Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 8 August 2019 PERSPECTIVE


Emerging targets of inflammation and

tear secretion in dry eye disease

Maria Markoulli, [email protected] and Alex Hui

The underlying mechanisms of dry eye are thought to be part of a vicious circle involving a

hyperosmolarity-triggered inflammatory cascade, resulting in loss of goblet cells and glycocalyx

mucin and observed corneal and conjunctival epithelial cell damage. This damage leads to increased

tear film instability, further hyperosmolarity and hence perpetuating of a vicious circle. The aim of

dry eye management is to restore the homeostasis of the tear film and break the perpetuation of this

vicious circle. Despite the plethora of treatment options available, many of these are largely

palliative, short-lived and require repeated instillations. Two emerging areas in dry eye therapy aim


to promote tear secretion and to safely manage dry eye-associated inflammation and are the focus of 

this review.


Dry eye disease and its treatment into aqueous deficiency and evaporative dry Promoting tear secretion

Dry eye disease is defined by the Tear Film and eye, but it is now understood that both con- Topical pharmaceutical secretagogues

Ocular Surface Dry Eye Workshop (TFOS DEWS) ditions lie on a continuum that can be present Secretagogues stimulate the secretion of the

II as ``a multifactorial disease of the ocular simultaneously to a varying degree [1]. aqueous, mucin or lipid constituents of the tear

surface characterized by a loss of homeostasis The aim of dry eye management is to restore film, hence minimising the impact of tear film

of the tear film, and accompanied by ocular the homeostasis of the tear film and break the instability and goblet cell and glycocalyx mucin

symptoms, in which tear film instability and perpetuation of the dry eye circle [3]. Current loss that form part of the vicious circle of dry eye

hyperosmolarity, ocular surface inflammation treatments can be largely categorized into one disease [2]. The following discussion separates

and damage, and neurosensory abnormalities of six categories: treatment for aqueous defi- secretagogues into those that stimulate each of

play etiological roles” [1]. The underlying ciency, treatment for meibomian gland dys- these constituents, however it should be rec-

mechanisms of dry eye are thought to be part function and eyelid abnormalities, anti- ognized the potential for overlapping effects

of a vicious circle involving a hyperosmolarity- inflammatory therapy, surgical approaches, di- affecting multiple components of the tear film.

triggered inflammatory cascade, resulting in etary modifications and environmental modifi-

loss of goblet cells and glycocalyx mucin and cations [3]. Despite the plethora of treatment Aqueous secretagogues

observed corneal and conjunctival epithelial options available, many of these are largely Diquafosol tetrasodium (3% ophthalmic solu-


cell damage [2]. This damage to the ocular palliative, short-lived and require repeated tion, Diquas ; Santen, Osaka, Japan) is ap-

surface leads to increased tear film instability, instillations [4]. Two emerging areas in dry eye proved for use in Japan and South Korea. This is

further feeding tear hyperosmolarity and hence therapy aim to promote tear secretion and to a mucolytic compound and a purinergic P2Y2

perpetuating the vicious circle [2] (Fig. 1). Tra- safely manage dry eye-associated inflammation agonist that stimulates tear fluid and

ditionally, the disease has been characterized (Fig. 1) and are the focus of this review. mucin secretion [5,6]. P2Y receptors are meta-

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Tear hyperosmolarity

A cascade of signaling events within surface epithelial cells Tear film LFA-1 Vicious circle instability antagonists of dry eye

IL-1, 17 IFNγ TNFα+ MMPs Lipid, aqueous, Goblet cell and mucus glycocalyx mucin loss secretagogues epithelial damage -apoptosis

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The vicious circle of dry eye disease (adapted from Bron, A.J. et al. (2017) TFOS DEWS II pathophysiology report. Ocul Surf 15 (3), 438–510) [1]. The core

mechanisms of dry eye disease are thought to be tear hyperosmolarity which leads to a cascade of signalling events within epithelial cells. This leads to

inflammation which further leads to ocular surface damage and tear film instability. Without intervention, this circle is thought to be self-perpetuating. The

proposed actions of the two emerging treatments for dry eye disease presented in this review, secretagogues and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1

antagonists (LFA-1 antagonists) on this cycle are shown in the blue. IL: interleukin, IFNF: interferon gamma, TNFa: tumor necrosis factor alpha, MMPs: matrix


botropic triphosphate binding pro- resulted in an improved fluorescein staining contact lens-related dry eye disease [33]. In the

