A Study on the Uicheon’s Hwaeom Thought in the Collected Writings of the National Preceptor Daegak* Ae Soon Chang (Ven. Kye Hwan)2 Abstract Many scholars have undertaken studies on the works of Uicheon (義天, 1055-1101 CE), the results of which demonstrate considerable achievements. While these studies have clearly revealed Uicheon’s unique Buddhist frame of reference, there are still points which are contentious concerning research assumptions, especially their estimation of Uicheon’s Huayan thought (華嚴思想) in the ‘Combined Study of Essential Nature and Characteristic’ (性相兼學) and the ‘Combined Practice of Scriptural Study and Meditation’ (敎觀並修). Their error of judgment in this case is due to the fact that Uicheon had always valued Hwaeom thought as the foundation for all Buddhist teachings and the source for all Buddhist philosophical thought. In Ae Soon Chang is a professor of Department of Buddhist Studies at Dongguk Univ. (Seoul) (
[email protected]) * This study is supported by Brain Korea 21 Buddhist Studies in a Global Era, Dongguk Univ. This article is an abridged version of “Hwaeom Thought of Uicheon” listed in the Bojosasang: Journal of Bojo Jinul’s Thought, vol. 11, pp. 9-37. (Seoul: 1998) International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture February 2011, vol. 16, pp. 55-68. ⓒ 2011 International Association for Buddhist Thought & Culture The day of submission: 2010.12.21 / Completion of review: 2011.1.12 / Final decision for acceptance: 2011.1.26 56 Ae Soon Chang (Ven. Kye Hwan): A Study on the Uicheon’s Hwaeom Thought fact, ‘Combined Practice of Scriptural Study and Meditation’ is testament to his overriding belief in the superiority of Hwaeom thought.