" ~~, W"ted Immediately a CARS AND PICK·UP TRUCKS r 1953's, 1954's, 195,5'5, 1956's ARE WANTED. THE DAILY NEWS Nova Motors Ltd I ~~ Vol. 66. No. 125 ST, 'JOHN'5, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1959 (Price: 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons ~::~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------!---------------,------.. ,----~~~ nada Will 'Launch ;'Ir, i . Satellite 1961 ,ill" ' . A ~ In . ., . I '. (OWSS Irockcts, 8:1d the radar station- lite will orbit over the pol~. It IMr, Dlefenbeker said the rocket I .'· 'jI' I Star! Wrl1rr 11'111 do Important research In the is und~r~tood it will be partieul. Is or a new C;anadian design, ! · 1": . ~tnT. Sa<k. 'CI"; upper atm~sphere 01 the nor.th. arly desisned for research in 1 Dr, Curie said scientists havr' '.\'.11'1' : " . ,\L~prr~\c \'ith the One goa~ Will ,be to. do s0!1'ethmg that part of the atmosphere con· pressed for several years for i 'I' \!; . ~;~" \ ' : ,! ~~ l ,~teUiIl'. to. oboll.1 d~sl'upllons m radiO com· cerned with radio commllnicm morc usc o[ the Churchill base in II .. 1 ..• I~t ~nd ,,'Ill :1: n ~untca\lons, call sed when pay' lion. taunching research rockets. The :,(; i I ::" oler lilc pull's .. tides of the sun enter the carth s Satellitcs ~o far hal'e bcen at llasc is wcll·situated [or studying I I . .. ':" Ih'I\'nl>;lkrr at mop h c r e, a phenomenon an angle 01 40 or ;0 degrccs to the auroral zonc, "ct only a fcw I 1 I ,!.. :;,i. '1 ": ' . ·1:;~Jr.I'cn:,'nlU"'" ~:lIU:·· known a~ thi' e northern I ghts. the equator, Dr. Cllrt'ie said, This research rockcts werc launchcd: .. lPIhoOlinQ, 'r'·o.:,.:nHy r;'r\l('~ a. BEGA~ IS APRIL meaus they contributed only i Irom it, those during the I:ltcr· i : rome coIGr " "yo" l"Ii' ,,: Ihc Dr. A. H. Zimmennan, chair· 51ioht information on thc impor· i nalioual Geophysical Year. J:'''n' ,1/<.1. al man of the Defence Rcsearch Itant auror,,1 ZO:ICS. The rockcts would send back· InOPlholl. ;i", ., , ' Board, said after the labol'atorJ' There ar~ special problcms in: infurmation via radio signals as ~ ·: i j. :hrome Pon "r ,.•. 1, ·,;:::.;!IlCII ~\lcning thn! in t~e salcllite, pro· a nOl1h·south sat.cllitc, he addcd.! thc~' passcdthrough the uppcr I 1 :e of four ~ I 4 I . ~-;"l ,,~~ ,I; a \llt'S . .\ret lhc I'cluclc Will bc American· ";\ polar orbtt mcans morc, atmosphere, • Four destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy are in St. John's, 1. to r. 217 -HMCS Iroquois, 21o-Hl\ICS · , I ,., or iel block, ~;~;;;;;I' r,'f:;;ll r,lcr., made ~nd th~ instrumcnts ~vill be 'oomll~' is nccdcd' in the i ~'\r. ,Diefcnh~kcr. also said Can· ·· .,I'· ~ ~,'ll\;ll; ,: 0:1 :he . CanndlUn. \'ork o~ the mstru· lnunchtng, Satclht(,s have brcn! ada 11'111 provldc Instruments for Huron, 224-H1',olCS Algonquin, 213-HMCS Nootka, The HMCS J\'ootka was dispatched last week to ):::,:01.1' 11'1 1::1.1,1\' ments 11'11, started I~ the Ottawa I launched toward the cn~t ~n far' rockcts 10 be fircd. by the U.S . investigate a reported submarine sighting in Newfo undland waters.