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1921 Fifty-Eight Annual Report of the Receipts and Expenses of the City of Lewiston for the Fiscal Year Ending Feb. 28, 1921, Together with Annual Reports and Papers Relating to the Affairs of the City Lewiston (Me.)

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Repository Citation Lewiston (Me.), "Fifty-Eight Annual Report of the Receipts and Expenses of the City of Lewiston for the Fiscal Year Ending Feb. 28, 1921, Together with Annual Reports and Papers Relating to the Affairs of the City" (1921). Maine Town Documents. 4755.

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OF THE City of Lewiston

FOR THE Fiscal Year Ending Feb. 28 1921

TOGETHER WITH ANNUAL REPORTS AND PAPERS RELATING TO THE AFFAIRS OF THE CITY Gentlemen of the City Council: In accordance with the charter, as members elect of the incoming administration, we meet for the purpose of organiza­ tion. It now becomes our duty to formulate a policy for the coming Municipal year. In difference to custom, I wish to review in a general way the situation which confronts us, to make suggestions which occur to me with reference to the existing conditions, and to advise with you as to the best and wisest course to be pursued. Our interests are identical, namely, to ascertain the res­ pective needs of the several departments, and to take care of them so far as the city’s financial condition will permit. Ldt us bear in mind that the city’s affairs should be managed by business methods. We know the temper of the people, and the spirit behind this demand for better things. We were elected upon this platform. The people will be satisfied with nothing less, and in my opinion the man who fails to heed this warning will fall by the wayside, a political suicide. Within the last few years the expenditures of the several departments show a very large increase. This has been out of proportion to the gain in valuation, and retrenchment is now imperative. The cost of living has diminished at least twenty per cent. As a consequence, the price of labor, which enters so largely into the expenses of every department, should decrease in much the same ratio. This increase in expenditure has not been entirely due to war conditions, but largely to unbusinesslike methods in the management of the different departments. The continu­ ance of this course would inevitably result in an empty treasury, and in an impairment of municipal credit. This is shown by the marked difference between the cost and efficien­ cy of service rendered to private enterprises, and of the services rendered to those of a public character. In the employment of labor, a properly managed city, with the certainty of payment, should demand value and efficiency equal to that enjoyed by a private enterprise. The expenditures of this city amount approximately to a million dollars a year, and a substantial percentage of this is dissipated either through lavish expenditure of money, or 4 CITY OF LEWISTON through inefficient service. Even the most cursory examina­ tion of the affairs of the city will demonstrate the truth of this contention. I believe that a businesslike management, such as the people now demand and have a right to expect, will result in saving a very substantial sum of money annually. There should be no difference between the market price of supplies or labor furnished to the city, and the market price of the same when furnished to a private individual or corporation. The heads of departments should be held accountable to a degree commensurate with the importance of their duties, and failure should be charged to the person responsible. This is the way a private concern would handle the situation. Why should not the city pursue the same course? In every business, the market value is the criterion by which to determine the price of commodities or labor. If the purchaser pays the market price he has the legal right to demand is equivalent, whether it be commodities or labor. Men should not be on the pay roll as a political reward, nor for other reasons, unless the service rendered is a just re­ turn for the price paid. No fairminded man will dispute this, and yet such cases are frequent. But you will agree with me that they should not be tolerated. My conception of our duty today, is that we approach the situation with open minds, and that we formulate and carry into effect a well-digested plan for the proper management of the city along business lines so that we may leave its affairs to our successors with every dollar accounted for, and with every department in such condition that no apologies will be due because of inexperience, inefficiency, or needless expendi­ ture. To do this we must begin today to practise intelligent economy. The first step is to exercise business judgment in the selection of subordinates. From the number of applicants, it is apparent that a great many people are willing to parti­ cipate in the management of our city’s affairs. If competent men are selected for tne various positions, on the basis of fitness, and those chosen are held responsible for the proper discharge of their duties, we shall have taken a most import­ ant step toward success. If we fail in this we shall be em­ barrassed throughout the year. We should rid ourselves of the loafer, the dead-head, and above all, the professional poli­ tician. All these belong to the type of undesirable employees. They are all long on talk and short on work. MAYORS ADDRESS 5

During the coming year I trust that nothing will he done which will not bear the closest scrutiny and the fullest publi­ city. Any act of ours which will not bear hones(t criticism by the people and the press, is certain to be fundamentally wrong. I know that you will join in the assurance that we will render all possible assistance in giving every citizen the opportunity to know, through the press, the reason for every official act. Fair and intelligent discussion is the surest guaranty that the rights of all will be protected. Today every one of us represents the whole city, without regard to race, or religion, poverty or wealth, individual or corporation. Our aim is to make Lewiston the busiest and best-governed city in the state. It has a prosperous and law- abiding people. It is well served by railways which radiate in every direction. Through the Chamber of Commerce its commercial interests are united for the promotion of its growth and development. It has a magnificent water power already furnishing energy to many large and prosperous man ufacturing industries, and has a splendid opportunity for its further development, when industrial conditions permit It has the beneficent influence of prosperous churches and ex­ cellent schools. It is the seat of a collegiate institution rank­ ing among those of the highest standing in New England. It has two large hospitals, thoroughly equipped in every detail. And above all, it is a city of homes. All these condi­ tions conspire to make Lewiston the civic and industrial heart of Maine.

ORGANIZATION After the organization of the departments, I would sug­ gest that we investigate the condition and needs of each, and that the recommendations made by the several departments be critically analyzed so that we may determine their needs and intelligently make appropriations therefor. If we make our appropriations in accordance with this plan, and then see to it that they are nojt exceeded without imperative necessity, or in case of emergency, we shall have merited the approbation of every good citizen. In the determination of these matters, a competent audi­ tor, who will so perform his duties that every member of this Board can know the condition of each department, would be of inestimable value; and further, it would operate as a deterrant to the useless expenditure of money, whether it is to be made by this Board or by a Commission, 6 CITY OF LEWISTON

This can be accomplished. The method can be tried, and if successful, will be followed by future governments to the substantial benefit of the city. This recommendation is ten­ tative only; but it seems to be practical and businesslike, and I trust tiiat this course wTill be pursued if, after a full discus­ sion of its merits, it shall be deemed advisable by the members of this Board. FINANCES The valuation of the city of Lewiston in 1920, was $25,- 885,522; the funded debt; March 1, 1921, was $975,500; and the floating debt was approximately $270,000. This makes the total bonded and floating debt, $1,245,500. The constitutional limitation of indebtedness, applicable to this city, is as follows: “No city or town having less than forty thousand inhabitants, according to the last census taken by the United States, shall hereafter create any debt or lia­ bility which, singly or in the aggregate, with pre­ vious debts or liabilties, shall exceed five per cen­ tum of the last regular valuation of said city or town.59 The city’s constitutional debt limit is, therefore, $1,294,276, and if this floating debt is bonded the whole debt will then be within the constitutional limit. The expen­ ditures, year by year, should not exceed the limit fixed law, that the floating indebtedness of a municipality shall be taken care of by the taxes collected for the current year. There is an added reason why, in the future, the finances of the city should be placed upon a sound basis. This should be done with the ultimate end in view, of the gradual reduc­ tion of the bonded indebtedness and the establishment of a sinking fund to meet the requirements of law. I am informed that there is a bill now pending before the legislature for authority to fund the floajting debt. This should be done, because it then places the debt where it is not subject to the fluctuations of the money market, which for a considerable period of time, has been abnormally high, rang­ ing from seven to ten per cent on call money in financial cen­ ters. This makes it difficult for the treasurer to be prepared at all times for the disbursements necessary to the manage­ ment of the city finances. I am informed that the treasurer has experienced some little difficulty in nego iating temporary loans. This has been through no fault of his; but, while the MAYORS ADDRESS 7 local banks have been liberal with the city, its demands for money have been so great that it has been difficult for local banks to meet its requirements, and so, at times, the treasurer has been compelled to seek credit elsewhere. During the year just past there has been expended ap­ proximately a million dollars. This was about twenty per cent, more than the expenditures of the preceding municipal year. In a general way, about one-third of the money ex­ pended was for labor. For example, the Public Works Com­ mission expended a total of $187,000; about $110,000 of this was for labor, largely at the rate of four dollars per day. This was not the fault of the superintendent, who I am in­ formed, is a competent and efficient road builder. He does not fix the price of labor, nor select the places where road construction is to be done, nor the amount of money to be expended thereon. This is the duty of the Public Works Commission. It is unfair to the superintendent to compel him to hire labor at prices nearly double those paid by indivi­ duals or corporations in this locality, and then to require him to make a creditable showing. This is a matter for careful consideration by the Commission. They are responsible for this condition. Is it not an opportune time to change this method, which is depleting the finances of the city and disorganizing the efficiency of the department? The results are not commen­ surate with the money expended. Why not pay the laborers of the city according to the value of their services. If a man is worth four dollars per day, pay him four dollars; but if he is worth two dollars per day. pay him two dollars. Why not graduate the pay in accordance with the value of the ser­ vices rendered? Why should the city pay four dollars per day for common labor, when the same service is procured by private individuals or corporations in this vicinity at three dollars per day? Why not permit the superintendent to hire the help in the same way as is d( le by every business con­ cern, and then hold him responsible for results? I feel sure that the man at the head of the department, if given the op­ portunity to select the labor and fix the price, would add very much to the value of his services as manager of the street de­ partment. It seems, from the best information obtainable, that labor is plentiful, and men now seeking these jobs regard them as largely due to a political “pull.” I am not criticising the members of the Public Works Commission, but I am criticising the methods pursued, be- 8 CITY OF LEWISTON , γ cause they are disastrous to efficiency and barren of results. Bear in mind that $187,000, expenditures in one department, is a very large sum of money for a city of the size of Lewiston to spend annually, and that $110,000 of this is pay roll, with a minimum price of four dollars per day. The entire system is wrong. There are members of the Public Works Commission, who are men of integrity, of excellent standing, and of wide busi­ ness experience. These men are endeavoring to administer its affairs in a business way, but they are in the minority. There are others of the Commission who are not guarding the city’s interests, but who measure their duty by the standard of petty politics. This is largely where the trouble comes. It is not along the lines promised, nor what the citizens expect. This will not give an efficient management to this department. There is a harvest of dead-wood which will have to be removed before this department is on such a plane of efficiency as the citizens of every party demand. If you do not exercise wise, careful and intelligent judgment in the selection of the appli­ cants to the various positions, you will have violated the con­ fidence reposed in you in this election. FIRE DEPARTMENT This department expended approximately $59,000, the past year. Twenty years ago it was about $16,000. There would be a natural increase in the expenses because the city has grown, thus enlarging the territory and property to be covered. The actual market value of labor has increased since those days when the firemen were not properly paid for the responsibility and danger they assumed. The cost of running the department has not changed materially, because of the number or the amount paid to the men, but it comes from other sources and needs investigation. There must be a laxity in these expenditures somewhere—but where? The addition to the Ash Street engine house has already cost more than $38,000, and this sum is not included in the expenses of the department. What has the city to show for this expenditure? It has four brick walls, and that is about all. There should not be another dollar expended, nor an­ other day’s work done on this building until the contract is examined, the work done inspected, the work remaining for its completion estimated, the bills audited, whether paid or unpaid, and then reported for further consideration, to this Board for such action as may be deemed wise. This board can control tire amount of expenditure and the Mayor signs MAYORS ADDRESS 9 the warrants before the treasurer pays. It is time to call a halt and ascertain the true condition of things, so far as this building is concerned. It is fairly certain that this building is in the wrong lo­ cation, and that putting money into it is like dropping it into a well; the result is the same, the money is gone. The conditions surrounding the construction of this building de­ mand thorough and searching investigation. We owe this to ourselves and to the tax-payers of the city, because there seems to be a very large outlay of money with no adequate return. I have nothing but praise for the personnel of the men of this department. They are brave, and competent and per­ form their duties regardless of danger. The fire loss has been light for many years. I presume this is largely due to the skill and ability of the late Chief Moriarty and to the com­ petent way in which he handled fires and the men in his de­ partment. Sooner or later we will be compelled to pay the penalty for the non-enforcement of the ordinance providing for restrictions in the erection of wooden buildings. This ordinance is ample for the protection of the city and should be enforced without fear or favor. Its proper enforcement is in a measure important to every citizen and property owner who pays a higher insurance rate because of its non-enforce­ ment, and as a contiguous owner is subject to a greater hazard from fire loss. My attention has been called to the fact that inspection of electric wiring in the city has been neglected. This should receive the attention which its importance demands. It has been suggested, and without doubt the suggestion is a good one, that this matter should be placed in charge of the super­ intendent of fire alarms. I am informed that it was former­ ly under his jurisdiction. I need not urge upon you that this is a very important matter, because of increase of the fire hazard to property and because of the danger to persons from contact with the wires. This should be investigated and reme­ died if found to be wrong.

WATER BOARD I have been informed that the water rates are not collected promptly. This should not be, because the water is furnished, as a rule, to property owners and they are responsible for pay­ ment. It has also been intimated that there is an excess of labor on the pay rolh This matter should be investigated, in 10 CITY OF LEWISTON I j — , - - · -;· / -, ,

I , · » . · ■ order to find out whether the department is being conducted in a business way or at a loss. If properly managed, there should be a substantial profit for the City. This is no time for the employment of unnecessary men in any department. If such is the case these men should be discharged. The city treasury should not be the distributor of charity, because charity is supposed to be given to deserv­ ing persons in need, and not in payment of political obliga­ tions. It is rumored that the Water Board is about to enter into a contract with the town of Lisbon to furnish water for do­ mestic and fire purposes. Before such a contract is entered „ into there should be a careful investigation of the agreement between the Union Water Power Company and the City relative to the amount of water to which the City is entitled. Great care should be exercised that no arrangement shall be made by the City for the sale of water for domestic and fire pur­ poses which shall be contrary to the existing agreement be­ tween the City and the Water Power Company. The consump­ tion of water has been increasing from year to year, and no action of the City should be taken which would jeopardize its rights to its present supply or the right to the future supply as the city grows in population and demands an increased quan­ tity of water for its own consumption. So I suggest to the Water Board that before taking any definite action, the matter be investigated carefully, and if an arrangement is made, that it should be done with the greatest caution so as to protect the city’s right to its present and future use of the water. I feel, as do other citizens of Lewiston, that this is a year when economy should be practised. I feel that the Water Board should be self supporting, and that there is no .reason why the number of men employed should be double that of a few years ago. The expense of this department is approxi­ mately $500 a week, which is far in excess of its actual needs If these things are true, the Water Board should be reorganized on the basis of economical administration of its affairs, so that it shall be a benefit instead of a burden to the city. It would be interesting for the Water Board to explain why more than $5500, was paid to one concern from March 1920, to December 1st., why more than $3500 was paid to the same concern in December 1920; and further who furnished the material for which these sums were paid. This informa­ tion is due the tax payers of the city of Lewisoton. MAYORS ADDRESS l i ιί : ti !! ' i j ; . · ; i Contracts with the City In the case of Lesieur v. Inhabitants of Rumford, 113 Me. 317, at page 322, the Court said: “It is the policy of the state that persons, whom the law has placed in positions where they may make, or be instrument­ al in making, or in superintending the performance of, con­ tracts in which others are interested, should not themselves be personally interested in such contracts.” In the case of Bangor v. Ridley, 117 Me., 397, such a con­ tract is declared to be void, and the Court held that the money so paid could be recovered back. I wish to make the situation plain so that there may be no need of further warning. The law applies to all contracts, direct or indirect, between officials and the city; and it ap­ plies equally to members of commissions and boards created for the management of a city. Chap. 4, sec. 43 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, provides that “No member of a city government shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract entered into by such government while he is a member thereof; and contracts made in violation hereof are void.” Such is the statute law of this State, and it is correct in principle. It is based upon the broad ground that a person who is both the purchaser and the seller cannot act honestly and impartially. The law prohibits this. It is a wise provi­ sion, and you will note that the statute says that such contracts are void. The personnel of the Water Board is largely of men deal­ ing in merchandise of the same general character as that re­ quired in this department. On its face it might seem that this would be of benefit to the city, because it would have the advantage of their knowledge and experiences but it presents a different aspect when it appears that practically all of them, prior to the past year, were directly making large and frequent sales of such merchandise to the city, in flagrant and direct vio­ lation of law. There is a suspicion that, during the past year, the same has been done indirectly through the medium of other parties. If this be proven, upon investigation, the Water Board will not be a healthy or happy resort for those civilly or criminally liable. These contracts are void. They cannot be enforced by either party. Even if paid, the money can be recovered by the city on suit. If not paid, upon suit, the city has a perfect defense against payment. This applies to mer­ chandise or personal sendees furnished, directly or indirectly, to the city. The intervention of a third party does not abrogate 13 CITY OF LEWISTON the civil or criminal liability. This same legal liability ap­ plies to every department of the city, and if these plain pro­ visions of law are violated during the coming year the law will take its course. This flagrant disregard of law by officials of the city must end here and now, or it will become necessary to prose­ cute such violators and thus teach them the salutary lesson that the law cannot be evaded without punishment. This is not a threat, but a warning, and one which it will be well to heed. , ; ι ,Φ i •J _ ‘-i 1 J t'À I APPROPRIATIONS The revised ordinances of the city of Lewiston, properly approved by a Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, as pro­ vided by law. Chap, 18. sec. 6, provides that “no draft shall be drawn upon the treasurer against any particular fund, or chargeable to any particular head or appropriation, for more than the balance remaining to the credit of such fund or ap­ propriation. And in case any fund or appropriation be ex­ hausted, the committee on accounts are not to pass or vouch any bills payable from or chargeable to such fund or appro­ priation, until the means of paying the same be provided by the City Council. This is a wise provision. It is intended to prohibit the payment of moneys from the treasury after an appropriation has been exhausted and prohibits their payment until “the I call your attention specifically to these because they are to govern your action, through the year, and I trust that it will serve two purposes/5 namely, first, the exercise of sound judgment in your appropriations, and second, careful expen­ diture after the appropriations have been made. It is important that every department should be properly managed. Some have been well conducted, as the results show, and in these we should be slow to make a change. It is the system which we criticise, and the difficulty in locating responsibility. As you know, the Mayor is the one who is the target for criticism, but his authority is largely advisory as the responsible head. This responsibility, with your assist­ ance, I assume, believing that success is possible, and that if we work together it will be attained.

I have endeavored to direct your* attention to a few of the many problems which will engage your attention during the coming year. The reasons for the large increase in the de­ partmental expenses have begun to disappear. This increase in many of the departments has not been in wages, but on ac­ count of the increased number of employees. Every business concern recognizes that the present is a time for retrenchment and economy. Notwithstanding the cost of living is on the decline, the prices paid for labor remain the same. The era of high cost of living is passing, and there is every indication that this decline will continue, but it has not yet reached any of the departments of the city. They are still at the peak of the load. In addition to the excessive expenditures of money, there are the fire police, who are not necessary because the regular police can handle this work. These cost the city more than two hundred dollars per year. This is simply a political job. The work of the dog officers could be as well handled by the police department as by special officers, at a saving of nearly eight hundred dollars per year. At the pumping station there are three shifts, where two could perform the work as well as now, at a saving of a con­ siderable sum daily. These are all matters for investigation and consideration at a later time. I believe it to be true that Lewiston has suffered less from the readjustment which has been taking place, than most other municipalities. The reasons for this are obvious. Our man­ ufacturing and commercial interests have been prosperous; our people are workers and savers, and so were better pre­ pared than many others, to meet the conditions calling for economy and retrenchment. You and I have faith in the future of Lewiston. We have confidence in each other. We feel that each one of us will use his bes't efforts to meet the situation fairly and intelligently. I shall rely upon you for counsel and assistance, and in return I promise to use every effort to give this city an honest, faith­ ful and energetic administration. In closing I wish to thank the outgoing Mayor and the departments for the courtesies extended to us before and since election. WM. H. NEWELL, Mayor. Treasurers Report

Treasurer’s Office, March 1, 1921. To the Honorable City Council Gentlemen:—I herein render my report as City Treasurer for the year ending February 28, 1921. City of Lewiston, in account with Benj. H. Keegan, Treas. DR. Armory $300.00

Athletic Field 192.75* Board of Health 248.97 Board of Registration 443.46 Books and Stationery 25.11 City Building- 2,949.52 City Farm 2,580.38 Contingent 8,182.38 Fire Department 874,51 Health Department 439.42 Highways 23,435.73 Interest 48,397.10 Manual Training 1,605.00 Mother’s Aid 4,042.50 Municipal Court 7,537.82 Permanent Streets 6.75 Police Department 6,320.12 Printing 200.00 Public Library 505.40 Salaries 652.22 Schools, Common 71,543.30 Schools, High 1,692.41 Sewers 120.00 Soldiers Aid 855.75 State Pensions 7,542.00 State Roads 656.44 Street Lights 2,437.32 Support of Poor 6,149.31 Temporary Loans, Bank 404,000.00 Water Maintenance 77,188.88 Geo. Z. Bernier, Coll. 791,710.40 E. B. Casey 1,712.79 A. D. Langelier, Coll. 350.00 P. F. Tremblay, Coll. 400.00 L. J. Brann, Coll. 4.00 Tax Deeds, March 1, 1920 3,730.76 TREASURERS REPORT IS

Carnegie Library Fund 225.05 Cash on hand, March 1, 1920 33,929.75

Total Debits $1,513,137.30

CR. > Abatements $7,000.00 Armory 1,400.00 Athletic Field 1,192.75 Board of Health 7,248.97 Board of Registration 3,443.46 Books and Stationery 425.11 Carnegie Library Fund 179.98 City Building 13,949.52 City Farm 12,568.63 City Park 1,800.00 City Property 249.20 Contingent 18,085.68 County Tax 35,828.47 Discount on Taxes 12,000.00 Fire Department 58,863.77 Health Department 7,939.42 Highways 108,888.54 Interest 71,699.20 Manual Training 4,605.00 Mother’s Aid 4,042.00 Municipal Couilt 7,537.82 New Streets and Bridges 5,000.00 Permanent Walks 5,000.00 Permanent Streets 40,186.76 Playgrounds 400.00 Police Department 63,320.12 Prevention of Tuberculosis 1,000.00 Printing 800.00 Public Library 7,505.40 Reduction of City Debt 5,000.00 Salaries 15,651.77 Schools Common 126,543.30 Schools High 31,692.41 School House Repairs 12,000.00 Sewers 20,120.00 Soldiers Aid 855.75 State Pensions 7,542.00 State Roads 4,256.44 State Tax 162,419.50 Street Lights 14,437.32 16 CITY OF LEWISTON

Street Sprinkling 4,000.00 Support of Poor 34,149.11 Temporary Loans, Bank 389,000.00 Temporary Loans, Individual 1,400.00 Water Construction 6,500.00 Water Maintenance 77,188.88 Boiler, City Building 4,200.00 lire Station (New) 45,000.00 Tax Deeds, Feb. 28, 1921 3,304.04 Carnegie Library Fund 45.07 Cash on hand, Feb. 28, 1921 45,721.91

Total Credits $1,513,187.30 •t *■— .....— FINANCES LIABILITIES, FEBRUARY 28, 1921 5 p. c. bonds due 1897, not presented $500.00 4 p. c. bonds due serially 1918-1957, water 185,000.00 4 p. c. ponds due 1923, R. R. Refunded 100,000.00 4 p. c. bonds due 1924 W. Bonds Refunded 80,000.00 4 p. c. bonds due 1930 (26,000 water) 51,000.00 4 p. c. bonds due 1927 Water Bonds Ref. 100,000.00 3γο p. c. bonds due 1931 Old City Bldg. Ref. 185,000.00 4 p. c. bonds due 1937 Water Refunded 174,000.00 4 p. c. bonds due 1933 R. R. Refunded 100,000.00

Total bonded Debt Feb. 28, 1921 $975,500.00 Total Notes outstanding Feb. 28, 1921 285,696.00

Total Notes and Bonds outstanding Feb. 28, 1921 $1,261,196.07

RESOURCES, FEBRUARY 28, 1921 Total Sinking Fund February 28, 1921 $253,201.60 Uncollected Taxes Feb. 28, 1921: F. A. Conant $3,513.16 F. E. Gagne 2,078.64 i > · E. G. Woodside ' | .* · 13,794.35 Geo. F. Turner 493.71 F. H. Wiggin 5,703.40 15,066.47 Geo. A. Murphy , , , · » 7,605.37 Joseph Voyer J * A. D. Langelier, 1915-16 8,719.55 P* F* Tremblay 7,663.77 A, Do Langelier, 1918 5,615.79 TREASURERS REPORT 17

Eugene Casey 7,700.18 Geo. Z. Bernier 2,990.22

$80,94461 Tax Be@ds in Treasury Feb. 28, 1921 3,304.04 Cash in Treasury Feb. 28, 1921 45,721.91

$383,172.16 Nei Debt March 1, 1921 $878,023.91 Net Debt February 28, 1920 $883,054.60 Net Debt February 28, 1921 878,023.91

Reduction of City Debt for year 1920 $5,030.69

MUNICIPAL SINKING FUND Amount of fund February 28, 1920 $284,565.76 Interest rec’d from Andros. Savings Bank 114.03 Interest rec’d from City Bonds 860.00 Interest rec’d from City Hall Bonds 70.00

Total Municipal Sinking Fund Feb. 28, 1921 $249,609.79

• . · i INVESTED AS FOLLOWS 2250 Shares Capital Stock L. A. R. R. $225,000.00 19 City of Lewiston Bonds 19,000.00 2 City of Lewiston City Hall Bonds 2,000.00 Deposited in Andros. Savings Bank 3,609.79

Total Investments $249,609.79

WATER' LOAN SINKING FUND A’mt of Fund February 28, 1920 $3,452.35 Interest rec’d from Andros. Sav. Bank 59.46 Interest rec’d from City Water Bonds 80.00

Total Water Loan Sinking Fund Feb. 28, ’21 $3,591.81

INVESTED AS FOLLOWS Two City of Lewiston Water Bonds $2,000.00 Deposited in Andros. Co. Savings Bank 1,591.81

Total Investments $3,591.81 CITY OF LEWISTON-

TOTAL INVESTMENTS Total Municipal Sinking Fund $249,609.79 Total Water Loan Sinking Fund 3,591.81

Total Sinking Funds $253,201.60

INVESTED AS FOLLOWS 2250 Shares Capital Stock L. A. R. R. $225,000.00 23 City of Lewiston Bonds 23,000.00 ✓ Deposited in Andros. Savings Bank 5,201.60

Total Investments $253,201.60 (Signed) BENI. H. KEEGAN,

City Treasurer. 19 Report of Public Works

Gentlemen:—The Board of Public Works herewith pre­ sents to your Honorable Board the following report and rec­ ommendations. The following is the personal of the Board. Term Expires Chas. P. Lemaire, Ex-Officio 1921 Napoleon Royer 1921 Cornelius E. Cronin 1922 Victor Beaudette 1923 Wm. A. Ward 1924 Harry Stetson 1925 Harry P. Lane 1926

Officers of the Department Superintendent, Auguste G. Roy

Assistants Wm. Jenkins, C. J. Cronin, N. Lajeunnesse Clerk and Time-Keeper, Albert G. Foss

The following are some of the improvements which the Board is desirous of making the coming year. The paving of Canal St., from Main St., to Ash St., College St., from Frye St., to Mountain Ave., West Bates St., from M. C. R. R. to Spring Sit., Sabattus St. from Wood St. to Nichols St., Pine St. from Lisbon St., to Bates St., Ash St., Lisbon St. to Middle St., Bates St., from Main St., to Birch St. Completion of State Aid Road. Respectfully submitted, A. G. FOSS, Secretary.

REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS To the Honorable Board of Public Works of Lewiston. Gentlemen:—I herewith most respectfully submit my an­ nual report as Superintendent to your Honorable Board for the year ending February 15, 1921. The following are the expenditures of the department for the year: 20 CITY OF LEWISTON

New Streets and Bridges 5,000.00 Sewers 20,120.00 Permanent Streets 40,186.75 Permanent Walks 5,000.00 Highways $108,888.54 State Aid Road 4,256.44 Street Sprinkling 4,000.00


The following are the amounts whicn I think will be ne­ cessary for defraying the expenses in the several divisions of the department for the coming year. Highway $90,000.00 Sewers 15,000.00 Permanent Streets 24,000.00 New Streets and Bridges $5,000.00 State Aid Road Street Sprinkling $4,000.00


HIGHWAYS Owing to the great expense of handling the large amount of snow at the beginning of the year the appropriation for highways was very much exhausted. Consequently not as much work was done in this division as should have been, although we have endeavored to keep the streets and roads in good condition.

SEWERS Quite a large amount of work has been done in this livi- sion during the year. The following pipe has been laid on the several streets: 1250 feet of 12 inch and 15 inch pipe was laid on College St.; 525 feet of 10 inch pipe was laid on Russell S.reet, (west) ; 185 feet of 10 inch pipe was laid on Russell Street, (East) ; 250 feet of 12 inch pipe was laid on East Ave., 625 feet of 10 inch pipe was laid on Highland Ave., 1050 feet of 12 inch pipe was laid on Warren Ave., 725 feet of 10 inch pipe was laid on Plomefield St., 200 feet of 8 inch pipe was laid on Bardwell St., 620 feet of 12 inch pipe was laid on Androscog­ gin Ave. Several catch basins and manholes and small extensions have been constructed during the year. PUBLIC WORKS 21

— "* ~ ~ jir · · . ■* . f PERMANENT STREETS The following bituminous macadam has been laid during the year: 4768 square yards on Sabattus St., 2735 square yards on Ba'es St,, 1750 square yards on Spruce St., 1750 square yards on Birch St., 7400 square yards on Lisbon Road (State Aid Road). The followingO macadam has been recoated: 1889 square yards on Pine St., 900 square yards on Park St., 933 square yards on Middle St., 1100 square yards on Sabattus St., 4334 square yards on Main St., 2800 square yards on Main St., (upper), 500 square yards on Ash St. 1-1 . · PERMANENT WALKS A small amount of work was done in this division during the year as it was impossible to secure help for that kind of work. Some new curbing was set and quite a large amount of old curbing reset. 1 hope to see more done in the line of permanent walks the coming year.

NEW STREETS AND BRIDGES The usual amount of repairing of bridges was done dur­ ing the year. The North Bridge and the South Bridge should be paint­ ed and repaired the coming year. The Main St. Canal Bridge should receive attention this year. The country bridges are in very good condition. The following is an inventory of the property belonging lo the department at the end of the year. 2 roll op desks, 6 office chairs, 1 letter press and stand, 1 Royal typewriter, 1 claw hammer, 1 monkey wrench, 1 pair hand clippers, 1 pair shears, 1 extension bit, 1 harness punch, 26 horses, 12 set double harnesses, 5 single harness, 12 double dump carts, 12 double dump sleds, 5 single dump carts, 1 ex wagon, 1 ex pung, 1-2 horse street sprinkler, 1 oil sprink­ ler, 2-2 horse street sweepers, 2 climax road machines, 1 street ice leveler, 1 Boston road grader, 3 traverse sleds, 2 Syracuse plows, 1 large harrow, 13 wing snow plows, 12 snow plow sadles, 1 Buffalo-Pitts steam roller, 1-4 horse snow breaker, 1-6 horse snow breaker, 2 sewer carts, 2 sewer cart harnesses, 2-50 ft. tapes, 3 doz. Tuttles Elixer, 1 window brush, 1 bolt cutter, 4 pinch bars, 2 cross cut saws, 2 wood clamps, 1 set screw plates and dies, 1 blacksmith forge, 1 set blacksmith 22 CITY OF LEWISTON tools, 2 anvils, 2 vices, 5 machine brooms, 5 tar kettles, 1-2 horse jigger, 4 snow scrappers, 1 diaphragm pump, 20 foot hose for same, 5 diaphragms, 2 steam drills, 2 jack hammer drills, and hose, 2-50 H. P. Motors, 1 Ingersoll-Rand Air Com­ pressor, 2 set sewer rods, 1 mud scrapper, 1 step ladder, 1 set platform scales, 125 ton hay scale, 1 iron bed and beddin°·, 2 hay forks and rigging, 1 chain fall, 2 rope falls, 3 tar wheel­ barrows, 24 halters, 12 street blankets, 5 pitch forks, 9 stable brooms, 2 dozen brooms, 2 paving rammers, 6 tamping irons, 1 asphalt rammer, 2 brick hammers, 4 snatch blocks, 8 crow bars, 6 ring yokes, 1 R. 0. s'.ove, 1 furnace, 1 Buick roadster, 1-2 ton Indiana truck, 1-3 ton Republic truck (old), 1 dozen lanterns, 2 dozen lantern globes, 1 gasoline tank and pump, 2,000 feet h. p. lumber, 72 feet 10 inch sewer pipe, 2,000 feet 15 inch and 18 inch pipe, (for Prospect Ave,, and Rosedale St., 85 bis. Bermudez Road Asphalt, 92 bis. Bermudez Road Asphalt (left on State Aid Road), 6 dozen snow shovels, 1 dozen 1 h. r. p. shovels, 2 dozen r. p. shovels, 1 dozen grub- hoes, 2 dozen picks, 2 dozen pick handles, 1 garage hea/:er. RECOMMENDATIONS In closing this report I would recommend the following which I think would be for the improvement of the depart­ ment and city as well. We have four or five horses which should be exchanged at once as they have about outlived their usefulness. I would also recommend the purchase of a street sweeper, also a two horse street sprinkler, as we have a large amount of paving we are short of apparatus to properly do the work. In closing this report I wish to extend thanks to His Honor Mayor Lemaire and the members of the Board of Public Works for advise and assistance given during the year. Respectfully submitted, A. G. ROY, Supt. Lewiston, March 19, 1921.

REPORT OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS To the Honorable Mayor and GenJemen of the Board of Aldermen: I hereby submit my report as Inspector of Buildings for the twelve months ending, April 1, 1921 as follows: Armour & Co.. Oxford St., remodeling. Geo. C. Webber, Cor. Pleasant & Arcadia, two ten. house. Morin & Co., bakery. Walnut St., two ten, and bakery re­ modeling. WATER WORKS 23

August Tilch, Howe St., three story house, remodeling. Mrs. Joseph Comeau, Park St., three tenement, remodel­ ing. Henmengild Tramblay, Highland Ave., cottage house. The Ehrenfried Dry Goods Co., Lisbon street, remodeling. George C. Webber, Cor. Pleasant and Webber Ave., two tenement house. Francois X. Bilodeau, Blake St.. eight tenement, house re­ modeling. Joseph Gauthier, Bartlett St., four tenement, block re­ modeling. Henry Provencher, Bates St., four tenement block, re­ modeling. August Tilch, Howe St., cottage house, remodeling. Hector Durocher, Cor. Pierce and Ash St., three tenement block, remodeling. C. E. Sabbague, Cor. Pierce and Pine St., cottage house. remodeling. The Levasseur Motor Car Co., Lisbon St., garage addition. Hermenegild Tremblay, Shawmut St.. three tenement block Dr. Robert J. Wiseman, Blake St.. three tenement block, remodeling. Antonio Dumond, Pierce St., two tenement, remodeling and new garage. P. B. Theiling, Middle St., store, remodeling, tailor shop. John D. Clifford, Cor. Horton and Sabattus St.. store re­ modeling. F. X. Marcot'e, Lincoln St., garage and storehouse. Narsice Dick. Rosedale St., cottage house. Alphonse Morin, Laurrier St., cottage house. Bilodeau & Tardif, Maple St., garage and machine shop. H. L. Drake, Sabattus St., two tenement: block. Joseph Bussiere, Sabactus St., cottage house. Antonio Sylvain, Lincoln St., 2 tenement store, remod. Atwood Hotel, Main St., remodeling. Continental Mills Co., new power house. John D. Clifford, Riverside St., two cottage houses. Robert J. Wiseman, Blake St., six ten. house, remod. Hermenegilde Cote, Shawmut S':., 2 tenement house. Hermenegild Tremblay, Shawmut St., 3 ten. block. Joseph Bourassa & Co., Whipple Si., new bobbin shop. Charles Dube, Main St., cottage house. Theosore Bendtson, Warren Ave., cottage house. N. D. Estes, Oak St., 50 room for roomers house, John D. Clifford, Horton St, cottage house, 24 CITY OF LEWISTON

Boston Shoe Store, Lisbon St., remodeling. George Doyle, Temper St, cottage house. Lawrence McNeil, Orange St., three ten. block. Daniel F. McNeil, Warren Ave., three ten. block. George C. Webber Co., Lisbon Road, two cottage houses. Bates Mill Co., remodeling. Alfred Larochelle, Lisbon Road Cottage House August Tilch, Cor. Barile't and Walnut St., remodeling. Shapiro and Sons, Park St. Garage and machine shop. Turgeon and Poliquin, Park St., 16 ten. block. Napoleon Goulets, Lisbon Road, cottage house. HenG Nolin, Eastern Ave., cottage house. Fred Bilodeau, Billy Court, cottage house. Jeff Roy, Lisbon St., garage. The Androscoggin Mills Co., Andros. Ave., 7 two tene­ ment house. John Kerrigan, West Rose Hill, 5 ten., one store, remod. J. P. Sutton, Park St., garage. The Lewiston Trust Co., Lisbon St., bank. Carman & Thompson, Lincoln St., wholesale warehouse. Wade & Dunton, Park St. Garage and Shoe Shop. Buick Car Co.. Cor. Main and Sabattus, garage. W. S. Houle, 113 Oak St., three tenement, remodeling. Alfred Painchaud. Lisbon St., one tenement and garage, remodeling. Hermenegild Tremblay, Shawmut St.. three tenements, remodeling. Total number of buildings inspected, seventy (70) of which 25 were repaired or remodeled. Estimated cost of building from April 1, 1920 to April 1. 1921 is $1,367,000.00. The above buildings have been properly inspected and found to comply with the provisions of Chapter 28 of the Re­ vised Statutes of 'the State of Maine. All directions given by the Inspector of Buildings to the owners or contractors have been complied with. Respectfully submitted, DONAT S. LAVOIE. Inspector of Buildings. 25


To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Lewiston. Maine. » S I The Water Commission herewith present to your honora­ ble Board its 41st. annual report for the fiscal year ending Feb. 28th., 1921. Receipts Cash received for year ending March 1st.. 1921 $77,170.58 Cash received for year ending March 1st. 1920 71,231.32

Increase over last year, $5,539.26 Paid Benj. H. Keegan, Treasurer City of Lewiston $77,170.58 ' U S T ^ r BILLS RECEIVABLE For Commercial Water Sales $3,843.27 For Mdse. Sales and Jobbing Work 605.37

$4,448.64 Expenses Paid for labor and material running expenses 38.292.00 Paid for interest on Water Bonds 22.800.00

$61,092.00 Receipts for year ending Feb. 28th., 1921 77,170.58 Expenses for year ending Feb. 28th. 1921 61,092.00

Profit 16,078.58 MDSE. SALES AND JOBBING WORK Receipts from March 1st., 1920 to Feb. 28th., 1921 5,608.66 Expenses from March 1st., 1920 to Feb. 28th., 1021 5,039.82

Profit 568.84 CONSTRUCTION Appropriation ,500.00 Expenses 10,931.75

Overdraw 4,431.75 Abatements for 1919 $1,098.81 Abatements for 1920 519.09

Decrease for 1920 $579.72 26 CITY OF LEWISTON

Respectfully submitted, CHARLES MARTEL. john e . McCa r t h y , NAPOLEON BOLDUC, JOHN B. McMAHON, JOHN B. SMITH, T. MARTIN KERRIGAN, CHAS. P. LEMAIRE. Water Commissioners.

In Board of Water Commissioners Read, accepted and sent forward. March 1st., 1921. C. J. CALLAHAN, Clerk.

REPORT OF 8UPT. OF WATER WORKS To The Honorable Board of Water Commissioners: Gentlemen: I have the honor to present to you my report as Superin­ tendent for the fiscal year ending February 28th.. 1921, this being the 41st. annual report. CONSTRUCTION Twelve extensions of the mains were made this year: Androscoggin, Hall and Coburn streets, 720 feet of 6 in. pipe. Oxford street. 300 ft. of 6 in. pipe. Ash street, 540 ft. of 8 in. pipe. Bardwell street, 120 ft. of 6 in. pipe. Farwell street, 185 ft. 2 in. Galv. pipe. Dale street, 170 ft. 1 1-2 inch Byers Galv. pipe. Pearl street, 352 ft. 1 in Byers Galv. pipe. Dow street, 491 ft. 1 in. Byers Galv. pipe. Googin street. 452 ft. 1 in. Byers Galv. pipe. South avenue, 245 ft. 1 in. Byers Galv. pipe. Webber avenue. 366 ft. 1 in. Byers Galv. pipe. Prescott street, 200 ft. 1 in. Bvers pipe. NEW SERVICES AND RELAYS There has been seventy-eight New Services laid this year; forty-eight Relay services and sixty services were cleaned. Also five relays of the main, as follows: Grandi Trunk Ynrd, 57 ft. 1 1-2 in, Galv. pipe. WATER WORKS 27

Jones Court, 160 ft. 1 1-2 in. Galv. pipe. Webster street. 72 ft. 1 in Galv. and 32 ft. 1 in Lead Lined Pipe. Willow street, 95 ft. of 1 in. Galv. pipe. Sabattus street, 48 ft. 1 in. Lead Lined Pipe. WHEELS The Water Wheels were inspected as usual this fall and found in good condition, except one of the shafts which should be repaired soon in order to avert future trouble. PUMPS At the present time the pumps are all in perfect order. Last June 1920, the elbow at the top of the Dean Pump burst and a new casting had to be made at the factory and was brought here by auto truck from Holyoke, Mass., thus saving time on transportation. In less than a month the pump was working again. HYDRANTS Repaired one hydrant The hydrants were attended to very closely during the winter months to prevent them from being found frozen in case of a fire, and to insure their good working order. Three new hydrants were installed this year. There are now 267 hydrants in service throughout the city. VALVES. Two 16 in. Gate Valve were installed on Lisbon street un­ der pressure. The work was done by the A. P. Smith Manu­ facturing Co., of East Orange, N. J. As I have said in my recommendations of last year, the riprapping of r!he reservoir is loose in a number of places and further delay in repairing it would mean a bigger expense and possibly a great deal of trouble in the future. By putting the riprapping into place again and by placing a strip of con­ crete grouting about ten feet wide around the top would save the sand from being washed out of the riprapping in the sum­ mer and would serve as a preventative from ice forming on the sides in the winter. The present reservoir is over-taxed and a new one must be built. The ever increasing population with the possibility of Lisbon being connected with us means a greater burden on the present one which, as I said before, is top small capacity for present requirement* 28 CITY OF LEWISTON

The 24 in. Automatic Valve at the station is in poor con­ dition and beyond repairs. A new one will have to be in­ stalled. I would recommend that a new 24 in. Gate Valve be installed at a point on the intake near the Auburn Poor Farm. I would reccommend that the Mains of Lewiston and Auburn be connected near the so-called Stone Bridge in Au­ burn. Should any trouble occur above this point the water supply of either city would not be cut off. With thanks to the Presiden and Clerk of the Water Board and the members of the Board of Water Commissioners, for their courtesy, this report is respectfully submitted. LOUIS TRIAL. Supt. t


Month No. gallons Average galls. No. hours each day 1918 pumped pumped worked worked each month each day each month Av. hrs. March 239802000 7735545 564 18 1-5 April 202008750 6733325 509 17 - May 190800000 6348387 576 16 3-4 June 212941000 7098044 604 20 2-5 July 182180000 5876774 548 17 1-3 August 201250000 6491936 520 16 3-5 September 184.670000 6152333 502 16 11-15 October 183200000 5909678 518 16 2-3 November 174912000 5830400 509 17 - December 187314000 6042387 535 17 2-7 January 205836000 6639867 543 17 1-2 February 195507500 6946696 474 16 13-14

Total 2360421250 m Average number gallons per day for year: 5466907 gal­ lons. Average number hours run for year ending February, 28th., 1921: 6,402 hours. Average daily hours run: 17 54-100.

