotewohl a: U~il'erslty, Sou~h Bend: Ind. He 'WITH A CHICKEN T & MWINTER LIM IT:ED . planned to go mto busmess and , communist P! e~teredthe Graduate School of H. Allen Smith .... 3.50: GENERAL MERCHANTS or Ihe E~s: , Law at ~Drvard ,university to DOCTOR ZHIVAGO' I further thIS ambilion. . GEORGE NEAL LIMITED are tied TELEPHONE NUMBERS 5101·2·3 I While at Han'ard he decided !o Boris Pasternak .... 4.50 rour forcign abandon hL~ earlier pla~ and take ,.-______• ST. JOHN'S 'PHOr.iE1 ~1l1SICIPAL FIELD . O' k ~Ir. Wintermcycr job cd a Kit·: chener law office and five I'ears Ie s & Co .,.Ltd later set ip his own firm'. He made his first bid for public office, i'he Booksellers \. in 1952. winning an aldermanir : NEW! seat in his home city. He servcd I Spin 442:5 or 2008 or 3191 • • three terms. I ' I When he took over the Liberal,· BRIGADIER TO RETIRE ! leadcrsh~p he began a prol'in~ial OTTAWA. (CPI _ The retire. ! ,I tour which covered 30.000 miles me:!t early next year of Brig. I • " > •• and. touched all parts of the ~lichacl S. Dunn. 54. of Ottawa '-',' , prol'tnCI';. . wa~ announced ~londay by army , ;'-, REDWOOD I '. ,;. ;.. .;: <,r_: .'. / ... , lIIr: \\ m.termc~'er launched hiS headquarters. The brigadier. now electlo~ ?fII'e a full month before in the office of the chief of gen. l!~r electIOn date was announccd. era I staff. is a former director '"c;~]~[Vj;~D':: . Since then he h~s been on the of administratio!l at headquarters move almost continually. promol· and former senior Canadian Mil· ing the platrorm he. says was I itary advisor on the internationla ! CLAPBOARD cvoll'~d from hiS earher tour of supervisory commission i:l Indo. I Ontafl~. china. He is a nat h'e of Old In hiS campaign he has found Chelsea Que I ABSOLUTELY CLEAR a strong political helper in his ~;;;;;;';;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=. \ wife. But It·s no surprise-~Irs. Wbtermcyer !~ a direct descen· CAREER - SCHOOLS ! THE PERFECT SIDING dent of Damel O·Conn~ll. the , raniZsllioiis ar "great liberator" of Irish politi· BARBER or HAIRDRESSER delegate 6 inch and 8 inch cal history. Unemployment Insurance the estab Benefits during Course if would r elig:b~e. aid progr . was mai Trans·Canada rather I Capitalist Beaut)' Industries , Socialist Ltd. HORWOOD LUMBER ® ~loncton. N.B. i ED~lO:,\TO:'\. ICPI - CCF: ; Leader Floyd Albin ,'oho;on of I Itelurn .'are Beyond : Alberta is a socialist in a cap· 300 Miles RefuDded. i·italist·s clothing. COMPANY~ LIMITED , "Sure I'm a capil.~list in the 1======::::::.I . 1 economic sense," said the build· REPAIRS Ing contractor. "I've got to iive ITV .~ DIAL 3011 in the society as it :lOll' is con· .c ...... -...... -. ______v stituted. But that does not pre· I elude r~c~gnilion of the faul~s: REASONABLE RATES and deflclenccs that make IP WASHE,GTO[\', D.C.-t\dm. Lewis L. Str

. At the Musical Clock you receive expert, SIX-HOUR service on ROOF COATINGS black-and-white films, PLUS Newfoundland's Faltest and Finest 'Children's AND ALL BUILDING SUPPLIES. Kodacolour developing and printing by Canada'. largest Summer . colour laboratory. , . Bonnets . Lt~ SPECIAL .A. H. MURRAY & Co., ' c, 49 ST. JOHN'S

".: ~ ~ . " y' t~',· ..· ..... ,... ""