Etz Chaim Society

Live Generously. TM An Endowment is Forever

A recognition program of the United Jewish Fund and Council of St. Paul.


• The Etz Chaim () Society recognizes the commitment of community members who have named the United Jewish Fund and Council in their wills or other estate plans

THE UNITED JEWISH FUND AND COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL 790 S. Cleveland Avenue, Suite 227 • St. Paul, MN 55116 • 651-690-1707 • [email protected] Etz Chaim Society

The Talmud tells of a righteous man who encountered a man planting a carob tree.“How long will it take to bear fruit?” he inquired.“About seventy years,” the man replied.“So you think you will live long enough to taste its fruit?” The man explained,“I have found grown carob trees in the world. As my forefathers planted them for me, so I plant for my children.”

Now is the time for us to plant for our children and grandchildren, and to honor those who have already done so. The Etz Chaim (Tree of Life) Society honors community members who have named the United Jewish Fund and Council as a beneficiary in their will or other estate plan. As a member of the Etz Chaim Society, you will be eligible to attend special events and be listed in the Etz Chaim honor roll. We thank you today for the legacy you leave for tomorrow.

A general bequest to the UJFC will be added to the general endowment, which provides grants to help develop new programs. A field of interest endowment (donation of $2,500 or more) can be directed to a general purpose within the community, such as programs for the elderly, early childhood education, or outreach to interfaith families. A designated endowment (donation of $2,500 or more) can be directed to a specific purpose, such as camp scholarships, transportation for the elderly, or an agency of your choice. An annual campaign endowment of at least $100,000, such as a Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) for men or Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) for women, maintains your annual campaign gift for general community needs in perpetuity.

A gift to the Jewish community today will allow you to be there for your family, St. Paul, and the Jewish people—whenever help is needed in the future.