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" ~~, W"ted Immediately a CARS AND PICK·UP TRUCKS r 1953's, 1954's, 195,5'5, 1956's ARE WANTED. THE DAILY NEWS Nova Motors Ltd I ~~ Vol. 66. No. 125 ST, 'JOHN'5, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1959 (Price: 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons ~::~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------!---------------,------.. ,----~~~ nada Will 'Launch ;'Ir, i . Satellite 1961 ,ill" ' . A ~ In . ., . I '. (OWSS Irockcts, 8:1d the radar station- lite will orbit over the pol~. It IMr, Dlefenbeker said the rocket I .'· 'jI' I Star! Wrl1rr 11'111 do Important research In the is und~r~tood it will be partieul. Is or a new C;anadian design, ! · 1": . ~tnT. Sa<k. 'CI"; upper atm~sphere 01 the nor.th. arly desisned for research in 1 Dr, Curie said scientists havr' '.\'.11'1' : " . ,\L~prr~\c \'ith the One goa~ Will ,be to. do s0!1'ethmg that part of the atmosphere con· pressed for several years for i 'I' \!; . ~;~" \ ' : ,! ~~ l ,~teUiIl'. to. oboll.1 d~sl'upllons m radiO com· cerned with radio commllnicm morc usc o[ the Churchill base in II .. 1 ..• I~t ~nd ,,'Ill :1: n ~untca\lons, call sed when pay' lion. taunching research rockets. The :,(; i I ::" oler lilc pull's .. tides of the sun enter the carth s Satellitcs ~o far hal'e bcen at llasc is wcll·situated [or studying I I . .. ':" Ih'I\'nl>;lkrr at mop h c r e, a phenomenon an angle 01 40 or ;0 degrccs to the auroral zonc, "ct only a fcw I 1 I ,!.. :;,i. '1 ": ' . ·1:;~Jr.I'cn:,'nlU"'" ~:lIU:·· known a~ thi' e northern I ghts.
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