2 File 770: 147 File 770:147 is edited by Grant Canfield: 14, 44 Mike Glyer at 705 Valley Tarai: 9, 41 View Ave., Monrovia CA Chaz Boston Baden: 91016. (photo): 6,19,22,23,24 File 770 is available Bill Rotsler: 2,7,8, 15,17, for news, artwork, 23,29,32,33,34,35,37,38 arranged trades, or by Len Wein: 32, 34, 35 subscription: $8 for 5 Keith Stokes (photos): 10 issues, $15 for 10 issues, Alan White: 3, 18, 24 air mail rate is $2.50. Tim Kirk: 2 Telephone: (626) Ray Capella: 5, 25 305-1004 Marc Schirmeister: 12, 13 E-Mail: Alex Holden: (photo) 26
[email protected] Douglas Spencer: (photo): 26, 27, 28 Art Credits Munchkin: (photo): 30 Brad Foster: Cover, 4, 16, 31 Sheryl Birkhead: 36 Editorial Notes by Mike Glyer Wild Kingdom: Even though the screen child get a shot. door is broken, we often open the sliding The next day I spent part of a quiet shift glass door to the patio to let in fresh air. in the Fanzine Lounge reading an issue of We’re willing to deal with the occasional Chaz’s A Bear Went Over the Mountain. In flying bug. This spring is the first time his Noreascon Four report he wrote about we’ve had a problem with wild animals the photo taken of past Worldcon chairs, and inviting themselves inside. why I wasn’t in it: “Mike Glyer went to bed A sparrow came in and got stuck behind early, which is why you don’t see him in the a drape.