Erudite Eyes

Friendship, Art and Erudition in the Network ofAbraham Ortelius ^527-1598)


Tine Luk Meganck

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Acknowledgments vn List of Figures ix

Introduction: Erudite Eyes 1

1 The Antiquarian Network as Trading Zone 15 The Network of Ortelius as Trading Zone 15 European Antiquarianism between Erudition and Art 19

2 Local Antiquities 37 Ortelius, Goltzius and Laurinus Explore a Roman Fortress

in Ancient Batavia 41 Ortelius and Vivianus Trace the Antiquities of Belgian

Gaul 49

3 Illuminating History, Imagining Antiquity 65 Lipsius on Roman Amphitheaters outside Rome 67 Ortelius Imagines the Mores and Customs of the Ancient

Germans 79 Ortelius and the Artes Historiae 87

4 Comparing Cultures 91 Antiquity and Urban Ethnography in the Art ofJoris Hoefnagel 92 Costume as Emblem in Hoefnagel's Four Ages ofMan 103

Costume as Civilization in Lucas d'Heere's Theatre de tous les peuples 106

5 Marketing Art and Erudition 129 Braun, Hogenberg and Lampsonius on the Civitates Orbis

Terrarum 130

Emmanuel van Meteren and the Making of the Historie der Neder-landscher ende haerder na-buren Oorlogen ende

Geschiedenissen 141 Getting Published: Jean Jacques Boissard and the Antiquitates Romanae 146 6 Ancients and Moderns in the Arts 157 Art and Antiquity in Bruegel's Death ofthe Virgin 163 Pliny as a Model: Bruegel and Otto van Veen as Eupompus and Pamphilus 171 Art as Refuge in Ortelius's Landscapes Tempe and Daphne 188

7 Art and Erudition as Friendship 195 Friendship, Stoicism and the Limits of Knowledge and Tolerance 198

The Album Amicomm, a Monument more Durable than

Bronze 207

Epilogue 215 Appendices 223

Notes 247 Bibliography 288

Index 313 List of Figures

1 Maerten de Vos, Saint Paul on Malta, c. 1566-1568, oil on panel,

124 x 199 cm, Paris, Musee du Louvre, 1931 (photo: © RMN-Grand Palais (Musee du Louvre) / Gerard Blot). 6

2 The knife grinder (Arrotino), Hellenistic, marble, h. 105 cm,

Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi, 230 (© 2016, Photo Scala, Florence -

courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturali). 7

3 The study ofAntiquity, woodcut, in Johannes Sambucus, Emblemata, cum aliquot nummi antiqui operis, Antwerp, Plantin,

1564 [octavo], p. 191, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BiB.G.001183/53. 9

4 Farewell letterfrom to Colius, 1598, pen,

305 x 200 mm, The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 79 c 4. 17

5 Entry by Lucas d'Heere (fol. 2gr, 1580), pen and ink and wash,

160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596,

Cambridge, Pembroke College Library, ms 11.113. By permission of the Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 18 6 Abraham Ortelius, Europe, hand colored engraving, in Theatrum

orbis terrarum, Antwerp, Gillis I Coppens van Diest, 1570 [folio], retrieved from the Library of Congress, item/98687183, Washington, Library of Congress Geography and

Map Division Washington, D.C., 20540-4650 dcu. 20

7 Abraham Ortelius, Description ofGermania Inferior, hand colored engraving, in , Antwerp, Gillis 1

Coppens van Diest, 1570 [folio], retrieved from the Library of Congress,, Washington, Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, d.c.,

20540-4650 dcu. 21 8 Artist unknown, Portrait ofJohannes Crato (fol. nv), and Entry by

Johannes Crato (fol. i2r, 1584), gouache, 160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596, Cambridge, Pembroke

College Library, MS 11.113. By permission of the Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 22

9 Lucas d'Heere, Stonehenge, pen and wash, 315 x 205 mm, in Corte

beschrijvinghe van Engheland, Schotland ende Irland, 1573-1575, fol. 36r, London, © The British Library Board, Add. 28330 f.36. 26 10 Pont du Gard, engraving, in Jean Poldo dAlbenas, Discours historial de I'antique et illustre cite de Nismes, Lyon, Guillaume Rouille, 1560

