International Day celebrations

Yoga day was started in 2015 by the genuine effort made by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi Ji! and it is celebrated every year on the 21st of June. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice originated in India. It is designed to provide maximum physical and intellectual benefits. Including Yoga in everyday life is one of the healthiest practice people can ever make. It not only makes us physically well but will calm our mind and soul.

The Ministry of Ayush has taken up the preparation for celebration of International Day of Yoga. V.E.S. decided to celebrate International yoga day 2019 by adopting Common Yoga Protocol (CYP), in a befitting manner, which consists of simple Yoga practices.

Vivekanand Education Society's, College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Chembur enthusiastically celebrated the fifth International yoga Day on June 21, 2019, in the audiovisual room. . Due to the rainy season, we could not arrange the event in the open space. The session started at 11.00 am and ended at 12.15 pm. 33 students and teachers could be accommodated in the audiovisual room, those participated in the event. Teaching staff, non-teaching staff were present for the event Programme was inaugurated symbolically by lighting the lamp by our Principal Madam, Dr. Anita Kanwar, yoga teachers Ms.RitaVazirani, Kalpana madam ,Sangeeta madam and teaching staff of our college. Principal Madam in her motivational and inspiring talk briefed the students about the importance of yoga and about the V.E.S. Yoga Academy. With the vision to benefit Students and Staff Members across all VES Institutes, Vivekanand Education Society’s Yoga Academy was established and opened its doors for all in January 2019. AMI Yoga with over 30 Years of experience in the field of Yoga Education was chosen to provide quality training in Yoga to Students, Members of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff across all VES Institutes. With a systematic syllabus laid out for participants, starting from basics, incorporating ’s, , Innovative practices like Partner Yoga, Neuro Yoga, Chair Yoga etc, Yoga Sessions are conducted regularly thrice a week. Many Staff members & students have availed the benefit of this opportunity provided by the Institute.

The yoga instructors from VES yoga academy in today’s programme highlighted importance of mind, body and soul nourishment through YOGA. Various asana like bridge pose ,Tree pose , Camel pose, Low lange , warrior pose , Swaying palm pose, Lotus pose ,Adho Mukha Swastikasana ,Adho Mukha , and set bandha were performed and its uses were told to all.

Regular practice of yoga will surely help our students achieve a better life.

The programme was concluded by proposing Vote of thanks.