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TOWARDS CREATING But how do we solve the major challenges we are facing? Accessibility and RESEARCH AND affordability of health and care? The rise in non-communicable diseases and mental INNOVATION HUBS illness? The spread of antimicrobial drug resistance and infectious disease threats? Erasmus MC is committed to understanding health and disease in order to better predict who might fall ill and to prevent people from actually falling ill. But when people do fall ill, Erasmus MC wants to provide state of the art, precision medicine: deliver the right care at the right time to the right patient. 2 3 We believe that convergence for health and healthcare will lead to profound changes in traditional solutions in healthcare. We aim to change how we organize healthcare, from a reactive to a proactive approach. We need to develop novel and innovative solutions to promote overall health from the earliest moment in life, prevent or delay disease, and facilitate early detection of disease. In addition, we need target innovations that will improve disease diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment selection, leading to more effective and less invasive treatment. MAKE IT HAPPEN

To realize this, we need transdisciplinary collaborations, convergence between different fields To ensure sustainable healthy lives and promote well-being and where better to start than with ourselves? Therefore, Erasmus MC has organized its research for all at all ages for current and next generations, aligned funding strategy into four transdisciplinary hubs from which we reach out into the world: to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 3 for 2030 there is a need to transform traditional health care into holistic a A HEALTHY START AND LIFE COURSE FOR ALL integrative healthcare using a life course approach already a THE FOOD-KNOWLEDGE GATEWAY TO HEALTH starting at the preconception status continuing until death a DATA-DRIVEN APPROACHES FOR A HEALTHY LIFE COURSE occurs. Ultimately, we are moving our focus from disease to a UNDERSTAND AND COMBAT DISEASES health and from health to a healthy life course for all!

PhD & Post PhD & Post PhD & Post PhD & Post doc research doc research doc research doc research

Talent Talent Talent Talent Challenging Challenging Challenging Challenging 4 research research research research 5 questions questions questions questions

Projects Professors Projects Professors Projects Professors Projects Professors

Location Location Location Location


Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence

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HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Bold, inspirational with Diseases known to be associated with health GRAND problems in the offspring of affected individuals, CHALLENGE wide societal relevance CITIZEN HEALTH AND WELLBEING 1 or even known to prevent a patient to become a Based on years of research, we know that health parent, need special attention. In this context, the and risk of disease during life is also determined by increasing parental age of first pregnancy and male A HEALTHY START AND LIFE COURSE FOR ALL the health status of the parents before conception, infertility poses a growing challenge for Europe. MISSION Evidence-based and context-driven child and parent care healthy intra-uterine growth and development, and for all European citizens starting in by 2030 health of the children during infancy and school- While the importance of parental health for the age years1. Now that the rise in life expectancy for health of a new-born is widely acknowledged3,4,5, European citizens is slowing down and about 20% many families in the EU are still devoid of effective of their life course is associated with illness2, early prenatal, perinatal and child care6,7. This current life offers a great window of opportunity to situation is further complicated by significant Medical & Public Social Services Local & National strengthen the foundation for a healthy life course disparities in a healthy life and access to healthcare Health Sector Sector Sector Governments AREAS OF for new generations and their parents. This requires that are related to socioeconomic status. INTEREST & CROSS-SECTOR focusing research and innovation (R&I) on the health Tech Consumer Food Behavioral Sector Sector Sector Sector of people rather than on diseases only. A clear direction: targeted, measurable and time-bound There is a substantial body of evidence showing 2 that nutrition, lifestyle and the use of medicine, The challenges outlined above ask for evidence- alcohol, hard and soft drugs and tobacco by the based and precision, context-driven solutions. 9 parents before, during and after pregnancy has a A network medicine approach considering genetic, serious impact on the physical and mental health of biological, clinical, (psycho)social and environmental Personalized Digital nutrition Translation into their child, not only at the start of life but during the networks in parallel will enable the identification context-driven and lifestyle support socio-economic approaches for a tools for a healthy standards & caregiving entire life course. Other risk factors that negatively and understanding of the interaction of external healthy pregnancy pregnancy and and welfare impact the development of a child before and after factors with the development of health and disease and childhood childhood approaches birth include socioeconomic status, parental health at the start of life. This new knowledge will provide and early-life exposure to stress, physiological evidence that can be translated into interventions. R&I distress, and environmental health threats such as air By taking the context of the individual citizen into PROJECTS pollution, climate change and endocrine disruptors. consideration, these interventions can be personalised Interventions targeting these risk factors can and targeted towards specific challenges and needs. Better Network prevent an unhealthy start and the associated Rotterdam will serve as a front-runner region for understanding of medicine development of diseases later in life for the new- Europe in studying the importance of a healthy start the impact of external to understand born, while in parallel contributing to a better and developing and implementing evidence-based factors on early child the origin of development before diseases early health of the mother and father. and context-driven interventions. and after birth in life

