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g m jK S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 2, U k f w n f Daily Net ProH Run PAOI TWENTY J m thaWoak EMa« I 4l D. ■. lEnwing Iffralii Aarato 94,1944 on. Of th* **▼««*>*• FALL Bcandta Lodge, Order of two ■uooGMttt ISfOOO gr«nu 13,806 Vasa, will meet Umight at 8 to MAHRC to Get a_ VtofinMflV. Gosm coNcniT r a< the AMH About Town Orange Hall. Kuiper-Raesler in mnowiwr T - -» — . a , Batorday, B ^ 4, 7iB9 | «< rirnnlatlae 10-Year Renewal night, ths board will zoespL * SAI^AITON ARMY Manehattar^A City of VlUage Cborm Mr. «tid Mn. Frank Oallaa at Chapman Court. Order of quitclaim dead YOUTH CBNTIIR IM K Ukn St ara calebnlttnr Amaranth, will meet totnorrow Mias Ann Ratolar of Man' Of Bunce Lease haven Coro, to a plot ^ l ^ J M l Main Btroa* t)Mlr aotti waddinff annlveraany at -7:45 p.m. at the Masonic to Olaatoiuwry on wnlcn.roa V O L. LX X X IV , N O . 28B (EIOHTEBN PAQES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 19M (OlMattM AArarifatog ee Page !•) PRICE SEVEN CHOU todanr. 1 % n have two chidran, oheater became the bride of J. town now oparataa a water 11m Keyatoaa ()nafto*| Templt. There will be a social The board of direotoro at lU TIm Ktog*a ■eTnatoa lOaa BUaaMth QaUaa, a mualc time after the meeting. Mrs. Randall Kulper of Wyckoff, N.J. taaebar to N«w York'City, and Neale MBler and a committee Saturday, Aug. 21 at the Wyck­ Tuesday night meeting wHl vote and OaiY Brant Joai^ OkHaa, a aUidmt at a 10-year renewal, 4t |1 per Donation |1 —. wtH serve refreshments. off R^ormed Oiurch. abwt~ aix montha ago, aanrloaa At the door $1.86 Daitoury Stata Oollasa- year,' of the lease for Bunce about 20 homaa off Manchetoar The ways and- means and The bride is a daughter of Mr. Rd. In Glastonbury, this aids of Dfiaa Janet Conner, daufhtar house committees of the VFW and Mra J. Leo Raeeler of 93 School on Olcott St. of Hr. and Mra. John J. Con­ The lease extension, effec­ Keinp'a Oornara, will meet tonight at 8 at the Phelpe Rd. The bridegroom la a Vietnamese Discover ner, 19 Virginia' Rd.t and hOu poet home. tive OcL 1, win be granted to Adjustment Seen Mary Pierce, daughter of Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. John J, the Manchester Association for and Mra. Philip F. Pierce at 18 Kulper of Wyokoff. the Help of Retarded Children 4 Girls SougRt Borran 8 t are participanU in Vacations Over, The Rev. Wilbur DcRevere, (MAJrafcir which -opened the FreMtman Week, beginning pastor of Wyckoff Reformed Center on Oct. 18,1, 1964,— , apd , has To Cheer Team Bert. 19 at St. Joseph Ooliege, been operating It ever since West Hartford. Both wlli be­ Idle Claims Dip Church, performed the double fairway, Cong’s Ammunition ring ceremony.1 The wedding Prior to then, the MAHRC, Tryouts for chaarleaders for gin their Junior year in the bands were made by the bride­ which Was formsd in May 1952, With the ending of factory tha Pony Rad Raider footbaU Sul vacation shutdowns in th e groom. Bouquets of whltV'glad­ had bebn transporting the chil­ SAIGON, South InataUatlons, Sqma were^ were Injured when their helicop­ At Steel Parley area, unemployment compensa­ ioli and abasta daisies dec­ dren to the L t ^ e y School to team will be held Tuesday, Sept. obviously hiddah out nearby. ter went down Thursday due to U a rr Ciheney and WWton Li­ Mansfield, but In the winter of BOTH STORES Nam ths question — a measure of his throu^ a breathtaking se­ Mr. and Mrs. Kulper are 1966 Hastlnfs photo In voice and all Instruments PHARMACY The Who and Scotland Yard Contract OK lection of more than 20,000 a contract for supplying the graduates of the I^ode Island university of Kansas student, Nam sensitivity. Joining Humphrey (AP Photofax) Rail Lines would Uke to find out. Town Water Department with MRS. J. RANDALL KUIPER for yonng people and adults unhappy about President John­ Oritlclsm began soon after to greet the President’s Council sweaters in Pure Wool, Al­ School of Design, and both were Johnson was Inaugurated as on Aging, Johnson said of the Palm Beach millionaire John D. MacArthur The Who are one of Brit­ HARTFORD (AP) — paca, Mohair, Orion, Acrilan, a water purification machine members of the Fine A rt So­ son’s policies to Viet Nam, WASHINOTON (AP) — Two ain’s new top pop groups — four Antion, Shetland, and full- for the Globe Hollow Reservoir. ett, Vernon CSrcle, Vernon, by SINGING SCHOOL, AgM 3-12 SEA aaf SKI slashed his own wrist and President to Me own right. First vice president, again with aar- (right) looks at DeLong Ruby found in this tele­ experimental Mgh-speed rail young men who Just called Union employe* of Royal ciety at the school. Mr. Kulper smeared Mood on a campus bul­ he offended an importimt, if un- casm: fashicm^ Fur-BIenda Save The one It will replace will be wlH attend graduate school at the Lr B. Haas Tobacco Farm, 38 New Voters phone booth by William Faraci. The booth is lo­ systems have been given the themselves the Who. Ty^writer Co. today vot­ 50% oti Hand-Loomed bulky utilised at the town's Bucking­ Hartford, is used for storing the HARP — GUITAR — RECORDER letin board. measureable, portion of the po- “If he is not out of the country cated on the Sunshine State Parkway. rlgM-of-way by the House for They have become so popular ham installation in Glastonbury. Cranhrook Academy of Art, oomirroNE The student, C9iarles Hook of pulaoe by sending (^ef Justice attending some funeral, he wiu three years of research and de­ ed to accept a new threer cable cardigans... Bloomfield Hills, MlCh.. picked tobacco while it dries Join Town Roll be here working for you.” that the truck they travel In has The purifier, called a gas- for market. Glen Head, N.Y., said this rath­ Earl Warren — rather than Vice velopment. been broken into three times In year contract, after a 46- Now ready for school and MODERN DANCE— BALLET President Hubert H. Humphrey It cannot be said, however, campus, famous "Sturbridge chlorinating machine, will cost An estimate given police of PUYTEX er startling action last March The 890 million hill, approved the last two weeks. Therefore minute meeting in Which the town 81,650 and will include Of a total of 36 new voters was “purely spontaneous and on to represent the United States that Johnson does not learn by a 817-24 vote nnirsday, they decided to get a fierce A1 t^ a g e " classic heather-tone the market cost of the ruined made in a three-hour Session JUNIOR MUSICIANSHIP several union members ooordinatea Matching skirts, a differential convertor, for pac­ Vnndals Dninasre SW IM CAPS Individual gesture.” But less of the London funeral of Sir from experience. WitMn barely DeLong Ruby Found would allow the government to sation dog to guim the truck. ing the chlorlnator in accord­ tobacco is 82,500. The tobacco yesterday. 17 registered as dramatic displays of dis­ Winston ChurcMll. six toonths, Humphrey twice -work -with and finance pilot pro­ "While tHw were searchlng^tor urged a strike to enforce sweaters, slacks, and blouses thrown, down was crushed and Democrats, 8 as Republicans, further contract demands. at 30% below regular retail. ance with the water flow. PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITIES pleasure vdth Johnson’s deci­ During day-long television was sent to Europe on presiden­ jects between New York and one Thursday at London's Bat­ “ Stored Tobacco can not be salvaged. and 13 remained unaffiliated, tial missions. And, a p ^ from Washington and New York and •The new contract provides: Remember, you • always Wallace A Tieman, which 6-12 sions have become quite com­ broeAcaats of the ChurcMll tersea dog home, someone submitted the lowest of three Police foimd both shed doors bringing to 26,069 the total reg­ and much more monplace, though apparently rites, the attention of Americans chronic references to the press, In Telephone Booth Boston. drove off with their truck. —Wage Increase of 6 to 10 save when you buy direct. . . bids on Monday, has promised Four tiers of valuable to­ flung wide open and the to­ istered vote In Manchester. refiecUng only minority opinion. was called repeatedly to kings, Johnson seldom since has The Pennsylvania Railroed Inside were the Who's electric cents an hour In each year of S at the milL Open daily till the three - year contract, wRh delivery within 45 days and will bacco were thrown to the ground bacco scattered over the dirt The gap between Democrats 277 West Middle Tpke. This has been a year tor queens and prime ministers lapsed Into sarcasm os a re­ would cooperate with the New guitars, drums and other equip­ 6:80, Friday nights tiU 9:00 floor. Even the beams holding and Repulblcans is now only Register Now sponse to Ms critics — at least WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — The priceless York-WasMngton project, -which ment wMch they need tor a nar more sklUed labor grades t«- Roosevelt Mills, 215 E. be required to furnish a man to by vandals In a tobacco shed 649-2861 teach-toa, stt-ins and hunger representing many a less pow­ supervise the Installation and up the drying tobacco had been 397, the lowest in the town's Classes Begin September 9 ■trikes, all reflecting various erful name. Seldom did they In public. DeLong ruby, ransbmed from the underworld for InvMves the purchase of up to timiwlde televizlon show- . . cclv^ the l^har amounts. S t, RockvOie, Conn. south of N. Main St. yesterday Can Us For Prompt ..^Arr increase m stokness and & initial operation. thrown down. history. Catalog on Bequest Delivery ^ degrees of opposition to various glimpse the Warren-led Ameri­ Since then, restraint has been 926,000 in cash, will be going back soon to the Ameri­ 60 Individually motored coaches Ttiey fudwd «■ tbs hearedt about noontime, police report. Police suspect youths of the Republican voters number 9,- presidential policlee. ^ can delegation. Ms watchword. He waited near- can Museum of Natural History in New York City. that oould trav(d up to 160 miles loUce station and SobOaod'Yara Mrident benefits from 836, .to ITie shed, one of four Jn the vandalism. The sheds are now 446; Democrats, 8>(9; and un- Johnson's public r a t i o n gen- Johnson, recovering from a ly six hours for example, to au an hour. ’The New Haven Rail­ jroadeaat a descriptihn of the 840 a week, with the additional area leased from Thomas Hack- Uiorize the removal from the TTte ruby was found Th'ursday<^ road would operate the New truck, 'nian ttia Who went back insurance cost to^be spllt^7(lj^ protected by guards. affiUated 4,764. •rally has bsen restrained, but cold Uiat had hosx>it^sed Mm night in a musty public tele­ his sensitivity to almost any briefly, reaponded to the critl- WMte House of 12 young people who simultaneously had a ren­ York-Boston project. to tile dog hofne. between the employes and who staged a ait-ln critical of phone booth, climaxing weeks of dezvous with the' ruby’s holders. The bill provides that both The last Alsatian was gona. company. critiolsm is mariied and, to pri­ oiam-;w4Ut sereasm, telling a deadends and fruitless tipoffs. vate, often stormy, news oonferenoe: Ms civil rights policies. More MacArthur, 68, and Ms party railroads would ooopsrSte witn —A fourth week of vacattoa Publicly, Johnson toststs he recently, two days elapsed be­ The Mood-red 100 carat Jewel, were telephoned af a Palm with the Commerce Department after 98 y ean aervtee, a provi­ E “I may have, made a mistake one of the largest and most per­ welcomes democreiic debate fore opponents of the war In Beach hotel late Thursday by In all phases of the ezroerimaat sion which WlU affect a quarter 8 out of 10 homes by asking the cMef JiuUce to go Viet Nam were hauled away In fect gems In the -world, was of the union’s 2,600-man mem­ and abhoM blind conformity. On and not asking the vice presi­ Antel and given 80 minutes to and Bhare results with other Over 500 Deaths those occasions when he has paddy wagons after blocking resting on a ledge at the top of drive to the parkway’e Palm railroads. The Eastern area woe bership during the life of tha dent. I will bear to mind in con­ White House entrances in a sit- the booth on the heavily trav­ Beach Gardens service area, contract. .uttered stronger statements, he nection with any future funerals eled Sunshine State Parkway. choeen tor the program because hove 0 cold room usually has criticised the press down demonstration. several miles distant. of its high p o ta tio n density. Are Predicted your very strong feelings to tMs About two months ago, John­ It wae not wrapped and might As the party pulled up at the Under the bUra provlslch, the Chaiige Changed which often brings him first matter.” have resembled a large crimson son put his public reaction Into designated telephone booth, the new equipment would not re­ ENFUXjD (AP)—a charge of m m a t out of mt s rrft Some ads are hard to swallow news of dlBswtt and, in Ms view, ' Privately, Johnson once sug­ marble to someone who thought D^uring Holiday words in a statement that re­ telephone was ringing. It was place existing faculties, M romotes oonfllct by publlciring to look. murder against Mrs. Alice You’ve seen them in your newspaper. Every claim is su­ is critics. gested the whole tempest was ferred indire(my to teach-ins , 'Antel. would be used at varying times CBICAaO (AP) Tl» to ^ Prachniak, M, hoe been reduced g s p ir e d by a single reporter and other displays of opposition Millionaire John D. MaoAiv He told Bill Federicl, New to determine passenger reaction Worn 9p lint Toddy. . . os always... leaders In fine meats per colossal, razzle-dazzle and slightly more than spec­ A year ego, Johnson seemed thur, financier of the ransom, Labor Day weekend begins wl to manslaughter in Enfield Cir­ tacular. And they usually end up saying that their sale to enjoy mlraculouB immunity who, he thought, wanted a trip to administration policy in Viet York Daily News reporter who and needs. ths exodus from work today. cuit Court. P retrieved the ruby through a to the barbs that all presidents to London with Humphrey. Nam: helped engineer the recovery: The cost of the program for Heavy travel la expected on She- was bound over to Su­ or new pricing method is the greatest ever. Trouble is, Almost three weeks later, telephone tipoff* from a free “Turn around and face the door. Innl*t9-b60t room Come to Ptaehiu-st for Penobscott fresh from the farm chickens and encounter, jisually sooner than lance 'writer, Francis P. Antel, the current fiscal year would be the last weekend of the sum­ perior Court Thursday In the parts. This week we feature so is everyone else’s. Who i* right? If anyone is selling later. When harsh words were Johnson still was talking about (See Fag;a Eleven) Reach up and you’ll feel the 810 mlUicn for research and de mer. The National Safety Aug. 21 fatal stabbing of her food for less today than they did yesterday, then they heard, they normally fell into ruby.” velopment, 88 million for CouncU figures most of the 87 hoy friend, Kenneth Arnold 28, wMA omw were charging too much yesterday as statistics prove food the category of partism cam- Said Federicl: “It fek-Uke a demonstration projects and 82 million motor veMcles wlU be of Ellington. LARGE CHICKEN BREASTS a HP pMgn uttersnoes or dealt 'with pebble, as beautiful as anything milllmi to collect end improve on the streets and roads at one He was found in her Enfield prices have not gone down. such aide Issues as the Presi­ I have seen In my life." transportation statistics. The time or another during the apartment. CHIU CHASiR We have consistently sold our “good things to eat” at dent’s automobile driving and Quickly, the party sped back cost would ctimh to 886 million three-day period. It also calcni- lYRONmOMAN Us dog-handling practices. Guard Patrols Natchez, to town and to a hotel where a during the last two years cover­ lates that American motoriats Manager (Juils prices in line with our larger competitors and will-con­ However, this year has seen Jeweler was waiting to be sure ed by the legislation. will compile a record 8.9 MUlcm the gem w m authentic. WATERTOWN (AP) — Town THB lEVOLUnONARY NEW 0B- tinue to do so. de'velopment of an often noisy A similar, but not Identical miles of travel during the week­ Manager James L. Sullivan has VELOPMENT IN ADD-ON HEAT­ undercurrent of minority criti­ The ruby was one of 24 Jewels MU, has been approved by the end. stolen by three Miami beach Senate. The House MU wlU be The councdl. estimated recent- resigned to take a similar poM- ING win keep yow cold or chilW room cism embracing such major tion at Milton, Mass. warn sad coxy, with filtered, drcolat- Issues as Viet Nam and the Do­ boys last Oct. 29 In What police return^ there tor further Business Remains Normal called the most sensational jew­ (See Page ’Thi) Sullivan, who has served In fag, thKniosiatieally controlled heat. minican'RepubUc — plus civil action. da ! GET LOTS MORE PLEASURE el theft of the 20th century. the town’s top executivs Job Opwating cast ap to 75% len than rights, American representation NATCHEZ Miss. (AP)t®4 streets in Jeeps throughout® Charka Evers, sUte field dl- the past four years, notified o ^ add-on beaten. Heate cold bath­ and as much for your money at the caiurcnuiChurchill lunerai,funeral, John'jonn- the night, their bayonets flick­ rector of the NAACP, ■who has 'The sky-blue Star of India members of the town Council room, enclosed porch, attic room, or ■on’s shelving, of Washington ering under atreet lights, been on the scene since tii4 sappMre, another of thoee sto­ Thursday of Ms declBion, ef­ ny citn hftt. visits by tho leaders of India zens of this Mississippi MaJ. Geh. Walter Johnson, bomibing, said Dr. Martin Lu­ len, was recovered with eight fective Oct. 11. ----- DEMONSTRATION. and Pakistan, and Ms relations River bluff city went state adjutant general, took ther King or one of his top aides other stones in a Miami bus ter­ minal locker In January. Au­ Betsy Is ‘Harmless’, SHOPPING AT PINEHURST with news media. about their business as personal command of the 660 would come to the area. Protest Planned With all tMs, though, the polls Guardsmen who arrived in the Evers called for a civil rlghfts thorities feared the beautiful ■how Johnson's standing with usual .today as National city. Thursday. drive to "shake them up a bit,” ruby, mined In Burma 30 yedrs BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Tha American voters has remained Guardsmen patroled the “We’ll stay Just as long as but did not say what form of ago and considered lireplacea- Brldgeport-Stratford branch of axceptionaUy Mgb on all slgnlfi- streets. needed.” G ^ . Johnson said. action was planned. Me, was forever lost. May Not Touch Land the National Association lor the FOGARTY BROS. Inc. The day seemed like any Two rrinforced battaUqns and a Mayor J<^ Nosser and the It was not .known who In the Advancement of Colored People Self Service underworld held the ruby, or will stage a week-long protest 319 BROAD STREET—TEL. 649-4539 other In the business district, medical company moved Into Board of Aldermen turned down MIAMI Fla. (AP) — Hurri-«>foreoa8ter Sam Pierce of the with n ^ ly all parking spaces thla city of 26,000 on, ordeie a dozen Negro demands that from where it was delivered to next week of what It calls Looking For Work? Meat Specials the telephone booth. cane Betsy churned harmlessly Miami Weather Bureau. “segregated schools" In the filled, f from Gov. Paul Johnson. called for the city to denounce The all-clear signal was given city, a Negro leader reported Kashmir Says Gen. Johnson said “all the the Ku Klux Klan and desegre­ In Sing Sing Pirson, Ossining, past the Bahama Islands today Business is rushing and need two The Guardsmen came to N.Y., the three beach boys who and forecasters said there was a by the Weather Bureau late in to(lay. N atchez Thursday after.city's white and colored will be gate public facilities. the morning to residents of the The spokesman, who asked ■AN-miT CDORii Nosser, whose home was lowered themselves into the mu- good chance its 160-mile winds more men for our Grocery Dept, and 2 Jets D ow n mounting racial tensions were f treated the same.” seuip from an outside window would qever strike land. populous Florida east (mast touched off when a Negro i The city has been on edge bombed by night riders last are serving three year sen­ The eventual course of the south of Cape Kennedy. (Bee Fags le a ) one maa for Pinehurst Service Meat leader was hurt in the booby- since a dynamite bomb lost Fri- year, said the lines of conununl- “At tills time we do not sug­ w ith oool weather and a long week end thero special lamb legs. Beef roasts NEW DEUH, India (AP) — tences for theft. tightly knit but extremely dan­ and hams wlU be in demand. Early Friday we will receive a shipment of MORRELL trap bombing of his car. I day exploded beneath the hood catlon remained open. Jack Murphy, a water show gerous hurricane stlU was un­ gest. any change In vacation Dept. — Apply to Walter pr Edmufid Hidla clMmed Its forces shot Police reported “a very quiet of George Metcalfe's parked car plans lor the holiday weekend fresh state of Iowa Corn fed Govt. Inspected Pork or chops and roasts , . . PRIDE down tvro American-made Jet SELMA Ala. (AP) — Four­ diver, Alan Kuhn, bachelor certain, but changing atmos­ INSTANT and fresh spareribs for your barbecue. Gorman, 4' to 6 p.m. or call for ap­ night" Thursday. Twelve per- when he turned on the Ignition, teen Negro pupils registered at yachtsman and Roger CHark, pheric conditions brought new on account of the hurricane,’’ fighters flown by Pakistani pi­ sons were arrested for vlolat- Metcalfe, president of the three whita^hools today In Sel­ CANNED lots to fresh fighting that swimming Instructor, sjjd they hope that Betsy would expend the bureau said In an advisory. pointment. tog a 10 p.m. to 5 am . curfew.! Adams Oountv chapter of the ma, the birthplace of the 1966 confessed to the crime to Induce Its strength In. the open Atlantic. “However,. all persons along Bulletins G m iu Iii* Spring arupted to soutwest Kashmir gt One of them carried “a dan- NAAOP, was reported in fair civil rights struggle. But 17 oth­ the South Atlantic coast should dawn today. recovery of the Jewels and ob­ “I'd say chances are better geroua weapon, a bicycle condition. The blast knocked er Negroes scheduled to sign up tain lighter sentendee. than 60-80 that It will not hit any keep In close touch with future EARNINGS mncHum and smoH One Pakistani F84 Sabre Jot chain,” police said. I him from his car-and broke his HAM advisories during the next lew part of the Bahamas or the east INDIA PROTESTS was shot down |n aerial combat Ouardsmeh rode the desert-' aim, leg and Injured his face. (See Page ’Ten) coast of the United States," said days,” it added. Dlvldeiids paid from dap A COMPLETE SELL-OUT and another was Mt 1^ Bidian U.S. space officials were tak­ WASHINGTON (AF) of deposit — 4 ttmM a ground fire and craahad in In­ ing no chances. India today delivered a ton- dian territory, a Defense Minis* Air Force tracking stations^ mal protest to Secretary of lyeek after week we Increase our Fresh Sword Fish or­ State Dean Rusk against as* 3 L A M B L E G S der. hut have a eell out every Fri. about 5 p.m. The fish OANNim HAM SPECIAL firy spokesman oaid. Eleuthera and Grand Bahama Is thete freshestfw and the finest quality we can buy . Engstroin Gets Islands were placed on hurri- of American-supplied tanka At toe beginning of Jano- Be also charged that Pakis­ and other -arms by Pakistan * ^ hSu^ er^ BRAISING LAMB tani Jeta atralad a Mosleto c(uie alert status No. 1 In antici­ arjr, April, Jnly and Oo- BLOCK ISLAND MORRELL’S HAM mosque near the town of RCA’s Top Post pation of possible 65-mlle winds In the Kashmir fighting. An Clhhamb at prayer time today. wUMn 12 hours. Indian government spokes­ Quotlpg reports from Sprtoa- NEW YORK (AP) — Dr. El­ Personnel on Allan Cay, a man In New Delhi has said 'lb 4 Lb. Can ^3.99 gar, Kaatunlr's summor eapital, mer Engstrom today was small Grand Bahama station Pakistan would nut havs W C PATHIES...... |b. 35e SWORDFISH Se said seven plmnoa strafed tha named cMef executive of the outpost, were evacuated to dared launch Its Invasion lb. Also AvaUaUe ln.8 and 8 lb. Slseo Moslem bouae of worsMp to the Radiio Oorp. of America. Grand Bahama at daybreak, without the Aniertoan equip­ FROZEN LAMB PATTIES...... 3 lbs. 89e It pays to driva aways for Pinehurst service sold not Jaurian area and that 10 to 40- Robert W. Sarnoff was named and Cape Kennedy went on alert ment. prewrapped ground meats ... 9 OSCAR MAYER'S HAM elvlllana were killed and the to succeed Engstrom as presi­ No. 3. BODY DISCOVERED , In 8 and I t Ib. oMai mosque was destroyed. dent of RCA. “Right now we are antici­ LEAN CHUCK There has bean po other men­ The changes were approved pating nothing more than 80- OUll-rORD (AF) — A Freshly Ground or tion by Indian officials of eaau- ■t meetings of the boards of knot gusts,” said an Air Force man’s body Was found today MNOTNUM Holiday Ham... •Itias, military or otvlUan. In Long island Sound off THE FAMOUS READY TO SERVE We do not make much profit directors of RCA and Its broad­ spokesman at the space center. DtrkVmJ Paid The aarial combat, the tMrd casting subsidiary. National "We don't think It will come Falkners Island, ,the Cm s I 3 In 1 blend of on this MELLO CRISP BA­ air clash alnca Wadnasday to Guard reported. 'The man’s ■a Dap o f Deposit Broadcasting Oo. > closer than 160 miles or so.” MORRBLL MORREU ^ ^ B E E F . PORK - VEAL CON at 79c Ib. but it’s a ■ouUiast KastmUr, was fqught Engstrom, 64, moves to the The Miami Weather Bureau Identity was not Immediately mighty fine value for the cue- •var the AknaorOibamb sector top executive spot to succeed sal(l Betsy was expected to take avallabls. B-Z-CUT IN 8 U . LOTS 76o «f tha border, Ihklda Indian tar- HAMS O Q c tomer. No limit Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff,. 74, a more north-northwest or , MARCH CALLED OFF whole 10-12 Ib. lb Mtory, tho apokaaman said. northerly course late Saturday ------. ------who will remain aa RCA board or butt half / It was raUaMy roported that chairman. Engstrom also will due to an anticipated sMft In PLYMOUTH, N.C. (AF)— American mUltairy oAloara want An aninounced' civil righte NAM DUE TO ARRIVE EARLY FRI assume the company's top ad­ steering currents.* S A V I M G S to Kaahmlr to obeok details of ministrative title of chairman of "Ther# la a trough over Geor- march falled.jto materialise PINEHURST LONG ISLAND o r NATIVE U.S. NO. 1 RATH'S ALL MEAT ^dla's ohargaa about Pakla the executive committee. Sis this morning, moving east­ today In Plymouth amid ra> iU n / 1 ^ 0 A M tan's uao of Amorioan military Robert Sarnoff, 47, son of the ward at 10 to 16 knots and- erod­ ports thet a blraclal cam- ■(j^pmant. cider Sarnoff, moves'to Ms new ing away the Mgh-prassure sys­ ndttee was making good FRANKFURTS mala claims Amorioan-mada post from that of chairman of tem wMch has beau keeping pragreae. Negro------leaaen had tanks 4 >earhsadad tha Pakis­ the board of NBC. Betsy on a mors westeirly, aiuMMinced they would merch NEW POTATOES llllb s . tani attack that orosasd ths In today la deflanee of a loeal Robert B, Klntner, 06, was course,” Pierce aald. 1997 MAIN BT. — NEAB NAPU5 BT. Lb. 59c tarnaUonal frontier and tha named to succeed the younger “The high has exerted Its full onttnanee prohibitlag dam* BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY United Nations ooaae-flra Una at Sarnoff as chairman of NBC force and It hasn’t turned tha onetraUoBs Withoaf a permit, CORNER MAIN AND TURNPIKE dawn Wednesday, Klntnsr also retain Ms post storm to the west as much aa Hrarevw^ EratStotfStSTHl ovm r TILL 4 PJL MONDAY THBOUOB FHEDAt OPEN iniURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 pahtataa has received 4Mca as praaldent of the radio and > SHUBaDAY NIGHT g to 8 90L00M PINEHURST GROCERY Inc. