May 2021 THE FOUNTAIN The Parish Magazine serving the communities of the Fountains Group, Aldfield Sawley & Winksley (Fountains Parish), , , , Grantley, , , Laverton, Mickley & Studley


The Rectory Kirkby Malzeard, HG4 3SL

Dear Friends,

The snowdrops have been and gone, and there are still some daffodils around. Buds are appearing on the trees, and there are the beginnings of blossom on the fruit bushes even up here where there is little to shelter our garden from the western wind coming off the moors. The weather is starting to get warmer, and it is becoming possible to relax properly outside in the sunshine. There is a sudden burgeoning of life in all its forms, as the air is filled at dawn with birdsong, and the lambing season has begun. There will no, doubt, be cold and wet days to come, but our hearts cannot but be lifted by the coming of spring.

And so the cycle of winter turning into spring is repeated year after year, death being overwhelmed by a new life which will come to maturity over the next few months before it too fades into autumn.

When the Christian church proclaims the resurrection of Jesus in the spring time of the year, it is not demanding belief in some strange, nonsensical affront to everything we know already and take for granted, but building on something which is actually quite familiar, both sorrow and loss, as life fades 1

at the end of summer, and wonderful hope as it returns in the spring.

In Christian belief it is no accident that Jesus’ death and resurrection fell at this time of year, though as an event in time, his death may seem to have resulted from a toxic mix of religion and politics which happened to have come together during a spring festival in Jerusalem at a particular date. But in the dispensation of God, this was surely no coincidence. The hopes which come into our hearts in the season of spring were planted there by the God who created the seasons as a prelude to a wonderful promise: because of the resurrection of Jesus there will one day, on the other side of death, come to us a glorious spring of everlasting life. In this life, all the darkness of the death we have undergone will be overcome for ever by the light which comes from God and which must be shared amongst us in the form of eternal and unconquerable love.


If you’re reading this copy of the Fountain online, why not check with your less internet-based neighbours if they would like to see it or have it printed for them?

Church of Services in Fountains Benefice May 2021

Services in Church (face coverings currently obligatory)

Sunday 2 May 11.15 am Holy Communion at Grewelthorpe Church 6.30 pm Lambing Service at Chapel of the Resurrection, Dallowgill Sunday 9 May 11.15 am Holy Communion at Mickley Church 2.00 pm Rogation Service at Winksley Church Sunday 16 May 11.00 am Methodist Service at Grewelthorpe Church 11.15 am Holy Communion at Aldfield Church Sunday 23 May 11.15 am Holy Communion at Sawley Church Sunday 30 May 11.15 am Holy Communion at Kirkby Malzeard Church


We also continue our Sunday morning Zoom services (and other services at home) at 10 am – please contact Revd. Ian Kitchen on 01765 650369 if you would like to join us, or email [email protected] There will also be a Zoom service at 7.30 on the evening of Thursday 13th – Ascension Day. Details will be sent to our regular Zoomers, but please do ask if you would like to join us.

If you are not computer-savvy or you'd rather follow a service on your own we can let you have it via email or by paper through your letter box. A healthy number of people are doing this at 10 am each week to build the sense that we are all worshipping together. Email or telephone Ian for more details.

Holy Communion at home is available for those who have an urgent need. If you have any questions about the services please contact Ian.

Church annual meetings These are important meetings in the life of our churches, where we can review the past year and look ahead to what we hope will be a brighter one coming up. Churchwardens and church council members are elected – there are usually spaces for new blood! Whether meetings will take place by Zoom or in person is uncertain at going to press, but there will be notices up at the churches with that detail on, by mid-May. The dates are as follows: Fountains Parish (Aldfield, Sawley and Winksley): 7.30 pm on Monday 24th May Grewelthorpe: 7.30 on Tuesday 18th May Kirkby Malzeard: 7.30 pm on Wednesday 26th May Mickley: 7.00 pm on Thursday 20th May.

A listening ear from the hospice Even with the prospect of slowly exiting lockdown, many of us may be feeling low, isolated or anxious about the days and weeks to come. We want to let you know that our Just ‘B’ Hear to Help community line is here for you, seven days a week, from 8am in the morning to 8pm, with a team of experienced, caring volunteers ready to listen and support. Call us on 01423 856799. We’re all in this together and no concern is too small. The helpline is available for children, young people and adults across . 3

The Just ‘B’ Hear to Help line is one of the services provided by Hospice Care, a registered charity in England and Wales (518905) with a family of services operating as Herriot Hospice Homecare, Just ‘B’, Saint Michael’s Hospice and Talking Spaces.