[folio], private collection (photo: J. Geleyns - Ro scan). 28 in Braun 11 , View ofTivoli, 1578, engraving, Georg & , Civitates orbis terrarum, , Petrus

a Brachel, 1612-1618, book 111 (1581) [folio], p. 52, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.HIST.008292. 30 the Villa 12 Telamon representing Antinous as a pharaoh, from Adriana in Tivoli, 2nd century ad, red granite, h. 335 cm, Rome,

Musei Vaticani, Museo Pio Clementino, Sala a Croce Greca, 196

(Creative Commons license). 31 and ink with 13 Antoine Morillon, Pyramidal tomb at Teggiano, pen visuntur

alibi, 1551-1553, fol. lr, Windsor, Eton College, MS 363. 32 the Secundini at 14 Lambert Lombard, Relieffrom the column of Igel, lower halfofthefront side, before 1566, pen and red ink,

190 x 280 mm, Liege, Cabinet des Estampes, Album Arenberg,

kd 343/32, don Henri Duval (© Ville de Liege - Musee des Beaux-Arts bal). 38

15 Preface dedicated to Ortelius, engraving, in Dominicus Lampsonius, Lamberti Lombardi apud Eburones pictoris celeberrimi vita, Bruges, Hubertus Goltzius, 1565 [octavo], pp. 2-3, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BHSL.RES.1451. 39

16 Charlemagne, copper engraving with cardboard stencil, in Hubertus Goltzius, Vivae omniumfere imperatorum imagines, Antwerp, Gillis I Coppens van Diest, 1557 [folio], p. 113, Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, A 2684 (photo:

Peter Maes). 40

17 Abraham Ortelius, Ancient Egypt, 1565, copper engraving,

600 x 410 mm on two sheets, Basel, Universitatsbibliothek,

Kartenslg AA115. 42

18 The Nile, 50-100 ad (Roman, derived from Hellenistic original),

marble, h. 165 x w. 310 cm, Rome, Musei Vaticani, 2300

(© 2016, Photo Scala, Florence). 43

19 Abraham Ortelius, The Arx Britannica or Brittenburg, c. 1567-1568,

copper engraving, in Lodovico Guicciardini, Descrittione di tutti

iPaesiBassi, Antwerp, Plantin, 1581 [folio], pp. 344-345, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.ACC.011031. 45

20 Circi Castrensis Caracalla, engraving, in Onofrio Panvinio, De ludis circensibus, libri 11, Venice, Giovanni Battista Ciotti, 1600 [folio],

Liber Primus, after p. 56, Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus |

Prentenkabinet, Adams p-189. 45

21 Poem and drawing in memory ofFrederic van derMeulen, s.d.,

pen and ink, 75 x 96 mm, in Album amicorumfohannes Vivianus, c. 1570-1590, fol. 24r, The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 74

f 19. 50

22 Entry by Hans van Schille, 1577, pen and ink, 75 x 96 mm, in Album

amicorumJohannes Vivianus, c. 1570-1603, fol. 521", The Hague,

Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 74 f 19. 51

23 Aqueduct ofJouy, engraving, in Abraham Ortelius & Johannes

Vivianus, Itinerarium, Antwerp, Plantin, 1584 [quarto], p. 47,

Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.ACC.002218. 53

24 The Saint-Etienne Cathedral in Metz, i3th-i6th century,

(Creative Commons license). 53

25 Ancient Roman bath used as a baptismalfont, Metz Cathedral,

porphyry marble (Creative Commons license). 54 26 Gallo-Roman reliefofgoddess Epona, stone, Metz, Musee de

La Cour d'Or - Metz Metropole (photo: ©Jean Munin). 55 27 Gallo-Roman reliefwith goddess Epona in Sarpaigne (near Pont-a- Mousson), engraving, in Abraham Ortelius & Johannes Vivianus,

Itinerarium, Antwerp, Plantin, 1584 [quarto], p. 45, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, bib.acc.002218. 55

28 Gallo-Roman column of the Secundini atlgel, c. 250 ad, red

sandstone, h. 23 m (photo: Berthold Werner). 58 29 Gallo-Romanfunerary column ofthe Secundini at Igel, engraving, in Abraham Ortelius & Johannes Vivianus, Itinerarium,

Antwerp, Plantin, 1584 [quarto, foldout], p. A.53, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.ACC.002218. 59