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY . . . LABOR. DAY jEEft LadlEd wkh NeiIm u I G9uurdsm«a Patr^ NatohcE S tx E ets toltvlakia notworka. « E |). 4 MANCHEgTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 PAGE fACn TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1965 Sheinwold on Bridge Events Phyllis Diller Luci and Lynda Awaiting P eople Seeking Divorce | a c e * a n d h a p p in e ** Sooth daalsr Nstihsr M * vulnsraht* In Capital DO NOT GO TOGETHER NORTH §T . LOUIS. Mo. (AP) — Oom- In the edlenn* Phyllis DtUer, 48, whose ▲ 1632 WAsmsarros' (AP)r-Prs^ 86 East Center S i Sept. 20 Return to Books By ALFRED SHEINWOLD e K 4 comedy routine* lifted her from Most people would like to be 6 At0»7 fdant JbliBaoii dalaysd a trip to a houaewlf* to a television and At Summit S i wealthy, although the copy­ ^ 7 4 3 his Tsaas ranch today amid rta- nightclub star, (Had suit tor di­ News WVT BAIT vorce Thursday. WABHmOTOKr (AP) — try, composition and rhetoric.^glrls in residence. It’s a quite books say that happinesa and a ing hopaa of the atesl wage set- logic, a theology course on the | home life compared to that in A to * 97S4 She alleged general indigni­ WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL tack to ichooj thii month for Roy Roger* bulging checkbook are sworn en- t? QI» 632 tismant ha has bean ' pushing ties against Sherwood Dlller, 52, life of Christ and a course In the the eight - story Kinsolvlng emTes. Perhaps it’s forth* same Praiidont Johnson't two dkufh* dormitory for 800, where she HOLLYW(5o D (AP) — Roy O KJ54 0 $63 for, and Oongraas appaarsd her husband of 36 years. He history of nursing and its role. reason that bridge players are svan mors wlUlng to do Ma bid- tors, with classes sUrting Mon­ Lynda, by contrast, is return­ lived as a freshman. Rogers, still botbared by a AAKQ6S A9I3 filed an answer denying the pulled tendon, has canceled foolish enough to like aces and •OUTH dlM. ebarges, but Mrs. Diller's attor­ day, Sept 30. ing to a school that has ”a She’ll share a downstairs bed­ room suite with two other plans to attend any antelope kings. True happinsea comes to AKQJ Tna Senata gava ovsr- ney, Rex Oaruthers, said Dlller spedal closeness” for her. She a ^ayer like East in the hand 9 A 10 Carnations i^l.69 L«cl, 18, la launching her col­ 017 3 staAed out there, it’s her moth­ roomates. One of them is her hunt at Lander, Wyo. whelming approval to a l4.T-bll' would not contest the divorce. lage career as a nursing school friend, Warrie Lynn Smith, 31, The entertainer stepped on a shown today. 6 Q2 Uon program of aid.^to higher Oaruthers would not disclose treahman here. Lynda, 21, Is er’s alma mater and it will be Opening lead—King of clubs « n o OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY the site of her father’s presi­ of San Antonio, Tex., who was sprinkler last month on a golf education — a part of his mas- the proposed property settle­ windingnng up aa a aenlor history If you hqd looked at Bast’s Was! N s i* Esst slva aduoaUocud Baalstoric* ment, except to aay that both dential library. her roommate aa a freshman course near his Apple Valley, 2 A Psss Pass major In Texas. Calif., home. His leg was in a face when he picked up his plan.' parties had agreed to H and •riieir return to campus life la As a senior, she will be able and joined Lynda for a se­ Pass 4 A AH P a « to live at the Southern colonial mester at George Washington oast for three weeks and he now cards, you would have seen that il BURNSIDE Whit* House pressure helped Mm. Diller was asking no ali­ expected to mean the girls will he didn’t know much about true add X names In on* day to a mony. make few White House social or style house of her sorority, Zeta University, living at the White wears an ankle brace. Tau Alpha, with 36 other House for the term.' Doctors say they don’t know happinesa. About the closest he .onoa-stallad petition to force a Shs and ths coupls’a four chil­ AMBRICA’S LAReaST FAMILY C LO TH tN a CHAIM* public appearancea this fall. came to happinesa was a feel­ 4; Hearts, 6-rfl-S: Diamonds, 8-0> House vote on home rule tor the dren remaining at home — a •Tm petrified,” said Luci as how long Rogers, 68, will have to restrict his activity, but say ing of relief that his opponents $t Clabs, *-S-$. a Sml., Mon. (M bor Day) t:**.4il0-6i*0Ail0 a nation’s capital. fifth is married—plan to move aha got ready for her first col­ had not bid a grand slam. Whai do you aayf And a Houaa eommittaa to Los Angeles, where she will lege classes at Georgetown Uni- his condition la Improving rap­ idly. West led the king of clubs and Answer: Bid two notnimp. cleared a Johnson-sponsored .bill continue her show business | Terslty's School of Nursing. Events in World continued with the queen and Your partner’s two-bid is foro- to step up the government’s bat- career that began 11 years ago. ' "First,” she said, "Just to be ace. South, seeing that ruffing ing to game, and you should It was not until the late 1960s ' entering college is a tremendous tit against hsart dlssass, cancsr William McC. Martin the third club would cause respect it. You will probably ToRlto — * 1st Run and Stroks. when she appeared on the Jack ehallenge. And second. It’s dou­ BOMBAY. India (AP) — ♦ship was not coming here for SALT LAKE CITY. Utah trouble if ha ran into a 4-1 take a licking on this hand, but Paar show that audiences began ; bly difficult to adjust to college Parts of Poona City were under direct military action, and only (AP) — Chairman William Mc- trump break, discarded a dia­ you will keep your parther'a - Education MU: Federal acho- to roar at this bleached blonde ; life since I’m going in with a (or resupply and recreation for Chesney Martin Jr. of the Fed­ Plus Top Co<4flt curfew today after the second mond Instead of ruffing. confidence. (If you’re alread larablps ter needy college stu­ with the straight cut mop, who ' banner across my head.” crewmen. eral Reserve Board says the sure of your partner's confi would run her fingers through Luci is embarking on a four- day of Hindu-Moslem religious West led a fourth club, and dents and provisions for a Na­ "But we think that resupply nation’s economy looks good, declarer ruffed with dummy’s dence, nobody could scold you her hair and say, "This Isn’t ' year course. rioting. tional Teacher Corps were In- and rest of the crews is for the but he’s worried. deuce. Bast scowled at his part­ very much for passing.) |■rap1llo■■vIN■l I THE BEATLES eluded In a higher education biU hair. These are nerve ends.” Lynda, who says she would A police commia.sioner said purpose of the next operation. Martin said In a Salt Lake The couple was married In like to be a teacher. Is returning the curfew was nece.ssary be­ ner for putting him in the mid­ Copyright, 1965 "HELP" Which the Senate passed 79 to 8. In that ca.se Isn’t Sasebo being City speech Thursday that he’s dle. Then East over-ruffed dum­ General Feature# Corp. 1940 and lived the last four to home territory at the Univer­ cause of looting, arson and vio­ used as a direct base.” a com­ The House included scholar­ concerned about potential infla­ my, and South ruffed highest Shown at 8:80 Each Evanliig ship* tor the first time in a bill years in the suburb of Webster sity ot Texas in Austin, 66 miles lence. He gave no details of mentary of Yomluri Shimbun tionary pressures. Orovea. i from the LBJ Ranch. She’s al­ damage or casualties. of all. 300,000 TO RETIRE It passed last week, assuring asked. Increased spending for the Hearts Break WeD MELPI their enactment. ready spent a year and a half NEW YORK — More thaiff Reports from Poona said Viet Nam war could result In a noNiHiiioin I FEDERAL CARE AID there and now returns after a hundreds of Hindus seeking re­ ATTIENS (AP) — A 24-hour drain on the balance of pay­ South cashed the top hearts 300,000 workers will retire thla Funds tor classroom construe similar period at George Wash­ and ruffed a heart in dummy. year at 65 or older. jtlon, library Improvement, WASHINGTO N(AP) — Fed­ venge (or temple desecrations printers strike left Athens with­ ments. he warned. eral excess property which orig­ ington university here. moved into a blind alley where out dally newspapers today and When the suit broke favorablyt *HELP1 rm equipment pitochases and com- Both girls have cho-sen schools left some readers without the declarer drew trumps and took fnuntty serrio* projects also inally cost |2 million is to be Mo-slem families had locked used to support work In Viet with plenty of men around. themselves in the houses and knowledge that the latest at­ Sidney Skokky the rest of the tricks without any would bs provided, subject to h According to a freshman LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los trouble. Senate and House agreement on Nam, Malaysia and the Philip­ tried to bum the occupants. The tempt to solve the Greek politi­ pines by the Cooperative (or guidebook. "Georgetown Uni­ Moslems were rescued after the cal crisis has (ailed. Angeles Superior Court ruling Somehow or other we’ve drift­ a final blU. 3 American Relief Everywhere— versity is still a predominantly mayor of Poona and a political The printers struck Thursday has awarded film writer Sidney ed from East’s happinesa, but masculine community, the 850 Skolsky $80,000 damages In his you surely noticed that Ea.<)t s, Hurry f u - Ends f i Sat. x m Artist Paints Murals at New Sears Store CARE. leader Intervened. night, protesting the arrest erf Home rule: A drive for undergraduate women students three union leaders during the suit against Electronovision made a blunder when he over­ House vote on borne rule for the The U.S. Agency for Interna­ have about 4,300 male counter­ Productions, Inc. ruffed ' dummy on the fourth HElFllfn While construction goes on at Beam’ new department atom studied at the Hartford Art School, hat done mural oma- tional Development says the CANBERRA, Australia (AP) bloody riots two weeks ago over Distriot ot Columbia needed mSnta In major stores, including Macy's and Qlmbel's In parts.” Skolsky had sued the film round of clubs. Instead, East lost(wa„ only one more supporter to re at the Manchester Bhowlng Parkade, Hunter Jones, a New goods include vehicles, agricul­ — Malaysian Justice Minister selection of a replacement (or Yorit City artist, puts fuiisnlng touches on a mural decora­ New York, for the past 10 years. He has lately done work tural machinery, water purifi­ The much larger University erf £>ato I.small said today he had ousted Premier George Papan- firm and its president, Wllll"m should discard a heart. tiopjcisiandr leas* a MU from the House Dis­ Texas has a student body of Sargent, for $140,000. He tion. Jones Is placing mural designs at various departments fo r Sears. He is responsible for a large colorful mural of cation and sewage, treatment no fears of Singapore, going dreou. The strike shut down 16 Now South Is in trouble. If trict Committee tor action later Mark Twain’s Mississippi that catchea shoppera' -eyes at about 23,000, with one-fourth of morning and evening newspa­ claimed that under an oral he draws trumps, he must lose ALSO this month. Twenty-five more In the store. 1711* one, of a drill, is in a comer of the hard; apparatus, food preparation and Communist and making rela­ ware department. Jonea, who was bom In Bouthington and the West Hartford Bears. (Herald jrfioto by Ohara.) serving equipment, clothing, them girls. tions with Malaysia unworkable. pers. agreement last Jan. li he was a heart trick to West. If South "THE IMIULL Signatures, including those of Luci, who recently converted A crown council of 10 political to receive $45,000 to write and does not draw trumps. East can o r IT ALL" six congressmen from Johnson’s and plumbing, heating and sani­ Ismail told luncheon guests at tation materials. to the Roman Catholic religion, the National Press Club the sep­ leaders met Thursday night be assistant pro'* round of hearts. What a triumph “SHENANDOAH" ed Thursday aa the White House expansion have made signifi­ wicz, Keith Carpenter and Da- they were at Lake of Isles. They | which, however, does not make laysia Had made no difference fired Papandreou in a dispute tress Jean Harlow. for Eut to defeat the contract Matinee 3:20 Stepped up Its efforts. cant inroads on the problem.” BO Y SCOUT vM Barrett; Hfeeaving, Eric El-, were Atnold Benson, Eric EhH- any religious requirement for over control of the armed The suit. In which the court with his ghastly hand! Eve. 6:00 • 9:30 But the district committee, — the Labor Department, re­ lison, Steven Moore, Keith Oar- ' son, Keimeth Lewis, Roderick admission of its applicants. to their common defense pos­ ture against Indonesian confron­ forces, but made no progress. award was made Thursday, Now that you know what true THRILL M at 1:30 which opposes the mayor- porting a drop In Negro Joblesa- Notes and News penter and Rodney Johnecn. MaoLean, Greg McCorkhlll, She will be one of 75 freshman Some Athenians gtrf the news claimed Skolsky received only Eve. T:S0 ioouncH plan, countered with a ness. Kurt MHler, Paul Mullnaii, glr)s In the nursing school. tation. happiness is, try to avoid it. Also, rowing, Steven Moore, "We Malaysians and our of the Impasse on the state ra­ $8,000. You wouldn’t want too much of — SAT. — bill of its own to return to the Rodney J o h n i^ Steven Mon­ Kem Tyler and Donald Kunz. And Dean Ann M. Douglas, a Feature State of Maryland most of the Troop IM slender, dark-haired. New York' brothers in Singapore do not dio. a good thing. Oapltal Footnotes tany, and Roes Roberts; arch­ Their ^ activltiea Included believe President Sukarno (of Richard Crenna Dally Question 2;00-5:S6-9:lS land that state oiiginziUy pro­ The Senate Agriculture Com­ Troop 126 o t Bbnanuel Lai- ery, Steven Montany, Steven swtimning, water skiing, a-trip ar with idcperlence includin Co - 8:45-7:20 mittee came up with its own four years as a World War Indonesia) has a hope in hell of ROME (AP) — Rome Police, HOLLYW(X)D (AP) - Rich­ Partner opens with two vided tor the nation’s capital. theran Church recently returned Moore and Roas Roberts; M* to Fort TIoonderoga and climbs seeing his hopes of a Malaysian who ca rri^ out a campaign this haarts, and the next player Only the central city would be version of a farm subsidy and up Black Mountain and Mount Army nurse, says she hopes ard Crehha, star, of television’s PH 703? AIR rriNw.TlOHti 1h* OobU Mtanlm* of control MU differing sharply from two weeks camping at oneering, Steven Montany, Ste­ Luci esm be Just one . Wash—26c with heavy emirfiasis on pan Thursday (or a four-day Fined 210 peddlers for work­ ing treatment for heart disease, Naylor, end mile swim. Dean Jungle physlciam, spent a restful , Cancer and stroke. uniform safety codes (or mines Johnson advanced to star scouts S-Lb. Dry Clean—$2.00 4 sdence. Major nursing courses stay. ing without licenses. BOLTON LAKE HOTEL and Eric Ellison and Rose Rob­ (Jarlson, Jay Tyler, , Rodney night, police reported today. come in the final two years. The committee approved a other than the coal mlnea al­ Johnson, Keith Cupenter, 5 Lbs. Or Under—$1.60 I^e Japanese government has ROUTE 44-A—BOLTON, CONN. $340 million three-year pro­ ready under federal supervi­ erts to life scouts. The Nobel Prize winning med- For a starter, Lud will be taken the view the visit required Merit badges were awarded James Reuter, Donald Proven­ I leal missionary was said to be taking soology, general cbetnis- Matinee Daily 1:30 gram. The Senate has passed a sion. All the armed services cal, James Horn, PbUUp Roman- no prior consultation since the Clear Weather $660 million, four-year author­ reported a Jump in voluntary in ■ foiSsStry to ' SteVMi Moore, I in "as good condition as possi­ Mack Naylor and Roes Roberts', owlcs, Paul Romanowles, Eu­ ble, considering his age.” He is Enloy these BOLTON ization Including provision tor enlistments since Mgher draft V ’ calls were ordered. nature, Rodney Johnson, Steven gene Montany, Thomas Mac- still confined to bed. Across Nation LAKE HOTEL "Friday building reglontJ medical cen- Lean and Chartes Scott. I ( ' If I Were Banished E n S f U J O O D tera. Mdtltrfiiy, 'GbNkrfi' Palmer and Schweitzer if suffering from •v-MN M f . , ‘..’H i TheCdodulAdwiiturasof ------'' Nite Hsh Dinner Moth Species Plentiful Keith (Carpenter; personal fit> . Durward MHler and Russell severe fatigue following a busy The nation’s weather was £0 MJTIUSf!' * . ■iinf''' .- j Capital Quotes nees, Gordon Palmer; swim-v Roberts, assistant scoutmasters, day Sunday when he received a 'f l l V mostly clear and dry today. Specials" overlooking "The airlines should realize ming, Walter Lehmiis, Eugene took nine Senior Scouts to Lake number of vlaltors at his Jungle A Great Family Show!' CHiaAOO — Butterflies and Montany, Mark Naylor, Thom- George, N.Y. for a week o t le- hospital. Boston School Children Weather Bureau metrologists that they are not operating moths make up cne of the FAIRWAY “SHENANDOAH" beautiful Bolton Lake flying bunny clubs, but just an­ largest insect orders, with more kept a wary eye on Hurricane THE BEATLES other means of transportatloa.” Betsy which has developed In Color with James Stewart from our Tdrroee Room. than 100,(XX) different kinds or Explain Where They’d ^ are nioiB,pfilDrful than ever...in COLOR I — Rep. William. D. Hathaway, species. In North America strength of 125-lSO-mile winds 1:80-6:80-9:55 concerning some airlines’ policy and held a northjvesterly course Twin Lobsters, Shrimp New- Lemon Sol& Lobster Saute, of forcing retiremeht of flight alone there are about 7(X> plus: “ FLUFFY" In Color speclea of butterflies and more BOSTON (AP) — "If I wa»»(Iylng she decided to Jump. toward the Ekist Coast, its cen­ Also In COLOR bnrg. Fried Clams, Broiled Seafood Marinara, Saute hostesses at age 82 or 85. BOTH STORES ter some 500 miles east of Mi­ with Tony Randall The Great Adventuro Longostinos, Sliver Smelts, than 7,000 of moths. banished, 1 would live in the Since then she has made 163 Twin Lobsters With Drawn "He has a right to say to both dives. ami. 8:20-8:20 . Stove McQueen Crabineat Au Gratin, Com­ (sides) ‘Don't kill the goose that wood because I dont have to Some regional storming oc­ m E R D O U lS Butter, Salmon Steak, Rain­ OD T FOR COLUMBIA Put Yourself In Our Hands OPEN Susan Clements, who won the James Gamer DRIVE IN HARTFORD • < ' bination Seafood. Plate, Bak­ lays the golden egg,’ and to do were (worry) about light bill women’s title, is part of a hus­ curred in the Southeast and in­ “THE GREAT ESCAPE" bow Trout with Anchovle ed Shrimp and Clanu, Regu­ everything he can to see to It NEW YORK (AP) — Oolum- and gass bill and I could cauth band-wife parachuting team terior areas. Tampa, Fla., Butter, Halibut Steak, Baked lar Broiled Lobster with that these words are heeded." Ma University haa announced (catch) my own food...” from Oakland, Calif, "You learn caught nearly an inch of rain in Stuffed Shrimp, Soft SheU Drawn Butter, Special 8 — Sen. Mike Mansfield, D- an anonymous gift of a mlllipn TOt’IGHT till 9 So begins a composition by a to make housework a game so six hours during the night. To­ Crabs, Fried Shrimp, Boston Pound Lobster With Drawn Mont., concerning President dollars for the gymnasium' seventh grader in Boston’s Qp- you can have more time for peka, Kan., reported half-inch Scrod, Lobster Newburg, Butter. Johnson’s role in the steel labor building fuiMl. The denation—the ”W e Fif Them Carefully" aratioA Second Chance, a s o ­ Jumping’’ she said. hall. And centred and southern negotiations. third miUlon-doUar gift for the cial English class for,.potential Gay Reed from W a y I a n d. Arizona collected one-third to "While the Job situation tor fimd—^increased the fund's total for wear dropouts, many of th'em from Mass., who has more than 145 one-half inch of rain. HELD DANCING nonwhites is still markedly of pledges and gifts to more poor families. dives to her credit, said she en- Scattered thunderstorms worse than tor whites, the con- than $5 million. wherever A student teacher, Oail Dono-. Jo^ it because “ it takes more marred a generally pleasant FRIDAY AND SATURDAY van, reported in the summer Is­ self discipline than anything weather picture today with ac­ sue of the Harvard Graduate else.” Miss Reed weighs 38 tivity in the western mountains, School trf Education bulletin pounds. the Lower Missouri Valley and OVER restaurant that the youngsters learned best And Anita MacMillan, a along the Gulf and South Atlan­ Due To An THE LOU MAL TRIO when talking about their blpnde model from Chicago who tic Coasts. dreams. Bonto 6 and 44A, Bolton—64S-2S4Z END O F took up the sport two years ago, It was a little cooler from the Overwhelming The first essay she assigned- said simply, "I wanted some- Upper Mississippi Valley to the ADDED FEATURE—FRIDAY and SATURDAY was the.time-worn "What I Did thing new. I’d tried everything central Rockies, and warmer on My vacation” and it pro­ else...” Demand For Tickets duced the "I didn’t do anything. from the mid and north Atlantic M ODEL YEAR It’s not all flying through the Coasts to the Great Lakes and “Thi* Was Burlesque” BOB MAtTEMPO and tbs VIBRATIONS Miss Donovan” kind of re­ air. Miss Mac^^llan said she Texas. sponse. suffered (our sprained toes and But the topic "K I were ban­ countless bruises. ^Will Be Held Over Thru ROCK and ROLL STAG BANGING just arrived! ished, I would live in...” in­ Home Wage* Low EVERYONE WELCOME 21 YEARS AND OVER spired imaginary (lights writ­ Michael J. Kancer, IS, of Sun- Sat., Sept. 11th ENTRANCE IN REAR ten, despite grammar deficien­ apee, N.H., decided his fancy WASHINGTON — Only one- Drastic Reductions cies, with dash and enthusiasm: tenth of the women who hold hair style wasn’t worth 50 bucks. SEATS NOW AVAILABLE Here’s Your Landmarit For— OUR NEW FALL "If I were banished I ,would Municipal Court Judge Cleon full-time private household Uve in Australia I would go to FINE DINING, COCKTAILS and Ruffle fined Kancer $100 re­ Jobs make more than $2,000 AT ALL PRICES O N ALL the Jungles and live with the cently on a driving without a a year, the Department of FadUties for BANQUETS and WEDDINGS COLLECTION OF navtlve. I would learn - how to license charge. He said he Labor reports. This Includes use a boomrang and help the would suspend $50 of It if Kan­ all forms of public assistance aavtive get their food...” cer got a haircut. or social insurance and wages. IT'S NEW! Our Ntw Banquet Room ROCK HUDSON "If I were banished, I would His hair was collar length, SMARTLY STYLED SUITS live in a house that I will never waved and curled. PERU LOAN APPROVED Con Aecommoflota up to 150 Psopio . . CHRYSLERS forget it will be the best house ’The youth gxlnned and agreed, WASHINGTON (AP) - The on the street. The color will be conferred with him on how much World Bank has approved a $33- AND A T A fire red I will have flowers in hair would satisfy justice. The NOTE: DANCING Hna Been Discontinued Until front of It...” mlllloti loan to Peru to help fi­ Judge said he wanted it “ pretty nance construction of a 802-mlle September lltii’ "If I were banished, I would short” but didn’t insist upon a road from La Oroya to Aguay- TERRIFIC LOW PRICE live In New York on 42nd crewcut. tia. streets were you meet all kind DODGES of pepol then night come would go in the show (or all MOST MODELS IN STOCK Hlght...” "If I yrere banish, I would go FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A FIRST RUN Oijf a ^s«e* A*er eewV sen: Ar see*.. tare away I woln’d go to par “ The Train” 10.27 ticular place I travel from town 61 FORD $895 63 FALCON $995 to town from city to city state “MdUintock” 8:00 27.50 to state to contry to contry to <£aJksLdIdsL Sunllner Conv. RAH, auto., Future 2-Door Sedan. RAH, world to world,..’ ’ F A V O R ." TSHMCOUKe P.8. Auto. Trans. THE THAIM WILL CAHHY YOU J Your next suit is waiting for you at When Underhill, Vt., sculptor I G R ia and RESTAURANT ADULTS Also Cary Grant Roljert Hull., . and the low price Roy Kennedy achieves fame, s o ' ONLY TO THE PEAK OF ADVEMTUKKI East Windsor 61 PONTIAC $1095 64 FORD $2095 will his critic, Claude. 11 'FATHER GOOST' makes it one of the best buys you’re LAKE ST.. COVENTRY 742.7382 DRIVE-IN ROUT! 5 Safari 4-Door Button Wag­ Galaxio BOO 4-Door Hard­ Oaude has been the model on. RAH, auto.. P.8. top. RAH, auto, trans., pow­ likely to encounter! Choose from for several of Kennedy’s welded j u u er steering copper portraits. One of them is rich sharkskin weaves, long-wcuring on exhibit at the Vermont In­ finest Food Served! < v Charge B LM LANCASTER Tbfi Gruototf of World War II AdvMfuros 62 DODGE $1295 rtM IMU TMT UNNSITANB CtNlOMR reverse twists and Justrous formation Center in New York m JOHN num titH gm iirs ■ 61 CHRYSLER $995 Accounts atjr. TODAY S-Paea Station Wagon. iridescent? irt a versatile, extra- Prdpdriid by Dick R«a9an . . . thru Sept. ' ' — Ixpiering on riw So vm Sinn Tho Prim Newport 4-Door Sedan. RAH Invited But Kennedy said Oaude (lies RAH, auto., P.8. Power steering, auto, trans. strength blend of rayon-and-iicetate. around his studio offering “ un- gwanUfSJfW THE TfVXhV Only the finest 1(X)% premi­ BoIlelUd opmments’’ a l l the — CHOICE LEGAL lEVERAGES — faSiMI-iilMl 0 Straign Inouty who Govn Hnrtnlf for Lifn um ajte«M •, cotton yarn go Sizes for regulars, shorts and longs. time. 61 CHEVY $695 There h no lubstitute for the capable, Into these 8furdy sock*. And, Bsuy PsRts CsnsAast AT REGULAR LOW PRICIk IS* — Tho Row Fury of Wor 60 OLDS. . $795 the size Ic Indelibly printed Claud* la a crow, tha family’s 2-Door Bodan. .RAH, auto, Corvalr 4-Door Sedan. Std. COMPLETE ALTERATIONS FREE ' — StripTsatm . CHOUDREN UNDER I t FREE experienced hands of the Kofsky fitters on the eolet for eesy pelring P«t- V trans., PR. trana., RAH. "He follows me around as I For Your DANGINQ Ploasuro — [SfMilisi ChsriRtsaRdAUI] r r after washing.' work and perches on my shoul­ a Ben' SlrtlihtH* Crew locki. SUM der," the artist said, fondly. hold over by popular demand H e-iovk. *»t. CHARGE rr Tiim it Ib^ I er MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM a. Ion’ Sseki with Tri color Sbipe WITH Hare’s a change of pace fori 3 asd (loitio Top. Uni e4V4. St«. women bored with housekeep-' THIS WAS ThiWiirtEtnrSiwI SABOTEUR’’ a (kow locM with itrlpo top. SUM UHI-CARD Ing and shopping: Try sky 4iv-| S4VS. 3t«. "The Beach Combers" ^ apyt’ striped SMk. *4VS. 3S«. *"?Wolvs womsn oompqted In Gaory:* Edward* with Hank on the guitar CHURCHES 2 Convenient Locations: the U.S. National Parachuting and Paul on the drums Reeerv. Co. S-ISQ USE OUR FREE LAYAWAY PLAN Champienshlpt last waek at the O F M A N CH ESTER -~ sports center in Orange, Mass. a East Middle Tpke. Jo-Ann* Andrews of Salt Lake EVERY FBU SAT, tni SUN, ^ Also Deris Day and m OAKLAND ST., MANCHESTER—•4S-37M MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE — MANCHESTER Next To Popular Market City, Utah said ahs was Intro- Jams# Oamer East Hartford duetd to tbs sport after going “MOVE OVUI DARUNO* FARMIHGTON SOUTH WINBSOR iMMaE DRIVE IN w-uyS “ Authorised Chrysler-Dodge Dealer” . Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Nighti 'til 9 a Downtown Main St. Rout* a (Soott awanip Road) Rout* 6 Oil *p in a jplana ter tha Bret Ume. i TfCHNICOiOR* PANAVISION* ■r Cross Pkwy.. Exit Si ^ imaiadS mm WWW sttuti At Routs 177 (FtaiavlUa A m ) ■oat UarWont L ■ m aald atM was so afraid of I WAULDraroBD , \