CHAS. E. WADE and D. J. McCARTHY. Engineers. 29

REPORT OF WATER INSPECTOR To the Honorable Board of Water Commissioners, Gentlemen:— ------I have the honor to present to your honorable Board my seventh annual report as Water Inspector of the City of Lew­ iston, for the year ending February. 28th., 1921. I have inspected the plumbing taken from plumbers re­ port which totals, one hundred severity-three Faucets, two hun­ dred seventeen Closets, one hundred forty-one Bath Tubs, for­ ty-one Sill Cocks, seventeen Sets of Wash Trays and ten Uri­ nals. I have taken this opportunity of extending my sincere thanks to the Honorable Board, also the Clerk and Superin­ tendent for their uniform kindness and valuable assistance given me in the discharge of my duties. Respectfully submitted. FRED G. HAYES, Water Inspector




Lincoln Street Near corner of Main Street No. 1 200 feet north of Canal 2 Corner of Hines Alley 3 Near Grand Trunk Station 4 Corner of Chestnut Street 5 Opposite School-house 6 600 feet south of Cedar 7 Near Avon Mill 8 Near Gas House 9 Near Cumberland Mill 10 Cedar Street Near corner of Lincoln Street 11 Corner of Oxford Street 12 Corner of Canal Street 13 Cross Street Near corner of Oxford Street 14 Water Street Near Bobbin Shop 15 Oxford Street Extension: at Box 67 16

• Opposite Continental Mill 17 Corner of Chestnut Street 18 Opposite F. Penley 19 River Street 300 feet south of Cedar 20 Chestnut Street Near Maine Central R. R. Crossing 21 Opposite Hill and Bates Mills 22 Opposite Hill and Bates Mills 23 Canal Street Near Cedar St., opposite Hill Mill 24 Opposite Hill Mill Office 25 Corner of Chestnut Street 26 Opposite Bates Mill Office 27 200 feet north of Ash Street 28 200 feet south of Main Street 29 Mill Street Near Lincoln Mill Office 30 At Storehouse of Water Works 31 Island Street Near Gate House, Union Water Power Co. 32 Main Street Near Maine Central R. R. Station 33 Near Hotel Atwood 34 Opposite Lisbon Street 35 Opposite Park Street 36 Near corner Bates Street 37 Corner of Sabattus Street 38 Corner of High Street 39 Corner of Elm Street 40 Opposite Frye Street 41 Between Frye St. and Mountain Ave. 42 Near corner of Ware Street 43 Opposite Russell Street 44 At Saunders’ Greenhouse 45 WATER WORKS Si

Near Daniel Wood’s 46 Near Gen. Manning’s 47 Near Baker’s 48 Near King’s 49 Near Fair Grounds 50 Opposite Schoolhouse, Barkerville 51 200 feet east of Brook, Barkerville 52 100 feet west of Brook, Barkerville 53 Pettingill St. 500 feet from Main Street 54 Mountain Ave. 500 feet from Main Street 55 Cottage Street Near Arch Avenue 56 Near corner of Whipple Street 57 Riverside St. Corner of Spring Street 58 Spring Street Between Holland and Bridge Sts. 59 Riverside St. Corner of Spring Street 60 Summer Street Between Holland and Bridge Sts. 61 Winter Street 500 feet east from Bridge St. 62 Holland Street Corner of Avon Street 63 Corner of Summer Street 64 Bridge Street Corner of Winter Street 65 Between Spring and Railroad Sts. 66 High Street Between Main and Hammond Sts. 67 West Bates St.. Comer of Avon Street 68 Chapel Street Opposite Lowell Street 69 Lowell Street 100 feet west from Hammond St. 70 Hammond St. Near Church Street 71 Lisbon Street 200 feet east of Ham Road 72 Opposite Sam Scribner’s 73 Corner of Vine Street 74

At Box 65 • 75 » ' , 500 feet east of Bleachery 76 ··> *. * 1 *• •1 '■* ; ». Opposite Bleachery 77 Opposite Androscoggin Mills 78 400 feet south corner of Birch St. 79 Opposite Birch Street 80 Main Street Between Union and Sabattus Sts. 81 Lisbon Street Opposite Spruce Street 82 Corner of Chestnut Street 83 Corner of Park Street 84

V v , Corner of Ash Street 85 . J» Near Frye Block 86 300 feet south Main Street 87 Maple Street Near corner of Lisbon Street 88 Corner of Knox Street 89 Corner of Blake Street 90 Park Street 250 feet north of Maple Street 91 Corner of Birch Street 92 32 CITY OF LEWISTON

Corner of Spruce Street 93 Opposite Chestnut Street 94 Corner of Pine Street 95 Corner of Ash Street 96 300 feet north of Ash Street 97 300 feet south from Main Street 98 Middle Street Near Pingree Mill 99 Corner of Lowell Street, Box 24 100 So. of Main St. near Schoolhouse 101 Opposite Rockingham Hotel 102 At DeWitt Blouse Stable 103 Oak Street Corner of Elm Street 104 Corner of Union Street 105 Corner of Holland Street 106 College Street Corner of Russell Street 107 Corner of Frye Street 108 Opposite Mountain Avenue 109 Russell Street Near Central Avenue 110 Frye Street 500 feet from College street 111 College Street At Vale Street 112 Corner of Union Street 113 Corner of Holland Street 114 Sabattus Street Corner of Oak Street 115 Corner of College Street 116 Opposite Shawmut Street 117 Opposite Bradley Street 118 Opposite Ash Street 119 Corner of Central Avenue 120 Near Hospital 121 400 feet east from Webster Street 122 Corner of East Avenue, Box 73 123 At Dr. Garcelon’s 124 At John Hibbert’s 125 Wood Street Between Holland and Sabattus Streets 126 200 feet west of Vale Street 127 400 feet east of Vale Street 128 Bardwell Street Corner of Skinner Street 129 Nichols Street 200 feet east from Vale Street 130 Opposite Holland Street 131 Walnut Street Corner of Howe Street 132 Pine Street Between Howe and Horton Sts. 133 Corner of Shawmut Street, Box 71 134 Corner of Bartlett Street 135 Between Pierce and Blake Sts. 136 Bartlett Street Opposite St. Peter’s Church 137 Corner of Walnut Street 138 Pierce Street Corner of Ash Street 139 WATER WORKS 33

Near corner of Walnut Street 140 400 feet south of Walnut Street 141 Blake Street Corner of Birch Street 142 Opposite rear of Baptist Church 143 Between Oak and Ash Streets 144 Between Oak and Main Streets 145 Spruce Street Corner of Bates Street 146 Knox Street Corner of Birch Street 147 Horton Street Corner of Ash Street 148 Bates Street Between Maple and Birch Streets 149 Opposite Walnut Street 150 Corner of Pine Street 151 Corner of Ash St. at Engine House 152 Corner of Oak Street 153 Comer of Lowell Street 154 Orange Street Between Webster and Sabattus Sts. 155 Webster Street Junction of Pine Street, Box 72 156 Comer of Orange Street 157 Corner of East Avenue 158 500 feet east from East Avenue 159 Corner of Farwell Street 160 Near Farwell Farm 161 East Avenue Near Pleasant Street 162 Near Biskey’s 163 Near D. Farrar’s 164 400 feet north from WebsterStreet 165 200 feet north from Russell Street 166 At F. X. Belleau’s Farm 167 At McCausland’s Farm 168 Stanford Hill 169 400 feet south of Sabattus Street 170 Holland Street200 feet north of Main Street 171 Bartlett Street South of Walnut Street 172 River Street Near Chamberlin’s 173 Near South Avenue 174 Ware Street 600 feet from Main Street 175 Warren Ave. 600 feet from East Avenue 176 Corner Horton and Birch Sts. Ex. 177 Thome’s Comer 178 Sabattus Street Near Sweeney 179 Comer of Sabattus and Grove Sts. 180 College Street Near West’s House 181 Montello Street Near Mitchell’s House 182 Main Street On State Fair Grounds 183 Middle Street Opposite Avon Mill No. 2 184 At Pumping Station 185 Corner of Ash and Howe Streets 186 CITY OF LEWISTON

On River Road, Carville Farm 187 On River Road, City Farm 188 On Nichols Street, opposite High School 189 On CurtisStreet, between Main and Cottage Sts. 190 On Webster Street, near W. M. Stewart 191 On Riverside Street, comer Cottage Street 192 On Sylvan Avenue, 600 feet from Webster Street 193 On Pleasant Street, 900 feet from East Avenue 194 On Lowell Street, at Higgins Storehouse 195 On Oak Street, corner of White Street 196 Riverside St. Corner of Main Street 197 Pine Street Near T. N. Gagné’s 198 Opposite Ulric Dionne’s 199 Corner of Jefferson Street 200 Howe Street Lower end 201 Horton Street Between Pine and Walnut Streets 202 Between Walnut and Birch Streets 203 Birch Street Between Blake and PierceStreets 204 Cedar Street At Cloutier’s Wood Yard 205 Lisbon Street At Electric Power Station 206 Lisbon Road Near Philomène Perron’s 207 Near Clark’s Farm 208 Howard Street Corner of Ash Street 209 Skinner Street Corner of Central Avenue 210 Central Ave. At Sunnyside Street 211 Strawberry Ave. At foot of Street 212 Middle Street Between Main and Lowell Streets 213 Holland Street At Oil Works 214 Comer of Spring Street 215 Spring Street Between Holland and Whipple Sts. 216 Between Whipple and Riverside 217 On Lafayette Street 218 Sylvan Ave. Comer of Sabattus Street 219 Comer of Webster Street 220 In Harper & Googin’s Coal Yard, Whipple St. private 221 Upper College St. corner Montello St. 222 Libby Avenue 223 Wood Street Corner of Skinner Street 224 Nichols Street Corner of Skinner Street 225 Lower Knox St. coiner Willow St. 226 Grove Street 500 feet from Sabattus Street 227 Grove Street At end of 6 inch pipe 228 Lisbon Road Corner of Pleasant Street 229 Lisbon Road Across bridge 230 Main Street Switzerland Road 231 Pettingill St. At brick yard 232 Corner of College 233 WATER WORKS 35 Friend Street Corner of Googin 234 Corner of Friend, Willman 235 Russell Street Jepson Ave. 236 Highland Ave. 237 Walnut Street Corner of Howard 238 Canal Street South of Cedar 239 Arcadia Avenue Corner of Lisbon Road 240 500 feet from Lisbon Road 241 Lisbon Road At M. C. R. R. crossing 242 At Carville house 243 Cash Corner 244 Sawyer’s 245 River Road at bridge 246 H. A. Webber’s house 247 Sabattus Street At Stewart’s 248 Island Ave. End Main Street 249 Bradley Street Comer of Ash 250 River Road at School house 251 On state road 600 ft. from Switzerland road 252 On Greene road 700 ft. from Thornes Corner 253 Lisbon Road Corner of Pleasant Street 254 Between the residence of J. Soucy and Mrs. Winnie B. Smith 255 In front of Wm. Crowleys’ 256 Old Lisbon Road Near the school house 257 Across the track 258 Greene Road Comer of Garcelon Street 259 King Avenue Corner of Jepson Street 260 C. J. CALLAHAN, Clerk.

* -


Years...... 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 New Services.. 354 790 323 110 109 105 90 63 42 102 75 Relays...... 7 41 80 60 Years...... 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 New Services... 67 45 67 57 75 41 51 76 40 34 42 Relays...... 84 70 70 73 94 102 108 146 116 119 97 Years...... 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 New Services... 31 47 34 38 19 34 51 31 52 73 50 Relays...... 31 7 10 14 13 17 22 47 96 106 176 Years...... 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 New Services... 56 67 61 104 95 89 100 42 58 78 Relays,...... 170 127 220 108 164 72 74 55 43 46 36 CITY OF LEWISTON


Families Closets Bath Tubs Hose


Expenditures Receipts Year ending March 19 $202,714.85 Year ending March 1^ 247,895.44 1,585.87 Year ending March 1 47,451.90 7.006.27 Year ending March 1 14,379.85 3.339.27 Year ending March 1 4,070-82 1,153.00 Year ending March 1 12,458.93 1,750.51 Year ending March 1 5,411.20 1.601.59 Year ending March 1 3,670.38 1.616.59 Year ending March 1 2,562.25 708.62 Year ending March 1 3,926.43 387-32 WATER WORKS 37

Year ending March 1, 1888, 10,090.20 555.80 Year ending March 1, 1889 8,832.17 1,285.75 Year ending March 1, 1890 6,707.32 1,171.13 Year ending March 1, 1891, 3,106.45 1,007.94 Year ending March 1, 1892, 5,106-22 886,28 Year ending March 1, 1893, 3,398.45 1,045.73 Year ending March 1, 1894, 5,751.08 1,082.47 Year ending March 1, 1895, 10,444.70 832.38 Building extension, 5,021.48 Pump foundation, 1,679.00 Year ending March 1, 1896, 4,082.20 703-61 Building extension, 11,968.99 Year ending March 1, 1897, 3,382.17 397.26 Year ending March 1, 1898, 3,665-58 539.68 Year ending March 1, 1899, 1,945.57 301.53 Total expenditures, conduit to Lake Auburn, to March 1, 1900, 174,407.87 Year ending March 1, 1900, 2,306-27 306.27 Year ending March 1, 1901, 2.709.82 709.82 Year ending March 1, 1902, 7,153.09 311.16 Year ending March 1, 1903, 1,032.03 115.75 Year ending March 1, 1904, 3,142.25 146,31 Year ending March 1, 1905, 2,077.27 77-27 Year ending March 1, 1906, 2,097.35 118.43 Year ending March 1, 1907, 7,024.09 440.87 Year ending March 1, 1908, 5,218.25 1,017.18 Year ending March 1, 1909, 2,570-49 551.55 Year ending March 1, 1910, 13,274.27 307.11 Year ending March 1, 1911, 1,597.44 Year ending March 1, 1912, 3,552.18 300.00 Year ending March 1, 1913, 2,001.82 200.00 Year ending March 1, 1914, 8,080.45 100.00 Year ending March 1, 1915, 6,012-52 200.00 Year ending March 1, 1916, 22,707.64 300.00 Year ending March 1, 1917, 4,315.54 100.00 Year ending March 1, 1918, 14,977.71 250.00 Year ending March 1, 1919, 3,050.98 120.00 Year ending March 1, 1920, 5,976.95 120.00 Year ending March 1, 1921 10,941.75 250.00

Total $935,941.66 $35,000.32 38 CITY OF LEWISTON REPOET OF HEALTH OFFICER To his Honor the Mayor and Board of Aldermen: ψ On March 2d., 1920. the Board of Health, consisting of three members, was abolished, and a Health Officer was ap­ pointed for a term of three years. The organization of a Health Department was immediate­ ly star:ed. With the co-operation of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, all the municipal departments and the citizens, the result proved to be very satisfactory. On April 1st. the Health Officer appointed Miss Lemaire as clerk and stenographer, A. B. Andrews as milk inspector, Fred Hayes as plumbing inspector, and F. Bagasse as fumiga- tor. During the year a Venereal Clinic was established under the direction of Dr. Scannell, where the unfortunates who are affected with venereal diseases and are unable to pay to receive treatment. A laboratory was equipped at the cost of $846.23. Phy­ sicians can send specimens for examination and returns are made within a few hours by telephone and later by mail. Outfits for the collection of these specimens are supplied by the Department. Since August 1920, 136 specimens were examined. During the year the plumbing regulations were revised. The inspector has made many inspections of new and old work in public buildings, stores and private dwellings. His judg­ ment in the matter of establishing or remodeling drainage sys­ tems has been frequently sought, and wrh much benefit to the parties and protection to the public. The plumbing in­ spector reports the following work: Total number of application permits 241 New houses 59 Old houses 85 Defective plumbing 97 Total visits during the year 723 The milk inspector has analyzed 311 samples of milk, an average of 44 a month; fifteen were found below standard. The dealers were notified that they would be prosecuted on the next offense. Eight restaurant proprietors who were selling skimmed milk were cited to hearing and fined ten dollars each. Regular inspections of dairy-farms are made in order to see that milk is handled under sanitary conditions and surroundings* HEALTH DEPARTMENT 39

Inspections are also made in restaurants, grocery stores, fruit stores, confectionery stores, bakeries, dance halls and club houses, hotels, mills and shops, theatres, slaughter houses, etc., where orders are given to comply to sanitary regulations. During the year, by-laws were adopted pertaining io foodstuffs, garbage, nuisances, ice cream parlors and barber shops, and the plumbing regulations were revised. The sanitary condition of the city has vastly improved during the past year, but an immense amount of work remains to be done. Subsequent health departments will find these matters far more easily dealt with han formerly, for the light has gone forth and public opinion has changed from active opposition to hearty co-operation with he sanitary authorities. The ma­ jority of the people now appreciate the necessity for reform in sanitary matters, and approdate equally the powers vested by law in Health Departments. The financial statement of the health department for years 1920-1921 is as follows: Appropriation $7,500.00 Receipts : Refunded for a State case 200.93 Refunded (overcharged) 45.43

$7,746.36 Expenditures Salaries $5,021.50 Office expense 21.69 Drugs and disinfectants 857.93 Laboratory equipment 846.23 Auto hire 12.50 Auto maintenance 62.72 Printing and advertising 150.70 Telephone 80.20 Groceries 231.95 Board and rooms 212.90 Postage and card notices 36.75 Express 24.87 Milk samples 20.48 Fuel 8.63 Miscellaneous 86.83

$7,675.88 In comparison with the previous year, the health depart­ ment has saved the City of Lewiscon, $7,666.00. Respectfully submitted, E. J. DUMONT^ Μ. Ο, Health Officer* 40 REPORT OF CLERK OF POOR DEPT.

expended $32,207.05 Amount received from State Paupers 4.882.26 Outside Towns 1,218.51 Other sources 48.54

Total credit $6,149.31 Balance expended $26,057.74 Appropriation $28,000.00 Amt. expended 26,057.74

Balance transfer to other departments $1,942.26 By E. J. ROCHE, Clerk.


Appropriation $10,000.00 Cash to City Treas. from goods sold from City Farm 2,580.38

Total credits $12,580.38 Amount expended for supplies for 1920 $12,410.52

Balance transferred to other depts. $ 169.86 Respectfully yours, GEO. HAMEL, Supt. of City Fartft. POLICE DEPARTMENT 41


March 10, 1921. To the Police Commissioners of the City of Lewiston, Gentlemen:— I have the honor to submit a report of the operations of the Lewiston Police Department for the year ending February 28, 1921, as follows: Arrests Intoxication 496 Gambling 178 Larceny 84 Reckless Driving 65 Nuisance (liquor) 52 Intoxication and Disturbance 49 Unlawful Possession (liquor) 44 Safe-keeping 42 Arrested for other Departments 42 Held for investigation 39 Assault and Battery 34 Violation of the Traffic Laws 26 Breaking, Entering and Larceny 25 Assault 22 Street Affray 19 Insanity 17 Common Drunk 14 Search and Seizure 14 Vagrancy 12 Adultery 10 Held as a witness 10 Runaway Boys 10 Operating a Motor Vehicle while intoxicated 9 Malicious Mischief 9 Non-Support 9 Trespassing 9 Operating Motor Vehicle not Properly Registered 9 Begging _ 9 Fornication 8 Truancy 8 Forgery 8 Maintaining a gambling bouse 8 Illegal transportation of liquor 8 42 CITY OF LEWISTON

Lewd and lascivious cohabitation 6 Assault on an officer 6 Single Sale (liquor) 5 Night-Walking 5 Desertion from U. S. Army 4 Arrested for Federal Authorities 3 Breaking and Entering 3 Idle and Disorderly 3 Held for parents 3 Indecent Exposure 2 Larceny from person 2 Obtaining money under false pretences 2 Bench Warrants 2 Obtaining goods under false pretences 2 Defrauding an inn-holder 2 Assault wirh intent to kill 2 Riding bycycle on sidewalk 2 Held for Heaith Officer 2 Carrying concealed weapons 2 Discharging firearms in street 2 Manufacturing liquor 2 Threatening to kill 1 Threatening to assault 1 Receiving stolen property Uttering Cruelty to animals Procuring female for prostitution Falsefying marriage certificate Loitering with liquor on person Violation of quarantine Selling mortgaged property Bond Forfeiture Failure to stop after collision Peddling without license Fortune telling Prostitute Contempt of Court Threatening arson Common seller (liquor) Violation of the Health Ordinance 1

Total arrests 1483 DISPOSITION OF CASES Paid fines and costs 647 Bound over to Superior Court 23o POLICE DEPARTMENT 43


* .· Released 128 Committed to Auburn Jail 101 Probation 107 Discharged 53 Turned over to other departments 49 Continued for sentence 27 Turned over to parents 15 Committed to State Hospital 13 Paid costs 12 Committed to Women’s Reformatory 7 Mittimus held 7 Committed to House of Correction 5 Defaulted 4 Turned over to Federal authorities 3 Turned over to U. S. Army officials 2 Committed to State School for Boys 3 Committed to State Reformatory for Men 3 Sent out of the City 2 Committed to State School for Girls 2 Sentence suspended 2 Nol-Prossed 2 Turner over to Health Officer 1

N 1483 The miscellaneous work of the department is as follows: 447 lodgers registered, doors found open 186, auto accidents 68, stores and houses broken into 63, children lost and found 30, windows found open 29, street lights reported out 26, per­ sons found ill on the street 24, dogs shot 23, fires discovered 16, holes in sidewalk or street reported 11, runaway or stray horses found 7, broken water pipes discovered 7, horses shot 3. Value of lost or stolen property recovered $5077.48. EXPENSE The expense for the period March 1, 1920 to February 28, 1921, is $62,518.33. The per capita expense is $1.96, which compared with the expense of the larger departments is a very favorable showing. Reports show the per capita cost of the Boston, Mass., department to be $4.93, Detroit, Mich., $4.34, New York City $4.00, Chicago, 111., $3.85 and of Portland, Maine, $3.16. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Consists of one Cadillac Patrol, this car was thoroughly repaired in July 1920 and is now in fair condition. A Dodge touring car purchased in March 1920, this car is used for gen­ 44 CITY OF LEWISTON eral Police work, errands, investigation of Police cases, trans­ portation of insane patients to Augusta. Mileage for year 8,282. In June 1920 an Indian Motor-cycle was purchased, this machine is used for general traffic work especially in the suppression of speeding. In spite of the great increase in the number of autos owned in the city, I believe that the traffic conditions are better controlled than ever before. SIGNAL SYSTEM The Gamewell Signal System installed in July 1919, is in excellent condition. In April 1920 an Audible signal was installed at the corner of Main and Lisbon streets, this signal has been of material assistance to die department in establish­ ing almost instant communication with the Traffic Officer and the officers of the adjacent beats. During the period, March 1, 1920 to February 28, 1921, calls registered were as follows: Duty calls 107,161, system telephone calls (record of of­ ficial calls only) 1023, wagon calls 767, New England tele­ phone calls 14,247. CITY PRISON During the past year the cell room has been thoroughly cleansed by scrubbing and burning, has been disinfected and whitewashed. The prison room is now being disinfected weekly and is kept in clean condition at all times. TARGET PRACTICE During the past year the department expended one thous­ and rounds of ammunition in pistol practice using the Savage Automatic Pistol, Gal. 88, this pistol has not proven reliable in practice, they jam very often rendering the weapon useless until jam is relieved. I am convinced that the automatic pistol is not practical for police officers, I have been informed that the use of the automatic has been discontinued in the U. S. Army. I believe that the revolver is a more practical arm for police use, while it may be slower in operation, it never jams and is dependable in'an emergency. RECOMMENDATION The purchase of a motor-cycle and side-car to be used in Patrol work on the three residential beats. The purchase of 28 Police Positive Revolvers to replace the Automatics now in use, also five thousand cartridges for same. The purchase of one audible signal to be installed at the corner of Chestnut and Lincoln streets,, POLICE DEPARTMENT 45

The purchase of two Police boxes to be installed at the Fairgrounds and at the corner of Birch and Bartlett streets. The purchase of one filing cabinet to be used for filing criminal cases which are to be tried in the Superior Court. Respectfully submitted, Arthur H. Field, Chief of Police.

March 5, 1921. To the Police Commissioners of the City of Lewiston, Gentlemen :— I have the honor to submit my report as Police Matron for the year ending February 28, 1921. I have been in my office daily from 8 A. M. to 12 M., also many afternoons, evenings and Sundays by appointments. I have cared for all girls and Yeomen in the custody of the Police and appeared with them in the Municipal Court room. I have attended eight girls to the Women’s Reformatory at Skowhegan, two girls to the State School at Hallowell, se­ cured admittance for one girl in the Portland temporary home, one girl to the Home of the Good Shepard in Boston, several girls and women to the State Hospital ait Augusta, also taken two young girls from home surroundings that menaced 'their health and morals and gained their parents consent to their being given into the custody of the State Board of Children’s Guardians. During the year I have made a great many hundrers of calls on parents, children, and young people in their homes, boarding houses and rooming places, have visited dance halls, cafes, depots, movies, schools, and many places frequented by women and children, also the county jail when occupied by women. My work has greatly increased during the year, partly due to the scarcity of work, have assisted many in securing work, and good boarding places, also found boarding places for infants and small children. I am called upon often to help adjust family and neigh­ borhood quarrels, many believing it is becter to call on a third party to help straighten affairs than resort to law, often the parties will agree to let by-gones be by-gones, with others the sense of injury is to great to be overlooked. In closing I wish to mention the Mother’s Aid law, I know of no relief work accomplishing the amount of perma­ 46 CITY OF LEWISTON nent good with so small an outlay of money, worthy mothers who in the past have been worried, obliged to leave their children uncared for because they had to be away all day earning food and shelter can now receive Mother’s Aid by proving their ability to care for and train their children in their own home with no loss of self respect, as under the Mothers Aid Law thev are not considered subjects of charity. I wish to thank the many officials and citizens who have so kindly assisted me with their aid and counsel. Respectfully submitted, Caroline Eamen, Police Matron. Lewiston Fire Department

in memoriam Michael J Moriarty Chief Engineer Lewiston Fire Department Died of heart-failure, July 28, 1920 in Victoria Hospital, Toronto Province of Ontario, Can­ ada, while attending International Fire Chiefs’ Convention 48 REPORT OF CHIEF ENGINEER OF FIRE DEPT.

To the Honorable Board of Fire Commissioners. Gentlemen:—In compliance with the requirements of the City Ordinances, I hereby submit ihe report of the Fire De­ partment for the year ending Feb. 28, 1921, which will include a list of fires and alarms, the value of property at risk, the amount of loss, and sources of fires as near as could be ascer­ tained, the amount of insurance on the same, recommenda­ tions for the ensuing year, and such information as I deem of interest. The manual force of the Department is as follows: Permanent men:—1 Chief Engineer, 1 Supt. of Fire Alarms, 1 driver for Hose Co. No. 1, 1 hoseman for Hose Co. No. 1; 1 captain for Comb. Chem. and Hose Motor Car No. 1; also 1 tankman, 1 hoseman, and 1 chauffeur; 1 captain, 1 tankman and 2 hoseman for Comb. Chem. and Hose Motor Car No. 2; one driver and 1 ladderman for Ladder Truck No. 2. Call Men:—4 assistant engineers; 1 department surgeon; one engineer, 46 hosemen, 11 laddermen, 6 drivers, and 4 fire police. During the year the Department has responded to 221 alarms. The following table gives their classification: Box Alarms 33 Telephone Calls 159 Automatic Sprinker Alarms 1 Still Alarms 15 Chief’s Calls 9

Total Alarms 221 Of this number, nine were false or unnecessary. The total value of property involved, the insurance there­ on, and the losses entailed for the year ending Feb. 28, 1921, is as follows: Total value of property $582,734.04 Total insurance thereon 900,/83.75 Total losses 63,260.26 Blanket policies on A. & K. St. R. R. property makes for seeming over-insurance. BUILDINGS The flooring in the Central Fire Station apparatus rooms should be repaired, and the interior and exterior should be painted. FIRE DEPARTMENT 49

A new floor should be laid in the Park St. Station, and the interior and exterior should be painted. APPARATUS The apparatus consists of the following: One Chief’s buggy, two combination chemicals and hose motor cars, five, hose wagons, two hose reels, five hose pungs, one first size Amokeag steam fire engine, one second size Amokeag steam fire engine, one second size Aerial ladder truck, one city ladder truck, one coal wagon. HORSES Six horses are owned by the department. HOSE We have on hand at the present time 16,300 feet of 2 1-2 inch cotton rubber lined hose, of this amount 4,200 is unfit for service. RECOMMENDATIONS In order to increase the efficiency of the department, I would call your attention to the following recommendations: The building of two fire stations; one on Main St., near Frye St., and one in the vicinity of Ste. Marie’s General Hos- d. The purchase of one automobile for the use of the Chief Engineer. The purchase of one Triple Combination Motor Car. The purchase of one Tractor for Hook and Ladder Truck No 1. The purchase of 4,000 feet of 2 1-2 inch cotton rubber liped hose. The addition of, ten permanent men to the Department. Permanent teams and drivers for Hose No. 3, and Engine \rp, 3, Central Eire Sta ion. The purchase of two Hre Alarm Boxes. The purchase of one Manual Repeating Box, for the Cen­ tral Fire Station. I . ·♦ * * > / ; “ . _ Hose No. 2. and he exercising wagon should be painted and- rubber tired.

ΛLadder ** * · Truck , No. 2 should be rubber tired.

•1..Λ . ,.»· tC- ‘ '· ■<·!*· s The installation of a tower bell striker, in the tower of f r ■/- η the Grammar school building, on Horton St., for the benefit of the call men in that vicinity. I , The purchase of one six-way wagon gun for Hose No. 3, and one pipe attachment for the Aeriel Ladder Truck to con­ vert same into a water tower. 50 CITY OF LEWISTON

The stable floor in Central Fire Station should be re­ paired, the underpinning is rotted away and is very unsafe. Respectfully submitted, F. L. RICHARDS, Chief Engineer.

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairman, Mayor, Chas. P. Lemaire; Secretary, Wm. P. Lambert; J. J. Kennedy and E. E. Ramsdell.

BOARD OF ENGINEERS Chief Engineer, F. L. Richards First Asst. Engineer, J. J. Ryan Second Asst. Engineer, P. J. Cronin Third Asst. Engineer, Rodolphe Doucette Fourth Asst. Engineer, N. Bazinet Supt. of Fire Alarms, F. E. Page Fire Surgeon, W. H. Hawkins Inventory of property in Chief Engineer’s office, Central Fire Station, Ash S'::—One desk, two tables, 1 office chair, 4 chairs, 1 waste basket, and a full set of record books. Inven­ tory of property in the Engineer’s room, Park St. Fire station: —One desk, 3 chairs, 1 waste basket, and a set of record books. Inventory of property in Central Fire Station, Ash St. Fire Station:—One steam boiler, for heating station, 8 tons of coal, 1-4 cord of kindling wood, 4 ash cans, 1 coal hod, 1 tube brush, 1 rake, 1 slicing bar, 1 wheel barrow, one 24 inch monkey wrench, 1 24 inch Stillson wrench, 1 pean and 1 nail hammer, one cross hand saw, 1 splitting saw, 1 compass saw, 1 chizel, 1 draw shave, 1 steel and 1 wood plane, 1 nail puller, 4 screw drivers, 2 leather punches, 2 screw jacks, 1 wheel jack, 2 pinch bars, 1 steel square, 2 S wrenches, 2 monkey wrenches, 8 and 12 inch., 1 set of Jenning’s bits, 2 bit braces, 1 breast drill, 1 set of steel numbers and letters, 1 hatchet, 2 Porter’s bolt cutters, 1 set cold chizels, 1 Buckeye Hydraulic expander with full set of coupling tools, 1 putty knife, 1 dozen axe handles, 37 shovels, 1 Hooper snow shovel, 1 ice chizel, 3 lan­ terns, 1 snow scraper, 3 galvanized iron pails, 1 galvanized iron tub, 2 one bushel baskets, 2 sprinklers, 1 dozen lantern globes, 3 packages of Gold Dus', 3 cans Dutch Cleanser, 4 bottles of ammonia, 2 gallons Tar Disinfectant, 10 gallons gasolene, 3 gallons “Magnet Oil”, 25 lbs. of cotton waste, 1 carboy Sulphuric Acid, 75 lbs. Bicarbonate of Soda, 20 feet of 3-4 inch fire extinguisher hose, 10 portable extinguisher hose FIRE DEPARTMENT 51 and nozzle, 2 Eastman pipe holders with platforms, 13 three gallon chemical fire extinguishers, 2 25 ft. extension electric light cords, two 50 ft. lengths 3-4 inch garden hose, 4 step ladders, one 35 ft. extension ladder, one 16 ft. roof ladder, 8 horse whips, 5 cakes Bon Ami, 5 gallons Heney’s Metal polish, 10 cuspidors, 1 pool table, 3 tables, 49 chairs, 16 beds with bedding for same, 4 spare mattresses, 1 copper bottom boiler, 15 packages matches, 11-2 cases toilet paper, 50 bars Ivory soap, 15 brooms, 3 fire axes, 5 dozen coffee dippers, 6 tin pans, 1 hot water header, (worn out), 1 two burner gas hot plate, 1 eras radiator, 2 double swinging harness, 1 pr. 4 horse reins, 1 four horse whip, 1 spare collar, 3 harness beams, 1 Steward horse clipper, 2 prs. shafts, 5 spare poles, 2 sets lead bars, 2 set of lead ropes, 1 hose washer, 1 Pulmotor with 2 spare oxygen tubes, 1 Surgeon’s Cabinet fully equipped, 1 horse and buggy for use of Chief Engineer, equipped with 2 horse blank­ ets, 1 lap robe and 1 whip, 1 exersize wagon equipped with Morse six way wagon gun with full set of nozzles for same, 2 horse blankets, 1 whip, 1 four way hydrant wrench, 3 hydrant wrenches, 2 play pipes with stop nozzles, one 3-4 inch nozzle tip, 2 lanterns, 2 chemical 3 gal. extinguishers, 1 axe, 4 Y spanners, 6 ladder straps, one 75 ft. hand line, 10 rubber coats, one coal wagon at Park St. Station, and 1 one horse drawn hose reel with 800 ft. of 2 1-2 inch cotton rubber lined hose.

OFFICERS and MEMBERS OF COMBINATION CHEMICAL AND HOSE MOTOR CAR NO. 1. Reuben E. Estes Captain 284 Main St. James Thornton Hoseman 36 Blake St. Wallace Moriarty Tankman 7 Ash St. Wilfred Lemay Chauffeur Upper Main St. William Banks Asst. Chauffeur 65 Oak St. Inventory of property of Combination Chemical and Hose Motor Car No. 1—1 combination chemical and Hose Motor Car, with a complete set of wrenches for same, equipped with one 20 ft. extension ladder, one 10 ft. roof ladder, 200 ft. of 3-4 inch chemical hose, 2 three gal. hand chemical fire extinguishers, 4 Dietz lanterns, 1 electric hand search light, 1 axe, 1 bar, 1 plaster hook, 1 door opener, 1 pipe holder, 3 play pipes and stop nozzles, 1 Bresnahan collar pipe and ffate, 1 two way hydrant gate, 2 hydrant wrenches, 1 four way hydrant wrench, 4 rubber coats, 4 rubber straps, 3 Y spanners, 1 adjustable spanner, 2 chemical hose spanners, 3 ladder straps, one 75 ft. hand line, one 1-4 inch tip, two 3-4 inch 52 CITY OF LEWISTON tips, 1 Peerless hose clamp, 2 extra front springs, 1 extra rear axle, 1 extra rear wheel, 1 extra front wheel, 1 extra 38 inch x 4 1-2 inch airless tire, 3 pairs of weed tire chains, 1 pair of heavy weed tire chains, 1 auto pump jack, 1 gasolene tunnell, two 5 gallon gasolene cans, 1 copper oil tunnel, 2 pails, 4 chamois, 4 sponges, 1 drip pan, 2 cleaning pans, 1 sprinkler, 1 extra Presto light tank, I Garnett smoke filter.

OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF COMBINATION CHEMI­ CAL AND HOSE MOTOR CAR NO. 2. Wilfred Sampson Captain 14 College St. Thos. Cook Tankman 254 Lincoln St. Andre BeKveau Hoseman 103 Main St. Gyrill Bedard Hoseman 57 Maple St. . Λ’; ' ' ' .’ · ·* ’· » / p *, Inventory of property of Combination Chemical and Hose

Motor Car No. 2—One Indiana Combination Chemical^ · and ·, \te · > : Hose Motor Car, ecruipped as follows:—Two 35 gallon chemi- ■ cal tanks, 200 ft. of 3-4 inch chemical hose, 1050 ft. of 2 1-2 , inch cotton rubber lined hose, two 3 gallon hand chemical fire > extinguishers, one 12 ft. roof ladder, one 24 ft. extension lad­ der, 1 plaster hook, one axe, one door opener, 3 oil lanterns, 1 electric hand lantern, one search light, electric; one crow bar, 4 hydrant wrenches, one two way hydrant gate, 4 rubber coats, one chemical shut off nozzle, 3 play pipes with 1 3-4 inch shut off nozzles, 1 chimney mitten, 1 gas mask, 3 Y span­ ners, 3 ladder straps, 3 snow shovels. Car tools: One wheel- jack, 1 valve cap wrench, 1 oil can, 1 Magneto wrench, 1 grease gun, Phorn wrench, 1 hub cap wrench, 1 wheel puller screw, 1 spark plug, 1 hammer, 1 monkey wrench, 1 straight double end wrench 7-8 inch and 1 inch, 1 straight double end wrench 3-4 inch and 7-8 inch, 1 straight double end wrench, 5-8 inch and 3-4 inch, 1 straight double end wrench 3-8 inch and 1-2 inch, 1 Wescott adjustable wrench, 1 pair insulated pliers, 1 large metal hand screw driver, 1 small screw driver, 1 cold chizel, 1 center punch, 1 drift punch, 1 cotter pin ex­ tractor, I box assorted cotter pins, 1 hand tire pump, 1 spare inner tube, 2 small bottles of sulphuric acid, 2 small bags of soda, carboy sulphuric acid. WILFRED J. SAMPSON, Clerk, FIRE DEPARTMENT 53

OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF HOSE CO. 1. Holmes, M. J. Captain 82 Chestnut St.. Clark, J. H. Clerk 27 Bernier, Alfred Hoseman 35 Spruce St. McCarthy, John J., Hoseman 10 Lowell St. Steele, Fred Hoseman 7 Beacon St. Tetlow, William Hoseman 20 Howe St. Fournier, L., Hoseman 167 Park St. Dufresne, William Hoseman 146 Pierce St. Elie, Charles Hoseman 60 Lincoln St> Asselin, T. Hoseman 232 Blake St- :· '* ..· ·· Sirois, Herbert Driver 168 Blake St. Inventory of property of Hose Co. No. 1:—Two horses, one pair of swinging harnesses, two harness beams, one pair of pole straps, one whip, two horse blankets, one hose wagon, one horse pung, seventy ft. of 1-2 in rope, two 3 gallon hand fire ext., two lanterns, 3 pipes with stop nozzles, 3 pipe hold­ ers, 2 3-4 inch tips, one axe, nine spanners, five ladder straps, one pair pliers, 13 rubber coats, one Stillson wrench, 4 hydrant wrenches, one extension hydrant wrench, 1 two way hydrant gate, one Garnett smoke filter, 1 hose leak stop, 1 rubber blanket. JOHN H. CLARK, Clerk.

OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF HOSE CO. NO. 2. E. E. Bechard Captain 72 Winter St. Jim Ovide Daigle Hoseman 83 Chestnut St. L. Ed. Daley Lloseman 205 Ash St. "■ Henry Coffin Hoseman 69 Ash St. Fred Chandler Hoseman 167 Middle St. Wm. Pierson Hoseman 66 Ash St. Wilfred Morin Lloseman 144 Lincoln St. Joseph Soucy Hoseman 26 Walnut St. Martin Lamey Hoseman 80 Birch St. Harvey Cormier Hoseman 234 Lincoln St. Edgar Lambert Driver 154 Blake St. Inventory of property of Hose Co. No. 2:—One swinging harness,- one harness beam, one hose wagon, one hose pung, one horse blanket, one whip, ten rubber coats, one flexible lead pipe, one axe, three Eastman play pipes, three Callahan stop nozzles, 3 hydrant wrenches, one valve wrench, 75 ft. of 1-2 inch rope, one Eastman deluge set, composed of one pipe holder, 15 ft. of 4 in cotton rubber lined hose, one 3 way siamese connection, one 2 in. nozzle, one 1 3-4 inch nozzle, 54 CITY OF LEWISTON one 1 1-2 inch nozzle, one 3-4 inch nozzle, two pails, one 2 way hydrant gate, four chamois, and two sponges, two 3 gal. hand chemical fire extinguishers. E. E. BECHARD, Capt. and Clerk.

OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF HOSE CO. NO. 3. Inventory of Hose Co. No. 3:—One two horse wagon, one two horse pung, two swinging harnesses, two hangers for harnesses, two blankets, one whip, one axe, three pipes, three stop nozzles, one Eastman nozzle, one Eastman holder, three 3-4 inch tips, one four way hydrant wrench, two hydrant wrenches, one wrench for wagon, one two way hydrant gate, two pails, one sponge, eleven rubber coats, 7 ladder straps, twelve spanners, two 3 gal. fire extinguishers, two lanterns, nine coat straps, one book for record of company, two snow shovels, one hook for plaster. John Maliar Captain 66 Blake St. John Cronin Lieutenant 34 Wood St. J. H. Tarr Clerk 72 Nichols St. W. Vaughan Hoseman 51 Howard St. Ed. Fathy Hoseman 52 Winter St. Fred Short Hoseman 268 Blake St. Wilfred Fische Hoseman 14 Hill Block William Laroche Hoseman Fred Painchaud Hoseman Joe Vallancourt Hoseman Wilfred Daignauld Driver 102 Blake St. J. H. Tarr, Clerk.

