Leonardo Reviews
LEON4004_pp401-413.ps - 6/21/2007 3:40 PM Leonardo Reviews LEONARDO REVIEWS this book’s ability to convey the world- aid the organizational structure in the Editor-in-Chief: Michael Punt wide connectivity that was emerging in effort to present basic themes. These, Managing Editor: Bryony Dalefield the second half of the 20th century. in turn, allow us more easily to place One of the stronger points of the book the recent art history of Argentina, Associate Editor: Robert Pepperell is the way the research translates the Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Venezuela, A full selection of reviews is regional trends of the mid-1940s into Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary published monthly on the LR web site: an environment that was setting the and Poland in relation to that of the <www.leonardoreviews.mit.edu>. stage for the international art world of West. the 1960s to take form. In effect, the The range of artists is equally local communities gave way to a global impressive. Included are (among vision, due, in part, to inexpensive air others) Josef Albers, Bernd and Hilla BOOKS travel, the proliferation of copying Becher, Max Bill, Lucio Fontana, Eva technologies and the growing ease Hesse, On Kawara, Sol LeWitt, Bruce of linking with others through long Nauman, Hélio Oiticica, Blinky distance telecommunication devices. Palermo, Bridget Riley, Jesus Rafael BEYOND GEOMETRY: Authored by six writers (Lynn Soto, Frank Stella, Jean Tinguely, and XPERIMENTS IN ORM E F , Zelevansky, Ines Katzenstein, Valerie Victor Vasarely. Among the noteworthy 1940S–1970S Hillings, Miklós Peternák, Peter Frank contributions are the sections integrat- edited by Lynn Zelevansky.
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