Public Document Pack


DATE: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

TIME: 2.00 pm

VENUE: Online only - Due to Covid-19, this meeting will be held remotely and will be livestreamed here: (Copy and paste the link in your browser).

Notice is hereby given that the above meeting will take place for the purpose following and, by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, any other matter(s) which the Chair considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency.



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Members to advise of any declarations of interest.

3. MINUTES: 5 - 10 of the meetings of the Committee held on the 6 October and the 13 October.

4. EXEMPT INFORMATION: To determine whether to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any exempt information items.


5. LIST OF PLANS: To determine applications or make observations on applications made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1972 and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

(1) 20/02720/RG3 - St Andrews Church, Church Street, , HG4 3RT:

Legal and Governance | Harrogate Borough Council | PO Box 787 | Harrogate | HG1 9RW 01423 500600 2. (2) 20/02721/LB - St Andrews Church, Church Street, Kirkby Malzeard, HG4 3RT: 3. (3) 20/01711/RG3 - 80 High Street, Knaresborough, HG5 0EA: 4. (4) 20/01712/LB - 80 High Street, Knaresborough, HG5 0EA: 5. 6. APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER THE PLANNING SCHEME OF DELEGATION: The Executive Officer – Development Management and Building Control to submit a list of planning applications determined under delegated powers, and also those delegated to himself in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee, which had been approved since the last meeting.

MEMBERSHIP: Councillor John Mann (Chair). Councillor Nigel Simms, Councillor Margaret Atkinson, Councillor Bernard Bateman, MBE, Councillor Trevor Chapman, Councillor Jim Clark, Councillor Sid Hawke, Councillor Pat Marsh, Councillor Stuart Martin, MBE, Councillor Zoe Metcalfe, Councillor Andrew Paraskos and Councillor Robert Windass.

Members are reminded that in order to expedite business at the meeting and enable Officers to adapt their presentations to address areas causing difficulty, they are encouraged to contact Officers prior to the meeting with questions on technical issues in reports.

Please contact Charles Casey - Democratic Services Officer, at the Civic Centre, if you have any queries or need further information on this agenda - telephone or email 01423 500600, [email protected].

Legal and Governance | Harrogate Borough Council | PO Box 787 | Harrogate | HG1 9RW 01423 500600 Agenda Item 3


PRESENT: Councillor John Mann in the Chair. Councillors Margaret Atkinson, Bernard Bateman, Trevor Chapman, Jim Clark, Sid Hawke, Pat Marsh, Stuart Martin, Zoe Metcalfe, Andrew Paraskos, Nigel Simms and Robert Windass.

Late Arrivals: None

Early Departures: None

35/20 – APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES: There were no apologies for absence.

36/20 – DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were no declarations of interest declared at the meeting.

37/20 – MINUTES: The Minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 15 September 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

(Eleven Members voted for and there was one abstention)

38/20 – EXEMPT INFORMATION: There were no exempt information items.


39/20 – LIST OF PLANS: In accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, the Committee made the following decisions:

39/20(01) CASE NUMBER: 17/05234/EIAMAJ GRID REF: EAST 440230 NORTH 457713


LOCATION: Flaxby Golf Club York Road Flaxby Knaresborough North HG5 0RR

PROPOSAL: Outline planning application for comprehensive development of the site to provide a new settlement comprising: Buildings/floor space for up to 2,750 residential units (Use Class C3) inclusive of up to 12,077 sq.m of floor space for a retirement village (Use Class C3 and/or C2); Up to 2,000 sq.m of retail floor space (Use Class A1); Up to 1,700 sq.m of floor space for financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments, and hot food takeaways (Use Classes A2/A3/A4/A5); . Up to 5,200 sq.m of floor space for non-residential institutions, including education (2 no. primary schools), nursery/crèche, health facilities (Use Class D1); . Up to 8,500 sq.m of leisure facilities and community building(s) (Use Class D2); Up to 6,000 sq.m/120 bedrooms hotel (Use Class C1); Up to 2,500 sq.m for offices (Use Class B1); Open

Page 3 space/landscaping/outdoor sport/recreation facilities); Car Park and railway halt at former Goldsborough Station; Infrastructure (including roads and utilities); and site preparation and associated works.

APPLICANT: Flaxby Park Ltd & Messers R, M, J And N Alton

0 Item removed from agenda; to be considered via additional planning committee on 13.10.20

The agenda item was withdrawn prior to the Committee and deferred to the additional Planning Committee scheduled for 13 October 2020.

39/20(02) CASE NUMBER: 18/02713/EIAMAJ GRID REF: EAST 435074 NORTH 475842


LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 435074 475842 Hutton Conyers

PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of motorway service area comprising amenity building, lodge, petrol filling station, parking to include heavy goods and coach parking and associated infrastructure; Formation of access and landscaping.

APPLICANT: Moto Hospitality Ltd

REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposal is outside development limits and represents an unsustainable development that would result in a significant encroachment into open countryside causing harm to the landscape in conflict with Policies EC3 (A & C), GS3 and NE4 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

Councillor Gordon Gledson (Chair or Hewick and Hutton Parish Council also representing Melmerby and Middleton Parish Council), Colin Reid and Eugene Moor (Objectors) and Steve Masters (Applicant) and Tony Collins (Agent) attended the meeting and spoke to the item under the Council’s Opportunity to Speak Scheme.

The officer’s recommendations that the application be ‘refused’ were moved and seconded. On a vote being taken eleven Members voted for the officer’s recommendations and one against therefore the motion to refuse the application was passed.

Page 4 40/20 – APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER THE PLANNING SCHEME OF DELEGATION: The Executive Officer – Development Management and Building Control submitted a list of planning applications determined under delegated powers, and also those delegated to himself in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee, which had been approved since the last meeting.


That the report be received. (D)

Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank PLANNING COMMITTEE 13 OCTOBER 2020 (FROM 2.00 PM TO 3.00 PM)

PRESENT: Councillor John Mann in the Chair. Councillors Margaret Atkinson, Bernard Bateman, Trevor Chapman, Jim Clark, Sid Hawke, Pat Marsh, Stuart Martin, Nigel Simms and Robert Windass.

Late Arrivals: None

Early Departures: None

41/20 – APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Zoe Metcalfe and Andy Paraskos.

42/20 – DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were no declarations of interest declared at the meeting.

43/20 – EXEMPT INFORMATION: There were no exempt information items.


44/20 – LIST OF PLANS: In accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, the Committee made the following decisions:

44/20(01) CASE NUMBER: 17/05234/EIAMAJ GRID REF: EAST 440230 NORTH 457713


LOCATION: Flaxby Golf Club York Road Flaxby Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0RR

PROPOSAL: Outline planning application for comprehensive development of the site to provide a new settlement comprising: Buildings/floor space for up to 2,750 residential units (Use Class C3) inclusive of up to 12,077 sqm of floorspace for a retirement village (Use Class C3 and/or C2); Up to 2,000 sq.m of retail floor space (Use Class A1) ; Up to 1,700 sq.m of floorspace for financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments, and hot food takeaways (Use Classes A2/A3/A4/A5); . Up to 5,200 sq.m of floorspace for non-residential institutions, including education (2 no. primary schools), nursery/crèche, health facilities (Use Class D1); Up to 8,500 sq.m of leisure facilities and community building(s) (Use Class D2); Up to 6,000 sq.m/120 bedrooms hotel (Use Class C1); Up to 2,500 sq.m for offices (Use Class B1); Open space / landscaping/outdoor sport/recreation facilities); Car Park and railway halt at former Goldsborough Station; Infrastructure (including roads and utilities); and Site preparation and associated works.

Page 7 APPLICANT: Flaxby Park Ltd & Messers R, M, J And N Alton

REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed development represent a major incursion into countryside on a site that lies outside of a defined settlement within the settlement hierarchy of the Council's Growth Strategy for the District. The site is thus considered to lie within countryside and outside the broad location for a new settlement within which a new settlement will be allocated. The proposed new settlement is thus considered to be contrary to the provisions of Harrogate Local Plan 2014-2035 Policies GS2, GS3 , DM2 and DM4. 2 The proposed development would harm the setting and significance of heritage assets , consisting of the Grade I listed Allerton Park and the Grade II* Temple of Victory, together with the character and setting of the Registered Historic Park and Garden due to: the scale and type of the proposed development; the size of the area to which the development will extend; the level of activity generated by development of the scale proposed; the degree of change to the landscape character; and perceived/potential coalescence (visual and physical) with neighbouring settlements. In the absence of sufficient mitigation measures resulting from the fundamental loss of rural context and the absence of public benefit accruing from the development, the scheme is considered contrary to the provisions of Local Plan Policy HP2 and the advice contained within the National Planning Framework 3 The proposed development would represent a significant development in open countryside , which in the absence of any justification for the development would have a detrimental impact upon the character of the locality including the setting of the adjacent village of Flaxby , contrary to the provisions of Local Plan Policy HP3 and NE4. 4 Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that the development proposal would accord with the provisions of Local Plan Policy TI1 in terms of traffic generation on key junctions upon the classified road network to reduce traffic congestion and improve road connections in the District 5 In the absence of a DEFRA Biodiversity Metric Calculation, insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that the proposed development would not result in a net loss in biodiversity. In the absence of such justification the scheme is contrary to the provisions of Local Plan Policy NE3 6 In the absence of exceptional circumstances to justify the development, the proposal will result in the loss of significant agricultural land contrary to the provisions of Local Plan Policy NE8

Councillor Zoe Metcalfe (Ward Member for Claro), Councillor Christine Willoughby (Member of Knaresborough Town Council), Alex Smith (Objector) and Matt Johnson (Applicant) attended the meeting and spoke to the item under the Council’s Opportunity to Speak Scheme.

The officer’s recommendations that the application be ‘refused’ were moved and seconded. On a vote being taken eight Members voted for the officer’s recommendations and there were two abstentions therefore the motion to refuse the application was passed.

Page 8 Agenda Item 5(1)

Case No. 20/02720/RG3 Item No.01

Location: St Andrews Church, Church Street, Kirkby Malzeard.

Proposal: Repair and rebuild of a retaining wall.

Applicant: Harrogate Borough Council


The application site comprises of a stone boundary wall which surrounds the churchyard of the Grade II Listed St Andrews Church, Kirkby Malzeard, and is therefore curtilage listed. The boundary wall has suffered a collapse and is now blocking the highway. The application site is situated within the Nidderdale AONB.

Information has been provided in relation to the need for the rebuilding works and details of the proposed construction.

Historic have raised some concerns over the proposed method of re- constructing the wall and negotiations are ongoing with regards to the technical details, but the scheme is considered to be acceptable in principle.

The principle of rebuilding the wall is accepted and whilst any stabilisation works will lead to ‘less than substantial harm’ to the structure it is considered that subject to agreeing a suitable method of construction and stabilisation, the public benefits of rebuilding the wall outweigh this harm. The proposal therefore complies with Policy HP2 of the Local Plan.

RECOMMENDATION: Defer to Executive Officer – Development Management and Building Control and Approve subject to conditions

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1.1 Access to the case file on Public Access can be found here:- view file

1.2 This application is to be presented to the Planning Committee because the applicant is Harrogate Borough Council.


2.1 The main issues are:

• Impact on heritage assets; • Highway Safety


3.1 Impact on Heritage Assets

3.2 The application site comprises of a stone boundary wall which surrounds the churchyard of the Grade I Listed St Andrews Church in Kirkby Malzeard, and is therefore curtilage listed. The boundary wall has suffered a collapse and is now blocking the highway. The application site is situated within the Nidderdale AONB.

3.3 The application seeks listed building consent to rebuild the collapsed wall and undertake stabilisation works to other sections of the wall.

3.4 Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act requires that when considering a planning application for development that affects a listed building or its setting LPAs “shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possess.” Section 16(1) of the act provides that listed building consent may be granted subject to conditions. .

3.5 Section 16 of the NPPF sets out the requirements in terms of the protection of heritage assets. Paragraph 194 states 'Any harm to, or loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset (from its alteration or destruction, or from development within its setting), should require clear and convincing

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justification'. Paragraph 196 goes on to say 'Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal including, where appropriate, securing its optimum viable use'.

3.6 Local Plan Policy HP2 seeks to protect the heritage assets within the District. Paragraph 172 of the NPPF set outs the importance of preserving the AONB.

3.7 The wall that is subject to this programme of works forms the western boundary of the churchyard alongside Church Street (becoming Church Bank at the north end). At the southern end the wall is approximately 1m in height and the churchyard and external street ground levels are comparable. As the wall continues further to the north the adjacent street descends downhill so that by the north-west corner of the churchyard the wall is approximately 4m in height and the churchyard ground level is over 3m above street level. This highest section at the north end is the location of the recent collapse. A 30m section between the collapse and the church exhibits an outward bulge and requires remedial lateral restraint to prevent further movement.

3.8 The proposed remedial and rebuilding works to the wall are required to prevent further damage and disturbance to the churchyard and safeguard the highway.

3.9 The works will, however, cause some further disturbance to the graveyard in the north corner and to the wall at the junctions with the section to be rebuilt. To mitigate this, the applicant has stated that the works will be subject to an Archaeological Watching Brief and it is recommended that this is a condition of any planning approval.

3.10 The area of wall to be rebuilt will be faced with salvaged stone with coursing details to match the original wall. The proposed works will reuse the existing stone and where necessary suitable stone will be sourced to match that of the existing boundary wall. This should be a condition of any approval.

3.11 The application has been submitted with full technical details of the method of construction and stabilisation, however, whilst Historic England have raised no

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objection to the principle of the proposal they have raised concerns over the method proposed and at the time of writing this report, these technical details are still the subject of ongoing discussions.

3.11 Highway Safety

3.12 The boundary wall has suffered a collapse following a road traffic incident leading to the closure of the highway to vehicles.

3.13 Concerns have been expressed due to the overall stability of the remaining wall and thus the road is liable to remain closed until this matter is addressed due to highway safety concerns.

3.14 The proposed rebuilding and stabilisation works will enable the road to be reopened and remove a potential risk to public safety.


4.1 It is considered that there is sufficient justification in relation to the need for the rebuilding and stabilising works to be undertaken.

4.2 It is recognised that the proposal will create ’less than substantial harm’ to the listed structure through the use of stabilisation methods of construction, however, this is outweighed by the benefits to the public in terms of securing the heritage asset from further damage and also in relation to highway safety.

4.3 The technical details of the exact method of re-construction and stabilisation are still under negotiation due to concerns raised by Historic England.

4.4 Subject to agreement being made on these methods it is considered that the proposal would comply with Section 16 of the NPPF and Policy HP2 of the Local Plan.


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5.1 That the application be DEFERRED to the Executive Officer – Development Management and Building Control to approve subject to a method of construction and stabilisation being agreed and subject to conditions


Time condition – 5 years

Condition stating approved plans

Condition in relation to use of materials

Archaeological monitoring condition

In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee's decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Chief Planner has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee's decision.


7.0 Consultations

7.1 NYCC Heritage Unit – raise no objections to the proposal but raise concerns over the disturbance to burials that could be caused by the use of soil nails. Conditions are recommended in relation to archaeological monitoring.

7.2 Historic England - Support the works, which look to stabilise and safeguard the immediate and long-term future of this heritage asset, but raise concerns regarding the proposed methodology for remedial works. In particular, the visibility of the soil nail pattress plates are considered to be an incongruous and harmful addition to the curtilage listed wall and setting of the Grade I church.

8.0 Representations

8.1 No third party representations received

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9.0 Views of parish council

9.1 The Parish Council supports the application, but requests that rather than a black paint being used to the plates of the tie bars visible on the outer surface of the walling, that a colour, such as grey, which should blend in more sympathetically with the stonework, be considered.

Case Officer: Emma Howson Expiry Date: 30th October 2020

20/02720/RG3 Page 16 8 Agenda Item 5(2)

Case No. 20/02721/LB Item No.02

Location: St Andrews Church, Church Street, Kirkby Malzeard.

Proposal: Repair and rebuild of a retaining wall.

Applicant: Harrogate Borough Council


The application site comprises of a stone boundary wall which surrounds the churchyard of the Grade II Listed St Andrews Church, Kirkby Malzeard, and is therefore curtilage listed. The boundary wall has suffered a collapse and is now blocking the highway. The application site is situated within the Nidderdale AONB.

Information has been provided in relation to the need for the rebuilding works and details of the proposed construction.

Historic England have raised some concerns over the proposed method of re- constructing the wall and negotiations are ongoing with regards to the technical details, but the scheme is considered to be acceptable in principle.

The principle of rebuilding the wall is accepted and whilst any stabilisation works will lead to ‘less than substantial harm’ to the structure it is considered that subject to agreeing a suitable method of construction and stabilisation, the public benefits of rebuilding the wall outweigh this harm. The proposal therefore complies with Policy HP2 of the Local Plan.

Defer to Executive Officer – Development Management and Building Control and Approve subject to conditions

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1.1 Access to the case file on Public Access can be found here:- view file

1.2 This application is to be presented to the Planning Committee because the applicant is Harrogate Borough Council.


2.1 The main issue is:

• Impact on heritage assets


3.1 Impact on Heritage Assets

3.2 The application site comprises of a stone boundary wall which surrounds the churchyard of the Grade I Listed St Andrews Church in Kirkby Malzeard, and is therefore curtilage listed. The boundary wall has suffered a collapse and is now blocking the highway. The application site is situated within the Nidderdale AONB.

3.3 The application seeks listed building consent to rebuild the collapsed wall and undertake stabilisation works to other sections of the wall.

3.4 Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act requires that when considering a planning application for development that affects a listed building or its setting LPAs “shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possess.” Section 16(1) of the act provides that listed building consent may be granted subject to conditions.

3.5 Section 16 of the NPPF sets out the requirements in terms of the protection of heritage assets. Paragraph 194 states 'Any harm to, or loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset (from its alteration or destruction, or from development within its setting), should require clear and convincing justification'. Paragraph 196 goes on to say 'Where a development proposal

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will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal including, where appropriate, securing its optimum viable use'.

3.6 Local Plan Policy HP2 seeks to protect the heritage assets within the District. Paragraph 172 of the NPPF set outs the importance of preserving the AONB.

3.7 The wall that is subject to this programme of works forms the western boundary of the churchyard alongside Church Street (becoming Church Bank at the north end). At the southern end the wall is approximately 1m in height and the churchyard and external street ground levels are comparable. As the wall continues further to the north the adjacent street descends downhill so that by the north-west corner of the churchyard the wall is approximately 4m in height and the churchyard ground level is over 3m above street level. This highest section at the north end is the location of the recent collapse. A 30m section between the collapse and the church exhibits an outward bulge and requires remedial lateral restraint to prevent further movement.

3.8 The proposed remedial and rebuilding works to the wall are required to prevent further damage and disturbance to the churchyard and safeguard the highway.

3.9 The works will, however, cause some further disturbance to the graveyard in the north corner and to the wall at the junctions with the section to be rebuilt. To mitigate this, the applicant has stated that the works will be subject to an Archaeological Watching Brief and it is recommended that this is a condition of any planning approval.

3.10 The area of wall to be rebuilt will be faced with salvaged stone with coursing details to match the original wall. The proposed works will reuse the existing stone and where necessary suitable stone will be sourced to match that of the existing boundary wall. This should be a condition of any approval.

3.11 The application has been submitted with full technical details of the method of construction and stabilisation, however, whilst Historic England have raised no objection to the principle of the proposal they have raised concerns over the

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method proposed and at the time of writing this report, these technical details are still the subject of ongoing discussions.


4.1 It is considered that there is sufficient justification in relation to the need for the rebuilding and stabilising works to be undertaken.

4.2 It is recognised that the proposal will create ’less than substantial harm’ to the listed structure through the use of stabilisation methods of construction, however, this is outweighed by the benefits to the public in terms of securing the heritage asset from further damage and also in relation to highway safety.

4.3 The technical details of the exact method of re-construction and stabilisation are still under negotiation due to concerns raised by Historic England.

4.4 Subject to agreement being made on these methods it is considered that the proposal would comply with Section 16 of the NPPF and Policy HP2 of the Local Plan.


5.1 That the application be DEFERRED to the Executive Officer – Development Management and Building Control to approve subject to a method of construction and stabilisation being agreed and subject to conditions


Time condition – 5 years

Condition stating approved plans

Condition in relation to use of materials

Archaeological monitoring condition

In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee's decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Chief Planner has

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delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee's decision.


7.0 Consultations

7.1 Natural England – no objections

7.2 NYCC Heritage Unit – raise no objections to the proposal but raise concerns over the disturbance to burials that could be caused by the use of soil nails. Conditions are recommended in relation to archaeological monitoring.

7.3 York Georgian Society – no objections

7.4 Historic England - Support the works, which look to stabilise and safeguard the immediate and long-term future of this heritage asset, but raise concerns regarding the proposed methodology for remedial works. In particular, the visibility of the soil nail pattress plates are considered to be an incongruous and harmful addition to the curtilage listed wall and setting of the Grade I church.

8.0 Representations

8.1 No third party representations received

9.0 Views of parish council

9.1 The Parish Council supports the application, but requests that rather than a black paint being used to the plates of the tie bars visible on the outer surface of the walling, that a colour, such as grey, which should blend in more sympathetically with the stonework, be considered.

Case Officer: Emma Howson Expiry Date: 30th October 2020

20/02721/LB Page 23 7 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5(3)

Case No. 20/01711/RG3 Item No.03

Location: 80 High Street, Knaresborough, HG5 0EA

Proposal: Refurbishment and Restoration of 80-82 High Street to Provide 4no. New Dwellings and Fit Out of 2no. Existing Ground Floor Shop Units

Applicant: Mr Steven Brewer, Harrogate Borough Council


The application site is a three storey building within Knaresborough town centre, comprising 80 and 83 High Street, which spans a yard entrance. The building is Grade II listed (a separate listed building application has also been made) and lies within the Knaresborough Conservation Area. The site is within the primary shopping area and is part of the secondary shopping frontage shown in the Local Plan.

It is proposed to refurbish and retain the existing vacant retail units at ground floor including the enhancement of one of the shop frontages. Four flats are proposed to the upper floors.

The applicant and the Conservation Officer have collaborated on the proposed alterations and these are considered to be in keeping with the building and do not harm the designated heritage assets nor local distinctiveness. The proposal complies with Policies HP2 and HP3 of the Local Plan. The proposal will bring the building back into use and provide two enhanced retail units which will support the local economy, in accordance with Policy EC5 of the Local Plan. The provision of 4 additional dwellings is a modest addition to the district’s housing land supply and complies with the growth strategy as set out in Policies GS1, GS2 and GS3 of the Local Plan.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions

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1.1 Access to the case file on Public Access can be found here:- view file

1.2 This application is to be presented to the Planning Committee because the applicant is Harrogate Borough Council.


2.1 The main issues are:

• impact on Knaresborough Town Centre

• provision of additional dwellings

• impact on designated heritage assets


3.1 Impact on Knaresborough Town Centre

3.2 Policy EC5 of the Local Plan seeks to retain shops (Class E, former use class A1) in ground level frontages in both primary and secondary shopping frontages.

3.3 The site lies within the secondary shopping frontage of Knaresborough Town Centre. The refurbishment of two vacant shop units will improve the appearance of this section of the High Street and will make these units more attractive to occupiers. Occupation of existing vacant premises will help to support the town’s economy.

3.4 The proposal complies with Policy EC5.

3.5 Provision of additional dwellings

3.6 Local Plan policies GS1, GS2 and GS3 set out the District’s growth strategy with new development focused within the main settlements and their development limits. Policy HP4 seeks to protect residential amenity.