'fA ^ n ^ M O M

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1965 PAGB FOOl IIANCHS8TBE BVININO RBRALO« MAHCHlSTIIl, CONN., FRIDAY, SEFIEMBBR 8, t v * — ^ ^ ------area stooe Jan. 1 la the greataat hesrtsniiw to the troops who are Ing your ahoee off after a ttH ^ aver recorded for the lin t eight! tromoly high rato of spood whoa day. Eating something you re Water Storage Hebron faemg death over ttioro today," months of any yaar. Vernon ho oamo to a eurvo In tho road." President Congratulates ha aud hi an intorview. not supposed to and finding this Wlttkofaks aafd today that tha MUNICIPAL MJILDINC Tha tutrnwniUm wsm eenUlii* taste of denied Joy doesn’t upset 58% of Capacity Camacho to on SO-day leave At' TV-Radio Tonight T a.m. to 11 p.m. baa against o6 Ih a aorsM t't aarttfleato. BI Pfloo, Ms horns town, n o you afteiward. Finding your the outdoor use of town water S i AUy Mamahiiry asM ho had not Escapee from Cong Prison Many Signs television set wUl brtng In b ^ Water atorago to ths town’s ■till stands, and that ha has no hasn’t Mdicatod.wliat Ms nsxt four rssarvofrt on Sept. 1 msas- Badk Plans to Recraitalize, orlsrM a formal laquMt bo- duty station will bo. But hs saM ball and football games tu i plana at present for inaklag It cause no OM olM was htvolvod breaks down when anyone In the ursd 66 psr osnt of capacity, a CLOSED praise and thanksglvinf for ths ho wouldn’t mtod going back to more stringent. in the orash. ■ FA60, Tax. (AP) - Prsal-t> sOf Pleasure (an»lly trie* to tune In medical Television drop of idMut 10 par osnt, or He. said, In answar to savsral To SeU $250,(KK) More Stock Auto Fatality dent Jobnsen has wired Army brave service you have ron- Vlot Nam. dramas or soap operas. 46.6 mlttdn gallons, sines ths darsd .your nation. " I ’m a volunUor," bs said, " I 6:00 ( 9-10-maa) movi« It) Otrla <9i taqulrlts, that ths ban doea not Monday, Sspfombsr 6, 196S Sgt. 1.0. Isaao OamiMhe, tha go whsra they tend me." Wondering at this world’s < I) Admiral Ja ^ 10) fiiumau first at August, aooordlng to a apply to eommsroial uaars, such drat Amsiloan soldlsr to asoapa Lyndon B. JcAmaon." ^^**^lemenibered strange blend of beauty and (SO) Boston Bladds Nava Otm ( report Issutd mr Town Waur ItooaplUUaaiUen t i the V«r-fi rl, Diane Loulaa Kauffman Tho eoroosr fUr ToUaad (W) Cheytnne M) AiUlqUM as gasoUns statlona and oom-' Red CroBs Set! from a Vial Cong eeneontratleii B2 Peso Alderman Sal Berro- noise and suffering, but be­ 8up4^«nd4nt Lawranos Wltt- M two lets of twin brothora. County saM today that spoad tersn found Camacho and Ms POOR’S 6HABB SMAII <4U) Uo]^ Thaaton ; I-I09) MlaMoiMa (C msrdal oar washsa. Labor Day aen NaWonat Bank waa apprav* eamp, that "your oourago and UNmCD NA’nONS, N?9P- lieving that something better Is 08) Movit 6:00 kofska. Ronald Kolth and Rodney Kip daring datarmlnatton have In- fiancee, Roie Ramlres, at a -HBW YORK (AP) - A few always on the way, heralded by ( 8) Magma OoliUa Porter, Howard, Roaring •d at a meeting of tto ttooMwId- arrived Aug. 38. ’Their. oMorwas a faotor ks ttu loath of Niming Course The two-tMrds of the world’s to be grateful for in a (iym40) R«d Box T*. Yu^ irid all Amsrioa,’’ ehapel where they were arrang' bugles in the heart’s ear of (10) Film Brook and Olobo Hollow Rossr- Car Levy Dropped era this jwaek. Tha move wUI In- twin brothers, Wllllsm Ksn-Faul B. Luat of Rondalay ltd., Ing for their wedding In Octo­ population that livs In ths Isss- (40) lUllsman 1mm Imergeecy TstephoM Nmnbint e Uta MaMhoaUr efflea o p " Osmacbo oseapod in aarly dsvstopsd rsgtons thars only tteublod time: hope. ______•:«> ( 8) Survival volra moasurod approximately nsth snd Ksnneth Wllllsm, whoso ear oraahod agalast a ( 8) News WaaUiar eroass tha bank’s July from ths prison eamp in ber. Bcrroteriin took them to 1^ The eight of eallboata racing (10) Eys-BsntUr (18) Subaorlpt 278 million gallons on Wednsi- WINNIPBO—Manitoba’s fund| 1260,000 to IBOO.OOO. wsrs bom Juno IS, 1961. Thoir Amarloan Had Oim s Is now sc- WlUtams' office. ons-stxth of world Incoma, a M) What's NswT (10) Bob - tor damages caused by unin­ tree May 39. Viet Ifam. Ha had bssn a prla- U.N. rsport statss. 5t] a wind-grooved eea. The (80) 'liuTS StoogM I »«M0) day, against a capacity of 479 Hfgkway ...... 44F-8070 ’Ths raoaipOtaUsallon vrtil be parsnto aro William Ksnnoth csptlng rsglstraUens for a The 10-year Army veteran •:00 < 8-KV40) ______mllUon gallona, with Porter to sured motorlsta was started to I Atty Horbart Hannabury oaid ensr sines Ifov, 33, IMS. ''^eound of church bells at twt- Public Records (33) Rooky snd His lYlsnda aooamnHalMd through the gala and OrsM Gallant Kauffman, tho oar want out of control at ooursa of Instruotlon In homo Ths tslsgrmm, handed to Ca­ said, "I didn't have any Idea 1 fs coming fd (40) Thr Saint M) Tha Opaa Mind g ^ shape with 96 per cent of 1946. R ooet each oar owner of 18,M0 sharsa of bank stook 60 Bmngton Avo„ RockvUlo. was going to Inspiro snyono. I Vfht. The purring contentment ( 3) Nrwa. Sports, WsaUier }> Our Private World capacity and the other three far 61 the first year and 60 cents O o A a g E ...... a ourvs on R t 38 and struck nursing. Ths toursa wtll be glv- macho Thursday by Mayor Jud­ 8:15 (33) Club Houl* i) V aoa^ Ptajpouee at 120 por altars. This is ths Oommnnlty Calondar tht tree. Tha ear waa spUt In en at ths oMos of tho Orsstor ean Williams, said: ‘‘Tour cour­ gueSe It it Just one of thoae of cate and the eager Inquisi­ Warrantee Deeds ( 8) Prler Jrnnlns*—N«wa 8-1040) Parton Flaca below. a yaar after that. But the fund asms amount of stock that tha tMnga." (10) News, Weather 10) Jack Benny la to aach good ahaps that ScMlfory SowiT md Wofor .... 449-Wf^ A community oaUndar of tho two from tha Impact Lunt died Hartford chapter starting in lata age and daring determination tiveness of pMppVea. Hearing two Henry R. Bruneau and Mede- Globe Hollow Reeervolr meaa- btstk ortglnnUy offsrad. Rockvlilo Arsa Chamber of Omacho has sxprooaed dis­ ■ "Idren doing their homework rlse A. Bruneau to .G. Leonard (30) R(«ky and His FYiend* 46) ABC Biports Special ured 62 per cent of oapaoity; tha charge waa dropped thle ths following day from bijurtos. Saptsmbsr. have Inspired all America. Bo 1.80 ( 8) Bourbon St. Beat n 110:00 ( HirSajtjery’i.ry a Ptoi^a^ ■ach stookholdsr wtU ba giv­ Conunsres has bssn snnouncsd He was II. ! Young mothers as wall as long as this country snd the (rac gust with ths proteM setions of Howard, 66 per cent; antf Roar­ year, altoough owners who do ether. John.son and Lauretta A. John- (13) Newsbeat 040) 13 O’aock en ths opportunity to purelttM by Antoni N. Bsdlsk, tho "some Americ4ms’’ egsinst the BAT. Veiling In the dark for some- .son, property at 49 Joseph (34) Tennis 10) Jaiw Paar___ (C) ing Brook trailed with 46 per not buy Insurance atlU pay 6961 Atty Hannabury said that those rssponslbls tor ths cars of world oan call on man like Isaac 3 BARBERS->8 ( S) Walter Oonkits (M) >tul of Music om ahars of atook tor saoh on* chambor’s execuUvs seerstary. Camacho, wc need never (oar President’s commitment in Viet Open Tnoo. thru B at . . J you love to arrive. Watching Robert Since and Russell V. 10:30 (18) ’ ^ cent. a year Into tt The eatendar eomprlaes from "physical evldenoe at ths invalids cr incapacitated famllv j the happy faces of people greet- (10.33-30) Huntley-Brtnkley prsasnUy bald. ’Ths doadkae tor sosM It is apparent that ths ds- members ars Invitsd to particl tho toes of our Ubsrtlos. 1 Join Nam. 8 te 6 P.M. Since to Clifford R. Ryea Jr. 8:46 ( 30) Peter Jennings—News 11:00 i 8-8-10-113-30-33-80-10) Nswa. Wittkofske attributes the situ­ the addtUonal purchase Is Sept events which have been regU- ‘These people are very die- i I ing each other at air terminals. and Lots D. Ryea, property at 7:00 (13-23«V40) N4wi, Bportj, vr-yrts. Weather ation to the lack of sufficient VK)LIN IN WnX, oossod was trav^lng at an ox-1 pats In tMs training program. the poepls of m paae In otioring weather (f8)’fbr Adults Oi^ 20, sad say abaras inot taken by tered with the chamber. The ^QlM dlng a good novel tliat 87 Wedgewood Dr. U:lA<10t»«)) ‘Itonlght Stow (C) rainfall which, to August, to­ CAMDEN, Matoa (AP) — One chamber, in turn, publicises '^^Teaves you feeling that life is ( 3) Death Valley Days of the world’s most renowned FLETOHER SLAS8 00s omAKOimnn| t2iat time will be made available Green Manor Estates, Inc. to (10) Have Oun Will Travel (40) Sports Final taled 8.22 Inches, against an to ths general pubHe. ths event to prevent duplication tmportant and the human race (34) Whafa New? (30) ABC Nlghtllfa average of 4.19 Inches. ’Total vtoHns, the 17» "Ouamarlus Stanley S. Friedman and Thel­ (18) Subscription TV 11:30 (13) Movie Par value of the stock la 82 of major community activities, worthwlle. Ginning a package ( 3) Mtwie rainfall stoce Jan. 1 was 10.12 Bel Gem,” will be presented to serving as a community clear­ sent by a distant friend. Finding ma Friedman, property on Scott (30) Man Called X the dty of Zagreb, TugoeUvla, ahars; ths proceeds from v-'« (30) Sports Camera 11:36 (40) Merv Orimn Show tochea, or about 86 per cent be­ **When You Think of Glass, 16194511 he itato wW yiald $26,000 at par ing houas. Datoa so far llstoO more money in your wallet tlian Dr. (3?) Bummer Hlghllghta ( 8) Movie low the eight-month average of under the will of the late Vlolto- you had thought was there. The U. and R. Housing Cor­ (40) Peter“ Jennings—News■ nlnge—Net 11:30 (33) Tonlaht Show (C) Think of Fletcher^* for additional oapltal. The re­ aro: poration to John L. Cochran and 7:su ( 3) Rawhide 1:00 (40) Ah- Force Film ____ 29.33 tochea. lat Zlato Batokovlc. Bspt 13; Amariean Legion Looking down on the peaceful ’The U.8. Weather Bureau at IBs widow, Joyce Balokovlc, maining $16 of the $20 eiJe Jane L. Cochran, property on MCF. SATURDAlr’S TV WEEK TOK OOMFLETB USTINO prloe be oredtted to tha Paosr Drive. face of a sleeping child. Lying Windsor Looks has reported that says Ahe will take the violin to Sept 14: Autumn Fashion awake In a railway bunk as the Meadow Lane. the Yugoelavlan Academy of 54 McKEE STREET bank’s surplus account I John P. Anthony Jr. and Dor­ August was the sixth month to Frolic, at Fiano’s Restaurant train roars through moonlit val­ a row, and the 14th to the last Arts and Bclences. Balokovlc The bank, aooordlng to B. K. othy B. Anthony to James E. • CLOSED THURSDAY EVENINGS 6 Parker, oaMiier, has a long Bolton, sponsored by ths Wom­ leys and dozing towns. Seeing 16, with below normal rainfall. lived here tor 86 yeara. He died en’s R^ubliean Club of Vsmon. .. whtra It's so toty to ohaigal the wonderful patterns made by Kost and Saundna A. Kost, Radio last March to Venice while cn | THROUGH LABOR DAY waiting lint of persona wishing It's fun shopping of . # * property at 82 Wedgewood Dr. In addition, the report stated Sopt 16. Fashion Show spon- lightning during a night sum­ (Thia Hsttog taehidt* only thcae b«wb broadcasts of IS or U that the deficit to rainfall In the route to Ms native Tugoalavla. to purahsee etook. If any sharM mer storm In the Midwest — ns Richard L. Beach and Shirley of to* uew etock ars uneUb- SOI■rM by Tolland Junior Wom- If heaven were putting on a M Beach to Antanaa Adomai­ mtonto length. Seine statloris carry other sl|ort aewsoasts.) I TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS ■criiMd on Sept 20, a commit­ Flano’s Restaurant fourth of July fireworks show tis and Antoinette Adomaitis, WDBC—tics A 7:06 Weatherwatch from $25.00 to $45.00 tee may be named by benk


-S V ^ ^ * * K J

'-7 P

MISSES' UlRiQ BiilvBD PRBVIBW 08 OIRL’SNBW FAMOUS M AKiR STRlTCH PANTS AT IT’S A PORTABLIn.nirS A PLUG-1 SAVE TIME...SAVE MONEY! SAVI 10.001 PiBBBINB NABRAB BHIRT8 8ALI. RACK-TO-SCHOOL FABULOUS PRi-SlASON SAVINOSI JACKITS NSW 2-IN-l RADIO / PAPER PUTES a n d COLD CUPS a v ’powni MowiR f P M fcf Foltl Geoulne Unttfinji wsAos P ick ysm fovnritn warm winter focknte at Such oxeltinp fashion voluos you'll wont to . r . • plfW •wrifr mon-folIocnJ with awticulfus m / g Proeliion built for yeort of top porformonco- prn*>«asnn eavinpI. Vivitf prints. Quiltwd nylon ‘scoop ^ 0 wholo celinction for tho month* Here's the radio that has everythlng-r-lncludlng Pick a pack and save! Paper plates and cups Ltof fItAiPe, boml cvfff, on6 butten •bnlliacntota lining for .worm cosy comfort. to cofflol Suporb fabrics include Royal Adagio, R e f t «nd prlctd for fantastic boy-nbw voluol a low Grand Way price! Take It with you aa a to use, toss away . . . perfect for picnics, ahd a M m pf BwwuAi cskmu limveksie hups a t Si80«3te6;.7|o14. diagonal twil^ vortical rib. Expeniiv# tailor­ I( D R ' R i l Poworfol Briggs and Stratton 2K H.P. 4 liil8Fri8ol32t»38. ing give you curtain waistbands, dstachoblo portable, and it operatea on batteries. Handsoms, j,must to do away with dlah-washlng during the cycio ongino with oosy rocoil starter, vocuum LsSku toj itrotdi aitoks with bond front4...T.89. ■tiiyups. Block, Blue, Lodon, Groon, Navy, modem design with 8 transistors, 1 diode, 1 water ehortage. White, heavy weight 8” dinner oction d ^ dotign, front bofflo for cioon Brown. 6 to -18. ' « thermistor. Complete with carrying case, 9 volt 100 tol—r paper plates, and gaily decorated 7 oz. cold cups. 100 Brass ojoctlon, full 2 1 " cut. ptotes 7 os. eupo battery and ear phone! Just 3000 packages

\ > M'

m :