OFFICERS AND MEN OF HOSE CO. NO. 4. Joseph Maillet Captain 53 Maple St. Thomas Malenfant Lieutenant 119 Bartlett St Emery Doucette Clerk 51 Ash St. Josepti Labrie Hoseman 48 Middle St. Alfred Bazinet Hoseman 77 Birch St. Paul Guay Hoseman 210 Park St. Inventory of property of Hose Co. No. 4, Lincoln St.:— One whip, one wagon, one pung, 6 rubber coats, one water pail, two sponges, two chamois, one wheel jack, two wheel wrenches, two lanterns, one axe, one Eastman pipe and hold­ er, one two hydrant gate, five ladder straps, 12 chairs, two tables, three cuspidors, two step ladders, one duster, two brooms, one sprinkler, two mirrors, fifty feet of garden hose, two shovels, one chizel, one hand saw, one ash can, one ic^ t . - t FIRE DEPARTMENT 55 water tank, one hot water heater, one ba:h tub, one coal hod, 1 * ' ' five gallons kerosene oil, one furnace for heating the building, 12 tons of coal, one door mat, one extension, light cord. EMERY P. DOUCETTE, Clerk.

MEMBERS OF HOSE CO. NO. 5. W. W. Libby Captain Switzerland Tree M. W. Stuart Lieutenant 818 Main St. Η. E. Rose Clerk 748 Main St. Geo. Riggs Hoseman Upper Main St. W. W. Briggs Hoseman Upper Main St. Ellard Galligar Hoseman 926 Main St. Francis Greenleaf Hoseman Newbegin Ave. W. E. Luce Hoseman 717 Main St. Ray Chapman Hoseman 704 Main St. C. M. Stetson Hoseman 728 Main St. R. H. Gilpatrick Hoseman 3 King Ave. Inventory of property at Hose House of Co. No. 5:—· One hand hose reel, 1 hose pung, 550 ft. hose, 2 pipes with stop nozzles, 1 bar, 1 axe, 2 hydrant wrenches, 2 spanners, 10 chairs, (poor condition) , 2 lamps, 4 cuspidors, 1 coal hod, 1 coal stove, 1 coal shovel, 150 lbs. coal, 1-2 cord wood, 2 gallons kerosene, 2 tables, 1 pail 2 lanterns, 1 sponge, 2 fire extinguishers. Η. E. Rose, Clerk.

OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, NO. 1. Ed. A. Mcllheron Captain 67 Park St. Peter Smith Lieutenant 67 Park St. Jas. E. Heffernan Clerk 67 Park St. James Kearns Laddermen 9 Howe St. Augustus Roy Laddermen 82 Oak St. Wilfred Mailhot Laddermen 253 Blake St. Richard Doyle Laddermen 9 Howe St. Chas. Ahearn Laddermen 22 Summer St. Eugene Bazinet Laddermen 355 Lisbon St.

Chas. P. Coughlin Laddermen• 43 Granite St. John J. O’Leary Laddermen 166 Bartlett St. Geo. A. Dunham Laddermen 1 Bartlett St. Chas. Whitehouse Laddermen 6 College St. Thos. Coughlin Laddermen ) 28 Water St. Fred Nye Driver 67 Park St. Alsolom Labrecque Driver 62 Park St. 56 CITY OF LEWISTON

Inventory of property of Hook and Ladder Co.:—One 1st size Hayes Aerial ladder truck, equipped with axes, picks, lanterns, crow bars, etc., one city ladder truck fully equipped, 1 pair horses, 2 sets of swinging harnesses, 4 harness beams, 2 whips, 4 horse blankets, 1 set of lead bars, 1 wheel jack, noz­ zles, one each 3 1-2 inch, 2 inch, 1 5-8 inch, two 3-4 inch, 1 Eastman Deluge set, 2 cellar pipes and nozzles for same, 2 three way siamese connections, 1 Peerless Hose Clamp No. 36, 4 ladder straps, 6 spanners, 12 rubber coats, 20 rubber blank­ ets, 6 beds and bedding for same, 24 chairs, 2 tables, 4 cuspi­ dors, 1 door mat, 1 bath tub, 1 gas-hot water hea er, 1 sprink­ ler, 2 sponges, 4 chamois, 4 galvanized iron pails, 1 steam boiler for heating building wi h full set firing tools, 3 ash cans, 10 tons anthracite coal, approximately 20 tons of Canne! coal for fire engines, and 1 umbrella rack. E. A. McILHERON, Acting Clerk.

ENGINE MEN, STOKERS AND DRIVERS OF STEAM FIRE ENGINES NO. 3 AND 4, John H. Lynch Engineman 35 Blake St. Oscar Fox Driver 73 Blake St. Alfred St. Pierre Driver 266 Blake St. 1 !. . .. i · " Inventory of property of Engine No. 3, Central Fire Sta­ tion:—One second size Amoskeag Steam Fire Engine, one pair swinging harnesses, 2 harness beams, 1 pair pole straps, 1 pair horse blankets, 1 whip, 1 foot mat, 1 axe, 1 bar, 1 chizel, 1 shovel, 1 oil can, 3 lanterns, 1 reflector lantern, 2 hydrant wrenches, 1 set of engine wrenches, 1 monkey wrench, 1 ham­ mer, 1 mallet, 24 ft. of flexible suction hose, 24 ft, of stiff suction hose, 1 hot water heater for headng engine. Inventory of Engine No. 4, Central Fire Station:—One 1st. size Amoskeag Steam Fire Engine, 1 pr. pole straps, 1 pr. horse blankets, 1 whip, 1 foot mat, 1 bar, 1 axe, 1 shovel, 1 chizel, 1 monkey wrench, 1 oil can, 2 lanterns, 2 hammers, 2 play pipes, 30 ft. of stiff suction hose, 12 ft. flexible suc­ tion hose, 24 ft. of 1 5-16 inch copper tubing, 1 set of/runs and blocking, for loading engines on cars, 1 set of blocking falls, 75 ft. of 1 1-2 inch rope, 1 pick axe, 2 heavy crow bars, and 2 heavy spike hammers. 1 57 Fire Alarms


12 Barkerville upper Main St. 13 Cor. Wood and Campus Ave. 14 Main St. near Bearce 15 Bussell and Bardwell Sts. 16 Cor. Oak and Elm Sts. 17 Main and Frye Sts. 18 Yale and College Sts. 19 College and Sabattus Sts. 112 St. Mary’s Hospital 113 Bussell and Main Sts. 114 Main St. near Fair Grounds 115 Wood St. near Jordan High. Sch. 116 College and Little St. 117 Jordan Higk School, Wood St. 118 Manual Training School 119 Montello and College Sts. 123 E. E. Bamsdell Be s. 567 MainSt. 23 Lowell St. rear Hospital 24 Cor. Middle and Lowell Sts. 25 Cottage and Whipple Sts. 26 Wallace School, Main St. 27 High and Main Sts. 28 Avon Mill No. 2 29 Holland and Winter Sts. 212 Spring St. near Bridge St. 31 Lincoln Mill • 32 Park Sc. Wade and Dunton 34 Lisbon and Ash Sts. 35 Lincoln and Main 36 Main and Lisbon Sts. • 37 Central Fire Station 38 Main and Bates Sts. 39 Pumping Station 312 Dingley Training School CITY OF LEWISTON 41 Reed Shop, opp. Cross Canal 1 42 Lincoln St. near Cross St. 43 Chestnut and Lincoln Sts. 45 Bates Mills 46 Continental Mills 47 Pine and Lisbon Sts. 48 Hill Mills 51 Cor. Spruce and Park Sts. 52 Coburn School, Bates St. 53 Lisbon and Cedar Sts. 54 Walnut and Pierce Sts. 55 Cor. Bartlett and Birch Sts. 57 Pine and Bartlett Sts. 61 Androscoggin Mill, Lisbon St. 62 Bates and Birch Sts. 63 Park and Maple Sts. 64 Lewiston Bleachery 65 Libbey Mill, Lower Lincoln St. 66 Cedar and Lincoln Sts. 67 Oxford, South Cedar St. 68 Lincoln St. near Avon Mill 69 Androscoggin Mill on Lincoln St. 612 Maple and Blake Sts. 613 River St., South Cedar St. 7 Lewiston Bleachery 71 Pine and Shawmut Sts. 72 Webster and Pine Sts. 73 Sabattus St. and East Ave. 74 Webster St. and East Ave. 75 Mitchell Hill, Sabattus St. 76 Pleasant and East Ave. 77 Sabattus and Orange Sts. 78 Warren and East Ave. 79 Dale St. near Lisbon Road 712 Howe and Ash Sts. 713 West Rose Hill 714 Frye Grammar School Horton St. 715 Thornes Comer 2 Strokes. Fire Out. 3 Strokes, Chief’s FIRE DEPARTMENT Call. Wire Test: 1 Stroke 1:30. 2 stro­ kes, 6:00 P. M. Tel. Central Fire Sta­ tion, 46; Park St. Station, 1227; Lin­ coln St. Station, 38

AUBURN 4 Central Fire Station 5 Whitney and Vernon Sts. 6 Union and Spring Sts. 7 Turner and Union Sts. 8 Cushman-Hollis Co. 9 Goff and Grant Sts. 12 Gamage Ave. and Western Prom 13 Whitney and Lake Auburn Ave. 14 Center and Cross Sts. 15 Court St. and Highland Ave. 16 Upper Court and Highland Sts. 21 Wells Sporting Goods Co. 23 Mhin, South end Eoak Block 24 Pleasant and Drummond Sts. 25 High and Academy Sts. 26 Main and Laurel Sts. 31 Pulsifer and Third Sts. 32 Hose House, New Auburn 33 First and Mill Sts. 41 Dingley Foss Shoe Co. Troy 42 Hampshire and Oak Sts. 43 Court and Summit Sts. 44 Davis Ave. and Lake St. 45 Cor. Park and Gamage Ave’s 112 Summer and Rowe Sts. 121 Fitz Bros.’ Last Factory 122 Ault-Williamson Shoe Co. 123 High, comer Minot Avenue 124 Washington and Jefferson Sts. 125 Sheridan Ave. cor. Minot Ave. 126 Western Ave. and Hazel St. 131 Third and Gill Sts. 132 South Main cor. Loring Ave. CITY OF LEWISTON 134 Broad, corner Eight 135 Barker Mill (Private) 221 Turner and Pleasant Sts. 222 Penley’s Slaughter H., Knight St 223 Gamage and Davis Ave’s 224 Dennison, corner Winter 2 Strokes, Eire Out. 3 Strokes, Chief’s Call. Tel. Central Fire Station 383 Hose House, New Auburn, 417-W RECORD OF FIRES AND ALARMS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1921 61

I * : - 1 Loss on Ins* on Street and Loss on Ins. on BOX BUILDING OWNER OCCUPANT USE CAUSE Number V' Building B’ld’g COn' con" tents tents

I v· « Telephone Blake, 122 2% st’y frame J. P. Dumais Mrs. M. Anderson Tenement Thawing water pipes 25.00 Mrs. E. Cook , Same Overheated stove fun. 3.700.00 No da mage Telephone Lincoln, 254 2 st’y frame ^welling No dam age Walnut, 100 frame Patrick Hamilton Albert Cantara Tenement Chimney fire Telephone 15.0ο 3.000.00 No da mage Telephone 42 G.T.R.R. yard frame Armour Co. Armour Co. Of’ce, refrig’r Ov. heated chimney 9,941.75 Ash, 99 frame Omer Parent I. L. Roux > · Tenement |Oil lamp upset 10.000.00 15,000 37,500.00 Telephone 150.00 1.500.00 35.00 none Telephone G.T.R.R. yard frame Armour Co. Armour Co. Of’ce refrig’r Ruins rekindled No dam frame Armour Co. Armour Co. Of’ce, refrig’r Ruins rekindled I age Telephone G.T.R.R. yard No dam age Telephone G.T.R.R. yard frame Armour Co. Armour Co. Of’ce, refrig’r Ruins rekindled Rater Zouspski age Telephone Park, 205% frame M r. D. Shawtary Tenement Chimrey fire No dam L· ~'e’1it:er Rivard age Telephone Lincoln, 119 frame Pelletier, Rivard Ruins old bdg. Broken gas pipe No dam 68 Lincoln, 348 frame Edward Bewley Edward Bewley Dwelling Unknown age frame Theo. Gagné Thos. Callahan 400.00 500.00 225.00 500.00 Telephone Chestnut, 12 Board & r ’ms Ov. heated stove No dam Telephone Birch, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston1 Dump Hot ashes age Cedar, 109 frame Philias Giguère Mrs. H. Dusseault Tenement Chimney fire No dam age Telephone No dam Telephone River Rd. Franklin Co. Franklin Co. Grass land Sparke fr. locomotive age Telephone Walnut, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Boys with matches No dam age Telephone Webster, Webster Estate Webber Heirs Wood lot Spark fr. tobacco p. No dam age 62 Collee, * *► · V . V · Burning leaves No dam age Telephone Birch, 71 frame L. A. Carsse L. A. Carsse Store & tene. Spark fr. chimney No dam age Telephone Pine, 192 frame J. H. Reny J. H. Reney Dwelling Ov. hea. stove fun’l 83.77 2.000.00 No da mag© % Telephone Riverside, G. A. R. Cometary • v v Zemetary Brush grass fire 65.00 4.000.00 35.00 1,500.00 Telephone Lafayette, 40 A. L. Kavanagh A. L. Kavanagh House lot Boys with matches No dam age Telephone Park, 53 21/2 st’y frame Walter Rowe Lewis Haskell Tenement Chimney fire No dam age Telephone Lincoln, 46 3 st’y frame M. Laflamme Jas. Kargez Tenement Chimney fire No dam age Telephone Park, 104 3 st’y frame Sun Pub. Co. Sun Pub. Co*. - Prine shop Steam boiler went d. 23.60 2.000.00 No da mag© Telephone Main, 103 4 st’y frame Jas. Burke The Tavern Hotel d . Chimney fire No dam age Telephone Knok, 75 2% st’y frame Azair Chatelle Nelson Poulot Tenement Sparks fr. chimney No dam age Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Hot ashes 18.00 1.500.00 No da Telephone Randall Rd. V /2 st’y frame Jos. Pelkey Wm. Derose Dwelling Chimney fire No ds m age 35...... Water, 10.__ V / 2 st’y frame D. M. Crawley D. M. Crowley Dwelling Unknown No dam age Telephone Summit Ave. Franklin Co. Franklin Co. Wood lot Sparks fr locomotive 55.00 500.00 No da mag© Telephone Main, Bridge Ciey of x Lewiston City of Lewiston Pub. bridge Cigarette stub No dam age Telephone Libby, Ave False alarm No dam age ■ - C. C. Green Rd. I^X. C. K. Donnell Dr. C. K DonnelL Wood >Jot Burning'; brush No dam 37 Green Rd DtVC. CK. Donnell « Dr. ‘ C. K Donnell * Wood ^ lot Burning ' brush No dam age- 37 G reen R d . Dr. C. K. Donnell Dr. C. K Donnell Wood lot Burning brush No dam age A , O’ '\ *1 i RECORD OF FIRES AND ALARMS FDR THE YEAR E Λ DING FEBRUARY 28, 1«21

/ ------Street and Loss on Tns. on Loss on Ins. on ate OWNER OCCUPANT USE CAUSE >20 Number BUILDING Building B’ld’g con- con-

4.01 p m Spring, False alarm 17 Henry McGraw Wood lot Burning brush No dam age 18 11.33 p nr Crowley’s Jet. Henry McGraw 11.45 a m 37 Crowley’s Jet Henry McGraw Henry McGraw Wood lot Burning brush No dam age 18 Chas. White Wood lot Sparks fr. locomotive. No dam 1 age 18 11.50 a m C. C. Sabattus Rd. Chas. White 8.25 p m Telephone Island Ave. Cent. Me. Power Co. iCent. Me. Power Co. Yard Burning brush No dam age 18 Emery E. Russell Cigarette stub age 19 11.30 a m Still Bates, 137 1 st’y frame Emery E. Russell Wood shed No dam 1.23 p m 42 Lincoln, 83-85 IV 2 st’y frame Antoine Sylvain vacant Store and ten. Unknown 600.00 1,000.00 1,198.10 22 Chimney fire 78, 500.00 23 10.17 a m Telephone Walnut, 21 4 st’y frame Nap. Bazinet Caron ; Bernier ; Tenement No dam age 1.34 P mj Still Bates, Tar pot City of Lewiston Pub. Works Dept Tar pot Ov. heated tar pot No dam age 24 Spont. comb. fr. o.w. 26 5.26 a m Telephone Lisbon, 415 4 se’y brick Levasseur Mo. CorCo. Mayflower Shoe Co. Shoe factory 50.00 56,000.00 6.28 p m Telephone Bates, 3 3 st’y frame J. J. McKenna J. J. McKenna Stone shed Cigarette stub No dam age 26 Ov. heated chimney 26 10.24 p m Telephone Middle, 154 2% st’y frame N. D. Estes F. McGillicuddy Tenement 50.00 No claim Je. 1 5.44 a m 24 Grant, 12 2 V s st’y frame Ed. Murphy Wm. Swift Dwelling Sparks from chimney 25.00 1,000.00 1 7.08 p m Telephone Cedar, Continental Mill Continental Mills Dump Unknown No dam age 2 5.50 p m Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Child with match No dam age 3 11.26 a m Telephone Bartlett, 130 4 st’y frame Timothy Bouchard Timothy Bouchard Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 0 Child with matches 4 8.16 P m Telephone Bates, A. Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump No dam age *> 2.27 a m Telephone Main, 238 3 st’y frame Blanchard Heirs Bell Tire Co. Store Ov. heated motor No dam age 7 9.46 a mi Auto Sprin Main, 124 2 st’y brick Empire Theatre Co. Empire Theatre Co. Theatre False alarm No dam age 16 3.33 p m Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Unknown No dam age 18 3.10 a m Telephone Park, 78 2% st’y frame Jos. Verville Jos. Verville Dwelling Hot ashes No dam age 27 6.30 p m Still Middle, 199 1 st’y frame Pierre Nadeau F. L. Hammond Garage Boys w. matches 5.00 none 2.50 P m' Telephone Park, 72 2% st’y frame Ed. N. Hutchinsons Wentworth Mach. Co. Garage Auto back fired No dam age Jy . 2 —.5— 7 1.34 p mi Telephone Town of Sab. Pulmotor used on Herbert Hammond drowning acci dent. Boy did not re vive. 8 8.13 a m Telephone Wood, 105 1 V2 st’y frame F. L. Hammond B. N. Lombard Dwelling Ov. heated chimney 15.00 1,000.00 16 12.40 p m Telephone Cedar, Bridge City of Lewiston City of Lewiston Pub. bridge Cigarette stub Slight damage 23 1.25 p m Telephone Taylor Pond, Dr. Gauvreau took Pulmotor dent. Person recover d withou t using 25 12.35 p m Telephone Park, Thos. Saucier Thomas Saucier Lumber yd. Burning shavings No dam age 29 7.23 p m C. C. To make arra ngements for the late Chief M. J. Moriarty’s funeral 31 7.15 p m Telephone Pulmotor to Police Dept. Policeman Jas. Drisc oil died of heat pros tration No dam age 31 10.45 p m Telephone Main, 239 Automobile F. R. Lepage F. R. Lepage Automobile Kerosene tank expl. &ug.l 1.45 p m C. C. To complete arrangements for the late Chief M. J. Moriarty’s fun eral. 9.00 a m Departmen with Apparatu, turned out for the late Chief M. J. Moriarty’s funeral. Dwelling Oil stove burn too h. 76.85 1,000.00 10.00 2 age 5.14 p m Telephone Hi.St.Lane,10 1V2 st’y frame Mrs.Georgiana Nelson Mrs. W. Miller Tenement Cigarette stub No dam 15.00 3 age I 2.37 p m Telephone Park, 241 4 st’y frame Sylvanus Gagnon John Bernier Grass land Grass fire No dam 1 4 • • - v · · - - · age j 4 3.08 p m Telephone Montellò, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston ~ Dump Children w. matches No dam 21 6.18 a m 36 Main, 200- 2Y2 st’y frame Haskell Impl. Co. Haskell Impl. Co. Store, Unknown 100.00 3,400.00 174.00 RECORDS OF FIRES AND ALARMS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 1921 63 Loss on Ins. on Loss on Ins. on ate Street and BUILDING OCCUPANT CAUSE con- con­ TIME BOX Number Building B’ld’g 20 con- tents

Spt. 4 2.00 Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump P m Rev. Fr. Laflamme 900.00 2,200.00 \f 2.00 P m Telephone River, Automobile Rev. FatherLaflamme Automobile Auto back fire 200.00 none 12 Telephone Montello St. 1% st’y frame C. R. Hammond Mrs. C. Rieger Dwelling Oil stove exploded 344.80 1,000.00 11.30 a m No dam age 18 9.48 a m; Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Unknown 21 Telephone Warren Ave 46 1% st’y frame Fred Hahnel Fred Hahnel Dwelling Ov. heated furnace 25.00 1,000.00 11.08 a m No dam age *24 10.40 a m Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Unknown Telephone V2 Ernest Bauer E. E. Stewart Dwelling Ov. heated stove 25.00 800.00 25 10.20 a m • Spring, 138 1 st’y frame 11.28 Telephone Avon, Automobile Abraham Kramer Abraham Kramer Automobile Cigarette stub 1,500.00 2,000.00 26 P m No dam age SO 8.06 P m; Telephone Bartlett, 162 4 st’y frame D. A. Dostie D. A. Dostie Dwelling Chimney fire [)ct. 2 143 p m 36 Lisbon, 18 4 st’y brick Mrs. F. I. Day Boston Tea Store Store Short circuit el. mot. 60.00 16,000.00 401.38 4,000.00 6 12.40 p m Telephone Park, 208 3 st’y frame Arthur Martineau Modeste Simoneau Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 6 12.45 p m Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Dump fire No dam age 6 3.10 p m 612 Maple-Blake False alarm 7 11.50 a m Telephone 7 11.53 a m 63 Andros.Bk. 5 1 st’y frame Andros. Mills Corp Jos. Masson Shed Child with matches No dam age 20.00 none 7 1.05 p m Telephone Lisbon, 254 3 st’y brick Stores & offi. [Defective chimney No dam age 11 1.30 P m Still River, 7 4 st’y frame P. Boulet P. Boulet Dwelling Burning rags No dam age 13 11.52 a m 66 Lncoln 229 2 y 2 st’y frame iLéon Pelletier Léon Pelletier Dwelling Leak, gas ign. lig lan 15.00 1,000.00 14 5.38 a m Telephone 14 5.41- a m 19 Bartlett, 50 1 V2 st’y frame Bates Mfg. Co. Samuel Stewart Dwel. & stable Sparks fr. stove 2,500.00 3,750.00 150.00 300.00 21 12.45 p m Telephone Oxford, 35 3 st’y frame Emile Couillard Emile Couillard Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age 21 ; 1.40 P m! Telephone Ash, 99 Automobile Omer Parent Omer Parent Automobile Lit tab’co p. fil. g. t. No dam age 2 1 1 1.40 p m Telephone Ash, 99 Gas dispenser J. H. Paré J. H. Paré Gas dispenser Lit tab’co p. fil. g. t. No dam age 21; 9.00 p m Still Cedar, 5 1 st’y frame M. Alpren E. Sansoucy Garage Grease pan afire No dam age 22j 11.52 a m Telephone Horton, Dr. W. Hawkins Dr. W. H. Hawkins Grass land Boys with matches No dam age 22, 1.40 p m Telephone Lisbon Rd., Franklin Co. Franklin Co. House lots Bays with matches No dam age 22 7.40 p m Telephone Lisbon Rd., Franklin Co. Franklin Co. House lots Fre kindled No dam age 2fi 10.55 a m Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. ity of Lewiston Dump Unknown No dam age 26 11.10 a m Telephone Lisbon, 318 Automobile Supovitz Bros. Supovitz Bros, Automobile Leak, gas ignited 125.00 600.00 2R 7.23 P m Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. f t ity of Lewiston Dump Unknown No dam age ‘27 2.42 p m Telephone Elm, 79 214 st’y frame F. L. Donnell Vacant Tenement Ov. heated chimney 39.50 2,600.00 27 5.32 p m Telephony Lincoln, Franklin Co. ity of Lewiston Dump Unknown No dam age 29; 4.55 a m Telephone Lisbon, 415 A st’y brick Levesseur Motor Co. Mayflower Shoe Co. Shoe shop Short cir. elee, wire No dam age 81 5.30 P m Telephone Horton, 75 2 st’y frame Mrs. Kate Donovan L.H.Tuttle. C.Webber Tenement Defective chimney No dam age Γον. 5 2.25 a m 43 I Chestnut, 33 4 st’y brick Bates Mfg. Go. , E. T. Boucher Store Cigarette stub 314.00 16,000.00 663.47 2,000.00' e> 2.25 a m 43 Chestnut, 35 4 Bates Mfg. Co. ArfVmr Τ,ίπτζιρτ· Tenement Cigarette stub 8.00 500.00 RECORD OF FIRES AND ALARMS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1921 64

> (* ^ \ , t. u . Loss on Ins. on Loss on Ins. on TIME BOX Street and USE CAUSE Number BUILDING OWNER OCCUPANT Building B’ld’g con- con- V ·· l i

False alarm 118 Main, 4 st’y brick City of Lewiston Pub School Dept. School Hines, Al. 43 2% st’y frame H. Shapiro H. Shapiro Dwelling False alarm Telephone Chimney fire Still Main, 835 2% st’y frame A. Bernatchez M. Laliberté Dwelling No dam a^e Cedar, Franklin Co. · Franklin Co. Dump Unknown No dam a S'e Telephone Hot ashes in w. ca: Telephone Main, 139 2 st’y frame Jos. Leblanc Flag & Plummer Photo studio No dam a^e Park, 280 st’y frame J. O. Deschenes J. O. Deschesne Wood shed Short cir. el. motor 10.65 150.00 63 Chimney fire Telephone Elm, 23 t’y frame Mrs. May Brown Mrs. May Brown Dwelling No dam age Still Cedar, 43 st’y frame Ulric Huard Amédé Fournier Store & ten. Carless around furn. No dam a&e False alarm Telephone p i n e 2 st’y frame Nap. Hamel Mrs. Cortell Dwelling 3 st’y frame T. J. Murphy Tenement Chimney fire No dam a^e Telephone l i n c o l n Sparks fr chimney Telephone Bates 2V 2 st’y frame J. Yamusyhits Est. Mrs. Yamusyhtis Dwelling 10.00 2,000.00 Sparks fr chimney 91.30 13,000.00 Telephone p i n e 1V 2 st’y frame Dr. R. Wiseman Priscilla Theatre Theatre Telephone High, 31 1 V i st’y frame F. E. Hanson Jas. Rideout Dwelling Sparks fr chimney 3.42 2,000.00 Telephone High, 31 V /2 st’y frame F. E. Hanson Jas. Rideout Dwelling Chimney fire No dam a^e Telephone’ Lisbon, 424 4 st’y frame Alfred Turgeon Alfred Painchaud Tenement Chimney fire No dam a^e 2 V 2 st’y frame E T. Rowe Mr. Coleman Tenement Chimney fire No dam age Telephone Park Chimney fire Telephone Pierce 2V i st’y frame Sam Motram Jas. Matolis Dwelling No dam age 42 Cross, 18 2 st’y frame Mrs. Rose L ’Heureux Eugene Morrison Store & dwell. Ov. heated oil stove 150.25 J-000^ Telephone Lisbon, 8 4 st’y frame J. D. Clifford A. &K. St. R. R. Offices Chimney fire No dam age Telephone Lincoln, 47 1 st’y frame J. W. White Co. J. W. White Co. Shed Chimney fire No dam age Telephone Webster, 26 Automobile C. E. Boothby C. E. Boothby Automobile Leak inggas tank No dam a^e Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Unknown No dam a~e Telephone Park 75 3 frame E P. Langley Mrs. Rachel Farnham Board, rooms Chimney fire TO"o c! p τη Telephone Cross 1 st’y brick H. C. Norris H. C. Norris Boiler house Spont. combustion 74 ^ 1, 000.00 Telephone Cross 1 st’y brick H. C. Norris H. C. Norris Boilér1 house Fire rekindled Main, 57-59 4 st’y brick M. Berman M,Berman & Son Store Hot ashes in w ’d bbl. 2,383.18 MOO.00 Main, 57-59 4 st’y brick M. Berman Chas. Elliot Tenement Hot ashes in w ’d bbl. Main, 57-59 4 st’y brick M. Berman Bert. Pray Tenement Hot ashes in w ’d bbl. Telephone Middle, 25 4 st’y brick M C. R. R Co. P. & D. Fuel Co. Steel coal car Thawing tripping gr No dam a^e Telephone Park, 244 4 st’y frame Mrs. Justin Dumont S. F ortin- Tenement Chimney fire No dam age Telephone Main, 886 12 Main, 886 1% st’y frame Mrs. J. P. Richardson Perley J, Richardson Dwelling Ov. heat, stove fun’l 430,00 1.500.00 Telephone Lincoln, 162 2 ¥ 2 st’y frame John Caron John Caron Dwelling Chimney fire No dam a£3 . Telephone High 9 21/6-st’y. Trame Henry. A Free _ W^F, Tribou Dwelling Chimney fire No dam a^e Telephone Park, 75 2V 2 st’y frame E. P. Langley Mrs. Rrchel FarnHam Board & rms. Chimney fire No dam agO Telephone Andros.Bk. 4 st’y ' brick Andros. Mills Corp., Thos. Sullivan Tenement Spark fr. t ’bco pipe No dam a&9 63 Andros.Bk. 3 4 st’y brick Andros. Mills Corp. Thos. Sullivan Tenement Spark fr. t ’bco pipe No dam a£‘e · REGARD OF FIRES AND ALARMS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1921 65

Loss on Ins. on Loss on Ins. on Street and BUILDING OWNER OCCUPANT USE ■CAUSE Building con- eon- late , TIME BOX Number B’ld’g

A. & K. St. R. R. Co Unknown 3,375.00 550,000.00 blanket 2.29 m Telephone Lisbon, Electric car A. & K. St. R. R. Co. Street car 16 Ρ Social meeting tment ; presentation of gold badge to Chie ds at buffet luncheon etc. 7.05 P m C. C. of entire depa f F. L. Richar 500.0( •J»16 v/ Ov. heated chimney 131.00 2,000.00 50.00 10.54 a m 12 Switz. Ter. I 1/} st’y frame Howard D. Bailey Howard D. Bailey Dwelling mage 23 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud Alfred Painchaud Using lighted candle 956.51 2, 000.00 No da 4.31 P m Dwelling age 24 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud A. Painchaud & Sons Garage near leaking gas No dam 24 4.31 P m tank, under automo­ 900.00 3,000.0C 4.31 m 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud J. M. Masson Garage 4,200.0C 24 P J. M. Masson bile. 1,250.00 4.31 P n ! 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud Garage none 24 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud ,J. M. Masson Garage 500.00 24 4.31 P m 300.00 none 4.31 P m 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud Jos. Moreau Garage none 24 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud Alfred Gagné 200.00 24 4.31 P m Garage none 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud ! Arthur Fournier Garage 200.00 24 4.31 P m•j 1C/.00 none 4.31 P m 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud Jos. Paul Garage 275.00 24 Lisbon, 426 Alfred Painchaud , Alfred St. Clair 400.00 24 4.31 P m 1 53 2 st’y frame Garage 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud Arthur Grondin Garage 300.00 24 4.31 P m 300.00 4.31 P 53 Lisbon, 426 2 st’y frame Alfred Painchaud Arthur Palange I Garage 24 m; Lisbon,424 Alfred Turgeon Alfred Turgeon Exposure 24 4.31 53 4 st’y brick Tenement 147.30 7,973.75 53 Park, 237 2 st’y frame Pierre Laflamme Pierre Laflamme Dwelling Exposure 183.95 2,000.00 24 4.31 Chimney fire 11.30 a m Telephone Lisbon, 396 4 st’y brick E. Janelle D. VeilleuxA.Levesq. Tenement No dam ge 25 Ov. heated chimney 25 12.15 P m Telephone Park, 53-57 2 1/2 st’y frame Walter Rowe W. Smith ; R. Tapley Tenement 59.59 1,500.00 11.55 a m Telephone Wood, 92 fl Vq st’y frame F. W. Whitemore W. O. Jordan Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age 26 Chimney fire 26 6.57 P rr Telephone Pine, 173 ' 1% st’y frame E. Leblanc O. J. Ouillette Dwelling No dam age 4.02 m Telephone Lincoln, 177 2 st’y frame J. P. Cloutier W. M. Freyder Store & ten. Ov. heated chimney 50.00 none 27 P nners, or sleds. 6.30 P rr C. C. Department, changin g apparattus from wheels to ru 2Y Defective fire place 27 7.30 P m! Telephone White, 6 2% st’y frame E. M. Berry E. M. Berry Dwelling Needless needless 3o 1.13 P m Telephone East Ave. 2% st’y frame 80 1.17 P m 76 East Ave. 2% st’y frame City of Lewiston Public School Dept. School Ov. heated furnace 2,581.32 1,200.00 500.00 31 8.12 P m Telephone Lisbon, 109 1% st’y frame E. S. Cortell Spec’yStoreH.Glovsky Store Shavings in hot air I radiator, ignited by 1921 1 furnace. 28.00 11,500.00 68.93 Jan .l 10.29 a rr Telephone Middle, 162 3τ/ζ st’y frame N. D. Estes Jos. Amato Store Defective chimney Needless needless Telephone Lowell Crt. 24 Ov. heated chimney 1 11.25 a m a 1 % st’y frame M. A Sullivan P. Minnahan Dwelling 160.00 800.00 1 3.54 P m Telephone Lowell Crt. 24 1% st’y frame M. A Sullivan P. Minnahan Dwelling Fire kindled 1 4.25 P m Telephone Lowell Crt. 25 IV 2 st’y frame Peter Murphy Steve Furguson Dwelling Ov. heated chimney 6.00 700.00 2 1.53 P m C. C. Department changing from runners to whe els. 3 7.57 P m Telephone Park, 53 3% st’v fra^e Walter Rowe Lewis Haskell Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 4 4.35 P m Telephone Lisbon & Main Transformer Andros. Electric Co. Andros. Electric Co. Elee, transf. Short cir. transform. Slight damage 4 4.52 P m Telephone Pettingill, 27 1% st’y frame Ernest Leblanc Harry Leblanc Dwelling Ov. heated chimney dam age slight RECORD OF FIRES AND ALARMS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 2S, 1921 6 6

Loss on Ins. on Loss on Street and OCCUPANT CAUSE tents 1921 TIME BOX Number BUILDING OWNER Building B’ld’g tents

321.60 1,600.00 8.59 Telephone Main, 342 2 st’y brick Mrs. Chas. Moore Dr. W. S. Wakefield Offi. & dwel. Clo. ig. lig’ng gas j. 72.95 1,500.00 5 p m 25.00 160.00 6 4.48 a m 36 Main, 147 1% st’y frame Mrs. Hattie Jackson Guy E. Flagg Office Ov. heated furnace 188.50 800.00 6 4.48 a m 36 Main, 147 1V2 st’y frame Mrs. Hattie Jackson W. A. Brown Store Ov. heated furnace 125.00 7 3.56 p m Telephone Chapel, 17 4 st’y frame !A. L. Kavanagh A. C. Wyman Hotel Un known Slight damage no cla 9 10.05 a m Telephone Sabattus, 56 iy2 st’y frame I A. W. Antoine A. W. Anthoine Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age 9 6.57 p m Still Ash, 104 2 st’y frame Lorenzo Parent Η. B. Minott Tenement Chimney fire No dam age lo 10.35 p m Telephone Oak, 113 358.28 1, 000.00 10 10.46 p m 19 Oak, 113 3% st’y frame Wm. S. Houle Wm. S. Houle Dwelling Defective el. wireing 2, 377.57 4,469.76 1,000.00 19 st’y frame Wm. S. Houle Mill Ella Golder Tenement 437.25 10 10.46 p m Oak, 113 j3% Defective el. wireing 295.75 1,500.00 10 10.46 P m 19 Oak, 113 st’y frame Wm. S. Houle Ralph Ouillette Tenement Defective el. wireing : ^ ιΔ age 11112.50 P m Telephone Oak, 113 ' 3 Vi st’y frame Wm. S. Houle Wm. S. Houle Dwelling Chimney fire No dam 14 9.30 p m 47 Lisbon,183 11 st’y frame Judkin’s Heirs Martin & Chuzas Shoe store Unknown 30.00 2,800.00 15 9.52 a m Telephone Bates, 114 3 st’y frame M. J. Googin M. J. Googin Bl’k sm. shop Chimney fire No dam age 17 6.33 p m Still Bates, 102 4 st’y frame Pierre Lachance Mrs. F. Lacombe Tenement No dam age Chimney fire 4.50 400.00 18 9.45 p m Still Mill, 43 2%st’y frame Bates Mfg. *£0 . Mrs. J. Lévesque welling Chimney fire No dam age 19 12.43 p m Telephone Lisbon, 335 Thibault & Fortin Henry Bolduc Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 500.00 29.75 1,000.00 2.50 19 1.20 p m Still Lincoln, 202 3 st’y frame Frank Pinette Mrs. Clovis Richard Tenement Thawing water pipes 1 20 10.58 p m Telephone Laurier Ave. 1 ¥ 2 st’y frame Harry A. Brown Harry A. Brown Dwelling Ov. heated chimney 23.00 700.00 I 24 3.30 p rr Still Main, 818 1% st’y frame E, C. Dearborne E. C. Dearborne Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age 24' 7.43 p m Telephone Birch, 59 3 st’y frame I. Simard Fred Denis Tenement Chimney fire 300.00 35,000.00 24 7.55 p m 36 Main, 157 4 st’y brick 1st. Nat. Bank First Nat. Bank Bank •V*·' 24 6.10 P m Telephone Park, 75 2% st’y frame E. P. Langley Mrs. Rachel Farnham Bd. and rms. Chimney fire No dam age 25 6.44 p m Still Cedar, 58 4 st’y frame Mrs. P. Provost Sam. Hamel Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 2*j 8.27 p m Still River, 13 4 st’y frame T H. Paradis X. Frechette Tenement Chimney fire No d;'im age 25 7.15 a m Telephone Main, 183 3 st’y frame E. B. Palmer & Co. Mrs. Sadie Parker Bd. and rms. Chimney fire No dam age 25 9.20 a m Still Bates, 157 4 st’y frame W. E. Mailhot Alphonse Grégoire Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 25 8.30 p rr Telephone No. N. Pond IV 2 st’y frame Davis Boley Davis Boley Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age 26 11.33 a m Telephone Main, 124 3y 2 st’y frame Empire Theatre Co. Empire Theatre Co. Theatre Overheated furnace No dam age 27 4.52 p m Telephone Chapel, 36 Lake Aub. C. Ice Co. L. A. C. Ice Co. Mot. ice mach. Leaking gasolene No dam age 27 7.55 p m Still Ash, 66 2y> st’y frame Geo. Sullivan Henry Coffin Dwelling Chimney fire 150.00 none 30 4.25 a m Telephone Middle, 116 2 st’y brick P. & L. Int. St. R.R. P. & L. Int. St. R.R. Offi. & car b. Chimney fire No dam age 30 11.10 a rr Telephone Knox, 80 2 % st’y frame Cornelius McCarthy Same Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age Feb. 1 3.54 P mi Telephone Sabattus Rd. Mrs. Golder Same Grass land Sparks fr. tob. pipe No dam age 1 4.42 p m Telephone Lisbon, 116 ” 1 4.43 P rr 34 Lisbon, 116 3 st’y frame A. L. Grant A. L. Grant Store Ket. hot wax tip ov. No dam age 1 8.58 p m Telephone Lisbon, 403 3% st y tr Sam. Shapiro Mrs. Fortier Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 5 11.00 a rr Telephone Lincoln, Dump Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Unknown No dam age RECORD OF FIRES AND ALARMS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRURAY 28, 1921 67

Street and Loss on Ins. on Loss on Ins. on it e TIME BOX BUILDING OWNER OCCUPANT USE CAUSE Building B’ld’g con- con- 21 Number

& No dam r 2.25 P m Telephone Cedar, Yara W. E. Cloutier <& Co. W. E. Cloutier Co. W ’d & coal yd Sparks fr. locomotive «Μ age 0 3 st’y frame Murphy Heirs Patrick Nadeau Tenement Chimney fire No dam age Ό 7.50 a m Telephone Cross, 13 Q 3.45 P m Telephone Shawmut, 21 3 st’y frame H. Tremblay 3.55 m 712 Shawmut, 21 3 st’y frame H. Tremblay Samuel Sckolnik Tenement Spontaneous combus­ 4,068.86 8,000.00 Q P 562\ J L i · U50 \ J 1 000V V V « V00 V V 3.55 m 712 Shawmut, 21 3 st’y frame H. Tremblay Harry L. Cohen Tenement tion. q P 4B0T r U v * v Oft U U800 u v . v00 v 3.55 m 712 Shawmut, 21 3 st'y hame H. Tremblay A. Smith Tenement «7 P 49BL · O * 1f / t f t B00v v V « 00v v 9.45 a m Telephone Sabattus Rd. iy2 st’y frame John McCormack John McCormack Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age X o 12.15 m Telephone Park, 7 1 2 % st’y frame Jos. Verville Jos. Verville Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age l 1! P 14 7.00 P m C. C. Dept, changin g apparatus to runne rs. (pungs) 4.12 i n Telephone Lisbon, 39 2 st’y frame Chas. Lawland Club Cigar Store, Inc Cigarette stubb age IBX u P No dam 2.10 m Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Unknown age 16X v P No dam 5.44 m Telephone Howard, 34 3 st’y frame Mrs Cesaire Croteau Mrs. Irene Supovitz Tenement Chimney fire age JL.17 I P No dam 10.00 m Sabattus, Rd. 1 Y i st’y frame Mrs. Noel Houle Mrs. Noel Houle Dwelling Chimney fire JL17 1 P Telephone No dam age 5.57 m Telephone 2% st’y frame Mrs. A. M.Lougee E. L. Hodgkins Dwelling Sparks fr. chimney •JL18' V-/ P Nichols, 141 33.06 1,000.00 19 10.10 a m Telephone Lisbon, 335 2^ st’y frame Thibault & Faucher Mrs. Fortin Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 21 8.00 P m Telephone Lowell, 111 2% st’y frame Chas. English Harry Lowell Dwelling Chimney fire No dam 22 9.53 P m 55 Birch, 83 3 st’y frame Louis Plourde Z. Dubé Store Defective stove 10.00 6,000.00 13.00 1,500.00 24 7.10 P m Still Bates, 138 3 st’y frame M. J. Googin M. Googin Office Chimney fire No dam age 25 4.48 P m Telephone Blake, 264 4 st’y frame Frank Martin L. Lebrun Tenement Chimney fire No dam age 25 11.51 a m Telephone Main, 345 3 st’y frame S. Goding H. McMahon Tenement Pn beans bur. 0 stov No dam , w e 25 6.20 P m Telephone Wellman, 68 IY 2 st’y frame Mrs. H. Morgan Chas. Raymond Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age 26 7.41 a m Telephone College, 92 2% st’y frame Jos. Roy H. C. Chase Dwelling Chimney fire No dam age 26 2.04 P m Telephone Pine, 3 Y2 st’y brick City of Lewiston City of Lewiston Municipal offi. Cigarette stub No dam age 28 2.30 P m Telephone Lincoln, Franklin Co. City of Lewiston Dump Unknown No dam age : 28 6.45 P m C. O. — Dept, changin g apparatus to wheels 6 8 CITY OF LEWISTON SCHOOL REPORT

To the Honorable City Government of the City of Lewiston: I have the honor of submitting to you the following state­ ment of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Superintending School Committee of the City of Lewiston for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1921.

