The Daily Egyptian, March 30, 1984

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The Daily Egyptian, March 30, 1984 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 3-30-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 30, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 69, Issue 126 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 30, 1984." (Mar 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact Independent Senate hid a possibility,) Epton says By John Raciile 1,Iwyer said. "I haven't rult'<l the GOP and Cook County most 01 the money we raisell would nommate someone else StaH Writer cut the possibility, but my wife Democrats. was small donations of $5 and Epton maintzins th:ll he had a would probably kill me. ,. Chris Atchison. executive $lIl," he said. "We only moderate voting record on Former Chicago mayoral U.S. Sen. Charles Percy, R­ director DC the Illinois received a few large con· social issues and a conservative contender Bernard Epton said Ill., and V.S. Rep. Paul Simon, Republican Central Committee, tributions." btmd on fiscal malters WI ile in Thursday that it was too eady D-Makanda. are set to square­ said that the Chicago-based Epton said that the grouIJ will 'lie Legislature. to decide whether h~~ would run off for the seat in the Nov. 6 group was a product of the rneet to nominate candidates as an independent candidate in general election. Both can­ strongly contended Epton' sometime aCtH April 2, When "I would probably agree with the U.S. Senate race. didatesS.lid Thursday it was too Washington race last year. officers are ejected for Simon on social philosphy and Epton, a 14-year veteran of early to tell what effect an in­ Atchison said that if Epton municipal boards in Cook would consider myself a con­ the st.'lte House of Represen­ dependent candidate would decided to run as an in· County. servative in the fiscal votes." tatives, said in a telephone have on their race. dependent, "he ,,'~uld be "The Illinois Republicans hl'said. ir_:C!rview from his Chicago law Epton confinned reports that treated as Paul Simon woultl be have gotten in the bad habit of office that several factors are at he has heen pursued by treated. " losing elections," Epton S<lid, '" play in his decision. He said that Percy often members of the l\ew He said that financing a want to reverse tn.... • " "gets in frr".t of the crowd" on "Chicago is my first love and Republican Organization, a campaign would not be a He said that i! ;,e '.ecided not votes. He cited the three-term I have no desire to go to group of moderates ~ho say problem either. to run for the Senat~ then it was senator's support oC the Baker Washington," the 62-year-old they are dissatisfied with LoOth "During the (mayoral) race unlikl'lv that the organizatiOI1 school prayer amendment. Salvadoran rebel attacks Vaily C£gyptian made public By W. Dale Nelson Of the Associated Press Friday. March 30. 1984. Vol. 69. No 126 Southern Illinois University WASHINGTON lAP) - A Pentagon statement acknowledging three guerrilla attacks on P .S. !-:p.rvicemen in El Salvador was made public CATV plan retains Thursday as Democratic critics fought President Reagan's request for more military aid St. Louis channel for the Saivadoran regime. No Americans were injured in By Paula J. Finlay the commission and monthly any of the attacks. aecording to Starr Writer tests of the strength of .. ignals from stations would also Sen. James Sasser. D·Tenn .. Tele':ommunications Inc., required The city would who 'laid he received the parent company of Carbondale reSf'rye the right to do its own statelT'ent from tt,e Defense Cablevision. has agreed to testing. Department on Wedn~day in response to questions he put at a retain Channel 4 fnun ·~L Louis Commissioner John Greg.)ry hearing last week t'l an with il<. additional rate increase voted for the standards. but assistant sec~tary of defer.:'" In a revised 21-channel service said that the stanuards could package for Cablevision have been improved with a Sasser read the Pentagon customers. credit system for customers . responses shortly after the Through time-sharing. when Cablevision service falls Senate v("\ted 71-20 to shelve an Cablevision will pr!)vide 23 below standards. amendment bv Sen. Edward M. channels of service on 21 Kennedy, D-Mass., to require a ch:!nnels in the proposed line-up "It doesn't seem to me there declaration of war or other beginning withir one year of are any teeth in what we have," congressional action before rate determination by the City Gregory said. U.s. troops could be sent into Council. The proposed channel Central America for comb?t. line-up. changes