Some Ads Are Hard to Swallow
< » g m jK S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 2, U k f w n f Daily Net ProH Run PAOI TWENTY J m thaWoak EMa« I 4l D. ■. lEnwing Iffralii Aarato 94,1944 on. Of th* **▼««*>*• FALL Bcandta Lodge, Order of two ■uooGMttt ISfOOO gr«nu 13,806 Vasa, will meet Umight at 8 to MAHRC to Get a_ VtofinMflV. Gosm coNcniT r a< the AMH About Town Orange Hall. Kuiper-Raesler in mnowiwr T- -» — . a , Batorday, B ^ 4, 7iB9 | «< rirnnlatlae 10-Year Renewal night, ths board will zoespL * SAI^AITON ARMY Manehattar^A City of VlUage Cborm Mr. «tid Mn. Frank Oallaa at Chapman Court. Order of quitclaim dead YOUTH CBNTIIR IM K Ukn St ara calebnlttnr Amaranth, will meet totnorrow Mias Ann Ratolar of Man' Of Bunce Lease haven Coro, to a plot ^ l ^ J M l Main Btroa* t)Mlr aotti waddinff annlveraany at -7:45 p.m. at the Masonic to Olaatoiuwry on wnlcn.roa V O L. LX X X IV , N O . 28B (EIOHTEBN PAQES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 19M (OlMattM AArarifatog ee Page !•) PRICE SEVEN CHOU todanr. 1 % n have two chidran, oheater became the bride of J. town now oparataa a water 11m Keyatoaa ()nafto*| Templt. There will be a social The board of direotoro at lU TIm Ktog*a ■eTnatoa lOaa BUaaMth QaUaa, a mualc time after the meeting. Mrs. Randall Kulper of Wyckoff, N.J. taaebar to N«w York'City, and Neale MBler and a committee Saturday, Aug. 21 at the Wyck Tuesday night meeting wHl vote and OaiY Brant Joai^ OkHaa, a aUidmt at a 10-year renewal, 4t |1 per Donation |1 —.
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