3.7 The site lies within the development limit for Knaresborough and would provide four new dwellings, 2 x 2 bed and 2 x 3 bed. Although on the small side as works are restricted because of the building’s listed status, the flats would have

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a satisfactory level of amenity. Any impact from road noise on the amenity of occupiers can be controlled through a noise report condition, which the applicant has agreed to. The site is in a sustainable location within walking distance of town centre amenities, bus and train stations. The proposal would make a modest contribution to maintaining the 5 year housing land supply.

3.8 The proposal complies with Local Plan Policies GS1, GS2, GS3 and HP4.

3.9 Impact on Designated Heritage Assets

3.10 Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act requires that when considering a planning application for development that affects a listed building or its setting LPAs “shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possess.” Section 16(1) of the act provides that listed building consent may be granted subject to conditions. Section 72 of the act requires that LPAs pay special attention in the exercise of planning functions to the desirability of “preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a conservation area” and must take account of this in development control decisions.

3.11 Section 16 of the NPPF sets out the requirements in terms of the protection of heritage assets. Paragraph 194 states 'Any harm to, or loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset (from its alteration or destruction, or from development within its setting), should require clear and convincing justification'. Paragraph 196 goes on to say 'Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal including, where appropriate, securing its optimum viable use'.

3.12 Local Plan policy HP2 seeks to ensure that proposals affecting a heritage asset, or its setting, protect or enhance those features which contribute to its special architectural or historic interest and that proposals affecting a conservation area protect and, where appropriate, enhance those elements that have been identified as making a positive contribution to the character and special architectural or historic interest of the area and its setting.

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3.13 Internally it is proposed to retain as much of the original fabric as possible including relocation of fireplaces, repairs to windows and lime plaster as like for like. Externally to the front elevation general repairs and the enhancement of the shop front protects and enhances the buildings special architectural or historic interest. To the rear two conservation rooflights, new timber doors to match existing and general repairs also seek to protect and enhance the building.

3.14 The enhancement of the shop front and general tidying up of the building will make a positive contribution to the Conservation Area.

3.15 The proposal complies with Local Plan Policy HP2.


4.1 The proposal will bring back into use a vacant and neglected building within Knaresborough Town Centre.

4.2 The proposed development will support the local economy by refurbishing and enhancing existing retail units. The development of four dwellings in a sustainable location supports the Council’s growth strategy and these can be developed with a satisfactory level of residential amenity.

4.3 Through collaboration between the applicant and the Councils Conservation Officer the alterations to the listed building, in particular the general repairs and redecoration, will enhance and protect the designated heritage asset and in doing so will make a positive contribution to the Knaresborough Conservation Area.

4.4 The proposal is therefore considered to comply with the NPPF and Policies GS1, GS2, GS3, EC5, HP2 and HP4 of the Local Plan.


5.1 That the application be APPROVED subject to conditions


Time condition – 5 years

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Condition stating approved plans

Condition requiring noise report

Condition requiring construction management plan

Condition regarding ecology

Condition requiring contaminated land assessment

Condition relating to suitable and sufficient refuse storage

In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee's decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Chief Planner has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee's decision.


7.0 Consultations

8.0 Highway Authority – No objection subject to condition requiring Construction Management Plan.

8.1 Conservation Officer – No objection.

8.2 Principal Ecologist – No objection subject to condition relating to nesting birds and provision of two swift boxes.

8.3 Environmental Health – Request conditions relating to noise report, contamination, refuse provision.

8.4 Private Sector Housing – observations made on the size of the proposed flats and number of occupants each flat can accommodate as assessed against space standards.

9.0 Representations

20/02261/FUL Page 31 7

9.1 No third party representations received

10.0 Views of parish council

10.1 The Parish Council – No response received.

Case Officer: Linda Drake Expiry Date: 28 October 2020

20/02261/FUL Page 32 8 Agenda Item 5(4)

Case No. 20/01712/LB Item No.04

Location: 80 High Street, Knaresborough, HG5 0EA

Proposal: Refurbishment and Restoration of 80-82 High Street to Provide 4no. New Dwellings and Fit Out of 2no. Existing Ground Floor Shop Units

Applicant: Mr Steve Brewer, Harrogate Borough Council


The application site is a three storey building within Knaresborough town centre, comprising 80 and 83 High Street, which spans a yard entrance. The building is Grade II listed and lies within the Knaresborough Conservation Area. A separate application for planning permission has also been made.

It is proposed to refurbish and retain the existing vacant retail units at ground floor including the enhancement of one of the shop frontages. Four flats are proposed to the upper floors.

The applicant and the Conservation Officer have collaborated on the proposed alterations and these are considered to be in keeping with the building and do not harm the designated heritage asset. The proposal complies with Policy HP2 of the Local Plan.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions

20/02261/FUL Page 33 1

20/02261/FUL Page 34 2

20/02261/FUL Page 35 3


1.1 Access to the case file on Public Access can be found here:- view file

1.2 This application is to be presented to the Planning Committee because the applicant is Harrogate Borough Council.


2.1 The main issue is:

• impact on designated heritage assets


3.1 Impact on designated heritage assets

3.2 Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act requires that when considering a planning application for development that affects a listed building or its setting LPAs “shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possess.” Section 16(1) of the act provides that listed building consent may be granted subject to conditions.

3.3 Section 16 of the NPPF sets out the requirements in terms of the protection of heritage assets. Paragraph 194 states 'Any harm to, or loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset (from its alteration or destruction, or from development within its setting), should require clear and convincing justification'. Paragraph 196 goes on to say 'Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal including, where appropriate, securing its optimum viable use'.

3.4 Local Plan policy HP2 seeks to ensure that proposals affecting a heritage asset, or its setting, protect or enhance those features which contribute to its special architectural or historic interest and that proposals affecting a conservation area protect and, where appropriate, enhance those elements that have been identified as making a positive contribution to the character and special architectural or historic interest of the area and its setting.

20/02261/FUL Page 36 4

3.5 Internally it is proposed to retain as much of the original fabric as possible including relocation of fireplaces, repairs to windows and lime plaster as like for like. Externally to the front elevation general repairs and the enhancement of the shop front protects and enhances the buildings special architectural or historic interest. To the rear two conservation rooflights, new timber doors to match existing and general repairs also seek to protect and enhance the building.

3.6 The proposal complies with Local Plan Policy HP2.


4.1 Through collaboration between the applicant and the Council’s Conservation Officer the alterations to the listed building, in particular the general repairs and redecoration, will enhance and protect the designated heritage asset.

4.2 The proposal is therefore considered to comply with the NPPF and Policy HP2 of the Local Plan.


5.1 That the application be APPROVED subject to conditions


Time condition – 5 years

Condition stating approved plans

In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee's decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Chief Planner has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee's decision.


7.0 Consultations

20/02261/FUL Page 37 5

7.1 York Georgian Society – Supports the proposal.

7.2 Knaresborough Civic Society – Supports the proposal.

8.0 Representations

8.1 No third party representations received

9.0 Views of parish council

9.1 The Parish Council – no response received.

Case Officer: Linda Drake Expiry Date: 27 October 2020

20/02261/FUL Page 38 6 Agenda Item 6




BMNEW/20/02614 CASE NUMBER: 20/02614/DISCON WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby/DISCON/1 CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 20.07.2020 GRID REF: E 442088 TARGET DATE: 14.09.2020 N 473197 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.27.44.I.DISCON

LOCATION: Lodge Farm Cundall To Poplar Hill Cundall YO61 2RN

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under conditions 5 (joinery finishes) of Listed Building consent 19/04991/LB - Listed building consent for conversion of agricultural buildings to wedding venue with associated parking and access.


CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 19/00256/S106 WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Kate Williams DATE VALID: 16.01.2019 GRID REF: E 438776 TARGET DATE: 13.03.2019 N 464390 REVISED TARGET: 28.08.2020 DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.650.B.S106

LOCATION: Ponderosa Harrogate Road Minskip North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Modification of Section 106 agreement relating to permission 06/02900/FUL to allow amendments to the mortagee exemption clause (3.3).

Page 39

APPLICANT: Accent Group

1 REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 In the absence of essential information to complete the variation to the legal agreement, on which a decision on this application can be based, the application cannot be progressed. The application is thus considered to be contrary to the Development Plan as a whole and Local Plan Policy HS2 as the amendments to the affordable housing clause cannot be satisfactorily completed.


1 Please see the Council's Validation manual if you wish to reapply, and complete a planning obligation pro-forma with any new application. Applications will now only be validated with the submission of the requisite information contained within the pro-forma which this application is missing.

CASE NUMBER: 19/04383/FULMAJ WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Andy Hough DATE VALID: 23.10.2019 GRID REF: E 439280 TARGET DATE: 22.01.2020 N 466968 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.57.Z.FULMAJ

LOCATION: Site Of Riverside Sawmills Valuation Lane Boroughbridge YO51 9LJ

PROPOSAL: Residential Development for 46 dwellings, access and associated works.

APPLICANT: Linden Homes Ltd

1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 06.10.2023.

2 The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted details as amended by other conditions of the consent and the following approved plans:

Location Plan drg P19-2585.001 Revised Layout Plan drg P19-2585.002E

Page 40

House Types

Mylne – P17 2068 037 Rev A Eveleigh Mountford – P17 2068 702 Mountford Eveleigh – P17 2068 701 Mountford /Eveleigh/ Eveleigh –P17 2068 706 Wyatt P17-2068 027 Eveleigh - P17 2068 024 Rev A

Harcourt P17 2068 700

304 P17 2068 705 304 P17 2068 704 A22 P17 2068 031 Rev A

Boundary Treatment P17 2068 016 Single garage P17 2068 017 Rev A Double garage P17 2068 018 Rev A Twin Garage P17 2068 019 Rev 19

Construction Management Plan: Incorporating Dust and Noise assessment and Mitigation January 2018 Rev A ( Issued 18.04.2019) Linden Homes

3 The materials used in the construction of the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the Materials Layout Plan Drawing no. ML 01 Revision G

4 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the Written Scheme of Investigation prepared by MAP Archaeology October 2017

5 The site shall be developed with separate systems of drainage for foul and surface water.

6 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority, no building or other obstruction shall be located over or within 3.0 (three) metres either side of the centre line of the sewer, which crosses the site.

7 No piped discharge of surface water from the application site shall take place until works to provide a satisfactory outfall for surface water have been completed in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority before development commences.

8 No development shall take place until a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in

Page 41 writing by the local planning authority. The drainage strategy should demonstrate the surface water run-off generated up to and including the 1:100 critical storm will not exceed the run-off from the undeveloped site following the corresponding rainfall event. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed.

The scheme shall also include:

o a reduction of 30% from existing surface water run-off from the site o sufficient storage at least to accommodate a 1 in 30 year storm. The design should also ensure that storm water resulting from a 1 in 100 year event, plus 30% to account for climate change, and surcharging the drainage system can be stored on the site without risk to people or property and without overflowing into the watercourse. o details of how the scheme shall be maintained and managed after completion

9 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted flood risk assessment and the following mitigation measures it details:

1. Residential development is located wholly within flood zone 1. 2. Finished floor levels are set no lower than 17.2m above Ordnance Datum (AOD)

These measures shall be fully implemented prior to occupation, and according to the scheme's phasing arrangements (or with any other period, as agreed in writing, by the local planning authority).

10 There must be no raising of ground levels within flood zone 3 to the north of the site.

11 A pre-Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) shall be submitted for the written approval of the local planning authority, prior to the commencement of works.

The plan shall incorporate the results of an updated pre-construction ecological survey of protected and invasive species and include provision for implementation of any necessary mitigation measures. Invasive Species can be easily spread by construction works so that the plan must provide for their removal prior to the commencement of works (including site investigation). The plan shall include provision for appropriate timing of works to avoid harm to protected species and for control of lighting during construction, especially in the vicinity of the river,

12 A Landscape and Ecology Management Plan shall be submitted for the written approval of the local planning authority, prior to the commencement of works.

The plan shall include a detailed scheme for the planting, establishment and maintenance of meadows, hedges and trees on site, using native species where appropriate and for the on-going control of invasive species. It shall provide for the incorporation of bat and bird bricks and boxes into the buildings and trees on site and shall provide for the control of lighting spill to avoid adverse ecological impacts.

Page 42 Where appropriate, opportunities for offsite ecological enhancement should also be considered.

13 Unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority, development other than that required to be carried out as part of an approved scheme of remediation must not commence until sections A to D have been complied with. If unexpected contamination is found after development has begun, development must be halted on that part of the site affected by the unexpected contamination to the extent specified by the Local Planning Authority in writing until section D has been complied with in relation to that contamination.

A. SITE CHARACTERISATION An investigation and risk assessment, in addition to any assessment provided with the planning application, must be completed in accordance with a scheme to assess the nature and extent of any contamination on the site, whether or not it originates on the site. The contents of the scheme are subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken by competent persons and a written report of the findings must be produced. The written report is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The report of the findings must include:

(i) a survey of the extent, scale and nature of contamination;

(ii) an assessment of the potential risks to: * human health, * property (existing or proposed) including buildings, crops, livestock, pets, woodland and service lines and pipes, * adjoining land, * groundwaters and surface waters * ecological systems * archaeological sites and ancient monuments;

(iii) an appraisal of remedial options, and proposal of the preferred option(s).

This must be conducted in accordance with DEFRA and the Environment Agency's 'Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination, CLR 11'.

B. SUBMISSION OF REMEDIATION SCHEME A detailed remediation scheme to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to human health, buildings and other property and the natural and historical environment must be prepared, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The scheme must include all works to be undertaken, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria, timetable of works and site management procedures. The scheme must ensure that the site will not qualify as contaminated land under Part2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to the intended use of the land after remediation.

C. IMPLEMENTATION OF APPROVED REMEDIATION SCHEME The approved remediation scheme must be carried out in accordance with its terms prior to the commencement of development other than that required to carry out

Page 43 remediation, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification of commencement of the remediation scheme works.

Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

D. REPORTING OF UNEXPECTED CONTAMINATION In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the requirement of section A, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of section B, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a verification report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority in accordance with section C.

14 Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, there shall be no excavation or other groundworks, except for investigative works or the depositing of material on the site, until the following drawings and details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority:

(1) Detailed engineering drawings to a scale of not less than 1:500 and based upon an accurate survey showing: (a) the proposed highway layout including the highway boundary (b) dimensions of any carriageway, cycleway, footway, and verges (c) visibility splays (d) the proposed buildings and site layout, including levels (e) accesses and driveways (f) drainage and sewerage system (g) lining and signing (h) traffic calming measures (i) all types of surfacing (including tactiles), kerbing and edging. (2) Longitudinal sections to a scale of not less than 1:500 horizontal and not less than 1:50 vertical along the centre line of each proposed road showing: (a) the existing ground level (b) the proposed road channel and centre line levels (c) full details of surface water drainage proposals. (3) Full highway construction details including: (a) typical highway cross-sections to scale of not less than 1:50 showing a specification for all the types of construction proposed for carriageways, cycleways and footways/footpaths (b) when requested cross sections at regular intervals along the proposed roads

Page 44 showing the existing and proposed ground levels (c) kerb and edging construction details (d) typical drainage construction details. (4) Details of the method and means of surface water disposal. (5) Details of all proposed street lighting. (6) Drawings for the proposed new roads and footways/footpaths giving all relevant dimensions for their setting out including reference dimensions to existing features. (7) Full working drawings for any structures which affect or form part of the highway network. (8) A programme for completing the works.

The development shall only be carried out in full compliance with the approved drawings and details unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Local Planning Authority with the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority.

15 No dwelling to which this planning permission relates until the carriageway and any footway/footpath from which it gains access is constructed to basecourse macadam level and/or block paved and kerbed and connected to the existing highway network with street lighting installed and in operation.

The completion of all road works, including any phasing, shall be in accordance with a programme approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority before the first dwelling of the development is occupied.

16 There shall be no access or egress between the highway and the application site by any vehicles other than via the existing access with the public highway at Roecliffe Lane . The access shall be maintained in a safe manner which shall include the repair of any damage to the existing adopted highway occurring during construction.

17 There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site until full details of any measures required to prevent surface water from non-highway areas discharging on to the existing or proposed highway together with a programme for their implementation have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. The works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and programme.

18 No dwelling shall be occupied until the related parking facilities to include the proposed visitor parking to Devil's Arrows have been constructed in accordance with the approved drawing P19-2585.001 . Once created these parking areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

19 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 or any subsequent Order, the garage(s) shall not be converted into domestic accommodation without the granting of an appropriate planning permission.

20 There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site until the precautions to be taken to prevent the deposit of mud, grit

Page 45 and dirt on public highways by vehicles travelling to and from the site have been implement in accordance with the Construction Management Plan: Incorporating Dust and Noise assessment and Mitigation January 2018 Rev A ( Issued 18.04.2019) Linden Homes . These facilities shall include the provision of wheel washing facilities and shall be made available before any excavation or depositing of material in connection with the construction commences on the site and be kept available and in full working order and used until such time as the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority agrees in writing to their withdrawal.

21 A site compound must be provided on site for the provision of: (i) on-site parking capable of accommodating all staff and sub-contractors vehicles clear of the public highway (ii) on-site materials storage area capable of accommodating all materials required for the operation of the site.

The site compound areas shall be kept available for their intended use at all times that construction works are in operation.

22 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions Travel Plan prepared by Optima Intelligent Highways Solutions (dated October 2017 ).

The Travel Plan shall be implemented and the development shall thereafter be carried out and operated in accordance with the Travel Plan.

23 (a) No operations shall commence on site or any development be commenced before the developer has implemented the report detail including root protection area (RPA) (as per Barnes Associates Tree Report and drw BA6245AIA with tree data) fencing in line with the requirements of British Standard BS 5837: 2012 (section 6.2.2 figure 2) Trees in Relation to Construction - Recommendations, or any subsequent amendments to that document, around the trees or shrubs or planting to be retained, as indicated on the approved plan and for the entire area as specified in accordance with BS 5837:2012. The developer shall maintain such fences until all development the subject of this permission is completed. (b) No operations shall commence on site in connection with the development hereby approved (including any demolition work, soil moving, temporary access construction and/or widening or any operations involving the use of motorised vehicles or construction machinery) until the root protection area (RPA) works required by the approved tree protection scheme and ground protection detail (no dig) are in place. The level of the land within the fenced areas shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

24 No operations shall commence on site in connection with the development hereby approved (including any demolition work, soil moving, temporary access construction and/or widening or any operations involving the use of motorised vehicles or construction machinery) until the root protection area (RPA) works required by the

Page 46 approved tree protection scheme are in place.

25 No excavations for services, storage of materials or machinery, parking of vehicles, deposit or excavation of soil or rubble, lighting of fires or disposal of liquids shall take place within any area designated as being fenced off or otherwise protected in the approved root protection area scheme. The level of the land within the fenced areas shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

26 No operations shall commence on site in relation to the approved landscaping plan until a detailed scheme, for sustainable tree planting, has been approved. Such a scheme shall incorporate underground systems (e.g. Rootcell, Stratacell, Silva cell or similar products) and provide a sufficient area of growth medium for long term tree growth. Such systems are used to protect underground services and above ground surfaces while providing long term and sustainable tree cover.

27 A detailed scheme for landscaping, including the planting of trees and or shrubs and the use of surface materials shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and no development shall take place until the Local Planning Authority have approved a landscaping scheme; such scheme shall specify materials, species, tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities, and the timing of implementation of the scheme, including any earthworks required.

28 In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

29 Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved the developer shall erect an interpretation/ information panel(s) in suitable locations to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Historic England to inform visitors regarding the history of the Devil's Arrows.

30 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no extensions, garages, roof or dormer windows other than any expressly authorised by this permission shall be erected without the grant of further specific planning permission from the local planning authority.

31 The details contained within the Construction Management Plan ( Construction Management Plan: Incorporating Dust and Noise assessment and Mitigation January 2018 Rev A ( Issued 18.04.2019) Linden Homes shall be implemented for each phase of development. The Plan shall be adhered to throughout the construction period unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority .

Reasons for Conditions:-

Page 47 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 To secure the satisfactory implementation of the proposal. 3 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 4 This condition is imposed in accordance with Section 12 of the NPPF as the site is of archaeological interest. 5 To prevent pollution of the water environment. 6 In order to allow sufficient access for maintenance and repair work at all times 7 To ensure that the site is properly drained and surface water is not discharged to the foul sewerage system which will prevent overloading 8 To prevent the increased risk of flooding, both on and off site. 9 To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants. 10 To ensure that there is no loss of flood storage and that possible future flood flows are not pushed on to others. 11 In the ecological interests of the site 12 In the ecological interests of the site 13 To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors in accordance with policies SG4 and EQ1 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy. 14 In accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 and to secure an appropriate highway constructed to an adoptable standard in the interests of highway safety and the amenity and convenience of highway users. 15 In accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 and to ensure safe and appropriate access and egress to the dwellings, in the interests of highway safety and the convenience of prospective residents. 16 In accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 and in the interests of both vehicle and pedestrian safety and the visual amenity of the area. 17 In accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 and in the interests of highway safety. 18 In accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 and to provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development. 19 In accordance with Core Strategy policy SG4 and to ensure the retention of adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles generated by occupiers of the dwelling and visitors to it, in the interest of safety and the general amenity the development. 20 In accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 and to ensure that no mud or other debris is deposited on the carriageway in the interests of highway safety. 21 In accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 and to provide for appropriate on-site vehicle parking and storage facilities, in the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the area. 22 In accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 and to establish measures to encourage more sustainable non-car modes of transport. 23 To ensure that the visual and arboricultural interests of the site are protected , as required by the saved Harrogate District Local Plan Policy HD13. 24 To ensure that the visual and arboricultural interests of the site are protected , as required by the saved Harrogate District Local Plan Policy HD13.

Page 48 25 To ensure that the visual and arboricultural interests of the site are protected , as required by the saved Harrogate District Local Plan Policy HD13. 26 To ensure that the visual and arboricultural interests of the site are protected , as required by the saved Harrogate District Local Plan Policy HD13. 27 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 28 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 29 In the interests of the heritage enhancement of the site. 30 In order to protect the visual amenities of the surrounding area in view of the prominence of this site. 31 In the interests of residential and general amenity

CASE NUMBER: 20/01102/FUL WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 29.04.2020 GRID REF: E 439280 TARGET DATE: 24.06.2020 N 466968 REVISED TARGET: 13.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.57.AB.FUL

LOCATION: Riverside Mills Development Valuation Lane Boroughbridge North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Conversion of existing agricultural building to form 1no. dwelling.

APPLICANT: Apex Homes (Ripon) Ltd

3 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans:

19/6422 P00 - Location Plan 19/6422 P01 - Existing Details 19/6422 P02 (rev A) - Proposed Site Plan 19/6422 P03 - Proposed Floor Plans 19/6422 P04 (rev A) - Proposed Elevations 19/6422 P05 (Rev A) - 3D Views

3 No dwelling must be occupied until the related parking facilities have been constructed in accordance with the details approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Once created these areas must be maintained clear of any obstruction and

Page 49 retained for their intended purpose at all times.

4 Works must be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of sections 9 and 10 of the Bat, Breeding Bird and Barn Owl Scoping Survey, MAB Environment & Ecology, September, which includes measures to avoid disturbance to breeding birds or of potentially transiently roosting bats plus the provision of one bird and one bat box, which must be in place prior to the first occupation of the converted building.