-Terra 1\ova Photo), .,r3~ ~ ... :"., Ihe area last t\prll: Altholl~h the ll.S. so a~ to ::c~ ll:~ benefit 01 the' Canada has supphed nose· cone --_._. ----- I ; I. ' · m"I,ic'l ~ rr"I)' has a launchlOS llnsc al Van·' carth s rolatllln. • Ilnstl'llments for two America:! . I : , I ~ ~rn: h:1.' ,,~ the ~Icnbcrs Air Base i~ Califcrnio,: C":O;~\DIA~ H'EI,,, . i rockets and is workin~ on instru· I It cannot now be saId where the ,I It IS llchcved lh~ lu;:h·altJlullc . mcnts for two more to be fired Gets His " I " lallnching will bc, he soid, , rockct. also 10 be launched two i' from Churchill or Wallops Js. , ' us Warship Visit Will , I r'cl~,.\'rl : :'1: ('nil' Dr, .W. B. Currie. physic~ hcad i ycars [rom noll', will use a [;lIla· . land, Va, i rs , n nc'l hl;h·n!:i· at the 'l'nh'ersity of Saskatche· i dian'madc solid fucl. Dr. Zim· i , Chance At , , ,,:';~ ,::,';,:11 IlI'orC wan nnd alrcady in charge of 8 I merma~ said it is too enrly to I President Eisenho\\'cr'~ meso , , . 'I.m'" i:1" ;·'lIIli'lI1. gronp doing rcscarch on thc II say whcrc the launching will he I sage had becn received herc Block WeIland Canal i ; "a'~ :'CI' \l,·:,,'lr ail. uppcr almosphcre of the :lorth, bul ~cicnllst" said it will prob'j Tucsday and tape-recorded [or The Lions "l:,':':lf. thc ~~id it is important that the sa!c1· abl\' be. launched at Churchill. the opening ceremonv. : :. ~. · . I Hr FORBES RHUDE land locks-will not only thok(,: Some 300 delegatcs-indudin n . I I Canadian Press Business Editor the canal for t\l'O or threc days, i accompany in~ wil'cs - arril'ed: !.iL'DLEY. England (AP I-Ed. ' , ward , 1 · g The I ST. A~DREWS, :-l. B. ICP!- but "ripplcs" of the lie·up will' here last night and today for thel Francc, the butcher'S boy . ' Woy Nursm I The IV e II and Callal will be last [or thrce weeks. : association's m~etin" tudav .nd I wllo prefers thc company of livc No Agreement Yet . blocked for two or three days :'olr. ~fcLagan, ,ccond rice·: Tuesday. It is to llc followed by a ! lions to dead mutton-and who '1 when 32 United States Nav~' president of the C~IA, is hcre as pos~·meeting tour to Saint ,Jolu\. I climbe~ into a lion's cage to : ! Tes t In G Talks Car AI ong ships pass through the locks into a mannfac~urbg delcgate as :\,B. Wednesday: Halifax Thurs·' pr~I'e It:-has ~tnallY got himsel[ Lake Erie this summer, T. R. president o[ Dal';c Shiplluilding: day and ~'rida)': a~d Chariotlp . a Joll 11'1:11 a circus. ~ : rlnA:\DO:-:. ;\Ian. tCP)-Rob. I ~lcLagan, president 01 Canada Ltd" ~Ionlrcal. : town Saturdal'. Hc s~apped up an ollcr to he· , eneva a crt Arthur Herrod said in po. StC'amship Lines, forecast today, .------- come a junior cJp!