Oberammergau Passion Play A Ripon Deanery Holiday to Austria and Oberammergau including the famous Passion Play: 3-10 June 2022 — This trip, which was postponed from last year, still has some spaces available. It is being led by Canon Michael Glanville-Smith, assisted by Canon Richard Cooper, two well-known and highly respected retired clergy who have long associations with the deanery. Richard was at one time vicar of Boroughbridge and Michael was Senior Residentiary Canon and Acting Dean at the cathedral. Both live in Ripon. Richard is acting as Tour Administrator and will be able to answer questions from anyone who may be interested. He is happy to be contacted at [email protected] or on 01765 600769.


Katherine Jane Sybil Whiting Died 11th April 2021 Service and Cremation at Stonefall Crematorium, Harrogate Thursday 22nd April.

Methodist News

Good news! The Methodist buildings in the area are beginning to open for worship over the next few weeks as it looks as though things with this virus might be going the right way.

The monthly Methodist service at Grewelthorpe will resume at 11am on Sunday 16 May. I will be leading that service, which I’m very happy about as it will be my first service there, after being here eight months!


Kirkby Malzeard Methodist Chapel is reopening on Sunday 23 May at 10.30am. Sawley Methodist Chapel is reopening on Sunday 6 June at 2pm. Dallowgill Methodist Chapel is reopening on Sunday 13 June at 2pm, though we may decide to go for it on 23 May if things are okay. We will let folk know if that is the case. I will be leading all of these services.

It’s been a very frustrating beginning to my ministry in this area. I’m so looking forward to being able to visit people and to share in the life of our villages. I’m very aware there are many folks I haven’t met yet despite having been here since last September.

The Methodist Circuit send you greetings. As signs of new life emerge around us, we thank God for those helping us move from what has been a very difficult time to a new and safer period. I had my second vaccine this week. The side effects have been horrendous! But I’m glad to be a bit more protected as things open up around me. Let’s hope for a good summer together!

Ian Pruden Methodist Minister for Grewelthorpe, Kirkby Malzeard, Sawley and Dallowgill

The Benefice Book Group In April we read ``Princess Elizabeth's Spy" by Susan Elia Macneal, and it really split us right down the middle. Those who liked it, liked it very much, to the extent of having the next two in the series waiting in the wings. They found the plot gripping and the characters credible and were interested in the way it portrayed the career opportunities which were opened up to women in World War 2.

Those who didn`t like it were troubled by the unlikeliness of the plot and also by the anachronisms and what seemed to be an American’s misconceptions about the way British society in the 1940’s functioned.

As ever, you pay your money and you take your choice and one woman`s meat is another woman`s poison and all that. And that`s the joy of Book Group.


In May, ever optimistic, we hope to MEET to discuss "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie "by Muriel Spark.

Anne Carrick

Fountains Fund Raising

As with all organisations fund raising this year has been almost non- existent. Our aim with a lot of our events is not only to raise money to keep the churches and ministry in our villages, but also to reach out to the community, especially the isolated and most vulnerable people in and around the area.

Covid-19 is still with us, and, although things in this country appear to be looking up, we do not know what restrictions will still be in place after May 17th. We are therefore proposing similar events to the ones we had at Christmas. We will be having plant, cake and book stalls in Winksley, Sawley and Aldfieild at the end of May/beginning of June. We have not full details as the Fountain goes to press but hope to have the first one on Monday May 31st at Winksley followed by Sawley and Aldfield in June (more info in June edition and on notice boards).

Funds raised will be shared between Fountains Parish and Dementia Forward.

The 'Buy a Square Raffle' was very popular so we will be running this again. Each ticket will be £5 and there will be a number of fabulous prizes. Again, more information next month. If you would like to buy a ticket please call Yvonne on 01765 658419 or email [email protected].




THE HACKFALL CAFÉ - RE-OPENING Now that COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted, the Village Hall Café will be open from Monday 19th April for takeaway and outdoor seating

Opening days and times will be:

Monday – Wednesday – Friday - Saturday – Sunday 11.00 am – 1.00 pm

The café will be serving a full range of hot and cold drinks, home-made cakes and biscuits, & other easy to eat snacks

Providing the ‘Road out of Lockdown’ dates remain unchanged this will be followed by indoor seating from 17th May.