5 The materials to be used in the conversion of the building shall be those specified within the planning application form.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 To provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development. 4 Reason: to avoid disturbance to nesting birds during the course of works and to retain opportunities for nesting birds and roosting bats to continue to utilise the building following conversion, in accordance with Local Plan Policy NE3 and NPPF paragraph 175. 5 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01999/TPO WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 28.05.2020 GRID REF: E 439532 TARGET DATE: 23.07.2020 N 465898 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 05.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.475.G.TPO

LOCATION: 4 Smithson Grove Boroughbridge York North Yorkshire YO51 9UZ

PROPOSAL: Removal of deadwood of 1no. Pine tree and Removal of deadwood and Crown Lift (to 2.7m) of 1no. Sycamore tree within G5 of Tree Preservation Order 09/1995.


6 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

Page 50

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist in accordance with British Standards: 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to maintain the amenity of the locality. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02141/FULMAJ WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 17.06.2020 GRID REF: E 439521 TARGET DATE: 16.09.2020 N 465717 REVISED TARGET: 25.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 24.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.223.AL.FULMAJ

LOCATION: Morrisons Minskip Roundabout To Pondarosa Park Minskip YO51 9HS

PROPOSAL: Extension of the main superstore to create a home shopping hub with delivery and click and collect service

APPLICANT: Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc

3 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 24.09.2023.

2 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the details on the approved

Page 51 plans:

200241 Pl-01 - Boroughbridge - Location Plan 200241 Pl-02 - Boroughbridge - Existing site plan 200241 Pl-03 - Boroughbridge - Proposed site plan 200241 Pl-04 - Boroughbridge - Proposed site plan 200241 Pl-05 - Boroughbridge - Existing and proposed elevations 200241 Pl-06 - Boroughbridge - Existing and proposed elevations

3 The external wall panels for the development hereby permitted shall be RAL 6005 Moss Green to match the existing store and the roof panels white RAL 9010 and no other materials shall be used without the prior written consent of the local planning authority.

4 Prior to the construction of any footings or foundations for the building the developer must submit for approval details including root protection area (RPA) Trees in Relation to Construction - Recommendations, or any subsequent amendments to that document, around the trees or shrubs or planting to be retained, as indicated on the approved plan and for the entire area as specified in accordance with BS 5837:2012. The developer shall maintain such fences until all development the subject of this permission is completed.

All tree work shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard BS 3998: Tree work: Recommendations (or an equivalent British Standard if replaced).

5 In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 5 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02404/FUL WARD: Boroughbridge

Page 52 CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 21.07.2020 GRID REF: E 439020 TARGET DATE: 15.09.2020 N 465692 REVISED TARGET: 30.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.803.FUL

LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 439020 465692 Minskip Road Boroughbridge North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Erection of a general purpose agricultural building.


1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

3 The building hereby approved shall be used for the purposes of agricultural storage only and shall not be used for any other purpose or for the keeping of livestock.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 Any use other than that approved might be detrimental to the amenities of nearby property.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02536/CLOPUD WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 18.08.2020 GRID REF: E 439349 TARGET DATE: 13.10.2020 N 466720 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 02.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.28.CLOPUD

LOCATION: 17 Chatsworth Grove Boroughbridge YO51 9BB

Page 53 PROPOSAL: Erection of a garage.

APPLICANT: Mr Andrew Brear


1 The proposed detached garage, as shown on Drawings DWG Nos. 20NP428/01/003 and 20NP428/01/001 complies with Schedule 2, Part 1, Class E of the General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended).

Reasons for Conditions:-

CASE NUMBER: 20/02557/TPO WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 13.07.2020 GRID REF: E 439384 TARGET DATE: 07.09.2020 N 466376 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.509.B.TPO

LOCATION: 6 Mallard Walk Boroughbridge York North Yorkshire YO51 9LQ

PROPOSAL: Crown Reduction (by 2m) of 1no. Sycamore Tree within G2 of Tree Preservation Order 49/1994.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist in accordance with British Standards: 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

Page 54

4 No pruning wounds greater than 50mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to maintain the amenity of the locality. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

CASE NUMBER: 20/00500/FUL WARD: Claro CASE OFFICER: Mark Williams DATE VALID: 25.03.2020 GRID REF: E 438013 TARGET DATE: 20.05.2020 N 457803 REVISED TARGET: 28.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.101.74.V.FUL

LOCATION: Oakwood Farm Hay A Park Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0RX

PROPOSAL: Erection of Agricultural Worker's Dwelling, including demolition of farm building.

APPLICANT: Mr Andrew Webster

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 25.09.23.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

3 Before the first use of any materials in the external construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, samples of those materials shall have been made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.

4 Prior to the commencement of the external construction of the walls of the development hereby approved a sample panel of the type of brick to be used

Page 55 showing the proposed coursing and pointing shall be erected on the site for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details and the sample brickwork panel shall be retained on site during the period of construction of all external walls that are constructed in brick.

5 The occupation of the dwelling hereby permitted shall be limited to a person solely or mainly employed or last employed in the locality in agriculture, as defined in Section 336 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or in forestry, (including any dependants of such a person residing with him) or a widow or widower of such a person.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 4 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 5 The development hereby approved would be unacceptable unless justified by the local needs of agriculture or forestry.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02070/FUL WARD: Claro CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 06.08.2020 GRID REF: E 439502 TARGET DATE: 01.10.2020 N 457973 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 29.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.102.109

LOCATION: 7 Shortsill Lane Flaxby HG5 0RT

PROPOSAL: Erection of a raised deck.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 29.09.2023.

Page 56

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following plans:

Proposed elevations, floor plan and site plan; received and uploaded to the public file on the 6th August 2020.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02288/FUL WARD: Claro CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 26.06.2020 GRID REF: E 436172 TARGET DATE: 21.08.2020 N 459937 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.85.41.K.FUL

LOCATION: Highfield Car And Commercial Highfield Farm Boroughbridge Road Ferrensby Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0PZ

PROPOSAL: Change of use of part of vehicle storage building (Use Class B8) to MOT testing centre (Use Class B2).

APPLICANT: Highfield Car And Commercial Limited

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 14.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

3 The use hereby permitted shall only be carried out within the hours of 08.00 to 18.00 Monday to Saturday with no working on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Page 57 Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of amenity.


1 The business operator has a duty of care with respect to their waste. They must ensure their waste is stored securely on site and is given to an authorised person for disposal and with each transfer a waste transfer document must be produced and retained for 2 years. If the business operator wishes to transport their own waste to an authorised or permitted waste disposal site they must hold a waste carriers licence issued by the Environment Agency

CASE NUMBER: 20/02489/DVCON WARD: Claro CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 10.07.2020 GRID REF: E 432684 TARGET DATE: 04.09.2020 N 458707 REVISED TARGET: 09.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.83.217.C.DVCON

LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 432684 458707 New Road Scotton North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to allow amendments to house types, fenestration and site layout of planning permission 19/05041/DVCON - Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to allow amendments to house types, fenestration and site layout of planning permission 18/00816/FUL - Erection of five dwellings with formation of vehicular access, hard standing and landscaping.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 30.05.2021.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and drawings:

Location and Block Plan Dwg No: 2466-101 Rev A Alterations to Proposed Site Dwg No: 2466-202 Rev A Alterations to Elevations Dwg No: 2466-203 Rev A

Page 58

3 A detailed scheme for landscaping, including the planting of trees and hedges, including strengthening existing landscaping, and the use of surface materials shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any external construction of the walls of the development hereby approved. The scheme shall specify materials, species, tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities, and the timing of implementation of the scheme, including any earthworks required and shall be implemented in strict accordance with details as approved by the Local Planning Authority.

4 In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

5 No phase of the development shall take place until a detailed design and associated management and maintenance plan of the surface water drainage, including a timetable for its implementation, for the site based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development has been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

If the use of soakaway drainage is to be pursued, results from trial pits and soil infiltration tests, which comply as a minimum with those outlined in BRE Digest 365 (2016) shall be submitted for approval. The strategy shall also demonstrate that ground water will remain at least 1 metre below the base of the soakaway at all times of year, and the sloping nature of the site has been taken in to account . Any discharge of surface water from the development site shall be restricted to Greenfield rates (1.4 l/s/ha for all storm scenarios or as otherwise agreed with the local planning authority) The overall strategy shall show that there is sufficient on site attenuation to accommodate a 1 in 30 year storm. The design shall ensure that storm water resulting from a 1 in 100 year rainfall event, plus 40% to account for climate change & urban creep, can be stored on the site without risk to people or property and without increasing the restricted flows off site or to the watercourse.

The drainage submission shall also include: - survey results of existing drainage ditches or sewers including details how any identified remedial items will be rectified - a site plan showing the exceedence flow routes during extreme storm conditions over the 1 in 100 year event or exceedence or failure of the drainage system.

6 The development hereby approved must be carried out strictly in accordance with the private access / verge crossing construction details approved under application 19/05039/DISCON; unless otherwise approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Page 59 7 Provision of Approved Access, Turning and Parking Areas No part of the development shall be brought into use until the approved vehicle access, parking, manoeuvring and turning areas approved under condition number 12:

(i) have been constructed in accordance with the submitted drawing

Once created these areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

8 Highway Condition Survey Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, there shall be no HCVs brought onto the site until a survey recording the condition of the existing highway has been carried out in a manner approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority.

9 Unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority, development other than that required to be carried out as part of an approved scheme of remediation must not commence until sections A to D have been complied with. If unexpected contamination is found after development has begun, development must be halted on that part of the site affected by the unexpected contamination to the extent specified by the Local Planning Authority in writing until section D has been complied with in relation to that contamination.

A. SITE CHARACTERISATION An investigation and risk assessment, in addition to any assessment provided with the planning application, must be completed in accordance with a scheme to assess the nature and extent of any contamination on the site, whether or not it originates on the site. The contents of the scheme are subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken by competent persons and a written report of the findings must be produced. The written report is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The report of the findings must include:

(i) a survey of the extent, scale and nature of contamination;

(ii) an assessment of the potential risks to: * human health, * property (existing or proposed) including buildings, crops, livestock, pets, woodland and service lines and pipes, * adjoining land, * groundwaters and surface waters * ecological systems * archaeological sites and ancient monuments;

(iii) an appraisal of remedial options, and proposal of the preferred option(s).

This must be conducted in accordance with DEFRA and the Environment Agency's 'Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination, CLR 11'.

Page 60

B. SUBMISSION OF REMEDIATION SCHEME A detailed remediation scheme to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to human health, buildings and other property and the natural and historical environment must be prepared, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The scheme must include all works to be undertaken, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria, timetable of works and site management procedures. The scheme must ensure that the site will not qualify as contaminated land under Part2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to the intended use of the land after remediation.

C. IMPLEMENTATION OF APPROVED REMEDIATION SCHEME The approved remediation scheme must be carried out in accordance with its terms prior to the commencement of development other than that required to carry out remediation, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification of commencement of the remediation scheme works.

Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

D. REPORTING OF UNEXPECTED CONTAMINATION In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the requirement of section A, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of section B, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a verification report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority in accordance with section C.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and to safeguard the control of the Local Planning Authority, in accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 of the Harrogate District Local Development Framework. 3 In the interests of visual amenity; in accordance with Core Strategy Policies EQ1 and SG4 of the Harrogate District Local Development Framework. 4 In the interests of visual amenity; in accordance with Core Strategy Policies EQ1 and SG4 of the Harrogate District Local Development Framework. 5 To ensure the site can be properly drained for the lifetime of the development; in

Page 61 accordance with Core Strategy Policies EQ1 and SG4 of the Harrogate District Local Development Framework. 6 To ensure a satisfactory means of access to the site from the public highway in the interests of vehicle and pedestrian safety and convenience; in accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 of the Harrogate District Local Development Framework. 7 To ensure appropriate on-site facilities in the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the development; in accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 of the Harrogate District Local Development Framework. 8 In the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the area; in accordance with Core Strategy Policy SG4 of the Harrogate District Local Development Framework. 9 To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors in accordance with policies SG4 and EQ1 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy.


1 Conditions 3,4,7,9,11,13,15,16 were discharged under planning application 19/05039/DISCON on 26.02.2020.

The conditions have been renumbered accordingly.

2 Trees on the site to which this permission relates are subject to a Tree Preservation Order and may not be lopped, topped or felled without the prior written consent of the Borough Council, unless the tree work has already been approved under cover of a planning permission which is being implemented. Any person undertaking work to protected trees without written consent is liable to prosecution. Application forms are available from the Councils Department of Development Services.

3 The ecological assessment approved under application 19/05039/DISCON which accompanies this application advises that a European Protected Species Mitigation Licence (EPSML) or Class Licence will require to be obtained from Natural England in order for the works to be undertaken lawfully.

This requirement is likely to also apply to any surface drainage works which may need to be undertaken to the west of the site. Where required, it is the applicant's responsibility to engage a suitably qualified ecological consultant to apply for the appropriate licence to ensure that no breach of the relevant wildlife legislation occurs as a result of the proposed works.

4 You are advised that a separate license will be required from the Highway Authority in order to allow any works in the adopted highway to be carried out. The 'Specification for Housing and Industrial Estate Roads and Private Street Works' published by North Yorkshire County Council, the Highway Authority, is available at the County Council's offices. The local office of the Highway Authority will also be pleased to provide the detailed constructional specification referred to in this

Page 62 condition.

5 A charging point for each dwelling should be to the specification below; - Mode 3 charging point with a type 2 outlet socket - The cable and circuitry ratings for the charging points shall be of adequate size to ensure a minimum continuous current demand of 16 Amps and a maximum demand of 32 Amps

CASE NUMBER: 20/02675/TPO WARD: Claro CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 22.07.2020 GRID REF: E 436863 TARGET DATE: 16.09.2020 N 462759 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.70.6.G.TPO

LOCATION: Oakgarth 22 Low Field Lane Staveley HG5 9LB

PROPOSAL: Crown lift (to 3m) and Crown Reduction (by 2m) of 1 no. Oak tree of Tree Preservation Order 68/2008.

APPLICANT: Shirley Ward

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist in accordance with British Standards: 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 2 In order to maintain the amenity of the locality. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

Page 63 CASE NUMBER: 20/02716/DISCON WARD: Claro CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 23.07.2020 GRID REF: E 432623 TARGET DATE: 17.09.2020 N 459678 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 24.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.83.198.B.DISCON

LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 432623 459678 Scotton North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required by Condition 4 (Contamination), Condition 6 (Archaeological), Condition 7 (Surface Water), Condition 10 (Highways), Condition 12 (Wheel Washing) and Condition 13 (Site Compound) of 17/02678/OUT.


CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)


1 .REPORTING OF UNEXPECTED CONTAMINATION In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the requirement of section A, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of section B, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a verification report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority in accordance with section C.

2 Condition 6

B. No demolition/development shall take place other than in accordance with the written scheme of investigation approved under condition A.

C. The development shall not be occupied until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the written scheme of investigation approved under condition A and the

Page 64 provision made for the analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01249/FUL WARD: Fountains & Ripley CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 23.04.2020 GRID REF: E 425810 TARGET DATE: 18.06.2020 N 468054 REVISED TARGET: 15.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.51.47.H.FUL

LOCATION: Lowgate Cottage Low Gate Lane Sawley HG4 3EL

PROPOSAL: Erection of detached double garage with garden store and log store.

APPLICANT: Dr Antony Bellaries

2 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 14.10.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following plans – Location Plan Proposed Site Plan received by the LPA ON 23.04.2020 Amended Plans and Elevations revision A

3 Before the first use of any materials in the external construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, samples of those materials shall have been made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. 3 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality.

Page 65

CASE NUMBER: 20/02187/FUL WARD: Fountains & Ripley CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 24.07.2020 GRID REF: E 425362 TARGET DATE: 18.09.2020 N 472686 REVISED TARGET: 13.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.19.102.B.FUL

LOCATION: Prospect House Galphay Village Galphay HG4 3NJ

PROPOSAL: Alterations to fenestration; and installation of 2 no. rooflights; re-building of garden wall at front of property onto Azerley Lane to follow line of property boundary and removal of secondary driveway.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Carley

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as set out below: Elevations as proposed - 07-A1-Rev P03 Floorplans as proposed - 06-A1-RevP03 Ground Floor plan and site plan - 05-A1-Rev P03 Re-pointing specification submitted 9th October 2020

3 Prior to the commencement of the construction of the garden boundary wall of the development hereby approved a sample panel of the type of stone to be used showing the proposed coursing and pointing shall be erected on the site for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details and the sample stonework panel shall be retained on site during the period of construction of all external walls that are constructed in stone.

4 The window frames of the development hereby permitted shall be constructed in timber and no other materials shall be used without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

5 The rooflight(s) hereby permitted shall be of the conservation type with a black steel frame and central glazing bar, have recessed installation so that the rooflight sits flush with the roof covering and does not project above this line, be top opening unless a side hung escape rooflight is required and the flashing of the opening shall be carried out in traditional leadwork.

Page 66

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3 In the interests of visual amenity and to protect the heritage asset 4 In the interests of visual amenity. 5 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02188/LB WARD: Fountains & Ripley CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 22.06.2020 GRID REF: E 425362 TARGET DATE: 17.08.2020 N 472686 REVISED TARGET: 13.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.19.102.A.LB

LOCATION: Prospect House Galphay Village Galphay HG4 3NJ

PROPOSAL: Listed Building Consent Application for alterations to fenestration and internal alterations to existing property including a loft conversion. Installation of two rooflights and window to side elevation and re-alignment of garden wall at front of property onto Azerley Lane to follow line of property boundary and removal of secondary driveway.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Carley

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works to which this consent relates must be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as set out below: Elevations as proposed - 07-A1-Rev P03 Floorplans as proposed - 06-A1-RevP03 Ground Floor plan and site plan - 05-A1-Rev P03 Re-pointing specification submitted 9th October 2020

3 Prior to the commencement of the construction of the garden boundary wall of the development hereby approved a sample panel of the type of stone to be used showing the proposed coursing and pointing shall be erected on the site for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in

Page 67 strict accordance with the approved details and the sample stonework panel shall be retained on site during the period of construction of all external walls that are constructed in stone.

4 The window frames of the development hereby permitted shall be constructed in timber and no other materials shall be used without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

5 The rooflight(s) hereby permitted shall be of the conservation type with a black steel frame and central glazing bar, have recessed installation so that the rooflight sits flush with the roof covering and does not project above this line, be top opening unless a side hung escape rooflight is required and the flashing of the opening shall be carried out in traditional leadwork.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity and to protect the heritage asset 4 In the interests of visual amenity. 5 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02302/DVCON WARD: Fountains & Ripley CASE OFFICER: Mike Parkes DATE VALID: 29.06.2020 GRID REF: E 432467 TARGET DATE: 24.08.2020 N 469438 REVISED TARGET: 09.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 09.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.44.180.B.DVCON

LOCATION: Grange Farm Littlethorpe Road Littlethorpe North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 2 and deletion of condition 16 of planning permission 19/00336/FUL to provide all plots with garages in lieu of car ports, and deletion of condition 14 due to change in affordable housing contribution requirements arising from the adoption of the Harrogate District Local Plan 2014-2035. Application 19/00336/FUL allowed the demolition of existing building and the erection of 5 dwellings

APPLICANT: AF Developments Ltd

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

Page 68

1 If any topsoil is taken onto site for the formation of a domestic garden it should be certified as suitable for a domestic garden. This should be validated through sampling once on site.

Certificates are required from each supplier for all imported soil and material onto the site. The certificates should include:

a) The source of the material; b) The ratio of samples taken in cubic metres; c) The proposed analytical suite of contaminants including metals, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and speciated polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and other contaminants as deemed necessary; and d) the assessment criteria against which, the analytical results have been compared, to assess the suitability for a mixed end use of leisure, wildlife habitats and agriculture.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details: Proposed Site Layout - W12-14-PLG6 rev B 23-06-2020 Proposed Plot 1 - W12-14-PLG1 rev B 23-06-2020 Plot 1 - Carport W-12-14-DVCON-1g Proposed Plot 2 - W12-14-PLG2 rev B 23-06-2020 Proposed Plot 3 - W12-14-PLG3 rev B 23-06-2020 Proposed Plot 4 - W12-14-PLG4 rev B 23-06-2020 Proposed Plot 5 - W12-14-PLG5 rev B 23-06-2020 Proposed Landscaping - W12-14-PLG7 rev B 23-06-2020

3 The external materials of the development hereby approved shall accord with the details approved under case no.19/03112/DISCON unless alternative materials that it is intended shall be used externally in the construction of the roof and walls of the development are made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

4 The surface water drainage scheme shall be maintained in strict accordance with the details approved under case no. 19/02360/DISCON.

5 Measures to prevent surface water from the site/plot discharging onto the existing or proposed highway shall be maintained in accordance with the approved details shown on drawing Standard Detail E7.

6 No dwelling shall be occupied until the related parking facilities have been constructed in accordance with the approved drawing W12-14-PLG6 rev B dated 23- 6-2020. Once created these parking areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

7 The garages shown on the approved plans shall not be converted to additional living

Page 69 accommodation and shall be retained as garages for the lifetime of the development.

8 Prior to occupation the charging points for electric vehicles and other ultra-low emission vehicles shall be installed and made operational in strict accordance with the details approved udder case no.19/03112/DISCON. The installed charging points shall be retained thereafter.

9 Landscaping works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved landscaping scheme shown on drawing W12-14-PLG7 rev B dated 23-06-2020. In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

10 Piped discharge of surface water from the application site shall take place in strict accordance with details approved under case no.19/02360/DISCON.

11 The works shall be undertaken in strictly accordance with the recommendations of the recommendations of the Bat Survey Report (Oatlands Ecology, November 2018, section 5.2) and the Landscaping Drawing W12-14-PLG7 rev B dated 23-06-2020.

12 Any vegetation to be removed and the demolition of the existing buildings must be undertaken outside the main birds nesting season (i.e. not March-August inclusively) unless a pre-commencement check by a suitably experienced ecologist determines that no actively nesting birds would be disturbed by such works

13 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the "Report on Risk of Gypsum Related Subsidence" carried out by Arc Environmental (Project No. 16-941), dated 03/03/17.

14 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended) Schedule 2 Part 1 Classes A to E, no extensions, additions or alterations to the roof, installation of additional openings, erection of a porch or provision of any building or enclosure within the curtilage of the dwelling hereby approved, shall be undertaken without written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

15 In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken by competent persons and a written report of the findings must be produced and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

16 Further to condition 15 above, where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to human health, buildings and other property and the natural and historical environment must be prepared, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

Page 70 17 Further to condition 16 above, the approved remediation scheme must be carried out in accordance with its terms prior to the commencement of development other than that required to carry out remediation, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification of commencement of the remediation scheme works.

18 Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme in accordance with condition 17 above, a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors in accordance with policies SG4 and EQ1 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 4 To ensure surface water is controlled in a sustainable manner. 5 In the interests of vehicle and pedestrian safety and convenience. 6 To provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development. 7 To ensure suitable parking is provided. 8 To improve air quality and sustainable transport throughout the District 9 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 10 To ensure the site is satisfactorily drained. 11 To provide ongoing opportunities for bats to be able to roost within the redeveloped site in accordance with NPPF paragraph 175(d) 12 To avoid harm to nesting birds during the preparation of the site 13 To reduce the risks to future occupiers of the development, resulting from subsidence due to gypsum dissolution. 14 In the interests of residential amenity for future and existing residents. 15 to 18. To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors.