. V . 3

•RBAT SHMT VALUBI iLAtlllBLSI Om aHAM Bi KHITBI HANDRAO BXCITBMBNTI KODACHROMI n M IN’S HALf SLBBVB DRBBS •HIRTS BOY’S SPORT SHIRT BPBCTACULAR AT AVBRY SPBCIAL LOW PRICBl BIG BUY I M OLbiD LIATHIR SAVB t.SSi 30” HlOH COLOR 8ILM MMM' ROLL •Y«w'llMvor«floiii.t*o this ^wolftyot this j *• Rock te SohocI shirts of fantastic coahmov'. Such ipoctoeulor voluos you'll wont te buy ' LIKI FINIfN ATTACNI CASI R lfl POLO BIKfl Bficol U olrovs high-count cotton boodcloth. I Ihff pfkohl L —it'aldovo sport shirto In knits ■ iSrc'’ gifts mid...... holidoyt (ond ' • oil' epurso. Rofulor-i Juit 300 rellsl Limit 2 milt to o custemorl — -’ sPDHid collofi, v«nt sloovo with fipnnfIs, riov^ llnfhdm c^ on s, selldt, prints, far yiwl) Loothor.liko vinyl peuchos, sotchols, Hondaomo eoto for lovingtl DoubTo motol ■ Groot bicycio buyl Spociol 20" contllov— , Pcbulovi savings on famous Kodoehromo |iim^2|»«cb«rtf,Wh|te. 14H to 17. •trl^sl All, owchkte'woshpblo ^ modi ins dry. EosNWost~ bogs, ‘ I, oil_____ with—r sippor r — _ pockots____ - —ond frono moldod otlbcho coso with 3 pockot fllo^ fromo with chromo rimi, cooitorbroko with , I toolltyl Foctory frssh film to uso In olthor •bU. RuttM dpwB sail pown-stey coUsrs. 6 to •siy-te-ciocn pkwtlb liniii|8< Ton, Cciffooboon, 4'hlngoi, moldod fwivol hopdlo, 2 koy Iqckl. kifkttqndt'high rUp,motorcycl4 bondlobcrg, doyiight or ortifleloi light for door, shorp, Rrown, licck. Idool for butlnofei, 8chao1...8iitntlo| far knobby frisodod root tiro, pnoumotle front tlrp. Sporty banapa shopod polo boot chromo krilllfntplcturosi ^ •vory profoialonol monl Block. ' . . . . brcckct •upporfi, hlgh-flyinf Ruby rod color. '■4T^T< \ MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLI TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 9PM. t "CHARGE IT" AT GRAND.WAY...TAKE MONTHS TO PAY! MANCH6STER PARKADt, MIDDLI TURNPIKE WEST OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A M. TO 9 P.M. • '’CHARGE IT" AT GRAND-WAY ... TAKE MONTHS TO PAY! P A G E T E N NANCaSSTEB fiVSNlNO HEELALD, ItAKCHSSTBIL OONN,^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 196E F A O ji Selma Sheriff" Some Adjustments Seen .r- Viet Bifcover — Fined J l,500 In Steel Negotiativsrtonaa o f the The state board for commun­ diofsetory. The attacker fled. Poe^s Corner and trying to prevent a riot. ar Indud# the provisimi ity ooUegea has also stlpulstsd Hanot claimed that 88 Ameri­ Trash Truck "Thla waa my sole purpose In Frank Fody, 365 Hartford Rd.; I don't know that he wlU can planea ware destroyed and GYM BAGS For Gertruds Fuller, 18 (tottage St., getting Into anything beyond I state treasurer shall that title to the land snid build- making mass arrests just aa to the administration Ings oocupisd by the former too Americana killed or BOLTON, COVENTBT officials in Los Angeles failed to Rockville; Mm. Carolyn Geet- that,” Moyer eald., wounded In an attack on Blen BHAM. BBNNBT Smacks Pole W hole HeT eralom. East Hartford,- Richard Moyem replied In the nagattvs ’ tn^ coated .for the Niks Install etlon shall be trans- You stt at home and watch TV, make and admit today they neflt, of Any ,of ths colleges, terrsd to It- Hoa air base In South Viet Nam ahould have done,” Clark said. Groff, 14 Lucian 8t.; Carlton when aaked If the poaalbluW ^ Alig. 23. Ths United States sidd CHENEY TECH .., You're aipplng a refreshing cold Holmes, Glastonbury; John Hul- steel pries Inoraaaes Was In- at the governor shall approve Ths Manchester school, along A refuse collec­ He also referred to racial die- B .franafor of emplojrea Into 48 planes were damaged In th< Iced tea. ser, 105 Henry -St.; Mm. Oo- volved In AeWsy’s with ths Norwalk and Wlnatsd tion truck swerved off the road The news comes on and then you turbances In Chicago, Roches­ flu state system and that the mortar attack but none serious Youngsters ^Sign Up’ First Lady rinne Jaclrim, Tolland; Rosa Before______brlnDng the talKI schoda. Is also to agree that ly. (kunialties were given ai hear. ter, N.Y., and Philadelphia. ‘-pvamiag authority of each ool- It shall iMt make any expendi­ yesterday afternoon to' avoid a Messner, Wapplng; Rogsr Mont­ hers, Johnson had strongly Indg 11^ MOORE GYM SUITS The all-star game Is drawing Thomas took the contenjpt of Lady Bird Jf^nson signs autographs for youngsters in front of the Eisen­ catsd he wanted a seulement |ge a h ^ present a proposed tures' or commitments exceed­ akunk and It struck a utility court evidence against Clark, gomery, 13 CJOslee Dr.; T?w>mas Qmoatloncal program for tbs Astronauts Welcomed Home by Families In Washington, it was rsport- m a r l o v i A polo shearing It In hidf, police near. hower Library in Abilene, Kan., after visiting the library pnd the Eisenhower consistent with White Hourt ing |600 prior to the completion brought by Negro plaintiffs, un­ Mtorrison, Coventry; Mm. Isa- ol year within the Astronauts Charles Conrad and Gordon Cooper are ilven enthueiastlc wel­ sd that voluntary snllstmsnl" ■ isnts In .BVEBYTHINO’’ report. Then you see a far oft land. Museum. She flew to Abilene after visiting the Harry S. Truman Library at bell Nevem, M Hilltop Dr.; Mm. guldsllnes that suggest a 8.? p ff of the legal transfer without the the a m ed servlcas have Where men are dying In the der advisement after a hearing cent wags Increase in hne with ) budget voted by approval of the etate board. comes by their families. At left, Conrad is mobbed by eons Pete, Chris and George E. Flowers, 26, Hart­ April 26. Independence, Mo. (AP Photofax,) Nancy Pllver, 2d Hemlock Dr., jumped since President Johnson OPEN ( DAYS Main Street ford, was driving the truck east sand, Vernon; Mm. Oirraella Spirlto, annual man-hour productivity Andy. At right background is Cooper, embracing wife, Trudy while daughter announced July 28 the draft ^CHESTER A frown appears across your The forced march Feb. 10 be­ incrcaaec with no price hike. r. on Bush Hin Rd. whMi the gan at the Dallas County Court­ 22 McCann Dr.; Mm. (Charlotte Jan approaches; (AP Photofax.) ______vrould ba doubled. Marines re- skth)k appeared. A passenger, face, ■ Asked whether Ackley was pmled a 20 per cent Increase house during a voter registra­ Swanaon, 483 Hilliard St.;'W il­ acting aa a “ statietical rel- riding on a rear platform of You're tired of hearing about liam Swauger, 10 Bllyue Rd.; of a President and the A m y a 19 per cent rise. that place, tion demonstration. Thomas e r ^ ’ Mover said "it’s not .5 the truck, WlHle J. Oliver, 26. said that Clark, riding In a car Obituary Dominican Officials Mm. Anna Toth, Hebron; Lu- about five minutes before Lee The Navy and Air Forca both Who cares about Viet Nam bad term.’’ r ^rrlved. Neither smiled as they Hartford, was thrown to the the whole way, forced Negroes clle Vignone, East Hartford; said they expect to go writ be­ ground. He was taken to Man­ across the eea, . Moyers said Johnson has shook hands. yond their goals for the month. OUR ROYS* to run or “ walk at a brisk Joseph Wilder, RFD 2, Rock­ made no epeciflo reconunenda- IMtics Bother Jbhnson, Ambassador in Talk chester Memorial Hospital R'a far away and doesn’t con­ pace,” for about four miles, George L. Fish Bell bad declared Tuasday In Jakarta, indonsaian Presl- 3 where he was treated for a To Remain in Power ville; Edwin Wright, SIB Gar­ tlon of a money figure for a set­ tl)at “ There is no truth” dant Sukarno repeated Ids Ooun- cern me. during which time some of the George Louis Fish, 19, of 22 den Dr. shoulder Injury In the emer­ You'd rather hear the Beatles Brookfield St., former building tlement. Lee's bribe charge. tiy's pledge of support for ths demonstrators were struck with BIRTHS WEDNESDAY: A "We are leaving tha reaolu- He Tries for Restraint GYM gency room and released. play. cattle prods. contractor in tiris area, died sud­ 1/1 « With Singapore’s Lee .The State Department Issued Hanoi raglma and wished North The utility pole break cut Than leam about the world to­ denly this morning at Iris home. SANTO DOMINGO, Domin-t Rivera Camlnero had been re Son to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Uon to them,” he said. ■fi ■ a similar denial, but H back Viet Nam aucosss %ratnst r In the area for a few lean Republic (AP) — The same tained as a result of an agree' Belden, 150 S. Lakewood Cir­ (Oontinned from Page One) day. Mr. Fish was bom Jan. 6,1886 Rather than blasting away at tracked when Lee produced "provocations liy the united C I, police say. The truck had But stop and think for a moment in Vincennes, Ind., a son of..WU- group of controversial military ment through which the armed cle; a son to Mr. and Mrs. BINGAPCatB (AP) U.S.fand, gesturing with palms open. letter of apology BMretary of States ImperialieU.” Sukarno’s forces accepted the OAS peace his detractors, Johnson has em­ SUITS to be towed from the scene. or two, Uan and LetitU Compton Fish, leaders wfll stay In office at Donnld Burke, TOlland. Over 500 Deaths -la the land and Ambassador to Malaysia James said "I have nothing to hide.” State Dean Rusk wrote. It was comments came in a cable ‘ of Flowers was itfrested for op- Kashmir Says least temporarily tinder the new formula breaking an Impasse ' (edlnary the 'people who phasized the support Indicated congratulations to President Ho And ask yourself "doea this con­ and came to this area as a boy. DISCHARGED YESTER­ by public opinion polls and D. Bell and Singapore's Prime The ambassador remarked "I written in 1951 after the Kenne­ erattog a motor vehlclo without He retired about IS years ago. provisional government, author­ that threatened to upset nego­ allow, and redly eneour- Minister Lee Kuan Yew met for want to discuss what we men- dy administration had succeed­ Cau Minh on North Viet Nam's ARE NOW IN! cern you?" tiations. DAY: Joseph Schmidt. Wap­ A re P re d icte q congressional. roll calls. And hs an operator's license and win R'e great to be alive and free. Survivors Include his wife, itative sources said today. plng; Robert Murdock, 22 Har­ re, as J have on many ocea- half an hour today amid the re­ tlqned In oiur last meeting." He ed the Eisenhower admlnlstra- national day. appear in court on Sept. IS. 2 Jets D ow n They said Provisional 1Presi­ Rebel leaders have been criti­ ^ns, the citizens of our nation has said any other reading in But what about the guy across Mrs. Maybelle Post Fish; two lan St.; William Anderson, the Communist camp would be cent strain in relations between did not elaborate. tlMU . . A head-on oolllalon on Broad brothers, Milton Fish of BoltoO' dent Hector Getrcia-.Qodoy will cal of some of the milUaiy lead­ During Holiday I dISousa and to debate their this newly Independent nation Lee said, "You asksd for the 88,188 FIRMS FORMED School Work Is' the sea? ers they ' consider responsible South Windsor; Percy Spicer, atlon's pdicies In time of dan- a tragic error. Bt. occurred yesterday after­ He's giving up his life tor me. (Ooattnned front Page One) end Ernest Fish of Downey> handle his own forrign affairs and the United States. meeting." He then motioned NOW YORK — Optimistic noon. When Jacob Neubauer, for an Indefinite period. for the bombing and shelling of TaicottvlUe; Mm. Betty Mun- Whers handling of critldam Is Easier and &)tlthat I can live under liberty. Calif., and several nieces a ^ roe, Talcottvine; Steven YOllen, (Obntiaiied from f t f s Om )^ Neither would comment wi newsmen away. Sugar CanQ Under Sail Amarioons fomted 88,188 new! M, of 53 Summer St. tried to These informants said th ^ the city ai the height of Uie rev­ ,i*We isMqoma and we ask for concerned, there la evidence As Bell left the office and businesses in the first five He’s far away fighting a war,, U.S. Patton tanks ets well as FM nephews. - 242 South St., Rockville; that Johnson has grown In ths the closed door talks. Grades Are make a left turn from the Sabre and FlM Jet fighters un­ Fimeral services will be held sudden turn of events thatf olution In April. ly that between BOO and 800 per­ ’ Ideas from serious and con- strode to the elevator, newsmen TORONTO-^ 20-year period mentiw cf 1968, mors than In Instead of fighting at my front Rebel chieftain Ool. Francisco Philip SpUIane, M Hwnlock led men and women, firom );iresldsncy, . despite his thin They met at Lee's office, pre­ northbound lane, the car driven der a military aid program. Monday at 2 p.m. at Watklns- brought about acceptance of the sons may die In traffic acci­ sumably to discuss develop­ asked him for comment. of Intmslve trading between any similar period in hletory. Better When by Mrs. Mary Lou Franklin of door. OrgaSrizatlon of American Oaamano Deno and his regime S t; James Lambert 32 W. .^ilVersItiM; Ond 1, journals and akin.' This guy who Uvea In fUth and India has acknowledged that West I ^ e r a l Home, 142 B. Cen­ dents during a period that ments resulting from Lise’s "Not a word,” he said. Great Lakes pdrts and over­ 100 Summer St. and heading States peace, formula last Tues­ resigned today in a formal cere- Gardner St; Mm. Patricia l ^ l l c ,platforms all across ths Thws Is a significant gap be­ seas ended in the late 1860s Junior and High School sUme, the Pakistanis struck five miles ter St. The Rev. Joseph H. Dud- Georgeady, 232 Woodland S t; begins at 8 p.mv today and anM charges that the U.S. govern­ , Lee left by another door and You Use I south hit his car head on, po­ day left Oarcla-Godoy with litUe •mony In a rebel sector. The jtm- nd.. are conriontly aearch- tween Febnlary’a preridential went into his Inner office. He because of foreign shipyards’ How can he do It all the time? deep Into Its territory, hut ley,^ associate pastor of Canted Judith Dzledsinakl, 28 Durkin at midnight Monday. . ^ for vlsws and proposals ment had offered him a 68-miI- ^ y s ’ Official School' lice report claims the attack was halted Congregational Church, will of- time to complete his nine-man ta resigna effective the moment But tha council said the tdp sarcasm over the absence of left Instructions, with hls press oompetition. The ships, all sail­ Both ci^s were towed from He's about my age eo why the provisional regime takes S t; Henry Jacobs, 718 lUlls- ipUeb .. mightmli^t strengthen and Hum;aumphrey at thf Churchill fu- lion bribe to keep quiet about Typewi ^olprs— ^Red and. White after the fall of the towns of fi^ t e . Burial will be In Eldi- cabinet. ' doesn’t have to be that 'high, Central Intelligence Agency ac­ secretary that be was not to be ing vessels, carried grain, lum­ the scene and slight injuries should he care. The provisional president-des­ over. town Rd.; Mm. Bsrtha,Hadley, .phlte and .help our govenir leraf and Johnson's subsequent­ ber, Mdea, ore. copper and ■ ■ — A bo About a wfcr someone else Dewa and C3)h5mb. wood Cemetery, Vernon. and won't be If motorists siflt ^ n t . tivities here in 1960. disturbed.- See Our Huge were suffered by Neubauer’s ignate has run Into some resist­ The rebel resignation was 38 Princeton St.; Mm. Carol their driving to weather, road ly more tomperate, tdiilosophl eantoges overseas. They re­ should share? An unconfirmed report said There will be no calling hours. Palmer, RFD 8 , Vernon; Cllf- Lee said in greeting the am­ Bell arrivod ten minutes early Gym Bogs and wife and Mrs. Franklin and her ance from Dominicans who part of an elaborate program at and traffic conditions and nllow «H-^cn j)s added a word about cal' public' reactions to critical alter flying down from Kuala turned with pig Iron, pitch, DRplay! two children but norib needed You call trim vile names and the Pakistanis were attempting Ozama Fortress, scene of one of foed 'Whitham, Tolland; Joseph expressions on the vastly more bassador at Ciity Hall that Bell to cross rivers in the C2ihamb have refused to collaborate with enough time to get to wherevBirsvw ^ghat b v become his greatest Lumpur. He stood waiting for sugar, coal a ^ manufa(acnires. " Sweat Shirts Immediate care, police report make fun of his cause, the new regime. the bloodiest battles of the re- Mltkus, 103 Congress St.; My- they are going. * igincem about vocal (Undents; Im^rtant questions of policy In had asked for the talks. The Neubauer was charged with he Is always first to win sector and drive for the town of Funerals ona Duval, 19 Coheman Rd.; Viet Nam and the Dominican prime minister suggested that For Aknoor and thus cut,the impor­ Among the ministers taking volt between rebels and na­ "Let no one ever think for a failure to grant the right your wars. office wUI be Commodore Fran­ tional police who were routed | Gloria Gosselin,------. 11— Carol------—, Dr. moment that national debate R e p u b lic , the press should ^ In on the See Onr Complete Coventry, Bolton, c f way. Court date Is set for You lucky guy, you laugh and tant road linking Jammu, Kash­ early stages of the session "oth mir’s winter capital, with the Mrs. Clara E. Loonila- cisco J. Rivera: Camlnero as with reportedly a heavy loss of Rockville; Robert Benson, 38 means national division." ..Sen. Wayne Morse, D-Ore„ lin e Of: Rham, Cheney Twh, Sept. 20. sneer. Norwood S t; Mrs. Helen Ro- Where ITlet Nam Is concerned, erwise there would be a lot of Assorted Milk ood city of Naushehra, about .46 Funeral services for Mrs. armed forces secretoiy, the job life. Guard Patrols " may cl^m publicly, as ITs has, Fremont A. Wilson Jr., SO, of Because you’ve never really Clara Eaton Loomis of 248 he held under the rivTUan-miU- A festive mOod appeared tak­ pertx, 112 Spencer St.; Mrs. gohnson has been deeply wm> that Johnson will be recorded as misunderstanding.'' Dorii Oiooolate Lb. School Supplies Bennet Junior High, 152 School S t drove hto car off known fear. miles to the northwest. g ip i that published reports of Bell, however, told Lee, ‘T This road winds behind Indian School St. were held yesterday tary junta. ing over as the hour for the in­ Jean Quigley, RFD 8, Rock- Natchez Streets the most discredited President and Lunch KitsI East C!atholic High, Oakland S t last night and This young man faces death afternoon at Watklna-Wesl Fu­ He was expected to retain the auguration approached. But ■ville; Mrs. Mary Katkaveck, oriticism might Inspire In Ha­ in history because of Viet Nam have to discuss problems \ ^ ch Manchester High and broke off a fire hydrant knock­ each day. positions along the U.N. cease­ noi, Pckiiw or Moscow a mls- Jerfmson did not appreciate that I cannot talk about while the S neral Home, 142 E. Center St. same chiefs of staff, Gen. Jacin­ some Dominicans viewed the Wapplng: FYank Zemek, fire line In Kashmir and is the (Oontinned from Page Om ).,' lUing Junior High. ed down a speeding sign and But he's always got something The Rev. Richard W. Du pee of to Martinez Arana, army; Com­ proceedings with a bit of appre­ Storra; Mrs. Helen Churllla, 58 uhiWrBtaiifflhg. of American de- remark — but he still welcomes ^ress are here." i Masterpieces ran headon against a tree. only major road available to the ilnatitm. Morse to the White House, Lee then turned to newsmen. tunny to say. Indian army for reinforcing and South Methodist Church offi­ modore, Ramon EmlUo Jmlne- hension. Bretton Rd,; Roger Montgom­ Mallow’s Has P.S. Also Gym Suits for most Water spouted up about two No mall again, a twinge of sor­ ciated. Sydney MacAlplne was nez. Navy; and Gen. Jesus de Revolutlon'ary fervor has not for desegregated claseM failed supplying the Naushehra area. ery, 13 Goalee Dr.; Roger Luce, to show up. In Miniature other schools, plus Sneakers. feet ftom the broken pipe on row. organist. Burial Was in; East los Santos Cespedes, air force. completely d l^ down in some 55 School S t# Mrs. Mary Bar­ Everything! Oakland S t for more than two Cemetery. Sources close to the new pres­ sectors, particularly the far left City police kept watch at All marLOW priced! Oh what the heH, there’s always ry, 120 Hawthorne St.; Mrs. of the fourvschoola where N(r hours. tomorrow. Bearers were friends of the ident rejected speculation: that among the, rebels. LOOT'S Belle Dion. 60 Lockwood St.; groes were told in advance they Whem was heading south Hie morale Is low, the tensian Is family. Fhvald Johnson, 252 School S t ; URtU AMSTOttUff* about 25 miles per hour, State News wotlld be admitted. The Integr^ high. Irven Klrpsns, 24 Norman S t; ticst was p(bacef(il. There werip nMATIMB OriOOeUFSO OPEN 8 DAYS THURS. TILL t PJI. police said, and lost control c f Some even break down and cry. Anniversary Mass Mrs. Kathleen McGulrei 98 the car when he tried to Kght There will be a memorial no signs of toouble. f He wants to go home and see a Pearl St.; Mr^. Fraqcea Roy One school,! Byrd, reported E Roundup Mass tomorrow at 7 a.m. for 36 Deaths Known a cigarette. Wilson said the loved one. and daughter, 12 Grbva flt. that none Of the five Negrom EVERtTHINd FOR OVl^l 84 YEARS! ^ brake line was broken after he He works all day and stands Mrs. Anna R Luoas at St. Rockville; Mrs. Barbara'Pak- i: hit the hydrant and he couldn’t Bridget’s Church. • v expected to register had arrlve|l guard all night. (OonUntied from Page One) enham and daughter, Hebron; at 9:f5.a.m ., 48 minutes after step before hitting the tree. He's tired and sick but he con­ In Italian Floods Mra Judith Mohl and aon, the scbctol doors opened. But thfe A Manchester Water Oo. tinues to fight. not totbe identified, said demon- Storrs. parents of ons Negro pupil notf spokesman reports that the The college crowd thinks he's a sti’ations will be a part of the Stocks in Brief fled Supt. J.A. Pickard that iik i t ; whole hydrant and part o f the fool. protest. Asked It there would be RiOKB (AP) — Torrentlal^aged aqueduct, which left most pupfl wouM be to later. \ fO l SIAIN ST.—648-6821 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER—649-6221 pipe below it to ground level sit-ins, the source replied: “ We Romans without tap water. But that! what makes him hard NEW YORK (AP) -r-. Steels rains pelting Italy for three All of tha desegregated for a new garage? Prescription Pharmacy was carried more than 25 feet. and cruel. hope it will not have to oome to Many put dlshpans outdooris to Betsy May Not continued to rlee in a generally days caused floods from the collect falling rain. schools V are elemeotary fadb Water was shut off to the area You don’t appreciate what he that.” ities. NO NegroM were enrolled V until nomi today. Workmen put higher stock market early this Alps to Sicily today raising the Among the dead -Jn Rome wUl do. afternoon. Trading was active. Hit Any Land at Parrish the white hicb GET THE CASH YOU NEED AT LOW BANK RATES P known death toU to 86. Attother were several youths riding in a fei a new pipe leading to the Like giving up his Ufe for you. HONORARY TROOPER Bohod, end no attempt waji main, and a new hydrant. First-hour volume was the single car caught by a flash He sacrifices much yet he asks HARTFORD (AP) — Mrs. heariest of the week but trad­ 26 persona are missing. ' (Continued from page One) made to get in despite earlier AMOUNT YOU MONTHLY REPAYMENT TERMS Wilson was arrested and nothing In return. Pauline Pelton, 18, a Prospect flood on a country road at the ing gradually simmered down Hardly a city or village In all edge of the city. Three bocBes rumors of a possible Negro • RECEIVE Upiymentj 24 payments 36piymta^ charged with failure to drive Just so that you can stay In housewife, has been named by this country of 60 million per­ we thought,” the forecaster march on the schod. < right, which meens, according thereafter as the Street began were recovered. $ S3 $28 $19.67 school and leam. the State Police Department as to clear the decks for the three- sons was spared the violent said. “ Chances of it striking the At Baker elementary, ncm 7 .YT i 'i $ 600 to police, failure to stay on the Ha believes In freedom and the Five rivers and streams out­ the “ honorary trooper of the day Labor Day weekend. - Stock atortns which showed no sign of side Trapani overflowed, send­ east coast are becoming hourly door to tite schod board offlci*, 1,200 106 56 39.33' Cmquer the Campus with road. He is scheduled to appear American life. year.” letting up. more remote.” five Negro pupils registered- K' in the Manchester Session of exchanges will be eloeed on ing waters Into the countryside 1,800 459 84 59.00 No parties and dances for this In making the announcement Monday. Scores were Injured and thou­ and the city. But, Pierce added, there re­ They were among eight Ne­ Circuit Court 12 on Sept 20. young man, Thursday, Commissioner Leo J. Fears of a nationwide steel' sands homeless. Landslides around Bolzano, m ain^ a large amount of un­ groes who had been ‘ assigned LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED Uhtn he oomea back home Mulcahy said Mrs. Pelton was strike were diminished greatly This waa the picture acroes Belluno and Udine isolated sev­ predictability with the hurri­ there. Six Negroes also showed 4 again. being honored for saving her aa reports from the bargalnlrtg Italy: eral villages and cut the main cane, the BMond in the Atlantic up at Frances Thomas School Damages Asked The days are hot and the nights four brothers and sister from a table seemed to reflect a nar­ The area of Trapani, on Sici­ railway line from Italy Into Asu- this year. ‘ ' Ten were scheduled, to enroQ THE CONNECTICUT BANK -) ■ are too!, house fire last year. ly’s western coast, was hardest tria. Small craft owners from Cape there. Three of eight expected rowing of the differences be­ hit. A cloudburst Thursday AND TRUST COMPANY B a m s o iiit e From Town for tVhet wonders a e M can of beer Mrs. Pelton will receive tween management and labor. Authorities ordered ths 9,000 Katteraa, N.C., southward, were Negro pupils rsglBtereif ax can do! savings bond from Oov. John killed 11 persons. Twenty others residents of Latlsana, near Edgewood. ’ 16 N. MAIN ST. 808 MAIN ST. The avsragsa aCio were- bol­ were reported missihg. warned not to venture Into the He dreams of cold beer and a N. Dempsey given In the mem' stered by riiarp recoveries of Udine, to evacuate that town as open ocean because a t gradually Casses begin next Tueeda>^ MANCHESTER. FARKADE Bicycle Mishap , thick juicy steak. ory of Trooper James W. Lam' The city was flooded, without the Tagliamento River over­ the day, that eounty eohoola m a jor electrical eqtripmenU electric power and all but cut Increasing swells and waves C o n to u ia c When someone shouts "We’ve bert, who was klUe<} in Hne of and a rise of more than 2 by flowed. over the weekend. <^pen. * A notice of Injury was filed got a hill to take.” duty fivs years ago. off. Authorities declared a state the new shape of travel Du Pont. . of emergency. ' today with the town clerk as a Some will be heroes because Airlines and a seleoUan ef mo- result of a bicycle accident on they are brave, REP. EDDY RESIGNS The death toll In the Rome tors^ tobaccos, drugs snd mall area mounted to nine with six Oakwood Rd. Because of the ac­ And others wlU get a wreath on HARTFORD (AP)—Stats Rsp, order-retails were higher. V. cident, nine stitches had to be their grave. Nicholas B. Eddy, R-New Hart more misring. Thunderstorms The Associated Press average SELECT USED CARS * J > I* Cl taken In a knee of James Rid- You’ll recoghl^e him as he walks ford, notified the secretary M continued today, driving of 60 stocks at noon was up 1.0 hundreds , of persons from ili.- ymrd of 20 Northfleld St. . by. the state today of his rerigns- at 866.0 with Industrials up 2.1, FORD His mother, Mrs. Leonard homes in low-lying areas. FORD There's a hardened look In his In tha Orvleto teglon, between Falrfatine 800, 4-Dr. Sedan. 4-Door Sedan, Oalaxto BOO, Rldyard, filed the notice in a eye. community, industrial av- nSN *2495; letter. In which she complains Rome and Florence, the death Very low mileage. He walks so proud yet looks so toll rose to seven, including five il that a portion of pavements at mean. ^ BMy, an actant majority I ** OLDS the end of Oakwood Rd. that persons killed when a creek F86 2-Dr. CHEVROLET He’s called the world’s greatest Jones t t Laughllh was up a BUddetdy overran a highway. c SE *1195 Impala 2-Dr. Hardtop. Auto day so that a successor may wua not resurfaced with the fighting machine. point while (ra<^onsl galha wars *2295; rest .^of the street Is in "very be voted upon In ths Oct. 4 Heavy rains north of Venice VOUSWAGEN trans., power steering. No wander he’s proud. posted by such leaders as U.8 . In the Belhino-Udine-Bolzano bad condition.” He’s a UnHed Btates Marine! election. "1600” 2-Dr. SedMi./, *1695 PLYMOUTH According to Leonard Rld­ -Whoever is chosen to succeed Steel, Bethlehem and Republic. areas forced thousands from A SA'Penews .... MM Editor’s Note: A Manchester Tenneesee Gas Transmissloh their homes. AuthorlUss called Valiant, 4-Door. yard, his son rode into a hole Marine, Jaines Dunfield of 513 Eddy will serve In the leglvlx- VOLKSWAGEN *1495' in the road as he was cycling ture only If a epeclal session was up at 24 on a bieck Of on Italian and American Army R. y'lwHss'OHits . 21JS W. Middle Tpke., son of Mr. and 25,000 shares. Wsstinghouse mrits in tha area for aid. Deluxe Sedan. MERCURY past a parked oar on his way la summoned between now and *1295 Comet, 2-Door. g. Mtk End Tots , . 21JI to a store. Mrs. Arthur Irontlekl, sent this Blsetrio traded at 86, up IH, o» Rome’s major, communica­ *1395 poem home to a neighborhood the end of 1965, when Eddy’s Mrs. Rldyard says she Is term Is due to end. The next a Mock of 12,700 shares. tions wars all nut severed. The VOLKSW AG^ FORD GALAXIE friend, asking Um to show/ It main railway Unsa to ths north MOST D, BsNty CMS .... 1I.M making out a bill for the time regular session cenvanea In Jan­ Prices wars higher In' quiet station Wagon.* *1495 4-Dr., V-8, auto., power *1295 James lost on his paper route around to young peopls on the uary 1967. trading on the American Mock were cut. Lssdtng highways MODELS. steering.' - L Mm 's Two Sultsr. I4.N and for the damage to hlS' bi­ home front. R w as' written by Exchange. wars flooded or (fisiupted by IN STOCK VOLKSWAGEN cycle. one of the men in Ms unit, sta­ Corporate and U.l. Treasury landslides. ''' Deluxe Conv. CHEVROLn F. Mtn'i CompmkM . 21JI tioned at Da Nang Air Ba bonds were mostly unohesiged Water company employes In *1495 *‘I think this (the pavement) Vernon Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan. Auto, *1295 should be taken care of bmne- In light trading. , Boms sought to repair a dam VOLK&WAGOI trans., power steering. dtately before u yone else gets J Detaxa Sedan 3 hurt on this sttoet,” says jllrs. Hard to Handle *995 CHEVROLET Rldyard in her letter. B b g g in i to G ive Bfonaa 4-Door, auto. c h M o le t ; tn jftc *1345 His Last Report Car Contributes 1965 STUDEBAKERS toipala Oonv., Ante Trans., IKfD I^ower S teerl^ and Brakes, *145 About Town On Golf Club To Auto Death SAVE HUNDRnS OP DOLLARS iEPQRE M t COME OUT1 FORD FALCON S-Door Sedan AS LOW AS 61 *495 CSiarVee Bogginl. since 1062 The car a local' driver wac Including: Heater, Defroster, Oil Fil- VOLKSWAOEN CAMPERS Breeio through your, Members o f the Salvation operating the night, ha was hUI^ ter, Undercoat, Padded Dash, 2-speed ''HomtcoffllnD" and "golngt" (to football Army's "Bucket Brigade" will the town’s rqn-eeentativs on the ed was dtffloutt, to control ex­ ganMi asd big weakandi) u ll for luggage wlUi - have a fall cleanup tomorrow Wipers, Horn ^ g , Windshield ' •«#.• f • • • f'W •«• • H 8 9 5 Manym a y OriMTt To C hoow From busy days rafreshed Manchester Country Ohib Board cept at modartts m«ds, the lupar tlam lns-Sam ionlta Contoura f llli ths and Monday at 9 a.m. at the er, Seat Belts. 14 si# •.•t**#***,* EJEVB NO SET DOWN PAYMENT of'dovemors, wlH give ooronar for ToUand county said b ill complataly. Ughtwalght owldad contlruetios Citadel. Hiose attending are re­ H iv s I lot of thoN dhyi that knp you os tho |o board of qirectors his final i*s- t o ^ . • ••••••••••• $1495 Bonk Financing Arrangod with ip w itlly designed fraiha nude of minded to wear work clothes Atty Hsfhsrt Haimabury said and bring dust cloths. port Tuesday night, and wtU tvtry mlnutif Tliw you’ll And Ihi goinf ivw m magnesium. Scuff, stain and icratch r a ilitiM the driver, Jack nrtel, 20, of 8 r READY TO 0 0 1 soon be replaced. 1795 much in k r is thm cool, llghtwilght Huih finish that wipes clean with a damp cloth. Woliqit 8 t., ISM tavellng at a NOTHING ELSE TO RUYI EARNINGS SET A RECORD Puppies* cetuiii. Sjlm styling A ittiri your fw t NEW YORK—Insurance com­ Bogginl, m Aug. 23, was'ap­ TCto of «peed bn a nar­ DeRverN M MencNslir A complati range of colors for girls; fiatla Ridt panies earned an average pointed to ths board-of educa­ row and curving country road.” whilo Breithln’ Bruihed pigikln* end lolt, cost- Olympic Bluo, tolar White, Smoke Gray- per cent last year on Invest­ tion to fill the unexpired term Ftrtol oraalied against a tale- it Bmid n«w, «qi^nMd can rmijr tp as. - ^ fortabtf cn p i lole* keep your itip lir y and lig h t > of Atoy William (JoIHns, who phoos pola May SO on Oroutt- EXPFRT fo r boyt) availablo In Blaab DMvo Smoko Qrop. ments. The total was a record Moro good ntwti firm ilH l-think foot support fa.S bUllon. ■ has moved to Glastonbury. vlUe Rd. nsar Rt. lOa il^ RHWiutbte nt«B. TED PITTING! He win serve until November In a corpnsr's osrUflocte, Sm OW Step out in Huih Pupplu* cnuilt, A viilibli Is Sea Our CampItPa Attertmaat o f Fine Qiiolity T 1956, when the position will be Atty. Hawtahury said ths front loMnnc* «ovH»f 8> BOLAND < many irnart thadai. filled, for one year, by a person shock absorbers of the ear ware Good SdseriM Of l u g g a g e of soEilMa marLOW PRICES! who wia have been elected ait unhooked and handling was it Larf diMoiMt if m is la onr slMp for Above style available.In Willow or Brushwood. Other styles Penonml Notices the October 1905 town elebttons. fioult st'hlgh speeds. Hs added rsiHUrs, Used StnMaktri tor the entire faniUy 86.98 (InfanU’) and more aooordlng to “The town■ charter Hmite town that PIrtelPhtol had ! TRUDON slse and style ...... PRBB PARKING FRONT AND REAR... officials to one poet, sad the eartier in ths MOTORS INC. FOR EVERYTHING! In Memoriam SHOES—Main Floor, R ^ M torieg nvMnary of ClierlM W. position of liaison men beoome ' The ooronsr ssld ''IHrtsl ap­ A E A t . MAIN STREET Ouwoo, wbo peased aveylkiri. 8. vacant automatically. pears to have lost eontrol of tbs MORIARTY BROTHERS 3A9 CENTER STREET VOLKSWAGEN oar and struck the pole. The go- SMbstMtld Sovingsl MANCHESTER h his. eniUe has sqm forever. OAUFORNIA RANKS NO. 1. eident took place at 1:80 a.ita. » i n oENTiai ^ntnon r* m u SMfUS •t; Wtst CMfsr St. Me head we cenaot tou^, SACRAMENTO — Oalltoml-(' No formal Inquest was older- Tolland Turnpike—TalcottviUs J1 newr kMe eweet m m o ^ ans buy one-quartsr of all mu­ UBAimra n.A jis itMi a l l u u m a m s a m o o d l s Um one we loved eo m ^ . •d becauM no o it» SIm waa In- T IL A 4 3 ^ 7 f tual fund Shuras sold in tbs yolvad In tits crash. MaitostMinr (RL 83—On The Manchmter-Vernon Line) OPEN 6 DAYS • THURSDAY till 9 PM. «Ma.l Iftiited 'Statos. "FOR EVERYTHING SINCE 1911!” - mm Tel. Manchester 649-3838—Open Eve. till 9 m a m DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER "C-‘ =)'l


DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE wae larre enough to afford tha or imprikon.ment for one year, UTILE 8PORIS B Y R O U S O N OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB B o l f o r t extra expense, but sold they Court Fines or both. Frsvlsus Funis . 1 would bear tha queation In -Testimony given during the Alabama Board Urges a v w c rc r’ B e v ir a g h t mind and make raeommenda- two-day trial revealed the fol­ (Iona after they had deiie their lowing story; ^BC Given Specifications W allach in The university switchboard ACHOM STtetials first audit .Miquil . Finanoo board mambara alao rsceivcd a call at 8:46 a.m. May Minimum Integration eSSo75tuS5$9( "Mah.] ICIirlfliiiM SM' «mb. (tnri asked that tha auditors raport 10 and was able to trace the A COMPOTAR, f/U K # drink- Bomb Threat SN«ld bM u^ ':i For Second Grade School to the flitsnoe board and net to call tq a phone booth under sur- m o a n d J a tiA _ M A30FA, • dChtiMM drlak 7H»rd — dlVimUi any othar town board dIreoUy. veilience by the campus secur- MONTOOMBRT, Ala (A P )^ en d ln g that state, county and TypfiWRrrwfifi^wil CMANCI/ I S S ^ m InfiwdlMit . hpeolfiotjHona ftir s proposadfoiant a school ss pesalbto, with Ifeotwfual Adoration Gerald WalUeh, 33, of IM Itji pollcs. — The Alabama Board of Ed­ local soitool autnorttlee take rtR diDarfc-bieiM Bratton Rd. yesterday’ wae oon- Wallach wae eesn by the po­ action on filing compliance • INC. 6<-j ,14WhlU popUr aifmSBt lasF' slemsntsry aohool hav* moat of its tpaos to bs Nocturnal adoration will ba ucation has urged local achool t2 » u ‘ 3on# • *o»oN.*Xwrm UChUd'i ditak most sf the sohool da:day f nq i conducted te n ig k t at fit victed of ^vtng false bomb lice In the booth and wae asked agreement! until the ooneUtu- nama (Tr J tSPnpp* havt Just' •bsan ralsaMdrain ■ In Utolr diet., 'the case was ■Ion along with cobrt testimony j menu of the law and court or­ ceptable to federal offlciala. ASPNALT DRIVHK ravisad form. turs programs invoh^g elasssn *^**'“*‘ Circuit Court 11 In which aMarently brought the ders could jeopardize the con aOPhlUppIns Numban (ib.). 13SptiUah daneti aasparbad of varying slaes. This kind oft*^*“ nes-snsi. CAFE iwmI ^ JMouth MBhadatraa 44A Aooordlng to enrotbnant fig- Danielson. The Jury deliberated verdict Defense counaeT raised tinued support by ths public of t l HtfcuUns (comb, (ora) 'IBPaatua land 43Bi_„. urea oomptlod by sohool super­ sdaptsbiUty nsoessitstss a less than a half hour. objections to the use of the con­ public education.^’ SNINOLES nlcknam* 3Triba of larsM 30 Anatomical ' esrtUfacsrHai school buildhif with the smsll- Attending the . two and one- Schools Seeking 4BUtf|abAUHNM|n' intendent PMltp Uguorl, Uia Wqllach was charged with fession in a pretrial haaring, MOraak araisht 4 Hmvy drinkar natworka aohool will be naeded next (all sst possible number of permsiv- Blood Program callliig. the switchboard at the but was denied. half hour meeting were Oov. GEILINO TILE (var.) STandIni to ■ atinactlvo 47Dlf0nctpaiS I p 4SNa|aUa« to avoid overcrowding, doubling ent interior walls. University of Connecticut on George Wallace, who Is chair Census Takers SSTlUa of raapact aroda S3 Roman date "These edueattonal akns sug­ man, Lt. Oov. Jam es Allen and 34 For axampla SSnakM 37Davtr BiOcaan j f „ up, or other Interim meesurea Seeking Aides May 10 and saying there were Meter Changes Needed FLOOR TILE (ab.) . 7 Kind of Illy S3 Mala ralatlva 83Do wranf ~1 qt tha BoHon Qanter School. gest a bulkMng with ss few bombs hidden In the Social Sci­ House Speaker Albert Brewer. The Mluichaster School De­ StSerapar 33Cempaa pOMf'' kMKKbssiing welts ss possible, Following the session they ISAppjw----- SLoultlana Spocifloatlone for VenbvaUng thle In order to ihset the ever In- ences and- Humanities buildings. MELBOURNE Auetralla — partment is now accepting ap­ DURABOARD aohool, bdt with - no eleearoom livery non-k>ad-besring part^- The buildlnge are both large sent a telegram to Lauderdale plications from parsons Inter­ a 3 IT “ T 10 Uon would be either operable s t creasifig need for volunteers to Among the machines that will County School Supt. Allen additions, are alraady In the four-etory structures with many have to be altered (or the ested in work on the anmial Will or easily removsMe. staff bloodmoblfe operaUons, a classrooms and faculty offices. ^ Thornton In Florence criUeIxIng SIDING handa of the building'oomrtils- Australian changeover next ' that county's school desegrega school census. TTils year’s cen­ sion. "Bqch olassroom should be trallHng course for women Inter­ They had to be cleared for near­ sus, by state law, will be con­ designed for s msximum of 30 year to decimal coinage are \ Uon plan. The wire said the mu The proposed new elementary ested In being certified as Blood ly one hour to check for the prlce-compuUng scales, fabric- ducted starting Oct. 1 and end­ ■ Lauderdale plan ‘‘could do more ftEtllLI# children. Five of the olaasrooma possible bombs. aohool would be located, in all Program Aides will be held on measuring machines, gas I to destroy the public education- ing Nov. 1. BY V. T. HAMLIN CAN'T a t p)wbablHty, In ' the eouthem would be aepara(ed by psrti- Wallach was the third ptudent pumps,' parking meters, taxi Census takers are required to A L L Y O O P <6t o p p &d « tk>ns . covered by chalkboard, Monday, Sept. 14, at the Hart' al system In Alabama than any 4 x 8 '/ 4 r r aeeUon of town, bdoeuee that-Is arrested within a few weeks for meters, cash registers and action since the Infamous 1954 visit each home in the area as­ tackboard. or pegboard. These ford Red p o se headquarters, making bomb calls at the uni­ I W ELL, U K E n X SAII> W H M WHATCHA \ O jOTHES T H AT IL WHERElL WE) I 6UESS WElL. the area to which all previous adding machines. , decision of the U.S. Supreme signed and to gather Informa­ NOW# werooTTH'BOW CET'EM ? y JUST HAFTA panels Miould Oxtesvd somewhat 100 Farmington Ave., at 9 a.m. versity. The arrests were msde tion about persons up to tha age eATHB^INS HREWOOP, f HE TOLP U6 TH' ICE AQE MEAN, KEEP US WARM- dlacusslona havs pointed. Court.” MAS COMING_W^ HAFTA PECENTP ySTUPF LIKE THAT M A K E E M I n r it BpecUloatlona oall for a 18,- below ceiling level, ths remain­ The etx-im r course Includes with the cooperation of the se­ HEAD OFF CHOLERA The telegram claimed that of 21. payment will be based on Mahogany VUHATCHA THINK WE ing area to be glese to allow SufiKIA PO NEXrP. OET OURSELVES S O ^ apt square foot atnicture, and InstrucUon in several phases of curity division of the Southern WA8HINOTON (AP) — Iran Thornton had uiuUlned a plan the numl^r of names counted. PBCeNTOjOTHINQ.' the estimated cost, at gig per light to pass from classroonw work done during a bloodmoblle New England Telephone Co., the has had the help of the United which eventually would put all For further InformaUon the square foot, is pod.eas. to clasaroom, giving a greater visit £b well as Introducing the security police on the campus States In heading off a possible school attendance department CARNIVAL Negro pupils In white schools BY DICK TURNER U There would be, IntUaHy, elx flow of space bo ttto sohool’a in­ volunteer to the entire work of and tha State Police. cholera outbreak by airlifting and ellimnate Negro schools. should be called between 8:30 $ ^ . 9 5 geiMral clasaroome, a ktndergsr. terior. , the Red Cross. From April 9 to May 11 there vaccines and other assistance. The y a rd 's resolution noted a.m. and 4 p.m. Applications ten room (aUghUy la ^ e r than "Along the perimeter of the Persone interested In the pro­ were 3() bomb' scare calls made The Agency for International that till legislature also had should be (lied no later than U gram are invited to contact the t; the regular olaeerooms), a BOO building, a typical elaseroom to the university, presumably Development says the contribu­ adopted a resolution recom- Sept. IS. square foot library, an admin- would have a broad window Manchester office at 1-39 E. Cen­ all by students. Extensive meas­ tion at a cost of 348,229 Included SI latratlva area, a multi-purpoee wall looking out under a shad­ ter St. There Is no charge for ures were taken to end them. vaccines, air transport and room, etage and kitchen, as well ing overhang of the roof. the session. Participants from The maximum penalty for con loaned services of Naples-based Coali A Cony the Manchester area will be vlction could mean 31,000 fine U.S. Navy health advisers. 1 as'the usual storage and service “Strateglically arranged’,’ areas, (javatories would be in acoustical tile in the clasaroome used at bloodmoblle visits in the and "sound retardant operable ■vicinity. 44 eluded In the kindergarten and first grade rooms.' walls around the stage," are 1 The admlnietraUve a re a suggested, as well as the poasi . REDS SAY SKIES FAIR Wal-lite s r ■Mi te WI4. US. f* Off. 44 hi 5l would Include a principal's of­ biUty of electrical heat, and wall MUNICH—Communist Ro- fice, a general office, a teach­ to wall carpeting. mwia puts out tourist propa­ ganda saying it has sunny wea­ BY AL VERMEER PT 8 T ers’ work, room, a health room Estimated personnel require­ Paneling PRISCILLA’S POP and conference rooms. The con­ ments for ths seven-claseroom ther 300 days a year, Radio school are one taacher for each Free Elurope says. s r ference rooms, of about 200 MDU m e a n BCJy, D ID M E N • square feet, would be used for room, part-time teachers In 4 x 8 WREE WEEKS^LLOWANCE V O U S E T JUST DON'T semedial reading, testing, and physical education, music art, U N D E R R A N ' 1 / 4 " s h M H o n T H A T / 'A :^ .ROOKED OUT OUR WAY the like, and would be, avail­ and remedial reading, a teiicb LEASE II W HAT F U R S able for parent-teacher con­ Ing principal (included in tha A CAR FROM PAUL DODGE PONTIAC M EA N TO A /TH'BULL o ' WHYHe IT SSn iFp F f u k e I ference and small-group meet­ total n'umber of teachers), a BACK TO SCHOOL Rustle Oak WOMAN! TH'WOODS RKSi^D TWATSTAKTSTAKTS 7 clerk, a part-time nurse, and a SEE What You Buy 5 - iF n ings and Instruction, the sped- ,GOT TH'GUV RIGHT BV ‘ FEU06--IF fioations explain. custodian. A L L M AK ES ONTH'NEKT HERB AN' THAT OLD WWU> Coat Oorreotton GIFTS FOR ALL Ganml Paean LATHE TO GO NEVER EVEN RUS EVER ~ ' The all-purpose room of Nothing you buy will ever be as permanent as a family i.llOO to 3,000 square feet In case anyone went over the UP AKl'RELEASE > MCNDCMEP GOTINTHBA^ AT Modarn Oak ASFIMZRBto rr/ I'AA A CHAINS HIS^A would be used for physical edu- comparative figures on school A L L M O D ELS monument. Its purchase warrants thought and guidance. building costs in an article on THAT SE BM 6 BIRDLXWER OWN ^ K 3 W r ,«jatldn, music, art, assembly See what you buy. Visit the monument dealer who has a JJ TO BE CAUGHT —WMV PIDNT VMMJLbcUT** the "middle school” plan in I WaehlRgion Cherry ■programs, large group instruc­ IN TH' WIREI6 HCASK m b ; HIM IKITWDF Wednesday’s HeriUd very care­ HALLMARK complete display, and who can design a UP THERE/ tion and. as an Indoor recess USE OUR ONE OR TWO YEAR aiea during Inclement weather. fully, a correction Is in order. personalized monument to harmonize with . nncl Dixie Butlarmit The cost estimate' for the addi­ I t would also serve as . a cafe- tion of 11 classrooms to the Its surroundings. IBARRE' tbrla, with wall pull-out tables PHARMACY LEASING PLAN Teak proposed new elementsmy school We have the experience. We have the com- ‘and benches to accommodate i In 198B-70 should have read 377 W. Middle Tpke. IGUILDJ 2D0 pupils. I plete display. We specialize in fully guar­ »» » IfM fct NtA. he. 1180,000. The cost of adding to , • The speclfloatlons ask that the high school and retaining Plus Spaciol anteed Select Barre Granite Monuments. Monuments 1$ie school be planned initially BY^ KEN MUSE the 6-8 eystem is 3770,000, and WAYOUT fo r 300 pupils, and be depend-, the cpst of' converting to ‘the ■onus Gift — PAUL DODGE able to accommodate 6S0 in 4-4-4 system and adding the (Jie future, and ultimately 750. with every 33.00 purchase of SAPORITI MEMORIAL CO. I THINK W E SHOULD elementary school classroosns is echool snppllee, yoor choice -Maximum eapacity a t the thus 3810,000, making the com­ CIRCLE BEFORE tsfee expansion stages woulB of a — PONTIAC 470 CENTER STREET—MANCHESTER C o s h a C o H 7 parative coat dlKerence be­ W E LAND.' 1'5 h%.330, 840 and 870 pupils. All tween the two plans 3180,000. 373 Main S t MANCHESTER 649-2881 • 1W w NU. I . TJA l« Bi'iK'OR. AMUUes are to be constructed *' Finance Matters TELEPHONE 643-7732 i n 49c Pencil Box *^ at’s just it. Pop! If I could explain those grades ultimate capacity, so that Tlje new town auditors, Bar­ Aassrooms only need .be added. ry and Maori of Hartford, were OR 1 wouldn’t be in second grade again this year!" - M Vaooaveatleaal BaiMBng .present.at a board of finance Redwood "a^Uwiigti- tl^ arohiteOtural oiestlnr last night to ' answer Jj^ie and general of eon- and asK questlona. The finance 49c Bic Pen lAiluetion are left up tq the board was unable to conduct MKhiteot and the building com­ any business because there wgs School Special as adv. on TV Baekat Waava • .ft ■‘■“r • mission, the specifications ndt a quorum. Another meeting aasm to point toward a some­ has been set for Sept. 9. H A L L M A R K Fence B E N C A S E Y what unconventional-buUding: Those members present asked “ The school should be de­ tha auditors If they thought the PHARMACY INC. signed to be adeptahle to - al­ town should have double entry 377 Weat Middle Tpke. A' h ig h PERHAPS IT BAS THEY SA/.SOME RED & WHITE STAND most any kind of educational bookkeeping. The a u d ito r s Manchester -'K DISAPfm here AND ARE MOT HEARD program. I t should be as effl- didn't seem to think the town 8 ' w ld t ' AGAIN. WHO KNOWS WHAT 200 WEST CENTER ST„ MANCHESTER S H O R T R I B S BY FRANK 0T«;AL T HAPPENS FROM DAYTD DAY?

i ’ OPEN MON. TO SUN. 9 to 8

i i Cosh a Cony


THE PRIDE OF THE PLAYGROUND Those PoH-Parrats \ Cmh a Corry heva qualities that make them so suitable 10 lb. bag 2 9 ^ 3 i 1 3 ' for school, so desirable for play, to dependable because of construction, 9 ' 3 Patio Panel design and fine leathers. CAPTAIN EASY Best of all thay're styled to please and 4* high MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD BY Lm iH TURNI designed to fit feet in action. SEEDLESS 8* wido BUT THIF15 a " WBlL, tu.'\ 1 , WHAIiS IMOlIe^ tnemanyouobe 8AROAIN YOU LADd) SHOW YOU- 2.^ rM THINKING OF CAarr pace ua— L ■ ^ *6 .9 9 .. *8.99 you WOULOIFT ee MAKING^ THE ADDED M S bS ^ aseni! ^ 1 that*5 what WHATi ORANGES NEAR THE MONEY THBCr VOO? YOU'RE AAAKING.NOW . GRAPES A5 SHERIFF/ A . KBALLV WOULD, Be SOMOWN'I \ 'sss^^sg'A ss»'S5 l| S ' h ig h 1 Q c ^WDoz.^^ Q Q c 8 ' w l d t lb. 3