tein (G-protein) coupled receptors and P2Y2 score similar to the control group that was presence of ocular surface inflammation, lacritin

receptors specifically activate phospholipase C- taking 0.1% hyaluronate ophthalmic is down-regulated by tear tissue transgluta-

b [7]. These receptors are found at the corneal solution, and even further improvements in rose minase which is elevated in dry eye disease


epithelium, the conjunctival epithelium, the bengal staining, more so than the control [12]. In [34,35]. Lacritin’s application in dry eye disease is

goblet cells and meibomian glands [8]. In age- a prospective study evaluating 3% diquafosol aimed at taking advantage of tear proteins as

related dry eye mice models, use of diquafosol sodium on 13 patients over a 3-month period, an potential biotherapeutics. In mice models of


results in increased goblet cell density and a improvement in meibomian gland appearance Sjögren’s Syndrome treated with lacritin, treat-

decrease in ocular surface inflammation [9]. and function and symptoms was found [17]. In a ment with lacritin demonstrated a 46% increase

Byun et al. demonstrated that diquafosol study of 15 patients with aqueous deficient dry in tear secretion and a reduction in lissamine

accelerates corneal epithelial wound healing eye disease treated for 6 months, an improve- green staining, compared to the control eyes

possibly as a result of epidermal growth factor ment in symptoms, corneal staining, tear break- [32]. On the cornea it also resulted in a shift from

receptor/extracellular signal-regulated kinase up time and tear meniscus height was noted skin-specific cytokeratin to K12, a corneal-spe-

stimulated cell proliferation and migration [10]. after 1 month and maintained for the 6-month cific cytokeratin that is abundant in the healthy

Other studies have shown effects of the drug to observation period [18]. Other studies have ocular mucosal epithelium [32]. The drug is

suppress the loss of corneal epithelial integrity supported similar findings for diquafosol’s im- currently not available commercially although it

[6,11]. pact on the ocular surface, showing an im- is being evaluated for its safety and efficacy in an

Several randomized controlled clinical trials provement in symptoms and corneal staining ongoing human clinical trial (NCT03226444),

have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of [19], tear volume [20,21], lid margin abnormal- with an estimated 201 participants randomised


diquafosol administered topically for dry eye ities including vascularity [22], corneal staining to receive either 0.005% or 0.01% Lacripep , or

disease [12–14]. In a 4-week randomised, dou- [23,22], meibomian gland function [22] and lipid placebo [36].

ble-masked study of 286 patients with dry eye layer thickness [24]. Diquafosol’s ability to

disease comparing diquafosol 3% to sodium improve higher order aberrations has been Mucin secretagogues


hyaluronate ophthalmic solution, each taken 6 reported, but other studies have contradicted Rebamipide ophthalmic suspension (Mucosta ;

times daily for 4 weeks, diquafosol significantly this, suggesting its impact on this parameter to Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Chiyoda, Japan) is a

improved conjunctival staining scores while be equivocal [25–29]. There have also been little mucin secretagogue that promotes the pro-

having a similar adverse event profile as the to no studies on the long-term usage of this duction of mucin-like glycoproteins in human

sodium hyaluronate [15]. Combining these two agent and it currently remains unavailable to corneal epithelial cells [37] as well as the ex-

products has been shown to be effective in most areas within the world. pression of membrane-associated mucins

stabilizing vision and dry eye symptoms fol- Lacritin is a tear glycoprotein prosecretory MUC1, MUC4 and MUC16 [37]. Currently in

lowing LASIK [16]. In a randomized, parallel- mitogen that promotes basal tear secretion [30] Japan, along with hyaluronic acid and diqua-

group comparison study of 497 patients with and epithelial homeostasis [31]. It is downre- fosol, it forms the mainstay of dry eye treatment

dry eye disease over a 4-week period, diquafosol gulated in both Sjögren’s Syndrome [32] and [38]. Rebamipide was originally launched as an

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Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 8 August 2019 PERSPECTIVE

oral medication for the repair of gastric mucosa effects has since been shown to promote the proliferation rate [70], suggesting that these two

[39]. Topically, it has been shown to increase the expression of secretory mucin MUC5AC and of mechanisms may be additive and may be a

mucin secreted by conjunctival goblet cells [40], cell-surface associated mucins MUC1, 4 and 16 promising pathway to stimulate meibomian

and to improve conjunctival epithelial differ- in the rabbit corneal epithelium [56]. Myco- gland secretion. In rabbit eyes, IGF-1 has been

entiation and suppress keratinization [41], and phenolate mofetil is an immunosuppressive shown to improve dry eye parameters and to

to therefore have utility as a form of dry eye drug containing , a selective promote nerve regeneration following laser in

therapy [42]. In the murine models of both dry inhibitor of monophosphate dehydro- situ keratomileusis [71].