1 https://dohadsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/DOHaD-Society-Manifesto-Nov-17-2015.pdf 2 OECD/EU (2018), Health at a Glance: Europe 2018: State of Health in the EU Cycle, OECD Publishing, Paris https://doi.org/10.1787/health_glance_eur-2018-en 3 Global Consultation on Child and Adolescent Health and Development. A healthy start in life. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002 4 Stephenson J, et al. Before the beginning: nutrition and lifestyle in the preconception period and its importance for future health. Lancet. 2018;391:1830-1841 5 Fleming TP, et al. Origins of lifetime health around the time of conception: causes and consequences. Lancet 2018;391:1842-1852 6 https://www.womenpoliticalleaders.org/moving-forward-maternal-health-europe/ 7 Barker M, et al. Intervention strategies to improve nutrition and health behaviours before conception. Lancet 2018;391:1853-1864 This city faces significant challenges having deprived Cross-disciplinary, cross-sector A HEALTHY START AND LIFE COURSE FOR ALL areas that deal with a high prevalence of risk factors and cross–actor innovation RESEARCH FUNDING LINES: for an unhealthy start of life and associated high 4 rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality8. Family life, pregnancy and birth are at the basis of The target of the Hub mission is that the majority society. This mission therefore asks for effective of babies born in Rotterdam are provided with a multi- and interdisciplinary approaches. It requires healthy start through evidence-based preconception, bringing together biomedical, clinical, epidemiological perinatal and early childhood care by 2030, with the and social scientists, biomedical engineers, HS ultimate aim to improve health during the entire healthcare professionals, social caregivers, technology life course for the next generation of Rotterdam professionals including ICT, citizens, industry and HLC citizens by 2050. The Rotterdam best practices can national and local governments. They will need to be shared and adapted to local requirements work together across sectors including biomedical Integrated contextual healthy start approaches to improve health and well-being throughout Europe, in this way enabling a healthy & life sciences, behavioural economics, sociology, start for the next generations of European citizens. consumer goods, media and so on. Population- and hospital-based cohorts with data and biomaterials will Ambitious but realistic be at the core of cross-disciplinary research involving 3 research & innovation actions Artificial Intelligence as a key enabling technology. HS To reach the mission targets and provide a Promote multiple, HLC 10 healthy start in life for all, research and bottom-up solutions 11 innovation addressing the full knowledge 5 How life course acts on genes and how genes act on life course chain is necessary. Insights from fundamental The fact that a healthy start in life for all is truly research on the impact of early life stressors on at the centre of society makes that this mission the development of life to more translational or can only be addressed by considering multiple clinical insights on how early life stressors elements simultaneously that each have their undermine the physiological systems9, as well specific contribution and reinforce each other. HS as better insights on effective implementation, Basic and translational research will result in and facilitation of integrated measures for poverty innovation followed by implementation of HLC reduction, behavioural change and effective evidence-based approaches. This will enable true policy are essential. Translating knowledge-based societal valorisation of knowledge, i.e. bringing Healthy start for a healthy life course through data approaches insights into policy in a joint and integrated new solutions and interventions to patients effort with local and national governing bodies and society, in this way stimulating e.g. positive is essential to reach the mission targets. behavioural change in (future) mothers and fathers.

8 Healthy start for a healthy life course through nutrition approaches Waelput AJM, et al. Geographical differences in perinatal health and child welfare in the : rationale for the healthy pregnancy 4 all-2 program. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2017 Aug 1;17(1):254 9 http://developingchild.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Foundations-of-Lifelong-Health.pdf PIJLEN AANGEPAST MEI 2019










HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Introduction - the food- in care and cure; 3) assessment, prevention and cure GRAND of malnutrition in all its forms; 4) the promotion of CHALLENGE knowledge gateway to health CITIZEN HEALTH AND WELLBEING 1 healthy and sustainable diets across Europe; and 5) “Unhealthy diets pose a greater risk to morbidity and food safety in times of globalization, climate change mortality than does unsafe sex, and alcohol, drug, and and antimicrobial resistance. FOOD AND LIFESTYLE FOR A HEALTHY LIFE COURSE tobacco use combined”1. The WHO states that a healthy MISSION Evidence based food and lifestyle diet helps protect against malnutrition in all its forms, A clear direction: targeted, and against Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as interventions for all by 2030 measurable and time-bound diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer2. Changes from 2 current to healthy diets are likely to substantially benefit The mission is to unlock the potential of food in human health, preventing approximately 11 million deaths preventing and curing disease. The target is that by per year1. Against this background, there is an urgent need 2030, evidence based food and lifestyle interventions Medical & Public Agri Pharma- Service for evidence based interventions to prevent and cure disease. during the life course to support optimal health for Health Sector Sector ceutical Sectors AREAS OF both healthy citizens and patients, are developed, INTEREST & CROSS-SECTOR Furthermore, food safety is an important issue: 23 million available, and ready to be implemented. In addition, Tech Living Food Behavioral 3 Sector Environment Sector Economics EU citizens fall ill each year due to food-borne diseases . by 2030 food safety standards should differentiate Current standards for food safety do not differentiate between healthy and vulnerable (patient) populations. between healthy consumers and patients with underlying conditions. While both groups are heterogeneous, Ambitious but realistic patients are generally much more vulnerable. What is research & innovation actions 15 harmless for a healthy consumer could be very harmful 3 for patients. With the increasing population and the To develop interventions and tools that improve Evidence based elevated demand for food products, coming from diverse health for a changing patient population as well as food and lifestyle geographic locations with diverse foodborne pathogens, for healthy consumers, Research and Innovation (R&I) interventions for a heterogeneous patient the maintenance in its quality becomes a greater projects are needed to gain a thorough understanding population challenge. By the year 2030, the global food demand of the relation between food and health across the full is expected to rise by 35%. A One Health approach is life course and from molecule to population. R&I New standards Personalized essential to mitigate food and environmental health risks. These R&I projects will ultimately deliver: PROJECTS and techniques nutrition and to differentiate lifestyle Important complicating factors are that persistent 1 Evidence based food and lifestyle interventions and assess approaches food safety /tools social disparities exist when it comes to obesity, for a heterogeneous patient population alcoholism and tobacco use4 and that individuals differ 2 New standards and techniques to assess food Understanding in their genetic risk for NCDs, and in their response to safety for patients and healthy consumers of the long-term food patterns and pathogens (nutri-genetics). Major 3 An understanding of the long-term effects of effects of 4 food intake questions and challenges for the next decade include : food intake on health on health 1) the role of nutrition in the prevention, care and cure 4 Personalized nutrition and lifestyle approaches of NCDs; 2) the use of foods with high nutritional value and support tools to monitor nutritional status

1 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)31788-4/fulltext?utm_campaign=tleat19&utm_source=hub_pag 2 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet 3 Adapted from: http://ec.europa.eu/research/bioeconomy/pdf/food2030_report_conference_2017.pdf#view=fit&pagemode=none 4 http://www.oecd.org/health/health-at-a-glance-europe-23056088.htm To deliver on these questions and challenges, intake and food safety on our health and well-being THE FOOD-KNOWLEDGE GATEWAY TO HEALTH Research & Innovation projects are needed with in different stages of our life course, and on the effect RESEARCH FUNDING LINES: a variety of approaches. of food intake on prevention, recovery and cure of diseases in different states of health and disease / a Food for better health through nutrition patient population/vulnerable populations. Issues and approaches - personalised nutrition to prevent problems connected with food safety, food security, malnutrition in relation to health and disease, and and sustainable production systems qualify as a to support care and cure; randomized clinical trials wicked dilemma. Ensuring safe, accessible, affordable, on dietary regimes for patient groups. and nutritious food is increasingly difficult, especially b Food for better health through data driven in a global context. Central to this challenge is the approaches - use of real world data through development of a One Health strategy, and a new level wearables and smart home devices and utensils; of thinking and acting5. Food for better health through data-driven approaches unlocking the human genome, microbiome and virome, and its’ interaction with food; new insights To address all these questions in order to combat from well-established longitudinal cohort studies; disparities and reach our target, interdisciplinary identification of (novel) biomarkers to assess approaches are key. Research teams combining medical, malnutrition. biological, sociological, psychological, public management, c One health approaches to implement health programmers and ICT specialists, amongst others, are and well-being - Combating antimicrobial needed. Successful research strategies on a number of 16 resistance and (re-)emerging food-borne diseases the challenges should include a citizen science approach. 17 across the globe. New techniques to prevent and Food for better health through nutrition approaches predict food- or wildlife-borne disease outbreaks. promote multiple, d How food acts on human biology and how bottom-up solutions human biology acts on food - understanding the 5 long-term health effects of diets, the interaction The fact that both food and health are right at the between food-microbiome-health and how center of society, makes that this mission can only be biological processes such as stress affect and achieved by addressing all these multiple elements influence these relationships. simultaneously in a connected and coordinated effort. This requires multiple solutions for the European Cross-disciplinary, cross-sector heterogeneous context and (patient) population One health approaches to improve health and well-being and cross–actor innovation from grassroots and bottom-up initiatives, to large 4 scale interventions to establish new and widespread Food is a big part of social life and social tradition. It standards and interventions. can be a conscious or an unconscious activity, with temptations everywhere in parts of the world and Erasmus University Medical Center is committed to shortages in other parts, both leading to low-quality let actions speak louder than words and work towards diets. And, last but not least, it is very much a biological unlocking the potential of food and food safety in process. Too little is known about the effect of food preventing and curing disease. How food acts on human biology and how human biology acts on food