ITfiH0UU3l/rBB HOLDNYCOFTPOR MR,AOAAlRAL» Manchester AND STAND 1 YiSl W s Carry Corraefiv Shoas i A a PAM JENUN F in a l u v , J Lumber, Inc. LOOKS ON DAW RAISSS J HARDY HaLPLISSLV. THB Bl KHLLV G R IIN ENOUGH 255 CINTIR ST. O lV IS rAARCO MARCO TO THJ SRIATH PULLHIS O F L IF * HOGK.FRiE. 4 4 3 . 5 1 4 4 WHILB*OAVy j STRUGGLIS TO F R a i HIM . SHOES MUMS OFIN M l M A IN C 1 "CHRYSANTHEMUMS" 7 . i WIIKDAYI jluam n -3 7-12:00 UT. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1965 PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 10W PAGE FOURTEBtf Motorerdldto— 11 HeatInY and Plumbing 17 Painting)—PBHriwf 1961 TRIinfPH iCub, excellent B O m Plumbing A Heating ■— nvm uoR and to patot* oondlUob, 200CC. Must be seen. Repairs, alterations, electric tag, waMapor n '■! 1 THE CLASSIFIED 742<7443. and gas hot water heaten, froo tnsurod. Rom B Tw ins Strand 16 Runneys, Lose by Run I r B c s t T caill Ev0r •stimatos. 64S-1496. OBIS o r ddIrODOA INBIDB and ootahlt patottag. (J 1962 BMW, r69s, excellent con­ Herald Angle dition, must be seen. 742-7442. Radio—TV Ropair You name your ova prtoa. ADVERTISING Servicto gpooial rattoratto’ for hohomaoermra 1962 ’TRIUMPH Bonneville, 18 to or over. d40-79n.------n . dt6-D40L Forest Hills CLAflflIVIHD ADVERHSINO'DEPT. HQtRS 660OC, good condition, must • to S P JL OONNpra TV and Radio 8orv< EARL YOST WSox Win KM. sell, f6M. eie-osu. lee. avaliablM all b o m . Ratto Floor FHifshlng 24 Sports M ltor In UConn Drills facdoo guarantoed. ChU 649 Tennis Hopies 1915. P a ir, Trim COPT CLOiSlNG TIME FOR CLAStftFIED ADVT. 1968 MOTORCYCLE, 100 cc, 200 FLOOR SANDING and roflnUh- MONDAY n n ITBIpAY 19i99 AJL BATUKOAT 9 AJL miles on it, $275. 649-7318. ing (speclalliing to oldor Short Chip« from the Fairways ^ > By EARL YOST floors), waxing floors. Paint­ Diin for U.S. * ‘ Secret is out. Movipg-^Tnicking— ing. CeUlngs. Paporhanglng. How about that fellow Vic Daley? Hi# hole-m-one League Lead 1966 HONDA 50 cc like new, low Storaga 20 Wednesday afternoon at the Manchester Country Club This is the best team in PLEASE REA|> tOUK AD mileage, black, $225. Phone No Job too smaU. John Vor- faille, 649-5750. was the third in his career and second in as many f o r e s t h il l s , N / y . the history of the Univer- or *^B to Ada^ too takM oror tka plwM m • 643-2954. MANCHOSTER Delivery. Light NEW YORK (API—Is (AP)— Liks the New York Tho adverttoer slioaM road hla od tho FIRST trucking and package delivery. years. AH three acee were registered at the local course. ' sity of Connecticut train- BB SO U to time for the tljpre anything more frus­ Yankees, the United DAY n APPSAMM9 MMto tolurraT I BiulnemI Services Refrigerators, waehen and Money to Loan 29 * . , Also, along the golfing trail, Ronnie Smith’s blis­ ' ■’ tng at the Storrs campus. ■Mrt The llonili to reoponstblo for oa|y ONE tooor- stove moving spiclalty. Folding trating W a manager to States’ tennis fortunes ’ ■ It’s a club that could for gay odvorttoemoat aad then ooly Offered U tering 63, which tied the course record at the Manches­ watch than 16 runners left chaliv for r.uit 649-0752. BB>T>ND MORTOAOB - 05- ter Country Club—eet In lPe3<,. were at the top two years ‘ ^ ve UConn its first cherished to the ox teat of i teeertloa. Krroro whleh do not limited funds available t e i on base in a one-run ball- i-^wln ever over Yale, If eliglblq. 0( «M ; wM not ho eonootod by LAND CLEARINO, tree re by the eeme player—(foe* Into ago, then slippM a bit’last moval, and chain eaw work. ond mortgages, paymenu the record book aa a record for game? . The team In question Is the Painting—Papering 21 suit your Expedient season. A. MlchauA 742-8096. ’. 94SAU9. the present layout. When Try having one of his top slug­ Now all of a suddan, aveiyone I... Ben Francisco 49ers of the Na­ service. J. D. Realty. tional Football League and not Smith toured the S. Main St. gers strike out flve.^tlmea. is beating them. Utoekvtno. ToB Freo) fHARPENXNO Seivlce—Sawa PAINTINO,. EXTERIOR and Sam Mele was a capUve au­ ' Coach' Rick Forsano’s Huskies. knives, axes, shears, skates, interior, paperhanging, wall­ A FRESH START V/ffl lump courae in IMS In the lowest Beaten In the Davla Oip Chal­ your debU Into otto easy p a ^ round On record up to that dience for both those spectacles lenge Round last year and aUm- The 49ers pitched their pre-i^ - 1»0-2711 875-3136 rotary blades. Quick seWlce. paper removed, dry wail work. son training quarters at Btdm Capitol Bmlpment Co., 38 Reasonable rates. Fully In­ ment. If you have equity a point, it was before several of Thursday night as his American Inated by Spain In a startling property, caU Frank Builce to the present holes were changed. L ea gu e-lea d in g Minnesota this week prior to facing the Mato St., Manchester. Hours sured. Free estlmateo. 649- decline last month, America’s dally 7-6. ’Thursday 7-9, Satur­ 9658, Joseph P. Lewla. discuss ways and means. Con­ Ironically, when Smith went Twins bowed to iSetroit B-t. The best tennis players had scapcsly Pittsburgh Steelers at Brown necticut Mortgage Exchange, Unlvarslty to Providence Satur- day 7-4. 643-7958. around in 6S strokes on Aug. setback, combined with Chica­ a glimmer of hope of winning -15 Lewis S t, Hartford. 946- 34, he turned in a card which go’s doublcheader sweep at Bal­ ,Aay afternoon. The game will Traablo RoMhlns Oar Aivirtiiar? PAIN'nNG BY Dick Fontaine their own National Champion­ STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stono interior and exterior. Paper 8897. listed eight birds, nine pars and timore, trimmed the Twins’ ships in the tournament that "be telecast by Channel 3 start- lead to 8>i games with the toS at 2 o’clock. The 49ers de­ walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter- hanging and Wall paper remov­ one bogey. The former Univer­ opened on the historic j|rsss M-ltoir Aatweriag Stnrlei races,. AUau concrete airs. sity of Houston golfer, who as­ White Sox opening a three-game parted from the ever-expanding al. Dutch Boy and DuPont. Musical— Dramatic 30 aeries in Minne.sota tonight. courts at Forest Hills today. Reasonably priced. 643 Quality workmanship. Call pires to be a golf professional, The ebb In U.S. tennis pres­ and beautiful UConn campus FrM to Htrali Raadan had an identical card two years Bob Allison personified Min­ evenings, 627;9571. tige is Illustrated by the saed- ,. earlier today. Want tafonnaHon on one of ear oiaooHleid i No HAROLD A BON Rubbish Re­ ago in his record round. The nesota's futility by striking out 'While yesterday’s workout moval —■ attics, cellars and PIANO instruction, to my homo, 4nga, with Dennis lUleton’s No. at tho Hetodr Simply eaO tho EDCTERIOR and Interior paint­ 166 McKee Street. 649-9679. lone bogey this year came on five times, tying a major league , was light, the full squad worked yarda, weekly and monthly ing. Wallpaper books, paper- the 14th hole. Birdies were record. 3 In men’i the best of any Amerioan. But It Is, pertiaps, gt least M minutes, before sev- pickup. Bolton-Manchester vi­ hanging. Ceilings. Floors. Ful registered on the second, sixth, One hit would have been . oral hundred Interested onlook- EDWARDS cinity. Harold Hoar, 649-4034. ly Insured. Workmanship guar­ eighth, ninth, 10th, 11th, IBth enough Thursday night. Allison best pointed up by a key match that has caused considerable I ers and most eyes were on quar­ anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649^326. and 16th holes with pars on the was one of Minnesota’s chief terbacks John Brodle, George T Y PE WRITERS — Standard Read Herald Ads. comment — some published but ANSWERmO SERVICE If no answer. 643-9048. first, third, fourth, fifth, sev­ offenders, leartng five men Mira and BUl Kilmer. Mira, the and electric. Repaired, over­ enth, 12th, 13th, 17th and 18th. stranded, as the Twins repeat­ most muttered. former All-America from Miami, hauled, rented. Adding ma­ That, one matched Arthur edly surrounded Tiger starter waa by far the moat Impressive chines rented and repaired. Ashe with Gene Scott on the m m - I75-S19 Pickup and delivery service. RONNIE SMITH Joe Sparma and two successors . , with pin-point passing during Here ’n There with base runners who never DIFFERENT OUTLOOK — Casey Stengel, who’s lier in the day Casey had said goodbye to his play­ grass court in the stadium Sat­ nad iMvo yoor Bwooagn. Yoem hoar from onr i hi Mr Yale Typewriter Service. 649- urday afternoon. The mild dis­ the no-contact session. ttoM wttboiit spoodlag all avoalag at tho totopboao. Jan tieonard, new Women’s performed with the Manchester made it home. retiring as manager of the New York Mets, watch­ ers and the Mets had formally retired his No. 37 Httle Lends Advice 4986. 3 Division club champion at the content rises from the fact that American Legion baseball team, Minnesota had the tying luid If the 49er quarterbacking Im- Manchester Country Club, is a es Thursday’s game at Shea Stadium from a dif­ uniform. (AP Photofax.) one of them must be eliminated APPLIANCES repaired — all was named to the All-Star Zone winning runs on base in the . ' proves, give an assist to Y. A. Aatomobilca Fw Salt 4 former archery enthusiast who ninth when Terry Pox finally ferent angle than he is used to, in a box seat. Ear­ — and with him one of this makes wsshsrs, refrigferators,, won numerous awards in the Four squad . . . Frits Della- country’s best chances. Tittle, a special coach with the freezers, dryers, gas and eleo Fera, former town tennis retired Joe Nossek on a fly ball, club. Although Tittle didn’t ac- 1968 CHEVROLET Oon-/ertfble, latter sport. This was Mrs. ending the game. Ashe, from Richmond, Va., is trie ranges. Oil burners champion, still plays the game company the club to Storrs, be­ HERALD V-8, powerglide, power steer­ cleaned and repaired. Cosma Leonard's first -year of com­ Don Wert drove In four Tiger Dominican .. Cuban and F renchman in News the No. 5 seed In the tourney ing, power brakes,/radio, heat­ petitive golf and she is a na­ but only during his annual sum­ and the hero of the U.S. con­ cause of the pressure of busi­ Appliance. 649-0058. mer tour of duty with the Army runs with a single and a homer ness — Insurance — the Bald er. Call 643-7603. tural, having won the Spring as the Twins failed to take ad­ quest of Mexico in third round DOX LETTCRS YOU ARB A-li Truck to A-1! Tournament before annexing Reserves. Golf occupies the lei­ Davis Cup play, while ikott. Eagle who flashed with the Nriv vantage of four Detroit errors , York Giants for several years Cellars, atUtui, trash, small the coveted club crown recent­ sure hours of the former UConn and eight walks from Sparma. from St. James, N.Y., Is ranked athlete and current town direc­ after a fine career wlO* O'® For T o v trucking done A-1 right! Call ly. Fellow who helped Mrs. George Thomas, who had four National Pennant Picture fifth nationally and is one of this SOLIMENE MOTORS 648-2928, Tramano Tnnacktog Leonard Improve her game was tor. hits foi* the Tlgera, didn’t think % country’s better grass court -A9ers, rejoined the pr6s today THEY G O Service. Marty Best, pro at the par- • * e for the trip to Providence. informatioa the setback would hurt Min> players. Although It must be admitted three Connecticut Golf Land End of the Line nesota's pennant express. "I Ralston, the 28-year-old Los 1965 FIAT LAWNMOWER Sharpening; re­ course . . Tom Kelley hung up there is little .Interest to the 1600 Spider convertible coupe. Manchester has no bigger think the Twins will win the Just as Deep in Confusion Angele# ace who ranks ad this niB HERALD wiB not pairs, sales, rotor blades THIS IS THE SEASON TO SWINO his 15th pitching success of the pennant,” he said. ” I don’t country’s best, has had very 49ers on this coast, the shirt­ $2,195. sharpened; bicycle sales, serv­ season by beating Spokane, 3-2. booster of softball than Evan sleeved crowd was delighted at dlscloM the Identity of think Chicago has the momen­ little grass court work since the any adverHeer using box ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, The Portland righthander now Nyquist, retired post office NsUonal League watching the West Coasters and 149 W. Middle Turnpike, 649 INTO OUR SHOW ROOM FOR THE record | worker. Nyquist was a daily tum to catch them.” NEW YORK (AP) __ Af*” Eddie Mathsws with the wln-» PHILS-GIANTS— Davis Cup match against Spain letters. Resders answer- shows a 15-3 won-lom record Thomas would have a rough W. L. Pet. G.B. .. the players were most generous 1961 CHEVROLET 2098. viewer of play in the recent ning run as the Braves edged Marichal attributed his defeat and could be at a disadvantage tog. blind box adg who Corvalr Monza 900, 2-door club -L and will rejoin the Cleveland time convincing Chicago skip­ Los Angeles . 76 59 .563 — Dominican. A Cuban And against Jim Hobson of FWler- ' to ^reading good-will for the VALUE BUY OF THE YEAR Indians later this month in the Women’s Worlds Championship San Fran. ... 78 58 .557 1 ancinnati 4-8 and dropped the to the long layoff — ” I have to - NBTi, none too busy to sign au- desire to protect their coupe. Tournament at Stratford . . . per A1 Lopez that his White Sox Frenchy. Reds from first to third place. work every four days to keep ton, Calif. In today’a first round _____1_4-a Identity can follow thla Household Services American League. are out of it. The 6-3, 9-3 sweep Onclnnatl ... 74 69 .556 1 ’ tographs for youngsters or to $895. » « e Campy Oampiuvepis. regular Juan Marichal, Mike de sharp.” He surrendered seven match. procedura: of the Orioles gave Lopez’ club Milwaukee .. 73 60 .549 2 Lefebvre supplied the big bat Roy Emerson of Australia, al­ .pose 10for photos before and after Offered 13-A Kansas City shortstop, will play for Los Angeles, driving in four tats in seven innings, Including SneloloM your reply to tha 17 viotoriee in the last 23 starts Pittsburgh .. 73 63 .537 la Hoz and Jim Lefebvre— ready winner of the Australlem ■: , .the workout. Short Stuff all nine positions—as a promo­ Phila...... 69 64 .519 6 runs with two singles and a do­ a homer by light-hitting Bobby While Mira, to particular waa HOW’S THE AIR UP THERE?—^Towering Monty box to an antavtotm ' — 1963 HILLMAN HOUSEHOLD Furniture re­ and a clear shot if it can beat the headliners Thursday Wine, and was charged with all SM Wimbledon crowns. Is heav­ addreaaed to tha Classl- It Happens Bverytlme De­ tional stunt—Wednesday when the Twins this weekend. St. Louis .. .. 67 68 .496 9 uble as the Dodgers whipped r , .in the spotlight, much attention Stickles, former Notre Dame All-American end, Super Minx, 4-door sedan, radio, stored and refinished, colors partment: When a team wins, 6LB the National League pen­ four runs and his 10th loss ily^ favored In his quest of a fled Manager, Manchaeter heater, automatic transmission. changed. Call for estimate 649- the A’s face Los Angeles at J. C. Martin's two-out double Chicago ...... 64 73 .467 13 nant race got another day old­ Pittsburgh 7-1, ended a three- r., WM focused on John David meets two Manchester lads, Ed Kurlowicz, 9, left, ta this case Fogarty’s entry in Kansas City. Samphneris was a against 19 victories. thlrt Forest Hills title, a feat Evening Herald together 6649. in the ninth inning drove in the Houston ...... 59 76 .437 17 er and remained just as deep game losing streak and re­ - Crow, the eight-year vet, one and Brian Fairweather, 5V^, right. Scene took place $995. the WilHmantic TwlUght catcher In Cuba before Inking New York ...44 92 .324 32Vi The Giants broke a 3-2 tie in accomplished only by Bill Tlld- with a memo Usttog the winning runs in the opener in confusion with the three top gained the top spot. of the league’s top runners, REWEAVINa of burns, moth League, results were forwarded a major league contract. With Thursday’s Results The Dodgers now are one the ninth inning of the nightcap en and Britain’s Fred Perry. before San Francisco 49ers’ drill yesterday at companies you do NOT while home runs by Pete Ward, teams going through another 'The tourney nms thresh , - • -.when not injured. Crow did a lot want to see your letter. 1960 FORD holes. Zippers repaired. Win for publication. When the team. the A’s he hsus performed in Floyd Robinson and Ken Berry Philadelphia 4-2, San Francis­ game in front of the Giants, as Ken Henderson walked, of fancy stepping. The Texas UConn. (Herald Photo by Ofiara.) loses, such as was the case in ; leftfield and at shortstop . . . 1-2-43 shuffle. reached second when Richie Al­ Sept. 12. Your letter wlU be des­ FairlEine, 4-door sedan, 8 cylin­ dow shades mads to meafi^ire, did the job in the nightcap. co 3-2 ■ The main focus was at Phila­ while the Reds are one game off AAM product starred with the all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys Its last three games, in the; Hoping to make their final sea- Los Angeles 7, Pittsburgh 1 len threw wild on Frank Linzy’s troyed If the adverttoer to der, radio, heater, automatic Ward, who had three hits and delphia, where Marichal made the pace and one percentage St. Louis Cards before joining one you’ve mentioned. If made whUe you wait. Tape re­ S transmission. playoff finale, nary a word son in Milwaukee a winning one drove in three runs in the sec­ Milwaukee 4, Oncinnati 3, 11 point behind San Francisco. The bunt and scored as Matty AIou ((^..ikhe 49ers, his first start for San Francisco swung and missed a wild pitch not It will be handled to corders for rent. Marlor/'e, 867 CATCH THE ADVANTAGE OF OUR reached the desk. The Oilers the Braves have purchased Har­ ond game, snapped out of a 1- innings since his suspension and was fourth-place Braves are two be­ Big No. 85 and' deeply-lined the usual manner. $695. Mato., 649-622L started out like a house afire third strike fired by Jack Bald- New Coach Satisfied vey Haddix from Baltimore in for-34 slump. Robinson also Chicago 6, St. Louis 3 both booed and belted as he hind and the fifth-place Pirates ■ *..;f,geaturad No. 55 were two others CLOSE-OUT DEALS DURING OUR in the best of five playoff finals, an effort to strengthen their drove in three runs. Houston 4, New York 3 3% out. schun. Jack Hiatt’s single and J,%<’6vho were given an extra look by dropped a 4-3 decision to the Jim Hart’s sacrifice fly brought 1960V-8 winning two straight, but then I bullpen corps. The addition of Elsewhere in the American Today’s Games * Phillies before the Giants came While the leaders were Monday Morning Quarter- Building— Contracting 14 Los Angeles at Houston, N in two more runs. Lost and Found 1 Chevrolet Klngswood, 4-door, GLEAN THE BASES DAYS lost the next three to wind up j Frank Thomas, from Houston, League, Washington edged Bos­ back to take the nightcap of the scrambling, Ernie Banks hit the Sr^DSeks. The first waa end Monty With Indian Progress second best to Frank’s BilU- shouldn’t hurt the Braves’ cause New York at St. Louis, N • • • passenger wagon, radio, heater, CARPENTRY — 32 years’ ex­ ton 6-4, Cleveland battered Kan­ doubleheader 5-2. 400th homer of his career in the Stickles, listed at only 230, but IX)ST — man's wsdlet, contain­ automatic transmission, power ards. Fred McCurry, who was either . . . Major league base­ sas a ty 10-6 and New York Philadelphia at Cincinnati, N Chicago Cubs’ 5-3 victory over IIRAVES-RED8— Appearing to be at least 30 perience. Ceilings and floors Pittsburgh at Milwaukee, N De la Hoz got the key blow for ing no money, but valuable brakes and power steering. unbeaten on the mound in regu­ ball umpires are required to re­ ripped the Los Angeles Angels Milwaukee, lofting a sacrifice St. Louis and Houston downed The Reds had pulled into a tie i^MiouQda heavier. Mktt Hazelttoe, Uled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ lar season play, won one play­ San Francisco at Chicago By PETE ZANARDI papers. Reward. Call 643-0390. $1,095. rages, additions, attics finish­ port at the ball park 00 min- 8- 1. fly in the 11th inning that drove the New York Mets 4-8. in the seventh on Frank Robin­ a 11-year vet and AU-Pro as a off start and then was charged utee before the s^teduled start American League son’s homer off Hank Fisher, llnebMker, wore the No. 55 Satisfied 'with the progress made thus far in prac­ ed. remodeled, concrete work. for the E FXyUND — female mongrel, part with two of the three defeats of a game. Managers are pro­ SENATORS-RED SOX— W. L. Pet. G.B. who hod a no-hItter going until Jersey. tice, Manchester High football Coach Dave Wiggin has beagle, brown, black and white. No job too small. Immediate Minnesota .. 85 51 .626 — 1958 CHEVROLET when the BllHards came stc»m- hibited from beefing on ball and Bob Chance’s pinch single in the fifth inning. The Braves won The 49erii, like the New York scheduled the first intrasquad scrimmage tomorrow at Call Lee Fracchia, Dog War­ 4-door sedan, 6 cylinder, radio, estimates. 643-2829. tag back to win . . Mike Leach, strike calls. It’s an automatic the eighth inning delivered the Chicago ...... 78 57 .578 6'/i Bowlers Nationally Ranked it Ifi the llth when Mathews sin­ “ ■'■■Xllants, can only go one way •to den, 643-8694. heater, automatic transmission. BUDGET WISEeee East Catholic High baseball and aeveland ... 74 69 .556 9Vi 3 o’clock. It will mark the end of the first week of prac­ CARPENTRY —Concrete step#, expulsion from the pramises tying and winning runs for the gled, jnoved to third as pitcher OMBtry Oleh better their 1964 performance. $495. football standout, recently un- when a field lk>es runs out to Detroit ...... 74 60 .662 10 Ted Davidson threw wild on tice fpr the Indian grldders and'^ floors, hatchways, remodeUng Senators. Don Lock homered for JVtoners of only four games, the first time the back and bard and John Dulka, center 'porches, garages, closets, ceil­ denvent knee surgery at St. queiAlon a ball or strike decla­ Baltimore ... 72 59 .560 10% Frank Bolling’s, bunt and scored Startiiur ttoiu and pehtons tor while losing 10, Coach Jack Annonncenicnts bose cleaning Washington while Tony Oonigli- New York ... 67 68 .496 17% Saturdays Kembar-Msmber Oolf line candidates will work out Barry Smith, guard Bob La- ings, attics finished, rec rooms Francis HospHsI. Leach, who im. aro belted his 26th for the Red when de la Hoc, batting for Toumamsnt at ths Manchseter Christiansen’s club was last to LOW DOWN PAYMENTS Los Angeles . 62 73 . 459 22% Cathy Dyak No. 2, arhandl- together. Polt and ends Mark Oakman, fomilca. No Job too smaU. D A Sox. Fisher, hit his sacrifice fly. Country (Xub. Thrse-quaitsr the Western Conference. ELECTROLUX Bales and serv­ Washington . 60 76 .444 24% otm will be used. “I’m satisfied with the prog­ Walt Bavler and Bill Palmer. VERY EASY TERMS D Carpentry Service. 649-8880. 7:41 — Ackerman, Lundell, J. SHORT PUNTS—Local grid ice, bonded representative. Al­ © B U Y S Boston ...... 51 85 .375 34 ress and even more so with the Back to the fold among back- fred Amell, 110 Bryan Dr., Namath Flcmnders Against Bills YANKEES-ANQELS— DODGERS-PIRATES— Marshall. Dunn. fans lined around the practice field candidates are quarter­ LIBERAL TRADES DION CONSTRUCTION CO. — Kansas a ty . 48 84 .364 35 Lofsbvrs singled to two nms 7:48—HorvsUb, T. Ksaros, Barrs. desire of the boys," Wlggln said. Manchester, 6*4-8141. P field Included John Kelly and Complete buUdliuf service. New 64 CHEYELLE 63 CHEVROLET Mickey Mantle drove in four Thursday’s Results EUsmsc Sr. The renewed spirit shown to backs Mark Heller and Bill runs and Whitey Ford beat Los Hip Correnti Fifth to the third inning, singled home 7:65-8mllsy. Crocket. White, J. • two of hla four sons, Norm construction, alterations or ad­ Malibu 4-Dr., 6 cyl.. Impala Convertible V-8, Chicago 5-9, Baltimore 3-3 practice Is drawing. comments Hawver, halfbacks Bob Hamil­ HOUDAT HOUSE, Crtfage Angeles for the ninth straight another in the fifth and drove HsuTrey. lohenthal and Eric Hohenthal, ton and Joe Rourke and full­ ditions. Roofing, siding, paint­ Standard. Radio and Auto., Power Steering, Detroit 5, Minnesota 4 across a fourth run with a sev­ 8:00—Armstroni, Fehey, Movak. from onlookers. Street. New 'concept to vetlre- SOLIMENE MOTORS time as the Yankees romped. two former fine grldders. Bill backs Bill PtaU and Dick Bom- ing, etc. 648-4862, 648-0895. Heater. This car is like Radio, Heater, V/hlte- Expensive Operator Oeveland 10, Kansas a ty 6 enth inning double. Dodger Edwards. ment living, RN on duty. Near Mantle lapped a three-run hom­ New York 8, Los Angeles 1 8:09—Sibrinsi, Johnson, Homans. •Glenney, John Groman and AI Wiggrln, preptog for the sea­ berger. bueee, churches and taKipptog. 367 Oakland Street 643-0607 new. walls. Stylish and Snappy By EARL YOST starter aaude Osteen carried a Dik. jCurlowlca . . . The 49ers were son opener against Conard High QUALITY Carpentry — Rooms, er in the first inning giving Washington 5, Boston 4 8:16—Meckay, Jarvis Sr., Kenney, Reasonable rates. For Informa­ Open TUI 9 P.M. dormers, porches, basements Ford, who pitched a four-tatter, *’ Duck pin bowling is big business in Connecticut and four- hit shutout into the eighth housed to Hollister Hall during to West H alford Sept. 26, has ^ 9 9 5 92095 Today’s Games but needed Ron Perranoskl’s St. John. Watch This Sayers tion call 649-2358. refinished, cabinets, built-ins, Possibility for Jets a quick lead. Oeveland at Baltimore, N two of the nation’s leading rollers according to rank­ 8:33—G. Smith. Karnes, ‘Bolls, ^thelr stay at Storrs . . . Chuck about 60 candidates, Including relief help to get his 12th victory Willard, prehaps the hotest new 13 lettermen. First scrimmage CHiaAGO (AlP)—Bhc-BalU- LADIES — Breck shampoo, $6. formica, aluminum, vinyl, Boston at New York, N ings released by .the National Duck Pin Bowling Con­ 8:30—Wsiman, HuIUne. MixUore. 1963 FDRD Galaxie — 4-door, steel, ceramo siding. WlUlam 62 CHEVROLET 60 CHEVROLET INDIANS-A’S— against is losses. Barrett. hmnlng back, is a monster, who Is slated next Saturday against more Colt star Buddy Young de­ per gallon, to plastic contain­ Impala Sports Coupe. 6 Washington at Detroit, N gress reside in this Cit.v of Village Charm. Cathy Dyak, * • • scribes Gale catyers, rookie CSU- V-8, Cruisomatic, one owner. Robbins Carpentry Service, Impala 4-Door, V-8, Auto. Rocky Colavito doubled home 8:87—Hogan, Solatia, Hogan Jr.. Can fly . . . "Never saw so many Windsor, location still unde­ ers. Russell's Barber Shop, cyl., Standard, Radio and NEW YORK (A P)—The New York Jets’ {Treat ex­ Chicago at Minnesota, N named the No. 1 woman bowl- CUB8-CARD8— Hamilton. oago Bear halfback from Kan­ CaU 643-9704. 649-3446. Power Steering, Brakes, the tie-breaking run in the sev­ Kansas Oty at Los Angeles, 2, 8:44—ZamaKis, Mula is at Chicago in tonight’s bead with a bat. 9:00-8. Ferguson, Vandertoert, sleeper, Nbrman Evans, threat­ 7442. on, power-guild, clean, in ex­ 63 CHEVROLET fired a 35-yard strike to Don could be the dark horse if Bill tions although the Giants' stable Jimmy Dietsch of Wasbtog- .10. A n d they booed hie Johnston, Ooldfarh. Ing of Irallback Mo Sykes,' who make the mistakes of the young. 876- 62 PONTIAC NFL games. Other pairings are ens a change at right tackle cellent running condition. M A M OU Service, plumbing 3/4 ton Pickup, 6-oyl., Maynard, in the final period for Munson comes through big, but ‘of big running backs may come tbn, D.C., gained top honors, for Honorable mention Hat in­ every move. 9:07 — MbKone. dark. WhoUsy, gained 87 yards to 16 tiys for Have a chance to be the best 1968 6 CYLJNDER, cross coun­ Bonneville Convertible V- Pittsburgh • San Francisco at Rspko. over established Rich Michael, in the league. Not nearly as good 6120, and heating, restdenUal, com­ Standard, Radio, Hester, New York’s only touchdown. the Chicago Bears, Detroit and fast. the fifth time with a 136.240 cludes Sandy Niles of Manchss- The FUlllee, meanwhile, 8:14—Heurtal, Hunter, Ksesuey, • 6.8 yarda average against try, Rambler. Good condlUon. 8. Auto., Power Steering, Providence, R.I., Saturday aft­ San Francisco look, like second Here’s the way it looks from an original Oiler. Bob Talaml- in middle, where Doug aine, mercial and Ipdustrlal, no Job Brakes, Rjidlo, Heaten, Signal Lltes. Heavy duty The gams was the prelude to ernoon, Baltimore - Washington average In 705 games. Stocky ter. took advantage of Mari- J. Smith. • Itootldence. nl’B a stanchio of strength at 649-0698. FORD — 1966 automatic trans­ division contenders. here: 8:31-Murphy, Tosha, Goldberg. Sammy Odom hold fort and mission, good condition, good too smaUi 649-2871, Whitewalls. Mii.st bo seen. throughout a full weekend of activity in at Norfolk, 'Va., Saturday night, ohal’s Ineffeetiveaess—the Msnschsll. _ , left guard, 'particularly on pass both the American and Na- St. Louis never has woh the Western Conference ' . Giants* 19-game winner 8:31 — Oarhrous,DtOorote, W. Ooode to a possible shift. 1962 CHEVROLET station wag­ tires, radio and heater, $126. and Philadelphia at Loa Angales Blastorn Conference crown since protection. Otherwise, there’ll I^TINO—-falr-to-good. ’j'1 8 9 5 #1395 ttcmal Leagues. Sunday. 1. Green Bay attrlbutod It to the nlne- Peck. Lewis. < on, brand new tires, brakes, 649-2696. the Cardinals moved west from . 2. Baltimore t:8t — Kelly, 3leiman. Fehit. be some juggling, particularly valve job, excellent running di^r layoff — and whipped Sports Viewing at center, where 'Tom Ooode Chicago to 1960. But this could 3. Minnesota Surprise Leader Wininger Ban Francisco 4-S In the ^'VI^^^Greobert. TsnHH. RatMiene. DEFENSIVE BACKS — Re condlUon, $1,600. 643-9254. 1968 CADILLAC — 4-door sedan AUTOMATIC be the year for the BldwlII 4. Los Angelss V Dennwon. ' may have to move to. defense. turn of Tony Bapfield, out all Deville. Excellent condition. All SWING DOWN TO OUR opener of .a dooblelieader. t o n i g h t / RATINO—fair. .J,********** brothers and Wally Lem. 5. Chicago ' Hie Giants won the nlght- ^ :4 8 — Knapp, Kuhnly, Kteill. of '64 with bad knee. Is reel BUICK Roadmaster 1957, all power, $860. 876-7633. TRANSMISSION The Cards have the passer to Spurred on By Bob Nichols HallowsM. _ 1 7 .DtOO (SO) Red Sox ve. Yah- plus. He’s a top .corner man. power, all equipped, good con' 6. Detroit cap 5-1. ( 9:66. — Gordon, Fty, ShMen, keea Charley Johnson and the run­ 7. San Francisco Marichal, who la being Brand. ' _ ' « qUARTEBBAOKS — Don Pete Jaquew was impressive on ditlon. $260. Coll 649-3007, be LOT...RIGHT NOW ning backs to Bill Triplett and 10:08-8Urtors 'rime * ^ B A T U R ^ Y Trull’s made the big plays In tween 6-B p.m. -Auto Driving School 7-A TROUBLE? HOLIDAY EVE Eastern Conference sued by Itoeeboro for : —^laholm . Finnegan, yeod, right corner as^ rookie. Inter-' Joe Childress plus a solid of­ OHLAHOMA CTTY (AP) * shooting that way.” 10 10 tiOO ( 5) NFX. Pittsburgh the early exhibitions and shows cepted eight. FVed Ollck la a " 1. St. Louis Wininger, the surprise lesd- 9110,000, for ’the Ang. 29 T. Ferguson. „ > 1958 CHEVROLET — Corvette DRIVINO Instructions — Home it Ft m Road Tosr fensive Une and a sound de­ That’s just what Wininger did 10:17—Faulkner. Brown, K a t ^ s , Steelers vs. San signs of really coming on in his proven right safety. W. J. Hicks, irS LOADED WITH SPEED-A-RAMA 2. aeveland er after the first round of the Thursday. While Nichols was flfht, worked seven tn- engine, hurst linkage, new pick-up, reasonable rates, teen­ fense. If they play up to their n^ge of the opener, allow­ Franclsoo 49en second year. But it’s hard to another rookie who made it last it All Typos NASCAR 3. Wa.shlngton 165,000 Oklahoma City Open blazing away and defending valve job, $275. Call 643-1788. age Classes. Special attention capabilities they should be able ing Boven bite nad teur Wsber, 4:10 ( 8) America’s Chip believe old George Blanda (old­ year as corner man, should A Oiksr Tss ^ 9 T T S . SUN. NITI to outsoramble Cleveland’s de­ 4. Dallas . Golf Tqurnament, says he didn’t champion Arnold E*almsr waa 18:80-1 Races to nervous and elderly. Serv­ it Bud^t Terms Oetvsrs In 6, New York rune. Re said afterward Itayturn. est in AFL at 37) la about to move to strong safsty, ahead of 196T DODOS, 8 cylinder, 4-door, ing Manchester and surround­ SAVINGS! Ixptselvs Aoilss, fending league champs for the have any. choice when he carded drawing lots of attention, the 42- 5:00 ( I ) Race of the give up his post. Like a coach ★ All Work 6. Pittsburgh a thres-under-par 60 to takb a that he wasn’t ehnip, the Week swing msin Jim- Norton, RAT­ automaUc, power steering and ing towns. Call Manchester WIDI OPEN right to play Green Bay. year-old Las Vegas, Nev., pro nine-day enforced layoff on the field. RATINO— good. • 7. Philadelphia one-shot advantage. ( B) Wide World of ING— good. brakes, radio, heater, $200. 64B- Driving Academy, 742-7249. Guaranteed WARFARE The loss of Paul Warfield to overcam s' a shaky start to go had taken a tolL the early weeks of the , cam "When you start out llks I ahead. BASEBALL HERO’-IS Sports 4868. MODIFIED ON WBEEU I >■ "I have to work every RUNNING BACKS —The SUMMARY—Oilers are an palgn may be too mneh^of a did,” Wininger - Ikid. “ and Host pro Ernie Voasler and a (80) Red Sox vs. 1954 FORD Hartitop, standard Garage— Service— four days to kaep sharp,'* Yankees perennial search for a full­ enigma. Present all sorts of in Manchester nandiiand leap for the Browns, who Even Bears Get Hurt you’re playing with somqone tour newcomer, Jim Ferrtsll, •aid the 27-year-old r in t BATTINO — Jim LMel| •hlft, good condition, $36. 643- CARTER tereetlng poaslbllltiei, both on of­ FULL must face an improved Wash­ who’t aho^ng like Bobby Ni- tii.r back has now turned to Jack Storago 10 $ lq O O O 28, of Louisville, Ky., were ona hander. Who loet hla 10th Dodgers, etroked two eliigle SUNDAY Spikes, a castoff with spqed fense and defense. But organi­ 7336. ington team and St. lx>ule In OHJiCAaO (A P )—Ed Rosy, ^ohola was, you know it’s Urns to stroke back at 70. UiQO (80) RoUer Derby Transmission Goe Inetaad of gaining • covet­ doaMo, drivliig to four ni llmitatloni. If hs oan’t out it, sation haa been shaky in recent OARAOB for rent — available COUPES the first two. weeka of the sea- trainer for the CMcago Boars, gat started. Grouped at 71 were Nichols, ed 20th vioiory. Loo AJigelee’ 7-1 vlotory M r 19:55 (8, 80) Yankees ve. Immediately. Laurel S t 643- TO W IN eon. they'll go back to Charley To­ seasons, irith m u l^ e coaching 1966 LINCOLN Convertible, seat 7 OLCOn STREET CHEVROLET figures the club Iqst a total of "You’re always playing the PGA champion Dave Marr, The crowd boood tho na­ Pttte^rgh. Red Sox 4884. 18'29 MAIN STREET. MANCIIE8TB* WsuMngton, the Blaatern dark 106 "man games” during last lar. Bid Blanks to brilliant half­ changes. Bones 'raylor holds belts, all power, $86. 649-62^649-6271. (REAR 684 CENTER ST.) course primarily,” hs addad, Charlta Ooody, Tom Aaron, a if f tive of Bnnto Domingo 9:25 (18) Mote ve. St. sway now, with two ex-head men horae, should know the best or fall’s . 19-gams pre-eeaaon and '*but NlclxriB was playing akmg- nXOHINO — Whitey Itad, ■t t Louis back, and he’ll get better with OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 — TH1TRS. TWL • Brown, Ksn Towns, Jack Mont­ from tho tlino hie namn •xperlencv and more etoe. Ode (Bammy Baugh, Lou Rymkua) MANCHESTER wpnit—by , mid-October. The regular season. Rosy defines a tide ms and hs was four under Tgaktoe, pttohed fo«r-iiltt«| fbr 4:M ( 8) Oktohomn atg I ANTIQUE <. 37,0^ THOMPSON SPEEDWAY gomery and Chuck Rotar- wan naaotuMOd no lha Burrell, hurt last year, will be on Ms staff. PREDKm ON— original : Phone 646.0022 , SWlna play the Ckrdlnala twice, “ man game” on the basis of a after nine holes. If you want to atartteg pHohor for thohm ui Ol- ninth etm ih t vlj^ ry ovor]~ »• .1 Open Golf raiie^atattog’ «i.H»'> Read Herald Ads. palmer, plaguad by putttog •thriug pnoBor for - a balp atoob NATlNa-