eye disease and Sjögren’s Syndrome it has been genase which leads to inhibition of the de novo

shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect pathway of synthesis and at low Oral secretagogues

[43,44] and to be protective of the ocular surface doses promotes goblet cell proliferation [57–60]. Systemic stimulation of components of the tear

when administered topically [45] by protecting DA-6034 is an eupatilin derivative of flavonoid film have focused on parasympathomimetics.

the epithelium from TNF-a induced disruption of which has been shown to be protective of Pilocarpine is a non-selective cholinergic ag-

barrier function [46]. In rabbits, when applied 6 gastric mucosa [61,62] and shown to increase onist which can stimulate the M3 muscarinic

times a day for 14 days it has been shown to mucin and aqueous secretion and to down- receptors in exocrine glands. It is known to

increase mucin-like substances in the cornea regulate matrix-metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) increase aqueous secretion from saliva and

and conjunctiva and to decrease conjunctival and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in sweat glands and can also increase the number

staining [47]. In corneal epithelial cells rebami- an animal dry eye model. Each of these mole- of conjunctival goblet cells [72]. It is currently

pide significantly increases the glycoconjugate cules are still early in development and eva- available in 5- and 7.5-mg tablets for oral use. In

contents in the cells, an effect that is mediated luations in large scale clinical trials have yet to be a multicentre, controlled clinical trial of patients

by MUC1 and MUC4 gene expression [48]. conducted. with Sjögrens Syndrome comparing pilocar-

Clinical trials of rebamipide have been con- pine 5 mg given 2 or 4 times a day, the higher

ducted over the course of four weeks. A 2% Lipid stimulation dose significantly improved dry eye symptoms,

topical rebamipide drop instilled 4 times a day Growth factors play an important role in the while the lower dose performed no differently

for 4 weeks has been shown to improve the maintenance of ocular surface homeostasis. to the placebo, with patients still experiencing

signs and symptoms of dry eye disease [49] and Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is a potent excessive sweating as a commonly reported

contact lens discomfort [50]. In a multicentre, activator of the phosphonositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/ side effect in both groups [73]. Further, a 12-

open-label, one year study, 2% rebamipide Akt pathway, which stimulates cell proliferation week randomized controlled study, also in

ophthalmic suspension instilled 4 times daily led and differentiation while inhibiting apoptosis patients with Sjögrens Syndrome, comparing a

to an improvement in fluorescein corneal [63]. As such, IGF-1 receptor (IGF-R) inhibition is 5-mg pilocarpine dose taken twice daily to

staining, lissamine green conjunctival staining, one mechanism used to treat cancer [64]. The artificial tears or inferior punctal occlusion, an

and tear film break-up time starting from the 2 role of IGF in dry eye has been postulated based improvement in conjunctival staining was

week visit, suggesting a relatively rapid rate of on adverse events from clinical cancer trials. In a shown with pilocarpine, as well in global as-

action [42]. It has also been used off-label to phase 1 study of figitumumab, an anti-cancer sessment of dry eye symptoms, but no differ- PERSPECTIVE

treat alkali burns [51] and in those with vernal drug that prevents IGF-1 from binding to its ence was found in tear volume as measured by

and allergic keratoconjunctivitis [52] and receptor, dry eye was its most commonly Schirmer test [74]. The significant side effect

chronic graft-versus-host disease-related dry reported adverse event [65], leading Ding and profile of systemic pilocarpine including ex-


eye disease [53]. Further, rebamipide has been Sullivan to hypothesize that the inhibition of cessive sweating and gastrointestinal distress

shown to increase the number of goblet cells in IGF-1 further inhibited the function of meibo- typically render its use only in Sjögrens Syn-

the lid wiper region and to increase the ex- mian gland epithelial cells [66]. IGF-1 has been drome patients.

pression of the cell surface proteins, epidermal reported to stimulate cellular proliferation and In contrast to pilocarpine, cevimeline hy-

growth factor [40], MUC16 and MUC5AC [54]. promote lipid accumulation two-fold when ap- drochloride is an orally administered derivative