COMMON SCHOOLS Receipts City appropriation $55,000.00 Appropriation—City of Lewiston $55,000.00 State of Maine—Evening Schools, Home Economics 112.00 State of Maine—Superintendent’s Salary 800.00 State of Maine—Domestic Science 1,499.99 State of Maine—Voc. Education, E. S. 96.00 State of Maine—Evening Schools 1,390.00 State of Maine—Common School Funds 37,840.33 State of Maine—School Mill Fund 26,340.58 Insurance (Rose Hill) 1,200.00 Tuition 43.70 Misc. receipts 6.71 By transfers from sundry accounts 2,213.99

$126.543.30 Expenditures Teachers’ Salaries $91,096.51 9 · · Transportation 4.231.36 Superintendent’s Salary 3.300.00 Truant Officer’s Salary 1,112.50 City Janitor’s Salaries 6,346.95 Rural Janitors 731.21 Books 2,530.33 Supplies 3.611.01 Li ght 309.29 Fuel 10,043.42 Census 397.50 Printing 689.55 Postage 31.00 Repairs 520.47 Misc. services 303.18 Frgt.. Truck, etc, 312.05 Jan. supplies 252.65 SCHOOL REPORT 69

Supt.’s office expenses 89.91 Insurance 538.25 Evening School (exc. salaries) 96.16

$126,543.30 MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL Appropriation—City of Lewiston $3,000.00 Receipts State of Maine 1,600.00 E. Curley 5.00 $4,605.00 Expenditures Teachers’ salaries $2,922.50 Lumber 494.60 Woodworking supplies 243.56 Electrical supplies 79.37 Power 4,2.02 New Equipment 85.65 Balance Unexpended 667.30

$4,605.00 HIGH SCHOOL Receipts Appropriation—City of Lewiston $30,000.00 State of Maine—Home Economics 750.00 State of Maine—Free High School 500.00 Cash—Misc. receipts 16.01 By transfer 426.40

$31,692.41 Expenditures Teachers’ salaries $24,232.07 Janitor’s salary 1,564,10 Books 1,826.97 Supplies 845.09 Printing 96.91 Lighting 67.21 Fuel 2,564.00 Minor repairs 265.34 Jan. supplies 26.30 Misc. services 114.46 70 CITY OF LEWISTON

Exp. Frgt. etc., 19.67 Evening schools (exc. salaries) 19.09 Insurance 51.20

$31,692.41 SCHOOL HOUSE REPAIRS Receipts Appropriation—City of Lewiston $12,000.00 Expenditures Expended to date $11,970.92 Balance unexpended 29.08

$12.000.00 Total expenditures $174,144.33 Respectfully submitted. CHARLES BICKFORD. Secretary of the Board. 71 REPORT OF PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUSTEES

' ; * To the Honorable City Government of the City of Lewiston:— Gentlemen:— As per custom, we present herewith our annual report of the financial standing of the Lewiston Public Library, cover­ ing receipts and expenditures for the year ending February 28, 1921, together with (he report of the Librarian which we also present for the benefit of the public, who is interested in the details of the work pertaining to the same. Libraries are more and better patronized than ever, but as its patrons increase, expenses increase also. It means more books, larger staff, and a demand for a larger appropriation. It is the same of all libraries throughout the country. People are taking m^e and better advantages of libraries, and this shows and proves the necessity and thejmportance of libraries everywhere. Libraries have come to stay and like schools, almost, are very much needed institi! ions, and money spent to keep them on good, progressive footing, to make them “Libraries ’, as it is intended they should be, is money well invested. The people and the public generally take pride in the establishment of “Public Libraries” and nothing should be neglected to make them attractive, interesting and instructive as well—and to such purpose is dedicated “The Library.” In the fulfillment of its mission, no one will find fault at any effort or at any reasonable expense it may cost to give the people the Library they need and want. When the city accepted the “Carnegie Fund” it had to agree to appropriate ten per cent of the amount donated to keep open and maintain the Library. It litde dawned upon the people then that the time would come that ten per cent of the amount so donated would soon be insufficient to carry out the term of our agreement with the donator. But it soon came and the Library needs now dou­ ble the amount originally appropriated to carry on its work. Like any other institution it costs more for fuel, for salaries and for every thing else that goes towards its maintenance. The appropriation for the year ending February 28, 1921 was $7,000.00, the Library received $500.00 from the State; it spent $179.98 for repairs taken out of a balance of the Car­ negie Fund remaining in the hands of the City, of which there is still a small balance; it spent $200.02 out of a Library Fund 72 CITY OF LEWISTON kept for replacement of books, making a total expenditure of $7,880. 00 for the year just ended, leaving an unexpended balance to thè credit of the Library of $96.80. From the above it might be concluded that a similar appropriation might be sufficient for the present year. This should be looked in:o. Money for running expenses is one thing, but there should be sufficient appropriation not only for such expenses, but there should be also enough appropri­ ated for the “upkeep” of the building such as painting and general and ordinary repairs, also for additional clerk, if need be, as time and circumstances may demand. The Library was very fortunate in securing as Librarian the services of Miss Marguerite Chamberlain of Waterville, a graduate of and of Simmons, who came to us well and highly recommended. , We were able to add this year a large number of books and hope to do so again this year. Along these lines we would appreciate any suggestions from the public or from patrons of the Library and more es­ pecially as to any information pertaining to the selection of good reading material that might be of value to the Library. Within a comparatively short time the Library lost two of its most efficient Trustees. Both Messrs. Pennell and Calla­ han had been on the Board ever since the Library opened its doors to the public. It will not be considered out of the way in this report to say that the Library had no better and no more devoted servants. Of their time and energy they gave gene­ rously to the public and to the Library in particular. Their deeds and services in this behalf ought not to be soon forgotten. Respectfully submitted,

F. X. Belleau T. F. Callahan TRUSTEES A. W. Garcelon OF THE L. Raoul LaFond A. L. Talbot LEWISTON PUBLIC LIBRARY i .. Chas. P. Lemaire LIBRARIANS REPORT

To the Board of Trustees of the Lewiston Publis Library: Gentlemen:—Herewith is presented for your consideration the eighteenth annual report of the Lewiston Public Library, covering the work of the fiscal year ending February 28, 1921. The Library has been open for the circulation of books 302 days during the year. It nas been closed on all legal holidays, on two afternoons early in 1920 during severe storms, and as a mark of respect on the day of the funeral of the late Gov- - ernor Parkhurst. Although the circulation of 52138 is the smallest for twelve years, it has been increasingly larger during the last three months than for the corresponding months of last year, and we hope this indicates a growing interest in and use of the Library. At the same time, the proportion of non-fiction circulated is as large as at any time in the history of the Li­ brary. No doubt the greatest handicap to the Library during the year has been the small number of assistants, and the frequent changes in the staff. After the resignation of Miss Robinson in March, the work was ably carried on by Miss Hertell as acting librarian. Miss Irma Belleau, who had been substitut­ ing for several months, was then made a regular assistant, and the Library was fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. G. A. Duston, who had already had several years of experience in the work. In May Miss Marguerite Chamberlain received the appointment as librarian, and arrived on July 6 to take up her duties. Miss Hertell offered her resignation to take effect Sep­ tember 1, in order to accept a library position at Boston uni­ versity. The extra work was divided among the remaining members of the staff until October, when the assistance of Miss Frances Sheehan was secured for as much time as she could spare from her High School studies. In June Miss Hertell attended the New England Library meeting at the Isles of Shoals, and in July the Simmons Col­ lege Summer Library School. The library was represented by the librarian at the Maine Library Association meeting at Bangor in October. As usual, much reference work has been done, especially with students from the various schools of the city. It was found necessary to reserve, for use in the Library only, books which are in great demand by the debalers of the High School and College. While this lessens the circulation, it greatly 74 CITY OF LEWISTON increases the use made of the books. Books suggested by the English ieacher for book reports have been placed on a spe­ cial shelf in the reference room, where pupils may look them over carefully and make their choice at leisure. Space has also been found in the reference room for books required for papers by club women, who thus find their material at hand ready for use or for careful selection. Much time is spent, too, in helping pupils of all grades to look up special subjects assigned by their teachers. This would require less time of the staff, and be more valuable to the pupils if an up to date reference work suitable for children’s use were available. New books have been added in all classes, the selection conforming as nearly as possible to ihe needs of our patrons. Conditions in the publishing trade make new fiction difficult to secure, and so poor in quality that it wears out very quickly under the intensive use given in a public library; therefore the demand for fiction is not easily satisfied. For the children, new and attractive editions of standard works have been bought, rather than many titles of newer and less worth while books. French books are also difficult to obtain, but we hope to make a substantial addition to our list as soon as possible. The most important addition to the reference room this year is the 1917 edition of the New International Encyclopedia, which is most valuable in answering questions of all kinds. Through the use of inter-library loans, books for the use of our readers have been obtained from the New York State Library, Worcester Free Public Library and Boston Public Library, as well as from our own Maine State Library Com­ mission. It has been customary for several years to have one assist­ ant charging books in the children’s room after three-thirty each day, to maintain comparative order in the room, as well as to relieve the congestion at the charging desk. Our great­ est and most pressing need, however, is to find a suitable per­ son for children’s librarian, one who can take the entire re­ sponsibility of the work with children, learn their needs, be­ come familiar with their books, and teach them to use the books with some degree of care. This would also release the energies of other members of the staff for work that has ne­ cessarily been neglected during the past two years, and would bring the efficiency of the whole library to a much higher level. In order to bring the library before the public, and to make known the kind of books we are adding from month to month, we have sent frequent lists of new non-fiction to the PUBLIO LIBRARY . 75 I/. "· - ■ > ; ' · newspapers, who have kindly published them in iheir columns. This advertising has brought numerous calls for many books which might otherwise have remained unknown. The attrac­ tive jackets of the new books conspicuously posted on the bul­ letin board have called books on many subjects to the at­ tention of patrons who were accustomed to come to the Library for fiction only. In closing, the librarian wishes to express her gratitude to the patrons who have welcomed her so cordially, to the staff for their hearty cooperation in all her efforts for the advance­ ment of the Library, and to the Trustees for their promptness in filling the needs lhat were presented to them. Respectfully submitted, *1 · » MARGUERITE CHAMBERLAIN, Librarian. March 1, 1921.

GENERAL STATISTICS Days open for circulation of books 302 Total circulation 52,138 Adult English circulation 27,464 French circulation 11,778 Juvenile circulation 12,895 Largest circulation for one day, February 19, 1921 458 Smallest circulation for one day, September 30, 1920 67 Percentage of fiction 81 Percentage of French books 22 Average daily circulation 172 New registrations 921 Re-registrations 413 Books lost and injured 8.90 Non-resident registrations 70 Non-fiction cards issued 273 Mail notices for overdue books 2912 Fines collected $233.93 Non-resident fees .■;.·■■ 16.75 Readers’ cards lost and paid for .75 Volumes in Library March 1, 1920 247.63 Volumes added during the year 898 By purchase 524 By gifts 274 By binding magazines 100 Volumes removed during the year 345 76 # ; CITY > OF LEWISTON . · ·* 7-·*·'. f t I

Discarded 227 «I · e 1 k j Lost from open shelves 56 Lost in circulation 62 Volumes in Library March 1, 1921 25,316 Circulation by Classes Circulation by Months General works Philosophy Religion Sociology Language Science ’•v ■ Useful arts Fine arts Literature Biography History and travel Fiction French fiction French non-fiction Juvenile fiction Juvenile non-fiction

Circulation by Months March 5006 April 4249 May 3645 June 3479 July 3472 August 3603 September - 3286 October 4126 November 4592 December K 5405

< . January 5735 February 5540

FINANCIAL STATEMENT Appropriation from the City $7,000.00 Appropriation from the State 500.00 Money drawn from the Savings Bank 200.02 Money drawn from Carnegie Building Fund 179.98 PUBLIC LIBRARY 77

Salaries ν '* ;■ 4 Marguerite Chamberlain $854.16 Helen Hertell 446.73 Irma Belleau 809.60

Mrs. G. A. Duston 705.85 I . Frances Sheehan 113.75 Ruth Robinson 13.46 Margaret Dealy 6.00 John Larocque 793.32

$3,742.87 Fuel

Googin Fuel Co., coal 75.00 I . . t P. & P. Fuel Co., coal 510.00 E. E. Russell, coal 525.00 .. ■

$1,110.00 Lights Androscoggin Electric Co. 298.20 Lewiston Gas Co. 7.93

C k . ‘ ‘

r i* ·I $306.13 Books and Periodicals Dodd, Mead & Co. !1145.45 Herman Goldberger, magazine subscription 312.60 Harper Bros. 89.05 H. R. Huntting Co., 307.58 Journal Printshop, binding 325.25 Lewiston Daily Sun, subscription 8.75 Lewiston Journal Co., subscription 8.75 B. Peck Co., 196.24 Loring, Short & Harmon 156.85 Patterson’s American Educational Directory 4.50 Merrill & Webber Co. 4.00 H. W. Wilson Co., subscription 38.00 A. N. Marquis & Co. 6.75 National Geographic Society, subscription 4.00 State Library 1.07 Windsor Daggett 2.25 Agence de Librairie et de Publications 24.90 Portland Directory Co. 4.00 Dr. William Bartlett 25.00 National Historical Society 4,00’ 78 CITY OF LEWISTON

» Oxford University Press 42.53 La Patrie, subscription 4.20 Samson & Murdock 8.00 Cassino Co., subscription 1.25 American Library Association, subscription 2.00

r · * · S J ' * . $1,726.97 Building and Grounds Charles St. Hilaire, labor $67.10 T. F. Callahan, insurance 128.00 Ernest Saunders, plants and labor 47.00 W. A. Libby & Co., labor 5.50 G. J. Day, labor and supplies 69.56 Iroquois Mfg. Co., plasticon 81.87 Louis Maio, labor on roof 92.86 Androscoggin Electric Co., labor and sup. 58.10 r. ■ . * * ' · *v $561.47 ■ i -5 V Miscellaneous Supplies Librarian, cash paid for supplies $93.99 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. 57.40 Berry Paper Co., supplies 25.48 Bradford & Conant Co., recaning chairs 5.25 Gaylord Bros., supplies 59.69 M. J. Googin, poker 3.50 Payne’s Print Shop, cards 69.80 Redding Bros., welding · 3.00 Chase Co., soap powder 6.15 John G. West, typewri er supplies 11.50 $335.76 Total receip s $7,880.00 Total expenses 7,783,20

Amount unexpended $96.80 CITY GOVERNMENT 79


In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, March 8th., 1921. Resolved: That the salaries of the several CTy Officers hereinafter named for the municipal year commencing the third Monday of March 1921, shall be fixed at the sum hereinafter provided, to wit:— Mayor, in full for services, $2,200.00 City Clerk, in full for services 500.00 Clerk hire for City Clerk’s office 300.00 City Treasurer, in full for all services 1800.00 Assistant for City Treasurer 600.00 Collector of Taxes, four tenths of one per . cent on all taxes collected; five per cent on poll taxes collected City Solicitor 600.00 City Auditor 600.00 City Physician, in full for all services and if unable to perform the duties of said office, to provide substitute at his expense 500.00 Agent of the Overseers of the Poor, includ­ ing Clerk Hire 1.850.00 Chairman, of Assessors of Taxes 1.200.00 Assessors of Taxes, each, exclusive of Chair­ man 1,000.00 Clerk of Assessors of Taxes 30.00 Matron, Poor Department 500.00 Superintendent of Schools 3,300.00 Chief Engineer of Fire Department, on con­ dition that he shall devote his entire time to the duties of the office, and exclusive of his compensation as Fire Inspector 2,000.00 / ' · * * * Engineer of Androscoggin Steamer 150.00 Engineer of L. C. Peck Steamer 150.00 Stokers (2 ) each 150.00 Engineer in charge of both steamers, and in full for services as engineer of both companies, and as Superintendent of Fire Alarm System and Police System shall devote his entire time to he duties of the various offices 1,800.00 Inspector of Wires 300.00 80 CITY OF LEWISTON

Chauffeurs in Fire Department, whi two weeks vacation with pay 1,600.00 Tankman and Hoseman on motor truck wi h two weeks vacation with pay $1,600.00 Permanent Driver Hose No. 1 and Hose­ man No. 1 with two weeks vacation with pay, each 1,600.00 Other drivers of steamers, hose wagons, hook and ladder trucks, when employ­ ed by both the Fire Department and the Street Department, shall receive from the Fire Department each week­ ly 10.36 The balance of the weekly pay of the above mentioned drivers shall be determined and paid by the Board of Public 'Works Assistant Engineers, Fire Dept, each 250.00 Supt. Municipal Lighting Plant,, 1,820.00 Wardens and other election officials, per day 5.00 Fire Inspeq'.ors, each 200.00 Clerk, Fire Inspectors 50.00 City Engineer 500.00 Inspector of Buildings 175.00 Janitors, City Hall, per day, each 4.00 Employees of Municipal Lighting Plant, other than Superintendent to be deter­ mined by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. L: is further provided that in all cases where vacation with pay are herein granted, they shall be for a period no longer than herein provided, and the same shall be granted only to such persons as are regularly and permanently elected to their several positions. In Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Feb. 7, 1921. Read twice under suspension of the rules and passed. 6 Yeas. No Nays. 81 AUDITOR S REPORT

To the Honorable City Council of the City of Lewiston: In conformity with the requirements of the City Ordin­ ances, the undersigned herewith presents the following state­ ments of receipts and expenditures in the aggregate as classified fled in the several department accounts, together with the ap­ propriations for the financial year ending February 28, 1921, the balance undrawn and overdrawn at that date, a schedule of the city property, and statement of the liabilities and resources then existing. Respectfully submitted, HARRY D. CONNOR, Auditor of Accounts.

ARMORY « Receipts Appropriation, July 1920 $1,100.00 By Sundries 300.00

$1,400.00 Expenditures Andros. Elee. Co. $ 104.48 Coffin and Kirk, Elee. Lamps 37.40 J. H. Chase Co.. labor and material 3.40 Lewiston Daily Sun Co., rent 1,062.50 Levesque, Luc., labor 5.20 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co.. service 95.03 Transferred to Athletic Field 52.27 Voyer, Joseph 21.90 White. J. W. Co.. 1.782

$1,400.00 -, ■ rj · ^ - ■ - — -μ ,-j| — , -, v, j _ . ABATEMENTS ' ~ ' * " Receipts Appropriation, July 1920 $6,500.00 Balance overdrawn to city debt. 500.00

$7,000.00 Expenditures R. H. Keegan? Treas, $15303,52 82 CITY OF LEWISTON

L. J. Brann, Collector 4.00 Geo. G. Bernier, Collector 5,444.23 Eugene Casey. Collector 24-8.25


ATHLETIC FIELD By appropriation, July 1920 $1,000.00 Transferred from Armory 52.27 Transferred from Board of Health 103.10 Transferred from City Park 37.38

$1,192.75 Expenditures Donat Boisvert, labor 8 00 Jos. Belanger, labor 8.00 Benson and White, insurance 71.40 Adelard Boulier, salary, ground keeper 558.80 Bates College , 7.00 A. Boulier, services 9.50 Cloutier, W. E. & Co.. fuel 8.00 Joseph Carrier, labor 17.50 Guilmet Co., material and labor 161.53 Hagerty, M. J.. insurance 46.41

Stetson, J. H. & Co., labor 4.75 / Joyce, Lawrence, salary, watchman. 211.00 Levesque. Luc, labor 13 00 Antone Robitaile, labor 18.00 Wells Sporting Goods Co., set of bases 18.00 White, J. W. Co., lumber 31.86


ANTI TUBERCULAR ASSO. % Receipts By appropriation 1.000.00

$1,000.00 Expenditures To Anti Tubercpla As,

$1,000.00 AUDITOR’S REPORT 83

BOOKS AND STATIONERY Receipts By appropriation, July 1920 $400.00 Health department 400 Police department 4.00 Fire department 4.00 Transferred from Municipal Court 13.11

$425.11 Expenditures Berry Paper Co.. supplies $105.00 Bradbury and Mareotte. stationery 22.26 Estes, N. D.. ink stands and pencils 2.05 Haswell Press, letterheads and printing 45.00 Hamel. Nap, letter paper 4.80 LeMessager, printing and books 206.00 Merrill and Webber, directory 40.00


BOARD OF HEALTH Receipts By appropriation $7,000.00 Error Voucher No. 1602 76.85 By Duplicate Voucher No. 715 3.75 Bvj Error Voucher No. 650 10.63 By Error Voucher No. 666 6.25 Dr. Haskell. No. 873 70.00 Town of Jay. Me., check returned 81.49

$7,248.97 Expenditures Jos. Aube, groceries $22.91 Begin Bros., groceries 771.92 Berry Paper Co., supplies 3.80 M. A. Bartone. board 22.45 Blake, F. R., milk , 7.80 Beaumont, E. W. & Co., groceries 57.47 Bechard, E. E., services 10.00 Binettes Grorery Store, groceries 34.23 Bard, Romeo, groceries 16.08 Bedard and Paquette, groceries 59.98 Nap Bolduc, groceries 395.31 fi. W. Clark, drugs and supplies 30,65 84 CITY OF LEWISTON <■ · H Cloutier, W. E. & Co., fuel 14.83 Caron and Langelier. groceries Γ>0.25 Ernest V. Call, Dr., services • 50.00 L. J. Dumont. Dr., services 16.00 John J. Dunn, groceries 770.75 Chas. Duhe & Son. fuel 3.63 Daley, L. E., cleaning Lisbon St. alley 100.00 Nap. Drouin, fuel 7.00 Daigle & Berthaume. groceries 31.87 J. E. Dupree, Dr.. services 40.00 Desauliners, Geo. E.. Dr.. services 495.00 Samuel Epstein, services 61.94 Fogg and Miller, groceries 24.33 Wm. J. Fahey. Dr., services 26.00 Googin Fuel Co., fuel 55.00 Golder & McCarthy, groceries 10.56 Gillespie, Geo., taxi hire 3.00 Guimond & Simard, groceries 239.82 Philias Giguere Mrs.. services 38.00 D. Giguere & Co., groceries 90.19 Fred G. Hayes, services 53.00 R. F. Haskell, coal 7.50 F. C. Hicks, groceries 106.73 John Gauthier, services 15.00 Hawkins, W. H., Dr., services 40.00 Haskell. W. L., Dr., services 70.00 H. L. Gauvreau, Dr., services 294.00 Janelle, E. & Co.. groceries 75.49 Janelle. Wm., wood 25.05 Felix Lagasse, labor collecting garbage 225.00 Lewiston Rubber Co., supplies 81.00 LeMessager, advertising 3.00 Lewiston Journal Co.. printing 2.60 P. Lavoire, wood 7.00 Lewiston Daily Sun. printing 11.20 A. Lamontagne, groceries 45.67 L. E. Laflamme. groceries 44.50 F. L. LeBel, Dr., services 107.50 E. H. Langelier. Dr.. services 38.00 E. LeBlanc Co., coats 5.00 W. E. Merrow. wood 4.00 Edward J. Murphy, groceries 8.94 Phillip McGraw. groceries 2.90 Clovis Martel, wood 47.75 Marcotte. Cote Co.? groceries 80.16 AUDITOR'S REPORT 85

Marcous & Harvey, groceries 55.80 J. B. Marcotte, Dr.. services 176.00 Jordan’s Family Wash, washing 3.98 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co.. services 37.03 O’Connell, Geo. B., Dr., services 117.20 Ouilette L & Co., groceries 31.00 Ouileite, F. J.. groceries 51.07 Pierce, E. F., M. D., services 13.00 Provost and Doucette, groceries « 26.50 Palmers Market, groceries 113.91 Paradis & Boisvert, groceries 14;04 Carrie Powell, board and room 45.00 Jos. Nolin, groceries 104.27 Leo 0. Roy. M. D., services 60.00 Warren Riker, drugs and supplies 1 243.45 Roberge Cash Market, groceries 72.01 Robbins. Chas. W., services * 62.50 Russell, E. E., fuel 12.19 Robbins. I. L., fuel 3.75 A. T. Reny & Sons Co., groceries 9.84 Stetson, C. M., groceries f 60.37 Simards Bakery, bread 5.55 J. H. Stetson Co.. supplies 4.50 Thos. Saucier, supplies 30.86 Dr. H. S. Sleeper, services 3.00 The Tavern, room rent ' 118.75 Town of Jay. services to Thos. Croteau 81.49 Transfer to Athletic Field 103.10 Wm. Vaillancourt. groceries 68.11 Wakefield Bros., drugs and supplies 163.15 J. N. Wood Co.. fuel 8.26 Dr. R. J. Wiseman, services 91.00


BOARD OF REGISTRATION Receipts ‘ . . 7 · . v ·'* . By appropriation. July 1020 $3,000.00 Transferred from Municipal Court 443.46

$3,443.46 Expenditures Amie N. Asselin. services 108.00 Pay Roll 646.00 S6 CITY ÒF LEWISTON

Thomas Breen, services 48.00 Berry Paper Co.. printing check list 276.31 Leo Butler, services 48.00 L. C. Chandler, services 6.00 Edw. W. Conway, services 96.00 Nap Coulombe, services 48.00 J. H. Chase Co.. tacks 1.00 L. S. Burgin, services 580.00 H. L. Burgin. services 100.00 Jas. Howard, services 96.00 L. L. Haskell, services 466.00 Jas. Harkins, services 48.00 C. L. Martel, services 442.00 Geo. L. McCarthy, services 96.00 A. Marcotte. services 48.00 John R. Maliar. services 3.00 New BeWitt Hotel, meals 4,90 John Shea, services 148.00 Arthur Thornton, services 48.00 Jos. Voyer. supplies 1.75 White & Westall, books 36.50 Thos. Whittingham. services 48.00


CITY PARK Receipts By appropriation $1,800.00

$1,800.00 Expenditures Auburn Brush Co., brooms $18.00 Chevalier & Champoux, repg. swimming pool 50.77 Amedee Boucette, salary care taker 563.00 J. Bulac & Son, labor and supplies 11.18 O. R. Guimond, labor and supplies 25.80 W. G. Farwell, trees and labor setting same 20.00 Benj. Gagnon, repairing benches 23.50 Hall & Knight Co., supplies , 8.99 Geo. E. Harvey Est., repg. lawn mowers 6.50 Patrick Madden, .salary care taker 567.00 T. W. Kerrigan, lawn mower 15.50 E. S. Paul & Co., cloth for swimming pool 37.24 Thos. Saucier, lumber 7.76 AUDITOR’S REPORT 87

W. H. Swift, salary police officer 264.00 Transferred to Fire Dept. 143.38 Transferred to Athletic Field 37.38 $1,800.00

CITY BUILDING Receipts By appropriation, July 1920 . $11,000.00 B. B. Ham, hall rent 25.00 J. Castellricci, hall rent 29.00 Nat. Sporting Club 25.00 Gus Lissis, hall rent * 31.00 Dup. Voucher No. 86 6.22 Festival Chorus, hall rent 25.00 Twin City Athletic Club, hall rent 35.00 W. F. Staiss, hall rent 35.00 L. G. Tracy, hall rent 20.00 Dup. Voucher No. 84 6.33 Mrs. F. Heth, hall rent 35.00 St. Dominique Asso., hall rent 25.00 L. B. Morrell, hall rent 25.00 Harold Cooper, hall rent 35.00 West Disinfecting Co., supplies 6.20 Geo. Berube, junk 4.00 Policy on Boiler 3.25 A. N. Pettingill. cash 50.00 * Wm. Doucette, hall rent 25.00 Roual Dufail. hall rent 15.00 W. H. Pimbory, hall rent 35.00 G. W. Mansur. W. L. U., hall rent 25.00 J. McMahon, error Vbh. No. 3975, 1919 250.08 ~ Gladys Mansur, cash 50.00 ' Bates College A. A., hall rent 25.00 Cushman & Hollis, hall rene 35.00 Bates College Glee Club, hall rent 25.00 Bates College A. A., hall rent 25.00 Nat. Sporting Club, hall rent 20.00 Cercle Canadian, hall rent 45.00 R. R. N. Gould, hall rent 25,00 Miss Metcalf, cash 15.00 Twin City S. C. Benj. Berman, hall rent 140.00 Miss Metcalf, cash ~ 15.00 Thomas Bergin, hall rent 35.00 R. R. N. Gould, hall rent 25.00 Cit y of lé w isto n

Nat. Sporting Club, hall rent 35.00 Transferred from Municipal Court 1,613.44

$13,949.52 Expenses Pay Roll, Janitors $6,273.31 Andros. Elee. Light Co.. service 228.86 Atherton Fur. Co., desk and chairs for police dept, supplies $312.41 Jos. A. Bussiere. batterys 2.95 Boston & Lewiston Ex. Co.. express .36 Berry Paper Co., paper cups 23.85 Benson & White, insurance 44.25 Bates Remnant Store, cheese cloth 14.50 L. L. Chandler, dusters 9.00 Coffin & Kirk, labor and material -, 133.90 J. H. Chase, supplies 99.38 W. E. Cloutier Co., fuel 163.00 Carrigan & Callahan, insurance 354.00 Chevalier & Champoux, cement floor 142.84* F. G. Bavis & Co., dustbane 21.63 Doucette’s Market, soapine and brooms 23.00 G. J. Bay, labor material 12.66 J. Bulac & Son, labor material 117.43 Biggie & Mailetste, cushions 5.00 Geo. Ehrenfried Co., cheese cloth 40.50 Nap, Fortin, labor and material, painting 393.61 John Flynn, washing windows 100.00 Sarah Flynn, washing towels and bedding 28.00 Grant & Co., gloves for firemen 1.75 Frank E. Goodson, labor 18.65 Guilmet & Co., supplies 4.25 O. R. Guimond & Co., elee, supplies, labor 193.07 Googin Fuel Co., fuel 875.00 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 54.43 Harvey & Gledhill, insurance - 44.30 Haskell Imp. Co., brooms, dustbane, baskets 24.70 Heaney Mfg. Co., supplies 8.00 Hahnel Bros., glass 4.75 Janelle & Drouin, cot bed 4.00 W. C. Jordan, soapine 9.00 E. Janelle & Co., supplies 30.50 A. Larner & Son, coal 540.00 P. Lavoire & Co., fuel 1,388.00 Luc Levesque, labor and material 376,17 AUDITOR^ REPORT m

Ferd LeClair, labor 6.00 Lewiston Rubber Co., rubber matting 68.14 Lewiston Steam Dye House, cleaning rugs 18.25 Lewiston Gas Lgt. Co., Gas . . . 52.81. Marcous % Harvey, supplies and dustbane 288.42 P. P. Moran, insurance 119.61 Wm. Maliar, trucking 15.00 Munson Supply Co., supplies 8.00 Nat. Realty Co., insurance 199.35 Fred E. Page, service 35.00 A. B. Parker & Son, spring water .60 Paradis Bros., insurance 221.50 J. H. Reny, cheese cloth 97.59 W. E. Russell, fuel 390.00 J. G. Roy, screens 3.0C J. H. Stetson Co., fuses and wringer 13.30 A. Singer, cheese cloth 10.00 Sabbague Sales Svs., toilet paper 15.45 Thos. Saucier, lumber 3.31 Chas. A. Tilly, brooms 26,80 U. S. R. R. Admin., frgt. charges 4.96 Underwood Typewriter Co., typewriter 102.50 Jos. Vover, supplies - , 13.90 J. W. White Co., glass and lumber 17.13 West Disenfecting Co., toilet paper 85.00 D. C. Woodworth, labor 3.85'


NEW BOILER—CITY BUILDING ·{ / * i Receipts By spaiai appropriation : , $4,200.00

$4,200.00 Expenditures Guilmet & Co., contract for boilers $4,100.00 < > v k I Transferred to Fire Dept. 58.05 Transferred to Street Lights 41.95

$4,200.00 CITY PROPERTY f ■» . i Receipts By appropriation , $50.00 90 CITY OF LEWISTON

Balance overdrawn to city debt. 199.20

$2,49.20 Expenditures A. T. Gastonguay, insurance $249.20


' COUNTY TAX Receipts By appropriation $35,828.47

r $35.828.47 Expenditures To L. T. Chabot, County Treasurer $35,828.47


CITY FARM Receipts By appropriation, July 1920 $10,000.00 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 80.00 Error Voucher, No. 102 10.50 Duplicate Voucher, No. 147 6.05 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 181.03 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 50.00 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 208.30 Straw sold to Highway Depfc. No.2430 16.80 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 427.88 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 155.63 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 400.45 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 33.15 Straw sold to Highway Dept. No. 4066 14.00 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 142.80 Ella Dow 32.50 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 135.57 Hay sold to Highway Dept. No. 4398 35.00 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 209.92 Cash from Highway Dept. No. 4776 252.07 Geo. Hamel, cash for articles sold 104.64 State Treasurer, cash 72.24 Transferred to Highway Dept. 11.75

$12,580.38 AUDITÒRI REPORT Expenditures A. & K. Railway Co., glass and labor $ 1.93 C. W. Butland, groceries 22.00 Bates St. Cigar Co., tobacco 32.00 Donat Boisvert, shoeing and repairing 129.15 Edward Bernier, bread 189.12 Babcock’s Pharmacy, drugs 2.15 Nap. Bolduc, groceries 32.15 N. Beauregard, grain 522.06 Bell Dept. Store, clothing 43.01 Berry Paper Co., books and fountain pen 14.25 E. W. Beaumont & Co., groceries 490.48 John L. Bauer Co., coffee 17.00 Begin Bros., groceries 83.91 Bradford Conant Co., mattresses 96.75 Bradbury Marcotte, wall paper 3.50 Perrie Beaudett, shoeing 4.50 A. Berthiaume, meat 81.68 Geo. H. Curtis, shoeing and repairing 141.35 Jos. Caron, repairing footwear 11.75 W. E. Cloutier Co., coal 604.96 Coffin & Kirk, electrical supplies 11.75 Francois Croteau, labor and supplies 40.50 Yvionne Courier, salary 60.90 Delphine Cyr, salary 140.00 Elyear Carrier, cows 65.00 Mary Coulombe, salary 15.00 Honoré Boisvert, services 12.00 Edythe Dumont, services 75.00 Eugene Dumont, services 200.00 John J. Dunn, groceries 173.40 Chas. Dube & Son, groceries 13.50 F. G. Davis Co., tea 40.50 Freves Flour Mill, flour 143.50 Nap. Fortier, brushes 1.50 Joseph Frichette, shoes 45.50 Dr. W. E. Fairbanks, services 3.00 Florin Albert, wood 100.00 Economy Market, groceries 145.31 Patrick Gendron, groceries 174.63 Arthur Gagnon, labor 15.00 A. L. & E. F. Goss, kettles and pans 7.45 B. Gagnon, shoeing 74.15 Guimond & Simard, groceries 298.34 Golder & McCarthy, groceries 272,34 0 2 CITY OF LEWISTON

Guilmet Co., labor and supplies 216.12 0. R. Guimond, electrical supplies 12.60 Geo. E. Harvey Est., labor 9.85 Haskell Imp. Co., seeds and supplies 100.47 E. P. Ham, grain 138.75 M. J. Hagerty, groceries , - 115.00 Geo. Hamel, Supt., salary 1,400:00 Jane Hamel, Mrs., salary . 550.00 J. B. Ham Co., grain 421.00 J. L. Hayes & Co., cement and pipe 42.20 Hall & Knight Co., hardware 1.50 Grant & Co., clothing 73.90- E. Janelle & Co., groceries 185.54 Victor Jolicoure, services 115.00 Louis Johnson, labor ' , 5.00 Pierre Levesque, footwear and repairing 106.80 T. H. Longley Co., supplies 3.85 N. H. Lewis, pants 5.95 Labbe & Carboneau, groceries 143.18 Paul Levesque, fish 94.50 Lake Auburn Ice Co., ice 19.65 Levinic Labranche, services ' 25.00 Cyrille Labranche, services 75.00 Jos. Laroche, salary 195.00 Frank L’Heureux, grain 297.60 Wilfred E. Lambert, repairing footwear 17.15 Lewiston Rubber Co., rubber boots 12.00 Laurendeau Bros., footwear 4.00 Luc. Levesque, labor s 20.20 Morse Grocery Store, groceries 42.90 Geo. B. Michaud, repairing harnesses - 68.70 Mar.cotte & Cote, groceries 104.05 John B. McMahon, labor ' 2.94 MartePs Pharmacy, drugs 129.65 Morse & Davis, groceries ‘ 6.65 Marcous & Harvey, groceries 83.96 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 86.95 Nadeau & Michaud, groceries 80.53 F. J. Ouellette, groceries 86.17 Louis Pelletier, salary 165.00 * ψ Provost & Vincent, supplies 49.37 Plouds Market, groceries 12.89 Public Works Dept., gasoline 29.44 Romeo Pomeleau, chickens 12.00 J. H. Reny, clothing 90.13 AUDITOR’S REPORT 1 e

V . 76.55 Rivards Pharmacy, drugs ■■ __ / Roberge Market, groceries 136.63 I. Simard, bread and groceries 444.00 Sabbague Sales Sys., clothing 165.00 A. L. Sawyer, cow and calf 70.00 J. E. Sullivan, fish • 14.00 Transferred to Fire Dept. 169.86 McClure, Miss salary 93.50 Jos. Jutras, labor 10.00 Dr. C. F. Kirk, services 21.00 Fred King, services 90.00 Ernest Saunders, garden seeds 423.25 Mrs. Shampo, services 5.00 B. D. Sullivan, drugs 57.00 Jas. Riley, salary 160.00 Cyrille Tremblay, salary 185.00 Warren Riker, drugs 17.50 Teagues Drug Store, drugs 3.71 Jennie Thibeault, services 15.00 Edward Verville, groceries 68.45

Kate Wetherby, salary 15.00t

Wakefield, Bros., drugs 12.55c c · Weegar, Η. E., supplies v7.70

Jos. Voyer, supplies .4.35. s* ’ , · * i f r M ^ >' Arthur A. Wills, tobacco 225.60 Wards Spa, supplies 16.50 Jas. Vere’te, salary 45.00 Warrell Mfg. Co., supplies 64.14 Geo. A. Wiseman, rubbers 27.00 11.75 Balance undrew to cityy debt. f



Receipts · X By appropriation • $10,000.00 Error Voucher No. 33 f . 8.75 Error Voucher, No. 955 5.05 Cash, Mr. Scott 2.00 ' Employment Officers License 42.00 Auctioneers license 4.00 Pool Room, licenses 100.00 Pop Corn S\ands, license 28.00 Second Hand Dealers, license 20.00 Lunch Carts? license 10,00 94 CITY OF LEWISTON

Junk Dealers, license 8.00 Pawn Brokers, license 10.00 Sells Floto, license 100.00 Dog licenses to July 22, 1920 602.00 Duplicate Voucher No. 2763 29.50 Error Voucher, No. 881 .60 Dog licenses 111.00 State Treasurer, Soldiers burial i 60.00 State Treasurer for hens killed 26.50 State Treasurer, R. and Tel. tax 6,918.28 Error Voucher, No. 4693 5.70 Hackenback Circus, cash 35.00 Auctioneers license (2) 4,00 Pool Room, (3)· 30.00 Employment Office, license (1) 20.00 Junk Dealer, license (1 ) 2.00


Expenditures American Ex. Co., express charges 12.62 Amie Asselin, canvassing ward 36.00 Auburn Crystal Spring Co., spring water 16.45 Geo. Z. Bernier, postage 2.00 Bazinett Bros., lunches served at polls 98.40 Bergeron Brick Co., bricks 197.00 Joseph Bedard, compensation 156.00 Wm. Bewley, cleaning ward room 25.00 Berry Paper Co.. supplies 26.35 Bradbury & Marcotte, supplies 53.55 E. E. Brown, decorating city hall 165.00 Edmond Cyr, services 13.85 Coffin & Kirk, labor and supplies 39.80 Conley & Poisson, burial, war veterans 70.00 Rev. J. True Crosby, marriage reports 8.75 Wm. P. Carl, stamps and extra services 502.00 C. Carl, canvassing ward 88.00 M. ,T. Caveney, binding six books 90.00 Nap. Coulombe, canvassing ward 78.00 M. Dennett, P. M., post cards and stamps 384.62 Dr. L. J. Dumont, report of births & deaths 1.25 Jas. Donovan, canvassing ward 36.00 J. B. Dauphin, canvassing ward 24.00 Oliver Dubois, canvassing ward 48.00 Pominican Fathers, report of marriages 83.25 AUDITOR’S REPORT

Dominican Band, music, Gen. Pershing reception 340.00 Dr. G. E. Desaulniers, services 12.50 Eugene Dietzzer Co., supplies 33.39 Echo Pub. Co., printing 381.75 Mrs. Sarah Flynn, washing towels 18.00 W. G. Farwell, cutting down trees 49.00 Ferd. Despins, traveling expenses and services 26.81 Bates Mfg. Co., repairing . 2.66 J. H. Chase Co., labor and material 22.83 Jas. F. Forrest, services 55.00 Firemens Fund 113.29 Nap. Fortier, painting 39.34 Glenrock Spring Co., spring water 7.80 Gammon & Warman, services 15.00 Dr. H. L. Gauvreau, services and reporting deaths 29.50 0. R. Guimond, elee, lamps 16.00 Dr. J. A. Girouard 20.50 Hammond & McLean Cafe, meals 3.35 W. H. Hawkins, services 3.00 Hobbs Band, concerts 210.00 Henry Houle, meals 89.20 Geo. E. Harvey Est., labor 5.63 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 3.90 Haswell Press, books and printing 199.90 Nap. Hamel, reporting births, marriages, deaths, oaths 399.50 Haskell Imp. Co., seeds - .35 Highland Spring Co., spring water 18.60 Geo. W. Hilton, canvassing ward 48.00 W. L. Haskell, Dr., services, reporting deaths and births 23.75 Highway Dep:., gasoline 52.99 Healey Asylum, repairing flag 6.00 Janelle & Drouin, rent of chairs 4.50 S. J. Kelly, services 5.00 C. P. Lemaire, traveling expenses 16.12 R. J. Lawr:on, vital statistics 53.05 Lisbon St. Garage, rent, ward room 90.00 Lewiston Jousnal Co., specimen ballots and printing 218.70 LeMessager, publishing ballots, adv., and printing 675.30 Walter Er Luce? reut7 >yard room 2Qt0Q 96 CITY OF LEWISTON —· - ^ ^ > . . ^ r'· * Lewiston Daily Sun Co., specimen ballo's and adv. 201.90 Lake Auburn Ice Co.,.icer 42.00 A. D. Langelier, Collector, stamps 10.03 Wm. Leader, canvassing ward 48.00 Marie Lemieux, rebate on taxes 24.00 Owen W. Larrabee, canvassing ward 40.00 Luc Levesque, labor 235.64 John Lucas & Co., supplies 11.40 J. W. Ladauceir, Dr., reporting deaths and births 10.00 f / v - * A. A. Letorneau, Dr. reporting deaths and births 2.25 g r / I · J. B. Marcotte, Dr., reporting deaths and births 14.75 Wm. Maliar, trucking 27.00 John R. Maliar, services 15.00 L. B. Morrill, supplies 2.55 Jerry Murphy, cleaning ward room 20.00 ^ ■ > - 7 · McLuers Orchestra, music 24.00 J. E. Mitchell, services 7.16 Lewiston Brigade Band, concerts 150.00 B. L. Makepeace,^ servicesi s 38.00 i . . Memorial Day appropriation 500.00 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 92.10 Albert Oliver, services 12.50 John V. O’Connell, canvassing ward 36.00 John O’Brien, cleaning ward room 20.00 Margaret O’Connell, salary 262.50 Pay Roll, election officers 970.00 T. M. Paradis, trucking 103.00 Pay Roll, fire escape inspectors 800.00 Dr. E. F. Pierce, service for reporting births 20.00 Whn. H. Putnam, service for reporting marriages f .75 Geo. Pottle, stationery and salary 1,503.48 Public Works Dept., gasoline 6.40 Dr. Romeo Paradis, reporting deaths 8.25 C. Poulin, loss of hens 26.50 Portland Directory Co., directories 20.00 New De Wit; Hotel, meals 12.05 Jas. Roak, meals, election officers 96.00 C. S. Robbins, services 175.00 Nap. Royer, extra salary 500.00 AUDITOR’S REPORT