N, ' f

« MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN« FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1966 FAOl n v a n MANCHESTER EVENING H E R A ^ , MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1965 PAGE SIXTEEN Bnsinoaa Lottttona Hoqbm F or flak 71 Houiea For Sale 72 Houses For Bale 72 Hooiee For fide 72 Hoosm For 8>lo 72 Help Wanted— Female 35 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY PAGALY and SHORTEN For Rent 64 MANCHESTER — 4 bsdraom • h u g e k it c h e n , Mroh osU. LARGE Attractive IH room MANCHESTER - 7 room Oolo- « Britain’s Laborites B EITIIlY p MANAGER—Houseware, hard­ Colonial, 4 jraars old, modem nets, dlahwashsr. screened Ranch, garage, m betha, fire­ NEW UBTING — Saint Jamea nlal, 3 full ceramic tile baths, VERNON — $13,900 Ranch. UTTIR:9l «> , irn M s L ift t i l - 1 kitchen with bullt-lna, family porch, 6'/fc room Oolontal, place, only $t6,900. Hutchlna Pariah, 6 large rooma, anoloeed 8 large bedrooma, aluminum rooms, Immaculate condition, ware, glftwara department. LAROB comer store for rent, b y i k a o r i Discount store, Wllllmantlc UTTIM■ . room, 1V9 baths, dlnliw room, baths, Msnchestsr, $20,900. Agency, Real! ora. 649-6134. poreb. Five car garage, walk­ elding, one car garage, $19,900, 10x110 lot, aluminum stormi, CLASSIFIED flllM fOWOOM reaaoneble. 648-7731. Hutchins Agsnoy, Realtors, Rockville Realty r^3•37, area. Will train. RepllM confi­ CAM'T V^AlT 10 LMttSFLOTIAM one carr larags prloaif In low ing dlatanee to ehu’vhea. Call ounsr, 64S-490$. Face One-Vote Edge dential, state background and 90's. PWlbrl ok ■ Aganoy, 889- 649-5834. TAILOR MADE tor the email Bcfioola, bus and ahopping. M T AWAY fSOM THREE ROOM oMoe or bual- but growing family, expandable MANCHESTER — bus line, well COVENTRY — Fine storter WHERE BREEZES requirements In Immediate S f f 5 V^lfTIRIA neee, grodnd floor, 470 Main Leonard Agency, Realtore, 646- home, 4-room Cepq with full VACATtOH LITTER WRITING Cape with 4 flnfihed, 3 bed­ 0469. maintained S-room Cape, cab* LONDON (API — BriUtn’sfone a Laborlte, Horace King, BLOW . . . AND rush reply to MansgeV, Room Itreet, plenty M pariUng; 649- basement, paneled living room, Blr ADVERTISING 206, 740 N. Main Street, West | TOR A COUPLE KER.tlMEr;OR AIWINIDRINE. SAC3RIFICE SALE rooma, living room and big toeted kitchen, ceramic bath, Labor government faced today and one. a Conservative, HORNS DON’T AMP* 6228, M . Manchester kitchen, full cellar, aluminum permanent siding, hot water enclosed p m h , $10,900. Leon­ the bleak prospect that their Bamucl Storey. Traditionally, Hartford. I &OPMAH-- OP W Uk$/ ARtYOU'*/^/ Owner flnde eelf with two NEW RANCH — 814 roome with ard Agency, Realtors, 64S- Immaculate Cape on | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS atorme and screeni, fairly carport, large kitchen with neat. Hayes Agency, 648-0131. majority to the House of Com­ deputise are votelese, too, but It DESIRABLE offi09'*P«c9 .avail­ FAMILY HOME homea, haa offered hie 6- 0469. does not matter because one Is Fernwood Drive In Bolton. HANDYMAN for used car lot, 06 ? ’priced at $18,900. Wolverton built-in oven, range, dishwash­ mons could soon be shaved Country sized kitchen, fire* 8 A J t to 6 PAL able. 100 psr cent .location, new room Caipe with aluminum CUSTOM Constructed home to down to one vote. a government supporter and one mornings, 9-1 p.m. Contact Mr. building, air-conditlontng, Agency, Realtore, 649-3818. er, 8 bedrooma, ell aluminum COVENTRY — Seven room placed living room, four, Duff at Carter Chevrolet Co., Overalse Colonial located ■idlng, fireplace, aluminum prime A A zone area, 3 bed­ Prime Minister Harold Wilson a member of the opposition. ample parking, desirable for on deadend street. Three Btorma and aereene, wall to exterior, $18,600. Wolverton rooms, 4th possible, tastefully brick Colonial, outbuilding, that’z right, four bedroosne, i COPY QGSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Inc., 1229 Main St. MANCHESTER — SpoUese 6 Agency, Realtore, 649-3613. and hie aides started a search They cancel out. doctor, dentist or profssalonal large bedroome, dining wall carpeting, beautiful room Colonial, breeseway, ga­ decorated with .Philippine ma­ fields, good potential for extra But many Laborites now feet aluminum storma, aereene, lots on main road. Leonard for some way out of the predica­ MOMIUT Ikni nUDAX lOtM AJM.—8ATDBDAX t AJL /V offles. U A R Bfcalty Oo„ Inc., room, bath on each floor. landacaping plus much rage, 114 batha, S bedrooma, hogany predominating. This ment brought on by . the death that since his party Is in power doora, wall to wall In llvlnf SpactoUB rear lot for chil­ MANCHESTER Is mlnutae Agency, Realtore 646-0469. room and den, lovely 300 ft. 648-2691 more for a real bargain large lot, fine location, only awsy from this 8 bedroom versatile residence has an ex­ ’Thursday of Sir Harry Hylton- King should succeed to the dren. Close to stores and price. Can $20,500. Hayea Agency, at­ ceptionally good traffic pat­ Foster, speaker of the House. speakership. lot. Assumable VA mortgaget DESK space in modem office Ranch, with full basement, and $106.00 monthly pays evsry- schools. $35,900. D. Slsoo, om. large lot. Full price, $18,900. tern. Beautifully landscaped South Windsor Wilson invited rival leaders to If he does, and Is succeeded DIAL 643-2711 building, everything furnished, 649-5306. and treed half acre lot. Loving as deputy by a party colleague ihlng. A truly flno value. reasgnable rent, Inquire Bbb Call Ellsworth A. Mitten Agen­ discussions next week on WANTED J.D. REALTY Co. COLONIAL—6 sparkling ..rooms, cy, Realtors, 648-6980. care lavished Inside and out - GREEN THUMB? choosing a successor to Hylton- the Labor majority goes down Tuoker Insurance, 649^1888. Barrows s^Wallace completely enclosed yard, near and the property skbws It. Mid Foster who collapsed and died to one, for Dr, King would be­ LET THEM WALKl 643-6129 643-8779 achools and ahopping, low pay­ CLEAN aa a whistle — 8'j room 20s. Belflore Agency, 643-5121. Beautiful 7 room Split in on a London street. come voteless except In case of Children can walk to school, ContiButd Prom Procodliig Pogo OFFICE store, and Industrial ments, only $14,900. Lappen garden setting, Extras In­ space lor rant. Inquire 251 MANCHESTER PARXADE Ranch with 8 bedrooms, family The Labor majority In the ties. shopping, bus, churches, etc. MANCHESTER 649-5306 Agency, 649-5261. 649-6140, clude worksnop, family The only way to bring the La- from this beautiful 3 bedroom \ Private Instructions 32 Help Wantetl— Female 35 Broad S t sized kitchen with dining area, House is two votes. As speaker, TAILOR a s s u m a b l e mortgage with oversized 2-car garage, screen­ room, playroom, garden Hylton-Foster was politically borite majority back to two ranch In fine reeldentlal MANCHE.STER — 7 room house and green house. would be to persuade the Con- neighborhood. Swedish fire* a t t e n t io n Tractor Trailer FULL-TIME counter girl want­ BUSINESS buUding 34xM for CONCCMID RD. — Beautiful paymmta of $102.90, no closing ed 86’ patio, oil hot water heat, A FAMILY DELIGHT neutral and voteless except in ed for 6 a.m. • 2 p.m. shift. cost, 614 room Ranch with Raised Ranch, 3 fireplaces, 3 Must be seen to be appreci­ case of ties. aervallvea to permit the election place, big, airy kitchen, large Trainees. Men 19 and over are PRESSER lease, on Rt. 44A, one mile Ranch, large living room, fob- baths, dining room, family $16,900. Wolverton Agency, Re­ needed at once to train for Please apply Mister Donut, 2SS from Bolton Lake, next to the bullt-inii, 8 bedrooms, full cel­ altors, 649-2818. ^ ated. Only $23,900. Call Mf, He had been q. long-standing of another of their nuniber as a bedrooms. Priced to sell thle mal dining room, caMnot room, patio, large lot with Sisco, 640-5306. ' deputy speaker. Thai would high paying jobs as Tractor- W. Middle Tpke. e-» Willows Restaurant. 646-0214. kitchen, 2 bedrooma, rscreii- lar, aluminum combinations, Yes, this 7 room Colonial member of the Conservative weekend at $16,900.00. young neighborhood, selling trees, 2-car garage. Phllbrick party when chosen speaker in neutralize a second Conserva­ Trailer Drivers If qualified. tion room, landacapsd yard. Agency. 649-8464. Manchester on Tanner Street In Man­ UP? Earnings J200. per week salary WOMAN to take care of elderly Al.so men for part-time RBlSTAURANT for mnt. fully below FHA appraisal at $14,- 1969. He won election as a non- tive vote. gentleman and do light house­ Marlon B. RoberUon, Realtor, chester Is a real home for Barrows W allace Edward Heath, the new lead­ and up. Many Jobs available. work in our clothing de­ equipped. Call 640-7691 after 600. Wolverton Agency, Real­ the family wanting room to partv member from the cities of WAY ] work. Call after 6 p.m. 649- MAW Atm HOOSL 643-5958. SEVEN ROOMS Split Level, YOURS FOR COMFORT MANCHESTER PARKADE London and Westminster dis­ er of the Conservative party, Budget plan available also. For partment Thursday nights 6 p.m. tors. 649-2813. treed 150x460 lot, garage, 24’ stretch. This Is a well built 5794. H aABRISHIFSE MANCHESTER 649-5806 trict In October 1964. ’The dis­ has shown every sign of wanting THE I details phone 249-7771 anytime. and all day Saturday. Ap­ MANCHESTER — executive 7 fireplaced living room, kitchen, Custom built 5'A room home in a prime residential to get the Laborites Into a new Only school licensed by Regis­ ply In person. Ranch centrally located for area. Put this at the head trict traditionally turns in heavy ON FEIMALE to work In luncheon­ Houses For Rent 65 OPEN HOUSE room Cape, 2>/4 baths, 2-cor dining room. 3 bedrooms, heat­ Conservative majorities. national election soon. Whether try of Motor Vehicles and ac­ ette full or part-time. Experi­ garage, wall-to-wall carpeting, ed family room, VA baths, beat school, bus and shopping. of your list and call Carl BOLTON — 6-room Garrison he would agree to a deal which This custom constructed resi­ Zinsser at 643-1121. Colonial, with |;arage, birch Hylton-Foster’s death caused credited. ence not necessary. Apply In RANCH — 8 bedrooms, large Saturday and Sunday, 3-S 28 foot family room, 16x32 ft. quality, $23,600. Wolverton ’This 7 year young house Is a second House vacancy. might prolong the government’s dence In the Adelaide Rd.- person at Navln's Canteen, 56 lot, garage, references re- p.m. 47 Alice Drive. Three swimming pool, lovely treed Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. all plaster constructed with cabineted kitchen with bullt-to life was considered dubious. .sieep Hollow Lane area will Apartments— ^Flata— oven, range and dishwasher. 'The other is in the district of Willow St., Blast Hartford, Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 qulredi $160. per month. 649- bedrooms, 2 Vi baths, fin­ lot. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. extra large ba.semenl. $10,- Erith and Crayford, a Laborlte suit the young man on the near Aircraft. ' REGAL Tenements 63 8464. ished rec room, many ex­ 900. J. Bogdan, 649-5306, Fireplaced living room, VA way np or the ipature man Help Wanted— Fwnale 35 12 H.P. Elgin outboard motor, .lARVIS REALTY CO. stronghold held until the death SEWING MACHINB — Singer tras. Must be seen. Owner, MANCHESTER- East Side. 6>^ SAVE MONEY 875-6611. bnth.s, 3 generous bedrooms, already there. AA zoned half | like new, $95. Also Westing- LOOKING for enything In ie«l last month of Norman Dodds. SALESLADY for Jewelry de­ automatic ^Ig • sag, cabinet 646-0256. room Ranch with attached ga­ NOW SPENT IN RENT oil hot water heat, 160x600 Elections to fill these vacan­ Big Racing Card! acre treed and landscaMd lot. SALESLADIES to work full­ partment. Apply King’s Dept. MEN’S SHOP house avitomatic washer, $85 model, excellent condition, but­ estmla renUis — apirtmjnts. Suburban For Rent 66 rage, spacious fireplaced living 643-1121 649-1200 treed lot, $21,700. WolverWfi 2-car garage, enclosed breeze, time, apply Pilgrim Mills, Barrows allace cies will be held within the next Store, Pine St. and Hartford Call after 6 p.m., 649-6564. ton holes, embroiders, hems, bomeit, multiple dwelUnga, call GARRISON Colonial in execu­ room, 3 generous bedrooms, as­ Move into this Immaculate Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. At Stafford Oval! way, three bedrooms or four, Hartford Rd., open 10 a m. to "The Marvel of Main Street" LOCAL ' Country apartment, few weeks. On the basts of past Rd.. Manchester. etc., was $309.50, unpaid bal­ J. D. Realty, 84M128. tive neighborhood on a beauti­ sumable OI mortgage, $15,900. 6-room Cape, convenient lo­ MANCHESTER PARKADE performances, the Conserva­ beautifully appointed living I 9 p.m. HUFFY SNOW Blower, Briggs ance $59.85, take over pay­ Columbia Lajed area. If you MANCHESTER 649-5306 COVENTRY — S'A room Ranch, and Stratton eng:lne, used ful wooded lot, 6 rooms, 1% Wolverton Agency, Realtors, cation, newly redecorated in tives will win London-Westmln- A pre-labor Day champion­ room. Features such as 100 WAITRBJSSE3S over 21, experi­ 903 Main St. ments of $8. monthly. City Sew­ like the charm of an old Colo­ baths, breezeway, 2-car ga­ MANCHESTER — Extremely bullt-lns, fireplace, children twice, $75. Also used silent THREE ROOM apartment, 470 649-2818. and out. fireplace, nidely ster and the Laborites Erith- ship in the modiflcd-sportsman I amp. electrical service, cedar enced In banquet work or wU Ll* ing Center, Hartford. 522-0476. nial, we have the apartment rage, $26,400. Phllbrick Agim- desirable location, charming 6 will love this 2\A acre lot. shingled exterior, dryer and . BN OR LPN. 8-11 shift, part- Ing to learn. Call 643-0458. glow oil furnace motor, run­ Main St„ $90. OaU 649-5229, 9-S. for you. Five rooms In excel­ landscaped with picnic PARKER ST. — 6-room Dutch Crayford. division and a double feature in cy, 649-8464. area. Owner must selL his room Cape, garage, large Priced right. Leonard Agency, range connections, knotty time, 649-4519. ning condition, $25. 649-9906. ALBERT’S GIFT TO YOU lent condition. Two fireplaces, Colonial, excellent condition, wooaed lot. Walk to all schools. Realtors, 646-0469. ’The party Ilne-up In Commons the hobby, group will highlight | WATTREISS — For part-time NEW 8-room country apart­ new home is sUmost ready, family sized kitchen, laundry, then would be Labor 316, Con­ the 100-lap of racing at the Staf­ pine kitchen, etc., etc., art $50 FREE GROCERIES one in living room 15x15, one $14,500—Six room Colonial, ga­ A DANDY $16,500. Immaculate condition. Assum­ merely commonplace here. work, 3 hours per day, in Man­ CURTAINS, chairs, tables, sofa ments, garages, all electric, in bedroom 16x15, two bed­ pantry combination, formal SOUTH WINDSOR — S'A room servative 804, Liberal 10 — an ford Springs Speedway Friday | FULL-TIME waitress. Call Mr. HANDYMAN—odd Jobs, around DURING OUR GREAT rage, acres, garden, fruit able mortgage. Hayes Agency, over-all Labor majority of two. Many other amenities. Truly chester, 6 4 9 -8 ^ . pillows, new hamper and other nice suburban setting. $90. per rooms, dining room, FTench dining room, living room with 646-0131. Ranch with 3 bedrooms, kitch­ night. First event, which will be Hanlon, 649-6263. small house, half day per week. PRE-LABOR DAY SALE and shade trees, suburban, Charm, individuality, tran­ But It Isn’t that simple. a fine value In tha mid twen­ household articles. Also G.E. NOW GOING ON month, np lease. Leonard Provincial kitchen, double bath fireplace, 3 large bedrooms, en with dining area, .living the running of last week’s post­ WOMAN to work In home for 649-5148. tank vacuum cleaner. 643-1867. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, quil atmosphere all blend Sir Harry had two deputies, ties. CaU . . . not soon, but | Agency, Realtors, 646-0469. with all modem conveniences 649-5324. J.D. REALTY Co, unattached garage. Convenient room with fireplace, aluminum poned hobby feature, will be at I the elderly, 1-9 p.m. Refer­ With purchase of any 3-room perfectly in this fine 6V4 to everything, yet strictly rest now. CX>MMUNITY College man for joutfit during our great pre-La- but the old world charm. Situ­ Lots For Salt 73 combinations, newly painted, 8:15 o’clock. ences required. Call Mrs. Mill­ WE HAVE cus^oman waiting room Colonial residence. 643-5129 643-8779 dentlal, 100x125 foot lot. 649- $16,300. Wolverton Agency, daily morning work. Plnehurst bor Day sale!’ Now going on. ated on six acres of grass and Pete Oorey of Waterford, | er, 649-5986. CE3MENT mixer, gasoline and for the rental at your apart Features 3 bedrooms, ga­ 3630. BOLTON — Prestige area, level Realtor, 649-2813. TAKE THE “SEWING Grocery. 302 Main St., 643-4161. You get your groceries at the only 30 minutes from Pratt A 221 PORTER ST. rage. Priced to .sell at $18,- Suburban For Sale 75 N.Y., who won last week's fea­ electric motors. 649-0098. ment .or boma 3. .D. Realty, SPIT AND Polished Ranch. 5^ acre building lots, secluded, LANDLORD WOMAN for housework, two market of your choice. 648-0139. Whitney. Heated with own cOn 500. Call Doris Smith at ture, heads the field but stiff I EDCHIBIT builder, experienced B .pnvii Immaculate rooms with at RANCH — Large family sized beautifully wooded, hurry — mornings per week, $1.65 per SNOW PLOW and n-o- Ti-, n-o trol, 3 garages, lake|privileges, 4 BEDROOMS 649-1200. kitchen, large living room with VERNON—Owner custom build­ competition is expected from [ off your payroll by Investing only. Displaycraft, Manches­ 3 COMPLETE stove)ve and refrige:rktor. CaU tached garage, built-in oven only 5 available. Hayes NEW LISTINGS MACHINE hour. Own transportation. 649 trim-a-lawn reel t3ipe, ■ $ 20 . SIX ROOMS, centrally located, flreplrae, 3 bedrooma. rec ing and needs to sell, dean 7 Kenny Shoemaker of Schenec­ in this 3 bedroom starter | ter, 643-9557. ROOMS OF BRAND NEW Columbia 228-3705. Business relocation makes and range, VA baths, rec room Agency, 646-0181. 6148. 643-5837. FURNITURE $135 monthly, heated. J. D. room, house in immaculate VERNON — S'A room room Split Level, garage, 1V4 tady and Bill Wimble of Lisbon. home for only $12,500.00. All Realty Co., 643-5139. available custom built salt JARVIS REALTY CO. 3 generous bedrooms, big liv­ Ranch, plus complete rec baths, built-in kitchen, formal N.Y. Shoemaker, returning to I city utilities, nicely treed TWO WOME»J for supervising A APPLIANCES BOLTON Lekefront — Year box Colonial. Paneled living ing room with fireplace, once condition, completely remod BREWSTER St., Coventry, eox OPERATORS” Help Wanted— The "BJeonomy’’ eled inside and out, $18,900. 140, high land, $500. Call Mr. room, breezeway and ga­ dining room, living rttom with Stafford after an absence of yard, walking distance to children In nursery, 2V4 hours Boats and Accessories 46 THREE ROOMS, very clean, round house, 4 rooms, refriger­ room with fireplace, dining 643-1121 649-1200 a year home buy If $18,900. is two months, finished a cloee school, shopping. New ex­ 3 ROOMS ...... $188 ator, stove, $126., immediate Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. Coope, 649-6203. rage. You don’t have to see fireplace and recent wall to every Tuesf Wed. and Thiirs. Male or Female 37 $80 monthly. J. D. Realty Co. room, large kitchen witn your price range. Call 649-2813 this one to buy it. wall carpeting. Three bed­ second While Wimble, who was terior paint. PLEASANT WORKING mornings. Apply in person at 21’ TROJAN inboard — sleeps The "Bride’s Delight” 643-5129. ' occupancy. 643-4561. bullt-lns, - screened porch, right now. Wolverton Agency, 3 ROOMS ...... $269 MANCHBS’TER is next door to MANCHESTER — Vernon rooms, paneled family room, left far behind after he locked Vernon Bowling Lanes, Rt. 83 MOTOR ROUTE In Andover two, head, galley, new canvass attached oversized garage. Realtors. this 3 bedroom ranch, with MLWNZKZNIFT CONDITIONS! available. Call Manchester The "Honeymoon” ROCKVILLB — Attractive 3 Vi MANCHESTER — Two-family Street. Two acre building site, SOUTH WINDSOR — 5 large rear covered patio, bumpers with Ron Narduccl of In water, complete $1,700. 649 ’THREE ROOMS for rent, In Mid 20’s. Owner, 649-1296. fireplace, side porch, breeze­ Doesn't make much sense, Evening Herald, Circulation Free $50 Groceries’ quire at 33 Church St., any room apartment, residential 6-5 with garages and .shaded lot bam, some trees. Only $6,500. room Ranch with garage, easily financed. Lawrence F. Elast Hsddam, rallied to finish | I WOMAN with pleasing person­ 4092. way and garage. Large comer fireplace and puilt-ins. Elx- but neither does it make ality for part-time work, 9-12 Dept., 643-2711. 3 ROOMS ...... $394 time. area, appliances and heat fur­ on Clinton 8t., fully rented and Lawrence F. Flano, Realtors, Fiano, Realtors, 646-0424, 643- sixth. Experienced help and quali­ in excellent condition, alumi­ lot. All this for $15,900, more 648-2766, 646-0424 , 742-6864. cellent financing. 2766, 742-6364. much sense to para up tbto fied trainees wanted. a.m., to deliver small packages The "Charm House" nished. Adults, no pets, $90. VA NO DOWN Payment, $86. Free $50 Groceries monthly. 649-4824 or 875-1166. per month pays all. Ideal start­ num storms and screens, cop­ land available. Ellsworth Mit­ Tommy Henrli?h played on] three-family at a two-family i to professional offices, car fur­ Building Materials 47 ten Agency, Realtors, 643- VERNON — quick occupancy. price! One five-room apart­ Eaum as you learn, excel­ HAIR STYLIST, full-time. Bel- 3 ROOMS ...... $488 THREE ROOM apartment, 118 er or retirement home, 5 per plumbing, oil steam heat, EVERETT*AGENCY five pennant winning teams nished. Must reside in Man­ 6930. Resort Property For Sale 74 Owners have moved. Quick ment and two threes. Just | lent fringe benefits for all. chester, 529-8241. lisima Beauty Salon, 644-1519. WEATHERED boards from old The "Boulevard” -» Main St., $100. 649-5229, 9-5. ROCK'VILLE— 3 rooms and 4 rooms on deep shaded lot, good good income producer. Wolver TO BE SOLD with the New York Yankees. rooms, stove, close to center of ton Agency, Realtors, 649 2813. 649-8588 sale needed. Large vacant 4- one block from Main St. A bam, from eight to 24 inches Free $60 Groceries Condition, $11,700. Wolverton THREE bedroom Ranch in tine ANDOVER — very well built. bedroom Split Level, I'A baths, BOOKKEEPER — full or part- wide, 20-60C a foot. 649-3577. 3 ROOMS '...... $597 FGUR ROOM apartment, with town, $50. monthly, complete­ Agency. Realtors, 649-2813. real money-maker—let’s go! heat, $110. per month, redecor MANCHESTER — 6-4 two fam­ 63-65 Starkweather Street neighborhood, near public and 5 room furnished summer built-in kitchen, large formal time, ivith general ledger and The "Majestic” ly redecorated. Call 876-7967. WAPPING — Immaculate 6 MANCHESTER MODES Help W anted— Male 36 payroll experience for account­ ated to your taste. Phllbrick ily flat, near Center Street, all —An eight room duplex parochial schools. Large lot, home, with possibility of year dining room, garage, base­ EXPANSIVE— Free $50 Groceries FOUR Immaculate rooms, large awnings, combination windows, ’tound living, large lot. a bar­ room Ranch near school. Large ing office. Will consider recent Diamonds— Watches— Agency. 649-8464. LAKE ST., Coventry — 4-room living room, custom kitchen city utilities, $225. monthly in home with four rooms on a ment, rear patio, large comer BEST BUYS NOT EXPENSIVE PINE ST., MANCHESTER TRUCK DRIVER — For furni­ 3 ROOMS ...... $879 apartment available for imme­ side. ’J\vo car garage and fenced yard, VA baths, quick gain at, $8,900. Alice Clampet, street level family room, patio, lot, view, FHA committment accounting school graduate. Jewelry 48 $10 DOWN DEnJVB2lS with bullt-lns. Enjoy life in a come, good Investment or live tool shed, Bel Air Real Es­ ture and appliance delivery, ■V7ERY residential, almost new diate occupancy. Call Mrs. In with small monthly i» y lot 85 X 150. Property in occupancy, transferred, $17,700. Realtor, 649-4543. on the property. Owners very Solid Colonial on outskirts, steady work, many benefits. Call 649-2206. Price includes delivery, set up quiet setting. Leonard Agency, tate. 643-9332. BY BELFIORE WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ 2-famlly, 4 Vi appealing rooms, Frazier, 742-8892. ments. Only $18,900. Lawrence fine repair with two new 643-0705. anxious. Lawrence F. Fiano, but still In town. Big, treed Call Mr. Pettengill, 646-0111. service, guarantee, immediate Realtors, 646-0469. furnaces. One apartment A M S T O N ^ K E —Lot and land (Continued) lot, 2-car garage, clean white | SALESLADIES — with knowl­ GENERAL restaurant work, pairing. Prompt service. Up to separate oil furnace, $125. per F. B^ano, Realtors, 648-0424, SOUTH WINDSOR — S bed­ Realtors, 643-2766, 646-0424, BIXPERIENCED Janitors want-1 delivery or free storage until month including parking. 643- FOUR ROOMS, second floor, now vacant. STRANT STREET — Owners .‘Wile, wafShfront, choice seclud­ 742-6364. tool shed, four bedrooms, edge of fabrics to work part full or part-time. Morning $20 on your old watch In you’re ready for delivery. SIX ROOM Cape—five finished, 643-2766, 742-6364. room Split level, rec room for ed, part-time, 8-12 mornings, Glory Lunch, 316 Main St. ' 6030, 649-7277. available September 1, $70, moving, must sell this Immac- I ed Iots,.$10. down, low month­ RENTIN’ AND formal dining room, country ] or full-time, Including Satur­ trade. Closed Mondays. F. E PHONE SAMUEL ALBERT tip-top condition, garage, fire­ ly payments, use land, build fourth bedroom, deadend street days. Apply Pilgrim Mills, approximately 20 hours per monthly. Call 643-7776 anytime. ulate older home. Four down MANCHESTER vicinity — $7.- REPENTIN’? sized kitchen. Clean, whole­ Bray, 737 Main Street, State Htfd. 247-0358 F^UR~ ROOMS, heated, third place, new kitchen, schools, Church Street — Ju.st off and two up, 1 'A baths, porches,: Immediately. Amston Lake near Vernon Circle, immediate Hartford Rd. week General Service, Inc., 40 Theater Building.. bus, 649-6605. 500. Small, vacant 4 finished Buy this clean two-family on some atmosphere. Owner I Oak St.. 649-5334. Situations Wanted— FOR APPOINTMEn>JT AND floor, newly decorated, bus Manchester — Center Street, A parcel of privacy, big trees. Excellent l Co., between Colchester smd occupancy. $18,7(K). Broker, 6 room Cape type older home, three dwellings — 2 two 289-7049, 875-2856. East Center St. and let your wants fast s^e. Priced ao- | WOMAN for waitress work, FREE "COURTESY AUTO” line, adults only, $90 monthly. Resort Property imy. Look it over and give us* Hebron on Route 85. Cottages trees, large lot, $300. down, cordlngly. ATTENTION Tractor Trailer Female 38 We will call for you at your ST. BARTHOLOMEW familie.s and a single. Prop­ from $3,500. 