30 Ancient Romanfunerary altar and urn, engraving, in Abraham Ortelius & Johannes Vivianus, Itinerarium, Antwerp, Plantin,

1584 [quarto], p. B.53, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.ACC.002218. 60

31 Anonymous Flemish artist (Philips van Winghe?), Ancient Roman funerary altar and urn with 'junctio dextrarum', second half of the

16th century, pen and brown ink over black chalk, cut out

145 x 160 mm, Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, thc 3135b. 61

32 Anonymous Flemish artist (Philips van Winghe?), Ancient Roman

funerary altar and urn with dining scene, second half of the

16th century, pen and brown ink over black chalk, 386 x 245 mm,

Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, thc 3134. 62

33 Frans Francken n, A collector's cabinet with Abraham Ortelius and

Justus Lipsius, 1618, oil on canvas, 52.5 x 73.5 cm, private collection (photo: © Christie's Images / Bridgeman Images). 66 34 Amphitheater ofNimes, engraving, in Jean Poldo dAlbenas, Discours historial de I'antique et illustre cite de Nismes, Lyon, Guillaume Rouille, 1560 [folio], private collection (photo:

J. Geleyns - Ro scan). 69 De 35 Amphitheater ofNimes, etching, in Justus Lipsius, amphitheatres

quae extra Romam libellus, Antwerp, Plantin, 1584 [quarto], p. 21, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.ACC.011882/7BIS. 69 36 Spheres, woodcut, in Albrecht Diirer, Underweysung derMessung, Nuremberg, 1525 [folio], book iv, Antwerp, Erfgoedbibliotheek

Hendrik Conscience, h. 202415. 70

37 Human muscular structure, woodcut, in Andreas Vesalius, De humatii corporisfabrica libri septem, Basel, Joannes Oporinus, Hendrik 1543 [folio], p. 644, Antwerp, Erfgoedbibliotheek

Conscience, j 5833 [C2-572 a]. 70

38 Peeter van der Borcht, probably after Otto van Veen, A banquet with armed gladiators, etching, in Justus Lipsius, Saturnalium

sermonum libri duo, qui de gladiatoribus, Antwerp and Leiden, Plantin, 1585 [quarto], foldout between pp. 21-22, Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, a 371. 71

39 Giovanni Caroto, Perspectival view ofthe amphitheater of Verona, woodcut, in Torello Sarayna, De origine et amplitudine civitatis

Veronae, Verona, Antonius Putelletus, 1540 [quarto], foldout

before p. 20, Zurich, eth Bibliothek, editi6 cnce 36187. 73

40 Sebastiano Serlio, Elevation ofthe amphitheater of Verona, woodcut, in Sebastiano Serlio, II terzo libro di Sabastiano Serlio

Bolognese, Venice, Pietro de Nicolini da Sabbio, 1551 (first edition

1540) [folio], fol. 75r, Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie / Bibliotheque royale de Belgique, 11 6.287 C 2 (lp). 74

41 Cross section of the amphitheater of Verona, etching, in

Justus Lipsius, De amphitheatris quae extra Romam libellus,

Antwerp, Plantin, 1584 [quarto], foldout after p. 64, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.ACC.011882/7BIS. 75

42 Ruins of the so-called Arenes ofDoue, etching, in Justus Lipsius,

De amphitheatris quae extra Romam libellus, Antwerp, Plantin,

1584 [quarto], p. 32, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.ACC.011882/7BIS. 76

43 Reconstruction ofthe so-called Arenes ofDoue, etching, in Justus

Lipsius, De amphitheatris quae extra Romam libellus, Antwerp,

Plantin, 1584 [quarto], p. 33, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BIB.ACC.011882/7BIS. 77

44 Reconstruction of the so-called Arenes ofDoue, etching, in Justus

Lipsius, De amphitheatris quae extra Romam libellus, Antwerp,

Plantin, 1604 (reprint of 1585 edition) [quarto], p. 76, Florence,

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. 77 45 Peeter van der Borcht, Vitafamiliaris, etching, in Abraham Ortelius, Aurei saeculi imago imago, sive Germanorum veterum

vita, mores, ritus & religio, Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1596 [quarto], Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, a 26. 80 46 Peeter van der Borcht, Frugalitas & gula, etching, in Abraham Ortelius, Aurei saeculi imago, sive Germanorum veterum vita,

mores, ritus & religio, Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1596 [quarto], Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, A 26. 80