We look forward to welcoming you back!

Village Hall Activities

Moo Music Wednesdays 5th,12th, 19th and 26th 9:30-10:30am

Drumming Circle Wednesday 26th 7-8pm

Tiny Talk Thursdays 7th, 14th and 21st 10-11am

Community Lunch Tuesday 11th May; a homemade 2 course hot dinner and pudding. DELIVERED to you on by our friendly Hackfall Cafe volunteers. £5 per person. Extra portions for freezing can be ordered in advance. Call Susan Rizos on


01765 658200 to order your meal. Please state any dietary requirements.


Would you like to know what life is like on an organic farm?

Then join us at the Hutts farm for an organic farming tour by tractor and trailer on Sunday 6th June at 10.00 am. This will be an opportunity to see farm animals / working demonstration of farm dogs / organic crops that are grown on the farm.

The tour is expected to last around 2 ½ hours and is suitable for all age groups Please wear appropriate clothing for a farm!

It will be possible for participants to pre-order sandwiches prior to the event. A range of cakes & biscuits / hot & cold drinks will also be available to purchase on the day.

For further information and to book a place / pre-order sandwiches, please contact: Judith O’Shaughnessy 658728 e mail [email protected] OR Deborah Hodges 658474 e mail [email protected]

(Booking will be essential in order to ensure maximum numbers regarding COVID-19 restrictions are not exceeded and to ensure a place on the day)

If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact Deborah Hodges on 01765 658474, or email [email protected].


If you would like to be kept up to date you can subscribe to this e-newsletter by request at [email protected]


St James’ Church and the Methodist Church Grewelthorpe

Tidy churchyard It is now the time of year when we will be tending our gardens and mowing our lawns. This is also the case for church, as we endeavour to keep the churchyard looking tidy through the growing season. We employ a contractor to do our grass cutting, which is an added expense and, at certain times of the year have working parties to do some extra work. Grewelthorpe church is an integral part of our village and we are eager to continue to keep it looking at its best so, if you feel that you would like to contribute in some way either by looking out for times and dates of our working parties (when Covid restrictions are lifted) or by contributing towards the cost of the grass cutting then please contact our treasurer Pauline Broadwith, who will be happy to help. Pauline’s contact details are [email protected] or Tel. 01765 650179.

Just a reminder…………. that the church is open for private prayer, only being closed for cleaning after funerals/weddings etc. Please look for the sign on the church gate if you are unsure. We are very much looking forward to when our church community can return to some normality.

Annual Parochial church meeting Tuesday, 18th May 2020 at 7.00 pm in the Church All members of our congregation and those on the electoral roll are most welcome to attend the meeting Strict Covid guidelines will be followed and masks will have to be worn.


Kirkby Malzeard

OPEN GARDENS – KIRKBY MALZEARD* Sunday June 27th 1pm – 5pm

We’ll have a good variety of gardens on display including cottage, shaded, large formal and courtyard.

Book and plant sales & refreshments.

Cost £5.00 adults, accompanied under 16s free.

Proceeds to St Andrew's Church.

If you would like to take part by opening your garden or if you could help on the day, please call Hilary on 650067

*We are cautiously optimistic that we will be able to go ahead with this event – please check the Open Gardens website ( or the local website ( ) for up-to-date information nearer the time.


Kirkby Malzeard CE Primary School The children returned to school after the Easter holidays, refreshed, full of chocolate goodies and raring to embrace learning again. The weather has been kind to us at the beginning of the Summer term and the children have been spending time enjoying the sunshine. The younger children have been practicing their skipping skills and the older years are running/ walking a mile each day to help build up their stamina.

Our learning…

• Acorn Class. The children as always are reading lots of great books and poems this term. Sharing some old favourites and discovering new books too. In maths the children are exploring numbers to 10 and beyond with lots of number games.

• Oak Class. In Science the children are learning about plants and spent a fun morning planting seeds in containers. Hopefully they will grow and the children will get the opportunity to sample the delicious fruit and vegetables they have sown!


• Palm Class. In English. the children have begun the book The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and in maths they are working to consolidate their knowledge of fractions.

• Cedar Class. This half term the history topic is WW1; the children have been investigating reasons for how the war began. The children have been sharing information about family members who had fought in both world wars and the bravery they displayed.

