GREEK ASTRONOMERS’ YEARBOOK 2005 EDITOR’S COMMENT This is the most I could do with the data supplied to me or found by me in various sites of Institutes or Universities. I understand that this is not a complete data base for the Greek Ph.D.s in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Science and related fields, but this is a good start. I promise to go on reviewing and correcting this data base, at least once every year, if, of course, I find new data or new persons. It is up to you to inform me by e- mail not only of any serious changes in your own CV but also of the whereabouts of other astronomers of Greek origin living here or abroad. As you will see, for many of them we have only their name and for some we give an uncertain address or the 1991 data (marked with an asterisk *). Take, please, a quick look at the names and respond, writing to me of your findings. I am sure you have something to tell me about some of them. As you understand this is not a printable version yet. I hope that sometime in the future some Governing Council of the Hel.A.S. will be able to print a late version. Paul G. Laskarides
[email protected] Agapitou Vassiliki (O) Queen Mary and Westfield College, London Alevizos Aristides, (O) (Father’s name: Konstantinos) High School Professor of Physics. He was born in Athens, Greece on the 1st of July, 1950. He obtained the B.Sc. in Physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1976) and the Ph.D.