ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Entomofauna Jahr/Year: 1982 Band/Volume: 0003 Autor(en)/Author(s): Warncke Klaus Artikel/Article: Zur Systematik der Bienen - Die Unterfamilie Nomadinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae). 97-126 © Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter Bntomojauna ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ENTOMOLOGIE Band 3, Heft 8 ISSN 02.50-4413 Linz, 30.April 1982 Zur Systematik der Bienen - Die Unterfamilie Nomadinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) Klaus Warncke Abstract 1. The Status of the parasitic bees within the system of the bees / Apidae was examined. Because of their turn- rounded 3. Metatarsi the Nomadinae derived from the base of the Dasypodinae and not as till now from the Melitti- nae (= Melitta KIRBY, 1802, Macropis PANZER,1809, Antho- phoridae). 2. For Palaearctic only 5 genera will be recognized: Am- mobatoides RADOSZKOWSKI,1867, Biastes PANZER,1806, Epeo- lus LATREILLE, 1802, and Pasites JURINE, 1807. Acantho- nomada SCHWARZ, 1966, is önly a subgenus of Nomada SCO- POLI, 1770, Schmiedeknechtia FRIESE, 1896, of Ammobatoi- des RADOSZKOWSKI, 1867, LATREILLE, 1809, and the like of Pasites JURINE, 1807, Triepeolus ROBERTSON, 1901,..and MAVROMOUSTAKIS, 1954, of Epeolus LA- TREILLE, 1802. 3- New synonyms are: Holcopasites ASHMEAD, 1899, and Schmiedeknechtia FRIESE, 1896, subg. Cyrtopasites MAVRO- 97 © Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter MOUSTAKIS, 1963, - Ammobatoides RADOSZKOWSKI,1867, subg. Schmiedeknechtia FRIESE, 1896, Neopasites ASHMEAD, I89S, and Neopasites ASHMEAD,1898, subg. Micropasites LINSLEY, 1942, = Biastes PANZER, 1806, Morgania SMITH, 1854, --• Pa- sites JURINE, 1807, Trophocleptria HOLMBERG, 1886, and Rhinepeolus MOURE, 1955, = Epeolus LATREILLE, 1802, Doe- ringiella HOLMBERG,1884, = Epeolus LATREILLE,1802, subg.
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