47 Peeter van der Borcht, Connubia, etching, in Abraham Ortelius,

Aurei saeculi imago, sive Germanorum veterum vita, mores, ritus & religio, Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1596 [quarto], Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, a 26. 81 48 Peeter van der Borcht, Funeralia, etching, in Abraham Ortelius,

Aurei saeculi imago, sive Germanorum veterum vita, mores, ritus & religio, Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1596 [quarto], Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, A 26. 81

49 Peeter van der Borcht, Legum administrate, etching, in Abraham Ortelius, Aurei saeculi imago, sive Germanorum veterum vita,

mores, ritus & religio, Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1596 [quarto], Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, a 26. 82

50 Entry byJohannes Hermanus in honor ofJohannes Goropius Becanus (fol. gv), and Epitaph by OrteliusforJohannes Goropius

Becanus (fol. lor), pen and ink and wash, 160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596, Cambridge, Pembroke College Library, MS 11.113. By permission of the Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 83

51 Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Head ofDruoon Antigoon, 1534-1535,

papier mache, metal, rope, hair, h. 197 x w. 87 x d. 191 cm, Antwerp,

mas | Museum aan de Stroom, VM.2004.1021.002 (photo: Bart Huysmans © Musea en Erfgoed Antwerpen). 85

52 Joris Hoefnagel, The Pierre Levee in Poitiers (detail ofthe View ofPoitiers, 1561), engraving, in Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg,

Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618,

book v (1598) [folio], p. 18, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BiB.HiST.008292. 92

53 Joris Hoefnagel, View of Oxford and Windsor, engraving, in Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Braun & Hogenberg, & Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1572-1575, book 11

(1575) [folio], p. 2, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, bib.

HiST.005247. 93

54 Joris Hoefnagel, View ofNonsuch Castle, 1582, engraving, in Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618, book v (1598) [folio], p. 1, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.HIST.008292. 94

55 Joris Hoefnagel, Patiente cornudo, 1569, red chalk over pencil,

425 x 290 mm, in Traite de la Patience, par emblemes inventes et

dessines par Georges Hoejhaghel (Patientia), 1569, fol. 23r, Rouen, Collections de la Bibliotheque municipale de Rouen, Fonds Leber, 2916. 96 56 Joris Hoefnagel, View ofSeville, engraving, in Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus

a Brachel, 1612-1618, book v (1598) [folio], p. 7, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.HIST.008292. 97

57 Joris Hoefnagel, View ofSanJuan de Aznalfarache and Gerena [near Seville), with views ofthe Moorish minaret incorporated in the Cathedral ofSeville (left and right), 1565, engraving, in Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne,

Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618, book v (1598) [folio], p. 8, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.HIST.008292. 98 58 Joris Hoefnagel, View ofCampania (Baia and Cuma), dedicated to Ortelius in 1580, engraving, in Georg Braun 8c Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618,

book hi (1581) [folio], p. 56, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek

Gent, BIB.HIST.008292. 99

59 Joris Hoefnagel, Views ofLake Averno and Lake Agnano, engraving, in Georg Braun 8c Frans Hogenberg, Civitates

orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618, book 111

(1581) [folio], p. 57, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BIB.HIST.008292. 100 60 Joris Hoefnagel, View ofSolfatara and the Phlegraean Fields, engraving, in Georg Braun 8c Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618, book in (1581)

[folio], p. 58, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BiB.HiST.008292. 101

61 Joris Hoefnagel, Thefour ages ofman, 1571, pen and black ink and

gouache, heightened with gold, on vellum laid down on paper,

and then panel, 167 x 214 mm, private collection. 102 62 Joris Hoefnagel, View ofGranada, 1563, engraving, in Georg Braun 8c Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne,

Braun 8c Hogenberg, 8c Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1572-1575,

book 1 (1572) [folio], p. 4, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BiB.HiST.005247. 103 63 Joris Hoefnagel, View ofthe Sierra ofSaint Adrian in Biscay, 1567, engraving, in Georg Braun 8c Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrcirum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618, book v (1598)

[folio], p. 16, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BiB.HiST.008292. 104 64 Joris Hoefnagel, View ofBlamont in Lorraine, engraving, in Georg Braun & Franz Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne,