5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK114498/#_appa_s72_ PIJLEN AANGEPAST MEI 2019










HEALTH & 18 LIFESTYLE 19 Bold, inspirational with Ambitious but realistic GRAND CHALLENGE CITIZEN HEALTH AND WELLBEING 1 wide societal relevance 3 research & innovation actions The vast amounts of data generated in healthcare Innovative development areas such as artificial provide a wealth of information for systematic intelligence, machine learning, and Big Data DATA-DRIVEN APPROACHES FOR A HEALTHY LIFE COURSE analysis to improve healthcare. Such health analytics provide a platform for the Health arena MISSION 100% health intelligence-based intelligence based on ‘real world information’ to realize goals that were unimaginable only a precision health and care by 2030 combined with data from clinical trials allows few years ago. Harnessing these developments the development of data-driven, individually for healthcare means creating innovative tailored, evidence-based strategies for prevention, methods applying such developments to the diagnosis, and treatment of disease. These intricacies of human development, health, and strategies, once developed, have the potential to disease. Medical & Public Social Sector Pharmaceutical Service realize a significantly healthier world population Health Sector Legal & Ethics Sector Sectors AREAS OF with lower costs and fewer side-effects than the Big data and machine learning are extremely INTEREST & CROSS-SECTOR standardized regimes currently available. useful for finding associations and thus for Tech Consumer Food Behavioral Regulatory Sector Goods Sector prediction of outcomes, but more research A clear direction: targeted, is required to exploit these data sources and measurable and time-bound techniques for understanding causal relations, 2 which are necessary for precision preventive The target is that by 2030, precision strategies for interventions and treatments. Solutions are 21 prevention, diagnosis and treatment are evidence- needed to deal with huge amounts of data based through health intelligence. For this purpose, for health intelligence as well as to translate Novel Innovative Innovative tools different healthcare data sources need to be outcomes of data analytics into digital tools interventions treatment options for precision disclosed and linked. Variations in treatment across that can be applied in health and care settings. to prevent to enable precision diagnosis and the EU are significantly reduced, while individual Deciphering mechanisms of disease through diseases health care disease prediction tailoring of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment is health intelligence opens avenues to designing increased. innovative diagnosis and treatment methods, R&I enabling precision medicine. Correlating disease PROJECTS incidence with data collected years earlier can, for instance, uncover early biomarkers of disease and even genetic linkages or predispositions. New Novel processes methodologies for rapid to combine and implementation of analyze data digital solutions Yet to enable such innovative research, to provide automated mapping of individual patient DATA-DRIVEN APPROACHES FOR A HEALTHY LIFE COURSE infrastructure must be adapted and developed characteristics onto precision medicine analytics, RESEARCH FUNDING LINES: to allow combined analysis of data from various enabling cost-effective medical strategies. Moreover, sources. Actions will need to be undertaken to these data-driven approaches can be used to develop address interoperability, common standards, patient-centered healthcare which empowers data quality and accessibility. individual patients to optimize their own health care according to their personal preferences. Cross-disciplinary, cross-sector DATA + PREDICTION 4 and cross–actor innovation Promote multiple, bottom-up solutions A highly-developed, linked knowledge base and 5 A healthy life course through predictive data-driven approaches digital solutions enabling analysis of immense Creating data-driven approaches to enable a datasets are fundamental to myriad types of healthy life course will demand that we piggy- healthcare research and will become increasingly back healthcare applications onto innovative important as the drive for precision medicine demands developments in more fundamental areas, such as analysis of more and more individual subgroups, the development of artificial intelligence, extreme- SCREENING& for which larger and linked datasets are needed to performance data analytics, data management, DATA + derive meaningful results. At the same time, the and linking tools. “Privacy by design” and regulatory PREVENTION need to keep healthcare costs within bounds will requirements are core to the analysis of medical data 22 demand innovative implementation of precision and implementation of digital solutions to medical 23 medicine solutions. Addressing this target requires problems and should occupy a central role from A healthy life course through preventive data-driven approaches harnessing and integrating the combined skills and the very start of this mission. These elements will expertise of medical researchers, IT professionals, assemble to provide trustable, safe, user-friendly and software developers, healthcare providers, experts cost-effective tools and technologies which allow in legal and ethical practicalities, economists, (local) a vast array of applications which enable evidence- governments, patients, and the general public. based, precision medical solutions to prevention, DATA + PRECISION Strong multi- and interdisciplinary approaches will diagnosis, and treatment of disease, resulting in a be needed for implementation of digital solutions healthy life course for all.

