Congressional Record-House. February 21
2022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 21, COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. Ottawa and State of Michigan, in the placeofWilliam Verbeck, whose Horace E. Morse, of New York, to be collector of customs for the dis commission expired January 2, 1887. trict o( Cape Vincent, in the State of New York, to succeed George W. Adolph F. Hitchler, to be postmaster at Plymouth, in the county of Warren, whose term of office will expire by limitation on March 2, Luzerne and State ot:.Pennsylvania, in the place of Charles H. Wilson, 1887. whose commiss~on expired January 2, 1887. Arthur K. Dela.ney, of Wisconsin: to be collector of customs for the Myer M. Kauffman, to be postmaster at Clarion, in the county of district of Alaska, in the Territory of Alaska, in place of Peter French, Clarion and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of 1\liller Beatty, whose suspended. commission expires February 21, 1887. SURVEYORS OF CUSTO::US. George A. Rush, to be postmaster at Bedford, in the county of Bed ford and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Martha. A. McClintock, Owen McGloughlin, of Iowa, to be surveyor of customs for the port whose commission expires February 21, 1887. of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, to succeed Robert Armstrong, whose Edward N. Stebbins, to be postmaster at Coudersport, in the county term '()f office will expire by limitation March 2, 18tl7. of Potter and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Melville S. Thomp John M. Mercer, of Iowa, to be surveyor of customs for the port of son, whose commission expires February 21, 1887.
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