1 Renewable and low carbon energy including incorporating small-scale renewable and low carbon energy generation is supported provided that: i. The proposal does not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the landscape,

Page 71 the natural environment, biodiversity, the cultural environment, the historic environment, adjoining land uses and residential amenity; and ii. Appropriate mitigation measures would be taken to minimise and, where possible, address adverse impacts; and iii. The proposal avoids unacceptable cumulative landscape and visual impacts.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02446/FUL WARD: Fountains & Ripley CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 04.08.2020 GRID REF: E 424425 TARGET DATE: 29.09.2020 N 468811 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 28.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.51.36.E.FUL

LOCATION: G_T's Ice Cream Home Farm Risplith Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3EP

PROPOSAL: Conversion of stores to form 2 units, Unit 1 to be an annex or holiday cottage, Unit 2 to be a holiday cottage


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 28.09.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as listed and as modified by the conditions of this consent. Location Plan submitted 24.06.2020 Proposed Drawings 4702 submitted 25.09.2020

3 The materials to be used in any conversion works shall match the existing building to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority

4 Prior to the first use of the properties as annex/holiday accommodation the bat boxes shown on plan 4702 submitted 25th September 2020 shall be installed and shall be maintained and retained as such for the lifetime of the development.

5 The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in accordance with Section 9 - Mitigation and Compensation of the Bat, Breeding Bird and Barn Owl Scoping Survey (MAB Environment and Ecology Ltd) dated June 2020.

6 Any works to trees shall be undertaken outside of the main birds nesting season (i.e. not March-August inclusively) unless a pre-commencement check by a suitably experienced ecologist demonstrates that no actively nesting birds would be disturbed.

Page 72

7 In the event that contamination not previously identified by the developer prior to the grant of this planning permission is encountered during the development, all groundworks in the affected area (save for site investigation works) shall cease immediately and the local planning authority shall be notified in writing within 2 working days. Groundworks in the affected area shall not recommence until either (a) a Remediation Strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority or (b) the local planning authority has confirmed in writing that remediation measures are not required. The Remediation Strategy shall include a timetable for the implementation and completion of the approved remediation measures. Thereafter remediation of the site shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the approved Remediation Strategy. Following completion of any measures identified in the approved Remediation Strategy a Verification Report shall be submitted to the local planning authority. No part of the site shall be brought into use until such time as the site has been remediated in accordance with the approved Remediation Strategy and a Verification Report in respect of those works has been approved in writing by the local planning authority.

8 The development of Unit 1 hereby permitted shall remain ancillary to the existing dwelling known as Home Farm at all times, except when in use as holiday accommodation. When in use as an annex it shall be only be occupied by the occupiers of Home Farm or their dependents, relatives or guests. When in use as holiday accommodation, it shall not be occupied as a persons sole, or main place of residence and the owner/operator shall maintain an up to date register of the names of all owners/occupiers of the accommodation and of their permanent home address and shall make this information available at all reasonable times to the Local Planning Authority. In all cases the development shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of separately to Home Farm.

9 The development of unit 2 hereby permitted shall be used as holiday accommodation only, it shall not be occupied as a persons sole, or main place of residence and the owner/operator shall maintain an up to date register of the names of all owners/occupiers of the accommodation and of their permanent home address and shall make this information available at all reasonable times to the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of separately to Home Farm.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity 4 In the interests of ecology 5 In the interests of local ecology and biodiversity enhancements 6 In the interests of local ecology

Page 73 7 To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors 8 The development as proposed is not considered suitable for permanent residential accommodation due to the level of amenity provided. 9 The development as proposed is not considered suitable for permanent residential accommodation due to the level of amenity provided.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03182/DISCON WARD: Fountains & Ripley CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 21.08.2020 GRID REF: E 429069 TARGET DATE: 16.10.2020 N 465187 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.52.93.DISCON

LOCATION: Joiners Barn High Street Markington North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Application to approve details required under condition 3 (materials) of planning permissions 18/03864/FUL - Conversion of barn to dwelling to include installation of rooflights and alterations to fenestration; and condition 3 (materials) of listed building consent 18/03838/LB - Listed building consent for the conversion of barn to dwelling to include mezzanine floor and walkway/balcony, redesigning of brick steps, installation of new windows and doors including rooflights and installation of boiler. radiators, under floor heating and wood burning stove with flue.

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Wilberforce

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)


1 The details provided in relation to condition 3 of 18/03864/FUL and 18/03838/LB are acceptable, however the conditions cannot be fully discharged until the works have been undertaken in accordance with the details approved. The approved details are: Walls: to reuse the existing stone

Page 74 Roof: Sandtoft "Arcadia Reclaimed" pantile. The ridge tile will be the Greys Reproduction Stone Ridges in Natural Weathered finish

CASE NUMBER: 20/01878/CLOPUD WARD: Harrogate Bilton Grange CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 01.06.2020 GRID REF: E 430424 TARGET DATE: 27.07.2020 N 457190 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14341.CLOPUD

LOCATION: 27 Hill Top Crescent Harrogate HG1 3BZ

PROPOSAL: Certificate of Lawfulness for erection of single storey rear extension and dormer extension.

APPLICANT: Mr Mick Hassall


1 The proposed single storey rear extension, dormer extension and installation of 2no. rooflights, as shown on drawings DWG Nos. PL02 Rev A. and PL03 comply with Schedule 2, Part 1, Classes A, B and C of the General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended).

Reasons for Conditions:-

CASE NUMBER: 20/02836/DISCON WARD: Harrogate Bilton Grange CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 31.07.2020 GRID REF: E 430173 TARGET DATE: 25.09.2020 N 456959 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 08.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14144.DISCON

LOCATION: 21 St Johns Grove Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 3AQ

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required by Condition 3 (Materials) of 19/03835/FUL.

Page 75

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs B. And L. Summers

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/02357/FUL WARD: Harrogate Central CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 10.08.2020 GRID REF: E 431005 TARGET DATE: 05.10.2020 N 455264 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14365.FUL

LOCATION: Flat 1 25 North Park Road Harrogate HG1 5AD

PROPOSAL: Replacement of 2no. bay windows, 1no. window and fascia boards.

APPLICANT: Mr Damian Lawrance

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings: Proposed elevations; drawing set - 25_NPR_CONCEPT, drawing number - PROPOSED-ELEVATION-FRONT and PROPOSED_ELEVATION_SIDE, drawing date 10.08.2020, rev A.

3 The frames and fascia boards hereby permitted shall be white and no other colour shall be used without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Page 76 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02919/DISCON WARD: Harrogate Central CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 04.08.2020 GRID REF: E 430287 TARGET DATE: 29.09.2020 N 455516 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14288.DISCON

LOCATION: 4 Oxford Buildings Mount Parade Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 1BX

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under condition 3 (details of railings and bin store) of planning permission 20/01205/FUL: Change-of-use of reading room/book store into offices (B1) and retail (A1) (ground floor) and 2 No. studio apartments (first and second floor) with formation of new entrance door, railings to front and bin store.

APPLICANT: Mr Richard Bancroft

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/02878/FUL WARD: Harrogate Coppice Valley CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 23.07.2020 GRID REF: E 429852 TARGET DATE: 17.09.2020 N 456100 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO:

LOCATION: 13 Hollins Road Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 2JF

PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension, demolition of detached garage and installation of roof light.

Page 77 APPLICANT: Mr G Bryant

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details and the following approved drawings: Location Plan received 23.07 2020; Proposed Site Plan, Floor Plans and Elevations received 01.10.2020.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external walls of the extension hereby permitted shall be white coloured render to match the existing single storey element.

4 The rooflight(s) hereby permitted shall be of the conservation type with a black steel frame and central glazing bar, have recessed installation so that the rooflight sits flush with the roof covering and does not project above this line, be top opening unless a side hung escape rooflight is required and the flashing of the opening shall be carried out in traditional leadwork.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02123/TPO WARD: Harrogate Duchy CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 16.06.2020 GRID REF: E 428632 TARGET DATE: 11.08.2020 N 455143 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.5804.G.TPO

LOCATION: Duchy House 59 Duchy Road Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 2HE

PROPOSAL: Crown Lift (by 2.7m) 1 no. Norway Maple and 1 no. Beech tree of Tree Preservation Order 27/2002.

Page 78


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist in accordance with British Standards: 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 No pruning wounds greater than 50mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to maintain the amenity of the locality. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02413/FUL WARD: Harrogate Duchy CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 06.07.2020 GRID REF: E 428668 TARGET DATE: 31.08.2020 N 455269 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 30.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.915.D.FUL

LOCATION: 122 Duchy Road Harrogate HG1 2HE

PROPOSAL: Erection of replacement summerhouse, alterations to roof of garden room and raised height of boundary fence.

APPLICANT: Mr Paul Doran

Page 79 2 Part APPROVED and part REFUSED as set out below:

PART TO BE APPROVED: Erection of replacement summerhouse and alterations to the roof of the garden room.

Subject to the following Conditions;

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 30.09.2023.

2 Location Plan: Drwg No.1342 1.3 (Received 06.07.2020) Site Plan with Elevations: Drwg No.1342 1.23 (Received 06.07.2020) Proposed Plans and Elevations: Drwg Nos.1342 1.22 (Received 06.07.2020)

Reasons for Conditions:

1 To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


Raised height of boundary fence.

Reasons for refusal:

3 The erection of the 3.6m high timber fencing, due its siting, scale and design represents an unacceptable development within the grounds of the host property. The increased height of the fence, by virtue of its prominent siting and scale along the shared boundary, would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of the adjacent neighbouring property and is considered to represent a visually intrusive addition to the existing boundary treatment that is harmful to the visual amenity of the neighbouring residents. This element of the proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, Local Plan policies HP3, HP4 and HS8 and guidance in the Council's Design Guide.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02542/TPO WARD: Harrogate Duchy CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 30.06.2020 GRID REF: E 429078 TARGET DATE: 25.08.2020 N 455016 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.8900.B.TPO

Page 80 LOCATION: Pinewood Lodge 71 Cornwall Road Harrogate HG1 2NB

PROPOSAL: Crown lifting over highway by 5.2m and gardens by 3m and crown reduction by 4.5m of 8 T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8 Lime trees within TPO 27/1999 and lateral reduction by 2m, 3m and 4m of 4 Pine trees within Group G2 of TPO 36/2008.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist and in accordance with British Standards 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 Lift tree canopies to achieve a maximum clearance of 2.7 metres between the branch tips and the ground level over the public footpath and garden area. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the pruning works. Lift tree canopies to achieve a maximum clearance of 5.2metres between the branch tips and the ground level over the public highway. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the pruning works. Reduce the tree canopies to achieve a maximum clearance of 2metres between the branch tips and the adjacent buildings. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the pruning works. Removal of epicormic growth only from the tree stems. No pruning wounds greater than 50mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works. Removal of ivy from trees are requested

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area.

Page 81

CASE NUMBER: 20/02661/TPO WARD: Harrogate Duchy CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 10.07.2020 GRID REF: E 427653 TARGET DATE: 04.09.2020 N 455736 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 30.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.9506.A.TPO

LOCATION: Penny Pots 22 Long Crag View Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2GJ

PROPOSAL: Felling of 1 Sitka Spruce with Group Order G8 of Tree Preservation Order 28/2001.

APPLICANT: Mrs I Kerriss

5 REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the locality. This would conflict with guidance National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan. 2 No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the tree has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03076/DISCON WARD: Harrogate Duchy CASE OFFICER: Emma Gibbens DATE VALID: 10.08.2020 GRID REF: E 429407 TARGET DATE: 05.10.2020 N 455055 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14181.B.DISCON

LOCATION: Sovereign House Sovereign Park Harrogate North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Discharge of condition 3 (window, doors and screen details) and 4 (materials) of planning permission 19/01058/FUL

APPLICANT: Sovereign Park Management Company

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

Page 82

CASE NUMBER: 20/01959/DISCON WARD: Harrogate Fairfax CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 18.06.2020 GRID REF: E 432112 TARGET DATE: 13.08.2020 N 455486 REVISED TARGET: 30.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 30.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.13835.A.DISCON

LOCATION: 30 Fairfax Avenue Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 7RF

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under conditions 3 (Material sample), 4 (Water Main),5 (Drainage Scheme), 6 (Electric Car charging points), and 7 (Construction Method Statement) of planning permission 19/00040/RG3 - Erection of 3 no. dwellings including parking, access and associated infrastructure. (Revised Scheme).

APPLICANT: RF Fullwood & Co Ltd

1 CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/02722/FUL WARD: Harrogate Fairfax CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 31.07.2020 GRID REF: E 432654 TARGET DATE: 25.09.2020 N 455470 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.1084.C.FUL

LOCATION: 34 Woodlands Grove Harrogate HG2 7BG

PROPOSAL: Demolition of detached double garage and erection of detached single storey annex.

Page 83 APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Johnson

2 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 25.09.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the annex hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing dwelling.

4 The window in the side (east facing) elevation of the development hereby approved shall be obscure glazed to level 3 or higher of the Pilkington scale of privacy or equivalent and that level of obscure glazing shall be retained throughout the life of the development.

5 The annex hereby permitted shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling known as 34 Woodlands Grove.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of residential amenity and privacy. 5 In the interests of amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02920/FUL WARD: Harrogate Fairfax CASE OFFICER: Andy Hough DATE VALID: 04.08.2020 GRID REF: E 431839 TARGET DATE: 29.09.2020 N 455586 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.4497.B.FUL

LOCATION: Brandon Lodge 3 Lancaster Park Road Harrogate HG2 7SW

PROPOSAL: Replacement of windows on a like-for-like basis

Page 84

APPLICANT: Murray Rankin

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted details and the following approved plans

Site Plan Dreg No . 04 Existing and Proposed Elevation’s Drwg No 03 Window Specifications (Dempsey Dyer Ltd).

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 To secure the satisfactory implementation of the proposal.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03034/TPO WARD: Harrogate Fairfax CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 11.08.2020 GRID REF: E 431726 TARGET DATE: 06.10.2020 N 455415 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.5468.AO.TPO

LOCATION: Harrogate District Hospital Lancaster Park Road Harrogate HG2 7SX

PROPOSAL: Crown lift to statutory 2.4 metres above pathway of 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree of Tree Preservation Order 29/2013.

APPLICANT: James Clapperton

1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

Page 85

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist and in accordance with British Standards 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 Crown lift the trees to achieve a maximum clearance over the public footpath of 2.7metres between the branch tips and the footpath surface. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03286/FUL WARD: Harrogate Fairfax CASE OFFICER: Mark Williams DATE VALID: 27.08.2020 GRID REF: E 431969 TARGET DATE: 22.10.2020 N 455123 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 09.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.3905.U.FUL

LOCATION: Harrogate Town Afc Wetherby Road Harrogate HG2 7RY

PROPOSAL: Extension to existing changing rooms, alterations to away supporters' WC and erection of temporary office accommodation.

APPLICANT: Harrogate Town AFC

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 09.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as amended by letter and or drawings received by the Council of the on the 8 October 2020 and as

Page 86 modified by the conditions of this consent.

3 The hours of construction for the development hereby permitted shall not take place outside 0800-1800 hours on any day.

4 The construction hours permitted by Condition 3 of this permission shall only apply until 13 May 2021. If construction works on this development continue beyond this date, they shall be restricted to the following hours:

0800 – 1800 Monday – Friday 0800-1300 Saturday No working on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

5 The temporary office buildings hereby approved shall be removed from the site within 5 years from the date of this permission unless a further permission is granted for their retention.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of residential amenity. 4 In the interests of residential amenity in the longer term. 5 The buildings are of a temporary nature and not suitable for permanent siting by reason of their design.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02338/FUL WARD: Harrogate Harlow CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 01.07.2020 GRID REF: E 429179 TARGET DATE: 26.08.2020 N 453504 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 28.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.9857.A.FUL

LOCATION: 30 Beckwith Crescent Harrogate HG2 0BQ

PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension and replacement rear dormer extension.

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Morrison

Page 87

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 28.09.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details within the application form and the following submitted plans and drawings: Location Plan: Drwg No. 1356/3 (Received 01.07.2020) Site Plan: Drwg No. 1356/4 (Received 01.07.2020) Proposed Plans and Elevations: Drwg No. 1356/2 (Received 01.07.2020)

3 Except where explicitly stated otherwise within the application form the external materials of the development hereby approved shall match those of the existing dwelling.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.


1 No works are to be undertaken which will create an obstruction, either permanent or temporary, to the Public Right of Way adjacent to the proposed development. Applicants are advised to contact the County Council's Access and Public Rights of team at County Hall, Northallerton via [email protected] to obtain up-to- date information regarding the line of the route of the way. The applicant should discuss with the Highway Authority any proposals for altering the route.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02763/FUL WARD: Harrogate Harlow CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 27.07.2020 GRID REF: E 428995 TARGET DATE: 21.09.2020 N 453593 REVISED TARGET: 02.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.2442.C.FUL

LOCATION: 78 Beckwith Crescent Harrogate HG2 0BH

PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey extension and demolition of single storey extension.


Page 88 Mr And Mrs M Burrett

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03216/PNH WARD: Harrogate High Harrogate CASE OFFICER: Mike Parkes DATE VALID: 25.08.2020 GRID REF: E 430834 TARGET DATE: 20.10.2020 N 455685 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14218.D.PNH

LOCATION: Pure Collection Ltd Mowbray House Mowbray Square Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 5AU

PROPOSAL: Prior notification for change of use from Offices (use class B1) to 20 dwellings (use class C3).

APPLICANT: Jeevaani Properties Limited

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The internal layout shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings:

Page 89 20-5149-101-P5 Building Regs Proposed First Floor Plan dated 09.10.2020 20-5149-102-P5 Building Regs Proposed Second Floor Plan dated 09.10.2020 20-5149-103-P5 Building Regs Proposed Third Floor Plan dated 09.10.2020

2 The parking and vehicular manoeuvring spaces shown on drawing 20-5149-100 P1 dated 17.08.2020 shall be maintained free of obstruction at all times during the occupation of the apartments.

3 All plant and materials to be used in undertaking the conversion of the building shall be stored clear of the highway.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms. 2 To ensure adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development. 3 In the interest of public safety and amenity

CASE NUMBER: 20/02786/FUL WARD: Harrogate Hookstone CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 18.08.2020 GRID REF: E 433247 TARGET DATE: 13.10.2020 N 455570 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14400.C.FUL

LOCATION: Bettys Bakery Plumpton Park Harrogate HG2 7LD

PROPOSAL: Installation of a temporary canopy to existing Bettys Bakery forecourt to provide covered loading area.

APPLICANT: Miss Robyn Grewar

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 07.10.2023.

2 The temporary canopy hereby approved shall be removed from the site within 2 years from the date of erection unless a further permission is granted for its retention.

Page 90

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 The canopy is of a temporary nature and not suitable for permanent siting by reason of its design.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03352/AMENDS WARD: Harrogate Hookstone CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 03.09.2020 GRID REF: E 433053 TARGET DATE: 01.10.2020 N 455531 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.8337.Y.AMENDS

LOCATION: Bettys And Taylors Of Harrogate Plumpton Park Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 7LD

PROPOSAL: Non-material amendment to allow for amendment to building signage details of planning permission 18/00183/FULMAJ - Erection of a 3-storey extension to provide additional office accommodation.

APPLICANT: Mr Tim Wheeler



1 Any changes approved as part of this NMA are limited to the positioning of the signage on the southern elevation only. The LED back lit illuminated signage does not form part of this approval as separate advertisement consent is required.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02240/FUL WARD: Harrogate New Park CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 30.07.2020 GRID REF: E 429646 TARGET DATE: 24.09.2020 N 456928 REVISED TARGET:

Page 91 DECISION DATE: 24.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14353.FUL

LOCATION: 11 Park House Green Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 3HW

PROPOSAL: Erection of fence.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 24.09.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings: Location plan; received and uploaded to the public file on the 28th July 2020. Proposed side and rear elevations; received and uploaded to the public file on the 28th July 2020. Proposed site plan; received and uploaded to the public file on the 28th July 2020.

3 Any gates must not swing over or open onto the existing highway and public footpath.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of vehicle and pedestrian safety and convenience.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02837/TPO WARD: Harrogate New Park CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 17.07.2020 GRID REF: E 429779 TARGET DATE: 11.09.2020 N 457009 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.9371.TPO

LOCATION: Sycamore Quarry Lane Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 3HR

Page 92 PROPOSAL: Trimming back of 1 no. Sycamore tree within Woodland of Tree Preservation Order 74/2018.

APPLICANT: Mr Peter Kaufmann

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist and in accordance with British Standards 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 Reduce the canopy of the tree to achieve a maximum clearance of 2 metres between the branch tips and the adjacent structures with no pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02414/FUL WARD: Harrogate Oatlands CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 22.07.2020 GRID REF: E 431153 TARGET DATE: 16.09.2020 N 453115 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.341.E.FUL

LOCATION: 37 Almsford Avenue Harrogate HG2 8HE

PROPOSAL: Demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey extension.

Page 93 APPLICANT: Mrs Turnbull

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details within the application form and the following submitted plans and drawings: Location Plan: Drwg No.3212/03/100 (Received 22.07.2020) Proposed Plans and Elevations: Drwg No.3212/03/100 (Received 06.07.2020)

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall accord with the details within the application form and proposed elevations on Drwg No.3212/03/100 and shall be retained thereafter unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

4 The render hereby permitted shall be white or off white unless otherwise approved by the Local Planning Authority.

5 No development or other operations shall commence on site until a scheme, by a qualified structural engineer, for the foundation details and general building structure has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall show the location of neighbouring trees and ensure that the building is protected against root activity related movement in the future. Thereafter, development shall take place in accordance with the approved details; no development shall take place except in complete accordance with the approved protection scheme.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of visual amenity. 5 To ensure the protection of trees in the vicinity and the longevity of the development.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02426/TPO WARD: Harrogate Oatlands CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 23.07.2020 GRID REF: E 430756 TARGET DATE: 17.09.2020 N 452852 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020

Page 94 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.7612.F.TPO

LOCATION: 7 Daleside Gardens Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 9JD

PROPOSAL: Crown Lift (to 3m) of 1 no. Oak Tree within Tree Preservation Order 18/1987.

APPLICANT: Saxwood Developments Ltd

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist in accordance with British Standards: 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to maintain the amenity of the locality. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03562/DISCON WARD: Harrogate Oatlands CASE OFFICER: Gerard Walsh DATE VALID: 17.09.2020 GRID REF: E 430763 TARGET DATE: 12.11.2020 N 453493 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.7875.T.DISCON

LOCATION: Oatlands Retail Park, Unit 1 Beech Avenue Harrogate HG2 8DS

Page 95 PROPOSAL: Application to approve detail required by condition 39 (BREEAM post construction certification) of 12/00816/FULMAJ - Demolition of existing car showroom and erection of retail store.

APPLICANT: St James Securities

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/02488/FUL WARD: Harrogate Old Bilton CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 10.07.2020 GRID REF: E 430480 TARGET DATE: 04.09.2020 N 457326 REVISED TARGET: 12.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.11600.A.FUL

LOCATION: 23 Hill Top Mount Harrogate HG1 3BL

PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing detached garage, garden store, and conservatory. Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs J Toas

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 06.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings: Proposed plans and elevations; job number 20/06/2008, drawing number 04, revision E, dated 24.09.2020, received and uploaded to the public file on the 25th September 2020. Site plans; job number 20/06/2008, drawing number 02, revision A, dated 24.09.2020, received and uploaded to the public file on the 25th September 2020. Site location plan; job number 20/06/2008, drawing number 01, dated July 2020.

3 The external wall and roof materials of the extensions hereby permitted shall match

Page 96 those used in the existing dwellinghouse.

4 The first floor window in the bathroom and the first floor window in the en-suite; of the development hereby approved shall be obscure glazed to level 3 or higher of the Pilkington scale of privacy or equivalent and that level of obscure glazing shall be retained throughout the life of the development.