A healthy life course through precision data-driven approaches PIJLEN AANGEPAST MEI 2019






24 25




HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Bold, inspirational with In addition to the most common NCDs, there are about GRAND 6000 rare diseases, that, collectively, affect around CHALLENGE wide societal relevance CITIZEN HEALTH AND WELLBEING 1 30 million European Union citizens. These diseases Reducing the impact of non-communicable diseases are often chronic and life-threatening7 and can be (NCD) and infectious diseases (ID) is considered one associated with considerable health care costs8. UNDERSTAND AND COMBAT DISEASES of the major challenges for sustainable health in the st MISSION Integrated understanding of disease mechanisms to improve health, 21 century. At present, NCDs – which encompass Worldwide, infectious diseases (IDs) cause at least most forms of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular 5 million deaths/year9. Most occur in low-income from prediction and prevention to detection and treatment disease, osteoarthritis, chronic respiratory conditions, countries where pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, (rare) genetic and neurological diseases, as well as and malaria are still prevalent. The incidence of mental health conditions – are the leading cause of IDs in high- and middle-income countries has death worldwide with about 41 million mortalities fallen dramatically over the last century. However, Medical & Public Social Sector Pharmaceutical Service every year1. Nearly 80% of NCD deaths occur in low- recent outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging Health Sector Legal & Ethics Sector Sectors AREAS OF and middle-income countries2, but the impact of diseases worldwide, such as severe acute respiratory INTEREST & CROSS-SECTOR NCDs on Europeans is equally alarming: together, syndrome (SARS), measles, avian and pandemic Tech Consumer Food Behavorial Regulatory Sector Goods Sector the five major NCDs (diabetes, cardiovascular influenza, and zika virus, demonstrate the disease, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and continuous challenge and urgency of controlling IDs. mental disorders) account for an estimated 86% of Based on future temperature projections across the premature deaths and 77% of the disease burden world researchers10 mapped where the mosquitoes in the European Region3,4,5.Most individuals aged that transmit diseases like dengue and Zika might 27 45 years and older will develop a NCD during their travel if climate change continues unchecked. New techniques Advancing for precision patient remaining lifetime; indeed, many will develop Based on their worst-case scenario projections, diagnostics, care and multiple NCDs (multi-morbidities)6. the researchers believe as many as a billion people monitoring improving could be newly exposed to these illnesses within the & treatment quality of life century, especially in major urban centers in Europe, the United States and China11. Convergence Understanding Trans- NCD R&I linkages disciplinary (incl. mental health) PROJECTS between research and and multi- NCDs collaboration and IDs morbidities

