LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 11-NUMBER 130 LONG BRANCH, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1912. 12 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS WILSON STOCK HAS RED BANK VICTIM LITTLE MONEY SPENT C0NSEH1F PAPERS OF FIREWORKS BOMB BY CANDIDATES IN Victory In New Jersey Last Eldest Son of Broadway Un- Queries Are Received As To Week Greatest of Three MAY BE DEPORTED dertaker, Long III, Succumbs LAST PRIMARIES Whether Backward Step Notable Ones. to Attack of Heart Trouble. Is Contemplated. Trenton, June 4.—Governor Wood- Former Strike Breaker Who Had One Arm Blown John Edgar Morris, *ldeat son or Colby Contributed Highest Amount, $2,500. And Uelow are- printed three letters re- row Wilson Presidential stock ad- Coroner and Mrs. William II. Morris, cently received Inquiring ua to wheth- er Uing Branch cau be contemplating vanced many points last week and his Jr., died suddenly at. the home of his 1 New Jersey managers say now that Off And Other Paralyzed Will Probably Be parents, with whom lie resided, Broad- Contributions Ranged Down To 80 Cents- Het- stopping doing its part to 'boost its ad- he cannot be beaten for the nomna- way, this city, at 7 o'clock last night. vantages and attract people" and cap- tion. The Governor's overwhelming Sent Back To Russia With His Fam- Edgar, ua the young man was best rick Credited With $24.20-Scheimar's Fund itut here, and upeakiug highly of the victory in this State laBt Tuesday, known, had not been in the best of ^Tective work that has been done in liia winning the Minnesota delegates health for some time past, and after ho past by the Publicity Bureau: and his carrying the Texas State con- t ily By Borough being around the Morns' funeral par- $450.00--Wilson's Monmouth Vote The Evening POBI, publication office, vention, the three victories giving lors Sunday morning, he retired to bis 20 Veaey street, New York City. June Xat. 1912. him 88 votes, were the main things From present indications it is like- room, lie remained unstairs under Trenlon, Juiio 4. -The fact that Mil which inspired the rise in the Wilson ly that Andrew Schliakl and family, the care of hia physician unlll the end lard F. Ituii.s, of Middlesex county, took Mr. B. B. Bobbin, Long Branch, Naw stock. Another "booster" to the Gov- residents of Railroad avenue, near came. His heart grew gradually weak an active part in the Presidential pri- Jersey. ernor's hopes was the strong endorse- the West End Hotel, Red Bank, will from the time he began complaining mary fight Against Governor Wilson, Dear Mr. Uobbltl: ment of the New York World. be deported to their former borne in Sunday morning, and he fully realized HIIOWU by tin1 Htufenii'tit filed yesterday Two things the Kvenlng Post al-. State Chairman Grosscup and Na- Russia. SchlUkl was the employee in :io seriousness of his condition. afternoon with (ho, Hecretftry of state ways adTocatea—WooArow Wlltton tional Commltteeman Robert S. Hud- Eisner's factory who was frightfully by Suiniu*! KehlWiuer, of New BrUUi- being aided In his ideas of goyprnment The deceased was horn in this clly by 111v people and aliso the conimiuHiuu speth both said yesterday that the injured a few months ago by the ex- BOARD OF HEALTH Seplember 1st, 1881. While attending wick, who wa« a candidate for dele- Governor was now sure of 828 votes plosion of a fireworks bomb which he gate to tbf Hiiltlmoiv convention on forrii of guvernEieut »u

haa been placed in charge of the gram- mar depaHnwiu at the new high Store OpenWednesday ft» Saturday Evenings ool. MIBS Wilson will be succeeded at Middletown by Miss. Eleanor S. Have You a Bargain Walling, of New Monmouth, who has A Gem of a White Canvas Pump, been connected with the srfioois of AT TKSCiOLS MUdletown township over thirty years. White heel for Women at $3.00 To Offer the People of Long Branch ? Commencement at Highlands. This is one of the rare ones at so low a price. The commencement exercises of the Is there something you want to buy at a bargain ? Have you something that you want Oakhurst Graduates to Give Highlands public school will be helfi More are sold at $4.00 to $5.00 in most I to exchange for something else ? Remember that this is the market place of Long Branch. In the Methodist Church on Thursday places than at $3.00 and no better. A A to Entertainment Tomorrow evening, June tuh. Every one of the D, 1 to 8. I It is the place where you can get together with your neighbors and match your wants with 23 pupils in the eighth grade passed I their desires. , Evening. their recent promotional examinations. Is • : r They are Mamie Kielty, MarRtierite At Clarence White's 9 Broad St., Red Bank, N, J. Oakhurst will hold Its graduation Martin, Evelyn Faaler, Fitaherg Miller, The Price is Only One Cent a Word exercises to-morrow night at l*e Gram- Helen Duffteld, Robert Wecker, Emm* mar School auditorium. The two- anil Klsie But/, Jacob Menzopano, Myr- Why not get busy and let your wants be known ? part program will be us follows: tle Branson, Florence Knodle, Mattie Park Director* Meet. PART I Johnson, Geneva Ahern, Pauline Cot- A meeting the directors of Weshing- Overture School Orchestra trell, Leslie King, Ad«ua Liming, El- ID BANK ton Park Association will be held at the IJOHR Branch Band's headquarters Invocation Rev. H. T. Pisler mer Miller, Fmncea Ahern, Jack over Harvey's grocery tomorrow nlglit.1 HELP WANTED—FEMALE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Recitation Olive Phoebe Fary. Lynch, Percy Hanser, Raymond Ho Piano Solo Verla Conover This meeting is an important one, and nan, Thomas Concannon and Gertrude the directors are urged to be present. WANTED—White girl to assist PIGS FOR SALE—U. G. Palmer, FOR RENT—Part of furnished cot- Recitation Edward Vincent Bisele Weber. children and housework, after school West Long Branch, N. j. 130-131 tage facing ocean; all improvements. Part Song , Class The average mark for the entire or fvhole time. 157 Ocean Ave., North Apply 26 Grant Ave., near Cooper; ref- Recitation ....Mae Thompson Bowne Did Hi* Work Too Wolf. FOR SALE—Counter, cheap. N, class at the examinations was HI plus. of Sea View. * erence required. 129tf Piano Duet ....Agnes HibbettB, Cora While it Is no easy matter for a Jcorg, Breadway. 129-1J0 Miss SStftta Bin.-', had the highest av- Considerable Business Trans- Rob a Wool ley. erage, 97, and will he valedictorian. violin maker to rival the famous WANTED—Chambermaid with good FOR RENT—Two .7-room .houses. Strafllvarius inHtrumcnts, an American FOR SALE—Set single carriage Recitation Hattie Ann Messier Evelyn Fasler, average 9 Red Bank mayor and council all Gomunder, who died some years ago. ply 249 Hamilton Ave. 12Btol30« Uletown township board of education. His remarkable ability HS a maker of dry, 221 Brighton Ave., Weat End. Part song Class were present with tho exception of ELEGANT Furnished 14-room cot- County Superintendent John Enrig'ht, violins WHS known to many a distin- 130-131 FOR SALE—14 shares of capital Recitation Mabel Flora Tilton and Rev. Thomas HUBS, pastor of the CouncUmen John 0. Oliver and Frank tage and garage for rent for season. Gray. guished player, such as Ole Bull. He WANTED—Good cook. Apply 214 stock of the New Jersey Mtge. & Reasonable, Cohn, 164 Ocean Ave. Address Melvln A- Rice Highlands Methodist Church, menyl, mid WUhelmj, but ho achieved In a communication from the Public Ocean Ave. Trust Co., at $130 per share. Inquire 127tol32* Member of State Board of Kduca of Freehold. Other speakers will be —so ruus tbo story—his greatest suc- of B. W. Phares, 225 Broad St. Eliza- tion. The entire class of 23 members will Service Klectric Company, it was atat cess at the last Furls exposition. To WANTED—Girl for general house- beth, N. J. 107tf TO LET—Ice cream, soda and. can- Presentation or'DIpiomttR ..I. B. White enter the Atlantic "Highlands high ed that an incandescent light located that exhibition ho sout tin imitation work. Apply 68 Third Ave., Long dy stand at Branchport Ave., opposite President of Board. school next fall. at the northeast corner of West S stnullviiriUH and to tost Its merits Branch. 129-130 FOR SALE CHEAP—Furniture, Hotel Norwood. J. W. Flynu. Good and Leljthton avenue**, the cost of bedding, carpets, bureaus, chairs, Advice to class Prin. C, J. Strahan IHM! it placed on exhibition a> tlie stand for live person. 129tf March Orehentra. maintaining which had been paid for WANTED—White waitress. Apply tables, etc. 7 Third Ave., near Broad- genuine article. A committee of ex- The graduates this year are Mae by Shrewsbury townnhlp, was now perls carefully exnmined tho Instru- at once. Bortz Restaurant, Broadway. way. 129tt "without an owner," an the townnblp 129 tf Thompson Bowne, Marion Davis Carr, ment and pronounced it a Stradivarius. FOR SALE—2 Onyx Soda Fountains MISCELLANEOUS Verla Conover, Olive Phoebe Kary, Ag- rpfusod to pay for it. The company fto far Uonumder's triumph was com- wanted to know if the borough would WANTED—Woman for general in perfect condition, guaranteed in nes Nancy lllbbottK, Hat tie Ann MOWK- plete, but now came a difficulty. When LADIES' A GENT'S Saratoga Restau —J. C. Byxlee, internal revenue in pay for its maintenance. Councilman housework. 164 Ocean Ave. 129tol:il* every respect. Apply Hick's Mfg. Co., ler, Margaret Perry Hanson, Ma'ble he claimed that it was not an old vio- ant a la Carte, catering to weddings spector 1'or Rhode Island and Connect- Hurley was of tho opinion that the Long Branch. 88tf Flora Tilton, Cora Iteba Wooliey, Min- tiu. but n new one, mode by himself, SALES Girls wanted at WellwortH's and dinner parties a specialty. K. W. icut, whose home in at Meiiden, Conn., light was in the township. The mat- nie WyckofT, Cora Youmans, Charles tho coitunlttPo would not belief} him. 5 and 10 cent store. 128tol34 DELIVERED seasand and gravel. Hennian, prop., MonmouUi St., cor. is visitlnK his niece. Miss L. B. Arter was referred to tho lighting com- Harold VanNote, Kdward Vincent Kls- They declared thnt he had never made Phone 126 Con Gaskiu. 129tf West St., Red Bank, N. J. 129tf rants, at (lie Airants cottage, in Sev- mittee for report. WANTED—A good steady girl In ele, Wilbur John Rogers. enth avenue. Miss Lola NewconU the Instrument mid pronounced him an private family, must bo good cook. Ap- MATTRESSES Made over, ticks The closing entertainment will bo has also been visitlnK at the Arranls A petition request ing that an incan- impostor, lie had done his work too ply 241 Broadway, Long Branch. 127tf HELP WANTED—MALE washed, hair cleaned. J. Crotty, 2.1 held Friday nght. Plants will bo home. descent light be placed In front of UH well. Columbus Ave. 126tol31* furnished by the Kinney Estate. The —Mrs. Ethel RlorJan is ill nt her public school In Mechanic street was WANTED.—Operators On mcn'B WANTED—Six painters. Apply 300 1 referred to the committee with power night Bhirtts and pajamas. Highest FOR RENT—Two stands In Merry commencement ushers arc Ajpha .Her- Shrewsbury avenue home. Moon Blindntss. Oeesfft Ave. . * On motion of Councilman Cook, a prices. Also learners who will be Go Round building, Chelsea Ave. for bert, Everett lludloff, Leon Bowne, — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ahhait h:iv« A naval correspoude.it hod written petition asking that Hudson uvenue paid while learning. Mark M. Konski, WANTED—Man to work on place, season. Candy, ice cream cones, soda Walter Qardcll. taken possession of Ihoir Norwood SLV from Vort ot Spnin, Trinidad, stating between Horden street and Hfunch Sland 33 Second Ave. 125tol30* who understands care of horse. Apply cards and souvenirs, Rent reasonable. The program: euue home, Cricket lvodge. that lu bis travels he had come across 214 Ocean Ave. • A. T. Wooliey, 174 Broadway. 122tol31 Selection .Orchestra avenue, be sprinkled was referred to nui n y cases of moon blind HOBS, en used Singing Falling Limb Strikes Down Hone. the sprinkling committee with power Ity men sleeping with the moon shining WANTED—Routemen, good salary LIVE Calves and Cattle bought. Doll Drill 7".. Finfl td act. It was doeided that the reel upon them, such cases occurring prin- WANTED — Operators to make About 6.30 o'clock last night con and steady position to good man. Will call for them. Address, Cattle, James WhHcomb Riley — Exercise.. dt>ut8 or ('host nut street, between cipally in the tropics and the Mediter- men's nlRht Bhlrts, learners taken and Gush, security and reference required. care Record. 97tf sidcrable excitement was c&tisfid it l'earl street and the railroad trackB Second -Grade Wallace street, near Broad street, R ranean. Strange to say, adds the Trini- paid while learning. Sleiuer & Son. Address Security, Box 321 West End. vvuimci; hireui, iu»tr mono. Direct, itou will have to present a petition if they dad correspondent, men so affected can I RENOVATE Mattresses, make The Flower Fairies... .Grades 3 and 4 Dll Ikl/ ll'K/>Ii n 1 •• «n. ~. ll n* 1. C .. 1.. 102tf 127tol32* want that part of the street sprinkl awnings and furniture to order. Wen- Selection Orchestra Hunk, when a Jarge limb of a lice op- sec In daylight, but cannot do so when pOBfto the United States I3xnnftti Com- ad, A petition rcquenting that Houth BOY WANTED—Apply Steiner & zell, 112 Front. St., Red Bank. 1291 f Drill of the Nations. ...Grades 5 and 6 dunk sets in. Mr. Blglo further quotes pany's office fell with a tremendous street be sprinkled between Brand from n communication made by a New Son. 126tf Paniomlne Wynken, Blynken and | Dr. Charles C. Cattanach, Veterin- crash and hit a horse which was bitch- avenue mid llrown place was reforrec Ztmlautl correspondent to a weekly Nod. 1 ary Surgeon, office and residence 552 to the sprinkling committee wltt scientific Journal. This correspondent DRIVER and wagon helper wanted The Sailor Song Third Grade ed to an expreBB waK

And, after all, if these men have ers, three waitresses, six porters, violated the law can we blame them eight chambermaids and fourteen DAILY RECORD assorted but unclassified tip*chasers for refusing to admit it or resorting ISSUED EVERT WEEK-DAY twenty-five cents a day apiece or to any subterfuge to avoid admitting COURTESY suffer the MANAGEMENT-MONEY BwJ. BolHMtn Bobbltt, i Witor it? In fact, no one Is expected to Icy eye! Incriminate himself. • is an essential to the satisfacty service of It's easy enough to be Jocund SUBSCRIPTION RATES But If these men whose lapses of When life's like a garden of roses FOR nearly a quarter of Terms (Pwteg* Fre») ouUld» of the memory give rise to suspicion have patrons as are personal regard for and But the chap we prize 1 City of Long Branch *nd the Lous Holds a smile in his eyes • a century under the same broken the law why should their ad attention to their interests. P7lRST^ Branch mall delivery llmlU. When a coy old maid of thirty-nine mtsBions be necessary for their pros- summers and forty-eight winters, NATIONAL successful management. One yew, IB fcdrino* i i • i 16.00 ecution or conviction? There must with peroxide locks and a complexion ^sBAHK^j With a quarter of a million Three month*, in atone* , i l.M fresh every hour, having the ways 1 be plenty of evidence, and the task One month., la adraao* . • » .60 of a kitten and the temper of UB dollars working capital, the of unearthing It can't be Impossible, ITIZENS NATIONAL BANK mother, gets him off in a corner OP Single ooples, in adranoa . » 02 If the government is In earnest about a dark leap year night 1 1First National Bank of Long Published by wanting it. If It seems so, why not And proposes! OF LONG BRANCH, N. J. —Harper's Weekly, Branch, N. J. offers superior service to re- F. M. TAYLOR PUBLISHING CO. give Burns a*trial? sponsible people desiring reasonable banking ChM. L. Bdwardi, Sec'y and Manager, THOUGHTS WORTH READING 191 Broadway THE WORST FOE OF CROOKED- invites accounts, large or small. All de- accommodation. NESS. Every man Is rich or poor accord- LONG BRANCH, NEW JEK8EY positors will be shown equal courtesy. Ing to the proportion between his de Day Telephone, 192, Long Branch. Science 1B working wonders in de- •ires and his enjoyments.—Johnson. Night Telephone, 887 Long Branch. tecting and exposing criminality BUSINESS ON BUSINESS these days and in tending thereby to Tuesday, June 4, 1912. FIGHTING POLAR ICE reduce It In volume. A STRONG CONSERVATIVE BANK llustrated Lecture at Men's Club at PRINCIPLES BETTER THAN THE OLD SYSTEM The trapping of a number of At- Presbyterian Church by Arctic Presidential primaries are elill In a lantic City Councilmen by Detective Explorer Tonight. Burns would only bave been possible The Men's Brotherhood of the Pres- rudimentary sort of shape and the Newspapers have to depend upon .except upon "new and substantial byterian -Church will hold their last by the aid of the little Instrument systems In operation have their de others for their information and when Evidence of corruption. meeting before summer vacation to- known as the dictagraph, which re- To prove that there is no such evi- night, The special feature, which is fects. But this 1B our first experi- those In whom they have every right cords conversations without those dence Is easy. AH the anti-Lorlmer of interest to all the men and their ment with them and they can be per' apparently to have confidence lie to witnesses lie, while truth shines friends, Is an illustrated lecture on who are talking and are not "In on" fee ted only In the light of experience. them they are naturally misled, no brightly in the frank faces of all the "Fighting the Polar lee," by Anthony he secret knowing It. Lorlmer x-witnesses; Lumber-Lobbyiat Fiola, commander of the Slegler Pols* The principal objection to them, matter how honest and fair their in- The exposure of crooked Ohio law Hines never had a $100,000 Lorimer EJxpeditlon% Mr. Fiola will illustrate however, which is that few voters tentions may be. The Newark News "slush fund," but was merely flatter- his lecture by many slides made from bother to express themselves at them, makers was accomplished a year ago ed when Senators penrose and Aid- ketches and photographs taken by H. W. Green & Bro. is not the first but only the latest n the same way. So was the re- rich intrusted him with the respon- himself. IB easily disposed of. of prominent out-of-town newspapers sibility of explaining in Sprlngtield sponsibility for the dynamite out The club feels itself fortunate in get- "It is," as the Phlledelphla Record to be deceived in regard to Long President Taft's imaginary preference ting Mr. Fiola to give this lecture, 178 Broadway, Long Branch, N. J, rages fixed. And so were the lum- for Lortmer; no trace of a "slUBh says, "a closer approach to popular Branch affairs . Its editorial on "Pub- which lias been possible through one ber grafters of Seattle and the San fund" appears in Hines' books, where of the members who knows him.. control by parties to have the nomi- licity at Long Branch" yesterday was it would obviously be spread in de- Francisco corruption I sts caught. All the men who are members of the nations made by fifty per cent, of based upon and built up around the tail; 53 Democrats in the Illinois Leg- church and congregation, or are at oil Representing No dishonest man Is safe any more islature deserted their party only be- the voters than by a corporal's guard falsehood conveyed to it by Bomeone interested In the church, are cordially f he talks, and there Is little dis- cause they had wearied of the dead- of self-appointed leaders. Caucuses with a malicious motive, whose wish lock, and they naturally fumed to urged to be present at this meeting cf Asset3 honesty that can be planned or car- Lorlmer, though he was not a candi- the club. Also the club extends an in- and conventions have been stampeded was rather to the thought, that the vitation to other friends. Aetna Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn $22,017,390 ried out without talking. date, for his exalted reputation, great by shouting patriots, and corrupt in- advertising appropriation here had public services - and keen intellect; There Is no admission fee to the lec- Home Insurance Co., New York 32,146,565 The dictagraph has made graft per- fluences can be more easily exerted been cut out. It's unfortunate for White,' who swore to bribery, did sp ;ure. The hour of the meeting Is 8 lous—more perilous, indeed, than all to "enrich himself at the expense of o'clock, and the place the lecture room Royal Insurance Co., Liverpool 11,840,203 In secret and In a relatively small body the city for even a few Long Branch, he laws ever enacted. his reputation;" Holstlaw, who con- f the church. Northern Assurance Co., London 5,303,005 than In the open and with the whole people to get a reputation of misrep- fessed bribery, really did get $2,500 Hums Is a wonderful detective, but Continental Insurance Co., New York 25,576,579 mass of electors for'their objective." resenting things to out-of-town papers. dishonestly, presenting a shocking NEW FINANCIAL PLAN without its aid he could never have contrast to the austere character of All who *ato''lnl«resW ho partici- Besides, the truth will out and false- Hartford Insurance Co., Hartford 25,449,839 done the things which have amazed other Illinois legislators, but he must Women of St. Luke's Church to Assist pate In the primaries, which 1B all hoods In the end not only involve a have taken the money not from the Finance Committee in Collecting Sun Insurance Office, London 4,519,221 every section of the country. that can be said of arty -election. waste of energy but are boomerangs Lorlmer people, as he supposed, but Church Pledges. Fidelity Underwriters Ins. Co., New York... 39,910,002 from the liquor interests; Link, who At a meeting of the finance commit- What could be 'fairer than'that? which £ome back upon and Injure confessed, is dead of grief and shame, Scottish Union & National Ins. Co., Scotland.. 