Collective Worship. This half term we are thinking about the value of kindness in our Collective Worship time, the children are thinking about what kindness means to them and how we can see kindness in our community.

Co-opted Governor Vacancies We are currently looking for two governors to join the Governing Body of the Federation of Kirkby Malzeard and St Nicholas ()


schools. Our Governing Body is made up of parents, staff members, members of the community and representatives from the church. A governing body’s overriding responsibility is to work in partnership with the head teacher to promote continuous improvement in the performance of the school. This involves the establishment of a development plan, the setting of challenging but achievable targets and the interpretation of information to assess progress and determine appropriate action. Aligned to its improvement role, the governing body is there to be a critical friend who can provide the right balance between supporting and challenging the performance of both the head teacher and the school.

If you are interested, please contact our Chair of Governors (Tracey Cole – Brownlee) at: [email protected]

Fridays at 9.00AM . Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, at the time of going to press we are unsure if we will be able to welcome the community to our Celebration assemblies and Collective Worships each Friday. We will update our website once we have more guidance from the government.

Contacting us…If you would like to come and look around our school, please do email: [email protected] or call: 01765 658329. You can also learn more about the school on our website:



Sawley Village Hall to reopen in May

If all goes to plan the Village Hall will be used for the elections on May 6th. After May 17th some of our regular bookings can happen and we will have all the necessary precautions in place, so there could be some whist and dominoes, table tennis, indoor bowls, dance and yoga classes. Wedding celebrations are booked in and, later in the year, we are looking forward to a band and Bad Apple Theatre. There might even be a Big BBQ on the Green at the end of June. [email protected]




Apex – Private Hire Franklin Hardscapes Local* Long Distance* Airports* Courier Paths – Patios – Driveways Stone & Brick walling Hedge and Tree Planting Fencing Trevor Kempster Turfing Well Cottage Gravelling Kirkby Malzeard

Contact Edward Franklin Ring Direct: 01765 658 067 Mob: 07970 308823 07814 982 043 Tel:01765 650491

Est. 1879 Tel. 01765 602294

F. LOWLEY & SON LTD 13 Low Skellgate, Ripon HG4 1BE ______

JOE DAWSON RIPON’S ONLY INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTOR Fully qualified electrician COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE Attention Day and Night Agricultural, Commercial and Domestic installations COMPLETE JOINERY SERVICE Domestic and Commercial ______TEL. 01765620643 MOB. 07870590996 After Office Hours Mr T E Bassitt Tel. 07702 998962


Sarah Jones LEE & HOLMES Antiques, Arts & Curios FUNERAL DIRECTORS Selling antique & vintage furniture and A complete collectables, decorative items and Personal 24-hour service curiosities Now open Fridays 1.00-5.00pm Private Chapel of Rest at Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm Pateley Bridge and by appointment. Pre-payment Plans Available To make an appointment to look around the shop please ‘phone 01765 658201. An independent family run We also welcome enquiries if you have business serving the dale with quality antique & vintage items for sale. a caring and efficient service To make an appointment if you have an item For over 50 years to sell please ‘phone 07946 646985. For more information Tel: 01423 712062 e-mail [email protected] Mobile: 07802 176466 www.

BLAKEY TREE SURGERY Dangerous Trees Dismantled Felling Pruning & Re – Shaping Crown Thinning & Lifting Stump Grinding TPO & Planning Applications

Fully Insured All Work to British Standards 3998 Fully Qualified & NPTC Trained

Hardwood Logs & Wood Chippings for Sale

For a Free Quote & Professional Service Call David Blakey: 01765 658029 Mobile: 07712 623178 Thorstad, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon, HG4 3SH 18

Kirkby Fisheries KUTZ @ KIRKBY Opening Hours Main Street, Kirkby Malzeard Monday–Saturday (Next to Kirkby Motors) 11.30am-1.30pm & Ladies & Gentlemen’s 5.00-9.00pm Hairdressers To avoid delays order on 01765 658723. Closed Sunday & Monday Tuesday – Friday PIZZAS ALSO NOW AVAILABLE. 9.00am – 5.00pm Saturday Follow us on facebook 8.30am – 1.00pm Kirkbyfisheries. Tel 01765 650137 Mobile 07792 695318