1 https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/272596/9789241565585-eng.pdf?ua=1 2 Network medicine: Tackling https://www.who.int/nmh/publications/ncd_report_full_en.pdf 3 Unravelling the transmission WHO. 2017. Fact sheets on sustainable development goals: health targets. Non-communicable Diseases. http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/noncommunicable-diseases/noncommunicable-diseases/fact-sheet-on-sdgs-noncommunicable-diseases-sdg-target-3. 4 role of contextual and control WHO. 2016 Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases in the WHO European Region. http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/non- & genetic of disease communicable-diseases/pages/policy/publications/action-plan-for-the-prevention-and-control-of-noncommunicable-diseases-in-the-who-european-region-20162025 5 Licher S., Heshmatollah, A., van der Willik K.D., Stricker B.H.C., Ruiter R., de Roos E.W., Lahoussel E.W., Koudstaal P.J., Hofman A., Fani L., Brusselle G.G.O., Bos, D., Arshi B., risk factors vectors Kavousi M., Leening M.J.G., Ikram M.K., Ifram M.A. 2019. Lifetime risk and multimorbidity of noncommunicable diseases and disease-free life expectancy in the general population: A population-based cohort study. PLOS Med 16(2): e1002741.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002741 6 Licher S., Heshmatollah, A., van der Willik K.D., Stricker B.H.C., Ruiter R., de Roos E.W., Lahoussel E.W., Koudstaal P.J., Hofman A., Fani L., Brusselle G.G.O., Bos, D., Arshi B., Kavousi M., Leening M.J.G., Ikram M.K., Ifram M.A. 2019. Lifetime risk and multimorbidity of noncommunicable diseases and disease-free life expectancy in the general population: A population-based cohort study. PLOS Med 16(2): e1002741.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002741 7 https://www.eurordis.org/about-rare-diseases 8 http://oecdobserver.org/news/fullstory.php/aid/3337/Rare_diseases_:_A_hidden_priority.html 9 Numbers calculated based on WHO statistics report 2017 to illustrate – sum of TB, malaria, HIV, hepatitis, influenza 10 https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0007213 11 https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/03/28/707604928/chart-where-disease-carrying-mosquitoes-will-go-in-the-future?t=1554978641825 Both NCDs and IDs can have risk factors of either In addition to these environmental and genetic risk A clear direction: targeted, Ambitious but realistic environmental or intrinsic (genetic) origin, and factors, NCDs and IDs may cluster with each other measurable and time-bound research & innovation actions these can interact to strengthen each other. The as well. In 2012, 15.4% of cancer cases worldwide 2 3 development of NCDs is associated with a cluster had an infectious origin12. Individuals infected with The Hub mission is to integrate understanding of Achieving these mission targets will require of common risk factors, including ageing, alcohol the human papillomavirus (HPV), Helicobacter pylori, disease mechanisms into health care to improve trans-disciplinary collaboration and synergy of and tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and Hepatitis B and C viruses have an increased health and well-being for all: from prediction fundamental and translational research. Novel metabolic risk factors (e.g. elevated blood pressure, risk of developing cervical cancer, gastric cancer and and prevention to detection and treatment at insights regarding individual environmental and obesity or hyperglycemia), and environmental liver cancer, respectively. In addition, patients suffering reasonable costs and in a patient-oriented manner. genetic factors and their interaction will provide factors, such as urbanization, air pollution, and from (multiple) NCDs are generally more susceptible This will ensure healthy lives and promote well- the holistic understanding needed to advance chemical exposure (e.g. endocrine disruptors, to infections. For example, diabetes has been shown being through the entire life course. prevention and treatment of IDs and NCDs. asbestos, chromium VI). Major risk factors for the to increase the severity of emerging, endemic diseases Drivers of (re)emergence, spread and transmission development of IDs include ongoing (unplanned) such as tuberculosis and malaria, and interferes By 2030, we intend to contribute to the United of infectious diseases must be unraveled. urbanization, population growth, increased with tuberculosis treatment, threatening infection Nations Sustainable Development Goal aiming at Additionally, ensuring healthy lives and promoting international travel and migration, animal control13,14,15,16. Yet despite this clustering, prevention reducing premature mortality rates due to NCDs well-being of all individuals will demand innovative husbandry and intensive farming practices, and management research almost always focusses by 1/3 (baseline 2015)17 as well as reducing the burden approaches, novel vaccines and medicines, and socio-economic circumstances and environmental exclusively on a single disease. of NCDs, improving quality of life and advancing technological tools for early detection of diseases. pollution and climate change. Additionally, low mental health. For IDs, the 2030 target is to reduce Designing more efficient disease interventions and vaccination rate is becoming an important risk In order to combat diseases and create better the number of infected individuals and deaths caused prevention strategies will be of utmost importance, factor for the (re)emergence of some IDs. This (re) health for everyone, it is crucial to deepen our by AIDS, neglected tropical diseases, tuberculosis and to ensure the best outcomes for the patient, at the 28 emergence of IDs is exacerbated by an increase understanding of the main causes, risk factors malaria, as well as to develop effective interventions to lowest costs and in a patient-oriented manner. 29 in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and health-care and mechanisms underlying NCDs and IDs, and combat IDs, including hepatitis, water-borne diseases associated infections (HAI). where they overlap. This information is crucial (e.g. norovirus), influenza, yellow fever, mumps, Continued commitment to basic science will to develop prevention and treatment strategies measles, and zika virus). advance our understanding of these diseases, tailored to the individual patient (precision launching novel practical and clinical interventions medicine) in order to provide optimal care with using value-based healthcare approaches to reduce minimal side effects at reasonable costs. the impact of these diseases on patients and society.