5,308,823 A HERO AND COWARDS. tee of St. Luke'B M. E. Church last :helr authors most. and cannot testify; finally, there Is night a new financial plan was adopted. THE BLAME WRONGLY PLACED. Captain Rostrom, of the Carpathla, no evidence of Improper action by Instead of mailing statements to mem- Phoenix Assurance Co., London 3,772,684 Lorlmer himself. Home papers denounce and others Kim an obscure commander of a Bec- There are doubtless many Atlantic bers, In arrears, women members of Firemen's Insurance Co., Newark 6,375,624 jeer at the latest exhibition by a or third class liner became fa- In short, Lorimer Is immaculate; the church will call monthly and make 'H> politicians who look back with collections. The women will be assign- Gleng Falls Insurance Co., Glen Falls 5,599,802 trust magnate of loss of memory on mous when he rushed his ship to deprive him of the seat where 22 regret now upon that corrupt 5,000 out of 57 Senators of his own party ad to different territory and will work Security Ins. Co., New Haven, Conn 3,916,120 the witness stand, given by John D. hrough floating Ice to the rescue ut majority that was piled up against thought with the minority that he in pairs. Pennsylvania Ins. Co., Phila, Pa 7,622,099 Rockefeller last week, but It remains llantc survivors. Governor Wilson there, in the 11)10should not remain would endanger In Woodbury, where Dr. John Y. Dobbins labored several years before for the New York Tribune to treat He is the pet of society, Man recetv- the stability of our republican form election. But people don't know when of government. coming to the shore, the plan was triad the Incident philosophically. id the thanks of Congress, the free- hey overreach usually until it's too The reasoning is excellent; if any- >ut with great success. Nat only weio "The lack of memory or under- of the floors of both houBee of late. thing, a little too skillful; but we .he arrearages met, but each month showed a surplus after all bills were standing," it says, "which 'big busi- longress, a $5,000 medal from the un- fear it will not prove convincing to the country. A headstrong and im- met. ness' men often show on the wltneHR ion and a ¥10,000 purse But that Is Will the Vice Presidency go beg- patient public -has been deeply Im- stand never seems to Interfere with II small In comparison with the fame ging again? pressed by the "jackpot" orgies at St. Old Time Festival Tonight. INFLUENCE EXERTED Louis; by the "blue belt stuffed with The ladies of the First Reformed their business. They go ahead, not e has won. bank bills ;'• by four legislators con- Church will hold an old time straw- The good Influence of a Bank Account able to remember a thing about what And he richly deserves It all. He's EDITORIAL COMMENT fessing bribery and by the pathetic berry and ice cream festival on the is shown every day. It helps peqple (hey are doing from one day's end to he hero of the age It's too seldom death of one of them, a victim of hurch lawn tonight. Strawberry to become thrifty and prosperous!.. Only Wanted Them. political corruption; by manifold shortcake will be served. Long Branch Have you a Bank Account? If not;, the next, or wffhoOt taking the trou- ernes are properly rewarded, and It's Taft says ho didn't need those Jer- proof that money was used and that Council, No. 429, Royal Arcanum, after ble to be r*'al)y Informed about what rail Tying that one gets some portion seymen, anyway.—Phila. Record. Senator Loiimer'a election was its In- ts session, will feaat on strawberry now Is just tbe time to start one with the NeW Jersey Mortgage & Trust they are doing or why they are doing f the reward to whlch^heTs~Tnrfftied. tended retsuit. It is because^ of these short cake and cream with the church Works Both Wayi. thins, and the indignant protest of folk. Company. It, and yet they never make any mis- Over a half dozen other Captains "A man can be a progressive," says outraged, misrepresented Illinois, that takes. As Mr. Rockefeller told Mr. f vessels were nearer the sinking Judge Gary, "without being a dema- the country lookB to the Senate to State Sportsmen's Tournament. 1 The ninth annual tournament, of the 3 Vz % Interest Paid on Deposits Untermyer, 'We never get caught. gogue, Socialist or anarchist." And follow the minority report and purge Iner than he was at the time of the he may be all three without being itself of the scandal of Lorimer.—N. New Jersey State Sportsmen's Asso- "This gift foV forgetting, or Ihe per- .ccident. One who was only a few progressive.—Baltimore Sun. Y. World. ciation will be held on Thursday, Fri- fection of Bystem by which the right miles away has been dismissed from day and Saturday of this week under he auspices of the Smith Gun Club, is post and can never live down the Prophetic. The Happy-Day Club. NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY ttifng may Infallibly be done without Did Thackeray forsee the batt le of Newark, on the Bloom field avenue the doer of it being compelled to take xecratlon of two continents. But It's easy enough to De pleasant royal between President Taft and ex- When life runs on like a song, groundB. The state championship, at LONG BRANCH, N. J. cognizance of any facts that would therB might have gone to the rescue President RooBevelt when he deBptte- But the man worth while 50 targets, will be held Saturday. A. ) c nd didn't on account of lack of cour- ully wrote: Is the man who'll smile t, Ivins, of Red Bank, and several be of Intercut to_fiUt .H . or private in- "Oh, vanity of vanities! other members of the Freehold Gun vestigators. Is generally regarded ae se and humanity. They have paid How wayward the decroeB of Fate When his noie for two-hundred-and- flfty dollars falls due on the day af- lub. will take part in the tournament. a great convenience. . But It is worth or their cravenness and selfiBhneBB, are; low very weak the very wise; ter his bills for the plumber, the while wondering If, after all. its ef- us* as Captain Rostrom 1B being paid How very small the very great coal-man and his wife's Ww spring fect upon the public mind Is advan- or his noble deed. are;"—Washington Post hat RICHARD R. HUGHES Come along! Fifty Years Ago Today. tageous. The people are amused and The spectacle Is one which will be The Problem of Prolonging Life. June 4. entertained by confessions of a slight lelpful to society. But, after all, Over In France there is working U'« easy enough to bo cheery Confederates abandoned Fort Landscape Gardening and General Contractor 'stupidity' on the part of men univer- rave men are born, not made. Metchnlnoff, the winner of thfe Nobel When life's like a lover's chat, I'illow. a stronghold on the Mis- But the man who wins sallry regarded as exceptionally prize. Metchnlkoff believes that the sissippi river, protecting Mem- present normal tenure of our lives Is the fellow who grins phis on the north. A Meet of keen, but they form their opinion BOMBAST AND BUNCOMBE. * | is unduly restricted, and that it ought When he starts out on a bright spring Confederate rams formed a line WIST LONG BRANCH nevertheless. It Is a favorite reproach hurled .o be possible to extend our lives morning arrayed ih his Uncut regalia, above tbe city to ward off an at- NEW JERSEY and by noon finds, a torrent of April "A good memory, or that degree of against Roosevelt and the Roosevelt hrough substantially longer periods. tack by the Federal navy. le believes that the cause of sleep rain, a February snow storm and a \ Telephone 656 West End Information which would make per- orces that their arguments are all Is the accumulat Ion during working March wind playing hide and seek Twenty-rive Years Ago Today. with his brand-new fect candor possible, would gain for bombast and buncombe. hours of certain toxic substances Physicians pronounced the However, that IB not confined to which cause the phenomena of steep, hat!' throat malmly of the Germau its possaBSQr Lhat advantage which and which during sleep are removed. perfect candor always has In dealings >ne side. Never has anything more Crown Prince Frederick William ngi Similarly, he believes that the phe- It's easy'enough' to lrf> .tolly to be iniilti-'iifint. The emperor with the• j>uJ»UpufeUy '^lpers^tionf^Sppe i and bsurd been said or jtrlnted In Roose- nomena of old age and normal death When life is H huge mjiwi \nv. wua over ninety years old, and is regarding ' elt'B behalf than the following In re produced by certain other toxic But the.man for us In view of two deaths impend- prejudices regard ing 'big* business' substances gradually and continuous- Is the chap who don't CUPS Carper's Weekl y di rected agai nst ing the Ui-riiKins were anxiously would be fevyMf 4f men could only ly accumulated. Starting on this bus When he ROOK off for ihe summer to discuss iug the succession. Of Course, You Want Plumbing come out of that' 'higher sphere' Im: s, he is devoting his life to the at- get a good rest and finds he has to "Roosevelt's success means revolu- empt to extend the lives of others. pay seven hall-boys, two head wait- All homes must have plumbing of some kind. which the oftJttMf)* ina may not t is true that Metchnikoff Is a ma.n tread able to toll what they did In 4on. That is the plain truth. The of science peculiarly difficult to esti- The question is, what kind and how much plumbing? it. Investigation? would be legs fre- anger Is to the Republic itself. mate. He has made mistakes; but he quent and less determined if It were Roosevelt today ia as great a men- has also done things—and bift things. Only the best guaranteed fixtures should be used so as to oo. Certainly this much may be said: insure having beautiful fixtures of permanent worth. A not for that inftrmJty of the great to our country as slavery was his attempt is absolutely Beirutifie, MAKING THE START which necessarily creates the unfor- lalf a century ago. Why attempt to legitimate and, from the present bathroom and kitchen sink are necessary, while a set of There are no formalities in opening a Savings Account, nor is white enameled laundry trays tunate* liWpresBfbn flpon the public dink the terrifying fact? Better far standpoint of biological research, en- irH\ sensible, the amount limited; your pass-book will be handed you upon are desirable and labor saving. mind that they are always trying to o face it, not as Republicans, not as There should he no cause for sur- your first deposit of ONE DOLLAR as cheerfully as if you keep something under cover." Democrats, but as Americans, as pa- prise Bhould he succeed. But what had deposited a larger emount. I nsist on quality—it insures would his success mean? Who can lasting satisfaction. That's a very sane and pract ical rt ots. ell ? It would transform the world INTEREST PAID AT 34 PER CENT view. "Mark these words! Roosevelt's nto forms and conditions that we What others have dohe. you can do. Send us your first de- When 'Standard" goods But doubtless that phase of it has lection to the Presidency would spell cannot imagine. During HIP fifteenth are installed by our competent century the average lenjtth of life posit by mail, the pass-book and card for your signature will been considered by the shrewd men revolution within ten years. And by was about twenty-three; it was a be sent to you at once. workman, you can continue whose memories fall them when revolution we do not mean mere po^ world of youth. In our day it in abmit INTEREST STARTS FROM FIRST OF EACH MONTH to derive pleasure in the ap- questioned in court. It may be that I ft ical overturning of a system of forty-four. It would be difficult for on any deposit received on or before the pearance of your plumbing more frequent investigations and the government. We mean actual war- IB to Imagine the difference in the ppearance of a public gathering In THIRD BUSINESS DAY OF THAT MONTH fixtures after many years prejudice and against fare by force of arms upon the rule our day and In that past Elizabethan service, them are preferred by many to the of a despot. We mean bloodshed and era—in the mere age of its members. f science could extend the present Urte tw

ARTIFICIAL PERFUMES. THE PHONOGRAPH. I Is « Win Flower That Know, Its IN THE WORLD OF Its Invention Was the Result of a Cut Own Scant. on the Finger. There are few perfumes today that An accident—a cut on the finger- i-uunot be made from chemicals, syn- SPORT caused Edison to invent tbe phono- thetically, as the chemists call It For- graph or talking machiue. merly all perfumes were extracted Air. tidiaou told the story of Ibis In- from flowers, fruits, spices, woods or Baker of Athletics Out For ventioo to a reporter. At the time, he other vegetable and animal substances. said, be was singing Into a telephone, The lust perfume to be Imitated was Hitting Honors. and In the telephone's mouthpiece be umillii. In 1870. Hellotropine fullow- bud placed, for safe keeping, a floe 'jfl, being obtained by oxidation of a steel point. Suddenly this point cut Dyproduct of camphor. bis finger. He found, to his surprise, Terplnol Is one of the most freely that It had been moving here and there used constituents of perfumes. This ;IIHJ roundabout, guided by tbe vibra- Is a near relation of turpentine. With tions of bis voice. For years we've made Big this, a little oil and aqua fords a chem- He pluced a strip of yellow paper Men's clothing. ist can produce a perfume that can under the steel point, replaced It in tbe scarcely be distinguished from those mouthpiece and said the alphabet. The Made lots of suits in extra exhaled by the lily of the valley, iliac steel while be spoke ran over the pa- sizes—up to 54 chest. nnd jasmine, varying according to the per. and for each letter of the alphabet MILLINERY PARLORS Result—more and more proportions in which the chemicals are It made a different mark or scratch. hlcnded. This was wbat Mr. Edison had hoped big men come to us each Artificial violet Is a combination of for. He now held tbe steel point still year. cltrol (an essence extracted from lem. and drew the paper scratches slowly 2nd FLOOR Now we're better equipped on). Indian vervalne or lemon verbena over It. there was given forth, very than ever to clothe the big nith common acetone, n substance faintly, tbe alphabet as be bad repeat- very tike pyrollgneous acid. ed 1L DECIDEDLY NOVEL IDEAS IN MILLINERY men who find it so hard to No chemist has been able to counter- Thus tbe principle of the pbonograpb find their sizes. feit •musk, but a synthetic perfume —the registering and tbe reproduction The Millinery Department presents a wealth of styles and Not only in clothing, but called musk Is made from toluene, a of the voice's vibrations—was discov- byproduct of benzine and coal tar. ered through tbe cutting of a finger. It in everything else to wear. This Is changed to a complex carburet, was Edisou's finger, though, that was new materials in summer hats. The display contains many ex- Extra sizes in hats, shoes, treated with azotic and snlphurlc acids, cut. Smith's or Brown's might have shirts, collars, socks, UJider- is diluted and sold as musk. been quite backed off and no phono- clusive novelties not to be found elsewhere in pretty trimmed and Most of the cheap perfumes are Imi- graph would have resulted. wear. tations, and they are almost always ready-to-wear hats that are distinctive -chic and effective. inferior to the flower extracts, go It ARTIFICE OF AN ARTIST. Everything men and boys might properly be said that it is a wise Prices throughout the department surprisingly low. wear. flower that knows its own, perfume.— The Secret of the Color In One of New York World. Turner's Pietures. ROGERS PEET COMPANY The late Mr. Horsley, It. A., has re- Three Broadway Stores FIRST ANIMAL HOSPITAL corded that at one time he studied al- at at at most dally owe of Turner's finest water St 13th St. Hth St. It Wai Established In tha Orient Over colors, called "Tbe Snowdon Range." MANHATTAN. Two Thousand Year* Ago. admiring especially the tender warmth One must go to the orient and look of tbe light clouds encircling tbe moon. back more than 2,000 years to find the lie tried all sorts of glasses to see if be In Ready-to-wear Hats first animal hospital known. could discover bow the particular glow The famous Buddhist emperor of In- was gained, but without success. dia, Aftokn, whose long reign from 204 Chance revealed the secret. The pic- to 227 B. G. abounded In many good ture began to buckle from Its mount, Duck, Corduroy, Felt and Wash Rag Hats' KEANSBURG NEWS . works, was probably the earliest to es- and Its owner. Sir Seymour Haden, Richard Can* 1B grading his proper- tablish a hospital for the treatment of nut*it Into the hands of a noted expert ty between Oar avenue and Creek animals, says Our Dumb Animals. to be remounted. When he had suc- Road. Later, It will be surveyed and Asolai was a true humanitarian as well cessfully removed ft from its old mount from 59c up run. Into building lots. as a most powerful sovereign and. al- the expert sent for the owner to show Theodore Van Clief is building for tbougb ruling a vast domain, became him what he had discovered. A circle W. L. MacDonald a pavilion between deeply Impressed by the horrors of of orange vermilion bad been plastered the hotel and auditorium. The build- warfare. on the back wltb an ivory palette knife Showing of New Straw Sailors and Straw ing is 18x36 feet, and will be used :.n tie gave up his desire for conquest where the artist wanted the effect and a social gathering place. and the rock Inscriptions, which are Photo by American Press Association. then worked off sufficiently far through Charles B. Cooper has the contracts still extant, record such beneficent the pores of tbe previously wetted pa- J. Franklin Baker, the star batter per to give tbe show of color, while re- Derbys, Also complete stock of, to build three new houses at New edicts of his as the counseling of plant- rind third baseman of the Philadelphia Point Comfort Beach, for New York ing shade trees, the digging of wells, taining the smooth surface, without ft Americans and hero of the world's se- trace of workmanship on tbe right side. parties. sending out of missionaries, appoint- ries of 1011, Is once more making , Richard. Dae and family, of Jersey ment of special officers to supervise things miserable for the pitchers. H«> TUls may have led Mr. Horsley him Children's Hats City, hav* moved here for the summer. charities, the establishing of hospitals has been walloping the ball at a great self to use, as he did. brilliant orange Supervisior William B. Robinson for in n mm kind and animals. rate since the scuson opened. "Bake" as the foundation for a white muslin has given part of Palmer avenue a It Is of interest to know that the last says he will give Cobb. Crawford. dress. new coat of gravel. remaining of Asoka's hospitals was Jackson ami Lajole all they cau do to Mrs. Joseph Tilton has* recovered devoted to animals. It covered twen- outhlt him this season. Walking Canei. from her recent illness. ty-five acres and was divided Into From tbe time when man wandered MISB Ella Tilton, of Newark, spent proper wards and courts for the ae- through the pathless forests bearing RnmmodatloD of tbe patients. When Chicago Sox Look Good. her vacation with her parents. Mr, "Keep your eyes on the White Box!" on bis shoulder a murderous bludgeon BOOST LONG BRANCH—BUY AT HOME and Mrs. John S. Tiiton. an aumisil was sick or Injured Its mas- with which to strike down his enemies ter had only to bring It to the hospital, This is the butt leery of Chicago fans. Mrs. H. R. Youngquist and family, who are surprised to see Jimmy Calla the cane ban never entirely gone out of of New York, have taken the MacMa- where.it was cared for without regard fashion. The modern exquisite would to the caste of Its owner and where. If hnn's men leading the American lion cottage an Bray avenue for the It-ague rnce and going at a spanking feel as mucb at sea without It as did summer. The Youngquists have spa.tt necessary. It found an asylum In old tbe beau of whom Steele's Tatter RED BANK GLEANINGS RED BANKJAILJSENTENCES for breaking into Henry Van Mater's »ge. clip. Callanon, h royal good fellow. hoiiee and Berved three months. several seasons at the same place, has instilled the Sox with fighting spoke In 1709. wben it said that tbe Patrick Kelly, Jr., made a business cuiM! had "become as Indispensable as The regular meeting of the Women's Colored Man In Prison Twice Before William Moran, who claimed his spirit and has nleo showed winning li Qlven Three Months In residence as I on* Branch, was arrest- trip to New York Saturday. Where Name Spa Originated. quality ;is a lender. Team play at the any other of bis limbs" and that with Christian Temperance Union will be Mrs. Patrick Ahern anil daughter, Perhaps few people know that the "the knocking of it upon bis shoe. held Thursday afternoon at three o'- Freehold Jail. ed Saturday night at Red Bank for be- hat and In the field \a a big factor lu Henry Wold en, colored, of Red IJanli, ing drunk and panhandling, by officer MrB. Clinton LahBen, spent several term "spa" as applied to a watering the team's success. The players regard leaning one leg npon It or whistling clock, at the home of Mrs. James H. days last week in New York on a shop- place originated with the resort of that upon wltb bis mouth be does not know Sickles, in Mechanic street. an old offender in the police Hri-Ien of Charles WoodB. At the hearing Sun- Catliihan. ns their friend and benefac- Red Bank, was arrested Saturday af- day morning, Moran was sentenced to ping trip. name ID Belgium, which a huudred tor, which of course means harmony. how he should be good company with- The regular monthly meeting of the Mrs. Edward P, McNally and daugh- years ago was one of tbe best known out It." It may be flattering to tbe Session of the First Presbyterian ternoon by officer George Hewitt, for 30 days Jn the county Jail by Recorder So fnr the Sox have experienced good being drunk and disorderly and being ter. Miss Harrlette, of Lynbrook, L. I., resorts In Europe. Its vogue has con- fortune in keeping their best men In vanity of such a one to know that the Church, waB held last night at the Badeau. are visiting Mrs. McNally's mother, tinued to u great extent up to the pres- tbe game, and Otllahan says that if grotesque and arabesque beads that be manse in Wallace street. a had character. Wolden wa» g!v«n a Mrs. S. Louise Palmer. ent time, though tbe high play that delights ID displaying on bis walking hearing Sunday morning before Re- Good Strawberry Sale <>nce made it famous Is not now al- ld Hard doesn't cut a figure the Slgmund Salz, who boards at the stick are lineal descendants of the Globe Hotel, in East Front street, and corder Harry O. Badeau at the bor- Earner J. Willett, a Port Monmouth lowed by tbe Belgian govern men t. Cblcagoa will be at or near the top all carved baton that the fools aod Jest ough hall, and was sentenced to 90 farmer, picked 25 crated of fine Btraw- They call It the "pearl of the Ardeo- sonwon. Meanwhile It may be said who ha* been convalescing at Jack ers of tbe middle ages wielded. son's MIUB, near Lakewood, from a se dayB in the county Jail. berrfea Friday which lir sold at the nes," and its name Is merited, situ- that the Cubs uo longer monopolize Wolden waa one of Ihe gang that farm for 10 cenU a quart straight or ated HS it is in one of tbe most charm- the support of Chicago fans, who vere illness, returned home Sunday 1 A Cheerful Reason. night much improved' in health. Mr, participated In the serlen of robberies $80 for the lot. Mr. willed is one of 1831g Wff'i... ing valleys of that range with a most seem to be convinced that Chance In the winter of 1910, when Benjamin the niiisi succeKtrful berry growers in beautiful country surrounding it tenm has little or no chance to wlu the A French governor of toe south Pa- Salz is looking fine and is kept busy clflc colony of New Caledonia assumed accepting the congratulations of hie H. Crate's and Rellly's grocery wan MonmotJth County, and he will be ship- Several Nothing could exceed the beauty of the National league pennant. entered. He Berved time for tbi» of- walks and drives In tbe height of sum- ids authority while tbe natives of New* manjfc friends. He will resume his ping inn crates or more every day this mer, for tbe welt tended parks and Caledonia were still cannibals. There position as salesman in Joseph HUI fense. Ijint AugiiHt he wiiH arrested week. Good Second Basemen Scarce. store, In Broad street, in a few days NEW gardens of Belgium are famous, and "The American league clubs are un- had been rumors of an Insurrection, the whole country Is dotted with beau- usually lacking in good second base- ;ind the udmiral called before him a Miss Singleton, of Spring tiful country bouses.