This is significant, as goblet cell damage in the plied to human meibomian glands [66]. The role of acetylcholine with a 10-fold higher ratio of

region of the lid wiper may lead to an increase in of insulin in dry eye is supported peripherally by specificity for M3 rather than M2 receptors,

friction due to a reduction in mucin which can the prevalence of dry eye in patients with dia- leading to lower potential for cross-stimulation

potentially be alleviated by rebamipide [40]. betes, with 50% of people with diabetes com- of cardiac and pulmonary receptors than pilo-

Rebamipide has further been found to decrease plaining of dry eye symptoms [67 69]. carpine [75]. Stimulation of M3 receptors located

markers of inflammation such as IL-8, eosinophil Liu and Ding used immortalized human in the lacrimal and salivary glands by the drug

cationic protein (ECP) and total IgE, suggesting meibomian gland epithelial cells to test the increases exocrine gland reception [76 78]. The

that this secretagogue could also help address effect of a combination of azithromycin, a drug has been shown prospectively in Sjögrens

ocular surface inflammation induced by dry eye macrolide antibiotic, and IGF-1 on meibomian Syndrome patients to improve both Schirmer s

disease [55]. gland cellular differentiation and lipid accumu- test scores in 4 and 12 week trials [79,80].

Other experimental products which may di- lation [70], hypothesizing that the two drugs

rectly or indirectly affect mucin secretion have would preserve normal proliferation and pro- Novel targets of inflammation

been investigated at various stages. JBP485, a mote cellular differentiation and lipid accumu- Lymphocyte function-associated

placental extract-derived dipeptide that has lation respectively. They found that the antigen-1 antagonists for dry eye

previously been shown to exhibit protective combination increased the levels of lipids ac- As part of both the original and revised defini-

properties for liver and gastrointestinal cells and cumulating within the glands and modulated tions of dry eye by the TFOS DEWS I and II, the

to have anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory their composition, while preserving normal critical role that inflammation plays in the dis-

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PERSPECTIVE Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 8 August 2019

ease pathogenesis was highlighted [1,81]. There have been four key clinical studies by the results of OPUS-1 to be beneficially

Pharmaceutical management of the disease has which have been used to support lifitegrast’s affected by lifitegrast, particularly in patients

thus included agents aimed at suppressing the regulatory approval for release to the market, a who had a more recent (30 day) history of using

inflammatory cascade [3]. Topical corticoste- Phase 2 trial and three Phase 3 trials (OPUS-1, artificial tears and a more moderate to severe

roids are potent anti-inflammatories and can OPUS-2 and OPUS-3) [89–92]. In combination, dryness symptom score (EDS >40) [91,92]. In-

have immediate effects on improving signs and the four clinical trials were able to sufficiently clusion criteria for OPUS-2 and the follow up

symptoms of dry eye, but have limited long term demonstrate improvement in both the signs confirmatory study OPUS-3 thus included both

utility due to known risks of secondary infection, and symptoms of dry eye [83]. Lifitegrast was this worse dryness symptom score and artificial

rise in intraocular pressure and cataract forma- the first agent to gain this broader indication, as tear use as inclusion criteria while removing the

tion [3]. Alternative anti-inflammatory agents cyclosporine A was previously only indicated to CAE response requirement. Interestingly, while

which can be more safely used long term such as improve the sign of decreased tear production both OPUS-2 and OPUS-3 were able to robustly

topical cyclosporine A have thus been devel- associated with dry eye inflammation [93]. As demonstrate a change in measured dryness

oped. Topical cyclosporine was the first Food part of a Phase 2 trial, 0.1%, 1% and 5% lifitegrast symptoms as measured by the EDS compared to

and Drug Administration (FDA) approved agent solutions demonstrated improved change in vehicle placebo, OPUS-2 failed to demonstrate

with an indication to manage dry eye by im- inferior corneal staining scores compared to an improvement in ICSS as seen with OPUS-1,

proving tear production affected by ocular in- vehicle in a dose dependent manner, leading to the phase 2 study as well as OPUS-3 [91,92].

flammation [82]. More recently, lifitegrast, the the 5% concentration being selected for further Depending on the rated severity, significant

first entry in a class of drugs known as lym- Phase 3 trials [89]. In OPUS-1, participants were symptomatic relief was seen within 14 days of

phocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) randomized to 5% lifitegrast or vehicle control 5% lifitegrast administration for moderate to

antagonists, has been approved by the FDA in for use two times a day over the course of 12 severe symptomatic participants (OPUS-2 and

