Isaiah 40-66 God Comforts His People
Isaiah 40-66 God Comforts His People 41 Small Group Bible Studies By John Edmiston These studies are designed for personal or small group use and take about 45 minutes to an hour each. The questions are designed to be thought-provoking. There are eight or nine questions per lesson. The studies are interdenominational in nature. You will need: A good accurate translation of the Bible suitable for research purposes (not a paraphrase) A study Bible would be helpful The group leader should have access to a Bible dictionary or a commentary. Themes: Jesus in prophecy, the folly of idols, ethics, the sovereignty of God, the uniqueness of God, prophecy, justice, the love, mercy and compassion of God, God and Israel. © Copyright John Edmiston, 2019 Isaiah 40-66 by John Edmiston is Creative Commons, attribution required, non-commercial, share-alike - and may be freely used, translated, photocopied, printed, and distributed electronically for non-profit ministry purposes, however it may not be sold in any way. Isaiah 40:1-11 Some Big Themes Get Introduced Isaiah starts this section by throwing out 4 short snippets of the really BIG ideas that he will then develop through to the end of chapter 66. These are words of comfort for Jews in Babylon and are written for well into the future from Isaiah’s day two centuries earlier. Many of the prophecies have multiple references – Jews in Babylon, the time of Christ, the Gospel and Church, and the Return of the Lord. 1. Read Isaiah 40:1,2 – What is God saying to the Jews? Does God stay angry forever? What does this say about our relationship with God? 2.
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