Dr. Leo Roy, service and reporting births 82.50 Edward M. Small, sale of land o50.00 Ernest Saunders, flowers 35.00 St. Cecelia Band, concerts 75.00 St. Marys Church, reporting marriages 27.25 Dr. U. J. Rencan, reporting births and deaths 13.00 Geo. Ricker, meals 11.50 Richard Marr, salary, dog officer 312.00 Jos. Robitalle, team hire and salary, dog officer 507.00 John Shea, canvassing ward 88.00 Wm. J. Saucier, canvassing ward 48.00 Louis Sarasin, team and labor 25.28 Harold C. Swift, labor 160.00 Transferred to Fire Dept. 18.13 Transferred to Mothers Aid 1,854.50 Traffic Sign Signal Co., signs 65.00 State Treas., cash for dependable children 780.72 Dr. Richard Smith, reporting births and and deaths 3.25 Arthur Tetrault, rent ward room 70.00 U. S. P. Ο., M. Dennett, stamps 4.00 U. S. R. R. Admin., damages ,46 Francis Underwood, care of clock 25.00 Jos. Voyer, plates 1.35 J. W. White Co., lumber 132.04 Chas. Webster, services 5,00· Winslow & Scannell, supplies 40.00 Rev. Η. B. Williams, reporting marriages 2.75 D. C. Woodworth, labor 1.10 White Taxi Co., trucking 10.00 John G. West, typewriter supplies 4.00 Dr. R. J. Wiseman, services 148.00 White & Westall, supplies 183.95 Webber & Welch, sign painting 109.00 Gilbert A. Wellman, team hire 78.00 Am. Legion, Armistice appropriation 300.00 And. Reg. of Deeds 1.45 W. W. Bolster, reporting deaths 3.00 E. W. Beaumont, damages for broken window 24.50 Brown Bros., bulbs 30.00 Wm. Conner, services 35.00 Clarisse Cloutier, balance due 7.43 E. E. Clark Dr., storage rent 98.00 E. V, Call, Dr., reporting deaths 7.25 98 CITY OF LEWISTON

P. J. Cronin, insurance 68.95 Caroline Eamen, expenses, police matron 17.91 W. S. Garcelon, Dr., reporting births 10.25 Walter Keene, fees 11.00 Griffin & Graham, decorating city hall 100.00 R. J. Morin, Dr., reporting births and deaths 12.00 Frank A. Morey, services, gas investigation 150.00 Dr. G. B. O’Connell, services and re­ porting births 23.50 Rodney Swift, services 229.00 Balance undrawn to city debt. 96.70


CARNEGIE LIBRARY FUND Receipts By balance on hand $225.05

$225.05 Expenditures G. J. Day, material and labor 5.25 Iroquois Mfg. Co., supplies 81.87 Louis Maio, labor and supplies 92.86 Undrawn to Library Fund 45.07


DISCOUNT ON TAXES Receipts By appropriation, July 1920 $12,000.00

$12,000.00 Expenditures Geo. Z. Bernier, Collector $11,409.64 Transferred io Highways 590.36


FIRE DEPARTMENT Receipts By appropriation, July 192Q $55,000.00 Error Voucher, No. 222 30.00 AUDITOR’S REPORT 99

Error Voucher, No. 217 .41 Duplicate Voucher, No. 202 3.60 Junk sold by Chief Moriarty 15.07 J. J. Ryan 3.10 Error Voucher, No. 2398 .41 J. J. Ryan 3.25 J. J. Ryan 7.35 Frank Richards 4.50 Common Schools, No. 3836 5.50 Frank Richards 4.15 Frank Richards 13.15 Frank Richards 3.25 Transferred from City Farm 169.86 Transferred from Contingent Fund 18.13 Transferred from City Park 143.38 Transferred from Municipal Court 145.10 Transferred from Public Library 246.25 Transferred from New Boiler, City Bldg. 58.05 Balance overdrawn to city debt. 2,980.26 ✓

$58,863.77 Expenditures Pay Roll, per. men $24,276.95 Bay Roll, Board of Engineers 1,231.89 Pay Roll, Engineers and Stokers 297.69 Pay Roll, Forest Fires 80.22 Pay Roll, Fire Alarm System 528.80 Pay Roll, Highways and Gasoline 4,877.28 Pay Roll, Hose 1 1,949.61 Pay Roll. Hose 2 2,087.21 Pay Roll, Hose 3 1,981.90 Pay Roll, Hose 4 1,197.46 Pay Roll, Hose 5 129.00 Pay Roll, Hook and Ladder Co., 2,277.54 And. Elee. Light Co., service 367.94 Am. LaFrance Co., supplies 68.87 Am. Express Co., express charges 12.79 Ernest J. Audette, fire police 50.00 Auburn Brush Co., brushes 3.45 Atherton Fur. Co., table 12.65 E. E. Bechard, gasoline .58 Boston Tea Store, soda 5.76 B. & L. Ex. Co., express charges 1.68 Jos. Blier, labor 2.50 Wm. Banks, chauffeurs license 2.00 100 CITY OF LEWISTON Berry Paper Co., toilet paper and twine 11.60 Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co., lire hose 690.00 E L.. Brackett, Dr., service 25.00 Mrs. Geo. Bubier, washing bedding 108.90 Fred Bazinette, service 49.60 John A. Bibber, service 112.50 Bradbury & Marcotte, supplies 3.35 Nap. Bazinette, auto hire 6.00 Bazinette Bros., meals at forest fires 7.35 Andre Belliveau, license 4.80 L. C. Chandler, dusters 9.00 Thomas Cook, license 2.00 Geo. H. Cur'.is, team hire and shoeing 592.49 W. E. Cloutier & Co., coal 1,164.62 Coffin & Kirk, labor and material 1,427.92 Carman & Thompson Co., cotton waste 31.70 F. X. Croteau, labor and material 60.30 C. P. Dolge & Co., supplies 15.50 Dickey Belting Co., gaskets 1.80 Dayton Rubber Co., tires and rims 447.04 G. J. Day, screens 10.30 R. E. Estes, license 2.00 Ecl7o Pub. Co., printing 66.80 Η. M Fstes, labor 8.00 Mrs. Walter Foss, washing bedding 12.00 Dr. W. E. Fairbanks, services 3.00 Wm. Fahey, fire police 37.50 Geo. M. Fogg, repairs and supplies 81.60 Fire & Water Emerg. Inc., magazine 5.00 Fire Service Magazine 2.50 Guilmet Co., labor and material 59.19 M. J. Googin, shoeing 153.95 Gamewell Fire Alarm and Tel. Co., elec­ • tric supplies 746.26 Benj. Gagnon, shoeing 57.15 A. L. & E. F. Goss, water cooler 7.00 Heaney Mfg. Co., supplies and polish 79.50 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 160.00 Harvey Machine Co., repairs .55 Haskell Imp. Co., hose, dustbane and brooms ' 64.19 Hudson Motor Sales Co., oil 3.60 J. M. Hardy, fire coats and nozzles 307.50 AUDITOR’S REPORT - V.

Lewiston Journal Co., printing and sub­ scription 42.60 J. J. Kennedy Co., labor 136.86 T. W. Kerrigan, labor material 64.98 Lewiston Gas Light Co., services 92.98 Levasseur Motor Co., oil, grease and gasoline 41.55 W. P. Lambert, service and stationery 107.50 Lewiston Battery Service Co., labor 2,00 T. H. Longley Co., harness repairs and sup­ plies 19.70 Jas. Lawton, auto license 2.00 Lewiston Daily Sun, notice to contractors 17.10 Lake Auburn Ice Co., ice 66.00 LeMessager, notices and printing 49.25 Martial Lavoie, labor 134.95 Luc Levesque, labor 30.92 Wilfred Lemay, license 2.00 Lewislon Bleacherv & Dye Works, acid 6.10 Lewiston, City of, directory / 4.00 Lewiston Rubber Co., hose 11.00 M. C. R. R. Co., freight 7.01 Moody Battery Co., service 4.50 Jos. Morin, fire police 37.50 Jas. P. Moore, wood 4.00 J. B. McMahon, supplies 33.06 Geo. B. Michaud, repairing harnesses 41.90 Martels Pharmacy, supplies ' 90.15 M. J. Moriarty, insurance returns and .trans portation to Toronto 320.83 Marcous & Harvey, boxes .40 J. M. Mason, auto hire 3.00 Wm. H. Maliar, auto hire and trucking 38.00 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 52.93 Albert Oliver, fire police 25.00 B. Peck Co., merchandise 48.88 F. G. Payne, s:amp and pad 1.15 E. S. Paul Co., pillow slips 11.94 D. E. Parlin, supplies 25.14 'W. E. Riker, salve and drugs 2.55 J. J. Ryan, service 25.00 J. H. Reny, sheets 16.50 Chas. Roux, services 84.96 I. L. Robbins Co., fuel 900.96 Rowe & Woodbury, soap, soda, supplies 56.84 102 CITY ÓF LEWISTON

Standard Co., merchandise 4.50 Wilfred Sampson, license 2.00 Thomas Soucier, lumber 7.25 J. H. Stetson Co., supplies 64.85 Sabbague Sales Sys., toilet paper 15.45 Studebaker Garage, track hire 15.00 Ernest Saunders, flowers 15.00 H. Toullouse, salary 50.00 U. S. Rubber Co., fire hose 1,425.00 Levi Tufts, fire police 50.00 Valvoline Gil Co., oil and gasoline 4.7.45

White Taxi Co., taxi, chiefs funeral ■ 10.00 J. W. White Co., lumber 211.00 Wade & Dunton, new comb, truck and supplies and labor 6,079.29 15.41 W. U. Tel. Co.,* clock rental ! · , · / · « · A * D. C. Woodworth, supplies 99.42 A. Wright, keys 1.05


NEW FIRE STATION ADDITION Receipts By appropriation $45,000.00

$45,000.00 Expenditures Am. Ex. Co,, express charges 6.21 H. S. Coombs., drawing plans 2,000.00 Coffin & Kirk, entering cable and copper wire 1 1,939.57 J. J. Kennedy, inspector 420.00 English & Dolliver, plumbing 63.45 Geo. W. Lane, contractor 33,175.35 New Eng. Tel.& Tel. Co., manhole cover 23.30 Rodney A. Swift, surveying 65.00 Transferred to common schools 1,944 01 Transferred to police debt. 4,059.53 Transferred to printing 200Ό0 Transferred to salaries 652.22 Transferred to street lights 451.36

$45,000.00 i


HEALTH DEPARTMENT Receipts By appropriation, July 1920 7,500.00 A A F. H. Thomas 45.43 State Treasurer, Flemming case 200.93 Transferred from Municipal Court 193.06 $7,939.42 Expenditures Appleton D., & Co., med. cloth 15.50 Am. Express Co., express charges 17.05 A. B. Andrews, services 183.48 Andros. Elee. L^iht Co., services 20.00 * Am. Public Heal h Asso., subscription 5.00 Beaumont, E. W. & Co., groceries 23.54 C. Benos, groceries 9.25 Bragdon Paint Co., paint 6.25 Bradbury & Marcotte, supplies 52.61 * Board of Public Works, gasoline 62.72 Berry Paper Co., books and cards 19.60 Nap. Couture, team hire 1.50 Coffin & Kirk, material and labor 21.66 P. J. Cronin, services 3.00 Mrs. Clarise Cloutier, board, room and washing 34.00 Charles D. Cole, service 44.00 W. E. Cloutier Co., wood 8.63 Nap Hameh City Clerk 4.75 R. W. Clark, drugs 7.25 Henry Dane, services * 134.20 Hector Derocher, insurance 10.10 Mrs. Marcel Dionne, room rent 4.00 Ber.on Donner, services 21.00 L. J. Dumont, Dr., salary, expenses, travel . ing 2,721.48 Chas. Dube & Son, groceries 5.68 J. Dulac & Son, material and labor 9.05 Dupree Co., fumigating 64.80 M. Dennett, stamps and envelopes 1 1 22.00 Jas. M, Driscoll, police duty 44.00 C. B. Dolge & Co., sprayer and mdse 136.90 Eastern Drug Co., alcohol 1 29.50 Echo Pub. Co., printing 66.00

A. E. Frechepte, groceries 1 1 . 1 1 Gem Cafe, meals 9.75 104 CITY OF LEWISTON

Guimond & Simard, groceries 18.25 Gammon & Warman, lettering 13.50 0. R. Guimond, labor and supplies 33.76 Globe Drug Store, drugs 79.00 Octave Gerardin, labor 25.00 Guilmet & Co., supplies 8.65 Henry Houle, meals 6.00 Geo. Wood, board 16.70 R. Hamel, one badge 11.00 Fred G. Hayes, salary 212.00 Haswell Press, printing * 95.90 Mrs. A. E. Hodgdon, room rent 5.75 Jack & Hartley, window shades 17.41 Lewiston Journal Co., notice, yard cleaning 13.50 Waker Luce, meals 30.70 Ernestine Lemaire, salary 865.35 Phelix Legasse, garbage collector 931.50 LeMessager, printing 11.50 Luc Levesque, labor 12.96 Lewiston Daily Sun, notices 35.32 Η. K. Mulford & Co., supplies 22.15 Martels Pharmacy, drugs 139.75 Michaud Bros., groceries 23.00 Edward J. Murphy, groceries 2.98 Labbe & Carbineau, groceries 32.00 Lewiston, City of, direomry 4.00 E. F. Mahady Co., supplies 9.88 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 80.10 O. J. Ouelette, groceries 30.00 Geo. B. O’Connell, Dr., services 20.00 Portland Directory Co., directory 4.00 Mrs. Sadie Parker, room rent 4.00 W. Paradis, mdse 5.93 Palmer King Motor Car Co., auto hire 5.00 A. Poliquin, clock 4.73 Provost & Provencher, wood 3.00 Pharmacy Nationale, drugs 29.60 V. H. Parent, labor 5.28 Rivard Bros. Pharmacy, drugs 1.25 Roberge Cash Market, groceries 20.05 Warren E. Riker, drugs 165.45 W. B. Saunders & Co., supplies 5.00 Spear & Webster, groceries 10.50 Chas. Sterns, police duty 36.00 [Mrs. Smith, board and room 9.00 AUDITORS REPORT 105

Thos. Saucier, lumber 18.58 Surgeon & Physicians Supply Co., supplies 22.50 F. H. Thomas & Co., incubator and supplies 720.74 0. J. Vermette, groceries 25.70 F. M. Whittier, Dr., services 2.00 Wakefield Bros., drugs 40.95 J. W. White & Co., labor and material 37.35 West Disinfectant Co., disinfectant 87.50 John Wiley & Son, supplies 16.00 White Taxi Co., auto hire 6.00


PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Highways Receipts By appropriation, July 1920 $85,000.00 Duplicate Voucher, No. 1804 26.29 A. G. Foss, cash 6.55 Lewiston Trust Co., 3.11 Voucher No. 293 11.25 Texas Co., Dup. Voucher, No. 320 362.71 A. G. Foss, cash 3.50 Voucher No. 826, gas, water dept. 12.24 Voucher, No. 1813, gas, water dept. 5.37 Voucher, No. 757, gas police dept. 5.10 Voucher, No. 758, gas, police dept. 9.44 Voucher, No. 213, gas, fire dept. 754.00 Voucher, No. 133, gas, water dept. 11.70 Voucher, No. 1004, gas, fire dept. 15.09 Voucher, No. 1137, gas, police dept. 21.00 Voucher, No. 1040, gas, health dept. 5.10 Voucher, No. 1788, gas, water dept. 42.24 Voucher, No. 1517, gas, health dept. 13.76 Voucher, No. 1492, gas, fire dept. 23.04 Voucher, No. 1650, gas, stree; dent. _ JL 1.60 . Voucher, No. 1608, gas, police dept. 28.80 Voucher, No, 1422, gas, contingent 2.88 Voucher, No. 1453, gas, city farm 21.44 Voucher, No. 1850, gas, contingent 5.76 Voucher, No. 1929, gas, city farm 8.00 Voucher, No. 1964, gas, fire dept. 15.04 Voucher, No. 2095, gas, police dept. 33.28 Voucher, No. 2268, gas, dept. 78.40 106 CITY OF LEWISTON

Voucher, No, 2029, gas, health dept. 7.04 A. G. Foss, cash 36.00 Voucher, No. 2391, gas, fire dept. 20.48 Voucher, No. 2337, gas, contingent 6.40 Voucher, No. 2411, gas, health dept. 8.32 Voucher, No. 2521, gas, police dept. 29.12 Voucher, No. 2686, gas, water dept. 62.40 Voucher, No. 2835, gas, fire depl. 143.20 Voucher, No. 2946, gas, police dept. 44.80 Voucher, No.3004, gas, water dept. 67.20 Voucher, No. 2821, gas, health dept. 6.72 Voucher, No. 2777, gas, contingent 6.40 Voucher, No. 3525, gas, water dept. 43.89 A^oucher, No. 3338, gas, police dept. 37.95 Voucher, 3245, gas, healch dept. 8.25 Voucher, No. 3222, gas, fire dept. 25.08 Voucher, No. 3195, gas, contingent 6.60 Old envelopes 78.03 State Treasurer 407.00 Voucher, No. 3940, gasoline, water dept. 63.36 Voucher, No. 3755, gasoline, water dept. 34.65 Voucher, No. 3655, gasoline, health dept. 10.89 Voucher, No. 3632, gasoline, fire dept. 21.78 Voucher, No. 3581, gasoline, contingent 8.25 State Treasurer 2,495.87 Voucher, No. 4287, gasoline, water dept. 66.66 Voucher, No. 4044, gasoline, health dept. 2.64 Voucher, No. 4122, gasoline, police dept. 23.10 Voucher, No. 3991, gasoline, contingent 6.60 Voucher, No. 4019, gasoline, fire department 18.48 Voucher, State Treas., Mill Tax 257.80 State Treas. State Roads r 155.43 State Treas. - 1,172.10 A. G. Rov, Lewiston Trust Co. 32.50 * 1 Voucher, No. 4639, gasoline, water dept. 25.21 Voucher, No. 4498, gasoline, police dept. 21.12 Voucher, No. 4381, gasoline, fire dept. 19.80 Voucher, No. 4345, gasoline, contingent 6.60 State Treas., Mill Tax 21.50 A. G. Foss, cash 1.78 . \ t f : f Voucher. No. 4988, gasoline, wacer dept. 26.73 Voucher, No. 4784, gasoline, contingent 6.60 Voucher, No. 4854, gasoline, police dept. 8.91 Voucher, No. 4930, gasoline, street lights 1.65 Voucher, No. 4729, gasoline, fire dept. 14.85 *· . . os cs 40.00 cash G. Foss,A. rnfre fo dson o txs 590.36 taxes on discount from Transferred . . R . 1,686.52 &R.A. R. K. rnfre fo itrs 13,122.45 855*75 dependants soldiers from Transferred interest from Transferred rnfre fo cnign fn 3.30 fund contingent from Transferred rnfre fo fr dp. 12.54 dept. fire from Transferred rnfre rm oie et 24.75 dept. police from Transferred rnfre fo wtr et .· 3.63 . ·, dept. water from Transferred vrrw t ct dp: 452.81 dep}:. city toOverdrawn a Rl -64,013.95 Roll Pav a Rl, ony gns 8,091.52 agents county Roll, Pay nrs Ee. o, evc >: ; 97.47 service Co., Elee. Andros. tatc x C. epes hre 39.80 charges express Co., Ex. Atlantic Am . Ex. Co., express charges charges express Co., Ex. Am. m Sem anr C. wsig- 14.34 -t washing Co., Laundry Steam Am. a . odc gsln · 2.90 · gasoline Bolduc, Nap. egrn rc C. bik . 9 70 91 .4 bricks Co., Brick Bergeron rd ikod hy 82.00 . hay Bickford, Fred o t oset hen ad eali 71.15 -. in repail and shoeng Do* Boisvert at . euead o, ri 127.76 grain Co., N. Beauregard e . rdtet hy 5.85 i hay Geo. Bradstreet, r w owrh la ee ::i .40 :: i Brownlever & float Bosworth, . . ros ta hr 186.00 hire team Brooks, H. A. r E I Bakt, evcs 48.00 8.35 supplies & Marcotie, Bradbury services Brackett, I. E.Dr. ore oset gae 8.55 gravel Boisvert, Honrie uc Cr o, upis 51.82 supplies Co., Car Buick egr f. o, uvrs n pp 490.80 pipe and culverts Co., Mfg. Berger . . oatC. lme r / 17.08 t r. / lumber Co., Conant R.F. rn . avle a adlme * 313.40 * lumber and hay Carville, E. Frank . . hdun hy 27.39 hay Chadburn, P. S. . . alhn isrne 60.60 insurance Callahan, F. T. rd y, a 71.24 hay Cyr, Fred . . luir o, pue ca ad a 987.30 306.10 hay and coal spruce, Co., Cloutier E. W. repairing and shoeing Curtis, Geo. H. . ure, em ie 631.50 hire team Currier, H. . . hs C. sple . 381.52 . supplies Co., Chase H. J. o fn& Kr,mtra adlbr 65.59 labor and Coffin & material Kirk, rsly adae o, ak · 36.75 · calks Co., Hardware Crossley er Clis ta hr 36.00 hire team Collins, Jerry . . lr, upis I supplies Clark, W. R. + f t · · UIO' RPR 107 REPORT AUDITOR'S i *;· *;· xedtrs; j ; Expenditures * - \ · : : · \ - * 6 \ i 20.58 " .55 $108,888.54 108 CITY OF LEWISTON

P. J. Cronin, insurance 93.10 E. A. Davis, hay 109.22 John Driegotos, hay 19.95 Darling Auco Co., horn 8.50 E. N. Dwelly, hay 12.78 Lee Lavis, hay 317.64 E. H. Davis, hay 147.50 F. Dow, straw 17.85 P. Delehanty, hay 102.00 J. Dulac & Son, picks and shovels 19.80 F. H. Deering, hay 167.20 Jesse Davis, hay 434.69 Geo. Eadon./ hay V 329.92 Ferguson Bros., horses 1,325.00 A. G. Foss, clerk, B. P. W. Dept., 50.00 C. J. Frost, hay 412.57 A. C. Frost, hay 194.25 J. B. Frost, hay 76.20 Geo. M. Fogg, harness 124.80 C. W. Farrah, hay 798.23 W. J. Fahey, Dr., service 2.00 W. E. Fairbanks, Dr., service 60.00 Gifford Wood Co., supplies 109.00 A. M. Garcelon, Dr., hay 166.42 A. L. & E. F. Goss, repairing and supplies 15.30 M. J. Googin, shoeing and repairs 1,162.99 Benj. Gagnon, shoeing 75.99 R. A. Holmes, heating system 288.92 E. W. Harridon, straw 10.75 Hahnel Michaud, shoeing 116.33 Hudson Motor Co., supplies 2.37 J. L. Hayes & Co., grain and straw 5,722.56 Haskell Imp. Co., supplies 54.69 Harvey Mch. Co., material and labor 54.61 F. B. Hobert, hay 56.50 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 492.64 W. E. Hinkley, hay 112.49 J. B. Ham, grain 1,676.62 L. L. Haskell, hay 83.50 W. L. Haskell, Dr., services 27.00 Ingersol & Sargent Co., steel 50.75 H. G. Jones, hay 67.00 C. M. Johnson, hay 53.00 Kinney Mfg. Co., pumps and supplies 55.44 Lewiston Rubber Co., bulbs 1.00 AUDITOR’S REPORT

Geo. W. Lane & Co., labor 9.50 Levasseur Motor Car Co., labor .83 Lewiston City Farm, straw 329.62 Lake Auburn Ice Co., team hire and hay 603.34 Lewiston Battery Co., labor and material 83.15 Lewiston Buick Co., labor and material 282.55 F. L’Heureux, grain 469.63 T. H. Longley Co., repairing and supplies 199.93 Lewiston Daily Sun, notice 3.00 Lewis Maio, gravel 14.00 Marcous & Harvey, mustard 2.40 W. D. Moulton, hay 267.50 Geo. B. Michaud, repairing and supplies 289.35 Frank Maxwell, hay 85.50 F. O. Maxwell, hay 179.87 M. C. R. R., frght. charges 865.26 Arthur Martin, hay 52.50 O. P. Michaud, ladder and mdse. 38.00 Martels Pharmacy, supplies 8.90 J. B. McMahon, picks and shovels 33.50 J. E. McCarthy, lumber 154.56 E. E. Nichols, board and room 22.80 New England Metal Culvert Co., culverts 469.20 New Eng. Tel. and Tel. Co., service 11.11 New Eng. Road Mch. Co., snow plow and supplies 278.16 New Eng. Broom Co., refilling brooms 262.50 Portland Directory Co., directory 4.00 Pineland Lumber Co., lumber 27.50 W. H. Parker, brooms 10.00 Geo. Pooler Co., gasoline 1.60 Peter Paradis, hay 192.96 E. S. Paul Co., shee'.s 10.24 Wm. Polly, straw 77.55 M. Roux, straw 29.60 A. G. Roy, supplies 9.58 E. E. Russell, lumber, coal and wood 23.85 G. E. Roberts, hay 79.72 W. E. Riker, vasaiine and soap 5.88 Redding Bros., material and labor 93.50 Jos. Robitaille, hay 18.00 E. Ricker, hay 52.80 State Treasurer 156.00 L. E. Sylvester, hay 39.52 J, Stuart, hay 30,87 ■> 110 CITY OF LEWISTON

J. H. Stetson Co., pails 11.70 J. B. Smith Co., labor 1.84 State Highway Comm., truck hire 333.00 Thos. Saucier, lumber, nails and labor 26.93 Robt. Stuart, hay 235.50 R. C. Sumner, hay 30.00 S. Sullivan, hay 294.20 C. Taylor, hay 48.93 W. B. Tinkham, hay 165.90 Texas Oil Co., asphalt, gasoline and oil 4,577.29 A. E. Thompson, hay and straw 74.00 Arthur To reault, labor 12.65 White Star Laundry Co., washing 1.64 Wakefield Bros., drugs 33.11 A. Wilson, hay 51.75 Wade & Dunton, materialand labor 2,863.91 J. W. White Co., glass and labor 7.47 D. C. Woodworth, welding - 3.25 Warren Oil Co., oil 2,428.93 E. H. Waterman, hay 132.50


PERMANENT STREETS v Receipts By appropriation, July 1920 $40,180.00 Check returned 6.75

$40,186.75 Expenditures Pay roll $21,510.88 A. K. R. R. Co., repairing stone crusher .88 Anglo Saxon Co., supplies 37.20 Andros. Mills, was e 14.00 And. Elee. Light Co., fuses and supplies 105.48 Am. Ex. Co., express charges 6.58 Barber Asphalt Co., asphalt 12,109.87 J. H. Chase Co., supplies 139.09 Carman-Thompson Co., packing and belting 100.13 W. E. Cloutier Co., coal 1,017.71 J. Dulac & Son, material and labor 76.05 J. R. Doucette, auto hire 20.00 Dickey Belting Co., rivets 4.64 Franklin Co., sione from ledge 337.50 I

J '


H. L. Gauvreau, Dr., service 16.50 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 588.89 Hildreth Granite Co., paving blocks 47.73 Harvey Mch. Co., material and labor 47.47 W. H. Hawkins, service 5.00 Ingersoll & Rand Co., supplies 1,475.96 Lewiston Rubber Co., boots 43.65 M. C. R. R., freight charges 141.74 New Road Mch. Co., supplies 189.84 Pineland Lumber Co., shingles and lumber 42.00 W. E. Russell, fuel 704.30 Redding Bros., welding 563.60 Thomas Saucier, lumber, dynamite, nails 553.20 S. D. Tilton, material and labor 182.37 Mr. W. H. Williams, barn rent 109.50

$40,186.75 Expenditures By appropriation $5,000.00 f *

i ’ \ 4 1 * . · ! - * - $5,000.00 Expenditures Pay roll $3,959.93 Bergeron Brick Co., bricks 262.00 T. M. Harkins, labor 194.37 John Finn, curbing 325.00 Lewiston Journal Co., notice 12.60 Lewiston Daily Sun, notice 9.00 Lewis L’Heureux, walk 112.50 F. L. Root, refund 30.85 Turgeon & Poliquin 93.75


STREETS AND BRIDGES Receipts By appropriation $5,000.00

$5,000.00 Expenditures Pay roll $2,190.25 W. E. Cloutier, lumber 793.59 Deering Winslow Co., pine lumber 1,275.32 112 CITY OF LEWISTON

M. C. R. R., freight charges 59.94 Pineland Lumber Co., lumber 51.00 Thos. Saucier, lumber 629.90


SEWERS Receipts By appropriation $14,000.00 By appropriation, special, Prospect Ave. 6,000.00 Jos Rousseau, cash 5.00 A. G. Foss, cash 15.00 Bilodeau Tardiff, cash 5.00 A. G. Foss, cash 20.00 A. G. Foss, cash 20.00 A. G. Foss, cash 5,00 A. G. Foss, cash 50.00

$20,120.00 Expenditures Pay roll $10,605.59 Andros. Foundry Co., casings 70.02 Bergeron Brick, bricks 390.50 A. H. Brooks, bricks 12.50 W. H. Hawkins, Dr., services 44.00 J. L. Hayes, pipe and cement 8,462.72 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 409.62 Ellen C. Hanley, repairs 42.50 Lewiston Rubber Co., boots and coat 58.75 J. H. Stetson Co., pails and wire 23.80


STREET SPRINKLING Receipts By appropriation $4,000.00

$4,000.00 Expenditures Pay roll $4,000.00

$4,000.00 AUDITORS REPORT 113

STATE ROADS Receipts By appropriation $3,600.00 By State Treasurer 656.44 $4,256.44 Expenditures Pay roll $4,011.44 W. E. Cloutier Co., truck hire 245.00


INTEREST Receipts By appropriation $23,302.10 Tax Deeds, Mountain Park land 1.00 Annie Lamont .20 Lewiston & Auburn R. R. 6,750.00 Tax Deeds, C. K. Donnell 8.24 John F. O’Hara, Tax Deeds 10.00 A. Caron, Tax Deeds 5.00 Lewiston & Auburn, R. R., A. Collier 6,750.00 Transferred from Water Works, running expenses $34,872.66

$71,692.20 Expenses Andros. Savings Bank $1,166.67 Lucy W. Bartle:t 260.00 M. C. Blouin 25.00 John Bresnahan 137.50 Elizabeth Bresnahan 262.50 C. S. Crowell 160.00 Beulah B. Carrigan 260.00 Mary E. Creeden 50.00 Coupons 42,900.00

Mary% E. Callahan 110.00 Annie Cobarn 50.00 Mary E. Donnelly Est. 40.00 Cynthia R. Douglas 20.00 Dr. Lucy Desaulnier 12.50 First Nat. Bank 175.00 Samuel H. Furbush 95.68 114 CITY OF LEWISTON

Henry C. Furbush 182.00 Mrs. H. A. Farr 40.00 Alice A. Hayes 20.00 Fred G. Hayes 20.00 Treffle Helie 310.00 John W. Haskell 40.00 Mary M. Hinds 987.50 J. L. Hayes 20.00 Charles Horbury 500.00 Cora M. Howard 530.00 Henry E. Hatch 250.00 Lenora B. Hayes 72.00 Hannah Leader 225.00 Nellie Leader 25.00 Lewiston Trust Co., 595.83 Nellie Mulkearns 2000 Michael Mulkearns 20.00 Belle H. McCann 170.00 Josie H. Mitchell 80.00 Manufacturers Nat.’l Bank 2,422.51 Μ. & Μ., I. O. 0. F., 35.33 Ida E. Newell 84.00 Nat.’l. Shawmut Bank 296.53 K. C. O’Brien 440.00 Geo. B. O’Connell 150.00 Valentine Pingree 335.00 Peoples Savings Bank 3,395.20 Jennie Pierce 200.00 C. A. Pierce 154.00 John J. Ryan 450.00 J. Y. Seru'.on 240.00 Nellie M. Tarbox 80.00 Ada M. Wentworth 42.00 E. C. Wellman 20.00 Helen Wakefield 400.00 Transferred to Highway Dept. 13,122.45


LOANS TEMPORARY Receipts By Manufacturers Nat.’l. Bank $25,000.00 Androscoggin Savings Bank 50,000.00 Manufacturers Nat.’l. Bank 25,000.00 Peoples Savings Bank 29,000.00 AUDITORS REPORT 115 # Manufacturers Nat.’l. Bank 25,000.00 Lewiston Trust Co., 25,000.00 Manufacturers Nat.’]. Bank 50,000.00 Lewiston Trust Co. 25,000.00 Manufacturers Nat.’l. Bank 25,000.00 Peoples Savings Bank 35,000.00 Manufacturers Nat.’l. Bank 25,000.00 Shawmut Nat.’l. Bank 25,000.00 Manufacturers Nat.’l. Bank 15,000.00 Andros. Co. Savings Bank 25,000.00

$404,000.00 Expenditures Andros. Co. Savings Bank $50,000.00 First Nat.’l. Bank 25,000.00 Lewiston Trust Co. 50,000.00 Manufacturers Nat.’l. Bank 165,000.00 Peoples Savings Bank 99,000.00 Undrawn to City Debt. 15,000.00


INDIVIDUAL NOTES Receipts Overdrawn to Citv Debt. $1,400.00

$1.409 00 Expenditures C. S. Crowell $ 200.00 Μ. & Μ., I. O. O. F., 1,200.00


MOTHERS AID Receipts By State Treas., cash $30.00 By State Treas. cash 527.50 By Staf:e Treas. cash 484.00 By State Treas. cash 196.00

Bv♦ ; State Treas. cash 478.00 By Slate Treas. cash 472.50 Transferred from Contingent Fund 1,854.50 $>40?425.5Q 116 CITY OF LEWISTON« Expenditures Mothers Aid $4,042.00 Undrawn to City Debt. -50


MUNICIPAL COURT Receipts By C. J. Russell $ 955.06 L. T. Chabot, Co. Treas. 5,590.07 S. J. Kelly 992.69


MUNICIPAL COURT Expenditu. Birmingham Pen Co., pens 7.00 Bradford Conant Co., supplies 24.60 Berry Paper Co., record book and supplies 244.61 M. G. Cavaney Co., warrants 34.50 R. J. Curran, service 5.38 Ralph W. Crockett, salary, judge 2,000.00 M. Bennety, postage 34.47 Haswell Press, printing 96.15 S. J. Kelly, salary, clerk 612.50 Lewiston Journal Co., printing 188.90 Loring, Short & Harmon, law books and supplies 13.80 Lewiston Gas Light Co. 16.11 Little, Brown Co., supplies « 7.00 Ida Metcalf, salary, clerk 780.00 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 147.75 Payne’s Print Shop, printing 12.88 Portland Directory Co., directory 4.00 C. J. Russell, salary 887.50 Roberts Office Supply Co., reports 11.50 Transferred to Books and Stationery 13.11 Transferred to Health Dept. 193.06 Transferred to Fire Dept. 145.10 Transferred to City Building 1,613.44 Transferred to Board of Registration 443.46 John G. West, repairing typewriter 1.00

$7,537.82 AUDITORS REPORT 117

PUBLIC LIBRARY Receipts By appropriation $7,000.00 Error Voucher No. 2081 1.90 State Treasurer 500.00 Error Voucher No. 2911 3.50

$7,505.40 Expenditures A. L. A. Pub. Co., subscription 2.00 Andros. Elee. Co., service 292.35 Bradford Conant Co., chairs 5.25 F. X. Belleau, toll calls 2.15 Irma Belleau, salary 809.60 Wm. A. D. Bartlett, books 25.00 Berry Paper Co., supplies 25.48 T. F. Callahan, insurance 128.00 M. Chamberlain, salary and misc. items 917.38 J. H. Chase Co., material and labor 69.56 Margaret Dealey, salary 6.00 Mrs. A. G. DusCon, salary 705.85 G. L. Day, labor 6.23 Todd, Mead & Co., books 145.45 F. G. Davis Co., supplies 6.15 J. H. Cassino Co., subscription 1.25 Windsor P. Daggett, books 2.25 Agencie de Librarie Pub. Co., books 24.90 Herman Goldberger, subscription and books 312.60 Googin Fuel Co., fuel 78.50 Gaylord Bros., supplies and binding books 59.69 Helen D. Hertell, salary and misc. items 477.50 Harper Bros., books 89.05 H. R. Hutting Co., books 107.56 Journal Print Shop, rebinding books 239.75 W. A. Libby Co., labor 5.50 Lewiston Gas Light Co., service 7.93 John Larocque, janitor service 793.32 J. E. LaFrance, book 4,20 Lewiston Daily Sun Co., subscription 8.75 Lewiston Journal Co., subscription 8.75 Loring, Short. & Harmon, books 156.85 A. N. Marquis Co., books 6.75 Merrill & Webber, directory 4.00 Maine State Library, book 1.07


Oxford University Press, books 42.53 B. Peck Co., books 196.24 New Eng. Tel. and Tel. Co., service 57.15 Nat. Historical Society, subscription 4.00 Winthrop Packard, copy 3.50 Fredk. Payne Est., paper and printing 69.80 Nat. Geographic Society, subscription 4.00 Portland Directory Co., directory 4.00 Patterson Ames Educ. directory 4.50 P. & P. Fuel Co., fuel 510.00 Ruth Robinson, salary 13.46 E. E. Russell, coal 525.00 Redding Bros., welding 3.00 Samson Murdock Co., books 8.00 Chas. St. Hilaire, labor and trucking 67.10 Ernest Saunders, wreath to W. D. Pennell and plants 47.00 Francis Sheehan, salary 113.75 John G. West, supplies 11.50 H. W. Wilson Co., sub. 35.00 Transferred to Fire Dept. 246.25


PRINTING Receipts By appropriation $600.00 Transferred from new fire station 200.00

$800.00 Expenditures Echo Pub. Co., printing city report $800.00


PLAYGROUNDS Receipts By appropriation $400.00

' - $400.00 Expenditures Elizabeth Conley, salary $45.00 M. J. Kennedy, salary 105.88 AUDITORS REPORT 119

Lewiston Rubber Co., slide 89.00 Ellen T. McDonough, salary 104.45 Patrick Madden, salary 12.00 J. E. Scott & Co., repairs 43.67 $400.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT Receipts By appropriation, July 1920 $57,000.00 Error, Voucher, No. 727 3.98 C T Russell cash 526.65 Ballard Chandler Co., Error, Voucher No. 728 3.50 A. Id. Field, cash 35.00 A. H. Field, cash 4.60 Error, Voucher, No. 1606 4.00 L. T. Chabot, Co. Treas., cash 50.09 A. H. Field, hackney license 20.00 C. J. Russell, cash 1,045.81 A. H. Field, cash 11.50 A. H. Field, hackney license 43.50 Poor Dept., Voucher No. 3492 50.00 Transferred from Poor Dept. 10.00 A. H. Field, Officers fees 258.35 Poor Dept., Voucher No. 4256 30.00 Fees returned by Comm. 138.61 Trunks sold by Comm. 25.00 Transferred from new fire station 4,059.53

$63,320.12 Expenditures Pay roll $56,663.07 Andros. Elee. Co., service 14.75 Abbott Bros., sheets and slips 4.80 A. & K. St. Ry., insulators 125.36 Akron Tire and Repair Co., repairs 8.00 Atwood Auto Lamp Co., repairs 19.60 Auburn Elee. Co., heater 12.00 A. B. Andrews, services 7.00 Babcock’s Pharmacy, drugs 4.15 Lew Barrett, services 8.00 Berry Paper Co., supplies 443.91 Ballard, Chandler Co., repairing 29.50 Magiorie Bolduc, prisoners meals 58.45 J. J. Breen, washing cells 26.00 Bazinette Bros., prisoners meals 339.90 Max Beaulieu, expenses to Pawtucket, R. I. 26.77 120 CITY OF LEWISTON

Am. Ex. Co., express charges 1.53 Bouchers Studio, supplies .65 Coffin & Kirk, knobs and. lamp 3.17 E. A. Cloutier, washing cells 58.50 J. E. Cloutier, labor 78.23 Cronin & Root, caps 93.00 R. W. Crockett, salary, comm. 25.00 Geo. H. Curtis, repairs 8.30 The Colonial Co., paper 38.06 J. H. Chase Co., supplies 29.39 Jas. Driscoll, salary 37.50 C. B. Dolge Co., supplies 17.00 Echo Pub. Co., printing 26.00 Mrs. C. F. Eamen, traveling expenses 15.00 Mrs. Sarah Flynn, washing 3.00 A. H. Field, Chief, and per. expense fund 309.57 Foster McDonald, elee, supplies 192.43 Geo. M. Fogg, supplies 4.50 F. H. Fellows & Co., repairs 1.00 Benj. Gagnon, hooks 4.50 Gammon & Warman, lettering 2.50 j. S. Durgin, insurance 25.90 Gamewell Co., fuses and horn 42.86 Darling Auto Co., supplies 8.02 Harding Uniform Co., supplies 18.67 M. J. Hagerty, insurance 11.33 Wm. Hawkins, washing cells 13.00 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 109.01 W. B. Hescock, belting 2.55 * E. P. Ham, lime 3.00 Arthur Jolicour, pistol 18.00 T. W. Kerrigan, material and labor 81.44 Levasseur Motor Co., car hire and gasoline 12.03 Lewiston Rubber Co., tubes and tires 81.31 Lewiston Daily Sun Co., subscription 7.00 Lake Auburn Ice Co., Ice 18.00 T. H. Longley Co., supplies 115.60 Lewiston Buick Co., supplies 207.76 Lewiston Gas Ltghi Co., service 8.70 Lewiston Journal Co., printing 79.00 A. C. Levesque, washing cells 13.00 Le>viston Battery Co., labor 8.00 City of Lewiston, directory 4.00 Moonlight Studio, services 16.60 Moody Battery Co., repairing 3.75 AUDITORS REPORT 121

