Council of Commissioners of Riverside School Board
Council of Commissioners of Riverside School Board Minutes of the proceedings of a regular session of the Council of Commissioners for Riverside School Board held at the Administration Centre, 299 Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Blvd., St. Lambert, Québec on June 16, 2009. The Secretary General established that quorum was met and Chairman Moira Bell, called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: M. Bell H. Dumont L. Llewelyn Cuffling F. Blais D. Gareau N. Nichols K. Cameron M. Gour S. Rasmussen A. Capobianco Skipworth D. Guerriero G. Sastre M. Cloutier D. Horrocks D. Smith P. D’Avignon D. Lamoureux PARENTS– P. Chouinard, D. Copeman M. L’Heureux Regrets: P. Booth Morrison Also present Kevin Lukian, Director General Stephen Lessard, Assistant Director General Denise Paulson, Secretary General Germen Brière, Director of Financial Resources Pierre Farmer, Director of Material Resources & Technology Michel La Rue, Director of Human Resources Maria Nasso-Maselli, Director of Elementary Schools Gail Somerville, Director of Complementary Services Presence noted Ruby Mace, Michel Gagnon, parents from REACH, Mrs. S. Rattray, Coleen Lauzier, Christine Denommee ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: IT IS MOVED by Commissioner L’Heureux, and seconded by Commissioner Chouinard, that the agenda be adopted and that a copy be appended to the Minutes of this meeting. UNANIMOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS : • A number of questions dealing with the proposed move of REACH to Heritage Regional High School in 2010 were addressed to Council by some parents of REACH students. The Chairman reminded parents that consultation was a process that would follow its course and that no decision would be made by Council until all information and input had been received.
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