—Brooklyn Eagle. native chief, who was faithful to tbe street, spent Sunday as, the guest of men," Hays Arthur Irwin, scout of the French cause, and questioned him as her parentBvjat Everett. PIANOS New York Americans. "The Athletics to tbelr truth. Miss Marie Skelly, of Bridge avenue, Good, Strong, -Substantial, An Autograph Request, are well fixed with Collins, Lajote is and Miss Mabel Connell, of Monmouth (Of Reliable Make) Ambassadors receive many queer re- the right man in Cleveland, and the "You may be sure," said tbe native. Highlanders have a fine player In that there will be no war at present, street, spejit Saturday at Asbury Park Summer Suits Special quests In the course of their official du- Robert Smith, of New York City, ties. Here is one that was sent to Mr. Gardner. The Ked Sox are experi- because the yams are yet far from be- menting with Wagner, J. Lewis Bud ing ripe." spent Saturday night and Sunday :e expected of a tighter. "It's uo A Few New fording space for twelve aucb entries. Hudson avenue. I've told Jones often that highballs snap petting to the top," said Johnny Mrs. Elizabeth R. Jones, and durable fabrics, tailored to would sooner or later be the death of the other day, "and once you get to Explained1, daughter, Dorothy, or Branch avenue him."—Baltimore American. the coveted pool there are talways a have returned I.'OMH* after upending a PLAYER Inuidred ready to drag you off the "1 hear that Mist* Urutnby It a won- give them shape and fit and derfully correct person." Tew days as the guests of Mrs. Jon Brutu* and Ca«*ar. perch, and. strange to say. the fans. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rice, of New "Brutus," said Caesar as be drew or many of them who wanted to see "That's, because of ber occupation. York. to keep it. Suits at $10 that PIANOS iltuself up majestically, "this is ex advance to the top. are always She Is a dressmaker's designer." (Of Reliable Make) ewlingly rude of you." reiuly to shout for the other fellow to "What nan That to do with It?" "Knde? How?" demanded Brutus. bent you." "It makes ber naturally lend a pat- HIGHLAND HAPPENINGS look well, not only when you "Why." answered Caesar Just before tern life."—Baltimore American. I be fell, "to cut an old friend."—Balti- Plans Elaborate Golf Course. Councilman C. Mell Johnson put down a new cement curbing In buy them, but after they '390 more American. The Kvanston r,olf club of Missouri Incontestable Proof. p Is n I tout tn purchase 100 acres of Insurance Agent — What ntv the ront of his properly, on Miller street. To-Morrow Only William Jurgenson will net as spec- Ended the Matter, ground mid intends erecting n $fK\noo of your husband's death, mad- have been worn for some Convenient Terms RfiTon—It's a flov morning, Sandy. 1 n11hi»uw nml liiv nut nn eighteen ii m? The Widow-'Weil, be ban beeo ial marshal! here during the months Sandy irninta. Saxon—I aald it was a nlt- coiin»e that will Ri.nmsR any went home for the last three nights. months at a salary of SGO a month. TALKING MACHINES AND tine morning. Sandy. Sandy —Verm of Chicn»fo If the pinna of the execu- Harry A. ScuRhorpe nas been grant- time. You should see these RECORDS AT MODERATE weel. vera weel. I Ulnnn want toe ar tive committee are carried out. Ouaht to Know. >d a license for his auditorium. The PRICES FOR COUNTRY HOMES guel— London Opinion. "I irondpr how it teei* to be dead?** fee was fixed at $25. unusually good $10 suits. Morgin Taken Out Twolvo Times. "How should I know?" William Hewlett has the contract to Wrecked by the Line. C,v Mortrnn *>f the Athletics lifts n "You work In n store that dopm't build for Terry Martin, the plumber, At 4 Stores Only—Not tit 49th Street Wife (sweetiyi— Do yon remember record at 1M Ft. HP was derrick***! »."—HoiiMon I'out. a building 24x36 feet and two stories Blue Serges, Fancy Blues, Orays And Browns KNABE tbe first time we met? It was In ft twelve times \a*t WRHOD, which wnn high. The building will be used for train. Duftband (bitterly I—Yen. but the hijyh l|twk to nrnke onp rich study a- garage, barn and workshop. it> too kite now to *ue for damage* — ,11m RPOM th St. 27> BROADWAY, naar Chamber! St. 5th Ave. & 39th St. he season. < 1 CORIUWJT ST, Mr ar«*n

through the Kuez canal, $30.20. " Th« canal authorities place powerful si-tin-h light* on all ships In the cannt, HANSON MAIDEN TRIP no vessel being allowed to go through without them, erea though the vessel Tht Uptown Store may have lights of Its own. OF THE UNALGA The decision to send the Unalga to MEN Alaska by wuy of the Suez cauat In- 200 pairs of men's 50c stead of around Cupe Horn, which is several thousand miles shorter, was GOLDSTEIN* Bilk i Hose lace stripes Revenue Gutter Will Start For based wholly upon the cost. While the all shades as long as distance Is greater, the cost will be they last 30c. Alaska on July 1. less. The saving will be wholly in 669 Broadway. coal, because if she went around the TTT C j Are The Ideal P TT horn the government would have to R Green Trading Stamps pay from $10 to $20 a ton for the coal. As ii Ll, she will coal at Gibraltar, f VJJ j Floor Covering 18,403 NAUTICAL MILES. Colombo and Yokohama. Belford Loses Again. The Belford baseball team journey ([-••; Impossible to Equal These Prices—They're Bargains to Highlands Sunday afternoon, and 8h» Will Takt th* Longar Su«z Canal WiraltM aa Storm Detector. No seams, no Npinmatcliing, an elegant borfier all around. Fashion has spoken decidedly ori -the4nl>jeet of were defeated by a score of 16 to 4. Rout* For Economy—Coal Would A French scientist has luvented n Davis was on the mound [or Belford Cost Mora Going Around tha Horn. wireless receiver so delicate, Recording Bugs and the home that obeys her dictates will have them. They are far easier handled than carpets, easier while McUnrrey officiated In like Fitted For Permanent Stay, to the description given before I lie fitted and more economical in every way. Our Rug business is increasing every day and has been for several capacity for Highlands. The score by French Academy of Sciences, that It tailings: On July 1 tho revenue cutter Unal ran deter-t the adreut of a storm 300 years—but it is not to be wondered at when there is such a variety, so much goodness and richness marked at Hiftes away. BeKord 3 0000100 0—t will start on her maldcu voyage. It such little prices as the following: Highlands 10 0210030 0—16 will hit 18,403 knots {nautical miles) long, from Baltimore to Juneau, Alas- QUad and King Leopold. ka, which la to be her permanent sta- Mr. W. T. Rtcitd counted uiuong the Enlarging Chicken House most trying experiences of his life an Royal Wilton Rugs Crex Rugs James I-eddy, Of Keansburg, wlio is tion. Interview he had with King Leopold heavily Interested in raising early The Uoalgu was launched .Tan. 27 at of Belgium at the time when Gordon The flueen of the Rug family—noiio.equal to them Crox Rugs are becoming" more popular each year. chickens for nuirket, is building an ad- the yard pf the Newport News Ship- was shut up In Khartum. He went to for beauty and richness. 9x15 Crex Rugs $8.50 dition *:•• feet long to his concrete building' and Dry Dock company uud J'.T'IIS,S,-|S and obtained a Rpecial Inter- 9x12 Royal Wilton Special at $33.00 9x12 Crex Rugs . $6.45 chicken huose. Tim addition is being was chrlitened by Miss Elizabeth view with the klug In order to pro- 8-3x10-6 Royal Wilton Special at $30.00 eonstructpd of hollow tile blocks, stuc- HIIICH, daughter of Charles Dewey pose that he should move on behalf 8x10 Crex Rugs $5.45 coed over wIth coitcrete. Mr. IA*I1(1 y Hlik'S, secretary to President Taft. uf (tordon anil claim the Sudan as Ills 9x12 Seamless Wilton Special at $27.50 6x 9 Crex Rugs $3-98 reward. Ijeopold answered that he has !in ' wilh great siicces with hi While the Uuulga is one of the larg- early incubator hatches this Hjjltefr would out accept the Sudan If it were est of the revouue cutters, she in oue "offered to him on a sliver salver," Smith's Axminster Rugs China and Jap. Matting of the smallest of Uncle Sum's vessels hut Mr. Stead urged his point, and Conference Delegates Honored. Known far, and wide for richness of design and Make Ideal Floor Covering for the Summer Home. to attempt such a long voyage. (She they debated the matter in strenuous At the quailroiiniul meeting of the fashion for over an hour. wearing qualities. Pur assortment is larger, better and choicer than General Conference of the Methodist Is 100 feot long over all, 32 feet 0 9x12 Axminster Rugs Special at $19.98 Episcopal Church held at Minneapo- inches beam and 17 feet 6 Inches deep. "He was exceedingly angry," said ever. We sell makes that we know will give satisfac- lis, Minn., which closed taut week, Her displacement nt mean load draft Mr. Stend. "and raged and fumed lu 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs Special at $17.98 tion. Considering the qualities, they have never been two New Jersey delegates living in is 1,050 tons. She hns a partial )>vv\h such n fashion that 1 felt jnore than 6-9x9 Axminster Rugs Special at $11.98 sold for so little prices. Guaranteed 44) yds. to roll. Monmouth county were highly honor- deck both forward and abaft, a main once It would have given him great $6.98, $7.98, $8.98, $9.98 and $12.00 a Roll ed. Harry F. Bennett, of this city, deck extending the entire length Of stitlsfactlon to have drawn lifs swopd was appointed a committee on Sun-the vessel and a three -quarter U'ligth find thrust it through the vitals of hla Tapestry Brussels Rugs days-schools of the General Confer- ICngllsh visitor. * • * It was a try- Here is the Rug for a little price,that gives satisfac- spnr deck, cut off abaft to allow roon> ing ordeal for me. I was glad to learn Wild's Printed Linoleum ence, while Rev. Dr. John Hundley, of for towing blttd. The cutter la con after that Leopold also felt the straiif." tion every time. Ocean Grove, a former pastor here, itructed of mild open hearth steel Meeting M. de Laveleye (who had in- The Best on Earth 50c square yard. was named for an elght-y«ar term as 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Special at $13.98 throughout. The quarters of the offi- troduced Mr. Stead) some months after- 8-3x10-6 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Special at $11.98 a member of the Methodist Hook s and men will be made as com- ward at Spa, the king referred to the HOOSIER SOLID OAK committee. fortable as possible consistent with «f- interview, "Stead!" he exclaimed. "It 6x9 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Special at. .$7.98 llcleiu'y, Her rig in Umt of a schoon- ivas terrible. How that man made me REFRIGERATORS $4,500 In Postal Deposits. er, with two pole nuiHis uud a signal swear!"—London Chronicle. Harry C. Slebel .head of the postal I-Og Cabin Rugs yard ou the foremast. With Brass and Nickle savings deposit at the Long Hrancli Have you seen thens? They are like the old-fashion- Trimmings, Double Wall Box poKtofflce, reports $4,500 in hand. Tho Har Fitting!. Tha Captain Had to Decide. Etiquette on the great liners has Its ed rag carpets in a rug form; and my, how they do wear! new savings Institution In popular The Uiiulgu's propelling machinery and Double Wall Doors. with many people. aifflculties, to Judge from the following 9x12 Log Cabin Rugs ' $9.98 will consist of two wtiter tube bolt- letter; "The question of precedence $4.98, $6.98, $9.98, $11.98, ers and one vertical, inverted, direct makes a morgue of the first dinner on 8x10 Log Cabin Rugs $7.50 acting, triple expansion cuglue, with board, when n few foreign titles hap- cylinders seventeen Inches, twenty- pen to let their cerulean blood boll over Wool Faced Fibre Rugs $18.00, $23,50 seven Inches and forty-four Inches In into the soup. On a recent voyage the jlunieter respectively, the common commander was told by the chief stew- Veryftatisi'actory for wear, neat in appearance. APARTMENT HOUSE stroke being thirty Inches. She will ard that thero were two Austrian 9x12 Fibre Rugs $12.98 ie equipped with the usual ituxlliurioB ladles of title on board. One was an 8-3x10-6 Fibre Rugs $11.98 REFRIGERATOR Summer Clothes for vessels of this class, including a elderly baroness; the other was higher powerful fire and wrecking pump, In rank, but quite young. Both were Solid Oak, Highly Polished, with the necessary hose for pumping determined to sit on tho right of the Porch F*oclcers with Brass and Nickle Mount- out other vessels in case of necessity. skipper. Driven to despair, ho said, 'I Our nqw line you will find hard to equal anywhere. ings. For Fathers Her electrical installation will Include will let the ladies settle the matter for two dynamos, electric signaling ap- themselves, and I won't go down till Lay in a supply and make your porch cosy and coin- ' paratus, wireless telegruphy and adinner Is half over.' We had reached $9.98, $14.00, $16.00, |M>werful searchlight. Her coal ca- fortable. the cheese when the unhappy com- Price ranges 79c, $1.69, $1.75, $1.98 and $2.49 Sons pacity Is 250 IOIIK, nii'l her water sup- mander crept warily to his seat. Both $18,00 ply will be over 15,000 gallons, both ladies were still standing frigidly be- sufficient to enable the vessel to keep hind his empty chair. He had to do Not only good woolens at sea for long periods. There Is a something, so he gave the youiiger war- powerful wrecking pump, furnished rior the seat of honor, while the van- and careful workman- with enough suction hose to enable quished baroness looked chalu llght- Branch la to advertise In the columns PASSED THROUGH* rCEBERGS Celebrated 45th Wedding Anniversary. her to pump out a lenkfutf vessel. It Dlug at the enemy."—London Opinion. of high class New York papers, the' J udge and Mrs. Charles Corn ob- can !><• utilized also for fire fighting. same as the other leading New Jersey ship CONSERVATIVE PAPERS Friend of Philip Schmidt Herd on Visit served (heir 45th wedding anniversary resorts, backing this advertising up on Sunday. The date fell on Monday, The cutter will have six'boats, in with a series of good stories on the ad- Aboard Steamer That Passed The eluding a surfbout and a largo power Our Funny Bone. Titanic Victims. but. visiting relatives and friends froni BUT STYLE The "funny" bone or "crazy" bojie, vantages and attractions of your com- New York did not wait for the exact launch, munity. Philip Schmidt, the butcher, has for The duty of the Unalgn in us It Is commonly called. Is in reullty date, preferring to spend the holiday no bone nt alt, but a nerve, and Its pe- Another point to bo considered is his guest this week a close friend who How about that pair \vaifi\s will be to patrol the seal rook- worked with him Jn Naw York 28 at the seashore instead. Mr. and Mrs. eries and prevent pouching, to prevent culiar tiuine, of facetious origin, Is a (Continued from First Page.) that if Long Branch is pot using the Charles Harris and family came down of white flannel trous- pun on tlii* word "huroerus," the cylin- advertising columns of the papers, ears ago. The "boy«" have since kept UKfflltig aloug the coast of Alaska, hat are favoring us willi their adv^r- up their friendship, and whenever op in their touring car. They arrived In to render aki to vessels in distress, to drical boue which runs from the shoul- Islng. These of course we give tho the papers cannot give your (Commun- time for the noon day meal. It was ers too. We have der tn the elbow, the ulnar nerve pass- ity as much space as towns that are jiortunlty afforded they have met to rescue in case of wrecks and to remove preference oiuall news matter. talk over old times. Adolph, Bartell, while seated around the featve board derelicts In the channels of navigation. ing around it. The nerve Is here super- I Btncerely trust, Mr. llobbitt, that spending money with them. For sev- that the unsuspectng judge was made them in white and ficial and therefore comparatively un- eral years prior tp 1908, Long Branch, who now resides in the Bronx section The I'ualga will carry a complement you may be able to put some adver- of New York City, knew Philip when aware ot the fact that the weddug an- white with black protected, so thut It may be easily iaing in our way so that we may give in the minds of the majority of the niversary was being celebrated. He and of seven ottlcers and seventy men. The ompressed, and then a blow upon' It New York public, was a resort that he was but a small boy. He arrive'] -fflcen will be Captain IUchard O. Long Branch the publicity it deserves, inn- this morning, and during his COP Mrs. Corn were the recipients of sev- stripes, ciumes a strange tingling sensation In but of course, you must understand waa going backward. Then you start Crisp, comiuundiitg; First Lieutenant the course uf Its distribution, which is with a small advertising campaign, versatloD It was learned that he had a eral pretty gifts. James A. Alger, Second Lieutenant hat unless we do receive some adver- thrtUling experience during his last felt aa far away as the little finger. tising it. will be quite impossible fur backed up by your Publicity Bureau, I'muk L. Austin, Becond Lieutenant The huaierus has been the occasion to point out that Long Branch is just voyage from abroad. He took passa^o Trousers $3.00 to $6.00 Thomas A. Shunley, First Lieutenant us to do anything like what we did J of humor lu others, for Locker wittily last year for you in tho news end. as fine a resort as any on the Jersey on the North German Lloyd Line, and of Knglnccrs 0. C. McMillan, Second wrltus in "An Old Muff," published Coast. passed 'through the ice 'bergs that Imd Lieuteuiint of Engineers Philip It, Kn-a I tout 1740: I want to thank you for your many caused the Titanic disaster. CM. ADS PAY ton. Third Lieutenant of Englueern past courtesies and trust that you will Now you have just started to im- Charles II. Johnson and a surgeon, He cannot be complete In aught make it possible for me to be of ser-press Long Branch on the minds of the Five days after the Titanic went AN ORDINANCE! h> flx aid Jet ermine the com- milking us captain, yet to be named, Who IB not humorously prone. vice to you again in tho news columns New York public and if you stop you down Mr. Bartell said his boat cams pensation of the Commissioners of the City SUITS A imiii without a merry thought of Long Branch. from the public health and marine Can hard!/ have a funny buna. it The Sun. will find that they will pass you byin contact with the float ing victims of UK IT OHDAINKU by tile Itoiird nf 4'om- hospital service. for other resorts that are using the the disaster. The steamer was slowed iilNiiniMTH of lite City nf LUMJ; ltritlich . Yours very sincerely, Section 1. the salary iif the Mayor in Itinerary of Trjp. FRED H. MEHLE, advertising columns regularly. Your down, and the boot's ihaod refrained rh.iu-r of the ,Department uf public Affair* $10, $12, $15 & $18 Cloee Relationship. appropriation has never been a, large i'rom playing. For three Hours tha sliali he an .iiuiuyl salary uf Twenty five Hun- inni Baltimore the Uualga will go The Duke of Norfolk once gave a dred dullani, payable monthly. Mgr. Classified Ad. 'Dept. one, but I think that you will find, on scene was affecting, afld many paa to tilhraltar, thence to Malta, thence great dinner party to ftnumbe r of his Sort Ion 2. Ttie salary of the Director of The Evening Mail, It road way and checking up the news columns of thesengers gave vent to tbeir feelings, the Department or JtteVemie "tic) Finance HIIHII to Tort Said and through the SUM,neighbors. The duke was at the head be nil annual salary of Two Thousand Dol- Vullon street. various New York papers, that you Lovjng ones in fond embrace, and oth--iars. payahh* monthly. canal to Aden, to Colombo, Ceylon, f the table, and a mnn seated near ALL AT New York, May 29, 1912. have received five lines of publicity •fH with arms extended, could be aeon Section :t. The aalary of the Director of thence to Singapore, to Manila, to Yo him called out to one of his neighbors Public Safety sliall be an uniuial »H]»IV VT for every Hue that you paid for. &s the steamer ploughed slow w Two TiniIINtitid hollarM, paytilile nioutlily. kaunmu, to Unalaska and thence to at tue other end of the table: Mr. B. B. Bobbltt, 191 Broadway, )ng Branch. N. J. through those that had perished. Mr. Section 4. The nalary of the Director t\T Juneau, her home station. Mr. Howard, will you drink a glass If you cut out. advertising what rea- Street* and Public IniprovomentH Hlmll be an It is figured that she will make the of wlue with me? There was a con- My Dpiir Mr. Bobbltt: son can you offer to me for printing kartell even now hesitates to go into ajiimal sularv of TWO Thmisuml DollurH, pay- When I was In Lonp Branch a few the details, and says he and the other able monthly. J. Goldstein's trip in 1,845 hours (seventy-six days nection between our families." resort news from Long Branch ? Htictlon 5. The nnlary of the Director of lays ago there seemed to be som° If Long Branch is not advertising who passengers were relieved when they Parti uud Public I'rupeity Hlmll foo nn .,., and twenty-one hours), actual sailing With a grpat deal of pleasure," re- JIII.II sulury of Two Thousand Hollars, payable time, but the stops at the various ports idea in the minds of the CommissiA is going to pay the salary of a corres- £*aw the Mackey-Benii9tt near the seen ? monthly. plied Mr. Howont, "though I don't ers that there w$£ no necessity of ad- will lengthen the trip to 1'29 days. It know exactly what the connection Is, pondent, whom it would be necessary r.nd commence the work of picking up Section 6. Thin nrdlnunco KIIMII take cir.-et Dept. Store IN estimated that It will take 1,380% vertising your community or keeping to have at Long Branch during the the- bodies. at the expiration of ten daytt trum the date but In this county there have been sev- your Publicity Bureau up this season. of final pnsange. tout* uf coat for the trip, costlug ap- eral marriages between neighbors." Hummer, if publicity service Is discon- Passed May 2», 1912. Broadway, Long Branch 1 T. V. ARROWflMITII, proximately $9,:)23.0& at $0.75 per ton. "Why, sir," resumed the geutleman, The point that you want to conaid - tinued? Sasongood Wtna Handicap. FKANK L, IIOWLAND, addition will be the canal dues, ap- 1 Is that you are after the man who With best regards, I am, Clifford Seasongood won the Sat- BRYANT B. NBWCOMB, "your ancestor. Lord William Howard, JOHN W. FLOCK, pioiluuitely $041; port dues, which uff up tweuty-three out of twenty- going to stay two weeks or two Very truly yours, urday handicay at the Hollywood Attest: CommLBRlonerft. will timouut to $0.77, and rental of months in your community, and the F. BUCKHOUT, Golf Club Jinks on Saturday. His WINFIELP R. WARWICK, seven of my family, and you must own nty Clerk. <*!<*•( ii«; lighting apparatus goiuc that .wfl« n tie."—Kunsas City Star. only way to interest him in lane Classified Adv. M*r.card shows 97-27-70. (JS.r.d) 130-TUM. Let Us Help You Pay Less and Dress Better Every Suit you see here is expressive of an individuality of style and workmanship that impresses you as an example of the highest type of hand tailoring. Our low prices will interest you. t Our $10.00, $12.00, $13.50 and $15.00 Suits are the best values ever offered in Long Branch or vicinity Boys' Clothes for Summer Wear, That It's a Wise Head Boys' Like to Wear For the Hot Weather That's Coming that comes here for its straw hat. No man who puts Cool, Dressy Suits, made of materials that wear just We're ready, everything that's new and stylish. Men's splendidly. Hundreds of them to choose from, YOUR himself in our hands can go out without a becoming hat. hot weather Comfort, lightweight Underwears, Negligee We've thousands of them. The right size, shape and BOY'S WILL NOT BE SATISFIED UNTIL THEIR CLOTHES COME FROM HERE. Bring them in any try Shirts, Hose, Neckwear, etc. kind for every man. on some of the new styles.

