1975 June, American Daffodil Society Journal
Vol. 11, No. 4 June 1975 DAFFODIL JOURNAL Quarterly Publication of AMERICAN DAFFODIL SOCIETY, INC. The DAFFODIL JOURNAL Quarterly Publication of the American Daffodil Society, Inc. Volume 1 1 Number 4 JUNE, 1975 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY WILLIAM H. ROESE, President 4446 St. Ives Court, Santa Maria, Calif. 93454 WILLIAM O. TICKNOR, First Vice President 2814 Greenway Blvd., Falls Church, Va. 22042 CHARLES H. ANTHONY, Second Vice President 27 Gale Road, Bloomfield, Conn. 06002 MRS. MARVIN V. ANDERSEN, Secretary 7 Perth Drive, Wilmington, Del. 19803 WELLS KNIERIM, Treasurer 31090 Providence Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44124 For recent changes in the Board of Directors see page 165. A complete roster will be published as a supplement to the September issue. Executive Director — GEORGE S. LEE, Jr. 89 Chichester Road, New Canaan, Conn. 06840 (Tel. 203-966-1740) All correspondence regarding memberships, change of address, receipt of publications, supplies. ADS records, and other business matters should be addressed to the Executive Director. THE DAFFODIL JOURNAL is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) by the American Daffodil Society, Inc., 89 Chichester Road, New Canaan, Conn. 06840. Second class post- age paid at New Canaan, Conn, and additional mailing office. Subscription price {including mem- bership) is $7.50 per year, $20.00 for three years. Single copies of current or back numbers are $1.00. Chairman of Publications Editor, Daffodil Journal MRS. WILLIAM O. TICKNOR MRS. GEORGE D. WATROUS, JR. 2814 Greenway Blvd. 5031 Reno Road, N.W. Falls Church, Va. 22042 Washington, D.C. 20008 (Tel. 703-JE 4-0430) (Tel. 202-EM 3-4745) Articles and photographs (glossy finish) on daffodil culture and related subjects are invited from members of the Society.
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