\ant mindel' lice court Friday he was IIsing :\Ir. :'o!cLaga:l, her e lor the Friday. an hOllr after he was I . I D d Ed! , . .11" GI-::\I-:\'.\ iCPI-Thc Bi;: Four prcliminary a;:rccmcJls. bcer to kecp his car going whcn annual mecting or the Cana· ea n'C t W'th W' .fined for enterin~ the lion's den , ' fOl'ci::n ministcrs held a two.hour' 0 \ I hc waS' stop""d b)' poll·ce. dian ~lanllfacturers' Association,. - a I tngs at Dudley Zoo and joinin~ tll'O .: ! · c: :"t .\:."1", 1':11' ...."rl'r,a',C nleetl'n" Satllrda~' wI'th . nr ) VcstC\'ll,d nforlllo.nt tic· Hc had fuel r-pump trouble and made the comment to newspaper S 'lions ,mu cII t0 th e cons \erua t'10:1 r ,.;~ ,,,;~.":rd 'al. conflicting reports abollt Ihe re· ~,C~I~~I Satu:, ny 5 ,5CSSI~11, a. he pourcd a bottle of bcer on mcn prior to the ollicial program freef of o:llooker,. "".:(.~ 01 ,;It..:i!:r IlInn 'lilt'. lei} useful. .lIc. said: lhcrc d' ['I,'r·'\'11 L'" II' \. \1" L'I'an 'e 1- . .. lb' " " thc pump to cool it olf, he said. which ::~ts underwa)' to ay, ~ ."" .• r!.. • a. '. ,_"e, '. c, cap c I ~m~ I ' ;:,;;~:r II,,' 01 ,1~IClt Somc sourcc~ said there wCl'e were rcal ncgotlau?ns on thc sl~b, The Crown attorney asked The I'isit or Amcrican warships. Thoma:;. thc cat II'I:h win~s, has snapped up ll)' Ille lions because . ;0,;.',';11 :I",t "H'al ne.I:otiations" tow:lrd a; titance of thc Berhn prolliem. : about the other two bottles of :\lr. said, has been I ,\ustria I,\P'-Solie\' cil!ht Ih'es to : they hod just been fed and ao· , : ~lcLanan \'lJ~:\:\;\. ~o. ·1 .1 \I'?r~able Bcrlin se~t1cmcnt Ihat I The ,ource nndcd Ihal if the becr in thc cal'. widcly hail~d as being made in: Prcmier Khrushchcl' has cHargcd, In ca,e you hal'en't heart! I parentI)' wcren't hun;\')' any : 'Jl :! h""ilr,;1 10 will lead 10 a sum!1'lt conlerence. i talk continued in that manner.. Herrod ~aid he had to nnrsc conncctio:1with the \'isH or Qucnc! that "ccrtain quarters which do: Thomas-a ~irl till. despitc lIer morc. , J. Other quartcrs ~lal1ned that thcre thr. remainin~ oh.<ttlclcs to R lim. I!IC car a~n~ so it look more Elizabeth and Prince Philip and i not want a relaxation of interna· . namc-has w;ngs .\t Icast, tile,' Soon alter he Idt coul'l-II:1I1 ::, I\'a~ no apprcclablc pro~re$s. ited a;.:rccmc:lt on Bcrlin cuuld lhan onc llottle. the official opcning or Ihe Sl.; tional tension say rhe IIOl'i; or thc luok like win::,. :ho.;e :l;ne·inth afler partin= with 561).,6 in Ii::~> I ,.. ,Pt '. ' ;. Onc hard fllct cmerl:I:1l! Irom be Ol'crcome, ';.-\n<l what sllout the other 20 Lawrencc Seaway. : Geneva confcrence will lead into aprcnda~cs attadlcd to 1:'0 tUll of and roun ro,ts-hc met circlls thc ses,ion at British Foreign oda bottles of beer~" Itsked the HOII'CI'Cf, he said he ha~ bccn, a dead·end 5tree\." hcr shoulders that stand Ollt whcn h'H Okl; ChipPcl'(ic1d, who !Old !,.Ii .
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