H O Ffa G E T S 8 Prison Sentence

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H O Ffa G E T S 8 Prison Sentence MICHIGAN Inside Weather Fair and warmer today, Addition to Navy hymn, p, STATE with a high in the 40’s; 7; League scoring crown to mild Saturday with showers cagers, p. 5; Fourteen sen­ UNIVERSITY likely. iors win Wilson Fellow­ ships, p. 3. East Lansing, Michigan Price 10« Vol. 55, Number 113 Friday, March 13, 1964 Hoffa Gets 8 Prison Sentence M any Leaders W ould Like , . T eam sters’ H ead To Seize H of fa ’s T hrone I ! Fined $10,0 Conviction For Jury Tam pering By JANIE KNAUER handle the job. Im portant m atters Hoffa could run the union from State News Staff Writer may be referred to Hoffa, assum­ a ja il ce ll," he said. in g that he would resume the Repas said the leading con­ M ay M ean Ouster Of Labor Boss Can James Hoffa rem ain presi­ presidency after his release," tenders for the position might dent of the International Team­ h e s a id . be John O’Rourke, director of the sters’ Union and conduct union Larrowe said there areanum - Eastern States Teamster Con­ CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. H--James R. ference, and HaroldGibbons, vice business from a ja il cell? president of the union and re­ Hoffa, professing in one breath both his in­ Hoffa was sentenced Thurs­ cently resigned administrative nocence and his pride in the teamsters’ day to eight years in prison and assistant to Hoffa. He said neither fin e d $ f o r ju r y - t a m p e r in g . 10,000 had the follow ing to succeed Hoffa Union, was sentenced to eight years in prison "Unions have been run with the at the present tim e. and fined $10,000 for jury-tam pering. head officials in ja il," Charles P. Larrowe, professor of econ­ Members of the union w ill sus­ U.S. Dist. Judge Frank Wilson imposed the pect this conviction as an out- om ics, said Thursday. ______________________________________ sentence, declaring to -g e t-h im attempt of Robert "However, 1 believe if Hoffa Kennedy and w ill stick w ith Hoffa, the stocky u n io n Larrowe Repas serves a prison term , the union Larrowe said. would hold a special convention president was c o n ­ ber of areas in the country whose to elect a stand-by president to "R obert Kennedy, with access Band Will vie ted of “ hr v in s leaders would like to suceed to government money and the help Hoffa, but that no one seems tampered, re a l l y , of the FBI, was finally able to get strong enough at the present tim e with the very s o 111 o t to claim control. Hoffa, w ill be the union mem­ BAND LEADERS—Director Leonard Falcone, left, and William Moffit will lead the Spartan Perform In "O f course, there w ill be about the nation.” Speaker bers’ contention,” Larrowe said. Marching Band to the New York World’s Fair in May for a Michigan Day performance. a two to three year interim as It was Hoffa’s first the appeals pass through the N.Y. Fair te n c e in five previous fed Post Goes various courts," Larrowe said. trials, and unless overt “ Until the case is finally re­ appeal, possibly Junior College Executive The MSU Marching Band w ill will solved, there is no reason why ouster as head of the wor play at “ Michigan Day” cere­ Hoffa w ill not continue as presi­ largest labor union with 1. ■' m il monies May 18 at the New York To Cherry dent ,’ * he said. lion members. No union o f f ic ia l W orld’s Fair. Other officials "contending for has taken a hard stand on the Says Teacher Training Needed Leonard Falcone, director of , J a m e s Cherry, Flint senior, the throne" w ill not take any m atter, but one said "somethin«, bands, made the announcement was chosen student c o n g re s s overt action until the case is interested i n teaching, techni­ w i l l have to be done" i l 1 io! Universities must initiate pro­ over 100,000 ju n io r c o lle g e as well as the academic we w ill speaker in a special election Wednesday after notifying the settled, he said. pull our teachers from any area," cians interested in more social goes to prison. grams for the acceleration and teachers in the next ten years. state committee in charge of Wednesday night. Robert Repas, assistant pro­ s e r v ic e opportunities, house­ Under Thursday’s sentence, lit At present one in four students Merson said. He w ill replace Bob Hencken, preparation of junior college "M ichigan Day” at the