Long Branch's Finest Men's Store W. H". WOOLLEY & CO. 181 Broadway, Long Branch, N. J. LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1912. SEVEN LATE M. C. D. BORDEN WAS MRS, VAN VALKENBURGH. House Painting Is Part of COTTON MILL LEADER Easily Wins Friendly Suit Against Spring Housecleaning Husband to Protect Dow«r Rights. Gainad Fame by Outstripping Rival ANIVOUIVCEMENT Do some painting this Spring. Use a and Raising Wages In Crisas. paint that will make your wait and wood- Glove st no more than audl printer in the world. His grontest toe "ordinary kind"— fame came from his acts in relieving WINES and LIQUORS only in the Borough of Ihe cloth nmuufnetur!ug Industry liy "don't wear out" at the A finger ends, and each 4^ buying tip vftst supplies of cloth when Long Branch, bounded by Lincoln Avenue in Elberon . pair contains— ^H the market was ovorlondtMl nnd by un- Use it tn kitchen, bedroom, expectedly rafsfng the wages of the and Pleasure Bay, Long Branch. bathroom—everywhere on wood, A Guarantee thai 1 employees of his mills nt Fall River.. platee or Iron. It's as washable as I Guarantees Mutts., during hard times when bin <| We will, therefore, thank our customers and friends porcelain, more economical than "a new pair free" if competitors were contemplating wage wallpaper, never rubs off nor chips. the " tips" wear out reductions nnd lockouts. residing outside of the borough limit* to visit our It's easy to apply—doesn't show before the gloves. " Kayser gloves In 18G0 Mr. Borclpit decided to man- streaks nor brush marks like other ', • mean assurance of ufacture bis own cotton cloth intend store in West End, N. J., and we regret that they will oil palnu and dries with a soft, ^quality and reliability of buying It from others to supply bin velvety finish. 16 tints. Tfcere's a way to (ell IK hit inn infill*. He Imiit fbiw mills to be obliged to take with them the WINES and ASK VOUR DEALER begin with and added severnl more ns LIQUORS purchased. In the event that Wines or for booklet showing beautiful tints. "look in the hem" his buslncRs Increased. Owning his Then try Armorite on a picture frame for the name'' Kayser" own cloth fnctorles and print wills, he Liquors desired must be delivered to your cottage, we or chair. it is there for your was able to pursue bJs own plans, In- Armitage' Varnish Co., Newark, N. J. protection. Don't ac- dependent of others lu the same line will ship order from New York express prepaid. Sold by H. W. Emerson, 707 Mattleon cept the "just as good" of business, and this advantage en- Ave., A«bury Park, N. J. kind. abled him to carry out bis startling I j "Kayaer" Gloves movements in IS9T, 1899. 1000 and "cost no more" 1901, when he bought heavily nnd PARK & TILFORD Boiler is Despoiled Wharves, etc., and his work extends to and are worth double. raised wages in times of depression. Brighton Ave. and West End Plaza, all parts of the state. The boiler was Short Silk Gloves A large boiler, belongtng to con- O0j*., TOo.. 91.00. $1.25 Mr. Bordon'a first big surprise to ri- tractor Bseklel Olcott, of Keansburg, used in driving piling and was station- $1-60 val mnnufneturertt nnd to cotton mill West End, N. J. was despoiled by thieves last Friday ed at Keansburg Beach where Mr. Ol- Lena Silk Glov*» employees was In February, 1807. So 76o., S1.00 «1.2S, $1.50 great was the crisis the Industry was night, and piping to Ule value of $160 cotu had just completed several con (2.00 tracts. then facing that by agreement be- was also stolen. There IB no clue Julius Kayser & Co. tween tbe ninnufficturers their ma- to the identitiy of the thieves. Mr. chinery was to He Idle the greater Olcott Is engaged in ulldlng bulkheads. Advertise In the Dally Record. JV«u York port of the week for thirteen weeks. Horden was not n pnrty to this agree- MRS. VAN VALKENBURGH WINS ment. He never acted in concert with C-3 otherR In hit* business. But before A&P Pure Food Bulletin Commencing Monday, June 3rd this agreement haft gone into effect he Friendly" Husband Tall* About Prop- bought up V50,000 pieces of print arty Without Court Order. cloth, and tbe stress was ut once More for a Dollar Than New York, June 4,—Sirs. Nevada Van broken. Manufacturing ptefced up Valkenburgh, whose bank account Is ngatn, nnd prices returned to normal. ION A CORNl aa large ns her name Is long, was hap- py when she "put one over" on her A period of bnd business cnme again husband, Philip Van Valkenburgh, In "PICKED UP ON . in 1899. Reductions in wnges hiul a Dollar Will Buy the supreme court. been made in most of tho factories. Recently Sirs. Van Valkenburgh The mill workers, anticipating further l cans 25c withdrew her suit for a separation reductions, started to mnke n fight by Prom Van Valkenburgh, but, soon after THE STREET" demanding n 5 per cent Increase. This began what she termed a "friendly" was Anally granted, but when the 5 Elsewhere per cent raise wns nnnounced In other suit to protect her dower. She wanted certain information about Van Vsilken Instead of the doll carnival following mills Mr. Borden posted ft notice Hint Evaporated PEACHES 10c lb. burgh's property, and so she sued out the big carnival it is now planned to his employees were all to receive an an order for his examination before hold them together and make one job advance of 10 per cent. In a few rial. out of It. This decision was practically weeks tbe other manufacturers were Fancy Print Butter- Fancy Evaporated forced to meet this rofse. Such nn ex- Van Valkenburgh was to appear lu reached at a meeting of the special Del Monte ASPARAGUS TIPS 19c can court, but instead his lawyer, W. M. committee from the board or trade tensive Increase In wages In n time of ine 25c lb. Peaches 15c lb. K. Olcott, produced the desired infor- with the doll- carnival committee at Industrial distress made a nnttonnl tin mation in the shape of four deeds to City Hall last night. The consensus uro of Mr. Borden. property, and it was not necessary to of opinion at this meeting waB lhal His most extrnordinnry wngo raising ixamine the "friendly" husband. there should be no "Down Town" car- fent WAS In the fall of 1901. The sit- Seeded RAISINS, 3 pkgs, 25c 80 stamps with nival or "Up Town" carnival, but there uation was bnd ngnin In the clothmak- 3 lb. Sunflower should be one big Long Branch carni- liig Industry. There were threats of a lib. Tea 59c val In which all could participate. strike owing to a belief that the manu- Seed 25c LOOK FOR BREAK IN • * * facturers were to begin cutting wages and letting machinery Ho Idle. In the Best Creamery BUTTER 31c lb. One of the big drawbacks to Long latter pnrt of September, when the sit STRIKE OF WAITERS branch has been the sectional feeling nation was becoming grave, notice of a 30 stamps with Beardsley's Boneless that has existed. 1 am told that it 5 per cent increase all nlong tbe line started away back in the early seven- was posted one dny In all of Mr. Bor- SENSATIONAL SALE Herring 10c jar lea, when the "Upper Pole" and "Low- den's mills. A Mttlo more thRn n month 1 lb. Tea 39c Hotel Men Confident Tide Is Iner Pole" existed. In this age, however, later another notice was posted In Bor- with a Broadway trolley soon to con- 's mills announcing n second rnlse 15 TO THE PRUNE65 TO THE LB. S45 TO Their Favor. nect the business centres and later of D per cent for all bin employees. THE Ib, Lamb's Tongue 4 in free delivery covering the entire city, The other mills were soon forced to POUND - 3 POUNDS - 10 stamps with 1 jar i seems as though section lines should meet both raises. New Tone, June 4.—Tho hotel strike ae wiped out once and forever. The Mr. Borden's purchase of BOO.000 Bar le due 25c can reg. 25c at 20c attained its greatest proportions and coming of the Broadway trolley and pieces of print cloth on Hept. 4, IM'.tit, At the eame moment signs appeared be new Federal building will do more from bJa fellow manufnrMirers unvod Standard TOMATOES, No. 3 can, 2 cans 25c wbich Indicate a collapse before the to make one big Ixmg Branch than the Industry from n disastrous drop lu week is onded. any other two things I know of. tbe market been use of overproduction. Our Finest Tea 60c 10 stamps with 1 An invasion of the downtown dis- • • * He put $750,000 lu this venture, ami his trict dragged out toe waiters, busses There are no less than seven differ- net was regarded ns the snlvntlou of Sultana STRING BEANS, 3 cans - 25c lb: 2 lbs. for $1.00 large can Sunbeam and kitchen help of Moutjulu's restau ent sections in Long Branch, familiar- tbe Industry. rant, many tnen at HSIHU'P and the ly known as Long Branch, the "Up St. Denis. It failed to dlHturb the old Town" or Station B, the original Long 57,000,000 NON-CHURCHGOERS Astor House. KnliJ's and W byte's and Branch; Pleasure Bay, Branchport, uptown the Marseilles, the New North lx>ng Branch, West End and I El Primero ASPARAGUS, a can - 23c Fancy Evaporated 32c can v4rand, the Grand Union, for the sec Prsibyttjriant Qiva Figures and Con- onC time, and the York Buffered, nil Elberon. The business men even stick demn "a Number of Our Courts." putting more men on the street than to the name in many instances to the More thnn 57.000,000 pet'Mons in tin- Apples 15c lb. pkge. there has been at any time BO Far. detriment of the "Greater Long United Sfafps Hre nou-cliurcH members. Branch." Best Soused Mac- At the same time lack of money in mid of the number 12,000.000 mv cull [New Laid EGGS - - - 25c doz. the union treasury, opposition tn the • • • drpn, according to a report of tlyp com- kerel 16c can action of the .nlon officers, dlncniiraRp The Railroad Companies have ma- mittee on industrial conditions ronstrt- Franco-American In- inent over the Inopportune Benson for terially aided to help a "Greater Ix>ng <*red by the United Vvtmhyterlnn n»- [fancy Selected in sealed cartons 27c doz. | strike, Inspired a breath in the union Branch" by inserting on their time- sembly at Brattle, Wash. Itself, sent striking wuiters and tables the designation of such stations Tbe committee criticised the courts, valid Broths 15c kitchen men back to some of the as being located in Long Branch as saying they "soem too much cngujied 1 We Give "S.&.H." Stamps Ask for Them Robin Hood Bone- hotels, looking for their old Jobs with are within the city limits. The trol- with )i\iral forma nnd technloalifJPA* can, 2 cans for 25c the prophecy that about Wednesrtny ley companies, more particularly the nnd "not sufficiently concerned about less Codfish 15c lb. will see n btg rush for jobs all aver the Atlantic Coast Line, could, if it would, tbe weightier matters of justice nnd city. help considerably, for, instead of mercy." FREE FREE The Hotel Men's association, which shoutfiig out 'BJt>eron" and "Went "There Is a grave suspicion every- DELIVERY DELIVERY 5 Packages baa continued steadily to den I with End," "Brighton avenue" and "Lincoln where roloei," the report continues, 3 pkgs. Cooper's the six beneficial societies of wiilten* avenue" could be substituted. The "'that corporate Interests exert un- to which the great majority nf thp names "West End" and "Elberon" wholrsome Influence over a consider Stores Cornstarch 25c strikers belong, was confident that Use could be used, if necessary, but show- able number of our courts and (lint 180 Here Gelatine 25c tide had turned. ing they were part of lvong Branch hey have displayed pernicious activity in tbe election and appointmeut of Broadway Thin and NEW MARCONI STATION. and not a resort by themselves. • * * Judges who would be In n lurgu meas- Next ta E»W1- ure ameuable to their control." Best Kippered 10 stamps with 1 Large Tract of Land Purchased at One big Long Branch fills the hill. I Post Office wbire Port Monmouth. True, If many had their way, they Herring 18c can can fancy Bartlett Red Bank, N. j., June 4-11 was would have the city more compact., Market Report*. earned today that two men, represent but conditions have to be met as they New York, June 4. ng the Marconi Telegraph company, exist. If Long Branch is to grow, BUTTER — Firm; receipts, 1,618 park- Pears 25c afen: creamery, extra*. Ib,, TfaTTVfee* 1 lad purchased a large tract of Innd nl and grow it will, the apparent "sec- first*. 26n2g%c; seconds. SSaKMte.; third*, 3 pkgs. Double Dip ?ort Monmouth to be used as a testing tional" feeling or petty jealousy over 24s24Vfcc • state dairy, tub*, finest, Me.; ground and tfxpertmept station for (he a name must be eradicated, the sooner good to prime, 24u!&<\; common to fair, 22a tfarcont Wireless company. The Iftiid, the better. There Is glory enough tor 23c.; profess, extras, Sfiai&Ho.; Arete. 24a MVfcc.; second*. 22a23c [ factory, current JOSEPHPINGITORE&CO. | Matches 10c 2 pkgs. Hecker's which Is over i. mile long and 1 000 font all. There should be no dividing lines. make, firsts. ZZttaZlc.: seconds, Slftc; wide, contains about 100 acres, Whv Simply because I live In the Western third*. lSViaVtyc.: packing stock. No. 2. Buckwheat 25c is apparatus will be Installed at the part of the city is no reason why I 19^a2Or.: No. 3. 18H»19o. Distributors of |] new testing grounds HS soon an Mr. CHEESE—Unsettled; receipts, 110 boles; should not take part In developing a state, whota milk, new, special*, white. Ib., 3 pkgs. Hecker's Kiunls. a wireless expert, rcturnn from big ocean front carnival. Neither should 13%auc; colored, J3*allc; average fancy, a trip abroad, where he was summoned It be true if I lived In the "Down Town ' white, iSVfec; colored. lt%c; undergrade*. ;o testify In the inquiry of the sinking 12a13l4c; state skims, new, specials, wMte, George Ehrets | Flapjack 27c 3 lb. jar Jam 25c section If I failed to aid in a worthy IlallHc; colored, llaiiVic.: fair to choice, of the Titanic. ort to boom Long Branch, providing tlalOMc.: undergrade*, nominal, SaT^c. The installing of the testing Instru the amusement centre was In the KOGS - Steady; receipt*, ».]» cases; 1 NEW YORK | merits will IK , ft is snid. tinder his dl 'Up Town" section. fresh gathered, extra*, dot, IlVio.: storage packed, extra firsts, 30«20Hc.[ first*. Oh Cranberry Sauce rfiction. Port Momnouth Is a little fish 19fcc.: regular packed, extra first*, lt»»e.; 3 cans VaoCamp's ing village on the ANM of Hnrltan flf-sti, lHfdR^c.; seconds. IGWtlTVfcc; dirtied my. At the pnewnt time the nftireat The coming; together of the (wo car- Italic; checks, loalte.; state, Pennsylva- Spaghetti 27c 15c Can 2 cm for 25c Marconi M .-it Ion ts at llogton. nivals, the children's and the doll, will, nia and nearby, hennery whites, ftnev, to a certain extent, remove any feeling larire. 2*c.: fair to p«id, Wa22c; hennen LARGER BEER that may have heretofore existed. I browns, 2Jo.: gathered brown and mtXiM At Fountains & Elsewhere should favor a coronation ceremony in 1 lb can Corned Ask for Washington Park of the doll festivities. 10 stamps with 1 lb. i< • * • Wholesale & Retail Dealers In Beef Hash 15c JO" The ocean front doesn't belong to any 2 lb. can 25c section of Long Branch, but to all, and Gillie's Coffee 32c HORLICK'S the proper place to hold a carnival Th« Original and Bsquini where all can see and admire It fi right next to the broad Atlantic, and MALTED MILK not (n a business thoroughfare where Wines % Lips | The Food-drink for Ml Apt. tittle ones are likely to he trampled At restaurants, hotels, and fountains, upon because the street is not properly blocked during parade hours. It seems A. C. Bennett Co. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Varities of Beers to mp that this i« a sane view of the Keep it on your sideboard at home. carnival q»i***Uon. 1 believe the ma- 307 Branchport Ave. Don't travel without A. jority of right thinking people will A q»ick lunch prepared in a mnule. agree with this solution, even though .— Telephone 180-W Stira closes 7 o'clock Sittrdift iretftei Ttkc ao imitation. Jurt t*j "HOWJCri" they may be a little prejudiced at beginning. Mot In Any Milk Trust —THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. 66 4th Ave. Long Branch BIGHT tONG BEANOH DAILY RECORD, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1912.