5 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order), no further windows shall be inserted in the two storey extension hereby approved, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of residential amenity and privacy. 5 In the interests of residential amenity and privacy.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02172/ADV WARD: Harrogate Pannal Ward CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 19.06.2020 GRID REF: E 429151 TARGET DATE: 14.08.2020 N 452912 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.13656.D.ADV

LOCATION: Castle Hill Farm Whinney Lane Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1QF

PROPOSAL: Display of 1 no. non-illuminated wall mounted sign, 6 no. freestanding flagpole signs and 3no. free standing ground mounted signs.

APPLICANT: Stonebridge Homes

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The adverts hereby permitted shall be displayed in strict accordance with the following drawings as modified by other conditions of the consent; Proposed Sales Area Layout PA-WL-SA-01.

Page 97

2 The adverts hereby permitted shall be non-illuminated.

3 The adverts hereby permitted shall be removed by 30th December 2023.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 2 In the interests of amenity. 3 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02805/FUL WARD: Harrogate Saltergate CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 29.07.2020 GRID REF: E 427822 TARGET DATE: 23.09.2020 N 456718 REVISED TARGET: 25.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.93.710.A.FUL

LOCATION: 41 Heather Way Harrogate HG3 2SH

PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey side extension.

APPLICANT: Mr Alex Langley

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 25.09.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings: Proposed elevations, drawing number A103, rev 1, dated 16/07/2020. Proposed plans, drawing number A102, rev 1, dated 16/07/2020.

3 The render for the extension hereby permitted shall be white, off-white or cream and no other colours shall be used without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

4 The tiles in the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing dwelling.

Page 98

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of visual amenity.


1 Please note this planning application does not grant planning permission for the fence that has been erected immediately adjacent to the side of the north elevation of the property. This fence does not benefit from planning permission and should be removed or a retrospective planning application submitted. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the proposed plans which do not show a fence to be erected to the side of the extension hereby permitted.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02230/FUL WARD: Harrogate St Georges CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 24.06.2020 GRID REF: E 430178 TARGET DATE: 19.08.2020 N 454492 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.5513.F.FUL

LOCATION: Dunorlan, Flat 3 2 Park Road Harrogate HG2 9AZ

PROPOSAL: Removal of timber windows and installation of replacement UPVC sash windows. Formation of inverted roof dormer balcony.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Whiteley

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details within the application form and submitted plans and drawings: Location plan: Drwg No.P101 (received 24.06.2020) Plans and Elevations: Drwg No.P103 (received 24.06.2020) Window schedule: Dwg No.P002 (received 24.06.2020)

Page 99

3 Before the first use of any materials in the installation of the windows of the development hereby approved, samples of those materials shall have been made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02324/TPO WARD: Harrogate St Georges CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 30.06.2020 GRID REF: E 430424 TARGET DATE: 25.08.2020 N 453527 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.1382.L.TPO

LOCATION: 3 Cedar Grange Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 9NY

PROPOSAL: Crown lifting and removal of two branches of 1 Cedar tree within Area A1 of TPO 08/1992.

APPLICANT: Mr Jon Clayton

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist and in accordance with British Standards 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 Lift the tree canopy to achieve a maximum clearance of 2.7 metres between the branch tips and the ground level on the garden side of the property. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works. Reduce the tree canopy to achieve a maximum clearance of 2 metres between the branch tips and the adjacent building. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in

Page 100 diameter to be generated as a result of the works.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02976/TPO WARD: Harrogate Starbeck CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 07.08.2020 GRID REF: E 433500 TARGET DATE: 02.10.2020 N 455826 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.4824.P.TPO

LOCATION: Old Orchard Cottage 137 Forest Lane Harrogate HG2 7EQ

PROPOSAL: Lateral reduction up to 3.5m of 2 no. Ash trees of Tree Preservation Order 35/1996.

APPLICANT: Deborah Termorsche

Part APPROVED and part REFUSED as set out below:

PART TO BE APPROVED: Reduce the tree canopy to achieve a maximum clearance of 2 metres between the branch tips and the adjacent structure.

Subject to the following Conditions;

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist and in accordance with British Standards 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

Page 101

Reasons for Conditions:

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area.

3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.


Lateral reduction up to 3.5m.

Reasons for refusal:

1 The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the locality. This would conflict with guidance National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

2 No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03733/CMA WARD: Harrogate Starbeck CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 14.09.2020 GRID REF: E 433136 TARGET DATE: 12.10.2020 N 456231 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 15.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.1124.Q.CMA

LOCATION: Springwater School High Street Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 7LW

PROPOSAL: Consultation on planning application for the purposes of the retention of prefabricated classroom unit Y565 for a further 6 years (116 sq. metres).

APPLICANT: North Yorkshire County Council


Page 102

CASE NUMBER: 20/01752/TPO WARD: Harrogate Stray CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 18.08.2020 GRID REF: E 431543 TARGET DATE: 13.10.2020 N 454419 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.6165.S.TPO

LOCATION: Apley Grange 35 Oatlands Drive Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 8JT

PROPOSAL: Felling of 1 no. Eucalyptus Tree (Tag no. 0117) of Tree Preservation Order 07/1990.

APPLICANT: Mr Musa Corcu

REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the surrounding area. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

2 No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan

CASE NUMBER: 20/02347/FUL WARD: Harrogate Stray CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 01.07.2020 GRID REF: E 431896 TARGET DATE: 26.08.2020 N 454766 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.8030.A.FUL

LOCATION: 2 St Leonards Oval Harrogate HG2 8NT


Page 103 Erection of single storey extension, re-roofing of existing conservatory, new configuration of front door and installation of porch canopy.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Miller

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 25.09.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details within the application form and the following submitted plans and drawings: Location Plan: (Received 01.07.2020) Site Plan: Drwg No. M56-1-PLG3 rev a (Received 23.09.2020) Proposed Plans: Drwg No. M56-1-PLG2 rev a (Received 23.09.2020) Proposed Elevations: Drwg No. M56-1-PLG1 rev a (Received 23.09.2020)

3 Except where explicitly stated otherwise within the application form the external materials of the development hereby approved shall match those of the existing dwelling.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02862/FUL WARD: Harrogate Stray CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 24.08.2020 GRID REF: E 431802 TARGET DATE: 19.10.2020 N 454746 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 12.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14387.FUL

LOCATION: 51 St Leonards Road Harrogate HG2 8NS

PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey extension.

APPLICANT: Mr Martyn Ryder

Page 104 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 12.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings: Location plan and proposed site plans, reference 2020903, dated 30/07/2020, drawing number 01. Proposed roof plans and floor plans, reference; 202903, dated 30/07/2020, drawing number 04. Proposed rear and right elevations, reference; 202903, dated 30/07/2020, drawing number 03. Proposed front and left elevations, reference; 202903, dated 30/07/2020, drawing number 02.

3 The external wall and roof materials of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing dwellinghouse.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02006/FUL WARD: Harrogate Valley Gardens CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 10.06.2020 GRID REF: E 429788 TARGET DATE: 05.08.2020 N 454971 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 12.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14346.FUL

LOCATION: 15 Heywood Road Harrogate HG2 0LU

PROPOSAL: Demolition of porch, bow window and timber fencing. Erection of steel canopy, installation of front door and French windows. Installation of hardwood decking and timber fencing. Refurbishment or renewal of existing timber windows and replacement of remaining aluminium windows with timber windows.

APPLICANT: Mr Barry Marshall

Page 105

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 12.10.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details within the application form and the following submitted plans and drawings: Location Plan: (Received 10.06.2020) Site Plan: Drwg No.01 (Received 10.06.2020) Proposed Plans: Drwg No.07 (Received 10.06.2020) Proposed Elevations: Drwg Nos.08, 09 & 10 (Received 10.06.2020)

3 Except where explicitly stated otherwise within the application form the external materials of the development hereby approved shall match those of the existing dwelling with existing stonework being reused where possible.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02106/FUL WARD: Harrogate Valley Gardens CASE OFFICER: Arthama Lakhanpall DATE VALID: 29.06.2020 GRID REF: E 429114 TARGET DATE: 24.08.2020 N 454528 REVISED TARGET: 02.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 28.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.14351.FUL

LOCATION: 28 Florence Road Harrogate HG2 0LD

PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey extension, garage and dormers, conversion of loft and outbuilding to form additional living accommodation with alterations to roof and formation of dropped kerb.

APPLICANT: Ms Catherine Rycroft

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

Page 106 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 28.09.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as modified by the conditions of this consent:

Y-20033-P003-Proposed Plans and Elevations Revision A - received 9 September 2020 Y-20033-P004-Garage Plans and Elevations Revision A - received 9 September 2020 Y-20033-P005-Proposed Street Scene - received 14 September 2020

3 The development must not be brought into use until the access to the site at 28 Florence Road, Harrogate has been set out and constructed in accordance with the 'Specification for Housing and Industrial Estate Roads and Private Street Works" published by the Local Highway Authority and the following requirements:

The crossing of the highway verge and/or footway must be constructed in accordance with the approved details and/or Standard Detail number E6.

4 The external wall and roof materials in the development hereby permitted shall match those as existing.

5 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order), no further windows shall be inserted on the extension, dormers and garage other than those hereby approved.

6 Notwithstanding the provision of any Town and Country Planning General Permitted or Special Development Order for the time being in force, the areas shown on Y- 20033-P003-Proposed Plans and Elevations Revision A (received 9 September 2020) for parking spaces and turning areas shall be kept available for their intended purposes at all times.

7 The sunroom hereby approved shall remain ancillary to the main residential use of the dwelling known as '28 Florence Road'. It shall not be sold, let or used separately or for permanent residential accommodation otherwise than by members of the family of the occupiers for the time being of '28 Florence Road'.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 To ensure a satisfactory means of access to the site from the public highway in the interests of highway safety and the convenience of all highway users. 4 In the interests of visual amenity. 5 In the interests of privacy and residential amenity. 6 To provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for

Page 107 vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development. 7 In the interests of residential amenity and highway safety.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02322/FUL WARD: Harrogate Valley Gardens CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 14.07.2020 GRID REF: E 429603 TARGET DATE: 08.09.2020 N 454764 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 05.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.10267.D.FUL

LOCATION: Flat 3 2 West Cliffe Grove Harrogate HG2 0PL

PROPOSAL: Installation of rooflight.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 05.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the following approved drawings: Location Plan received 30.06.2020 Existing and Proposed Plans, Elevations and Site Plan 2WG/PL01 rev A received 02.10.2020.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02342/FUL WARD: Harrogate Valley Gardens CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 21.07.2020 GRID REF: E 429641 TARGET DATE: 15.09.2020 N 454761 REVISED TARGET:

Page 108 DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.12252.A.FUL

LOCATION: 145 Cold Bath Road Harrogate HG2 0NU

PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing garage and erection of replacement garage.

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Kernighan

1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details and the following approved drawings: Existing Site Plan PL05 Proposed Site Plan PL06 Existing Floor Plan PL10 Existing Roof Plan PL12 Existing Elevations PL15 Existing 3D View PL18 Proposed Floor Plan PL20 rev A Proposed Roof Plan PL22 Proposed Elevations PL25 rev A Proposed 3D View PL28 rev A.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the garage hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02806/ADV WARD: Killinghall & Hampsthwaite CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 29.07.2020 GRID REF: E 428640 TARGET DATE: 23.09.2020 N 458680 REVISED TARGET:

Page 109 DECISION DATE: 30.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.93.89.L.ADV

LOCATION: Three Horseshoes Ripon Road Killinghall HG3 2DH

PROPOSAL: Display of 2no. externally illuminated fascia signs, 2no. non-illuminated fascia signs, 1no. externally illuminated projecting sign and 1 no. wall mounted sign.


1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The advertisements hereby permitted shall be displayed in strict accordance with the following drawings: Proposed elevations; drawing number 03_KILL_03B, dated 23.07.2020.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03036/TPO WARD: Killinghall & Hampsthwaite CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 11.08.2020 GRID REF: E 426251 TARGET DATE: 06.10.2020 N 458456 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 08.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.92.62.D.TPO

LOCATION: Farleigh House 43 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2EG

PROPOSAL: Various works to trees safeguarded by Tree Preservation Order 10/2019.

APPLICANT: Rodger Lowe

Part APPROVED and part REFUSED as set out below:


Page 110 Crown lift trees 5.2m over highway, 2.7m over public footpath, crown reduce canopies to max clearance of 2m between tree and adjacent structure and felling of T2 Cherry tree.

Subject to the following Conditions;

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist and in accordance with British Standards 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 Crown lift the trees to achieve a maximum clearance over the public highway of 5.2metres between the branch tips and the highway surface. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works. Crown lift the trees to achieve a maximum clearance over the public footpath of 2.7metres between the branch tips and the footpath surface. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works. Crown reduce tree canopies to achieve a maximum clearance of 2metres between the branch tips and the adjacent structure. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works. The removal of deadwood from trees if required (however some deadwood is of benefit for habitat and ecological purposes so consideration has to be given about the necessity to remove some of all of the deadwood from the trees).

5 There is a replacement planting duty for the T2 Cherry tree, the specification for which is as follows: The felled tree shall be replaced with a Wild Cherry tree (Prunus avium) The tree shall be procured and planted in accordance with British Standards BS 8545:2014. The replacement tree shall be a minimum 12-14cm stem girth, 45-85 litre rootball at the time of planting. The replacement tree should be planted as close to the felled tree as is possible (unless otherwise agreed). The replacement tree shall be planted in a prepared pit, which is 50% larger than rootball of the tree itself. The sides of the planting pit are to be forked over to help alleviate compaction and allow for the tree roots to become established. The tree shall be planted with the root collar at the same level as the surrounding soil levels. The tree pit shall be backfilled with topsoil clean of building contaminants. The tree shall be staked, tied and mulched at the time of planting. The tree shall be anchored with a single stake angled at 45 degrees and attached the trunk of the tree with a tie at circa 1 metre above ground level. The stake shall be driven into the ground clear of the rootball. The stake and tie shall be removed no sooner than following a minimum of 2 growing seasons. The tree shall be planted from the 1 October 2020 and prior to the end of the 31

Page 111 March 2021. Should the replacement tree fail or die within 5-years of its planting date then it should be replaced within an agreed species, of agreed dimensions and within an agreed location with the LPA.

Reasons for Conditions:

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area.

3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

5 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.


Felling of trees T5, T6 & T11.

Reasons for refusal:

1 The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the locality. This would conflict with guidance National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

2 No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01751/FUL WARD: Knaresborough Aspin & Calcutt CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 15.06.2020 GRID REF: E 434601 TARGET DATE: 10.08.2020 N 456062 REVISED TARGET: 15.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.13505.C.FUL

LOCATION: The Paddocks Cass Lane Calcutt Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 8JZ

Page 112 PROPOSAL: Retention of static caravan and amenity block to form private gypsy site for

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Hooton

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 No more than two caravans, of which no more than one shall be a static caravan or mobile home, shall be stationed on the site at any time.

2 No commercial, industrial or business activity, including the storage of materials, shall take place on the land, and no commercial vehicle with a weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes shall be stationed, parked or stored on the site.

3 All waste generated on site shall be disposed on within the facilities already existing on site (Council provided receptacles). There shall be no burning of waste.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 In the interests of the character and openness of the Green Belt; in accordance with Local Plan policy GS4. 2 In the interests of the character and openness of the Green Belt; in accordance with Local Plan policy GS4. 3 In the interests of visual and residential amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01756/FUL WARD: Knaresborough Aspin & Calcutt CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 18.06.2020 GRID REF: E 434723 TARGET DATE: 13.08.2020 N 456064 REVISED TARGET: 15.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.2826.D.FUL

LOCATION: Green Acres Cass Lane Calcutt Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 8JZ

PROPOSAL: Private Gypsy Pitch with amenity block for

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Cassidy

Page 113

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 No more than two caravans, of which no more than one shall be a static caravan or mobile home, shall be stationed on the site at any time.

2 No commercial, industrial or business activity, including the storage of materials, shall take place on the land, and no commercial vehicle with a weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes shall be stationed, parked or stored on the site.

3 All waste generated on site shall be disposed on within the facilities already existing on site (Council provided receptacles). There shall be no burning of waste

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 In the interests of the character and openness of the Green Belt; in accordance with Local Plan policy GS4. 2 In the interests of the character and openness of the Green Belt; in accordance with Local Plan policy GS4. 3 In the interests of visual and residential amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02362/FUL WARD: Knaresborough Aspin & Calcutt CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 29.06.2020 GRID REF: E 435197 TARGET DATE: 24.08.2020 N 456513 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.139.B.FUL

LOCATION: Rydal 13 Crag Lane Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 8EE

PROPOSAL: Demolition of detached garage. Erection of 1no. two storey extension and 1no. single storey extension, formation of first floor balcony and alterations to fenestration (Revised Scheme).

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Lindsay

1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

Page 114 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details within the application form and the following submitted plans and drawings: Location Plan: (Received 29.06.2020) Proposed Plans and Elevations: Drwg No.CL (13)/102 Rev A (Received 29.06.2020)

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall accord with the sample provided under application 18/03207/DISCON. Except where explicitly stated otherwise within the application form and Drwg No. CL (13)/102 Rev A, the external materials of the development hereby approved shall match those of the existing dwelling.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interest of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02487/FUL WARD: Knaresborough Aspin & Calcutt CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 10.07.2020 GRID REF: E 435024 TARGET DATE: 04.09.2020 N 456377 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 30.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.2943.A.FUL

LOCATION: 1 Middleton Cottages Blands Hill Calcutt HG5 8JD

PROPOSAL: Demolition of flat roof side extension and erection of two storey and single storey extensions.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs R Spalding

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 30.09.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict

Page 115 accordance with the submitted details, as amended by letter and or drawings received by the Council of the Borough of Harrogate on the 29th September 2020 and as modified by the conditions of this consent.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02755/TPO WARD: Knaresborough Aspin & Calcutt CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 24.07.2020 GRID REF: E 434704 TARGET DATE: 18.09.2020 N 456020 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 30.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.13443.A.TPO

LOCATION: Merryvale Cass Lane Calcutt HG5 8JZ

PROPOSAL: Felling of 9 no. Willow trees of Tree Preservation Order 23/2011.


Part APPROVED and part REFUSED as set out below:

PART TO BE APPROVED: Felling of the 1 dead Willow tree (T8).

Subject to the following Conditions;

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification

Page 116 noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist and in accordance with British Standards 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 The felled tree shall be replaced with 1 Weeping Willow tree (Salix babylonica) The tree shall be procured and planted in accordance with British Standards BS 8545:2014. The replacement tree shall be a minimum 12-14cm stem girth, 45-85 litre rootball at the time of planting. The replacement tree should be planted as close to the felled tree as is possible. The replacement tree shall be planted in a prepared pit, which is 50% larger than rootball of the tree itself. The sides of the planting pit are to be forked over to help alleviate compaction and allow for the tree roots to become established. The tree shall be planted with the root collar at the same level as the surrounding soil levels. The tree pit shall be backfilled with topsoil clean of building contaminants. The tree shall be staked, tied and mulched at the time of planting. The tree shall be anchored with a single stake angled at 45 degrees and attached the trunk of the tree with a tie at circa 1 metre above ground level. The stake shall be driven into the ground clear of the rootball. The stake and tie shall be removed no sooner than following a minimum of 2 growing seasons. The tree shall be planted from the 1 October 2020 and prior to the end of the 31 March 2021. Should the replacement tree fail or die within 5-years of its planting date then it should be replaced within an agreed species, of agreed dimensions and within an agreed location with the LPA.

Reasons for Conditions:

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area.

3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.


Felling of 8 Willow trees (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9).

Reasons for refusal:

1 The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the locality. This

Page 117 would conflict with guidance National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

2 No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03183/DISCON WARD: Knaresborough Aspin & Calcutt CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 21.08.2020 GRID REF: E 435053 TARGET DATE: 16.10.2020 N 456396 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 08.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.1927.DISCON

LOCATION: Little Runswick Spitalcroft Knaresborough HG5 8JB

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under condition 3 (materials samples) of planning permission 19/00892/FUL Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new dwelling with integral garage, landscaping to front and rear.

APPLICANT: Wildblood Macdonald

1 CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/01988/LB WARD: Knaresborough Castle CASE OFFICER: Emma Gibbens DATE VALID: 22.06.2020 GRID REF: E 434787 TARGET DATE: 17.08.2020 N 457196 REVISED TARGET: 18.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 05.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.2123.I.LB

LOCATION: Hunters Lodge 1 Vicarage Lane Knaresborough HG5 9AF

Page 118

PROPOSAL: To convert wardrobe and small section of corridor to form en-suite and to install vent to currently unvented cellar space

APPLICANT: Mr and Mrs David Broady

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works to which this consent relates must be begun on or before 05.10.2023.

2 The works hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following Approved plans and drawings:

Heritage Statement, received 9th June 2020 '1st Floor Proposed,' received 22nd June 2020 '1st Floor existing,' received 22nd June 2020 Photo showing 'Proposed Vent Location', received 16th September 2020

3 Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority, the vent to be installed on the front elevation shall be a flush-fitting air brick, no greater than 10" by 7" in size and painted to match the surrounding fabric of the wall.

4 Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority, the vent to be installed on the rear elevation shall be a flush-fitting air brick, painted to match the surrounding fabric of the wall, or a flush-fitting metal grille painted black, or to match the surrounding fabric of the wall.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990. 2 To secure the satisfactory implementation of the proposal. 3 In the interests of preserving the character and appearance of the listed building and its setting. 4 In the interests of preserving the character and appearance of the listed building and its setting.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02917/TPO WARD: Knaresborough Castle CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 04.08.2020 GRID REF: E 433533 TARGET DATE: 29.09.2020 N 457995 REVISED TARGET:

Page 119 DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.2244.F.TPO

LOCATION: 11 Appleby Court Knaresborough HG5 9LU

PROPOSAL: Felling of 1 Ash Tree of Group G27 of Tree Preservation Order 05/2008.

APPLICANT: Mr Tom Martin

REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the surrounding area. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan. 2 No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02373/TPO WARD: Knaresborough Scriven Park CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 01.07.2020 GRID REF: E 435445 TARGET DATE: 26.08.2020 N 458545 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.2011.A.TPO

LOCATION: Scriven Bar House 84 Boroughbridge Road Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0QF

PROPOSAL: Lateral reduction by 2-3m of 1no Norway Maple (T1 of Tree Preservation Order 54/2018) to provide clearance to lamp post.

APPLICANT: Barratt David Williams Homes

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

Page 120 2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist and in accordance with British Standards 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

4 Prune back branches adjacent to the lighting column to achieve a maximum clearance of 2 metres between the branch tips and the lighting column itself. No pruning wounds greater than 50mm in diameter to be generated as a result of the works.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 4 In the interests of visual amenity and to safeguard the character of the area.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02752/FUL WARD: Knaresborough Scriven Park CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 10.08.2020 GRID REF: E 434986 TARGET DATE: 05.10.2020 N 457994 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.553.D.FUL

LOCATION: 12 Scriven Road Knaresborough HG5 9EQ

PROPOSAL: Erection of railings on top of existing wall to front boundary.

APPLICANT: Dr Neil Squires

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

Page 121

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02882/FUL WARD: Knaresborough Scriven Park CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 27.07.2020 GRID REF: E 434893 TARGET DATE: 21.09.2020 N 457917 REVISED TARGET: 09.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.1446.A.FUL

LOCATION: Woodcote Slingsby Avenue Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 9EG

PROPOSAL: Raising of roof height to form first floor living accommodation; erection of first floor and two storey extensions; demolition of garage and erection of detached double garage; alterations to fenestration and timber cladding and render to external walls.