Braun & Hogenberg, & Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1572-1575, book 11

(i575) [folio], p. 17, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BiB.HiST.005247. 105 65 Lucas d'Heere, Sleeping theological virtues {Faith, Love, Hope),

1564, pen and brown ink, black chalk, heightened in white, 237 x 189 mm, Munich, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, 6220 z. 108

66 Lucas d'Heere, Ancient Roman military tribune and general, pen

over pencil and wash, c. 325 x 215 mm, in Theatre de tous les

peuples, c. 1564-1584, fol. 7r, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BHSL.HS.2466. 110

67 Roman tribune, engraving, in Guillaume du Choul, Discours sur la

castrametation, Lyon, Guillaume Rouille, 1567, [quarto], fol. 7ir,

Antwerp, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, k 49052. 110

68 Lucas d'Heere, Gentlemenfrom Swabia around 1100, pen over

pencil and wash, c. 325 x 215 mm, in Theatre de tous les peuples,

c. 1564-1584, fol. 24r, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BHSL.HS.2466. 111 69 Ancient Swabians, woodcut, in Wolfgang Lazius, De gentium

aliquot migrationibus, Basel, Joannes Oporinus, 1557 [folio],

p. 443, Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 037/2 hv 58,

urn:nbn:de:bvb:i2-bsbing8o3o-7. 111

70 Religious Turkish qalandar, engraving, in Nicolas de Nicolay, Les quatre premiers livres des navigations etperegrinations orientales,

Lyon, Guillaume Rouille, 1568 [folio], fol. ii4r, Paris, Bibliotheque

nationale de France, ge DD-2002 res. 112

71 Lucas d'Heere, Religious Turkish qalandar and Egyptian woman,

pen over pencil and wash, c. 325 x 215 mm, in Theatre de tous les

peuples, c. 1564-1584, fol. n6r, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek

Gent, BHSL.HS.2466. 113

72-104 33 folios from Lucas d'Heere, Theatre de tous les peuples,

c. 1564-1584, pen over pencil and wash, c. 325 x 215 mm, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BHSL.HS.2466. 114-117

72 High priest Aaron (fol. 4r);

73 Ancient Roman woman and Vestal virgin (fol. gr);

74 Lady and 'Magnifico'from Genoa (fol. 2or);

75 Ancient Goth and Vandal (fol. 25r); 76 German soldiers (fol. 3or); 77 Muscovite horseman (fol. 391");

78 Gentleman and lordfrom Flanders around 1300 (fol. 431");

79 Duke Charles ofBurgundy and a lord of that time (fol. 46r);

80 Flemish countesses around 1400 (fol. 481*);

81 Flemish seamen and pursuers ofSpaniards (fol. sir); 82 Ancient French gentleman and lady (fol. 541"); 83 Young lady in mourning and womanfrom Lorraine (fol. 571"); 84 Thefirst Englishmen as they went to war at the time ofJulius Caesar (fol. 6or); 85 English village woman (fol. 731-); 86 Lord ofparliament, called baron, and local lord ofLondon (fol. 66r); 87 Wild Scot (fol. 77r);

88 Irishmen and woman as they went about in the service oflate King Henry (fol. 7gr); 89 Women ofBayonne going to church (fol. 841");

90 Womanfrom Bayonne and womanfrom Castille (fol. 851");

91 Womanfrom Granada and womanfrom Castille (fol. 86r);

92 Villagersfrom Biscay (fol. 891");

93 Grandimontenser monk and Knight ofRhodes (fol. 97r);

94 Burgher and mournerfrom Europe (fol. 1051");

95 Sultan (fol. io8r); 96 Archer and harquebusier of the Sultan (fol. iogr);

97 Religious Turk, called Torlaqui, and common girl (fol. nor);

98 Armenian woman andArmenian man (fol. 1141");

99 Persian woman and Persian man (fol. 1171");

100 African cavalier (fol. i2or);

101 Gentleman andyoung ladyfrom Africa (fol. i2ir);

102 Ethiopian bishop and Ethiopian woman (fol. i22r);

103 Wildmanfrom Northern countries brought by Mr. Frobisher in 1576 (fol. 1241");

104 Naked man with scissors and cloth (fol. i26r).

105 Lucas d'Heere, Lady and baronfrom Flanders around 1400, pen over

pencil and wash, c. 325 x 215 mm, in Theatre de tous les peuples,

c. 1564-1584, fol. 45r, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BHSL.HS.2466. 120