It. The present one Js more serious, i mid the danger is that it may spread ; like wildfire ihrouKltctit mtiny of the provinces. Now iris loniliieU to one. WHY UNCLE SiDOES NOT Several of the objections to Ameri- Every Woman's Complexion can Intervention have already been is iHiiiitii to show whether or not she is in good physical condition. stilled, but there is one more that is Important both commercially und po- If the complexion is muddy, the skin sallow; if pimples or skin litically. At the present time we me blemishes appear it is then attention must be given to improve SEEK CUBAN leaking closer relations with South the bodily condition. There is one safe and simple way. America. The upproaelihiK ctmipli;r*on Clear the system and purify the blood with a few doses of of the I'uuamu canal open* a splendid The Season of 1912 I field for us In extending our trade iu Would Mean Many Sac- Dispatch of Great Fleet j Uml rijre'-llon, osptHMuUy wiili t&a %v«nt con si of Hint continent. Unfortunately rifices and Burdens Proves Situation May there la nliendy u feeling ngaiuxt us Opens in Long Branch 1Q the olber American republics. This and Few Benefits. Be Grave. vvu* iuct\'iiwd tiy tliv ryvolutluu in Co- This well known vegetable family remedy is famous for its power With improved telephone service. On May 29th, louibhi. Car which \v« were held at to improve the action of the organs of digestion and elimination. Common Battery Telephone Service, the most least indirectly responsible. The dan- They will regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver, tone the By JAMES A. EDGERTON. ascrllwd as a cause of the revolt, it ger is that if we now intervene In stomach and you will know what it is to be free from troubles, up-to-date service obtainable, was installed in ILL flic United States be doubt Jen Una little to do with the ac- Culm, liuwever just our Niuse nmy lie. from headaches, backaches, lassitude, and extreme nervousness. compelled to take over Culm tual cause of the negro upi-iKlng." this antagonism may IK: Inflamed, In Long Branch and vicinity. This means that the one day we nmy undo years of (he They will majte you feel healthier and stronger in every way. after ail? President Tart Tim mere landing of Amei'lcuu ma- Dy clearing your system of poisonous waste Beecham's Pills people of Long Branch will have telephone service W rlneti does not iiienn intervention, as painstaking effort! of the I'iin-Aiueri- s;i)s that thu dispatch of the will have good effect upon your looks—these they equal to the best—no cranks to turn, and faster war fleet to the island did not uecett- our inarinen have liecn lunded in other cmi uui'Mi mid the bureau of Auiericnn snrfly mean intervention, being de- Lntlu American countrieM for the pur- republlcN. service. signed to protect tho properly of poHe of pi'otecting American lives and Tills' makes it still plain that there American citizens, but a IOUK continu- property. Even If we should Intervene can be no desire in thu part of (he Will Beautify and Improve Have you a telephone in your home or place of ntlou of the lumi erection would com- Unit would not necessarily Imply per- United States to annex Cuba. > The dis- pel Uncle HUM to take » part, iicronl manent occupancy, despite the threat Th« direction, with e»err box «re of .pr< ,.l value and importance to women. business? p ndvitnhmes of that sU*j* would HO vast- Sold everywhere. In bow 10c, 25c. ing to the Iei :iiH of thu I'lutt uuiuml- to tbe contrary already mentioned ly outweigh tlit* mlvjinliiges that no We quote special season rates. nieut incor|«in::t'il Into ttio treaty be- f'liat penunncnt occupancy of Citbii by Nilnc man could, counxel tt. Indeed, it Why not call Long Branch 12064 for further in- tween tlie two I'fMiuirioB. the United Ktates will come eventually is (jtiestioiniblc whether there would Tbe tcrt'iit (lU)-Htinn, tlien, is as to is lielievcd by many people In Wash- be any advuntnges to this country. "lATUNTIO HIGHLANDS NOTES. formation. Cuba's nbilily tu nut down tlie Inmir- '^igtou, however, nnd is desired by The benelltH would nil accrue to Cubir.- rectlon in a iva wimble tiuio. Presi- many in (he island itself, 'Mn is es- W'liatever we do should be and will be Former ABsenablyman Charles H. dent Gomez exp eases bin confluence peclaliy true of the propertied class, only In the line of performing our Snyder has^ purchased a new.touring NEW YORK TELEPHONE tlmt his troops can biinule the etitun- both Spanish nnd American. They duty under the treaty. car. tioti without our help. Americans want a stable government and despair Royal Arcanum. W. B. Smith and family aro here for who bnve been in Cuba, nnd who have of tbe Ciihium ever being able to es- TJncle Sam on Guard. Grand Regent Joseph M. Arnold, of the summer. Mr. Smith is at the hea-1 COMPANY kept track of tho pruHuut uprinlng d»> tablish such ii government. For ob- Princeton, will meet His supervising el the Shoal Harber Industries, and ai- vious reasons those Cubans favoring For Ihese and other re:iKMIIS it is so the Ocean View Realty company, not. agree with him. They any that nincerely to lie hoped th.it iuterventicni district deputy grand regents at New- 1 W. H. HALL, Local Agent Iliest' oegVO Insurreetos tire old hands American occupancy do not speak of ark next Saturday evening, at which and is heavily interested in the devel- the matter openly. The bulk of the will not become necessary. Vet few opment of the shore front between nt the buHlnosH and are too wary to be who are conversant with the situation time a campaign, will be mapped out 35 Third Ave. Long Branch, N. J, people still believe in Independence and 1 this place and Belford. en utfht by I he ini (lonal forces. The 1 iM'lleve tbe Gome / government enn to increase teh membership of the or- urgent* divide »\> U&o HJUIVII hnmls, Hhout "Cuba l.ibre." Those iwMM .veil der in every district in the state. The Roberts & White have opened a new people \vln> secretly desire Uncle Hnui restore nnd nmHitiiin ordor. Kven U levying trfbuti) nnd burning tlie prop the present uprising is put down, bow deputies aro asked to present the con-subscription library. There are a H<»yn, 'J.—l>avld AH berg, ItaymoiHl L't-ty of thone who full to pay, nnd lu to step In and stop tin* revoluting hub dition of each council under their largo number of volumes of flrat-claoB 6ARFIELD HONOR ROLL it linvu no dertire to pose u# martyrs long will it he till another brenkH out'/ ('runnier, Thomas Dedc'y, Antonio- tbis guerrilla warfare they ean con- Only u few weeks agd the trouble was charge, the plan of securing new mem-flction. PupMs Winning Special Distinction at NasitiKiu, ('hirencu 'Pigguge, William tinue Imluliulttsty. If itiey were ecui- bers, if any, and the outlook for an in- Mrs. A. C. Oliver, of Fftth avenue, Prof. Barnett's School During Humloijih, Joseph Sacco, LsOQAfd Sac- lentrnted into one or two armies mid crease. is visiting relatives at Bristol, Tenn. May. co, Harold Schonek; Girls, 10.—Ellen would tight It might bo possible tor W. F, Conover is painting the Harris The Garfield Avenue School honor De Lucia, Joseplilne- Doranti, Lillie Gi- the government troops to defeat ami Long Branch Council, No. 429, will cottage on Washington avenue, roll for the month of May 1B herewith lo w, Lucy Mazza, Angelina Molina, jjugate them; but. broken up t\» holds its first June meeting Lo- John H. Geary has the contract to ill veu: Marjle Morris, heasle SacKH, Mildred they nre into roving g:tn«s of hnmlltn niglit. Regent A. C. Morris is anxious build a new houae on Grafleld awriuc 4A Grade, B. A. Shawger, teacher— StratiH, Jeunie Hmilh, Hebecca Wein- and marauders, evading a direct clanh lo see many members present. The for E. Jrwin. The house will be 26x26 Boys, 8—Amerlco Anaatasio, Millo kofBki. with tin; army ami Hirlking defeime orator will furnish refreshments. feet and will contain all modern im- Fornlcole, Leonard Gettleson, Gam ley SB Grade, Olive 0, Wright, teacher. less private eitizouH, it is impossible • * • provements. Hahn, Henry Ratafia, Robert Topping, Boye, 11.—Patsy Bruno, Paul DoNuecl, to got nt them. * Odd Fellows. Mrs. John Heath is visiting relatives Carl Donnr-U, Joseph Farbell, Aim i u at CMncimiati, Ohio. Joseph Vassalli, Samuel Van Dyke; It was this sort of guerrilla warfare Considerable interest is being mini- Girls, 6.—Helen Gaestein, Bertha Git- KaiiiKi, Tliomas Julian, Felix Nicro, feeted in the coming class initiation Mrs. Louiso vonOalden, of New OttOrge Van Poll, Kitnmel Ville, Lewis that Cuba iti.'i Jn.tii iiii" I :lii, Flor- SjHI In. In (urn, It was employed by of Monmoulh county lodges to be held ence Yetman, Maileiino Wright. WllliHinB, Albert, iHier; Qlrli, 7.— at Asbury I'ark two weekB from issi dence on Seventh avenue for the Bea-- in.-v mrntavt PMvWmC Palma. <«»- 4A Grade, H. D. Wilder, teacher. Ilatilliili Bsril, Annie Dftffiato, Helen niglit. The elans initiation is being Frugal <\ Katlnyn Lane, L«-na I'outa, •i. liiniKclf is president now nnd Is worked up by Grant! Secretary Hurry Mr. and Mrs. Barnabas Burns, of VoyB.ll.—Roftsman Collins, Samuel Hiitf BO me of his own medicine. lMUtone, Harry Dangler, Harry Fie M, Janet SwtU, KIIZHIHMII Wolkomo. S. Pine. See Bright Lodge will send Mansfield, Ohio, have been visiting Ht« enemlcH MWft that be himself Is a dozen candidates. Arioch Lodge, Mrs. 1 turns, sister-in-law, Mrs. Oliver Joo Goodnough, Albert Labour, \VU tirade A, 1... K. Clark, leaclior. Boys, (innBel 11iv t he present iQsurreetion to Ham Saeto, Edward Sykea, Krnnk Mur- 13.—James Callano, Paul Coles, Mil No. 77, of this city, baa two candidate*. A. Brown. distract attention from the tinniieial It is expected there will be a claas of ton, Morris Pluger, Anlhony Woolley. lon Cranmc-r, Itiilph Darhy, James Iriu^MliirltleH of his administration. Supervising Principal Form an O. Girls, 8.—Jeanette Cooper, Hone till Me 1'Vrrura, Antonio Ma/./.a, Huinlnk-k twenty-fire and perhaps forty candi- Cassaboon, of the Jocal schools, has They H»y thnt lie iiNeil t<> be poor, but dates. Grand. Secretary Pine will man, Helen Miller, Lillian ToWotou, MlnnlBcb. Arnold Thompson, Oliver tuat tdnce he became president he has returned from a trip to Connecticut, Bdwina Van Dyke, Kllzabel li V in Topping, Morris Van Dyke, John Wid bring with him Trenton's crack lot!go, where he went to secure teachers for unwed a fortune of 04.100,000 or $,">. No. 217, to confer the degree. Dyke, Alice Woolley, Marion Widdis. [din, Harvey Oxley, Joseph Gleayon. O.lHiO. When thlH WWilth nnd the another year. The commencement ex- Uiirls, 7.—Virginia Ascht'tlna, Hfiitrk'e »tho(lH of its iu'cuniulalion Were dis- * * * ercisee of the high school will be held 4B Grade, B. E3. Jennlngi, teacher. this Friday evening, ,Iune 7th. 5loyB, 7—Harry Drake, Revo FPVKU- Irfuiy, Roue Pt ligature, Frances Sch- HBWI too freely mid trimJiU; WUH Masons. Bon, Fred Fornicolo, C'harh'H .Tones, wartz, Fannie Zwplchel, Florence threatened flomefhlng had (>> be done District. Deputy Sanford Dcy, of As- Norman Knox, Louis Mazza, liarrelt Honiolla, Itaphuolla Grazlano. to take the public mi ml off the Riih- bury Park, will hold a district lodge Two Motorcycle Officer! Here. Oxley. Girls, 11—Helen Henertief, Al- ject. The Insurrection wna tho easier of instruction in Masonic Hall tomor- The traffic squad of the police de- 1A Grade. 11. Parsel!., teacher. Boys, row night. Tho officers of Abacus ice CahlH, Sarah. Coles, N«Ul« Knox, 14.—Anthony Acerra, Antonio Chvlali, wny. It would furnish ;ui ojtjMwt unity partment this summer will consist of> Elsie Reid, Antonin Sacco, Sar,»h for the president to appeal to patriot* Lodge, No. 182,' will exemplify the two motorcycle patrolman. Patrol- , Richard Cooper, Dominic Gramlinelti, esoteric work. Schwartz, Helen White, Minnie Hy- Fliclmrd Hampton, Edward Ivans, Inm nnd annex military piory. At man Joseph McGarvey, who is an ex- men, Nellie Vltle, Annie Avis. ' Louis LoHlnski, Henry McVeigh, Oeo. least this Is the version of the know- * * * pert and fearless rider, and who 3A Grade, L. W. Oano, traaJwr ! Movvla, Aklha-Planer, JoeeuLi Se,B(i'a, ing uneH nlmul Ilavnna. Grand Instructor Henry S. Haines, made an excellent reputation for him- Boya, 6.—Arthur Brttndewein, Ili-njii [Milton Stein, C.eorge WPIBH, Frank of Ilurlington, will hold a grand lodg^ self in running down speeding auto- mln Ledwltz, John Mozzacco, Harold 'FarlwII; Glrla, 6.— Helen Cohen, Mar- Will Go In to Ctay. of instruction at Masonic Hull, this mobiles last season, will be mounted Otten, Chester Waltt, Jamea Wol- Jan Fernina, Eva May Penn, Helen If they are right (ho president could, city, two weeks from laat night. The (his season on a new Indian 1912 kome. Otrls, 7.—Mary Canperlnnn, Vetter, Caroline Bell. of course, put down tho JiiHurrectlmi lodges of District 14 will be preseni. model machine, capable of making 70 The lodges in the district include tho Josle Day Grippo, Ray Dillenber«, Ill, M. Bokford, teacher. Boys, 6.—any time he gets pood and ready. The miles an hour. "This will hold them Doris Frame, Janet Meyers, Cora Slo- only trouble with the thiiory is thnt 11 two in this city, Lake wood, Freehold, down," was Patrolman M cGarvey's Rocco Farnaoole, Joseph Morolli, ITm- Del mar and, Asbury Park. cum, Mabel Woody. jbfrto Mlzaeco, Domintck Mazza, Ku- does in'i square with some known comment while he was inspecting his 3A, A. D. Sherman, teacher. Boys, facts. For one thing, the blacks .have • * * new mount on Saturday. He meant, gpne Papa, Lewis Shapiro; Girls, f,.— A. O. U. W. 8.—Antonio Uruno, Nathan Cohen, k'llipl Kmmons, Gerahline Fragah, rvpentedly ltd tad tlmt the reason for there were no automobiles that would Merle Cranmer, Francis DeCloe, Har- their robot ^n is the law denying ree- Sea Side Lodge, No. 39. A. O. U. W.,get away from him after he onco |(iuim'lla Gi/./o, Jennie Luparolli, An- last. Friday delivered to the widow of ry Ferguson, Frank Luimrelll, Josftpb na Murphy, Reba Garlflne. tuition (• political patties organised started in pursuit. The other mount- Rosen, Edwin Van Dyke. Girls, 5 — IIOIIK '»tie lines. They eay they will James Maps a voucher for $2,000, be- Kindergarten Grade, C. E Osborn, ing the value of the policy carried by ed officer will be Patrolman Swan- Helen Morris, Anna NorDell, M;iry toachor. Boy», 20.—John Certn, John keep on Hghlin^ until this obnoxious son. He, too, ie an expert rider. Uo SummlB, Anna West, Grace Van iuw is repealed. The w»cond fact is her lute husband. The claim was paid MUST. Saverlo Mareugo, Janies Puppa, in fifteen days. has become heir to McGarvey's old Winkle. Jamil Hat.ijia, Francis Uingleben, Jo- thni donas and bis soldi»rn MM uu- motorcycle, capable of making at least 3B Grade, Ge'nevleve Fislor, teacher, seph Schlbclli, Hynian Schwartz, Tony ble to end tbo Insurrection. 40 miles an hour. BoyB. 12— Wm. Anaitnsla, Wm. Beuft- BcbwarU Joseph Vrtu ('loaf, C.eninl This brings us back lu Ann-rii-un iu- HIGHLAND HAPPENINGS diet, John Hiaae, Herman Kuuiums. Garlftne, Abraham Altherg, John Bnii- torventloLi. In case (ho Culi.ui Kov- Photo el II. K, M. WnshVnKton i>y Ant ric;in press Association, ' Another Trolley Fight Leroy Gasklll, leadore Glaze r, Chuiic* ! lelln, Kml Bruno, Willie Christie, erniucnt 1M unable to stop tLu* retn-l The Samuel StrauB agency lias sold Lareen, Theodore Ptnson, Jarvis Slo- Saturday night on the 11 o'clock par ; Philip Cohen, Tony DeNueci, Erni'Rl linn IJnole Sum will be compt Q -d to PRESIDENT GOMEZ OF CUBA, GENERAL M0NTEAGUD0, WHO COM- the Herman SSeliff property on Bay from Keyport, Jacob Dennis, of IJPI- cum, Tutt\e Slocum, John Ws&tfen, T>eyisrlppio, Alfred Monico, ('hnrK'n HIej* \n. At tln>ilose of our lust, Inter- MANDS THE C^BAN ARMY; BEAR ADMIRAL OSTEKHAUS, COM- avenue to C. Mell Johnson. There 1R Abraham Felnberg. Girls, 9.^Ange- ford, and William Downcs, Jr., of Port tAviB; Girls, IB.—Alice Frame, Hunan vention it Pnm i'%i'iy stated thut if wu MANDER OF AMERICAN SHIPS DISPATCHED TO CUBAN WA- a lot 40x100, with a small store on it, Monmouth, both of whom had been lina Bonforte, Carmella Boaielto, jwa- ! Luparelli, Mary Ma/.za, l>illie IMIIKI- v<>r Imd to enter thu isltuul i^Blt) It and I hey cost Mr. Johnson $1,300. trice Dlllenberg, Antonla Bgwda, Hn- TERS, AND THE CRUISER WASHINGTON, HIS FLAGSHIP. drinking, became engaged in a heaied I tore, Ijoulsa Hen/.Hlii, Ida Sell wart", .oulil he to Htny. J. W. Andrews and family are oc-argument which resulted In iigiH. trlce Emmons, DCUH Julian, Victoria Ruth Wfettft, Ktimv Clayton, Bvttl* Bon- An Hoeusntimi tlmt ia hptnn Jiade by cupying Ihe Pioneer cottage. Mr. An- Oxley. Sophia Weincr, Kink- Tetnian. Downes was the aggressor, and at WiV jiartt, (lniHtitiH Ciiprino, Lottlu Hfinip- onio nf tliu more ilery (Jtihim jmtriots nr to tie brnniled as tmitors. Hence with the veterans. The dispute tben drews will act a local representatives lett's elding he was transferred to ft 2A, M. M. Irwin. t—cW.—BOf*. IL t"ii. KMi- S< liai/.n'iin. S;n;ili Kainru^s, Is that the uprising Is bchn; financed they nre discreet- IJUo the mnti wliose prow m serious tlmt the United Stntes for tlie Atlantic Highlands Gas com-car bound, for Koyport where b© was —Joha Bennett, Frank Bruno, KmH Orlrudo Slocum. l>y Anierleaua who dealn* ii.trn'eiiliun. iiiother-in-tnw wiis 111, thoy enu only ^overmiient h»d to issue n warnfuj; pany. put In jail over night to cool off. Tbia Hoppe, James Horowitz, J1;I jt-itioiis lie Arguments Against Annexation. baum Son havo hnd Iheir business for 8o?ne time on the cars of thp Jer- Ormand WMt. Girls, 12.—Annie Bon- UuiKiuK to Ainericiiiis 1I:I\TJ been iinil been meniionoi]. AVith tJient- conslunl places painted. sey Central Traction company, and it forte, Antoinette Capperino, Annie Rufus H. Kantmmul. of Purl Mnn- by the insui'Kents. If .Vmi'rican *'t>pl On the other hand, n vnwt lioily of outl)iirnls whit I hope of peiin.iiicnt mouth. was operated upon Friday by AtmM-|c;nis nre op|u)sed to permitiiriit Tiio mt'mlK'rphip of ihe local lodso Is the intention of the ofHcialH to make Cole, Nellie Fornacole, Carmella For- till were liclijthl tho HUTU there cer- stability Is there? Cuba seems tiflliet- a summary..disposition of some. 1H-. (\ C. Strauglinn, of Matawail, fnr t\iiicr\i'nn orrnimni'.v ol tbe Quern of of Red Men Mt nuikiuR preparations nlna, Bertha Gctttopon, Antoine*a ainly would he toffifl .arnns (nKcn (o ed witli tjie revolutlonnry Imbits of to attend Hie nipetiup at. (tra/iaiiii, Lucy (Jrecco, Antiic ll-m the removal of growths iif Hie QftMl Ihe AntlllM I'hst. they wny It woul.l HoSleo, (Vntial Aniericn and much of uoU'Ct its IIWII hi»tiHim* irnm injury. Uv n hre.'itb of imttminl fnllh to lt\kv in aliend tho disiikt meritng at Perlh niahch, OWWtUft Puppa, Hannah Tun paKHas-'eH. The opi'iaMon was t^OO^t- There is nu little uysti-ry even in Smith America. Are we fee be respon Am boy on Juno 10th. The trip will Advertise in the Daily Rec- enbaum, Lena Tracano. ful. and Mr, Ea;-imoiid Is mnv recov- (he jshim) when tlie ANHMJI :ui con sil.ie fnr the nnler of ihe Island and Cuba us to thy nctunl ci'Inir tjuest ions whieh tlie icroveni- i« 11 prlnel|iles to mibjiiKfite tlie < *u 11 lent jit Washington must aii'Jvver. They ilcht btnuuse i hey do not knnw Uans acniunt their will; third, it vvouUl -THE- what else tn tin. IMgiitidiiw is <>b\ 1 No wotnler .students conclude that M&tSe us wilh the islnnd's troul)!es(nne wnne liny we shnll have to %t> Into tbe ,|y tniother mothv). It Is n llternl nice |»'obleni: fmirlli. Ihcrc would U* 1.1 lack llutid on a mngnined scale. Island to stay. The only question is no returniim hi'iiellt sulllclcnt lu com as to wheHier or not that time hue* yet GUILDS' A Cuban View. peiisnte us for llieso MKftflCW en me. BROADWAY THEATRE It is s;ife tu sny tlmt Ilicrc Is no Ao- Spnor Rarrnnco nf ihp Cuhnn Ipgn &m sr pnipnv,. ,,n the part of tho neo I>csp|te the optimistic statementsof LONG BRANCH, N. J Chas. J. Bryan, Mgr. nu, TTinMimiim, iwmntlj nM: "Tin'pie »»• itie B»Tt*rnra*at "f Jhe rniit^l I'ri'sul. ill TlniMI the nullook is unt u<>Ri-o revolt in itself bU M politirni nhfilly reasfntrtriff. Tlnit is the view nlficance. The M0VOM At not uli.-*olutely iMvrssury tor I In- 111:1 in! o- cviilenlly talien by our (T'lvt-niment, tlieinselves know for what principle ritime "f order ill the M:U\>\ since tlu- tleet now in the neighbor Finest andFresh- they lire fictit iiiK. The |n-.t\isi.,iis of !hc Tintt iinieml- hiM)> tin censiiH litLen rut. umier Wl^rfe the Inilt'it SINKS VX In^rton li.is a hctter oppnrt unity to by the United States government hi erciaei tbe rtglil Lu latervtue Ui Culm, ffauge the uprising than UtOAe on the HARRY LASALLE. tbe yean 1809 nnd 1907, the population nut side, nnd such n fleet would not est Tub Butter ire ,ts follow^: r tin- Mbutf tw: ta iwn. ljMT,Sfs4 •Tlutt the Tinted Slntcs smiH hfive ItftVM litMMi Kent notou the wit unt ion PRESENTS white;* nKain^t "»i)5,44'l neKi"*)"'^. "l" fi the pr I were L'fave- nrrliimrilv one nr two How often we hear this product praised. white peiccrH;i-e of t;7.<>; lit 1!«i7 thelion of < ubitn indct'eiid. Mr,, nnd fnrjfftt&bOAtl nre deem."] nBillll to l(M»k How often are the tastes of the people dis- whitf populittinn nniutNTeil |,44O4O1JJ HIP nininteiiMiiec of a Kovrniinent ;iit!i- lifter American interests duritiK I.ntin A Breeze from the Rio Grande ftpaiust SBU4t MUta, "i- I wltUe her In i*ri>t*M'i lite, pgopgttj jvmi iiifli\ iilua! t Anit>r»'ftn revolutieii\ onlv « pnrsHel 'novenient tn that of < nha is a white rmintry uml will IIIIIPI' th(« «*p have int«*rvpued one*. I inoblliy.inir our iirniy In Tcxnn «lnrfne you to try our BUTTER. Expense and ener- Billy and Welp be ruled by wb'M* |io«>plf ln-ijiiise tttey ibvftdjr, ttiMt uns ulna ih- ir..ubh. ! the MC\J.MO revolution. N-.thfu« gy has not been lacking in the hunt for these May nre In the mjftlttf. just its in tins HMM S.etwcn I'Uiua and Unuie/ Nn.v icituie of that. aUhitutrh die outlook 6W Soiiboif, Mobody. Much and None r.nintty MM years njro tin1 hue Si-n Uwfi nre itmflerhi^ all 0Vf* tin- is n tinip was Kufticieiitly nrten Let goods we are now ready to introduce at ntor Martin Muni a I >elcatliinir will c'niif mi <>f Introduced u bill in the Semite plWVMM tion. Jiiid tn-nlilc bk|« been l hientrned ! tills. Vi-l we run but remember (hat Special 29c ALL THE LATEST MOTION PICTHRES MATINEE DAILY AT 3.1S InR the negroes from forminj; a i»»>Mti- itn. e or h*tQ 1.4-!uf«>. nM|y JI TewI promlsp of tin* Ani'Tii-an soldiers that cnl party iu I'uhn. This hill bseMM n moiitb-* ;\no iiTI n|tn-iiip wi^ Hirenten I if tlwy i>ver went Ita'lf to Tulwi It would LIMIT 2 LBS. TO A CUSTOMER Prices As Uml, Matinee 5 & 10c, Evenings 10, 15 k 25c law nnd Is Htill in ftKOft. AHhoitKh ft pd. but jvrtivid to ha\f ii'ilhini; tn-hitnl j IM* 10 ntny; RIHI they nre |>tag hack.