APPLICANT: Hollins Development Ltd

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 06.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details and following approved drawings: Location Plan received 27.07.2020; Existing Floor Plans and Elevations SA/03; Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations SA/06 rev. A.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall be as specified on the application form and approved drawing SA/06 rev. A.

4 The felled trees shall be replaced with 3 Silver Birch trees (Betula pendula). The trees shall be procured and planted in accordance with British Standards BS 8545:2014. The replacement trees shall be a minimum 12-14cm stem girth, 45-85 litre rootball at the time of planting. The replacement trees shall be planted in a prepared pit, which is 50% larger than rootball of the tree itself. The sides of the planting pit are to be forked over to help alleviate compaction and allow for the tree

Page 122 roots to become established. The trees shall be planted with the root collar at the same level as the surrounding soil levels. The tree pits shall be backfilled with topsoil clean of building contaminants. The trees shall be staked, tied and mulched at the time of planting. The tree shall be anchored with a single stake angled at 45 degrees and attached the trunk of the tree with a tie at circa 1 metre above ground level. The stake shall be driven into the ground clear of the rootball. The stakes and ties shall be removed no sooner than following a minimum of 2 growing seasons. The trees shall be planted from 1 October 2020 and prior to the end of 31 March 2021. The Planning Authority are to be notified immediately after the trees are planted. Should the replacement tree(s) fail or die within 5-years of its planting date then they should be replaced within an agreed species, of agreed dimensions and within an agreed location with the LPA.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of amenity and to maintain tree cover in the locality.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02914/FUL WARD: Knaresborough Scriven Park CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 04.08.2020 GRID REF: E 435258 TARGET DATE: 29.09.2020 N 458126 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.100.1336.D.FUL

LOCATION: 46 Boroughbridge Road Knaresborough HG5 0NJ

PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension and demolition of existing single storey extension and car port.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Farrand

1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 07.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict

Page 123 accordance with the submitted details and following approved drawings: Existing Floor Plans 2046.S01 Existing Elevations 2046.S02 Location Plan/Site Plan 2046.LP1 Proposed Floor Plans 2046.P01 rev A Proposed Elevations 2046.P02 rev A.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall be brick as specified in the application and slates to match those used in the existing building.

4 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order), no further windows shall be inserted in the side elevations of the extension hereby approved, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of privacy and residential amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01227/REM WARD: Marston Moor CASE OFFICER: Mark Williams DATE VALID: 17.04.2020 GRID REF: E 442799 TARGET DATE: 12.06.2020 N 452523 REVISED TARGET: 08.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 08.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.124.535.REM

LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 442799 452523 Tockwith Lane Cowthorpe North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Reserved matters application for the erection of 2 detached dwellings with Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale considered under outline permission 18/02331/OUT including discharge of Condition 16 of permission 18/02331/OUT.

APPLICANT: Mr Steve Watson

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

Page 124

1 The development shall be begun on or before the expiration of two years from the date of this approval.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as amended by the following drawings received by the Council of the Borough of Harrogate on 3 September 2020 and as modified by the conditions of this consent:

PL003 rev C PL005 rev A PL008 rev A

3 Before the first use of any materials in the external construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, samples of those materials shall have been made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.

4 Prior to the commencement of the external construction of the walls of the development hereby approved a sample panel of the type of stone to be used showing the proposed coursing and pointing shall be erected on the site for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details and the sample stonework panel shall be retained on site during the period of construction of all external walls that are constructed in stone.

5 A detailed scheme for landscaping, including the planting of trees and or shrubs and the use of surface materials shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any external construction of the walls of the development hereby approved. The scheme shall specify materials, species, tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities, and the timing of implementation of the scheme, including any earthworks required and shall be implemented in strict accordance with details as approved by the Local Planning Authority.

6 In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

7 The windows in the west gable elevations of each dwelling hereby permitted shall be obscure glazed to level 3 or higher of the Pilkington scale of privacy or equivalent and that level of obscure glazing shall be retained throughout the life of the development.

Reasons for Conditions:-

Page 125

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91 -94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved drawings. 3 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 4 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 5 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 6 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 7 In the interests of residential amenity and privacy.


1 Under the Land Drainage Act 1991 and the Internal Drainage Boards’ byelaws, the Board’s prior written consent (outside of the planning process) is needed for:

a. any connection into a Board maintained watercourse, or any ordinary watercourse in the Board’s district.

b. any discharge, or change in the rate of discharge, into a Board maintained watercourse, or any ordinary watercourse in the Board’s district. This applies whether the discharge enters the watercourse either directly or indirectly (i.e. via a third party asset such as a mains sewer).

c. works within or over a Board maintained watercourse, or any ordinary watercourse in the Board’s district – for example, the creation of an outfall structure (including those associated with land drainage), bridges, culverting etc.

Please note that the Board does not, generally, own any watercourses and the requirement for you to obtain the Board’s consent is in addition to you obtaining consent from any land owner or other authority to carry out the relevant works.

Full details of the Consent process can be found on our website:-

2 Notwithstanding the details shown on the approved Site Plan, the scheme of landscaping required by Condition No. 5 shall not include laurel species.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02833/FUL WARD: Marston Moor CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 30.07.2020 GRID REF: E 446449 TARGET DATE: 24.09.2020 N 452534 REVISED TARGET: 13.10.2020

Page 126 DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.124.538.FUL

LOCATION: 3 Fleet Lane Tockwith York North Yorkshire YO26 7QD

PROPOSAL: Erection of gazebo and installation of roof lights.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Jamie Webb

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following plans –

Drawing Ref 20.12.4 Site Plan Drawing Ref 20.12.5 Location Plan Drawing Ref 20.12.2 Proposed roof windows Drawing Ref 20.12.3 Gazebo Plans Design and Access Statement 20.12.6

3 The rooflight(s) hereby permitted shall be of the conservation type with a black steel frame and central glazing bar, have recessed installation so that the rooflight sits flush with the roof covering and does not project above this line, be top opening unless a side hung escape rooflight is required and the flashing of the opening shall be carried out in traditional leadwork.

4 No lighting shall be provided to the gazebo without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of the amenity of the adjacent residents.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02968/CLOPUD WARD: Marston Moor

Page 127 CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 06.08.2020 GRID REF: E 446468 TARGET DATE: 01.10.2020 N 452393 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.124.227.G.CLOPUD

LOCATION: 1 Westfield Green Tockwith YO26 7RE

PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension

APPLICANT: MR Scott Littlefair


1 The proposed single storey rear extension as shown on drawings DWG Nos. 20.3.4 A, 20.3.3 and 20.3.5 comply with Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A of the General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended).

Reasons for Conditions:-

CASE NUMBER: 20/03456/PNA WARD: Marston Moor CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 11.09.2020 GRID REF: E 447621 TARGET DATE: 06.11.2020 N 452162 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 02.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.124.179.I.PNA

LOCATION: Eastfield Grange Marston Road Tockwith YO26 7PR

PROPOSAL: Erection of steel portal framed agricultural building for the purpose of storing straw and hay.


1 Prior approval not required

Page 128

CASE NUMBER: 20/02325/TPO WARD: Masham & Kirkby Malzeard CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 30.06.2020 GRID REF: E 423543 TARGET DATE: 25.08.2020 N 474477 REVISED TARGET: 02.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 29.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.24.57.G.TPO

LOCATION: The Old Rectory Church Street Kirkby Malzeard HG4 3RT

PROPOSAL: Lateral pruning to southern side only to achieve 2m clearance and lifting of tree canopy by no more than 3 metres of 1 no. Copper Beech T1 of TPO no. 20 1995.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The branches on the property side of the tree shall be pruned only to achieve a maximum clearance of 2 metres between the branch tips and the building itself. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter shall be generated as a result of the works.

3 The tree canopy shall be lifted to achieve no more than a maximum clearance of 3 metres between the branch tips and the ground level. No pruning wounds greater than 80mm in diameter shall be generated as a result of the works.

4 The work hereby granted consent shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard 3998 (2010) Works to Trees, by a competent person, giving not less than 10 working days notice of the start date in writing to the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter there shall be strict compliance with any further directions given by the Councils Arboricultural Officer or his representative.

Reasons for Conditions:-

Page 129

1 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 2 In the interests of good arboricultural practice. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice 4 In the interests of good arboricultural practice

CASE NUMBER: 20/02707/FUL WARD: Masham & Kirkby Malzeard CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 13.07.2020 GRID REF: E 420559 TARGET DATE: 07.09.2020 N 472390 REVISED TARGET: 06.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.29.36.H.FUL

LOCATION: Low Ray Carr Dallowgill Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3RE

PROPOSAL: Demolition of conservatory; erection of replacement single storey extension. (Revised Scheme).


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 06.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as amended by drawings received by the Council of the Borough of Harrogate on the 1st October 2020 and as modified by the conditions of this consent.

3 The external materials of the extension hereby approved shall match the existing to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

Page 130

CASE NUMBER: 20/02834/DISCON WARD: Masham & Kirkby Malzeard CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 24.08.2020 GRID REF: E 422808 TARGET DATE: 19.10.2020 N 480789 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 09.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.3.148.C.DISCON

LOCATION: The Mill House Millgate Masham HG4 4EZ

PROPOSAL: Application for approval of details required under Condition 3 (rebuilding of wall) of permission 18/04857/FUL and listed building consent 18/04858/LB.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs R Horsell

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)


1 The details provided in relation to condition 2 of 18/04857/FUL and 18/04858/LB are acceptable, however the conditions cannot be fully discharged until the works have been undertaken in accordance with the details approved.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03073/OHLEXP WARD: Masham & Kirkby Malzeard CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 06.08.2020 GRID REF: E 421242 TARGET DATE: 17.09.2020 N 472323 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.29.89.OHLEXP

LOCATION: Azerley Grange Farm Dallowgill North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Rebuild 7 spans over LV overhead line and replace the supporting poles Belford Lane HG4 3RF

Page 131 APPLICANT: Northern Powergrid North East Limited


1 The District/Borough Council/Authority: Harrogate Borough Council

(i) does not object for the proposed development detailed above to be undertaken under the exemptions laid down in the Overhead Lines (Exemption)(England and Wales) Regulations 2009.

(ii) does not wish the Secretary of State to consider the application using the full section 37 process under the Electricity Act 1989.

Reasons for Conditions:-

CASE NUMBER: 20/03106/CLEUD WARD: Masham & Kirkby Malzeard CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 16.08.2020 GRID REF: E 422404 TARGET DATE: 11.10.2020 N 481029 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.3.67.C.CLEUD

LOCATION: Wellgarth Court, Wellgarth House Marfield Masham HG4 4EN

PROPOSAL: Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the use of land as garden to Wellgarth House, Masham

APPLICANT: Mr Adrian Metcalfe


1 The evidence supporting the application is sufficiently robust, precise and unambiguous to justify issuing a certificate. Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 has therefore been fulfilled sufficiently to grant a lawful certificate

Page 132 Reasons for Conditions:-


1 The evidence supporting the application is sufficiently robust, precise and unambiguous to justify issuing a certificate. Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 has therefore been fulfilled sufficiently to grant a lawful certificate

CASE NUMBER: 20/03121/DVCON WARD: Masham & Kirkby Malzeard CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 17.08.2020 GRID REF: E 422920 TARGET DATE: 12.10.2020 N 474291 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.24.52.B.DVCON

LOCATION: Stone Fold Main Street Kirkby Malzeard HG4 3SE

PROPOSAL: Application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) to reduce the size of the proposed garage under planning permission 18/04797/FUL - Demolition of existing single & 2 storey extensions, existing garage and outbuildings. Erection of replacement 2 storey extension, garage and store. Installation of new windows and doors.

APPLICANT: Mrs Hayley Usmar

1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 07.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details set out below and as amended by details approved as part of : Drawing PR1143-SITE - Site Location Plan as amended by Garage Site Plan submitted 17th August 2020 Drawing PR1143 PR01 Rev A - Proposed Plans and Elevations as amended by Garage Elevations and Floorplans submitted 17th August 2020

3 Development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved materials details under planning approval 19/00895/DISCON and the sample stonework panel shall be retained on site during the period of construction of all external walls that are constructed in stone.

Page 133

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity and in order to harmonise with the existing building.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03307/PNA WARD: Masham & Kirkby Malzeard CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 28.08.2020 GRID REF: E 422950 TARGET DATE: 23.10.2020 N 475754 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.24.224.PNA

LOCATION: Land And Buildings At 422950 475754 Kirkby Malzeard North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Steel Portal framed agricultural building

APPLICANT: Mr Richard Frankland

Prior approval not required

CASE NUMBER: 20/02040/FUL WARD: Nidd Valley CASE OFFICER: Mark Williams DATE VALID: 11.06.2020 GRID REF: E 422891 TARGET DATE: 06.08.2020 N 456631 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 08.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.99.63.G.FUL

LOCATION: Knabbs Ash Skipton Road Kettlesing HG3 2LT

PROPOSAL: Conversion of barns and erection of side and rear extensions to form a single dwelling,

Page 134 including demolition of some existing buildings, hard and soft landscaping.


REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed development would involve substantial extensions and alterations to these traditional buildings. The scale of the proposed extensions, together with proposed materials, would result in a built form which would detract from the character of the traditional stone barns and appear incongruous in the protected landscape of the Nidderdale AONB, contrary to Local Plan Policies HS6 and GS6.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02850/FUL WARD: Nidd Valley CASE OFFICER: Mark Williams DATE VALID: 31.07.2020 GRID REF: E 421161 TARGET DATE: 25.09.2020 N 459265 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.90.431.FUL

LOCATION: Beckside Cottage Moke Hill Farm Darley Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2PP

PROPOSAL: Retention of hardstanding/parking area.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs S Atkinson

1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

2 The site shall only be used for the parking of vehicles associated with Beckside Cottage, and no other use (including any use within the same use class as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended) shall be carried out without the formal consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

Page 135

1 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 2 Any use other than that approved might be detrimental to the amenities of nearby property.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01033/DVCMAJ WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Andy Hough DATE VALID: 16.03.2020 GRID REF: E 441716 TARGET DATE: 15.06.2020 N 462728 REVISED TARGET: 30.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 30.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.71.202.A.DVCMAJ

LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 441716 462728 Marton Cum Grafton North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Variation of Condition 2 of Application Reference Number: 18/00335/FULMAJ to allow for the consideration of revised plans.

APPLICANT: Brierley Homes Limited

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13 February 2023

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted details as amended by other conditions of consent and the following approved plans:

050.001 A Location Plan P3 050.002 A Constraints Plan P2 050.004 Existing Site Plan P2 050.005 Topographical Plan P2 050.006 Existing Barns a-D Plans and Elevations P3 050.007 A Existing Site Sections P2

Site Layout Plan Drawing No NY17005-A-050.008 Version P13 Plot 4 Drawing No NY17005-A-100.021 Version P1 Plots 15 and 16 NY17005-A- 100.012 version P3 Plot 19 NY17005-A- 100.019 Version P2 Plot 20 Drawing No Y17005-A-100.020 version P3 Garage NY17005-A-100.008 version P2

050.010 Barn Conversion House Types P5

Page 136 050.013 Proposed Block Plan P3 050.014 Demolition Plan P2 050.030 Proposed External Finishes Plan P1 100.001 Cottage 2B1 2 bed Plots 8-13 P6 100.002 3 Bed BH2 Plot 17 P5 100.003 A FH1 4 bed Plots 14 100.003 Barn House FH1 4 bed Plot 1 P3 100.004 Barn House BH1 4 bed Plots 18 P4

100.007 Barn House BH1 and BH2 Plot 2 - 3 P3 100.008 A Proposed Garages Types 1 and 2 P3 100.009 Barn F Existing Plans and Elevations P2 100.010 Barn I Existing Plans and Elevations

210.001 A Proposed site elevations P3 Yew Tree Farm D&A Rev A

3 Prior to the construction of any walls samples of the materials it is intended to be used externally in the construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, shall be submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Prior to the construction of any walls a sample panel of the type of walling material to be used to construct the dwellings, showing the proposed coursing and pointing shall be erected on the site for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

4 There shall be no excavation or other groundworks, except for investigative works or the depositing of material on the site, until the following drawings and details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority: (1) Detailed engineering drawings to a scale of not less than 1:500 and based upon an accurate survey showing: (a) the proposed highway layout including the highway boundary (b) dimensions of any carriageway, cycle way, footway, and verges (c) visibility splays (d) the proposed buildings and site layout, including levels (e) accesses and driveways (f) drainage and sewerage system (g) lining and signing (h) traffic calming measures (i) all types of surfacing (including tactiles), kerbing and edging. (2) Longitudinal sections to a scale of not less than 1:500 horizontal and not less than 1:50 vertical along the centre line of each proposed road showing: (a) the existing ground level (b) the proposed road channel and centre line levels

Page 137 (c) full details of surface water drainage proposals. (3) Full highway construction details including: (a) typical highway cross-sections to scale of not less than 1:50 showing a specification for all the types of construction proposed for carriageways, cycleways and footways/footpaths (b) when requested cross sections at regular intervals along the proposed roads showing (b) when requested cross sections at regular intervals along the proposed roads showing the existing and proposed ground levels (c) kerb and edging construction details (d) typical drainage construction details. (4) Details of the method and means of surface water disposal. (5) Details of all proposed street lighting. (6) Drawings for the proposed new roads and footways/footpaths giving all relevant dimensions for their setting out including reference dimensions to existing features. (7) Full working drawings for any structures which affect or form part of the highway network. (8) Visibility to the west from Plots 1&2 must remain clear and conform to manual for streets visibility splay criteria. (9) A programme for completing the works. The development shall only be carried out in full compliance with the approved drawings and details.

5 No dwelling to which this planning permission relates shall be occupied until the carriageway and any footway/footpath from which it gains access is constructed to basecourse macadam level and/or block paved and kerbed and connected to the existing highway network with street lighting installed and in operation.

The completion of all road works, including any phasing, shall be in accordance with a programme approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority before the first dwelling of the development is occupied.

6 There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site until full details of any measures required to prevent surface water from non-highway areas discharging on to the existing or proposed highway together with a programme for their implementation have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. The works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and programme.

7 There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site (except for the purposes of constructing the initial site access) until splays are provided giving clear visibility of 2.4 metres x 31 metres measured along both channel lines of the major road. Once created, these visibility areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

Page 138

8 No dwelling shall be occupied until the related parking facilities have been constructed in accordance with the approved layout plan. Once created these parking areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

9 There shall be no access or egress by any vehicles between the highway and the application site until details of the precautions to be taken to prevent the deposit of mud, grit and dirt on public highways by vehicles travelling to and from the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority.

These facilities shall include the provision of wheel washing facilities (where considered necessary by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority). These precautions shall be brought into use before any excavation or depositing of material in connection with the construction commences on the site. They shall be used for the full duration of the construction works.

10 There shall be no HCVs brought onto the site until a survey recording the condition of the existing highway has been carried out in a manner approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority.

11 There must be no establishment of a site compound, site clearance, demolition, excavation or depositing of material in connection with the construction on the site until proposals have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the provision of: (i) on-site parking capable of accommodating all staff and sub-contractors vehicles clear of the public highway (ii) on-site materials storage area capable of accommodating all materials required for the operation of the site.

The approved areas shall be kept available for their intended use at all times that construction works are in operation. No vehicles associated with on-site construction works shall be parked on the public highway or outside the application site.

12 There must be no establishment of a site compound, site clearance, demolition, excavation or depositing of material in connection with the construction on the site until details of the routes to be used by HCV construction traffic have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. Thereafter the approved routes shall be used by all vehicles connected with construction on the site.

Page 139 13 Development other than that required to be carried out as part of an approved scheme of remediation must not commence until sections B to D have been complied with. If unexpected contamination is found after development has begun, development must be halted on that part of the site affected by the unexpected contamination to the extent specified by the Local Planning Authority in writing until section D has been complied with in relation to that contamination.

A. SITE CHARACTERISATION Not required under this condition

B. SUBMISSION OF REMEDIATION SCHEME A detailed remediation scheme to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable risks to human health, buildings and other property and the natural and historical environment must be prepared, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The scheme must include all works to be undertaken, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria, timetable of works and site management procedures. The scheme must ensure that the site will not qualify as contaminated land under Part2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to the intended use of the land after remediation.

C. IMPLEMENTATION OF APPROVED REMEDIATION SCHEME The approved remediation scheme must be carried out in accordance with its terms prior to the commencement of development other than that required to carry out remediation, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification of commencement of the remediation scheme works.

Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

D. REPORTING OF UNEXPECTED CONTAMINATION In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the requirement of section A, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of section B, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a verification report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority in accordance with section C.

14 Before the occupation of any dwellings a scheme detailing the facilities that will be provided for charging electric vehicles and other ultra-low emission vehicles shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The charging

Page 140 points will be of Mode 3 type (specific socket on a dedicated circuit with a minimum current rating of 16 Amp). One electric charging point shall be provided for each residential dwelling. The charging point related to a dwelling must be installed and operational prior to occupation of that dwelling. Charging points installed shall be retained thereafter.

15 Construction activity shall only take place between the hours of 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 13:00 Saturdays and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

16 No phase of the development shall take place until detailed drawings have been submitted to, and approved by the Local Planning Authority showing how surface water will be managed during the construction phases.

17 Prior to the commencement of any phase of the development on site, drawings shall be submitted to, and agreed by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority and Yorkshire Water, showing details of the proposed surface water drainage strategy. No piped discharge of surface water from the application site shall take place until the approved works to provide a satisfactory outfall has been completed. The scheme shall be based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development and will include:

(a) a timetable for its implementation (b) results from trial pits and soil infiltration tests, which comply as a minimum with those outlined in BRE Digest 365 (2016) to be submitted to, and agreed by the Local Planning Authority. Should infiltration drainage not be suitable at this location, the applicant will need to submit alternative details demonstrating how surface water will be managed. (c) condition survey results for existing ditches watercourses/sewers on or off site, including details of existing outfall arrangements and how any identified remedial items will be dealt with. (d) evidence of existing positive drainage to public sewer and the current points of connection; and the means of restricting the discharge to public sewer to the existing rate less a minimum 30% reduction, based on the existing peak discharge rate during a 1 in 1 year storm event , plus an allowance of 40% to account for climate change & urban creep . If existing positive connectivity to public sewer cannot be proven , the discharge rate shall be attenuated to a greenfield rate of 3 litres a second (e) a drainage system designed with sufficient on site attenuation so that flooding does not occur on any part of the site for a 1 in 30 year rainfall event, nor any flooding for a 1 in 100 year rainfall event in any part of a building (including a basement) or in any utility plant susceptible to water (e.g. pumping station or electricity substation) within the development, except within an area that is designed to hold and/or convey water. The design shall also ensure that storm water resulting from a 1 in 100 year rainfall event, plus an allowance to account for climate change & urban creep can be stored on the site without risk to people or property and without

Page 141 increasing the restricted flows off site. (f) a site plan showing the exceedence flow routes during extreme storm conditions over the 1 in 100 year event or exceedence or failure of the drainage system. (g) details with regard to the maintenance and management of the approved scheme to include; drawings showing any surface water assets to be vested with the statutory undertaker/highway authority and subsequently maintained at their expense, and/or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the approved drainage scheme/sustainable urban drainage systems throughout the lifetime of the development including: (i) details to demonstrate how maintenance of the agreed surface water drainage scheme will be funded for the lifetime of the development (ii) drawings showing any surface water assets that will not be maintained at public expense. (iii) Written confirmation that the management & maintenance of any shared surface water drainage systems will be written into the deeds for each house with any new owners or future owners required to formally acknowledge their maintenance responsibility (one copy to be forwarded to the LPA once written, to be placed on file for the life time of the development).and/or designation/registration of the shared private drainage systems so that it appears as a Land Charge for the property and as such, is identified to subsequent purchasers of the property. (iv) physical access arrangements in perpetuity. (v) a plan clearly showing the extent of the land ownership along with easements and rights of way for access to carry out maintenance on third party land if required. (vi) maintenance & operation manual for the surface water drainage systems itemising the tasks to be undertaken and frequency required. The document will also include for single curtilage SuDS and be a living document, which can be updated where inspections identify changes to the maintenance procedures are required. (vii) details of the organisation appointed to undertake future management and maintenance of the shared surface water drainage systems on behalf of the residents. It should be demonstrated where responsibility will fall to appoint a new maintenance contractor if the existing company fails in the duties for any reason, or ceases to exist.