12 Plummer M, de Martel C, Vignat J, Ferlay J, Bray F, Franceschi S. Global burden of cancers attributable to infections in 2012: a synthetic analysis. Lancet Glob Health 2016, 4: e609-16 13 Van Crevel R, van de Vijver S, Moore DAJ. The global diabetes epidemic: what does it mean for infectious diseases in tropical countries? Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016 14 Danquah I, Bedu-Addo G, Mockenhaupt FP. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and increased risk for malaria infection. Emerg Infect Dis. 2010;16:1601–4 15 The Lancet Diabetes . Diabetes and tuberculosis—a wake-up call. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2014;2:677 17 16 https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/development-agenda/ Riza AL, Pearson F, Ugarte-Gil C, Alisjahbana B, van de Vijver S, Panduru NM, et al. Clinical management of concurrent diabetes and tuberculosis and the implications for patient services.Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2014;2:740–53 Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), In addition, we will need to educate citizens and Innovative insights regarding medical technology Several studies have reported an association including machine learning and big data analysis, health care professionals and increase general public must be leveraged with comprehensive understanding between osteoarthritis (OA) and cardiovascular have opened new horizons in the detection and/ awareness on prevention measures and on optimal of how diseases function within the human body disease (CVD). This might indicate that OA and CVDs or management of diseases and enable the treatment interventions tailored to the individual to launch new strategies for medical research. For share risk factors or pathophysiological processes. development of new theories, innovative strategies patient (precision medicine). example, novel imaging technologies enable early, On the other hand, it might also indicate that OA and tools for diagnosis and/or intervention. accurate diagnosis, which in turn enables localized directly or indirectly causes CVDs or, reversely, that For instance the integration of various omics treatment using minimally-invasive techniques, CVDs cause or worsen OA. Understanding the exact technologies (in the X-omic project) has the Towards convergence innovation avoiding the side-effects which are associated nature of how AS and OA are linked might lead to potential to further our understanding of the through cross-disciplinary, cross- with the more traditional systemic and/or invasive new biomarkers and common treatments for these mechanisms underlying NCDs, which can ultimately 4 treatments. diseases in subgroups of patients20 result in an earlier diagnosis and an earlier and sector and cross–actor research more accurate intervention. To achieve a significant decline in the number There is a need for trans- and interdisciplinary As mentioned above, approximately 15.4 % of of (severely) affected individuals and reduce the research and convergence to understand diseases worldwide cancers are attributable to viral Mining and analysis of real world data collected impact of NCDs and IDs on individuals and society, and their interlinkages, leading to new forms of infections. Unraveling the infectious cause has led to from different sectors and disciplines will identify novel transdisciplinary strategies are needed. prediction, prevention and precision therapeutics. interventions that may reduce the risk of developing novel diagnostic biomarkers, profiles, and leads Erasmus MC will invest in the development of a Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer are the certain tumors. These include preventive vaccines for prevention strategies and/or treatment common framework for defining and improving two leading causes of death worldwide. Although against HBV and HPV, HPV-based testing for cervical interventions that may not have been discovered our understanding of multi-morbidities, in order commonly thought of as two separate disease cancer screening, anti-virals for the treatment of in standard clinical trial settings. Indeed, the study to develop evidence-based strategies for multi- entities, CVD and cancer possess various similarities chronic HBV and HCV infection, and screening the 30 of metabolism at the global or “-omics” level is a morbidities in health care systems. and possible interactions, including a number of blood supply for the presence of HBV and HCV. 31 rapidly growing field that has the potential to similar risk factors (e.g. obesity, diabetes), suggesting Additional research to identify other oncogenic have a profound impact upon medical practice. Strong cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral a shared biology for which there is emerging viruses in human cancer may lead to further collaborations are crucial for understanding and evidence.18 understanding the etiology and pathogenesis and An approach which integrates genetic, metabolic, managing public health risks at this interface and offer opportunities to develop novel methods for clinical, social and environmental networks is needed improving global health. To fully cover the complexity Understanding the possible link between immune therapeutic and prophylactic intervention.21 to identify and understand the origins of NCDs and of this problem, we need to maintain and advance system activation and depression might help explain IDs. Further identification of intrinsic and extrinsic our position as a top research institute and hospital what many observational studies have reported: risk factors that are relevant for NCDs and/or IDs will in key medical areas, such as cancer research and depression is more common in patients with type 2 also be crucial and provide novel insights that will treatment, as well as built bridges between different diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and coronary artery lead to the development of vaccines and medicines, research fields, including e.g. virology, , disease — all of which involve chronic inflammation better diagnostics, and innovative, safe, and effective public health, nano-/micro-biology, psychiatry, — than it is in people in the general population. 19 interventions to prevent, detect, diagnose, treat, and , epidemiology and technology. ultimately eradicate these diseases.

