The Militant
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Photo by Finer Part of throng that protested war at New York rally Nat'l Protest Hits Viet War; THE 2 0 ,0 0 0at Rallyin New York NEW YORK — The November broad coalition of some 80 antiwar The rally was co-chaired by MILITANT 5-8 Mobilization for Peace in Viet and community groups. A. J. Muste, chairman of the na Published in the Interest of the Working People nam was kicked off here with a The rally served to kick off the tional November 8 Mobilization, and Al Evanoff, an official of Dis huge rally Nov. 5, held just off weekend’s activities. These in Vol. 31 - No. 41 Monday, November 14, 1966 Price 10£ cluded mass leafleting at churches trict 65, AFL-CIO, and a member Times Square. Some 20,000 people and in communities on Sunday, of the administrative committee crowded onto Sixth Avenue from leafleting of GIs at various places of the Parade Committee. 40th to 42nd Sts., while others where they can be reached in the Speakers at the rally spoke out stood on 41st St. going toward city on Sunday night, mass leaf against the war in a militant way Broadway. leting throughout the city on Mon and almost all of them urged with Good Vote Is Indicated Many people came to the rally day and leafleting at the polls on drawal of U.S. forces from Viet as participants in feeder marches Tuesday. nam. organized by antiwar and com Tables were set up at various The speakers included: Ruth munity groups in various parts of Turner, a national officer of CORE; Ivanhoe Donaldson, New For Ala. Freedom Party the city. A thousand people •llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllltlllllllllllllllltlllllllll marched into Times Square from NEXT WEEK: Our next issue York director of SNCC; Leon Unofficial reports in the New registered in Lowndes. Now there the West Side of Manhattan, in Davis, president of Hospital Work Y ork Times of the vote in are 2,681 registered, compared to cluding a big contingent of stu will feature reports from ers Local 1199; Sue Eanet, New Lowndes County, Ala. indicate that 2,519 registered whites. There dents from Columbia University around the country on the York coordinator of SDS; David the Lowndes County Freedom Or have been all kinds of frauds at and City College. Another thou antiwar protests. Mitchell, who faces a jail term for ganization (Black Panther Party) the polls in the past in Lowndes. sand came from Greenwich Vil Illllllllllllllllllltllllllllllltltlllllllllllllimilllllli:illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll refusing to be drafted; Alan Gins received a good vote in its first Some of the “registered whites” lage. Other feeder marches were berg, the poet; Grace Mora New election contest. The Times re don’t live in the county and some organized from various parts of corners at the rally, and the plans man, sister of antiwar GI Dennis ports that the independent Negro even are dead. the East Side and Midtown Man for the leafleting projects were Mora; Edward Keating, publisher candidates received only “273 This was the first election for hattan. announced from the platform by of Ramparts; and Prof. Conor votes to 677 votes” less than w hite virtually all of the Negroes who A striking feature of the rally Mildred Rosen of Women Strike Cruise O’Brien, former Irish Am candidates running for the Demo voted. They also had the oppor was the very large number of for Peace. Those present were bassador to the UN. crats. tunity of participating in an his young people present. urged to take bundles of leaflets A telegram was read from Dave Sidney Logan, Jr., Black Pan toric struggle to establish an in The rally, along with the four to distribute. There was an im Dellinger, coordinator of the Pa ther candidate for sherriff, re dependent party of their own, and days of antiwar activity, was or pressive response to this, with rade Committee who is now in portedly received 1,643 votes to contest for power against the ra ganized by the Fifth Avenue Viet many people taking leaflets before Hanoi. (See te x t page 6.) 