537-2647. Open tenant pay for IL Two-car counter and booth service, Garden— Farm— Dairy Call 528-0718. For Rent 67 your offer. T. J. Crockett, $76. monthly pays all. Law­ garage, aluminum storms, Trainees. See our 'ad under home, bring you to our store, erty in excellent condition. Realtor, 643-1577. Sundays. VERNON — 6% room Ranch, 3 part-time, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., WILL TAKE CARE of children Legal Notice CHURCH AREA rence F. Fiano, Realtors, 646- screens. Ideal also for home WANT A DILLY? Private Instructions, Classifica­ Products 50 and back home again. Absolute­ 4Vi ROOMS, heat, hot water, LAKE FRONT Park, Coventry, Annual rental Income of years old, 8 bedrooms, fire­ 5 days a week, good pay, good In my home, vicinity Nathan place. fenced yard, Skinner (M24, 643-2766, 74/ 6364. and office combination. Two tion 32. ly no obligation whatsoever stove, refrigerator, parking. 2-room furnished year around approximately $5,600. Of- LAKE BUNGGEE — Wood- DON’T DALLY! gratuities, pleasant surround­ Hale School. Call 643-0007. TOMATOES—pick your own— Lovely 6 room colonial. fer.s nice return on your in­ stock, large wooded lot with School area, Immediate occu­ heating systems. Just off Center St. An Im- | even If you don’t buy. If you Completely redecorated, $120. cottage, available for immedi­ INVITATION Spacious Living Room. BOL’TON CENTER — Large 6- ings. other benefits. Apply In WE HAVE immediate openings 75c per basket. 1615 Manches­ 15 Forest St., off Main 646- vestment. Well, near waterfront, all lake pancy, priced to sell. Ken Os- maculate Cape, four down, person. Brass Key Restaurant. r e l ia b l e mother with refer­ ter Rd., Glastonbury. wish to use your own car, then ate occupancy, with lake privi­ Formal Dining Room. VACANT HOMES room Colonial - Ranch; 2-car on assembly lines, warehouse, ences will care for children we will give you free 5 gallons 0090, 643-0000. privileges. C^ll 649-8825. trinsky. Realtor, 643-5169, or garage, VA baths, fireplace, BELLY FLOPPERS unfinished up. Unique cork I leges. Call 742-8892, Mrs. Fraz­ TO BID Kitchen with Pine cabinets. 649-8678. Paradise, with this back yard GIFTS for the entire family are shipping aiid machine depart­ days for working parents, my of gas. Fair enough? ier. I 3 good sized bedrooms. 1V4 built-in kitchen, formal dining floors. Ideal home for the | ment. Must be 18 or over, no POTATOES — Irish Cobbler. Sealed bids will be received ROBERT J. SMITH. INC. swimming pool. Big Colonial the most beautiful ever — by home preferred, reasonable. Pasqualini Farm, 248 Avery St., Appliances are not Included __. baths. Fireplace, Combina­ AlylCJS DRIVE— 5 room room, intercom and fire alarm smaller family. Neat and experience necessary. Apply with EJeonomy and Bride’s De- | THREE ROOM, apartment for at the office of the General ranch with 114 baths, car­ Suburban For Sale 75 BOUTON — Four room ranch with recent two-car garage. clean as the proverbial pin. Avon of course! Wouldn’t you 643-9947. Wapping, 644-0604. tion windows. Double ame- 963 MAIN STREET with t'wo car garaige, partial systems, many other features, Personnel Department, Iona light outfits. With other outfits one or two adults. 643-6015. Business Property Manager, 41 Cfenter Street, port. full basement. Needs attractive one acre plus lot, Aluminum storms, screens, like to be one of the many Rep­ site drive. Excellent land-, 649-5241 BOLTON — Immaculate 6 room basement and big wooded lot resentatives who will mEike ex­ Mfg. Co., Regent St., Man­ WILL CARE for one or two chil­ TOMATOES — Pick In own con­ appliances are reconditioned Manchester, Conn., until Sep­ scaped yard. City utilities. redecorating but at $17,- quiet deadend street, compar­ doors. Surprise—under $20,- HEAR THAT THUD! chester. rMMAOULA’TE 3-room tene­ For Sale 70 500 It is an excellent buy. Ranch with garage, situated —all for only $11,900. Good lo­ tra dollars the Avon way this dren In my home, vicinity of tainers, com, beets, beet and guaranteed for 1 year. On tember IS, 1965 at 11:00 a.m., Only $17,900. on a high dry and shaded lot, able neighborhood. Lawrence 000.00, even with pool. It's the sound of the price | ment, second floor. Immediate for Painting—Police Depart­ cation. One of the best buys hitting bottom on this beau­ Fall during our Christmas sell­ Center. Call 649-7701. greens, winter squash. 21 An­ display at Main Store. occupancy, $85. per month In­ MAIN STREET rite, near Cen- 3-bcdrooms, dining room, liv­ available. T. J. Crockett, Real­ F. Flano, Realtors, 646-0424, ing season? Call today for ap­ gel St. . SEE rr DAY OR NIGHT . ter, with building of 6,600 aq. ment Exterior and Hall of Rec-, U & R REALTY CO. INC HARLAN ROAD — 6 room 643-2766, 742-6364. ANDOVER tiful ranch In one of Man­ REFINED Woman desires posi­ cludes heat, good location. Call ing room with fireplace, alu­ tor, 643-1577. pointment at your convenience. CLAIMS f t Many potratlala. WiU fi­ ords Exterior. Bid forms, plans Cape with 114 baths, dor­ minum combinations, oil hot Really big 7-room Cape with chester’s prime residential I tion as companion. Excellent 649-9401, after 4 p.m. 643*2692 two full ceramic tiled baths OaU 289-4922. A—L—B—E—R—T’—S nance. Owner 649-6329, 9-6. and specifications are a\e.ilr Robert P. Murdock 643-6472 mer. Beautiful lot. plenty water heat, $18,700. Wolverton Enjoy A Country Home MANCHESTER Vicinity — areas. Florida bound, owner cook and housekeeper. Live In NEW LISTING — Porter St. Lakefront, attractive 5 room Full shed dormer. Owner has wants it sold NOW. Autq- REPRESENTATIVE Household Goods 51 43-45 ALLYN STREET SECOND FLOOR apartment, able at the ControUer’s Office, of trees, Ideal residential Agency Realtors, 649-2813. With City Conveniences FULL TIME office work, with or out. 643-7019. OPEN NIGHTS 'nLL 9 heated, adults only, $85 66 Center Street, Manchester, area — 7 room Colonial,’ near location. Cape, stone fireplace, recent an FHA commitment to in­ matte kitchen, fireplaced liv­ growing farm equipment deal­ BiVBlRYTHlNa in sterilised re- monthly. Inquire 226 Wood- Houses For Sale 72 Connecticut. — bu.s, stores and schools. Tree VERNON — Here’s a friendly Located in Bolton is this oil hot water heat, large en­ sure a fast, fair sale. Com­ ing room, plastered walls, ra*' I ership. Good salary plus bene­ Male college student to do REFRIGERA’TOR with large MANCHESTER — only $14,500 and hedged lot for privacy. home, nearly new In the Lake closed porch, basement, shade pletely redecorated Inside, cessed radiation. (Justom Situations Wanted— condltion ROOFING and siding men, ex­ our screening plant, Andover- walker, car seat, etc., good HENRY ST. — near Princeton, Ranch, paneled family room, Ities. Entire ai-ea being,de twenties. perienced preferred. CaU 649- FURNISHED ROOM, near Mato ing view.s, cozy 5-room Ranch living i-oom with fireplace, no Xwrtment, diversified duties, Oelumbla. Delivefed. Georgb condition. 649-1296. d 6 ‘ i room Ranch, 3 bed- . veloped. We have recently . typing essential. Apply Iona 8594, 643-9262, after 6. H^ Griff Ing, Inc., 742-7886. ■iflt. Inquire 9 Hazel St., 649- fr ^ k is your best friend for among fine homes. Hutchins basementi 2-car garage, large sold a 154 acre parcel nearby 2170. These charming motifs are home, designed for comfortable Agency, Realtors, 640-5324. rooms, 6 years old, knotty DISDAIN THE Co., Regent St., Manches­ WATKINS PRODUCTS—First aliTUwt any occasion you can an ideal trim for children’s pine cabinets, paneled ' corner lot, dead end street, Land ls,getting scarcer. Buy ter, PROCESS inspector, machine THE PROVEN carpet cleaner in home service. Ask about our MORIARTY BROTHERS living. Large living room, Cabi- MUNDANE mkntlon! This one, with a waifs, fireplace, heated rec only $14,600. Easily financed. now for future development shop, basic knowledge of In­ Blue Lustre is easy on the ROOM FOR RENT, centrally clothes and linens. So easy to| net kitchen, 2 baths, rec room, GLASTONBURY —~Near m Hv Aluminum sided six-room Co­ party plan too. Call Eleanor double-breasted effect, is in half do from bias tape and rick garage and nicely landscaped room, storms and acreens. I>awrence F. Fiano, Realtors, Eighty-four acres available spection and machine shop budget. Restores forgotton col­ Buck, 643-6768. located on bus line, private ra cheater, two family on acre lonial just off East Center trance, ample parking, gentle SERVING YOU WITH Bites. rack. lot with over 100 feet frontage. lot, located in area of single beautiful shrubs, many 646-0424, 643-2766, In Bolton, $25,000.00. Have a practices required. Apply Per­ ors. Rent electric shampooer, H d. 8383 with Patt-O-Rama Pattern No. 3875-H has hot- at. 1 'A baths, garage, private sonnel Dept., Iona Mfg. Co., Us e d f u r n i t u r e complete man preferred. OaU 648-6066. ' 24 Robert J. Smith Inc., 963 Main homes. Ideal family home with fine extras. Asking $16,200. recent sale near this parcel and treed rear yard. At $17,- $1. Paul’s Paint and WaUpaper 24 Isili slses 1214. 14V4.16'/4. 18H. iron transfer for 12 motifs; full also. 1 Regent St., Manchester. Supply. modern bedroom set, Admiral , Mobilhoat St.. 649-5241. After 6 p.m. Income potential. Leonard Fflrms For Sale 7b 500.(>p, we consider this on# Stptie Tanks UGHT Housekeeping room Also 32H.b. 2414. 29'A. Bust* 33 ■ directions. please call 849-7909. Agency, Roallora, 646-0460. We invite tistlqgs of land In T-V, large baby crib and mat­ tc( 47. Size 14 li, 35 bust, short of Manchester’s best buya AND DISHWASHER wanted nights, SORRY SAL la now a merry gaj. tress, complete living room set. sleeping room, ^rktog. Please To order, send 35c In coins NORTH COVENTRY—Authen­ Manchester, Bolton, Vernon HOUR HOUR sleevei, 3% yards of 45-Inch. to: Anne Cabot. The Manches­ J.D. REALTY Co. must be over 18. Apply Cavey’s She used Blue lustre rug and Call 648-0367. call 648-4873. 1 ^ 1 CAREFREE, expandable Cape, VERNON - 4-bedroom Ranch tic 1750 Cape, with 11 acres, Coventry, Mansfleid. Have PIussmI Sewers Restaurant, order, send 50c in coins to: ter Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. tom-packed witn extra value. in desirable Center area, fire­ qualified buyers. upholstery cleaner. Rent elec­ WOMAN AND Daughter have a FUEL OIL •URNIR Bi|e Burnett, The Manchester 643-5129 643-8779 2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, 2 full J h » tric shampooer, $1, Oloott Var­ EASY WRINGER washer, ra- OF AMERICAS, NEW YORK, Easily maintained, convenient placed living room, Iti baths, baths; recently redecorated. PROCESSER toipeotor for dlo-phono-’TV combination UHF room with horns privllsgsi, to Evening Herald, 1160 AVE. OF N. Y. 10036. location. Don’t miss it. $15,900. family kitchen, loaded with Mtehlne Cleaned iety Store. x " DEUVERY FUEL O ILS SIRVICI AMERICAS, NEW YORK. N.Y. Priced to sell at $19,900. Ohap- Th« William E. Mflora small motor assembly, electro­ only, buffet, wrought ' iron rent to a lady. Newly redecor­ For let-olOM mailing add 10c Lappen Agency, 649-5261, 648- pine cabinets, dishwasher, etc., VERNON—Four bedroom Colo­ llln Agency, 643-9443. ■spt$a Tanks, D » W^Ua. mechanical background desir­ BE GENTLE, be kind, to that eetteq. 649-1116. ated, call 649/'886S. 086 foe each pattern. Print Neme, 8140. basement garage, rear porch, nial with full bath, two lave, William E. Balfiert Agoiicy Bewer lines Instwed—Cel­ able, basic inspection knowl­ expensive cairpet, clean It with ?'or let-olaoe toelllng add 10c Address with Zip Code, Style partially finished rec room. A rec room, garage and many lar Watorprooflng Done. SINGER SEWING Machine — each pattern. Print Name, No. and Size. IMMEDIATE occupancy* 8 more fine extras. Close to Agoney RBALTORB—643-6191 edge required. Apply Person­ Blue Lustre. Rent electric lot of house for $19,000. Hayes Wanted*—Real Estate 77 REALTORS-^S-A131 nel Dept., Iona Mfg. Co., Re­ Loweat price ever. Brand new Apartment BuIUlnfi pdrau with Zip Code, Style Send 50c now for srour new room oversized young Cape. Agency, 646-0131. school. A steal at $22,500. shampooer, $1. 8herwin-WU- Aosoolaleai MtKINNEY BROS. gent St., Manchester, llama Oo. sewing machine, reduced to Tenementa 63 CALL 643-5135 . and SIse. ’65 Fall and Winter Album! ’Two fireplaces, six bedroOms, Owners are Boston bound and WANTED to buy privately from Assoelatest only $54.60. Sale ends Satur­ MANOHISTIR lend eOo today for the fall Regular features; Custom Col­ bullt-lns, garsgs, large wooded VERNON..>r $2,600 can assume are moat anxious to get going. owner, 8 bedroom home in Normaa B. Hohrathal N onw a B. HalwIBal Sewerace DiapoMl Co. day, easy terns, don’t miss out THREE ROOM spertmOTt, 31B CIHTER STRUT nter '66 edition o f our pab- lection; Items to oroolMt, knit, lot, FHA appraiaed, $700. down. $15,000 O.irYnbrtgage on S-bed- T. J. Crockett, R w to r, 643- greatereater Manchester> area. Write Joseph B. I;Oiuhardo Jeaeph B. Lambarda l U Ptari 8$. — 648-MOB c a r p e n t e r WANTED call WEIGHTS for sale, total 180 Iba. on this bargain. Singer Sewing stovs, rsfrlgerator. 947 Me. 1 megartne Bm Io l^aehlon. ■tttohl Paaek Realty 3M-7476. 64M806. room flpUt. Owner, 649-6360. 1077. Box "0" Herald. 849-3144. 843-3315. OraUr, 832 MiOn s l 6i8-ftU8.1 Main It,, I FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1961 f AGB EIGHTEEN llanrlifHtfr lEwfning l^walii T h d W M t i M r Avaram Daily N tt FV b m R n a Fw tbs Week EnIM reraeaat a< U. •. Waathaa — aaan Unne Indge, KMghU of Py­ AngZMt n , 1N6 IViday’s PoIImi Count thias, will have Its first meet­ No Trask Pickup Monday ■omy, ptenanat tsday, ndUv About Town 28.0 ing of the faU season Tuesday 13,806 lEuentttg 1 toalglit, tow 6 6 -dBt maatljr andagr at 8 p.m. at Orange Hall, The tomormw. Ugh 64-66. OnboM Aiwmbly, OathoHc meeting night has besn changed Today’s count Is the high­ Last Long Summer Weekend M am bar ot the AndH LadiM oi Oolumbui, will apon- i Bmeau of Clroulatlaa to the flnit Tuesday of each est so far this year. A eetmt m oiiciiewer— ym 0 1 * 7 u / w m aor m bua trip to th« World's month Instead of the second of about 7 Is considered like­ Fair flaMirday, Oct. S, for mem- Highways, air terminals^ busi^bualneaaes. Including supermar- Wednesday. ly to eUrt hay fever symp­ bata and frlanda. Raaervatlona toms In the average person depoU and.rallway stations wers ICGtGt The towna three libraries will MANCHES'TER, CONN., SATTURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1965 (Claasiftod Advettlsfaig on Pago 8) PRICE SEVEN CENTS may ba made with Mrs. Ralph ■eneltive to ragweed pollen. clogfsd wMh people today, all YOL. LXXXIV, NO. 286 (TWELVE PAGE8—TV SECTION) Hooka, 40 Hartland Rd., or Mrs. Mlspah-Bpencer C i r c l e of be closed as will be the ttrse Frad Barrett, a« Bowen St. South Methodist Church will anxioue to taka advantage of reo eenUrs. All banka will be have a workshop meeting Tues­ the last long weekend of the closed and there will be no ses­ HOLLAND day at 10:30 am, at Susannah Pioneer Street sions of the Circuit Court. Dr. Lou Marchetti of 180B E. Wesley Hall, Members are re­ summer. There will be no garbsge or Middle Tpke. recently returned minded to bring a sandwich. Manchester was no exception, No Herald from the 60th anniversary con­ Called Hale Rd. refuse pickup on Monday, for BULBS Daughter Sees No Hope Coffee and dessert will be serv­ with many realdenta taking off Labor Day is one ot the six ference ot the Order of the Ar­ ed. Mrs. Louis Champeau will row, Boy Scout’s national honor Just as John Bamini has for the lakea or aeaahore or juat holidays given to the employes Have Arrived at Monday Strike Threat Ended, be the hostess. ot the town’s oontractor. camping aoclety at Indiana Uni­ honorsd the Pioneer Parachute to visit, before next week’s school cqienlngs. There will be no Herald pub­ %■ versity, Bloomington. He was Go. by naming the site on aasletant director of the con­ A duplicate bridge game will Labor Day, Monday, will find lished on Monday, but on Tues­ WOODLAND There will be no edi­ be played tonight at the base­ wMch It will build . Its new day, this paper will print a four- Schweitzer in Coma ference. He la a surgical resi­ moat local actlvltlea stopped, tion of The Herald Mon­ dent at Hartford Hospital, ment rooms of the former tech­ plant the Pioneer Industrial^ with the closing of all munic­ page eectlon on all vttpal school GARDENS Gabonhave given up long ago.ock from voeorion, we need Andromeda 18" . •. And then It happens—scream­ reserved for any big holi­ tified boy lay unconscious. He Police MaJ. Samuel 8. Rome more help to take core of increosed businoss. INSTANT ing mbber, helplessness, day but part of the fabric had been walking his bike and four troopers. Philodendron 18" • • amaahlng steel and glass and of everyday life. The follow­ across a busy highway when a Rome said Ure men were shot In Kashmir Fighting If you wont work, please apply Today, Sot., or death. ing story shows what hap­ pickup truck hit him. Sgt. Hock­ as they fled from the rear of pened on the nation’s high­ ey, making his checks, located Tues., 4 to 6 p.m. W e need 2 men full-time for It hardly makes the headlines. the store after they had been NEW DELHI, India (AP) Indian and Pakistani ■w- EARNINGS It Is an everyday affair. It be­ ways during 24 hours of the ^ tlm . It was Dennis, by ordered to halt and after warn­ Grocery Dept.... 1 nmn full-time in meat comes more comAton as the Monday, Aug. 9. then Tie ad. ' ing shots were fired. troop.s, tanks and planes battled in soutliwest Kashmir $ roads spread and the car-swarm It was customary day. A man and wife from New­ today and an Indian spokesman claimed two of Pakis­ dept. Dividends paid from day thickens. The number has risen 3.4 per It had Us customary traffic. ington aped a\^ay during the tan’s jets were sliot down. Pakistan denied any planes of deposit — 4 tbnes a Take one day; an .ordinary 24 cent annually for the last Its customary lapses, its uncon­ shooting but were picked up trolled speed, its surprise Inter­ later at Uielri home. were lost. “ Do All Your Holiday Shopping At Pinehurst . . . year. hours, a *' Monday, Aug. 9. decade. It was 38,426 In 1966. A Defen.se Ministry spokes­ the River Tawl and pushed There’s nothing special about it, sections, Its weary eyes, dart­ The two men who were wound­ ahead five miles. Last year, 47,700 were killed, 3.8 ed were identified by Rome as man here said Pakistan's U.S.- CHICKEN B R E A S T S ...... ‘lb. 69c See ns for LIME and yonr and that’s why it Is slgnlficant-r million Injured. And the toll ing children, failing tires, sharp This wouJd appear to pose a At the begtpplng of Janu­ curves, slick pavement and blind Harold Unsworth. 28, of 60 New made tanks and planes attack­ “SCOTT” PROORAMINa because it mirrors the everyday mounts, the traveling Increased threat to Jammu, Indian Kash­ SMALL LAMB LEGS ...... lb. 69c ary, April, July and Oq- passing. Britain Ave„ Hartford, and ed In the cnihamb sector north­ mir’s winter capital. Japimu la event, so familiar It Is scarcely and the vehicles multiply. west of the winter capital of tober. Paul J. Areata of 89 Mq_rris 3t„ on the Tawl about- SS.mllea Lean Chuck or 3 in 1 Blend 79c, in 3 lb. lots 75c S-P-E-C-l-A-L noticed. The details for Aug* 9, as as­ Bometlmee the caufe is bot. of Hartford. Jammu and were quickly hit Hubbard Hall Lawn Food Yet It leaves Its steady track sembled by The Associated known, and someltmes,- ks then, They were reported In satis­ southeast of (Jhhamb, a cease­ by Indian planes. The ministry fire line point captured by Pak­ Remember, please that Morrell’s ready to serve 60 Lbs. Reg. —of agony and human ruin. Press from across the nation, much Is mystery. Whatever the factory condition in Hartfded reported two Pakistani planes hams are M ly cooked, shankless, hockless and / 18.66. ONLY ... Barely had the day begun. In offers a precautionary preview reason. It kept happening thqt Hospital with gunshot wounds. were downed In the afternoon istani forces. the dark, slumbrous stillness to another Monday, Sept, 8, La­ day, an unceasing succession. Rome said Rtnaldo G. Dl- When Pakistan troops first careftiUy trimmod. fighting and said all Indian crossed the cease-fire line after midnight, when a young bor 'Day, and Us adjoining In Georgia. 10 lives; Califor­ Pletrantonlo, 38, and his wife, p^nes returned safely. I lUE 60 lbs. 69c Hawardsn, Iowa, husband, Wal­ weekend. nia, 9; MicMgan, 6; Illinois, Wednesday, an Indian spokes­ 80 lbs. T9o Joy9©, 32, of , 49 Day St., New­ An official Pakistani spokes­ Self Service Cose Specials LIME ter' Busch, 26, hastened his wife That triple holiday regularly Florida, Pennsylvania, New ington, were arrested at their man said there actually wars man in Rawalpindi, the Pakis- two crossings. One he said wua o f 21 out to their car. She was in leaves a heavy* burden of York and Wyoming, 4 each; In­ home. tiuil capital, said 40 Indian uir Morrfirs Ham 4 lb. con ...... 3.99 labor of childbirth. deaths, 661 last year. In high­ diana, 8Cei)tucky, Texas, Ten­ The four were charged with In the Chhamb area, the other TO BE SURE. BUY AT force Jet fighters were engaged farther south nearer JummU. They headed toward a hospi­ way fatalities. It is second only nessee, Oklahoma, Minnesota, conspiracy to break and enter In a dogfight by phklslanl jets Mollo Crisp Boeon...... R». 79e tal In Sioux Falls, S.Di, 60 miles to Christmas. Virginia and Washington, 3 With criminal Intent and were The Pakistan spokesman appar­ OhMHi Paid SUITING ALL SEASONS which scrambled to meet them ently was referring to the south­ - away. Tense, hurrying, he But the common day, as the each. held In $60,000 bond each. after the Indians invadSd Pakis­ m Day nf DeposK ern column in announcing a Roth's Franks...... lb. 59c WOODLAltD swung north on highway 46. one surveyed, reflects the same Six states-Kanaas, Missis­ Police staked-out the market tani air space. sort of utter personal devasta­ on the strength of Informalon crossing of the Tawl. Fashion’s newsy-textured Rounding a curve, ne veered sippi, Missouri, New Hamp The Pakistani spqkesman said onto a bypass, where a south­ tion. Whether It falls on few or In Rome’s possession. UNITED NATIONS. N.Y, A t Pinehurst Vegetable Dept. McIntosh, Milton and shire, South Dakota and Ohio— the Indian Gnat and Hunter jets (AP) — U.S. Ambassador Ar­ GARDENS bound oar had halted at a stop many, the Individual severity of had 2 each; 12 had one apiece, State police said' they had 'Or ' C k i k broke off the fight "after a Pippin Apples. Vine-ripeped Cantaloupes and all the Sign. death, for those It touches. Is been Upped that a break was thur J. Goldberg asked dele­ “From Growar To You!* and 16 others had none; scat­ short, sharp engagdment.’’ He gates to the U.N. SecuriW fruits and vegetables in season. 3 Piece Bonded Acrylic Knits Ht hit It, headon, only six unallayed by collective statis­ tered sones ot resptt*—for a to take place and that the mar­ tics. ket had been “ cosed’’ by U:e reported all Pakistani aircraft Council to stand by for a poaal- A VI M c; S 168 WOODLAND STREET Billes from home. Soon after- day. returned safely luid no known U. S. NO. 1 CONN. OR LONG ISLAND s Bold raised tweed dash-detailed with braid yrard his Injured wife delivered In Dayton, Ohio, Sgt. Frank four. ble meeting today to ask India JOHN A LEON ZAPAQKA As the National Safety Council lo.sses inflicted on the Indliui and Pakistan tor a oaasa-flra in LOAN •trim. . . black-and-white with flip-tie silk-and- a son. But the newborn died. Hockey, of the Montgomery gauges the oauntry’s fatal auto Roime said the troopers shot School OK^s Some Boots for Girls low In order to stop the men. planes. Kashmir. A S S O C f A I I O N And so did she, before the sun County Sheriff’s Department, accidents, 12.6 per cent are due POTATOES . 10 u.. 39c rayon crepe blouse in vibrant red or firteen tweed OPEN DAILY tUI 9:00 PM. They were not shooUng to kill, It appeared from the battle Goldberg, the council presi­ same up. was at a pistol range, getting to hazardous conditions of na­ ' Bowing to a current fashion fad and the protest report that neither side was with green blouse. Tweedy mix of gray/turquoise some target practice, when In he said. ' dent tor September, could not VtMmM A common curtain had risen ture-such as . rain or fog—and movement of a determined student, Polytechnic^^ paying any attention to a ceass' reach all of lU U merabara Frt- with turquoise silk-and-myon blouse or green and on a common dav. And when It received an anxious telepilKina Other police were In the area 64^8474 87.6 per cant result frhm human High School in Sun Valley, Calif., has agre^ t6 and closed In when the trap fire appesJ by U.N. Secretary day but the majority Indloatod 1007 MAIN ST. — NEAR MAPLE ST. gold blouse, all, 12-20. bad fallen, the figures for the oall from his wife. or mechanical faults. Pinehurst Groce^, Inc. allow girls to wear boots to class — providing was sprung. General U Thiiuit. they favor a meeting today, a BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY^ “From Grower to VouP* dead were 68 adults, 26 teen- Their son, Dennfk, B. was out Nearly half Involve drinking The aerial encounter came s,.i*..cHiimn auld. sgeni, 10 children, two babies. on Ms bicycle somewhere, they’r e no higher than mid-calf length. Pamela The DlPletrantonlo’a were dresses— second floor drivers, raising questions of spotted driving off In thqjr car. amid reports India would reject Informants lald U.N. leort- CORNER MAIN and TURNPIKE OPEN TILL, 4 P M . MONDAY THROUGH F R B A V Wbatovsr Your Oardsn A oompai’atlvely moderate had not seen him> tor several moral responalblUty. But often. Smithy 16, who was suspended 'last spring for Nssds or Probtomo— We The ca^a license number was the appeal. taiy-Oeneral U Thant wantod • ■umbar-(-06—for a day, as the and >he had heard a radio re* It's no mors,than the trusting wearing boots, has her new ones measured by The Paklatani zpokaoman a«ld OPEN 'TODAY TILL NINE — SAT. 8 A.M. THURSDAY NIGHT 6 ts 8 O'CLOCK Ars Hero to Help Toni •umulatlve count puahes toward port of an aooldent involvlnt 4 noted and they were traced to i m k m m their home In Newington. Pakkrtan’s foroea bad eresaed (■ae rs0 S W tfY 88,0WMrlM6. boy on a Wojrole, f f h s Vng* Tbiss) ciassmate Sharon Neiford, 16. ,(AP Phptofax.)