fair. fessor of labor and industrial The Association plans to re­ wives, and retired m ilitary per­ would be eligible for a parole Huntington Woods senior, who teachers, Thomas B. M erson, as­ start in junior colleges and in "The band was invited over relations, said that since 1957, cruit from present junior col- sonnel among others. hearing after about a 2 1/2year had earlier announced that he s is ta n t d i r e c t o r f o r c o m ­ time at least one in two will a month ago,” Falcone said, when the teamsters union was lrc? students, graduate students Undergraduate students would The Teamsters’ leader i missions American Association start in the community college. "but we could not accept until would resign as speaker of con- thrown out of the AFL-CiO, in­ work toward their masters de­ The Universities w ill concentrate who may not be able to immed­ federal trial in Chicago tgress and vice-president of A ll- of Junior Colleges, said Thurs­ we got the needed sponsorship formation on union actions has iately obtain a doctorate and are gree under a special program for beginning April 27 on charges University Students Government d a y . on u p p e r class and graduate from a source other than Uni­ been isolated. junior college teachers w hile stu­ of misusing union pension funds. Merson has been meeting with work,” Merson said. versity funds.” at the close of Wednesday’s meet­ dents with masters degrees in *'I think in the event Hoffa MSU officials Thursday and today "The action we plan to take Three other men convicted with in g . Jack F. W olfram, general man­ their chosen fields would take Hoffa drew prison term s of three Cherry, form erly speaker pro has to serve the prison sentence, to ascertain the possibilities of is bold, but we are desperate ager of the Oldsmobile Division part in a brush-up program , per­ years each, and fiery defense there w ill be bloody warfare developing a pilot program in for teachers," he said. Soviets Bar of General Motors, notified Fal­ tern, defeated Brian Walsworth, haps during the summer term. Michigan alone w ill need six lawyer Jacques Schiffer of New South Case representative, and over who w ill be his successor," junior college teacher prepar­ cone earlier this week that Old­ Immediately following th e ir York city was sentenced to 60 Repas said. ation at Michigan State. hundred new community college sm obile would pay the band’s ex­ Muskegon junior by a vote of 19 U.S. M ilitary training sessions at a university, "I have grave doubts whether "There w ill be a demand for teachers a year for the next days in jail and fined $1,000 f o r to 12, with one member ab­ p e n s e s . the potential junior college teach­ crim inal contempt of court. te n y e a r s . Tenative plans call for the band s ta in in g . e r s w o u ld e n te r an intership The proposed plan would draw A ll said they w ill appeal t h e ir Howard W ilchins, P a te rs o n , A t Crash Site to fly to New York May 17. program at a junior college on sentences, which clim ax a seven- people from all fields of interest Band members w ill have the rest N, J., sophomore, and B a ile y three-fifths to full salary. and several levels of education. FRANKFURT, Germany (4>)— week trial on charges th a t Hoffa representative, won the position of the day to visit the fair. State Eyes Students The American Association o f TTie Russians Thursday barred and the others convicted tried to vacated by Cherry over Mike A continuing education pro­ M a y 18 the band w ill play at Junior Colleges is working with three U.S. m ilitary teams from fix a federal jury in Nashville. Hannah, Grand Rapids freshman gram to keep the teachers abreast an MSU breakfast at the Wal­ a foundation to consider fellow­ th e s ite where an American Hoffa, subdued but natty in s and North Wonders representa­ of new developments and expan­ dorf Astoria. It w ill take part bomber crashed after being shot brown business suit, drew the For Auditing Practice ships for students interested in in “ Michigan Day” ceremonies tiv e . sion in the education field and up by a Soviet fighter over East maximum fine under the law-- Congress passed a unanimous b e c o m in g ju n io r college pro­ (continued on page 10) (continued on page 7) Accounting majors in Michi­ stitute will begin work In the G e r m a n y .
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