Dragon Warrior IV Game Script Compiled by AerynB Contact:
[email protected] Raw Text Obtained Using Dragon Warrior IV Text Utility 0.98576 Created by Bongo` Only Permitted to be Hosted at Dragon’s Den http://www.woodus.com/den/ Last Updated July 26, 2015 Foreword and Acknowledgements Here’s my next entry for Dragon Quest game scripts. I wasn’t completely certain that this script was necessary because there is a Speeches FAQ on gamefaqs.com by rulerofevil2k. He or she painstakingly typed the entire script out by hand. It’s very impressive and a lot of work went into it, though, undoubtedly, there are typos and errors. I’ve tried this method before and it is pretty inefficient. After some web-searching, I found a tool to extract the text from the game at romhacking.net. The raw text dump was obtained by using Dragon Warrior IV Text Utility 0.98576 created by Bongo`. With this, I felt confident that I could proceed with a game script. The item artwork comes from the poster-sized insert that came with the game. I used images from the Dragon’s Den instead of scanning them myself. Other artwork (for towns and castles) come from Enix’s Japanese Dragon Quest IV Official Guide Book volume 1. I found a download of it somewhere on the internet years ago. I have since obtained the book (and many, many other Enix and Square-Enix Official Guide Books). I may not be able to read it, but the pictures are well worth it. 2 Dragon Warrior IV Thanks go to Woodus for hosting this game script at the Dragon’s Den and King Zenith for inspiration, advice, and tons of support, but obviously all thanks and credit should go to Enix Corporation and Nintendo of America for making and producing such a wonderful series of games.