Two Complete performance* each evening (>?Kinn!ng at 7 & 9 o'clock. On Saturday evening three shows will be given starting promptly Strictly Fresh Eggs 23c doz. At 6.30. ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY RECORD LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1912. NINE

to a crocodile, that Impels the civilized Into ft corporation so well equipped, so ealt/ he rend aloud, while they watched splendidly organised nnd powerful, his Ifcee: man to endow churches, that baa kept M ily Doings of Our Jfusfling Merchants in existence from the beginning a class that kings and ministers of state ap- J'hhn Rowland, sailor of th« Titan, of soothsayers, medicine men, priests peal to it at times for foreign news. • with child passenger, name Unknown, The Wreck and clergymen, all living on fhe hopes on board Peerless, Bath, at Chris* Not a master or mate sails under the tian land, Norway. Both dangerously and fears excited by themselves? English flag but whose record, even to ill. Rowland speaks of ship cut in half Follow These Ads. Closely From Day To Day. They Are Con- "And people pray—millions of them forecastle flffbts, is tabulated at Lloyd"? night before loss of Titan." ' of the and claim they are answered. Are for the insjiectioii of prospective em- "What do you make of it, Meyer5 tinuously Saving Money For Somebody they? Was ever supplication sent into ployers. Not a ship is cast away on Royal Age, isn't it'e" asked oue. that sky by troubled humanity an- Qny inhabitable coast of the world "Yes," vociferated another, "I've Qg- swered or even heard? Who know*? during underwriters' business hours ured back. Only ship notv reported They pray for rain and sunshine, and but what that mighty singsong cry an lately. Overdue two mouths. Was Titan both come in time. They pray for nuuucea the event at Uuyd's within spoken aaiae day fifty wiles east of DON'T LOSE MONEY ! ! A Large Range of Cloth- health and success, and both are but thirty minutes. that iceborKl" You will if you go elsewhere natural in the marching of events. By Morgan Robertson One of the adjoluing rooms Is known "Sure thing," paid others. "Nothina for candy. Irresistible goodness, ing from SB to $18 This is not evidence. But they say thtit as tho chart room. Here can be found said about It In the captain's state healthfulness and purity are they know, bj spiritual uplifting, that ment Looks queer." three of the qualities which HEADQUARTERS. in perfect order and sequence, each on Wallach1* $2.00 Hatl. Copyright, 1896, by M. T, ManrteW. they are heard anil comforted and an- its roller, the newest charts of all na- "Veil, vhat of ItV" said Mr. Meyer make our confections so popu- Copyright, Mil, by Morgan Rob- swered at the moment. Is not this a tions, with a library of nautical liter- painfully and stupidly. "Dere Is a cut- lar. They cost no more than Arrow Brand Shirts. ertson. All rights reserved. physiological experiment? Would they ature describing to the last detail the Hslon clause in der Tltau'a policy. I candy sold elswheic of doubtful Walk-Over Shoes. not feel equally tranquil if they re- harbors, lights, rocks, shoals and sail merely bay the money to der steam- quality. See Our New Spring styles. peated the multiplication table or box- Ing directions of every coast line ship company innteud of to der Royal ed the compass? shown on the charts; the tracks of Age beeple." 8. Goldstein & Sons, SYNOPSIS. Hicks Mfg. Co. Harry Goldstein, Mgr. "Millions have believed this—that latest storms, the changes of ocean "But why did the oaptain conceal it?" Wholesale and RtUII The ereat steamer Titan, supposed to be prayers are answered—and these mil- currents and the whereabouts of dere- they shouted at him. "What's his ob Phone 62J. 151 Broadway. linsliikaljU1. si.ms across the AtlaiUic Hnw- licts and Icebergs. A member at Ject—assured against collision aultsV" luml, once a liiulcriaiit, now a cumnion auilor, lions have prayed to different gods. iii'-'i.. i...... 1.1 love -MM,i. Bbe is with lier Were they all wrong or all right? Lloyd's acquires In time a theoretical "Der looks of it, berhaps. Looks hunhand nnd i-iiiiti. knowledge of the sea seldom exceeded pad." TJie Titan jjiila a ship in two, and her oaii- Would a tentative prayer be listened uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiimiinniuwi tniii endeavors to * t-nI the crime. Huni.ir.il to? Admitting that the J!idles and by the men who navigate it "Nonsense, Meyer! What's the mat ei'i'-ei-i. Tim f!iiit;ini gives him whiskey, HO ter with you? Which one of the lust id.H he Will be iiisci i-iiiu'd. Myra accuse* him Korans and Vedas are misleading and Another apartment, the captain's i.i inh-iniiinii.' to murder her child. unreliable, may there not be an un- room, is given over to Joy and refresh- tribes did you spring from? You're The Satisfied Rider Htm land in drugged by the captain's order like none of your mce-drinking your- WM. BRYAN .iijil la itii-ii given tin' si;iiliiiiir.l bridge look- seen, unknown being who knows my ment, and still another, the antithesis Is the man who purchases a nut, so that tie will UlHtmce hinim-lf. Myra's of the last, Is the intelligence office, self stupid like a good Christian. I've child steals awny and Joins Howlund. gut a thousand on the Titan, and it HARTFORD BICYCLE AT *25, 'flu' Titan strikes an Iceberg and sinks. where anxious ones inquire for and are for this Is the wheel lo which Thousand* are last. M.u';i ericapen In n boat. told the latest news of this or that I'm to pay it I want to know why. Elberon Florist Rowland and the child find refuge on the You've got the heaviest ri.sk and the the purchaser gets the most iceberi;. He loses an nrtti In a fight wltti a overdue ship. liolur bear. bruin to fight for it. You've got to do value for his money. 5c by Trolley to the Poor. On the day when the assembled It. Go home, straighten up and attend tbrong of underwriters and brokers It will pay you to Inspect my CHAPTER V. had been thrown Into nn uproarious to this. We'll watch Rowland tin you line of wheels before purchas- Floral Tribute* and Flowen take bold. We're all caught." Marooned on mn Iceberg. panic the crier's announcement that ing elsewhere. for All Occasions. Palms the great: Titan was destroyed nnd the They put him into a cab, took him to IlTIX lucid Intervals, daring a Turkish bath ami then home. Guaranteed Tires, $2.00 Up I which he replenished or re- papers of Europe and America, were and Plantt Rented at Reaton- Issuing extras giving the meager de- The next morning he was at his dunk, Bicycles repaired as good as 3'ui" ""' flre' eooked the beor tails of the arrival at New York of one clear eyed and clem- headed, and for new at reasonable prices. able Rates : : : : : ( mt»rt t and ft*) a nd dressed boat load of ber people this omce hud u few weeks was a busy, scuuuiiug man of business. LANDSCAPE HARDENING the wounds of the child, this delirium been, crowded with weeping women A SPECIALTY Inated three days. His suffering was and worrying men, who would ask (Continued To-morrow.) CHAS E. MORRIS Intense. His arm, the seat of throb- and remain to ask again for more A DIM ••lection *f True, bing pain, had swollen to twice the news. And when it came—a later Congress on Hygiene Great Gathering 554 BROADWAY Shrubs and Hardy PUnU (Iwaya natural size, while his side prevented cablegram—giving the story of tlu» Washington, June 4.—Five distin- Tel. 16-J on hand. his taking a full breath voluntarily. wreck and the names of the captain, guished physicians have been desig- 859 W»8T »ND He had paid no attention to hlB own first officer, boatswain, seven sailors nated by Governor Woodrow Wilson hurts, nnd It was either the vigor of a and one lady passenger as those of the to represent the State of New Jersey constitutiou that years of dissipation saved a feeble old gentleman had at the fifteenth International Congress had not impaired or some anti-febrile raised his voice In a quavering scream, on Hygiene and Demography, which property of the bear meat or the ab- high, above the sobbing of women, and meets at Washington, D. C, under The Enterprise Market W. G. EISELE sence of the exciting whisky that won said: the auspices of tb,e United States 148 BROADWAY . the battle. He rekindled the flre with government, September 23-28, Dr. A. ZIMMERMAN'S Telephone 431. his last match on the evening of the "My daughter-in-law is safe, but O. Hunt, Metuchen, N. J.; Dr. Stewart THE LEADING FLORIST third day and looked around the dark- where is my son, where Is my son, and Paton, Princeton, N. J.; Dr. George TEA AND COFFEE STORE All Orders Promptly Dellmed ening horizon, sane, but feeble in bo'dy my grandchild?" Then he had hurried A. McLaughlin, Jersey City, N. J.; Dr. 100 Brosdway, Long Branch. Cut Flowers and Palms PHONE. 130-J. and ratnd. away, but WBB back again the next Henry A. Cotton, Trenton, N. J., and Sea Bass 6c. For Sale If a sail had appeared In the interim day, and the next. And when, on the Dr. Richard Cole Newton, Montclalr, tenth day of waiting and watching, lie N. J. Every State in the Union is to Ttutter Fish . 8c. Decorations and Floral Daalfiu he had not seen it, nor was there one for Weddings, Dlnmra, iu sight now. Too weak to climb the learned of another boat Jpad of sailors be represented at the congress and Good Table Butter 30c Ib Halibut - 18c. elope, he returned to the boat, where and children arriving at Gibraltar, he many of them in its accompanying Spanish Mackerel 1 8c. Funerals, etc. shook his head slowly, muttering Exhibition on Health. Twenty-five W» also carry a full MlaetlOB the child, exhausted from fruitless cry- "Bark ahoy! Bark ahoyl Take us Salmon . 25c. ing, was now sleeping. His unskillful "George, George," and left the room. foreign governments and most of the at Hardy S!irub«, Tr«M an* off I" That night, after telegraphing the con- leading universities of the world have and rather heroic manner of wrapping Best White Lard 11c Ib. Roe Shad • 75c. Herbaceous PlanU at oar It up to protect It from cold had no heart, who Is watching me now? If sul nt Gibraltar of his coming, he also accepted the Invitation of the Lobsters * 15c doubt contributed largely to the clos- so, this being gave me my reason, •crossed (lie channel. United States to-participate in what Nurseries. ing of Its wounds by forcibly keeping which doubts him, and on him Is the In the first tumultuous riot nf In- is now certain to be' the reatest gath- Urge Jersey Berries 2 Boxes 25c. All telephone calls •romttly It still, though It must have added responsibility. And would this being, quiry, when underwriters had climbed ering of health authorities in the his- All KOOIIS received fresh dally. attended to and (lraa oar tory of the world. The addition to Strictly Fresh - largely to Jts present sufferings. He It he exists, overlook a defect for over desks and each other to hear All orders delivered promptly. careful attention. looked for a moment on the wan,which I am not to blame and listen to again of toe wreck of the Titan, one— representation by the State of New tear stained little face, with Its fringe a prayer from me based on the mere the noisiest of all, a corpulent, hook Jersey, many of the cities of the State Eggs 23c doz. Henry S. Meyer, Mgr. Cedar Ave. Tsl. «27 W*M End of tangled curls peeping above the chance that I might be mistaken ? nosed man with flashing black eyes- also are expected to be individually wrnpplngs of canvas, and, stooping Can an unbeliever, In the full strength had broken away from the crowd and represented. painfully down, kissed it softly, but of his reasoning powers, come to such ninde his way to the captain's room, the kiss awakened it, and It cried for trouble that he can no longer stand where, after a draft of brandy, be had J. G. DISBRO W its mother. He could not soothe it, alone, but must cry for help to nn seated himself heavily with a groan PATTEN LINE nor could he try, and with a formless, Imagined power? Can such time come that came from his souL ...THE... GILT EDGE SYRUP, Leading Stationer wordless against destiny welling to a sane man—to me?" He looked at TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE MAY "Father .Abraham," he muttered; 25th, 1812. BROADWAY LONG BRANCH. up from his heart he left It and sat the dark line of vacant horizon. It was R. M. HARRIS Pint Mason Jars 10c TEL. 262 down on the wreckage at some dis* seven miles away; New York was 1)00, "this will ruin me!'" Week-dayi. tance away. the moon In the east over 200,000 and Others carae In, some to drink, some Leave Long Branch for New York: SHOE STORE to r-ondole, all to talk. STATIONERY, PHONOGRAPHS, the stars above any number of billious. Rockwell ave., 7.20 a. m., 3.00, 4.IB p. US BROAOWAV. ROKLANO MOLASSES "We'll very likely get well," he ne was alone with a sleeping child, "Hit hard, Meyer?" asked one. ra.; Pleasure Bay, 7.30 a. m., 3.10, 4.2S mused gloomily, "unless I lot the flre a dead bear and the unknown. He "Ten thousand," he answered, gloom- p. m.; Bea Bright, 8.00 a. m., 3.40, 4.55 Befo-de-war kind 75c gal. KODAKS, POST CARDS, go out. What then? We can't last ily. walked softly to the boat and looked p. m.; HighlandB, 8.20 a. in.. 4.00, 5.15 SOUVENIRS, NOVELTIES longer than the berg and not much at the JItfcle one for a moment; then, "Serves you right," said another un- p. m. longer than the bear. We must be out New Arrivals raising his head, he whispered, "For kindly. "Hare more baskets* for your Leaie New York, West 35tli St., 8.45, Extra Fancy New and SPORTING GOODS. of the tracks. We were about 900 you, Myra." eggs. Knew you'd bring up." miles out when we struck, and the 10.SO a. m., 2.30 p. m.; Battery, 9.20, Though Mr. Meyer's eyew sparkled at 11 30 a. m., 3.10 p. m. Men's White Canvas ORLEANS MOLASSES current sticks to the fog belt here— Sinking to his knees, the atheist lift- this, be said nothing, but drank him- about Weat-Hou'west—but that's the ed his eyes to the heavens and with self stuplil nnd was assisted home by No fueight received at Battery. Oxfordsfor $1.50&$1.75 60c gallon surfade water. These deep fellows his feeble voice and the fervor bom of one of hie clerks. From this on, neg- No freight received Sunday. have currents of their own. There's helplessness prayed to the God that he lecting his business, excepting to occa- Sundays. no fog. We must be to the southward denied. He begged for the life of the sionally visit the bulletins, he spent his Leave Long Branch: Rockwell ave., EAT of the belt—between the Janes. They'll waif in his care, for the safety of the time In the captain's room, drinking 4.00, 4.15 p. m.; Pleasure Bay, 4.10, Men's Gray Canvas A. C. Bennett Co. run their boats in the other lane after mother, so needful to the little one, heavily and bemoaning bin luck. <>" 4.25 p. m.; Sea Bright, 4.40, 4.66 p. m.; this, I think—the money grabbing nnd for courage and strength to do his the tenth day he read with watery Highlands, 5.00, 6.15 p. m. Oxfords $1.25 307 Branchport Ave. DAVE MARKET wretches. Curse them If they've part and bring them together. But be- eyes, posted on the bulletin below the Leave New York, West 36th St., 8.45, drowned her. Curse them, with their yond the appeal for help in the service 10.30 a. m.; Battery, near South Ferry, water tight compartments and their of others not one word or expressed S.20, 11.10. a. m. logging of the lookouts. Twenty-four thought of his prayer included himself W1I. C. HAYDEN,, boats for 3,000 people, lashed down as a beneficiary. So much for pride. Sec'y. SPECIALS with tarred gripe lashings, thirty men As ho rose to his feet the flying Jib of LISTEN! to clear them away and not an ax on a bark appeared around the corner of NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. the boat deck or a ahenth knife on n Ice to the right of the beach, and n mo- LEAVE LONG BRANCH Do (You Enjoy Looking at Chopped Beef 16c Ib. man. Could she have got nway? If ment later the whole moonlit fabric For New York, Newark and Kllzabeth, all CHILDS' rail, B.i!8, *7.ia, "".ia, *8.17, 9.04, 11.47 a. m. ; they got that boat down they might came Into view, -wafted along by the 2.37, 4.17, 1.11, 1.11 (HiiHirdnys otil.v), T.lTi, Beautiful Thing*? Stewing Beef 12c Ib. hare taken her in from the steps, and faint westerly air, not half a mllo 152 BROADWAY the mate knew I had her child. He »M p. m.' If you do you can spend one away. Fiir New York, Sandy Ho«)k llmito Steamers, Bacon by Strip 16c Ib. would tell her. Her name must bo lpfirfl East Long ltnuirli, fl.50, T.S8, 1(1.25 n. of the most plcitHant houra of Myra too. It was her voice I heard He Rprang to the fire, forgetting his m/ 11.80, 2.15, S.iB p. in. SiindiiVH, 7.06, Tel. 49-R your life coming here and look- pain, nnd, throwing on wood, made a 10.30 a. in.: 5.28 ft. ro. Ing over our new Wall Papers. Fresh Shoulders 12c Ib. In that dream. That was hasheesh. blaze. He hailed In a frenzy of excite- For DnMltmire mid Washlnictdii, 6.28. 3.04. What did they drug me for? ' But the lt.it a. in.; 2.J7, 4.17 [>. m. HumJayn, 8 *:i a. There never wag a collection to whisky was all right. It's all done ment, "Bark ahoy! Bark ahoy! Take m. ; 1.81 1». m. equal It. Wall Papers for every Fresh Killed Fowl 22c Ib. us off!" And a deep toned answer For Atlantic City, JUO a. m.; 4.17 p, nu with now unless 1 get ashore, but vi;i lii'il Hank. HiiTidaytt, 9.22 a. tn. Extra Fine Quality of room. Wall Papers to suit came across the water. For Freehold (leave N. V. & L. B. R. U. ©very fancy. PrlceB that will will I?" •tatlon), via Mutflwan, T.S9, !Ui4, 11.47 *. m.: "Wake up, Myra," be cried as he 4M p. ID, Sundij'fl, MS a. in.; 4.32, K.'.ti p. surprise you for tlielr littleness. The moon rose above the castellated lifted the child. "Wake up. We're go- Butter - 29c Ib. structure to the left, flooding the icy ing away." —Ne « \< ik only. A Good Investment. w CJ. : i; W. C. HOPE beach with ashen gray light, sparkling "We goln' to mamma?" she asked, V n1' nA t; M (i. 1*. A in a thousand points from' the ens- with no symptoms of crying. Strictly Fresh Eggs cades, streams and rippling pools, "Yes, we're going to mamma now— A. F. Golden, throwing into blackest shadow the gul- that is," he added to himself, "If that HORSES FOR lies anil hollows and bringing to his clause in the prayer is considered." 23c doxen 579 Broadway. mind to Kplte of the weird beauty of Fifteen minutes later, as be watched Phone. I6S-J the scene a crushing sense of lonelt- the approach of a white quarter boat, SALE ut'Hs nl' littleness—as though the vast he muttered: "That bark was there, pile of inorganic desolation which held half a mile back in this wind, before I him was of far greater. Importance thought of praying. Is that prayer an- Milkmen, Farmers, Market, AT THE swered? Is she safe?" thrui himself and all tbe^hopes, plans Lumber Men and Goal MRS. J. HILL ntid tears of his lifetime. The child Hair Dressing, Manicuring, Fa* & P. Store Harry Goldstein, Mgr. had cried Itself to sleep again, and be On the first floor of the London Itoynl ciat Mawage. Shampooing, etc. paced up and down the ice. Dealers, Attention! 151 Bradway. Exchange is a large apartment studded Full line of Hair Good*. Broadway, Long Branch "Up there," he said moodily, looking with desks, around and between which Eighty young work horses, express Room 1, New Goldstein Bldg. Into i ho sky, .whets a few stars shone surges a hnrryinp, shouting crowd of "FUad it, Meyer. Read it." horses and mares 1000 to 1800 pounds. faintly hi the flood from the moon— brokers, clerks nnd messengers. Frinjj- These horses were bought green with- '• jp tbere — sotnevrbere — they don't ing this apartment are doors iiml hall- news of the arrival at Gibraltar of th« in tho last two years and all are In know Just whore—but somewhere up ways leading fo adjacent rooms and of- Rocnnd boat load of people, the follow- first-class condition. Among them are ubove, Is the Christians' heaven. Up fices, and scattered through It are bul- ing: 20 matched pairs, ranging in wolRht Big Sale of Prunes letin boards, on which ore dally writ- from 2200 to 30fK) pounds. Prices $126 C. B. Deaver there is their good God, who has placed "Lif* buoy of Royal Age, London, M.vfti's child here—their good God— ten in duplicate the marine casualties to |45O per pair. Single horses JUo to RHEUMATIC REMEDY Broriwiy, Opp. Reckwell Ave of the world. At one end Is a raised picked Up amonAwreckage in latitude $200. Thirty days trial allowed. Sat- 45 to the Pound, Ib. 10c nud down below us, somewhere agulu. 45.20, north longittrf#> 54.31 w»»t. Ship PHONE. 2J-J. nrr- their hell and their bad god, whom platform, saerpd to the presence of an isfaction guaranteed. "Will ship to THE ONLY SURE CURE important funr-tionary. In the technical Arctic, Boston, Garni" Brandt." purchaser to any town within 30(J FOR SALE BY H. S. MEYERS, they invented themselves. , Aud they "Oh, mine good *odV he howled as 65 to the Pound, 3 lbs. pive u« our choice—heaven or hell. It language of the "city," the apartment miles of New York free of charge, 119 6th Ave., Long Branch, N. J. is known as (ho "room" and the func- he rushed toward the capinin's room. with n«nv blanket and halter, with free la not M£HIK «<>• The great mystery "Poor devil! POOP fool!" snld one ob- for 25c Is not solvfKl. The human heart is not tionary as the "caller," whoso business pasnaee home to the purchaser. These Fancy Evaporated It is to call out In n mighty BIHK sung server to another. "He covered the horses and mares are not old, wornout MIDDLETOWN ITEMS helped In this way. No good, merciful whole of the Itoynl Age and the big- <»od created this world or its condi- voice the names of members wanted at horses but young horses used by us in Mies Clara Fowler anr firtfl the hnrc jwirJJi'iilnrs <>f gest chunk of the Titan. It'll take bis different branches of our vxpress busi- tions. Whatever may be the nature of Tiife's diamonds to settle." jinRp, ar*» RpfniiiiiK tlW summer with Apples 16c Ib. the causes at work beyond our mental bulletin news prior to Its being chalked ness. Come see them in harness and Mr. ami Mrs. Clifford I'. Mount. out for rendinp. Three weeks later Mr. Meyer was be convinced. Established years in vision, one fact is Indubitably proved— aroused from a brooding lethargy by a Howard Kly, of Hoil Hank, is paint that fbe qualities of mercy, goodness, the express makes us one of the most ins the resilience of Captain .Tamps A. It is the headquarters of Lloyd's—the crowd of shouting underwriters, who reliable concerns in New York city. Furnish Your Home $1.00 Pure Maple Sugar Justice, play no part in the government Immense association of underwriters. rushed Into tlw captain's room. Reteed StootholT. on the King's Highway. scheme. And yet they say the core of brokers nnd shipping men which, be- Call at office and stablea. Cable Ex- Mfss Marj Twylnr is t'nferialninn a week Opens an Account. all religions on earth is the belief hi him by the shoulders nnd hurried him press Co., 154 East 27th St. Between ginning with the customers at Kdwnrd ont and up to a bulletin. 3rd and 4th Avet., New York city. tier Bistrr, Mrs. Jacob Wiltsc of Jersey lib. Bricks 15c this. Is It, or is It the cowardly, hu T.l'tyd's coffee house In the latter pnrt Cftj BLHCK innn fear of the unknown that Impels "Read it. Mtfti R^nd It! What Two blocks east of Madison Square 230 Broadway, Long Branch. of the seventeenth century, has, re-d'you think of It?" With some dilfl garden. baniel W. Manon spont Sunilay «i