106 Renier van Thienen (?), Statuette ofthe tomb ofIsabella ofBourbon,

c. 1475-1476, bronze, h. 55.5 x w. 25.5 x d. 12.5 cm, originally in Sint-Michielsabdij in Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum,

BK-AM-33-E 121

107 Lucas d'Heere, Turkish man and Turkish woman, pen over pencil

and wash, c. 325 x 215 mm, in Theatre de tous les peuples, c. 1564-1584, fol. ii2r, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BHSL.HS.2466. 122

108 Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Turkish musician and Turkish woman,

detail of Ces moeurs etfachons defaire de Turcz avecq les regions

y appertenantes, ont este au vifcontrefaictez, 1553, woodcut, 355 x 4557 mm (complete scroll), Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek

Gent, BHSL.RES.1323/2. 123

109 Title page book 1, engraving, in Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Braun & Hogenberg, & Antwerp,

Philips Galle, 1572-1575, book 1 (1572) [folio], title page, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BiB.HiST.005247. 132

110 Title page book //, engraving, in Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Braun 8c Hogenberg, & Antwerp,

Philips Galle, 1572-1575, book 11 (1575) [folio], title page, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BiB.HiST.005247. 133

111 Title page book in, engraving, in Georg Braun 8c Frans Hogenberg,

Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618, book

hi (1581) [folio], title page, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BiB.HiST.008292. 134

112 Title page book iv, engraving, in Georg Braun 8c Frans Hogenberg,

Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618, book

iv (1588) [folio], title page, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

BiB.HiST.008292. 135

113 Title page book v, engraving, in Georg Braun 8c Frans Hogenberg,

Civitates orbis terrarum, Cologne, Petrus a Brachel, 1612-1618,

book v (1598) [folio], title page, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BiB.HiST.008292. 136

114 Frans Hogenberg, Iconoclasm in Antwerp, 20 August 1566,

1566-1570, etching, 209 x 281 mm, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum,

RP-P-0B-77.720. 143

115 Jean Jacques Boissard, Preparatory drawingfor the Romanae

urbis topographia & antiquitates, before 1591, pen and ink over

pencil, 310 x 202 mm, Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus |

Prentenkabinet, MS 156.1, fol. 4. 149 116 Theodore de Bry, after Jean Jacques Boissard, Roman relief,

engraving, in Jean Jacques Boissard, [/-vr] pars Romanae urbis topographiae & antiquitatum, Frankfurt, Iohannes Feyrabend, vi

(1602) [folio], fol. 32r, Heidelberg, Universitiitsbibliothek, c 3448

Folio res. 149

117 Jean Jacques Boissard, Roman antiquities in the garden ofJulius in,

[!559]> Pen and brown ink, 170 x 120 mm, Stockholm, Kungliga

Biblioteket, ms 68,84r. 151 n8 Scalping scene, engraving, in Theodore de Bry (ed.), Brevis narratio

eorum quae in Florida Americae provincia Gallis acciderunt,

Frankfurt, Sigismund Feyrabend, 1591 [folio], plate xv, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.HIST.002938. 152

119 Theodore de Bry, after John White, Algonquin, engraving, in Theodore de Bry (ed.), Admiranda narratiojida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae, Frankfurt,

Sigismund Feyrabend, 1590 [folio], plate xxiii, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.HIST.002938. 153

120 Theodore de Bry, after John White, Ancient Pict, engraving, in Theodore de Bry (ed.), Admiranda narratioJida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae, Frankfurt,

Sigismund Feyrabend, 1590 [folio], Pictiicon 1, Ghent,

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.HIST.002938. 154

121 Jan van Eyck, Saint Barbara, 1437, oil on panel, 31 x 18 cm,

Antwerp, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 410

(photo: Lukas - Art in Flanders vzw, Hugo Maertens). 158

122 Johannes & Lucas van Doetecum, after Hans Vredeman de Vries,

Title page, etching, in Abraham Ortelius, Deorum dearumque

capita, Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1573 [quarto], Antwerp, Museum

Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, r 12.2. 159

123 Johan 1 Sadeler, after Maerten de Vos, Christ carrying the cross (from the series 'Passion of Christ'), 1587-1589, engraving,

200 x 147 mm, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-1966-56. 161

124 Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Death ofthe Virgin, c. 1564, oil on panel, 67.7 x 85.3 cm, Banbury, Upton House, NT 446749 (photo: Ruth Bubb). 164 125 Philips Galle, after Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Death ofthe Virgin,

1574, engraving, 306 x 418 mm, first state of two, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-1879-A-2888. 165

126 Albrecht Diirer, Death ofthe Virgin, 1510, woodcut, 291 x 209 mm, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-OB-1426. 166

127 Rogier van der Weyden, The Annunciation, c. 1440, oil on panel, 86 x 93 cm, Paris, Musee du Louvre, 1982 (photo: © RMN-Grand Palais (Musee du Louvre) / Gerard Blot). 167

128 Claus Sluter & Claus de Werve, Pleurant no. 21 ofthe tomb of

Philip the Bold, 1404-1410, alabaster, h. 41 cm, Dijon, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, ca 1416 no. 21 (photo: Francois Jay). 169 129 Hendrick Goltzius, after Bartholomeus Spranger, Wedding of

Cupid and Psyche, 1587, engraving, 430 x 854 mm, Amsterdam,

Rijksmuseum, RP-P-1881-A-4866X. 175 130 Michelangelo, Madonna with Child, 1501-1504, marble, h. 135 cm,

Bruges, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk (photo: Lukas - Art in Flanders vzw, Hugo Maertens). 176

131 Lucas d'Heere (attr.), Liberal Arts sleep in times ofwar, before

1584, oil on canvas, 184 x 232 cm, Turin, Galleria Sabauda

(© 2016, Photo Scala, Florence - courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturali). 178

132 Entry by Abraham Ortelius, 1598, pen and engraving mounted on

paper, 164 x 101 mm, in Album amicorum Otto van Veen, 1575-1598,

fols. 40v-4ir, Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie /

Bibliotheque royale de Belgique, MS 11.874. 179

133 Otto van Veen, Last Supper, 1592, oil on panel, 350 x 247 cm,

Antwerp, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal (photo: Lukas - Art in Flanders vzw). 180

134 Otto van Veen, Last Supper, c. 1590, oil on paper, 300 x 355 mm, Paris, Musee du Louvre, d.a.g., 10123-recto (photo: © RMN-Grand Palais (Musee du Louvre) / Jean-Gilles Berizzi). 182

135 Hieronymus Wierix, after Otto van Veen, Last Supper,

c. 1590, engraving, 273 x 318 mm, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-OB-66.838. 183

136 Otto van Veen, Minerva perfects Nature, engraving, in Otto van Veen, Quinti Horatii Flacci emblemata, Antwerp, Hieronymus

Verdussen, 1607 [quarto], p. 13, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent, BIB.BL.000462. 185

137 Peter Paul Rubens & Jan Brueghel the Elder, The battle ofthe

Amazons, c. 1598-1600, oil on panel, 97 x 124 cm, Potsdam, Schloss Sanssouci Bildergalerie; Stiftung PreujSische Schlosser und Garten Berlin-Brandenburg, gk 10021 (photo: Gerhard Murza). 186

138 Otto van Veen, preparatory drawing for Times change and we change with them, in Quinti Horatii Flacci emblemata, before 1607,

x in 'Van Veen pen and brown ink and oil, 180 146 mm, Album', fol. 84r, New York, The Pierpont Morgan Library, B3 027 A05. 187 in Abraham 139 Abraham Ortelius, Tempe, 1590, engraving, Ortelius, Parergon to his Theatrum orbis terrarum, Antwerp, Plantin, 1595 [folio], Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

bib.hist.oo88oo. 190 in Abraham 140 Abraham Ortelius, Daphne, engraving, Ortelius, Parergon to his Theatrum orbis terrarum, Antwerp, Plantin,

1595 [folio], Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent,

bib.hist.oo88oo. 191 oil on 141 Maerten de Vos, Apollo and the Muses, before 1603, panel,

44.5 x 63.5 cm, Brussels, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten

van Belgie / Musees royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 3882