18 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4800750/ 19 https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/infection-inflammation-and-mental-illness 20 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1521694218300433 21 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24008290 Engagement of the scientific and clinical community Promote multiple, UNDERSTAND AND COMBAT DISEASES at all levels is required in order for the European bottom-up solutions RESEARCH FUNDING LINES: population to benefit from novel insights and 5 discoveries, to be translated into new digital or Given the vast number of factors influencing a technological tools for prevention, diagnosis and person’s health status during the entire life course, prognosis, and into new treatment modalities. a large number of different actions are needed. Additionally, collaborative involvement of all From very fundamental projects resulting in new sectors, including health, ICT, education, agriculture, knowledge or development of new tests and + Healthy start Healthy living Prevention Diagnosis Treatment Home care transport, and finance, is required to reduce the diagnostics, to personalized and evidence-based risks that are associated with IDs and NCDs and lifestyle interventions, to highly-innovative grassroots to promote the development of prevention or projects which aim at developing new technologies treatment interventions to prevent and control in co-creation with centers of expertise, patients Understand & Unravel Non-Communicable Diseases (incl. Rare Diseases) these diseases. and stakeholders, to the development of new public health policies, and more. Human well-being and better care of individuals should be ensured through prevention of risks To reduce the number of diseased persons and the

and mitigation of potential and/or existing number of premature mortalities caused by NCDs Healthy start Healthy living Prevention Diagnosis Treatment Home care health hazards originating from socioeconomic and IDs, multiple factors need to be considered status, lifestyle, the human-animal-environment simultaneously, as each of these factors have their 32 interface, and/or interactions between mental & own specific role and yet also influence response 33 physical health. This requires an interprofessional to other factors. This system approach generating Understand & Unravel Infectious Diseases cooperation of, amongst others medical, clinical holistic knowledge will ultimately lead to efficient laboratory and social scientists, health insurance prevention of NCDs and IDs, and the development companies, health care professionals, veterinarians, of innovative interventions for patients and society. industry, international bodies, charities and other This will promote human well-being and health, non-profit organizations, patients, citizens, and leading to improved health for all. + (local) governments to develop appropriate and Healthy start Healthy living Prevention Diagnosis Treatment Home care personalized interventions.

Novel technologies for early diagnosis, precision treatment and advanced therapeutic approaches

+ Healthy start Healthy living Prevention Diagnosis Treatment Home care

Early detection tools for optimal prevention THE IMPACT WE A HEALTHY LIFE COURSE FOR ALL! WANT TO MAKE:

‘A HEALTHY LIFE societal Environment Research & participation Innovation Interventions COURSE FOR ALL!’ population Discovery & benefit Erasmus Medical Centre wants to enable health and a healthy life course for all! public health We are using transdisciplinary approaches to develop strategies systems novel 34 medicine technologies 35 for prediction, prevention, and precision medicine that can be big data Market employed to solve current as well as emerging health challenges. It is how we impact the lives of healthy citizens and patients Stakeholders through our networks and collaborations.

We are an academic hospital with the DNA of Rotterdam, Health an academic hospital that walks the talk. Mechanisms Economic Devices Value

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