18 No operations shall commence on site or any development be commenced before the developer has implemented the report detail including root protection area (RPA) (as per Barnes Associates Tree Report) fencing in line with the requirements of British Standard BS 5837: 2012 (section 6.2.2 figure 2) Trees in Relation to Construction - Recommendations, or any subsequent amendments to that document, around the trees or shrubs or planting to be retained, as indicated on the approved plan and for the entire area as specified in accordance with BS 5837:2012. The developer shall maintain such fences until all development the subject of this permission is completed.

19 No operations shall commence on site in connection with the development hereby approved (including any demolition work, soil moving, temporary access construction and/or widening or any operations involving the use of motorised vehicles or construction machinery) until the root protection area (RPA) works required by the

Page 142 approved tree protection scheme and ground protection detail (no dig) are in place. The level of the land within the fenced areas shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

20 The proposed tree planting scheme is to be implemented in accordance with the detail set out within drw BA6320LAN-TP within the first planting season after the completion of each plot.

21 In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

22 An ecological mitigation and enhancement plan shall be submitted for the written approval by the local planning authority prior to the commencement of works, including site preparation. The plan shall cover construction impacts including a method statement for the removal of Himalayan balsam and reasonable avoidance measures to avoid harm to great crested newts and nesting birds and bats (including through lighting and tree works). Details of enhancement measures should include the provision of a small number of integrated bat and swift bricks.

23 No development shall take place until a Detailed Planting Plan and Landscape Maintenance and Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These shall be in accordance with the approved Site Plan. The Detailed Planting Plan and Landscape Maintenance and Management Plan shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed details.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 4 To secure an appropriate highway constructed to an adoptable standard in the interests of highway safety and the amenity and convenience of highway users 5 To ensure safe and appropriate access and egress to the dwellings, in the interests of highway safety and the convenience of prospective residents. 6 In the interests of highway safety. 7 In the interests of road safety. 8 To provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development. 9 To ensure that no mud or other debris is deposited on the carriageway in the

Page 143 interests of highway safety. 10 In the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the area. 11 To provide for appropriate on-site vehicle parking and storage facilities, in the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the area. 12 In the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the area. 13 To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors in accordance with policies SG4 and EQ1 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy. 14 To safeguard the environment and mitigate climate change in line with the NPPF 15 To safeguard amenity for neighbouring residents. 16 To ensure surface water is properly managed during the construction phases. 17 To ensure the site is properly drained for the lifetime of the development. 18 To ensure the protection of the trees or shrubs during the carrying out of the development. 19 To ensure the protection of the trees or shrubs during the carrying out of the development. 20 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 21 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 22 In the interests of protected species on the site and biodiversity protection and enhancement 23 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity.


1 This development is subject to a Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2 All bats and their roosts are fully protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000) and are further protected under Regulation 41 (1) of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. Should any bats or evidence of bats be found prior to or during development, work must stop immediately and in the first instance contact the National Bat Helpline on 0845 1300 228. Developers/contractors may need to take further advice from Natural England on the need for a European Protected Species Licence in order to continue the development in an lawful manner. Natural England can be contacted at [email protected], or by calling 0300 060 3900, or Natural England, Consultation Service, Hornbeam House, Crewe Business Park, Electra Way, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 6GJ.

3 Conservation Area Consent has also been granted for this development. You are advised, if you have not already done so, to obtain sight of the Notice of Conservation Area Consent and the approved plans and ensure that the development is carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plans and the

Page 144 terms and conditions of the Conservation Area Consent.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01276/CON WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Andy Hough DATE VALID: 09.04.2020 GRID REF: E 441716 TARGET DATE: 04.06.2020 N 462728 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 30.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.71.202.B.CON

LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 441716 462728 Marton Cum Grafton North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Demolition of an outbuilding (Implement Shed) at Yew Tree Farm at Marton cum Grafton.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works to which this consent relates must be begun on or before 30.09.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans

Location Plan : NY17005-A-050.001 A Version PO1 Existing plans and elevations Barns F G and H NY17005-A- 100.009 Version P3 Heritage Impact Assessment ( Solstice) April 2020

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved drawings.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02437/DISCON WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 07.07.2020 GRID REF: E 443967 TARGET DATE: 01.09.2020 N 462374 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 29.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.80.30.J.DISCON

Page 145

LOCATION: Branton Grange Pipers Lane Great Ouseburn YO26 9RT

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under condition 5 (window details) of planning permission 18/01147/FUL: Modifications to living accommodation to include internal alterations and alterations to fenestration.

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Kris Nellist

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/02774/ADV WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Jeremy Constable DATE VALID: 27.07.2020 GRID REF: E 446184 TARGET DATE: 21.09.2020 N 456825 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.103.178.D.ADV

LOCATION: Strata Homes Hughlings Close Residential Development Yule Lane Green Hammerton North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Display of one non-illuminated wall mounted sign and one non-illuminated totem sign.


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby approved shall remain in strict accordance with the details within the application form and the following submitted plans and details: - Site Plan, Proposed signage and elevations: Drwg. No. BY00058-SIGN Rev B (received 27 July 2020)

2 The signs hereby permitted shall be removed by the 20th of July 2025.

Page 146

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 2 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02987/FUL WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 07.08.2020 GRID REF: E 444510 TARGET DATE: 02.10.2020 N 457788 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.96.50.L.FUL

LOCATION: Fir Tree Farm High Street Whixley YO26 8AW

PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing conservatory and extension and erection of single storey extension.

APPLICANT: Mr and Mrs M Soane

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details and the following approved drawings: Location Plan Existing and Proposed Plans and Elevations FTC/PLR/01.

3 Except where explicitly stated otherwise within the application form the external materials of the development hereby approved shall match those of the existing dwelling.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

Page 147

CASE NUMBER: 20/03002/FUL WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 10.08.2020 GRID REF: E 451316 TARGET DATE: 05.10.2020 N 454871 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.115.147.FUL

LOCATION: Lodge Farm, The Shires Church Lane Moor Monkton YO26 8JH

PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension.

APPLICANT: Mr Patrick Boucher

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external walls of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03016/FUL WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 04.08.2020 GRID REF: E 444198 TARGET DATE: 29.09.2020 N 462243 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 16.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.80.20.C.FUL

Page 148 LOCATION: Beech House 1 Branton Close Great Ouseburn York North Yorkshire YO26 9SF

PROPOSAL: Erection of first floor extension above garage and single storey extension.

APPLICANT: Mr D Mitchell

2 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 16.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details and the following approved drawings: Location Plan Existing Floor Plans and Elevations Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations CW/1445/7/20 sht 2 revised 28.09.2020.

3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.

4 The proposed window to the rear elevation of the first floor extension hereby approved shall be obscurely glazed to level 3 of the Pilkington scale of privacy or equivalent and that level of obscure glazing shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of privacy and residential amenity.


1 You are advised that the development may involve building work covered by the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 that is separate from planning or building regulations control. Do not commence work on the development until any necessary compliance with the provisions of this Act has been made.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03027/TPO WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 11.08.2020

Page 149 GRID REF: E 444576 TARGET DATE: 06.10.2020 N 460710 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.88.84.A.TPO

LOCATION: The Old Vicarage Main Street Little Ouseburn YO26 9TD

PROPOSAL: Felling of 1 no. Ash tree of Tree Preservation Order 04/2013.

APPLICANT: James Clapperton

REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the surrounding area. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan. 2 No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.


1 It is suggested that the tree is infected with Ash Dieback, however that has not been proven within the submitted tree work application,

If the tree is infected with Ash Dieback, it has not been demonstrated as to what stage of infection the tree is at, i.e. aligning any rate of infection or decline in accordance with Forestry Commission or Tree Council advice in that regard,

There is a suggestion of an attachment of Inonotus hispidus, however the relevance of that on this particular tree has not been quantified or qualified within the submitted tree work application,

The applicant states the main trunk has a large area of bark loss, however that appears to be somewhat historic and the significance of that is not discussed within the tree work application.

It is suggested that the applicant provides additional details to underpin their request to have the tree removed, including any necessary risk assessments that deals with the tree and quantifies or qualifies the risks to persons or property.

A new TPO application will be required with the requested information.

Page 150

CASE NUMBER: 20/03158/PNA WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 22.09.2020 GRID REF: E 442477 TARGET DATE: 17.11.2020 N 461706 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 09.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.71.52.B.PNA

LOCATION: Grassgills Great Ouseburn York North Yorkshire YO26 9TR

PROPOSAL: Prior notification for the erection of agricultural building to provide livestock housing.


Prior approval not required

CASE NUMBER: 20/03244/DISCON WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 07.07.2020 GRID REF: E 443967 TARGET DATE: 01.09.2020 N 462374 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 29.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.80.30.J.DISCON

LOCATION: Branton Grange Pipers Lane Great Ouseburn York North Yorkshire YO26 9RT

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under condition 5 (window details) of planning permission 18/01148/LB: Modifications to living accommodation to include internal alterations and alterations to fenestration.

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Kris Nellist

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

Page 151

CASE NUMBER: 20/03547/PNA WARD: Ouseburn CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 17.09.2020 GRID REF: E 441275 TARGET DATE: 12.11.2020 N 461799 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.71.213.B.PNA

LOCATION: Priestcarr Lodge Farm Legram Road Marton Cum Grafton YO51 9QF

PROPOSAL: General Purpose Steel Portal framed Agricultural Building

APPLICANT: Mr C Hawksworth

Prior approval not required

CASE NUMBER: 17/02179/S106 WARD: Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale Moors CASE OFFICER: Andy Hough DATE VALID: 15.05.2017 GRID REF: E 417194 TARGET DATE: 10.07.2017 N 464356 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 08.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.49.145.J.S106

LOCATION: Chris Hawkesworth Ltd Glasshouses Mill Glasshouses North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Modification of Section 106 agreement relating to permission no 07/05275/FULMAJ for the substitution of drawing no. 2699(08) 001 with Land Registry Plan and amendment of Clause 9.2 of Schedule 1.

APPLICANT: Glasshouses Mill

Page 152 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-


1 Any alterations to the S106 other than those specified within this application would be required to be submitted for the approval of the Local Planning Authority

CASE NUMBER: 20/01593/FUL WARD: Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale Moors CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 29.05.2020 GRID REF: E 420474 TARGET DATE: 24.07.2020 N 464832 REVISED TARGET: 15.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.49.716.B.FUL

LOCATION: Druids Cave Farm Brimham Rocks Summerbridge HG3 4DW

PROPOSAL: Change of Use of Druid's cave farmhouse seeking flexible consent for use as holiday accommodation or continued private rented accommodation.

APPLICANT: National Trust

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 14.10.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details - Site Plan received by the LPA on11.05.2020 Location Plan received by the LPA on 29.05.2020 Design and Access Statement

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved

Page 153 details.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01854/FUL WARD: Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale Moors CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 29.05.2020 GRID REF: E 412314 TARGET DATE: 24.07.2020 N 471117 REVISED TARGET: 31.08.2020 DECISION DATE: 25.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.17.31.C.FUL

LOCATION: Calf Bank Bouthwaite HG3 5RW

PROPOSAL: Retrospective application for the conversion of 1 dwelling house into 1 dwelling house and 1 holiday let.

APPLICANT: Mrs Judith Middlemiss

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be in strict accordance with the submitted details as set out below: Drawing no 2031-01 - Site and location plan dated 25.05.20 Drawing no 2031-05 - Proposed elevations Drawing no 2031-04 - Proposed plans

2 The development hereby permitted shall remain ancillary to the existing dwelling known as Calf Bank at all times, except when in use as holiday accommodation. When in use as holiday accommodation, it shall not be occupied as a persons sole, or main place of residence and the owner/operator shall maintain an up to date register of the names of all owners/occupiers of the accommodation and of their permanent home address and shall make this information available at all reasonable times to the Local Planning Authority when requested. In all cases the development shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of separately to Calf Bank.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans 2 The development as proposed is not considered suitable for permanent residential accommodation due to the level of amenity provided and the impact on the amenity

Page 154 of the existing residential property.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02076/FUL WARD: Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale Moors CASE OFFICER: David Potts DATE VALID: 08.06.2020 GRID REF: E 417138 TARGET DATE: 03.08.2020 N 464425 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 05.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.49.178.C.FUL

LOCATION: Fir Grove House Glasshouses Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 5QH

PROPOSAL: Demolition of conservatory. Erection of a single storey extension.

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Bell

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 05.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings:

Location Plan: Job No. 2005, Dwg No. 03, received 08 June 2020. Proposed Plans and Elevations: Job No. 2005, Dwg No. 02 Rev A, received 08 June 2020.

3 All external stonework of the proposed development shall match the stonework of the original building in type, size, colour, dressing and coursing to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In the interests of proper planning and for the avoidance of doubt. 3 In the interests of visual amenity and in order to harmonise with the existing building. To accord with Policy HP3.

Page 155

CASE NUMBER: 20/02270/FUL WARD: Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale Moors CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 23.07.2020 GRID REF: E 417505 TARGET DATE: 17.09.2020 N 465196 REVISED TARGET: 25.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 24.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.49.413.C.FUL

LOCATION: Tiplady Barn Tiplady Farm Blazefield HG3 5DN

PROPOSAL: Demolition of detached garage and store. Erection of two single storey extensions to form garage and additional living accommodation.

APPLICANT: Jon Hinchliff

1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the following submitted plans:

Location Plan, received by the Planning Authority 28th June 2020 Proposed site plan dated 26th June 2020 Proposed Elevations Plan dated 26th June2020 Proposed Floor Plans dated 26th June

2 Before the first use of any materials in the external construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, samples of those materials shall have been made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. 2 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality.

Page 156

CASE NUMBER: 20/02904/DISCON WARD: Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale Moors CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 20.08.2020 GRID REF: E 416521 TARGET DATE: 15.10.2020 N 464994 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 16.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.49.87.E.DISCON

LOCATION: Fox Garth Pateley Bridge Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 5QE

PROPOSAL: Application for approval of details required under condition 4 (boundary treatment) of permission no. 20/01628/FUL - Removal of existing roof structure and addition of first floor to property to accommodate two bedrooms and a bathroom. Erection of single storey side extension

APPLICANT: Mr N Raistrick

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)


1 The approved boundary treatment plan and boundary details are set out on drawing 19.09.1921.02.H submitted to the LPA on 13th October 2020

2 The details submitted are acceptable, however Condition 4 cannot be fully discharged until the scheme has been implemented in accordance with the details approved.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02757/FUL WARD: Ripon Moorside CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 24.07.2020 GRID REF: E 430332 TARGET DATE: 18.09.2020 N 470016 REVISED TARGET: 13.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.31.2888.FUL

LOCATION: 31 Red Bank Road Ripon HG4 2LE


Page 157 Erection of single storey extension, alterations to dormer windows and application of render.

APPLICANT: Mr Richard Kell

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 13.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings: Amended proposed elevations, floorplans and site plan; drawing number KEL/02, dated Jul 2020, received and uploaded to the file on the 11th October 2020.

3 The render hereby permitted shall be white, off-white or cream and shall be applied to the dark shaded areas only as per the amended plans received 11th October 2020.

4 Any new tiles to be used in the development hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing dwelling.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In the interests of visual amenity. 4 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02453/LB WARD: Ripon Ure Bank CASE OFFICER: Gerrard Shaw DATE VALID: 08.07.2020 GRID REF: E 430879 TARGET DATE: 02.09.2020 N 472216 REVISED TARGET: 11.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 05.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.31.1150.P.LB

LOCATION: Prospect House 54 Palace Road Ripon HG4 1HA

PROPOSAL: Removal of structural roof and floor timbers and replacement with new; taking down and rebuilding internal walls and replacing timber lintels above window and door openings

Page 158 (Coach House).

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs James Mortimer

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works to which this consent relates must be begun on or before 05.10.2023.

2 The works hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans, drawings and supporting information:

Proposed Ground & First-Floor Plan, Ref. Client No: 1162/Job No: 01/Drg No: 01F, received 8th July 2020 Proposed Elevations (Sheet 1 of 2), Ref. Client No: 1162/Job No: 01/Drg No: 03E, received 8th July 2020 Proposed Elevations (Sheet 2 of 2), Ref. Client No: 1162/Job No: 01/Drg No: 04D, received 8th July 2020 Roof Structure Replacement, Ref. Client No: 1162/Job No: 01/Drg No: 20A, received 8th July 2020 Design and Access Statement for Alterations to the Coach House at Prospect House, Palace Road, Ripon, received 8th July 2020

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990. 2 To secure the satisfactory implementation of the proposal.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03156/PNH WARD: Ripon Ure Bank CASE OFFICER: Mike Parkes DATE VALID: 04.08.2020 GRID REF: E 430779 TARGET DATE: 29.09.2020 N 471970 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 29.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.31.650.BK.PNH

LOCATION: Athelstan Court College Business Park Kearsley Road Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 2RL

PROPOSAL: Conversion of existing offices ( Use Class B1 (a) ) to 18 no. residential apartments.


Page 159 TSAR

REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed use would be contrary to extant terms of the planning permission 6.31.650.F.OA (case no.90/03011/OUT) and the specific condition 9 of that permission which states "The premise situated within the proposed Business Park…shall be restricted to a use within Class B1 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order 1987 and no other use (including any use allowed under the provisions of the Town & Country Planning General Development Order 1988) shall be carried out without the formal consent of the Local Planning Authority" and reiterated in the reserved matters approval 6.31.650.H.RM (case no. 92/01201/REM)and condition 5 therein which states "The premises shall not be used for any other purpose than that hereby approved (including any other purpose in Class B1 of the Schedule of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order 1987)." The proposal consequently requires to be the subject of either a Section 73 application seeking the variation of that condition or a full planning application as may be appropriate.

CASE NUMBER: 20/01345/FUL WARD: Spofforth With Lower Wharfedale CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 20.05.2020 GRID REF: E 436891 TARGET DATE: 15.07.2020 N 451818 REVISED TARGET: 08.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.122.286.M.FUL

LOCATION: Glebe Farm Ribston Road Spofforth HG3 1AB

PROPOSAL: Erection of storage unit to house biomass boiler and wood pellet store with equipment and flue.

APPLICANT: Mr and Mrs G Heslop

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 At such time as the biomass boiler ceases to become the main source of heating for the dwellings and businesses at the site, the container shall be removed from the site .

Page 160

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 The development does not accord with Policy HP3 of the Local Plan

CASE NUMBER: 20/03019/TPO WARD: Spofforth With Lower Wharfedale CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 10.08.2020 GRID REF: E 436386 TARGET DATE: 05.10.2020 N 450834 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 07.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.122.306.D.TPO

LOCATION: Whinbrook House 15B High Street Spofforth Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1BQ

PROPOSAL: Pruning of 3 no. Silver Birch trees of Tree Preservation Order 2008/49.


REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the surrounding area. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan. 2 No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03350/DISCON WARD: Spofforth With Lower Wharfedale CASE OFFICER: Janet Belton DATE VALID: 03.09.2020 GRID REF: E 436094 TARGET DATE: 29.10.2020 N 451306 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 09.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.122.55.C.DISCON

Page 161

LOCATION: Grange Cottage 46 Castle Street Spofforth HG3 1AR

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under condition 4 (gate details) of planning permission 13/04855/FUL Conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation, erection of car port, porch and pitched roofs, installation of windows and gate, rebuilding of front boundary wall and alterations to existing windows and doors.

APPLICANT: Mr Simon Kean

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/01890/FUL WARD: Washburn CASE OFFICER: Arthama Lakhanpall DATE VALID: 11.06.2020 GRID REF: E 417884 TARGET DATE: 06.08.2020 N 452942 REVISED TARGET: 16.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 14.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.117.49.B.FUL

LOCATION: Bramley Farm Barn Timble Otley North Yorkshire LS21 2NN

PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension, installation of replacement timber windows and door and crown lifting and crown reduction of 1 Ash tree within Timble Conservation Area.

APPLICANT: Mr Jarl Luscomb

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 14.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as modified by the conditions of this consent:

185.03.101 Proposed Ga Plans Rev E - received 12 October 2020 185.03.201 Proposed North and South Elevations Rev B - received 7 October 2020

Page 162 185.03.202 Proposed East and West Elevations Rev D - received 7 October 2020

3 The external wall and roof materials in the extension hereby permitted shall match those the host building in appearance and style.

4 All new doors and windows shall be in timber. These shall be set back from the external face of the walls to form reveals and these shall match the existing to the host building. They shall either be painted white or a muted heritage tone and this colour shall be retained and maintained at all times in perpetuity.

5 The proposed works must be undertaken in strict accordance with the submitted Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Tree Protection Plan.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the visual interests of the site, conservation area and Nidderdale AONB. 4 In the visual interests of the site, conservation area and Nidderdale AONB. 5 In the interests of the amenity value of the trees and good arboricultural practice.


1 Trees on the site to which this permission relates are within a Conservation Area and may not be lopped, topped or felled without 6 weeks prior written Notice having been served on the Borough Council, unless the tree work has already been approved under cover of a planning permission which is being implemented. Any person undertaking work to trees in a Conservation Area without Notice or planning approval is liable to prosecution. Forms are available from the Councils' Department of Development Services on which to give Notice of an intention to carry out tree work in a Conservation Area.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02407/LB WARD: Washburn CASE OFFICER: David Potts DATE VALID: 06.07.2020 GRID REF: E 414561 TARGET DATE: 31.08.2020 N 448875 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.130.38.J.LB

LOCATION: Church Farm Denton Ilkley North Yorkshire LS29 0HH

PROPOSAL: Listed building application for installation of rooflights.

Page 163

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Aspin

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works to which this consent relates must be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the following submitted plans:

1:1250 Location Plan dated October 2019 revision P01 1:100 Site Plan dated October 2019 revision P01 Amended Plans and Elevations - Drawing no 345/001-SoS-00-ZZ-DR-A-0016

3 The rooflight(s) hereby permitted shall be of the conservation type with a black steel frame and central glazing bar, have recessed installation so that the rooflight sits flush with the roof covering and does not project above this line, be top opening unless a side hung escape rooflight is required and the flashing of the opening shall be carried out in traditional leadwork.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990. 2 To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. 3 In the interests of visual amenity.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02456/FUL WARD: Washburn CASE OFFICER: Arthama Lakhanpall DATE VALID: 29.07.2020 GRID REF: E 427089 TARGET DATE: 23.09.2020 N 452029 REVISED TARGET: 02.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 28.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.134.113.J.FUL

LOCATION: Calm Waters Shaw Lane Beckwithshaw HG3 1QZ

PROPOSAL: Conversion of existing garage to form home office/studio.

APPLICANT: Mr Simon Dixon

Page 164

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 28.09.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as modified by the conditions of this consent, received 16 September 2020.