in the city's Cablevision manager Cr>tig Kennedy noted a Washington cable teievision franchise and a Perica said that if a station falls Post report quoting a senior proposed $2.75 rate increase are below the standa,ds it can be Salvador!!D Army officer as to be considered by the council penalized by the FCC, and that saying V.S. aircraft are Mon<iay. cu.:;tomers are given credit for pro"""Jng reconnaiSsance and In a move to provide more days when they are without communications support for variety in programming, the service because of a Salvadoran troops during Cable Television C.ommission Cablevision error. combat operations. agreed in January to give up St. "The Vnited SLates is actively parllcipating in the prosecution Louis channels 2 and 4 to bring A request from the com­ in Nickelodeon, which is billed of '.h~ war in EI Salvador," he mission for an annual toltl the SenatE;. as a family-oriented station, report from TCI was revised to and Atlanta superstation allow an auditefi report an­ "The administration is slowly WTBS. That action drew nually, but retaining the right but surely putting our combat criticism at a March public for thl! city to send an ac­ troops into a war in EI hearing and, at the request of a countant toTCI headquarters to Salvador." negoltiating comrr.lttee, TCI audit the report ar,nually or The Massachusetts senator agreed to retain channel 4. when a rate I'lCreaSe is offered the amendment to a bili The commissir.n agreed requested. providing $61.7 million in Wednesday on the revised emergency military aid to help channel line-up and on propose{:. the FI Salvador government in performa:Jce quality standards its battle against leftist in· w be added to the franchise surgents. The aid figure agreement. represents a compromise The proposed standards between the Reagan ad­ requre the Ira.1chise holder to ministration, which hall sought Dlaintain the minimum more money for the Central technical standards required by Catch the wild wind Staff Photo by Stephen Kennedy American Dation, and some the Federal Communications Senate Democrats. Gus says Zl cDannels on TV . iled th 15 t.!O Kennedy revived his measure Commission. Annual proof that Dan Ha-grave, junior in biologla.i SCience, sa on e 0 for another try through the company is meeting the WOll't meBD a thing if they don't mph breeze Thursday at Campus ...!te. Thursday's high of 50 is . standards must be submitted to carry the Canis, Cubs BDd Sox. ex ....ted to give way to sunny skies and 60 degree weather Friday. parliamentary meaits, but r-- Senate Majority leader Howard H. Baker .Jr., R-Tenn., predicted that the GOP­ controlled body would defeat GPSC opposes layoff policy this and other amendments by critics I.'f Reagan's Central Sy John S&ewart point average be lowered to 3.0, stated that upper-level ad­ onlr. a 3.0 to graduate. American policies. Staff WritftO and nominated two candidates min;.strators should possess the • Raising grade requiremenl8 Baker said a final vote on the to run in GPSC elections to be foresight to anticipate financial will only lead to grade in­ aid package might not come In a reso)uti;,n adamantly held April 11. crises in order to avoid invoking f1ation," said Dan Venturi, a until next week because 0" a opposing revisions to the SIU-C The GPSC rejected the the policy. third-year law student. filihuster by Kennedy. fiscal emergency policy, the revised emergency policy for A rule requiring doctoral Sherry Knapp, Graduate The Penagon statement read Graduate and Profesa!onal .1landatorv leave of absence. students to maintain a 3.25 School liaison, saJd that the by Sasser said small banrls of Student Council Wednesday without pay for contractual grade point average was im­ recenUy adopted policy was employees anti invflhmtary pay plemented last fall to correct insurgent attacked a camp at urged that students be exemp­ particularly unfair to studenl8 San Miguel, EI Salvador, where ted from having their pay "It or reductions for aU employees. Graduate School policy in- who take ooly one or two gradpd The resolution stated that consistencies. U.S. military advisers are being laid off as provided in the classes once accepted in·.o stationed, in November and pollcy. students would be adversely Previously, students were doctoral candid~~y and to again in March. It 'laid they did The GPSC also suggested that affected by the policy. wi'Jch required students to have a 3.25 students just beginning their was formulated by a committee averiige to be accepted into not enter the camp and no !tIe rule requiring doctoral Americans were woun<ied.
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