2016 and by Health Canada in 2018 to specifi- weeks. Inclusion criteria for OPUS-1 included a OPUS-3) and by 42 days in mild to moderate

cally manage both signs and symptoms of dry history of dry eye disease, artificial tear use in the disease (OPUS-1) [90–92].

eye [83], with its purpose being to minimise the past 6 months, conjunctival redness, corneal A companion study on the long-term safety

impact of inflammation and hence the propa- fluorescein staining, unanesthetized Schirmer of the formulation has been conducted and

gation of the vicious circle of dry eye disease [2]. measuring tear production greater than 1 mm termed SONATA. This 360-day trial examined

Lifitegrast (known during development as but less than 10 mm, and an adverse change in ``treatment emergent adverse events” associ-

SAR 1118) is an antagonist of LFA-1 [84]. The corneal staining and ocular discomfort scores ated with the 5% solution compared to the

LFA-1 receptor is expressed on T-cells and plays when exposed to a controlled adverse envi- vehicle [87]. The majority of the commonly

a critical role in facilitating migration from blood ronment [90]. The controlled adverse environ- reported adverse effects were all considered to


vessels to sites of inflammation. Interaction of T- ment involves a 90-minute session in an be mild in nature, with the most common local

cells with inflamed tissues facilitated by LFA-1 environment with controlled temperature, air effect being irritation at the site of instillation,

amplifies inflammatory signalling pathways flow, humidity and lighting designed to exac- and the most common systemic effect being


through cytokine release while also promoting erbate dry eye signs and symptoms [90]. Re- dysgeusia [87,90–92]. Overall, use of the drops

further T-cell migration and proliferation [85]. quiring a response to the controlled adverse twice a day does not appear to have any long

LFA-1 exerts these functions through interaction environment for inclusion in the study by the term local or systemic effects, nor was there any

with its ligand, intracellular adhesion molecule 1 authors was said to ``enrich” the study popu- evidence that the long-term immune sup-

(ICAM-1), which is not only expressed on the lation by identifying those most likely to be pression caused any increased secondary

endothelium of inflamed blood vessels, but also responsive to changes. After 84 days and ex- infections.

on antigen presenting cells and epithelial cells amination of 588 patients, 5% lifitegrast was

during inflammation [83,85]. The prevention of demonstrated to significantly change the infe- Summary and future research

LFA-1 and CAM-1 interaction by lifitegrast pre- rior corneal staining scores, the defined primary There are multiple avenues in which aspects of

sumably reduces further T-cell mediated in- objective sign of dry eye disease, but failed to the pathogenesis of dry eye disease may be

flammation [86]. Lifitegrast was specifically demonstrate a significant change in its co-pri- targeted by current and developing treatments.

designed in the laboratory to be a small mole- mary subjective measure, the vision related Agents to encourage the secretion or restoration

cule to mimic the critical binding sites of ICAM-1 function subset score of the Ocular Surface of different portions of the tear film are available

and outcompete the endogenous molecule so Disease Index [90]. While OPUS-1 was unable to in different parts of the world or are still within

that interaction between LFA-1 and ICAM-1 demonstrate improvement in their primary the developmental phase. The challenge may be

would be minimized [85]. Lifitegrast is highly symptom measure, the authors considered the in the identification of the most appropriate

water soluble and a 5% (50 mg/mL) ophthalmic replication of improvement in staining score patients for the restoration of deficiencies


solution commercially available (Xiidra , Shire seen in the Phase 2 trial to provide robust exerted by the discussed agents. In the man-

Pharmaceuticals). Twice a day, chronic instilla- evidence of the efficacy of the drug in managing agement of dry eye-associated inflammation,

tion of the preservative free formulation does signs of dry eye. The follow up studies, OPUS-2 the development of lifitegrast represents a

not appear to demonstrate any appreciable or and OPUS-3 were directed by suggestive results unique ocular drug development as the agent

unexpected accumulation of the drug in the from OPUS-1 and the Phase 2 trial for the was specifically designed to manage the ocular

plasma or tear film [87]. Lifitegrast concentra- candidates and subjective measures which disease and provides a road map for the levels of

tions within the tear film rise quickly to ocular would be most responsive to the drug [91,92]. evidence from clinical trial data needed to get

therapeutic concentrations, reaching a maxi- The Eye Dryness Score (EDS), a separate sub- the drug to the market through North American

mum concentration within 0.3 h [88]. jective measure of eye dryness, was suggested regulatory agencies.

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Drug Discovery Today Volume 24, Number 8 August 2019 PERSPECTIVE

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Submission declaration

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