THE CUB SCOOP REPORTER Lesson No. 8. The Left Fielder Should Keep His Eye Peeled "by HOP"


FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. FOR THE WEE FOLK. IN THE REALM Hew to Cook Variout Kinds of Bum FOR THE CHILDREN THE RECORDS DULY SHORT STORY Juvenile Btylea That Are Quaint and THE WOMAN'S WORLD mar Vegetables. ' Attractive. Carrots a la Poulette — WaBh and Smart frocks for children are usually scrape carrots and cut In small cubes. The Owl. of her course, beinf somewhere off the made with separate gulmpes made of OF FASHION nno linen or batiste and finished nt the There should be two cupfuls. Remem- On a stormy night when the rain beats coast u" Nova Scotia, headln' for the ber that the best flavor as well as toe down eastern coast o" Africa. I was whip neck with dnlnty turnover collars. ^ Taffeta Jackets are extremely faun brightest color lies nearest tbe skin Tap, tap, on the root o'erhead THE SPUYTEN ped on the brig General Jackson then, Although embroidery Is used on ev- for which reason they should never be 1 always go erything posslole fi.i- children, It Is con- ftonable. This one Is made of m ick tnt Up the stairs BO alow and we run across the Spuyten t)uyvll \ feta with a.small cord covt*d wltl pared. Cover with boiling water ami When It's time to be In bed. DUYVIL aou'west o' Madeira. When we en me , the same silk finishing all the let stand five minutes. Drain and cook nenr enough to see what was goln* on in boiling salt water to cover until soft. For It seems BO lonely to be a boy— al>nard her we seen the man at the Yes. lonelier nights than flays— Melt three tablespoonfuls of butter, To leave my chair By F. A. MITCHEL wheel, the one In the rlggln' and the add three tablespoonfuls of Sour and And the grown folks there feller lcanln' over the fo'cnstle. while stir until well blended; then pour on Still sitting before the blase. the enp'n was goln' about glvln' 'em gradually, while stirring constantly, But I play I' m an owl—Whoo- whoo! "Mebbe some_o' you men don't think orders, Jlst 's If they was llvln' men. one cupful of chicken stock (the liquor ' Wnoo-whoo.— there's such thing as tbe devil," Bald "We thort at first they was HvhV In which a fowl has been cooked) and When I'm snug In my bed at last. an old Jack Tar who had weathered men. but our rap'n. who was a-looklu' oue-ba]f cupful of rich milk or cream. In a hollow tree, Baauty Hints, Warm as warm can be, so many gales that they had blown nt 'om through a glass, said they Nails that have been Injured by cut- Bring to the boiling point and add car nearly all the hair off his hend and wasn't. rot cubes and one-balf teaspoonful of My nest rocks high In the blast. ting them too low are soothed and heal- furrowed his cheeks like tbe ribbed sen "When we come within speakln" dls lemon Juice and season with salt and And all night long as the rain beats down ed by gently massaging them with a gaud. "Well, 1 might o' thought so, tance we hnlletl the only live mnn on good cold cream. Rob tho cream well pepper. As soon as thoroughly heatec Tap, tap, on the roof o'erhead too, if 1 hadn't seen the folly o' flylu* add the yolks of two eggs, slightly Nobody knows deck, the enp'n, nud asked him If we in around the ualt. l*m an owl, I suppose. In the devil's face, There was a Dutch could do anything for him- He sitiii beaten. Turn Into a hot vegetable disb. They think I'm a boy in bed. cup'n when 1 was a youngster that was Keep a dish of oatmeal on tbe toilet garnish with a sprig of parsley and no; he didn't ask nny odds o* any "tund and rub It freely on tbe hands —Youth's Companion. a turrible hand to swear and punish hla body. He was makln* a cruise In his serve at once, says Woman's Home men and blaspheme and all that, but after each washing. This dries and Companion. ship, the Spuyten Puyvll. nnd be ttuftens the skin, preventing It from be- Sweeping Cobwftbf. every voyage paid htm, and he got rich. dldu't core for the devil nnd nil his To play tills game there tnust be an He made mouey on tbe goods be tuk coming red and rough when exposed Peas when fresh, young and tender imps. Our cap'n tried to argue with to tbe air. old woman of the sky with her broom, out and made money on tbe goods he him Into coniiu' aboard, but he are most delicious and should be cook- To keep hair brushes clean necessi- ed right from the vine to be at their niiti two of the players must each hoUl brought back. wouldn't. He said he had a fine crew, the end ot a skipping rope. Tbe otber plenty o' wnter nnd provisions nnd ho nates frequent washings, a process cer- best. They are often almost ruined in players stand in line. "He was mighty proud o' disap- tain to soften the bristles. This may the cooking by using too largo a quan- pointin' us all, was the Cap'u Gunned, wns goln' to ninke more money on thnt tity of water. There should be little, if The old woman says: cruise than nny he'd ever nailed on. be remedied by dipping the bristles In I want a helper to sweep the aky. and after a while when be started on a a strong solution of alum water after any. water to drain off when they are voyage he changed tbe name of bis "There was a good deal o1 sea on. done: then, again, the Bait had better Who can Jump high? Who can Jump high? they are thoroughly cleaned. She looks down the line and points ship from the Maggie Brlstow, which ainkln' It {longerons to try to board A veil is an excellent protection not be added untillne last ten minutes waa the name of tbe cap'n's grand- the Spuyten Duyvil, nnd our cap'n of the cooking. Peas that have lost with her broom to one of the players, against the winds of spring. Chlffou who conies forward and stands In- front daughter—a little angel she was, too— didn't think It wo'tb while to risk the much of their natural sweetness are to the Spuyten Duyvil, which In Amer- lives of his nble men to nave thnt of a or any loose mesh material Is tbe best improved by a bit of sugar. of the rope. Holding out the broom, selection and may be removed when a the old woman says: ican means, 'In spite o' the devil.' lunatic, so vro ported company, and the Peas a la Francaise.—Cook three Cap'n Gunneel intended by tbe name last we saw o' totber ship her master lessening: ot fho exposure wan-auto the Take this, take this. elimination of this pretty and effective tnblespoonfuls of butter with one slice Be sure you don't miss. that he would sail his ship and succeed wns tryln' to knock down the body bacon Bve minutes. Remove bacon and In spite o' Satan. It was the uaeles*- leanln' over the fo'cnstle rail with n precaution. The shadow and Shetland iidd two cupfuls of shelled peas and The player takes the broom, holding est thing he could o' done. There's no capstan bur. But the clothes wns froze veils now so fashionable give a becom- eight small onions. Cover with boiling It horizontally with both hands, and use o' glttin' any one down on ye, and so stiff to tbe rait thnt they held the ing tone to the skin and have the ad- wnter and cook until vegetables are the rope Is held for htm t<* inmp. He the devil's the worst pusson Ri get corpse up. vantage of coming from a warm bath soft. Drain and add one-fourth cupful has three trials. Each tiwle the rope (own on ye there be. Besides the cap'n of soap and water fresh and clean as -~ BLACK TAFFETA JACKET. P8C "That wns when the Spnyten Duyvtl of cream and. one egg yolk, slightly Is held a little higher. If he takes them had got nil his luck by usin' the name new. all he stands on one side; if he fails wns a renl ship. Arterwnrd we heored The scalloped front closing has two beaten. Season with Bait and pepper. of a good little gal, nnd he might u of her ns a phnntom. She wns seen Almond oil ia used to bring the de- big gun metal buttons, and similar but the old woman beats him with the left well enough alone. sired whiteness to the bands. The broom and be Is out of the game. When down off Cape Horn and another time tons are used at each side the front of In Bering sen. But nobody who snw hands should be dipped In the oil, then the belt The long armhole is one, of HOW TO BEAUTIFY A PORCH. all the players have been tried those "Well, unites, he hadn't more'n got in French chalk and lucased in a pair the salient features of such waists. who have been successful have a final out o' the harbor afore It begun to her reported thnt she was real, One blow a gale from the nor'east, that report was thnt she loomed up In a of old gloves over night. Another plan A Li»t of Good Climbars For Your Se- trial, and the one who can make all break In a fog. but It darted over her recommended as a hand beautifler Is to lection. the jumps Is selected to help the old freshened to a hotfltn* hurricane. It Corsage Bouquet*. seemed 'H If the devil waa In the wind at once, and n detnonlnenl laugh wns wash with peroxide, letting it dry on The floral sprays that are still to be Nature uses vines to bide her de woman swoop the sky. henrd comin' from where she'd been the bauds,then rub ID a good cold cream This grime Is specially adapted for 'n Ba,vin': 'You'll sail your ship and worn as corsage bouquets are much feets. Man has borrowed the practice make money la spite o' me. will ye? seen. So fur ns I could git nt what and don old kid glovea. In tbe morn- moro lightly packed together than which Is to his credit. Nature hides out of doors and a large number of You Jlst plow ahead. Yo'll feel my she wns on these appearance* she was ing wiish off with lemon juice, vinegar those that were In favor last year. tree stumps and rock heaps under fes players. fist's In your fnce with every wave the same ship with tbe hndy.nt the or older, hot water and a good skin Most of them are cither small button toons of shimmering green. Outbuild- and every ,gust o' wind.' wheel, the mnn In the rlggln' nnd tho cream. roses or a little bunch of mixed flow- ings, unpalnted fences and rubbish Conversation, one on the foVttHtle, only they'd nil Sleep, If tnken at the right moment, To play this game successfully two "It blew three days, when the wind ers, and they may be either in satin or heaps may be hidden in tbe same way eome to he skeletons. The rap'n was fined generally on cents to the remov- will piTveni an attack of nervous head- ordinary JgUtqtlon flowers. Many climbing vines are beautiful In of the company privately agree upon a went down, but next thing no'th'ard reported throwln' his nrms nbnnt wild, word that has several meanings. The the sea filled with nontln' icebergs, able coiliirii nnd ruffs of whitu ottoman ache*. If the subjects of such head The bunches of flowers are worn leaf and flower. Grown over trellises, and tbey wild Ids swenrtn'. Ida threntH acbea will watch the syuiptoma of its porches and arbors, they provide sbel two then enter Into a conversation nnd party soon U closed In around th« Bilk, pique or lingerie. with both day and evening gowns and Spuyten Duyvil. and the mercury went Jipdlrisi tbe devfl nud the like o" tltnt Neveij wort* tttylm prettier for young coming they can notice that, it begins really look very effective if chosen ter und shade. which must be about the word they made their blood run eold. have chosen, while the remainder of down, down, till It registered 40 or no girls than nt present. TIIIH chnruilng with t feeling of wcttrlpens or heavi- either to match the gown or hat, or, if The list of really, good climbers Is degrees below zero. And It didn't frock Is designed for coinnu'iicemont ness/' This l» the time a Bleep of an gown and hat are of some dark or neu- not overlong. For permanent loca the company listen. i "1 saw the ship nrter she'd got to be n Wben any listener Imagines that he warm up again neither. The crew spook .lust onoet. We wns rornlh' down dny nnd is simple itnd modish in the hour, or even two, as nature guides, tral tint, to provide a striking con- tlons perennials are preferable, nnd wa'n't prepared for Rich weafher. and. extreme. JTJDIC CUOI,LBT. will event unity prevent the headaches. trast among the most common Is the Vir- has guessed the word he may jolu in off the coast o' Newfoundland In drlft- the conversation, but if he finds be is not bavin' any furs or slch warm in' Ice. Of on't you believe there nln't no Name they could quickly change and tell Arter that the cold let up, the ship flevll. I'll Just bet my bottom duflnr self to order with the cbeckreln of de- last Q long time. This plant Is not a termination and then. If you cannot very rapid grower, but Is well worth about a large case holding a great num. got out o' the Ice, and there was plain there Is." tx>r of things, and so on. sallln', but the ship had got clear out regain nelf control, atop anything on NOYEL SLEEVES FOR planting. The grundiflora variety is earth you may be doing and go out of th(£ one to order. The wistaria makes If the word should be correctly doors. If you cannot leave the home, the finest show of any of the vines. guessed the person guessing It chooses lean out of a window or step for a ; SUMMER GOWNS. The vines grow to an Immense height. a partner and the new pair ehoose a Mttfe while on a porch. You will not Iwt the plant needs a little petting. word and start a conversation anew. lose any time -you will. In fact, gain Give It a sunny location, strong soil time by Increaslut; efficiency In what- and an occasional enrichment of ma Conundrums. Daddy's Bedtime ever you may be doing. Bleep also Is Long Ones In Many Forms In- Lire, and it will delight your heart. Who are tlie most wicked people in a great restorer of nervet to a normnl For a dense screen there Is nothing the world, and why? Penraakers, be- tone, and Bleeping with all windows c&nse tbey make people steel puns and The Artful troduced on Modish Frocks. better than Dutchman's pipe, which MAKING OATMEAL PALATABLE. open secures for na two nerve cures has leaves almost as large as ele tell them they do write (right.. Donkey In the at tho same time. In fooda raw on- pbants' ears. Tbe curious little flow Why-are you better looking than a Story— ATMEAL is rich In untritlous ma. ions, carrots, lettuce nnd celery, with carpenter? Because he is a deal plain- Mrs. Lao Sprang at Lion's Skin terta/. The oxttnfde gvnht, tw\v~ plenty of olive oil, are excellent nerve Although at all times the sleeve has ers, which really amount to little, give O ever, Is such thnt unless It in well its importance, quite an unusual lot it its name. The leaves come early er (planer). th* Donkay. foods, all valuable as aids In tbe good Why Is a pretty girl like a lock? cooked it hi hard to digest. Kor per- work, but the chief remedy Is strong of-jnjenulty seems to have been es- and stay late, a fact which recom- HE lion Is a very fine animal, even when you see him in a cage In tho sons who exercise vigorously It Is an jH'Uilt*p sometimes tbey do. a few lip gymnas- is inserted. ery work that con be postponed In the center to represent the "sea." farinhuiiBe at night. What's he doing running around In the skin of old Leo'/' prd raisins. Sift two itMinpo^uifnltt of tics are helpful. These should uot be that brings heat. If cnlled to such Mr. Fox snlii to himself. bnkhiw powder with two eUpfuls of The one style of sleeve that has not Kach player takes tbe name of some done to such an extent as to make work, eat slowly and lightly, but of fiwli, and the sea walking around the "1-eo wat* tin* old lion which hnd been shot by the hunter. HIH relatives flour and stir with two cupfulH of ont- tinea or wrinkles on the face, but If appealed either to dressmakers or ten. and help perspiration by rnking In the foreHt wore very angry about ht« death. nipnl into tho mixture. Add half a run- tailors up to date is the three-quarter circle calls each person by tbe name the lips are moved about and pursed rnucb water, either hot In wenk tea or adopted. As they are every one called " '\ lt>ap thnt Iruulpd her on the donkey'* neck. There are some pretty sleeves of el- himself until the "sea" has taken a Oatmeal nnd Bananas,~Cook out Take half an ounce each of sperma- How to Darn • Tear. chair, and ahe can create some fun by "Thfit WHS all. Tbe next day the f»rm*»r. who went out to hunt for Neddy, men! in the usual way. After placing ceti and white wnx, with two of witch Viw length. A tailor made coat of found tbe lion's skin behind the dunkey'u sUlu In the wood*." tafTeta nas a loosely fitting elbow Mend n long tear in any garment running about and pretending she ts It In the c-ereal dish nltee bnnnn&Hover bnxel and three ot sweet almond oil. sleeve turned back with a facing to which will not be subjected to close about to seat herself. Any player sent- Ihe top, sprinkle with powdered sugar Let tbe was and spermaceti barely match l|ie collar, which, by the wny. scrutiny by putting underneath the fng himself before the "sea" must pay and serve with cream. If desired other melt over hot water before adding the fulls over the shoulder and so Inci- ak a piece of some strong fabric. a forfeit. fruit may be subatltuted for the bit- oil. They should only Just turn liquid tletitnlly keeps BB the kimono effect. A Mnclilnp stiti'h on the inside down each LUMBER BUYERS nanns. before being removed from tbe heat. wrinkled elbow sleeve la pretty for a e. then turn Ihe needle to the mid- A Nutntiou* Cak*, Mix l» tbe oil, then with a silver fork dle and Z1KT.UK across the tear. This Height and WaiflM. Win you want, when Ton want It and where to (at It. If JOB nlte blouse or house gown with a con- An authority on height and weight Scotch Oatcake. -To prepare " * add the wltcb ha set, drop by drop. makes a perfectly firm as well as a can't come yourself, telephone 8S Lone Branch and 1««» It to t». Beat i<> a smooth cream. *ddiug a few trasted facing and a frltl of chiffon or states that a mau flve feet one Inch In We bar* the largeit •tock of building material on the eoait to choose one pound of medium out men 1. two Jarc. very neat mpnd. For the hnrd worn ounces of fentter or gmtd dripping, a drops of any preferred perfume. laces on a small boy's pants It Is the height should weigh 120 pound)*; one from. As a rule, evening sleeves-are short. Bve feet two Inches. 126 pounds: five small (enspoonful of salt and water. wst possible treatment, strengthening Hemlock and apruee Lumber. Put the oatmeal nnd salt into a basin; ind sometimes, as in the ense of the a i 111 11 place as well as mending It. feet three Inched. 133 pounds; five f>et A Baauty Tip, kimono effect'nIre-nily referred to. are Four Inches. ISfi pounds: five feet five White Pine and Cypreea, Flooring, Celling and Partition*. rub the butter Into It; then mix In I .earn to laugh. A good laugh Is bet- mifch wnter to make it Into a smooth, altogether conspicuously absent. Oc- Inches, 142 pounds: five feet nix Inches. •ewer Pipe and Flue Llnlnga, Atlaa Portland Cement, U. S. Qypeum, ter than medicine. I*am how to tell casionally thpy Assume the form of a 145 pounds; five feet seven Inches. 14S stiff dough. Sprinkle some oatmeal story. A well told story Is as wel- flat frill net fate a Magyar bodice, and How to Molt Chocolate. Niagara, King Windsor, Tiger krand Hydrated Lime, over the board ami rolling pin. Put tbe come as a sunbeam ID • sickroom. Do not tnke time to grate chocolate. pounds; five feet eight Inches, I'M No. 1 Common, Fancy and Fire Brick. nilttuio on the board nnd roll out to the very often fhe sleeve Is entirely con- pounds: flve feet ^otae inches. 102 Learn to beep your troubles to your- cealed by the frilling over of a deep col- 'ut the desired amount in a saucepan desired thickness; then either cut It tn self. The world Is too busy to car* for and place over tbe top of a teakettle pounds; fire feet ten Inched. 101) pounds: Jersey Cedar Shingles and Boat Boards of the Finest Quality. pieces About three Inchett square or Ijtr or Iwrtha of Itf'ee ur embroidery, or flve feet eleven Inches. 174 pounds, Metal and •prucs Lath. Agents for Beaver Board. your sorrows. Learn to see the blight the arm is revealed under the soft until melted. stamp out rounds wttb a cutter. Slight- side ot things. If you cannot se* good Two squares of unsweetened choco- while he who hns attained to the ly grease * frying pan I*«t In a few ID the world keep tbe bad to yourself. drapery of some graceful fichu-like ar- height of sit full feet should weigh Corns and Inspect our atock; It will pay yon rangement of net or chiffon. •*K ggalltka preferred, tbey may be put on a under s pleasant smile. No one cares •Tensed baking (in and baked In th« to hear them. Learn to meet your CHANDLER AND MAPS, overt friends with a smile- Tbe good hu- OMe* and Yard 70 •• Broadway. mored man or woman Is always wel- come, but the hypochondriac Is not Advertise In The Daily Record-It Pays N. 4. wanted anywhere. TWXI.VB LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1912.