KIRKBY MOTORS KIRKBY MALZEARD Family business, established 40 years Car Repairs and Servicing Servicing and repairs to cars and vans, including those still in warranty, following Good Garage Scheme, manufacturers or our own schedule. MOT testing including motorbikes Petrol and Diesel forecourt, pay at pump, open late 7 days Diagnostics using the latest Snap On and Crypton equipment. Tyres, batteries and exhausts supplied and fitted. Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm, Saturday by prior arrangement only. Call us on 01765 658468



And Painter & Decorator SECRET GARDEN CATTERY Tel: 01765 658761 30 years’ experience Mob: 07737 322335 Mrs J Morton Wilderbrook House Winksley Email:[email protected] Nr Ripon Call for a free estimate Brand New Facilities For details Ring: 01765 658733








(01765 if no code given)

APEX PRIVATE HIRE, (Trevor Kempster, Kirkby Malzeard) local /long distance airport /courier, mobile 07970 308823 650491 BLAKEY TREE SURGERY, Felling,pruning,thinning,logs,chippings,free quote 658029 BOGS HALL STABLES, Livery, tuition, BHS approved, rug cleaning. 658184 BULL GRAPHIC DESIGN, Logo design, websites, brochures, packaging 658022 CATERERS & CROCKERY HIRE, L Atkinson 620618 or 658545 CREATIVE NAILS BY CAROL, for all your nail requirements, 07736 544 446 or 609293 CURTAIN & BLIND MAKING SERVICE & ALTERATIONS, contact Carol Ayres 658898 DOG HOME BOARDING, the kinder alternative to kennels. Experienced carer, fully insured & HBC approved. Early booking advised. 650438 GARY CARSON, Painter & Decorator, call for a free estimate, 07737 322335 or 658761 HIGHSIDE BUTCHERS, Local lamb, beef and pork 658423 T & M.E JACKSON, Approved electrical contractors 658517 KIRKBY MALZEARD PRE-SCHOOL & TODDLER GROUP 658080 KIRKBY STORES, Open Mon-Sat 6am - 6.30pm Sun 7.00-10.30am 658305 J B LAMBERT & SON, Painter & Decorator 603928 LINDRICK LOGS, Local quality seasoned hardwood, prompt delivery 605248 LYNX FUELS, Domestic heating oil & agricultural fuels. Ring Andrew Storey 07970 249978 MOBILE FOOT CLINIC, Anna Smith, Kirkby Malzeard & Grewelthorpe 690830 MOBILE HAIRDRESSER Call Vanessa, all aspects of hairdressing,07861 734226 606417 N C R PLUMBING & HEATING, OFTEC, NAPIT, Trust Mark registered, plumbing, bathrooms, central heating, oil boilers, tanks, electricals 650410 RIPON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC, Various times Monday – Friday by appointment only. If you’re suffering from headaches, sciatica, back, leg, shoulder or arm pain or pins and needles, contact 609494 ROSELEA TEAROOM , Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10.00am – 3.30pm SIMON MERRIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, mobile 07711 343083 or 658640 SEA DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS SERVICE, for washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, & electric cookers mobile 07801 079911 or 689793 TILLY’S TAILS, Dog walking, pet sitting, tailored to meet your needs mob 07887 617294 TRACY JOHNSON, Mole control,gardens,paddocks,farmland,traditional method 620651 TOM WATSON JOINERY, All aspects of joinery. Good service guaranteed 07920 005140 J WEATHERHEAD & SON, Fencing contractor, all types of fencing supplied & erected, hedge planting undertaken 658508

Advertising enquiries please to Stuart Wakefield Tel 605697. e-mail [email protected] PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS & MENTION ‘THE FOUNTAIN’ WHEN CONTACTING THEM.


The next issue of The Fountain will be an on-line June edition. Material for this should be sent to the editor by 21st May, 2021 please:- Mrs Sharon Wood, West Farm, Galphay, Ripon HG4 3NJ Tel: 01765 658220, e-mail [email protected]

The Fountains Benefice Ministry Team

Priest in Charge Revd Ian Kitchen The Rectory, Ringbeck Road, Kirkby Malzeard HG4 3SL 01765 650369 [email protected] (Day off usually Friday)

House-for-Duty Associate Priest Revd Kathy Couchman 07435 882112 [email protected]


Mrs Liz Jarvis Mr Adrian Roberts 01765 620508 01765 650275

Administrator Please note new hours: e-mail Isabelle Munyard Thurs 9.30 am - 3.30 [email protected] pm