2,320 votes fo r the w hite incum cist Democrats and Republicans. nam Peace Parade Committee, a they le ft. Introduced at the rally were bent, Frank Ryals. candidates for public office Who responded to a request by the Pa Other candidates for the LCFO REAL STORY UNFOLDS were: Mrs. Alice Moore for tax rade Committee to endorse the aims of the antiwar demonstra assessor; F rank M iles, Jr., fo r tax collector; Robert Logan, John Hin tion. Those introduced were: Judy son and Mrs. Willie Mae Strick White, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor; Leslie land for the board of education; The New York Minutemen Silberman, independent candidate and Emory Ross for coroner. John for Congress in the 12th C.D.; Hulett is chairman of LCFO. NOV. 9—Ten days after the sen around the headquarters of the line, had been planted on the Herbert Aptheker, candidate for sational New York arrest of 20 Daily Worker.” That headquarters grounds and were attached to elec The vote for the independent Congress in the 17th C.D.; arid Minutemen in possession of “over had been bombed Sept. 4; Sept. trical detonation devices. The at black political party indicates the James Weinstein, candidate for one ton” of weapons Oct. 30, it 29 a fire-bomb attack was made on tack apparently failed due to faul growth of the organization since congress in the 19th C.D. is still possible to put together the headquarters of the Socialist ty construction of the bombs. last May, when 900 Negroes in Entertainment was provided by only sketchy information about the W orkers Party. In both cases, the The police have had the Minute Lowndes participated in the mass folk singers Barbara Dane and meeting to nominate the LCFO full extent of the organization’s weaponry used was similar to man organization under heavy terrorist activities. Twenty men items found in the Minuteman ar Fred Forest, star of the recently candidates. surveillance at least since last (Continued on Page 6) were originally arrested in various In 1960, there were no Negroes senal. March and probably since last places around Queens, a borough On Nov. 1, Hentel revealed that January, 10 months ago. According of New York City. Charges appear the Minutemen, divided into sep to the Oct. 31 New York Post, to have been dropped against one arate teams, were planning simul their original lead on the group of them subsequently. taneous attacks on four places the came from a student who was sup It was the Queens District At day they were arrested. These plying them with chemicals from torney, Nat Hentel, who used the places were: the former Camp his college laboratory. He got designation of “over one ton.” Unity (Wingdale) in New York; “cold feet.” “This is the biggest haul of wea Camp Midvale in New Jersey; the That was in January. By March, pons and death-dealing material Connecticut farm headquarters of 110 members of the Bureau of seized in this area in the mem the New England CNVA; and the Special Services — the New York ory of law-enforcement officers,” Brooklyn campaign headquarters City police version of the CIA — Hentel stated. of Dr. Herbert Aptheker. had either infiltrated the organ The weapons, collected from ization or were on permanent as various homes of the arrested Planned to K ill signment to trail it, and docu Minutemen, included: 125 rifles, The New York and New Jersey ment its every move through wire single and automatic shot; 10 pipe camps have frequently been cited tapping and photography. bombs; five 80-mm. mortars; 12 by the FBI as “Communist train This is the same outfit that 30-caliber machine guns; 25 hand ing camps” and have recently been plants stool pigeons in left-wing guns; 20 brass-knuckled knives; subjected to smear attacks in the and civil-rights groups. It pro 220 knives of all kinds; three pages of the New York D aily duced Raymond A. Wood, the grenade launchers; 6 hand gre News. According to the police, the agent provocateur who goaded on, nades; 50 80-mm. mortar shells; right-wing terrorists planned to if not actually planned, the so- one bazooka; 50 camouflage suits raze these areas and kill anyone called “plot” by Negroes to blow with boots and steel helmets; 3 on them if necessary. up the Statue of Liberty last year. Molotov cocktails; and over one On Nov. 5, the Queens author Wood is now a detective in Brook million rounds of ammunition. ities revealed that in one case, that lyn. The day of the arrest, Hentel of the Wingdale resort, an attack The police were in on every disclosed that the Minutemen had had already been attempted. Nine- move the Minutemen made in the John Hulett made a “careful study of the area gallon jugs, half-filled with gaso (Continued on Page 4) A. J. Muste Page Two THE MILITANT Monday, November 14, 1966 Ethel Preis Dies in New York By Joseph Hansen Ethel Preis, a member of the Socialist Workers Party since its foundation, was found dead in her In a confused situation result cent on 74 houseware items, such apartment in New York on the ing from piecemeal negotiations as vacuum cleaners, electric m orning of Nov. 7. She died, it by various unions acting separ knives, etc. And the New Y o rk appears, from an overdose of ately, the International Brother Times clamors editorially for stif- sleeping pills.