gates, his popular vote being only on T is easy In three or four, aud in some cases on Rip.p-p-p.p! GIFFORD PINCHOT. one in nine or ten. enough to "The great majority of the Repu Out Gome Thousands enlist an army Among Tho»« In Confsranoe With lican party have unequivocally repU( Colon*] Rooaevalt at Oyster Bay- nliil Mr. Taft. If the wishes of II in a good and popular Republican voters could be given fa of Press Shields! cause. expression Mr. Taft would have but r Hereafter, Madame, Yon Are Going to corporal's t''i» blending and roasting ex- rule, and, second, their dnty so to ru perience is behind it— an to bring about not merely polltica that's why it's different. Oil and Greases but also social and Industrial justice. These doctrines are subversive out, Served now and always FOR 1 of the form of government for at the Hotel Astor, New Mr. Barnes stands; that Is, of govern York. Automobile ment by the busses for the special terests. Mr. Barnes In his preacbln Sold only in Lubrication and In bis practices embodies bos Ho More Bnlned Clowns, No More I>n>sa aealad t>»", rule In its most offensive form. Th Bojelds, II loii Use FKBSI-1-MI. 38° per lb. FBRSPI-NO keeps the arm-Bits Jn-it as At groctn. Polarine Oil leaves kind of representative government fresh and dry aa any other part of the PINCHOT AT OYSTER BAY. practically no carbon. believe* In Is that which tbe repre- body. You can wear any weight of M. Fi.rh.r * C. Importer* It "stands up" under sentatives shall represent not tbe peo- clothing, be In hot stuffy rooms, In a NnVark Back From British Columbia to Gat ple, but Mr. Barnes and tbe othe warm theatre or danco-ball and never any speed and heat. over-persplre In the srm'plts. The colors Into Fight. Sold In 1 and 5 gallon bosses. Mr. Tuft's nomination at Gb in a colored gown will never rnn. The Oyttter Bay, N. Y., June 4.~Glfford cans—the gallon can flat cago can only be brought about b cloth will never fade, get stiff from per- Plnchot, former chief forester, came nullifying the will of tbe people. The spiration and then rot and tear and ruin shape, easy to handle; program cannot possibly succeed I your sown at the arm-pits. Nevermore! Oyster Bay to confer with Colonel also In barrels and hair No more rolling up of dress shields like iiooHevelt. lie said he had been In the convention Is left to itself." ropes under the arms. PS1RSPI-NO Is British Columbia for several weeks barrels. Mr. Roosevelt declares that wherev a delightful powder, absolutely safe for everybody, and never barms any fabric advising the Canadian government us Fmt Sab Cvewetoi* It hag been possible to choose Tar It's a wonder. Try It once, and be con- to the establishment of a forestry bu delegates In defiance of tbe popula vinced. You apply It with a pad, which GOMEZ GETS GUNS r«iu and was out of touch with the STANDARD OIL COMPANY will it has been done and that eve is packed with overy box. political situation. Uncorpof-hted in N«W J«r»oyl at this moment such an Instance I [Satisfaction or money back. afforded by Ohio. PERSPI-NO Is for sole at yonr drog- He came to Oyster Bay, he explain Bist'a at 260 a hoi.or sent dlroct, on receipt FROM UNCLE SAMed, to get buck into the flgbt Witt) Refers to Fight In Ohio. of price, by the Ferano Co., 2716 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Mr. Plnehot were Andrew Uahn, one "In Ohio," he says, "at the rocen $22,000 PRIZE FOR WORLD'S FASTEST MOTOR BOAT ' of the delegates at large from Minno primaries the majority against Mr sota, and MnHli McCormick of Chi Taft's nomination was 30,000. Hlgl The Wm. Wrlgley Jr. Trophy for value of about J22.U0O. In addition to Also Lays In 1,000,000 cago, one of Colonel Roosevelt's most Quits Aviation After Fatality. the power boat championship of the ROOT AND BARNES minded and honorable men would these prizes are a $1,600 cash prize for active field lieutenants. uader such circumstances, refuse to Ann Arbor, Mich., June 4.—J, Clif- world represents over (22,000. It 1B athe winner and a $500 cash prize for i Sounds of Ammunition. accept dolegatea who would porforce ford Turpln, who while making a flight perpetual trophy to he won each year the second boat. represent not the majority, but the at Seattle met with an accident result- ay the club whose moter speed boat The first races will be held at Chi- BASEBALL ATTACKED BY T.R repudiation of tbe majority. Yet ng In the death of a spectator, will re- entry makes the best three out of five cago during the Water Carnival and his moment the Taft managers In Ire permanently from the flying game, races In competition open to the world, Naval Review, Aug. 10 to 17 inclusive, TO PAY FOR THEM AT COST Rasulta of Qamaa Playad In National, ihio are straining every nerve nn< according to a telegram which he sent ree for all boats under 40 feet in 1912. It is expected that there will American and Other Laaguea. using every means to upnet the peo rom North Yaklma, Wash., to hisength. he boats from all over the world. NATIONAL. LEAGUE:. Roosevelt to Fight Slated pie's verdict and gives the delegates irother, Joseph Turpln, of this city. It is a reproduction in silver of a Water Carnival week at Chicago At New York: H. H. r. 'Flying Mercury" presenting to Nep- Tim* Limit of Tan D*y» Aikad of Now York..o 0701000 •— 8 8 8 it Inrge of Ohio to tbe man whom tbe will Include the other races in the Unitad Stataa to Put Down Inaurrao- St. Louis ...0 0020100 0~ 8 9 8 Chairman of Convention. people of Ohio by an overwhelming une a hydroplane motor speed boat. Fourth Annual Regatta of the West- tion Ha« Expired—Situation Daily Hatlerlca—Marqnarrt, Meyers and Ilart- najorlty have declared ought not to WEATHER EVERYWHERE. leptune with his trident, dolphins and ern Power Boat Association, the Inter- I'v; Bailee, Data and Bresnahan. Umpires lave them. water surrounding are in bronze. national Yacht Race between the Roy- Growing Won*. Kiimin and Jnhnstone. The round pedestal Is of green marble. At Brooklyn: R. H. 8. "But In spite of all these efforts the Observations of the United al Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto Washington, June -1, The Htnto and Cincinnati .2 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 1— 7 10 ! READS TAFT OUT OF PARTY •onventlon If loft to Itself will be States weather bureau taken at The figure of Mercury and the model and the Chicago Yacht Club, the Up- win- departments decided to grant thu Brooklyn ...1 00000080— 4 11 henvily against Mr. Taft. His whole 8 p. 111. yesterday follow: speed boat contain 1,000 ounces of ton Cup Races of Columbia Yacht tvqiiPBt of President Oomei for the Hatterles—Benton and Mctrfan; Kent end notice of winning depends not upon Temp. Weather. iterllng silver. The trophy stands 5 Club, fireworks displays, naval parades, Plielps. Knctmr, Stack and Miller. Ihn- he vote of the national convention, bui Albany eet 6 inches hlgb. The base is 47swimming and diving contests and ex- purchase of 5,000 Km« cnrblucs and plrea—TUKUT and Flnneran. Daclarea That Root la Only Tool of 70 Clear upon fits hopes and plans for securing Atlantic City . 70 ncheB In diameter. hibitions by sailors, marines and na- J.000,000 rounds of ammunition. This At Boston: R. II a. William Barnee, Jr., and Cannot Ba Cloudy wus doue in order to render the Cuban Chicago ....0 1100100 1—4 8 1 mproper action by the national com Boston 70 Clear Mr. Wrlgley will provide annually val reserves. Countenanced For Moment by Pro government every possible ftHststnuce Boston 0 00000800—8 1 0 mlttee. The success of Mr. Barnes at Buffalo 62 Clear replica of this big $5,000 trophy, In all the competitions there will Batteries—Brown, Lavender and Need- gressivea. 'hicago, the possibility of bis noiiilnnt- 62 be handsome trophies or liberal cash in putting down tlie negro revolution hnm; HAIR and Kllng. Umpires—Owens Chicago Cloudy which becomes the personal property without actually interveuing- ng Mr. Taft depends upon his ability New Orleans , 78 Cluudy of the winner of each year's races. prizes. William Hale Thompson, Com- and Brennan. Oyster Bay, N. V., June 4.-Declnrlng o thwart the deliberate Judgment of Thc material will be sold to the < n At Phlladalphli that late developments show that Sena New York ... 70 Clear To provide this trophy annually will modore, Associated Yacht and Power Phlrphla ...1 000100S*-4 1 ho people. The question of popular St. Louis 84 Cloudy equlre an endowment of about $17,500, Boat Olubs, Chicago, will be glad to bnn government ut practically cost Pittsburgh .10010000 1-8 6 1 tor Klihu Hoot Is only the tool of Wll price and will be taken out of the ord- ule Is involved In this matter. But Washington . 74 Cloudy hus giving Mr. Wrigley's trophy a supply information. Batteries—Alexander and Dooln; Hen- Hum Barnes, Jr., and as such cannot be iore Is Involved. The whole question nnnce stores of the war department. drlx and Gibson. Umpires—Klem and countenanced for a moment by the pro The riili--, are helug shipped from the BuBh. f keeping faith with the people Is gresslves, Colonel lioosevelt en me out nvolved." Waterylk»t (N. Y.) arsenal and the am- STANDING OP THE CLUBS. with n long statement In which he now mnnltlon from Frankfort arsenal, Phil w. L. p.c. w. L. p.e-declare! that ho will bitterly oppose Mr. Roosevelt closes by predicting adelphlu, to Now York city for prompt New York 90 7 .811 St. I.nnls. » 24 .4*the selection of Hetmtor Kllhu Hoot as Cincinnati X 17 .686 I'lilla'plila 16 SO .42t bat Mr. Barnes and his associates will f dispatch by boat to Havana. The time Chlcnio...a 17 .658 Brooklyn. 12 24 .333temporary chairman of the national disappointed In carrying out his limit of ten days which President Go PlttBhurff. IB 18 .614 Boston.... 13 28 .SITconvention. lans. He gays: inez asked of the United Stutea on AMERICAN LEAGUE. _,At Detroit: R. B. B. I believe that there are In the nn BLUE RIBBON CREAMERY May 24 In which to put down the in The statement came out nfter a cor .onal committee enough men who, al- Buvrection has expired. Detroit 1 0011000*—4 0 2 New York—1 0000000O— 1 7 0 ference at Sagamore mil which lasted uough they bave In good faith sup- Instead of the revolt having been put Batteries—Dubuc and Stanaffe; Warhop fully six hours and WHS uttendeUi by orted Mr. Taft, will decline to per- down, the situation has gradually and Sweerwy. Umpires—Connolly and Senator I'IMHI, the ltooserelt cam ilt themselves to be made tools of for grown worse. While the commander Hart. ranipaign manager; William L. Ward, be accomplishment of his nomination The Prize Winning Butterine At Cleveland: • . R. H. B. imll'inal committeeman from New of the gunboat Paducah, awaiting d< Cleveland ..11000011*— 41 1 y unworthy methods. No man should velopments at El Poya, has orders to Boston 8 00000000—3 10 I Vork; Oeorge W. Perkins, Clifford Pin e chosen as temporary chairman who Cents laud men the moment such action Is Batteries—manning. Baskette and Eas- chot, Medlll McCormick, Truitou s put forward by Mr. Barnes and by 1 Nothing like it in the world. required in his judgment, definite or- terly; O'Brien and Carrlgan. Umpires- Bonle, delegate at largo from Callfor hose men who represent the principles Evans and Kgan. ;iln; Frank Kellogg, who was Hoose Ii Something entirety new. ders will be rushed from Washington At Chicago: R. M. B. nd practices of Mr. Barnes. Mr. the moment a report Is received of Phll'phla ...1 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 1—8 12 2 vclt's chief "trust buster," and Au oot's own personality Isn't the Issue. 1 As different from ordinary kinds as day ia different from night. harm to Americans. Action on theChicago ....1 O0OOO12O-4 10 2 drew Raubln. delegate from Jllune ils victory would be the victory of part of the American government was Batteries—Plank and Eaan; Mbgrldffe. sota. r. Barnes; bis defeat the defeat of 1 Purer and batter than the butter you are used to. Peters. White and Sullivan, Bena and 1 Haa the delicious taste of June Creamery. anticipated momentarily by the request Mayer. Umpires— O'Loughlln and Wester- After first discussing Hoot the coto- Mr. Barnes." of President Gomes for the purchase VQlt oel bitterly assails Barnes and next 1 Try a pound. A pleasant surprise is in store for you. of arms. At St. Louis: R. II. s proceeds virtually to read tbe New 1 And what a shaving: Washton ..0 0101800 7—13 IT 1 York state leader and President Tafl RECIPROCITY DEADLOCK. Prmpmrm For Emergency. Bt. Ix>uls ...100200010-4 8 > 1! Who would not eat a delicious combination of rich cream, sweet The Washington authorities are not Batteries— Baffle, Hughes and Williams: out of. the Republican party, saylug leovlug the solution to the shipment of Umimgartner and Crtger. C. Brown and that he (Roosevelt) represents the be ouse Committee Rojects Senate Plan pasteurized milk, choicest of beef suet and an immense quantity of fresh the army rifles, however. Prepara- Waldo. Umpires—Perrlne and Dlnesn. liefs of the great majority of the Be of Rapaal. made creamery butter. tions ure being continued In tJK- state, STANDING Of THE CLUBS. publican party and that Mr. Barnes Washington, June 4.—The house ways war and navy departments for opera- w. i* p.a w. u p.c. nnd Mr. Taft represent doctrines so nd means committee formally voted tions to meet any development. Chicago... 80 13 «S8 Phlla'phta 18 19 .600bourbon and reactionary that every D reject the senate's plan tc repeal Boston.... % 16 .825 Cleveland. U » .487 northern state where primaries have te Canadian reciprocity agreement "COUNTRY EGGS direct f com Maple Farms Poultry Yard. Notwithstanding the Cuban govern Detroit. 21 .615 New York 18 24 .861 Wash'to 20 .612 8t. Louis. 12 been held have repudiated them. AH other amendments to the metals ment issued a statement that the negro Says Root la Reactionary. II were agreed to. 2£€5 Cents doz. movement U In reality crushed, the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Beginning his statement, Mr. Roose- consul at Glenfuegos wired of ex ten At Montreal: » n. •. A deadlock on the reciprocity pact Rochester ..2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0—> 10 0 velt says: predicted. she demoralization and that families Montreal ...0 0 0 8 0 1 0 1 0—B 8 I Put up in Cartons of One Dozen. are taking refuge In the towns whle Batteries—Hughes and Blair; Burke. "In the past Mr. Hoot has rendered Tristate League. negro Imnds are making attacks from Averette and Roth. distinguished sen-Ices os secretory of time to time. Several bands are re- Second game: K. B. itatc and seoretury of wnr. But in this At Lancaster—York, 5; Lancaster, 4. WESTERN CREAMERY, 153 BROADWAY LONG BRANCH, N. J. ported to l>e in the vicinity of Otttcez Montreal ...8 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 10 1 foiili-st Mr. Hoot lins ranged himself At Trenton—Trenton, 7; Altoona, 0. Rochester .000000000-0 ( 1 At Wilmington — Wilmington, 6; and Trinidad, and In Cenfuegoa there Batteries—MatterBid n and Koth; Klepter. ugulnat the men >-ho stand for pro- STORES EVERYWHERE. are many strange negroes, who are Jones and Blair. gressive principles wll bin the Repub- bnstown, 4. thought to have come from Haiti and At Toronto: R. H. B lican party; that In. inalnst the men At Allentown—Allentown, 8; Harrla- Buffalo 0 10 0 6 0 5 0 1—18 14 8 Tf. 7. Jamaica to participate in the move Toronto ....0 0 0 8 1 2 0 S I—9 10 I who staud for making the Republican inent. Batteries— Beebe, Jameson and McAllis- party In relation to the Issues of the ter: Lush. Mueller and HlgglDa. present day what it waa In (he <1nys of Second game: R. H. B. Abraham Lincoln. Tie stands as the Toronto ....1 0811001*— I IS 0 Buffalo 0 01102000—4 I 2 reprrsentntlve of tlic men ond tbe Batteries—Rudolph and Flshar; Munsell policies of reaction. He Is put forward and Bchang. by tbe bosses and the representatives Keep Your Eye On At Newmrkt R. H. B. of special privilege. Newark ....1 0404000*—I 11 I Jersey City 0 00100800-8 6 1 "What baa recently come to my Batteries—Lee and Mccarty; Doescher knowledge makes It clear that It Is a 133 Broadway Long Branch and Remit. question of the absolute duty of every The New Plaza Air Drome At Baltimore: R, B. T. Baltimore .0 1100100*—4 4 2 progressive Republican to oppose the Providence .0 0000002 0— 2 4 1 selection as temporary chairman at Batteries—Smith and Bergen; stlna, Chicago of any man put forward in Thomas and Biiggy. the interests of the supporters of Mr. A T STANDING Of THE CLUBS. Taft In this contest." BIG DOINGS THIS ». l~ PC. w. u P.O. Continuing. Mr. Roosevelt says: Rochester. 24 IS .640 Toronto... IS 19 .467 Jersey C'y 84 14 US! Newark... 16 21 "No progressive delegates can afford Buffalo.... 19 18 .681Montreal. 1( n .406 to vote for any man proposed by Mr Baltimore. 17 18 .486Provl ence 12 22 .863Barnes and hts allies, for any such SATURDAY NEW YORK BTATE LEAGUE. vote Is against popular rule and At Albany: R. B. B against the basic principle, not merely WEST END, N. J. Albany 2 4 1 Wllkesbarra 0 8 2 of (he Republican party, bnt of decent Grand Opening Sale At Utloa: R „. R. American citlgenshlp. Tbts la not a Elmlra 4 12 1 faction fight in tbe ranks of the Repub- Utlca - 2 6 S lican party. It Is a flght between the At Syracuse: R. H. a plain people, the rank and file of the Syracuse 7 U 1 BlnRhamton 18 2 Republican party, making up tbe im- WI LL OPEN At Troy: it. H a mense majority of that party, on tbe Troy Ill one side and on tbe otber the bosses, STRAUSS' Scrantoa 2 12 with, back of them, the great sinister STANDING OF THE CLUBB. ipectal interests which are endeavor- *- 1* Pc- w. u p.c. ing to sustain the cause of privilege by Rlng'ton . 16 17 .4.% perpetuating the combination between Progressive Store For crooked politics and crooked business. Saturday Night, June the 8th Vigorously Attacks Barnes. "In those cases where tbe Repub- WOMEN, MISSES & lican voter* have had a fair chance to express their co»rictions." be con- CHILDREN, tinues, "they have repudiated Mr. Taft THE CHI ADS PHcompletelyY , so that he has been able to WITH FIRST CLASS MOTION PICTURES obtain lee* than one eighth of the dele-