PARISH OF OUR LADY AND ST DAVID CWMBRAN (Registered Charity No. 242380) Parish Priest: Canon John Griffiths Tel: 01633 482346 Parish Deacon: Rev Peter McLaren Tel: 01633 770754 Safeguarding Officer: John Metcalfe Tel: 007977108478 Tea, coffee and a chat in St Anne’s room Parish Email address:
[email protected] after Mass every Sunday Parish Website address: Parish Office address:
[email protected] PAC Chairman: Mrs. Paddy Landers 01633 868352 SVP: Dave Stroud 01633 838542 Mrs S McCool, Head Teacher, Mrs J Weightman, Acting Head OLA School Tel: 484673 St David’s School Tel: 482580 21st AUGUST 2016 21st SUNDAY OFORDINARY TIME YEAR C Psalter Week 1 Men from east and west will come to take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. It’s probably a nightmare we all share to some degree or other - being locked out of the house, the sales, the big match, or missing the train, the boat or plane. Contemplating watching the crowds that have got inside, while we can do nothing, can be unnerving. Complacency can leave us in this situation: today the Lord warns all who listen to him to be careful, taking nothing for granted, but making sure that we are (spiritually at least) like the people waiting with their sleeping bags and thermos flasks by the front door of the ticket office. PSALM O praise the Lord, all you nations, acclaim him all you peoples! Strong is his love for us; he is faithful for ever First Reading: Is 66: 18-21 Second Reading: Heb 12:5-7,11-13 Gospel Reading: Luke 13: 22-30 PARISH