r eads of Yoga Photo “Flight from Martin Lake” copyright Linda Brown Holt 2006 e Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in a new transliteration by Linda Brown Holt, D.Litt. Photo copyright Linda Brown Holt 2008 Publication in process 2008 ISBN pending All rights reserved Copyright Linda Brown Holt No part of this manuscript may be reproduced or paraphrased without the written permission of the author and photographer. For queries, please contact: Linda Brown Holt
[email protected] www.ReligiousScholar.com INTRODUCTION “First, you must grab the thread; then, it will lead you to the rope,” said Vijayendra Pratap, Ph.D., University of Bombay, a psychologist and teacher of Yoga, in an interview in April 1993. The threads he referred to are the sutras of the legendary Indian philosopher or philosophers known to us as Patanjali; the rope is a popular meta- phor in Indian thought which represents escape from the world of delusion into the path to understanding and truth. For more than two thousand years, the strands or threads of the 196 sutras--a mala (rosary or necklace) of succinct idea-seeds which inspire rather than embody philosophical development--have provided the raw mate- rial for yogic thinkers to weave philosophical fabrics of great diversity. Thinkers within the Yoga system have used the sutras as a point of departure to develop philosophies as disparate as the so-called “scientifi c Yoga” of Sri Yukteswar in the 19th century (which presaged the contemporary fascination with correlations between East- ern mysticism and quantum physics) to the teachings of the contemporary yogi, B.K.S.