3 The rooflight(s) hereby permitted shall be of the conservation type with a black steel frame and central glazing bar, have recessed installation so that the rooflight sits flush with the roof covering and does not project above this line, be top opening unless a side hung escape rooflight is required and the flashing of the opening shall be carried out in traditional leadwork.

4 The home office/studio hereby permitted shall only be used as ancillary to the existing dwelling known as 'Calm Waters' at all times. It shall only be occupied by the occupiers of Calm Waters or their dependents or relatives. It shall not be sold, let or otherwise disposed of separately to Calm Waters or used as permanent residential accommodation.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of the character and appearance of the host building and site. 4 The proposed development is not considered suitable for permanent residential accommodation due to the level of amenity provided and the isolated nature of the site.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02713/DISCON WARD: Washburn CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 17.07.2020 GRID REF: E 427992 TARGET DATE: 11.09.2020 N 447051 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.147.115.F.DISCON

LOCATION: The Limes Weeton Lane Weeton Leeds North Yorkshire LS17 0AN


Page 165 Approval of details reqiured by Condition 3 (Materials) and Condition 5 (Electric Vehicle Charging) of 19/03512/FUL.


CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/02811/TPO WARD: Washburn CASE OFFICER: Josh Arthur DATE VALID: 29.07.2020 GRID REF: E 417992 TARGET DATE: 23.09.2020 N 452937 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 08.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.117.43.O.TPO

LOCATION: Timble Inn North Lane Timble LS21 2NN

PROPOSAL: Reduce branch of T1 (Sycamore) and removal of deadwood of T2(Sycamore) of Tree Preservation Order 14/2005.

APPLICANT: Mr Mike Stainsby

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The works hereby approved shall be completed within two years of the date of this decision.

2 The proposed works shall be completed in strict accordance with the specification noted in the application.

3 All works shall be undertaken by a suitably qualified Arborist in accordance with British Standards: 3998 (2010) Works to Trees.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act

Page 166 1990. 2 In order to maintain the amenity of the locality. 3 In the interests of good arboricultural practice.

CASE NUMBER: 20/03303/AMENDS WARD: Washburn CASE OFFICER: Arthama Lakhanpall DATE VALID: 27.08.2020 GRID REF: E 420813 TARGET DATE: 24.09.2020 N 453086 REVISED TARGET: 02.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 28.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.107.51.C.AMENDS

LOCATION: 3 Sandwith View Broad Dubb Road Norwood Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1TF

PROPOSAL: Non-material amendment to allow installation of bi-fold doors in lieu of french doors and window of planning permission 18/03666/FUL - Joint application for the demolition of outbuildings and erection of single and two storey extensions (both properties). (Revised Scheme).

APPLICANT: Mr Mr M Campbell & Mr B Hutson


CASE NUMBER: 19/04428/DISCON WARD: Wathvale CASE OFFICER: Katie Lois DATE VALID: 17.10.2019 GRID REF: E 436990 TARGET DATE: 12.12.2019 N 475048 REVISED TARGET: 25.03.2020 DECISION DATE: 13.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.22.112.DISCON

LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 436990 475048 Sleights Lane Rainton North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under conditions 7, 12 ,13 & 14 (drainage), 5 (Highway details) and 8 (site access) of Planning Permission 17/01908/OUTMAJ- Outline application

Page 167 for up to 20 dwellings with all matters reserved.

APPLICANT: Oakapple Group

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/00280/DISCON WARD: Wathvale CASE OFFICER: Jill Low DATE VALID: 28.01.2020 GRID REF: E 433820 TARGET DATE: 24.03.2020 N 471392 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.33.61.A.DISCON

LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 433820 471392 Back Lane Copt Hewick North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Approval of details required under conditions 4 (Contaminated land), 5 (Materials), 6 Landscaping), 8 (Ground levels), 10, 11 &13 (Highways), 14 (Site Compound), 19 (Ground Stability Report), 20 (Surface Water) and 21(Drawings) of planning permission 16/04604/OUT - Outline application for the erection of 5 dwellings with access and layout considered (Site Area 0.28). Amended Scheme.

APPLICANT: Burridge Homes Ltd

CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s)

CASE NUMBER: 20/01884/FUL WARD: Wathvale CASE OFFICER: Mike Parkes DATE VALID: 16.06.2020 GRID REF: E 439782 TARGET DATE: 11.08.2020 N 475313 REVISED TARGET: 25.09.2020 DECISION DATE: 24.09.2020

Page 168 APPLICATION NO: 6.23.125.B.FUL

LOCATION: 4 Orchard Cottages Asenby Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 3QW

PROPOSAL: Erection of detached house and formation of new access.

APPLICANT: Fox Developments

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 24.09.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following approved plans and documents as modified by the further conditions of this consent: 2008 01 First Floor Plan, Ground Floor plan dated May 2020 2008 02 Side NE Elevation, Side SW Elevation dated May 2020 2008 03 Front Elevation, Rear Elevation, roof plan dated May 2020 2008/S3 Proposed Street View dated 17.05.20

3 The development must not be brought into use until the access to the site at the front elevation has been set out and constructed in accordance with the 'Specification for Housing and Industrial Estate Roads and Private Street Works" published by the Local Highway Authority and the crossing of the highway verge and/or footway must be constructed in accordance with the approved details and/or Standard Detail number E6 of the Local Highway Authority and the following requirements;

a) Any gates or barriers must be erected in line with the existing wall and property boundary or a minimum distance of 5 metres back from the carriageway of the existing highway and must not be able to swing over the existing or proposed highway.

b) Provision to prevent surface water from the site/plot discharging onto the existing or proposed highway must be constructed in accordance with the approved details and maintained thereafter to prevent such discharges.

c) The final surfacing of any private access within 5 metres of the public highway must not contain any loose material that is capable of being drawn on to the existing or proposed public highway.

d) Measures to enable vehicles to enter and leave the site in a forward gear.

All works must accord with the approved details.

4 The dwelling must be occupied until the related parking facilities have been constructed in strict accordance with details shown on drawing 2007/S3. Once

Page 169 created these areas must be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

5 Any works to a hedgerow shall be undertaken outside of the main bird nesting season (February-August) and the gaps in the hedgerow adjacent to the public right way shall be replanted with native species in accordance with the details shown on drawing 2009/S4 rev A dated 23.09.20. That hedgerow shall be retained and any dead shrubs replaced as necessary.

6 Before the first use of any materials in the external construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, samples of those materials shall have been made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.

7 The dwelling hereby approved shall either have access for Fibre to the Premises broadband infrastructure capable of Next Generation Access speeds, or a download connection of 30Mbps and provision for the delivery of Fibre to the Premises broadband at a future date.

8 A Mode 3 electric vehicle charging point with a minimum 16amp rating shall be made available for use by the occupiers of the dwelling hereby approved before first occupation and thereafter maintained until superseded by any advanced technology.

9 Notwithstanding the provisions of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re- enacting that Order with or without modification), no extensions, roof or dormer windows other than any expressly authorised by this permission shall be erected/inserted without the grant of further specific planning permission from the Local Planning Authority.

10 Notwithstanding the provisions of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re- enacting that Order), no further first floor windows shall be inserted in the side elevation of the dwelling hereby approved that faces towards the public right of way that passes alongside the boundary of the site.

11 The first floor windows in the side elevation of the dwelling hereby approved that face towards the public right of way that passes alongside the boundary of the site shall be obscured glazed to level 3 or greater obscurity on the Pilkington scale of obscurity.

12 Except where directly affected by access arrangements the existing boundary wall to the south east roadside boundary shall be retained.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act

Page 170 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 To ensure a satisfactory means of access to the site from the public highway in the interests of highway safety and the convenience of all highway users. 4 To provide for adequate and satisfactory provision of off-street accommodation for vehicles in the interest of safety and the general amenity of the development. 5 In the interests of ecology. 6 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 7 To ensure appropriate broadband access is provided. 8 To promote the use of electric cars and reduce pollution. 9 To preclude potential overdevelopment of the site. 10 In the interests of privacy and residential amenity. 11 In the interests of privacy and residential amenity. 12 In the interests of visual amenity.


1 Notwithstanding any valid planning permission for works to amend the existing highway, you are advised that a separate licence will be required from North Yorkshire County Council as the Local Highway Authority in order to allow any works in the existing public highway to be carried out. The Specification for Housing and Industrial Estate Roads and Private Street Works' published by North Yorkshire County Council as the Local Highway Authority, is available to download from the County Council's web site The Local Highway Authority will also be pleased to provide the detailed constructional specifications referred to in condition 3.

2 The applicant / developer is advised that they have a duty to adhere to the regulations of Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the National Planning Policy Framework and the current Building Control Regulations with regards to contaminated land. If any unforeseen contamination is encountered during the development, the Local Planning Authority (LPA) should be informed immediately. Any investigation / remedial / protective works carried out in relation to this application shall be carried out to agreed timescales and approved by the LPA in writing. Furthermore, any soil or soil forming materials to be brought to site for use in garden areas or soft landscaping should be tested for contamination and suitability for use prior to importation to site. The responsibility to ensure the safe development of land affected by contamination rests primarily with the developer.

3 If any topsoil is taken onto site for the formation of a domestic garden it should be certified as suitable for a domestic garden. This should be validated through sampling once on site.

4 Developments should be designed to reduce both the extent and the impacts of climate change, meeting the highest technically feasible and financially viable environmental standards during construction and occupation and reduce carbon dioxide emissions through the following

Page 171 sequence of priorities, as set out in the energy hierarchy: i. Energy reduction; then ii. Energy efficiency; then iii. Renewable energy; then iv. Low carbon energy; then v. Conventional energy.

5 Renewable and low carbon energy including incorporating small-scale renewable and low carbon energy generation is supported provided that: i. The proposal does not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the landscape, the natural environment, biodiversity, the cultural environment, the historic environment, adjoining land uses and residential amenity; and ii. Appropriate mitigation measures would be taken to minimise and, where possible, address adverse impacts; and iii. The proposal avoids unacceptable cumulative landscape and visual impacts.

6 There is a Public Right of Way or a 'claimed' Public Right of Way within or adjoining the application site boundary. It is an offence to obstruct a Public Right of Way and enforcement action can be taken by the Highway Authority to remove any obstruction. The existing Public Right(s) of Way on the site must be protected and kept clear of any obstruction unless an alternative route has been provided by either a temporary or permanent Order.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02140/FULMAJ WARD: Wathvale CASE OFFICER: Mike Parkes DATE VALID: 17.06.2020 GRID REF: E 433970 TARGET DATE: 16.09.2020 N 475248 REVISED TARGET: 02.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 01.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.21.111.A.FULMAJ

LOCATION: Development Land At 433970 475248 Barugh Way Melmerby North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Erection of detached building for B8 storage and distribution with landscaping


APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 01.10.2023.

2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following approved plans and documents as modified by the further conditions of this consent:

Page 172 809/LA1A Landscape Plan dated March 2020 1932 PL 102E Proposed G.A Site Plan dated 19.05.20 1932 PL 105B Proposed G.A. Ground Floor Plan dated 06.03.20 1932 PL 106B Proposed G.A. First Floor Plan dated 06.03.20 1932 PL 107 Proposed G.A. Roof Plan dated Mar 2020 1932 PL 108B Proposed G.A. Elevations 1 & 2 dated 06.03.20 1932 PL 109B Proposed G.A. Elevations 3 & 4 dated 06.03.20

3 A Design Stage Certificate issued by BRE shall have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority no later than the latter of either;

a) 6 months from the date of this permission, or

b) prior to commencement of the development hereby approved,

and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The development shall meet BREEAM "Very Good" or higher. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

4 No operations shall commence on site in connection with the development hereby approved (including any demolition work, soil moving, access widening or any operations involving the use of motorised vehicles or construction machinery) before the root protection area fencing around all trees and shrubs to be retained, as specified in British Standard 5837:2012(section 6.2.2 figure 2) Trees in Relation to Construction - Recommendations, or any subsequent amendments to that document, has been provided along with ground protection detail (no dig) in line with the requirements of BS 5837: 2012. The developer shall maintain such fences until all development the subject of this permission is completed and the level of the land within the fenced areas shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

5 Development shall not commence until a scheme detailing foul and surface water drainage has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme to be submitted shall be in accordance with the submitted Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy report 1002-0001 by Crescent Civil Design and shall demonstrate that the surface water drainage system(s) are designed in accordance with the standards detailed in North Yorkshire County Council SuDS Design Guidance (or any subsequent update or replacement for that document). The scheme shall detail phasing of the development and phasing of drainage provision, including the underpinning engineering works for an Attenuation Pond which shall have be the subject of a separate planning permission issued by the Local Planning Authority. Principles of sustainable urban drainage shall be employed wherever possible. The works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved phasing. No part or phase of the development shall be brought into use until the drainage works approved for that part or phase has been completed.

6 No development shall take place until a suitable maintenance of the proposed SuDS

Page 173 drainage scheme arrangement has been demonstrated to the Local Planning Authority. Details with regard to the maintenance and management of the approved scheme to include drawings showing any surface water assets to be vested with the statutory undertaker/highway authority and subsequently maintained at their expense, and/or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the approved drainage scheme/sustainable urban drainage systems throughout the lifetime of the development.

7 No phase of the development shall take place until detailed drawings have been submitted to, and approved by the Local Planning Authority showing how surface water will be managed during the construction phase.

8 The development shall not commence until a scheme, detailing the treatment of all surface water flows from parking areas and hardstanding through the use of road side gullies, oil interceptors, reedbeds or alternative treatment systems, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Use of the parking areas/hardstanding shall not commence until the works comprising the approved treatment scheme have been completed. Roof water shall not pass through the treatment scheme. Treatment shall take place prior to discharge from the treatment scheme. The treatment scheme shall be retained, maintained to ensure efficient working and used throughout the lifetime of the development.

9 The development must not be brought into use until the access to the site has been set out and constructed in accordance with the 'Specification for Housing and Industrial Estate Roads and Private Street Works" published by the Local Highway Authority and prior to commencement of the development, the footway's and carriageway leading to the site must have their wearing course installed to the satisfaction of the Local Highway Authority.

10 There must be no excavation or other groundworks, except for investigative works, or the depositing of material on the site in connection with the construction of the access road or buildings at until full details of the following have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority: a) vehicular, cycle, and pedestrian accesses; b) vehicular and cycle parking; c) vehicular turning arrangements including measures to enable vehicles to enter and leave the site in a forward gear, and; d) loading and unloading arrangements. No part of the development must be brought into use until the vehicle access, parking, manoeuvring and turning areas have been constructed in accordance with the details approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Once created these areas must be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times.

11 Groundworks shall not commence until a land contamination Phase II Intrusive Site Investigation Report has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

12 Where site remediation is recommended in the Phase II Intrusive Site Investigation Report approved pursuant to condition 8 above groundworks shall not commence

Page 174 until a land contamination remediation strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The remediation strategy shall include a timetable for the implementation and completion of the approved remediation measures.

13 Land contamination remediation of the site shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the Remediation Strategy approved pursuant to condition 9. In the event that remediation is unable to proceed in accordance with the approved Remediation Strategy or contamination not previously considered in either the Preliminary Risk Assessment or the Phase II Intrusive Site Investigation Report is identified or encountered on site, all groundworks in the affected area (save for site investigation works) shall cease immediately and the Local Planning Authority shall be notified in writing within 2 working days. Works shall not recommence until proposed revisions to the Remediation Strategy have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Remediation of the site shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved revised Remediation Strategy.

14 Following completion of any measures identified in the approved Remediation Strategy or any approved revised Remediation Strategy a land contamination Verification Report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. No part of the site shall be brought into use until such time as the remediation measures have been completed for that part of the site in accordance with the approved Remediation Strategy or the approved revised Remediation Strategy and a Verification Report in respect of those remediation measures has been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Where verification has been submitted and approved in stages for different areas of the whole site, a Final Verification Summary Report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

15 A detailed scheme for landscaping, including the planting of trees and or shrubs and the use of surface materials shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any external construction of the walls of the development hereby approved. The scheme shall specify materials, species, tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities, and the timing of implementation of the scheme, including any earthworks required and shall be implemented in strict accordance with details as approved by the Local Planning Authority.

16 Before the first use of any materials in the external construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, samples of those materials shall have been made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.

17 The parking spaces equipped with electric vehicle charging points as identified on drawing 1932 PL 102 E shall have those electric vehicle charging points of Mode 3 type (specific socket on a dedicated circuit with a minimum current rating of 16 Amp) and the building hereby approved shall not be brought into use until those charging points are installed and available for use. The charging points shall be retained thereafter.

Page 175 18 The building hereby approved shall either have access for Fibre to the Premises broadband infrastructure capable of Next Generation Access speeds, or a download connection of 30Mbps and provision for the delivery of Fibre to the Premises broadband at a future date.

19 Details of any proposed external lighting scheme shall be submitted for approval to the Local Planning Authority prior to installation. Once approved the scheme shall be completed in accordance with the approved details.

20 A Post Construction Stage Certificate issued by BRE for the development shall be submitted for the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of the development.

21 The premises hereby approved shall be used for only by uses falling within Class B8 (with associated ancillary office space) of the Schedule of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended and no other use, including any use within the same use class as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), and notwithstanding the terms of any Development Order, shall be carried out without the formal consent of the Local Planning Authority.

22 In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 To safeguard the environment and mitigate climate change. 4 To ensure the protection of the trees or shrubs during the carrying out of the development. 5 To ensure the provision of adequate and sustainable means of drainage in the interests of amenity and flood risk. 6 To prevent the increased risk of flooding and to ensure the future maintenance of the sustainable drainage system. 7 To ensure that flood risk is not increased during construction. 8 To prevent pollution of the water environment from the development site. 9 To ensure a satisfactory means of access to the site from the public highway in the interests of highway safety and the convenience of all highway users. 10 To ensure appropriate on-site facilities in the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the development. 11 To establish any risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land. 12 to 14. To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and

Page 176 neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors. 15 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 16 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality. 17 In the interests of providing sustainable transport options and improving the air quality of the District. 18 To ensure appropriate broadband access is provided. 19 In the interests of minimising light pollution. 20 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 21 In order to protect the employment uses. 22 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity.


1 Developments should be designed to reduce both the extent and the impacts of climate change, meeting the highest technically feasible and financially viable environmental standards during construction and occupation and reduce carbon dioxide emissions through the following sequence of priorities, as set out in the energy hierarchy: i. Energy reduction; then ii. Energy efficiency; then iii. Renewable energy; then iv. Low carbon energy; then v. Conventional energy.

2 Renewable and low carbon energy including incorporating small-scale renewable and low carbon energy generation is supported provided that: i. The proposal does not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the landscape, the natural environment, biodiversity, the cultural environment, the historic environment, adjoining land uses and residential amenity; and ii. Appropriate mitigation measures would be taken to minimise and, where possible, address adverse impacts; and iii. The proposal avoids unacceptable cumulative landscape and visual impacts.

3 It is noted that the drawings submitted with the planning application show proposed advertisement(s) that may require the separate express consent of the Borough Council under The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 2007. You are therefore advised not to display the advertisement(s) until any such consent as necessary is obtained.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02396/DVCMAJ WARD: Wathvale CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 04.08.2020

Page 177 GRID REF: E 434130 TARGET DATE: 03.11.2020 N 475449 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 05.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.21.55.D.DVCMAJ

LOCATION: Unit 1 Barker Business Park Melmerby Green Road Melmerby Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 5NB

PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to allow installation of photovoltaic panels to roof of planning permission 18/03377/FULMAJ - Erection of extension to existing warehouse and office building and of fencing; Formation of access and of car park; Landscaping.

APPLICANT: Hemingways Marketing Services Ltd

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 05.10.2023.

2 The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans:

1723 (00) E01 Location Plan (existing) 1723 (00) E02 Site plan (existing) 1723 (00) E03 Existing Ground Floor Plan 1723 (00) E04 Existing First Floor Plan 1723 (00) E05 (rev A) Elevations 1723 (00) Existing roof plan 1723 (P) 001 Location Plan as proposed 1723 (P) 002 Block Plan as proposed 1723 (P) 004 Elevations as proposed 1723 (P) 005 Site plan as proposed 1723 (P) 006 Ground floor as proposed 1723 (P) 007 First floor as proposed 1723 (P) 008 (Rev C) Roof Plan as proposed

3 A Post Construction Stage Certificate issued by BRE for the development shall be submitted for the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of the development.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 To safeguard the environment and mitigate climate change in accordance with Local

Page 178 Plan Policy CC3.


1 Conditions 3,4,5 and 6 were discharged under planning permission 20/00621/DISCON on 10.8.2020.

Condition 7 has been renumbered and the policy reference updated.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02411/FUL WARD: Wathvale CASE OFFICER: Natalie Ramadhin DATE VALID: 11.08.2020 GRID REF: E 430042 TARGET DATE: 06.10.2020 N 473269 REVISED TARGET: 07.10.2020 DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.12.182.A.FUL

LOCATION: The Walled Garden Scheme North Lees North Yorkshire

PROPOSAL: Installation of 6no. temporary container units to provide additional classroom space, to also include; a cess tank, a ramp and a fenced enclosed garden.

APPLICANT: Mrs Sarah Johnson

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 06.10.2023.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings; Proposed elevations and floor plans; received and uploaded to the public file on the 12th August 2020. Location plan; received and uploaded to the public file on the 11th August 2020. Site plan; received and uploaded to the public file on the 6th October 2020.

3 The temporary building hereby approved shall be wholly removed from the site and the site restored to its original condition no later than 5 years from the date of this consent, unless a further consent is granted by the Local Planning Authority prior to the end of that period.

4 If any unforeseen contamination is encountered during the development, the Local Planning Authority (LPA) should be informed immediately. Any investigation / remedial / protective works carried out in relation to this application shall be carried out to agreed timescales and approved by the LPA in writing.

Page 179

5 Any soil or soil forming materials to be brought to site for use in garden areas or soft landscaping should be tested for contamination and suitability for use prior to importation to site.

6 The cesspool hereby permitted must be of sufficient capacity for the proposal, it must be regularly maintained and emptied for the time the development is in use after which it should be removed.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 In view of the temporary nature of the building and to preserve the visual amenities of the area. 4 In the interests of environmental health and to ensure a safe development. 5 In the interests of environmental health and to ensure a safe development. 6 In the interests of environmental health and to ensure a safe development.


1 There is a history of ground instability in the area. This sometimes arises from the presence of peat, sometimes from gypsum and sometimes a combination. You are advised to satisfy yourself that there is no such problem on this site, or that any problem can be overcome by taking appropriate measures, before works commence.

2 A building regulations application will be required for this proposal.

CASE NUMBER: 20/02638/PNA WARD: Wathvale CASE OFFICER: Mike Parkes DATE VALID: 21.07.2020 GRID REF: E 436927 TARGET DATE: 15.09.2020 N 475112 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 29.09.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.22.117.B.PNA

LOCATION: Manor House Farm Sleights Lane Rainton YO7 3PX

PROPOSAL: Grain Store and Agricultural Equipment Store


Page 180

APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the terms of the application including drawing C78-4-PN 1 dated July 2020.

Reasons for Conditions:-

CASE NUMBER: 20/03528/PNA WARD: Wathvale CASE OFFICER: Emma Howson DATE VALID: 16.09.2020 GRID REF: E 433568 TARGET DATE: 11.11.2020 N 470377 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 06.10.2020 APPLICATION NO: 6.40.9.K.PNA

LOCATION: Riverside Farm Copt Hewick To Bridge Hewick Copt Hewick HG4 5AA

PROPOSAL: Prior notification for the erection of steel framed agricultural building with lean to. With concrete walls, with green plastic coated tin sheet walls and grey fibre cement roof sheets


Prior approval not required

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