F. X. Marcotte, Com. salary 75.00 F. L. McGibbon, team hire 1.00 Martel’s Pharmacy tablets .50 J. B. McMahon, service .21 M. C. R. R. Co., freight charges 8.51 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 239.07 Geo. B. O’Connell, service 32.00 Palmer King Co., material and labor 29.91 Fred E. Pomeroy, salary comm. 75.00 Thos. Plourde, team hire 2.00 Plummer & Holbrook, films 29.11 Public Work Dept., gasoline 324.02 Postal Telegraph Co., telegrams 1.87 Portland Directory Co., directory 4.00 F. E. Payne Est., printing 7.50 W. F. Robbins, salary, comm. 50.00 Geo. Ricker, meals 15.40 Reliable Glove Co., supplies 9.17 W. E. Riker, drugs 1.60 Adelard Ricker, labor 1.00 Sheridan Drug Store, supplies 3.30 J. H. Stetson Co., supplies 17.74 J. L. Tardiff, ren·: of garage 29.68 Traffic Sign & Signal Co., silent police 108.00 Union Sq. Cafe, meals 25.00 White & Whittum, insurance 37.00 John G. West, supplies 6.00 Frank G. Wardwell, auto registration 10.00 Wade & Dunton, storage, supplies and repairs 324.07 White Taxi Co., taxi hire 1.00 E. P. Weeks, car, supplies and labor 1,322.37 J. W. White Co., platform andlumber 8.12 D. C. Woodworth, motor cycleand lamps 518.32 Phillip Wiseman, labor 227.70 Wells Sporting Goods Co., postols, holsters and hooks 126.33


STATE PENSIONS Receipts By State Treasurer $l.z| 79.00 By State Treasurer 1,574.00 122 CÌTY OF LEWISTON

By Sta';e Treasurer 1,796.00 By State Treasurer 2,693.00

$7,542.00 Expenditures To amount paid to pensioners $7,542.00


STATE TAX Receipts By appropriation $162,419.50

$162,419.50 Expenditures To Sta'.e Tax, State Treas. $162,419.50


SCHOOL HOUSE REPAIRS Receipts By appropriation $12,000.00

$12,000.00 Expenditures To Atherton Furniture Co., supplies $36.63 Bradford Conant, chairs, desks and supplies 211.74 Doyle Bros., dishes 47.84 Emile Dionne, labor 41.68 Η. E. Frost, material and labor 17.20 Faucher & WhLe, material and labor 6,193.40 Harvey Mch. Co., labor 1.88 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 56 40 Jos. Hammond, labor 85.07 J. J. Kennedy, labor 17.73 Kenney Bros. & Walkins, desks 1,039.00 Kaustine Chem. Co., kaustine 84.00 Lachance & Vincent, material and labor 24.43 Geo. Lane & Co., material and labor 1,551.75 J. B. McMahon, material and labor 309.95 C. S. Mansur, painting 12.00 Pineland Lumber Co., lumber 5.50 AUDITORS REPORT 123

Pelletier & Ri\ard, labor and material 131.67 A. H. Paren';, painting 399.00 J. H. Stetson Co.. labor 5.00 Jas. E. Scott Co., repairs and labor 820.18 Samson Elee. Co., installing telephones 148.51 A. G. Spaulding & Bros., play ground supplies 258.90 H. Tremblay, labor and material 251.60 Thibault & Faucher, wiring 133.52 Western Elee. Co., elee, supplies 86.34 Transferred to Common Schools 29.08


MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL Receipts By appropriation $3,000.00 E. Curley, cash 5.00 State Treas., cash 1,600.00

$4,605.00 Expenditures Pay roll $2,992.50 Andros. Elee. Co., service 42.02 Am. Express Co., ex. charges 3.19 Berry Paper Co., supplies 3.00 Bates Remnant Store, cloth 35.83 E. Curley, refund 6.80 F. R. Conant Co., lumber 225.29 Crescent Mach. Co., diack grinder 30.00 Chalmers Lumber Co., lumber 222.30 Cambridge Bo.. & Supply Co., supplies 9.10 Dretzger, Eugene, supplies 26.42 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 122.69 Haskin Mfg., Co., wire 16.48 Imperial Brush Co., brushes 7.50 F. W. Lawrey, band saws 9.50 Manual Arts Press, subscription 1.50 Parker Spool & Bobbin Co., labor 2.00 Raymond Paper Co., paper towels 15.89 Ronald Press Co., book 1.60 W. E. Riker, supplies .30 J. H. Stetson Co., supplies 62.82 Jas. E. Scott, installing sink 25.00 m CITY OF LEWISTON

Technical Supply Co., drawing paper 61.74 Wade & Dunoon, supplies 1.25 J. W. White Co., supplies 12.98 Transferred to common schools 240.90 Transferred to High school 426.40


HIGH SCHOOL Receipts By appropriation $30,000.00 C. W. Bickford, cash 10.51 C. W. Bickford 5.00 State Treasurer, cash 1,250.00 Error Voucher, No. 4871 .50 Transferred from Manual Training 426.40

$31,692.41 Expenditures Pa> roll, teachers $24,232.07 * Pay roll, janitor 1,515.87 Am. Ex. Co., express charges 9.67 Andros. Elee. Co., service 67.21 Am. Book Co., books 304.90 Allyn & Bacon, books 401.95 Andros. Sales & Type Service Co., service 40.25 Atkinson Mentzer Co., books 111.69 E. E. Babb & Co., books 218.33 Berry Paper Co., supplies 186.93 Bradley, Milton Co., paper 2.67 Bradford Conant Co., baskets, chair hire 16.80 Chicago Appa.Co., repairing and supplies 6.91 T. F. Callahan, insurance 51.20 Dennis Creeden, (janitor) extra help for cleaning school 54,23 W. E. Cloutier Co., fuel 2,564.00 C. B. Dolge Co., supplies 15.75 G. J. Day, labor and glass 15.78 Echo Pub. Co., printing 60.20 Faucher & White, labor 51.05 M. J. Googin, repairs 1.50 Ginn & Go., books 59.21 A. L. & E. F. Goss, freezers 10.50 Geo. E. Harvey, Est., repairing 2.20 AUDITORS REPORT 125

Houghton, Mifflin Co., supplies 3.17 Howard, Brown & Co., tilling diplomas 21.21 D. C. Health Co., books 260.38 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 11.50 J. L. Hammett & Co., chalk 2.12 J. J. Kennedy, labor 20.00 Kenffel, Esser & Co., books 36.76 L. E. Knott Appa. Co., books 69.75 Hinds, Hayden & Eldridge, books 10.25 Jos. R. Hammond, labor 29.50 Lewiston Journal Co., letter heads and binding 15.50 W. L. Lothrop, music 7.55 W. N. Lane, trucking 10.00 Little Brown & Co., books 13.62 E. Murch, services 17.63 B. L. Makepeace, rulers 28.93 Moody Battery Co., supplies 4.21 Masmillan Co.. books 315.60 New Env. Tel. & Tel. Co., service 55.10 Open Count Pub. Co., book 89 Prane; Co.. supplies 7.80 Phonographic Institute, books 37.69 B. Peck Co., supplies, expenses and miscl 28.80 F. H. Pierce, supplies, expenses and misc. 30.23 A A. W. Rafnell, labor 5.00 W. E. Riker supplies 262.57 Raymond Paper Co., supplies 93.69 Remington Typewriter Co., repairs 5.13 Harry E. Rogers, labor 3.00 Standard Electrical Times Co., tapes 5.65 Silver Burdett Co., books 8.50 J. H. Stetson Co., batteries, bulbs and wire 82.85 Underwood Typewriter Co., repairing ma­ chines 95.96 Rand, McNally Co., books 25.00 Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline and floor oil 4.55 John G. West, repairs and ribbons 35.25 Wade & Dunton, tank 3.00 John C. Winston, books 27.20 H. L. White, tuning piano 3.50

$31,692.41 Receipts By appropriation $55,000.00 G, W, Bickford, cash, tuition 1 2 .2 0 126 CITY OF LEWISTON

C. W. Bickford, cash, tuition 7.50 C. W. Bickford, cash, tuition 14.00 State Treas. vocational training 112.00 C. W. Bickford, cash, tuition 10.00 State Treasurer, cash 1,595.99 Siate Treasurer, cash, mill fund 26,340.58 State Treasurer, cash, C. S. F. 37,840.33 State Treasurer cash, evening schools 1,390.00 State Treasurer, cash, Supt. salary 800.00 Hazel Robinson, cash 1.71 P. J. Cronin, insurance 600.00 W. Gledhill, insurance 600.00 Miss Quimby, cash 5.00 Transferred from Manual Training 240.90 Transferred from New Fire Station 1,944.01 Transferred from School House Repairs 29.08


Pay Roll, Teachers $90,326.51 Pay Roll, School Officials 4,646.50 Pay Roll, Janiiors 6,346.95 Pay Roll, School Census 397.50 Am. Ex. Co., express charges 67.98 Appleton Co., books 222.41 Abbott Bros., supplies 54.38 A. & K. R. R. Co., car tickets 925.19 Andros. Elee. Co., servise 118.25 Am. Book Co., books 377.67 Atlantic Ex. Co., express charges 7.27 Arto Pub. Co., books 26.55 Earle Austin, refund 2.50 Hubert Benson, labor 5.00 E. Ba ley, labor 10.00 Richard Badger, refund 1.33 E. E. Babb & Co., books and pointers 1,567.36 Mrs. Bourassa, labor 7.00 Bradford Conant Co., baskets 5.25 A. S. Barnes, book .68 Bruce Pub. Co., subscription 3.00 Babcock’s Pharmacy, drugs 4.00 Berry Paper Co., supplies 300.81 Boston & Lewiston Ex. Co., ex. charges 27.71 Godfois Braule, labor 7.00 Wm. Bewley, extra help, cleaning 22.00 C· W. Bickford, transportation 227.41 AUDITORS REPORT

Board of Education, subscription 2.70 Milton Bradley Co., supplies 326.58 Atherton Furniture Co., ice chest 40.00 P. J. Cronin, insurance 75.00 T. F. Callahan, insurance 85.60 Geo. H. Curtis, transportation 52.50 P. Cote, team hire 127.50 J. H. Chase Co., pails 3.50 W. E. Cloutier Co., coal and wood 2,565.61 Irene Conley, services 4.20 Mrs. Conant, transportation 215.00 Carman & Thompson, mdse., 16.00 Drews Jewelry Store, clock repaired 5.50 Mrs. D. E. Forde, service 19.00 M. Dennett, postage 22.00 Hector Durocher, insurance 75.00 G. J. Day, labor 2.03 Dolge Co., paper towels 14.50 E. J. Dingley, wood 10.00 Echo Publishing Co., printing 367.95 George Ά. Emerson, insurance 11.25 G. A. Elliott, mdse 61.92 Chas. Elliott, labor 21.78 Education Pub. Co., books 4.00 A. Flannigan & Co., books 6.52 Fortier & White, painting 74.50 Mrs. Footman, labor 5.00 F. H. Fellows & Co., labor 33.18 Mrs. Mary Flynn, labor 7.00 A. B. Finch, book and postage 5.71 Bert Footer, janitor 12.00 Evelyn Footer, janitor 7.00 Μ. E. Farley, expenses 25.70 M. J. Googin, insurance 150.00 Googin Fuel Co., coal 3,317.42 A. GoyetCe, transportation 124.20 P. Gagnier, supplies 10.56 Geo. Gillespie, taxi hire 2.25 L. Geurtin, labor 3.00 W. T. Grant & Co., ribbon 66.59 A. L. & E. F. Goss, kettle 3.50 Ginn & Co., books 179.40 Mrs. C. Graham, labor 5.40 A. T. Gastonguay, insurance 30.00 H. L. Horne, grate 7.00 D« C. Heath & Co., books 152.38 128 CITY OF LEWISTON

Heaney Mfg. Co., cloth 16.42 Hall & Knight Co., mdse 120.60 Higgins Bros., trucking 169.72 Geo. W. Horne, transportation 36.78 Wm. J. Hartley, team hire 1.50 E. W. Harridon, team hire 3.00 J. L. Hammett, supplies 586.05 R. Holgate, services 12.00 Huskins Agency, insurance 111.40 Lawrence Harkins, janitor 108.00 Houghton, Mifflin Co., books 254.00 Haskell Imp. Co., sees 3.20 Howard & Brown, engraving diplomas 36.15 Imperial Brush Co., brushes 54.00 Samuel Jackson Co., stove grate 4.85 Journal Print Shop, printing 288.25 Mrs. Ο. E. Johnson, services 107.00 A. P. Kironac, wood 167.00 J. J. Kennedy, Jr., labor 89.95 S. S. Kresge Co., pails and shovels 2.40 John Kelley, labor 20.00 Kenney Bros. & Wolkins, supplies 4.10 W. L. Lothrop, music 5.25 Lewiston Handle Co., wood 18.00 Lewiston Daily Sun Co., notice 14.40 Lewiston Journal Co., notice 16.80 Lewiston Fire Dept., refilling extinguishers 5.50 LeMessager, notice 10.00 W. N. Lane, trucking 18.25 Lewiston Rubber Co., mdse 1.45 Lippincott & Co., books 27.20 Longmans Green Co., book 1.82 S. Labonte, wood 98.00 Loring, Shorn & Harmon, record cards 5.25 Lewiston Gas Light Co., service 206.68 Lional Lacroix, janitor 24.50 F. E. Lyons, expenses 12.22 J. B. Mower, wood 4.00 Macmillan Co., books 269.87 C. B. Morrison, transportation 925.00 L. Maio, janitor 135.00 Η. E. Martin, freight charges and trucking 13.38 Jerry Murphy, extra help,cleaning 24.00 F. L. McGibbon, team hire r 12.00 Neastyle Sales Agency, paper 13.62 Thos, Nelson & Son, books 10.00 AUDITORS REPORT

New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., services 29.4.1 New Eng. Pub. Co., subscription 9.00 N. Y. Asso., for the blind, broom 16.75 H. McGraw, janitor 8.20 Μ. E. Murphy, transportation 1.97 Wm. H. Maliar, trucking 5.49 M. R. McCarthy, janitor 7.00 F. A. Owen Pub. Co., subscsiption 4.00 H. A. Osgood & Son, clocks 1.50 John O’Brien, extra help, cleaning 10.00 P. & P. Fuel Co., fuel 3,506.39 Palmers Market, supplies 66.42 F. H. Pierce, expenses to Augusta 5.37 H. L. Palmer Co., news paper 183.72 J · -A. A. M. Palmer Co., books 100.26 Pay roll, janitors, rural districts 81.50 A. H. Parent, painting 23.00 Mrs. Geo. Poole, labor 2.50 B. Peck & Co., mdse 5.10 Mr. Pinard, service 5.00 Portland Directory Co., directory 4.00 Mrs. W. Id. Quimby, janitor 5.00 Religious Book Shop, books 1.14 W. E. Riker, mdse 2.89 Rowe, Peterson Co., book 1.39 Rand McNally Co., books 14.42 C. Ricker, service 8.00 Wm. Raymond, janitor 3.00 Mrs. E. E. Richardson, service 74.41 Redding Bros., labor 8.23 Raymond Paper Co., supplies 99.25 Ida Raymond, service 12.00 Jos. Richards, wood 202.50 Dave Rivard, extra help, cleaning 18.00 Mrs. Robitaille, janitor 65.75 Ronald Press Co., books 12.80 Benj. Sanbourne, books 35.90 Sott Foreman Co., books 69.43 Oscar Sawyer, repairs 5.00 J. H. Stetson Co., supplies and labor 102.82 Chas. Sanbourne, janitor 3.00 Silver Burdett Co, books 355.87 Spear & Webster, supplies 48.24 Mrs. Spencer, service 31.75 E. L. Staples, wood 59.50 Mrs, Savage, service 11,00 130 CITY OF LEWISTON

Ernest Saunders, seed and plants 8.00 The Plymouth Press, books 4.70 The Davis, Press, subscription 5.00 Transportation of scholars 1,555.30 F. E. Tainter, piano hire and repairs 15.50 H. Toutain, extra help, cleaning 28.00 E. M. TeCrault, labor 23.70 U. S. P. O., stamps 8.00 Valvoline Oil Co., oil 29.45 D. Williams & Co., wood 71.00 White & Westall, supplies .70 Roland Woodworth, janitor 5.00 Charles Scribner & Son, books 201.70 West Disinfecting Co., supplies 81.00 J. C. Winston, books 92.85 W. U. Tel. Co., clock rental 15.00 Mrs. F. L. Whit-um, expenses to Augusta . 3.40 Jesse Woodard, service 7.00 C. Whitham, janitor 35.00 H. L. White, tuning pianos 13.00 World Book Co., books 53.93 Spec. Appropriation, teachers 770.00


SOLDIERS DEPENDENTS Receipts By Cash, State Treas. $855.75 $855.75 Expenditures Transferred to Highways $855.75 $855.75

SALARIES Receipts By appropriation $15,000.00 Transferred from new fire station 652.22

$15,652.22 Expenditures Daniel F. Atwood, assessor $1,000.00 Geo, Z. Bernier, collector 3,640.50 AUDITORS REPORT 131

Eugene B. Casey, collector 30.30 Harry D. Connor, auditor 600.00 Wm. P. Carl, assessor 1,200.00 H. R. Coffin, wire inspector 289.58 L. N. Coulombe, sealer of weights and measures 480.00 L, J. Dumont, doctor* 41.65 Ferd Despiss, city solicitor 554.17 Wm. J. Fahey, city physician 500.00 Ro


ς . Receipts By appropriation July 1920 $12,000.00 Dup. Voucher, No. 426 1.75 Poor Dept. No. 3858 600.00 Transferred from New Fire Station 451.36 Transferred from new boiler, City Bldg. 41.95 Transferred from Support of Poor 1,342.26

$14,437.32 Expenditures Pay roll $8,953.24 And. Elee. Light Co., supplies 768.88 Am. Ex. Co., express charges 45.25 Begin Bros., team hire 15.00 Continental Mills, waste 11.88 Geo. H. Cloutier, shoeing 9.95 Coffin & Kirk, electrical supplies 920.38 X JU Doucette Market, mdse 7.90 CITY OF LEWISTON

Hector Durocher, insurance 12.10 W. S. Davis, labor and material 26.62 Dickey Belting Co., labor and material 27.16 J. Dulac & Son, labor and material 33.51 Η. M. Estes, labor 293.80 Geo. A. Emerson, insurance 12.10 Foster McDonald Co., elee supplies 454.65 Benj. Gagnon, labor 30.30 O. R. Guimond, elee, supplies 1,424.73 Isa W. Getchell, shoeing 25.25 Holyoke Mch, Co., labor 53.70 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 5.88 E. W. HuCchins, horses board 549.66 M. J. Googin, repairs 5.00 Guilmet Co., labor 2.58 C. F. Kirk, Dr., service 3.00 Geo. B. Michaud, repairing 13.50 M. C. R. R., freight charges 9.61 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., 24.90 New Auburn Junk Shop, pipe 7.50 Public Works Dept., gasoline 3.25 J. H. Reny, cheese cloth 17.65 ’ The Texas Co., oil 226.88 J. H. Stetson Co., supplies 5.25 Stand, Paint & Lead Works, paint 267.50 Valvoline Oil Co., kerosene 2.00 D. C. Woodworth, supplies 5.13 R. S. Whicney Mfg. Co., supplies 6.83 Wade & Dunton, labor and material 21.30 Whitmore Savage Co., elee, supplies 74.80 J. W. White Co., lumber 53.05 Geo. A. Wiseman, mdse 5.65 $14,437.32

SUPPORT OF POOR. Receipts By appropriation $28,000.00 By cash, E. J. Roche 97.17 State Treas., cash 125.92 Error Voucher, No. 616 2.00 Error Voucher, No. 576 2.00 Error Voucher, No. 636 10.00 Error Voucher, No. 127] 12.00 Bank Book? Geo, Reed 1*50 AUDITORS REPORT 133 Miss Haynes, cash 1.20 Town of Searsport, cash . 35.00 State Paupers 1,068.75 Town of Pittsfield, cash 32.00 Town of Monmouth, cash 23.00 Dup. Voucher, No. 1722 36.00 State Treas., State Paupers 20.00 Miss Haines 1.60 Dup. Voucher, No. 1738 6.00 State Treas., S:ate Paupers 98.50 Miss Haines, cash 1.40 Miss Leslie 1.60 State Treas., State Paupers 688.23 Town of Norway, cash 25.00 Town of Webster, cash 50.00 Miss Haines, cash 1.20 Error, Voucher, No. 3023 2.00 State Treas., Sta:e Paupers 111.30 Town of Skowhegan, cash 61.00 Miss Haines, cash 1.25 Town of Newport, cash 156.00 4 Frances Langley, cash .35 Town of Rome, cash 90.25 City of Rockland, cash 327.00 City of Brewer, cash 112.50 Town of Pittsfield cash 30.76 State Treas., cash .1,225.65 4 Telephone calls, cash .85 Town of Durham, cash 30.00 Town of Greene, cash 56.00 Ella Dorr, cash 32.50 Alice Riley (dead) No. 3066 1-2 12.00 Miss Haines, cash 4.00 Dup. Voucher, No. 3890 11.00 State Treas., cash 1,544.83 *

$34,149.3] Expenditures Atherton Furniture Co., blankets and bedding 20.00 Athens, town of, Babb family 40.00 Mrs. Etta Acherson, board 195.00 Auburn, city of, support of paupers 116.95 Abbott Bros., mdse. 19.65 Augusta, city of, board and misc. 399.44 Η. E. Belleau, groceries 7.72 Frank Bartkus, groceries 73.00 V 134 CITY OF LEWISTON

Bates Remington Store, cl o il 7.82 B. & B. Glove Score, supplies 25.78 Babcock’s Pharmacy, drugs 56.42 Alexander Boulet, taxi hire 39.50 E. W. Beaumont Co., groceries 2,142.00 Nap Bolduc, groceries 360.00 Binette’s Grocery Store, groceries 37.00 Alphonse Bedard, board 168.00 Bedard & Paquette, groceries 45.00 Alexander Brevey, board 25.00 Mrs. Thomas Breen, rent 30.00 Josiah Bowker, groceries 134.00 Maxime Boulier, expenses to Augusta 29.11 Bell Dept. Store, clothing 74.50 Berry Paper Co., paste ,40 E. A. Cloutier, traveling expenses 14.81 Cronin & Root, clothing 18.50 Dr. W. H. Chaffers, services 60.00 W. E. Cloutier, coal and wood 88.50 C. H, Cloutier Co., groceries 378.03 Jas. D. Callahan Co., coal and wood 171.50 Mrs. Alice Conan';, board 154.00 F. A. Cloutier, rent 67.50 Pierre Charpentier, rent 60.00 Conley & Poisson, burials 307.00 A. S, Crowell, groceries 24.00 Dr. R. H. Clark, services 10.00 R. W, Clark, drugs 10.38 P. J. Cronin, affidavits 24.00 Jas. Craig, opening graves 12.00 Central Maine Gen. Hospital, service 100.50 Central Market, groceries 5.00 Daniel Day, shoe repairing 1.25 Jos. A. Dube, rent 14.00 A. N. Despins, shoes 246.00 John J. Dunn, groceries 795.00 Chas. Dube & Son, groceries 143.66 J. P. Dumais, rent 110.00 Hector Durocher, rent 104.00 M. R. Deschenes, board 60.00 Dexter, town of, support of paupers 180.86 F. B. Elliott, board 64.00 East Livermore, town of, support of paupers 166.27 Ellards Shoe Store, shoes 53.25 Economy Market, groheries 87.00 AUDITORS REPORT

Mary E. Finn, reni 32.50 Fogg & Miller, groceries 52.00 Mrs. E. F. Gordon, care of baby 160.88 Gillespie Taxi, taxi hire 1.00 Dr. H. L. Gauvreau, services 6.00 Golder & McCarthy, groceries 428,00 Fred Golder, groceries 315.00 Emile J. Genest, groceries 12.00 Emile Goyette, rent 90.50 Girls Orphanage, board 1,588.00 Guimond & Simard, groceries 570.00 Susan Griffin, rent 92.00 Googin Fuel Co., coal and wood 337.36 Patrick Gendron, groceries 30.00 E. L. Hodgkins, expenses to Augusta 12.30 Mrs. Geo. Wood, board and room 205.25 Healey Asylum, board 1,382.80 Geo. Hozen, town of Oxford 19.75 Haswell Press, printing 17.00 M. J. Hagerty, rent and groceries 1,279.00 Hammonds Grocery Store, groceries 504.00 Ellen Hagerty, rent 24.00 Dr. W. H. Hawkins, services 9.00 Higgins Bros., trucking 5.00 Mrs. Hoffman, room rent 59.58 E. G. Harper, rent 40.00 Mr. Heutz, reni 68.00 Stanslory Hlemanski, board and room 85.00 Houle’s Cafe, meals 12.50 Hunter & Pooler, groceries 18.00 Stella M. Hall, rent 25.00 Dr. W. L. Haskell, services 6.00 E. Janelle & Co., groceries 144.19 Wm. Janelle, wood 68.25 J. J. Jackson, rent 120.00 Journal Print Shop, printing 21.45 Janelle & St. Pierre, clothing 26.00 Arthur Knowles, wood 7.00 T. P. King & Co., wood 16.00 Mrs. B. Kazlauskiene, rent „ 16.00 Lawrey Bros., services 20.00 Pierre Levesque, repairing shoes 160.40 Nap Larochelle, board 176.15 Gardiner, city of, support of paupers 143.98 Mrs. M. L’Heureux, salary and expenses 569.02 Nate Lewis, clothing 402.95 136 CITY OF LEWISTON

t Laurendeau, shoes 86.76 Frank Landry, shoes 14.00 Lamey & Wellehan, shoes 48.70 P. Lavoie, wood 408.00 Labbe & Carbineau, groceries 138.00 J. LeBlanc, groceries 7.92 Mrs. LaCrosse, transportation 10.00 Henry Leclair, board 10.65 Geo. S. McCarthy, rent 48.00 Met. Auction Rooms, transportation 65.00 E. L. Moodv, board 17.60 M. C. R. R., transportation 7.76 Martel’s Pharmacy, drugs 181.89 Mexico, town of, support of paupers 542.70 Murphy & Mahoney, shoe repairing 17.00 Edw. J. Murphy, groceries 928.00 Marcotte & Cote, groceries 973.00 Marcous & Harvey, groceries 829.00 A. D. Morse, groceries 455.00 Morse & Davis, groceries 467.00 Mechanic Falls, town of, support of paupers 363.64 Samuel Mottram, rent 80.50 Mrs. Elmira Mercier, board 110.00 C. A. McCarthy, rent 55.00 W. E. Merrow, wood 190.60 Mrs. Philip Maheux, board 15.70 Nedeau & Michaud, groceries 56.00 Jos. Noland, groceries 72.00 Mrs. W. H. Newell, rent 8.00 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., services 102.15 F. J. Ouellette, groceries 289.00 Leonce Oueletr;e, rent 20.00 Dr. G. B. O’Connell, services 3.00 Mrs. Cyrus Penley, board 60.00 Plummer & Merrill, burial 35.00 Mrs. J. Packard, room rent 30.24 Police Dept., transportation 80.00 Pinnard’s Market, groceries 47.00 Portland Directory Co., directory 4.00 Mrs. Jennie O’Leary, board 5.00 Oak St. Cash Market, groceries 20.00 E. S. Paul & Co., clothing 11.74 Frank Proctor, board 23.99 Provost & Doucette, groceries 207.00 Palmer’s Market, groceries * 53.00 Ploude’s Market, groceries 32.00 AUDITORS REPORT

Pinnette & Fortin, burials 366.00 C. C. Poulin, rent 24.00 Frank F. Powers, rent and services 92.00 B. Peck Co., clohing 14.69 A. T. Reny, groceries 16.00 John Rowe, groceries 35.00 Oscar-Rogers, groceries 42.00 R. Rivard, groceries 52.00 E. J. Roche, salary and postage 1,914.41 W. E. Riker, drugs 58.10 Rivard Bros. Pharmacy, drugs 60.55 Riverside Cemetery, grave 33.50 I. L. Robbins, coal and wood 695.26 Mary C. Reed, rent 87.00 Alice Reiley, board 96.00 Mrs. A. Roy, board 7.90 Rumford, -town of, support of paupers 73.47 Mrs. W. A. Richardson, rent 57.50 Roberge Market, groceries 25.00 Chas. Sigalis, groceries 104.00 Spear & Webster, groceries 864.00 C. M. Stepson, groceries 287.46 I. Simard & Sons, groceries 37.00 St. Mary’s Hospital, board 1,497.00 John Schemekle, rent 76.00 W. H. Sleeper, Dr., services 5.10 State Board of Charities, clothing 6.75 B. D. Sullivan, drugs 101.61 Mrs. D. Tardiff, rent 104.00 W. H. Teague, drugs 3.85 H. A. Teague, funerals 142.26 Geo. H. Towne, board 10.80 E. S. Thompson, glasses 2.00 The Specialty Store, clothing 146.50 Transferred to Su Lights 1,942.26 W. J. Vaughan, rent 25.00 W. E. Walsh, rent 117.00 Wakefield Bros., drugs 146.77 White & Westall, supplies 31.85 F. I. Wills, groceries 495.00 Winslow, town of, support of paupers 29.56 Undrawn to City Debt. .20 138 CITY OF LEWISTON WATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION Expenditures By appropriation, July 1920 $6,500.00

$6,500.00 Expenditures Pay roll $1,755.82 Guilmet Co., pipe 3,626.18 A. P. Smith Mfg. Co., pipe 1,118.00


WATER WORKS RUNNING EXPENSES Receipts C. J. Callahan, cash $77,170.58 Error, Voucher No. 4642 18.30

$77,188.88 Expenditures Pay roll $25,814.44 Andros. Elee. Co., services 27.56 Addressograph Co., supplies 5.10 Am. Express Co., ex. charges 170.43 Andros. Foundry Co., castings 69.00 Auburn Water Works, supplies 13.86 Am. Steam Gage Co., supplies 4.41 Braman Bow Co., supplies 286.33 Bell Tire Store, tires 25.52 Berry Paper Co., supplies 62.52 Nap. Bolduc, supplies 8.80 Pierre Beaudette, drills and repairing 74.20 Bell & Walker Co., shovels 1.83 Bradbury & Marcopte, supplies 67.25 Builders Iron Foundry Co., supplies 94.50 Continental Mills Corp., cotton waste 41.30 Geo. H. Curtis, shoeing 12.55 C. J. Callahan, ex. charges and stamps 290.18 J. B. Callahan Co., coal 1,163.10 T. F. Callahan, insurance 17.20 W. E. Cloutier Co., coal, lumber and truck hire 481.67 P. J. Cronin, insurance 29.70 Carrigan & Callahan, insurance 324.85 Carman Thompson Co., pipe, dies and fittings 46.55 AUDITORS REPORT

Caldwell Fairfield, supplies 48.75 Hector Durocher, insurance 8.60 Doyle Bros., chair bottoms and cuspidors 2.59 Dickey Belting Co., leather belting 13.44 Enterprise Foundry Co., castings 9.00 Echo Pub. Co., printing 264.25 Eddy Valve Co., valves 729.71 Googin Fuel Co., wood 2.50 A. T. GasConguay, insurance 17.20 Gen. Elee. Co., supplies 1,140.00 Guilmet Co., supplies 5,534.65 Grinnell Co., fittings 1.83 O. R. Guimond, elee, lamps and fuses 18.60 Harvey Mach. Co., material and labor 7.93 Holyoke Mach. Co., supplies 55.00 Haswell Press, printing 31.35 J. L. Hayes Co., cement 10.95 Hall & Knight Co., supplies 70.28 E. N. Hutchins, board and horse 498.23 M. J. Hagerty, insurance 8.60 E. P. Ham, seed 5.10 Hersey Meter Co., meters 14.23 Hudson Motor Sales Co.,labor 36.18 Journal Printshop, books 3.00 F. II. James, labor 20.00 Levasseur Motor Car Co., supplies 1.70 Lewiston Buick Co., labor and waste 10.95 LeMessager, printing 7.25 Lewiston Public Works Dept., gasoline 509.07 T. H. Longley Co., repairing harness and straps 10.10 Lewisi on Rubber Co., rubber blanket, boots and hose 83.08 Lewiston Bleachery & Dye Works, repairing and pipe ' 105.71 Lake Auburn Ice Co., ice 33.60 H. Mueller & Co., supplies 91.59 Martel’s Pharmacy, supplies 166.15 John B. McMahon, supplies 27.79 Albert Matthews, auto license 2.00 M. C. R. R., freight charges 36.34 Merrill & Webber, books 4.00 Mary and Sarah McAvin, damages 127.55 F. X. Marcotte Co., supplies 24.39 Milo Wa^er Co., valves 33.00 New Auburn Junk Store, supplies 20.00 140 CITY OF LEWISTON

National Meter Co., meters and shafting 502.39 Neptune Meter Co., supplies 3.34 New Eng Tel. & Tel. Co., service 40.44 Portland Directory Co., directory 4.00 Portland Water District, supplies 102.05 A. Poliquin, repairing clock .75 A. B. Parker & Son, spring water 4.60 Renssellear Valve Co., valves 61.10 R. A. Swift, services 32.00 Fred J. Staples, supplies 10.66 J. H. Stetson Co., supplies 31.94 Thomas Saucier, lumber 36.56 J. B. Smith Co., supplies 38.00 A. P. Smith Co., supplies 418.60 Louis Trial, traveling expenses 51.70 Thomas Meter Co., supplies 26.62 The Texas Oil Co., oil and greese 39.55 Arthur Tetreault, labor 27.35 Union Water Meter Co., supplies 107.29 Uni;ed Brass Co., supplies 78.00 U. File M. Binder Co., paper claps 1.61 D. C. Woodworth, pipe and repairs 114.87 Weegar Auto Supply Co., pump 3.50 John G. West, typewriter repairs 12.00 j. W. White Co., lumber and milling 15.96 White & Whittum, insurance 17.20 Wade & Dur$:on, supplies and repairing 762.06 Worthington Pump Co., supplies and labor 790.79 Wentworth Machine Co., gear 2.00 Transferred to Interest 34,872.66


RECAPITULATION Payments Abatements $7,000.00 Armory 1,400.00 Athletic Field 1,192.75 Board of Health 7,248.97 Board of Registration 3,443.46 Books and Stationery 425.11 Carnegie Library Fund 179.98 City Building 13,949.52 City Farm 12,568.63 City Parks 1,800.00 City Property 249.20 AUDITORS REPORT 141

Contingent Fund 18,085.68 County Tax 35,828.47 Discount on Taxes 12,000.00 Fire Department: 58,863.77 Health Department 7,939.42 Highways 108,888.54 Interest 71,699.20 Manual Training School 4,605.00 Mothers Aid 4,042.00 Municipal Court 7,537.82 New Street and Bridges 5,000.00 Permanent Walks 5,000.00 Permanent Streets 40,186.76 Playgrounds 400.00 Police Department 63,320.12 Prevention of Tuberculosis 1,000.00 Printing '800.00 Public Library 7,505.40 Reduction of City Debt. 5,000.00 Salaries 15,651.77 Schools, Common 126,543.30 Schools, High 31,692.41 School House Repairs 12,000.00 Services 20,120.00 Soldiers Aid 855.75 S;ate Pensions 7,542.00 State Roads 4,256.44 State Tax 162,419.50 Street Lights 14,437.32 Street Sprinkling 4,000.00 Support of Poor 34,149.11 Temporary Loans ( Individual j 1,400.00 Temporary Loans (Banks) 389,000.00 Water Construction 6,500.00 Water Maintenance 77,188.88 Boiler, City Building 4,200.00 Fire Station, new 45,000.00 Tax Deeds, Feb. 28, 21 3,304.04 Carnegie Library Fund 45.07 Cash on hand, Feb. 28, ’21 45,721.91

$1,513,187.30 Receipts Armory $300.00 Athletic Field 192.75 Board of Health 248,97 142 CITY OF LEWISTON

Board of Registration 443.46 Books and Stationery 25.11 City Building 2,949.52 City Farm 2,580.38 Contingent Fund 8,182.38 Fire Department 874.51 Health Department 439.42 Highways 23,435.73 Interest 48,397.10 Manual Training School 1,605.00 Mothers Aid 4,042.50 Municipal Court 7,537.82 Permanent Streets 6.75 Police Dept. 6,320.12 Printing 200.00 Public Library 505.40 Salaries 652.22 Schools, Common 71,543.30 Schools, High 1,692.41 Sewers 120.00 Soldiers Aid 855.75 S:ate Pensions 7,542.00 State Roads 656.44 Street Lights 2,437.32 Support of Poor 6,149.31 Temporary Loans (Banks) 40,400.00 Water Maintenance 77,188.88 Geo. Z. Bernier, collector 791,710.40 Eugene Casey, collector 1,712.79 A. D. Lan

STATISTICS POPULATION 1830—1,459 1860— 7,428 1890—21,701 1840—1,801 1870—13,602 1900—23,761 1850—4,584 1880—19,083 1910—26,247 1920—31,890

POPULATION OF THE CITIES OF MAINE FOR 1900 AND 1910 1900 1910 1900 1910 Auburn 12,951 15,064 Lewiston 23,761 26,247 Augusta 11,683 13,211 Oldtown 5,573 6,317 Bangor 21,850 24,803 Portland 50,145 58,571 Bath 10,477 9,396 Presque Isle 3,804 5,170 Biddeford 16,145 17,079 Rockland 8,150 8,174 Brewer 4,835 5,667 Rumford 3,770 6,777 Brunswick 6,806 6,621 Rumford Falls 2,595 5,427 Calais 7,655 6,116 Brunswick vii. 5,210 5,341 Caribou 4,759 5,377 Saco 6,122 6,583 9,049 Gardiner 5,501 5,311 Sanford 6.078/ Moulton 4,686 5,845 Skowhegan 5,180 5,341 Waterville 9,477 11,458 So. Portland 6,287 7,471 Westbrook 7,283 8,281

POPULATION OF MAINE AND THE UNITED STATES 1790 97,540 3,929,215 1850 583,761 23,192,974 1800 151,719 5,304,541 1860 628,600 31,429.891 1810 288,705 7,239,814 1870 626,915 38,655.981 1820 298,335 9,628,199 1880 649,945 50,155,873 1830 390,430 12,866,020 1890 661,086 62,622,250 1840 501,263 17,060,454 1900 694,466 76,304,799 1910 742,371 91,972,266 VOTE FOR GOVERNOR 1863 Cony, 973. Bradbury, 361. 1864 Cony, 875. Howard 242. 1865 Cony, 520. Howard, 120. 1866 Chamberlain, 1,183. Pilsbury, 304 1867 Chamberlain, 791. Pilsbury, 304. 1868 Chamberlain, 1.183. Pilsbury. 263. 1869 Chamberlain, 681. Smith, 272. Hitchborn, 77, 1870—Perham, 643, Roberts, 699. 144 CITY OF LEWISTON

1871—Perham, 1,293, Kimball, 865. 1872— Perham, 1,471, Kimball, 832. 1873— Dingley, 682, Titcomb, 381. Williams, 13 1874— Dingley, 885. Titcomb, 603. Scat., 2. 1875—Connor, 985, Roberts, 785. 1876— Connor, 1,400, Talbot, 1,205. Gage, 26. 1877— Connor, 897. Williams, 775. Munson, 166. 1878— Connor, 1,175, Garcelon, 918. Smith, 351. Scat., 1. 1879—Davis, 1,411. Garcelon, 851. Smith, 513. Scat., 1. 1880—Davis, 1,540. Plaisted, 1,397. Joy, 13. Ney, 2. 1882—Robie, 1,496. Plaisted, 1,280. Eustis, 23. Vinton, 6. 1884—Robie, 1,512. Redman, 1,598. Eustis, 19. Eaton, 28. 1886—Joseph R. Bodwell, 1,348. Clark S. Edwards, 1,341. Aaron Clark, 34. Scat., 1. 1888—Edwin C. Burleigh, 1,720. Wm. L. Putnam, 1,373. William H. Simmons, 4. Volney B. Cushing, 40. 1890—Edwin C. Burleigh, 1,414. W. P. Thompson, 1,428. Aaron Clark, 21. Isaac Clark, 14. 1892—Henry B. Cleaves, 1,410. Charles F. Johnson, 1,632. Timothy B. Hussey, 28. L. C. Bateman, 57. 1894—Henry B. Cleaves, 1,816. Charles F. Johnson, 1,272. Ira G. Hersey, 17. L. C. Bateman, 18. 1896—, 2,071. M. P. Frank, 1,063. Ammi S. Ladd, 25. L. C. Bateman, 56. W. H. Clifford, 6. 1898—Llewellyn Powers, 1,286. Samuel L. Lord, 1,267. Ammi S. Ladd, 18. Robert Gerry, 3. E. Lermond, 2. 1900—John F. Hill, 1,956. Samuel L. Lord, 1,319. Grant Rogers, 36. Normand W. Lermond, 4. 1902—John F. Hill, 1,600. Samuel W. Gould, 1,668. James Perrigo, 35. Charles L. Fox, 57. 1904—William T. Cobb, 1,470. C. W. Davis, 2,101. N. F. Woodbury, 16. W. G. Hapgood, 55. 1906—Wm. T. Cobb, 1,152. Cyrus W. Davis, 2,572. Henry Woodman, 7. Charles L. Fox, 37. 1908—Bert M. Fernald, 1,364. Obadiah Gardner, 2,501. Curtis A. Perry, 35. James A. Ames, 17. 1910—Frederick W. Plaisted, 2,867. B. M. Fernald, 1,064. Robert V. Hunter, 33. James A. Ames, 11. 1912—Wm. T. Haines, 1,173. Frederick W. Plaisted, 2,746. Geo. Allan England, 61. Wm. J. Sterling, 15. 1914—Oakley C. Curtis, 2,852. William T. Haines, 851. Percy F. orse, 42. Frederick A. Shepherd 17. Halbert P. Gardner, 469. 1916—, 1,755. Oakley C. Curtis, 2,787. Frank H. Maxfield, 37. Lewis Seeley 3. 1918—Carl Milliken 1,572. B. G. Mclntire 2,510. 1920—F, H, Parkust, 3,707* B, G· Mclntire, 4,219,


VOTE FOR MAYOR 1863—Jacob H. Ham, 515. William R. Frye, 245. Scat., 8. 1864— Jacob B. Ham, 387. John Read, 179. Scat., 4. 1865—William P. Frye, 558. Scat., 1. 1866— William P. Frye, 716. Scat., 3. 1867— George Pilsbury, 798. A. Wakefield, 67. 1868— Isaac N. Parker, 1,011. L. C. Peck, 733. Scat., 2. 1869—Isaac N. Parker, 1,633. L. C. Peck, 141. Scat., 1. 1870—William H. Stevens, 816. J. P. Fessenden, 613. 1871—, 918. John M. Frye, 841 1872— David Cowan, 1,197. J. P. Gill, 670. Scat., 2. 1873—N. W. Farrell, 1,482. Nelson Howard, 62. Scat., 2. 1874— Η. H. Dickey, 916. J. L. H. Cobb, 766. Scat., 11. 1875—Edmund Russell, 1,261. Η. B. Bartlett, 665. Scat., 23. 1876— Edmund Russell, 1,426. Alonzo Garcelon, 1,035 H. A. Osgood, 1. 1877—Edmund Russell, 1,305. xAlonzo Garcelon, 1,030. Scat., 17. 1879—Joseph H. Day, 1,368. J. S. Lyford, 1,054. Danville B. Stevens, 220. Scat., 2. 1880—Joseph H. Day, 1,567. G. S. Pettengill, 1,377. 1881—Μ. T. Ludden, 1,129. John Read, 228. W. W. San­ born, 683. Edwin Andrews, 86. H. W. Smith, 21. Scat., 3. 1882—David Farrar, 1,352. A. M. Garcelon, 904. 1883—A. M. Garcelon, 1,338. David Farrar, 804. C. W. Dennett, 315. S. B. Sprague, 15. Scat., 2. 1884—Nelson Howard, 1,582. A. M. Garcelon, 1,486. 1885—Charles Walker, 1,65 7. Nelson Howard, 1,417 Scat., 2. 1886—David Cowan, 1,744. D. J. McGillicuddy, 1,342. 1887—D. J. McGillicuddy, 1,564. A. P. Knewlton, 1,485. Scat., 3. 1888—Horace C. Little, 1,797. D. J. McGillicuddy, 1,608. Scat., 1. 1889—Horace C. Little, 1,732. William H. Newell, 816. 1890—D. J. McGillicuddy, 1,616. A. D. Barker, 1,607. Scat., 5. 1891—Wm. H. Newell, 2,009. N. B. Potter, 1,636. Scat., 4. 1892—W. H. Newell, 1,936. Seth Chandler, 1,821. Scat., 1. 1893—Seth Chandler, 2,024. L. J. Martel, 1,849. 1894—Frank L. Noble, 2,029. L. J. Martel, 1,556. T. F. Callahan, 360. Scat. 2. 1895—Frank L. Noble, 1,939. Alonzo Garcelon, 1,772. 7 7 1896—Frank L. Noble, 2,133. F. A. Morey, 1,339. Scat., 85. 146 CITY OF LEWISTON

1897—Frank L. Noble, 1,852. A. M. Garcelon, 654. Seth D. Wakefield, 831. 1897— W. H. Judkins, 1,716. M. A. Murphy, 719. 1898—W. H. Newell, 1,992. W. H. Judkins, 1,614. Scat., 2. 1899— George Pottle, 1,842. Orland, S. Ham, 1,564. Scat., 4. 1900—Geo. W. Furbush, 2,012. Geo. Pottle, 1,620. Scat., 1. 1901—Geo. W. Furbush, 1,925. Menander Dennett, 1,762. 1902—D. J. McGillicuddy, 2,161. W. B. Skelton, 2,001. 1903—W. B. Skelton, 1,881. Μ. T. O’Brien, 1,685. Willis E. Pelsey, 199. 1904—W. B. Skelton, 1,941. Μ. T. O’Brien, 1,868. 1905—Η. H. Purinton, 1,779. W. E. Webster, 2,013. H. J. Smith, 38. 1906—W. E. Webster, 2,181. Chas. Horbury, 1,410. Geo. Baker, 21. 1907—Frank A. Morey, 2,175. J. B. Smith, 1,445. 1908—Frank A. Morey, 2.053. W. H. White, Jr. 1,705. 1909—Frank A. Morey, 2,205. Joseph G. Chabot, 1,258. 1910—Frank A. Morey, 2,187. Wallace E. Webber, 1,421. 1911—Frank A. Morey, 2,276. Wm. H. Newell, 1,563. 1912—Frank A. Morey, 2,406. Elwin L. Hodgkins, 1,140. 1913—Wm. H. Hines, 1,828. T. F. Callahan, 1,386. R. J. Wiseman, 1,054. 1914—Robert J. Wiseman, 2,338. Wm. H. Hines, 1,933. 1915—Louis J. Brann, 2,417. Wallace H. White, Jr. 2,160. 1916—Louis J. Brann, 2,678. Wallace H. White, Jr. 2,187. 1917—Chas. P. Lemaire, 2,256. I. L. Robbins, 2.059. 1918—Chas. P. Lemaire, 2,472. W. H. White, 2,012. 1919—Chas. P. Lemaire, 2,378. W. H. White, 2,311. 1920—Chas. P. Lemaire, 2801. Irvin E. Pendleton, 1710. 1921—W. H. Newell, 4,054. Edw. R· Parent, 1,280. VOTE FOR PRESIDENT 1864—Lincoln, 934. McClellan, 300. 1868—Grant, 1,307. Seymour, 451. 1872—Grant, 1,327. Greeley, 415. 1876—Hayes, 1.386. Tilden, 1,164. Cooper, 29. 1880—Garfield, 1,646. Hancock, 1,408. Weaver, 14. Dow, 11. 1884—Blaine, 1,549. Cleveland, 1,399. Butler, 43. St. John, 23. 1888—Harrison, 1,651. Cleveland, 1,193. Fiske, 37. Cow­ drey, 37. 1892—Cleveland, 1,481. Harrison, 1,437. Scat., 91. 1896—McKinley, 1887. Bryan, 1,012. Palmer, 48. Levering, 16. Bryan and Watson, 44. 1900—McKinley, 1,585, Bryan, 1,339. Wooley, 41. Debs, 28. 1904—Roosevelt, 1,407, Parker. 1,048. Debs, 124, 1920—Harding Cox Debs, STATISTICS 147

1908— Taft, 1,282. Bryan, 1,422. Chaffin, 9. Debs, 65. His- gan, 28. 1912—Wilson, 2,224. Taft, 271. Roosevelt, 1,153. Debs, 107. Chaffin, 16. 1916—Wilson, 2,480. Hughes, 1491. Benson, 90. Hanley, 13.