(photo: J. Geleyns - Ro scan). 192

142 Entry by Peter Heyns (fol. 4v), and Entry byJacques Bongars

x Album (fol. 5r, 1584), pen and ink and wash, 160 110 mm, in amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596, Cambridge, Pembroke

College Library, MS 11.113. By permission of the Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 193

143 Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, Portrait ofHubertus Goltzius,

1574-1576, oil on panel, 66 x 50 cm, Brussels, Koninklijke Musea

voor Schone Kunsten van Belgie / Musees royaux des Beaux-Arts

de Belgique, 1253 (photo: J. Geleyns - Ro scan). 196

144 Title page with dedication by the author to D. Antonio Moro, engraving, in Hubertus Goltzius, CaesarAugustus, Bruges,

Hubertus Goltzius, 1574 [folio], Brussels, Koninklijke Musea voor

Schone Kunsten van Belgie / Musees royaux des Beaux-Arts de

Belgique, rp in 211 (photo: J. Geleyns - Ro scan). 197

145 Philips Galle, after Hendrick Goltzius, Portrait ofAbraham Ortelius, 1584-1588, engraving, diam. 58 mm, Amsterdam,

Rijksmuseum, RP-P-OB-IO.154. 199 146 Joris Hoefnagel, Friendship monumentfor Ortelius, 1593, pen and black ink and gouache, heightened with gold, on vellum,

117 x 165 mm, Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus |

Prentenkabinet, PK.OT.00535. 200

147 Entry by Arnold Flemingus (fol. ngv, 1595), and Entry by Dirck

Volckertszoon Coornhert (fol. i2or, 1579, crossed out by Ortelius (?)

at a later time), pen and ink and wash, 160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596, Cambridge, Pembroke College Library, MS 11.113. By permission of the Master and Fellows

of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 205

148 Johannes & Lucas van Doetecum, after Hans Vredeman de Vries, Canopus, engraving, in Abraham Ortelius, Deorum dearumque

capita, Antwerp, Philips Galle, 1573 [quarto], Antwerp, Museum

Plantin-Moretus | Prentenkabinet, r 12.2. 208

149 Epitaph by Orteliusfor Pieter Bruegel the Elder (fol. 12V), and Entry

byJean Thorius (fol. i3r), pen and ink and wash, 160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596, Cambridge, Pembroke College Library, MS 11.113. By permission of the Master

and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 209

150 Entry byJoris Hoefnagel (fol. 6v, 1574), and Entry by Peter Heyns

(fol. 7r, 1573), pen and ink, 160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596, Cambridge, Pembroke College Library, ms 11.113. By permission of the Master and Fellows of

Pembroke College, Cambridge. 210

151 Entry by Zacharias Heyns (fols. i04v-i05r, 1590), pen and ink

and wash, 160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius,

1573_1596, Cambridge, Pembroke College Library, MS 11.113. By permission of the Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 211

152 Gijsbert van Veen, after Otto van Veen, Portrait ofPhilips van Winghe (fol. 51% 1589), and Epitaph by Orteliusfor Philips van

Winghe (fol. 52r), pen and ink and wash, 160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596, Cambridge, Pembroke College Library, ms 11.113. By permission of the Master and Fellows

of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 212

153 Entry byAlvaro Nunez (fols. 87v-88r, 1576), pen and ink and wash,

160 x 110 mm, in Album amicorum Abraham Ortelius, 1573-1596,

Cambridge, Pembroke College Library, MS 11.113. By permission of

the Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 213

154 Crravaggio, Death ofthe Virgin, 1605, oil on canvas, 369 x 245 cm,

Paris, Musee du Louvre, 54 (photo: © RMN-Grand Palais (Musee du Louvre) / Rene-Gabriel Ojeda). 216

155 Peter Paul Rubens, A woman and two men in Burgundian costumes from thefirst halfofthefifteenth century, from Rubens's Costume

Book, 1609-1612, pen and brown ink, 316 x 426 mm, London, British Museum, 1841,1211.8.29 (© The Trustees of the British Museum). 218 156 Peter Paul Rubens, Oil sketchfor the high altarpiece, Saint Bavo,

Ghent, 1611-1612, oil on panel, 107.6 x 41.1 cm; 106.7 x 82.1 cm;

107.6 x 41.1 cm, London, National Gallery, ng 57.1-3 (photo:

De Agostini Picture Library / Bridgeman Images). 219