VALUATION 1861— Real Estate Personal Property 1862— Real Estate Personal Property 1863—Real Estate Personal Property 1864— Real Estate Personal Property 1865— Real Estate Personal Property 1866— Real Estate Personal Property 1867—Real Estate Personal Property 1868—Real Estate Personal Property 1869—Real Estate Personal Property 1870—Real Estate Personal Property 1871— Real Estate Personal Property 1872— Real Estate Personal Property 1873— Real Estate Personal Property 1874—Real Estate Personal Property

1875—Real Estate✓ Personal Property 1876—Real Estate . Personal Property 1877—Real Estate Personal Property 1878—Real Estate . Personal Property 1879—Real Estate Personal Property 1880—Real Estate Personal Property 148 CITY OF LEWISTON

1881—Real Estate 8,473,022 Personal Property 1.484.232 1882 Real Estate 8,665,760 Personal Property 1,672,400 1883 Real Estate 8.899.233 Personal Property 1,755,984 1884 •Real Estate 8,993,036 Personal Property 2,113,130 1885 ■Real Estate 9,105,442 Personal Property 2,207.899 1886 •Real Estate 9,166,293 Personal Property 2,135,066 1887 •Real Estate 9,328,377 Personal Property 1,484,711 1888 -Real Estate 9,405,083 Personal Property 1,608,000 1889 -Real Estate 9,079,506 Personal Property 1,608,317 1890- -Real Estate 9,553,700 Personal Property I,715,847 1891 -Real Estate 9,673,271 Personal Property I,798,659 1892 -Real Estate 9,692,371 Personal Property 1.696.312 1893 -Real Estate 10,073,074 Personal Property I,737,061 1894 -Real Estate 10,331,599 Personal Property 1.681.313 1895—Real Estate 10,563,584 Personal Property 1,753,311 1896—Real Estate 10,584,504 Personal Property 1,699,729 1897—Real Estate 10,722,999 Personal Property I,625,578 1898—Real Estate 10,852,649 Personal Property 1,597,917 1899—Real Estate 10,941,303 Personal Property 1,684,493 1900 -Real Estate II,252,585 Personal Property 1,801,078 1901 -Real Estate II,225,125 Personal Property 1,772,327 1902 -Real Estate 11,347,859 Personal Property 1,855,636 1903 -Real Estate II,446,335 Personal Property 1,908,191 1904—Real Estate II,525,666 STATISTICS 149

Personal Property 1.995.934 1905- Real Estate 11,586,515 Personal Property 1,895,508 1906- Real Estate 11,708,633 Personal Property 2,726,013 1907- Real Estate 11,883,667 Personal Property 2,238,517 1908- Real Estate 12,404,701 Personal Property 2.231.934 1909- Real Estate 12,647,004 Personal Property 2,406,511 1910- Real Estate 13,777,098 Personal Property 2,650,217 1911- Real Estate 14,054,095 Personal Property 2,695,405 1912- Real Estate 14,336,204 Personal Property 2,778,270 1913- Real Estate 14,969,197 Personal Property 2,873,246 1914- Real Estate 15,632,922 Personal Property 2,928,819 1915- Real Estate 16,065,762 Personal Property 2,841,939 1916- Real Estate 16,355,767 Personal Property 3,072,036 1917- Real Estate 16,745,008 A H Personal Property 3,098,980 1918- Real Estate 17,799,622 Personal Property 3,485,160 1919 ■Real Estate 18.060,764 Personal Property 4,348,235 1920 -Real Estate 21,090,487 4 t Personal Property 4,795,035 TABLE OF TAXES 1855 $2,214,068 8 mills 1,171 1857 2,451,091 9 1,146 1858 1,983,593 7' 21 “ 1,119 1859 2,429,529 9 1,172 1860 2,509,104 94 1,293 1861 2,974,414 10 1,669 1862 3,388,688 °2s i « 1,524 1863 3,864,616 10 1,467 1864 4,024,202 20 1,636 1865 4,322,041 30 1,521 1966 4,957,699 30 1,958 1867 6,435,990 26 2,037 ISO Ci t y o f l e w i s t ò M

1868 5,615,568 1869 6,048,009 1870 6,271,719 1871 9,866,354 1872 10.443.165 1873 11,591,054 1874 12,494,376 1875 12,645,296 1876 11,873,138 1877 11,740,602 1878 10,003,845 1879 9,152,121 1880 9,743,977 1881 9,057,257 1882 10,338,160 1883 10,655,217 1884 11.107.166 1885 11,314,331 1886 11,301,359 1887 10,913,088 1888 11,013,083 1889 10,687,823 1890 11,269,547 1891 11,471,840 1892 11,388,683 . 1893 11,810,135 1894 12,002,912 1895 12,321,895 1896 12.348.577 1897 12.348.577 1898 12,450,566 1899 12,625,796 1900 13,053,663 1901 12,997,452 1902 13,203,495 1903 13,354,526 1904 13,521,600 1905 13,482,023 1906 13,781,246 1907 14.636.635 1908 14.636.635 1909 15,053,515 1910 16,861,149 1911 16,749,410 1912 17,114,474 1913 17,842,443 1914 18,561,714 STATISTICS 151

1915 18,907,701 19.20 “ 7,312 1916 19,427.803 19.50 “ 6,897 1917 19,843,988 24.50 “ 7,020 1918 21,284,782 24 7,238 1919 22,408,999 27 7,043 1920 28,85,522 30 8,278 ) SCHEDULE OF CITY PROPERTY Municipal Water Works $ 1,043.219.69 Lewiston & Auburn R. R. Stock 225,000.00 City Building 200,000.00 City Park 25,500.00 Carnegie Library and Lot 59,750.00 Carnegie Library Furnishing & Books 12,000.00 Jordan High School, lot and equipment 85,000.00 Frye Grammar School, lot and equipment 70,000.00 Main Street School, lot and equipment 27,000.00 Wallace School, lot and enquipment 28,000.00 Dingley School, lot and equipment 65,000.00 Coburn School, lot and equipment 38,000.00 Barkerville School, lot and equipment 3,100.00 Rose Hill School, lot and equipment 3,000.00 River Road School, lot and equipment 800.00 Ferry District School, lot and equipment 1,000.00 Crowley School, lot and equipment 1,200.00 Scribner District School, lot and equipment 600.00 No Name District, lot and equipment 600.00 Jackson District, lot and equipment 800.00 Thorne’s Comer, lot and equipment 3,000.00 Webster Road School, lot and equipment 1,500.00 Pine Woods School, lot and equipment 1,800.00 College Road School, lot and equipment 500.00 Sabattus Road School, lot and equipment 600.00 Lisbon Road School, lot and equipment 1,700.00 Davis Corner School, lot and equipment 4,000.00 Three lots Lincoln Street 14,000.00 Engine House, Lot Ash Street 50,000-00 Hook and Ladder House, lot 13,500.00 House and lot, Barkerville 525.00 Two Steam Fire Engines 6,000.00 Chemical Engine 2,400.00 Hook and Ladder Truck 1,275.00 Hayes Aerial Truck 2,800.00 Three Wagons 1,225.00 Hose Wagon 350.00 Hose Reel 400.00 152 CITY OF LEWlSTOtf

Three Pungs 175.00 Pung 250.00 Supply Wagon 90.00 Chemical Auto 5,000.00 Barkerville Hose Reel 100.00 Pipe Nozzles and Harnesses 2,000.00 Plose 6^500.00

• -· b ■139 . ' ' *;, Fire Alarm Striker, Alarm Bell • 900.00 Compressed Fire Whistle, Apparatus 1,900.00 Barn and Lot Bates Street 3,500.00 Tool House, Tools 500.00 20 Horses 4,000.00 Carts, Dumps Sleighs, Harnesses 2,500.00 Snow Plows 500.00 Stone Crusher 900.00 Engine for Stone Crusher 316.00 Boiler for Crusher 570.00 Derriks and Fixtures 50.00 Two Road Machines 300.00 Steel Drill 300.00 Street Sprinkler 200.00 Street Sweeper 450.00 Sanitary Carts 280.00 Steam Roller - 3,400.00/ * Auto 800.00 Armory Lot 5,600.00 City Farm, Equipment _ 28,000.00 Electric Light Plant 23,500.00 oO Lamp Posts ' 600.00 Ornamental Pole System 20,000.00 New City Lots 5,600.58 Patrol System 4,000.00 Main Street Clock 300.00 Athletic Field 12,000.00/ Auto Truck St. Dept. 2,800.00 Municipal Scale 550.00 Police Ambulance 2,500.00 2,136,076.27 Ci t y g o v e r n m e n t iS3

Government of the City of Lewiston

t * 1920-1921


City Clerk NAP. H. HAMEL

·-.·.·■% . · . y . Aldermen GEO. BERUBE, President Ward 1.—JAMES PALMER 2.-—W. H. MATHEWS 3.—JOHN T. LYNCH 4.—RODOLPHE DOUCETTE 5.—W. P. LAMBERT 6.—GEO. BERUBE 7.—L. J. BRANN

Weighers—Frank E. Boston, Sylvester Brogan, B. E. Byrnes, Geo. L. Cloutier, Edward A. Dugan, H. W. Dow, Jas. Fox, M. J. Googin, Emile J. Genes1, John Harper, E. L. R. Hunt Thomas Johnson, Henry W. Knowles, Chas. E. Sweet, Thos. P. King, Wm. H. King, J. E. Kincaid, Gedeon Parent, John J. Ryan, Ralph R. Reed, John B. Taylor, J. W. Thompson, Emery Russell, D. J. O’Neil, Francis M. Langley, W. G. Philips, C. H. Thompson, Wm. IT. Connors, Nathaniel M. Mitchell, Arthur Provencher, J. M. Saucier, Alphonse Nault, Geo. W. Belt, Chas. E. Royal, L. M. Kidney, C J. Callahan, John R. Calla­ han, H. C. Tuttle, James A. Dawber, John R. Morrison, Frank Morrison, Howard S. Williams, Michael Sullivan, John M. Googin, Leon R. Wood, John J. Mahoney, E. M. Kelley, W. B. Bailey, P. H. Ryle, W. M. Wigh;, Peter Poulin, A. C. Morrell, A. G. Roy, A. G. Foss, Nelson Moreau, Joseph Bergeron, Pat­ rick Hamilton, Calistus P. Sylvia, J. 0. Deschenes, Peter Na­ deau, S. Lloyd Rafnell, Joseph Carrigan, Wm. Nero, I. B. Isaacson, Wm. Janelle, Geo. A. Chouinard, Jeremiah Hegarty, Thomas Tremblay, J. L. King. 154 CÌTY ΟΕ LEWISTON

Surveyors of Lumber—D. C. Chapman, Geo. L. Cloutier, G. J. Day, W. L. Davis, Al den L. Getchell, M. J. Goorin, E. L. R. Hunt, John Harper, Wm. H. Kina;, J. E. Kincaid, Samuel Kingston, J. W. Thompson, Wm. Janelle, Adelard Janelle, C. J. Callahan, Geo. W. Ripley, Edw. M. Lelley, Wm. M. WigE, Peter Poulin, Arthur Provencher, Gedeon Parent, Arsene Blais, Alphonse Nault, John R. Callahan, Leon R. Wood, Em­ ery Russell, Richard C. Linguist, Payson Rich, Joseph Ber­ geron, Thos. Saucier, Charles Baril. Pound Keeper—Clinton Soule.

CONSTABLE LIST Chas. F. Mullaney, John French, James T. Rattigan, Lawrence Joyce, George Hardy, E. L. Hodgkins, James Craig, Edward Caron, Edward Therrien, Frank Blais, Francis Under­ wood, Joseph Thibeault, Joseph Emond, Alfred Boleau, Aime C. Levesque, John Higgins, Maxime Beaulieu, Leo J. Lamon- tagne, Daniel J. Driscoll, R. J. Walsh, Nap. Du il, Frank W. Libby, Jr., Hubert Messier, Wm. G. Murry, T. J. Keefe, Mich­ ael J. Lawless, Jr., John J. O’Connell, Victor Jolicoeur, David Kelly, Peter Hart, Chas. E. Sweet, Ernest Pare, M. J. Sweeney, Harvey McGraw, Zoel J. Sylvester, Dom. Gagnon, Ulrick Biron, Wm. Swif:, F. W. Grover, Dennis Crowley, Stephens Brawn, Henry J. Mitchell, Thomas Mower, B. F. Drake, Joseph Bon- neau, Foster W. Spofford, E. Tetu, Chas. McCormack, C. A. Jumper, James F. Dunton, David Estes, Frank E. Toston, Jos­ eph Potvin, John J. Ryan, Luc Levesque, Herbert Verreaul·:, Elmer Boullett, Joseph Aube, Thomas Greeley, Floribert Mor­ in, Fred A. Nadeau, Harry C. McCarron, Frank O’Brien, Elton F. Fales, J. A. Stacey, Frank Larouche, E. A. Cloutier, J. T. Murphy, Nap. Vaillancour , Jos. C. Fournier, E. E. Bechard, Alfred Lajoie, Arthur Comeau, Frank Guilmette, Jules Picard, John F. Mullaney, Alfred Bernier, Edmond Ouellette, F. M. Gray, James J. Stone, M. J. Shea, Arthur H. Field, Jos. Soucy, Ernes. M. Young, Daniel Crowley, Arsene Lavoie, John J. Breen, Wallace Craig, Jos. N. L’Heureux, P. J. Hamilton, Jos. Richard, Herbert Haynes, Edmond Gauthier, Jos. Giguere, Paul Bilodeau, Donat Lavoie, C. D. Cole, Louis Laflamme, Arthur Dumais, Wm. F. Sheffield, J. M. Driscoll, John F. Mullaney, Fred A. Nadeau, Daniel Donavan, Amedee Gendron, Aime As- selin, Joseph Frechette, John Lahey, John Robertson, C. M. Verrill, Herbem Haynes, Luc St. Jean, Louis Beauregard, Ros- coe Austin, Richard F. Leader, Levi Tufts, Loring S. Griffin, Alexande Boulet, Adolphe Benoit, Harry McCormick, L. C. Merchant, Ludger Bourgoin, Louis Lachance, Jr., Henry T. c i t y g o v e r n m e n t iss

Haskell, L. 0. Chabot, Edward L. Mathews, Wilfred Paradis, Luke Pelletier, S'anislas Levesque, Felix Lagasse, John J. Mahoney, James A. Libby, Milton W. Burham, Albert Regis, Herbert W. Leighton, Callistus P. Sylvia, Romeo Jutras, P. Jean, Eug. D. Hussey, Ed. Davis, J. E. Clou ier, P. F. Rear­ don, John Conley, Thos. E. Nelligan, David H. Elliott, Ade- lard Beaulieu, Louis Vaillancourt, Jos. A. Picard, Μ. E. Goss, Eugene Lebrun, Alph. Turmemie, Ludovic J. Dumont, John McSherry, Arthur Labrecque, John H. Aston, B. E. Hodman, Patrick Minnehan, Louis J. Carver, Timothy Conley, Leroy S. Sampson, E. J. Quinn, Louis Levasseur, Earl G. Holbrook, Jules C. Poliquin, C. Harry McCarron, Harry R. Benson, Ern­ est Malenfant, John Mower, Dominick Jancin, A. B. Coombs, D. C. Clement, John McSherry, Clarence E. Stone, Adolphe Coe, William Armstrong, James Thornton, Jos. Hopwood, Eu­ gene Tardiff, Dominick Gagnon, Adelard P. Roy, John F. Mul- laney, Walter A. Clark, Frank S. Reed. CITY OF LEWISTON

CHRONOLOGICAL VIEW OF THE ν' Government of the City of Lewiston






Stephen I. Abbott David M. Ayer Edward Clark Marshall French Abial M. Jones Samuel W. Kilvert Thomas D. Thorne

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie

Common Councilmen

Josiah G. Coburn, President

Rhodes A. Budlong, George A. Clark, Jeremiah Crow­ ley, Jr., Ezekiel S. Davis, Hersey Day, Joseph S. Garcelon, William F. Garcelon, Cyrus Greeley, Converse J. Pettingill, George H. Pilsbury, Jordan K. Piper, John Y. Scruton, Wil­ liam H. Stevens, James Wood. Clerk of Common Council *Samuel H. Garcelon §William J. Burnham

* Resigned during the year. Elected to vacancy. CITY GOVERNMENT 157





Ward No. 1.—Abial M. Jones Ward No. 2.— Samuel W. Kilvert Ward No. 3.— Alonzo Garcelon Ward No. 4.—Linneus Cheetham Ward No. 5.—Josiah G. Coburn Ward No. 6.—Stephen Abbott Ward No. 7—Edward Clark

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie

Common Councilmen

George H. Pilsbury, President

• Ward No· 1.—Seth Chand]er, Daniel Holland, Converse J. Pettengill. Ward No. 2.— Josiah Day, Cyrus Greeley, Alpheus C. Locke. Ward No. 3.—Timothy E. Fogg, John Y. Scruton, Geo. Webb. Ward No. 4.—George H. Chandler, Samuel E. May, A. Byron Reed. .1 Ward No· 5.—Joseph P. Fessenden, Henry C. Goodnow, George H. Pilsbury. Ward No. 6.—Jordan K. Piper, William S. Rogers, Chester T. Thing. Ward No. 7.—John Blethen, John B. Garcelon, William H. Stevens. Clerk of Common Council

\ I « William V J. Burnham <*■·*» " * ·< -■ Ji I. . ■-i · 158 CITY OF LEWISTON





Ward No. 1.— Abial M. Jones Ward No. 2.— Josiah Day Ward No. 3.— Timothy E. Fogg Ward No. 4.—Henry C. Goodnow Ward No. 5.— Marshall French Ward No. 6— *Lorenzo L. Shaw §Allen P. Winslow Ward No. 7.—George H. Pilsbury

City Clerk

\ Edward P. Tobie

Common Councilmen

William H. Stevens, President

j • _ . Ward No. 1.—Daniel Holland, Converse J. Pettengill, Lewis C. Peck· Ward N. 2.—Lathrop L. Blake, Cyrus Greeley, John N. Wood. Ward No. 3.—George Webb, Theophilus B. Thompson, Plummer C. Tarbox. Ward No. 4.—George H. Chandler, Benj. R. Cotton, Albert O. Morgan. Ward No· 5.—Joseph P. Fessenden, Wells W. Ayer, George A. Clark. Ward No. 6.—William S. Rogers, Benj. A. Bailey, R. E. Patterson. Ward No. 7.—Joseph Blethen, John B. Garcelon, William H. Stevens. Clerk of Common Council William H. Kilvert

^Resigned during the year, §Elected to vacancy. CITY GOVERNMENT 159





Ward No. 1.—Daniel Holland Ward No. 2.—*Samuel W. Kilvert Seth Chandler Ward No. 3.—Timothy E. Fogg Ward No. 4— *Henry C. Goodnow Albert O. Morgan Ward No. 5.—Marshall French Ward No. 6.— Benjamin A. Bailey Ward No. 7.— George H. Pilsbury

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie Common Councilmen George A. Clark, President

Ward No. 1.—Lewis C· Peck, Thomas D. Thorne, Syl- vanus D. Thomas. Ward No. 2.—Ransom C. Pingree, John Goss, John H. Randall. Ward No. 3.—Theophilus B. Thompson, Geo. Webb, Plummer C. Tarbox. Ward No. 4.—Albert O. Morgan, Emery O· Bicknell, Ira W. Coburn. Ward No. 5.—George A. Clark, Wells W. Ayer, John W. Danielson. Ward No. 6.—Samuel B. Parmenter, John W. Farwell, *Edward M. Dearborn, §D. B. Sanderson·

Ward No. 7.—Noah Lichfield, Horace B. Bartlett V.· Joshua D. Rollins. Clerk of Common Council William H. Kilvert

^Resigned during the year. §Elected to vacancy. 160 CITY OF LEWISTON





Ward No. 1.—Thomas D. Thorne Ward No. 2.—Ranson C· Pingree Ward No, 3.—Mark Lowell Ward No. 4.— Albert O. Morgan Ward No. 5.— George A. Clark Ward No. 6.—Jordan K. Piper Ward No. 7.— Ebenezer Ham

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie

Common Councilmen

Josiah G. Coburn, President

Ward No. 1.—Abial M. Jones, *David T. French, Al­ bion K. P. Knowlton, §Lyman Prescott. Ward No. 2.—John Goss, Albert B· Nealy, Levi W. Gilman. Ward No. 3.—Isaac G. Curtis, Isaac R. Hall, James B. Tracy. Ward No. 4.—Ira W. Coburn, John D. Stetson, Jas. Wrigley. Ward No. 5.—Josiah G. Coburn, John W* Danielson, Samuel B. Harmon. Ward No. 6.—Samuel B. Parmenter, John W. Farwell, *George W. Bean, §Pardon N. Dexter. Ward No. 7.—Horace B. Bartlett, Noah Litchfield, Natt. E. Davis. Clerk of Common Council Edward P· Tobie, Jr.

* Resigned during the year. Elected to vacancy* t *






Ward No· 1.—* Abial M. Jones Josiah P. Fessenden Ward No. 2.—Ransom C. Pingree Ward No. 3.—Patrick McGillicuddy Ward No. 4.—Jesse S. Lyford Ward No. 5.—* James Sands §William J. Burnham .Ward No. 6.—Stephen I. Abbott Ward No. 7.—Horace B. Bartlett

City Clerk

Edward P* Tobie

Common Councilmen

Josiah G. Coburn, President

Ward No. 1.—A. K. P. Knowlton, James Wood, Dan. Whittum. Ward No. 2.—Albert B. Nealy, Joel Stevens, Seth Chandler. v . . . · Ward No. 3.—George Webb, Theophilus Thompson, Harmon Dixon. Ward No. 4.—James Wrigley, William H. Monroe, John A. Rodick· Ward No. 5.—Josiah G. Coburn, David Cowan, Ben­ jamin T. Emery. Ward No. 6.—John W. Farwell, Pardon N. Dexter, John B. Cotton. Ward No. 7.—John B. Garcelon, Joseph Blethen, Daniel B. Jones. Clerk of Common Council % Edward P. Tobie, Jr-

^Resigned during the year, §Elected to vacancy 162 CITY OF LEWISTON





Ward No. 1.— Joseph P. Fessenden Ward No. 2.— Jacob B. Ham Ward No. 3.— Milton C. Wedgewood Ward No. 4.— James Wrigley Ward No. S.— William J. Burnham Ward No. 6—Stephen I. Abbott Ward No, 7.—Noah Litchfield

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie

Common Councilmen

Josiah G. Coburn, President

Ward No. 1.—fohn F. Putnam, John N. Wood, Daniel Wood. Ward No. 2.:—William Robinson, Martin A. Jones, Wm. F. Garcelon. Ward No. 3.—Joseph H. Day, C. L Barker, Η. H. Richardson. Ward No. 4.—John A. Rodick, George Hanson, Horace W. Barbour. Ward No. S.—Josiah G. Coburn, David Cowan, Rich­ ard R. Ricker. Ward No. 6.—John W. Farwell, Elijah M· Shaw, Joseph A. Pierce. Ward No. 7.—John B. Garcelon, Jason Rand, Daniel B. Jones, Clerk of Common Council

S > J Edward "TV P, Tobje. J ^ Jr. CITY GOVERNMENT 163





Ward No. 1.— A. Κ. P. Knowlton Ward No. 2.—Mandeville T. Ludden Ward No. 3.—Alonzo Garcelon Ward No. 4.—Isaac C Downes Ward No. S.—David Cowan Ward No. 6.—William S. Rogers Ward No. 7.—Horace B. Bartlett

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie

Common Councilmen

John F. Putnam, President

Ward No. 1.—John F. Putnam, Alonzo D. Morton, Albert B. Furbush. Ward No· 2.—Edward H. Cummings, Albert E. Frost, J. L. H. Cobb. Ward No. 3.—Cyrus I. Barker, Roscoe C. Reynolds, Η. H. Richardson. Ward No. 4.—Aaron D. Thornton, Ruel W. Thorn, Rufus Carr. Ward No. 5.—R. R. Packer, Cyrus Greeley, Josiah G· Coburn.

» .*V * - Ward No. 6.—Benjamin P. Lowell, Joseph A. Pierce, Robert D. Sutherland, Jr. ' . I y , · « Ward No. 7.—Jesse T. Stevens, William R. Wright, Jas. Garcelon, 2nd.

Clerk of Common Council 9 # — . V ' : I » J. Frank Boothby 164 CITY OF LEWISTON




« Aldermen

Ward No· 1.— John F. Putnam Ward No. 2.—Mandeville T. Ludden Ward No. 3.—David F. Noyes Ward No. 4.—George A. Drew Ward No. 5.—David Cowan Ward No. 6.—^Stephen I. Abbott §William S. Rogers Ward No. 7—J. P. Dill

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie

Common Councilmen

Abial M. Jones, President

Ward No· 1.—Alonzo D. Morton, Albert B. Furbish, Abial M. Jones. Ward No. 2.—Albert E. Frost, George A. Callahan, Benj. Litchfield. Ward No. 3.—Roscoe C. Reynolds, Thomas Ward, E. B. Clark. Ward No. 4.—Rufus Carr, John Riley, T. B. Rowell* Ward No. 5.—Josiah G. Coburn, Cyrus Greeley, Chas. P. Wellman. Ward No. 6.—Richard Skelton, David Pheteplace, *Eaton Patterson, §Benjamin A. Bailey. Ward No. 7.—William J. Rodick, William R. Wright Geo· W. Crockett. Clerk of Common Council *Fred B. Sands §H. D. Hall

^Resigned during the year, §Elected to vacancy. CITY GOVERNMENT 165





Ward No. 1.—John F. Putnam Ward No. 2.—William F. Garcelon Ward No. 3.—C. I. Barker Ward No. 4.—E. S. Davis Ward No. 5— Cyrus Greeley Ward No. 6.— William S. Rogers Ward No. 7.—Horace B. Bartlett

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie

Common Councilmen

George A. Callahan, President

Ward No. 1.—A. M. Jones, Joseph H. Day, Alonzo E. Jackson. Ward No. 2.—George A. Callahan, Benj. Litchfield, Ai Brooks. Ward No. 3.—Abial Daley, Nathaniel E. Skelton, P· P. Getchell. Ward No. 4.—H. C. Bradford, Ο. M. Maxwell, Linneus Cheetham. Ward No. S.—J. G. Coburn, N. R. Lougee, Horace C. Little· Ward No. 6.—Richard Skelton, Ben. A. Bailey, David Pheteplace. Ward No. 7.—John Goss, Wm. F. Morrill, J. S. P. Ham.

Clerk of Common Council D. Horace Hollman 166 CITY OF LEWISTON





Ward No. 1.—R. C. Pingree Ward No. 2.— William F. Garcelon Ward No* 3.—Alonzo Garcelon Ward No. 4.—George A. Drew Wrard No. 5.— Cyrus Greeley Ward No. ó.—A. J. Morse Ward No. 7.—Horace B. Bartlett

City Clerk

Edward P. Tobie

Common Councihnen


Ai·» Brooks, 7 President

Ward No. 1.—Joseph H. Day, Daniel Holland, J. L· H. Cobb. Ward No. 2.—Ai Brooks, Samuel W. Libby, Plummer C. Tar box. Ward No. 3.—J. M. Small, P. McGillicuddy, A. L. Goss. Ward No 4.--Frank A. Conant, John Brophy, John H. Gooch. Ward No. 5.—Edmund Russell, Z. H. Spinney, Chas. H. Perkins. Ward No. 6.— john W. Quimby, Hiram Snow, Byron W. Gctchell. Ward No. 7.—Abel Goddard, Joseph Miller, William J. Rodick.

Clerk of Common Council

D· Horace Hollman CITY GOVERNMENT 167





Ward No. 1.—R. C· Pingree Ward No. 2.—A. Wakefield Ward No. 3.— David F. Noyes Ward No. 4.—Michael A. Ward Ward No. 5.—Thomas Fillebrowne Ward No. 6.—James Dempsey Ward No. 7.—Horace B. Bartlett

City Clerk

Edward Ρ· Tobie

Λ ψ f . : · Common Councilmen

Edmund Russell, President

Ward No. 1.—A. M. Jones, John Y. Scruton, B. F. Clough. Ward No. 2.—Samuel W. Libby, P. C. Tarbox, F. B. Sprague. Ward No. 3.—J· W. Murray, Moses D. Goder, William Collins. Ward No. 4.—George Pottle, John Brophy, Clinton B. Heath. Ward No. 5.—Edmund Russell, A. B. Watson, Wm. D. Pennell. Ward No. 6.—E. D. Wiggin, John Scott, Wilson Moody· Ward No. 7.—N. W. Dutton, Joseph Miller, Gideon Perkins.

Clerk of Common Council

D. Horace Hollman 168 CITY OF LEWISTON



Ward No. L—A. M. Jones Ward No. 2.—W. E. Pressey Ward No. 3.— Alonzo Garcelon Ward No. 4.—I. C. Downes Ward No. 5.—Wm. D. Pennell Ward No· 6.—D. Pheteplace Ward No. 7.—C. C. Cobb

City Clerk

E. P. Tobie

§E. A. Nash

Common Councilmen

Geo. A. Chandler, President

Ward No. 1.—J. Y. Scruton, B. F. Clough, S. D. Thomas Ward No. 2.—G. S. Follensbee, G. A. Chandler, Nelson Howard. Ward No. 3.—William Collins, P. McGillicuddy, S· A. Cummings. Ward No. 4.—T. W. Murch, T. D. Thorne, C. H. Hobbs. Ward No. 5.—A. B. Watson, J. H· Stetson, M. C. Wedge- wood. Ward No. 6.—B. W. Getchell, J. J. Davis, Albert Cook. Ward No. 7.—N. W. Dutton, D. M· Molman, Gideon Perkins.

Clerk of Common Council

A. S. Perham

* Deceased. § Elected to fill vacancy. CITY GOVERNMENT 169





Ward No. 1.—A. M. Jones Ward No. 2.—W. E. Pressey Ward No· 3.—Alonzo Garcelon Ward No. 4.—Thomas Ward Ward No. 5.— Wm. D. Pennell Ward No. 6.— Albert Cook Ward No. 7.— C. C. Cobb

City Clerk

E. A. Nash

Common Councilmen

Geo. A. Chandler, President

Ward No. 1.—J. Y. Scruton, S. D. Thomas, F. L. Sleeper· Ward No. 2.—Nelson Howard, J. W. Perkins, Albert.E. Frost. Ward No. 3.—William Collins, P. McGillicuddy, M. D· Golder. Ward No. 4.—George A. Drew, Wm. Leader, E. V. Daly. Ward No. 5.—Joseph H. Stetson, John Garner, Geo. A. Chandler. Ward No· 6.—M. Dennett, Hillman Smith, Frank E. Severance. Ward No. 7.—D. Horace Holman, Joseph Blethen, D. D. Jones.

Clerk of Common Council

v A. S. Perham 170 CITY OF LEWISTON




Aldermen *

Ward No. 1.—J. L. Ή. Cobb Ward No. 2.—Nelson Howard Ward No. 3.— Alonzo Garcelon Ward No. 4.—J. S. Lyford Ward No. 5.—Wm. D. Pennell Ward No. 6.—D. J. Callahan Ward No* 7.—J. B. Garcelon


E. A. Nash

Common C

Geo. A. Chandler, President

Ward No. 1.—J. Y. Scruton, F. E. Sleeper, D. B. Strout. Ward No· 2.—A. E. Frost, J. W. Perkins, J. L. Hays. Ward No. 3.—A. M. Hitchcock, W. C. Bailey, S. A Cummings. Ward No. 4.—T. ’J. Murphy, E. V. Daly, * Richard Burke, §W. W. Sanborn. Ward No· 5.—Geo. A. Chandler, John Garner, F. B. Sands. *Resigned during the year. §Elected to vacancy. Ward No. 6.—Cyrus Haskell, Wilson Moody, G. G. Berry. Ward No. 7.—J. S. Garcelon, L. H. Hutchinson, F. W. Parker.

Clerk of Common Council %

I . « A. S. Perham CITY GOVERNMENT 171





D. J. Callahan, President Ward No. 1.— Joseph H. Day Ward No. 2.—Oliver Newman Ward No. 3.— P. McGillicuddy Ward No. 4.— M. Egan Ward No- S.—John Garner Ward No. 6.— D. J. Callahan Ward No. 7.—W. J. Rodick

City Clerk

E. D. Lyford

Common Councilmen

R. C. Reynolds, President

Ward No. 1— D. B. Strout, J. K. Blanchard, S. W. Cook. Ward No. 2.—R. C. Reynolds, T. O’Callahan, G. G.

Hartwell.·· '· ..... 1 t Ward No. 3.—A. M. Hitchcock, C. W. Clarke, Thos. Sugrue. Ward No. 4— T. J. Murphy, Richard Burke, W. W. Sanborn. Ward No. 5.—F. B. Sands, R. R. Ricker, Isaac Goddard,

Ward No. 6.—G. G. Berry, Wilson Moody, Cyrus Haskell. Ward No. 7.—J. W. West, Isaac A· Hayes, E. C. Kilgore.

Clerk of Common Council

Μ, F. Sullivan 172 CITY OF LEWISTON





D. B. Strout, President Ward No. 1.—D. B· Strout Ward No. 2.—Wm. F. Garcelon Ward No. 3.—Geo. B. French Ward No. 4.—D. J. Callahan Ward No. S.— john Garner Ward No. 6—James Chandley Ward No. 7.—Μ. T. Ludden

City Clerk

C. F. Goss

Common Counctlmen

Frederick B. Sands, President

Ward No. 1.—J. K. Blanchard, S. W. Cook, Seth Chandler. Ward No. 2.—John Given, P. C. Tarbox, R. Dresser· Ward No. 3.—C. W. Clark, Thomas Sugrue, William Collins. Ward No. 4.—Thomas Kelley, W. W. Sanborn, John Brophy. Ward No. 5.—Frederick B. Sands, R· R. Ricker, William Lydston. Ward No. 6.—Wilson Moody, C. Haskell, Thomas Murphy. Ward No. 7.—Daniel Allen, E. G. Woodside, Andrew J. Hinckley. ♦ Clerk of Common Council

George W. Goss CITY GOVERNMENT 173




Aldermen D. B. Strout, President Ward No. 1— D. B. Strout Ward No. 2.—L. H. Hutchinson Ward No· 3.—A. M. Garcelon Ward No. 4.—D. J. Callahan Ward No. 5.— Frederick B. Sands Ward No. 6.—-James Chandley Ward No. 7.—N. W. Dutton

City Clerk

E. A. Nash


Seth Chandler, President

Ward No. 1,—J. K. Blanchard, Addison Small, Seth Chandler· Ward No. 2.—R. Dresser, Henry A. Torsey, Fred H. White. Ward No. 3.—William Collins, F. W. Martin, Thomas Sugrue. Ward No. 4.—R. Quimby, John Brophy, Eben Murch. Ward No. 5.—William Lydston, Charles Horbury, Cyrus Greeley. Ward No· 6.—P. C. Thompson, J. B. Smith, L. Lefebvre. Ward No. 7.—Daniel Allen, E. G. Woodside, M. J. Googin.

Clerk of Common Council

George W. Goss 174 CITY OF LEWISTON





Nathan W. Dutton, President

Ward No. 1.— Seth Chandler Ward No. 2.—L. H. Hutchinson Ward No. 3.—A. M. Garcelon Ward No. 4.— Daniel S. Fitzgerald Ward No. S.— William Lydston Ward No. 6.—John B. Smith Ward No. 7—N. W. Dutton

City Clerk E. A. Nash Common Councilmen

Addison Small, President

Ward No. 1.—Addison Small, I. C. Merrill, S. B. Hayes. Ward No. 2.—H. A· Torsey, Fred H. White, A. D. Cornish. Ward No. 3.—S. A. Cummings, C. W. Waldron, F. H. Thornton. Ward No. 4.—Eben Murch, G. W. Furbush, J. D· Mont- marquet.

• .1 ; f Ward No. S.—Charles Horbury, Cyrus Greeley, Fred F. Garcelon.

» Ward No. 6.—Cyrus Haskell, George F. Dow, Léon Lefebvre. Ward No. 7.—M. J· Googin, L. P. Woodbury, W. W Clough.

Clerk of Common Council >· , . George W. Goss CITY GOVERNMENT 175 4 1882




Seth Chandler, President

Ward No. 1.— Seth Chandler Ward No. 2.—J. L. Hayes Ward No. 3.—Η. N. Wagg Ward No. 4.— Daniel S. Fitzgerald Ward No. 5— Cyrus Greeley Ward No. 6.— John B. Smith Ward No. 7.— Η. B. Bartlett

City Clerk E. A. Nash Common Councilmen

A. D. Cornish, President

Ward No. 1.—I. C. Merrill, S. B. Hayes, T. H. Longley. Ward No. 2.—A. D. Cornish, C D. Lemont, Horace Libby. Ward No. 3.—William Collins, B. F. Peterson, Thos. Mansfield. Ward No. 4.—George W. Furbush, J. D. Montmarquet, Ο. E. Hilton. :· Ward No· 5.—Fred F. Garcelon, S. H. Murray, M. Phaneuf. Ward No. 6.—George F. Dow, J. E. Cloutier, Daniel Finn. Ward No. 7.—F. W. Parker, A. L. Templeton, W. W. Clough.

Clerk of Common Council

George W. Goss 176 CITY OF LEWISTON



ALONZO M. GARCELON Aldermen Η. N. Wagg, President

Ward No. 1.—F. I· Day Ward No. 2.—C. C. Wilson Ward No. 3.—Η. N. Wagg Ward No. 4.—M. D. Golder Ward No. S.—S. Booth Ward No· 6.—C. O’Connell Ward No. 7.—A. L. Talbot

City Clerk

W. J. Rodick

Common Councilmen

R. C. Reynolds, President

Ward No. 1— T. H. Longley, C. H. Miller, A. K Ordway. Ward No. 2.—R. C. Reynolds, J. A. Tracy, 0. A. Norton. Ward No. 3.—William Collins, B. F. Peterson, G. W. Ham. « Ward No. 4.—0. F. Hilton, T. F. Callahan, F. Pelletier. Ward No. 5.—S. Marcous, J. G. Coburn, J. Vaughn. Ward No. 6.—J. E. Cloutier, J. J. Burke, J. F. Herrick. Ward No. 7.—G. G. Wagg, A. L. Templeton, F. W. Parker.

Clerk of Common Council

F, X. Belleau CITY GOVERNMENT 177 7 1884




Η. N. Wagg, President Ward No. 1.—F. I. Day Ward No. 2.—A. E. Frost Ward No· 3.—Η. N. Wagg Ward No. 4.—T. F. Callahan Ward No. 5.—S. Booth Ward No. 6.—C. O’Connell Ward No. 7.—A. L. Talbot

City Clerk

W. J· Rodick

Common Councilmen

N. W. Tarbox, President

Ward No· 1.—C. H. Miller, A. K. Ordway, Edwin H. Woodside. Ward No. 2.—I. C. Downes, C. S. Crowell, C. D. Lemont. Ward No. 3.—C. J. Callahan, S. A. Baker, John E. Gagné. **···«% * # ν ' * Ward No· 4.—William Leader, Cléophas Thibault, Fred E. Leavitt. Ward No. 5.—S. Marcous, James Vaughn, N. W. Tarbox. Ward No. 6.—John Scott, Charles Marchand, A. E. McDonough. Ward No. 7.—G. G. Wagg, F. L· Hoyt, I. W. Emerson.

✓ Clerk of Common Council

F. X. Belleau 178 CITY OF LEWISTON





C. H. Osgood, President Ward No. 1.— A. K. P. Knowlton Ward No. 2.—R. C. Reynolds Ward No. 3.— A. M. Garcelon Ward No* 4.— T. F. Callahan Ward No. S.—C. H. Osgood Ward No. 6.—A. E. McDonough Ward No. 7.—F. W. Parker

City Clerk

W. J. Rodick ]

Common Councilmen

C. J. Callahan, President

Ward No. 1.—Edw. Woodside, Jas. T. Small, Everett, A. Nash. Ward No. 2.—O. A. Norton, A· D. Barker, I. M. Blake. Ward No. 3.—C. J. Callahan, M. A. Ward, F. E. Leavitt. Ward No. 4.—William Leader, Louis Joncas, C. E. Morgan. Ward No· 5.—Magloire Phaneuf, Matthew McGawley, Wells H. Bates. Ward No. 6.—C. O. Godwin, J. F. Sullivan, Elie Roy. Ward No. 7.—F. L. Hoyt, Ivory W. Emerson, Frank L. Noble.

Clerk of Common Council






F. W. Parker, President Ward No· 1.— A. Κ. P. Knowlton Ward No. 2.—Randall Dresser Ward No. 3.—Charles D. English Ward No. 4.—T. F. Callahan Ward No. 5.— Pierre Angers Ward No. 6.—M. A. Murphy Ward No. 7.—F. W. Parker

City Clerk

John Sabin

Common Councilmen

Frank L. Noble, President

Ward No· 1.—Everett E. Nash, Isaac S. Faunce, Jas. T. Tarbox, Ward No. 2.—Isaac M. Blake, Charles D. Lemont, Ed. Webb. Ward No. 3.—C. J. Callahan, M. A. Ward, B. F. Get- chell. Ward No. 4.—Wdlliam Leader, Louis Joncas, Chas· E. Morgan. Ward No. 5.—Edwin C. Douglass, Israel B. Merrill, G. W. Goss. Ward No. 6.—James McManus, Charles 0. Paradis, John O’Rourke. Ward No. 7.—Frank L. Noble. Alonzo W· Sturgis, Byron S. Adams. ' * #m ίϋ Clerk of Common Council C. H. McCarron 180 CITY OF LEWISTON





E A. Nash, President Ward No. 1.—E. A. Nash Ward No. 2.—A. D. Barker Ward No. 3.—M. A. Coyne Ward No. 4.—F. A. Conant Ward No. 5.— Pierre Angers Ward No* 6.—M. A. Murphy Ward No. 7.—F. L. Hoyt

City Clerk

John Sabin

Common Councilmen

George W. Goss, President

Ward No. 1.—Isaac S. Faunce, James T. Tarbox, A. S. Plummer. Ward No. 2.—Isaac M. Blake, C. M* Lunt, George F. Reynolds. Ward No. 3.—B. F. Getchell, N. J. Wedgewood, Thos Robinson. Ward No. 4.—William Leader, Charles E. Morgan, J E. Gagné* Ward No. S.—Edwin C. Douglass, Israel B. Merrill, Geo W. Goss. Ward No. 6.—James McManus, A. W. Maillet, M. Dennett. Ward No. 7.—Alonzo M. Sturgis, Byron S. Adams, C O, Morrell. Clerk of Common Council H. A. Torsey

^Resigned: John F, Putnam elected. CITY GOVERNMENT 181




A. D. Barker, President Ward No. L—W. H. White Ward No. 2.—A. D. Barker Ward No. 3.—Μ· A. Coyne Ward No. 4.—Fred L. Tarr Ward No. 5.— Pierre Angers Ward No. 6.—M. A. Murphy Ward No. 7.—F. L. Hoyt

City Clerk

John F. Putnam

Common Councilmen

A. S. Plummer, President

Ward No. 1.—A. S. Plummer, J. F. Boothby, W. F. Wood· Ward No. 2.—C. M. Lunt, C. S. Crowell, E. W. Dresser. Ward No. 3— N. J. Wedgewood, Thomas Robinson, A. McWilliams. Ward No. 4.—Auguste Marcous, F. M. Johnson, C. C. Benson. Ward No. S.—William Scott, J. M. Sherman, Henry Lizotte. Ward No. 6.—M. Dennett, A. W· Maillet, P. J. Flaherty. Ward No. 7.—C. O. Morrell, A. W. Garcelon, William Λ. Libby.

Clerk of Common Council






Wallace H. White, President Ward No. L—W. H. White Ward' No. 2.— Cyrus M. Lunt Ward No. 3.— Nap. B. Stockbridge Ward No. 4.—Charles C. Benson Ward No. S.— Daniel S. Fitzgerald Ward No· 6.— James L. Kenney Ward No. 7.— Charles O. Morrell

City Clerk

John F. Putnam

Common Councilmen

William F. Wood, President

Ward No. L—William F. Wood, J. Frank Boothby, Wil­ liam T. Smart. Ward No. 2.—Eben W. Dresser, Benjamin Litchfield, Michael P. McGillicuddy. Ward No. 3.—James J. Mottram, Edwin K. Smith, Frank Wright. Ward No. 4.—Martin A. Ward, George W. Cappers, Ossian N. Briggs. Ward No. S.—James M· Sherman, Henry Lizotte, Daniel E. Murphy. Ward No. 6.—John O’Rourke, Patrick Flaherty, Cornelius W. Murphy. Ward No. 7.—William A. Libby, Abram W. Garcelon, George M. Coombs.

Clerk of Common Council






Joseph F. Kenney, President Ward No. 1.—S. B. Hayes Ward No. 2.— Cyrus M. Lunt Ward No. 3.—Henry Hines Ward No. 4— P. J. Cronin Ward No. 5.—L. J. Martel Ward No. 6.— James L. Kenney Ward No. 7.—W. A. Libby

City Clerk

F. X. Belleau

Common Counctlmen

Josiah B. Longley, President

George W. Goss. Ward No. 2.—M. P. McGillicuddy, Geo. C. Judkins, Jacob L. Hayes· Ward No. 3.—Geo. E. Harrison, J. M. Longley, Louis Langelier. Ward No. 4.—Ο. N. Briggs, O. A. Frazier, William Leader. Ward No. 5.—*Matthew McGawley, W. D· Crafts, John E. Gagné. Ward No. 6.—Cornelius Russell, Frank Pelletier, C. W. Murphy. Ward No. 7.—Geo. M. Coombs, Andrew L. Marble, David A. Scannell.

Clerk of Common Council

Η- E. Horr *Resigned. 184 CITY OF LEWISTON 1891 Mayor



Louis J. Martel, President

Ward No· 1.— S. B. Hayes Ward No. 2.—Cyrus M. Lunt Ward No. 3.— Henry Hines Ward No. 4. —A. M. Garcelon Ward No. 5.— L. J. Martel Ward No. 6.—C. W. Murphy Ward No. 7— W. A. Libby

City Clerk

F. X. Belleau

Common Councilmen

Cornelius O'Connell, President

Ward No. 1.—Samuel C. Leslie, Jr., Geo. M. Kavanagh, George W. Goss. Ward No. 2.—M. P. McGillicuddy, Geo. C. Judkins. Ward No. 3.—J· B. Longley, C. O'Connell, P. M. Doyle. Ward No. 4.—C. Thibault, William Leader, George Whelpley. Ward No. 5.—Régis Provost, John J. Sheehan, A. K. P. Harvey. Ward No. 6.—Frank Pelletier, C. Russell, W. M. Scott Ward No. 7.—Andrew L. Marble, David A. Scanned, A. C. Pierce.

Clerk of Common Council

A. B. McWilliams

Ward No. 1.—Samuel C. Leslie, Jr., Geo. D. Armstrong, CITY g o v e r n m e n t 185


» Mayor

W. h . NEWELL Aldermen

Louis J. Martel, President

Ward No. 1.—George W. Goss Ward No. 2.—Nelson Howard Ward No. 3.—Henry Hines Ward No. 4.—A. M. Garcelon Ward No. 5—L. J. Martel Ward No. 6.—C. W. Murphy Ward No. 7.—Frank W. Parker

City Clerk

M. A. Coyne

Common Councilmen

John H. Callahan, President

Ward No. 1.—George M. Kavanagh, Edwin F. Scruton, Frank E· Wilcox. Ward No. 2.—Emery N. Howard, James J. McKenna, Horace Libby. Ward No. 3.—John H. Callahan, John J. Ryan, John B. Littlefield. Ward No. 4.—Napoléon L’Heureux, Thos. C. Spillane, Joseph Verville. Ward No. 5.—Régis Provost, James McManus, Sam· Booth. Ward No. 6.—Frank Pelletier, Jeremiah Murphy, Jr., J. Callahan. Ward No. 7.—Arion C. Pierce, John E. Carrigan, Hol­ man Jordan. y* · ·* r

) ' . , ? Clerk of Common Council






M. A. Murphy, President Ward No. 1.— Edwin Scruton Ward No. 2.—A. D· Barker Ward No. 3.—Cornelius O’Connell Ward No. 4.— N. L’Heureux Ward No. S.— Régis Provost Ward No. 6.—M. A. Murphy Ward No. 7.—Arion C. Pierce

City Clerk

T. E· O’Connell

Common Conncilmen

T. C. Spillane, President

Ward No· 1.—George M. Kavanagh, Frank E. Wilcox, Wm. B. Skelton. Ward No. 2.—Emery M. Howard, James McKenna, Samuel Knowles. Ward No. 3.—John B. Littlefield, B. J. Dunn, Richard McGee. Ward No. 4.—Thomas C. Spillane, Joseph Verville, Ernest Getchell Ward No. 5.—James McManus, B· J. Vaughn, Geo. E. Sharpe. Ward No. 6.—Frank Pelletier, Cyrille Poulin, Michael Hopkins. Ward No. 7.—John E. Carrigan, Sewall H. Bagley, H. Jordan.

Clerk of Common Council


» W. P. Lambert CITY GOVERNMENT 187





Jacob L. Hayes, President Ward No. 1.— Edwin Scruton Ward No. 2.—Jacob L. Hayes Ward No. 3.—J. J. Kennedy Ward No. 4.—Henry Sabine Ward No. 5.—Régis Provost Ward No· 6.— M. A. Murphy Ward No. 7.—John E. Carrigan

City Clerk

C. V. Allen

Common Councilmen ( John H. Callahan, President

Ward No. 1.—George M. Kavanagh, John Hibbert, Oscar G. Douglass· Ward No. 2.—James J. McKenna, Isaac L. Robbins, C. R. Wheeler. Ward No. 3.—Howard M. Maxwell, John H. Callahan, T. R. Herbst. Ward No. 4.—William Leader, W. W- Sanborn, E. Bè­ li veau. Ward No. 5.—W. H. Hawkins, B. J. Vaughn, J. E. Brogan. Ward No. 6.—A. Pelletier, C. A. Frost, S* J. Kelley. Ward No. 7.—Sewall H. Bagley, A. S. Ridley, Z. R. Doten.

Clerk of Common Council






Henry Sabine, President

Ward No. 1.— Edwin Scruton Ward No. 2.—Charles R. Wheeler Ward No. 3.—J. H. Callahan Ward No. 4.—Henry Sabine Ward No· S.— Arsène Cailler Ward No. 6.— M. A. Murphy Ward No. 7.—John E. Carrigan

City Clerk C. V. Allen Common Councilmen

A. S. Ridley, President

Ward No. 1.—John Hibbert, F. I· Mills, H. L. Fuller. Ward No. 2.—Isaac L. Robbins, A. P. Hodgkins, D. J. GNeil. Ward No. 3.—Howard W. Maxwell, T. R. Herbst, B. M. Dixon· Ward No. 4.—William Leader, W. W. Sanborn, G. L. Crockett. Ward No. 5.—W. H. Hawkins, H. Durocher, E. Joyce. Ward No. 6.—S. J· Kelley, A. Pelletier, A. O. Martel. Ward No. 7.—A. S. Ridley, Z. R. Doten, J. P. Wentworth.

Clerk of Common Council

' ? ' v · ' . v P. H. O’Neil CITY GOVERNMENT 189





John E. Carrigan, President Ward No. 1.— John Hibbert Ward No. 2.—Horace Libby Ward No. 3— J. H. Callahan Ward No. 4.—W. W. Sanborn Ward No. 5.— William Sabourin Ward No. 6.—M. A. Murphy Ward No. 7.— John E. Carrigan

City Clerk

Geo. H. Hale


George F. Libby, President

Ward No. 1.—Cass Spear, Ezra H. White, Jacob R. Little· Ward No. 2.—A. P. Hodgkins, D. J. O’Neil, Albert G. Foss. Ward No. 3.—Geo. F. Libby, James H. Dunn, Howard T. Teague· Ward No. 4.—John P. Tilton, Emeril Béliveau, Geo. W. Cappers. Ward No. 5.—John W. Scott, Warren P. Douglass, Aza- rie Provost. Ward No. 6.—S. J. Kelley, A. Pelletier, Thomas Saucier. Ward No. 7.—J. P. Wentworth, George K. Davis, J· W. Hartley.

Clerk of Common Council

George W, Goss 190 CITY OF LEWISTON





John H· Callahan, President Ward No. 1.—John Hibbert Ward No. 2.—Horace Libby Ward No. 3.—J. H. Callahan Ward No. 4.—W. W. Sanborn Ward No. S.—Telesphore Sabourin Ward No. 6.—Peter S. Martin Ward No. 7—J. W. Hartley

City Clerk

Geo. H. Hale

Common Counctlmen

George F. Libby, President

Ward No. 1.—Cass Spear, Ezra H. White, Jacob R. Little. Ward No. 2.—A. P. Hodgkins, D. J. O’Neil, Albert G. Foss. Ward No. 3.—Geo. F. Libby, James H. Dunn, Howard A. Teague. Ward No. 4.—John P. Tilton, Emeril Béliveau, Geo. W· Cappers. Ward No. 5.—John W. Scotte, M. L. Lizotte, H. F. Cody. Ward No. 6.—L. C. Davis, A. B· Lebrun, William Bagnell. Ward No. 7.—J. J. Russell, E. F. Small, George K. Davis.

Clerk of Common Council



Mayor W. H. NEWELL


Ezra H. White, President Ward No. 1.—Ezra H. White Ward No. 2.—A. P. Hodgkins Ward No. 3.—George F. Libby Ward No. 4—John P. Tilton Ward No. 5.—Regis Provost Ward No. 6.—Auguste Pelletier Ward No. 7.—J. P. Wenworth

City Clerk

Common Councilmen

A. G. Foss, President

Geo. H. Hale

Ward No. 1.— E. W· Dresser, W. F. Scruton, Arthur Goodrich. Ward No. 2.—A. G. Foss, Wm. R. Miller, Edmond J. Roche. Ward No. 3.—John R. Maliar, William J. Hall, J. F. Jones· Ward No. 4.—William E. Litchfield, William Leader, Emeril Béliveau. Ward No. 5.—Edward Joyce, J. B. Couture, Flavien

L’Heureux.• Z ' * 4 _ * j , Ward No. 6.—John A. Finn, Etienne Langelier, Richard McCullough. Ward No. 7.—John J. Russell, G. W. Meserve, Geo· K. Davis.

Clerk of Common Council

W. J. Hartley 192 CITY OF LEWISTON





Régis Provost, President

Ward No. 1.—Cass Spear Ward No. 2.—A. P* Hodgkins Ward No. 3.— M. A. Coyne Ward No. 4.—Henry P. Béchard Ward No. 5.— Régis Provost Ward No. 6.— John A. Finn Ward No. 7.—Frank M. Dill City Clerk F X. Belleau

Common Councilmen

John J. Hartely, President

Ward No. 1.—Eben W. Dresser, Fordyce C. Farr, George M. Kavanagh. Ward No. 2.—A. G. Foss, Wiliam R· Miller, Edmond J. Roche. Ward No. 3.—Willard W. Tuttle, Ferdinand Cloutier, Patrick Lawless. Ward No. 4.—Benjamin F. Peterson, David S. McCarthy, Napoléon Bolduc. Ward No. S.—Joseph Voyer, James Vaughn, John J. Hartley* · · Ward No. 6.—Etienne Langelier, Arthur Legendre. Patrick O’Connell. Ward No. 7.—Edward M. Small, Patrick T. Madden,

Clerk oj Common Council






A. G. Foss, President Ward No. 1.—Eben W. Dresser Ward No. 2.—Alber G. Foss Ward No. 3.— Edwin N. Dexter Ward No. 4.— Cyrus Greeley Ward No. S.— Joseph Voyer Ward No. 6—John A. Finn Ward No. 7.—Frank M. Dill

City Clerk

Geo. H. Hale

Common Councilmen

John F. Slattery, President

Ward No. 1.—Fordyce Farr, A. M. Ireland, C. H. Thomas. Ward No· 2.—Valentine Pingree, George H. Harris, Al­ bert J. Ferguson. Ward No. 3.—Geo. B. Haskell, James H. Dunn, John Slattery. Ward No. 4.—William Litchfield, William Leader, Alfred J. Chagnon. Ward No. 5.—James Vaughn, J. B. Couture, Eugène Fredette. Ward No. 6— Arthur Legendre, Patrick O’Connell, Fla- vien L’Heureux. Ward No. 7.—Everett A. Davis, Patrick F. Madden, Walter H. Johnson.

Clerk of Common Council




GEORGE W. FURBUSH Aldermen A, G. Foss, President Ward No. 1.—Fordyce C. Farr Ward No. 2.— Albert G. Foss Ward No. 3— Edwin N. Dexter Ward No. 4.— Cyrus Greeley Ward No. S.—Joseph Voyer Ward No, 6.—Flavien L’Heureux Ward No. 7,—Everett A. Davis

City Clerk

Geo. H. Hale

Common Councilmen

Charles H. Thomas, President

Ward No. 1.—Charles H. Thomas, Charles W. Co veil, * Edmund R. Field. Ward No. 2.—Valentine Pingree, George H· Harris, Henry T. Daniels. Ward No. 3.—George B. Haskell, David J. Crowley, Hiram T Spencer Ward No. 4.—William E. Litchfield, William Leader, Vital Gilbert, Jr. Ward No. 5.—James Vaughn, Eugène Fredette, Jas. McManus. Ward No· 6.—Arthur Legendre, Michael G. Caveney, Jeremiah Coney. Ward No. 7.—Lincoln A. Lewis, Dennis J. Murphy, Jàffiés sRobinson.

Clerk of Common Council






Flavien L’Heureux, President

Ward No. 1.—Fordyce C Farr Ward No. 2.— Valentine Pingree Ward No. 3.—P. J. O'Connor Ward No. 4.— Samuel Hibbert Ward No. S.— Régis Provost Ward No. 6.—Flavien L' Heureux Ward No. 7.— Everett A Davis City Clerk W. P. Lambert

Common Councilmen

Percy P. Ham, President

Ward No. 1.—Charles W. Covell, Edmund R. Field, At- well W. Ireland. Ward No. 2.— Henry T. Daniels, Η. H· Purinton, John W. Miller. Ward No. 3.—Percy P. Ham, Eugène L. Houde, Thos. L. Mullaney. Ward No. 4.—Siméon Cailler, Benjamin J. Bunn, Chas. March and. Ward No· S.—James Vaughn, Joseph Caouette, W. J. Hartley. Ward No. 6.—Arthur Legendre, M. C. Caveney, Jere­ miah J. Coffey. Ward No. 7.—Lincoln A. Lewis, W. R. Murphy, Jas. Robinson.

Clerk of Common Council Λ S. F. Brogan CITY OF LEWISTON

1903 Mayor



George W. Furbush, President

Ward No. 1.—Edwin C. Wood Ward No. 2.—Herbert H. Purinton Ward No. 3.—Hiram Spencer Ward No. 4.— George W. Furbush Ward No. S.— Arsène Cailler Ward No. 6.—Alfred W. Maillet Ward No· 7.—John F. Lamb

City Clerk

John F. Slattery

Common Councilmen

Edwin L. Hodgkins, President 1 . γ Ward No. 1.—George F. Libby, George F. McGibbon, E. J. Roche. Ward No. 2.—John A. Bibber, A. J. Ferguson, Elwin L. Hodgkins. Ward No. 3.—George D. Sewell, Samuel Stewart, William Baird. Ward No. 4— William Leader,7 Samuel G. Larrabee, *7 Frank Béliveau. Ward No. S.—Alphonse Bernard, Michael Brogan, Jr. Louis Bourget. Ward No. 6.—Michael Ward, David Cloutier, Michael O Deary. Ward No. 7.—Isaac N. Spofford, Michael R. Murphy. Everard B. Whittier.

Clerk of Common Council

H. W. Litchfield CITY GOVERNMENT 197



Η. H. Purinton, President

Ward No. 1.—Edwin C. Wood Ward No. 2.—Herbert H. Purinton Ward No. 3.— James E. Scott Ward No. 4.—Fred E. Wagg Ward No. 5.— Joseph Voyer Ward No. 6.— Alfred W. Maillet Ward No. 7.—John F. Lamb

City Clerk

John F. Slattery

Common Councilmen

Everard B. Whittier, President

Ward No· 1.—George F. Libby, George F. McGibbon, E. J. Roche. Ward No. 2.—Edwin L. Hodgkins, Fred A. Chase, M. J. King. Ward No. 3.—Levi B. Tufts, T. F. Mullaney, C. B. Houle· Ward No. 4.—Samuel G. Larrabee, Frank Béliveau, L. W. Rowe. Ward No. 5.—Alp. Bernard, David Rivard, Michael Brogan, Jr. Ward No· 6.—Michael Ward, David Cloutier, Cornelius Horrigan. Ward No. 7.—Isaac N. Spofford, Everard B. Whittier, John P. Murphy.

? . Clerk of Common Council

H. W. Litchfield 198 CITY OF LEWISTON




Aldermen A. W. Maillet, President Ward No. 1.—Geo. S. Libby Ward No. 2.—Elwi L. Hodgkins Ward No. 3.—Hugh W. Haswell Ward No. 4.— Richard D. Leader Ward No. 5.—Joseph Voyer Ward No. 6.—Alfred W. Maillet Ward No. 7.—E. B. Whittier

City Clerk

Albert D. Morneau

Common Councilmen

J. B. C. Tondreau, President

Ward No. 1.—Thos. C. White, David E. Westall, Ben, S. Brake· Ward No. 2.—Michael J. King, Daniel P. Eaton, Robert W. Keist. Ward No. 3.—Charles LI. Houle, Levi B. Tufts, James E. Heffernan. Ward No. 4.—Eugène Fradet, Ernest Getchell, Théo­ phile Malenfant. Ward No. S.—J· B. C. Tondreau, William J. Vaughn, George Michaud. Ward No. 6.—Cornelius Horrigan, John Lacroix, John J. Cunion. Ward No. 7.—John P. Murphy, Alwin J. Emerson, Geo. W. Ranks.

Clerk of Common Council




Joseph Voyer, President

Ward No. 1.—Geo. B. Haskell Ward No. 2.—W. A. Tarr Ward No. 3.—James E. Heffernan Ward No. 4.— Richard D. Leader Ward No. S.— Joseph Voyer Ward No· 6.—Alfred W. Maillet Ward No. 7.—E. B. Whittier

City Clerk

Albert D. Morneau

Common Councilmen

M. F. Pettengill, President

Ward No. 1.—W· H. Coffin, Ben. F. Drake, Napoléon Langevin. Ward No. 2.—M. F. Pettengill, W. C. Cannon, Ed. Matthews. Ward No. 3.—Chas. B. Houle, T. F. Mullaney, Chas. A· Caswell. Ward No. 4.—Théophile Malenfant, Ernest Getchell, Eugène Fradet. Ward No. 5.—J. B. C. Tondreau, William J. Vaughn, George Michaud. Ward No. 6.—C. A. Horrigan, John Lacroix, John J. Cunion. Ward No. 7.—George W. Ranks, Alvin J. Emerson, Ed­ ward Joyce.

Clerk of Common Council






James E. Heffernan, President Ward No. 1.—John P. Stanley Ward No. 2.—W· A. Tarr Ward No. 3.—James E. Heffernan Ward No. 4.—Napoléon Bolduc Ward No. 5.— Napoléon Hamel Ward No. 6.— Alfred W. Maillet Ward No. 7.— Alvin J. Emerson

City Clerk

L. N· Lajeunesse

Common Councilmen

William S. Kelley, President

Ward No* 1.—Isaac D. Rollins, Benjamin F. Drake, Irving L. Hammond. Ward No. 2.—John L. Murphy, E. L. Matthews, Albert M. Shaw. Ward No. 3.—Thomas E. Mullaney, Joseph H. Blais, Fred Harris. Ward No. 4.—Napoléon Royer, Eugene B. Casey, Chas. J. Clement. Ward No. S.—Wm. S. Kelley, Achille Fréchette, L. J. Samson. Ward No. 6.—Edmond Croteau, Patrick Gendron, Adé- lard Jacques. Ward No. 7.—Edward F. Joyce, Charles E. Carville, Willard M. Robinson.

Clerk of Common Council


S ' 1908




Napoléon H. Hamel, President Ward No. 1.— John P. Stanley Ward No. 2.—David E. Westall Ward No. 3.— Cornelius F. Darrington Ward No. 4.—Napoléon Bolduc Ward No. S.— Napoléon Hamel Ward No. 6.—Alfred W. Maillet Ward No. 7.— Frank M. Cummings

City Clerk

L. N. Lajeunesse Common Counctlmen

Albert D. Langelier, President

Ward No. 1.—Oscar D· Rollins, Benjamin F. Drake, Irving L. Hammond. Ward No. 2.—Edward B. Ivory,' James M. Palmer, Avery S. Maines. Ward No. 3.—Arthur B. Cook, Jos. L. Blais, Patrick D. Lawless. Ward No. 4— Napoléon Royer, Eugene B. Casey, Albert D. Langelier. Ward No. S.—Andrew M. Cahoon, Achille Fréchette, L. J. Samson. ^ Ward No. 6.—Bernard P. Cunion, Patrick Gendron, Adé- lard Jacques. Ward No. 7.—Edward F. Joyce, Augustus Chadbourne,

Charles E. Do ten. <-

Clerk of Common Council

James P· Kerrigan 202 CITY OF LEWISTΟN




Aldermen C. F. d arrington, President

Ward No. 1.— Oscar D. Rollins Ward No. 2.—John J. Curran Ward No. 3.— Cornelius F. d arrington Ward No. 4.— Napoléon Bolduc Ward No. 5.—George F. Michaud Ward No. 6.—Alfred W. Maillet Ward No. 7.—William F. Pitman

City Clerk

L. N. Lajeunesse

Common Councilmen

Albert B. Langelier, President

Ward No. 1.—Emery N. Howard, Henry H. Clough, Ralph. J. King. Ward No. 2.—Jesse F. Lyford, Robert J. Kelley, Vinai E. Camron. Ward No. 3.—Arthur B. Cook, Omer Parent, Patrick B.

Lawless. * Λ * ·>{ Ward No. 4.—Eugene B. Casey, Albert D. Langelier, Napoléon Royer. Ward No. 5.—Thomas J. Robinson, Hubert Verrault, Wilfrid Parent. Ward No. 6.—Bernard P. Cunion, Irénée Guay, Adélard Jacques. Ward No. 7.—Levi B. Tufts, Joseph E. Poulin, Patrick G. Gainey· Clerk of Common Council William E. Connor CITY GOVERNMENT 201




Aldermen Robert J. Wiseman, President Ward No. 1.—Emery N. Howard Ward No. 2.—Linwood S. Durgin Ward No. 3.—Cornelius F.Darrington Ward No. 4.— Napoléon Bolduc Ward No. 5.—Frank Lavertu Ward No. 6.— Robert J. Wiseman Ward No. 7.—Lewis E. Davis

» City Clerk

Charles P. Lemaire

Common Councilmen \ W. H. Ward, President

Ward No. 1.—Ralph. L. King, Harry H. Clough, Art. H. Field. Ward No. 2.—Samuel Stewart, Paul Kramer, Charles G. Kernan. Ward No. 3.—Arthur B. Cook, Omer Parent, Patrick D. Lawless· Ward No. 4.—Eugene B. Casey, Albert D. Langelier, Eugene Fradet. Ward No. S.—Thomas J. Robinson, Hubert Verrault, Wilfrid Parent. Ward No. 6.—Xrénée Guay, W. H. Ward, Edgar T. Lambert. Ward No. 7.—Daniel E. O'Connell, Israel A· Thornton, Robert P. Hurley. • ) 7 * *N I

Clerk of Common Council

William E. Connor ΤΑ CITY Οf LEWISTON





W. A. Tarr, President

Ward No. 1.—Emery N. Howard Ward No. 2.—William A. Tarr Ward No. 3.— John J. Dunn Ward No. 4. —Napoléon Bolduc Ward No. 5.— Henry Lizotte Ward No. 6.— Edward Gagné Ward No. 7.—Lewis E. Davis City Clerk Charles P. Lemaire

Common Counctlmen

Eugene B. Casey, President

Ward No. 1 —PI. O. Wood, Harry H. Clough, J. W. Thompson. Ward No. 2.—John B. Walsh, Ferdinand Ebert, Alex. McMinn· Ward No. 3. -Cornelius P. Carl, Omer Parent, Art. B. Cook. Ward No. 4.—Eugene B. Casey, Eugène Fradet, Louis P. Langelier. Ward No. 5.—Louis L. Levasseur, James J. Stone, Hubert Verrault. Ward No. 6.—William H· Ward, Patrick Gendron, Ed­ gar T. Lambert. Ward No. 7.—Daniel E. O'Connell, Israel A. Thornton, Robert P. Hurley.

Clerk of Common Council

William E. Connor CITY GOVERNMENT 205

1912 Mayor

FRANK A. MOREY Aldermen W. A. Tarr, President

Ward No. 1.—Wm. B. Skelton Ward No. 2.— William A. Tarr Ward No. 3.—John J. d unn Ward No. 4.— Napoléon Royer Ward No. S.—Louis L. Levasseur Ward No. 6.— Patrick Gendron Ward No. 7.—C. J. Russell

City Clerk

Charles P. Lemaire


; · * W. H. Ward, President

Ward No. 1.—Harry E. Rose, W. H. White, J. Thompson· Ward No. 2.—Ferdinand Ebert, John B. Walsh, J. E. Ballard. Ward No. 3.—Cornelius P. Carl, Omer Parent, Art. B. Cook. Ward No. 4.—Victor McCarthy, Eugène Fradet, Alfred Leblanc. Ward No. S.—Nap. Bazinet, T· J. Robinson, Hubert Ver- rault. Ward No. 6.—William H. Ward, Henry Toutain, F. Ouel­ lette. Ward No. 7.—M. W. Breen, John W. Rowe, Albert D. Morneau.

Clerk of Common Council


Albert D. Langelier 206 CITY OF LEWISTON



C. J. Russell, President

Ward No. 1.—Wm. B. Skelton Ward No. 2.—Geo. F. Libby Ward No. 3.— john J. Dunn Ward No. 4.—Napoléon Royer Ward No. 5— Joseph E. Poulin Ward No. 6.—Henry Toutain Ward No, 7,—C. J. Russell

City Clerk

Charles P. Lemaire

Common Councilmen

Samuel Stewart, President

• Ward No. 1— Harry E. Rose, W. H. White, J. W. Thompson. Ward No. 2.—Charles G. Kernan, Henry Coombs, J. E. Ballard. Ward No. 3.—Lew. L. Barrett, Omer Parent, T. L. McCarthy. Ward No. 4.—Victor McCarthy, Eugène Fradet, Emile Montreuil.

£ ·'!'·(,' ». * · , A. Ward No· 5.—A. Bérubé, George S. Ricker, Edmond Cyr.

Ward No. 6..—Fred Dalv,V ' Alfred - 1 Dutil,J F. Ouellette. Ward No. 7.—Sam. Stewart, J. T. Kerrigan, E. F. Fahey.

Clerk oj Common Council

Eugène Cloutier CITY GOVERNMENT 207 1914




Wm. B. Skelton, President

Ward No. 1.—Wm. B. Skelton Ward No. 2.—Η. V· Wilson Ward No. 3.—L. L. Barrett Ward No. 4.—L. N. Gendreau Ward No. S.— Joseph E. Poulin Ward No. 6.—Henry Toutain Ward No. 7.—C J. Russell

City Clerk

Charles P. Lemaire

Common Councilmen

Wallace H. White, President

Ward No. 1.— W. H. White, Jr., H. E· Rose, J. W. Thompson. Ward No. 2.—Albert Shaw, F. M. Langley, Geo. H. Hutchinson. V Ward No. 3.— J. \ O’Connell, F· Leclair, Benjamin Rogers. . . . Ward No. 4.—Henry Cloutier, J. H. Goddard, H. W. Litchfield. Ward No. S.—Geo. S. Ricker, Alfred Dutil, Edmond Cyr. Ward No. 6— J. B. Cassista, Geo. Bérubé, Wilbrod Paradis. Ward No. 7.—J. T. Kerrigan, Leroy Temple, E. F. Fahey.

Clerk of Common Council

Eugène Cloutier 208 CITY OF LEWISTON





Harold V. Wilson, President

Ward No. 1.—Ernest Saunders Ward No. 2.— Harold V. Wilson Ward No. 3.— John V. O’Connell Ward No. 4.—Napoléon Bolduc Ward No. 5.—Alfred Leblanc Ward No· 6.—Henry Toutain Ward No. 7.—P. j. Gainey City Clerk

Charles P. Lemaire

Common Councilmen

Harry Lizotte, President

Ward No. 1.—Franklin Fisher, Napoléon Verville, Dana S. Purinton. Ward No. 2.—Robert E· Curran, Geo. H. Hutchinson, Ferdinand Ebert. Ward No. 3.—John Carl, Joseph Délorme, Thomas Manning. Ward No. 4.—Théophile Malenfant, Victor M. McCarthy, Arthur J. Lemay. Ward No. S.—-Harry Lizotte, Wm. J. Driscoll, Wilfrid Morin. * Ward No. 6— Joseph O. Cloutier, Raoul C. Lévesque, Alphonse N. Bédard. Ward No. 7.—Richard Joyce, James E. Trask, Cyrille Labranche, Jr.

Clerk of Common Council

Thomas P. Meehan CITY GOVERNMENT 209




Aldermen J. P. Gainey, President

Ward No. 1.—Ernest Saunders Ward No. 2.—Robert E. Curran Ward No. 3.—John V. O’Connell Ward No. 4.— Nap· Bolduc Ward No. 5.— Alfred Leblanc Ward No. 6.— Joseph Maillet Ward No. 7.— P. J. Gainey.

City Clerk

Chas. P. Lemaire Common Councilmen

William Driscoll, President • ji- ’ ·

Ward No. 1.—Joseph Mitchell, Edouard G. Coté, Edward A. Hayes. Ward No. 2.—George H. Hutchinson, John W. Kern, Owen W· Larrabee. Ward No. 3.—John Carl, Joseph Delorme, Pierce M. Marr. Ward No. 4.—Theophile Malenfant, Victor M. McCarthy. Arthur Desormiers. Ward No. 5.—William Driscoll, Wilfrid Morin, Omer Gauvin. Ward No. 6.—Alphonse N. Bédard, Jos. O. Cloutier, Mi­ chael Connors. Ward No* 7.—James A. Trask, Cyrille Labranche, Jr., William H. Hawkins.

Clerk of Common Council

Thomas P. Meehan ' 210 CITY OF LEWISTON 1917




Ernest Saunders, President Ward No. 1.—Ernest Saunders Ward No. 2.—Henry A. Coombs Ward No. 3.—Patrick Kelleher Ward No. 4.—Théophile Malenfant Ward No. 5.—Alfred Leblanc Ward No. 6.—Joseph Maillet Ward No. 7.—Edward F. Joyce

City Clerk

Arthur B. Landry

Common Councilmen

Joseph Mitchell, President

Ward No. 1.— Joseph Mitchell, Edouard G. Cóté, Edward A. Hayes. Ward No. 2.—James J. Kennedy, Jr., Herbert Shurtleff, Herbert F. Wandtke. Ward No. 3.—Thomas L. Prescott, Joseph E. Cloutier, Stephen Owens. Ward No. 4:— Charles Elie, Edward W. Conway, Albert Trial. Ward No. 5.—Francis Russell, Pierre Lévesque, Arthur Verreault. Ward No. 6.—J. B. Dauphin, Jos. O. Cloutier, John J. Conwell. ** i . J J. i— ^ yr : ; i y # fL '' Ward No. 7.—Lewis C. Tarr, Jules Béliveau, Thomas P. I*', .js ir Breen.

Clerk of Common Council

✓ Maurice W. Harkins, < / CITY GOVERNMENT 211





Théophile Malenfant, President Ward No. 1.—Ernest Saunders Ward No. 2.— Henry A. Coombs Ward No. 3.— Jeremiah Hassett Ward No. 4.—-Théophile Malenfant Ward No. 5.—Adélard P. Roy Ward No. 6.—Geo. Bérubé Ward No. 7.—James A. Trask

City Clerk

Nap. H. Hamel

Common Counctlmen

Eug, B. Casey, President

Ward No. 1.—Joseph M. Mitchell, Urgel Généreux, Ed­ ward A. Hayes. Ward No. 2.—Herbert A. Shurtleff, Geo. S. McCarthy, James J. Kennedy. Ward No. 3.—John E. Withee, Stephen Owens, Benj. Rogers. Ward No. 4.—Albert Trial, Charles Elie, Jr., Eug. B. Casey. Ward No. 5.—Louis Gendron, Jos. A. Orlandine, John Carbonneau. Ward No. 6.—Wilbrod Paradis, John B. Dauphin, Wil­ frid Léger. Ward No. 7.—Wm. H. O’Brien, Wm. H. Quimby, Camille Lagassé.

Clerk of Common Council

Edmond Cyr 212 CITY OF LEWISTON 1919




Thomas B· Breen, President Ward No. 1.—Joe Mitchell Ward No. 2.—Henry A. Coombs Ward No. 3.—John T. Lynch Ward No. 4.—Rodolphe Doucette Ward No. 5.—Henry Lizotte Ward No. 6.— Geo. Bérubé Ward No. 7.— Thos. P· Breen

City Clerk R. J. Lawton

Common Councilmen Thomas B. Breen, President

Ward No. 1.—James M· Palmer, T. E. Wagg, Edward A. Hayes. Ward No. 2.—H. F· Rounds, Geo. S. McCarty, E. A.

• · V * * Small. f · " · . i Ward No. 3.—Chas* M. Butland, Thos. W. McBean, Ar- nando Abelli. Ward No. 4.—J. O* Bélanger, Chas. E. Kimball, Harry

Dennison. * + . · '.:··** ' *jj Ward No. 5.—Wm. H. Connors, Hubert Verrault, Leon J. Gilbert. Ward No. 6— WSlbrod Paradis, P. F. Wellihan, Wilfrid Léger. : ... Ward No. 7.—Ed. M. Small, Daniel Tarr, Emil J* Genest.

Clerk of Common Council


City Clerk NAP. H. HAMEL

Aldermen GEO. BERUBE, President Ward 1.—JAMES PALMER 2.—-W. H. MATHEWS 3.—JOHN T. LYNCH 4.— RODOLPHE DOUCETTE 5.—W. P. LAMBERT 6.— GEO. BERUBE 7.—L. J. BRANN ‘rf1 rH CITY OF LEWISTON a iv lr 1 Clerk Citv ear Y ^ 1864 1863 1867 1866 N—' / V 1865^ 1868 1871 1869 1875 1874 1870 1876 1872 1873 8 1E. 1881 1880 1878 1877 1894 1887 1885 1884 1882 1879 > ΛΛ->/\ /Λ Λ 1898 1897 1883 1893 1892 1890 1895 1886 1899 1891 1889 1896 1888 / v / V w

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. . Lawton J. R. a . . Hamel H. Nap. a . . Hamel H. Nap. hre P Lemaire P. Charles rhr . Landry B. Arthur hre P Lmaire Lem P. Charles hre P Lmaire Lem P. Charles hre P Lmaire Lem P. Charles hre P Lmaire Lem P. Charles a. Lajeunesse Nap. Lajeunesse Nap. a. Lajeunesse Morneau Nap. D. orneau M lbert A D. lbert A hre P Lmaire Lem P. Charles hre P Lemaire P. Charles lattery S F. J. bert Lam P. m. W Hale H. Geo. . . Slattery F. J. Hale H. Geo. iy Clerk City


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